Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, May 19, 1871, Image 3

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    vJKN (M .lr H ALL RKpORTFR
FRIDAY, MAY, 19 1871.
L9CAT, SEWS.—Our friends will oblige
u# by sending in anv Item# of local inter
est, including death*, marriage,*, die , as
such are oagarly read hy your mend* in
the west, many of whom get the Reporter.
\Vc would esteem it a favor if our kind pa
tron* would occasionally mail a copy "I
the Reporter to relative- and acquaintan
ce# who formerly lived in Centre county
and removed to other pa.t*. which would
induce many to become subscribers.
■ I" wi I ■■■'■ ■
BLANKS—BIank Summon#. Yondu
Nates, Execution#, and Judgment and
Exemption Note combined. Justice* NN ar
rant#, Ac,, for sale at thi* Office.
The circulation of the REPORTER, on
thia i<le of the county, is now greater
than that of any two paper# in the
county, hence business men who wish
to reach the Ponnsvalley trade, wih
advance their own interests, by advell
tisinc in the REPORTER. Our aubacrir
ticn list ia open to the inspection ol aU
who wish to advertise.
. 11 ii. i .I. ■ - ♦ ♦
OontKN Fountain Ft*.—Bemjlhing
new and novel. Be sura and *d th ad
vertiscment in our paper, headed ."JT*"
est Invention of the Ago. NN - believe
the Golden Fountain Pen is unsurpa-v-ed.
A c-vvd pen is a necessity to every man
woman aa J child. Agent*, here is a
chance to make money in introducing a
good and saleable article. j* n -• . v -
(hi hook- of the "American Mllldav
School Union, and "American tract bo
cirf v," and * >)d rn.'fy at their catalogue
prices, the untruthful assertion#, of self
constituted agent*, to the contrary notwith
standing. GKO. LIN IMi.sli'N,
aprltJm Brokerhoff Row, Bellefonte
at J \Y ALTER s A Son"# Carriage Manu
factory. Milrwy. Pa. mayAfni.
Tlic comer stone of the new hvnn
gclicul church, u'viut five rail*# t of
will be luid on Saturday
Juno 4th.
IMPROVEMENTS. —We uotiee con
siderable activity in improvements in
some portions of the valley this sp ring.
At Spriug Mills stverul new house#
have already beeu put up, among them
one which is intended for a hotel,
erected bv It H. Duncau. opposite his
store. This is done in view of the
railroad reaching that point.
At Peun Hall, we also notice the
foundations ready for wme three or
f.ur new bouses. These two places.
Penn Hull sod Spring Mills, we soon
expect to see connected as one contin
uous street, which will be in a very
few rears, if they keep on building as
they" have during the last three years
along that roust
At Aaroosbarg, three new houses
are in progress, one by Mr. Noah
Leitzell. one by Mr. Fulmer, and Mr.
isreal Weaver is about erecting a tine i
dwelling—these buildings are all being
erected on the outskirts of the place. .
The sunny aide liiue-kilms, near the ■
main street, recently erected by Min- J
gle & Son, also affords a new branch
of trade for this aucient town.
Centre Ha'l is not behind, but rath- i
er keeps ahead of her sister towns, in
its growth, us new houses are being
erecled here continually. Mr. Geo.
Ilarpater has just erected two large t
coach ebons, and has a three story J
dwelling uuder war, aud which will j
loom up on Church street before the -j
cherries ripen. Several more new
houses are in contemplation on the
same street, also on Main street, and
tnrre on Chestnut street, besides the 7
new church which the Evangelical as- j
sociation intends erecting.
ITEMS. —Next Sabbath forenoon the
Lord # Nupper w ill be admisistorest in the
Ger. Rcf. Church in this place.
—Taxp vers should read the notice of >
appeals advertised in the Rr.roETEa !
—Mr. \Vm. Ehrhard, of this place,
while standing on Ike hindpart of a wagon s
•cgue, hist Tuesday, was kicked on both <;
| - hy a horse. The affair knocked hint r
if hi* J" B ' be foil upon the tongue j
°r Ith * under the horse and was tramp- i
ll t * ,h ba<. Hi# injuries were
mOnlul bit i not serious.
The hrn -rUxdstooa if- the foundry,
.kiw ~-*l-1 ?'-• '
bur?ted from centri.^f* 1 -
weighing near JUU "nmrnis was hurled f
through the *hop. 1
stood in iU pth, or else the • t
bt*co t*
—Mr. John Flory. of thU
near Laviug hi# right arm crushed, the j
other day, by a box of line folbng upon {
it. He is at prrsaut also disabled in the j
left hand—having taken to catching rnU. (
one of the vermin bit, and his hand has be- j
tome very much swollen and Wsiiiful-tn
consequence. j
Hands were not made for catching rat*, j
Else what's the use of having cats. 3
— , e
ERROR. —In last weeks REPORTEC, we )
stated that Rotberniel'# painting of the I
battle of Gettysburg cost s3oo—we in- j
leaded to say that it cost tbe state SJS,OUU,
—and this is the work that is now on eahi- I
bition at 2i cents a peep, private parties j
pocketing the proceed#.
Forcpaugh'a circus collected between -
four and fire thousand dollar* of surplus. |
change off the Bellefonte people, last Satur- j
L AE.CN OWL. —Mr. John Hincbach, of '
hotter twp., one day last week, set a steel
trap upon a pole, properly baited, and
next morning an owl, measuring 41 feet •
-n tip to tip of iU wings, was found a ;
piisoii # # f
A borse fhief, nauusl David Kennor, ,
about two we. Ca f #re
belonging to
county, and a bug fc *
longing lo Cyrus San <* Ufl>MV.lle, ,
r i .win is* thief has not i
formerly of Millhetm. -
yet been arrested.
The Millbeim people are bopc* of
having a narrow gunge railroad f.' on> Lock
Haven acrs>g to thair town. We should
rejoice at the consummation of such a pro
ject, as it would entirely answer all f' ie
the want# for railroad facilities which 1
would not be afforded them by the L. C.
& S. C. R. K- as now located.
Narrow-gauge railroada, on accouLt J
of their cheapness and their practica
bility in places where it would not be 1
possible lo construct roads of tbe or .
dinary width, are attracting
much attention in some parts
of the United States. A thirty-ruile
road is in process of construction from
Gape Girardeau to the iron banks in
Bollinger county, Missouri, of which '
one mile is finished. The cost of this t
mile, laid with T rail, has been 86,-
537,60, and the cost of the entire thirty
miles is estimated at $213,000, allow- J
ing $16,875 for culverts, bridges, Ac. I
The road bed is six feet wide on top, j
following this rise and fall of the ,
ground where it does not exceed sev- 1
enty feet to the mile, and winding ,
round high hills and steep grades in I
curves of 200 feet radius, jess than '
one-third that required for the ordin- j
ury gauge. Rolling stock sufficient
for the requirements of such a road
say two locomotives, four passenger
cars, thirty platform cars, and ten box
cars —are estimated at $27,000 addi
tional, making a total cost for road
and equipments of $240,000. For
mining and all hilly regions the nar
row track roads are peculiarly adapt
ed, and tbey are also likely to come
into extensive use as feeders to estab
lished lines of railway.
STONE WARE.—Stone Crocks, differ
ent size# and best quality. Cheap, and a
large stock P® hand ut Wil. WOLF'S.
MIi.ItNKRY.- The ladies of Centre Mall
an i vicinity will pleas* bear in mind, that
MISS A DPIKH Wnvta,formerly of Bolle
lonic, ha' just opened a it.-w millinery store
at Spangler s hotel in this place, {special
attention is invited to the present display
of fashionable novelties, embracing ati un
surpassed assortment of the latest styles of
bonnets, and hats of all material, trimmed
and unlrimtned. Also the largest assort
ment of buttons, curls, ca|s, all kinds of
trimmings, ladies gloves, jewelry, Vc.,
The ladies are invited to call, and exam
ine her well selected stock, aud satisfy
themselves that any thing in her line can
be purchased at the lowest possible fig
♦ ♦
For the Reporter.
A&SKMItLY Allow me, Mr. Kditur,to
recommend as a suitable person for
state Legislature our well talented friend
(Vpi. J I* Smith, of Miltheim.
Mr. Smith is a man of intelligence, sound ;
judgment, honesty and integrity, lie l j
well liked by *P who have bad the grati- |
Cying satisfaction of becoming acquainted
with him We entertain no doubt but I
he would be strong on the ticket ami j
would represent Centre county, in a noble |
and gallant manner, PKN.N,
Associate Jutljrc
For the Reporter.
We notice in last week's Reporter the
names of several prominent men as candi
date- for the position of Associate Judge,
and among them the name of Col. Love. I
A veteran democrat, a life-long promoter j
of the cause ol democracy, a man of good |
judgement, Salome,l and poscssing a toler
ably goo* know ledge of tho Carman lan
guage, and, never haviug bad a position a
a county officer, we deem it but justice to
him to give him the nomination, subject,
however, to the consideration of other
townships. PoTTKR.
It our Penusvalley farmers wuh to buy
gv>od* cheap—any thing in the line of dry
goods, groceries, clothing, hats, cap#, boot*
ami shoe#, call in at Mr. Devling's store,
Bellefonte, and you will find it just the
place for bargains. Mr Devtinglsone ol
the most obliging and upright merchants
of Bellefonte, who cares to please his custo
mers, and will rather himself loose, than
have any one think that he ha* not been
fairly dealt with. He always keep# on
hand a large assortment of every thing, and
we only ask our people to give him a trial.
Just look at the Figures!
1J7833 Singer Sewing machine* were seUl
in 1870—heiug 44t"CJ5 ahead of the sales of
the Wheeler A NVilson,—6JU77 ahead of
the H0we,—70431 ahead of tho Orover a
Baker,—'JJß3l ahead of the Weed, —'.*8043
ahead of the Wilcox & Gibb#, and 110173
ahead of the Florence Sewing machine.
The above figures are frxmi the sworn re
turns of sale# licenses and cannot be dispu
Go at once to .Zimmerman Bros A Co.
Bellefonte Fa. and buy a Singer, and you
will have all the good qualities that can
possibly be combined in one sewing ma
Sold on easy terms. may 19.2t
In Gregg township, on the 12th insL .
M is? Margaret Duuiap, in the 57 year ot
her age.
Ou the 9th of May, in Greeg township,
after a lingering ilfne.-* of consumption, o'
about one year, Mary Long, aged 29 years
5 months, and 8 days, b unerul service#
attended to bv Rev. C. H. Reiter, on the
Uth of May."
On3rdinL. at Zion, George Shafer, in
the tiß year of his age.
Corrected by Reed <V Thompson.
Rtd wheat 1,38 Rye 80 Cora 55
Oats 47 Barley 60
Cloverseed 4, IX) Timothy seed 4.00
Salt 2 50 per sack
Bacon 06c Ham 22... Butter 25... Eggs
20 Plaster 9.50
Corrected by Keller k Musser.
xVhue Wheal $1.45, Red 1 40. ."Rye
75. .....Corn >. >is .45 Barley TO.
70 Cloverseed 5,00 Potatoes I.W)
Lard per pound 12i Pork per pound 09
Butter 20 Eggs 15. Plasterper ton
sls Tallow 10 !Bacon 12 Ham 16
N'OTICK -The annual meeting of the
Old Fort Ilorse Thief Detective asso
ciation, will convene at the O'd Fort on
Saturday, June 3d 1871, at 2 o'clock p., m.
A full attendance ofthe men bera, auu per
son? desiring to become meinters. i re
quested. Officers are to be elected for the
e nsliing year. Other business of ini
portance to be transacted,
in at" 19. J NO. > cOOY, Pre#.
W. W SPANG Lit K, Sec
Notice i* hereby given that the Commis
sioners of Centre county will hold appeals
from assessments of 1871 for the different
tow n-hip# and boroughs iu >aid county on
the following days, (at the places for hold
ing|elcction in town?hipsand boroughs) to
Patten township _ Tuesday May 2' rd
Ualfmoon " Wednesday " 2tlb
Ferguson " Thursday " 25th
Harris " Friday " *J6th
Potter " Saturday " 27th
Gregg " Monday " 2".th
Penn " Tuesday " :Xkh
Hainc* " Wednesday " 81st
Mile* " Thursday June Ist
Walker " Friday " 2nd
Marion M Saturday " 3rd
Bellefonte boro' .Monday " sth
Miteshurg " A Bong* two. Tuesday " 6th
Howard " A twp., Wednesday " 7th
Curtin " Thursday " Bth
Liberty " Friday " 9tb
Unionvilleboro' A twp Saturday" 10th
Huston " Monday " 12th
Worth " Tuesday " 13th
Taylor " Wadao-ijuy " 14th
Snowshoe " Thursday ' loth
Burnside " Friday ' 1 Gth
Philiiwburg boro' a twp . Tuesday " 20th
Benm-r a Spring " Thursday " 22nd
Bv order of Commissioners,
may .3t. * WM. FURY, Clerk.
N "OTIC It.-
Margaret Yeager by her next
friend D. C. Keller r NVm. Yea
ger Subpoena in divorce.
The undersigned having been appointed
by the court of conunon plea* of Centre
countv, a connji**iouer to hear testimony
in the"above sUted case, all partiea inter
ested are herewith notified that he will at
tend to the duties of hi# apfHiintment at his
office at Centre liail, on Saturday June
lfah 18ft between the hour# of 10 o'clock
a m. and 4 p. , a# which time and place
they will attend. AtdtJl. BAXNOjr,
4 t Commissioner
Good News for the Ladies.
Bonnets, Triinniliiics, Jfilllnery, a!
Ju Centre Hall.
Mrs M. K. Fhopp, ha# just returned from
Philadelphia, with th LATEST FASH
IONS, and a complete stock of
jS'eic lionndlt, Sac Halt, Elegant
Trimming*. d'C,
wiiis'b will be sold or made np, as usual at
reasonable price*.
The new style# are very pretty. Ladies
call and act- tb*m narly. First come, first
Valuable Fraint:*
Will be oflcrad at public sale,
On Saturday, May 27th 1871.
the valuable farm belonging to the estate
of Samuel Weaver, of Gregg twp., deed,
263 Acrts of Land
more or legs, of which about 180 acre# are
clear and the balance consisting of excel
lent white oak, chestnut and pttta fiinbcr-
Und. Thereon are erected
two good two-story dwei
ling Houses, two bankMjjlW
barns, and n, ' ce#,,# Ofl|ss|J|
outbuildings* with good running water on
the premise#, and four Orchards of the
choicest of all kind# of fruit, Thi# furm
will be offered as n whole, or can be bought
in tract#, as may *uit purchasers, as fol
One tract of 130 acre#.
One tract of 125 acres, whereon is one ot
the houses and barn - aforesaid.
One tract of 35 acres also containing a
house and bar k barn. ,
Ttiere is an orchard upon each tract.
This farm adjoins land# of Henry Duck.
Mich Tibbens and Jno Rossman, and if
not sold on above day can be purchased ut
private sale, at any time thereafter.
Sale to co nwtiiiw at 1 o'clvck.
apr2B. Executors
IRA C. MITCHELL, Attorney at Law
Bellefonte, Pa. Office in (JarniMii, b
new building opposite the Court Houge,
from Kiin*ns.
ofllio Reporter.
Mr Editor Not having anything before
mil iliai call* my immediate attention, 1
concluded to send you * ornp which, if
you deem wo* thy of insertion, I should ho
much obliged for • Mnall place now nod
ihcn in yourworthy column#, mm* a hum
j hr of friend', and tuh*crihcr f<* your pa
per desired me to communicate with them
lin thU way. Thinking it would ho Into*
[ reeling to ome were I to relate ad ventures
on the way, I will begin at t'orry Pit.
where we had tit adventure w ,lh |iok
pockets, who made a public raid on a man
belonging to our party by the name ol
Cuyler; one of the sharper# ie/> d and
jerked a satchel which C- held in hi hand,
thu* drawing hi* attention while another
from behind abatracted front t"# pocket, a
wallet containing tome and g<t away
with it. aa C. did not mU II till near an
hour afterward* , we looked forlhciu, ami
l?t cahbusn vain; through the, Curry peo
ple we found a per description they were
villain* from New \ ork, who had been r..b
bitig, picking pocket* and burning build'
ing*. having el Are to and destroyed one |
hotel and three private residence#, but for
waat of sufficient evidence, were still at
large. Six hour# we passed at forty, when a
startling "loot" of the engine called in "all
aboard," aud for day* and nights wo home,
dad -onward in the wake of the iron hore
x ia Cineiunalti, Ft. Leuiami Kuu-i.s t
tv, and as we glided intvi southern Illinois
instead of blossom*, we saw pc dies the
sue of a basic nut, w bile in Missouri w heat
and rye were out in head-, showing great
change of climate and passing Kan
sas City at luid-night. Fort Riley at day
break, arrived at Solomon City ut Ba, iu.,
Sunday morning April 30lh Here -pent
the day; at last we had arrived in tho laud
of Prairie doy*, elks, antelopes imhansnml
buffaloes; at first we scarce could realise it,
more especially an old German gentleman
who bad lately arrived in the country, and
seeing a number of buffalo bides hanging
on the fence close by, went up, looked at
them, felt them then returned almost out
of breath pointing to a fierce looking hide,
and asked,—lst, —ha - i-U-da- .-in Liflil
us hou bout?
l'.liuoi? and Missouri are prairie states,
but no comparison to the a j parently bound
let, plain* of Kansas, which in many place#
extend in every direction as far a- the eye
can reach, dotted here and tln-re with im
mense herd# of cattle, attended mostly by
Texan#, who follow herding as a trade, and
are extremely expert in the u-e of the las
so. They are all well armed, and sav age iu
the indians, yet more daring. They uiay
occasionally be seen flying over the plaius
on their ponies after a "stray, which they
seldom try to head otf, but swinging the
lasso, which is throw n with such skill a* al
most invariably to lalen on the head or
horn# of the would be "run away," w hen,
a# often i# the case, the lasso bcco res de
tached from the saddle pommel, and is
carried away, the herdsman follows in pur
suit, leans over picks up the trailing lasso,
without even checking the speed of his fly
ing diminutive pony. Though Kama*
was once regarded as a desert, wc to-day
find it to be ene of the most fertile state* of
our Unoin. The toil it inexhaustible, aud
varie# from tw o to twenty five feet in depth,
and is suitable both fi grazing and farm
ing, and ha# less swamp, than any of her
sister prairie states but wo are going out
prospecting, this morning, and *•■, for the
present, would say more anon.
T. P. Mot Kn.
I'lintou County.
iel Keighard died very suddenly of heart
disease at his home at Logansville on the
3d instant He had been at work as u-ual
on that day, and in the evening was sitting
with his family. He had just quit read
ing and while sitting in his chair suddenly
expired. Mr. IU-ighard had resided in
this county 'JO years, and was a well-
Itnownand highly respected citizen, and a
sterling old Democrat. He was aged 00
year*, one month and five days.
The River has been very lively for the
past three or four days. Tho rise was about
thirty inche*. It brought down the raft*
rapidly, and ha* had the effect of enlive
ning matters generally around town.
David Allen, K*q . an old and rcpoctcd
citizen of Bald Eagle township, Clinton
county, died at hi# residence on the '.'lst
instant, of congestion of the lung*, aged
about 85 yeaia.—Lock Driven Republican.
The Ger. Rcf. Classl# convened hereon
Wednesday, and will be in session some
four or five day#, tjuile a number of min
ister* are in town. •
The minister* pre-rat are: Rev # W. 11.
Groh, L. C. Ed mood#. J. K. Millet, C. 11.
Reiter, L. K. Evans, U. 11. Hcilman. NV.
G Engle, G. A. Adam#, T J. Ni iple, I).
M. Wolf. J. Zeller. C K Hofmeier.
The weather has been fine, o far. thi*
week On Tuesday afternoon we had a
thunder shower.
Where do you huv your Book- '
At Rankin's Model Store.
Why do you deal there?
lie is cheap "John"
Where i tbe Store?
Opposit * Bu*h House
Bellefonte Pa.
Does ho attend to orders ?
With promptness.
Does he keep well Stocked ?
Hi* Stock i* complete.
G to thi* Model Store
and avc money. apr2B.ly,
cJ . ) . i. a.tor.
. jj.a: U'ffiilu sun.
• .... y.-r u I isc freaeat Time#.
! . ..r I'oaalo Nqir on l.nnh.
• r,r.ti- *. crls ic*. Mreh*nt, Pro
, V .i. i. f jDXrrt, aal s I Mao
• ■ C .*, a i tint VYtvc , Coos. soJ
tsr, w. _.l f ic >.
> ... VR A VLA't t
.\. u . ;. .-tj:'! ils for MO.
. C i i C v. Lrt thvro t># s
, v ? I. • <i r> .vst i)2lcc.
• !,V HVS, C*-3 A YEAR.
■ • ; ■ j: sot cmr 1 e'larxctsr s*
. ;7I T l>-l 't iII crea'ct varicljr of
■' vici.u, w I f imntilaj U> aw*
.fx,.* vita t ester froim*. liccxu*#
'4# Is. . I •*J. l*l of o:jf'JUijr.
, .... L.VJLT a. X, C A YEAR.
" t.iei l> Ml h' orw paper, wtta too
! -tf I . 1.... 11 (!>* worat rrj#. Imle
| .. <1 l'rU . I'l |.. a,a. a I f!> e*
v rvvriiMr.i iw • a 0 >py i t)J mall,
j 19 a ui-j iUi. or 90 j year.
It- , oil!) r*". *?i .".ii"-i? vclr<-^(t.
Fear Oollnrs.
... ..•< 1,. ■ idimat (xtjj
.ur.o- tolue. i,.- a.tl ■•leoj. "
Kiabl Oollnrs.
... •. •>>!> fit. r rush" *<t<ti<#a
z rae.wf to iu# .elt -ropof ciob),
Kilneu Oollnrs,
n* • ear toon" * idress land Ilia
y una \rr i * retter nn of club),
Tiriy-liir*o Dollars,
c. O 1... Tear. Aidre#*## fanit
•. nn iV c-xlj uue jraarto .--rctsr or- pi riot),
Tlifrir-avo Dollars.
' c I s, ens vesr. t > ' no sitdrcrs
. , . . y lor one ye. r lo thcg. iuir 03of
" • Flltr Oollnra.
' r >' one * ar. separately *d
' pc utlfUTo c y*r i in iticr
i.e.. , fslxiy Dollar*.
.. . S "f-WKfllhY (5C3f.
• <: I.;ciu :atclv se<tiee l,
Kigtil Dollar*.
" k >rr te .maielv aenreuod (sou
i attmr n|. of <ln ). _ ..
Mxtceu Dollara.
• .Y ,|; f MONEY
. • ri-n-s. or dinß- rn Near
• ... , •• I 11' ,1 i' l. lino reipttft
. • . A I Ire*.
I. • -. P (i t. be?,
.dr. .e Y..rX CUy.
furious ami In(rresting.
It is a curious question whether animals
take notice of the events which are passing
around them, nut which, nevertheless, are
apparently outside of the sphere of their
instinct. M Theophile Uautier, the well
known French iournnlist and writer, has
raised this question in regard to the atil-j
mats which were in Paris durmgthe siege,!
and ho brings forward several facts which i
ho -aj fell under his own observation, to
prove that they not only took notice ot
passing event*, hut regulated their move
ments accordingly. lie observes that the'
dogs took notice, from the very Aral day, |
o( the abnormal condition of Parts, The,
utiust al movents tits of the inhabitants, the
almost universal change from civil to mili
tary curicm, the exercising of the mobile*
and the national guard* <n the public pa
rade-, the continual sounding oft lie trumpet
and beating of drum-, kept them Constant
ly cveiled and uiica-y , and sot them reflec
ting. Some ot them, refugees from Use
-tihurhs with tin ir ius*teis, visibly lost
their power of flnding their way about;
the v hesitated ill llie choice of streets, w ere
uncertain of the traces, scentesl their path
Mid at every corner eon suited some other
d,.- which livesl in the neighborhood.
Ti esc suburban dogs were scared at the
noi-eof passing vehicles and ran from them,
while the city dogs scarcely to k the trou
ble to gel out of the way of the wheel*. j
"Every morning," says M. Gauticr, "there j
a-i-cmbled before our door w hat appeared .
l.i be a council of dogs, presided over by a
broadbaeked, bandy-legged, brown and
yellow terrier, Thcothenlogs paid him
groat deference and listened to bint atten
tively. It wa* evident that he spoke to
them ; not after the manner of men, in an
articulate language, hut ly short barks,
varied muttering*, nursing of the lip*,
movement* of the tail and e*pre-ive play I
of the physiognomy. Ivarj BM und||
then a new comer seemed to bring news,
and the council coiunn uted on it, and after
awhile dispersed." This went on during
the tlrst month or so of the siege when
bread wa# plentiful, the stock of beef wa
slill considerable, and the dearnes# of for
age rendered horse meal abundant. The
auinialsiiid not suffer then, bulsooii things
began to change, and their rations diuiin-j 1
is hod a> those of men did. The poor crca-:)
tures could not understand U, and gazed
al their owner- w itli wondering eyes when 11
their meagre pittan • was placed befere
them. They seemed to ask what they had
done to be so punished. Many master* (
abandoned their dogs, not having the cour
age to kill thum; and the*# animals were to
be seen at night, wandering, like shadows,
near the wall#, and trying to induce kind
looking person* to have pity on them. M
(iautier avs he wa* continually follow<-d
by tliein, they uttering faint crie# all the
while, and sometimes venturing to put
their auaes to hi* hand. Soon they began
to |erceive that the people looked at them
in a strange manner, and, under pretence
ofcaressing them, fell their fleh, asabutch- 1
er would, to ascertain if they were in good (
condition. ■
Tlia cats perceived this sooner than the
dog# did. and became c Aceedingly cautiou* ,
as to w honi thev allowed to touch them;
on the laast quick movement they fi< d to
the roof, or the cellar; but at length tbr
dogs "smelt a rat, und ran away when
any one called or whistled to them. The
canine council, before mentioned, dimin
ished daily, and there soon remained no
one ofitt members but the d reaming terrier,
who, however, wa* only dreaming in ap
t.earance, for in reality he wa* always on
lis guard, scenting danger a'ar off. and
show ing hi- heel* at the approa-rit ot any
one of the xusoiciou*. especially of any one
with a stick or a sack. Birds, but especial
ly thu sparrows, for some lime visited the
city a# usual t<> pick up crumb* and worms,
but after finding themelve# always made
target* of they disappeared and returned
no more.
Mr. Gautirr consider* all this a* evidence
thai animal* think. Ilad he rt<ad Darwin's
Utsicenl of Man ho would have found tome
remarkable in-lance* of their intelligence
recoided. They have the five tense* at
man hit* and generally in fuller develop,
mcnt, especially the etie <>f tmell. They
have tiniilar p>ion*, affection* and emo
tion*; thev feel wonder and euriotity; they
have the faculties and imitation, attention,
memory, imagination (at thown in their
dreams % and reaon. though in different
degree*. They are k.tciable with eaeh oth
er in their tribe*, and recognise certain to-1
rial qualities a* o-efu! to them, and other*
a* injuriouv Some of them have the tene
of beauty; thi* i* notably the cate with
several kind* of bird*, a* pheasant*. ma
caw, bird* of |>aradie, and the like.
They can combine lor atlark and defense;
they can ditinguih poisonous substances
and medical plant*, avoiding one and uting
the other when needful They can parliaP
ly transmit acquired habits, and many can
be coins civilized, that i to say, fit to live
with human beings. To do these things it
is necessary that the* should ooma* some
power of reflection; bus that involves the
|L<J >.-<-* ion of the powerofcomparing idea*.
■ •r. in other word-, of thinking, though
only in a limited Miner*, and chiefly direc
ted to matters relating to their bodily want*
We have vet to loam that the can form
abstruct idea, or express them to eaeh oth
er.—Public Ledger.
Offer to th-> Public one of the
largest and bet selected tl<kM>f merchan
dise, in Centre county. Call, examine and
ee for yourself.
I^INK' GROCERIES,' m... hi coffbf
gov. iava. bet quality Rio coffee,
beat oolong hlaok tea*. grven ioa. lovering
syrup, golden syrup, I >rip tine article bak
ing molasses, nee and everything in the
gr.cery line at the lowest <-a*h price# in tht
inurketill KNSIDK Jt THOM AS', is tht
HA KN KSS, collars,cart whips carriage
whips, in great varieties, govern
mont gears, saddles, bridles, martingales
check lines, cart gear*, tug harness, buggv
harness haines, etc. Everything in the #af
dlery lino at
SPICKS of nil varieties, ground to order
and warranted lu he strictly Pure.
It i the onlv placcyou can find unaJuflera
l.d spices. Try them for rourown satisfac
tion. You can nly find them at
IE ATI! lilt, of all descriptions, french
#ca f skin, t panisli sole leather, moroc
co sheep "kins, linings Everything
in the leather line warranted t give satis
faction, at II IINSIHK A THOM AS.
1) A IIITS SOAP, Win. llagan and iitr
J on soap, Dobbins' soaps, Jesse
Oaklev's soaps, old eastile, purp, Palm soap
Klderling's soap, and n great variety of
other soaps, at
IPbitman's celebrated confections,
ll'hitnian's celebrated chocolate,
linker's ch< colate, Smith's chocolate,
China (linger, English Pickes,
American J'ipklp* a'
The New Firm. !
Herlacher & Cronmiller,
New Spring Goods)
Come one and all!
Just arrived and will always le kepi
on hand n full lino of
Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard
ware, Quecnsware, Wood and willow ware
Iron, Salt, Fish and in faet, a magnificent
assortment of everything kept in a
First Class Store,
now ready, and for n!e at marvelous low
Muslins tliey will sell you the very best
brands at prices that will astonish you
New spring
ess Goods
A most heautlAil variety, consisting of all
the novelties of the season, at lower rates
than ordinarily charged at other place*.
White Goods 6r
The finest stockiii town, ba.li a> o quantity
quality, and prices.
mo? sxiirrs
The best makes, latest styles and lowest
rates. (Hat* and Caps in great variety
Linens, Towellings, checks, Deuin gs, loth
Cassitners, Cloak nigs.
Spring and summer shawls, iq fact, keep
everything, and will *ell at a very small
advance on first cost.
All we n.*k that you will
before purchasing elsewhere, as we do no
consider it anv trouble to show goods.
silver plated and Yankee Humes* double
and single, bridle* and halters.
• Hot quality of Lime, constantly on
Imiiti. in any quantities, at the kiln of the
undersigned, n<>ar Centre Hall.
21ap8t Sam'l llruaa.
I! (L.i to Ia at* llovrr to buy a good Sulk
, ey or Spring wagon
| Take your old metal to Is AA< Jlovft lie
j allow* more for it than any body else, If
nets in trade at bis shops.
I Go to Uaac llovrr to get your Proper
jI V insured, or your //<• re and CS>w#
i again* accident lv the Itaitroad.
Go to I*a ac Hottrr t buy Stoves a 1 in
ware of every Description, Japanned,
I'ninicd a Pressed of all aiuds.
_ o
Goto Isaac lloi'l*t to buy dried Cher*
lies with iV without seed*, dried A|pte A
WorlieA Klder Berrie., Plastering Hair
alwnyson hand, hawed Shingle* No* l.jt
it. Plow# A Shear# ot almost every kind,
( listings of all kind# made to order.
• ♦ • -. .
MP 1 Any person sending us eight sub
scribers with the cash, slti, will receive
the Reporter 1 year free; and for four
name* and sl4, the Reporter fi month* free.
is just where you want to go and buy your
ilutttU— Mr. Uatikin sell# his goods far be- I
low any one else and gives entire satisfac
tion, See his collection of Envelope*.
Store Opposite Bush House, ItellefonU- Pa.
anr'ift tf.
CKIIT it K II A 1.1-
Coach Manufactory.
Levi Murray,
at his establishment at Centre Hall, l'a..
keeps on hand, and for sale, at the m<wt
reasonable rates, a large stuck of
Carriages, i
Buggies, 1
A Spring Wagons,
Plain and Fancy,
and vehicles of every description made to
order, and Warranted, to be made of the
best seasoned material, and by the must
skilled and competent workmen. Persons .
wanting anything in his line are requested I
to call and etauiine his work, they will And
lit not to be excelled for durability and 1
wear. aprffi. ly ,
New Shoemaker Shop.
at Centre Hall, Pa.
The citiaens of thi* place and vicinity are j
respectful! v informed that the undersigned
ha* opened a Shoemaker shop, in the sec
ond story of Jaceb Dirge s saddler hop. I
where ho is now prepared to serve aH whoj
may call upon him for now B*sots, Shoes i
4c for men. women and children, as also
in all kiads of mending. His work i* war
ranted, and bis price* more reasonable than ,
ordinarily. He kindly ask* for a share of
tb.pub.ic P'troua (iuKL KLouY
pi x>oi VLI,"AT'TI)>:M\;
The Spring seosion ofthi* Classical and;
Normal Institution will cssmmer.ce on Mon
day April 24th 1871, to continue nine,
Special attention given to those desiring
to teach. Tuition from S4,SO to 7,00 per
Hoarding and furnished rooint can be
hail near the School at reasonable rates.
Heference; A. K TRUXAL. A. M
Gx.v GXO. UVCUANAN, Principal
Pre* t. roar-lSt. j
IWKM Full SAI.K Th. subscriber
X offer* at private sale the farm on which
j he now reside*, situated in Fcrguson town
ship, County of Centre, one mile and a half
west of Pine Drove. The farm contain*
one hundred and twenty acres of the best
quality of limestone, one hundred acres of
v>inch is cleared . under good fence, and in'
a high stale of cultivation. The balance of
twenty acre* iseoveredjwith a fine growth of
! limber, the buildings are good and conve
nient, with a stream ot running water at
the door. An orchard in full bearing of
the very best varieties of fruit, and a grape
I vtnvttrd ot the most popular and standard
| varieties.
This splendid farm will be sold cheap,
rind terms made easy. For particularseall
1 upon or address
mar3l.tr Pine Grove Mill*.
591 Broadway, New York.
Invite the attention of the Yrade to ".heir
extensive assortment of the above goods,
of their own |>ublication, manufacture and
>lK.\riloa<o|'K*. SKW VIKW* or VWKMITK.
K. A H. T. AN PHONY A CO., 591
Broadway, New York. Oppoail Met
ropolitan Hotel,
(Successor to N. Ililibish)
Whole t tie and retail dealer* in
Stoves <fc Tinware,
Allegheny Street, Bellefonto, PR.
Head only a purtinl list of Cook Stove
Koval Cook,
Prince Koval,
Sea Shell,
And Amoricau
Parlor and Offioo Stoves :
Morning Glory, Tronic, Hrilliunt, and
New Kgg.
And Parlor Cook* tor Wood or Coal, and
Wood Stoves of every description.
Attention it called to hi* stuck of Rooting
Plato, a new *Un, wlpch ho lia*ju*t receive
ed, cine 40x20. It make* better fob thant he I
old *ize, andean be furnished cheaper thai
any other establishment in town.
/sSrSpoulinn and jobbing promptly at
tended to. Charge* reasonable and *ati*-
taction guaranteed. ucl.'OS
A new and complete Hardware Store hat
been opened by the undersigned in llrock
erhotT* new building--where they are pre
pared to #ell all kinds of lluildingand Houst
Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nail*.
Buggy wheel* in *ett. Champion Clothot
W ringer, Mill Saw*. Circular and H*n
Saw*, TunnonSaw*. Webb Saw*, IceCrearr
Freezer*, Hath Tub*, Clothe* Rack*, a ful
a*ortment of (la** and Mirror Plate of al.
i /.en, Picture Frame*, Wheelbarrow*
Lamp*, Coal Oil Lamp*, Belting, Spoke*
Felloe*, and Hub*, Plow*, Cultivator*, Corr
Plow*. Plow Paint#, Shear Mold Board*
and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov
el*, Spade* and Forks, Hinge*,
Screw*, Sa*b Spring*. Hur#e-Shoe, Nail*,
Norway Rod*. Qil*. Lard, Lubricating,
Coal, Linseed; Tanner* Anvil*, Vice#, Bed
low#, Screw Plate*, Blacksmith* Tool*,
Factory Bell#, Hoti#e Bell*, Dinner Bell#,
Gong Bell#, Tea Bell#,Grindstone*. Carpen
ter 'fou|, Ffd't Jgr# and Cgn. Paints, Oil#,
Varnishes received and for sale at
junc.YOW,fy. J. & J. HA KRIS.
aIIA I'M, HKYMuna muhi
XX* rnoxr, eiauoi* at., Heliafonte.
Thu subscriber iespeclfully call* lb* at
tention of lliu public to his e#tahlk*hm lit,
where lie i prepared to furnish all kindsuf
- Foreign ami Domestic LlquotV wholesala
at the lowest cash price#, which are warran
>.l to ba the be#t qualities according to
> their respective | rices. His stock consist*
I uf Kye, Monoiigahela, Irish and other
Whiskies, all kinds of Urandie*, Holland
Gin, Fort, Madsria, Cherry, Itiackherry
and other Wines the best articles- at as
' reasonable rates as can be had in the city,
l-hampagne, Cherry. Hlmkhcrry, Ginger
and Carraway Brandies, I'ure Jamaica and
Now England Hum, Cordial of all kind*
He would particularly iuvite Farmers, Ho
tel keepers and others to call and eaaiuine
his large supply, to Judge for themselves
and he certain of procuring what they buy,
wbich can seldom he done when purchas
ug in the city.
Physicians are respectfully requested
o give hit liquor# a trial. apIO
/ ihSTKK HA 1.1. HOI RL
V JoUN rifAKULKM, Proprietor. j
Stages arrive and depart daily, for all -
point*, north, south, east and west
This favorite Hotel ha* been refilled and •
Airnished by it* new proprietor, and is now
ill every respect one of the most pleasant
country Hotel* in ceulral Pennsylvania,
The travelling community and drover* will ,
always And the beat accommodation* Per
son* from the city wishing to spend a few '
week* during the summer in tue country,
will And Centre Halt one ot the most deau
tiful location, and the Centre Hall Hotel
all they could desire for comfort and con '
venience. npWllS.tf. <
AT 11 !H manufacturing establishment at .
Yeagertown, on the Lewislowr
anil Bellefonle Turnpike, has now on hand i
a Ane slock of Carriages, Muggic*. Sulkies '
and Spring Wagon*, which he now offer*.'
fur sale a* superior in quality and styles Uj'
anv manufactured in the country. They]
are made of the very best seasoned stock by ]
lirst class practical workmen, and finished
in a style that challenge* comparison with
any work out of or in the Kastcrn cities
and can be sold at lower prices than thus*
manufactured in large towns and cities,
smid*l high rents and ruinous prices of liv- '
ing Being mastor of hi* own situation, ,
anxious to excel in hi# artistical profession /
and free from any annoyances in his busi
ne**, he ha* time and ability to devote hi*
entire atteution to his profession and hi* (
customers, rendering satisfaction aiika U
all patrons, operatives, his country, anc 1
Call and examine hi* stock and learn hi* ,
prices, and vou cannot fail to he satisfied.
of a!) kinds done neatly, promptly, ina
Yeagertown, June 12. IS6B —ly. '
fowling pieces at
\\r J. B KTTF.LK'B
Uitbop street, U*-llefonte. in the Stone bail- ,
ding iormerly occupied by the Key
stone Bakery j
Takes pleasure in informing the public that j
he keep* constantly on hand a supply o, j'
choice Foreign and Domestic Liquors.
All barrels, Kegs and < aks .earranted 1
to rmntaiH t Ac yuonfify represented
The attention of practicing physicians is: ■
called to his stock of
suitable for medical purpose*. Bottles, j 1
jug*, and demijohns constantly on hand. '
WHISKY in town.
All liquors are warranted to give satis
faction. Liquors will be sold by the quart, 1 '
barrel, or tierce He bas a large lot ot
Of the finest grades on baud.
Confident that he can please customer*
he respectfully solicits a share of public paj
tronage my I 111
JRWIN A WILSON are constantly re
ceiving new goods in their line.
II A It D W A It E
; oltvery description at redii.ee price*—now
i being opened every d*y aplfffiK.
Wall Paper, cheap
j from 12 U> 30 rent* per bol ta Ilerla<hr*
Bl' FFA LO SCA LRS. of the best make
from 4 lb* up to 1 JD.OUIiI b*.
apl0'&8. IRWIR A Wtutor.
DKV BOARDS, PUnk and Scantling
t"l tale bv IRWIX a WILSON.
| a (>lO 68.
/make at lawtx a WtLaox.
Wooden Pumps,
The undersigned would respectfully call
I ibe attention ottheeitiaen* oftentre county,
and Pchnsralley in particular, to the fact
that he is manufacturing
I made at home or elsewhere. I!e use* none
but the b<*t material, IIKWAMRKXT* TIIKM
to give satisfaction, a* being the most last
ing and durable l M-I-KRIOR TO TIIK OLD
wooden pump, being arranged to let the
water off and prevent Ireecing in winter.
Pine, poplar or cucumber pumps always
lon hand. His malirial for pumps is all
-awed from Urge timber, and are thus
Secured Bgainit Checking or Cracking.
All order* by mail promptly Ailed.
PIPING, made of the be*t material, of
'Ave inch scantling, joined together With
I coupling block*, thoroughly banded, and
wai ranted to itand any pre*uro required
for ordinary ue. Price* of pit ing range
froin 12 to 18 cents per foot. Send orders to
sepl.3o.ly J TELLER,
Miltwburg, Pa
Burial Case s
Protecting and Preserving the Dead.
The undersigned take* pleasure in an
nouncing that he ha* secured the tola agen
cy in thi* county for
Ilurlnl ('line* and ('nakela,
which arc *o widely known a* to require no
six-cial coiutnciidntion. The METALLIC
HI'RIAL CASK, with its pre sent im
proved style and ttnixh, it* entire harmony
with the feeling* of the bereaved, it* per
fected adjustments and appointment* ia
whatever relates to the preservation and
, protection of the body after death, confirm
it* utility and entire adaptnea* t the pur*
(noes for which it is designed.
COFFINS of all deaorinlion* furnished
at the shortest notice; and alt orders filled
promptly night or day. The Dead laid out
with cam, and tunerals ami escort* super
intended in person. HENRY HARRIS
nov4t Bellefonte, Pa.
MILLER S HOTEL, Woodward. Pa'
Stages arrive and depart daily,
favorite hotel i* now in every respect
one of the most pleasant country tioiels in
central Pennsylvania, Tito traveling com
munity will always find the best accommo
dation. Drover* can at all time* be accom
modated with stable* and pasture ior any
number of cattle or horses.
julyS'Gßtf UKG. MILLER.
SPINDLK SKKINS for wagon*, all ti
new, at the sign of the Anvil.
nplO'6B. Inwtx A WILSON.
kind at
spiff. 68 IR WIN A WILSON'S.
CLOTHlNG—Overcoats, Pants, Ve*U,
and I)rc* Coats, cheap, at Wolfs.
uricc* at IRWIN A WILWO*
j for sale by IRW IN * WILSON.
an 1068.
other Japunncd ware, nttlio Anvil Store.
BOALTSfor Buggies and Carriagber.
siz.es in use; Fire Bolt*, ditto, at
_plffti* JJTWTN A WII.SON'
(TOFFIN TRIMMINGS H latye assort
' I'liilntli'lphiii Store.
-j In Ur*ekrrbo!Ts block. Bishop Htrirt,
, Bellefonle, where
, have Just opened the best, cheapest, largest
,as a ell as the best assorted stink of Goods
| iu Iteilofonte.
I* the place to buy your Silks, Mohair*
Mozambique*, Rej*. Alpacas, Detains,
lain#, Brilliant#, Muslins, Calicoes, Tick
jugs, Planet*. Opera Klanels, Lsdir* Coat
ilig, (lent*' Cloths, I.adie* Hacques, Whit<
Pekay, Linen Table Cloth*, Counterpanet
Crib Counterpane*, White and Col**r*f
Tarlton, Napkins, Inserting* and Edging*
White LaceCurtin#, Zephyr A Zephyr Put'
terns. Tidy CVdlon, Shawls, Work Basket,
Notions of every kind, White Goods of
••very description, Perfumery, Ribbon*
Velvet, Taffeta and Bonnet Cord* am
! Braid. Veils, Buttons, Trimming*. Ladies
and MiasesSkirta,
Thread lfu.iery, Fans, Beads, Hewing
and in fart every thing that can he thought
of, dtiired or used in the
tbry have black and blue cloth*,, black and
I fancy ea**iu*er**, saUinette, tweeds, me).
iorns, silk, satin and couimou vesting*, in
short, every thing imaginable in the fine ot!
| gentlemen# wear.
Uucflvitiadc Clotliiiig of Every Din
•criptiun, for Men ami I toy*.
Boots and Shoos, in endless variety
Hats ami dtps, CARPETS, Oilcloth,
Rugs, Brown Muslins, Bleached Mus
lins, /trillings. Sheetings, Tablecloths.
Ac., cheaper than elsewhere.
Theirstoek ofQUKKNMW AKR A GRO
CKItiKS cannot he excelled in qunlily or
Call in at the Pbiladelnhia Store and con
vince yuurselve. that KKLLKR A MUS
SKR have any thing you want, and do bu
siness on the principle of "Quick Sains and
Small Profits." apfiu.tik
uaatM ant* rnoni'cs ana takkm
Great Attraction and Great Bargains!
r |Mi K undersigned, determind to meet the
X popular demand for Lower Pricea, re
spectfully calls the atteution of the public j
to his stock of
now offered at the old stand. Designed es
pociall t for the people and the lim- *, the lar
gest and most varied and complete assort
ment of
Saddle*. Harnett*, Collar*. Bridle*,
of every description and quality ; Whips,
and in fact everything complete to a first
class establishment, he now offers at price*
which will suit the times. +■
| fA better variety, a better quality or finer
tyW of Saddlerv ba* never before been of
fered to the public. Call and examine our
!l<>ck and be satisfied before purchasing*
Determined to please my patron* and
thankful for the libera) share of patronage
heretofore enjoyed. I respectfully solicit a j
[continuance ofthe same
JACOB DINGER, Centre Hall.
f Panic Prices.
Having purchrsed the extensive store of
ow ell, flillilan i tc. Co., and addedlothem
' | at panic prices* large assortment of
They are enabled to sell at
! A large Tariety of
Ladim' Drew (iouca,
Great Bargain* in
MUftiiu* and Calicoes.
Ready-Made Clothing
Warranted to Suit.
Our (-loth* and Cassimers,
Cant be excelled.
Astonishes every one in assortment and low
Byi up, Sugar, Ta, Coffee, Canned Ituits,
Jel In-*, Domestic and Foreign Fruiw,
Cheese and pastrie* ot ail kinds,
and every other article be
longing to the Grocery
They Wholesale at l*hiladelphia Rate*.
, 9tr Farmers, Mechanic* and Laborers
look to your interesL One dollar saved is
- a dollar in pocket Then call and •■* at
1 what astonishingly low price*
Are selling their Dry Coods and Groceries.
*-No trouble to show
If they are not as represented, we will
pay you "for your trouble. Don't forget the
, place.
. japlKHf Allegheny St. Bellefonte Pa.
; —;
Manufacturing Co
Machine Works,
Having enlarged our New FOCNDRV and
. Woaxa. Stocked with all new and latest
, improved Machinerv at Centre Hall, an
nounce to the public that they are now ready
to receive order* for anything in their line
of business.
We also manufacture tne celebrated
which now stand* unrivalled.
Thi* Reaper has ad vantage* over all othei
Reapers now manufactured. One advan
tage we claim for it, is the lever power, by
which we gain one hundred per cent over
other machine*. Another advantage i* the
hoisting and lowering apparatus, whereb.
the driver has under his complete contro'
of the machine; in coming to a spot of lodg
ed grain, the driver can cliange the cut ol
he machine in an instant, without Mopping
the team, varying the stuhle from I to 14
inches at the ouUide of the machine, n* well
a* on the inside. It is constructed of first
class material; and built by first class mi
cbanics. We warrant it second to none.
All kind* of Horsepower* and Threshing
Machines, Hay and Grain Rakes, latest im
proved. All kind* of Repairing done. Dif
ferant kinds of
The Celebrated Hcckendorn Economic*
plow which ha* given entire satisfaction
We employ the best Patternmakers, our
pattern* are all new and ofthe most improv
ed plan*. Plan*, Specification* and I) aw
ing* furnished for all work dune by u.
ff#- We hope by strict attrition to bui
nes* to receive a share of public patronag
°fovory description made and fitted up fo
. AC., AC.
Ali orders by mail promptly attended to
i ZLfliisL VFO COM'P
Extract Catawba
Ckmpaiurnt I'arts—fluid Extract Hhu
1 barb aad Fluid Extract Catawba 1
drape Juice.
For liver i-oaijiUint*, jaundice, bilious
a flection*, Kick vi nervoua headache,
oostiveueaa, etc. Puieljr vegetable,
containing no mercury, minerals or
deleterious drug*.
H .
Thee* i'ills are the most delightful);
■ plmait( purgative, mpencdiag ew*ur oil,
laln, magnesia. etc. There is nutbin*
Ini> re acceptable to the stomach, The 3
(five lone, rauw neither utUMt nurgritiihf
l in They tire composed at the finest
ugt edienl* After a few day*' use ofthem
jsucb an invigoratiuu of (be entire system
(abac place a 10 appear miraculous to the
weak and enervated, wbetber arising IW
I imprudence or disease, 11 T. lUlnilmMV
1 Compound Kill id Extract Catawba lirape
, Pills are not rtigareoeted, from the fart thai
j ugaretailed Fill* do nut dissolve, but pas-
Through lb* •to roach without dsolving,
; consequently d i ot produce tba daattad at
feet. The Catawba (Jrape Fill*, being
pleasant in Urtr and odor, do not u*cati
tatr lb air being suganroated. Price fifty
cent* per boa.
11 lout. 1 oo*Casm At ax. COMPOI an
Fluid Extract ricraapwrilla
Will radically exterminate from the system
i.Seroftiia. Byphilis, Fever Bores, Livers,
Sore Kyaa, Hore Leg*, Sora Mouth, Sore
Head, Bronchitis, Skin iHscesos, Salt
Rheum Canker*, Runnings from tba Ear,
white swellings, tumor*, anrerou* effec
tion*. node*. Kick en, glandular swelling*,
night sweat*. m*b, tetter, humor* of all
kind*, chronic rheumatism, dyipepaia. and
all di*ea*e* that hava bean established in
the system for year*.
living prepared expressly for the above
compliment*, it* blood-purifying proper- '
lie* are greater than any other preparation
of tariaparilla. It give* tbe complexion a
clear healthy color and rent ore* the patient
to a *l*l* ot health and purity. For puri
fying the blood, removing all chronic ron
ulitutioiial disease* arising from the an im
pure *tate i f the blood, and the only relia
ble and effectual known remedy for the
cure of pain* and swelling of tbe bonce,
ulceration* of the throat and leg*, blotcbe*.
pimple* on tbe face, erysipelas and all
scaly eruption* of tbe skin. and beautify
ing complexion I
■ -MimtTiD
Fluid Extract Buchu,
ha* cured every caae of diabetew in which j
it ha* been given, irritation of tbe neck oti
tbe bladder and inflammation of the kid
ney*. ulceration of the kidney* and blnd-j
• der. retention of urine, disease* of tbe proa-1
tale gland, stone in the bladder, calculu*.
gravel, brick-dust dedosit, and mucou* or!
milky dire Largo*, and for infoebied and
delicate constitutions of both met, attend
ed with the following symptoms indiapoai-1
lion to exertion, lot* on>owr, Lot of mem
ory. difficulty of breathing, weak nerve* ;
J: .-nibling, horror of di*eu*, wakefulness, :
dimness of virion, pain in tbo back, hot
band*, flurhing of the body, dryness of ike
►kit, eruption on the face, pallid counte
nance, uaivertal latitude or tbe muaculor:
system, etc.
* I?ted by person* from tbe age* of eigb-!
tteen to twenty-five, and from tkirty-Ive}
!to fifty-five or tn the decline or change of
; life; alter confinement or labor pain*; nod ,
' wetting in children.
' llelmboid rextraclbucbu i* Diuretic and!
blood-purifying, and cure* nil diseases'
arming from habit* of dissipation, and ex-'
caa* and imprudence* in life, impuritie*
of the bluod, etc.. superseding copaiba ia 1
affection* for which it i* u*d, and y phili-'
tic affection*—in tbe*e disease* used in con
nection with Uelmbold * rose wnb.
In many affection* peculiar to ladies. the
extract buchu U unequalled by any other
remedy—a* in rhlnruais or retention, inl
regularity, painfulncs* or *uppre**ion of
1 urtomary < vacuation*, ulceratod or schir
ru. Mate of the uleru*, leucorrhnMor white*,
-terility. and for nil complaint* incident to ;
tbe *ex. whether arising from indiscretion,
or habit* of dissipation. It is prescribed
< rtonsively by the most eminent physicians
and midwives for enfeebled and delicate
• on*tiiution, ot both *cxe and all age* <
(attended with any of the above disease* or
symptom* f,
in all their *uge, at little expense, little orb
no change in diet, no inconvenience, avdi
no exposure. Itcua*e*a frequent desire,ji
and give* strength to Umate, thereby re
moving Obstruction*, Preventing nd Cu
ring strictures of the urethra, allying pain
sad infiamation. *o frequent in this class of
disease*, and expelling nil poisonous mat
Thousand* who haTe been the victims of
incompetent persons, and who have naid
heavy fee* to be cured In a short time, nave
found they have been deceived, and that
the "Poison., has, by the uae of "powerftal
astringents, been dried up in the system,
to break out in a more aggravated form, and
perhaps after marriage.
CHU for alt affectioaf and diseases of the
urinary organs, whether existing in male
or female, from whatever cause originating.
1 and n< matter ofWw long slauding Price,
oncdollar* and fiftv cent* per bottle.
Van not be surpassed ass face wash, and
will be found the only specific remedy in
every specie* of cutaneous affection. It;
! j speedily eradicate* pimples, spot*, scorbn-'
Uc dryness, indurations of the cutaneous
membrane, etc., dispels redneas and incipi
; ciitinflamation, hives, rash, moth patches, i
dryness of scalp or tkin, (Yost bits*, and all
purposes tot which salves or ointment* are
used : restore* the skin to a state of purity
I! and sottness, and insure* continued heat
thy action to the tissue of its vessels, on
which depends the agreeable clearness and
vivacity of complexion so much sought and
admired, llut however valuable as a rome
dv for existing defects of the skin, H. T.
tfalmhold's Rose Wash has long sustained
1 its principle claim to umbounded patron
age, bv possessing qualities which render
it a toiled app< ndace of the most superla
tive and congenial character, o inbintngi
" in an elegant formula those prominent
requisites, safety and efficacy—tbeinvaria
r hie accompaniments of its use—as a pre
servative and refreshei of the complexion
It t* an excellent lotion for diseases of a
syphilitic nature, and as an injection for
diseases oft lie urinary organs, arising from
I habits of dissipation, used in connection
! with the Extract* Buchu, Sartanarilla, and
I Unlawba Grape Pills, in such diseases a*
I r< commended, cannot be surpassed.
Full and explicit directions accompany
the medicine*.
Evidence of the nt< st responsible and re
liable character furnished on application,
with hundreds of thousands of living wit
nesses, and upward of 30,009 unsolicited
certificate* and recommendatory letters,
many of which are from the highest sour
ces, including eminent Physiciana,Clergy
men, Statesmen, etc. The proprietor Tits
never resorted to their publication in the
new-papers; he does not do this fYom the
fact that his articles rank as Standard Pre
paratsons, and do not need to be propped
up by certificates.
Delivered to any address. Secure fYom
1 observation.
Established upwards of twenty years.
Sold by Druggists everywhere. Address
letters for information, in confidence to
HENUYT. HELM BOLD, Druggist and
Ouly Depots: If. T. HILMBOLD'S
Drug and Chemical Warehouse, No. 694
Broadway, New York, or to H. T. HELM
BOLD'S Medical Depot, 104 South Tenth
Street. Philadelphia, rs.
Beware of counterfeits. Ask foJ
Henry T. Helmbold's! Take no other.
id Ba&dreds of Thousands 21.
" -WKIKr 111
Mag* et Peer Mam. Whisker, Pwrnmg %)Hn
SB* Mass tkssw toeww*. >u*l aadswess-
MNHI 'to RhMMW Uw IBRKAI. ** Tobhti,**** Apyrtili
"ni'stanmnr r-- —*-
I AMI Ik* Mm Beets sad Berks et (Xdorata. *rre
tram alt Akskslir mtmalaaia. Tksrar* Iks
4UT1814 rfiliciruiafatm Swaaw *,S
lavtgaratar et tk* Systcw, eafrylag at all gatsoeec*
■sltsran* rsstsrti* Um tlMtlsi
kspsmaa saalak* UMSS BMiet* sstcrtiaa teCrw-
Baa aa* lawnla isa* acwsil
BtaO WIU S* W*aa tat ** israrsMs sses, fscct* *
Iks boat* ars a*4 duarors* br mimrsl pciisoa or
CaMbas,aa*ths vkal orgaea wasufi Vsfoe* U >
Far laisasmi lerr aad Ckrast* Bkeeww
rtsas aad Chsat, Pr *>****. aw ladttaaMiocu
Jttttaaa, Msaatiiswt aad laietwdu< s< Pavesa
plssaasa at cba Btaad. Urrr, lUdari*. and
TRrit frr Mstara lave base mam tame* e
f*i Mask Ptssatn at* wemeet by Vltlaisd
Maadt wbHktsgaaarslir gmdwadbrdssaacsaaM
<AU* Mgaatlvs Or**a*.
sdkx.Mmtatk*Sbaatdsis. Coagk* Tstusuyt 1
(ML DiaMtws*. Soar Ersatsttcsas at its K-sai-,
bad mats la Iks Moatk. BUtae* AMasks. IVi--*.
<A Uwßaart. lafisaisrsrtoa at thsLaags. I sl!*. •
rtgkaa* et me i'Masy*. aad a tuadwd cttar - .1
Tbsy isngasau a* guaaskaadl
Br sod bbWdt.srhlcfc .1 1
tkcßtf la chaasiaf lbs btsad of an taigcnuu. *,. 4
ituiarosf *• Hi* aa* dgsll Os wkaM tjWs
rot SB IS DfSCiSCS, 1L < : .t 1
Bkrwn.Blirlrhw ffrtr Htrr fTf**, r t''' ( *
baaato*. Bb Wsraa. kssld-tlcad. bar* Kfos. - :.
tie. Us*, kcark. Imiilarmiss*sd thstXHt.L **
sad tmsaaas att bs IdUM, af wkmsstr bmm at t... r,.
art muteOi dsg eg emitmnU* aetata* *;*(*> t* a
Mat ems t;tt*m*r that* Mm Ow loot* Is
seek saw srtti eeetlees w most toctsMSt** e* i
mmSHa s^lsss,
CIRMNMI t%'t VHASK4 wttit. zjevtf jtb# Siowd Hi
laiismm kaWkgWi >*W ■ *LU.lar#M.Efaa
tMas or Son* dsaas# n wb* jroa CadK oEissrsrwd
aad atsggMh la tts uWt ekaos* it wtwanls Ism,
aad roar ISsßm* WW lad ysawkas ComCattm*
par* sad UM hsalUi *4Us* *j*u ... !.:u*
PIK. TAFBaadorkar WOMJIH. iwklsi la CU |^;|
sdaadrniv** Tat km dWeetieas. rtad carry,
Iks drcalar soooad sack Mil,, grtatsd ta fast.
J. WjIIAXU. PiagrlsW. S B. McOOSAXD A Ctt
nrwggwi* sad Osa- Agaess. Caa Fraadsce, Cat.
d sr4. M Cttwuswirv flhtfinkt t HdPV ViMrtL
ar*OU> BT 4LL IrtttOtittt* ABB BKAUCfe*
Ghrover & Baker
The following are selected from tbows
! and* of teotimonials of imi!ar character as
.ex-pressing the reasons for the jwwfersuioa
Ifor the Gtovxk A BAKER Ms, his- 1 orar
' all others.
•••**! like the Grover A B . -r Ma
chine, in the first place, because If I had
any other, I should still want a Grocer 4b
: Baker; and, having a Grover A Baker, it
! answers the same tmrpose of all tba rest.
It doe* a greater variety of work and it ia
easier to learn than any other. —Mr*. J.
C\ Uroty (Jenny dune.) •
j •*• "I have had several rear*" exi-cri
jeaea with a Grover A Baker MacbinsL
which ha* girea me great *atifae*k>n. I
think the Grover A Baker Mach 1 c is wutra
easily managed, aad leaa liable to get out
of order. 1 prefer the Grover A Baler,
decidedly."—(Mr* Dr. Walt*, New
•• • "I have had <*ne ia my 'awily for
Mm* two years; and fYom whig 1 know ot
.iu working*, and fYom the testimony al
many of my friend* who use the san,e, I
can hardly *ee bow anythingcould be mora
complete or give better mtkmetioa."—Mrs
• (General UranL]
a a* - j believe it to be tbe best, all tiling •
cantidered. of any that I have known. 1 >
is vary simple and easily learned ; tba sew
ing fiua the ordinary spools is a great sd.
vantage; tbe stitch 1* entirely reliable ; it
doe* ornamental work beautiftiltr; it is nat
liable to get out of order,"—Mr*. A. M
Spoon#*, It Bound Strwet, Brooklyn.
Tba Grover and Raker Bewing "Machint
Company manufacture both the Elastic
1 Stitch and Lock Stitch Machines, and ■•ffe
the public a choice of the bet machines et
both kinds, at their establishments in ail
! the large cities, and through agencies in
nearly all towns throughout the country
Price Lists and sample* of sewing fen boih
stitches ftirnished on application to Grover
St Baker 8. M Co. Philadelphia, or to
F. P. Greene,
next door to Centre Co. Bank, Belle
Hair Restorative
Contain* no LAC SULPHUR—He
VER, and is entirely free from the
Poisonous and Health-destroying
Drags used in other Hair Prepara
Transparent and clear at crystal, it will
not soil the finest fabric—pertectiy BAFE
CLEAN and EFFlClENT—desidera
It restores and prevents the Ilair from
becoming Gray, impart* a soft glowv op
pearance, removes Dandruff, is cool and
refreshing to the head, check* the Hail
fYom falling off, and restores it to a great
extent when prematurely Wt, prevents
Headaches, enre* all Humors, cutaneous
eruptions, and unnatural Heat.
DR. G. SMITH, Patentee, Groton Junc
tion, Mass, Prepared only by PROCTER
BROTHERS, Gloucester, Mass. Tha
Genuine is put up in a panel bottle, made
expressly for it, with the narneefthcarticl*
blown in the glass. Ask your.Druggist for
Nature's Hair Restorative, and tale ne
For sale by H'm. HVlf and J. B. BoU-
Centre Hall '24junly
Furniture Rooms!
eospecttuily informs the citizens of Centi*
county, that he hasconstantlyonhand, and
makes to order, all kinds of
TABLES, Ac , & c
His stock of ready-made Furniture iilarg*
and warranted of good workmanship andta
all made under his own itnmediatesiipert 1-
sion, wid is offered at rates as cheap axels* I
where. Thankful for past favors, he slic
its a continuance of the same.
Call and see his stock before purchaair
elsewhere. ap24'6B'ly.