The Daffodil*. Down by the wood mi*, warn and low, Thoir'happy liwa thoy spend; B*ix*Uve URa Hi* head where the daffodil* grew. The earth ia a fair and flowery realm. And the went wind whiepera low Tbretch the hoary bongha of the thick-leaved ehn, And down by the water* flow- Down by the brook that all day long OUmmera nnder the alder bower* ; But it xingeth not now the old tweet aong That it learnt from the golden flower* The day* of anmmer run brightly by, But the ware* haw a ead refrain. Which cannot be atiHM, nor the place be ftll'd. Till the da&tdila blrweoui again. The Hitters. Three bonny maidon* went oat on a day, While the anmmer aun waa shining Janet and Annie and Margery Cray ; Nona were fairer. 1 ween, than Uiey, A* Avrth that morn they look their way. While the anmmer aun waa hining. Through the blooming gorae, by the dancing While the eummer aon waa ahining, laughing and * porting, their way they took, Now ntooting for flower*, now huteriug to look For hotter atoned in the wild beee' nook, WhiW the summer aun waa ahining. Vphy the aide of the hill they ctuah. While the tumtuer aunt* shining. Till they hear the bells of St, Ague* chime. And they stop, for tboy know tis the holy time When the nuns are singing their hrmn* sub lime. • While the anmmer ann ia shunng. Aunt* grew weary, ami waited to rest. While the summer sun eras ahming. Where the ehnrrh-yard grave* with flowers were dressed, And she laid her down where the shadow Hawaii Of lb* cb*neel m feß ow hvr br***t. White lb* umm<*r auu >u shining. Janet idi) Birpn wwd wten ihfj hat. White the umuu t hod w*a ilnniti>;. The dT *wt on, ud the war ihet milted : The* met the young lord with hit falcon on Bat, H* stooped fr\u the saddle and Janet be kissed. White the iiuum tun was shining. Janet it gone with Lord Hugh to hia tower, While the rammer ran it shuung ; Marperv hted back again to her K>wer In the peaceful vate era the tee tun* hoar, ▲mi there the Un ire red, a kmolv Bower, While the summer ton waa shining. MrJLady Janet rides gayly dreamed, White the tunimer tun w shining ; Annie tteept tweet with the ctom o'er her hraaat; Marjjenr dwe lit in her bower at rest— One rich, one patient, and one with the Massed, White the summer son is shining. WHAT I SAW FKOM Ml WINDOW. It was a strange scene—and jet there was nothing startling about it. I could not hell why mv ejes were riveted to the spot. Probably, I said to mrsalf, it can only be accounted lor bj sonic occult py*- cbo'kipcal reason, and I will simply watch, and e odea Tor not to wonder. Sly library la situated in th third-story back-room of an ordinary-built house in the neigh tor hood of tha Heights, and it is there 1 spend hour after hour in work and study—some times. as the light fades from the sky, drawing near the window with my book or writing, and srnii-occasioually glancing at the hacks of the houses opposite. The house whose garden joins ours has always heen an object ot interest to me. ever since I mored into the neighborhood, on account of an oM gentleman who was to be seen in his library at almost any hour of the day. He seemed to be an indefatigable worker, and was generally at his post long before 1 was. This oki gentleman grew to be very entertaining to me, and I came to rtiee him wy modi when for any reason he was absent from his library. The time a bore alluded to was early in the erening in the latter part of February-. My neighbor had gone from bookcase toWikcase, and drawer to drawer, arranging and putting away, and at last I noticed or thought I saw him lock the drawers of his desk snd put the key in his pocket. Soon after I heard the ring of their tea-bell, and watched until the old gentleman walked slowly out of the room. What was the reason that even then I conld not withdraw my gaxe ? There was nothing particular inviting about the apartment, now that its occupant had gone, hut still I could not help looking. The gas was burning rery dimly, and I conld just make out the different articles of furniture, assisted a little by the light of a very pleasant grate fire. As I watched, a figure dad in white came swiftly in at a door at the right. A cold, net-Tout tremor took ftill possession of me. Not that I felt there was anything supernatural about the vision. I knew better—for I immediately recognized the form and dress of a lady 1 had noticed in the garden only an hour or two before; but I did not know that her presence in that room at that particular time meant mischief and woe unutterable I know that her feet made no noise as she moved hastily about, going crrer exactly the same ground which the old gentleman had traveled only a few moments previous. Drawer after drawer she ransacked— lifting lids, examining pigeon-boles ; and finally, after a second spent in looking over the contents of the old gentleman s desk, I saw her grasp what appeared to roe to be a small MIX or casket, close and lock the drawer, and then waving her hands aloft, with a singularly triumphant gesture, hurry from the room. That this young woman had been guilty of theft I was perfectly aware ; also, I felt sure that she was some relative of the proprietor of the mansion;, and more than all did 1 realize that the fearful consequences of this work would react upon an innocent and formerly highly esteemed member of the household. How did I know this 1 Perhaps I reasoned from cause and effect without really being aware that such was the case. Perhaps, having been let to see this strange performance, 1 was peculiarly acted upon as to the result. However that might be, it seemed that the troubled future of that family was thor oughly dagucrreotyped upon my heart. After a while the old gentleman entered the library, followed by an elderly lady I took to be his wife; then a young gentle man—l bad often noticed him before—and last of all the lady in white, with a wide scarlet sash and neck-ribbon. Soon after a young woman, whom I had also often seen in the garden, apparently the govern ess, as she always had a little curly-headed boy by ber side, entered, leading the urchin; for the sole purpose, it would seem, off bidding them all good-night. The old gentleman took him in his arms and caressed him for a while, and after a short frolic with each one he was ted oft by bis governess. Then the young gentleman drew the shades and I saw no more that night. It was some time before I could sufficiently banish the occurrence to sleep, and the first thought upon waking the next morning was the strange scene of the previous evening. My first glance at my neighbor's library was sufficient to statue roe that the theft was discovered. The old gentleman, with his hands clasped behind him, paced slowly up and down the apart ment. His wife, assisted by the young woman who had ransacked every nook ana corner the night before, went through the fierce of examination. The old man was evidently too grieved and stunned to join in the search. During the forenoon the young governess entered, having to all appearance been sent for, for the purpose of questioning. For a moment she stood, it appeared to me, in silent wonderment; then advanced quickly to the centre of the room and confronted the old gentleman. The little boy rau into the library, and caught her by the hand. The owner of the white robe this morning she was dressed in a white merino wrapper, faced with cherry, and cherry trimmings—arose from her chair by the library tabic, and with an imperious gesture, perfectly omer vable from my distance even, drew the child away from the side of his companion. Then the poor girl hid her face in her handkerchief, and left the room. It was plain then as the sun at mid-day. The gorernt.i t had been accused of the theft. What was my duty in the premises ? When 1 took into consideration that I had not heard a word spoken, did not even know what had been stolen, and bad only the pictures of the different scenes to rely on for proof, my position was a very pecu liar one, to say the least. It was certainly a very delicate business to call at that strange bouse, and describe to the proprietor what I had seen. All day long 1 wondered what course it was best to pursue—all the while so utterly uncomfortable that work of any descrip tion was quite out of the question. Just FRBD. KURTZ, Editor ftutl Proprietor, VOL. IV. at evening 1 eras summoned to the )iarlor to meet a gentleman friend. 1 noticed immediately that he was in great agitation. 44 I called," said he, ,4 in behalf of a young lady friend of mine who is in great trouble. She has neither relatives or acquaintances in the city. Can you—will you give her shelter for a few days until this storm of abuse blows over, aud she can again hold up her poor head t" My thoughts immediately flew to the i house of my neighbor, and I asked— 4, l>oea ' she live over here I" pointing in the diree ' tiou. " And is she the victim of a terrible accuaatkui I Charged with atealiug, wu't she?" 44 Good heavens ! vea," he replied. 44 110w did you know 1 1 hadn't the slightest idea that it had got to be common talk. . I am afraid it will kill her!" 44 1 have not heard a syllable," 1 answer ed ;•* not one. I have simply guessed, that's all; and I htote she is innocent, and perhaps, my boy. I can help prove it." • 4 God grant It!"said he fervently. "But how did you suspect ? Who could have hinted at such a thing 44 1 tell you again that I have noc heard a word—no one has hinted. Go for your friend, and I will do all that lies in my i power to comfort and help her." An hour after Miss Hastings—for that was the name of the governess—sat in my room, the most abject picture of misery Tl ever looked upon iu my life. Her eyes were swollen with weeping; and when 1 welcomed her to my home, and assured her of sympathy ami love, it seemed as if the chilli's heart would break. 44 Oh," she sobbed, 1 had such a pleasant home until tht came. Old Mr. Hemming was so kind to me, and so thoughtful ct me; and Mrs. Hemming, too, did every thing in the world that woman could iJo for mv comfort; aud, then, my darling 'little Fred, and bis (tap. And now. just >to think thev all think me a thief! and 1 have loves! them so! Merciful Father, how could they !" Bv degrees I succeeded in getting at the whole story. Little Fred was Mr. Hemming's grand son ; and little Fred's papa was a widower, and Miss Hastings was employed to take exclusive charge of the widower's little son. 44 But who is *\t V I asked, with a shudder. "The woman who alwaya dresses in white, with cherry-scarlet trimmings F' 44 Then you have seen her ?" she inquir-, ed, looking up quickly. , " Yes, 1 have seen her. What relation is she to the Demmings ?" " Mr. Hemming is her great-uncle, and has had the care of her education. She has been in Europe for the last three years, traveling with a distinguised pro fessor and his wife. It seems that Mr. Hemming has had charge of some jewels which were left in trust for her until she should become of age. The day of her ar rival he brought them home frum the safe st the office, to see bow she would like the jewels reset, intending to have them ready for her at the expiration of the time, which was only three months. For the last two days they have been consulting ' about it, apparently unable to come to any decision. I was called on yesterday to give mv opinion, and when told what they desired of me, this is what Mr. Hemming said : 4 Now, let's hear what little Lot-: tie suggest*.' He always called me 4 little I Ait tie' from the moment of my entering the bouse. I laughed, and said: 4 Little Lottie thinks that if she owned these jewels she should be very careful bow she let them lie round the bouse long.' "•That's so,' said grandpa Demming. ' But I have got a little tuck-away corner where they are safe enough in the day time ; of course, I don't leave them down here nights.' " That's all I know about it," continued the poor child, with a fresh burst of tears. *' We talked a littleabout the settings, and this morning I was told that the diamond* were gone." u Where were you," I asked, " while the family were at tea P " I was at tea, also," she replied. " One of our servants was quite ill, nnd I went down long before it was time for the tea bell to ring ant tie removed her wrappings, and said in a hoarse whisper —' Thank Heaven! no one has seen me. " " Were you out last evening 7" I inquired of the terror-striken girl. '• No," she moaned. *• I remained in Fred's room until be iell asleep, and then I read till late, expecting to bare a chance of bidding Mr. Dumming good-night." Here the child blushed to the roots of her hair, and the whole story was told. "Could Clara hare manufactured this terrible story, or did she see some one enter and imagine it was Lottie 7 It seems to me this terrible suspense will kill me," said poor Demoting. " If you will come with me—both of you —round* to your house, Mr. Demoting, I think I can not only exonerate this little girl here, but can place the crime where it belongs. In other words, my dear sir, I know who stole those jewels." Had I weighed the probable effect of my words before I uttered them, I should not have been so abrupt; for Lottie tipped over as dead as a log on the sofa, and Sir. Demming. in his right and relief, came mighty near tipping in the same manner. An hour after, we entered the Demoting mansion. Lottie was now calm and self possessed, while my coward heart seemed inclined to walk quite out of its surround *\Ve were shown into the front parlor. The old gentleman entered. " Father, I have brought Lottie round," said the yotwg man; '■ and I am ping to have her skirts cleared from this horrible suspicion before another fifteen minutes rolls over my bead." " God grant it!" ejaculated the vener able gentleman, fervently. "Poor little CENTRE HALL REPORTER. 1 1aßtie," he continued, 44 we have alt loved her so dearly from the twginning We must clear her—of course we must. Don't cry, little girl," as she again broke down under his carrying language. It waa evi dent that the goverueas hail made for her self a very warm and tender ucst in the old tuau's heart. 44 Father," said the young man, "this lady Mrs. , ha* decided information in regard to our trouble. Ms and Clara are in the library—let's go in then'." He led the way, and we all followed, the old man bringing up the rear. 44 Fred tells me." said the latter, " that this lady"—pointing to me— 44 has some thing to say on the subject under discus sion. Mr lb-mming couldn't help living par liamentary even at this critical time. 44 Was the bag eoutainiiig the jewel* in this desk ?" I asked, placing my hand on the article of furniture. " It was," replied Mr. Hemming. 44 Hid any of the members of your fain ill know exactly where you did keep theui r 44 No," he answered. 44 1 never would lock them up until everybody had left the room." That accounted for the rummaging." 4 - This is all 1 have to say," I continued. • 4 Last evening, at precisely half-past six, I saw a lady dressed in white, with a scarlet sash and neek-ribbou, enter this a|*rluicnt, open the diflereut drawers and doors of these bookcases, and then " "You lie!" screamed the girl iu white. "You lie! you lie! You know you lie! you l>ad woman—you tieud in human shape!" 44 Aud then," I continued I saw her open this desk, search it awhile, aud dually take out a bag which she held aloft for a moment, and then run out of the room." "You—you—you"—-said the culprit, trying to reach the place where I sat. Her uncle caught her in his arms and laid her on the sofa in a perfect paroxysm of rage and despair. They remembered that Clara was ten minutes late at the tea table; and oue part of the story fitted into the other eo jierlectly, that there was not the slighest loop-hole for her to crawl out of. Lottie did not go back with me. I left her with little Fred in her lap. Grandpa Hemming beside her, and little Fred's pa at her feet, and the old lady hovering near. I hare an invitation to a wedding next week. It was found out afterward* that Clara Mason stole the jewels, as i suspected, to enrich her lover, who was, of course, a scamp. An Amsterdam Laundry. At the top of a sulwtantiol Dutch man's bouse, both in town and country 4 is invariable to lie fount! a si amicus laun dry, extending. in fact, over the whole area of the house. In this the linen is stored in presses, and the clothing of the j>ast season, winter or summer, all duly turned inside out, hangs on pegs | all about. Here, twice a year, Merouw holds her grand saturnalia. Without doubt, the most important item iu a Dutch girl's dowry is her linen. The ' quantity she thinks necessary for her own person snd the use of the household is enormous. But then it should lie known that slie " washes " (the Übcd, of coarse,) but twice in the year. Cuffs collars, and inuslins, she says, must lie washed often ; bat all other things are tiling, for a time, into huge buck-ixuikcts, big enough for half a dozen P&lstofTs to hide in ; indeed, these are astounding baskets, and wheu full will weigh four or five hundred weight Every house has a block and pulley firmly tixed to the ornamented coping of the roof, which, indeed, is purposely constructed to carry this useful machine, and forms a notable feature in the architecture of all the Dutch houses ; and by means of the block these huge baskets are readily lifted to and from the laundry, and fur niture aud heavy articles of any kind to the other stories through the windows A visitor for the first time may see with amused bewilderment that jiartieularly lumbering trunk of his wife's, which Ims been the despair of railway porters throughout his journey, whip|>ed up by invisible hands to a height of sixty or seventy feet in uo time, and disamiear through a bedroom window. C'lothea are simply rough-washed in the country, and when sent back all the females m the house set to work for a good fort night to iron and mangle, starch and crimp ; and you may tie sure that every bit of clothing a Dutch young lady of the middle classes is wearing has thus been got up bv her own fair hands. The original outlay of linen is no donbt large, but the cheap mode of washing pays good interest for the money. THE SHAD. —Contrary to the idea en tertained by some persons that shad live but one year, Hetli Green expresses the belief that they do not get growth sooner than three or four years. Ho savs: "In the month of June I have hatched shad on the Hudson River, and in the same month I have caught yonng shad five inches long, and I have kept the yonng shad of my hatching six weeks, and they were ono and one-quarter inches long and not larger round than a darning-needle. My theory is, the five-inch shad is the one year old, and stays in the river, or near its mouth, the first year, and comes up the river with the old shad in the Spring. They cer tainly were uot hatched tliat Spring. When I first saw them I supposed they were a distinct species of fish, la-longing to the shad family, and never got any larger. I opened a number of them and found no spawn in them. Then I made up my mind that tliey were one-year-old sliad." And then he propounds to old river fishermen who urge different viewH two questions, viz : First, Di 1 they ever catch a shad that had spawned ? and second, If so, how they knew she was not on her way lawk to the sea ? A LARUE MARKET. —An extensive building is in progress of erection in New York market purposes, which will, when finished, lie the largest mar ket house iu the city. It is to cover the entire block bounded by Thirty fonrth and Thirty-fifth Streets, and Eleventh and Twelfth Avenues ; and its dimension are to be eight hundred feet in length, by two hundred in breadth. In order to obtain firm foundation for the building, it was necessary to dig a ditch fifteen feet deep around the centre square, and to drive piles in many places. The roof-rafters, cross-beams, and columns are to bo of iron, and the architecture of the building is to be unique and ornamented. A force of one hundred and twenty workmen are al ready at work laying the foundation, and this number will probably be in creased as soon as practical >le. The work is being carried on by a joint stock com pany under the name of the " Manhat tan Market Company." THE ANNUAL TALE of true love long baffled, at lust triumphant, comes from Cincinnati. The yonng lovers torn apart by parental hatred, lieoame insane, and were severally confined iu lunatic asylums, one at Columbus, the other at Longview. The former institution was burned and the young man transferred to the other, where by chanee the lovers met one day and flew to each other's arms. The parents' hearts melted, the long withheld consent was given, reason resumed her throne, and now the Host " heavenly " couple in the State are the long-suuuered, eliauce-unitcd, ei-maniae livers. Grey aud Brown are the two most fash ionable colors worn this season. CENTRE IIALL, CENTRE CO., PA., FRIDAY', MAY 1!), 1871. The Early Hay* of lVtroleum. H E. CVlton writ<or sliares frum 50 cents to 81; servant girl* invested their all, hoping soon to be able to ride in their carriages and live in brown stone mansion*. Never since the days of Law's great Mississippi bubble hail the world seeu anything equal to it. Unfortunately, this wild mania is too recently and painfully prominent with many of our readers. Many - hard working ineu—invested their all iu an engine and lease, to work for days and weeks only to find nothing, and sit down penniless and despondent, fully and completely "busied." The nuinlxT of the wells is legiou, and the most condensed history of them would fill a large volume. On January 1, IStJH, there were 1,188 produciug well* in Pennsylvania, and their averngepro duet was II 2-3 hbls. per day. TTien there are many in Canada, Ohio, and West Virginia. There ia some uth-u --tion Wing turned to the deposits in South America. The whole daily pro duct of crude petroleum cannot' W far from 18.0UU bills., of 40 gallons each Some of the w-Ils have produced enor mously, even over 4,000 bbls. per day. The oil has sold as low as 20 cents |wr barrel, and as high as 810. It is transport ed to the railroad in pipes laid under ground, and put into gauged tanks ; 40 gallon* is a barrel. In the eorlv days it waa floating down Oil Creek ami it* tributaries in fiat boats. The eustom was to pond tip the water, and, when all the l>oat* were ready, cut aaray the dams, thus floating them on the freshet to the month of Oil Creek. As may be imagined, there were frequent accidents and the wildcat excitement. AM much a* 50,0110 bbls. of petroleum have lieen known to lie thrown out on the water* of the creek and rivers from the bursting laurel* and crushed-lip flat* in a 44 jam." Breaking a Tront Blockade. A Nevada correspondent wntw : The citizens of Reno have for a long time been indulging in very watchful f>elig* against the Indian* ami Hev. Mr. ihil coine, the Missionary Baptist Ipdian agent, on account of their having built a dam across the Trochee, lstween Wads worth and Pyramid Like, which prevents the trout from asoeuding the river, and a few daya since thev undertook to remove the obstruction. The citizens rained 8100 by subscription, which they gave to a man to go down and blow up the dam with giant powder. The charge uaed was five pound* of the jmwder, and the explosion is described as having been terrific. The charge of giant powder was sunk ou tlie upjsT aide of tlte dam. and when the explosion took place a column of mud and water was thrown up to the bight of nearly a hundred feet, long pine trees that had floated down the river and lodged against the dam, were lifted sev eral feet into the air and raimsl down everywhere. The man who fired the cltarge had screened himself In*hind a big cotton-wood tree, and dowu among the limits of this trs came crashing a rock of fifty pound* weight, causing him to do some lively dodging, as he was in doubt as to which able of the trie the rock would come down. The dam was totally destroyed, and doubtless great number* of fish killed, but the man who Intoned the "blow-up" did not stop to look for fish. He traveled from that vicinity at a livelv |>aoe, as he pxjiected the Indians to ta\u> his trial as soon as they dtseovertxl what he hail done. The blowing up of the dam gave free passage up the river to the tront, and there is now some fishing na high up as Keno, but I was told that Balcomo and the Indians arc at work nutting in another dam. In case no fisn-way is left in this dam, the people of Reno will send down a party of forty or fifty men to blow it up. They will also endeavor to make Mr. llnleome and the Indians understand that no such dam will le allowed to be built across the river. The Indians hare been taking trout by the ton at tlie dam. The Rcnoites say that in case the dam is allowed to stand, and the trout are pre vented from ascending the river to spawn, there will not te a dozen fish left in either the river or lake in three years. Very Hard ou lite Old Rent. A widower 05 years of age. living in Ohio, has a family of seven children und a fortune of 850,(J00. Three of the chil dren are aons grown to manhood. The old gentleman having lived for some time single, aud Iteiug still stalwart ami hearty, desired to experience onoe more that wedded felicity he once knew . He paid attentions to a liuly living in the neighborhood in so serious a manner as to lead to the supposition that he intend ed to marry her. To this the family objected, and the auger of the sous be came so excessive that they threatened violence to the aged author of their being, and watched carefully the office of the proltatc judge to nee that he did not steal a march on them by obtaining a license. The old gentleman, with iKTsevi-rence, got a license, and was married by a squire of the township. But upon going home with his wife, the sous met him at tlie door, collared him and used him otherwise roughly, and refused him ad mission. Their conduct wna HO violent, thnt he concluded to yield temporarily, and vent mid stayed at n neighlxir'a. The next day he swore out a warrant against them, and they were brought before a magis trate, who bound them over to keep the peace. While at the place of trial, they could scarcely Ih> kept from iuaulting the old gentleman in the very ptlrlieus of the court No further steps have been token yet. HINODIO.- Hinging in the family adds greatly to the interests of devotional ex ercises, especially among children. It makes the family altar and home circle a pleasant place. The in Hnances of vocal music of a social character have always been very happy indeed. Show us the family where good music is cultivated, where the parents ami children are ac customed often to mingle their voices together in song, and we will show yon 'one, in almost every instance, where pence, harmony and love prevail, ami where the greater vices have no abiding place. HALE OF IMPORTED CATTLE.— At a HHIC of imported cattle in Philadelphia, Heifers sold at prices ranging "from $425 to 8275. A three-year-old cow brought gißo. The whole lot, 19 iu number, was sold, the bidding l>eing very spirited. A Guernsey cow sold for $520, another for $3510, and another, bought by Mr. Winaor of Connecticut, for $3lO. pigs and lxiors from the Prince Cfctiflort s show at Windsor, England, sold from SSO to S6O. Several ponies and fancy dogs brought good prices. A Mronre Case. Judge Scudder, of the Now Jersey Bu l>n'Uii' Court, at New llruuswiek, kiwi ■ U fore him oue of tlu< moat extraordinary I'IUHW that the uunuU of crime in New Jersey have ever borne on record. Mr. Theodore WilletU, proprietor of the Itrooklyn Opera House, and Mm Anna ! M. Yates, a kwly of weaitii, beauty, and hitch social standing, appeared in court iu< prisoners charged with Mtibordiuatiou of murder. They were brought from the jail U|MIII a motion by their counsel, Mr. Strouic, for their releaae upon lil. The person upon whose althlav it they were arrested is James batter, who dur i inic lust year WHS employed as a sort of | valet by Mr. Samuel Whitehead, a re s|eetxl ami wealthy citizen of Washing ton, N. J. Mr. Whitehead i* the father of Mm. Yutea, and the father-in-law of Mr. Willutbi. 1 hitter's affidavit, made, lie says, under the prompting* of his iwuKtencn and the apprehension of death, staU-s, that on or al*ut the first of Julv, 1870, Mr. WtlWtta, Mm Willetts, and >frs Yates iifftml hiiu SI,OOO and a home for the remainder of his life if he would serve them by killing his employer. They suggested that he shouhi "get tlie old man drunk" aud huru the house with Mr. Whitehead in it. Their reasons for having Mr. White head put out of the way were unknown to Hatter, but he sup|>o*ed it was for tlie purjioee of soeuring his property. A month later, liaxter say* he mode the attempt, pouring oil npou the floor of Mr. Whitehead's Itedrootu. After the old geiitlemati lutd retired the house was burned, but Mr. Whitehead oacapnd through a window to the roof of a shed, after he had la-en badly burned. On another occasion h<- was requested by Willetts aud Mm Yates to entice Mr. Whitehead to the ltarn and tlieu kill him, but this scheme fell through. He was then hired to waylay Mr. Whitehead and kill him, but this he did not dare to do for fear he would be killed by an other hired uian. Tkia is the sulottance of Ilaxter'a affidavit The prisoners deny it. lu August of last year a paragraph went the rounds of the New Jersey jxt liers which said that Mr. Samuel White icail, of Washington, had been bodly burned" in his I**l at kit house, near the briek-yords of which he was owner. It was also stated that a servant threw some rags saturated with keruaeue oil into the room. The servant's motive was un known, but the |Ntragraph said that it was supposed to be uii account of a j>etty spite. It is currently reported that White head's children, who are all wealthy, have never been on good terms with him r with each other. No longer ago tliau last February, Samuel Whitehead, Jr., was fined £•> 1 for committing an assault niton his brother-in-law, Mr Willetts, who, he lielieved, was conspiring to gain all of Whitehead senior's property. Judge Scudder, njsm hearing the arguments of counsel, decided to hold the prisoners in 82.1*."0 each to amwrr at the next term of court Ilress Materials. Drew materials for Spring and Summer wear are in the soft, delicate, neutral tints, which trim so prettily with a darker shade. Among these is a new fabric —a chene poplin, with inoltair finish, twenty H-ight inches wide, and only '25 cents j>er ymrtl This chene poplin is in all sluides and tints, and will trim neatly with the material, making a v>-ry inex js-iiMve dress for ordinary wear. Japan ese serge and foulard ore composed of silk aud wool.soft.and draping gracefully, the serge having a twilled surface, and the foulard plain, and tx>th are in the mode, buff anil light blown tints so fashionable, aud are sold from 81 to 81.25 |>er yard. Pongees are ligbt. glossy, and of excellent quality in the gray shades, at $1.25 pervard. Plain mlf colorvx) cambrics, with a strqie for a lionlering. are sold at 85cents per yard, and figured lawns as low as 25. llie buff liuen will be much used for street wear, and tlie furnishing houses display very stylish suits, the onlv ques tion is, will the ruffles, folds, plaiting, and edging look well after wasliiug. A new fabric is called chamhertine, cum- Siised of linen aud cotton, la is for unimer suits, in delicate browu tints, and not more than twenty inches wide, but costing only 25 cent* s yard. Irish poplins is Ike most desirable of |Kiplins, as it has a heavy rep-like grw grain silk, and is now aokl at 82 jx-r yard. The French poplin* are not so heavy, and vary in price from $1.25 to 8175. White repped pique will lie in demand for suits, ss white is to be much in vogue for wear st the seaside, and for the street, and is held st from 4b to 70 cents a yard. — New York J'njter. WEART or Ltr*.— l wonder that no skillful doctor has ever thought it worth his while to investigate how many pro pie die annually, not in rousequeuee of any disease to speak of, but merely l>e- OHuae they an- tired of life ; liectmse out of the tnnnoil, and tlie fret, and the maddening excitement, and the sicken ing suspense, they drop into the grave, just an a man weary of the noise of some great city thoroughfare, turns aside from his fellows into the blessed quiet of some unfrequented court or alley, to walk there all alone. We cannot tell—they eoukl not tell—why they do it; wo and tliey ran only understand that, worn and wearv with the business of existence, and faint with tramping over life's stony 1 lavements, there comes a time when, caving all memorv of past enjoyments and all hojs's of pleasures to come, the man or the woman deserts the beaten tracks of life, and craves for nothing better than to lie wrapped under the green turf till the Judgment Day. Trav elers who droop by the way, yon may remark ; soldiers who fall out of rank, are unworthy of the uniform they wear; but, oh ! friemls, Jt is not given to every one to l>car the scorching heat and the biting cold, the blustering wind niul the pelting rain, with snblime equanimity. HAVTNO BOMEFUW.—In Pittsburg,Pa., two mischievous boys got alxtard a loco motive, and reversing the engine, started it along the track. Thov stuck gamely to their posts until a fearful rato of siie<>d was attained, and then, frightened, both jumped safely off, and the engine and teuder swept like a streak of lightning through the long depot, and in coming in contact with the bui|>ern or heavy timlier-guards at the terminus of the track, shivered them into splinters ami broke the gate into fragments, Gaining the wharf, the engine was somewhat checked in its wild course toward the river by a deep gutter, but it plowed its way, to the great damage of cobble stones, tome forty feet beyand the point of escape from the roils, nnd there halted with the wheels deeply imlwxlded in the earth. The locomotive was somewhat injured—the cow-catcher being com pletely destroyed. Had the accident oc curred during the business hours there might have lieen loss of life attending it. The lioys who caused all the trouble were not to lie discovered after the acci dents. THE action of the Chicago Grand Jury in discharging from custody P. A. Leon ard, who was in prison for killing Dr. 8. E. Headland, his brother-in-law, some weeks ago, lias created considerable exeitement in that eity, and is generally denounced by the Press. The Huraea of Hew Tart. The New Y'ork correapondeut of the Troy 7Yfna* furnishes the following home note*: The entire value of horseflesh owned here, including auiuinls of toil, cannot be loss than two millions. The showy turnouti iu the Central Park keep up a spirited competition, and the Park has done uiueh to create the present rage for fine hago*, and our fast young men can uurdly pass a half-hour'* chat without introducing the feats of their 44 ponies." Charles Astor limted has aaid that twenty yearn ago there were but three really fine teams in the city, tail at present you can count them up uutil the list lieouwea weari some. Hittoe 1810, the price (if uot the value) of flue horses has increased four fold. or as s merchant would aay, 4thl |ier cent In 1858, 44 Flora Temple was sold, and sueh was the popularity of the famous more that slie brought what was then considered the enormous sum of £B,OOO ; but that looks smsil uow. Just see how the figures advance. In 1802, 44 California Damsel" brought §II,OOO. In 1804, Bonner astonished the world byfjmyiug §13,500 for the Auburn horse. But his subsequent prices were of a still more astonishing character. In lbfifi, be paid 825,000 for 44 Yonng Pocahon- and the next year he wa* glad tu become the owuer of 44 Dexter," even at the round price of §33,000. Mr. Bon ner had then over $120,000 invested in oil animals, whose uncertain value may W show ii by the fact that the Auburn buns- died after an illness of a lew days, a hile "Flora Temple" aan disabled by an arcideut. The prices just mentioned have no relatiou to precise value. Wlieu rich men compete for anythiug, whether it tie for a book, a picture, or a horae, the value of money is not reckoned. Pos session is their object, and this must be obtained at wliatever price may be re quired. It does uot make any differwuee to Bonner bow much be pays for a horse. He simply gives a piece of paper bear ing some figures, signal with his name, with the addition of a cancelled revenue stamp. This is a very easy way to get a horse, and whether the figures are larga or small pi not of the slightest impor tance, ao long as the animal be secured. Indeed, the owner of 44 Dexter " made a mistake in uot asking a higher price. Commodore Vunderbill was desirous of making the same purchase, and the fig nrea might liave been §00,(100 instead of 833,000. Well, it would not have re quired any more ink after all. From §33,000 to' SIOO,OOO may aoern a large step, and yet the latter price is demanded for the famous 44 Hambletouian," whose colts are now among the best trotter* in the country. A (A*DE>R*H ADVICR. —Always culti vate with your evi* turned toward the nearest market. T"his ought to be the first rule for n farmer, for, without con veniences to sell your products at fair prices, and to get yoor manures easily and cheap, farming will not pay well, if it pava at all. " ltnic early in the morning," and hare vonr t-rrm on everything. A good start u worth many an hour of labor through the day." Be your own overseer and foreman. Yon are no longer an fndepaodetrf man sa noon as there is an indispensable in dividual upon your farm. Be ready to Srt with the best, and to take his place. tat will do away with exactions ami impertinence. lie kind, just, and fair, in dealing with your hands; but " keen up your hedge*." In other words, don't let others interfere with your authority. Let order be the farm's first law. Disorder and neglect are very expen sive. Have your cattle gently trusted ; you will save many a valuable animal, and prevent many a sad accident. Take core* of all the tools, and have the best onea ; they are the cheapest after all. Don't neglect good advice, but do uot accept it readily from every one ; ami, chiefly, do uot consult your helps ; you are sure to spoil them. Keep up your authority, auyuow. Keep a ledger of expeusr and profits ; and. again, "rise early in the morn ing." . A Pretty Picture, Ik Marvel, in his " Reveries of a Bach elor," thuK prettily describes the <• boat ing of the Miserere in the Statute Chapel at Rome, in all probability to be, if it is uot already, a thing of the j*t: "The twelve candlesticks by the alter arc put out oue bv one H the service progresses. The sun liaa gone down, and only the red glow of twilight steals into the win dow*. There is a j>anae, and a brief reading from a red-coated cardinal, and all kneel down. Tlie sweet, mournful flow of the miserere begins again—grow ing in force and depth, till the whole chapel sings, and the balcony of the choir tremble* ; then it subsides again into the long, soft wail of a single voioe —so prolonged —so tremulous—and so real, that the heart aches, and the start—for Christ is dead ! lingering yet, the wail dies, uot wholly, but just its it seemed expiriug, it is caught np by auotlicr and stronger voice that carries it on, plaintive iu ever ; uor doe* it stop with this—for, just as you looked for al ienee, three voices more begin the laineut —wweet, touching, mournful voices, and hear it up to a full cry, when tlie whole choir catch its burden, and make the lament change into the wailing* of a multitude—wild, shrill, hoarse—with soft chants intervening, a* if agony had given foroe to auguish. Then, sweetly, slowly, voice by voice, note by note, the waitings sink into the low, tender moan of a single singer faltering, tremulous, as if fear checked its utterance, and swelling out as if de*]Mur sustained it." DINNER DRESSES are mode this season with a deuii-train, the ftill and court train Wing reserved more particularly for reception and evening toilets. We were shown an elegant dress of pure Irish poplin, in color an English violet, which merits description. Two bias ruffles six inches deep trim the underskirt The lower ruffle in lox plaits ; the upper gathered, headed by a bios band and two narrow standing ruffles. The front breadth ia trimmed en tnblier in the same manner. The overnkirt is long and open in front, trimrawl with one ruffle, lioAded by a bias lnud and two narrow ilutiiigs. The basque has n ruffle and fringe around the edge. The neck ia miuare and tilled in with elaborate pnfls of Valenciennes lacc. Flowing alaevea with a ruffle and lace. A PRACTICAL HERMON.— 'What a text for a sermon 011 simplicity is contained in the remark of a little girl of ten years of nge : " Mamma aays that my sea side trousseau will cost twelve hundred dollars !" The child who at ten is thus fitted up for fusbiouablolife, and thinks enough alxint it tc speak of it in such a way, will, at twenty, require ten times that sum to conceal her loss of freshness and simplicity. THIRTEEN gold bars, a portion of the treasure stolen from the Santa Martha mail, have been recovered. The twelve robbers worn saptursd, bat one aiuce | esssped. If boys can parse sentences easily a* school, it does not follow that they wil' make good judges. Incident* In Pari*. The Paris oumwpoudeui of the London Timet, tells these stories : There is something passing strange in the aspect of familiar (daces In Paris. In the Place Vendoine ore gathered the < lenerals of the Revolution. A ''dntAooe •like" of pavtug stones at tmch end gives the ulaoe the look of • sheep part U* Gal loway. At the place w Item a sheep might go in a black auxxhl gtut peej* out, and those who go in first find strung* figures sauntering about A fat abop kcoper iu full rig, a long-haired bony Republican, a man with a elub-fout, one with a hunch on his hart, soMWa, sail ors, tinker*, tailors, gnarda, and black guards of every sort and loud are there looking and chatting and playing at lU-volutiun with the most perfect sosy froid aud good humor. At lite Hotel de Vdle is another set af I ilryatone dikes, and a large flock of aa iMecuniary ueceraity for his labor ing at all, and "he seta type purely from love of tlie art which he has followed so long. He commenced to set type iu 17'JH seventy-three years ago -and lias continued at the business ever since. The venerable gentleman is still lisle and heurty. He is held in high esteem bv the proprietors ami attaches of tlie ofcoe. •' How BAD Yoo no Loo* I"—Don't any that Why not give the poor, sickly on* an encouraging word, instead ? It will be far better. Yon may be startled to find your friend, or your neighbor, or some stranger whom you meet, looking so ill But don't show yoor surprise ; keep your self-possession, and do not at tempt to express syraimthy by telling him he looks "poorly," or "terribly, or "shockingly." I Hie such word is sometimes enough to topple over all a poor fellow's courage and leave him shiv ering in depths of despondency. Speak cheerfully always to the sick. Look at the 1 letter side. Keep up their hojie by leading them to see now well they are, rather than how sick they are. How THEY DO IT.— At midnight the census of Great Britain is taken. A list for that purpose is carefully prepared nnd distributed to every bouse and lodg ing in the kingdom, mid the blanks are to be correctly filled for every person sleeping under the roof on the night specified. A penalty uf thirty-five dollars for any misstatement, and-the inconven ience and annoyance sf appearing before two justices of the peace and being con victed of a willful misstatement of age or any other particulars, insures general correctness THE Amerieau Steamship Company advertise for proposals to build four first class iron steamships, to be of from 8,000 to 3,350 tons burthen ; the bids to be opened on the Ist of August. TKHMB : Two Dollars ft Yoar, in Advance. A Nwu la Coart. A California paper gives iu the eloain# scene in the trial of Laura Fair, for murder ft a*ya: At * (/dork the jury sent word to the ' Htwriff that Hem which it would always be well to consider. Mating aa it does, both to future convenience and wmy. This ia to mahe the *nrfae.> of the floor contain a certain number of yarda. Cat* pet merchants angaptaiu of the trouble caused by the almost universal neglect of this simple precaution, and customers complain of the expense, which, in mntty cases, is only the result of their own carelessness. Even where it is not poaai ble to make a door to contain even yards, it can be made to have no fractional part* of feat; and yet this ia not always done. It ia not a mailer of the utmost iiuporUaot 1 * but it ia one certain!jr worthy of consideration in fixing the di mensions of rooms to make them of a size to secure economy in carpeting. VERT PHOBAHUL— The Bridgeport F.irmar tells a remarkable story in regard to what, not many yearn ago. would have been considered a miracle. It says that in the "old Division street graveyard" at Bridgeport there a marble dab marking the grave of Robert Linus Backus who died on the 10th of Febrn arr, 18M. aged 12 years and 9 months. On the reverse Of the stone is a stain whioh represents a woman grasping a club with which die a in the actof strik ing ; all attempts to obliterate the stain by scraping are ineffectual, and '* we are told" that this is the fifth stone which has marked the spot, the preceding ones having been removed on account of their inveterate tendency to represent the same aoeue. The legend ounnectad with this gingilar circumstance is that the child was killed by its mother. HK MBKITH SVOCKBS.— The auccesful photographer's appeal to the baby i "Hi yi ! [begius to dance] Howdy dowdy ! Ding-a-ling-ling! Whoopee ! [Throws up his ! Yon ! Yon ! Bah tih-h-h ! [Soowls horribly. 1 See, here ! There 1 there ! there ! thing, ehung ! Ratty tat 1 tat! tat! [Demonical grin. I Testy-teety 1 Diddle ! diddle ! diddle 1 800 ! 800 1 800 ! Oh, now 1 Look here! here! Dad ! dad ! dad ! Sngar ! sngar ! sngar ! sugar ! Rickety-riekety riekety 1 Dnm ! Bum ! Bam ! Ah-an ah ! There ! Uiere !" [Rag falls. Artist perspires. Momma delighted.]—Louis riiie Courier-Journal. How TO TKLL THEM —The new lwgus five cent uiekels, of Which there is a large number in circulation, nan be detected by au inspection of the motto, '* In God we trust," which is mash larger in the counterfeit than the genuine. f , The yel low color of the counterfeit, caused by the presence of zinc, is also easily notice able. WHISKY MAKING. —There are 306 grain distilleries in the country, and they can make 210,283 gallons a day. Add the molasses distilleries, and there is a pro duction of 216,354 gallons. The con sumption is 230,000 gallons per day, or 16,000 gallons more than is produced. Tim Kb:** bin jpolm? Qftawahbwie tetl tad sartM qnM* j v. The nnx*rin*twfti£h!> ss*w .task mis dqiaiy Wwit i And curfeweleeks, with sMwenrto stroke, rti 6t test. Us. IL ttjto* m-I JI ,■ -..% lir, , ,j-t A^.lla r rnvn nuivw ikrikhp •wo wimmu •hum Ttui rrif-krt Aat rhi rfi fUMFvIUMkBt ItTl ! A-iHP s-emaugft Tt* Idee eon* p, with tMfttetott* Through all the loamy * i; ; His whirling wheel h nuller stops-. Ttie swilia Ms eikmt envtt learse; His ringing Jotawr Jteffc- 8 Nc more Ot* www* weave*; His hated auto the psdrfler preps Beneath the tevsrw swww. |Jg A lWLhMh,a toauqeH tal. As g the weeMftr wrk * <*r Wts lifted ot, sodTWt IS calm, Bsrvadss the iwlel tftr; A sense ss of* abent peshw. A fMiioff ss of prayer- Por nmr theuteht. wHheeuUiii K•*. to friend*, a low inclination of toe bead rwyfe Po-tum-pi-ho-ga, an Indian chief near Chevmnte, teW * doMfer he wee only lurtv reua old, had token two hundred snips, and had toe delirium tcscncns fifteen tones. Colonel Ban James haa introduced into the penitentiary oner whack ha praudce in Louisiana, a new regulation. H- rmftex all priaonera are to be waabed before ironed. The Grand laty of Clueago, toitod to find an indictment against P. A. leoa ird for the kilting of Dr. Swmlnd, hi* hrotber-in-taw, and he waa discharged from autoif. Ere was the only wwaan who never threatened to go and live with Mima. And Adam wm the only nan who never tantalised hie-wife about "toe way mother need fo cook." Baa IriadMt, wheee am *i tart coin hitherto has been a five cent piece, ia now anxious for penniea. two cents, and three rent pieces, and the Twwewnr is arrangements to distribute them KM A Scotchman's defSmtton