| CENTRE HALL REPORTER FRIDAY, MAY, H WL. LOCAL ITEMS. I LOCAL HEWS.-Our friend- will oblige I us bv sending in anv item* of local inter on, including marrin :• -Sc., I such are oagtrly read by your friend* in" the west, many of whom get the Reporter. L We would esteem it n favor if our kind pa ' . • i v mail a opy the Reporter to relative* and acquaintaa- I x-os who formerly lived in Centre county j nnd removed toother pail*, which would i induce many to become subscribers, i BLANKS - Blank Summons, Yendu I Botes* Execution*, and Judgment and Hi -mpti-m Note combined. JuRTK, on this six! < of ihc county, i* now greater than that of any two papers in the s county, hence btisiiuss men who wish to reach the lVnn-vnlloy trade, wilt advance their own interests, hv ax! vol I tisinp in th > RBFOKTEU. Our subacrir .tkm list is ojun to the inspection of a!/ i * who wish to advertise. ♦ ♦ ♦ I GOLPKV PotVTA'LN PLCN SOMETHING * new and novel, tie >urv and read the MI-J vertisemcnt in our paper, hesdixl "Great est Invention of the -Vira. W 0 believe j 1 old. Agent*, here is A chance t > make monev in introducing a ROOD and saleable article. jan 27 .V J a a m * O I \;> V V S-, ,i- > : UKPTXITTTRY ' ... : Amors, a' >.m lay Bs' ' I \ :i a. ss.. I cielx." and > >:d •c". at their catalogue i pric the n r.ihf.i a-*erton, of >elt , ■ 1: >t:-.e contrary ntwith- ■ I aprtLSm Brokerhofl'-Row, Uellefontr | Fre-h Garxlen, Flower. Fruit. Herb. Tree A. and Fv - u Fe-d*. pre pa -1 bv mail, with direction* for culture.! I Twenty-five differ -ns packet* of either j 5 tlass for 3pl,ft*. The-;x el.;—c- L tAk'tO lb-. Kxergre* i ami Tree Seeds A As; 'i. Fear, Cherry, *VC-t lira-- Seed*, f H,- I"; base, t " snussh. Turnip, and all V .--table and Kloxvx-r I s ,k . Si 1 ■-. 1. If Yerbeaua. Ac, by mail, prepaid. New II Go'.dx Banded Japan Lily. owe- Friccd g I -,-riptiv • Catalogue -nl to any plain ■ add*---, grai.-. Ag- wani i. A Vhole. j *ale List Clubs and the Trade **i > ■.! on comm --ion I B \. W ATSON. Old Cokm\ Nurseries I iiJ Seed Warehn>e, Plymouth, ishcd in 1842. lOftb.Siu A supplement to an act iucerjiora* ting toe Aaronsburg water pipe eoui i panv, passed the house, at Harrisburg, f on 29th u!t. Tie Rough A Ready Curnplantcr, ma: >:f tn iby the CVlitre Hall Mfg 1 : v, is -t"!l having an enormous demand—i-r.e acent, in a few days sold [ over It' > planters. Farmers, retuetn kr tb - i- the best planter made, and you s' ■ ;:M : :v :: r.e until seeing this one. f Fn:r_—O- Saturday morning last, , !-• is- 2 oVioek a. in. Mr Geo. F. R _ tern's Restaurant, Rowling Alley and I duelling burned to a.-lies iu less thau j halt" an hour. Ihe fire was first dis ' covered about half past 1 o'clock and i before two 2 o'clock the uhole fabric [ had tumbled down and was a pile of lii:.- nirg ruins. The account books, nil (:' the furniture, the bedding, the wearing tipparel ofhis wife and family, las woiinsall his own clothes, except [tin > j;t he I rtl on in Lock Haven, S i • was iu Lock Haven when the V; fire- occurred were consumed. Hi- wife and children and the other inn..;! fti e dwelling made a vary ? narr ve- ;>e. Mrs. K<>nian alter he roically saving her children, two In* s teresting little Ikjvs, saved herself, by jumping in her night clothes, from a j H ecud story window. Frank Gal- Ibraith deserves credit for the heroism land presence of mind displaysd by hini |cn the cevasion. He lost a box of tci'i* and all his clothing.—liepubh |XC W. s The nu .-l magnificent stock of boots ci d rhccs— the beat assortment in i Btfilcfuiitc, at IlurnsideA Thomas's. I The Lord's Supper will b; admiuis ! t„. d by R- v. Grub, in the L>op, <>n lay forenoon, 14th inst. Mr. IVm. Siioope. one of the hands jin the smUhshop of the MFg Co., of [this place, met with an accident last W(. k. which caaie nigh costing him an eye. He was endeavoring to break alr of beaked steel, a piece of which sprung up and struck Lini across the right eye. cutting it severely and r bum in .th white of that organ close up to the pupil. The accident caused hini several days of severe suffering. f The greatest satisfaction given at Burt:sides it Thomas's. I.adirs, f "charge, for love or money, for ele ihant's tracks, like time and tide, wait br no man. Selah. Many persons cry against circuases, because they take all the 6crip out of t neighborhood, but this circus was an exception, for, on account of the in elcincncyof the weather, the scrip did not come in, and the circus had to ap propriate its surplus taken at Millheim nd leave it for its hotel bill here, got their stamps. Selah. circus cuss took Jake Solt's cap K|'o:ig- Jake can still be seen, free of Khargc, but his cap has gone where the E<\viH)dt)iuc twinetli." Selah. K| pie gross expenditures of the circus fcompaoj'f I*' day, are S6OO, but on Kc'uunt of the inclemency of the Kaatber, the stamps taken in here amount to only fill. **lab. A circus cuss picked the |>ocket o \Y. lliirkins, obtaining his pocket boo! with $:•(> in cash, and acvcmi huudrvt dollars in other |ia}>ct. We artearn fer the bad luck of our friend Billy but on account of the inclemency o tho wiathet the circus cusses ueedex - stamps, and were wicket! enough t( steal from Mr. Ilarkins what thrx could not get honestly otherwise. \V are sorry. At Miilheim the crowd that weut tt see the show was large. o- Boots and Shoes at the very loweal price at liunsnlc* A Thomas'*. C*MHD\ra Candidates for the Ail I nomination* are already looming up. S< tar a* we can remember the uaiiie* men boned, the following persona are uaoied *■ • candidates: For Associate Judge Judge Hotx-rm*ii and Col. Love of Fotter ; \V. 1. Mu*ser ot lVnn ; Judge Alli*oti of Howard; Sherit! Conley of Rentier. For Treasurer we hear of T. Yearivk it Ilaiues; Col. \Y eaver of Mllesburg ; J, I*. Bamhart of Spring, l)r. Dobbins of Bell.* fon to For Ixx-prxvenutix t —Cluster Muitson, of I'hilipsburg; Lr Van Yalsuthol Boal>- burg ; t apt. Hunter of Halfmoon, and also a rumor that representative Meek w ill be a candidate lor re-election. For District Attorney,— J. F. l'otter, I>. F Fortuey and deputy sheriff NVilliam*. all of Beltofonte. We direct the attention t our readers to the law caul of Ira C Mitchell, iu another column Mr. Mitchell's etiiineare as a law yer i too well known in central l'ennsyl vania. to need any re-viutuendation from u*. * ♦ s The chcajH-st nnd largest stock of hats. Pilots will astonish you at Bumside A Thomas's. The ULpute as to the point of intersec tio.i, be. wi en the Snow>hoe company and tho L C. it S. C. KR., may now lie con idereil assculid; the engineer, Mr. Leaf ier, hav ing designated the place to M it s jKiint between the farms of Saui I IJilli land and J' S Foster, in llarris—a distance ofl' miles from Thomas's mill near Belle- Ii fonts. The Suo*>!u> company, w un derstand. have agreed to accept thi*. Lo-r. —My boy John 11. Denny, left Mr. Smelua r near Tine grovs Mill*, last " j fall lie is about 15 year* old. Any in " ! formation of hi* whereabouts will be \ ; thankfully received by hi* afflicted moth* j er, Mr-, Elizabeth Muster, Tyrone, Pa. t The people of the Loop must beer in - mind that Kerlin's -tore is conducted with , i a view to their wants, in every particular. | j The best and cheapest goods are now of . j fered—Al's new stock is ths host and nieti I complete ever before offered in that sec- i tion. Call and see for yourselves even if j you do not wish to buy. • • —— Fishing tackel of all kinds and va ] rieties, 33 per cent, lower than any j other place, at Burn side A Thomas's. -o-e ' — The fo'.K-wiug item from the Tyrone . j Herald shows that the railroad work, at the ! western end is not at a stand sttll: ! The Engineers on this end of the Lewis ' . burg. Centre & Tyrone railroad, have al- ] - ; ready located about one mile of road, com mencing at the switch at the weigh scales i • above the roundhouse, and crossing the ; 1 old Bald Eagle road. The work will be • pushed a* rapidly as the weather will al- \ ' low. We have reason to be.ieve that work | ■ will be commenced upan this end of the j ' road very soon. Contractor* are now iu ' order. Then picks and shovels. Tha road ■ ' from Tyroneito Penu-ylvania Furnace will j - j doubtless be hnished this season. , j PRICES* REDUCED, at J. Wai tr * A Son's Carriage Manu j : factory. Milroy. l'a. mayo.6m. If you waut to we Markers! three I inches thick, without heads or tails on. go to Buruside & Thomas's. Yovxa America.— Last Wednesday ! morning, a little son of D. C. Keller, of j ! j this plncc. aged about 2i years, went into ' j his fathers -table, untied His fathers niaro, : and led her off through the alley, and j through it part of the town, passing our j office, when he ws obaer-ed and relieved of duty. The little fellow said he wanted i to go t • hi grand pa, to take a ride. DEATHS. > On the 20 ult. in Haines twp„ an infant r. daughter of William and Susannah Stover, , . aged 23 days. ! I On the 20 uIL, In Haines twp , Mr*. Ma | rv Jane Iloush, wife of Je-s Koush, aged j 42 years, 2 months and 18 day*. J On 24th ult. in tirceg two.. Simon Gift. ' I aged 71 years. 2 mouths, and 18 day*. | On the 14.h instant, in Greene townshiu. j Clinton co., Michael Kerstetter, aged CS j years, 10 months and 3 day*. MARRIAGES. On Wednesday evening April 20th at I the residence of the bride * parent*, by j Rev. S. D. Bennington. Mr. Henry A. linger to Miss Julia A. Bard both of ' Snowshoe Intersection this county, On Sunday evening 23th ult., in Rock ; villi*, by the Rev. Mr. Sifert. Mr. Geo. II j Cndo of Rebersburg to Miss Laura J, | Blackford ofMilesbug, Pa. I RA C. MITCHELL, Attorney at Law, 1 llellefonte. Pa. Office in Garman, t new building opposite the Court House, may&tf. MILROY MARKETS Corrected by Reed A Thompson. R*d wheat 1,38 Rye 80 Corn M OaU 47 • Barley Cloverseed 4,0U Timothy seed 4,00 Salt 2 50per sack, Bacon ft*- Ham 22 Butter 25... Egg -20 Piaster ,5U BBLLEFONTK MARKETS. Corrected by Keller ft Musser. White Wheat $1,35, Red ISO Rye.— 7> Corn AO Oats .40 Barley 0. 70 Cloverseed S,'JO Potatoes 0,90 Larl per pound I2i Porkjper pound 09. Butter 30 Eggs 20. PUiterper Ron flu Tallow 10 Bacon 121 Hain 15 Good News for the Ladies. MPItIXU OPENING OF Bon lifts, Trimming*. Milliner), at MRS. MARY E. SHOOPE'S Id Centre Hall. Mrs. M. K. Shoop. hasjustreturned from Philadelphia, with tho LATEST FASH IONS, and a complete stock of Xac lionnetU, New Hats, Elegant Trimming *, ice', which will be sold or made up, as usual at reasonable price*. The new styles are very pretty. Ladle* call and see them early. First come, first #.--r\ ed. apr2B.4t j Valuable Fram at PUBLIC SALE Will be offered at public *ale, On Saturday, May 27th 1871. the valuable farm belonging to the estate | of Samuel Weaver, of Gregg twp., deed, 1 containing 263 Acr- 8 of Land more or less, of which about 180 acre* are ' ck-Hr and the balance consisting of excel- lent white oak, chestnut and pine timber- ' land. Thereon are erected two good two-story dwel- GBbTT7]ji 1 ling Hou-es, two bank Mai §!k barns, and all necessaryt outbuildings, with good running water on \ the premises, and four Orchards of the g choicest of all kinds of fruit. This farm H will be offered as a whole, or can be bought in tracts, as may suit purchasers, as fol lows. One tract of 130 acres. One tract of 126 acres, whereon is one of * the houses and barn* aforesaid. y One tract of 35 acres also containing a house and bar k barn. There is an orchard upon each tract. 0 This farm adjoins lands of Henry Duck, a M eli. Tikbens and Jno Rossman, and if j not sold on above day can be purchased at private sale, at any time thereafter. Sale to co uwence at 1 o'clock. W. WEAVIR, '] Das. Weaver, apr'2B. Executors I The Tomb of Washington -A vlsli if to ML Vernon. k ' . Correspondence of the Reporter, it y Having arrived safely in the "Arrow," w< * wended our way up the hill until wecatm jj- to the Tomb of Washington. Within i i plain brick vault, having a gate of Iror Oars, are |.l*ce,l two beautifully carved mar i>!c sarcophagus in whichyost the rruiainsol OfS Washington and his wife. On a mar 1 Me stab in the back wall of the vault art engiaved the words—"! atu llie rcmrrredioii 0 and the life ;he that beliovrth ou me though he were dead, yet shall he live." Never as lung as uieutoiy can recall the d momenta spent at that spot ran I forget the thoughts which thers thronged nty mind. Kver sines my child-heed when 1 learned the | lorious history of Washington, my -ou) lias done him homage, but 1 never 1 j realised what a brave, galleut, noble hear ted, nan be was until 1 stood at bis tomb and remain be red what a glorious life he n |,. . ■ lived. Alter linger. tig lor some time near the house of the ben.-red dead, we proceeded j. to the home which his presence gladdened while living The first room we entered wa the Library; the walls are lined with empty biv.k-ca.es the only Airuiture iu the room. The adjoining apartment is very small and entirely empty. Nest we came to the West Farlor; a fire-hearth at once reminded us of ancient times, a portrait officii W one of Mrs. W , an old fashioned mirror and a copy of ths Farewell addres ; d.orated the walls. An old globe of im j incuse site was all this room contaiueJ. From (here we weut into the dining room, I which is much the largest at well as the . I tine-t room in the building. In onecormr . j is a liible-stand which was made of a wal nut tree which grew on the fartn of Robert ! Morris, Morri.ville Pa., who was one of j the -lgtiers of the declaration of Indcpen | deuce. A great many antiqiue chairs ate I to be seen in (i.is room, each oue having ;i interesting history; one came over iu the : May (lower, and was presented to tien J Washington. An old liarjisichurd which he (.resented to h.- adopted daughter, Kle i j nor Curtis, as a bridal gift, is among the 1 into, esting relics. The mantel in this room I canto front Italy and is exquistTycarved. We then went into the Ka*t Parlor, a very small room the same siae of the west. A gla*s case encl.sc* a brown suit worn by by tien. Washington in the Revolution, several other articles of clothing alt > re mind you ef the great and good man who wore them. A lock of his hair mingled ! brown end grey, it one of the most interest ! ;rg relics. ATrijiod used by Washington in his surveys is in this room also. We j then passed into the lower hell where we j saw the great Iron key of the Bastile, pre sented to Wasington by Lafayette When the prison was destroyed. The first room we entered up stairs was where the pure-pirit uf him, whose name j we all love and revere, took its heavenward High:. Although a number of visitor* wgra passing in and out, all were silent and ihoughtfal, not a sound disturbed tho still ness and I almust fancied I could see a form before me, reposing in the serene j -lumber of death. From there we went to I . tho chamber occupied by Gen. Lafayette when he visited Mt. Vernon. The Airni ture is mostly blue. I believe it i* called the "blue room. '' Kvery thing looks com ifortable, but aneienf In the ettie we saw the small room to which Ma'tha Washington retired imme | diately after the death of her husband, and ; in which she herself died. We then visited I the garden and green-house both of which are in a fine state of cultivation—went ' down to the well, and drank and theu bent i our steps teward the old vault which re ' main* as it wa- - hen the remains of our country's father were taken from it on the ! 19th April 1831. When the Frenchman who had braved many a storm in battle, i wept here long and deeply over the du*t 1 of one of America's noblest m-n, was it a wonder that our eyes were filled with tears, and that we re T embered these men as two glorious stars shining lone and high above all others, and whose lives are such shining light to us ? While sitting there a tranquil influence stole over us so silently and holi ■y that we were loth to obey the signal which bada us to depart. April 11. 71. STARLIUMT. Letter from Missouri. MAHTVILLE, MO., APRIL 24TH, 1871. Dear Editor—! am constantly receiving ' letters from persons in Centre county, who ' -''cm to be very anxious to know all' about j the west but a* it would take all my time in replying to their manv inquiries indi- > vulualfjr, f will address them collectively ! through the columns of the Reporter if al lowed, it not, com-ign tho letter tothc waste , basket where alidead matter goes. Now, [ in the first place, I shall not mention name* out ot respect for the green MM*, but shall \ simply designate characters whereby each one will understand hi* piece. I will first j notice. John's letter whosays that lie would (•mi. west, only he i afraid of the Indians; 1 that he hears of them killing people everr j day and went* to know of me if it is so; j also how they look and how large they are, nod whether the people all go armed her.-, i Now. John, I tell you it take* a man with I a mighty good nerve to look at an Indian the first time without fainting; for, oh heavens, what a monster in human f>>rm, why he has awful ears like those big tobac co leaves that used to grow back of your pig pen, and teth like old fashioned har row teeth, eve* like the head light of an engine and the nose, a* a general thing, is about the size of your* (that is a* near as I remember) and they sometime* attain the enormous hight of pine tree-: and a* to killing people, good heavens, I will not at tempt to describe the scene, as it would stop migration into our country from the east entirely, it is absurd to think that people would gounarined here—every person goes armed to the teeth, carrying no less than, two sixteen twiund howitzers in their vest pocket beside* one huge barlow knife and three or four tooth picks. Now then you can form your own conclusions about com ing west. Next in order comes Sam's let ter, who says that be dont believe a word about the soil being from two to five feet in (i pth and so rich as some say, and futlher add* that knowing me to be a reliable sort of a fellow he wants me to tell him how every thing grow*, such nsgrain and vege tables, which I will nroceed to do as acu rately as possible, M (ar as my knowledge of fainting goe-. I will first speak ot our grain and say that our farmers lose thou sands of bushels every year fiioni the want of room to stack it—the field where it grows iu will not begin to hold it all; farmers must always hmil part of it off to some oth er field to stack it, and a- for poUtora, why i je- hilikens. there is no end to them anil ■ none of your small potatoes either; tin ' buckets and half bushels are no where in comparison. To prove the adaptability of our soil to vegetable*, I wFI relate an inci dent which came near proving fatal to myself. I went out one day for the purposo of planting cucumber seed, and happening in a good spot, I soon had my seeds covered with mother earth and stepped away from the hill two or three steps when 1 heard an unusual noise, and in looking around what should I see but the cucumber up and the vine making for me. I immediately lit out for the fence but ere I reached it the vine. 1 consarn it, wound around my legs nud I full headlong, I made a quick move to get my knife t cut the vine, when horror of horrors, there hung a largo cucumber right over my pocket; death now stured ' ine in the face, but fortunately providon co sent a pig along weighing about nine or ten ewt, which rooted up the vine and 1 was a free man again. Wa adopted a new way to plaiitcucumkers now and have tested it, but it* no go■ the idea wa* this, to lay a rail | road track through the patch and then run u train through and shoot the seeds in tho ground with an old Harper* ferry musket, but it warent no go, they took sprout so quick'and shot up and the vine* , caught up with the engine and wound j around the wheels while ia motion so that ( it jerked them out of root. So you see that ■ cucumber culture is a failure with us, and this was not in our richest ground cither. Several other letters remain to be answered . but as I have already occupied to much space I will close by bidding you all ' adieu. E. G. 1 i . _ i The fiim of Foster A Devling lias dis 1 solved Maj. Forster retiring. The store ( will be carried on by Mr. Devling, who will k be pleased to see all eld customers at the (i old stand, where he will offer merchandise at the lowest prices, and endeavor to ren der the utmost satisfaction to all buyer*. I Mouey invested at Burnable & c Thomas s is tt clear saving 20 to 30 , per cent. „ It S.N. MATTKHV lt>\ trittciiden, tin Sabbath School Missioiiaiy, w li ■ Lalrcady I know a to many of tho friend* of the gool] cause in this county, write* us a letter, #\- e prosive of the good opinion be liti* formed '* iof the S S, in this ulme, and which we a uke the liberty of printing here, belicx n iug it will giv new ciicotir:i£etticnl to nil r * I interested Our Sabbath school scholars >t may well feel proud of this Utter; r- FRIER p Ki kt* Was iot tbst a pretty •e good Sabbath school meeting had la l 4 C entre Hall lal Snbbatb atb-rnooii ' 1 ak i you, because you seemed to be a - much hi -1 lere*ted at any person present Moreoxer. your opinions publicly *i „ pressed and in your kuikly mood, will 0 >iiinulate us to do better next time, if any thing yen observed requtri - improvement | I cannot tell you bow much I enjoyed .1 that gathering of tfunday school workers y j and scholars. The large utu u lance nnd " r respectful attention xx elu most crallfy ing to line Then that < oiniiaiix of bright boy* - I and girls which filled all the front seat's, t, presented a lix nig pie lure delightful to look 0 ii(Kill. If I did not spv.f. xx i to (belli, II ' xva- uot their fault, but in m- Relieve m , you have candidates th. r. f< . high offices; a of trust. There t* m. doubt about il 1 Speed the good work, tern them The . Word, keep them tamp irate and upa i all to become Christian* 1 hope that your 1 pastors will live long eli ugi. to examine , j some of your boys in theology preparatory Ito preaching the Gospel. t itiial as iu things temporal Yours very cordially in Christ, K t'HIT I KNPI.t J Bvllefuiite April I*7l. S > Missionary Mr. Crittenden, on -sin. day \ .sited the Centra Htil Sabbath "*.-b >t which he says: "Last Sabbath w* th • li. : . • that 1 spent in I'elllis x allex Slid ax . tph i-.itiL day it was to me. First, Rt Centre Bill, ll visited a rather small S.i eh •!, <. nr ineneed at nine o cluck, i .;ry of tie' • church, at eleven 0'c10... 1 preached to : a large congregation a* attentive and ap preciative a* any p.eac.u-r . u'd dome 1 What a grand op.' Ity fig a Hblel ' school! So 1 thought. It -i-cmed to me. ' there ought to be in (hat school about four classes more of adult* and a'l *h mid meet in the body ot the church Gttaivaov CORR •JT.UIO L J,T< With in the next three weeks, who ill -a'.e the 1'.1,000 grain* that remain '" We understand that the > . .ic Co., S ■ S. Missionary Corn Company . fast filliiij: j up iu ranks. Numl .r* of boy* and girl* in different parts of the ... •x, a: ■■ prepar- j iug each to plant < ight hd's : corn Gen-, #:al Beavers proposition ha- already ap-j 1 pcared in the RKroRTKe By writing t< htm or calling upon him at Belief Kite Superintendents of S Schools can get a many package*, of 1M gran oh, as they may desire for any ot then clodara ur. in , *.*) ytart q/ yr. Or they can furnish their ;i >. al corn , as we suggested before, giving 11 grain* to; each scholar In the Fall the ears are to be brought to the superintendent- who will deliver them to Gent ral Hoax er The proceeds will be applied to the S S interests of Centre ceunty. The name* ofl schools and scholars engaging iu this good work will be publish.*! in a II.d! of llon.K Don't fail to get and plant al. i tbn • >d corn ! for tba harvest of the Lord hundred |>a> kage* of litis, corn bare leen sen! loth.- KXI-OHTKII ef fico, for the convenience -•! such on this! side as inay dxtire to join the Corn Co Call for a package at oiu-i ■ •' ♦ • ■ Syrup Mulane*, can't be bcut, at lowift price* at Burn.-iJe & Tiionia*'? fcc- CATECHISM. Where do vuu bu\ v> ir It k- ' At Rankin > M-ilet Store. Il'hy do you deal there 1 He is cheap "John H'here is the Store"" i Opposit • Bush II -i.- Bellefonte I'n l) >o# he attend lu order- With promptm : - 1)" M he keep well Stocked ' lli* Stock t# complete Go te this Mode! Storo nnd aave HI'BNSI DK A TlloM A* Offer to tho Public ap, and a great variety of other soaps, at nUKNfTDK a THOMAS Whitman's celebrated confections. Whitman's celebrated chocolate, linker's ch(colate. Smith's chocolate, China Ginger. Kngli*h Picke-, American Pick lea, t BI'RNSIDE 4 THOMAS' SADLEKS BUCKLES hooks, b. 1 spot rings. Everything a saddler w ants for the manufacture of harnes*, to be found at BURNSIDE A TiIOMAM. The New Finn. Herlacher & Cronmiller, CENTRE IIALL. PA New Spring (*oo to Iaac llavrr to buy a g-nxl Sulk cy or Spring wagon II ™ • "*-♦ 1 Take your old invial to Iaao Hut'rr lx allow* more for it than any binly e|e, Ij ct* 111 trade at hi* *hop n G to Ihaac Hvrr to get your Proimr k iv iiMured, <*r your Hore and t w nguoiat accident by the Railroad. Go to 1* *ai Hot rr to buy Stove# a Tin ware of every Description, Japanned,, v Painted A Pre**>d efall kind*. IV 1 . , Gotol*AA(' Hoi i*r to buy dried Cher- j I lie* Willi A without seed*, dried Apple* A , W.-rtle A. Kldcr Bertric, Plaktering Hair . alwayson band, Sawed Shingle* No* 12k tL l'tew* A Slx-ar* of #liuo*t every kind, ('a-ling* of all kind* made to order. • • • r~Any pcrm -iidiiu{ u eight *ub , tcribcr# witli the rash, sill, will receive the Reporter 1 year free; and for four . name* an I J#, the Reporter 4 mouth, free ; SUNOAY SCHOOL MEN AWAKE! AWAKE 1 RANKIN'S N.I A'. SCHOOL KM POL JIM ■ ju-t where you want to go and buy your I Outfit* Mr. ttaiikin *IL hi* good* i'ar bo l-iw any one elc and give* entire satisfac tion. See hi* eolln'tion of Envelope*. Store Opposite Bush liou*e, Bellefoute I'a anr'/M if Centre llall Coach Manufactory. Levi Murray, th:> -••!.ck of i Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, Plain and Fakct, land vehicle* of every description made to j order, ar.-l Warranted, to be made of the bet teasouvd material, and by the moat -killed and competent workmei. l*eron* wanting anything in hi* linear,- requested to call and examine hi# work, they will find ■t not to be excelled fur durability and wear. aprfflLly ■ jgAMUKL FLORY B New Shoemaker Shop, nt Centre Hail, I'a. The citiaen* of thi# place and vicinity ar*- rc*pc-tfullv informed that the undersigned ha> ,q>eneJ a Shoemaker shop, in the ec tond *tory ofJaceb Dirge'# taddler shop, w here lie t# now prepared lo #erve all who may call u|*on hliu for new BjuU, Shoej -Vc., for men, women and children, a# al> in all kind# of mending, lli* work i war- j ranted, and hi* price# mote reasonable than ordinarily. He kindly ak# for a share ol the public patronage. TaprC SAMUEL FLoRY. I)KNN IIALL ACADEMY. The Spring *c*ion of thi# Claosical and! Normalln-titution will commence on Mon day April 24th 1871. to continue nine; ' week*. Special attention given to tho*e de.iring to teach. Tuition from J4,-'#' to 7,00 peri •cion. Boarding an-l furnihed r->m can bej bft-1 near the school at reasonable rate*. ; Reference: A. K TRUXAL. A. M. I Gkn. Gko. |ttvuasax. Principal Prc#'t. marASt 1 \KM F< lt SA LE. Tlx- Mib.< rib.-r P offer# at private sale lb* farm on which i he now reside, .ituatcd in Ferguson town • hip. County of Centre, one mile and a hall - w- .tof Pine Grove. The farm contain- I one hundred and twenty acre* of the be#;! j quality of limestone, one hun.lr.'d acre# ofl w hlch i# cleared , under good fence, and In' a high #tnte ot cultivation Tlx- Ualanre ot i . twenty acre* i covcredjwith a fine growtholi f limber, the building* are good an.T couve- j - ni nt, with a stream ot tunning water ut tlx-door. An orchard in full bearing o! the very be-t vnriotio# >f fruit, and a grap< j viiiynrd ol the mol je.|.uJar aud standard j ! van,-tie*. Thi splendid farm will be sold cheap.' and term# made ea*y. For particular#call • i upon or add re#* G. M KEPLER. uiardl.tf Pine (irove Mill# . ST E U ~ V | |-.W At.ni'MH, CHKOgO*, I'BAUKft, r Iv A 11. T. ANTHONY A < 0.. ij!)l Broadway, New York, ■ Invite the attention of the Trade to their j ■ extenaive BMurtmrnt of the above good*, of their own publication, manufacture and importation. Jiuo ritOTO LANTKBX ut.tPK- ISO . oa.vraoacorL*, ** vikw# or to*rmitk : K A 11. T. AN f HON\ A CO., . r )!I Broadway, New Y'ork, Onpoait Mel-! ropeditan Hotel, iui'oiitkk* a ftp UAvrrt'Tt am* or PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS ,' marlO.fim I I SAVAGE A RRO., (Successor to N. Hilibith) Whole stlo aud retail dculera in Stoves & Tinware, Allegheny Street, Bellefontc, Pa. Head only a partial Hat of Cook Stove Wellington, Wavcrly, Ornamental, Oriental, Royal Cook, Prince Royal, Sea Shell, Artiaaa, And American Parlor and Office Stove*: Morning Olory, Tropic, Brilliant, ami New Egg. And Parlor Cook# lor Wood or Coal, and j NV nod Stove* of every description. Attention i called t> hi* atock of Routing Plate, a new -ixe, which he ha*ju*t receive ed. sixe 40x20. it makes better fob tliant he old ixe. andean be furni*hed cheaper thin any other ctHbli*htiient in town. /MrSpouting and jobbing promptly at- ' tended to. Charge# rca*ouaMe and *ati#-|< taction guaranteed. oct2'oß '. 11 E W HA RDVVARK STORE I J. it J. HARRIS. NO. 6, BROCK P.RIIOFF ROW • j i A new nnd complete Hardware Store ha ' been opened by the undersigned in ltrock- ! erhofpg now building—where they are pre-! pared to sell all kind* of Buildingand Homo Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nuil#. .lioggy w heel* in sett#, Champion Clothei NVritiger, Mill Saw#, Circulnr and liaiit , Snws, Tennon Saw*, Webb Saw*, IceCreau Kree/er#, Bath Tuba, Clothe* Racks, a fill J assortment of (Jlhm and Mirror Plate of all sixes, Picture Frame#, Wheelbarrows I Lamps, Coal OH Latnps, Belting, Spokes Felloes,and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators. Corr Plows. Plow Peint#, Shear Mold Board ami Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov j els, Spades and Forks, Lock#, Hinge* Screws, Sash Spring*, Hone-Shoes, Nail# , Norway Rod*. Oil*.-Lard, Lubricating t Coal, Linseed. Tanners. Anvils, Vices, Bid lows, Screw Plutes, Blacksmiths Tools Factory Bells, House Bells, Dinner Bell* !' Gong Bells, Ten Bells, Grindstones, Carnen ter Tools, Fruit Jars und Cans. Paints, Oil* ; Vuruishes received aud for sale at mgM AHAITH. MKVIIMI.iI •> KIMV II 4 11111. K * rmii r. nisitot- i , Belief INKS AN D LI H I O U j The subscriber #pw'lftt!ly eall th-al tulltioll of tile Jill tall*' to 111* CtnblilllO lit, . when- he u tiiupuie-l to furnish nil kind* of • j Forelgn Mini Domestic Liquor#' wholesale ihi tits lutwt mik |irioM, * melt t-i• warratt-- j:Hl lobs th bet qualities ace *r Im;; to • their respective | rice*, Hi# stock • .>Uu | of Rye, Muti-uiguheia, Irish iml other NV liiskim, oil kitulft oi Urundi., Holland Kiln, l'ort, Maderia, Cherry, 11. ■< kl> -fry . j Hint otlirr M Ills* lbs best articll- at a i reasonable rat.-. at call bs bail ill 111' city, ' Champagne, Cherry, Black bcrr. G ttg.-r Hint Carraway ltruii■■■, x -I |>i five hi* liquor* a trial. nj In / tKNTitK IIA I.l* UoTKL V./ John M- iNul t it, I'i -Stage* arritc and depart d#iL , for all point*, north, s-uilh, at and Wrt. Thi* favorite Hotel ha been reft ! uud furiiuhcd by it* new proprietor, and i* now in every respect one of the mp>< u-anl country Hotel* in central J'enii-ylvaiiia. The travelling community amid; . - will' ,alway* find the Ue*la< lumtit-el.;'. ■ Per-I 'on trout the city wishing lo tin-nd a few • week* during the *uintner in tlx* t untry, will hud Centre Hall one o| the mo.-t dcau tiful locution* and the Centre Hall Hotel all llley could deire for comfort and c ot venience. ajilO li^.tf. COACH MANUFACTORY. HA HUMAN PHI Mall's, \T 111 Siuali ufaclilrili:■ > •at Yeagertown, on the Lewistowcl and Bellefontc Turnpike, ha' n* n • hand a fine stock of Carriage*, Uug;r-e*. ulkiet .lid Spring Waj;. a- which I ■■ fieri for ale a* aupertor in quality an ! !,\ b ' tc j •nv manufactured in the count; \ They are made of the very bcteaon. i •' h-V by :lrt cla> practical workmen, and finished! in a tyle that challenge* coinps, hi w itl anv work out •>( or in the Kicfi i n > iti*> and can be told ut lower pric. t in U "!■< maniilaetured in large town-. n:id < iliea, srnid.t high rent* and ruinou* pri> •• of Jiv ing Being tna-tor of hi- own .■ at n, anxious to excel in hi* arlt-l al | no and free from any annoyance* in lo- boi .. hi ha* lime ami ability t ■ d vote is - * entire attention to hie prof, -en und hit euatomera, rendering sati it alike tf j all patroe*, operative#, Hia country, arte hitii'cif. Call aud examine hi* illicit and learn hit , price*, and you cannot fail to he satisfied. K fc u AIHI N <; of all kind*.done neatly, pr pi' \, :M; reasonably. Yeagertown, June 12, In;* l v hO IT BLR AND SINGLE BARREL fowling piece* at aplU lib. 1 RW 1 N A W I I.SOX. \ir J. B ETTKLK S 110 I.KS AI. H WIN K A i.I t> COB S To 11 K Ili>h-'p *trect, Bellefonte, in th- ■>. *huil | dfng iornierly occupied by the Key •tone Bakery' Take* pi -uurr in informing the public that lie keep* constantly on hand a I'J'ly o, choice Foreign ami Itiiic*lic Ltqo -r*. Alt Htirrtlt, t\' i* and (• i-'.j •/< i #<> .*a(oi* fAr i/unntity rrprrtenftd. The attention of practicing phy *. on* i* < ailed to hi* stock of PCBK LKjrOBB, suitable for medical purpw. -. Bottles,' jug*, and demijohn* coii*tant!v <ld by tl>.- quart, barrel, or tierce lie ha* a large lot ••! BOTTLED L!(|Co!tS Of the line*! gradr* on hand. Confident that he can pleax- eu.totner* he rcpe<-tfully wolirit* a*iiarcof public jI tronage my 1 111 I jflwiv A TIUOI nrn co&tustly ru | ceiving nevr in their Jiite. H A It I) W A II K j ifeverydrK-riptlonatredu.ee jrk —n.-w | being opened every day aplO'fS. Wall Paper, cheap I froui 12 to 20 cent* per bd ta B< ilatbt r' 'j BUFFALO scales..ftv. rmak. fbiu I !b tipt-i 1 - J' < 1 I aplo'6tt Inwix & Wumji. BY BOARDS, Flank anT Scantling for taie by Ikmin& \\ u - *, I aplO'fiS. ("1 BOSS-CUT AND MILL SAW S, be J make at law In a W IL-oM. aplO'69 PUMPS! [ Wooden Pumps, i i AND I PIPING. 1 . The undemigned would r t. ifu'ly call, theaflcntionct thccitir.cn* oft. cntre-unity, j *:id Fenn*vailey in particular, i t fact : that he I* luantifacturing 7J4£ ZZTr PUi.'JPy ' made at home or eleir here, licit- * none j but the b't material. HKWAiinrvr# Tiir.w to give *atifaction, a* being the nnu-l la*t ( ing and durable, aOPKRIoK ■ :tn: oi.n wiHden itunip. Wing arrang- l to let the , water I'tt and prevent freexing in winter I'ine, poplar or cucumber ptitnp; a I way* •jon hand. Hi* matirial for ptimp- i* ali ;awed from large timber, and are thu* Secured against Chocking or Cracking. All order* bv mail pr--;: ,t *v filled, J VI PI NO, mad, of lb, bc-t t; -.i-ri.nl, of five inch scantling, joinc (,' I. A 5A lliirtul Cases aiitl Caskels. which are so widely known a* t-- r- qulr-- no peciiil commendation. Th>- METALLIC BURIAL CASK, with if- pr. 1 itti j proved style and fini*h, it* entire harmony I with the feeling* of the her- ved, it * per fected adjustments and app -nit i.enf,- in whaUrver relate* to the pn • \ i iut-11 J protection of the l..|y ai'tcr the pur- j poses for which it is designed. COFFINS of all dcscrii-tii,- (\truishnli ut the *hortet notice; ami nil order# tilled; I promptly night or day. The Dead laid out j with eare, and funcrul# an-l - -- -irt- uner- ' . intended in person. HKNKY 11 AKIIIS j jnovlt Bellefoute, P.-u j \ J I LLKB'S HOTEL. Woodward, IV: | IvJL Stage# arrive mid depart daily. Thi# favorite hotel i now in every re-poet one of the most pleasnnt country hotel# in. centra) Pennsylvania. The traveling com munity will always find the best ;i -mmo-j idation. Drover# can ntalltim- * beaecoin-; j modated with stable# and* pasture lor any number of rattle or horses. julyS'tltttf (!KO. MI LLP It. SPINDLE SKEINS for w.iall #i _ m#, at the sign of the Anvil. | aplO'tib. IKWIN a Wu.aox. I A MPS OF EVERY VARIETY und j kind at nplO'.ffl IRWIN A WILSON'S. CLOTHlNG—Overcoat*. Pant-. Yc*ts, and Dress Coats, cheap, at Wolf*. T>()CKKT CUTLKKY- a! I price# at IRWIN & WILSO* I OOKINO-GLASS PLATES of,llsia j for inleby IRWIN a \V iijiok. an 101.8. JAPANNED TOILET SETTS, AND other Japanned ware, at the Anvil Store. nplV6B. lnwt.v a Wii.son. BOALTS for Buggies and CTurriagber. sir.es in use; Fire Bolts, ditto, nt l'liilntli-l|iliia Store. - In Brockethofl" block, Mi-Imp Street, ,: Bellefontc, where ' KI LL lit ,( MVSSKH, , have jut opened the bc-t, cbcapeat, large*! r as Well a* the be| a**<>rtcd -tuck of Good# I |t Bellcfonte. I U.Li: LADJES, Is the |.l# tfl to buy your Silks, Mohair* M-.,'noil.nine Jt< Alpixa#, D'lailiS, 1 La It#, Brilliant*. Mi lin* Cnlixoe*, Tick i*ig. Flaiiel#,Dpern ibmel#, Ladie* Coab mg. Hem* Cl- t'i*, Ladii * Sacques, Whiti Pekav, Linen Table Cloths, Couii(cr|iane* . ('rib Counterpane*. White Olid f'o|.re< Pari toil, Napkin*. In*ertiny and Edging* W bite Lace ( urtii,*, Zephyr A Zephyr Pat' torn#, Tidy Cotton, Shawl*, W.rf Basket* BUN DOW KB, Notion* of every k' id. White Good* ol --very description, IVrfuit ery, ICibletn#- t elvri, jyljitn #n-l Boiux t, i V*rd am Brai-t. \ cil*. Button*, Trimming*, Ladle# and Mi**.*Skiru, HOOP KKI UTS, i'i broad Hosiery, Fan#, B ad* .Sewing LADIES AND MIOSES MDE„ mid in fact every thing that t an be thought. j of, dt tired or u.- - d in the FANCY GOODS til: NOTION LlNhj I OL (US i i.LMKS, they have bl.-x and bine cloth#,, black ana ' (amy a**iu:cjHfflngjl, tweed*, me|- ri!-, .ilk, satin and couiinou resting*, in jb< l rt, every thing iin-iglliable in the fine m j J gentlemen* w ear. litJctlytmulc t loiiiiiio t.f Every lii* acriptioD, for M u atid lioyt. L>ol anKK nave any init . \ l u and do bu >ine** ..a the principle of "(juick Sale* and Profit*. *1*41,(2- O&I!* asit rsooi ( C ARE TAMER .OOJ N J:WH FtiRTHEPEOPLE.! tireat Attraeii-m and Great Bargains! r l>Ht, undemgned, dctermiud P- uu*t the ( 1. n -pular dciii.-uxl for Low <-r Prices, iw pectrully < a!l* the all# t.lksn of the pubiit to hi* ttock of BADDLEUY, :x-W offered at the old stand. Designed #• lieciailt forthepe -p'candthetitn- *,lhelar- j > got and ino#t varied and complete assort ! ment of Saddle#, Hftnw -, Collar*, Bridles, ifav- ry de-, rij.ti.n atid quality; "Whips, .nd in fa-1 everything complete to a firt --la-* rtablihuicnt. he n -w offers at price*! which will suit the times. A b-!ter variety, a better quality or finer : tvie of Saddlery ha* never ix-forc been of jer-->l to the public. Call and examine our [lock aud be d In-fore purchasing, cifeubetw. Detertnined t-. pica--- my patrotis and thankful far the liberal share f patronage heretofore enjoyed. I respect fuliysoiicit a continuance of the same. JACOB DIKGFi, Centre Hall. VEW FIRM, NEW GOODS AND Panio Prices, FOSTER. DKVLIXG A WILSON. Having pur, lu w*EW HOODS, They are enabled to wl! at OLD FASHIONED PRICES! A iargc variety of Ladies' Drtffl Goods ] | Great Bargain* in MuMius and Culicoes. Ready. Made nothing Warrnnte#! to Suit. (*ur Cloth - and Ca-'imer*, Cact be excelled. THEIR GROCERY' DEPARTMENT, j Astonishes ct cry ori in a- -■ -rtment and low ' price#, , !Svi up. Sugar, T- s, Coflt-e, Canned ituil#. Jell tea, Dotm-tihand Foreign Fruit#, Cbeose and pn-tries o] si! kinds, atul every other siticle be longtr.g l-> thetir.wery Department. They Mhotcile of Philadelphia Half*. Farmer#, M.s-hanic* and luiborers look to your intcre-t. 'hie dollar saved k :i dollar in t-,H ..■( i en call and if at what stu#ti*l>ingty b-w price# • FORSTER DEVLING #k WILSON, Are selling their Dry ( on't forget the lirTURNEK BI'ILDING-* ip2.itl Allegheny St,, Bellefontc Pa. CENTRE HALL Manufacturing Co ANI) & Machine Works. CENTRE II AI.L CENTRE CO., PA. Having i'ulargcd our New TotJKDItr and M ACHIM: SltOl'ft Mild AuHtCI'LTfMAt Work#. Stocked with all new and late*: improved Machinery at Centre Hail, an j nounceto the public that they aretiow ready to receive orders for anything in their line of business. ' nun™. Hangers. I BON & BRASS We also manufacture too celebrated KEYSTONE HARVESTER, which now stands unrivalled. Thi# Reaper ha- advimtagvsoveral! othei licit per# now manufactured. One advan | :nge we claim for it, i- the lever power, Tv which we gain one hundred per cent over other machines. Another advantage is the j hoisting aud lowering apparatus, whereb; the driver has under hi* complete contro' ofthe machine; in coming to aspot of lodg ed grain, the driver can change the cut ot ho machine in an instant, without stopping the team, varying the -table from 1 to 14 inches at the outside of the machine, as well a# on the inside. It is constructed of lir#t {class material; and huilt by first class ma , chauic*. We warrant it second to none. All kind- <>f Horsepower* and Threshing Machines, Hay and Grain Hakes, latest im proved. All kindftof Kepairingdone. 1)1 ferant kinds of PLOWS AND PLOW CASTING. The Celebrated Heekendorn Economiea plow which lni# given entire satisfaction We employ the best I'litternmakors, our puttern# arc all new and ofthe most improv ed plan-. Plans, Specifications and Daw ing# furni'hml for all work done by us. Jtaff- We hope by strict attention to busi ncss to receive a share of public patronag CASTINGS of every description made and fitted up fo MILLS, . • FORGES, FURNACES, FACTORIES, TANNERIES, \ AC., AC II i:\lt ¥T. II KOIROIJ)*! COMPOUND FLUID i Extract Catawba GRAPE PILLS. . (hmpeutht J'urU Huul hrlract J(ku burl unti Fluid Juiruet Cut aula (Jrope Juice. I ' For liver complaint*, jaundice, bilious ntiirlii/its, tick 01 nervous headache, rtwtiveu**, etc. Purely vegetable, (Vtauiiiisg no mercury. mimraL or ik-icUriou* drug*. II Tl I'ilk are the uio*t delightfully *- t purgative, e.U>r oil, •all's He, There l nothing IHM io m j'ltiUie ( a;i. Tiny are cotjjpM*ad of the lst ngtedirof. Aft r a few days' UM uflhem ■tub ui) mi ij.vral-.in of the entire litem ink** l'h< > •" |i|K)Bf inimcatou* to the w h end •Mfvstod. whether nruing from J itnjn utlfn >r disease. 11. T. IloluiL .d' < impound Fluid Kit reel Catawba Grape I l*iJl* ere <•! sugarroeted, (him the hrttlul • agar*-sled do not dissolve, but pant through the to iuach without dissolving, h'i ■ state oi health and purity. For puri jf> iug the blood, r i s and imprudences in life, impurities ,of the blood, etc.. superseding copaiba in .affection* for which it is u*ad, and syphili tic i*ff lions—in these disease* used in eon nection with BelnahoM * ros* wash. LADIES.- In many affection* peculiar to ladies, the oxiract bucbu is unequalled by any otbar remedy—-as in chlorosis or retention, in! regularity, painfulncv* or suppression of . usfomnry • i sruationt, ulccrntod or schtr ru -i.ticoftlu uterus, K-ucurrhem or white*, terility, and for all complaints incident to the sex. whether arising from indiscretion or habits of dissipation. It is proscribed cxt niively by the most eminent physician* land mid wive* for enfeebled and deiicnt*; . litutions, ot both scx* and all ages ; attended with nny of the above di**a**s or, symptom?), 0 11. T HKI.MBOLDS EXTBACT 80-' ( Ml t I'HKS IDEASES ARISING FROM IMTKUDKNCKS. HAB ITS OF DISSIPATION. ETC., i n all their stages at little expense, little or: no change in diet, no inconvenience, and ] DO exposure. It < uare* a frequent desire, and gives trcngih to Ur net*, thereby re uioTing Obstructions, Preventing nd Cu ring strictures of the uretbre, alfving pain and inflnmntion, so frequent in this class of ,diseases, and expelling all poisonous mat-. ; ter. Thousands who have been the victims of incompetent persons and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short lima, bare; found they have been deceived, and that the "Poiaon., has. by the use of "powerftil' astringent*,'' been dried up in the system, j i to break out in a more aggravated form, and : perhaps after marriage. rSE HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT BU CH U for all nibcttonf and diseases of the urinary organs, whether existing in male , or female, from whatever cause originating. and no matter oliow long standing. Price,; atio dollars and fifty cents per botue. L HEN BYT. HELM BOLD'S IMPROVED •ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed as n face wash, and will be found the only specific remedy in every species of cutaneous affection. It 1 speedily eradicates pimple*, snot*, scorbu tic dryness, indurations of the cutaneous membrane, etc., dispels redness and incipi ent inflatnation. hive*, rash, moth patches, i dryness of scalp or skin, frost bite*, and all purpose* toi which salves or ointments are | u*(hi ; restores the skin to a state of purity ' and softness, and insure* continued heal thy action to the tis-ue of it* v-ewels, on w hieh depends the agreeable clearness and j vivacity of complexion so much sought and admired. Rut however valuable as a reme ; t dissipation, used in connection i with the Extracts Buchu, Sarsaparilla, and I j Cntnwba Grape Fills, in such diseases as II r< commemlca, cannot be surpassed. ! 1) • Full and explicit directions accompany the medicines. Evidence of the mcst responsible and re liable character furnished on application, with hundreds of thou-and* of living wit no--es and upward of 30,009 unsolicited certificate* and recommendatory letters, many of which are from the highest sour ces, including eminent Physician*, Clerg ymen, Statesmen, etc. The proprietor has i never resorted to their publication in the i new-papers; he does not do this from the • fact ttiut his articles rank as Standard Pre paratsons. and do not need to be propped up by certificates. HENKY T. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Delivered to nny address. Secure from observation. K-ftxblished upwards of twenty years., Sold by Druggist* everywhere. Address Idlers for information, in confidence U>! ! 11KN KY T. HELM BOLD, Druggist and ' Chemist. j Only DeuoU: U. T, HELMBOLD'S : Drug nnd Chemical Warehouse. No. 694 ! Bnutdway. New York, or to H. T. HELM BOLD'S Medical Depot, 104 South Tenth A MEAT MEDICAL KMMB Sr. WAUESBt OAKJMGBMXA VINEGAB BITTEES H Hudretb of Tfeoat*** ff h 9m VEßUttSV&S**** Iff ||| 3lf TBTiMWrATU fil li FANCY DRI NK a 111 MefH Pane Bum, WMefcer. Pwaf fialifca aad Befae* I4ewr ttslssi 4. ****** aadrtm*- MM4 to pliiM tilt totLt. ffi'Ji4 ** TfikfldfiML*** AppwHt- •* ot*. tit! M 4 Qw Qpplflr it tt tntriHHMMM M rtit, Nrt tvt • tftt Mtfttlw* MMM Cfctti ECmi JhMNt tim iM W*rtw f.' DriMi trmm sUAMsIh Mmlaaii. Iberew On OfiUf BLOOD PClirai and A Lift OIVIMtt miClHloeM^awnmnt Isiosst caaleh* tUasa Muers isssiOat ufirsc 4 Ue gSrsa twv *a see*. se*^a*®^ useai.meuw vdel esgsel wnd NweedOs Wmr Indaxami tarr and CknsU Bh—at*.- ttifmn MNI CdtMii* P"j BpTtclti. wn S u BltsM, BeeetiieM a•* lassimltisas fssm MMwaaaaf she Bleed, Ueee. aad ffjadeev. mm* Bum km* beer mart team** fXJ. Back Bteeaaes w* ceem* kg Tttlrtrt "BSCBBTIOK. MUMsbmßwdaii CNB* Mmajdm DHiiHDiMIMHI MBMW jliiscJHl H tsslssn, ladasHMUMi *f Ik* Laags, rats Us Ums rup— *r she xusmssdiusM •** i*ki' siagaw, an m* D:r TM? unlaw ma ennnsm ■ I wtenelais 0 s fid Unread kwrtts. wktea rmirri%emet tOaafy St slissslae m*W*d*r aU tassntxs. ex t mpertntt aew atk e*4 vtger te ike wkeleerm*. FOB adklb ktstssm. knptteas.TrtMr.t gliseai,HaHhaa.rtwte*.rsilel a.aans.xr Saartsi. Seat* W—*. nan tjwa. XT rlaa. lie*, marts. Imdniailii*f matks.Bea*c MDts*aM*arm**kJß.at wtMUrvessaanaraatw-. •kast ttm kg m* eat ef mwkttn QmMIsU aassaaset isavtaai msaaimsSawsst net csrauvs edses, CitfihSkOt UM TUitttt SAIMMK trttowttftf J' cfw tflMt £ti tnfertaw kaseuag mroagh ma skte wnaqias. Bnsr aa* staceisk as m* test, naaa ttvtmshM. a*S yaws tsrtl*** wßttatl faewkeo Xaa* msktaaS am em ~ * iMttm *- -■-■***- ,• t i,a ttweaw-ri-. Brill dintfiiiws ifisSiO MB' WWmPwO m I®* •jywtiiw-Siiii 'anmmF^F rt, ff Arßaa* *mar WOKMa Nskksgleme ** an* i tnused- Far IWU imeaaas. md esaafs tikt CtfftHtitff ttfifii ttl (PcWfiff i DrwpM aad Oea. Sjiau. n*a Fraartse*, Od. aad 1 *ad*C Drugs used in other Hair Prepnra* tione. i 1 Transparent and clear as crystal, it will j not soil the finest fabric—perfectly BAFE . CLEAN and EFFICIENT-deaidera ! turns LONG SOUGHT FOR AND .'POUND AT LAST! It restores and prevents the Hair from . becoming Gay, impart* a soft, gloaay op . j pearance, removes Dandruff, is cool and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair , from (kiting off, and restores it to a great r extent when prematurely lost, prevents , Headaches, cures all Humors, cutaneous . eruptions, and unnatural Heat. I DR. G. SMITH, Patentee. Grotoa June , tion. Mass. Prepared Oil ly by PROCTER BROTHERS, Gloucester Mas*. The Genuine u put up in a panel bottle, mads expressly for it, with the nameofthe article ' blown in the glass. Ask your: Druggist for > Nature's Hair Restorative, and take a* other. For sale by B'm. HVlf and J. B. Solt- Centr* Hall 24}unly : Furniture Rooms! J. O. DEINXNGER, eespccttully informs the citisens of Cents* county, that be has constantly on hand, ana makes to order, all kinds of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINK&, WASHSTANDB, ; • CORNER CUPBOARDS TABLES, Ac., Ac Houi Made Chaiks Always on a ami ■ - 1 *'•! Hi* stuck of ready-made Furniture isUrge and warranted of good workmanship audi* all made under his ownimmediatesupervi ion, and is offered at rates as cheap as eke where. Thankful for past favors, he selic lit^^onunuaiic^fth^ame^^^^^^^^^^^^