Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, April 28, 1871, Image 3
H HALL KBPOE'SSB B FRIDAY, APKIL2.B 1571. R LOCAL ITEMS.. pi? LJCAL MEWS.—Oar friend* will oblige H 9* by sea ling in uur item* of local inter '"►t- including J*ln*. marriage*. Ac.. * ■ *uch *re e*f*rly rend by your friend* in 888 th e west. mm iv of whom got the Reporter. JH W e would esteem itn favor if our kind p*- iron* would oocMtontuy mail* copy of gH the Reporter to relative* and aoquatntan- SBI ee. who formerly lived in Centre countv *n I removed to other pmt*. which would KHB i% hicn many to become subscriber*. bB —_——o gWr it\. VNKS Blank Sammon*. Vendu Executions, mid Judgment and ||BK\ nipti >n Note combined. Justices ar- Jfcc,, for **le at thi* Otfice. sip IMPOKTAKT TO BiyiNis® MEN. B The circulation of the RKPURTKH, OH this sil" of the county, it now grentef 111 than that of any two paper* in the B county, hence businew tnen who wish IB to reach the Pennsvallty trade, wih B advance their own itiimwto, by advrll $| tisinj in the RKPOKTKK. Our auhsertr ■ ti on n s t i* ope* to the inspection of al/ B who wish to advertise." !§. c.,.u>*s PwvvTAiN Paw.— Something B new and nival. lie sure and readi the ad ami vert isemeat la war patter, hooded Best Invention or the Age.' We believe ■ the Golden Fountain Pet) i unsurpassed. !■ 'J* C.HVI pen i* a necessity to overy man, woman *• J child. Agents, here i n B chance to make money in introducing a go.nl and saleable arwoto. j* ll *• V- If Ol'N DA Y SCHGOL DEPOSITORY of ■ O lhe book, of the "American Sunday ft School Vnion," and "American tract K* ■ cie: v." and *o!d <r*neHy t their catalogue ■ prices, the untruthful amertiona, of yrif |§ constituted ■ a'o.j.iiiiff QKO, LIV u>U>lv.i, M a} ir\4/Jiu Bfokerbotßow, Ip Rui-tiiug Timber Lands. ij| Tho following article vraa crowded |tl out last week: II The fire* ia the Penusvalley moon m tains aboai a week ago. were ex lin ill guished by the h.avy shower of rain |f l on Tuesday afteruoou, of last week. |ra| This week, however, we notice that H th.ve tires have been kindled again, ||| and at ght the sky is illuminate! ';fj north, south, east and west, by the |i bunting mountain*. hat saltslat [I tion it can be for the persous who gjj cause these fires, and thus destroy jjs|l thousauds of acres of valuable timber- Sg|| lands wc cannot conceive, and it is a HI work in which persons are engaged in IB -every stituner. ||| There is a very stringent law of the |V state for lhe prosecution of parties B who practice this specie* of vandalism, 'I which we append : • • Whereas. It ia important to the I people of the state that timber land j fl ould lie protected from fire, which.j 19 * vng to malicious conduct and care-j B lessneas of individuals, is causing vast | W havoc to the young growing timber. 1 ■ especially upoo our mountains; therc- E. Jlire. * • . \- HECTICS 1. Re it emaetai, etc. That |||;| ?P shall be the duly of the oouimis fjf j sioners of the several counties of this H -commonwealth to appoint persons uu-! H der oath, whose duty in shall be to fer rtt out and bring to punishment all per-! B sons who either wilfully or otherwise i m shall cause the burning of timber " | ■ lands, and to take measure* to have i I such fires extinguished where it can be | ;H done, the expenses thereof to be paid f! ■ out of the county treasury, the unseat- I tax to be first applied to such ex-- i jg| Dcnses." • SEC. 2. That lhe provisions of the j §|| act of lhb of April, 1669, cutitled "au j art xo preveut the firing uf mountains iB and other wiid lands in the county of le and the same is hereby ex- to all the counties uf this com- wealth. IB The following is the act alindad to above: mf,: That any person or persons who [M shall intentionally set fire to said lands >hall forfeit and pay a sum not H exewding five hundred dollars nor 1 pay less than fifty dollars, or shall be |!pi cuiifired ia the county prisiou for a :p| term not exceeding one year nor less !|a than thirty days, or both, at the dis -1 wretion of court, on conviction at any B of the courts of this commonwealth. S one-half of said fine to be pa>d to the person or persons who made the infor nat'on the other half to be paid in lhe county treasury. M Owner* of lands and those firing in B the vicinity where tliese fires are start cd should exercise their vigilance to, Kn bring the i*Senders to justice. A few | jptr examples would effectually break up ■ th'e malicious practice aud iuure to the benefit of tbe owners and people. MB a TNEFT.- OB Friday night, 14th, shout ■ A' bu*helt o: potatoes which Mr. Usnry ■ Emerick hsii buried in s field on the moun- B Jain farm above this place were stolen B West Su)uehnnnn Classis of tbe Re- ST firmed Church will meet in Centre Hall, |||g Outre co., on the 17th of May. IV A GREAT BREACH or Pnouias CASE B Jennie M Bride, of Bellefoute, v*. 1.1. gj V uener— has been decided at Franklin, ®I Venango county, infkvorof Miss M'Bri.le, nB the jury awarding her s*.Boo. ||pif There'* a nice streak of luck for • fair la til acquaintance of ours—yes it i* a"douhle iif I treak and better then a Venangn of| strike ii® —lucky in not having the cruel fellow to | B marry her, and lucky in getting an award ! |I -of $v8(lo. B Mr. Win. Wolf has now unpacked hi* SX .enormous stock ef spring goods, which he B prides himself, is the largest and best a sortment ever before brought to this sec- B -tion, and we doukt whether any in tbe a.-ounty can excel it. lfls line of goods is B full and complete, and the best afforded sffi by the eastirn market. The engineers have uow got through P'l -with surveying and locating, in this coun ■ <v, for the* L. <\ * S. R. K. Their last w*?irk was lunning a line from near P. Ru- B ble's in Potter twp., to intersect with tbe S Waford survey oil Hirst's farm in Harris township, on last Saturday, when tbe B corps disbandsd. Two routes have been g, : f through Potter township, namely, the Cld Fort route, and the Centre Hall ;|g '■ route, between which there is a little or no difference. As soon as the estimates are S|i completed, Mr. Leuffer informs us, tbe Ijt l *lll he psrt under contract. The B little unpleasantness about the End of B Mountain is not yet adjusted, though we gf look for it soon to be. B NEW CHLRCH.— We notice with pleas. H urc that Rev. Bennington pastor of the Ev. Association, of this place, is now work to raise the means for the erection of Hi H new church for his congregation in our town. As the congregation are with* ■B out u house of worship here of their own B mid have thus fur been dependent upon an K uninviting and inconvenient school house, El M -e hope Mr. B. will succeed in his B good work, for his congregation is certain- B ly much in want of a church. We ask for H him liberal eomtribution from all. HB AVe call the attentiou of people every where in wart of a line carriage, buggy or Rl spring wagon, to the fact that Mr. Levi B M array, oi this place is prepared to furnish the same, done up in the best and most dn- B iable manner. See his advertisement. SI # L..die's dress goods, latest stylet, just aeiicd at Win Wolfs. Ladies come and B L for yourselves. , Me art. Oronmiller and j now unpacked their spring good*, and their j shelve# are fr*aning with the latest styles : of dref* g*md*, which are being offered at ! the most reasonable rate*. Anything wan ted for men. women or children, is to be I, found at their store. Thoy ask but that you give them a call and examine 1 their good* and prices. * ♦ O tion. Ira C. Mitchell, having returned } from the west intend* locating al . Belleftmte, and resume the practice of law. Mr M. left thi* county some nine year* ' ago. We welcome him back. , Mr CATECHISM. ' Where do Vi*u buy your IWks? At Kankin M.wtel Store. H'hv do you deal there? He is cheap "John" i Where is the Store * Opposit Bu*h House i Bellefonte l*a I , Does he attend to order* * , With promptness. f Doee be keep well Stocked ? lilt Stock is complete. Go to this Model Store | and save money. , aprJtt ly. -1 VisKuveriiiiiiMit in the South. \ _____ !'i< RcsmH of hjK&siet Taxation— Pfantrr* (fbligrd to Sett Tkrtr Jxinds ( to /My the Taxri —Ruin Staring Them in the Fare. ' j A South Carolina lady, residing iu f th* Suiuter district, writes as follows: | **l cannot forebear alluding to th* evils which th* present tux *> stent of our State entails upon landholder*, j Thousands are either on the brink of I ruin or are barely able to provide th* * fiuuijie* with the necessities of life. My soo'a place of 28,000 acres, mest . of which is a swamp utterly incapable of cultivation, is now assessod at $0 per acre, aud the tax this year atnouu -1 ted tos*2B7.- I* old times it was only • SB. M v, which brings Mr. 11. in t S2B 50 per annum, is taxed nearly $3, 00. Auother plantation, formerly tax- I ed $3 50, now has to pay $l9O, and another pays over S3OO in lieu of slf>- ' 1 50. We would gladlv sell these lands Ito the State at the valuation put upon i j them, but are coolly told that the State j will not give over 50 eeuta per acre for them, as 'that is all they are worth.' ! From the small sunt remaining from tbe sale of our house in- , about $1,200, I have been "obliged to draw SSOO to pay taxes. Mv husbaud has been trying hard to collect small sums owing him, to lessen if possible the burden of taxation, hut with small suc cess. All our neighbors and freisds appear to be in the same predicament. All are leaving their other debts un I paid to pay the outrageous taxes im posed upon them by the State. "itatHh Carolina is in a deplorable eoudition. Plaatations unoccupied | by their owners are takan possession of tbv the negroes, and the house* oocu | pled by them. The lauer pay no rent, and will not leave when they are bid Jen, and as tbey have no money, it is ! useless to attempt legal proceedings against (bam Futhermore, thev will i not work if they ogu help it. Hun dreds of planters my tligy will *ot j agsiu pay the unjust taxes that arc uow l extorted from them. Tbey even threa- j , ten armed resistance unless some i change for the better takes place. The negroes would have given us no 1 trt üble if they had uot been subjected 1 to (he evil influence of the incendiary carpet-baggers, who are fattening at the people'* expense, This is no overdrawn picture of our condition, and think the people of tbe Jiorth ought to know how much we suffer. It costs more than the net prooeeiL of ' a crop at present prices to run a plan tation. aud land has constantly to h* sold at a sacrifice to meet the taxes. When the land is all gone, we shall be cast penniless uppn |he world.'' DEATHS, | On 13th ult.. In WstlOOU twp., Stephen sun eunty. 111., "f rheumatism and sflTec j tion of tk* heart. Mr. Georse rttetuai. aged I G2 year*. 9 month-, and 23 da.v*. The de ceased was a faithful member of the Lulhe ! ran church for a nuroberof vears. He was ' formerly of Potter twp., Centre county. ; Pa- H left a wife and si* children and i many friend* to mourn hi* death. But their j mournioc is in vain, for he went borne to 1 glory. His last word* were—"l am going ! home, friend*, weep not for me, meet me in beaten, where sorrows come tto more. Bear this in mind friends." J. K. S. , MARRIAGES. Ch< |Jje 11th of April, 1871. atthe residence . of thebrids's parents, by Kev. Robert lla- I mill, D. I>, Mr. HeWitponjSevhler, of Beile -1 font-, t-' Miss Alice J. UUlilypd, of Oak Hall, this county. MJI.KOY MARKETS. ~~ Corrected by Reed As Thompson. Red wheat 1,33 Rye 80 ...Corn 55 Old oats 48 New out* 50 Barley GO Clovers- d 5.00 Timotbyseed 4,00 4 Salt 2 fio per tack Bacon Ofe- Ham 22 Butter 25... Egg* 20 Plaster 9,50 BELLEFONTE MARKETS. Corrected by Keller k Mutter. A'hlte Wheat $1,40, Red 135 Rye 75 ..Corn H. Oat* .40 Barley 0. TO-.-.-Clorerseeil 5,00 ..Potstoes 0.90 Lard per pound 124 Porkjper pound OP. Batter 80 Egg* 'JO. Plarierper fton sls Tallow 10 .Bacon 124 Ham 15 Good Mews for the Ladies. RPRINCA OFESWO OF BonnctN, Trimmings, SiWnery, at MRS. MARY E. SHOOPE'S In Centre Hall. Mra. M E Sh<>op. baJut returned from j Philadelphia, with the LAT KMT FASH j IONS, and a complete stock of • Rev Bonnett*, Seu> llat*, Elegant Trimming*, <t*e, which Will be told or made up, a* usual at reasonable price*. The new style* are very pretty. Ladies call and tee tnetn early. First come, fir*t ten ed. apr2B.4t Valuable Fram at PUBLIC SALE Will be offered at public tale, On Saturday, May 27th 1871. the valunble farm belonging to the estate of Samuel Weaver, of Gregg twp , deed, containing 203 Acr.e of Laud more or less, of which about 180 acres are ' clear and the balance consisting of excel lent white oak, chestnut nd pine timber ! land. Thereon are erected , two good two-story dwel- I I {la . ling Houses, two bank *Z3 •,§ .iff barns, and all ,iece "* r >' outbuildings, with good running water on the premises, nnd four Orchards of tbe choicest of all kind* of fruit Thi* farm will be offered as a whole, er can be bought | in tracts, as may suit purchasers, as fob lows. 1 One tract of 180 acres, f One tract of 125 acres, whereon is one of i the houses and barn* aforesaid. One tract of 35 acres also containing a house and bar k barn. 1 There is an orchard upon each tract i This farm adjoin* lands of Henry Duck. Mich. Tibbeni and Jno Rossman, and if not sold on above day can be purchased at 1 private sale, at any time thereafter. Sale to co umence at I o'clock. WM. WEAVER, DAN. WEAVER, gprfM. Executors. SUNDAY SCHOOL BEN AWAKE I AWAKE I RANKIN'S SAB. SCHOOL EMPORIUM is just where you want to go and buy your Outfits—Mr. Kankin sells bis goods far be l low any one else—and gives entire satisfac- L tion. See bis collection of Envelope*. Store Opposite Bush House, Bellefonte Fa. apr2B.tf. k 1 l'crson* of whom mnitnu tvlurii> for la-t . r year have been demanded by the A**p.or* • lof Internal Revenue might a* well look at ( t the llth section of the act of July 13, I*7U • Tbey will there find that ll U their <l"ty j onlv tomakea returnofthe "gro*amount of their "income, gain*, and profit* " for the 1 1 year 1870, the whole Inquisitorial proceed e ing of the 118 th section of the law a* it formerly stood, and n it la embodied in the blank* still forn.diod, having been abolisli -1 cd A slmnle statement that one"* income, over and above all deductions aud cxemp ■ tion* allowei bv law, i* so much, ought to ] • be sufficient Btiil, a* thease-or may de t . lare a return false of fraadiiletit, and tiu> evuupel a more particular statement, tin \ have practically tbe |<wer of enforcing their rMiuirenieiit of tlie details called for In their blank* It i*. too, only fitting in the nature of thing* that an unconstitutional law should he esc uled in au arbitrary and illegal manner. A Bold ASMTNBIIIN(IUU .4 Britleproom S!ot Ihutt While Re* ftiviny the i\ngmtulatu>n* ot lli* ! hVieit.t*~~Thr .tfair ShrvuJe.l in Myetrry. [From the Kansas t'Uy Uuiietin ] Dark and bloody was the deed! A feet iug of horror thrilled through the hearts of 1 the many witnessca whe tni by and saw a young and happy bridegroom shot down, 1 and without any apparent cause, by the j hand of tlte sneaking assassin. A merry | and joyous company had assembled last j evening in the parlor of the St Nicholas Hotel to Jo honor to the union of tw o lav* < ing hearts the marriage of Mr. J. C Kos- j I ter, late of Bowling Green, K>\, to Mt*> , Roe Bird, of this rity. Father Dounelly had Just perform* d the marriage ceremony. The bride was in the parlor attended by a bevy of beautie-and merry voung maiden*. , The proud bridegroom had but just parsed • out to the saloon to receive the pledges and congratulation* of his friends, when there entered an uninvited guest, a Mr. Thomas Smith, of Independence, win) at once accos ted Foster. Very few word* p*-od be tweeu them. A bystander overheard the ' follow ing conversation, the meaning when - of is still hr >uded in mystery. Fostet was standing at the corner of the bar when Smith said, "Yon do not mean it. " *1 do." '•Then prepare yourself." At the same time he produced a navy involve* end fired into Foster. Turning around, with out a wor.l of explanation, the assassin j walked out of the saloon, putting up his j pistol as he walkvj coolly across the street I pas: the court-house. Turning between the Market House and the court-house li im>untit! his horse aud tied into the dark ' nes* uf the night, unmolested, uiipur*uod The bridegroom staggeted backward as he | received the shot, and fell ufmn a window bench. Medical attendance was soon upon i the scene, aud the wounded matt carried |up stair*. Hi* crjc* were continuous. His: only exclamations boiag; "Tom Smith, why did you murder ma T" "Oh, why bava you shot me down upon this my wedding 4 " "I was your best friend and loved you! Oh, Tom, why have you murdered lac*" A hasty examination of the wound by Dr-. j i Milligan, Taylor, and other names wa ware unable to learn showed that the bullet had pa*-ed through the right i baud and had entered the abdomen near . the groin, and bad glanced obliquely down- j wards, lodging about three iuches from wharu it had entered' The opinion of the surgeons was that the wound was dang*. rou, but not nece-sarlly fatal. The scene I . in the parlor was beyond description. The ' : fair and elegantly attired bride, stricken i down in her grief and horror, wastarroun-1 jd -d by her bridesmaids and relatives. Here and there were fair girls lyiug pro* i trntc and Insensible from fright. Soot aud ' whispers ware the only sounds to be heard I All was sadness aud (inat" where joy and 1 glee had reigned supreme not twenty rnin-j ute> before Tom Smith is now under i incictment for robbing Stone A Thorn- 1 1 ton's Bank in 18J7, on information !urni*b- ' ed by Jim Crow Child*. Smith has been a reftTgce from justice, in Canada, for about two years, having but recently returned to | his bom* at Independence. His capture is 1 considered doubtfol. We have been una ' 1 ble ti> learn the rau*c that Ird to this deed l of blood, The whole affair remain* en ■ shrouded in a veil of mystery. - - Funeral Arrpsted A Child Array ed for the Grave Revives. (From the Milwaukee Sentinel.] | Ninth Warders are at present comider | ably iphircsted in a remarkable ease olsus- IpeuJed animation W family of Mr. Bien. onTeutonia atiwct. it appears that last w oak una of ihu children, after a short ,! Illness, died, to all j ' On the day of the funeral, which wa* u< I take place on the third day after death, the ) Lutheran clergyman railed to read the bu ■l rial service, and easually placing hi* hand I j upon (ha folded hands of the little sleeper I wa* surprised to find • warmth unusual in thedead. No convinced t Uo that tlx i child was lying in a trance, that he advised {the postponement of the ftineral, and.' '} atrange to say, his suspicion proved correct ! in th reaaimation of the child, which is J J yet alive, with a fair chance of recovery. I The cwae is a very remarkable one. to say the least, i.nd the incredulous have hut to j visit lb* family <>r the clergyman, to satie ty themselves of the particulars we have i stated. II • ♦ . jllfiff Mr. Horace (Jretly "Fop.[o Awy** Ills Money. Mr. aud Mrs. Warren, of Quincy, Illinois, lutelv eelebratdl their golden ! wedding, and aiuung the gifts watt n i letter from Horace Greely, containing | this addition to his autobiography : NEW A'OIIK. March 8. i MY OLD FRIEND : I have a letter. I from an acquaintance of yours, who says he helped celebrate your golden j wedding. (I apprehend that tbe gold i j was somehow dropped out of the pro 'i gramme, i [ cgu hardly realize that i you were married fifly years ago ; but j I remember that it L forty-five years ! (lacking a few month./) since I went to ; | l'oultney to learn printing, and I look i at my snowy locks and consider that i we have a great many yeari behind ua, and probably few of thia life before us. So I thought I wotiltl write you |a line for old acquaintance rake. * 4 ! J lam poor, but it is my old full, be- | j cause I indorse other fnlka' antes One was brought to tire to day for i $5,000, which I must find away to . pay within a few days. I have fooled 1 i away at least $150,000 tn ing to help | others, and it has done no good. Now II gueiw my foot is down that I will [ uot indoree another note. So you see | j the stables all get locked after the i I horses stolen. Let me hope that you aud Mrs. Warren are well. * fc— ■ s♦ >. . - Fleet rical Phenoitieiioii. The telegraph operator at Santa He, i New Mexico, writes to the Santa Fc Post, the following: "A most singular electt iculphenoute. non took place on the telegraph hue running into the city yesterday, (Feb. 22.) On returning from dinner, I no ticed an unnsual strenght of electrici ty on the line. This continued to In crease in a wonderful manner. Tbe main battery—that is, the battery ' which generates the electricity for the entire wire—was entirely disconnected from the line ; the operating key was then thrown open, which is exactly tbe same as breaking the wire and leaving the two ends about the eighth of an inch apart. The line had become so heavily charged with electricity that tbe current passed between the two points, omitting a most beautiful and ! brilliant light, at limes nearly as large as a candle blaze, but much more in- 1 tense, accompanied by a hissing sound - similar to eicaping gas, and a strong ( sulphurous smell. 1 placed pieces of papra betweefi the two omnia, but this ! i did not stun the ttouderf.il tlow of electricity winch passed ihryuwh the paper, burning little round hm# as i the pnjtcr was moved. This singular ; phonetucnon lusted marly tto hmtfr,. j when it gradually died entity. The tame circumstance took phuf in Ltt* Vegas and Fort I'IIIOQ. lire SAME thing has been known to occur on Western wire- before, but is very tut . common, and generally, if not it|wityß, I during a night wind, t -hould judge the current tta* equal to a thousand cup* uf battery. \Ve tint, to work the wire, about thirty five," Perhaps no more startling phetioni enon has born noticed lv •eietifi-t* dtt ting the latter half of the put. ut cell tun than the one tut necounl of which has just come from the philo phcis now dwelling on tbe summit ut Mount i WMshiugtoii. During the | i-t few days, a* cv< rvbodv must have noticed, the weather of ctm pa ratively low-lying lauds luts b. <n mild u<l pleasant, but , on the top of Mount \\ ashingtoii it j has been extreinolv severe, lite mercu i rv sometimes standing so low its (wen*. !tv degresa below zero, and the w ttdi blowing at the rate of one hundred and t fifly miles an hour. On the morning lof the 3d of March l'rofe. Mir Hitch-! I cock and Sergeant Smith let) their bods; the barometer was at ten inches, the mercury at twenty-three below, and the wind blowing with terrible foree.l Without waking the r. -t of the party to tell them how cold it was, the two scientists went about two tuties dowm titc mountains, one holding in anemo 1 meter and the other n *> \iant. Sue- t denly Sergeant Smith .who lull the. uncisoroetor) noticed a singular veer- v ing of the wind, while, at the same time, Professor Hitchcock discovered a disarrangement of hi* iustruroent. The 1 two turned and stood back to back,A one holding the anemometer a* high n possible, and the other bending foi ward. Tbe wind s ion returned t> it normal condition, but when the two < schutists altcmpterl to face each other, it was impossible for them to do - thev were frozen together by their pantaloons, near the lower extremity of their spinal columns, fhey eottl-1 1 ' not stir; neither had taken the precnti-j, tion to bring salt with tbetu, uor wa* < there any stove nearer than tin ir house d on the cliff. For hours they waited , there ; tin- Sergeant wouibu'l go ba and neither would the Profiler. AtsJ about 2 o'clock p. tu .t • rest of the ; party came down in scarelt of them. Twe learned gentlemen seized the two ' victims of science, atui with great ex- " ertiou pulled them apart. Singular a*' it may seem, yet the strange circum stances in which they had bceu placed,J and, perhaps, the new physical condi-,. tiotts resulting front their violent sepa | tatiou had prmluceil in each rud> an '| < xteusiou of the est-■eyg.* as to make , -both appatr as the progvtiitore ol i man—in other words. Darwin * poi --! tion was reversed, and under the new : aspects of nature, nnd in the strange • truggle for life, incipient tails were plainly found on b-.th. It is v.. II 1 i enough settled in phy.*:c tliat sudden ' , breakage produce- electricity, aud] when the tvm of the pautaluous of lite i - two were examiltd it was found that i the electricity had pr<ducetl heat, the , licat motion, the motion had tlevolop jed life, anj the pautalootD were seen ( to he true cutis. Kvi Ivtilly science i* , to do more for tbi-s phi! -*<• phcrs than , t they arc to do for -.acncc. Oneoflho I(ing- .f Suturn Ltfil. Saturn whose dium<. tv. r i 7 ',oooaiih s has lost one of its ting- according to a distinguished astrououicr who haa for some years been watching the planet.j Me says the inner one of the- three rings an obWurc, partly transparent tna*s j of w hat apjienrol to be vapor, lia.* liccu seen to approach tho body of the - plauet, ami to widen its distance from the other rings, which seemed to be fluid iu character, or perhaps tuade up of small bodies, moving together like streams of meteors, which supply the periodic shower*. But during i- vcnil months |>:ist this inner ring has fallen more rapidly and finally the attraction | of Saturn entirely overcame the vn < trifugal force and it 11 .scd uimn the bo j dy of the plant, forming a Mt, which Wits gradually diffused < vi r its -enrfnee so that there i* now no trace whatevei of the ring It ft. Is this to l>e the fate also of the other ring, or will they ul timately gather into satellites a.* has more commonly been supposed. - ♦ G? to )s A Ac Itovrr t-< buy n good Sulk-] ! ey or Spring *:>gou • Take your old tueUtl t> 1-.VA< WOUI-TIIV nllovrs ni'ire- for it than any body else, lj I els in trade nl his shop*. Go to ISAAC /low r t<< c- t jrcur I'rmier-1 ty iii-uri-I. or your //ur-* and < ->w*' Rgninst accident by the Railroad. ! Go to I*uo lIuUHT to buy Htove* a Tin ware of every Description, .1 apniHiod, ' l'ainUtl A Pressed of *ll kind-. Golo ISAAC UWI *T t-> bug-dried Cuer* ties with A" without !, din-d Apple- A ] Wortle fit Elder Ib rri-. PU-tcring llair I always en hand, Sawed Shingle* Not l.'Jfi I 3, Plows & Shears of utmost every kind, j Casting* of all kind* made to order. C#-Any person sending us eight *ub | tcribers with the ca-h, JIG, will receive! j tho Reporter I year free; a it*! for four ; names and ?H, the Reporter G uiontli* free. The few Firm. Hwlacher &- Oronmiller. CENTRE HALL. I'A New Spring Goods Lome one ami all! 0 ! Just arrived and will always be kept] on hand a toll line of Dry Goal*. Notien*, Groceries, Hard; ! ware. Queen-w are, Wc-dnnd willow ware ] Iron. Salt, Fish and in foot, a magnificent l : asaorttitunl of everything kept "n a First Glass Store.' now ready, and tor *nle at warveloo* low ' rate*. j GOODS VERY Nii.lß AT THE OLD PRILLS. Mulin* llioy will sell y -ll the very be-t lirand- at price* that will loloiii-ii you' New spring * l/resa Goods I A most beautiful vuriuly, eon- <tingof *ll j I tho noveltte* >f the season, at lower rutotj ] than orditmrily charged at "tlier placet. White Goods Embroi eries Tin- flnei-t stock in tow n, b.h a> oquantity quality, and prices. J-J DO'P 3X58T3 The best make-, lntrt -lyles and lowest rates, (llats nnd Cap- In great variety Linen*,Towatllng*, cbeeka, Donin g, lotii Cnssiiner*, t'loakings. BA I.MORAL SKIRTS, Npring and summer shawls, in fact, we keep everything, aud will -ell at a very .mall advance on first cost- All wc tick that volt will GALL AND EXAMINE OL'K STOCK before purchasing cl-cw hi re, RA WO do no consider it any trouble to show good*.. A LL KINDS <>F 11 \KNKSS, sliver plated ami Yankee Harness double and single, bridles nnd baiter* npr7j rifflVKS' STOV O Mr. Andrew R'-estnnn, would re-pect ' folly inform tt e citizen* of "Centre I full. : \ tltat h# now has on hand all sizi-s of Coal stoves— Gas Burners which he offers us ' low as elsewhere. Give him a cail and go { *nd tee his fouk before purchasing else where. • novlß,tl Washington, April 21 Alton ral 0r.1.- from the w r department discontinue# the Carlisle barracks, I'ennaylvenla, a* n tub depot for the mounted recruiting service* th*j>t<rmnu*nt imrtj- recruiting pro natty [and fund* will h- transferred tu St. Lou's arsenal, Mitiotui An enormous stock of boot* and hoe# at Wolf"*, for old and young. Prune*, the lineal, best and largest tier man prune*, Ju*t received at Woll"*, (' 1; NTft K 11 A I. t. oaoh Man .1 fao tory. Levi Murray, at hi* establishment al Centre Hall, IV. kecpsou hand, and (ir tale, at the mo*t reta inable rate*, a lurga *tock af ( Curriuges, i Buggies, & Spring Wagons, • PLAIN and FAJJCT, j i' iilld \ <hide# of e\ery description made to 1 order, and Warrant*.), to be made of the J beat seasoned material, and by tlia moat 1 1 akll led hod competent work met. Pcr*on J wanting anything In hi* line are requested i to call and examine hiswork, they will find:, it not to be excelled for durability and;' wear. aprikly i j a j a ' c OAMI'KL FLORY'S U IJ a New Shoemaker Shop. * at Ceutre llall, Pa. f The eitixena of thi. pirn# and vicinity are respectful I v informed that the undersigned e has opened a Sli..eniaker thop, in the *ee- f ond tory of Jacob Dtnge • aaddier shop, wbofe he I* now prepared to *<-rve all w ho may call Upon biui (or new Boot*, Shoea Ac . for men. woman and children, a* *l#o , in all k*nd ..fmending, lit* work i war- j ranted, and hi- price* mote reasonable than - ordinarily. He kindly ak for a share of] the public patronage 7apri* SAM I'EL FLOKY. 1 Boalsburg Academy i HonUourj, Centre county, P*. 1 Tint Surinr fertn often week* eomroen- ' CM \pr.l 2-tut. The Normal. Classical and A-'*td<'!iiie Itepartiucul are continued. The ' eot of Tuition i from to $7 per term. Hoarding can be obtained at reaaonable ■ rut is Send for circular. Addrea* G. W LEISHEK. Principal I aprT.St BoaLbarg. Pa 1 j)KMX HALL ACADEMY. I The Spring *eiun of thi* Ctas-iral ami ( N.-ruialltiOtution willcomuwr.ceoti Mon day April -JUU letTl. U> conluiua ninr | week* . t Special attention given to those desiring to teach Tuition from J4,au to ",*• per •mi##. , , Boarding and fttrnUb.-d *>otn# can He 1.,ul near the school at reasonable rale* lWfer. n. A. K TKI'XAL. A M. Grv Ceo Ut cttAXAM, Principal i Prea'U mars.Bl a tOMI A M' B KTTI.E All persons having any un*„ttl*d atore L.count* with the undersigned are hereby notified l" < *ll l bt roa'drnce, at Cautro Hall, of, or before the 'Jd.Uy of April, 1*71.. ill order to bate the same settled Ail i. r.-ii# interested will plea-.- take notice. upr.7 J. B. SOLT, IfV P. M Foil SALK. 1 lie "suUcnber i offers f private sab- the fartl, oft which lie now resides, situates) in Ferguson town ship, County ofCentre, one mile and a half west ol Pine (irove. The farm contains -tie hundred and twenty acre* f the beat' quality ~f limestone, oiio hundred aero* of wlnch i* iiinarui. under goud fence, and in a high atate ol cultivatiun. The batanca or twi-aty acres i*< ov.-redjwilh a Hue growth of, limber, the building' are good and conve nient, with a stream of running water at the door. An orchard in ftill bearing of the very bel varieties of fruit, and a grape vinyard ol the moat popular and atar.dard I varieties. i This splendid (arm wifl be aold cheap, mid tnrmi made easy. For particular*call Mi>on or addreM q M KEPLER, mtr3|,t( Hlno Grove Mill*. 4 SS I USEE'S NOTICE.-Notice is j\, hereby given that a partial account of 1 M Hall, aaaigneaof Jacob P. Shopc. ha* been filed in the Court of Common Pleas ■of Centre county, to April term A. D. 1871, nnd unit - objection* are fileil on or before ilie first ilav of *aid term, it will be confirm ed bv the court J NO. MOHAN. marlT.fit fVotA. NT K R KOSUOPES. VIEW*. XI.NT MS, < iiKowoa, r**r, K at 11. T. ANTHONY A CO.. SUI Broadway, New York, Invite the attention of the Trade to their . extensive assortment of the above good*. . of their own publication, manufacture and importation. At,*o rttnTo LAXTKHN #Ulk# ATTN i|K.\rnOS< <il*Ka, KKW PlIW* Q VOKKMtT*. K A H. T. AN rHONY A CO., 51 Broadway, New York, Onpoait Met ropolitan Hotel, tMPORTKH* AXD MAJftTACTraKR* <r PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. marlO.fini - \V AOK A It HO . iSucceaaor to N. llilibiah) Whole aalo and retail dealers in Stoves it Tinware, Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Botd only n jiartial lint of Cook Stove Wellington, Waverly, i Ornamental, Oriental, Itoyal Cook, * l'rince Koyal, Sen Shell, t Artisan, And American Parlor and Olßce Stoves : .Morning Glory, Tropic, Brilliant, and Kew Egg. And Parlor Cook* lor Wood or Coal, and Wood Stove* of every description. ' Attention I* called to hi* stock of Roonng 1 Plate, u new- sine, which hi- lias just receiv i d. aise 40AJ0, It make* better loh lhani he "Id *ixe, andean he furnished cheaper thai any other cstablUhment in town. jr-iff-Spouting and Jobbing promptly *l : tended to. Charge* reaaonable and atia {tadtlon guurantcod. oct'2'tib Nk W 11 VKDWA SKSTOEIH J. A J. HARRIS. NO. ft, IIROCKEKHOPF BOW A new nnd complete Hardware Store hit hern opened by tbo undersigned in Brock i-rhofTs new building -- where they an- pre pared to soli all kind* of Duildlngand Hpusi Kurniwiiiug Hardware, Iron, Kte<-I, Nails. Buggy w heel* in sett*, Champion Clothe- Wringer, Mill Saw*. Circular and Ham I Saws, TcnnonSawa, Webb Saw*, IciCreau Freezers, BHIII Tuba, Clothes Rack*, a fill assortment of <l!as and Mirror Plate of al, ;-ixes, Picture Frame*, Wheelbarrow* I Lamp*, Coal Oil Lamp*, Belting, Mpoke* | Felloes, ami Hub*, Plow*, Cultivator* Corr Plows. Plow Points, .Shear Mold Hoard and Cultivator Teeth, Table Outlory, Shov <ls, Spade and Fork*, Loek, lliuge* 1 Screws, Hash Spring*, Hone-Shoe#, Nail* 1 Norway Rod*. <)ll#. Lard, Lubricating I Cowl, Linseed, Tanner* Anvil*, Vi<-e, Bd | low#, Screw Plato*, Blacksmith* Tool* Factory ll- lls, House Bell* Dinner Bell* Uomg Bells, Tea Bella, Oriudatuiiea, Carpeu i ! ter Tools, Fruit Jar* and Can*. Paints, Oil* Varnishes received and for sal# at i junes'6B,ly. J, &J. HARRIS ,1 A BAI'M, axvxot.n a kkw uAtiat * /l . rwonr, fiiattnr at , Relleflmte , vv INKS an I) L IQ U 0 lir The subscriber *p#i-tfu!ly Calls thal tantion of the public to hi* establishm nt, where ho la im-pared to furnish all kind*oi Foreign and Duiimatb Lnpior*' wholesale at the lowest cash price*, which arc w arran :d to bo the bust •(ualuies according to thuir roapet live (rice*. Ills slock cou*i*u Of Kvo, Moiioiigabela, lriib and ollu-r Whiskies, all kind* ol Brandies. Holland Gin, Port, Maderia, Cherry, Blackberry and other Wines--lha best ariietes at a* reusonable rales a* can be had in the ally, Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Dinger and Carraway llramiies, IWir- Jamaica and New England Kuiu, Cordial of all kind*. Ha would particularly invite Farmers, IJe lel keepers and other* to call and ctuuiinej hi* large supply, to judge for themaehreil ami be certain of procuring what they buy, I which can seldom be done when purchtst-j og in the city. Ijo~ Physician* are respectfully rcju< sled u give his l|i)Uur a trial, apIO / lENTRK HALL HOTEL V ' JOHN Hi'AKoi kh, Proprietor I rilage* arrive and depart dally, for all! pointa, north, sooth, eaal and west. This favorite Hotel ha' been refitted and] furnished by Its new proprietor, and iannw! iu every respect one of the most pleasant 1 iimiiry Hotel* in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drover* will always And tne best accommodation*. Per sons treiu the city wishing to spend a few weeks during the summer iu the country, will fiud Centre Hall one ot the moat dvau tiful location* and the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and rob venlence. aplOtW.tf. j COACH MANUFACTORY. HA HUMAN PHILLIPS, AT II IS manufacturing establishment at Yeagartown, on the Lewistown' and Bellefonte Turnpike, has now on hand ■ a fine stock of Carriage*, Buggies, hulkiei and Spring Wagons, which lie now offen for sale a* superior in ouaJity and slyle* tc s anv manufactured In the country. They are undo uAhe very bestteasoned stock by drst class practical workmen, and finished in a style that challenges comparison with any wbrkoutof or in the Eastern cities anil can be sold al lower prices than thoac manufactured in large town* and cities, amidst high rents and ruinous prices of liv ing. Being uiastor of hi* own Situation, anxiou* to excel in hi* artistieal prufwior 1 and free from any annoyances iu hi* bu*i- j 1 nes, he has time and ability to devote hi j entire attention to hi* profession and hit j customer*, rendering satisfaction alike t. all patron*, operatives, hi* country, sue i himself. Call and examine hi* stock and learn hi 1 prices, and you cannot fail to be satisfied. ! 1 K K P AIR! S G of all kind* done neatly, promptly, tno ' reasonably Yeagertown, June 11 IHO —ly. jl DOUBLE AND HINOLE BARBILI, fowling pieces at !' aplO'tat. IK WIN A WILSON \\r J B ETTILK'B i! >f lIoLESALE WINK A LIQUOR STOKE Bishop street, Bellefonte. in the Stone buil . diug iurmerly occupied by the Key- ~ atone Bakery i Take* pleasure in ijifiirniing the public that, he keep# constantly on hand a supply o. choice Foreign and Dolncatte Liquor*. AU Harrrlt, Krgt and (kilt warranted 1 to mntatn tke quantity r<■*,<• sen/of, The attention of practiciag physician* is • ailed to hi* stock of TURK LIQUORS, suitable for medical purposes. U<>ttK-*, 1 jug*, and di>tn|iohn* <-<>ntantlv on band 1 H- has" the ONLY TUBE * NEtTAK < WHLSK Y in town. Ail liquor# are warranted to give aatia- ] faction. Liquor* will be aold by ib quart, barn!, or tierce. He li a large lot ox BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grade* on hand. Confident that ks rut please customer* be r.-#pctfully solicit* a snare of public pa?l tronage m \ lltl f HWIN A WILSON are constantly r ouiving new goods in their line. II A R I) W A 11 E oleverydescriptionatredu.ct prions- now I being opened every day iplfffK Wall Paper, cheap; from 15 to 20 cent# per bo! ta HU FFALO SCA LKS, of the Wsl uiakc. from 4 lb* up to l'Jo,(>Ut>l b#. apKTGfi. lKWtAWtl.so>'. 'pUHKKY l'ltl INS, raiscn., neache* 1 apple*, orange*, lemon*, all kind ; of foreign fruits, liams, boe-m sc., at WKXSUIK > THOMAS nit Y BOA HUB, l'lank and Keantliug for sale by Ini>a Wiumi>. j aplu tin. ] CIROBB-CUT AND MILL SAWS, be /make at law 1* a Wtt*o>. aplUdf PUM PS! >Vottlt'it Ptiiups. AND PIPING. The underaigued would reapcs-tfully call; the attention oflhv idhxen* oft. entr<- county, and Pennavalley in particular, to tha fact, that ha la manufacturing 'f})2 323T PUiilP, made al home or elsewhere. He Use# none but the b<*t material, RK WAKKKKT# TRKM to give aalisfartioa, a* being the moat last ing and durable, ai-rgßioß TO THK OLD i wooden pump, being arranged to let the water off and prevent t reeling in winter, j Pine, poplar or cucumber pump# alway* on hand. Hi* matirial for pump* i* alt 1 *we<l from large timber, and are thu# ! Secured agaiiit Checking or Crack ing. All order* by matt promptly filled. PIPING, made of the beat material, of five inch scantling, joined together w-lh coupling block*, thoroughly banded, and wat ranted to stand any pres-ure required for ordinary use. Prices of pining rnnge from 12 to 18 cent# per foot Send order* to #.-pt :.ly J TELLER. Milehurg, Pa li uri a I Case s AND GASKETS ! AIR-TIGHT AND IN DESTRUCTIBLE rem Protccliug and Preserving the Dead. j The undersigned take* pleasure In an nouncing tlint he ha*secured tltc#oleagcn cv in thi# county for ME TA L LIC A .V/> (71. .4 SS Kuriiil Ctuea and fnakets. which are so widely known a# to require no specialoommondaflon. The MF.TALLIC* BURIAL CASE, with St# preacnt im proved style and finish, it# entire harmony with the feeling* of the bereaved, its per fected adjustment# and appointmeats ia wbatover relat#-* to the preservation and protection of the body after death, eon firm i it* utility and entire adaptnesa to the pur fpoes for which it I# designed. GOFMNSof all de*crlr<tlona furnished iat the ahorti-at notice; and all order* filled . | promptly night or day. Tin- Dead laid out 'l with care, and tuneral# and escort* super intended in person. HENRY" HARRIS Ijnovlt Bellefonte, Pa. M I LLER S HOTEL. Woodward. Pa Stage* arrive and depart daily. This favorite hotel i* now in every respect ■ I one of the moat pleaannt country hotel* In i central Pennsylvania. The traveling com -1 ruunity will alway# find the he*t accommo dation. Drover# can al all time* be accom modated with stable* and pasture tor any I number of cattle or hore* julyH6Btf GEO MILLER. A large Hiid elegant assortment of Horse > A.Blankets, Buck-skin Glore* and Bufta -1 lo Robes, at very at low price# ;j BURN BIDE AT HOMAS I rpHKhigheat market prices paid for a kind# of country produce, BUBN9TPR a TII6M A3' SPINDLE SKEINS for wagon#, all #1 xo#, at the aign of the Anvil. •I ANIO NS IKWIS a Wiumx. T A MPS OF EVERY VARIETY and aplO 1 Ht IRWIN A WILSON'S. HORSE COLLARS, if you don't wha your horae * ihoulder# galled anil I madeoore, get good harta oollara at BURNSIDK & THOMAS'. A Tremendous Stock of Goods <| at Buruaidt' & Thumas. I ffTO YS of all kind#, at I BURNSLDE A THOMAS * Philadelphia Shut-, In RmckerholT a block, Itisliop Btret, L Bellefonte, w here KELLER A MUBBEK, aa Well as the b< I assurtcd stock nfdMNt j |n BellMantu. HE HE LAMES, i - Is the place to t-uyyour Silk#, Mubairi ; M/.aiubique, R.j.s, Alp<, Detain. I Luus, Brilllunts Mu-lUit, Calico**, Tick itigs, Flitiiel*. Opera Flanels, Lndii-s Coat , ing, Gents' Cloths, lat die. Kacqttes. Whit* Pekay, Linen Table Cloths, Count, rpam # , | Crib Counterpane*, White and Col ere. I Tar Ron, Napkin#, Inserting, Edging# j While La.l- Cnrtlrts, Zephyr A F?p hvr Pab Urns, Tidy Cotton, shawl*, Work flasket- BUXPOWKB. INwtioiia of every kind. White Good* o( every description. Perfumery, Rlbbw,#- \ civet, lafleta and Bonnet, Cords an< YciL, Buiton#, Trimming,, Ladlu and Mi-... Nkirta, HOOP NKIHTH, Thread Hosiery, Fan#, Bead*, Sawing LADIES AND MISSES SHOE* and in fact every thing that canjie thought j of, d'Ored or used ia the FANCY GOODS OR NOTION LINK FUJI GENTLEMEN, ,'Ley have black and blueciotb*,, black and I fancy easaimaraa, sattineu*, tweed., m.-l --trnß, silk, NMtiu BIH) roNHUGii ia short, every thing imaginable Iu the fine ot ; gentlemen, wear. Hhvdyitia.it- Clutliiig of Kvery I >i itcriptiou, for Men and Ilora. Hoots and Shorn, in endless rurtV/y Hats and Caps, CAll PETS, Oilcloth, Ilutjs, Brown Muslins, Bleached Mus lins, 1 trillings. Sheetings, Tablecloths. IACJ cheaper than elsewhere. I Their stuck of QUEENS WAKE A UKO . < ERIKS cannot be exoetied ia quality or price. Call in at the Philadelphia Store and con ] vince yonraelves that KELLER A ML'S- I SKIt have any thing you want, and do bu- ' {sine** on the principle of "Qui. k Sale# and [Small Profit*. apfiO.SU GOOD N KWF FtiK 'i HK I'KOI'LK. Great Attraction and Great Bargain*! i fpilK undersigned, determind to m.-et the L popular demand for Lower Price#, re-' |ape.-iruUy . alia the attention of the public to hi* stock <>f SADDLKKY, now offered at lha old alattd. Designed es pecial I* for the people and ike lim- a, the lar gest and moat varied and complete assort-j uienl of Smldlea, Ilame##,(ollarn. Bridles, of every deacriptlon and quality; Whips, and iu (act . ven-thing complete to a fir*t < la* establishment, he now offer* at price# which will suit thetimea. A better Variety, a better quality or finer' style of Saddlery has never before been of fered to the pub! ic. Call and examine o#ir lock and be satisfied before purchasings e Mew hare. DdtnttiiSl t-> pl.-a-e my patron* and' thankful f#r the libera) share of natmnage ' heretofore ctjo> <-d. 1 respectfully solicit a ' continaanc- of the same. J ACOB DINGKS. Centre Hall. li. _ „ ; N'EW FIRM, NEW GtKIDS AND Panic Prices. FOSTER DEVIJNG A \YILFOS, Having ptir. Hi-ed tltd extensive store ot owe)!. fliUiLr, 1A C-„ and addcitollietn at panic pricoa large aae.ittmcnt of NEW GOODS, Tlicy are enabled to *!! at OLD KAtsIiIONBD PKIUBS! I A iarge variety of Drtas Good# Great Bargains in Muslim and Calicoes. Ready Ma-le Clothing Warranted to Suit. ' Our Cloth* and Gaaaimcra, Cant be excelled. THEIR GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Astonishes .-very one in n*#>rtment and low prices. Byi up. Sugar, T-a Coffee. Cannel t-uit*, J.-Ilie*, D"niesttc and Foreign Fruits, Cheese and |tlrw* ot ail kinds, and every other aiticie bo longing to tbo Grocery Drpartinont- Thry Wholesale at Philadelphia JiaUs. Farmers, Mechanic* and Laborer* look to your inu-r.wl. One dqUar aaved i* j a dollar in pocket. Then call and a.m al i what astonishingly low price* PORBTER DEVLINU A WILSON. Are selling their Dry C o.J# and Gweriea. (SfSo trouble to ahow (ioadvah If they are not a* repre-enied. we will '■ pay jrou for your trouble. Don I forget the * place. /MFTURNER RriLDrSG-BR ap2*tf Allegheny St, Bellefonte Pa. j CENTRE HALL Manufacturing Co. AND Machine Works. CENTRE IIALL CENTRE CO., PA. f Having enla|ged our New factifitt i*i> : 1 MACHIME tjuoi-s and Auaict'LTlaxi I WORKS Blocked with all acw and lutes I improved Machinery" at Centre Hall, an ' nouncrlo the publicthatthey arc now read, 'j u< receive order# for anything in their lin :of business. , Shafting;*, ' Pallies, Hangers, IKON & BRASS s'' YYe alo manufacture tje celebrated : KEYSTONE HABVESTEII , which now stauds unrivalled. Thi* Reaper ha# ad vatiUgea over all othe , Reapers now manufactured, tine advati - tag.- we claim for It, I# the li-vcr power, l>, which we rain one bnudre.l per cent ore 1 other machine#. Another ad vantage i th I hoisting and lowering apparatus, wherel t tbo driver ha# under his complete coi tr* .! of the machiivc, in couiiug to a spot of J-nlg : od grain, the <n-iv.-r can change the cut ! he machine in nn iit-lant, without stoppin ; tlia varying the stub!.- from I to 1 i' j inches at the outside if the Kinchin.-, K. WC ;a* on the inside. It t* t instructed of. fin II class material; and built by first cltu* un ii chf nlc#. We warrant it second to none. AU Wthda of Horsepow er# and TUrcsltin - Machine#, Hay and Grain Rake#. lat-#tin * i proved. All (chide of Repairing done. Di v I (brant kinds of PLOWS AND : PLOW CASTING S The Celebrated Heckendom Economic plow which lias given entire satisfactio We employ the best Pnttcrnmaker#, on pattern# arc till new and ofthe moat imurov od plan*. Plana, Specifications and J) aw ■ ings furnished for all work done by u*. i iwr We hope by strict attention to bus ne*a to raceivo a share of public patron*, a CASTINGS of ovry description made nnd fitted up f MILLS, FORGES. d FURNACES. FACTOR IKB. TANNERIES, S AC., AC All order# by mail promptly attended t a' JKNTKK HALL MF'G COM'P k IIIMIV T. II F.V.MIIOLIFtt COMPOUND FLUID Extract Catawba r# l, \ GRAPE PILLS. < I, u Component I'arU—t-'hud fjrtraet /Mb 1 barb and fluid J-.rtrurt Catawba Crape Juice. A , For fiver cutu|ltiiiU, jaundice, bilious | aftfeetiona, iek oi twirroo* headache, CiomUvmmmi, Itf. Finely vegetable, com taming w< mereunr.njinergle or deleterious drug*. ! Fi Th"- Pill* are the ii.ot delightfully | pl-anf purgative, kuperwding ator oil, l aU, magKretn. .-tr Therein nothing {ut< re acceptable to (be t.oter|j They ■ give tube, rwtft m-ukcr ounces nurgriniug r ttmiw. "ibey are computed of the fiamt tigt •diciti*. After a few day*' u< of them •uch n invigoration of the entire *•, (tern uki-i place a* u> appear miraculous to the ; i weak und enervated, whether srbnug from i • imprudence or ditear, If. T. Ucltubnid* i Compound Fluid Hitrtrt Catawl ■ Grape ! i FilU are oi rugareoated, from the fa<-t thai j . *ugar< atnd Fill* do not dtoeolre, but pas* through the stomach without dissolving.! ! consequently do<-t produce the dr.ijad l- j 'feet. The Catawba Grape Pill*, being, | pleaant in teste and odor, <ln not rtecaaai .totclboir being nogarrueted. Price fifty Icasta par bow. £ U Kb'it VT. HELM BOI.P'H BtuHLr I'uxctt rtATiii < oMruta n Fiuiii Kxtract hen*aparilJn Will radkally exterminate iron the *v*t*tn< . .Scrofula. By ph ilia, Fever Sure*, (/leers, i Sore K> ea. Sore Leg*, Sore Mouth, Borei ,' Head, Uronrhitir hkia Diaeaaea, Hall Khrum Cankers, Itunniaga from the Ear white *w oiling*, tuuiora, cam-erou* afters lion*. node*, Ilieket*, glandular aweihnga, 1 l! night aweata. raah, tetter, bo mora of all, kind , chromerlieumartrro djaj.eiw.ia. and' all diaeaaua iliat hara beea established inj , the *y tcui for years, L . * Being pr joaped expressly for the above compliment , it* bl<wi.|iuniying proper- 1 . lie* nr.- groater than any other pt< p ration t <>l'tariaperit)s. It giv<- the rompiexjou a. ' clear healthy color and restores the patient to a aie of health and purity. For pari-, i tying the biood, removing ail ehronie ma- ! ■lituUoitai (Ji.>aM- arising ftoto the an KM pure *ut of the bkwwi, end the only relta- j Lie and effectual known remedy for the cure of pain* and swelling of the bone*.' , ulceration* of the throat and leg*, blotches. j pimple* on the face. erysipelas and all I Karate eruption ► of the skin. and beautify-, in* complex ion. M HIS BYT HET.MBOLDS <ON"rnmuTXP Fluid Extract Bucbti, THEGKEAT UII'IETK* I ha* rur<-d every cmeofdiabotea in which it ha* hee-n given, imutton of the neck of the bladder nr.d in flan, nation of the kid neys, u lev tat ion of the kidneys and bind -1 der, retention of urine, di-<-a*<-* of the pros late gland, i-lotia in the bladder, calculus gravel. brick-dust dedmut, nd inucou* or milky discharge*, and for infeebied aiad delicate constitution* of both texts*, attend > ud with lb# following symptom* indipoi tint t Ptrrtita, lot* of power, I. a* efruetn i:ht of breathing, weak aervar I trembling. horror of disc are, wakefulness, i dm tit** of virion. (tain in the back, hot hanrU, fluahing or the body. dryness of the %kii, eruption ou the fair, pa'lid counto naucc, uivirul la*itud or the wwrul*r ryatcgn, etc. l T ed by fwtMlf from the agea of eigh tci i. :. twenty-five, and frutu tbirty-nve U* fifty-fivo or in the decline or changv of {life; ateer eonflnitMdU or labor paint ;bcd w etung in children. B Uelmbold kextractburhu i Itiartdicand biood-puvifving, and cure* all diwaae* aroing fri habit* of di>ipation. and ex ccmmw and imprudence* in life, impurine* . of the blm-d. etc.. *upvr*eding copaiba in affection* for w hich it ia wed, and typhi!!- th- affection*—ift ihwe diacwcf u*ed in con mction with IK lutbold a ro*e wash. I.A HIES { In tuatty affectlont peculiar to lauiea, the extract buchu ia unequalled by any other remedy -a* in rbluluaii or retention, in* - regularity, painfull***** or lappraokw of ru.tomnry vacua ton,*, utrerwtod or achir p ru* xateoftbc uterus i< ucorrforaor white*, ty, and for all * ouiplaini- incident to in. ea. whether ariting from indiacrelion or babtU of diipation. It b preacrlbed extentively by the uiokteminent phrician and mldwlre* for enfeebled and delicate <-entituliefi. oi both **>xe and ail age* .attended with any of the aboredi*a*e* or tyiuirfoant, o " H. T HF.LMBOI.nS EXTBACT BU 1 t'Hlf CUBES IH-KAHBB AKlSIN'ti FROM IMI'HriIENCKS. HAB ITS UF DISSIPATION. ETC . . in all their *tag< *. at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, awl nn r*po*ttr<\ It ou**c* a frequent deaire, ' and give* strength to Vr Bate, thereby re movmg Obstruction*. Preventing •no Cu ring stricture* of the urethra, allying peitt ami inflatuatioo, *o frequent in thiaclaa* ol dinavc*. and expelling all jKiiaonou* mat ter. Thousand* who have been the victim* o! Incompetent jwreon* and who have paid heavy foe* to be cured ia a -hontime. itv JUM lbey have been deceived, end tRaJ lbs "F'tium,, ha*. by the use of "powerful, u stringent*." been dried up In the system ■ to break out in a more aggravated form, and licrliap* after n,*rrmge , T'SK HELMBOLD S EXTRACT SU CH I' for all alle. ti.mfand diseases of the! urinary orpins, whither existing in male r leum!*'. from whatever cause originating, d i<ad no matter oGioxr long standing, Price., ■ one doltan and Mf* cents per bottle. £ ' L £ UKNP.YT. HKI.MBOMVSIMPROYEP "■ BOSK WASH cannot V tUMIMf a* a lace wash. and will be ftnind tbo only specific remedy in ' ererv specie* of cutaneous affection. Itj •jv ed ly eradicates pimple*, spot*, soerbu-, i tie dryness, induration* of the cutaneous, membrane. etc., dispels redoeat nd incipi-] entintbouation. hives, rash, moth patches. • j ' I wttaa, and all' * i wiiirti 'livig aywiiUßionitart j s used ; -tore* the skin to a state of puritv uid sotiuee*. and insure* continued heal j " lUv anion to the Useuo of its vowel*, on! which depend* the a,gr enable clearness andi viracity "f complexion to much soughtand; admired Rut however valuable as a r>>uie- Idv far astatine defect* of the skin. H. T.J liiin bold'* Rose Wash has long sustained its principle claim to umbounded patron a 4 ge, bv posse --ing nualitiea which render it a toiled appendage of the mutt tuperlaj live and voegi niel character, o inbining in an elegant formula those pnuniu'ent ! rfquMje, -afety and effteaey— tnelnvaria- JJ bloMccnaipcnimeata of It* use—a* a pre ''' M ll alignand rofrtoSei *d"the complexion It tr iti rrr Ihtt I ffhwi fbr diseases of a ■ -vph.illt'c nature, and :u an injection for ** (fheaiS of tin i urinary organ , arising from habit* of di-sipxdion. used in connection a itli the Extracts Buchu, Sarsajiarilla, and ha tiranc I*lll*, in such diseases as "ii r t ccinmeo.it a, csmk* be surpassed. 1) ia- j Full and expHcft dircctipn* accoanpaay ng! the medicine*. in Evidence of the meat responsible and re i'-! liable ch a meter furnished on application, with hundreds of thousands of living wit neses. and upward of dtI.UUU unsolicited certificates and recommendatory letter*, manv f which are from the highest sour ices, including eminent Physicians, Clergy , nn-n. StaU'smcn, etc. The proprietor ha * never tesorted to their publication in the eel new papers; he dona net do thia from the > [fact that bis articles rank at Standard Pje nt pa rat ton*, and do not need to be propped v-1 up by certificate*. n : uJ HENRY T. HKLMBOLD'S GENUINE ,J PREPARATIONS Delivered to any addrett. Secure from fn j observation. Established upvard# f twenty yours. I Hold by Druggist* everywhere. Aad re ilvUdn fo* information, In < onfidenee to, 111 EN UY T HELM BOLD, Druggist and! ( ! Chemi-t, Only Depots: H. T. IJELMBOLD'B 1 Drug and Chemical Warehouse. No. iSM r* Bread Way, New York, or to H T. HELM * BOLD'K .Medical Depot, 104South Tenth Sir- st. Philadelphia, Pa. to lit warn of eotinterfaiu. Ask ftu Heury T. Helm hold's! Take DO other, • A MEAT MEDICAL DttMVEti . Dr. WAXJUCB'S OALZyo&MtA VINEGAR BITTERS 14 Hundred* of TbooafiAdi fJ' I? Iff WHAT ARE THCVt gig J rinrT ARB *or ami ill • *ll FANCY DRINK, ill • Itadaef Per Han*. klofcey, rr—f ftplelga r and Bafaee l-tewrAaelemd,ignl aafiewtM rant U> piaaaetm ua*. r>UM-Tm*.*-*),ati ax" * eaauwwra." ** . uua U*4 Ok* Ofim e la I IrenlhaVaUV* kwWaed tlorbe f CaWwal*. trve ! tram all Alcohefte tMlweleate. Thar w* th* OBKAT IU.OOU rVBtriBK mm l A UVI II fliriNU FKIXCIPLBapaeC laantM *• 1 langaeatat * f Uw *rk*a. earrytag t€ alt jamna maucr aadntktoftaathe btaaOiqahi W*| •■•Ullai. [ Xo penon caa Ult (be** nmn M(irOlaa e ''***• ÜBUU WtfttM gteeafueae lareeahl•aa^•rfev•^!* , '* ' Uu heaae are ant deatreyad by wta—l >■* ee gfber wim*. aadth* i cat ergaas wealed teyaedlfce •i - cww. *- timm end Uaai. Btai|d. ee I a die***■ Blllewa, laaltma mm 4 twieeodaiew* Fevei* Ptuawi t the Bimd, U*r, Mfdaafa. a*d ' j Madder, tmaa limn tare beer mm aeaa***- "'fx) hack Pteeeara am corned by fltlaitd i Stood, etMabl*f*a*e*lty |udiaahy dw—im it •ffii Mewitk OifßH. DTinntU OS HIMOUTIfiI, C*d idt. 5, f'liß 1% tIM Miiirm I<l fit. Cwihgrlwi igfktfaumtfir f fir* 4 Clmmc* IMaMtiMMkiHi, flMMftf ymrffilliwiiii •# tftui HKib.*' • Had tokin la Om MaeUt, MMae* AWaaW. |-als~t..c . . d Um liwi, ißdwaaaUeßef SeUags. rs* . rrgleet 14 a* Kldacy.aafiabadeal au , <;rum*, mi tt* <Ae*tag*af Divt** I Twytavtpatew dbadWeaabaadwheiii'i i j ytdtt**raad bewel*.wtdafe wad rn*ar *. *- II fiififj fcfe T t lTTltrflMty tidft IftftiNNl ®t cR m jhifiil . *.--4 - ucmmagiK* taiixad. nwMntor*! f POBnsiS OlaKknCfihUvtwe*.. **.;. . • IUWUC. cumu*. r(t. lu {-!.•. I 1_U.:1.1 ... . t*uelc*.fnag-Wam, (tsM-Uc*l tcr* I ft*, . • da*, twh, tew*. Mmiintoiaiiil mart*-, t * I *ad Pocaaa*attaairfua.et whatc*er aaau • > ■*■■■*•. j Tar* ittcraOr deg ap aad Mwct on*i •***•,.,* -a , j *Ua(* Ustoe by th* w ef Urn Uuo U* t. u nch meo* wtn oaevtae* the wm In udohna %* %~.m caratte* efihet. Ciraaa* th* VMIaM Bad wiearr*r yea Cud Ba :■. parttna haiail— thranph th* una I.* tva*e*a*. Ijwj .l aad UaggWh to the vwo*-, akee** U Wa* It * d*W , eadyarnfhnMnca win toil jmevhaa. gaeeekahtoa. ghf* aad the haaM et th* ryetn* etttMlew. * \ riß. Tars aad etWrWOSXii. tartdnatafo ■ywaaof *oaoay theeaoaOt.ar*4dh**4eny daw* . *4 aad removed- Tm Ml 4mmsrnmm. e*ed Umu CtlWfclAff 4M"WMMN9 4NMtfk fMrttil. pfMftWMl li fitMH-ff gangv-&*gtoe.O *rwaa. feiaeh aad beeeWb. J. TTxIXKSt, rngMw. tt R MdMHIAZS tO) *• r **S* and Oca. treat*, fas Ffaaatae*. Cat ullikidliCtaaim tteMt. Raw Talk -15 tr-OU> RT tlx PRCOCUTS ARB W>M>- Gfrover 6c Baker'" " "" HIGHEST PREMIt'M r SEWING MA CHINES. The following are selected from thoue ' *nd of teettnioiiial* of aimilar character aa '"exprewing the reaeoa* for the preference I I for the Umovc& & BxxKß Xacfata** oeet Tall other*. ewe --j hye the Grocer A B-ter Ma- . chine, in the firrt place, becawe, H I hat? I any other. 1 thtnild still want a Grocer it ,' Baker; and, having a Grower 4k Baker, fc ™lawer* the name ourpoee of all the reet * It doe* a greater variety of work and It la to feara than any other.'"—Mra J. *•€. Oroty (Jenny June.) " a•e - J bare bad aeverat yean' exwr*- ence with a Grower A Baker Machine, ": which ha* given me great satiidbetioo. I think the Grower A Baker Machine b more * easily managed, and lata liable to get out r of order. 1 prefer the Grower 4k Baker, decidedly, —f Mr*. Dr. Watta, New ' f : York.] f ••• "I bare bad one ia my family for * | tome two year*; aad (bom what. 1 know at '• ■ it* working*, and from the teadimuny ol '' 1 many of my frieada who uae the tame. I "j can hardly *ee how any th iaa could be more . complete or give better catiamctioa." —Mn I*General Grant] cl believe it to be the beat, all thiaw '* contidered, of any that I bare known. 1 i* very simple and easily learned ; the sew ing from the ordinary spools be greet ed. vantag*; the stitch i* entirely rettabte; it docs urnamcntel work beautifully ; it b net •. liable to get out of order "-Mrs. A. M Spoonee, S6 Bound Street, Brooklyn. 1 The Grower and Baker Hewing Mack in* i Company manufacture both the Klatok , r Stitch and Lock Stitch Machines, aad o#s< ,i, tbe public a choice of the best machines el m , both k lads, at their cotablUhmcnts ia all ! the large cities, and through agendo* ia ~| nearly all town* throughout the country ' , Price Lbt* and uamplas of sewing in bath ■ ktitche* fomiihed on anplicetkm to Grower [. Jt Baker S. M. Co.. PhiQolpUn, or to F. P. Greene, 1 next duor to Centre Co. Bank, Belk* ~ foote. I NATURE'S Hair Restorative Contains no LAC SULPHUR —N* i SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH ARGIi-Nu NITRATE OF SIL VER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs uec<l # in other Hair Prepara j lions. ] Transparent and cluura* crystal, it will not toil the finest fabric--perfectly BAt X CLEAN and KFFK.TENT-denida.a --i turns LONG SOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LAST! It restore* and prevents the Hair from becoming Ofay, imparts a soft. glossy op peart oce, remove* Dandruff, ia cool aid refreshing to the heud. checks the Hair 1 from fhlling off and restore* it to a gr at extent when prematurely lost, prevents ' Headache*, cure* all Humors, cutaneou srujumns, and unnatural H*t DR. G. SMITH, Patentee, Greton June tivn, Ma**. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, Gloucester Maw. Th* Genuine is put up in a panel bottle, ma t expressly for it, with the nameoftheartich blown in the riant. Atk your,Drugriat fbr Nature'a liair Restorative, and taka • other. For sale by U'ui. MVlf and J. B. Soh- Centre Hall 'Mjunly BABITSSOAP, Wm. Haganand K.a on*, olive toap, Dobbtiu toap Je 1 Oakley'* soap*, oldcaatile.pure, Palm toi p Elderfing** soap, and a great variety 11 other toapt, at BURNSIDR* THOMAS' Whitman * celebrated oonfections, Whitman'* celebrated chocolate, Buker't cbccolate, Smith'* chocolate, China Ginger, English Picket, American Fickle*, at RURNSIDR a THOMAS' FISHING TACKLES, rodslinaa, hook dies, sea hair baskets, etc. Rig you out to catch trout at BITBNSIDE A THOMAS JAPANNED TOILET SETTS AND other Japanned ware, at the Anvil Store. aplO'6B. IRWIN * WILSON. Bf for Buggies and Carri&rber. ir- in use; Fire Bolts, ditto, at ptO'dS IRWIN * WILSON' (TJFFIN TRIMMINGS, a large j mental IRWIN* A WlLSOirl