JwWrW* "CENTRE HALL REPORTER. 0 Centre Hall, Pa., April < 1 TERMS.-Ths Catrraa Hsu. Rxroa tbr it published weekly at *2 por year in advance, or $2,40 when not paid in ad vance. taalfyearly and quarter .v sub scriptions nt the same rnte. Stn*le copies I ve cents. in Advertisements $t,W I** *i 11 1.L., dns) for three insertion*. Advertisement* fbr n longer period, at a reduced rale Business cant* of Ave linos, $6 Communication* recommending parsM for offlce, ,% cents per line. Hons of a private nature and obituary no tice* exceeding Ave lines* lias. Business notice* in local column 10 tsnU per line, for one insertion. Notice* of death* and marriage* inserted free of charge Our triends, in all part* of tho countv will oblige by tending us Wal items of interest from their respe* tivelooal- U Die figures sot to the addre* upon each subscriber's paper indicate that the subscription i* paid up to such date, and answer ths same a* a receipt. Person# re mitting by mail, or otherwise, will under stand from a change in these cfcles that the money has been received The Apportionment. The committee of conference en the ap portionment hill has finally agreed upon a bill which gives the Senate to Democrat* in 1872, and thereafter to the Republican*, by ene majority. The House will be Re publican by six majority, according to Geary's last vote. Considerable dissatie faction is manifested by some of the Re publican*. although it is believed the bill will receive a large majority vote. This bill make# Huntingdon, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata a senatorial district, just the kind of company which the democ racy of Centre does not wish to be in, and with which it ba* no natural or any other sort of afflnily. The gallant democracy of Centra have had no one nt llarrisburg to pteveat them being placed in this detesta ble alliance. This compost place* both the senators of the late double district, Messrs. Crawford and Petriken into the new single district, and each one will look for a re •ltdion We shall have more to say upon this sub ject hereafter, and the selfish motive* by which we were to unnaturally and unwil lingly married to theeonnties abovenamed, for the next seven year#. It ia stated that the Supreme Court of this State km decided that the mere name of a peraon on tho hack of a promissory note does not hold such endorser responsi ble for the payment df the same. He mint write over the signature. "I guaran tee the payment of the within when doe, of something to that effect- This, howev er, does not apply to the person to whose order tho note may be drawn. Paris Versus Franc*. The Menniny of the Great Revolution its the Freneh Chpital —The Great Fight Between City and Country. j From ths London Economist, April I.] We shewed last week how wide the chasm between the great cities of France and the country district* has -grown; and this week we have evidence of the foil con sciousness ot the chasm in the explicit pro fession ef faith published by the revolution ary party in Paris, which declares for the independence and federation of the great communes of France, and for securing for the great cities some guarantee of sufficient influence over the central authority, "what ever that may be," in order to prevent their being swamped, as they have hitherto been liable to beswamped, in the representatives sent up by the count! y districts. This most dangerous revolutionary proposal is, in some sense no doubt, aperoesi* of the poli cy of the Imperial government, resting as itdid on the ignorance and conservatism of the rural population, found iuelfcompelled to readjust the electoral arronodissements, so as t# neutralize as much as possible the influence of the great towus. Wc often had occaeion, while the Emperor still reigned, to point out, as the late Paradol pointed out in his last very instuctive book, tbat the flrst requisite of e proper reform hill for France would be such n readjust ment of the electoral districts as should give the great citie* of France their fair influence ia the National Assembly. But this the Emperor, who knew well tbat he reigned chiefly by virtue of the confidene which the timid and ignorant peasantry reposed in him, would never grant; and now we see the terrible recoil of the policy of repression in this revolutionary demand tbat France shall be virtually governed by the great cities—for that is really what the new programme mean*—and the rural dis tricts kept down by the superior intelligence, - force and wealth of the municipal centres. This is the political ideal after which tha Parisian revolution declares itself to be an aspirant. That Lyons and Marseilles, and perhaps St Etienne and Toulouse, moreor less share the same views, the recent dis turbances there seem to ndicqte. Should Paris succeed in defying the central power and establish herself as an independent commune we may be quite sure that such an example given by the capital will soon be followed by others of the great cities, which have for generation back followed more or lees closely in the wake of Paris. And the probable consequence will be the disintegration of the State, and a social war of eity against country. It is n frightful danger, and one the magnitude of which has really grown with Ihe recent attempt* at a remedy. Louis Napoleon saw the ex teat of the danger in 1848, and tried to reme dy it by drawing from the country an ar my wbicb kept down the capital and the other great towns ; but then, as we have seen, he had to prop up his policy by the political expedient of attenuating the politi cal strength of the greater municipalities, which he effected, after a fashion well un derstood in political England, by throw ing great marginal districts of agricultural population into the "circumscriptions" of the more democratic citie*. But all this counterbalancing of the great cities only piqued their vanity and excited their vin dictive feelings the more, tiil at last we see tbat the quarrel of town versus country it like enough to necome an open feud. And perhaps the worst feature of this new revolutionary cry is, that while it is a very exciting cry, a cry which has a very vivid meaning both for town and country, it does not represent anything of definite and intelligible policy for the future. The most dangerous of all social quarrals are those which begin before any intellectual or moral issue is really reached—quarrels of local jealousy which represent passions y and hypothetical interests rather than dis tinct policies and tangible interests. We knew pretty fairly the vague ideas wbicb are fermenting in the great French cities; we know that there is a very widespread distrust of the rich, and a very strong dis position to insist on government by the poor; we know that there is a vague idea that wealth is unfairly distributed, and that in some fashion or other guarantees should be taken for it* more equal distribution in ftiture; we know that there is a violent dis trust amon; the ouvriers ot the principle of competition, and a vague belief that by building up vast labor associationsou what they call the principle of solidarite they could insure a fairer division of the rewards of labore further, we know that there is an intense dislike to the strong proprietary in dividualism and the torpid life of the rural district*, and a vast belief in the sacredness of political ebullitionaofall sort*, —in short, (B im manse love of excitement, snd a strong disposition to novelties of social and political experiment. AH these tendencies are deeply rooted in the fluctuating popu lations of the great cities of France; but there is not one of them which really rep resenti a distincy>rineiple or a practicable political plan. The rural districts rather believe iq wealth and rank, and cortainly , fX -j +t prefer to be governed by the rich and not by the poor. But though the apparent ten dency of n greater part of the city nnsses to distrust wealth and prefer men of their own order makesa social war* real danger, yet it in quiet obvioua that this it not an ittue on which a practical discussion it pos sible. Kvcn the city poor trill not raftis* influential leader* front among*! the pro fessional classes if they can get them; and even the country peasant* might chooteto elect an able and typical man ofthrirown clai* if they could find one This is just the tort of division of feeling which oau> #* bit terness without even remitting of a clear settlement. And to too of the semi-corn munittic notion* of the nntair distribution of wealth. No one ha* ever formulated them into a practical experiment, except indeed in the propotal to establish govern ment workshop* for the unemployed a most dangerous prop*Mal, unle** the work were harder and the pay much le than that of any private workshop*, in which ca#c the plan would bo rqj cted by the so eialist* themselves. A* for "solidartst who want to get rid of eompctitiou and "organise" labor on a great scale, no prac ticable plan has ever been proposed, except co-operative schemes, which are very good in their wey, because the.y it* checked and stimulated by external competition, without which they would become mere vest monopolies. Then again the jeneral belief in political excitement, experiment, and change, which mark* the cities and which is the horror of the conservative lan ded peasantry of the country, suggests no issue or principle capable o! reel discussion, it is a mere vague tendency which he* its influence of course in exciting enthusiasm in the cities, and dread in the rural popula tions, but it is Incapable of formulation, in capable of intellectual statement or refuta tion. Tliis, then, seem* to us to be the great peril of the situation—that the cities have got a rustless, a feverish, a dangerous, an empirical life of their own, to which they ate attached, and the influence ef which, io some form or other, they desire to see pro-' pegated through France; while the coun try people, ignorant, slow, conservative,; and attached to their ignorant, slow, conser- j vntive ideas, feci a complete horror of the views and feelings which agitate the cities and desire nothing so much as to be pro tected flrorn their influence. There, as we have said, is no political issue—nothing capable of being fought out definitely, like the demand for a reform bill, or for free trade, or even far a republic. All theec clear constitutional issue* tr ight be decided by political agitation. But in France we, have hoetile but on one side at least, vague I ideas threatening an order of society to! which U\g other side is attached, but with- J out even a trace of sufficient deflniteaees toj make it cleai what order of society these idealists would substitute for it, Sueh hos tility as this is the mere dangerous, just because it is vague, and any distinct com parison of ideas on the subject is impossi- j ble. It is more like a quarrel between two different ages of the world—between a feu-! dal and a lommercial period for instance, as to which should impose its yoke on the : other—than a contest between two section* j of the same people, educated under the, same influences, and only subject to a cer tain divergency of taste and principle I The only conceivable remedy for it i* * thorough rural education, which should j make the country districts more active and j susceptible to new ideas, and a thorough j city education, which should make ihej earner* more sober, lee* visionary, more; clearly aware of the strict intellectual lim-i it* on all progress. But that takes a gener ation or so; and s social struggle in France look* almost a* if it were imminent It i* a gloomy prospect Hos, the Nepotist Don Piatt radical in his paper, the | Ckpital. geu off the following pleasant; piece of poetry at Grant, for hi* nepotism. j Hoss was the colonel in the war Yaakaster fought against lgnomar; His grip was strong and hi* wind was long; And Tictory followed hi* cigar. When lgnomar went down in the woods, j Yankaster, in its exultant mood*. Gave Hoss carouse end costly houses, And bales of honor goods. Three golden moons for shoulder-tip*, To dub hitn Joshua of the eclipse. And silken feUer*. and spotted setters. And odds at poker, and faro chips. So far the grateful people went They ventured to make him President, And all Yancaster low doffed its castor, 1 As in the palace he pitched his tent. His nominations they beard with awe; The flrst were all bis brothers-in-law ! | To tee him interpolate such in the pur-1 pie. The lgnomar party roared "Ha! ha t" And next his cousin* to far degree* We clad in ermine and golden bee*; His needv uncle* wore carbuncles, And bathed in marble to drown their flea*. Repaying scores of auld lang srne, And lighting it out on the family line. He sought in highways and ancient by ways For more than kin and for loss than kiav. When from his laii the last of blood And tie was honered since the flood, And in one abysm of nepotism Appeared the palace neighborhood. No policy remained to win : The dynasty went down is kin; For want of more heirs' twas an end of affairs And the Hosses went out midst a gener al grin, MORAL. Go slow in kinship, low or great A* adjuncts to the control of a state; If the family stretch the device inay "fetch." But, if short of cousins, mark Hose's fate! - ♦ • Chicago, April 18.—This morning 2d win Mansion and wife were standing by the railroad track at Hyde Park, very near the track. A passing train fluttered Mr*. Marstons dress so that it caught on the cars and drew her under. Her hus band caught her to save ber, and was him self drawn upder, and both were instantly killed Poughkeopsie, April ll.—Moses 8. Ter williger, who choked his mother to death at Brudswick, Ulster county on Saturday ha* confessed. He entered her room in the middle of the night, and, after killing her, placed her body in the cellar and set fire to the premise*. Some men, in en deavoring to enter the bouse, were met by the murderer, who knooked one of them down with a club. Terwilliger had been insafle for some time. His mother wa* eighty-three years of age. Specimen Economy. There is no theme ao fruitful io self glorification for the Radical pre as that of the reduction of expenses in the administration of public affairs One would suppose after reading these effusions that Grant's administration was really a model of economy and retrenchment. But when the matter is examined critically it is found to he nothing more than electioneering bosh. The actual state of case is about this : The expenses of Congress during the past year are more than one million dollars in excess of what they were during either of the two previous years. • It cost two hundred and seventy two thousand dollars more to collect the revenues from customs, than it did last year. The miscellaneous expenses, which includes buildings, have increased one million of dollars. The expenses of the United State* Courts are one million three hundred 1 thousand dollars in excess of what they were during the fiscal year of 1867-8. There has been an advance of eight hundred thousand dollars in the es t penscs of the Interior Uepartmeenl ■ under the reformer Delano. * ■ The increase ill the Tension Bureau r amounts in round uuiui>er to eleven milltons of dollars. 1 Ths Poslatfic* Department cwti " eight hundred Uaou-auJ dollars more than it did two years ago. Here we have an aggregate increase ' of ex|enies during the past fiscal year* 1 amounting to sixteen million one linn I Jred and seveoty-tW© thousand dol ' lars, and this does not include the yit " rious items that will he dovetailed in r to the Deficency Appropriation bill, and which will bring the increase ol J iexpenditures fully uo to thirty mil* t i lions of dollars. Now what is there to offset thi , The principal item i* a reduction ol ' two million two hundred and fiflv , thousand dollars in the expense of col , fleeting the internal revenue. Hut the falling off ol receipts and the innumer able defalcations ot collectors uiorc II than counterbalances this reduction, - Which ha* been brought about by the t consolidation of revenue district* and lithe roduoliou of the number ol otii 1 'cials. THE Kl KLll BILE PASSED Bt THE SENATE. i (Minus Amendments. •Eire Republic*** Holt the l\irty if Vo ce* and I'ote Against the Hill. 1 Washington, April 14.—Thy Senate hu done its worst on the Ku Klux I bill. It not ouly passed it this even iing with ail the important amend me lit* submitted by the Judiciary Committee, but adopted two others 1 presented bv Messrs. Morton and Slier | mau, and thereby made the measure more radical and stringent and oJiou* Jill its every feature than when it wa* j evolved from the House Committee. ' Pint —The President is given the j power to suspend the writ of habeas j corpus through the Presidential elec • lion. Second— Evary oue who proves an outrage on bis person or property is i given the right of reclamation through i judicial process on property in the ■ countv where he resides. Third —The irou-clad oath is re stored for jurors in Federal courts, so (that uearlv every white man iu the 'South is excluded from the jury box. This will enable the Burteed* and Underwoods to pack the juries with | negroes who caunot read and write. jThe House, it will be remembered, merely fixed this feature so that the judge could set aside a juror who sym pathised with the Ku Klux, and ex act an ordinary oath to the contrary. There three iroportaut changes of the Senate are not acceptable to the ! more liberal Republicans of the House, while the Democrats, deeming the bill iufaiuous, will hold a confer ieuce to decide what course th- y -hall -pursue upon it. Five Republican |Senators, Meswrs. Trumbull. Robert son, Scburx, Tipton, and Hill voted | with the Democrats against the bill. llt is not a little significant that Messrs. Robertson and llill come from .the very sections where it is alleged I the Ku-Klux are in force and ojiera- Iting. The extraordinary and radical chauges made by tbcßcustc wore sug gested by Attoruey-Goncral Akerinan, with the President's approval. Sorrow * of Ike CoflctM oloml Ca det ■ Somebody Treads Again on Smith f Tots and Smith Becomes Bellicose and l\ofane —The Sigyer in the Milila ry Academy. West Point April 13.—That interval : ing young elephant known to the world j at large as Cadet Smith has been again j friskily disporting in the field of his 'wanton will, and proving how shelter i ing is the agis which covers a darkey pet. Several, months ago this darky | was tried by court-martini far excoriat ing his neighbors' shios, aud when re monstrated with, replying in terms the reverse of polite. Last summer he was also involved in trouble fbr using his tin dipper as an instrument with which | rather to lay open the military skull ithan to tiuaff the sparkling spring. [The head-breaking business dropped quietly into obliviou. But for turning his eyes to right at the command "left dree," he was court inartialed in Jan uary. The findings were sent to Washington, and have remained there ever siuce. And uow, while Htuilli is, as it were, out on ball, he repeats his previous ex ploit—kicking the shins of the man next to him in the ranks, and making reflections, as unpleasant as untrue. I upon his maternal ancestor. It i doubt ful- if lie will be oourt-niartiallcd fir I this new offence for another trial, while the sentence of the first is as yet unknown, could not fail to be the broad f est kind of a farce. The officers here stationed are not the men to shirk any " such duty ; but of what good would it be to try aud sentence him when the finding would probably be throwu in some plgeon-bole at the War Depart | ment r , Said a cadet to me some days ago . ; "We do not refuse to associate with ' Cad Smith on account of his having negro blood in his veius. I was brought -, up with darkies for my playfellows. His color is nothing; it is the fellow himself whom we dislike and despise. IjHe is low in his tastes, evil tempered ■'malicious,and a liar!'' ■ j These were strong words, but careful " inquiry and the sincerest intention pos ': sible to be fair, have led me to the con clusion that they are perfectly justi fiable and not a whit too strong. In , my previous letter lienccyou !iave had some acoouut of the degree to which , the canker of falshood had eaten its c way into the vitals ef the Military [ Academy. Now, while the wholesale . propagation of this vice cannot be - charged upon Smith, thcie is no rea i sonable doubt that the example of hi* i obtaining immunity for indulgence in ■ "conspicious jncxactness" has done much to induce weak-minded pit-be* to follew bis example. But alas for them ) They have, ere this, learned by sad experience the futility of white blood i to keep them from coming to grief, i I have referred loSmith'scolorasnol being the reason wh) he is shunned by t his fellow cadets ; and to illustruto this i the more plainly I cannot do better 1 than give the very word* of one of the " instructors here. t "Why, sir," he said to me ouly this morning. "It's ridiculous to think of ►Smith'* : being cut because of his negro blood, i The fault lies with himself and his own > evil nature. When lie came here for 1 the flrst tinm there came with him a pure darky, black as the ace of spades. J This latter failed to pass the prelimiua l ry examination, but during tho short 1 while he was here became a general favonta, and had he stayed would hnve i been a kind of pet to the hoys. lit* ' was jolly, lively, fqll of fun, showing | his teeth from ear to ear on the slior i| test notice, and though ol c ourse very t many jpke* WW trucked about his skin betook theip all jo good oaft, and f became the friend of everybody. But he WH* a real darky, no coffee-colored mulatto, who, by wa y> usually pog tbo3 him. When Mr. the (.'iucinuati Enquirer writes: One of the saddest speetacle.* pre-; tenletl in the seuate chamber m tneae • lavs is the big euhionor Bruwnlow with . lout an expression of generous yiupa . thy. lie seems to be waiting his s the organization ot the party and j lithe advancement of it- principle- Thi r convention will be called to order at ten . o'clock a. ni. By order of tlir rtato cum ri initios W. M ecui sn. . | Chairman. \ 1 l.cjal Trailer \rt—Supreme ('our! Hermes iU Former Action. si The Supremo Court, after a prutcacloul -j*i the Memphia Sun. t Judge Tlippi A sp'ke * follow* I- "Samuel 11. Poston, tha is oneofthe #nd e dest eras in my life. Our parents and thair ! y 1 children knew each other. Wo grew up, >t together, went to the same school, the -utm c church and played on hill and in valley I) the same innocent gauie* in boyhood. , Years havs passed since then. Our road iin life have diverged. You now stand con ; yictrd of a great, a rapital crime, and I, i< |) the minister of (he law, have imposed upon g me the painful duty of |>alng upon y>u the sentence of death. Were it consistent ■ ' with my official duties, I would tliat tbi* s cup could pass from me. flut I cannot now , shrink from the performunca of this pad [ j ; official requirement, and must not, and will j not in the future, though other victims may j j fall (o avenge a violated law. Jt is, there -1 j fore, the sentence of the Court thift you he ! I remanded to the county jail of Shelby conn !*l:ty, the (flace from whence you came, to be there securely kept until Friday, the 20th jjday of May nevt. when you will h<- taken i by the bheriffof Shelby county, between "j tho hour# of }op. |, and J p. |ii., within s jono mile and ahalfoftbo court house of : said county, and there be hanged by the ®|neck until you an- dead; and may (> d ® have mercy on your soul. " I"I When l'oston wa* Called, both thejudge *'nnd Poston were vers much moved Pos it ton shook like an aspen leaf, and had to e! grasp a chnlr for support At the i-oiiclu oisionof the sentoace Jui)g<> Flippln was I (in tears, as tya* also nearly nil the large (I crowd gathered there. It was a most uf d foi ling scene, aud ill ever be remembered 'by those who witnessed it. It m n sur it i prise to all ic kn<>w the relation that had tr existed in early -hildhood between Judge „j Flippin and PosUn", and it must indeed rjhnve been a *ad thing for Judge Flippfn to e J consign to death a playmate ot his early j boyhood days. ♦ * • 9 j Haggngf Smashing as a Fine Art j The liolun Comiuureinl Jlullidin say*: I itaggago smashing as a line art, hat reach ' ed a bight state of perfection in this conn- II try, and tho skill, ingenuity, anil pernv<- r runcc exhihltid by railway porters and em -11 pjoyoes In reducing tho strongest built *' trunk to a linsli of wood, leather nnd iron, must be highly encouraging to tho trunk ' uiakcrs. New York and the west produce '■ some human bombshells who stand at the e head yf the destructive brotherhood Cur the l> annihilation of baggage. A heavily tlia g. b- red, iron clad, uiinor-platod trunk, will , ' j only stand a two or three day's trip, and i f j the handling of two or three of those rail s) wreckers before it is reduced to old Junk. I J On a recent trip we put our faltli ami our 1 t c|olhlng ing kp.if r jether valise, hand- ' j somcly built; it held togcthef a* titp u [.[■Washington, and .we f' J bejievo that ' IfOme great reform inovemeut or "revival'' j ! had taken place among porters and railway men ; that oiue railroad Father Matthew, or hotel KMer Knapp' had arisen, and that the deba*ed baggage stiiatb' r hail signed a pledge to a list nil from de-t roy even SO ittueli a- a hfl|d-bov, or bad eVjiVtlaiieed a , ehiilige of h|art ,ptid with It Utwre tender hale S. It Wft- with a liO|>"ful t|iirit, Ul< re fore, (tint Wo UliU*peellngly parted with our trusty portmanteau at the depot in VY'adiiligton. Alas! for the fallibility of liumau hopes; that elegant piece uf leather was delivered to us in New York, at the lend ofth eday's iourney, neatly maiiufae. lured inbfleathersh string A stout, leatli er-eovered liask of cologne had been well puKertsed, and the fiagmeiits of glass j Judiciously distributed iu our liuaii, where i it was ea'eulaled to excite the iu->st lively emotion. A bunch of eigars had brxit,• an MiiUd iiijo stuitf itml iiite eut; its (ViS, two' ) remains of everything of a prUhable na ) ture attestiHl the uitisi ular energy nn become know n through- j I out the civili/ -d world as the benefactors of , mankind • ♦ s Dvnth of IhrT'tu Klan Flcpkanta. The rplcndiil sjieiuin n* of ele phants, uinter the names of Castor and Pollux, of Kuropenn rt nown, fell vie j lims to the tnigbttiest of nil cottijuer- j ' or#- hungrr. The Parisians, though uot lio fastidious to feed on rats, were compelled by it t* acrilicc their giant JKMS, Their death was tragic. Pol lux died frotu Heviitte'a explosive ball, lirteeti centimetre* long, uf cviin* j drieal eliipe, with conic end, which oil its tee. point bud a capsule fasten ! -d coituining eighty grunttti- of fine j | powder, winging two Ituudreil and eighty gramme A charge of eight gramma of powder is required to throw [ the projectile. The shot, fired frotu ten meters' distance, pierced the right j shoulder, shattered the first rib, and; explobii within the bowel*. After tlu destructive explosion the elephant rested iti an upright jv>stttot. then j made tome motions, but did not at* i tempt to rend his shackles. It la*ted j some minute* until the internal hem orrhage choked the aniiunl. Then he , fell, his agony ln*;ing tome time. Four large tubs wore filled with . blood, and yet some little time elapsed I before he ceased to breathe. The next day it wrsts Castor's turn, t.ho was i killed by Milne Kdward* by tin-uus of j a bunting carbine, llit on the right temple, the elephant went down on his ! knei* with a moaning cry. As he tried to rai*e himself another ball bit i liim in the innbilc of tha forehead, j Again he went down, and (hen, a* if ! vtrttck by a thunderbolt, hs rojlcj on i to bi# tdo. His proboicU raw- 1 , ed slightly; his beautiful expressive ; eye closed; be was dead. The victims t were scize-l by 1 Kboos folks and I : at a ipped of their hcrnv skins, which i #oiu for 4.U00 Iranc* each. The MT ' tlesit seemed to t-e catremely tender, ! and looked like veal. C'avlor and, ' l'ollux, though only six years of age ! were i f enormous size. Tho colossal , pieces* of their ilesh wens soou jmradtti jou lbs shatubles of the Boulevard < Hauvin tu, aiuotsg caasowariiw, kanga • riwa and antelopes from the Zoolojjicnl [ Hard en*. fv> the was com plete; but the elephant* were the li | oos of the day. • * • lufiucuco ofSwtvl Sound?* on tho Lopor AitimnU. ■ 1 Veeuiiar F.feet* on h'eptile*—Elephant tine Susceptibility. The uimt ruiniauu exhibition uf the i 1 influence of mu-ic n animals is jer* 1 baps that witnctscii in circuses nnd ; other equestrian entertainments, where , the horse is cfl'cctcd tn a lively and exhilarating manner by the perform nuce of the band—often waltzing and prancing, and keeping perfect time 1 with the music. Dogs are rffi-cted by n.usic, but it is 1 j difficult to determine whether agrees 1 blv or < tberwiae. Many uaturali*ts bdieve it to be disagreeable to the tu, an opinion which is strongly support- ; oil by the fact that if left to their lib- j arty, they generally take llight with | howls its soon as the music reaches tlu-ir cars. They have been known to ilte when compelled to beat music for ' : a considerable time. Other quadru ped*, and also owls, have been known to die from the effect of ntu*ic. Cats arc *aid to mew loudly ou bearing the sound of instruments, but nrc more seldom and lews |t ul make companions of them. But pcrlutjui the most remarkable instance of toe influence of music on animals incurred at a menagerie in Paris, a few years ago, when u concert i was given, nnd two elephants were among the auditors.—Tlio orchestra being placed out of their sight, they could not (terccivo whence the harmo ny came. The first sensation was that ui' surprise, nt one moment tliey gazed eagerly nt the spectator*; the next they ran at their keeper to carts* him, aud seemed to inquire whut these strange sound* meant: but, at length seeing that nothing was amiss, they gave themselves up to the impression which the music communicated, hatch new tune seemed to produce a change of feeling, causing their ges tures and cries to nssumc an expression iu accordance with it. But it tvas still more rcmurkublc that after a ! pi see had produced an agreeable ef- I feet u|xtn them, if it was incorroclly played, they would remain cold and ( unmoved. " West Chester, A|.ril 22. —Tw • men, nam. ii'd Mii-tii'iil pormiMi unK under * tree, during th# thunder storm of yitiTiUy nfWrniHin Thsy had repair ed llirre ><* sholliw, when the tree year IK7l,*ubJ#rt to payment of licence Belli funte Borough. Cla Tei /it iiiu-rnien 1 tro A ('o. ,U>re 10 *JU,7f t' t' Frvhergi-r tnheiH-onit 13 iu,7£i II It Klin.. 3 H teblee 60,76 Frank M Ueltt t " 6.74 KU 12 13,26 .loiiii >1 'iitK'Uinwy iiittr. teilor It T. 76 .1 ft Si,till, linker 14 7.76 Cleo t,ivitig*tone bouk* 13 1tt.76 Huhl A tinidi griK-erlr, 12 13,26 -i 0* 4 Mniri, tmrriwe'i- t U6.76 K J -.-I.li .V Ilru .tore 12 U,% (i W Pet ton Jewelry II 10,76 f* Lipton A Co. lobe i-oaint 13 11t.76 A Hti-rnbi-rg ilnr* 12 13,26 lamb, My ic I.oeb #Uire 10 20,76 Jnu pnwnr* IMwit, 14 7,6ti Shurtlidgn A Co fuel 4i- 18 10.76 Win M Cleliett liter, teik-r 14 7,76 W II Sevege ,ti Yvreer beker 14 7,76 .' Keller A, XliiMor -lure 11 16,76 /filer A J arret druggut, 13 10,76 li'.ffrr ft llro. More 10 3.76 I) Yt Wagner ft Hon utore U 26,76 j Hechler ft Co grocer t-i 11 15,75 !• llaupt itnf* 14 7,76 A Hobroyor ft Hon furniture 14 7,76 .< 1 Usnkia book* 13 10,76 d i Katikin book* 14 7,76 Y 1 Blair j.-welry 14 7,76 i F l'fireeu druggi*l 13 10,76j T Ilrwknvr gun,niith 14 7.75 Hnrper Bro* store 10 90,75 j Kurt* A Mraub gn-en grorerie# 14 7,75 j ilrein ft WiUott herd we re '< 2V76 J S I."Ot bvreer U*ire 14 7,76^ Hu-tiuga ft Uuggenlieinii-rtora 10 2>,76; l M Affrey b.H.t. 14 7,76 Ueo .< a Tbwuiu alore 12 13,26 tj Y Haitian 2 11- ei'.ey* 3t' : 76 Mr. N K tbar riutinne 14 7,76 M i*( Ci B Priest notion* 13 7,75 Marion twp. li'-.-k 4 Yeerick *tre 13 10,74 Wi! do 18 Hi,75l , T N W'-lf do 13 10.75 1J W Skull do 14 7.76 II W Ktventer do 14 7,761 j S4mttel llei-kniSD gre-er 14 7.78j i II Smull 4 Bre do 14 7.76 Wolfe Barge* etere 13 10,75 1 Mtlesburg Borough A.l 11 i-gs *t'>re 14 7,76 s A 111'' wv stove 13 10.761 , \li I.' M Kytiu druggist 18 10.76) ; II T R\muii Mure 14 7,741 Mr* S T (>ren notion* 14 7,76j J'cun twp. Ker*ti-tU-r 4 Ertle store 13 10,78: J V Fo de do 14 7,76: K C Campbell do* II 7,76] All-vender Hro* do 12 8.2'.j J W Snook do IU 13.261 Jec Kiscnhlttk Ufoggtst 14 7,76; Pallou twp. IYi alter' l Br More 13 1n,75 IMr Murrey do 14 7,"5| Potter twp. ; Wtn Wolf More 13 KK7B llcrla-ker aOonmlller do 13 10,76. Strobm t Hw.rte do 12 13.25 1 iYA K. rlin do 12 13.26' IW J Tbuaitveon A Bro do 12 13,281 K 1> II rw trfn ft Co do 13 141761 liiretTe Th'Hiijwou do 13 )ll7Bi FhlUi, sft (lletgow do 14 7,75 J Philiipehurg Borough. l J KM Kitti.ey grocer 13 HZ 75: YY'm Olivergnve* 14 7.75, lfo.vrr Confee aOn Move la 3d,75. 1 YY If June* green grocer* 14 *,76| l K Jenie*"!! boot* 14 7,761 MuJ icr 4 Adam* furniture 14 7,76 Irt ;ii A Mull ton store 10 2U.T5 (ii,- t,ei< - flour a feed 14 Ji*s| K Bollinger mer tailor 14 7.75, K * S Hubree *toTm 14 7,75, t. I Smith r.>nfH4W.nary 14 7.75 1bII-5 Ayr.-* sSovfti 13 K'.75 \ Mootooiiuo-y Move* IS W7Bj J aui<- MorrUon Bier, tailor 14 7,*5! 1* Sru stove* 12 t, W Warfel gnwer 14 7.75, ■j C H Iferiinft-rclothier 14 7tTs| K TOray grocer 14 7,75 MrvC iKitnu nottatu 14 7.75 MrS LBerr baker 14 7,75j I J A Oenoegrocer H 7,76 i Jl| M Sternberg A Seller* " -14 i.A it * M ifoneer " 14 i.if' Y|rAKJeck Notion* 14 7Jq, .1 .1 Price firocas 4 7.iß| Sl4 Stover Store 18 10>J6 (•in Jack * Son " 14 7-J® John Front Grocer 14 Ytr- K YV>Hid- A Son Store 14 • .to I> He-* " 13 W.6 Half Moon twp. II S Thoiiiinon Store 18 TO i itenp' Adam# " 14 .7-75 J\" GptJ 11 **-78 Howard Borough Baiter YVeber Store 12 l'*.*'.' K'ibert Booke " 13 TO o' Johnson a Hover tJrocer* 14 i. (6 Locus 4 lire ' " 18 TO .8 S K Kline Store 14 7.T6 Liberlv twp. J'din llriekley thor* 14 ,'-2? JA IJ nig ley " ** ''kJA Jne B Kiim-t- J4 2* Jeine* I K ones 14 7,70 Hush twp. W J Jackson Store . 1Q John Miller 4 Son " t* *2"I?, JaeF Flick Grocer U 7, .6 Hill a Fowler Store 14 ..6 John Nutteil aeo 11 11 l-Vi® Snow#hoc twp. Miiy. Loeb ft co Store "A75 Ada K Shiver Grocer 14 7,i5 Herbert William. " 18 7.76 Jll Cri#mn Store iz 1-N.J6 N Itener " }• ** D Belt* " 14 7,0 Spring twp, ,1 1) Miller Sroro 14 *?*Wj IJnmnvillc Borugh. I Nullum Hurley Store 14 L 76 (frtff>st4 Rumunrfcr 1 W -If S A Martin Druggist 14 i.to. Worth twp. _ _ j J G Jones Store 14 6 .1 ii' Simpson " W l 1 1"'* Walker twp. I lust on 41 Roger* Store 18 II Brown " *3 10,.6 ( I do hereby corlily the above to be a full and correct c-city of tho Mercantile Ap praisement, nmon by utf in and tor county of Centre for the rear 1371. An appeal will he held at theComnus tioaM (iffico in Bellelbnte on the lhth day of May 1877, "which Ume, all who feel ag grieved can attend, a* no appeal fill be Held after the above date. a apr2l.4t MXK. APPUAtSKB. SA DLK US BUCK LES. books, bit Hjwt ring*. Everything * 4#ddir I i ;| The Railroad I tan just nrrivctl at f The Did Stand of WM. WOLF I; \ at Centre Hall. :with the liiie*t and heal stoek uf Ut M)HS in I'eniiKValley. I.AWKRT AND OUSTS : DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, AND CiROCERIES HA RDW A RE, (j UEENfiW ARE Hats, Cape, Boots, Shoes. ALSO. A CHEAP LINK OF FLANNELS, M US .a K 8, OALIGOBB, AND SHAWLS, ALSO, A GOOD ASSOKTMKN'TOF NOTIONS, SYHUPS, COFFERS. nUo a largu Mock of FISH, the beet, nil kinds, MACKEREL and HERRING. the best and obe|icM in tb market. pr7l WM. WOL/. I Qril' UT I'KOCLAMAIOJI.—7 i W berea* ibe lluo. Cbarlea.A. Mayer, I I re-ldent of the court of Common Plea*, in the 25th ludicisl DiMrict, con*iMing of j ke coaatie* of Centre, Clintoo and Cteer -seld, atid lloaoralde John H;t. day of j March A D , IR7I, to tac directed (ot j holding a court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sea- Men* of the Fence in Beltefonte, for the county of Centre, and So commence on the' 1 4th Monday ef November neat, being the 124 th day uf April 1871, and to conUaae one (week. j Notice Is the re fore hereby given to the |Coeoner, JnMit e of the Peace, Aldermen i and tkiasubte* of the *eid county ot l'n (tre, that tbey be then and there in their i proper wroiiu, at 10 o'clock in the for*. | noon of mid day. with ther m-ufft, is . |uiitia* shaU ibejuM. , Given under my hanJ, at Bdlefonta, the 2Nh dsy of Mar in the year of our Lord,, .IK7I and in the ninetr-tourth year of the j ' independence ofthe Fnited State* I D. W. YV'MiUKINU. Sheriff. \ Norway Oats. j ATT ASTTUFV FASWKZ# - Tlie uuL-r*ign-' 'ill offer- Igrge quantity of Norway tlaUfor -ale. TkU llection*, euneying and; 'dividing of land*. Particular attention [given le tho-. having land, or property for tale, or dmiriog to buy. l>eed* Mortgage*; 'jftc., Ac ; drawn and acknowledged upon 'Uhon notice, and rea*onshlc term*. Office over Mnook'* Store Miflhexa. Pa feblO.Hm ' - ! See Here! TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undershrtted hereby infbrma the: i citizen* of Pcunavalley tkl be ba* pur jcha*ed the Tin-hop hcrutofore carn.-t on; by the v- 11, MPg Co,, and wfl. continue' th*> same, at th<- old *und. in all it*branch ]U*. in the manufacture f NTOTF. PIPE *1 SPOTTING. i All kind* of repairing done. He ha*< •lwayonhand . * 'j • Fruit Cans, of nil Stsca, BWR KTM CO PR. DIPPKRS, DISHES. AC. All work warranted nnd charges rwnson ' able- A share of the public patronage so ' liciteil AND RKKSMAN, [' 2*ep7or Centre Hall >FKLLKR ft JARRETT T J 'I dealer* in ' DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHKMICALB. also all the [ISTANDARD PATENT MEDICINES. , A very large as sortment of Tul i tr AnTu i.**, F* >-CT 0>O)d- Sospa, 4fer.. Ac., The ki'-t qual ity of K A zo a >| PoCEET >. K M v KN. Sot *)o a and Rtrog* . Wali. PAPKB 1* M (IBZAT VASIITT. • PRKSCRIPTIGNS, i ciiipouiided by.com > pcteni druggist* at al 1 boo rs, day or night. • Night customer* pu 1 night bell, ZKLLEIt ft.lAHßferr. i' Hi.hopNt.. Hellefonte Pa. , i**alS I 1 TH KG k KATCAUB K OF HUMAN MISTERY. ' Jntt ISthtiehnt, in it Seated Earelope Price mix rrnlo. ! A l-Ki-ti RKtixTitK N AM ate. TKKATMEXT ANO UA OH At. ' Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spcrtustor [irhoea, induooil, tinifvVbusn, Itivolunta- Itry EiuU*tun*t Im potency. Ncrvus Debili sn<\ I toped i men t to giCon*umptton. Epilepsy and Fits: Mental and Physical lucspaeitv *c. My ROB. ,J. CULVER WELL, M, D Author of i'tho "(Irotsn Riaik." *c. i Tfi* Wf4d ronowiowl suthor, iti this ad ifniiralile Lecture, clearly prove* from his ,iown cxperietu-e that "the awful oonse qurncr* of Self Abu-e may be effectually ■ removed without nicdicieti#, and without ( daagerou* surgical operation*, bougies, in ■ struiuentA, ring*, or cordial*, pointing out s . mode of cure at once certain at.d effectual ( by ktkk every -utlV-rer, no matter w Itat hi* condition nuty be, may istre liine wlf cheap b-, privately, and radically. THIS LKC- Tt Wilt, PROVE A B(k)N TO t THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS, j Sent, under seal, in a plain enve'ope, to i any address, jwetyaiit on receipt ot six ij cents, or two |mat Stamp*. , Alan, Dr. Culvcrwell's "Marriage ]Guide.'' price 25 cent*. , Adare*# the Publi*b-a, [ C&ASTTTKLINE a Co., 127 Howcry, New York, Post-office Bos 4.6WV sep2.l v !j|KMOVAL. !; THEODORE DESCHNKR, GUN SMITtf) UIIM remoyinl to Up' *mi# kuown as No. 6 [j Busk's Atgsd.u next dour to Ziminorman, Bros A Co., nt Rel'efontc, where he is just I openitig out neomplete *tnck ox REVOLVERS OU NH. AMMUNITION. ii Rase Hall*. U*t, Keys, and general Sport ! ing Articles Guns made Skd repaired any [warranted. junSd OOAk I LIME, and POWDER! I iCOAL— • Wiik*barre Coal, Chestnut. Htove, Krjr, furnace and foundry, Coal -of t>.-*t quality, al the low eat pries?*. Customer* will please ii"t that our eual i* hauial un der commodious abed*. LI M K—Wood or coal-burnt Lima, for *#)* at our kiln*, on the pike leading to Mi'.esburg. i j POWDER—Having received the agency for Du I'unt'a Powder AT W itoLKBA LK, r shall be pleased t.i racrivc orders fount the trade. ' I 5.J Office and yard near aoutb end of Bald Eagle Valley H. K Depot. Beliefaute, Pa nov4 b'nOBTLIDGEACO. STERN B ERG 1 Ua boa* to the extreme and of the market. For BOOTS 4 SHOES to BustoU. * For DRY GOODS to Sew York. For CLOTHING to Philadelphia. Mi tur- 1 - article bought direrliy from Um> Manufacturer, with a de •ire to auk Lhi* market #*T IT I FINE ALPACAS from 40eU 34* the , equal to f I,3ft alpaca*. I f * [ 8U ITS—from $lO to 518. beat all j wool CtnlmeiM. tg.il* intend* to clow? oat kia •lock. [HK THEREFORE NOW OFFERS ! BETTER BARGAINS THAN KLSKwiIKKE. " Carpet* at old rate*, from S® cent* to 75 cent* per yard, fer the beet. DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, And celling from 121 to 1C Bß. IRWIN a WILSOM , 0 PICKS of all varletie*. ground to qpdet ■ and warranted to be rtrictlr Pure. It ia the onlyplaceyeueanfind unaduTtera ,! tod apt cat Try them for your own satiafae-' '' tiou You can only find them al I Bl" RNSIDK A THOMAS', j BURNS! DE A TIJOM AS. Offer U> tha PuWic one of the j '] largest and be*t selected Mocks of merehan - dire, in Centre county. Call, examine and ,ee for youraolf. • FINRGROCFRIEsTmocha coffee, ok gov. lava, best quality Rio coffee, bed oolong black ten*, green tea*, lorering tyrup. golden arrup, Dnpa line article bak- , ing uioU-wk, nee and everything in the', grocery l>ae at the lowest ca*b oricea in tb< <, marketßl* RNSI DR A THOMAS'. it th Place. | /GROCERIES! GROCSRIKO OPPOSITKTIIK IRON FRONT. On Allegheny Street. 1 1 KUiIL A GAIILT. nliving pureheaed the ciire stock ©fdioods I from Levi A Miller, and I ADDKO LARGELY THERETO, • ' are now prepareJ to accommodate *ll the * (old Jriend* of the establishment, and boat* i jof new one*. we keep constantly on band i ~ Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrup, Dried Fruit, Canned Fruit, Ilanir. ( i Dried Reef, Rail, Pickles. Butter, Flour Corn Meal, Buckwheat Floor, • and everything uaua'.y kept In a well regu- ' lated drat claa* Grocery Store m*r3.bin RVII Laft AU LT. j RABoa T M^Tmßßx5 * | BASKETS inalltheir varieties, children carriage* willow ware, gun*, pi*- l " ■ i-TSCTttsTni PWKBcrKEAXts, :' the very bet Quality Juat received*! 1 Wolf i N>'d ktana I Ladles Trusses. Thl invaluable article for female*, It now: ! to be had at HerUoheriartore, and no otheri -1 place In Centra county. Ladie* remember' that these truwea can be had at Uentrri tfi HARNESS, eolUr*, cart whip carriagej whip*. In great variolic*, govern fmentgear*, aaddki, hrWlea, martingale-I f vheek tine*, unit genm tug harneefc bag* harness hatuea, Uv Everything in theamd j ■ diery line at _ li - RURNSIDE A THOMAS' j, I XrOTlbMSofallMnda, Stclring' glares] l is Handkerobiefr, coniS*, p*ket book- V tn ail their variety and very cheap, at f HI'UNSIDK * THOMAS . - ISJKW'rATTKRNS bfoll cloths, at re! i. 1 duced price*, at Bl RNSIDE* THOMAS' I ,■ . > t mil E I.argot and Beat Stock of warran - A ted Boot* and Shoe*, warranted to gi v* j i (atisfhetion, at reduced prima, only to or I found at Ri:NIDKA THOMAS' " IT IS known |o all In "Bollefento ami! * 1 through the county if you want a i g'Hut article go to ' BtTRNSIDK A THOMAS'. * BYRCTP, the finest evor made, juat re 1 ceived, cheap At Wolfs old stand—try it f F) A R LOR llectio*promptly made -tnd *pacia ! aueutms gl* to tbaee baring Gad* o lor saie. . Will draw up and have .tkjsuwimJged DemL Mortgage*. A#. Of flee in the diamond, north side of the -ourt house. Bellefonto. octTtOH.l nxaav sx-M-xxxnwrr. J qJSSmS/t, President. Cashier. | tKNTKE OOHMTY BANKING CO I Late Milllken. M'??ver A Co.) KKCEiVK DEPf^SITS. A*hd Allow I ntcrest, Diaeownt Notaa, Buy and 8* Government Securities, Gold and *plGbtf Coupoa*. I MJinHtm 97 Attorney" at Law BeHcfonte, promptly atti>datoall bu met* entrusted to bim._ jal.l.Aitf DP. FORTNET, Attorney at Law • Belirfuolk, Pa. Office ovssr Ray •jdd^lhk H *. W'tLi IfTKX, OMO? A. KkJtVCIt fflVM.U#Y2ai a£AV2fl A rrORXEI'S-A T-LA W. Bellefonte, Centre Co., Pcnn'a. apfihtf dMawe* She Adaonee. C. H. Guieiiut, Snrtfr^ttittid Methaniru) Dfttllst who ta p. rmauently located ia Aarunahui] in the office formerly occupied by Dr. Ncf, and who ha* beau practicing with eat in awcrew—haviog the eaparieacc of a aumbat 'Of year* In bjJs """ rdb ally invite all who have a* jet not givar bim a ceil, U> da so, ami t*ei thetrulhfulness of this aaaertion. Teeth exjractad wkhout pain may±fOlf WWIfE MtolMlmX ac.. al" K apITH. BI RNn it* fae*, whit-hit I warranted a* a perfect time-keeper. Mt-Olneka. Watches end Jewelry ro t (wired on short notice and warranted Ilk U ogTls C. T. AIKXASOKB 7 OK VIS & ALEXANDER. Office mCkmnrad Huatt, Belief-mte. Pa. J. P. GEPUART. with Orris A Alexander, attend* to tioas Furniture Rooms! * J.O. DEININGE&, e*pectluily inform* the cUixena of Ontr county, that he hasconrtentty an hand, aa* maksis to order, ait kind* ef BEDSTEADS, BU HEA UK SINKS W ASHSTA MM, CORNER CUI'HoA HI S TABLES. Ac.. Ac Hoax MAP* Cit.ua* AIWAT# ex IIA>K Hi- u?ck of ready-made Furniture it haafg and warranted ofgoo-i workiuai.bipandt. ail made under hu ownimiiicdialcaupcrii •ion, and is offered at rate* at cheap a**!**-' where. Thank Ail tar put fav??t, be foils it a continuance of the tame. Call aud are hi* stock before pure baa tr vlwwbcrc. - apHlM.Iy. CENTRE II ALL Tan I ard. The uuderaigci-d would mpactfriU; be form the citizen* of Centra county, that the above Tan Tard wilt again lie put in fuli o|M-ration, in all it* branch**, by tbrm. HIDES AND BARK WANTED. The highest market prior will be paid for Hide- of all kinds. The highest mar ket price will also be paid for Tanner** Bark The public patronage i* solicited. Satisfaction gusrsntecd. dc3,VWf MILLER A BADGER, j J ProDKNK fit: ~~ WITH A RTYAM. DILLINGEK A COX PA N T ; No. , NORTH THIRD 8T , PHIL*A ibetacvw Mark#: and Arch, formerly 104. ' MANUFACTURERS A JOBBERS IN Carpets. Oil Cloth*, Oil Shade*, Wlek ' Yarn, Cotton Yarn*, Carpet Chain*, Grain Rags. Window Ftpar. Batting, d. Alao, * WOODEN ANI WILLoAt WARE, i Brushes, Looking Glamea, Ac. decO-ly j • HTV'^TTY-NOta u Y 10 R. I\s Lie AND MILITARY AUEN'P. mad Conveyancer. Deed*, Bouds, \lcrt-. jgasres, and all instruuicnt* of writing frith-, sully attended 10. Spec ml attention gw en to the collection of Bounty and Pension. ' claim*. Office nearly oppuaite the Court* t House, two diMirs above X(sm. Busk b Yoeuiu'* Law Office Bcllefoate, Pa ! lOjunly SCALES, at wnoleaale and retnil, cheat* 'y IK WIN A WILSON. I )OyTS, largv stock, all at>-le, ia u) XFpricc-s, for men and boy*, iust arrived I ___BjJjL£iFyvslj_k pt) wn old Staud. ■ RATHER, of all descriptions, freiich | *m.l skin, * janish sole leather, mopoo co*. sheep i-kins, lining*. Everything in the ieather line warranted to give satis faction, at H RNSIDE ATHOMAB. CLOTHlNG—Overcoats, Pant*, V est*, and Dress Coals, cheap, at >Yolf. HOWARD SANITARY AID A&MX CIATION —For the Relief and Cur® off the Errii g and UnforWnaU-, on Principle*, of Christian Philauthropy. Essays <>n the Errors <>r Toutli, and th<* Folftea of Age, tn relation to MAKXIAOI and Soci At. Evii.a, with sanitary a|d for the. afflicted. Bent free, in sealed Kifveloee*. Addres*. HOWARD ASSOCIATIOII, Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. julls.lv P~dCKKT UUTLKRY-airmakna a or ices at IRWbN A WlLBO i aj. i—2 L;—, . HANDSAWS, knives, ,spoons, eoffe mill*, ahovels, apad?e, rake*,Vio| | ainp*, forks, chain*, Ac., al BURN SIDE ATHOMAR T OOKING-GLASS PLATES efallaiw II for sale by Ixwu * Wuaog. splOCS.