Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, April 28, 1871, Image 1

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    Preaching. Vs. Practice.
*T KPW4*R> r. nowta.
la bod* on the tree tad frnit in the h*n<l.
Aa cloud* in the sky nun on the land,
Ai glances of IOTP aM maritsl rings.
Bo pro*rhinK and practice M* dldvrent thing*.
The tree wv bnd oot and bear na no crop.
The sky may be sombre and ahed not a drop.
The maid may be loved and yet never wed.
And man point the way be fail* e'er to tread.
How eaay to my, but oft bard to do ;
We promise thing* good and great, it ia true,
But ran we affirm out word and our deed
Are true to each other, like flower and acrd )
The beggar ia told, "be ye clothed and bed,''
But hungers ho still, ami hare ia hia head ;
The tick may o'erhoar, "what pity 1 Heel "
Yet words wont aufflce hie sorrow to heal.
To pray without faith, is nraver heat unsaid,
And ftuth without worts ia verily dead ;
ProfsMton w folly if practice h* shunned •
Ths bank of the heart deapoilcd of its fund!
• If all would do right, aa brother to brother,
If worda of true love of eaoh act were the
• Tbecu then ahouhl we dwell in peace through
Andbtuy'ffitv ver, hate, evil, and strife 1
!■ the Mission Garden,
nr aarrr BASTS.
nnta rm.int.
I speak tot the English well, hut Paehits
She apeak fbr rac; ia it not so, my Ibiwka *
Rh, Utile rogue ) Come, salute m< the atran-
Sir. in my country we my, "Whore the heart is
There ive the speech." Ah! you not ntulor
atnnd} sol
Pan ton an old man - what von call "ol fogy"
Padro Vehpe!
Old! Sen AT, oh) 1 just eo old aa the Mission.
Ton see that pear-tm f How old vou think,
Brnor '
riHe. ii year f Twenty f Ah Smor, just /*%
Gone aanoe 1 plant htm!
Yen tike the wine) It in some at the Mission,
Made froa> the grape of the year Eighteen
AB the mnte time when the earthquake he
osmo to
San Joan Baalists
Hut Pkncha i* twelve, ami she i* the rune-tree ;
And I aa the obw, and this is the garden.
And Pouch* w eay ; but her name is Pranosca;
Same like her mother.
Ph, vou knew W ' No) Ah! it is a vimv
But I speak no*, like Pachiu, the Engbah.
So) If I try, you will ait here beaide nir.
And shall not langh. eh)
When the Americans aomc to the Mission
Many arrive to the bouse of Francises.
Cue—he wan fine man- he buy the cattle
Of Joan Castro. .
8o! he cvme much, and Francises she saw him;
And it was Love- ami aver. drv season
And the pears bake on the tree- and the rain
Bat not Promises.
No* for one year : and one night 1 have walk ,
Tadcr the ohve-tree, when comes FraiM-iaea— I
Gomes to ma here, with he* child, this Fracas-
Tnder the olive-tree.
Rir, It was sad— hut I apeak not the Fiiglteh -
BJT —she atay here, and aha wait f-r her'
Ha came no more, and aha sleep on the hill
aide ;
There stands Pachiu.
Ah! there's the Angelas. Will yon enter ?
Or ahull you walk in the garden with Pancha ?
0\ Rule rogue—att - attend to the stranger.
Adiua, £enor.
rxcwm (hrsahfy).
80, he> been telling that yarn about mother!
Biem you, he tells it to awry stranger.
Folk* about yar my the okl "man's my father.
What's your opinion )
One of the most attractive girls I ever
knew was Louisa Bellamy. The Bellamy*
were well-connected, hat very poor—with
large family—two sons and eight daugh- i
tern. Louisa was the youngest of all.
The boys entered the East India Com- .
pnny'a service, and had been fortunate. 1
Charlee, the eldest, especial) v so. Circum
stances helped him very early, and he had
married a rich girl soon after his arrival in
India. Every ooe of his sisters had been
sent to him successively, and he had con
trived to find a good "pixrti" for each. All
had married well, and most of them were i
settled ia India.
Louisa's turn had come now. She was
going to India on the Bengal, of which I '
was ah officer, to get married. And she
meant to marry well.
George Armstrong, one of our passengers,
had nothing but his pay and a small pri
vate income of fifty pounds a year. Ann- j
strong grew to be quite a favorite on board
the Bengal, and he and I struck up a real
friendship. He took a fancy to me just as
I did to him.
The ship sailed on, the time flying by.
So pleasantly did it pass that we were well
down south tad across the south-east
trades before soy one began to talk of get
ting to the Cape. The weather kept fine; j
the evening promenades were continued,
as well as the flirting; and Mr. Armstrong
was invariably the companion of Miss Bel
lamy. In abort, it was, with him. the old
orv; be had played with edged tools, and j
cot his fingers.
One night I was keeping the first watch,
walking fore and aft the poop, when he'
came up and turned about with me. I
thought I'd rally him.
"Well, Armstrong, so you're in for it at
last P
"Pooh ! nonsense F returned he, turn
ing as red as a crimson sunset.
"It is useless your trying to deceive me,
man—and perhaps yourself also. I see it
all plainly."
u Well, upon my word. I believe It is sa
you say, old fellow," he acknowledged,
coming round. "I can't help myself."
'•Now, Armstrong, look here—take a
fool's advice. Don't let the fancy go on.
Get out of it while you can. Depend upon
it, you will only be wasting your time and
love upon ber. She is a charming girl; I
believe a truly good girl; but she knows
bow to take the best care of herself. She
is going out to India, as her sister* all did
before her, to find a rich husband."
"You know ber people, don't you 7"
"Yea. I know them. And I know the
creed tbey have brought her up in. Be
lieve me, Armstrong, Louisa Bellamy will
never look seriously on a poor man like
"I suppose you are right," he said, after
a pause. "I have thought all along that
she was only amusing herself with me.
It's this: she attracts a man against his
wilL But lH cut the matter short from
The next day Armstrong seemed to be
keeping to bis determination, for be did
not speak to Louisa more than common
civility demanded; and when in the cuddy,
always seated himself at a safe distance. '
But this could not last. The ice in
George Armstrong's bosom melted ; his
good resolves gave way. When fine ,
weather returned, and the evening walks
were resumed, he and Miss Bellamy were
again promenading the poop, aide by side.
And, all this time was she smitten 7 Not
one bit, that I could detect; and I watched
her closely. 1 felt sure that I had taken
her true estimate; she was of the world,
One evening, some two months after
leaving England, the ship was going about
five knots, with the yards braced up, when
suddenly there was a loud cry from the
"Man overboard P*
What a state of panic and confusion the
passengers were in! All the crew came
on deck in an instant; even tbey who had
been in their bunks.
"Who is it 7" I asked as I sprang aft.
"Mr. Armstrong," was the reply.
"Hard down the helm," I shouted, all
hands on deck. Let go the main tack and
bowline, mainsheet; back the mii> yard.
Mr. Grsen, take four hands with you and
clear away the small life-boat; get into
ber and lower away as soon as you're rea
dy. Jones," to a middy, "jump up in the
miznen-top and keep your eye on the man
In a very short time the ship was stop
ped, and toe boat traveling as fast as four
good men could pull her, toward tbe place
where Armstrong could be seen from aloft
swimming about. Unfortunately, he had
• not reached the life-buoy thrown to him.
It was now a question of now long he
could keep up. The weather was fine, and
the water comparatively smooth ; but
there was a good deal of swell on.
It was a most anxious time. The sus
pense was terrible. Most of the passen
gers, certainly all the ladies, were literally
in fear and trembling for a human life.
We could only await the boat's approach.
All hoped and expected that he had been
picked up. but no one was sure of it He
might bare gone down, exhausted, just as
the boat was getting to him. A few min
utes would solve the question.
Louisa Bellamy was on the poop with
the others. For the first time I observed
something which told me that she, too,
perhaps, might have had her feathers
scorched from fluttering too near the
flame. There was no mistaking it; she j
FRRD. KURTZ, Eilitor ami Proprietor
s'M profoundly agitated; ber di* tress was
real ami very great, though she strove to
hide it.
The boat was returning. Had they
found hitu 7 "Yes,''said one, "I can count
atx. No—stopsbit. lt'*ouly trie. Ann
strong's lost."
"No; he ia saved," said the t'aplaiu,
'for 1 see him. Thank God." And with
the good words there arose a sudden com
motion and flutter.
"What's the matter with Miss Bellamy !
Oh dear I Mis* Britain v ha* tainted !"
It was true. They had to catch her as
ahe was foiling. The strain on the ner
vou* yst*iu had been too great. Nothing
was thought ot it; she *oon revived,
laughed it off, ami called herself stupid for
fainting "at such a trifle."
The lioat came alongside, ami Arwstioug
scrambled up the side-ladder.
The wcath er continued flue, and in a
few ilar* we entered the Moxatnbique
Channel Here we got a fine south-east
wind, w Inch sent u* bow ling along nine or
ten knots, with stimsails set alow and
All this time Mr. Armstrong and Mi**
Bellamy seemed to go on fc usual. He
*■ constant ami demonstrative in hi* at
tention. In fact. It was plain to every
one on hoard how matter* were with him.
She, on thv contrary, appeared as indiflcr
cut a* ever, and teased him like a child.
Sometime* I fancied this imliflerence was
only assumed ; hut. if so, it was cleverly
done. Event*, however, were bringing on
a crisi*.
Some time after thi* event, one night,
when I had relieved the second mate, the
night was tine, aud tolerably elesr. t'lear
enough overhead. But on the water there
was a sort of hght mist, aud the rays of
tbe moon, which was now about two hour*
high, were daxxling. The hreeie had
freshened, and we bad quite eu jogh of it
far the small stuns'il*. I took my usual
turn round the decks, cautioned the look
out man, ami returned to the poop.
About hall-past one 1 reckoned up, men
tally, that we must have about run very
neariy the distance required to make a low
island. --Davis," I said to tbe third mate,
•■just go forward aud see it the lookout is
nodding; if so. give him a trifle to remem
ber you by. Stop on the forecastle your
self till 1 call TOU off, and keep a sharp
Suddenly, a coup'e ot gull* *hrieked
overhead. "By heaven*!" thought I,
"that's a warning, and Til accept it." I
hurried forward, determined to remain on
the lookout myself. Aa 1 ascended tbe
forecastle ladder, Davis was in the set of
coming down, and met me.
"Is that you, Sir ? There'* something
ahead I can't quite make .out. I was
comirg aft to tell you. It look* like a sort
of cloud."
Pushing post hitu, I took one look. Fur
a second of time my heart seemed to turn
quite cold and stand still. I felt half sick.
The next moment 1 was all right; tbe
•hock had been too heavy. There was the
island scarcely a mile en. I could see tbe
surf distinctly with the glome*, and the
ship was tearing along straight for it, aliout
ten knots an hour. We ought to have
seen it sooner, but the glare of tbe moon
rendered tbe horizon all round quite black
looking ; while at tbe same time its rays
on the water made the surf impossible to
be distinguished st a distance.
For a moment I thought nothing could
save tbe ship. Fortunately, I have always
been very cool ; quite self possessed in sud
den emerge not--, as in moments of the
greatest peril. It is my nature to be so;
and I wish all sailors could say tbe same.
There was but one thing that could save
ua; and 1 tried it.
"Hard up! haul up," I shouted to the
helmsman. "Call all bands to save ship
Let go the royal halyards and * tuns'l larks
fore Vnd aft. Brace tbe erossjack yard
round." By this titae 1 had got down off
tbe forecastle, and hurried aft. "Let go
, the lee mam braces, one uf you; main tack
and sheet, too, somebody.All this had
occupied less than half a minute; ami I
now met the tlfyrd mate with his startled
and anxious face.
Two minutes more, and we were in a
pretty pickle. The helm liad been nut
hard up, and the ship spun round on ber
hevl like a top. She was now flat aback
by the Ice, and going stern first toward
the islaud. The men bad been too slow in
their movements; and before the yards
could be braced round tbey had taken
aback. Tbe state of confusion wa* fright
ful. I got up oil to the poop All the
crew were out on the deck, some pulling
on one rope, some on soother, all of them
talking, many frightened and bewildered.
This would never answer.
"Silence, fore and aft! Attend to the
word of com mind. Mr. Greet), bring your
watch into the poop and turn this main
yard round. Do you hear there, starboard
watch on the poop. Fort watch, haul in
the port cross jack braces."
The Captain rushed on deck.
"There's the land, Sir," 1 said, "that
black streak ; and there's tbe broken wa
And uncommonly close it was to us.
Tbe Captain looked bewildered.
"Shift the helm, my lad." 1 said to the
man at the wheel. "Now, Sir," I contin
ued, •'you see how she is. If you will take
charge. I'll go downt on tbe main deck and
get the bead yards to rights; tbe boat
swain is making a regular mess of it. And
with all the lee stuns'!* set and the swing
ing boom out, it's an awkward job."
"All right, W he replied. "IU
look after her."
The scene in the cuddy vi a terrible
one. When the starting cry was echoed
along the decks and through the cabins,
"All hand* save ship," tbe passengers had,
one and all, expected immediate ship
wreck, and death a* a natural corsequenee.
In these moments of sudden peril on board
ship, and especially if they occur at nighty
passengers, invariably give way to excess of
terror. It is bnt natural. The women
rushed from their hed* shrieking, sobbing,
talking wildly. Tbey did not dare to go
on deck, but huddled themselves in s group
in the cuddv. To add to tbe confusion,
tbe lamp had gone out, and tbey were in
darkness. Gsorge Armstrong had hurried
back from the poop st first, in search of
Miss Bellamy. Believing that the ship
must inevitably go ashore in tbe next few
moments, he ignored ceremonv and burst
into her cabin. She had just left her bed.
There was no light, but instinct told her
who was coming to the rescue.
"Oh George, George! what is tbe dan
ger 7"
For answer, George Armstrong took her
to him, and clasped her in his strong arms.
It was no time tor concealing the peril.
"My dearest," he said, "a few moments
may end all. Even as I speak to you. tbe
ship's bottom is in danger of being knocked
out; in which case we most all perish."
She was dreadfully agitated. And in
that moment, each one believing it to be
the last, reticence was thrown away.
With the fear of death before us, we dare
not persist in a lie; and George Armstrong
heard bow passionately she loved htm.
And they msdc a compact, each with
each, that if, by God's mercy, they should
come unscathed out of this peril, they
would become to ooe another mm and
wife. Her head dropped on bis breast and
rested there ss she made tbe solemn prom
She let him take his first kiss. Then,
telling ber to get a cloak on, or something,
be left her with the other ladies in the
Then he rushed np on deck and found
some of the passengers helping the crew to
brace the mainysrd round. Armstrong
fell to with his great strength, doing more
than svy two in the crowd. It was an
awful job getting the ship to rights. Fhre
o'clock had struck before we had her snug-
> ged down to topsails and jib, ami the n atcli
> sent below. However, we were saved.
From this liiue we had a constant sue
ceuiott of fkir wtints ami flue weather, and
; armed at Bombay on the first of Juno.
During the remainder of the i***agv it wa
patent to everybody on t>oara bow matter,
were between Arwslong aud Miss Bellamy
Never a thought onward her of tvtrarting
her promise. given in • moment of peril {
sud *be looked supremely l>*ppy. Nearly
tbe first to hoard us on Bombay harbor
was Major Bellamy; he bad come off in
ooe of the dubaaltw' boat*. The young
lady waited by the poop ladder to receive
: him.
"Well. Charles!"
"My dear IxHitsa! But how you've
grow n. Ami improved, too! Bv George,
you put your mtrr< into the shade 1"
j "I want to introduce a gentleman to
vou," she went on, beckoning Armstrong
forward : "one of the pasacngvrs and a
fhend of mine, Mr. Armstrong. George,
this is my brother Charley."
Charles Bellamy looked blank. There
was no inLUking, as he feared, what this
style of introduction meant. Ere be had
held out hia hand with some hesitation,
and the frank, pleasant (ace of George
i Armstrong seemed to compel him to that
advance, Louisa disappear-*!, saving she
had her "thing." to look after.
Major Bellamy looked round ami saw
me A warm grasp of tbe hand, and he
pulled me aside. Our thoughts went hack
to the old (lays, ami it almost seemed as
| though we wen- lads together again. We
were at tbe same school, though he was a
few years older than 1.
"I say, Harry, what is the meaning of
all this f Louisa speak* to that ui*u as
'George,' and .he coolly introduces me to
him a* -my brother Charley.'"
"Well, I see you guc**," was my hurried
answer, for I had barely time to atay a
moment with htm. "I think it is a ease,
Charie*. I warned Armstrong against it;
1 raid a word or two of warning to Louisa;
but low and cirrumslances have been too
strong for prudence."
My companion drew in bis li(. "What
is be ? I'oor, of course! '
"Has next to nothing, besides his pay;
be'a a Lieutenant in the Engineers. But
look here, Bellamy—he ia a gentleman in
tbe beet sense of tbe word ; and a down
right good follow ; aafo to get on. If !/•
uu were my aister, I'd give her to him with
pleasure to-morrow."
It came to pas*, and very shortly; for
Major Bellamy did not see his way clear to
bold out again*! Louisa's will. Am) he
had grown to like Armstrong. I was at
the wedding ; and we had a pleasant time,
llow matters were settled at home I can
imagine. Mr*. Bellamy dashed down tbe
letter announcing the event with a groan.
She had not patience to read further.
Ijouiva 1 * ideas had indeed undergone a
change in a few mouths—and to h-r moth
er it was a cruel blow.
"The simpleton!™ said Mrs. Bellamy in
her wrath. "To think that she should tie
j herself to a poor Lieutenant in a marching
regiment, with nothing but hia nay, when
she might have done to well! I'U never i
forgive her; never."
She did, however, when Armstfong se
cured his majority, and wealth and petition
followed as a natural consequence.
An Important Derision
! Iu the United States Supreme Court
at Washington, a decision was rendered
in the cast- ol Bnffinton r*. Due, error to
the Circuit Court for the ftstrict of
Massachusetts. Tbe defendant in emu
waa judge of the Probate Conrt for Barn
stable County, Maaaaehnaetts, and the
plaintiff in error, as collector of internal
revenue, exacted of the judge income
on his salary. The tax was paid under
, protest, and this notion waa brought to
recover the amount The court below
held that the tax was unconstitutional,
and awanh-d judgment for plaintiff, for
the amount claim* d. That judgment
waa now affirmed, the court holding that
tbe judical power of the Htatea is exempt
from Federal taxation. AH the thirteen
States were in possession of thia power,
and were exercising it at the time of the
adoption of the Constitution, and it ia
not pretended that any grant of it waa
tnade to the general government by that
instrument. It is, therefore, one of the
sovereign powers vented in the States by
their constitution which remains un
altered and unimpaired, and in respect
of which the States are aa inde]>cn<lciit
of the general government as that gov
ernment ia independent of the State*.
Tbe supremacy of the general govern
ment therefore cannot be maintained.
The two governments are upon an
equality, and the question ia whether the
powi r to levy and collect taxes enables (
the genera] government to tax the saUrv
of the judicial officers of a State, whtcb
officers are instrumentalities employed iu
carrying into execution its most impor
tant function*. It is not held that the
mere establishment of the judicial de
partment and the appointmeut of offl
oers to adminster the laws beiug among
the reserved powers of the States dis
ables the general government from levy
ing the tax that depends upon the ex
press powers to levy and oollect taxes ; i
but it is regarded as showing that it is
an original inherent power never parted
with, and in respect of which the supre
macy of the general government doew not
txi't. It is said that thia 1 icing an original
reserved power in the States, and the
judicial officer appointed under it being
a means or instrumentalitv employed to
carry it into effect, the right and majesty i
of it* -unimpaired exercise, and the \
exemption of the officer from taxation
by the General Government, stand upon
solid ground, and are maintained by
principles and reasons as eogent as those
which led by the exemption of Federal
officera from taxation by the Btate ; for
in reojiect of those deferred power* the
Btate is aa sovereign and independent
as the General Government Mr. Justice
Bradley dissented.
TUB FONDNESS of certain animals for
fruit* is well known, and in many coun
tries is the cause of great annoyance and
lorn to the husbandmen ; yet, there is
sometimes s retributive justice which
visit* upon the marauder punishment
for his offense. One of the moot curious
instances of this is to lie found in
Burgundy, where the wolves suffer so
much in summer from thirst, owing to
the scarcity of water in the forest*, thi
they rush to the vineyards, and take
their fill of grapes. The effect upon
them is that the juice ferments in their
stomachs, the fumes rise to their heads,
they reel shout like human beings, they i
become intoxicated,' and then they fall
into tbe powerful iron traps which are
set for them, and from which escape is I
A HTRANOE HTOBY comes from St.
Clair County, Alabama : Tbe stor. runs
that iu that county three disguised men
broke into a tax collector's house dnring
the absence of the good man, and de
manded the taxes already collected from
hi* wife, who courageously refused to
give them up. They searched for and
found the money, afterwards tolling the
woman to prepare supper for them. She
did so, but deftly put arsenic in their
ooffee. They drank, and soon fell dead.
Then the tax-collector's wife stripped
their disguises from their faces and found
that two of the villains were unknown to j
her, but the third was her husband, who :
had taken this means of stealing the
people's money.
In India there are at the present Urns
860,000 Protestant Christians, 2,000
native preachers and twenty-five mission
ary presses.
li The l.ale Franre-tiermaa War.
Home interesting part u-ular* rt-spc-t
" tug the fnarh and Ueruiati war have
' j'tst l>'N-u published iu lWrltia frmn offi
cia) anurcea, Whcu war was declared by
France oti Jul/ 19, the Geruiau (mulivr
* watt substantially ib-feiux-lcs* ; ami if ihc
' Frrufli force* had lieeu ready to move
' iuto Germany at once, they could have
' done B<> almost without nwiatauev. It
' required seven day* to (rt the (Wnoau
r armtea iuto movable order, and thirteen
1 days to trwuap >rt thetu to the flrat line
* of operations, extending from Treves <u
their right to Luidau on their left.
During Uiia period forty-two thouaaud
men a daT were conveyed by rail to their
appointed iKtahoh*. Thi* make* a force
> of 546.WW effective uieu with which Ger
uiuut iM-gun their campaign. In thia
| great work of tiau*]>ortatiou tive priu
' opal ruilroad line* were used, but moat
1 of the bumiieaa waa done by three of
' Uietn. It inuat uiao be remeiubcml that
not only the men, but Uieir artillery,
hota-a, aniinunitioii, and provisions, had
| to be transported. One-fifth of thia
great fore* had to lie brought a distance
' of froiu Uiree hundred to four huudtal
and fifty mile* The find great battle,
that of Woerth, waa fought on Anguat
tV, and the war waa really ended with the
surrender of I'ari* on January 28, in all
one hundred and aeveuty-flve day*.
Herenteeu pitched battle* and one hun
dred ami fifty-six regiment* were fought.
The German* took aix fortreeaea, and
more tluui aix thouaaud seven huudtal
1 cannon, and one hundred and twenty
. eagles or other enigti, and they tua Je
prisoners of elereu thousand tax hundred
ami fifty officer*, and three hundred and
' sixty-throe thousand num. The invent -
meut of Pari* lasted from September 9
, to Jauttanr 38, one huudred and thirty
daya in oil. Tin- •eige had twenty-two
i engagements in conaaquenee of aortic*,
some of which attained a 1 moat the <li
-1 meuaiona of liattle*. Therw were only
three tuiral eugagemeuta in the war : j
one at llidderaec, uu Septemlter 19 ; one
at Putsiger llucht, September 21 ; and
one near Havana, October 11 One of
the moat remarkable features of thia war
i is the utter iusigtiiflouice of the naval
operations on both ai.le*.
iluatiur the Red Man-
A private h tt. r from Hilver Pity. New
Mexico, MI-S the Indian* have leen ijnite
troublesome the laud month. Maj. Kelly
made n scout witli Jim HulUrd and Joe
i Yankee. They found the Indiana and
made a killing of fourteen ; there were
ahoat seventy IU the caiuu. While they i
were mil, the noble led men, or. n*
Roster Johnson li ui it, "BY jieople,"
made a wound raid, cutting Whito'iilTa
corral ami taking thirteen head of stock. '
; John Itullanl immediately raised a
a comjuwiy of thirty to follow, Latham
Uackham au I myself among the mini-
Iwr. We followed Iheiu nine daya, cross
ing tin- Rio Friaco thirty miles north
west of the copiier mines, where we
l found nineteen Indiana, fourtes-n of
whom we killed, wounded one. ami took
one prisoner ; one child teu month* old
was left with its dead mother ; no one
j kilhsl it. Now I come to the MM! part of
the tale. John Hullard waa aliot just
lielow the heart, with an army piabd in
the hand* of a wounded Indian, and fell
dead on the spot, being the only one that
got a scratch. It waa a heavy Now, as
it left us without a guide, I Wing the
only one who had ever been out in that
F5 of the country hef*. Our old
trail Wing too rough to travel and jwck
his body, we made the return in four
j day*. Gen. Alexander, who was in com-,
mand at Fort Bayard, ordered a mihtarv
funeral with the rank of Captain, which
, all th officers, lenides Major Kelly's fall
company, attended. So ended one of ;
the bravest and l>et men that it Iras
been my good fortune to meet in the
Territory of New Mexico
THE STORY of the Briukh-y College
ghost, has at least reach<-<1 a diaaatrou*
conclusion for Mr. ItoWrtson, to wh-<—•
daughter Clara the ghost revealed the
mystery of the jar buried tinder a tn-e and
containing valuable documents affecting
the ownership of the college property. |
i It will be remembered that the jar, when
found, waa placed for safe keeping io
the care of Mr. Bobettaon, who was uot
to open it till he had kept it for a
month. The month had expired a day
or two ago, but liefore its exptratiou Mr.
Robertson heard, st d<-nd of night, a
noise in hi* woodshed. He went to see
what was the occasion of it, w hen lie was
luuanltcd bv M-vertd men. who aaid they
would kill fiim if he would not tell when
the jar was. He refused to do so, and
1 they beat him terribly. At last be yield- j
.-d, the mysterious cr<iok was taken away
by the robber*, gnd now Mr. HoWrtson
lies next to death's door.
A DAILY BATH for the whole liodv is not
too much. Health may not almolutely
require tliia, but there are few person*
who would not lie lieneflted by a com-1
I>letc washing of the skin, from head to
oot, at least once ada v. 'Die feet need
washing as much aa tin- head, a* pgrapi
ration ii|on them is very sbundant. Feet
that are cased in wool mud leather arc
not excepted from this necessity of
cleansing. Digestion is freer when water
is applied above the orgvna of digestion ; j
and the washing of the client help* one
to breathe more freely. Bathing makes
the limbs more supple, and it opens the I
muacles to breathe from, if Mich an nn-;
scientific statement mav lie permitted,
j All will agree tliat in the second month
of rammer a daily liath is n luxury Dot
to lie omitted, but in winter it is hardly
leas necesaary, and the reaction which
follows makes it a luxury in the most
; inclement season.
THE total tonnage of anthracite coal
by the earrring oomjianie* for the week
ending on the 25th ult., was 78,268 tons,
and for the year 1,638,167 tone, against
3,090,253 tons to coires]M>n<ling time last
year—showing a decrease of 1,882,086
tons. Ths bituminoua tonnage for the
week waa 48.846 tons, and for the year
243,844 tons, againat 160,015 tons to cor
responding time last year—an increase of
80,829 tons. The total production of all |
kinds for the week *M 127,114 tons, and
for the year 1,882,011 tons, ngaiuot 8,-j
188,268* tons to corresponding dates last
rear —an aggregate decrease of 1,801,257 j
A FKKIHTFI'L DEATH.— At Trieste has
occurred the death of Hanson Thure,
' who styled himself the man-fly, and
' exhibited himself walking on ceilings.
: He gave an exhibition in the theatre of
! Trieate, and on the first evening fell into
I a net which was suspended un lerneath.
'On the next evening he fell again, but
nnhappily outside of the net, and bis
bead and the iipia-r part of his lady
aame against some of the scenery. He
expired in a few minutes.
A DANCE. —Hpcaking of dancing, a
I spirited Naples cotempornry makes the
! following reflections : " A ball," he
- says, " w in itacli an incongruity. If
yon look at it in its true light it aecms to
be the act of a madman to whirl round j
to music with your arms around a wo-!
man who does not belong to yon. But,
if yon should dare to embrace a lady
when there is no music it is construed
into an offence, which mnst be atoned
for by the sword of a husband, a father,
or a brother."
THE steamer Bam. J. Hale, from Cin
cinnati to Memphis, burst her steam
pipe near Golcooda. Three white men
and four colored deck hands were killed
and the bulkheads torn out
Ceal Krsonrrr* and l eal Mining.
Mining of anthracite coal waa Inqpiu
i- in this country in 18*20. The anthracite
- cool region embraces four huudtal and
t seventy square mile* of land. In 1820,
i when tlie mining operations wen- courtn
• ed to the single county of .SchuyktU.
• Peuu., there was a |MipulaUoii of 20,0U1>
• in the Kuburlsi of thi* coal region, and
I 865 tons of anthracite oal were mined,
i Hince that time the production lia* Ihm-u,
i at the liegiuniug of each decade, as fol
• j low* :
I I a. /*oi wliadtiiM fWs th *mi
jwm i&.oi ntm
> i*to 7D.ua) 564.9 M
isfte .. 130.000 3,315,i5W
' j ma 2*>.iioo s.iu.wii
■ ! 1TO SSO.ISM 15,7X3.(W0
The amount of authraoite coal yet in
' the earth is as follows, the area ami
thickueee of tlie veins lieitig accurately
f known ;
&•> a,,l
Jirtn. ami. fw>.
( Villi1 cosl lleJJ*. ..!*) 15 5.HM.M1.000
Hontkerii fields I*3 XS lI.XM.MJ,(M)
Nurtlirrn cos I Orkle.liM 15 X.I7X *72,00
TO'SL 170 A5.345.6T5.0U0
Deduct oue-haH waste in luiuiu# 15.17V,H57.5>
l*aving of marketable coal 13,171,887,-
SUU ton*, or a de|*i*it equal to an annual
supply of 'JU.UOb.OUU tons (or fliKI year*.
Statistics of bitumuions coal iqwraliou*
nliow that within a circle of m- huu
dtal miles, of which Pittsburgh, iu the
western extremity, is the i-entre. then- is
enough bitnaiinou* coal in the earth to
|wy off the natioual debt* of all the gnr
ernmcnta of the world rnauv tune* over
And it has l-en estimated, trom geologi
cal snr* ay a, that thia coal would pay our
national deltt fifty-four times it it*
stu|M*ud<>u* value conld la- realised at
Far down in the mines (in some
instance* a* much a* 1,500 feet lielow the ,
level of the rivers), there is in the small
anthracite region more than four hun
dred miiea of railroad, but included in
the aggregate of tne railways in the Htate
of Pennsylvania. These auliterraneau
railways would, if fonaeil into one con
tinnous line, reach from B*ton to
Waahingtmi. or they would form a double
track from Philadelphia to New Tori
and back again — Synicwa* Juumnt.
One af Nheridan's Jokes.
" Bheridan was fond of practial jokea.
one of which he plared off upon Uie Duke
of Devonshire, khernlsn was in the
habit of frequenting Dolly'K chop-house,
where he generally called fur deviled
shin-bone of lieef. One day, coming
in rather later than uscal, he waa told
that the only shin-lame in the larder was
twung ctiokrd tor hoi gram- the Duke of
' Devonshire. Sheridan, who knew the
duke's person, though uot acquainted
with him, took a seat within ear-ahot of
him and began a converaatioß with a
friend in a loud tone of voice. •• I al
ways imagined." said he, that Holly's
choD-bou** waa one of the the newtrat
nstabiiahment* in London, but I made a j
discovery this morning which has con
vinced me that I waa mistaken." The
duke liatenisl to him varv attentively. 1
" As I was jiaaaiug the kitchen window, '
continued Sheridan. " I oliaerved a torn
spit l*iy greedily gnawing a shin-bone
>f beef. Vreaently one of the cook* ran
up to him, and giving him a Now on the
neck, compelled him to drop his prise,!
j * You dirty little raocal,' aaio the cook,
' couldn't yon find nothing else to eat f
Here I've got to cook thia bone lot the
Duke of Devonshire.' " Soon after the
conclusion of this tale, a waiter entered
tlie room, and advanced to his grace,
I with a covered diab. " Your href, air !"
"Take it away,'' roared the duke, with
a face of great disgust, " I can't touch a
morsel of it." "Stay, waiter!" said '
Shendan, humbly ; "bring it to ne. If
hi* grace can't eat it, I can. Fetch me a
bottle of claret —I don't wish a better
i luncheon."
Ilew te ftnlr a Husband.
Almrc all thing*, if a wife wiahea to ,
make home attractive to bcr mate let ;
her keep a i harp eye on the cook ;j [
nothing make* a male creature more dia- ,
contented with hi* house thsn l*d din- ,
ni-ra. ill-server! ; if there i* anything (
that will make him swear (and there ,
genermllr i*, my dear young larly, al- ,
though his temper seem* to tyigelic ,
when he was a-wooing), it is a cokl plate
with hot meat, or a hot one with hi*
cheese. Neglect of thi* sort is unpar- ,
donable. Again, it may not lie pomnble
to give him daintiea, but it is easy to |
avoid monotony by a careful study of the ,
<vM>kery-liook ; and it ia quite astonish
ing how the monster man can be sub
jugated and nsauAgvd by a judicious ,
variation of hi* rocala The creature
may be allegoricafly pictured lightly j
led by a fair lady with a wedding ring
through hi* palate. Indeed, there are a
thousand ways to lend him, if women <,
should show a little tact, w-itli which.
i tliey are so falsely creditrnL Oppoai-1,
tion, contradiction, makes him furious ; (
lie stADi]ia, be roara, and becomes alto
gether dangerous. Whereat, treat liim
tenderly, O wife, and you shall wind him
round your marriage finger. I have
•icon wives miss their chance of gaining
what they have set their eyes on a thou ,
j sand time* through sheer stupidity ;
they know that a certain line of conduct
i* sure to anger him, and yet thev wil
i fully pursue it, when smooth and eaay
victory await* them in another direc
tion. Tact! Sneb women, I say. have
not even instinct. Bird* of paradise, for
1 instance (not to be rude), would act in a
more aagnrions manner. Chamber'
j Jti'iriml.
wer says poverty is only an idea, in nine
enaea out of ten. Home men, with 810,-
000 a year, suffer more for want of means
than others with 8500. Tlie reason ia,
the rich man lia* artificial wants. His
income ia 810,000 a vear, and he stiffen
enough bv being dunned for unpaid
debt* to kill a sensitive man. A mnn '
who earns a dollar a day and does not go
'in debt, ia the happier "of the two. Verv
few (icopte who have never lieen rioh will
i Itelieve thia ; but it is true. There are
thotiannd* and thousands with prinoelv
incomes, who never know a minute's
peace, because they live beyond their
means. There is really more happiness
among the working men in the world
than among those who are lied rich.
('oprntß bronzing powder is prepared
by bringing copper to the finest possible
state of division, which is done in the
workshops, by treating a solution of a
salt of cornier with grape sugar and ,
caustic alkali It ia generally, however,
very difficult to remove the finely divided ,
oopper from the liquid, since the powder
is not readily deposited at the bottom of
the veaw-1, and a filter soon clogs tip.
However, by neutralizing tlie alkali with
acid, tlie jiowder will be speedily deposit
ed, and can lie completely washed out
with hot water. It should then he spread
ont and dried quickly in a warm place.
A volcanic eruption is predicted from
Mount Rainier, in Washington Territory. ,
Generally during the hottest summer (
weather the snow on the summit is but {
partially melted. Now the heat ia so
great as to melt the snow, there is a con
stant emission of steam, and even smoke
reported to have been seen by persons
living in the vicinity.
IT is estimated that the reoeipts from
internal revenue souroes for the present
fiscal year will be 9145,000,000.
Mark I* Life.
Jostle, nu*ar, and general rushing of
humanity after aelf-iutenwt
Heaven pity the poor mortals who are
too tender to endure the rough elbowing
of the crowd, fur they will bv crushed to
rise no more upon earth.
A lack of strength to stand up in an
armor of individuality sufficient to shield
the spirit from deep ound* ami tiruisus,
has caused many a (allure in worthy pro
Weak arrows potaoued with the await,
mean malice of low iniwia cannot wound
a true man ur wotuan who ucouw-tous of
right, and integrity in all life'a trammc
j tions.
Only the coward who is too weak to be
trusted, shrinks and trembles under such
But. OI if these feeble attempts to in
jure (Alter* did not exist, what a diffrrmit
atmosphere there would he in the social
world !
Strange tliat it ia ao distasteful to look
upon the happiueas and priM|ierity of a
neighbor when there is room enough ;
for all to live, prtamer and he ha pro, if i
they will hot attend to their own affiura.
The greatest cause of ntthapiiitsaM ia,
that pcojile are uot satisfied to weave their
carpet out of their own material, but go
übout craving what seem to be the bright
er colors of their iit-ighlair*.
Craving, envying, idling, while their
.wn loom stands still and neglected,
with warp and woof fading and weaken
ing day by day.
How much better to search the content*
of one's own resources,sort out and use the
lieat, tbe brightest colore in one's own 1
Imaket, and leave aeightMirs to do the ;
But useless trouble and misery v ill ever j
lie caused bv malice, envy and bate, and
the weak will prey upon the weak.
And this ia a bountiful world notwith- I
standing ; rich in pure sources of useful
ness and enjovmeut. which the kind, lov
iug ami worthy will find.
There ia great pity for groveling, ma
lrcioua, guilty saints, for they csuinot re
ceive the sunlight of Heaven into their
heart*, and know not peace and bappt
ueaa. Tbey kwe more than they can re
cover from the world, far the key* te bqs
piness are truth and love, and |*eople find
in the world only the reflection of what j
they carry in their own heart* ; if aelfiah
ness and hate—they will he pierced 1
through and through with their own
w capons by the world ; if low and good
will toward ail—then peace and kindness
will be returned For the world ia just,
after all.
Cruelly just, perhaps, at times.
But peo|de suffer the penalty of their
own folly nftener than any but Qod and
themselves know ; and a reasoning being
ought to hold him or herself accounta
ble, and accept natural results as such,
without bbuuing the worhl ami fate and
everything sad everybody but them
If means of education haTe been lim- 1
ited, and ignorance has led great spirit*
into errors which bring misfortune, they
must live and learn.
Thia is a brief npan of existence, and
each haur spirits are being lifted from the
darkest shadow* of earth into the bright
radiance of a higher life. And consider
ing their ex j winding, purifying influcn roa,
ought not affliction* and misfortune*
which educate the soul tonohle aims and
sympathies he received aa Messing* ) 1
At Pawtncket, IL L. there hvrs a cer
tain vuung gentleman aged eighteen
mouth*. The other day thi* youth kept
quiet an unusual time, and hia mother
auvpecting all waa nut right went into an
adjoining room to look him nix. Here
she looked upon a sight which almost
cunlled her blood with terror. Upon
the floor by an open bureau drawer aat
this " precocious youth, " with a loaded
aud emptied and aelf-cocking revolver in
hia hand, and he waa amtunng himself
by ramming the mucxle of the piece
down his throat, working st the trigger
sud hammering it upon the floor. .Aa
soon as the mother recovered from her
fright she took the weapon from the
chiltl. and administered a remembrance
which will doutxtleas deter him from
another such exposure of his precious
self to instant annihilation. It ia almost
s miracle that the child hed not killed
itself upon the sraA, but, strange to tsy,
not s barrel waa discharged.
POHITIOX iv Huncr.—Sleeping rooms
should always lie so arranged, if issua
ble, to allow the head of Uxe sleeper to
bo toward the north. Frequently, in
(vises of aiekneaa, a person will find it
impoMuhlo to obtain rest if the head is
in any other directkui and often a cure
ia retarded for a long time. A Vienna
physician bad a patient who was suffer
ing from scute rheumatism, with ptin
fill cramps running from the shoulders
to the Angers ; and while his head was
to the south he could do nothing towards
his relief. On turning the lied, however,
so that the head was towards the uorth.
the jiatient uttered expression* of pleas
ure. and in a few hours a great improve
ment had taken place, and he was in a
few days almost entirely cured Many
other "cases are given by scientific per
sons ; and. people, in building houses,
should always have this in view.
BOMX YXAIM ago, in one of our western
conrte, three man—an Englishman, sa
Irishman and a Hcotchman —were found
gmlty of murder and sentenced to
lie hung* The judge t ild them they
could each chooae a tree on which they
would Uke to be "strung up." Tbe
Scotchman promptly chose an ash tree,
and the Englishman an oak tree. *' WeJL
Pat. what will von lie lmng on ?" naked
the judge. "If it pleases your honor,
I'd rather lie hung on a goooelierry
bush." "Oh !" said the jndge. "that's
not big enough." " Begorry, thin," re
plied Pat, "IU wait till it growr*."
An undergraduate At Cambridge, who,
the Boston Adreriwr saya, found among
the questions on hia examination paper
this : " Why will not a pin stand upon
its point ?" elalnirately explained the
point thus : 1. A pin will not stand on
its head ; much leas is it possible that it
nlionld stand on its point. 2. A point,
according to Euclid, is that which has
no parts and no magnitude. A pin can
not stand on that which has no porta,
and no magintude, and,therefore, spin
cannot stand on Its point, ft. It will if
you stick it in.
MAJ. ATWOOD, of Boston, wanted to
find the widow of a late brother officer
in tbe army, and wrote to headquarters
at Washington. The inquiry was for
warded to Anstjn, Texas, theiiee to the
officer's late post, three hundred miles
into the interior, whence the reply was
returned to Austin, sent to Washington,
and in seven weeks readied Boston to
inform the inquirer that the object of
his search lived within half a mile of
him in Boston, while the inquiry had
traveled over 3,000 miles.
A play is enacted in a Chicago theatre
in which a man i* hung for inn. The
other night the gearing got out of order
and they came near hanging him for
good. When they cut him down he said
he guessed they had better get some one
else to take his plaoe, as "his neck waa
not talented enough to play that part."
NUKXBOCS encounters are said to have
occurred between the Blanco and Colo
rado parties in the State of Bnenos Arras.
About thirty deaths occur daily from
yellow ferer in the city of that name.
The fare at FantHare.
' Tits Tm hHultMjtt! gives some useful and
timely biuts aa to how to preoerve furni
ture in good condition, which may prove
valuable to many who are now about
cleaning np Tbe article aays;
Housekeepers do not always under
stand the theory of the chemical and
mechanical actios of tbffureat snbstauara
on article* of furniture. Heldotn do we
enter a house in which we cannot detect
a spot ur flaw thai lie* been oprweioued
by either coreteasuewn or ignorance is
handling, dropping, or using substance*
which have proved their deleterious af
fects when brought into contact with
house, furniture, and fixture* Alt ar
ticle is often spoiled, at least in appear
once, by the spplW-wtioa of sums powder
! or ssfHinaceou* substance which has been
puffed up and commanded, like a quack
Medicine, to purify, preserve, and moire
beautiful whenever an application ie
made , but we have notised. in nitre caeca
out of ten, that spots and flaw* and die
coloration in furniture have occurred j
from the spilling of water, oil*, alcohols
or acids. Acids art on marble Marble j
is rotoponrd of carbonate of hare; thai
is, a compound of carbonic said and,
lime. Now, the cerUmtc acid has a com
paralivriy weak affinity for lime, and'
most other acids will prevail over It, and
take its place when brought into contact!
with cotn|xmsde containing it • thus'
ilestroyißg tbe texture of the atone,
liberating the cwrlxmie acid, and kwv-1
•uu in place of the carbonate tire nitrate, :
j sulphate, or acetate uf lime, or the ;
• -blonde of calrtnm, aa the aaae may he.
Alcohol and water produce no effect
. whatever upon marble, and oils do not
corrode or dissolve it, although tbey ere
•tfunetlmm alworbed to such aa extent n
to produce permanent stains.
On the other hand, ail varnished or
polish- d surfaces of wood while nut in- |
JII red by weak acids, are attacked by
alcohol." Varnishes are eompoaeJ of
different gums and nvdua, which are;
generally sohthie in alcohol. Many of
them are made by dissolving the materi
al* in alcohol ao aa to qualify them, and
then when those varnUhos are applied,
tbe alcohol evaporatea, leaving the gum
ior resin in a thus even coating over the
surface, therefore alcoholic u1 wtanoe
comea npon and) a eiirfare, whether 11
lie alcohol itself, or j*rits of any kind,
or evea strong wine, the vaxwiah ia at
tacked. a portion of it dissolved, and the j
ItriUtaoev of the surface it dasforuyod. j
Ode will not attack either marhh- or'
varnished surfaces, and will do no in
jury except to naked wood or other
porou* substance* which admit tireut into
the norea, from which they cannot after
words be aaailr expelled. * Water affects
no substance* except aiu-h aa hare open
(Wires exposed, in which case it enters
sud cwosea the suites trees to swell; or
ouch as are soluble iu water, aa gin* in
joints, and mncilagv or gum arable,
used sometimes tor attaching superfloal
ornament* to fancy work.
Tire practical lessoo to be learned from
this ia. thai housekeepers most take care
in dealing with furniture to keep water
awav from eveiything soluble in water,
oil from eveiythfng porotxti, alcohol from
varnish, and acids from marble.
The Satage* and the Telegraph.
It ia not a little curious, says the Injr
-1 jismft'ste of (%3e, to know liow the tele
graph wires and p<tea have been pre
served from injury by the Indiana, other
wise the coamoßimtaon of tbe front**
forts with one another could not have
Ixwn kept up. The following stratagem
waa bit upon and related by a traveller
recently from the frontier*, who waa
asked bow thia waa. He said when tha
prate were erected there were some forty
<r fifty Indian prisoners in the ouup of
the army. General Pinto, fearing that
they might destroy thia important work
of drQiaahou, called them together, and
brought in an electric lottery ;
•' Do vou are thi* wire which ia placed
here r
-Yea, General"
" Well, then, I have caused it to be
place 1 there, ao that you should not pare
to the other side or touch it, beoanaa if
you do, your bauds will adhere to the
The Indians smiled with an incredu
lous look. The General called them one
by ooe. and made them lay hold of the
wires of a battery and then act it agoing.
•- Let go the wirea, I tell you."
"I cannot, sir. my handi are be
On cutting off the current of course
they drojiped the wirea. Each Indmn
waa. made to experiment for himself
Before letting them go the General re
commended them to keep tbe secret and
not tell it to their countrymen
Of course they did quite the contrary,
and told every Indian what they bad
*eo and what had happened to them.
Since then not a wire na* been damaged
liecause they now all believe that if they
touched the" wirea tbey would bo caught
ami held prisoners until the troops came
A Sketch of a Nevada Tow*.
Piocbc, Nevada, although beariug an
appearance ot newncas, ia neatly lafffout
in streets, and well built. There are art
canvas houses, all Iwing built ot lumber,
with the exception of a few reaidoaora of
adobe. Of eotfoue Main street, aa in all
new towns, is the main street; but
Meadow-Valley street, which commences
at Main aud runs up on ' the lull,' is the
moat frequented. On thi* corner, write*
a correspondent of the WUfe Pine Yen,
congregate all the idle expectants, ty pea
of which I have seen in every new mining
camp I waa ever in. and Pioche doesn't
lack for them. AU day kxug this corner
is crowded with idle, listless-looking
men, smoking their pipes and conversing
na to the times and prospects of the dis
trict. They tell me that no man need
want for work here, Imt jf such be the
case, there must be a good many men in
Pioche that don't want to work. Tome,
the town looks dull. Tbe merchants say
it is overdone. It looks very much that
way. There are shout three hundred
regular producers, and those, in connec
tion with what strangers happen to drop
in with money In their pockets, are
called upon to support a population of
two thousand. • Stores, saloons, faro
games, danee-houaes, must all be sup
ported ; and as every person in each of
these branches of business can not be
well patronised, the patronage must be
distributed which makes light business
for all.
vANIA. —Captain William Hambright one
of the Passenger Conductors on the
Pennsylvania Central Railroad, ia at this
time the oldest employee in that capacity,
having lieen in active service longer than
any other Conductor in tbe Btate. He
ia yet aa smart and active as many o! our
vouug men at twenty-one. Mr. Ham
bright waa born in the city of Lancaster,
and is now sixty-two yean of age. In
early life he followed the humble though
significant occupation of printer. He
stuck type for some time on the Lancas
ter GtitMts, with Hugh Maxwell, and the
knowledge he received while employed
at the " Art preservative of all Arts," he
aaserta he will never forget Indeed, he
looks back with pride and satisfaction to
the days he " inked the type with boxing
gloves'" and pulled the rounce of the old
" Ktuuuge."
Be that whoever reads the missive
sends the poor messenger further cm his
way. This jest ia called " Hunting the
Gowk," and the bearer received the
euphonious name of " Gowk."
TERMS ; Two Dollar* a Year, in Advance.
KataM* Events.
I j la 1177 It cost lmt twelve penes k
■! purchase a fat ox in England.
IVnuia was anciently possessed by th
1 whose kings were dnssnMswd
from Artbinna, Ant king of the Miroli.
uo the Keltic, HBMI B C. ita original
, name waa Bunuwin. The Potes li*M
i < iKMMMBiun, "H"* Kim .faarikr. in l'4)t
■ jThe Grmnii Master -jf the Teutonic order
i I (Qoattrml them aud bald powwiuo tto
: tfl 1700, when he waa made king.
There were three queeoa In England
at one time, in 1517, vu : of England , of
Franee, aud Heottand.
Janata I, waa ariaed by the Nuuttiafc
nobles, Aug. ft, 168A Tba act waa
tanned the " Said of Butitveu."
The medkasul aaa at cassia, manna sad
aetma *** aaid to hi**" bean discovered
by a Greek pbywtau. 1*45
The quadruple alliance between Oar
many, Frauce, Holland and England waa
! oonriuded July B*. 171
The drat tvbeflion in Kagttdi hhitat
j waa by the Moots and Haass, A. D . Mm,
• m (iivof of l"Vl |gn.y "W 1 !*•
Ixmtu J.
Tim Ant nuhiih riot in landn wan
dmioiittuu of the ooneant hnlnaiiiif
to Wnatmiaiakr Abbev, A. D. 1221. XV
rirriwdrr waa litam, and hia associates
Uaotheir hands and feet cot off
1 IV ram boah, ft ia ass.!. waa And
planted in England, 1581.
The city of Room. Prunes, waa ftr*t
raptured in lASS. when (he King of
; Navarre waa killed.
The flnaaiane iHwupliil to take Coa
atouunopie Aral m 864. under the Gaand
| Duke Burick, and hare been trying lor
it ever sitna
Aaadeu waa the nante of the Ant
Duke of Havuy, 1417, A- D.
The title at Hardiuia waa given at the
peace of Utrecht, ITW.
Scenery waa Ana ititrnilnrs 'hrnto thea
tre* 1533.
There were only M Hnotrhmsa in
lejndtm in 1567.
The L'tiitarian Church waa founded in
1553, revived in 1808 and again in 177A
The title of "Serene Hyfrnasa" m
taken from " Remwtaa," originally an
Eastern title, given to the tnnwoa,
savoring of Abe indolence inspiredby the
Hheep were exported from England to
' tipain in 1469.
Poet hoiaa hi men-of-war wean invrnt
!ad by Dssohsflgua, a Frenchman.at Beast,
j U> 1500, A. D,
The present faahiou of shorn vara
first worn in 1333.
The aae of surnames ia attributed to
the Xormana.
TV drat law* on slavery is Great Bri
tain are attributed to Ilia, King of the
Weal Saxons. ABB.
The Kngiiah Societies, toe Inner,
MiddK ana Ontor Temple, were founded
in 1186, by the Kaighte Templar.
It is stated by s careful writer that
Bulumon dedicated hia A in;>le on Friday.
Oct. aoth. 1000. We cannot aay if toe
date is euiiwC
Letters were franked free first in lflflO.
Tea thousand friar* and nuns turned
; out of toe monaek'riee in England, 1535.
Several thousand in Germany in 1734.
May games much in vogue in England
1518 bat owing to riotona conduct aoon
got into disuse.
At Richard L's coronation at West
minster Hall, some Israelites, endeavor- j
tag to be i>r**ent at the ctramuiiy, rawed
the ire of the mob, and a masascn en- 1
sued which ao pleased the King thai he
ordered a general aa—a—, 1188.
Fkßcsepky af Pmrntir Eifi.
The thousand and one reeiraa given
from time (o time are aa worthless as the
mermaid rtona#, or thorn o( the snake
monster of the m. Many who pot forth
thaw? stories tor the million do Dot know
whet e Ireah egg is ; many do it for no
toriety, sod some lgnoranttar. No egg is
fresh that vtll shake; that is taenia* it
has lost some of its albumen. No egg
has ever been tmwrad'onr a month
that trill not shake, except it be sir
proofed, vliich is a form not generally
understood, and in a new process If
they are pat in solution, no matter what
it ia, the egg will absorb it ; if pnt in dry
measures, the albumen will escape by
transpiration through the shell The
egg has been coated with ererr ooorwiv
able oomparitwn, even in mod utcme.
and galvanised, vet the watery material
escapee. The philosophy of this ia that
there ia air in the egg before it ia treat
ed, and this uniting its osygett and aer
bon produces decomposition by itarbo- j
nic acid gas; the yellow of the egg ftwt
breaking, then follow* the distraction.
Eggs are naturally designed to hist as
long aa the hen requires to get her I rood,
and the life gerin can be preserved e few
weeks—seven or eight—but no longer.
The egg itself may be kept ia a presorted
state few two yean by grassing with but
| for, oil or lard ; but from the time it is
than put up to the end of two yearn, it
will dailv lose its albumen by trimspin
tion, ana while its carbonic acid escapes
to a certain extent, the egg meat will be
reduced folly two-third*, end will shake.
For culinary purposes, they wiD do very
welL But we want a whole egg. not a
half one, and we want them frrwL Bat
ter. and lard, and suet have been used
j for half a century, still not hing lis* re
commended itself over the old liming
system in a commercial point of view.
The theory always has been, and still is,
that to keep an egg fresh the air must be
excluded. It ia the only philosophical
treatment of it that can be n\ade. Egg.
' are composed of more than half a doaen
chemical ingredients, and these compo
nents are vary volatile ; hence theat moe
phcre with ita powerful agenciea worts
quickly upon it Externally kept from
the air, the latter ia powerless to do it
harm ; bat the sir inside no mortal can
prevent, and that alone in time will de
; compose the egg. Chantry Gmtkmon.
TM>V MIN LA Japaa.
Throughout Japan it is the universal
diatom for young ladies, when arriving
at the ago of fourteen an J fifteen, to be
placed in what mar he appropriately
called a ft Dialling catabliahmeub This
establishment has the following among
other peculiarities, vis : All the masters
par fur the privilege of teaching, instead
of (as the oaae is with na) being paid far
their lessons. This makee the instruc
tion a labor of love. Then, again, to a
certain ejtent, a Japanese young lady is
allowed considerable freedom aa to the
selection of her instructors; she gener
ally prefers the beat looking. The
scholars do not ait in a doae, pent-up
room, filled with girls bolt unngbt,
each perched upon an educational stool,
bnt in a delightful garden fragrant with
tea and flowers, surrounded by a num
ber of little summer booses embowered
in the midst of the most charming
vegetable products. Hare are the bright
eyed damsels, with cheeks- ss pink as
the rosea, moving around with graceful
steps, each bearing a small lacquer tray
with tea and cakes. In each of these
summer houses there is a master or pro
feasor, either waiting the return of one
of the refreshment-bearing damsels, or
else sitting by the side of one who has
already come back. Japanese girls re
main in educational seminaries of this
kind until marriage, and they make
excellent wives.
. Is NORTH BKITAIN they send some
luckless wight with a letter which never
reaches its destination, for within it is
written —
"On the first of April hunt the gowk another
• " ' A,' • " ■ J
,■tmt t&m S ift
' Voar ffif I will tm fed M war." '
I burned UunnU.
I esid.'*we ib !fnm 1 AM. ■
Mr *oM. not •." fim rl
■ Ml ■■
Wto and Paaatas*
It doaen thnrt snuff to ptoehii
Bosk >v has 50! whdtamle m ilk cieaifm.
| A doctor and a clown know more (Va
I n jLtotoHinLgia
I OwOWr fllOuO.
. Lsdi arc wearing paadgtif "WppAtty |
' ? larger than ever,
i ffcfhdoiptos taisn.gof femaUstomt
The third newspaper publishing Wtit
, in toe ("i.ton wlilinoh.
I In Oaßfovnia pojdare grow from km to
HBmiu feet In a tingle year. •'* *
f AM turn eomplain that cards an I'l-
I ahufftod till they gat a good hand.
The Quakers la tois conn try hava
i 86,000 juipilii- in their flwiflcj is In ads
It ia aaid there arc 8,887 Jesuits in the
world, or newly twice m many mls
Though cattle are dumb beasts, by
gathering together they make themselves
! Money is 'his servant who known Bow
to use U aa lie should, Us master who
doth not
TV coat of the recent ♦♦nurnlvuF in
Washington was AJ5.300 and there M a
'• ileAelrji.-y. 1 *
A good-beautod teemmtt in 'the way
■ br silly of her jar, 4a the tovcltoat
| in the world-
Bad ways fere wlaliWliMf IVy toeeli
every mart to know hia ogg| mati fl .-ii. .aud
to stop there.
There la but one jgeids fmrdanfehla;
ita>a.>rabu>aetioti. ,
Waterproof doth ia made up new into
swttaa suits .tor ladies, which . ace very
wot, pretty ati<i - < ■ ,
nm mtmrnm csmi IJA*
i that tt wtli not ha ensy itoyou if your
: mind be applisd to A
TV of toe iatbtoigan
Hfietetv has been taken bv over Afty
i **- WJIi-a— ia, •
Imlllm m ™ ■"" Ulm'iT.
| thing about Adam wan rib, and ftimt
1 TV lettorson • trunk ataHarimito
pot luaanffy wees *• J. A. M. Me" XV
hisiggag'ii niiiiliiiiin, however, weva tender
(WStlnL •; t . B
Sun th deolaoM that the only thing
f on earth oapahla of moving a eertaia
: erosa-greinea dd onat of km ip her rodt
The census of Utah abowa only a now-■
elataou of 4&S0B white tomalas to iSjßh
make—or 80 leos than enough to furnish
om wife apiece aB amond.
i TV town of LooniorriUt, M 0.., was
lately rachriatened Tribuktion, and da
serrea to have nothing but troublaa and
trials for ah tone to come, tor KB toOy.
" During this war.** save an exchange.
" Fiance moduead no Marshal Marat."
And yet toe ale cavalry horses enough
to ham pteduaad even a martial nsigh -
What toooM a man Mytok V
jtoctom jwriwV^ato
A pnsst nrhift dunomaaid team
his pulpit several members of hie onn
gngatom, has been sued tor S.OG6 tor
libel, and hia prtputj has been attached.
ilini w.ji'hiil*l *
a new feature is to ha introduocd, via.,
four diminutive pages to sugipert the
trail of toe bride m her pragiww to the
North Carolina churns the " chainpioo
voter." At the krt i-toctiou be wdked
to the poll* followed by sevwitiwu. erfeu,
and thev cdlertmly deposited eighteen
A frightful tale of marine dimator
mum ftom toe Wabash CVal TV
Green Rabbit sank toa Dead Bent to a
•■fV M V V wma Mi aff It
toe Tolswvo Faagr.
A 8A Paul paper ustss that an -extoa
ordiaarr number of "Ola. Ghaiuw.'
- ftwan SwanaoM," ami •• Etritk-
have Veo registered in the - mjJ
ward of that tj.
cundunoc to be drawn from toem, or
the advantage to which they can be put,
ia a philosopher.
A rich man refused to subscribe for
an irou fence for a cemetery, on the pie*
that ft needed no fencw. aa thowe Inside
cannot get out, and those who are out do
not want to get in.
While ftm are Bring be very kind,
generous, sad do as mneh good a* you
can to your rriatoms and friend*, hut
Wave them nothing when you ht* sad
you will to be unseed by ttaiim,
TV jeuieeyfeHU baVra aw oegautimlg
prepaiulucy to asking an incrram. •
wages. They say that they work righty
hours a weak, for which they raome Imt
from 810 to 814 per week. They want
818 par week.
One Robert Gkneay waa reoe&Uy ar
rested near Atlanta Citr, N Y.. on clou-Re
of having married a widow while ho had
Ave other wives Bring. He eanfemed V
had had toe wives, but aaid V thought
they had aB died of broken hearts when
V ran away from them.
A ace rant in a family at Banger, Mr. ,
has suited ever since Ot'phimber, 1818,
at a salary of 81 per meek, and has
•1,390.16 'in a savings bank: aH aaeed
from this amaß sum. Lust year she da
posited SBO doflars of her 86k and hag
interest amounted to about 888. . , ...
An togenums Hartford aoan has diacor
ed a new use for the Connecticut white
fish, which are caught by the million, on
the Connecticut shore, mad need to JM
nnre toe fields. He preparec the fish in
some pickle or preparation bv which they
are made as palatable as ssidinw.
A stranger in Albany offered 810 to
any "*n who would get him a wife.
The offer was immediately taken up, and
in a few minutes a blooming damsel ap
peared. In km than thirty minutes the
two were coupled. TV stranger ia re
puted to be wealthy andeooentrie.
Of the several hundred Postmistresses
in the United States very low get what
mar be called good pay. In seventy of
the moat nr-iiuii.it' office* the income
taugee from 81,000 tv $4,000. Only
three pay the latter sum, via.: Leaven
worth, Louisville sad Richmond. Two
other offices pay 88,000. Twelve pay
over 82,000 and under 83,000.
A man out in IBinois, after witnessing
the performance of a tight-rope artist,
said it was very easy enough to waft a
tight rope if the man had the nerve. He
stud he had the nerve, ao he fattened the
clothes-line from the top of his bare to
the chimney of his house, took a hoe
handle to balance - hamuli and started.
The funeral was laigtij attended. ; M
A doting mother in Ponghksepne *-
pernkd 898 in dressing up her little baby,
of whioh of course she thought the world,
1 and sent the bill to her hnaband, who is
independently rich and in dependency
mean. He made out a check for the
amount, and added these words "This
is for a child a few months obi Fools
still live." To which the bank eterfc
added. " So do hogs "
A stwko and gun tram for tigers, in
vented by one Captain Rogers, seems to
be a great suecess. TV Jubbulpere
ChromicU states that a man-sating tiger,
Long the terror of toa district, and
" which has boon known to attack a psxt
and kill four or five persons at a time,
waa a short 'time ago dispatched by hiring
incautiously put his foot in a string al'
Inched to a trigger tost dbdbArgeda bub
Ist vrhiah kißoahiai. TV trap aaem* to
be an admirable invention, But mjher
disagreeable to art, for the bait. It k said,
waa "a daad woman. "
NO. 17.