CENTRE HA£L REPORTER. -, Centre Hall, Pa., April 21, T1 TKKMS.-Tho CENTRE HAU. IttroR TKR is published weekly At PER v AT" In ADVANCO, or $2,50 when not PRID In m.l - RTRTLFW-ARLY AND QUART* >• SUB seriptions AT the SAME rate, SINGLE COPIES kreeentn. _ ~ Advertisement* $1,50 per ti line# 1 ! forthree insertion*. Ad*ertteeen for A longer period. al reduced rule ttudne** card* of tiro line*. s* per > * r. Coinmunioalions rocotumeudtnjt prO:> . fbr office, 5 srer the same as a receipt, persons re miui ig hy mail, or oiher\\i-.\ mil under stand from a change in these dales that the money has been received ■ Tho Nino Million Bill. It ia pretty dear that tho nine million railroad bill; or bill taking nine million dollar* of the people's frmdi trom the state treasury for tho benefit of railroad corporations, will be sprung u;n the legislature, before the adjournment, snd an attempt made to rush it through. Mr. Olmstead, a member of the house, now car ries the bill in hi* pocket, and it i- tlie same in its general features as that pascd by the legislature last winter, and vetoed by the goveuor on account ofits nnu.str >i ty and unconstitutionality. Now let the bill come up in what shape k tuay , the principle is wrong and cannot a\ oid being grossly unju-t to a large proportion 01 the taxpayets *if tho cosnmonweii.tu, aud it i also in direct oppoatiou to the s.-nttiuval of t'te gicat majority of the people oi our state, saying nothing about its being so clearly in violation of the constitution, in view facts, any member of these voting for this bill, deserves to be stoned by his con stituents, if over he should have tho audia city to return from llarri-burg. One main objection there is to this bill i-, that it is in direct violation of a Who provi sion of our state constitution. Another great objection is, that the funds taken from the state will bo applied, not for the immediate relief and benefit of the taxpay ers who might be as? > ted in needed improve ments but will go directly to aid rich ccr porations at the expense of the partic- fVom whom it is Uken and for whoso direct bene fit it should be applied. If th. funds of the state are to be abstracted at all. Centre county needs improvetne: t< as much as any county in the -laic, ai.J i as deserving as any other section, ye. we ven ture to say that n : n farthing w ill bo set apart in this 9 million bill in direct aid of the people of our county, in making the improvement they have been clamoring for the last twenty years, namly, the con struction of the L. C- !t S. C. BK. On the other hand, should provision be made in the bill to aid our road, in order to allay the opposition of our people, we venture to say it will be in such a shape as to deceive, and the sum bo appropriated to the corporation outside, nlMtisy /, and leaving the bur den now resting upon our shoulders, hang there to grind our people for year- to come, ir ie state wwurtttes must bet thrown away let it b* done in the t objectionable ruaaer, let them bo thrown for the immediate benefit of the taxpayer, and not into the lap of princely corpora tions, who have already gr.-.u fat by flee cing the public. But, barring the unconstitutionality of this measure, we contend that the princi ple, in this commonwealth, at least :s in : violation of every principle of justice, as it appropriafr* fund-, belonging to the peo ple in common, towards buildiug up sec tions remote from other portions that will leeeiveao benefit therefrom, directly or indirectly. We cannot see where is the | justness of building up one section of the. state at the expense of the other. If any • portion of the state needs a railroad, let that portion build it out of its owr means, as it expects to receive every benefit arrising from such improvement. As this question j has been before the people for more than a year, we do not think itnecessary to enlarge upon it. W e know thai the peopleofCen tre county are almost a unit in opposition to the 51 million bill, and wea'soknow that this is true of the people of every county in the state, and this is sufficient ground for the defeat of the bill. As senator AVallaro is the leader on the democratic side in the senate, hi course will be followed by the majority of demo cratic senators, bence great responsibility rests upon him. AVilliam A. h aiiace, we believe, has it in his power, by virtue of the confidence reposed in him by his fellow democratic senators, who will be guided by his action, to defeat this bill. We will wait and see. , The employes of Lochic! iron M or-* at //arrisburg '"struck" on Monday last, and the works have been suspended in conse quence. We have not learned what the trouble is. A radical congress for the last eight years, and strike* among the working men all the time and every-where. Something must have gone wrong since the democrats went out of power. 24,000 Grains of Com. Twenty-four thousand grains of Corn, in packages of 24 grains each are ready for distribution. Each package will plant eight hills, having three grain* to a hilL Next lall, each person who has receiv< d a package, will bring or send the corn to the Superintendent or his School, giving the number of ear*. The Superintendent of each School will gather the products >.f the packages planted by members of bis school, on NEXT TUASCS6IVISU DAT and immediately arrange to send the .tine to James A. Beaver, Bellefon'e. The corn will be sold and the proceed* applied to aid the Sabbath School Mi-don work in Centre county. A record will be kept of the name* of c: ch person who aid* in this work, and the result of each pub lished in the fall when the reports have been received. Why can riot every boy and girl who reads this, aid the cause and plant at least 24 grains'? Who will join the SABBATH SCHOOL MISSIONARY Const Co.? Send for a package of Corn at once, to "Christian Union Work," Box 134, Belle, fonto. Pa., and give your name and pool office address in full. Superintendents will plea*e send to James A. Beaver for as many packages as they can distribute in their Schools. IIOW MANY DO YOU WANT? Address, JAMES A. BEATER, Pres. Centre Co. S. S. Association. N. B. —No boys or girls over 90 years of age supplied. The above we copy from tho neat little S. 8. paper, published at Bellefonte, called the Christ ion Union Work, and as it closes with a rather merry "N. B," we think Gen. Beaver who by the way, is one of the warmest Sabbath school men in Centra county, will allow us to speculate a little • as to what may be realized by the Corn Co. Now 24,000 grains of corn make just nine (9) quarts, and these divided up into 24 grain packages will make just 1000 pack ages. To apply for these, as above, will require just 1000 letters, at S3O for postage, and to send the corn on application, will require another 1000 letters, costing anoth s3o—making a t*tal of sf the jnbkff school work in Centre county. Now the " REPORTER. being a warm friend of the Sabbath school cause, would suggest the following plan as an improvement upon the above: : Let eaeh one, instead of applying for • lhe*o package*. plant 21 grain* of hi* own corn, the yield of which to be donated a* 4 above suggested, and add a donation o! * postage Ac, required upon abftvo plan, ( and next tall we would find the follow tug , .as the clear profit for the missionary corn Company: Value of Corn ...,.s79,!** Postage vVo. donated tv\oo f Net gain. ~..5141.*' 1 and not even restricting the work to "hoy and girls under 'AT yours of ago," f A Fair Letter on the Condition of (he South. The New York Olnrrw, one of the best i religious papers in the country, in it* issue j | of tho tkh inst., publishes a letter froiu the South, upot the condition oftliat inueh . malign.*! section. Wo deem the letter > ' worthy a teprint in the REPORTER. a* com ing from an impartial pen, and proving ' that tho Kit Klux stories to industriously circulated in the North, are the result ot i cwrpet-bagism, and gross mUrepresenta i lions to keep th* northern mind inflamed against the southern people. The (tAserrer ! says: DTSEOXIM IN SOUTH t? VROMN A—OUT -1 ORE IKS AND DISORDER*—'TH* AILKOID Cat -ts v\r> TROU VULK Ot RES.—lnlaying ■ the following communication hefts re our ' readers for their -eriou* consideration, vt I would say that it* author is now, and wa I before, during and since the war, an anti ' McosAtotu*!; knowu a* such by bis fellow ' citizen*, and hi* high character, large in telligence and entire independence, com ! uian Jed universal respect and confidence. ' The senior editor of the New York affairs and hi- ability to give a candid, i truthful and intelligent statement of the ■ rendition of thing*, wrote to him fer hi* views and received tho follow ing letter in , reply to his request. It is not probable that extreme men will accept the views here ex pressed. but the fact* are beyond all que*- ' tiou, and they arc them selves the argu ment and illustration: 75. the Editor of the AW York Ohssrrer: As a patriotic citizen, a* well as the editor ' of a journal of wide circulation and ex ten- . tire influence, it is j our duty, and I have no doubt it is your desire, to obtain all the information in your power as tothe history of the disturbances prevailing in South Carolina as well a* their origin and the remedy fbr them. For this purpose I pro po*e to furni-h you some aid. (> There i* one que-tion in the eon-idem- { lion oi this subject, fundamental in it* na ture, and yet to bo solved, whether twora- _ ees can live together on terms of equably j in the same country' and under the aamej; system of laws, who are o**entwlly ditf*- j, rent in origin, color, habitsanJcivilixation- When to lhe. van unreasonable and wicked prejudice,i| which ought to be eradicated. Some wUei, and gxd men doubt this, but granting it i, to bo true, the fact of tho existence of the | J prejudice still remains. Practically, the ' effect of the feeling is the same, whether it 1 1 be just or unjust. If tbe two race* cannot live peaceably, together on terms of equality, then ont i 1 mu-texit in subordination to the other. As, to which should be superior and which in- : ferior, it would seem there c<>ald bo nel 1 , hesitation in the mind of any intelligent j | white man. Leaving this topic let n* consider the im t mediate cause* of tho late and present dis -1 turbances in this state. They may be clas- ' •ed under several heads, viz: Tho igno- I , rancc, corruption and extravagance of the 1 legislature, and of nearly all tho public 1 ' officers; the heavy taxes collected from a ' [ poverty-stricken.people; the exclusion of < i nearly all the the old citizen* of the state i - from office; taxes laid by those who |y no I : taxes upon tbosu who pay all, and more 1 , immediately, the organizing and arming of < t the negroes last summer when nothing of < the kind was done for the white*. I , The state authorities were warned by | \ discreet gentlemen that the later measure ■ would result in mhchcif, and the conse- , 1 quence* which were foretold have followed. , Bad blood was stirred up, and bitter were ( - the fruit* of it. Consider the question of taxes, atway* a tender point with freeman. Tho intelligent, property-holding citizens have no share in f the legislature of the state. The are taxed by ignorant paupers and by strangers. B The taxes are enormous, considering the j circumstance*, and much greater than be- 1 k fore tho war, in the dayA of their prosperi t ty. The writer may be excused for allud i, ing to an instance in bin personal knowledge, 3 byway of example: A gentleman paid 9 his state and county taxes for 1669, amount- 1 Ing to $76. The same gentleman has just 1 t paid his taxes for 1870, amounting to $.'500, j His property now is about one third of its 1 . value in 1859. This make- hi- tuxes now 1 about twelve times greater than in 1859. Look at the criminal extravagance of the I legislature. An instance or two must suf . lice. It was stated without contradiction, i , by respectable gentlemen in a meeting i ) where several high state officials were i present, that the expenses of the legislature ' i before the war averaged about $45,000; I 1 this last scssjoc bills werepassed for expert* I I ses amounting to $400,0001 The item of I i stationery before the war did not exceed I i S6OO per session: last session the bill for I 1 that purpose was $16,000. About one Jiuri- 1 tired and twenty altaehes of the legislature ' arc now paid ; formerly ten or twelve were ' ' ample. As to the officers, we might de- j scribe our county officials as an average. 1 ItiSr comity f ®utM4n a blaoktonn whfcean t. afi '*' { wrier a bad schofil boy h ypl, wftb pltoabh i vfithiuetl. rnoujjb t> ni'.Bfige aiuupbl ur oounty contni**ioner* are i three colored men, one of whom only can w rite his name. Gur repre-eiitatives con i i*t of one white and two colored men, th< former said to bo a Canadian uud a total -tranger to the people of the county; of the i two latter one cannot write his name; the other may perform thai feat in a sort of i way. These are specimens of our official*. 1 The white people see no escape from this load of corruption and Ignorance by the ballot or other p< scrapie remedy. lh<- negrec* take advantage of their number*, array themselves In solid ma*, and refuse j office or voice to the other rare. Is il any ; V holesale Stain p S w iutlle. For some time past the neighborhood ot \\ all street bas been flooilrei with cleaned revenue stamps of various denomination*, varying from one cent to SSO in value Yesterday Cob Whitley arrested two da*U ing-lookiug young men, who have long been employed among the brokers asclerks, and in their pe**v-ion f,m. l a valise in which were about s'Jd,tkK) worth of iampf. The majority of tho -tamp* had liecn clean ed and were ready for the market. The remainder were much defaced. The clean ed -tamp- were perfect and would dofY de tection, except at the bands of an expert. Tho young men wheu arrested made a full confes-ion, and said that they used oh!.-rid of soda forth* purpose of removing the defacing mark*. The stamps, after be ing cleaned, were packed so closely that they could be earried in a valite. The prisoners were taken to Police Headquar ters, where they gave the names of Char- It'- I). ScribatT, aged 24, native of the Slate f New York, and David A. Miller, aged yi. native of South Carolina. In their con tVfeion they stated that lhc> had been em ployed in this work since December !at andf had disposed of thousands of dollar worth of defaced stanijw, which had been cleaned. •• A HORRIBLE CRIME. .1 Man Murdtrs hi* Mile ami /ire ihihirtn, and then Commits £>ui* ciae. A letter from Stooe Fort, Valine, county, Illinois, furnishes the follow ing particulars of a crime that rivals in atrocity the fiendish murders ot Probst and Traupman. The letter is dated March 26: "This morning our little lotfn was thrown into intense commotion by the 1 intelligence that an entire family of the naiuu of Dakinn had lieen uiurder-, ed last night at a point some three miles southeast of this place. As soon as I heard the news I mounted my horse and visited the scene of tragedy, a small log hut of one room on the land of Mr. Jerry Foley. It stands in the miilst of a small clearing of, I should judge, an acre and a half in extent, surrounded on all sides by an almost unbroken for est It lies about three hundred yards from the county road, from which it i* reached by a bridle path. On reach ing the hut I found about a dozen men <>f tbe neighborhood, all terribly exci-j ted, and looking tbe horror each one felt. Dismounting and hitching my horse, I entered the hut, and hope that it may never be my fortune to look upon a similar spectacle. On uud diagonally across some old quilts aud blankets, stretched upon a rude framework in the corner of the right hand as you eutcr the door, was the body of a woman apparently thir ty-four or thirty-five years of age with her throat cut and hacked in a fearful manner, the jugular veins, windpipes, arteries, everything severed, aud the head only held to the trunk by the vertebrae. There was a deep incision j across the palm of the right hand, as though a sharpc knife had been sud denly drawn through the clenched fist. Several deep and long cuts were up on her shoulders and breast, hut no where cottld be discovered any stabs, -bowing that the murder was not com mitted with a sharp-pointed instrument. Near the fire-place, with her head partially in an old skillet lay a fair i haired little girl of soma ten or twelve years of age, with her throat cut from ear to ear. In the corner farthest from the door, and on the same side of the room where the woman was ly ing, on a pallet, evidently where the children slept at night*, lay the bodies of two little boys, one across the other, aged respectively about seven and five, both with their throats cut. On the iloor, near and partially under the bed where the woman lay, was the body of another little girl, apparently not more than three years old, her head nearly severed from her body. Such was the horrible spectacle that greet ed my sight on entering the hut. The floor, the walls, the few articles of furniture, everything in and about the mioirable apartment, were deluged in blood. From indications, the wo man's struggle for life mutt have been protracted and furious, until she suc cumbed from locs of blood, or a disab ling stroke from the instrument oi slaughter. Bloody tracks on tho door sill, and a trail of blood leading in a northeasterly direction from the house, pointed out the course of the murderer's flight. Pursuing parties started on the trail, hut did not pro ceed more than one hundred yards be fore they came upon the second sequel and end of this terrible tragedy of the night. The body of au infant not more than a year old lay partially clasped by the left arm of a man, it having shared the fate of its mother, brothers and sisters. The man, who was no other than Dakins, was also dead, with a ghastly wound ncross his throat. His blood-stained shirt, pants, nud a razor lying nenr the body, where it must have fallen from his hand the momcut after inflicting the fatal wound upon his throat, pro claimed him to he the author of the wholesale butchery of his family, dis patching his own guilty soul to the other world swiftly after the shades of his victims. A* ihf tlietl inil left no ,n tfu' caint* t* 1 tin) comaffiisioi ' r of the mßrJqra n# only bo coActur W. Tht l>skiiu hftil ouJy UttJ hvinj " hero hbout ix months, liuving come ' umlenUtml, from Jefferson county ami little or uotiling i* known l>j '• nuy one here of their former history Ihtkiti* na. about forty two or forty three, nmi in llio linbit of drinking t " excess. | The suspicion is that the pool / wretch, froui long nursing ofjealuUi fancies. ami bfWliug over real ami imaginary wrougs, aud moved doubt< , leas by whisky (at be wtt in town du ring the afternoon drinking pretty ia freely), in a moment of insane fury J committed the rash act* which oblit crated hit c ultra family aud hiiu U . suicide. <■ • ♦ • Ih-alh iu the l'ulpit -Singular and A fleeting See tic. The ltev. Heitjuuiin Katon, tirst and only rector ofTrinitv Kpiecopal Church <• (iaiveston, Texas, was stricken with dentli while standing iu his pulpit on Sunday week. Tho Calve*ton News thus deiscrihes the atfectiug secue; "He ascended the pulpit Announc ' tug his text, 'There is vet room,' all J trembling beneath the weight of his 1 !a-t message, he referred to one after * mother af tho friends of his youth and ! the coiuuiuuieauts of hit church that ' had goue before. He painted Death " entering the church door, pasting up the broad aisle, laying his bony hand to the right and to the left; breathing his cold, clammy breath on the cheek 1 of beauty, ami waftiug the silver hatra , of age. Now touching the father, llieu the sou ; hero the mother, there the daughter, as the spectre so plaiu to his entranced vision advanced tothechan ocl-rail, and as he saw that his time had come his words itruggled for ut* !. terauce. He faltered. His weaken ing limbs staggered. A gentleman who advanced to his assistance was waved back. For teu tuiuutw more he spoke, bis word* only audible to those near him. Three times he struggled to con i tinue saying: *1 am very stek, but I i must say.' Again be staggered He fell into the arms of Mr. ('. 11. Hughes as he raised his bunds to proimuuce the benediction. Like Moses, that other : servant of Cod, he was too weak to hold up his hand 4, which was done hv Mr. Hughe*, as he said his last pulpit words, To God the Father ' His tongue refused lospeak fcr.herJhi*hands drop ' pod. He was carried to hU rectory, where he died.'' Grunt Itacks Down. Iu bis message to Congress yester* , Jay, savs the N. Y. Suu, President Grant fulfils the promise forced out of him by the danger of defeat in Con necticut. He semis in the report of the San Domingo Commissioners with out attempting auy argument in favor of annexation, and without asking that it should now be carried through. So far as we can recollect, this is the first time that Ceo. Grant has turned and retreated since he resigned from the army in California in IHA-4, to avoid a worse conclusion. It must have been hard for him to yield to the will of the people, aud let San Domin go slide. How sincerely he must have wished, as he sigucd his uame to this message, that he had long ago takeu the friendly advice of The Sun and kept out of this discreditable scrape altogether. Then he would have sav* *ed the 8150,00 ft which he has unlaw fully paid to llaez as a year's reut of the worthless Day of aamaaa; be j would have avoided the high misde i meanor of taking part in a civil war . in a foreign country with out authori ty from Congress: lie would have been . free from suspiciou, which no white ■ washing reports cau wipe off, of hav i ing pushed this sheme merely to en* • rich a few greedy favorites and cron , ies: he would escaped the quarrel dwith Mr. Sumner, by which Grant 'alone has been injured; and he would I uot have lieeu subject to the necessity > of this humiliating abandonment of a i! project so obstinately loved and so . senselessly promoted. i This message has some queer fi at , ures which we will not now comment .'upon. The n*umntion of the Presi , dent, however, that he and his . crouiesare cleared from all suspicion of a busiuess interest in annexation is • verv simple. The Commissioners havo discovered no proof that Gen. > Grant, or Gen. Ingalls, or Gen. Dab cock, or < Jen. Dent, or any other Gen \ ernl in particular, was to make any ! money out of San Domingo. Of y course was no such evidence for them # to discover. The speculators who got . up this scheme, and succeded iu enlist i ing Gen. Grant with such surprising | pertinacity in its consummation, were /not fools enough to leave their tracks * uncovered. leaving out of view the ; mines, the privileges, the steamboat ! lines, the railroads, tho water lots, the ; banking monopoly, and the right of . I importing goods free of duty, here w as 1 Baez who stood to clear about half a million iu gold bv annexatiou. Who . can tell with whom he had bargained . to make a square divide? All thisjbe -1 longs to the secret history of tho intri* /gue: but no sensible man cau reject . the moral convictioa that such inllu* j ence played a great part in this strange . and unaccountable affair. c Now that, thanks to the independ* 3 cut press and independent members ol t! the Senate, the project has been sub e stantially squelched, Congress should . at once pass such resolutions as those e lately offered by Mr. Sumner, con* s detuning the employment of naval -/fortes on the side of Dacz, and putting .' a poremptory stop to all such usurpa eltions on the part of the President. J •*♦- • v .Gen. Lro In Mexico—A Thrilllne ; t j Incident j When Gen. Scott commanded the h'army in Mexico, it became necessary . to explore a mountain that lay lietwcen | him and the enemy's camp. It was s!one of those lofty peaks whose summit ticleftlhe clouds, and reached the re d giotu of eternal snow. The sides were 1 precipitous, and clad iu a tangled wcl rjlof brushwood and rugged rocks, which t/mnde the ascent seem perilous, if not >.( impossible. There was some difficul ty, therefore, in finding an officer bold r enough to undertake the task. At last, n a young lieutenant stepped forward c nnd offered his services. He was ac r cepted, and having selected n small s company of men set out for tha moun . tains. They foundjit more unpromh* i. ing than even their fear had foreboded J There was no sign of a path, no tract e to show that human footstep bad trod the toilsome ascent. They used both o hands and feet with diligence, swiug- J ing themselves up by the undergrowth, t climbing over rugged rocks, or mak* a ing a toilsome journey around them, o till one after another gave up, and de termined to make the nest of his way g back Before half the ascent was ao , complished tho young leader was left B alone. Most men would have given j up iu utter despair. Not so the young , lieutenant. There was a heroic fire in „ his breast not to be quenched by difti 2 cullies, however arduous. He paused . long enough t<> take breath, and away • be went again. | , The path became wilder and wilder, but our hero, like Milton's fiend, i), "O'urjhuz and -la-I>, throng} straight rough dense, of rare, With lu-ttiL or hiißttn, or leetj f<,ir*ttt-shi r- way, ig And ink, or.,m*or wades,|rcreafi>," I till he viand* panting ua the icy sum y, tuit. There was n moment's pause of y .exultation, ns he saw beneath his feet f. the clouds that, n few hours since, had f. seemed so far above him. Hut the u broad summit was v< t to be explored, and he hastened on. The i rifn-d air ir affected him paiuiullv, and the cold s was iutruse. Juntas immediate dca ll cent hecume a matter of life and death, lie discovered that the whole tuoun i. tnln skje wnv a shfet ef ice. There w* y no time for thought, any death scented v preferable to tlto one which would - overtake him if delayed a moment 0 With a hasty prayer he threw himself, j feet foremost, oil the slip|ery surface. I Down,down, he went,at a dizzv, breath- J less speed. The clouds passed upward aud became sky ouce more, a id away J down below, stretched a deep, clear It lake. There was not a tree or shrub (3 to break his course, and death seemed u inevitable. Down, down, down! — * hut lo! the ieo prow s thinner and thin ner, it softens, it cracks, and his feet . are planted in firm, moist earth, on the | verge of the lake that had so ueirly a been his grave. The sun had melted x tho ice just enough for it to give way | in time to save him. t Since then he has stood on a more , perilous height, the summit of fame, 3 gained by tho same dauntless courage | that characterised his youthful explo t , —for the young lieutenant was Robert c K. The substance of the above , incident was related by himself during , the summer sojourn at the Feaks of s Otter, in Virginia, a short time before g his death. . Death from a Snake Uite -Fatal Accident, The following is from the Lances , ter dailies: On Friday last the fune | rai of an elderlv lady, uaiued Myers, took pluoe at Rohrcrstuwu, and was r largely attended. She was a resident . of that village, was eighty years of age, [ and her death was caused froy.3 tltecf . fects of a snake bite. f,' U e had gone , to a pile of chips am) was gathering j some to make a fire with, when he r was stung or bitten in the hand by a , snake—it is suppuecd a copperhead. . Her arm immediately afterwards be t came swollen lo the shoulder, and she , died two days after she had been bit . ten. A sad accident occurred on -Satur day morning lust, resulting in th death of Martin High, au interesting lad aged about thirteen years, and son of Georgo J. High, recorder of this t county. It seems the hoy was sent on j. horseback tea blacksmith shop, and when returning the horse toek fright .'at a pas*ig vehicle, the curtaius of wdiirh were flapping in the wind, and " j threw hit young rider violently to the _ j ground, fracturing his skull. He lin> > j gemi until ten o'clock in tbeevciiiug, ' when denth relieved him of his suffer ' 1 ings. The accident occurred uear the | j store of Kryder A Landis, on the Horseshoe road, about one mile from * the residence of Mr. High. The boy was picked u]i h) a mau named Aug. Germ ley, and corivcyed to his home. He was n bright bov and leaves a void in the hearts of his afflicted family ' which ucver can be filled 1 t ' Senator Motion's prcmediiatod ser ' coade in Washiugtou tlie other day is Selling a lift all over the country. He oes not appear to be a success this f time in the way of developing issues ' for the Fresideulial fight iu 18i2. The ' JV. Herald rattles hun over the |>ale ' as follows : It looks, indeed, from the proceed* 1 iogs of this meeting, the acliou of Con gress and the general course of the par ty, as if the Ku Klux spectre is to be ' made the main issue before the people. - Au effort is strenuously tuade to fast- I en some of the manufactured Ku Klux ' oppiobrium upon the Democrats. This I Ku Klux, it is thought, will be a good ' enough Morgan for the Republicans 1 until after the Fresidenlial election in 1 1872. Another monstrous bugaboo -Senator Mortou calls up to alarm the - voters is that the Democrats repudiate 1 tho national debt. What savs the Democratic city of New York, where * the greater part of the debt and tinau * ciai operations of this country are con* * ceutrated, to this ? It is more likely *, that Mr. Morton's section, the West. * would repudiate the debt more than - the Democrats. Dut there is uo fear - that aDy party in this country will cu ' tcrlain such a thought. The Senator f boasts of the Republican administra -1 tiou having paid off a considerable t amount of debt, but lie forgets to tell - us this has Ix-cn done by wriugiug four ? or five hundred millions a year out of ? the hard earnings of the American |w * pie. Iu fact, the wfiole of the Repub " licait platform, as laid down by Mor* t ton, is negative. He projioscs no ® great measures. He brings forward f no popular issue. He aud the admiu s istration partv expect to flourish upon 1 the old war issues that are obsolete, J and all their offorts now arc diricled to I galvanize the dead past. No great >- party can exist long in that way. * General Grant, -Speaker Colfax, Bcna* t tor Morton and the little circle of their ■* friends at the Washington meeting have c opened the campaign of 1872, but it has yet to bo seen if other prominent * lenders of the party will accept their 'f action or follow them. The race is not " always lo tho swift. Vast changes d may take place in the course of a year, e and these gcutlcmen may yet discover •j that they started too early. g A POSITIVE FACT. —An ingenious * mechanic in New Orleans constructed a sate which he declared to absolutely burglar-proof. To convince the in ? credulous of the fact, he placed n thousand dollar bill iu his pocket, had e himself locked iu the safe, and declur* y ed that he would give tho money to n the man who unfastened the door. All s the blacksmiths, and carpenters, and it burglars in the stale of Louisiana have * been boring nnd blasting and beating e at the safe for a week with every kind b of tool and exploitive mixture known h to science, and the man is iu there >t yet. Ho has whispered through the * key hole that lie will make the re* d ward ten thousand dollars if somebody t, will only let him out. Hcbas convin d ed everybody that it is the safest safe ever invented. Fears are entertained II that the whole coucern will have to 1- be melted down in a blast furnace be* * fore he is released, and efforts are to I. he made to pass in through the key e hole a fire-proof jacket to protect the d inventor while the iron is melting. [* The fallowing ares orac of the few 1, mistakes which suggest themselves to - the publisher of a newspaper : 1, It is a mistake to suppose that the ' subscription price of a paper is clear y gain to the publisher. It is a mistake to suppose that he t obtains his white papor tor nothing, * It is a mistake to suppose that a pa { per is printed without cost. 1 It is 11 mistake suppose that a print er can live bodily, by faith. I It is 11 mistake to suppose that it is r easy to please everybody. I ft is a mistake to suppose that mon ey duo for a put KM would bo in good to us iu u year us it is now. It i| mistake to suppose that w would Qot he thankful for what is dun ItnnJ, in any quantities, st the kiln of the undi-miKiM-d, m-sr Centre llalf 21ap.lt Ham'l Brass. \| KItCANTILK APPHAIHKMENT. ,11 |,lt of dealer* of foreign and domes lie niorebsndlse, he , In Centre i-sunty, for tLo year I*7l, •ulijo<-tto payment oflieeme j Dellcfonte llorough. (lass Tai Xtiiiin. rman Itro* ftCe. "lore 10 3il,7<> Of Pre hers. 1 t.il.ai,:s frank M'Loln 2 " .74| Foster A D.-vling store tl |6.7fi t.innSr Wilson dmIT M.Taj John !4 'jntaomery titer, tailor 14 7,761 J II Mends baker 14 7,76 (ieo Livingstone books 19 1n,76 Ituhl A UatiU aroeeries IT IH,lff. J A J llairi* Iwnissis V '46,76 K Jutuiili A iiro store 12 19,46 ti W rattonlewelrjr 19 10,76 M Lipton A Co. tobei-c-onist 13 10,76 A Mtt-rnbcrj; *mre 12 19,26 L"eb, May A Loeb store 10 T0.76 Jno Powers boots ' 14 T.Ai MliortliUgr A Uo ettel At-. 19 10,76 Win M (inllati mer. taller 14 7,76 W It Mavaee stove* 14 7.76 N link lubai-cooist 14 7,76 J It Awl store 14 7.76 J \V Cooke store 11 16,76 II P Harris furniture 14 7,"t> Kil Itrown uro,-er 14 7,76 It 1> Yerirer baker 14 7,76 Keller A Musser store 11 16,76 Xeller A Jarret druggist* 19 10,76 lloifrr A Bros store 10 20,75 I) M Warner A Hon store 0 26,76 Heckler A (To grocer es 11 16,76 Isaac liaupt store 14 7,76 A Schrover A Hon furniture 14 7,76 .1 I Kankin books 13 10,76 J 1 Kankin books 14 7,75 F F Blair Jewelry 14 7.76 F i'Ureen druggist 13 10.76 T Hesehner gunsmith 14 7,76 Harper Bros store 10 20,76 KuriaA Straub green groceries 14 7,76| irvln A Wilson hardware 0 26,T0! J H Lmeberger store 14 7,76 Suatuaa A UuggenheiuM-rstore HI 20.76 F M'Affri.y bouts ,4 7,76 (Jt-o O' Urii-n furniture 14 7 76 John Braobbilt lurnitt>> 14 7.76 lirahaiu A Hon bout* 14 7,76 llrrkji-imsr 6 O'jbilim 14 7,76 Iturnsid*' * ' aoiuas store 12 19,261 ti F Ke-. )Bn 'j li alleys 80,75 X'>' K lists notion* 14 7,79 Mi* ti B Priest notions 13 7,76 Marion twp. 11.-. k a Y earick stare 19 10,76 Wilson * Tibb.-us store 18 10,75 Ik-U * Brother* grocery 14 7.76| Miles twp. Mi ! 1.-r * Brian store 13 10,76 j LCFelluian dc 14 ".75 Frank a llaine* do 13 10,"61 T N Wolf do 13 10.76 J W sholl do 14 7.75 It V\ Kmuaar do 14 7.76| Mainuel Harkman grocer 14 7.75j H Mm all * Bro do 14 ?.75j Wolf a Barges store 13 10.761 Mileeburg Dorough. A J Boggsstore 14 7,76; A K !Vur store IS 10.76 Mrs C U By men druggist 13 10,75 H T Kyman store 14 7.75 Mr* M *P ntM.k do 12 13,25 Jae Kisonhulb druggist 14 7,76 Fatten twp. MsUi-rn Bro* store 13 10.7/ Foter Murray d 14 7,75 Fotter twp. Wm Wolf store 13 10.75 IL-rlaeker aCronmiller do 13 10,75 : Strohm a Masrtx do 12 13.2.6 IA A Kertin do 12 13.26! W J 'l*hi>mtson All ru do 12 13,25: H I) Brtsbiu A Co do 13 1<675j tJraff a Thompson do 13 10,75 Fhiilt|*s A Cllasgow do 14 7,7* Fhiliipeburg Boroogh. .1 R M Kin try grocer 13 10.75' Wm Olivergrtxrer 14 7.75] Ho-.i-vr Cooke a Co stove lO 20.76 \V 11 Jones green grocers 14 7,76/ I> B Jameson boots 14 7,76j Hunter a Adam* furniture 14 Irvln a M u-ison store 10 2J.75 tic" ttaics dour a feed 14 7,75 K B-'lllngvr mcr tailor 14 7,75' Ka M Dubree stoves 14 7,75 LII Smith confectionary 14 7,76! llsttirl Avret stoves IS 10,75 i A Montgomery stoves IS 10,75 ( .lames Morrison iner. tailor 14 7.75 P Swartz stove* 12 13.25 ti W Warfel grocer 14 7.76 C 11 Herlingrr Ilothjar 14 7t75! K T Orav gro,-er v 14 7.75 Mrs C Uuros* notion* 14 7,75 Mrs M LBarr baker 14 7.75 J A Gaiioe grocer 14 7.76; JI) M Girk druggist 13 10.75, Luriis a lire " 13 10.75 S F Kline Store 14 7,T6! Liberty twp. John Brickley litore 14 T.J® J A Quigley " 18 Jo* B Kunes Grocer 14 I'l".' Jenios 1 Kunes " 14 7,7ij Rush twp. W J Jackson Store 10 20.76 John Miller a Son " 13 Jao F Flick Onnrer 14 7.<0, Hill a Fowler Storo 14 7, .0. John Nuttall Aco " 11 15,(5; Snowshoc twp. May. Loeb Aco Store 0 60,?/ Aila K Shiver Grocer 14 7.70 i Herbert WilUanis " 14 7,7/ Jll Crisuiati Store 12 18,2' N Bener " 18 10.75 I) lletts " 14 7,76 Spring twp, JD Miller Store 14 7,75] Unionville Borugh. Nathan Hurley Store 14 7,75 i GriostA Rumberger " 18 10,7o< ( S A Xlartin Druggist 14 7,76) Worth twp. J G Jonoe Store 14 7,7/ JIF Simpson " 13 10,(5; Walker twp, Huston A Rogers Store 18 10.75 IT Brown * " 13 M),(6j I do hereby cortlty the above to be e full, nml correct copy of the Mercantile Ai>- ; praiscment. made by me in and lor the county of Centre ft>r the year 1871. I An "appeal will be hcla at the Commis sioners Offlee In Bellefonte on the 18th day of May 1871, at which time, ell who feel ag grieved can attend, as 110 appeal will bo field after the above dale. W A. TOBIAS . apr'2l 4t _ Mxg. A''t , 3Al' cl: CJ A DDI.KBS BUCK LBS, hoolrs/ bit spots rings. Everything u saadlee w tints for tho manufacture pf harnesi. to bol ound at BUBNBIDI A TH9MA.S . I The Railroad I (71 J| r A. 1 lias jusl arrived at The Old Slaml lit* WM..WOLF at Centre Hull, with the finest and hi'st stock of GOODS in Fen lis Valley. m LADIES AND GENTS DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, AMU GROCERIES lIAUDWARE, Qt'EEKSWABZ Halt, Cap, Boots, Shot*. ALSH, A CHEAP LIKE OF FLANNELS, MUSuiXB, CALICOES AND SHAWIJS, ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, BYRDTO, COFFEES. also a large st.srk uf FISH, the best, all kinds. MACKEREL and HERRING, the best and cheapest in the market. apr7l WM WOLF. /tOCRT PBOULAMAIOS. ] Whereat the Hon. Charles A. Mayer, President of the court of Uummon Fleas, jin the 2Sh ludirial Di*tri<-t, consisting ol I the counties of Centre, 4'iuiton and Clear held, and Hoaornlilc John Ho*tennaa and 1 she Honorable Williain Allison. Associate Judge* in Centra county, having issued their precept ((earing date the 28th day o! j March A !>., IK I. to me directed for holding a court of Oyer and Terminer and : General Jail Delivery and Quarter Ses sion* of the Peace in Bellefonte, for the county of Centre, and to c- .mmeuee on the 4th Mondav of Veicisbrr ceit, being the 24th day of April 1871, and to continun one week. Notlco is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Justice of the Ponce, Aldermen and Constable* ol the said county at Cen tre, that th-y be then nod there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the ft he noon of said day, with tfaer records, in <|uisitioas, esaaunalkus*. and their own re membrance*, to do those thing* which U> their office appertain* to be done, and those who arc bound in rt\ •gniumcet to prosecute against the prisoner* that ara or •hall bs in the Jail of Centra county, be ; then and to oruserute against themas shnll ! be lust. | Given under uiy band, at Bellafonte, the 1 2Mb day of Mar. in the year uf our Lord, ;IKI and in the ninety -D.urth year of the : Independence ..fthe United State* II W W'HHHIING, SAeriJT. VfGTICK Loiters of Administration it upon the estate of Daniel Condo, late .of Gregg twp., dee'd. having been granted jibe undersigned, all persona know ing them salves indebted to said estate are hereby j called upon to conic forward and make set tlement without delay, aad those having -claims lo present them properly autbenu cated DANIEL ItrS'KLS, CTRUS OONDO, tnarlC.dt Administrator*. Norway Oats. ATTEXTIOX Fakusk- -The undersign ed offers a large quanUty V,f Norway Oats for, •ale. This <>at> yields twice as much a* any other oata. BxTCa- Single Bushel $2,00 or three Bushels |A,H). Orders may be left at tha Old Fort and accompanied by the cash, or by calling upoa tha under tsigned near Farmers Mill*. ;fe036.2m. Jas A. M Cuxricz J. H. ReifSnyder Juaticc of the Peace, Surveyor, and Conveyancer. Attends to collection*, surveying and dividing of land*. Particular attention 'given to those having land, or property for sale, or desiring to buy Deeds Mortgages Ac., he ; drawn and acknowledged upon short notice, and reasonable terms. Office over Snook * Ston Millheim, Pa. fob 10.3 m News! See Here! TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE Tho undersigned hereby inform* thr citiaens of Pcnnsralley that he ha* pur -1 chased the Tinshop hereUifor.- carried on ,by the C. 11. Mfg Co., and will continue the same, at the old stand, in all its branch es, in the manuGciura of STOVE I*l l*E A NPOITIXG. ' All kind* of repairing done. He has 'always on hand Fruit Cans, of all Size*, BUCKETS, Cl T f*S DIPPERS. DISHES, Ac. All work warranted and charge* reason able. A share of the public pat ron age so licited • AND. RKKSMAN. 2ep7oy Centra Ilall rgKLLEIt A JARRETT dealer* in ]DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, also all the STANDARD PATENT MEDICINEB. A very largo as sortment or Tot t.KT Akticlkx, F A *c T 0od* Sonp*. &e., Ac., The tir.i>t qual ity of Btiox Srxtu POCK KT K V l V K*. SoiahO Ua and K vxoaa. WALL Papcs I* GRKAT V Attl KTT. PRESCBIPTICXS, compounded by com f petent druggist* at all hour*, day or night. , Night customer* pu 1 night bell. 7.F.LI.KR A JARRETT, Bishop St., Bellefonte Pa. jun!B 1 CIOFFIN TRIMXIINtIS a large aMart- J inent_at IRWIN A WILSONS THKG It E AT CAUS E OF HUMAN MISTERY. Ju*t /V4li4r(f, in a Ncafrrt Kurrlope /Vtsr ei t cent. s. A LK(I1 t ftK OK TN KN At t*R U, TltK ATM RVT AND BADIUAL Cure of Souiinal Weakness, or Spermator rhoea, induced, by Salf-Abu*e, lnvolunta , ry Emissions, Impoteney, Nervous. Debili ! ty, and Impediments to Marriage generally: Concumpuon, Epilepsy, nnd Kits; Mental and Physical Incapacity. *e. By 808. J. CIT LV KK W E I.L, XT. I). Author of I thv "Green Book," ac. 1 Tha world-renowned author, in this ad-, mirable Lecture, clearly prove* from his own experience that tho atvfril conse j (|Uencs of Self Abase may be effectually removed withotg medictens, and without dangerous surgital operations, bougiao, lu-! olru tuaiiU, rings, or cordials, pointing out a, , mode of euro atonoe certain and effectual. ' by which every sufferer, no matter what hi* { j condition mnv hp, mat' < ttfo himself cheap ly, privately, ami rad'iealTv. THIS LEC TURE wTLL PROVE' a BOON to (THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent, under seal, iu a plain enve ope, tu any address, postpaid on receipt uf six cents, or two puft stamp*. Also I>r. Culverwoll's "Marriage 1 Guide, price 'JI cent*. Address the Publishers. CHAS. J. €. KLINE & Co., 127 Bowery, N>w Y'ork, Post-office Box 14,686. 'j sep2.iy ('OAL, ( | LIMB, I• f ; and I'OWDKHI i_ —, I COAL—• Wi!k*#barre Coal, Cbcrtnat„ Rtovr, Erg, fiimac* and foundry, Coal—uflv*t quality, at foe tow e.t price*. < "a*tomer will plea note tost our eual 1* (united un der oommodtoM (had*. LIME—Wood or eoal-lirut f ißcaa* i* ewaa tete* a tr*cS lacteal el oar* oatr- THE DAIIaY t X. 90 A % EA*. _ A pretauasatlr rcal.b* wet*c*r. vita to* ftma awoaiatue la tto wo.-td. Pre*, mas - i-xlssi. and (earif* la ao'ttte*. At the ten trvm rroryetoea. fat esssa a asaf Wf aMh > dt oasu a moots, or |< a jraar. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE rXJLI.AU WEEKLY Mm. T.ec aopis*. Oto tow. actoratw^tomexetj^^ 1 r*a enrws ca* rear, wr*r*v <*a* *4 aura cr>?t to tto (amr *j -U deel. Klskt Ooiiar*. ' waorr eaora*. aa* year, **i<*raW< addiswog i Aaaaxuaaoar wu.i*uur*#( •*>. Pill ecu Delia ra. • tir ti>x. oat tear, tcoa* Utoi lit! tto j.. tu *,,lt > usa jr.- M crtirr n put dab), Tfelrtj'lhrea Usltara. J ft rti'i. oa tsar. an*iamh aogrswed taag i.4 NBI WeakSjoos rsarto setter ueotemb). Thingee Oottora. at tsedred eortea, as* year, bt ea* mitfm i islth* ItlyW ooc year to tto getow s at ill. Hflr Dollars. -t oesiea, aae year, eesaratsty *4- - w' <•*! tbe DaUr let one rear la tee nua . etab). elttr Dell art. ■::T3 SEVI.'.VtTCLT SDN. •. IM. ooc yaw, 11-peratfrr^Mgi e rear .rearailt nirmaai taal •cm • ~y to cettcr ap of dab). HlstFF* Dollarv •3N3 Y.iriJ MONEY <>r Sert rSeelts. or diaft* es New r.cecient ar not. ta*a reftmtr • r itaauuc u-oaar. iMias t W EWCtlgn. psfctlttor. Sea oßtea. New Totlt Ctty. FINkTAFIK CPTLKKV. including platerl fork*, ipuona, Ac, at aplO.fiU IRWIN A WILSON. rpfllK ANVIL STORK i now receiving I a large atad wall assorted Stock ut Hard ware, htovcw. Nails, Horse Shorn, Bad* dhrry, Gla*>, Paints, Shoot, Bar and Hoop Iron slo Buggy and Wagon Stock ol every description.—Call and supply your , eelvo* atthciowoat possible ratw at 1 aulo'*'* 1 IRWIN A WILSON SPICKS f all rarieUe*, ground to order! and warranted to be strictly pure.! 11l is the onlvplacoyou can find unailultera-' tod spice*. Try th cm for your own *atisfhc-: tion. You can only find thani at BURNSIDE A THOMAS . ! BURNS! dk A TIIOMAR. Offer to the Public one of the] " largest and best selected tL>cks of merchan dise. in Centre county. Call, examine and ) ee for youraelf. FINE GROCERIES. mocha coffee, olc gov. iava, btwt quality Ris coffee, ! beet oolong black tea*, green tea*, levering r *yrup. golden *vrup, l)rip* line article bak j ihg uiolasse*. rtoa and everything in the -, grocery line at tha lowest cash price* in the - uiarketBCRNSIDE A THOMAS , i* thi ■j place. I QROCERIESI OROOKRIEg H OPPOSITE THE IRON FRONT, On Allegheuy Street, RUHL A GAULT. ' Having purchased the entire stock of Good* from Levi A Miller, and . J ADDED LARGELY THKRITS,. ■ arc now prepare J to accommodate ll tin*, ' old jrienus of the establishment, and hosts' Mefnewone*. we keep constantly on hand Coffee, Tea, Sugar,] 1 Syrup, Dried Fruit, Cioned Fruit, Hams.: 1 Dried Beef, Salt, i Pickles, Butter, Flour | Corn Meal, Buckwheat Flour, 1 , and everything usual? ke|H. in a well regu-1 I inted ttrst-clae* Orocerv Store ■ Imart.tka RUH La GAULT. . BAROMETERS and Thermometers, at . IRWIN A WILSONS. . t 111 X OF THE W AGEI Pavaarsn T>< **■•• f**. "*♦ OCR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. t , WESTEBM Ptm.ismo Co. £ gT) - • | Ma um ito r* g" i" waa. T *sajT3'Jg GTP| LIT TT ' f 4BSM4HMPBR WW. U. BLAIB, ■ Y ttmil JLAIK A STITZER. Attomaye at LAW, BeUeConte, OSe , on the ENMMM* *•** dtsor to G*r man's hotel. Censulttßitms In German ' icngt gb. . JA3OF"RBOXI. Ettotwy fl M tL-ll'-fonte. Fen# wiUMUfNB ly to alt legal bujiaato mtntttd to hi* ehre.-OMce with J. F. PuMer. •* • Court IIUUM. Consultation* is Gartnaa or English. 16—pWy TofTN Oflmi Htm itUsr (mat. w&ich it ■AWaated as a perfect time-keeper. *. Clock a, Watches and Jewelry re paired on short notice and warranted 1 " 68; 1 y ■two. a, onri*. c. i. Auttjpu ORVIS A AIJeXANDIR. Attorney*-at-law. OfiealnCoarwd tlosite, Bellefonto, Pa. J. *P GEPHART, with OrfUA Alexander, attend* to collec tion* an county, that he ha* constantly on hand, aaa make* to ordar, nil kinds ef BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS. WASHSTANI*. - -jW>RKKRCUPBOAR! TABLES. Ac.. Ac Hows MAOK CtAis* ALWAYS ea UA.\i> His *:ock of ready-made Furniture ialnrg and warrant. J vi good workmaaahipaads ali made under hi* owaimmodiatesapart i •ion, and is U.-red at rate* as cheap eseW where. Thankful for part favor*, he solic t * a c. -minuance of the same. Call aad see hi* stock before purchatir elsewhere. a|to<'t,ly. #.i CENTRE HALL , ,' J .W m„ f j lan iard. The uademgned would mpectfttll- ia foras toe citixen* of Centre county, that lb# above Tea Y aid will again be put ia full operation, in all it* branches, by thetu. HIDES AND BARK WANTED. The highest market price will be paid for Hide* of all kind*. Th highest mar kct .P r,< 2, wi 'i ASA be paid for Tanner's Bark. The public patronage 1* solicited. ReUafaetlon guaranteed. dS,*r MILLER A BADGER. - WITH ARTMAN, DILUNGKR A COMPANY No. 47. NORTH THIRD ST., PHIL A between Market aad Arch, formerly 104. MANUFACTURERS A JOBBERS IN Carpet*, Oil Cloths, Oil Shades. Wick Yarn, Cotton Yam*. Carpet Chains, Grain GUuuea. Ac. dccU-ly l> G ( HEKSMAN7NOITRY~PUB- AND MILITARY AGENT, and Conveyancer. Deed*, Bond*, Mort gage* and all instruments of writing faith rufly attended to. Special attention given to the collection of Bounty and I\ sion i claim*. Office nearly opposite the vourt Mouse, two dPort above Messrs. Bush A \ ocum * Law Offlc Bellefontt-, Pa. i Kjunly f j QOALKB, at wholesale and retail, cheap O l-y - IRWIN A WILBG X. BOoSR large stock, all aad prtcm. tor men and boys, just errived at NVult well kiu-wn !ii Stand. LEATHER, of all descriptions, frettch caif akin, ijianish sole leather, moriKv co*. sheep nklns, lining*. Everything tn the leather 1 .ne warranted to give satis faction, at lURN9IDE A THOMAS CLOTHlNG—Overcoat*. Pant*, Vet*. and Dress Coats, cheap, at Wolfs. HOWARD SANITARY AID AttfrK CIATION.—For the Relief and Cure of" theErriig and Unfortunate, on Priaaiple* of Christian 1 tulanthropy. Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the Follies of Age, in relation to MAURI at,*, and SOCIAL EVILS, with sanitary aM for the - aßHcted. Sent free, ia sealed llfff sl'imss, KU r.. ASBOt ''I!H HANDSAWS, knives, spoons, eir. mills, shovel*, spade*, raker.hoej 1 amp*, fork*, chains, Ac., at V BU RNfsiDfe ATHOMAS' LOOKING-GLASS PLATES ofaiuiz for sale by IBWIK A WILKOK. ap!o'Cß.