IV OM Turnpike. We bear no more the clanging hoof, And the top ratfilayby. Tor the steam-tan* raba ***• *". And the <*M pflwra left to e. Where race the stege-horse, 4f by day. Lifted hie iron heel. >*o mora the weary stager dreads The toil of the coming room. No more the bastKng landlord nine At the sound of the echoing horn ; For the diet Uee etfll upon the nod. And the bright-eyedchildren pkv Where onoe the oJettering hoof ami wheel Rettkd along the way. No more we hear the cracking whip. And the strong wheels' mmMfng sound ; And ah 1 the water drive* ne on, And aa iron home ia found : The coach ataade rweting in the yard. The home haa nought the plow, We bare epanhed the world with an iron rail, And the steam-king rule* ne now. The oM turnpike la a pike no more ; Wide epea stand* the gate; We hare made ne a mad foe our home to etrtdc, And we ride at a flying rate t We haer filled the vafrevu and leveled the kiUa, And tunneled the mountain ride. And around the rough crag's ditty verge Fearleealr now w ride. On- -on—on with a haughty float, A pull, a hriek, aa 1 a hound ; While the tardy chocs rr*>e too lte To echo hack the *- ; We hare oflried the earth with irn iron rail. And the ate am l ing rule* ne wow. Law's Cutor*, Net violets I gave my lon, That ia their tile are sweet and rare. And deep la color, as the heart Whom everv thought of her ia prayer; For violets grow pale and dry, Ami kmc the semblance of her eye. No btyV buds I gave tuy love. Though she ia white ami pure aa thvy; F-r lher are eold to smell and touch, . Ami htoasom but a single day; And iwesa'd by low, ia love's own page. They yellow into early age. But cyciarneo 1 chose to give. Whom pale white blossom* al the tips (AH da* aa driven mow) arc mak. And Wind roe of bet perfect tips ; Brill a* this (tower ia kept ami .4.1, Its worth to low is yet untold. OM, kept, and kissed, it doss not lose Aa other flower* the burs they wear ; Love is triumphant, sad this bloom Will never whiten from despair ; Rather it deepuas aa it Ilea, This flower that purples when it dies Bo shall my love, as years roll by, , Take kingly colors Aw its owu; Boh master of her vaaqnish'd heart. Am 1 not master of a throne ? tYoah'd by no foot, aor east away, My purple love shall rale the day. CHI BB AND L I ww the only chum Chubb Jackson bad. Perhaps a eorrraponding vein of idle ness made us sympathise; at all events, we were greet friends; and when bis aunt came to take htm home for the midsum mer holidays, she had a liking for me for her nephew* sake, and wanted aae to come and aae them at Pelham ctvscent, Has tings. But I never went; and 1 aw no more of Chubb Jackson for 1 don't know how many years. I was serving out my articles with Bump and I'odgera, of Lincoln's Inn, living in Stanhope street, Hsmpatead mud, when, coming foam Charing Craea one evening by a vellow bos, 1 recognised next to aae on the knife-board the image of Chubb Jack son. It couldn't be the inky boy of my school days ; for this was a painful swell in lavender gloves, most shiny hat, aud shirt collar of portentous aiac. Now Chubb as a lad had a moat inveterate stutter. So when the youth turned to me. intending. I think, to ask for a light, having an unlit cigar in bis month, and fumbling vainly in his waistcoat pocket, and I saw his mouth workiigr in painful throbs to deliver itself of the embryo words, I knew that he must he my former school-follow, and cried, unconsciously, imitating hw stammer. "W-why, you must be C-chubb Jackson!" He was living, 1 found, still with his aunt Chubb, in Albany street, close by; and we renewed our school friendship forth with. Mrs. Chubb was always delighted to see me. I was so steady, she said ; and she always felt comfortable when Chubb was with me But there was another attrac tion at 294 Albany street. Letitia Cutt shon was there on a visit—a protracted visit, having no apparent commencement or ending, but which was always to end at some time or other, but never "did. Tbe second time i went to see' them, Mrs. Chubb told me, aa a great secret, that she hoped Letitia and Chubb would . come together. Letitia was the orphaned daughter of the dearest friend she ever had—-ahe gave a little sigh a she aaid it, which made me think perhaps there was some woman's romance bidden below her placid front—and it was the dearest wish of her heart that the two should be mar ried ; but she wanted Chubb to make j something of himself first. He was now apprenticed to a wood-engraver, and he really seemed to hare found his particular hole; for he had a wonderfully neat and careful hand, and had considerable talent for design. He worked a good deal at home in a little atelier on the second floor; and you would hear him, as he chipped away, humming sometimes, and ansae time* carolling, when you came to the hall-door in quiet Albany street. Locking upon Letitia as already engaged, j I had no intention of falling in love with , her; but 1 couldn't help becoming very ' fond of ber, meeting her as I did constantly ; in intimate society, for she was eo good and lovable. Chubb was also much attached to her, I fancied; but I don't know wheth er he was quite such a good boy as his aunt imagined, and I used to doubt sometimes whether the career open to him pleased him altogether. It happened that a literary friend of Chubb offered him a box for a particular night at tbe Olympic; and it was then and there determined that we would all go. Cbtibb was to come to my office at half paat six, and Aunt Chubb and Lititia were to call for us there. I bad had a very busy day at Lincoln's Inn, and I had not noticed the flight of time, when I beard a cab stop outside ; it was seven o'clock. I was vexed with Chubb tbat he had not kept his appoint ment ; for I had Telied upon his coming in time for me to dress before the ladies ar rived. Now I had to run out in my office coat, and ask Mrs. Chubb to wait tilt I could struggle into my evening suit. ■'Don't be more than ten minutes, Ed ward," she Mid. "or we shall have to pay extra for watting. Chubb most follow us; the carelees boy!" There was nothing remarkable in his not keeping his appointment. I remember the entertainment at tbe Olympic, well. Act succeeded act, but still no C hubb Jackson. Ever and again I turned my bead, thinking I heard, him enter the box. My uneasiness seized my companions also; they, too, be gan to look over their shoulders each min ute. It was a hot midsummer night, but the theatre felt chilly. Aunt ana Letitia drew their shawls around them. I fancied, too, that tbe audience on the other side began to notice our uneasiness; lorgnette* were leveled at our box. Tbe play was coming to an end. I took them out of the theatre and put them into a cab. It would be a relief toget back to Albany street and to find Chubb in hts little snuggery, smok ing a pipe and chipping away at his blocks; a relief to give him a good scolding for put ting us out so. But when we got back to Albany street the bouse was dark and desolate. The servants had gone to bed, according to or ders. The supper-tray was in tbe dining room, in readiness for our refection ; a few dozen oysters, a brown loaf, a half-cut ham. But there was no trace of Cbubb's pres ence, no opened shells, no empty bottle of Guinness. Where could he be > It was necessary that I should go out to look after the missing Chubb, I embraced my mission very reluctantly; for I was tired and hungry, and I thought that Chubb wis indulging in some freak. His aunt, would not hear of the possibility of such a thing; her boy bad never been out so late aa this without her knowledge, and she felt convinced some evil had come to him. She besought me to lose not a mo ment in putting the police in motion, in advertising, in offering a reward of a hun dred pounds for any information. "Had he any money with him, aunt 7" I had grown so intimate with the family that Mrs. Chubb had adopted me as her nephew. , •t) dear, jm; and a great deal. I paid him his half-year's allowance, fifty pounds, this very morning, in Bank-of-England notes; and be stuffed them into hie breast coat. pocket in his careless way, and I " "Have you got the numbers 7" "0 yes, I put them down; they're in my desk. See here." FRIl). KURTZ, Editor ami Proprietor, VOL. IV. "Nothing but the numbers! so di.tr, no distinguishing letter*! Dear IUC, aunt, how unbusinesslike you are !" "Oh, ia it necessarr, Edward t I didn't know." "This list will do w ell enough for stop ping the note*; but if they w ere I oat, vou d never get anything out of the Hank for them. But now the joint hto find Chubb. Good-bye, aunt; I'll acud the young ocamp borne to you fast enough, never fear." •'lleasc trod, I tru*t you w ill." lartty waa in the hall a* I went out. She came to me nale and trembling. 'HI Edward, do yon think them ia any thing wrong wijh Chubb !* •No, nothing wrong, 1 trust Lefty. Don't worry a Unit him ; be'a *ure to be all right." I took her hand m I spoke. tier sweet gray eyea nought mine in unsu-pectiiig sis ter IT confidence. "You will come lack with him I We shan't go to bed till you come back. Good bye, Edward.'' It waa a hot, dull, sodden night; a night on which one frit the oppressive weight of undefiuable wretchedne**. As I made my way to the cab-stand, I felt that 1 wa* upon a booth-*, errand. Chubb hadn't been at Lincoln's Inn; the bousekteper, whom I roused out of her first sleep wa* sure of that. I must go on to Enfield street, to the shop of the eminent wood ugravcrs whet* Chubb was employed. The premise* u ere locked up; an iron bar-across the door, with a great padlock securing it showed that w> one slept in the hou-e. What should I do next 7 In my perplexity, 1 found my way to the police-office. The inspector smiled at my grave air w hen he bean) my tale. •♦There's a good many young gent.* as don't get home as *uou as their ma * would like, sir. ' But I'll seud a oer-geaut with yoo, sir. The man on the beat will know where the foreman of the shop lives, no doubt, air." The {Mdice-sergcant, a grizxled careworn man, started with me to the beat. The officer on duty knew where the foreman of Englbh A Jardine livctl; it was iu a street off tke Tottenham court road. Another short eab-ride, ami we were knocking at Mr. White's door. Mr. White wa* a bach elor and a lodger. He was evidently giv ing a party that night; the front IOOIS wa* lighted up ami there was a piano going and a song with a thundering chorus. My heart felt a great relief; Chubb was here, of course ; this was the very sort of thing in which he delighted, for which he'd give up any kind of civilised society Wouldn't he be wild at being fetched home by a polio*-sergeant and a friend! White came to the door in his shirt sleeves; he had a long clay pipe in hi* hand, with which be wa* beating time to the chorus. He seemed too perfectly hap py to feel any surprise at the sight of two strangers at his gate, although one of tbom was s police constable. A rich tenor voice raside was singing, "Hard limes come again no more." "Cbubb Jackson here? No, he isn't— • Tis a song, a sigh of the wearv, hard times' but itf rou are a friend of bis. come in and join us. 1 ' Again he was led away by the chorus, "Around my cabin door— come again no more." Tbe police-sergeant sighed ; he'd a soft heart, 1 fancy, under his blue coat, and few who hare bad hard times tlemselvc* can hear unmored tbe plaintire refrain. "Can you gire us a few minutes' couver aation on a matter of importance P "Certainly; only don't interrupt the song. I'omc la; there. 'Hard times, hard time*, come again no morenow chorus all!" We stood there in tbe hall under the lamp; Mr. Whito wiring his pipe to the time, and the ponce-sergeant joining gruff ly in the strain. "Bravo! thank ye, gentlemen. Now, then, what hare you got to say to me P 1 told him briefly of Chubb being miss ing. and asked him what clue he had to gire me. "Why. let's see. Chubb went away the first thing this morning; be wasn't a quar ter of an hour at the shop. He'd been drawing some tin. hadn't be 1 He don't often show much at tbe shop on such occa sions. Where he went to I don't know, lea. 1 do, though. 1 can tell you where he started from, at least. He went to the Essex street pier ; for he was asking Brown if it was open again, as it had been repair ing lately, and Brown said it was. But where ho went after that, I know no more than tbe dead. But, bleas you, hell turn ; up all right." We took our leave sadly ; it didn't seem a very hopeful trail. "I don't like a track as end* in the river, sir. You don't often get any farther than that." We didn't get any farther. At the early dawn I found myself wear ily walking along Albany street, with a feeble hope that Chubb might have come borne in the meantime. But there was only Mrs. Chubb, sitting up, sad and wan. and looking ten years older in that single night." '•My poor boy, mv poor boy I" she could only cry, qnite broken down, quite past comfort. Letty took ber up stain, and I didn't venture to see her for a month after. 1 bad the direction of all the inquiries which were made. Spurred on by tbe re ward of £250, the polke exerted them selves most strenuously. But not the faintest trail could they find of Chubb Jackson. One of the notes he had received from hia aunt was traced to a low publk housc in the Waterloo road; but, although the house was watched for months, and tbe haunts of all the doubtful characters who retorted there, thoroughly searched, they failed to get a glimpse of the fate of poor Chubb. The atelier on the second floor in Albany street was shot up from that time. Aunt Chubb would let no one enter it but her self. Once a week she would go in and dust it with ber own hands. Poor Letitia thought herself almost a widow, and wore deep mourning for her lost sweetheart. It was a year after. Chnbb's untimely fate that I ventured one day—she was sewing a button on my sleeve at the time ; the sight of her sweet patient face and downcast eyes was too much for me, and I took her in my arms and asked her if she'd let me take tbe vacant place in ber heart. Sb'e was dreadfully shocked, and wouldn't forgive me for a long time; but Aunt Chubb was my friend, and told my darling i that tbe time for grief was past, and that | it was ber dearest wish now that we two should be married; and then Letitia re ! lented, and gave me all ber heart. Aunt Chubb roused up wonderfully now. : In oar happiness she seemed to live again; 'for tbe soul wearies of hopeless grief. In the preparations for tbe wedding, in tbe ! necessary house-bunting and furniture-buy ing, Aunt Chubb took great interest. But 1 1 couldn't help feeling a little nettled at i finding how completely in the mind of 1 aunt, and partially in Letty's view, I was ; simply a representative of tbe Chubb. We | were not to live in St. John's Wood, because Chubb detested St. John's Wood. We must live in the neighborhood of Regent's Park, because Cbubb thought it was the healthiest part of London. The dining-room curtains were to be blue, for that was Chubb'* favorite color; tbe draw ing-room was to be upholstered in white and gold, for Chubb bad been beard to say that when he bad a house of his own that would be his choice. In other reapeet* j however, it waa more satisfactory to stand in Cbubo's shoes. His aunt had announced her attention of making us the same allow ance she had intended for Chubb when he married;, and she told us that, having no ; neat 1 relations of her owrn, she proposed to ; make us and ours her heira; but, after all, it wasn't pleasant to be considered in the I light of a proxy or deputy; and the way CENTRE HALL REPORTER in which thonr two women et up an idol, an ideal Chubb shout an like the ,rvl fv-nnerty .existing Chubb a* the butterfly is to the grub, and expecting everybody to burn tineuM- before it, wa* mpixiallv ag gravating. Itut I Imrr all patientlv, abid ing the time when I shwuhf take tiae rein* into Miy owu hand*. It wa* |u*t two yeara since pour Chubb diaap|earc il, aud we were to be married to-morrow. I had wound up all my attain at Liu coin'a tun, Mid had made up my mind to leave the office at three, having to make a tew- purchase*; and 1 had planned taking a citixcn *traiuld deal of wine, but I couldn't taste it, nor bad it any perceptible effect upon me. Chubb was full of his adrentures. He had sailed for America front Southampton on the day of his disappearance ; be bad posted letters to us all explaining the cause of his exodus; we afterwards found tbe letters in the breaat-poekct of the old coat banging up in his atelier. He had found out at New York some relations of his own ; who, it turned out, were people of influence in America, some of them bring high in office. He'd written home " several times," be said vaguely, but pos tal communications were irregular, and Chubb wrote such a shocking scrawl, that I wasn't surprised his letters never came at band. Wouldn't bis sunt, sll Wing explained, real IT go down on her knees and worship Chubb! And Letitia too. How happy they'd all be! Only 1, a miserable peie-faced lawyer 1 * clerk' only in the way. "Come, Chubb, let'a go," said I hoarsely. " Let'* hare a chastt caft and a smoke before we go, Ned." " No, no ; come now. come now." If I didn't get it oxer soon, I should break down. •' But I're something to tell you, Ned. Come along." 1 gave way. I really thirsted for a reprieve. We sat in the smoking-room. I before ray untasted coffee, rolling my unlit cigar in my damp ffnger*; he with his leg comfortably twitted round the arm of the chair, lolling back and blowing great wreaths of smoke from his fat jolly cheeks. " Ned, do yon think Letttia was rcrj fond of no 7" " Devoted to you, Chubb. ,Bhe mourn ed you as a widow might mourn her dead husband." Chubb looked rather queer. " Do you know that's awkward 7" " What do you mean 7" •' Why, I mean—ln fact, I'm married to an American. I sent bcr o to Paris, whilst I ran over to see you." I jumped up, upsetting the table between us, and grasped Chubb oy both bis hands. " Chubb, my dear, dear old friend; In deed we'll kill the fitted calf for you to night. 1 am going to marry Letitia to morrow !" What an agitating night that was ! I shall never forget Letitia's Iok of horror when I told her Chubb Jackson had come back; and then how she tl'.uy her arms round my neck, and cried to pie that I must hold her fast from bet aunt and CENTRE IIALL. CENTRE CO.. PA., FBI DAY, APRIL 21, 1871. Chubb and all the world t how I exploded then Into a pnisdon of love and joy, and qui'e frightened poor 10-tty. She was a little di*ap|kiiiit>d, though, when she found we were not calKd upon to do defiance to all the world; rather vexed at Chubb, too, for having forgotten her *o easy. As for auut Chubb, she laughed and cried, awl cried ami laughed sea in. Ys, it was very IIKV to seethe faithful old aunt and Iter young *c|*-gr*ee of a nephew so haiq>y. W werr married the next day, Iwtty and I ; and Chubb gave her away. Airs. Chubb started fur Pari* next day to ce her neitc, Mrs Chubb Jackson; and we presently joined them all there, and were intnxlucril to the fair American, her father and brothers. She wa* a charm ing little IMMIV, *ud I was delighted with her; but lx-titia didn't get on with her quite so well. Chubb bs* gow l>ack to America, where, in c,injunction with hi* father-in-law, lie carries on a drygood* warehouse, a mon ster hotel, and a line of M earn boa la, beside* conducting an illustrated pa|wr. Report | say* they are making pile* of dollars. la-lit ia and I are very happv. An Extinct Family. It is n curious fact that there are no kuown deceudaut* of Christopher Col umbus. He hml two nous, one of whom. Don Diego, roac to the diatincti-ui of art admiral, and the other, Fernando, as n scholar. Fernando was n great traveler. He uot onlv tin ice visited America, but subsequently travemxl the whole of Europe and every accessible portion of Asia and Africa. He ap|tared t have Iteeii a profound scholar mid a thorough ly good man. In hia will he MipulaUsl that hia library, cot taiuiug twenty thou aand volume.*, which be gne to the cathedral of Seville, should lo free t> the pvopli-, and is t tins day. From Iwoks iu this collection Washington Irv ing obtaimd a considerable portion of the information on which hi* " Life of Columbus" wa* founded. The follow ing quaint epitaph, almost obliterated by time, appear* on the table which marks the iwte of his tomb : " What doth it |>n>fit to hare apriukled the whole world with my sweat; to luvve three time* croaaotl the New World discoven*l by my father; to have embellished the shorra of tranquil tluudalquivcr, and preferred simple tastes rather than lieh •, or tliat 1 have assemlded around the divinities from the source of Castalia. and offer to thee the riches gathered by llolnuj, if uaaMng in silence over tins stone, shouldst fail t*> utldross a single salutation to HIT father's memory." At DamtmiU'hh I'oujeoe, a few dap ago, (be student* rn' mrjiridd tohm their president, in nbmn words and ominous lone*. accuse tlu-ui of engaging in a learned conspiracy. and ibt'luw that attoh a thing eonhl not go cm without hi* cognisance ! While the innocniti tremblingly awaited the evident di rlueurv of aouie foul plot or miwhievooa design, he auddetily saul he would give hi* countenance and utmost aid to Una measure, which originated in the- mind* of the student* ! The "leagued con* , spiracy" is this : The tuider-gTndnah** propoae to rise among their friends and alumni the sum of at least $15,000. to i lie expended in heating the college i huildinga with itoun and lighting them hy git*, thu# diminishing the danger from fin's to which these huildinga, with their valuable content*, are exposed, and at the same time securing b> the oe* cnjwnta many convenient* and advan tages not now enjoyed. How TO VALCK DUMCIMW —TO JOT* UM> best possibly answer to a most diffi >es tiiat sixe aug ment in price or dimiuish ; for instance, at the present moment a perfect ouc carnt atone ia worth £IH, but a flve-oarat stone ia not worth £451), which ia the ralne it would hare according to Jeffriea. but £320, and so on. It ia, therefore, a matter of infinite difficulty to fii a price which shall lie a reliable one t>th to buy er and teller." While the principle by which dia luonds are valued remains unchanged, prices now are much enhanced. The present standard of value in Europe for a one carat stone of average Quality ia aliout £35 sterling, wholesale ; tlint of a five carat stone, about £SOO. TBAHBPLAXTIHCI MBH. —If the oak, in its germ, hsa been set in a flower-pot you will not think of Keeping it there. Vet the process of trausplantiug ia ever a delicate one—it may be fatal. A shock ia suffered, the courses of absorption, secretion, :i*m nidation are interrupted, growth for a time is suspended, autl the new soil may prove less genial than the old. The difficulties and trial* which olten lead men—especially professional men—to think of some change of lo cation, are often but n needful test, a hardening sin! maturing process, s pre- Earntion for higher usefulness. Happy e who, amid all such trial*, judges with the first Napoleon, that 44 the word im- Kaaihle la-long* only to a fool's voca larv," and no finds his shoulders broadening with the burdens laid upon them. Yet sneli a result is the issue only of a holy boldness, a courage born of Jhe Spirit. It is attained only by that faith which, amid all beating tempests and swelling wave*, ia M anchor to the aonl, aure and steadfast.— Hrr. lhr. Smith. THE NEW OBLKANH /'STWPWI* tell* a good story of a liclle of that city, who, in company with several friends, was examining a fine picture-gallery and ad miring the licnutiful painting* as only the intelligent snd refined admire works of art. Finally she approached a group of paintings, in the centre of which was a large looking gloss, wbieh reflected the yonng loily's full-length picture. One of the gentlemen, pointing to it, said : 44 See. Miss laii.rn, what a splendid pic ture." 44 Yes," he said, glancing at it hurriedly, and not perceiving that it was her own reflection. 44 it is a passable painting, bnt the subjw-t ia homely," '• Indeed, are you in earnest?" 44 Cer tainly ; quite a fright." 44 Look at it again." She did ; but it ia carious to observe that since then a noticeable cool nesa has aprong up between the young lady and her admirer. A TRtmr eccentric will was that made bv Mr. J. Marsh, an old bachelor of Passaic, N. J., who died a few days ago. He left the best part of an estate of 9400,000 fur the l>enefit of six old horses. A farm of eighty sen* is set apart as their happy hunting-ground for ten years, 9800 a yenr each goes to feed them, an ostler will receive 81,200 yearly for ten years tor grooming them, and two gentlemen get 810,000 each to see that the provisions of the will are fulfill ed. THE WAFT of ability to sleep well is an indication of impaired health which de mands prompt attention. As s remedy for this, Dr. Hall recommends that pres ent associations be broken up, whatever mIT be the sacrifice; that some more active employment be undertaken ; or a long journey be taken on horseback, if possible, and with a good companion. A great specific is to be vigorously employ ed in the open air a Jarge portfop of the time. A < hirage Dog Story. Butane* i* a grmt tiling. It sports. w ilh mortality. It throws a aubject into the very aro of grim death, aud then quietly rescue* it from tUo Ujiiaci.-u* and eternal gra*p. It dea a good many things in a variety of ways, ittd to ita j gifted ex|Miuiit it ia a joyful tiling. Its - last beneficence was the reselling of a favorite from tile miuious of tin- | law, and the restoring of the said poodle to the arm* of thou* by whom it was fondly loved. The said poodle had long resided in the family of a physician in theauuthem itortiou of the city of Chicago. He liaodlea can. The little fellow hod only one fault, but in a republic like ours this was a serious crime. He was ail aristocrat. (>ne day last week, eoouaed in Ids little red jacket, he took a promenade. With indignation he beheld a ltarkeepcr'a ( daughter walkiug on the very pavement 1 which he, the protege of a learned doc tor, and the endeared dog of all that doctor's family, had aclected for hi* walk. He showetl Ids teetii in oue uio j meat ; in another he buried them in the leg of the intruder. Tlie borkee|M-r swore an awful outh that that dog *)ioultl die ami, that his vow might be kejrt, idau swore out a warrant for the dog's elocution The warrant was served upon the ilnet<>r. There w as OOU*teraatia in the doctor's family, who would rather lose a limb j than give up the dog to hi* bloodthirsty enemies. The iloctor recoguixed that the warrant was binding, but tieggod of the officer tiiat the ioor puppy might die by no other hand than his (the doctor's) own. He would kill thr victim scienti fically, and briug its body to the station keeper as an evidence of ita death. This w* aatisfactoiy. In a few hours the stiffened Ikwly of the victim of the liar-; ketqier's daughter was brought to the station-keeper by the doctor, who, with tears iu hia eyes, asked that he might take it boms aud quietly inter it in his back yard. The majesty of the law having been vindicated, the station-keeper didn't care what became of the carcass of the canine and mid so. • Two days afterward the station-keeper saw tiiat very poodle wagging his tail iu high glee, and looking with great ani mation. The doctor and chloroform jiad de ceived the station-keeper. The dog liad won by coming to. Thirst Oiimrlud Without tlrinking. It may not be generally known to our readers that water, even salt water, nu bilwd through the skin appease* thirst almost as well as fresh water tak< u in wanOv. In illustration of this subiect, ' a eoitvsjKindent has sent us the follow ing abridged quotation from a " Snrrw tive of Captain Kennedy's losing his ViMsel, and his Distresses afterwards," I which was noticed in 44 Dodsley'a Annual Kegieb r for 17tJS." 44 1 cannot conchtd* without making mention of tin l great ml vantage I norhnl from soaking my j clothes twice a day in salt water, aiul patting them on without wringing. It WIUI a considerable time before I could make the people comply with tins meas ure. althou ;h from seeing the good effects produced, they afterwards prac ticed it twice a day of their own accord. To this discovery I may with justice at tribute the preservation of my own life and six other persons, who must have perished if it h*d not Wn put in use. The liiut was first communicated to me from the perusal of a treatise written . hy I>r. Lind. Tlie water aljaurb• relied tongue was cured in a few urin ates after bathing and washing our clothe*, and at the aam- time we found ourselves aa mnch refreshed aa if we had received some actual nourishment. Four pernons in the boat who drank salt water went delirious and died ; but those who avoiiled this anil followed the aUm practice experienced no such "yinjitoms." BT. Cnmrnv WKTEH HAD a more ingen ious follower than James A. Hamilton, whose recent MCip* from a Pennsylva nia prison is the most marvelous rogue'* worx on record. Hamilton was an old prison bird, and one of the most dan - ! georus convicts in the Izincaater prison. Assigned to s solitary 44 iron-dad " cell, he was set to work at nhoemoking. .Sometime ago be coniplaiucd that his bench wo* too low. and naked for a couple of short pine plank* to put under the legs to raise it a few inches. For week* he worked under the*' boards si night, cutting a hole through the floor, ami in the daytime eovered his track* w-ith the board*. Having cut through the flooring, he reached solitary masonry, and worked upon that with sucli sueceo* that, eventually, enough was removed to adiuit the passage of his body. Hav ing cleared the mason work of a imeeo a foot thick and about three feet broad, he attacked the solid prison wall from his narrow crevice under the flor, and although it was three feet thick, he made a breech and passed aafely through, and let himself down two stories by a very thin but exceedingly stout shoe thread. Breaking into the wash-house and carpenter shop, he procured a change of clothes nnd lumber to con-" struct a ladder with which to I wis* over the jail-yard wall. This ladder is a model l of ingenuity. None of the lumber was stout enough to make the sides, so he lashed several alendsr pieces together with bed-cord, and tied broken barrel staves across for rounds. With this the prisoner found his way to freedom. Barbr Sunday morning his flight was dis covered. lii his oell fully a cart-load of debris was found carefully stored under his lied, the alata of which were cut in half and lored at regular distances to moke a lader, which, howevar, he had lieen nnahle to get through the pern* laarly shaped hole by which he hod ee -1 eaped. OHIO la BKAOOIHU over a man with wonderful memory. He is fifty-three veers of age, illiterate and nearly blind, but he remembers the occurrences of fcverv day since January 1, 1827, when he was nine year* old. Mention any date to him in the last forty-four year*, and he tells instantly what day of the week it waa, what sort of weather pre vailed, and what he was working at and conversed sbout. A gentleman who proposed s test provided himself with s journal for forty-five years, and after several severe cross-examinations, proved the Ohioan to be correct invariably. "Doctor, as my little boy gave the measles to all my neighbors' children, and as they were attended by you, I think yon can afford to deduct ten per cent, from the amount of my bill for the increase of business we gave you." NAM sag* In the Herman Army. (>ue of the urnst uoh-d invention* of the im si-nt wag, anya the Italia cotree- I* •■■<(' nt of the Chicago Tribune, ia rrbe wur*t, or iMvt-MMiaage. There is not a Geruutu dilier to whom this ia n>t ns familiar n* hani-tnek worn to our soldn-ra, though it lias a venr different reputation frm hard-tack. It is the uioat favorite of all the articles which constitute the Mohliere' rations here, not excepting even cigars or beer. Its chief adajdcluew* to the army consist* in it* conUiuing. like condensed milk, a great aniouut of nour itduaent in a very small volume, aud of Iwiug cauable of U-ing afterward easily increased ia volume and reduced to a palatable consistency. It ia neceaaary only to remove the akin and lsc.il it a few minute* in water, when it may tie eaten with drv bread. It may also be eaten raw, a* tte Germans eat au their *ausage, sad some even prefer it act. It eau, furthermore, be preserved for any length of time. After seveu yearn, as ia claimed by the inventor, it will be aa good a* when find made. Although the factory is dosed to the public, and evea with permiisami from the War Ifcnmrbuent I could ouly see a small part of the process, I understand that it is made from thir teen different kinds of meat* and regcts blr* -all lieiug amotig the riehmt- though the principal ingredients are dried |*a*, bscou, and tallow. The erhs-wmwt is a triumph of cookery with these materials, where they have succeeded in working up much that was heretofore uuualatable, into a j>al*Uilil< mesa. They nave succeeded in making it, moreover, into a sausage or •' wrurwt," which is the favorite form in which the (Jcruiami rat nearly all their meats, there lieing as many kinds of aausagee in Ger many as there are parte of the bg to call them by. Thia name itat-U will give a relish to anything a Cicrman haa to eat. Tin* erba-wiirat factory, on the outskirts of Berlin, employs over two thouaaml hands, the whole beiug managed by the Government No other parties are al lowed to manufacture erba-worst, even if they knew bow. The inventor offered to sell his patent to England a few years ago, but it was rejected. In the pr.went war it has found iu appropriate place, and has secttml for him an immense fortune, which is daily increasing. THE LAOUAATCBB of Pennsylvania have passed an act incorporating the lllooming (iron Park Asaociation, and inventing it with the fullest posers need ed to carry out ita objecta. These are the promotion of field, aquatic, and turf sports ; the cultivation of forests, the preservation and propagation of gam# animals, birds ami fiah, to preserve them from extinction and furnish tin w for propagation. The headquarters of the club on- ia a picturesque section ol Penusvlvauia, wnerr the eatate covers over 12,000 acres, in the toa ns of Ki ing Grove, Oreen. and Porter, in Pike ( omit j. IWnides this Urge property this act at corporation privileges them to procure ad00. iu 500 -hares of $450. An increase of the stock ia alios etl up to fioOO.tmi, provided that for every share issued there in obtained twenty-five acres of land. Liberal rxoeptiona ia the mat ter of the game law* of the State are made in it favor, and the gamekeepers employed on the ground* are invented with the powers of cunstaldes or deputy sheriff*. The sections of the act protect ing the game on the eatate are very stringent. So far na legal privileges are concerned. Pennsylvania has done all that could be required to make this im poriant ex|>eriment a success. Axp ALL roa SMTH. -The atory ia told of a woman in London wboae apsrvif •ln ww a pair of the most exquisitely nrotMirtaotied anus coneeivahle. Her litis!land was even more prtmd of them than ahe waa—he absolutely doted on them. One day they had a terrible quarrel about something of small import ance, and the womau was worsted. The next day ahe waa missing from home and after a long search the huslsind found her in one of the London hospital* wM/er>stf*y trmtmernt for an ampaUted 'imb. Temporarily iusane with thwart*-d spite, ahe had not been able to deviae any UHter way of revenging hem If on her huslmtul than by having one of the perfect limbs, of which he wan so proud, cut off! The story seems improbable, ; lust it is hardly more so than that of the school boy (lamlietta, scooping out one | of his eyes with a steel pen to spite his lather and mother, ainoe he could get . the better of them in no other way. MA. MAOOOK of Hi. Johnshury, Vt, has invented a 44 feed heater" for econo mizing fuelou locomotive engines, which has lieen teste*! on the Connecticut River Railroad with favorable results. The water from the tank in the tender ia pumped through a piie to the heater, whieii cousiwt* of a coll of 1 i iuch copper pipe nrouml Uie cone pipe in the smoke stack, from this coil the water, heated to more than 200 degrees Fahrenheit during its passage, passes through another pipe into the bruler. The heat used in rais ing the temperature of the water is waste heat, escaping through the cone pipe ; a j Million of the exbsartsd steam is also ap}4icd to the same purpose. The in vention wax tried on an old engine which had fallen off in its work; the application of the improvement brought it up to its former efficiency. THE WHITE or AH mm ha* proved of late the moat efficacious remedy for burns. Seven or eight successive ap plications of this snliotance soothe pain, and effectually exclude the burn from the air. This simple remedy seems preferable to colodiou, or even cotton. Extraordinary stories are told of the healing properties of a new ail, which ia easily made from the yolk of hens' eggs. The "eggs arc first lioiled hard, and the yolk are then removed, crushed and placed over a fire, where they are care fully stirred until the whole auhatanee is just on the pomt of catching fire, when the oil separates and may be poured off. One yolk will yield nearly two teaapoon fula of oil. It is in general n*e among the colonists of South Russia as a means of curing cuts, bruises and scratches. V KXJVK. OF (UMBIJSO-HoniF. LKOBM*. —The Hon* Kong gambling-house licenses wore last week wild to ft resident Chinwr for the modest little sum of 9188,600 gold or 915,800 ft month. Con sidering uint the licenses lust for one year only, games of chanoe must be rath er popular to niftke it worth any one's while to pny such ft fee. The outgoing "farmer," as he in technically called, i said to have netful only fifty thousand dollars by hi* venture lost year, ftnd to have declined bidding thi* year l>ecau*e the profits were not large enough ! The respectable Chinese of the colony are very indignant at the notion of the British Government in licensing in stead of srppreeeing gambling, aid a petition is being extensively circulated praying the House Office to forbid the coutinuanceof the license system. In view of the filthy condition in which some people leave the floor of rail cars, a lady suggests to railroad mana gers that they label some of the cars "For the clean," and others. "For the unclean." Why I** WIUi Envy M Um. Ojwtor t Many of us, nin ill th* litiablm of this life (my ikr /'.iff JIM look with •wry on the oyster ; and, indeed, active, fumy |ieopte often tensl those who do sol share their 110*0 for excitement with having BO higher ombttlun than "te lead Hi- life of Ml oyster." Yt there csu HO no KPBIM mi*lak<- than lo sup -1M that the ivner of a bivalve ia uw of ut interrupted peace nod enjoyment. TIo quiet il the cloister ia not to be found within tho oyster "hell; oo tho contrary, tho oyster from ita infancy is mi titoot to hairioreadth escapes and Por tia fur excelling even tin mo ineaired try tho horn of tho wildest romance. Thw truth ia forcibly pointed ot in tho re port of tho roiuwiaaioß appointed to in quire into tho methods of oyster culture in thr United Kingdom and Franc*-, with a view to tho introduction of improved metisl* of cultivation of oysters into Ireland." 44 It mnat lie borne in mind, ** aaya the report, 44 that more than ten per cent. of oyatetn limed annually, and that from tin- moment of ita birth the oyahw ia wtyvt to unaarroua thmgwra ; niuoQg them. i( ia liable to be killed by a sudden tall or rim of temperature, to t> bomo to situation* where it cannot attach itaolf, to lie devoured noon after birth Ivy tho vermin that await it at that atagt\ or, later on, to lie amothemd by inuaarla, or attacked by the "farflsh, dog whelk, and crab, besidea suffering numerous perils from mod and "and. The nnmlier that arriw at maturity must therefore liecomparntivdy few. Indeed, it ia aaaerted that not a dunen on an av age out of the vast qaanlity originally given birth to, aud which ia said to eon fitat of from one to two millioua, sur vive." When wo further remember that even if they do aurrive they have BO other proapect tluin that of being sprink led with pepper and rinagar, and swal lowed by dosena dWhout reference to age c* aex, we at once peroarre there is more to admire than eury in the life of an oyster. Oat-dosr Profession* far Women. And then there are out-door professions counerted with a home which are sa suitable for women aa for men. The Imsiness of raising fmita and flowers ia eapecinllv muted to a woman, aa alao the management of the dairy; and for these the other set are regularly instructed in endowed agricultural schools, while wo men can not share throe advantage. The arte that ornament a home, such aa drawing, imintiug, sculpture, and land scape gardening, are peculiarly appro priate for women eh jifofmwoba oy whirli to secure an independence. Tet but a few have the opportunities which are aluindautlv given to the other aex. These were all employments suited to woman, and snch aa would not take her from the ]wrd of arbitration and conciliation to meet, compound of arx delegatce of the Wotkingmen's Benevolent Aaaeeietioo and ni foom the Anthracite Board of Trade. Tbe twelve tbu* choeen shall at onoa elect an umpire before translating any other burin *a, and shall then fix" the rate of wage* to be paid for the balance of toe year after toe mouth of April, and thia board ahall from tune to time settle and adjoift all diligence* between the i*ru-*. and in caae of their being unabfr to ages*, the deciaioa of the umpire shall be final, it being the true intent and meaning of pi agreement that' toe board of arbitration and umpire are hereafter to aettoi all dif ference* whatever, * that strikes end fuipauno& ihiU not be resorted to. /y?A Simultaneously with a general resumption of work upon theae term* the charge* upon the Bending Railroad aiw to lr reduced. Tie WaaMngton Heaameat. In view of the renewed eflbrta now be ing made to raise fund* to complete the unfinished marble obe&skto the memory of George Washington, a brief htriory of the work, which w copy toom the Washington dter, will b* of iatemrt. At the dow of toe Bevalutiooary War Ooa giem resolved to erect an aqaarinan statue of Washington at " the place where the residence of C JOgreai should ; be estebHahcd." After hia deuth a joinr committee of the two bouses ww am pointed to consider the most suitable manner of paving hooor to his memory, and on their report a msriutiou wae adopted to ereri a marble monument in this city ; but tbe resolution wm nevwr carried'out, although, in ll, on a fur thcr report of the committee, an apprv priation of BWO,nQO wm made, Gongrem baring nagfocted the work; in 183Ssomej of the urominent citiaena of Washington formetl a voluntary aaaociation. with Chief-Justice Marshall aa prcaident. and commeticed work. He was succeeded by ex-President Madison. In 1647, the ag gregmte collections amountiri to fiKT.OIW. Congrem then, by reariutiam, ri apart the rite now occupied, and oa the 4th of Julv. 1646, toe comer atone of the pre*- j cut structure was laid. In about au Tears the obelisk was raised to tbe height ot 170 feet, at a coat of *230,000, toe amount collected. In 1854, all attempts to make farther collection* having failed, the board of manager* appealed to Cou greas, and that body was abort to make an appropriation of **oo.ofifi, when a mioindervtantling arose, whidi (laluv*l and finally defeated the action of (W grcsa. In 1659. the " National Wash ington Monument Society " was incor porated, but the war prevented any ac tive work on their part. Tbe society now ippfib to tbf nation to contribute*, in swum, however small, to the completion of toe work. Ii i* suggested that If ****7 adult in tiie country who ia able to give one dollar without personal inconve nience were to enclose that sum to J. C. Brent, secretary of the aaaociation in this caty. the total would be ample to complete the monument. A proprietor of a hotel gives a re porter some figures that are interesting. We copy : " tomator Cameron, at Muall hotel in Washington, paid for himaelf and wife *4soper month.aud but had two rooms. Senator Fen ton had a parlor and two bedrooms, and an office, and paid *I,OOO per month. Mr. 8. 8. Oox and wife paid *250 per week, and I gave him a buffet supper for 100 which coat him *1,500. Mr. W. to Huntington gave the Japaneae the flnert spread ever set in Arlington Hotel; there were twen ty persons and he paid *I,OOO. A par lor and three bedrooms in the second story, with a small family occupying them, are worth to me 8450 per week during tiie season ; and one gueet pays far a parlor, bedroom, and bathroom *3OO per month. "At the Delevan House, Albanv, Dr. Gautier used to pay *375 per week, and General Darling, with a parlor, three bedrooms, andfour pereonlT paid *4OO. Our hotel at l*ke George had 37,000 on the register laat season, in four mouths, we Uk in that space of time 8294,000; and the net proceeds were $52,000. 'The Fifth Avenue Hotel rents for *200,000 a year, including the stores be neath H. The St Nicholas rents for 895,000, although it coat but *425,000. Mr. A. T. Stewart has just rented to Wm. M. Tweed the Metropolitan Hotel, New York, for *65,000 a year, to put hia son, Richard Tweed, into business as a landlord; and the Inlands, who go out, paid *75,000. A COITUS w MAINE, abont to be join ed in holy matrimony, determined that there should be no nonsense about their bridal. Wherefore they gave notice in the Bangor Whig that they were married on theoto inat; and that they were W be "nocards" and "nocake, forth* fkfrir was 41 nobody's business." How ever, bv way of compromise, they in formed their "friends and relatives" that at their residence, cm a certain even ing, there would be a free " clam chow der." Mothers mind your children —children mind your mothers. NO. 16. Living at toe HateK ' ~ tons men in England. amodfor* dire we n prem. Want of fttite and wwat of jpM aattae more failure* than any Knag flag in the world. Quarter of* pound egg* are what* Landgrov*. Vt., hen dJupenaaatohartw juicing owner. The lataat invention m • drtk* to J kaep the mouth abut while a fwnoa fat arieSp ao aa to prevent snoring. ** |a it wrong to cheut * lawyer T* was recently vww discussed by ilk rtt2 tartU wua not wrong, but im pownbto •' Have I not dfcwd yon Wadw tagr r mM a doting lather to Ualaon, "Ob, yea.- f-t* *** • name tor debt rumifcrted abwrt tforty xrss snsffiarsrtft u*ftst llfagit l /tl. iltopiither, um the let el July naxl, thirty mi&ooa. mend a broken lead pip# tor.mgfa wtocti two da and nut broken around them, fn five mmutoft the wuter waa froaaa, the plug* token out, a new niece soldered in, the K- thawed out agoto. and the pipe in perfect order go waa m lost the th day to a *tae ed tile ordinary deoendea of life, m toataiwl ID hi. nlace ia the House, face toe gab lerr. ftfcdwitb ladiee, and with a wtoaky bottw in bis hand, mad a grwtoaqwn taw to to* into hia mouth a Tbe mcceaaive stage* of Kcrthweatcra growth are nmarimbly iDurtratod by a paragraph in the Wawrty. town, Be which my: in our city who wna bom ® J® • has aeon who w*a town m the Territory ;of and another one us to* Tcmtorr of Wavrooain ami rtifl another one in the of low*, and also a . daughter born in the Stole of iu the same house ! OoL J. W. Wooto m the man." Enoch Ardeu came back to Pittobufg. Penn., weently. after aa abamwv of ww wura, found hi. wife married to anotoer • "man and tod not think It worth while to make any tnm abort it The wife 1 told husband No. A and be at one* to •tgaed in favor of Ko. L Thelam - AT a recent amateur dramatic perform ' ance in a Maine town, a pistol was pre maturely discharged whan within a few , feet of a young lady's face. The young ladv saw the "lash, and with the cmwk neaa of thought dosed her eyes, and thus . saved her eyesight, a* aha received several b"udred grains of powder in her !*>