Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, April 07, 1871, Image 1

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    Bo two*** fhe Ebb and Flaw.
Tbs evwoing brow im stngiwg low
A InSaby to-day.
I ht*e a question I would Mk
Before it dies away.
The pebbles on Uir Leach are dry.
11i tide hi* sunken low ;
A little form is Mantling there
1 lot worn the ebb and flow.
A tangled mm of aofl brown hair,
Two eyes cant meekly down.
A little 4oe the mm ha* kiaaed,
Two chocks a little brown ;
Two little lips that pent and say,
"1 do not think 1 know
Two little hps that tell a fib,
1 let ween the ebb and flow.
X httto heart that longing waits
To know what next "twill hear,
X little fttce that shyly looks
To see if still Pn near.
Ah, little heart that whispered "Tea,"
Thongh pouting lips aaitl "No "
Ton thought that you'd be aaked again
Between the ebb and flow.
A little fhoe half frightened when
1 turn to go sway,
Two tittle hands that shyly reach
Aa if to bid me sua ;
A little eoice that eohly says,
"I did not mean that "No r
X liUle pride that well was lost
Between the ebb and flow.
A ljric of Lite.
Does the Bee betray the spirit, thst you ask me
of its might.'
Does it show that it it weary of this ceaseless
strife with fate t
Patience, mother, soothe the sorrow snd the
sadness of aoor lot .
But the burden of life's teachings show me,
what should be ia not.
Fkthcr. brother- both are sleeping in the
church-yard brown, and sera.
And their eons share each the fortunes which
their fathers left them here.
One ia rich and proud and haughty, and scorn
oth the humble poor •
The other toils unceasingly, to keep hunger
from our door.
Hta halls are ever merry and Ailed with a happy
Banishing care from the hours with rnuak and
and M&g
Our home telle the passer-by that 'tis the abode
of the poor.
Hunger and want are both in waiting to enter
the opened door.
There are mretertea in life, child, that no hu
man thought can reach;
Questions none but trod can answer ; lessons
lifo atone can teach. •
Many are the truths it's taught me. but there's
one above the rest.
Tin easy yet no hard to learn—"He doeth all
things best."
If there Mfot a Ml) injustice in tkw tUftrrnc
of lot
That's bet win you ft ml another, an J that what
tshook) be in n-t;
Know that breeding over sorrow only makes it
locgur lft*t
Learn that hope dweila in the future ami teptn
iftf in the paat.
Shall war hf be made • warn* by the spirit of
And changed to curaea the bleesuig* which God
has kindly aer.t?
Oh, no! bat learn, child, the lee on that yireth
as peace and reel.
That though the motive be hidden, "He doeth
all thing* beet ."
" Allow me to fasten your bracelet, Miss
f'anore; n and a dark-rooustached, fine-look
ing man bent low orer a white tapering
wrist, while little jeweled lingers scintilla
ted and sparkled in the 'lasiiing gaslight.
44 Could 1 make you understand,"' he con
tinued, in low, earnest tones, "how wretch
ed and miserable ray life really is, bereft of
lore and Marie, you would at least grant
me a kind word* occasionally. I see you
wear my diamond yet. Tell me, fur con
science' sake, whether yon do it oet of a
lingering regard for your old lore, or is it
cupidity onfv V And the large magnetic
eyrw looked fianust Iy into those of his beau
tiful companion, who, in a seemingly total
disregard of his earnestness, hummed softly
n little bravura, and then replied in a dis
tant, half-abstracted manner, was
peculiarly annoying to the sensitive man.
"How often "must I Jell yon, Herbert,
that I lore you as much as ever I did?
You know how we are situated, and you
are perfectly well aware that *O long as TOU
cannot support me in the style to which
I have always been accustomed, no engage
ment must be allowed to exist. Love is
all very well in its place, but really it
shows very had taste to introduce it at
such unseasonable and inappropriate occa-
sions. Good, evening, Captain Theron;
isn't this a splendid gathering ? I was just
remarking to our friend, Mr. Maltravera,
that I had not for s long time attended a
party so exquisitely got up;" and the
haughty beauty used her fan daintily, turn
ing her fair band a little more to the light,
while lightning-like corruscations fiom
diamond and pearl dazzled the eyes of her
Immaculate and bewildering lace*, to
gether with the rustle of silk, and perfume
as delicate as from Araby the Blest, com
pleted a tout rnsr-mhis as perfect in its fash
ionable and artistic make-up as it was
gracefully becoming to its fair owner.
The Captain offered his arm for a prom
enade, and with a pleasant bow to Herbert,
Marie sailed away, as if perfectly uncon
scious of the misery she had just indicted.
Herbert Maltravers bad been for the
past two tears an accepted lover of Marie
lirncrefa, but for some strange and incom
prehcmible reason she had. without the
least apology or excuse, suddenly dismissed
him, and when pressed by the ardent lover
for a satisfactory solution of the mystery,
replied that her IOTC remained undimin
ished, but her family all thought the en
gagement improper, as Mr. Maltravers'pe
cuniary position would not allow him to
aupport her in the style and luxury to
which she bad been accustomed. No argu
ment or entreaty could make her any more
explicit, so, with a love quite as intent as
in the first and palmiest days of courtship,
Herbert followed ber to ball, pertv, and
opera, and used every means to win back
the attention and tender regard be no lon-
ger possessed.
He could not be convinced that Marie
Geneve was ss hollow and heartless an the
vainest butterfly of fashion could possibly
be, and yet he knew that had she loved
him as he had formerly every reason to
believe, no advice or influence could have
charred ber.
u Why docs she still wear the symbol of
our betrothal if our engagement is entirely
broken off?" he asked himself for the thou
sandth time.
Herbert knew that Marie's father, with
all ,liia wealth, was very close and penu
rious, especially on the subject of orna
ments ; snd he knew, too, that Msne's
most valuable jewels were all presents.
Common sense whispered that it was the
beauty and costliness of the diamond that
made it valuable in ber eyes, and this in a
fit of wretchedness and almost insanity, he
had this evening, for the first time, accused
her od
" I must have one moment with Marie,
and beg pardon for my insulting language.
How could I have been so unmanly 7"
Marie, cloaked and hooded, her bright,
beautiful eyes having lout none of their
sparkle from the night's dissipation, stood
in the hall dispensing kind "good nights"
to friends and acquaintances.
"I*t me escort you to the carriage, just
this time, Marie," pleaded the lover; and
laughing and chatting gayly, she accepted
his arm in a matter-of-fact manner, and
walked slowly out
" What is it now, Herbert 7" and the
beauty's tones betrayed both ill-nature and
" I hope you will forgive me, Marie, for
the ungentlemanly language I used this
evening. I cannot bear to think that I
have offended you." .
"Your manner, Mr. Maltravers, is the
principal thing 1 have to find fault with,
and quite as much on your own account as
my own. It is not pleasant to have the
epithets So ft' and -sillv' applied to one
who for so long a time has lien a declared
suitor for my hand. But 1 have, I declare,
quite forgotten that you said anything this
evening that vou need ask pardon for.
What was it, flerbert 7" Ann the young
lady met his earnest gaze ferociously, end
with a look of irresistible inquiry.
How the poor fellow longed to enter the
carriage, as he had done a thousand times,
and draw that queenly head, wound round
with the daintiest "unmnssable" wool, on
his breast. But times had changed, and
this was no longer his privilege.
"It was about the ring, Marie; say that
you forgive me."
" Oh, yes, I remember now, Herbert; but
what a strange girl lam ! i believe I nev
er could grieveor be much offended at any
thing vou might say,"uid something "of
the old tenderness seemed to return to tone
and manner; for Herbert pressed the little
hand closer, and the grasp was warmly re
turned, causing the heart of the young gen
tleman, which had been for weeks on the
rack, to palpitate still taster, while a
strange feeling of joy almost deprived him
of the power of speech.
"Herbert, if vou desire this ring, it is
yours; but Ido hate to part with it so P'
FRID. KURTZ, Editor *nd Proprietor.
" For what reason, Marie 1 Was It for
the blessed old associations connected with
it ? l-et me see; you used to sav that in
the depths of that stone you couid always
sec Herbert's face. Is it "so now f
" O Herbert! when will you learn to le
less demonstrative f Why will you not
remember that we are no longer lovers,
and that any recurrence to former love
chapter* is simj lv jitvsumntion ? Mr. Mai
tracers, I would like to l*< vour It tend, if
you would only allow me—that is all. 1K
you -indent and T*
*• I think 1 do, Mtvt llcmwv," coldly re
plied the gentiemaii, with his hand up>n
the carriagv-d*>or; and one would hardly
have imagined it possible that a (one could
have changed so perceptibly. "You have
succeeded in this con vernation to make me
understand the true state of the rose. Love
is alt on oue side. I should have kuown
this loug before this had not my infatua
tion so completely blinded me. The sym
bol of our engagement you may w oar now
traustixed on another finger, uot for any
lingering fondness you may have for the
giver, hut for the intrtusic value of the ar
ticle. Every scale is mwmd from my
eyes. Ido not want the ring at |>reseut;
you may wear it until I have cruslic I out
every particle of fondness for Marie tig
nore. and have found in some truer w oman
the halm for my sufferings ; then, snd only
then, shall I send for my ring.''
- But. Herbert "
"Xo 'huts' about it," he replied. "I-ike
the poor moth, 1 have buzsed shout your
brilliant light ami scorched myself iu the
blase by making myself a laughing stock
for aoc ety, and have almmt destroyed mv
soul in the foolish desire lo reinstate myself
in the position 1 formerly occnpied. Good
night ami good-bye, Marie Genore."
" Who would have thought it," mused
Maria, aa she leaned back iu her lather's
aristocratic carnage. " But I shall bring
him to terms again. It is so strange that
Major Hunter don't propose; 1 have taken
particular pains to have hiui informed of
the dissolution of my marriage contract,
and vet he doesn't promise. Very atten
tive and love-like to-night, but not a word
of the future. His e*tablisbment is prince
ly, but if I cannot be mistress of that, why
then 1 should prefer Herbert—"very ambi
tious young man,' as father said this morn
ing, 'lf .tou haven't destroyed it with your
coldness' Oh, pshaw! men are not ao
easily killed. Let me see—l am not 19,
ami. according to their awn statements,
I have consigned at least a dozen lives to
wretchedness, ami a half doxen of them are
happily married, and the remainder en
gaged." I aiu sorry that I have offended
Herbert. He may not be so easy to re
new;" and the heartless beauty continued
to discuss the situation until sleep closed
her eyes.
u Ah, Marie," said the young lady's fa
ther, one evening at dinner, some few
months after the above incidents; ' your
discarded lover has had a very neat little
present made him. lon have heard him
speak about that eccentric uncle of his in
Lincoln; well, the old fellow ha come
down handsomely—a cool two hundred
thousand—that's all, Marie. Better coax
him back, if you can."
-Til try it," laugbed Marie, hysterical
ly. '• But are TOU quite sure of this, fa
ther r*
"Perfectly so. He has been receiving
the congratulations for the last two days.
Hartman says he don't appear very much
elated, though I know the reasou. Money
without Marie don't appear like much to a
lovesick man ;" and Mr. Genore shook his
fat sides, and chuckled with satisfaction at
the idea of his daughter's brilliant future.
The next morning Mr. Maltravers re
ceived a daintily perlumed little note, run
ning thus:
Father has just informed me of your
good fortune. Do come and receive the
congratulations of your MASIE.
But Herbert was in no hurry.
Once more in a crowded drawing-room,
with its elegantly dressed ladies and gen
tlemen, music, dowers, and the gorgeously
decked dancing hall, while the ravishing
waltzes and fascinating redo was chased
each other in quick succession.
•* Who is that )>eautifu], fairy-like crea
ture with Mr. Malt raver*, Mias fienore T'
inquired a gentleman with whom Marie
was promenading.
She turned a little to sec Herbert, his
face lit up with a smile of enjoyment and
appreciation, conversing in low, earnest
tones with bis companion; as sweet and
beautiful as Marie's partner had described
A plea*ant bow, with a cool "Good eve
ning. Miss Uenorewas all the recogni
tion Marie received.
'• Will you allow me the pleasure of a
promenade, Miss Genore 7" politely inquir
ed Herbert shortly after.
With a little Hush of gratified pride, Ma
rie accepted his arm, and once more the
sweet little band came in contact with his
coat-sleeve, while on the taper finger bia
diamond scintillates! and sparkled.
u I received a note from yoo, Marie, a
lew days since," said Herbert, very softly.
" But why did vou not comply with ita
request, Herbert f'
" l>id you have anything particular to
say to me ? or waa it simply as your note
stated, an invitation for a congratulatory
visit 7"
"Ah, Herbert, when will you ever do
your poor Marie justice 7"
" I think I have always done you more
than justice, Marie; but I see you still
wear our engagement ring. Can vou see
your own Herbert's face in ita dazzling
depths as you used, Marie 7"
Aud a sarcastic smile elevated the dark
moustache, and a look danced out of his
eyes as he contemplated tl.e deceitful fig
ure at bis side.
" Yes, Herbert, dearest; you almost
broke poor Marie's hcarj with your dread
ful accusations."
" Then vou love me still, Marie 7"
" Yes, Herbert, and I have always loved
you," replied the coquette, in the softest
"You took a strange way to show it,
Marie looked timidly into his face, hut
nothing there betrayed fiim, and the beauty
kept on, while sighs and tears, to all ap
jiearancc, choked her utterance. .
" But, Herbert, you do not reply to me
at all. Have you not a kind word for your
own Marie 7"
"Come into the conservatory. Miss Ge
nore ; I have something to *bow you."
And Herbert, with Marie clinging lov
ingly on his arm, walked into the apart
ment, when* roses, heliotropes and geran
iums, mingling with the perfume of costly
exotics, made the air heavy with their fra
The same elegant little woman, Her
liert's companion, whom Marie minutely
criticised, stood in one corner of the room,
the principal attraction of an admiring
" Lucy, will you excuse yourself for a
moment 7 I have a friend to whom I wish
to introduce you," asked Herbert of the
lady in question, while a smile of admira
tion and gratified pride lit up bis handsome
I face. Marie still clasped his arm lovingly.
" Lucy, you have often beard me speak
of Miss Genore. This is the lady," contin
ued he, quietly withdrawing his ami.
" Aud this little woman, affectionately
drawing her to bis side, "is my wife—Mrs.
Maltravers. Under the peculiar circum
stances, I think it Is no more than justice
to claim the symbol of our engagement."
Marie slowly, and like one in a dream,
withdrew the heavy ring, while Lucy, with
an expression of pity on her sweet face,
quietly resumed her place among her
A bushel of good beets, washed and
crushed, will make four or five gallons
of the best vinegar.
A Spanish Hull Fight.
• We entered the ring at n most tin tor- j
tuuatc moment for any nmoß with *
weak stomach. The bull, a large iluit {
fellow, had ju*t gored a ldaek horse
whose rider w* quite cuilou* to the f.ict
tliut the beast's entrails were trailing in
the dust, a large dark mi mans ou which
he conatantly thai; Uie other horse nu
oven in worne plight, staggering about m
a terrible death-agony, whe bull seemed
' played out;' his huge tlauks rut and
Ml convulsively ; the blood streamed
from the lauee-wounds in his great neck.
The uionient for planting the AmcA'tfsra*
had arrived. A gnvly dreaard fellow run
up, aud as the bull ehsrg*l tired the two
hartted darts, one ou each side of hi*
shoulders, it was beautifully done, no
quickly that I could not see ioe it was
done." Auofliier man planted two more
darts in the same neat way. The enor
mous mass of men and women cheered
tremendously, and several excited sp-c (
tators shied' their somlvreroa into the
ring to the successful burnt Ultras, but the
attendants politely threw them liaok. (
The bull was now perfectly wild ; rush
ing at a dying horse, he buried hi* head
into the poor brute's Ixxlv again and
again. My English friend turned yel
low and green ; ne burst into a cold per
spiration, his teeth chattered, and he
would have left the ring had it been poa
sible. but the crowd was too great. A
lioru sounded, the Rafael step
ped forward, sword in hand ; of course
the sword was wrapped in tlie traditional
ml flag. Walking coolly up to his gi
gantic adversarv, he />r#*/ bun batwreeo
the eves with the point of hi. sword to ,
excite him. After avoiding four furious
charge*, he stood directly in front of the
bull, raising his flag breast high, made u
straight lunge. •It was so rapidly done
that you couldn't see the w}iu n/rw
<#•'; iudeed it was like a conjuror's trick.
The sword, a thin blade about three feet
long, stuck liilt deep in tlie bull's neck, j
but he continued to charge about till,
another sword having l>een brought, the
mofo tlttr wounded him again, but this
time clumsily, for the weapon dropjHs.l
out of the wonnd. Now came the most
exciting moment. Rafael picked ui> his
sword, and, facing the bull pluckily.
killed him at a single lunge. The vast
assembly gave a loud bntro, and a mili
tary band struck up an air from ' Barbc
Bleue.' Oflenlatch seems to be tlie ree
ular bull-tig ht music ; they played noth
ing else after each death. Wliat a re
quiem for a wild bull! the gallop from
"Orplieeaux Enfers.' The last bull was
very lively, and upset four horse*. Oue
charge I saw very well *, he struck Ins
horse behind the girths, and lifting him
bodily off the ground, crumpled him up
like {taper against the wooden enclosure.
Another horae*received the charge full
in the bnatt ; a pailfnll of dark Idood
gushed out, when he fell dead ou the
When the bnll charges, the jnouhr
tries to turn the horse aud receive the
bull upon the point of the lance, but the
impetus is always too great; he bear*
down the lance and upsets the home
and ridel - . These pimanrt* bare some
nasty falls ; I saw one pitched clean
over his horse's head and into the lower
row of spectators.
After the first two or three charges,
the bnll is tired and can't run fast
enongh to endanger the livoa of the men
on foot. But the most awfnl thing of
all is the alaughter-vard where the bulls
are skinned and their meat aokl. aud
the wounded horses deajMtehed. Utile
knowing what awaited me, I made mr
way to this enclosure A poor black
horse who had lasted through two fights
and half a dozen charges, his entrails
hanging down to the ground, his carcass
one nuiss of hlood aud bruises, still stood
up, while a butcher, half naked and red
from head to foot, wa* coolly plunging a
two-foot knife into his breast. After
nq>eated failures an artery was severed,
the blood *{>outed iu torrents, and the
horse fell dead, after an agouv of more
than sn hoar, for he had been first
wounded by the third bnll. The place
was literally afloat with blood : some of
the earcssaea had already lieen hnng on
the walls from iron hooks ; others lay
nix rat so thickly that you could hardly
take a step without tripping over oue."
Thk Pht Goowi IfABKR. —Tlie retail
trade in New York, as well as else when-,
is reported to be moving with greater
activity, and the demand for cousnmje
tion, owing to the lower prices of all
goods compared with last year, is taking
off larger quantities. Domestic goods
are cheap compared with former years,
and consumers buy more freely. Tlie
jobbers are doing a quiet, steady busi
ness. Domestic print*, printed* lawns,
and jicrcales are in demand, and prices
are sternly. The Western trade is very
light; also from the Southwest. Domes
tie cotton goods are rather weak in
price, owing to the decline in the raw
material ; the lower qnalities of brown
cotton are the most Affected by the de
cline. In Foreign goods French ore
scarce and in demand at full prices. The
stocks of German goods are also light
and are selling freely. Silks are active
with light stocks, and Japanese are ad
vanced in price. French slut wis are
scarce and in demand at high prices.
Woolen goods are quiet.
Thk Chixkkk —lt is estimated that
| there are ?>O,OOO Chinese in California,
and that they constitute more than one
twelfth of the entire imputation of that
State. There are some 14,00(1 in San
Frareisroalonp, of whom shout one-sixth
are females. The Chinese population of
Han Francisco represented, at the last
assessment, personal property of the
valne of 81.188,060, ana real estate rai
ned at 974,300. A San Francisco corres
pondent of the Boston Pott, who is
opposed to Chinese Immigration, says
the number of Chinamen brought into
court in that city on criminal actions is
very much less in proportion to pontila
j tion than among other foreign resident a
and Americans, but believes there is
positive evidence that some of them
think it no sin to steal from outside l*r
httriana. The Chinese lalmrers in Cali
fornia usually obtain from six to eight
dollars a week as wages.
San Francisco, a few day* nine**, a home
attached to a light buggy, in which was
an old man, slipped his bridle and ran
away. The spectator* shuddered at the
prospect of the old man's fearful death,
when a Mexican vaquero, dashing ont of
a side street on a fleet mnstang, soon
gained the side of the horse, and, lin
ing from his saddle, he threw one of his
arms around the animal's nerk, and held
fast, both going at full speed. In a
twinkling he hauled the reins from under
the runaway's heels, and, making a
noose, he passed it over the horse's neck,
and then straightened back in his saddle.
The whole establishment was soon
brought to a standstill, and the vaquero,
lighting a cignrita, quietly rode off
' In order to prevent the payment of
money on forged indorsements, or to
the wrong parties, it is the custom in
England to cross a bill or check by draw
ing a pen mark across the face of the pa
per obliquely from left to right This
is a sign universally understood in that
country ; and any draft, check, or other
paper requiring the payment of money,
if lost, is worthless in the hands of ths
tinder, as it is by that oblique line can
celed, unless presented by some one
known personally to the proper parties
to receive payment.
Poor Jack 1 train
-11l a cane in New York Iwfore the
Court-*, the follow in K evidence wan
elicited again*! a alup oapbuu : Five
wit new-en were examined, who tontiAed
that w few iluv after the ahip l*fl Cadiz
for New York, on hrr laid voyage, the
captain liegati Ui übune the men, and
c|>eciallv (wo named Kajmoud fUu ami
Franco Frank. Hau i* n Himniard, ntid
wa* taken on l>-ard at \ aleneia, ami
itndcmtood acarccly a Word of Kngbah.
Ho wan aiok, or feigned uckuom, ami
refmail to work, whereupou tin* uiaater
undertook to make him <lo duty. Tin'
captain gave order*, w Inch ww interpret
ed to Kan, but ho (lid not obey. To
puuih him he win* thou hauled no to
the vnaiu-top-aail nhcet in a bowline, n
Itooae lieum uialii at the eml of the rope,
in which lUu was to Mt. After
lie hud linen draw u up a diata&ur of about
tweuty-flve feet the reel would be let
haute, the luau falling to the deck again.
William FeUn, one of the witue**e*,
teat i tied that ou oue ooeanion when Kau
waa let dowu he fell an hU back and the
Idood ran ont of mme and ear*. The
thoek rendered him s line UM bio, and a
man rwu after vinegar and waU-r, with
whiel. the* brought him to hia MIMH
e;un The aame witucan Mild that after
Kail had refum-d to work he wan ilramsl
np in a roinic ntlit and made to parade
on the deck. Hia be* wm painted, his
Mae blue hia check* black, and hi* eye*
another color. He wore an old tattered
coat, a tall |iaper hat, and nhoea were met
up>a hia ear* to make him look an ridi
rulou.i an poaiablc. ,\ pieoc of cloth wan
then tied to a liand-spike, which he car
ried for a ting. He wan liound to two
fathom* of emuu and wa* mptired to
walk Inu'k and forth aa far M the chain
reached, while the captain *toud off and
laughed heartily. On one occanion Kan
em-aped aud concealed hiuiaelf between
deck*. The captain wn nean-hiug fur
liim a long time, aud when the nailur
waa at lant found, which w.ta W o'clock
at night, he wait battled up again to the
foret|NMul sheet, and kept there till
morning. The witness aaid that Kan
wan covennl with sores, and cried with
|iain. To silence hint he aaa gagged
with an iron bolt.
Among the l anuibalv.
At Wellington. I once aaw a rather
comical tight, allowing how tin' chiefs
ape t iie w bite*. The steamer wa just;
ala Mit HtarUug, when hurrying down the
wharf came a Maori, dreamt a* follows :
—a black frock-coat, black w*mtt>at,
black silk hat, white shirt, and fancy
neck-tic ; in one hand an umbrella and
in the other a new iKtrtmantenu ; but
without |antalooni or boota They
were probably in the jxirtmanteau. All
traveler* carried baggage, ao he thought
he must do it, even if it uaeoasitated the
taking oft of some of his clothing.
The Maori mode of salutation ia some
what peculiar, and eapeeially ao when
the frirnda hare not met for wtnr time.
InsUwd of shaking hands or kixaing. t
they rub their noses together for aereral
raiiiute*, and then, sitting on tlie ground,
sway their bodies to and fro, all the
while shedding tears copiously, and talk
ing moat mournfully in a sing-song tone.
The crving ia not necessarily bccauaa
some relation or fro nd has died, it is
simply a *u*tom of the people.
Tiu'r legin their wnr-danco ly jutn)>-
ing, clapping their hands on their thighs,
and giving utterance to n short, peculiar
now from the throat, like " Hu ' Hu !
They all keep perfect time in this, and
as they continue the motions become
quicker- and more exciting. Boon come
horrible grimaces, rolling the eves until
the white* only can lie seen, thrusting
oat the tongue and yelling ; in their fnry
and excitement they sometimes tea: off
what clothing tfccf may happen to hate
on. and Willi violent gestures and contor
tion* of the laxly they continue until ex
haustion compel* them to desist.- Xrii
ner'i Monthly.
A Vnrr Srwri.it A rn.it ( 'HABLOTTK
Nine slices of bread aid butter, about
six good sized apple*, one tablespoon ful
of minced lemon-peel, two tablespoon tula
of lemon juice, moist sugar to taste.
Hotter a pie-dish : place a layer of bread
and batter, without the crust, at the bot
tom ; then a layer of apples, (sued,
and cut into thin slices ; sprinkle over
these a portion of the lemon-peel anil
juice, ami sweeten with moist sugar,
ilace another layer of bread and batter,
and then one of apples, proceeding in
this manner nntil the dish is full; then
cover it up with the peel of the apples,
to preserve the top from browning or
Imrning ; bake in a brisk oven for rather
more than three-quarters of an hour;
turn the charlotte on a dish, sprinkle
sifted sugar over, and serve.
CAUJMKSIA HAT- —Jittle hay, 00 |N
jmrarivelv is cut in (wiWrnii, and mat
little ia month made of wild gnw-ss or of
tame oat*. Ten years ego the wild oat
covered the hill* along the coast and
furnished excellent material' for hny ;
but now it ha* been thinned out so that
it oecupiea only a small place in the hay
crop. Hay in California is made by
machinery, U-ing cut by a'mow er ; turned
by a horse-rake, mled in cocks by liorse
rmkes, and bales! by a hav presa. A con
siderable portion of the croi> must be
baled for transportation, and the press
is a common article of farm property.
The total hay crop of 1866 was ,I>a,oot)
tons, cut from 896,000 acres. About a
ton and ftftli from an acre. Hanty Clara
| produced 30,000 tons, Contra Costa.
Sacramento, Solano and Sonoma, 20,(KM)
each, and others leas amount.
A PATHOS of a certain NEWSPAPER once
said to the publisher :
"Mr. Printer, how is it you have nev
er called on me for pay for yonr paper?"
"Oh," said the man of types, "we
1 never aak a gentleman for money."
"Indeed,replied the pntmu. "how
do yon manage to get along when they
don't iwy you ? "
" Why,' said the editor, " after a cer
tain time we conclude he is no gentle
man and we ask him."
"Oh—ah—yea- I see. Mr. Editor,
please give mcareecipt," and hand* bim
over aV. " Make my tinma all right on
your books."
A Sxi'KK STOHT. —The lioKton 7ran
mrrijU tells of a skunk tlrnt was caught last
November at Newtonvillc in a trap ; but
which escaped after leaving unmistakable
evidences of its presence, taking the trap
along. It wn* an ordinary steel muskrat
trap, with a spring so nowerfnl a* to
require the use lioth of liands and feet
to set it, and had been tied to a neigh
boring tree root with a strong cord. A
few- days ago the skunk, with the trap
still attached to its leg, was shot in the
town of Peabody, a distan of twenty
1 miles from Newtonville.
OUR CmtUERCE.—The Bureau of Sta
tistics liaa compiled tables of the foreign
trade of the United States during the
year 1870 as compared with former years.
An examination of them shows that over
73 per cent, of our entire foreign trade
in 1869 and over 79pei cent, in 1870 were
carried in foreign Ixittoms ; that the ex
cess in value of imports over exports
was, in 1869,868,602,42*2 ; while last year
it was only 82,214,408 ; and that the
value of foreign commodities remaining in
warehouse Decemlter 34, 1870, was ssf>,-
620,636, as compared with 851,763,412
in 1869.
A white boy asked a young negro wlia'.
he hail such a short nose for? "I
'spects so it won't ix>ke itself into other
people's business.
it * i rvo *
President liar*.
A i<om i |Kiiiili i iit j* of tli# IV imiugo
President : Nothing!* more striking in
President Hues tJian lla* curious obliquity
of UU m slat tactic*. (t externl* (<> tin
W*t thing*. Ho earums for u glu** of
wafer, ami tack* to cross a room. One
story will ]taint th# man We re*i'!ii
Aznn Bay on the 22d of February. A*
we sfeatm-d u] towards tlie acme but
desolate liilla which surround the laii.l
lng-plm**, President lWu came up to
me end said: "It would do me a great
favor if yon would *k t'|iUin l tan pie
to An. a gun to Jtort, to let the jtooph
know we are coming in. They will at
delight to see such u noltle vessel, and I
want them to have th* pleasure." Could
anything he more paternal or prettier f
Ho I c*rnxl the lieuevolent request to
our criuiuuidt-r. " Certainly," said tlie
captain, "i fhe iuaiata on it Hut it ia
now 11:45, and at 12 I fire a salute of
tweutv-ouc guns for Washington's birth
dny. That wi'l be advertisement and
amusement iu one for the people." 1
laughed and gave the information to
liner. He received it with an oddly dis
ss ri*til air, and hesitating a moment
finally said to me: " Ye*, yea, that will
lie very lunutiful. But, you see, if one
gun ia "fired now, flint will" notify mv peo
ple no that tliev can bring my fiorvea
down, and not Keep us waiting on the
lwweb!" 1 explained to tlie captain,
who had l>y this time joined uy the tea
sou of his Kxrelieuey's deep m
the entertainment of the peonle. With
the li<ut glimmer of a auiile die captain
turned to the l*re*ideut and said to him
in French : " Hut tliere are al*>ut iuur
and forty homos on the beach already"—
at the same time handing liia field
gloss. liner took one look through the
glass, saw hi* horwea all on the liench,
and, blandly diamiaaiug "the people"
from hiamiud, went on making hut aides
de-camp prolan 1 for the disemlwrkation !
LATUM SHOE*— The heels of the fash
tollable ladle*' ahoea at the present mo
roent--quarter past three r. n . Auguat
4, 1870—are two incbea high, and at the
biltuai not larger than an old-foohiutied
silver quarter of a dollar, if any body
can remember how large that wo*.
Xced it lie argued that this absurd
fahi<m weakens the ankle, and jams the
b>es into the sharp points of the hoots ?
If • woman were b> walk as much a*
her health require*, wilti thfims tinphyat
. .logical heel*, her feet would soon be
How any of you who desire |o appear
well, to make a fine impression, can con
sent bi crawl shout, poking your chins
out, shotjkler-Mmle* sticking out, and
wiggling yourselves along in that stubby,
stumbling way. amazes me.
Why, girl*, if you were to give one
twentieth jiart a* much time to learning
to walk as yon give to the piano, you
would mid Immensely to your altmctrons.
Iho feru
" IwunTxiKmn. "-The Bootou Tmn
trript my* : A few ilay* since lit all ex
amination of tlie master's riwt at one of
our pulilir schools for bow at tlie South
Kml the lads had been' asked several
qneattoua regarding lsuik discounts, in-
U-reat and notes, which tliey Iml prurapt
lv answered correctly. A member of tlie
school Committee then said : " Y>>u
seem to understand all about lauik dis
oonnt*, interest, not<-o, Are.; now I want
to aak yon the meaning of a hank term
which mar not be down in roar text
I took ft. What is meant by the term
which we read of so often, called " bank
irregulsritios ?" To thi* question one of
the I toy ft imnieduiU lv replied : "If a
poor man wrongfnlly takea a small
amount of anything it is called teabng.
and he is punished ; if a hank officer
steals a very large amount of money, it
is called sii irregularity and he is not
punished-" Waa not the loy right in
ilia answer ?
Horn urn find life unendurable if they
cannot lay wagers. At Binghainpton n
favorite inode <>f winning "the drinks"
is for a sharper to bet with yokel that
he can stand an egg on end " right out
on the floor," and the yokel can't break
it with a half bushel measure. The bet
is taken and the fiend in human shape
puts the egg preeiaely in the corner, and
if you wish to know bow it ia youraelf,
yon would do well to try the tx|enment.
According to the Washington ,S Utr, a man
named Henderson lias accepted a bet of
9500 that he can eat one partridge per
day for thirty days, eating, meantime,
nnvthing else he likes. The difficulty he
will experienee in winning come* from
tlie fact that although a single |<ortmlge
ia delicious eating, vet when one has to
rat it every l*y for any length of time it
liecomew repulsive and nauseating in the
Tnov, N. Y., has a will case that is al
most romsutic enough to I* used as the
lamia of a sensational noveL Two years
ago a well-to-do citizen of the town
died, leaving a large property but no
will in regard to its distribution, although
it waft thought that he had ninde one.
There were several claimants for the
property, and since the gentleman's
death, a snit in partition was begun to
divide the estate, and bos Urn in pro
gress for almost a year and a half. The
otlier day the widow of the deceased sent
s smaU bureau to a turning shop to have
s top put upon it While repairing it
the ivuqienterdiscovered that there was a
false drawer in the bureau to prevent
the accumulation of dirt and dust around
the drosses. In this tvuttom were dis
covered several pai>er*. and among oth
ers the missing will. Tlie suit is to be
withdrawn, and all parties made happy.
PlTTsntun was s little disturbed the
other night by the clangor of great flocks
of wihl (psw on their northward flight
'llie niunliera of birds were immense, and
they seemed to linger bewildered in the
atmosphew. The lights of the various
mills confused them, snd tliey seemed
for hours to wander from one light to an
other. Horn* times their flight was very
low. almost down to the liotisesteps. ami
again tliey rose to great height. Several
shots wen? fired at theni. hut without
flour weigh* one hnndred and ninety-six
pounds, a laurel of pork two hundred
]M)unda, a barrel of rice *ix hundred
pound*, n keg of powder twenty-five
pounds, a ftrkiu of batter flftv-*ix
|H>iind*. Tlie following are sold by
weight per buahel r Wheat, limns. and
clover seed. aixty pounda; corn. rye.
and flaxaccd, fifty-five pound*; buck*
wheat, fifty-two pounds ; barley, forty
eight pounda; coarse Halt, eighty-five
pounda. ____________
A if otitic THIEF—A war somewhat
similar to tliat in Butler County aecmn
to have broken out against horae-thieve*
in Greenwood County, Kansas. The
AJtoona Union ia informitl that a vigi
lance committee aeized eight men known
to have been thieves, shot three, nnd
hanged five by the heels until they were
dead. Three of them turned State'* evi
dence, hut were hanged notwithstand
AN EDITOH'S HAVEN. —"There ia one
city in lowa where the efforts of publish
ers of a daily paper are appreciated and
encouraged. Ottumwa is this goodly
city, and the f barter ia the daily. Its
senior editor is Supervisor of Internal
Revenue ; its next editor ia Postmaster;
it* third man is Assistant Assessor of In
ternal Revenue, and the city editor is
City Clark,"
A Utile Prayer Low W hNperrd Try it t
at no**.
IJltie deeds are wft Ibr greatest,
When hi ÜBIC THE* upward grow ;
Jus! as little streams uf water
Help uld <x au iu its dow.
A little aouru Is the seedling
Of the forest's mighty king ;
Just the same from little whispers
Words thsl end in bailie, spring.
A match * ill Are a palace mansion ;
A spark and thus the dame begin* ;
A ibought unguarde.!, ends ia ruin ;
linage (sod's * ralli |wn our sins.
A glance of ktadusaa like an angel
Home poor wsntTmr back may woo ;
A shrug of acorn has dune a mischief
Thai a lifetime can't undo.
Little clouds, that seetn at morning
lint the theme of poet's verse,
Ere the evening, thundering o'er us
Mysteries of the storm rehearse.
Little frowns make home unhappy,
As the clouds drift o'er Ihe sun ;
Little smiles like sunshine tailing.
Are love's tokens heaven begun.
A little ache neglo-nd, may
Bring death across home's sunny sill;
A little sigh |<cft.-henc* Is burdened
With s grief that yet tuay kill.
A kttlr prayer low whiapHrsd -try It,
Gd thy tsintcst tons wtll hear;
I'rrhepa a holy life begun
May he an answer lo thy prayer.
The Torments of Typography.
A case recently tried in the Hupivme
Court of Now Hamjiahire brought to a
legal bat the popular proverb that
" printer* can r.s.l any thuig. " aud
forcibly illustrated th# cruelty of author*
who indict their staircase wit upon the
the long-suffering compositor.
An eminent lawyer, who had been uu
the bench, prepare<l a digest at the New
Hampshire Repurta, for tha printing of
which be uinw a contract with a firm
acknowledged to lie the best t vy* "graph
m in lite Sub-, who agreed to do the
work for ao much a printed page. It was
distinctly specified that the copy must ba
very good, as the abundance of proper
names, technical terms, abbreviation*,
figure*, etc., would make it impuauble
for the compositor h> produce fair proof
tinlsos the copy were distinet and legible
in every separate word. It waa even
stipulated that the mauuarript must mat
ba in the author's hand, as thsae printers
had had experience with it, aud knew it
to be unusually bad. It waa also told
him. in s letter which was produced in
evidence on trial, that any alterations he
allotild make, after the "tvjie waa set, j
would lie very coatly. Tne copy pre
sented for the first sixteen page* was in
a clerk's band, aud was pronounced sat
isfactory, ami the work of composition
was begun. After that, the copy fur
nished wai jKirtly in the author's own '
hand, partly in tlie clerk's, partly printed
and |trtly written, jasbd t*gctker ia
irregular shajie*. interlined, and edge
written. The printers mmle complaint
to the author, lint kept their compositors
st work on * hatever copy was furnished.
It was in evidence thai the cotnpuaitoni I
luul *| went much time in consultations as
to the probable signification of illegible
tinanogos, and lind even, in a few cases.
Iveen obliged to leave the office and seek
out s lawyer, to rend their copy to them
When the proofs were returned, they
had been freely rnaiked at variatioe with
the copy. New matter waa added hi
many place*, old matter marked out, and
all sorts of ememtotions required. An
accouut wa* kept of tlie time spent in
correcting them- proofs, and a charge was
mmle for it st the usual rate, fifty cents
SII hour. A charge wrni also mmle for
the t'me *j*ut iu deciphering illegible
copy. These changes, which amounted
to several hundml dollars, the author
refuacd to pay. Hence the suit He i
refused also to pav full rates for tlie
;sges that hml but little matter on them,
or b> pay any thing for the blank page
backing the titJe-pnge. A large mass of
tbe copy was brought in as evidence. I
and *ubmitfed to the inspection of judge
and jury. The plaintiff* offered to bring
in a page of the matter in type, with the
marked proof, and havi a compositor go
through the process of correcting it be
fore the jury, that of a single new won!
after the tyjie is set Hut the court
ruled it out. as unnecessary. The main
reliance of the plaintiffs was upoa usage
ami equity. The plea of the defence
was that, if the copy offered was not
such as the contract sjmciicd. tlie remedy
of the plaintiffs was in refusing to accept
it ; that, by it ana workiag
from it, they admitted its fairness. The
jnry gave a verdict for the plaintiflW,
allowing th< propriety of all the charges
in the bill, but reducing the siuonuts
charged for deciphering copy and cor
, recking author's proofs.
tolls a story of a young man named Cono
ver Ainswortli, who belonged to a liand
of jayliawkers during the war, and who
on one occasion burned the hottae of a
farmer, which hnd been used as the
headquarters of a ham) of guerrilla*.
While the house was burning Ainswortli
amused hiiuacif by ridiculing the dis
trosft of a little girl, the daughter of tlie
farmer, preventing the )oor child out of
slioer wantotmas from saving some tri
fling trinkets from the flames. Seven
rear* afterwards, he mot the little girl
then grown tin into s handsome rustic
maiden, and fell deasier*tely in love with
her ; but she recognised him at once as
the nufeeliug man who had mode snort
of her childish suffering, aud repulsed
his unwelcome attentions. For two years
lie persevered in his attempts to gain the
affection* of the Ivautifnl girl without
avail, and at last, in a moment of de-
Sir. committed suicide within sight of
e rains of the farm-honse where he
had first met the object of his iwutsiou.
l,r*KN. which is w> pw a favorite in
temperate climates, is nti objectionable
materia! for dros* on account of it* high
radiating jKiwer*. in O<lT> sequence of
which it feel* eohl and doe* not freely
distribute heat. It i* alao atlraative of
moisture which it retains, and thn* keep*
a damp instead of a dry medium around
the akin. In warm climate* cotton or
thin woollen* are entirely anlmtituted for
linen gnrments, and the only objection
to them ia their rougher surfnee. which
occaaionally irritate* *en*itive akin*.
Notwithstanding this objection, which
habit will overcome, there in 110 other
medium ao fitted for a variable elimate
a* this, ainee it preserve* the warmth of
the IMHIV during great cold, and prevent*
the conduction of ititenae heat.
Srr.AEixo OF a farm near Arquo, in
Han Domingo, a correspondent says "it
is cultivated l>y a curious Frenchman who
hail nestled far up in a side valley.
There in a compass of twenty ucrea was
almost every oidtivatod plant that grows
lx'tween Panama and Canada ; neaa and
bananas, cabbage and oranges, bonus and
plantains, onions and sugar eane, lettuce
and cotton, radishes and yams, corn and
coffee ; while across the fence were mim
osas and oaks, palms and pinea ! The
air was cool—so much so one wonld not
stand in a doorway because a draft would
chill; the breeze was bracing."
The manufacturers of champagne at
Rheiins, Epernav and Chalons estimate
their losses by the war at nine million
Wtiwit and li|artr of the Eye.
Travelers, especially by railroad, are
liable to the lodgment of small particle*
uf .but or cinder inside the (id or upon \'
the front of the eyeball, causing great !
suffering. Tluar should Iw removed aa
aouu aa possible, before the eye becomaa
excessively sensitive, and Wfo a they
give riae'to inflammation. Hometime*
theae foreign bodiea are to la* seen, on
clum' inspection, lodged in the front of
the cottier*, where they ar* not felt wbau i
the eytsa ia open, though ovary movent nt
of the lid over tin in i-anaea much pain..
If not Arm!j imbedded tbey may bo re
moved by mean* of a bit of wooo, aay a,
toothpick, sharpened to a flat point, at
even by a camera liair bruah ; bat when
forcitilV implanted they are sometime*
ao flrm\v hetal in place that their extrac
tion require* a skillful band. When
tixr.l in the centre of the cornea, with
the dark* pnpil aa background, tbey ara ;
frequently overlooked at a And iuspro j
turn. If the foreign body ia not found
in this aituation, it will be discovered, iu j
nine ease* ont of ten. iuaide the npper
eyelid, and generally at about the centre
of the Ud near ita bonier. Thu* placed.
I it scratch* a the cornea at aach motion of
the lid or eyehall, and cauaaa great irri
tation. Such particle* our# slightly ira
I tedded 111 the membrane lining the lid j
may remain there a long tima before be- j
tug expelled bv natural efforts.
If the eyelida are eloard for a few min
utaa, soon aftar the entrance of the for
eign body, an aa to allow the tear* to ac
cumulate, and the akin at the centre
of the upper lid la then taken bold
of with the thumb aud Anger and
drawn forward ao aa to lift the lid from '
the eyeball, the intruding particle i '
often watched a war with the outflow of
If relief ia not obtained after two or;
three trials of thia plan, and no phyaician
ia at hand, it will lie beat to ask a travel-'
tug companion to turn the lid and re
move the offending substance But if
thia ahould lm a grain of light rotated '
dust or aand good even or eye gtomea
will be needed to detect It.
The upper eyelid may be easily turned
by taking hold of the ryelaabe and edge
of the lid with the thumb and linger of
the left hand and drawing the lid out
ward and inward, while at the name time
a small pencil, a knitting-needle, or some
similar thing, held in the right hand ia
pi arc I against the centre of the lid, preaa
mg it backward and downward* towarda
the eyebalL The person should look
down* as thia grmtly facilitates the ever
sion of the lid which may he easily ac
complished if theae directions are fol
lowed. The cinder or dust may then be
wiped off with a handkerchief or the An
Mm.* thly worn bit* of shell from the
lw*ch arr notneUmes inserted as "eye
stonea," the popular idea being that they
pursue the foreign body and bring it out, i
ri H itrmit. But thrive generally only
add to the sufferer's discomfort; and ia
the few instances where their introduc
tion ia followed, after more or leas delay,
hv the escape of tle uriginal bulk to aep
arat- the eyelid from close contact with
the globe, and thus allow 'he aand or
cinder to be washed from it* position by j
the abundant team. Much harm ia often
done by their prcwence, the remedy prov
ing even worse than the disease.
Grains of powder are frequently driv
en into the eye by premature expkaoona,
Ac. If near the centre of the cornea and
of some aire, they should ba carefully
picked out, as far aa may be, aoon after
the accident. But small parlicbw may
remain even in the cornea, without do- j
ing harm ; and if they haw been some
time in the eye, they become iu corpora
led in the surrounding tissue*, ami ahould
not be disturbed nnle** thev cause con
spicuous deformity.
Burns or injwnea from ackls or other
chemical substance*. or freeving of the
cornea during exposure to intense cokl.
are usually followed by dangerous ulcer
i :vtion or even by complete lots of vitality
in thr cornea. Hnch case* should never
be neglected. *
A Fnnaj Cemmcrrlal Tran-ac'lau.
An old fellow living at Frankfort-on
the Maiue, sent to a correspondent at
K rank fort-on-the-Oder. a large consign
ment of cotton stockings, and at the
wune time, to another correspondent at
, the same place an equally large consign
ment of cnttoti uigut-cap*. the product
of hi* own manufacture. He wrote to
each the price they were to seD, but the 1
mim designated was found to le too
large, of which fact tbey took the liberty
to inform him. He yielded a little ia
hi* demand*, but still there waa no offer
for his fabric*. Again be writaa in reply
to other letters of his correspondent
naming a still smaller amount ; but weeks
elapsed, and vet no sale*. At length he
writes to each correspondent to make
some disposition of his manufactures ; if
tliey can t get money far them, no mat
ter* at what reasonable aicritkw.. to
exchange them immi diately for aay
other good*. Under theae instructions,
the stocking factor call* on the night cap
agent, both unknown to each other in
i connection with tlieir principal, and
' 'names his views," he wishes to exchange
a lot of superior stocking* for some other
goods— he is not jwrticnlar what kind aa
the transaction is for a friend, who ia
desirous "of cloning out his stock"
The man at first could think of nothing
which he would like to exchange for *o
large a supply of stocking*, luit at length
a bright thought atrikea him. ''l have."
mid he," a consignment of ixdtou night
' j cap* from an old correspondent, which I
shall not object to exchange for your
1 stocking*." The bargain waa aoon closed.
The shaking factor wrote luick al once,
that he at length Iteen enable to comply
with the instruction* of liia principal.
He had exchanged his stocking* for " a
superior article of night-cajw," iu au
equal quantity, which be was assured
were likely to lie much in demand before
a great while. The next .lav came a
letter from the night cap agent, announc
ing hia success, ami appended to the
letter was a hig hill for commissions !
As Yellow Plush would say, "Fanxythat
geutleman'a feeliuka "
Thev have a grand war of doing things
out West which i# positively deliOoos.
i A aaw-mill owner in Indiana celebrated
hia wooden wedding the other day, and
the sine of the present* received by him
is somewhat noticeable. Hia workmen
presented him with 10.000 feet of lumber,
Ntid a neighboreontributad thirteen large
poplar logs. It would hardly 1* possi
ble for him to ask more.
Fn una Forwn Hvturr. -The jury in
the Fh nsoaae at Albany. N. Y., brought
in a verdict of guilty. The counsel for
the prisoner moved for a suspension ol
sentence. The Court then sentenced
the prisoner to twenty years in Clinton
Prison, Wing the full extent of the law.
The prisoner Wtrayed no emotion when
the Court pronounced the sentence upon
A Canada journal mention* the death,
at Three Kivers, of the wealthiest resi
dent of the town, and afterward adds
that he left an estate variously estimated
nt from to SSOO. Either Three
River* is a very poor place, or ita prin
ters are very incorrect in setting figures.
A mketinu waa held in Cincinnati to
take iuitial steps in the organization of a
new politioal party on the baais of civil
service reform and free-trade. There
were twenty persons present, all idets-'
fled with the Republican parly.
TERMS; Two Dollar* * Va*r, in Adduce
The < wissnu, for the foundation of the
mam pter of the Brooklyn Bruto*. Bfn
the New York side, has approached com
pletion. A reporter vited the vard ■.)
received information 12 regard to Die
progress made. The f aimou, at present,
ha* the wxwtuw of an iraiuenae for- j
matron of wood, ITJ feet ia length bjr 103
f.*. t in width, and Una tnaKaad to the
water aide upon sevan waya, whioh will 1
serve to nut it down into the suet liwf
when the day of the teuncb arrives. It
liaa the usual air tight chamber*, and
apartments for the workmen to labor in, j
txMuriea an apparatus fur mpplying tftem ;
witli air and the meant of ingress and ,
exit The find of May ia the intended
daT of the launch, and ahonkd it prow j
equal in interest to that which took j
place at (irrwapoiat let year it wiß ha
well iWmnf( of the ntaantion of eight* j
•won. But the ptenent Ceiaum ia eon* i
atdeiably larger to ita geneaal dimea
aiona, and hanhr than the pewrwdiug
• ine, and when planed ia the water trill
Ite the craft of greateei tonnage era*
launehed in America, ita weight exceed* *
ing conwderably 3,000 tons. The laet
Caisson wrtgberf 3 800 tons.
The point* of diflrwci*# betwoeu the
two aw ae followa : The preaent dlto ,
law will be lined throughout with a
atraug iron lining, end the air lock* ana
constructed differently, boiag more cape
ciotw and convenient.
The water abaft* are round iustead of
Miiiare. There will ba four supply
dtafU instead of two, and it arillhe fitted
up with immerona pipea 4 inches hi
diameter, providing water and pnmjnng
! out sand. Altogether the work will be
of a stronger character, the bractng and!
'■ corner irone will be more Bnaumn; it |
m riprokd that there will tie at leant
twior ea many, It ia calculated to launch j
about six .-J i.< * higher than the other,
after which it will be floated down into
it* final destination near Pier S3, and
occupy a portion of Houtb slip at ttooee. t
veh street ferry. After nettling down i
there the Hnhbm end shafts wi2 be
filled with lonawto materiel to a gnat
Height and wiß be made eapseintiy
strong and solid. The foundations npoa
(he intended site an* understood to be of
a much more workable nature than the
iMMildcrs which aw encountered upon
Um* Brouldyn aide. No operations hare
yet been commenced with this slew upon
the Roosevelt locality, as arraal of the i
tenants hare unexpired leases still run- (
ning. -
# A lab In Parts.
A fresh outbreak occurred at an early .
iiur. says a correspondent, among the
groups of excited people who were gath
ered in coneeqnenoe of the proclametxou
: of the insurgent government. A mem
ber of the National Guard insulted a
gentleman. who struck the guardsman ia
the none and he shed the find blood for i
his country. The different group* were,
constantly changing and the excitement
continued to increase, until pieaaiitJ* the
National Guard ftrsd into toe Plane Yen-j
doom, killing five and wounding many. ,
On the temlevarda the insurgent* and
troops were drawn up. The mob threat- *
.wed the latter, who www then ordered
to Are, and prepared to do so, sbau the
crowds skedinhtled, dodging ererywhsm ,
IV shops were all closed, and the men
hid behind the Mosque*, in doorway*. 4
Aa, but presently they returned. limn- (
while emit autiM assembled on the bool-
I'tinl ui front of the new Opera BOOH,
in opposition to the Outre! Comiuitlre, !
several thousands in number. A Bne rf .
troops nt drawn arrow the end of the ;
line da U Pais. It n a Njpi ■' I"
crowd. They were carrying a Iwaarv
incribed "tfumiues d'Ordie." A* they
moved down the Roe de La Paix, a move
ment WM l>*erved among the National
Guard* in the Place Vendome. The
tnw tried to keep Wk the people. but 5
could not. When the crowd waa with-,
in ton rani* of the aoldws—o *4*** /
lalio* *rml into it, k*Min§ md wommdmff
.Irye nwntora. -1 gtnind we-1
ew,*iW. TTfce balhttum ammtmcrnJ fair
ing into the cnavd w they ran, Unng j
rnanv of them, aome aa tor aa a utile oft
One old man 60 yean of age, hale and
hearte. and who aura a decoration, waa '
nhot through the head. Another man,
who waa himself a aoldier, waa kiilad.
tjoir to ibe Nitwoil Quank Dreadful '
excitement prevail*. At the latest mo
raeut a proclamation wm placarded. sign
cd by the Pari* deputies, calling tor van
-1 grace for Ala tremendous outrage.
The Kan Bowlegs t^rertteu.
Senator Somner * reaohitiaa* again*!
the Kan Domingo movement conclude a*'
follow* •
ftafnd That in any pMcedinpfw
the acquisition of J*rt pf the laklad of
Han Doiuingo, whatever may be tta temp
tation* of auil, climate and production*,
there muat be no exerciae of influence by
~ superior faro., nor any violation of
public law. whether international or can- <
siitutioual; and therefore the prwnt]
proceedings, which have been eonduc
ted at great coat of money, and under ;
the constant shadow of superior fares, j
[ and through the belligerent intervention ,
. of our navy, acting in violation of inter- I
, national law, and initiating war without.
, the authority of an art of Congress, _
must be abandoned, to the end that jus
tire may be maintained, and that pro
, reeling* so hostile to correct principle*
may not become n examjde for the fn-1
■ tore.
/fcWre4 That instead of awaking to j
acquire put of the lalaad of San Do
. mingo by belligerent intervention with
out the authority of an act of Congress,
i it wonid have been in Wtter accord with
, the principles of our Republic, and ita
mission of peace ami beneficence, had
, our (Government in the spirit of good
, neighbors ami by friendly action, instead
I of belligerent intervention, striven for
, the estabUahmcmt of a tranquility
throughout the whole island, so that the
internal diaaentiooa cd Dominica and it*
. disturbed relations with Hayti might be
i brought to a close, thus obtaining that
security which i* the first condition of
prosperity, all of which being in the na
ture of good ofllccs, would have been
without any violation of international
law, without any usurpation of war pow
er* under the Constitution of the United
State*. 2
A FAMTLT OF OSWBOO, on the enat aide,
■ consisting of five persons. were taken
suddenly and aeverely ill, the symptoms
being similar to thoae experience.! from
the action of aome violent poison.
The physician who waa called pronounced
their illness the eflects of jpoiaon from
moonstruck fi— He explained that fish
. arc thns rendered a dangerous article of
I food by being exposed to the light of the
full moon while dying, and he had noted
| numerous eases of illness with precisely
similar symptoms, originating from that
cause, in Scotland and some other coun
tries. The illness produced, though
i rarely fatal, is very severe,and it* effects
continue for some days. The common
aymptoms are headache, nausea, with se
vere and exhaustive retching, heat in the
i face and head, and a sensation as of the
L head and face swelling greatly, and not
i nnfrsquently attended with delirium.
Persons who have any desire to experience
the effects of this singular illness, can
gratify their cariosity by simply exposing
, fre-hly-caught fish of any species to the
i j rays of the moon for a short time, and
[ | the indulging of their appetites thereon.
A THXKX men have been killed in Illinois
l by the falling in of an embankment
As April Vlnlet*
i Only so AprD ***
' ■:ii' llj ri r n; in
Fact* aal Fiuctas.
A railroad with a three-foot gauge ia
in operation between Akron and MasaU
[ lion. Ohio.
peurf and netnPfcaadMl fcto of white
lace are the wmd tbtefl to tins opus
or concert •
TV growing wheat diroogbout Virgin
ia in lookiag finely, and there la prmmaa
<d a floe yield. w
m torn dollars f
Two white mts were caught in fiteffl
near Boyertown, Berks CtosmtyvPla., *
| torn*" -
' whose age is twefve years and Ml ffMffMW v
The husband is forty W %
t At Cbsymtae, when f am women ware
on the jury. two men were found guilty,
and aentoneed to he bung.
, TV bridal dress of the Prineeaa Ixwto*
w to lie of white IriA peplia, 'with 'fell
triiuming of Honikm wee.
Nate far the heir, made of builbon
thread, ate jtwt mtaodiwed. and arc eery
becoming to golden haired blondes.
rtns N. T., ia making grant prepar
nttent for tv Htete (Vmventtoti of
sportsman to he VU there in My.
i Photograph albums mounted on high
gilt standards aw mm an eeemißalonm
m*Bt far a faatucmabk drawiag-rooin.
Bound-toed horde and ahoes wtein
their poptdaritv from the fact Bint they
r c Wortlbie in fit and own in rtyte
f TV Vital number of bogs peeked in
Oinctnxuto this m reported in tte-
Prier Cwrrei. U **,*, against 47,-
QOOlaet year.
TV bleat ladies' u|s 'hate imaa, he*,
iwraenl. muff, glowaa nod boots all made
to the same aknde and taatoriaL They
.see very alsgant.
An lowa bog killed horac a few
nights ago, catching Mm by Ac ham,
bringing Mm to the floor, and tearing
, him with his teeth.
All tV Americana who we invited to
the hall at Brussels last month, wesfvwd
'laiikmnah for IV aseoud also Thiew
no aawdl compliment.
T r fp ff toto lonsidrmtinn IV number
of women, and skk, or non-*<Aig
found to every comanmlty. eue voter to
five inhabitenta Is • liberal estimate.
Mrs. Martha Canwe.uho was engaged
in IV gnVdVneUrnbhery.hswbeen
j aamhlledou tV gwmnds thai sV ateed
t under tV directtou of her husband.
A marriage is said to V amngad be
tween MrYernou Hsreourt, M. P., sod
i Mrs. Ives, eldest Aawghter of Mr M Aley,
the tote Ameriean Minister to I*don.
Mr. Martto, of Fort Wavne. has just
married his eighth wife, having Veu.
divorced from erven. Be iaye V
most tinrd to trying to grt a good wife.
In tV teceat billiard match Vtween
Dion and ButtebV. to Ssn Franowo.
the farmer beat tVlrtter on theMtb
inning', adoring I,€of> againrt
A Apringfiehl, 131, girt eoM Vr lover
' to another girt for a Wk silk drma, and
ao maaagsd awtVvathat the couple were
■mwmA withis a month after the bargin
was made.
| It is estimated Am* K>,o( petaoos
live on tV Menimac Biver. and to n
gwnt extent arv dependant apon tt for
motive power for their factories and
* -V —A. '
| A FiwncMnan is content with onaHuxth
of a fmand of animal food per day, an
. Kmirf" 1 ""'*" oonaumea not tern than half
abound, and an Amrrkwn demands team
half apoundtoaponnd.
A census taker out West reports eight
thousand ooteaete to his district "Them
used to be moa* in that part of tV
country/' V mjs * L,r r mm '
her of them h*w been l*Vd to gun-
V ? . * : .
NO. 14.
Aa ladienapoli* grartlraoon'a Aim toe
drawee is breed on the ground that when
he married, four weeks ago, h* wrfes
hair was black : but now it i red enough
to entitle her to the front rank a
torchlight praMaioß.
••What is the annual eon reap cd
Kentucky T asked a foreign tourist of a
traveling Keutnektan.
SOT." replied the Kewtawtaw; "but I
toon its enough to make sh
we want bssades what wonted for
The PotA Jonrt says that the racra
fieeef borae property daring ti
Paris ww terribly revere upon it* owu
era All bones in private hands were
taken without distinction ra they were
wanted. A splendid English stallion
ortb fIAOOO brought its owners about
, Fighting, say* the London Saturday
Brunr, i* an earlier invention than
either ambulance or surgeons, and it is a
rations qnasteou wbrtbre. a*vihrion
hw advanced, men have not lost *onsc
thina in the natural power of recovering
from wounds, white appliance* to rewt
rtooTfrr biwbwo impfotwi
The Oerona ship Robert Riekmcra
having been wld. t te fena
fide to English rahterts, retted horn
Shanghai on January & under
lish papers, flag, H-. but ww captured
soon Stonwrds, outanU the port in nen
held w a pnse against the protest oi un
Engbsh eoosnL
The dreasre of the Wintre in
Washingt m have been sported by Mrs.
John Monrisaev and Mm. Fernancto
Wood. Mm. Morrtesey wore a black
j thread lace drew, over a heavy white
moire, with aolitaire diamond* only Jor
ornament, at ti*>OoKa*n ball Mrs.
; Mortterey hw new* been seen in general
| sootety in Waahington.
j AUhongb it ww core customary to
i call every high peak of theJKocky Moan
, tminm 18,000 feet in altitude, but one
shows 15.000 feet on mesimre
imenk There are many of 14,000 feet.
It is somewhat remarkable how rcirilarty
this height is preserved. So
ured. there are twenty peaks above■ M.OHO
and ton about 14.000 fret above the sen
There is said to be a baron, scion of
one of the oWent families of Germany,
working in one of the Nashville manu
factories. However, the Banner, which
famishes the story, makes him of an
anon vinous family, marries him to on
anonymous girl, daughter of an anony
mous Chicago banker, and gets its infor
mation of this anonymous nobleman
from an anonymous friend who knew
him in an anonymous district of his
Mr. Joseph Warren, of Deostur,
Mich., purchased 170 acres erf it, paying
f 1,900 down, and giving a mortgage for
w much more, which the swindler came
near disposing of to a banker in Kalsma
! TSSS, AlfcgMJ Count, w
1 victimized for a portion of the whole ot
; the other quarter section—these parties
1 having been cutting the timber this win
i tor and he*?b ,r 'ff it to the saw-mill in De
. oatur. It is stated that Warner has taken
measure* to stop a legal transfer of the
outstanding mortgage. It is also rumor
' ed that Barton has been arrested in •
' Chicago.
[ Some time ago a cargo of tobacco was \
shipped from Baltimore to Europe, and y.
- bonds were given in double the amount
' of the tax to show that the goods were
1 1 actually intended for export. The vessel
1 ww wrecked and the goods went to the
bottom of the sea. The revenue officers
demanded payment of the tax on the
! goods named in the export in voire. The
shipper refused to pay and carried the
case to court. The court decided that
the law requires the production of a oer
-1 tificate of tending in a foreign country
before cancellation of the indemnity bond.
' It ww evident that no one at the bottom
of the ocean had power to give such a
certificate ; the shipper failed to produce
one, and judgment wasgranted in favor
of the government The shipper wa*
' actually obliged to pay tax on good* Sort
at sea. //