Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, March 31, 1871, Image 4

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    There WM I Time,
Thftr* waa a time when Low'* reran* flower,
®S*tt*rM around no ftwgrxrt a perfume I
There '•wan"* * time when Love's young flower,
80 gewtlv nodded B the golden sunlight flood
bit the casement of my lonely room.
.****'' W"'<h Ntter tears and sighing,
Helpless 1 watch it thro' the livelong day.
There ,€ was" a time—.though "now," all proa
trate Ivtng.
Scentless and anapp'd. I sec it fade away!
In vain I strive to still the crushing fooling
* , <low ® ro T overwhelmmg grief.
In "vain" I strive to "still" the crushing feeling,
Nmsomely through my tortured boaoni stealing:
No beauteous hloaaom brings my heart relief,
rj?* *° bright * P>wn 1 No "other" flower
lust spot before my window shall contain.
Where tender Love ihw bleeding, and no power
Can raise it up, or bring "that time" again !
There was a time when Love's Tonus hhweom,
Soatioi'd around so flagrant a perfume:
There "was" a time when Love's voung Wos
om, breaking,
Omdden d mine eye, wchfn my heart awaking
Thought* and emotions t may ne'er resume.
Gone ia that time 1 With bitter sighs and weep-
Helpie** i watch it through the Uve-loug day,
And dream of hours—hut "now" that flowV i*
Scentless MM snapp il, I *ee it fade sway.
(.hiAAi ws V. M xcKtxr.
Farm, harden and Household.
—Put a few drops of spirits of niUe 111
a tesapaonful of water, touch the spot
with a feather dipped in the mixture,
and, on the iak disappearing, rub it over
immediately with a rag wetted in cold
water, or there wrill be a white mark,
which trill not lie easily effaced.
To GET TICKS Orr or SHEET. —AT this
aaason of the year common mercurial
ointmcut, mixcvl with seven jvirts of
lanl, is an effectual rem rely. It is rubbed
on the skin in furrows made by the own
ing of the wool, and should be most free
lr applie-1 to the ports which ate esjieci
ally frequente,! by iuwets—the neck and
bnsket. Half an ounce of it may be
safelv use-l u{>on an ordinary sized M"
rino lamb, having ordinary access to shel
ter in any but exceedingly temfiestuiius
or changeable weather ; and this would
be more than sufficient for the purpiwe.
A CM UP HOT-BED. —As many of vbur
readers have no regular hot-bed. I "pro
pose to {five thorn here a dnm simple
and effectual plan—one within the reach
of everybody, (let a common, Largedry
goods box,—as large as you like, or seve
ral of them if TOU need so many. Fill
it with freah, dry stable manure, and
water it gently as von put it in. When
the box is two-thirds full, put on about
two or three inches of rich, fine soil, and
now your seed ; then put a common a iu
dow sash—or make one to fit—over it,
and put the box in a sunny spot, shel
tered from the north and west winds.
Water occasionally, and give air on hot
days. Yon will thus have plenty of fine
plants a* small cost Even a common
barrel wdl answer a pretty good pur
pose.—R tml _Vtr Yorkvr.
How TO MANAGE Spurs a Pros. —In
answer to this question, put by one of
its contributors, the American Agricul
turist has the following : It depends on
the breed, the food at command, he
conveniences for feeding, the probable
price for pork next fall, and the price a
year hence. We should premise, how
ever, that in any case the pigs should
have all they will eat of some kind of
food. The only difference to be made
between growing pigs and fattening is
in the character of the food. A fatten
ing pig requires rich, concentrated food;
a gtowing pig a more bulky ami less
nutritious food ; but iu either cases, the
Pt, to do well, must have all it will eat.
you have a -mull boned, well hred pig,
such as a grade Essex or Berkshire or
Suffolk, we think it would lie far more
profitable as a rale to fatten spring pigs
than to winter them over. Let them
have the run of a clover p isture, all the
milk and slop from the house, and all
the corn and other grain in water twenty
four hours before feeding. If well bml,
such' treatment should give you pigs
that will dress 300 pounds bv the first of
December. On the otuer hand, if you
have a course, large-loned breed of pigs,
the better plan will be to winter them
over. In this ease, give them the ran
of a good clover pasture, plenty of water,
what waste from the house you have to
spare, and a little'grain to keep them
growing as rapidly as possible.
—A correspondent of the Emgtisk Mt
chanic thus describes the method of pol
ishing linen surfaces adopted at the laun
dries : —Put a little common wax in your
starch, say two ounces to the pound;
then if you use Glenfield or some other
thin patent starch, be sure you use it
warm, otherwise the wax will get hard
and gritty, and spot your linen, giving it
the appearance of being stained with
grease ; starch the fronts and wristbands
as stiff as you can. I always starch
twice, that is, starch, dry, then starch
again. Iron your shirt with a box-iron
in the usual way. making the linen nice
and firm, but without any attempt to
make good finish ; don't lift the plaits ;
your shirt is now ready for polishing,
hut yon ought to have a board same sire
as a common shirt board, made of hard
wood, and covered with only one ply of
plain cotton cloth. Put tliia board into
the breast of your shirt, damp the front
very lightly with a wet sponge, then take
a polishing iron, which is fiat and level
led a little at one end—polish gently
with the levelled part, care not to
drive the linen up into wtvelike blisters;
of course this requires a little practice,
but if you are careful and persevere, in a
short time von will be enabled to give it
that enamel-like finish which seems to be
so much wanted. To dress collars.—
For this purpose use best Irish starch,
21b. 4oz. wax, 6t pints water; first dis
solve the wax in boiling water, put it in
a goblet and allow it to stand for five
minutes; during this time dissolve the
starch in the smallest possible quantity
of cold water, then pour it gradually into
the goblet, and l>oil for twenty-five min
utes, keep stirring all the time; this
starch can be used quite cold. Rub it
well into the collars, wring as tight as
you can, finish by wringing in a cloth,
thus you will have them stiff without
being hard, and when well dressed will
have that beautiful elastic finish so much
admired in new collars.
A Secret Poison.
According to the Medical I'rest and
Circular of London, a new "secret poi
son'] has been discovered across the At
lantic. Its deadly character may be in
ferred from the statement that: "By its
inhalation simply through the meuium
of a letter sent by post in the ordinary
way, the reader will suddenly dropdown
dead, with all the symptoms of as
phyxia." An English journalist, com
menting upon this statement, remarks
that the same subtle poison appears to
be in use in Canada, and adds : " The
following clipping from a Canadian paper
on the death of a person of note, looks
very ugly :' He received an anonymous
letter, and, while reading it, he fell down
insensible, and shortly after expired. It
is said the letter contained some poison
ous substance.'" We suspect that thi
clipping is from some sensational story
paper, the pages of which always abound
in these startling effects. Hydrocyanic
acid, better known as Prussic acid, is
the only known poison whjch acts with
sncli deadly activity as this, and it is not
easily obtained of the requisite strength
except by chemists. Suicides use it oc
casionally. as it does not distort the
limbs or features, and it leaves no telltale
smell behind it except a faint scent of al
* A SAD CASE. —One of the saddest cases
of suicide lately put on rectrd took
place in Illinois the other day. A young
girl, only fifteen years of age, took a
dose of arsenic, and, despite the efforts
of the physician, who was called in, died
shortly afterwards. The cause of the
deed was attributed to the unkindness
and ill treatment she had received at
home. *
nia cattle raiser has been lately trying
the experiment of training coyotes or
prairie wolves as shepherd dogs, bat
does not consider his experiment entirely
successful, as the sheep are generally
killed before the. training has been com
pleted. He has,' however, strong hopes
of succeeding in his object in time.
Sews Summary.
JAMAICA'a sugar crop is put down at
40,000 hog heads.
WEST POINT cadets receive SSOO a year
and one ration n day.
THK value of the peanut crop of this
t country is estimated at ffcl.'JftO.ikiO
THK lately released Fenian prisoners
propose to form a new Irish i oufedar
SINCE the war Alabama bis built 396
miles of railway, Georgia 331, Texas 133,
and Florida 44.
Knurr lives have lieeu lost by the
wreck of a steam launch; UJHIU the coast
of the Island of Jersey.
THK excitement of getting married
threw an Indiana young lady into con
vulsions, and she died.
THE country along the Platte and be
tween that river and the Republican is
reported full of hostile Indians.
FoRTY-nmo horses were burned to
death in a fire at the Grand Street Rail
road Company's .-tables in Hrooklyn.
Ox the average throughout the year,
one railroad train per minute leaves
London. That would lie 535.300 trains
a year.
A BOAT, in which were four French
men, was swept over Salmon Falls, near
llussels, Mass. All of the meu were
drown ed.
Dntnra the Hawaiian earthquake
rooks were hurhsl from the mouutaiu
cliffs. and the valleys there rendered uti
uncultivaUble for the precent.
JOHN W. JOHNSON Detu,h of Virginia,
aud PoweU CUy (Kad ), of Arkansas,
arc elected to the United States Senate
by the Legislature of their respective
THE Havana Dftrto regrets that Span
ish pacification has not proceeded far
enough to warrant an election iu t'ulsx.
or permit the sending of Outran deputies
to the Corb*.
Tux Superintendent of tlie Censu* bos
MFLL the mauusenpt of the tables for
eighteen States, which are to be included
in the first volume of the census reports,
to the printer.
THK German papers say Uiat the posi
tion of the German armies daring the
next phase of the occupation of France,
will le an uniutermjied line from the
lower Seine to Dijon.
GRANT has fixed on the fir .t
of May for a tnp to the IHicifie Coast, to
be gone witli his family aWnt six weeks.
He will then return and go to Long
Branch for the summer.
THE North German G,a*ri!r (official >
says, editorially, that unless France pro
tects peaceful Germans, returning to
their avocations and residences in that
country, reprisal must be made by the
THE Mobile Guards sent to Algeria to
suppress the insurrection there, have
been disarmed by the native*, who are
masters of tin situation. A regiment of
Zouaves has left Paris to re-establish
order there.
ON her lost trip the steamship Europa
shipped a heavy sea, whieli earned
overboard the starboard side of the
bridge, ou which were t'apt. McDouald,
Mr. Da vies, First Officer, and Mr.
Waller, Third Officer, all of whom were
ACCORDING to accounts recently pub
lished, the eight lines of European and
American steampsliip companies own 106
vessels, which during the past year made
665 round trips, and conveyed 302,1-18
passengers, and nearly 1,700,000 tons of
LOOK out for paper collar* that have
been prepared with a preparation having
arsenic for one of it* ingredient*. The
perspiration of the neck causes the same
to lie absorbed iuto the system. Several
severe cases of poisoning by this means
were discovered last summer.
TELEGRAMS from the Lake ports indi
cate the early opening of navigation.
The rivers and harbors are free of ice.
Lakes Erie and Huron art- open. The
Welland Canal is expected to be open
by the 11th of April Steamers are
running regularly on the St. Clair river.
THE old oonrt-hoiuie and jail at De
pere. Wis., was burned last week. Two
voung men named William Howard and
Buddy, who had leen locked np the
mght before for drunkenness ami dis
orderly conduct, perished in the flame*.
It is supposed that the jail was set on
fire by Buckly, one of the prisoners.
THE ORRRAOES which have latelv been
committed upon foreigners in Mexico
an- doubtless the consequences of the
political excitement prevalent tbeie.
The idea prevails that American officials
and citizens resident in Mexico are ac
tive iu the interests of the Jtir&z party,
anil some of these have suffered in com
mon with other foreigners.
A Milwaukee man, crazy with drink,
reeled into the house while the funeral
services over the dead liody of his child
were being performed, drove the mourn
ers from tlie room, and seizing the
candles burning at the coffin tlirew them
into the stove. Then he dragged the
body out of the coffin, and catchiDg it
by the feet, was upon the point of hurl
ing it through the window, when
neighbors hurried in and overpowered
him. ,
Two San Francisco lawyers quarreled
the other day over the division of a fee
for freeing a man from the clutches of
the law, and one of them subsequently
meeting the other in the street, struck
him iu the fare with his glove and then
throwing it at his feet, stalked to his
office and waited for a challenge to mor
tal combat. A news-boy picked up the
glove and returned it, and now the law
yer wants to know if the code demands
that he should fight him instead of the
other lawyer.
The Annual U. S, Taxes.
Under the Act of March 2, 1867, all
annual taxes are to lie ames>ed in the
; month of March, each year and Assis
tant Assessors are required to complete
: their assessments and place the same in
the hands of the Assessor on or hefore
the last day of that month. The Asses
sor is then allowed time to hear appeals
I and complaints, hot the complete list
! must be placed in the hands of the
j Collector for collection on or liefore the
30th day of April. During the month
of May the taxes, including those on in
comes, must be paid. The Commi*siont>r
at Internal Itevenue has recently sent out
seventeen tons of blanks. Jt is made
| the duty of anv person of lawful age
whose income <funng the year preced-
I ing 1870 exceeded 82,000 to make and
| render a return on o r liefore the day
1 designated by law to the Assistant Asses
sor of the district in which he resides of
the gross amount of his income, gains,
and profits, and of every guardian and
trustee, executor or wdmiuistrator, and
any person acting in any other juduciary
capacity, or as resident agent or copart
ner of any non-resident alien deriving
an income, gains, and profits from any
business, trade, or profession carried on
in the United States, or from rents or
real estate situated therein, to make and
render a return to the Assistant Asses
sor of the district in which he resides of
the amount of income, gains, and profits
of any minor or person for whom he acts.
ARAB WIDOWS. —When an Arab woman
intends marrying again after the death
of her husband, she goes the night be
fore the ceremony to pay a visit to his
grave. There she kneels and prays him
not to be offended, not to be jealous. As,
however, she feels he will be offended or
jealous, the widow brings with her a
donkey laden with two goats' skins of
water. The prayer ended, she proceeds
to pour the water upon the grave to keep
the first husband cool under the irritat
ing circumstances about to take place,
and having well saturated him she then
| House, the bill introduced by Mr. Beck,
of Kentucky, for the removal of all po
litical disabilities was taken up, togetner
with the amendment of Mr. Poland, of
Vermont, excluding certain classes of
persons from its benefits. Among those
who rigorously opposed the bill was Mr.
Elliott, a colored member from South
Carolina. It was favored by Mr. Poland,
Mr. Piatt of Virginia, and others. The
amendment was agreed to by a vote of
122 to 57, but the bill was lost by 120 in
its favor to 82 against it, two-thirds be
ing necessary for its passage.
A rM> of CfraiMtUatlal Evidence.
In 1837 a quarrel took plao* on the
steamer '• Glebe," than lying in th* har
bor of Mackinaw, in watch on* of the
owners of the I mat named Robinson,
wtw ao Irntllv vonniloi w to <Uo in fx*
hour*. The nuidxrark jaw having leon
broken lv a kick from lux victim, he waa
permitted to go to a surgeon ami have it
dmaid, ami afterward to go at largo.
When his arrest wa* finally ordered, and
a reward of aix hundred dollar* act upon
hi* head, ho wras nowhere to le found,
although he known to several of the
crew who were engaged in the eoußte.
In apite of tin* notoriety. the moat stren
uona efTorta of the authorities failed to
discover any trace of the gniltv person,
nud the matter M finally forgotten, ex
cept hv a few eealous official* wboae
memories were kept sharpened by the
promised reward. Among these w the
turnkey of the Wayne County Jail, af
terwards janitor to the Chicago city
prison. To tlii* worthy, hope long de
terred filially came at last, when one
morning in ISOO, thirteen years after the
date of the murder, he found in his
charge Edward Murphy, who hnd lawn
looked up for drunkenness the night tie
fore. Him. upon inspection and inqui
ry, the janitor declared to be the mur
derer. A person whom he called in to
identify Muqvhv, at first failed, but li
ually doing so after consul
tation with the janitor. Other witness**
were hrought from Detroit, and after
similar consultation*. arrived at similar
The cud of the investigation was that
a requisition was procured from the Gov
ernor of the State, and Murphy was
taken to Mackinaw aud put 011 trial for
untrder. In the interim he bad not been
allowed to write home, or bis letters bad
lieeu iuteroeptod ; lie had been denied
permission to communicate with coitus '1
or friends, and his wife had lx<en in
formed that he waa dead. Utterly with
out money or sympathy, and positively
identified by the ex-tumkey and his as
sociates, Murphy's fate was speedily de
cidevl. He was found guilty, and asked
the usual question if he had any reason
to give why sentence should not be passed
upon hitu. Then he told his story that
he was a farmer from the centre of Illi
nois, where he had lived for fifteen years,
and that he came to Chicago on the bftsi
night in quest of some stolen eattle. Ap
parently this statement was treated as a
criminal's invention; uo jmins at least
acorn to have been taken to verify it; and
while the turnkey pocketed his reward,
Murphy went to the State Prison. There
he remained for some years, until at la-t
he succeeded in communicating with his
wife, only to find that believing him
dead, she had sold the projierty, squan
dered the proceeds, and was without a
cent to assist him. He had theu no other
resource but to write to his friends in
Ireland, from whom he obtained money
to fee a lawyer. The case was then for
the first time strictly inquired into, the
prisoner's innocence (>roved, and liis
wrongs partially requited with the poor
reparation of an official pardon.
I Aire your Wife
If you would have a loving wife, be as
gentle in your words after us t>efore mar
riage ; treat her quite us tenderly when
a mutism us when u miss ; don't make
her the maid of all work, and ask her
why she looks less tidy and neat than
when you " first knew her." Don't buy
cheap tough beef, and seold her heoause
it does not come to the table " |Hrter
house don't grumble nt>oiit squalling
baU-s if yon cannot keep up a '•nursery,"
and reuiemlHT that a " baby may take
after papa," in his disposition ; don't
smoke and chew tobacco, and thus shat
ter your nerves, and spoil your temper,
and make vour breath u nuisance, and
then complain that your wife declines to
kiss you ; go home joyous and cheerful
to your wife, and tell her the good news
you have heard, and not silently put on
your hat and go out to the "club" or
" lodge," and let her afterwards leant
that you spent the evening ut the opera
or at a fancy l>all with Mrs. l)a>k. Love
your wife; la* patient; remember von
areuot perfect, but try tole ; let whis
key, tobacco and vulgar company alone ;
spend your evenings with your wife, and
live a decent Christian life, and your
wife will be loving and true—if you did
not marry a heartless bounty, without
sense or worth ; if you did, who is to
blame if you suffer the consequence ?
Death of the Hermit of the llmbon.
Daniel Williams, the hermit of the
Hudson river, who lias lived for many
years in seclusion in a little log hut
which he had constructed upon tin- *as
tern bank of the river, near Kidney
Creek, in the town of Easton, Washing
ton couuty, was found dead in his shantv
a few days since. The recluse never left
his hut for the haunts of man, except
when his necessities required that he
should go out and tiart-r with the world
for provisions to sustain life. Altseutuig
himself beyond the usual time, several of
his neighbors visit*-d his dwelling aud on
kickiug the door open found the hermit
lying upon the floor stiff and cold,
judging from appearances, Mr. Williams
had been dead some days, having prolst
bly fallen from his chair, and expired
instantly. He was bora and reared in
Eiiston. Several yeais since, becoming
disputed with the world, be took upon
himself the life of a hermit, ami {wssed
his time wholly exempt from the cares of
life, and in entire seclusion from the
world around him. He was a man of
considerable ability, aiul is said to have
been possessed of proportv at his death.
THE suffering* of the Parisians timing
the siege of the ritv bare yet to be told.
A correspondent of one of the morning
{tapers begins to throw light on the sub
ject and saying that the difficulty of ob
taining even the scanty supply of food
that was doled out was a great hardship.
All Paris had to go and form in lines at
the various stations for bread, meat, fuel,
Ac., and men and women would go Itc
fore daylight and stand for hours in a
bleak wind or driving snow or rain, with
feet wet and half frozen waiting for the
bit of horse meat and course bread.
Thousands, it is said, died of this expo
sure. And it is not alone the poor who
have suffered in this way, many of fhe
rich having been forced to take their
places in the hunger queue*, ladies of
rank having been so kept alive. Add to
all this that then* was not sufficient fuel
to make fires, and that the only warmth
to be obtained by the shivering citizens
was by standing in the sunshine, and
the condition of the conquored city may
be imagined.
THEIR RIOHTS. —The women of Con
necticut ore alxiut to test their right to
vote under the fourteenth amendment
Applications " to IK* made" have;dready
been received by the registrars from at
least three prominent females in Bridge
port, aged respectively 35, 56, and 63.
And in several other towns steps are be
ing token ti> the same end. The amend
ment in question reads thus : " All per
sons bom or naturalized in the United
States and subject to the jurisdiction
thereof, are citizens of the United States
and of the State wherein they reside.
No State shall make or enforce any law
which shall abridge the privileges or
immunities of citizens of the United
States, Ac.
THE NEW PENSION ACT.— The act grants
pensions at the rate of 88 per month to
all officers, enlisted and drafted men
(both in the militia and volunteer forces)
of the military and naval service of the
United States, in the war of 1812, who
nerved for a period of sixty days ; also,
to the widows of those, who hove died,
who were married prior to the treaty of
peace (Dec. 24. 1814) which terminated
that war; also, to such officers and sol
diers who served loss than sixty days,
who have been personally namecl in any
resolution of Congress for any specific
service in that war.
BREEDING MINKS. —The subject of
breeding minks and killing them for their
furs, is one that has been prosecuted for
some years with, it is said, satisfactory
results. We have lately been informed
that from one pair a progeny of eighty
seven has been obtained within two
years' time.
Dr. Msry Walker declares that if any
man desires to get her out of pantaloons
he must marry her.
Calcutta Robber*.
The following account of an attempt
at highway robbery in Calcutta show*
the ingenuity of rascal* ia not yet ex
liAuahsl :
On the afternoon of January 13 the
daih remittance from the custom house
to tiie Itaiik of Ihuigal, at t'aleutta, was
carried as usual in a money eheet on n
wheellairrow, drawn by some coolies and
accouqunncd by a chowkidar of police
and a oust tun house Clear. When the
party had reached within a short di*-
tance of the lutuk, on the Stiwinl rotul, a
during feat was attempted. A man,
seemingly a European, with his fact
masked, ami inounte,! on a powerful
lit true, came up to the chest, suddenly
producing from under his clothes a small
piece of bamboo, with a hook attach ail
to one end ami a knife to the other.
The IUMUIHH) itself was uttwhwl to hi*
waist with a long rojw. He threw it on
the chest, and, the hook catching the
iron handle of the box, he hftAl it up by
means of the rope. aud commenced
riding aloug at a rapid }ttce.
The whole of the prticeedittga, which
ditl not occupy tnore than a few aeeonds,
staggered the jwurty in charge of the box.
and the man might liave successfully
made away with the money hal it not
la-en for its weight, which broke the
tiamlle of the b ix. The box fell to the
ground and the man rode awav out of
sight lie fori- any one attempted to seize
liim. The lan contained 30,000 rupis-*,
7,U*' rupee* being in silver, and the rest
in checks and notes. The |H>lice have
not yet succeeded in getting any trace of
the %iali, who thus, til the middle of the
day and in a crowdixlj thoroughfare, en
deavored to commit one of the most dar
ing roblierica heard of for a long time.
The bee, h Trade.
One of the trades carried on in the
Landua, south of iiordcatix, iu France,
is that of propagating Inches in the
meres near the lay. Formerly the cus
tom wa-s to use mist-ruble, wornuut
horses ; but these pi sir uiiimals were
found hv the projiagator to wear out too
soou the veius opened by the leechea
did not beal, alul MI the life's blissl could
not K- renewed. Now- the cow has to
do duty to the young onuelideu. F'riglit
euetl hiigganl, "but resigned, the animal
submits with n stupid kiud of astonish
uient to the attacks of clusters of ltv-cht-s
hanging on its legs: and when the mo
ment of utter exhauxtiou comes she is
sent off to her pasture to renew life, and
furnish a fresh repot. Two weeks
sutfis< for each process, altertiatelv car
ried on, uutil death nuts an end to Wing
eaten in detail. Tue owner of ulamt
eight hundred acre* of inanJi supplies
yearly two hundred cows for the nour
ishment of about eight humired thou
sand letches ; he buys the animal fur
two pounds and sella the carcass for six
teen shilling-. The as is sometime* em
ployed, but it proves to lie less resigned
than the more (mtient cow ; it kicks, and
oraucca, and tries to bite ; and when at
length it falls into the water under
the storm of its numerous enemies,
it lieeomoa mad with terror. That
this culture of lcech* forms an im
portant branch of trade to the inhabi
tants of the Bav of Arcachon, may le
Wlieved when it is known that a tnil
liou and a half of leeches arc annually
exported from Bordeaux.
STREET CAR HOUSES. -The wear ami
tear on street car horse*, according to n
correspondent is frightful. Some of
the liuec iu Xow York city renew forty
jer oeut. of their stock every year, two
rear* and a half laing the average dura
tion of use iu a ear horse, it is not yet
absolutely decided which kills up horses
the fastest, stages or cars. Some people
think the latter, la-cauae tie- routes art
no very long. A dealer told the Mine
correspondent the demand for express
horses, truck ami cart animal* never
cease*. Tliev are worth from §2OO to
5500 each, brewer's teams are fancy ;
:eme of their four-in-hand* are worth
82,400, ami over. Undersized animals
we throw out of the business. We never
buy anything liiat lias the least fault, mid
we have to he very sharp indeed ;tho agri
cultural interest is quite a clever one,
and is very fond of shoving doctored
horses off ou 11s w hen they can. The
truly blemish we can accept is a one-eyed
horse. Car companies will buy them.
A one-eyed horse does not make much
iliffereuee. It takes off from his price,
however, as much as 810 to 815. We
sell our car horses at from 8145 to 8150
each—that is. in lot* ; by the single oue
we get abont 810 to 815 more.
clerks in the Central Telegraph Office in
Loudou apjx-nr to have rather pleasant
positions. As ordinary clerks the pay
ment* made to them range from lCs. to
22*. per wt<ek. according to proficiency :
aud as clerks in charge they n-ceive from
25a. to 40s. They an- on duty eight
hours, with an interval of half an hour
for dinner. There i* a kitchen in the
establishment, in which any provisions
they may bring with them lire conked
free of charge ; and there i* an attend
ant to go oat and make any purchases
they may desire. They commence at
hours ranging from 8 in the morning un
til noon, so tlmt the latest orrivab leave
at 8 P. M. ; and thou.- who remain after
5 p. M., are provided with tea and bread
and butter at the <ost of the Deportment.
They take the early ami lute hours in ro
tation, *0 that the work is fairly divided
Among all. The heads of the <le]iart
nirnt speak very highly of the good con
duct ami inU-lligem e of the young wo
men ; ami they find, as might be ex
pected, that the work is best done when
the sexes are associated in the perform
Mi-rnATED CCHHKHCT.—A Postmaster
in Tennessee was so overrun by mutila
ted currency, in consequence of a North
Carolina Postmaster having been fined
S'.fi for not receiving it, that he has writ
ten to the United States Treasurer, and
lias rceeivisl a reply that must set at rest
a somewhat vexed question. The Treas
urer savs :
"Under the rules of the Treasury
Department, Postmasters are authorized
to receive snch currency for its full val
ue in payment of postage stamps, when,
in ease of United States notes, not more
than one-twentieth of the note is miss
ing, and in rases of fractional rurreucy,
when not more than one-tenth is missing.
When such notes and fractional currency
are mutilated beyond the standard re
ferred to, no one is compelled to receive
them for any part of their valne, and
the only iilnee where such notes may be
r*d*emetl is at the U. S. Treasurv."
A FmoirrrrL ACCIDENT. A shocking
accident occurred, by wliich three men
lost their lives, in London, recently.
They were employed in constructing a
sower at Roliert street. Mile End. There
was an excavation thirty feet in depth in
the middle of fhe rood. The excuvntion
was narrow at the top ; and as it WAS in
tended to have the sewer bulging out at
the Imttom, six men and a lad were or
dered to dig away the earth that was at
the sides of the bottom of the sewer, and
they accordingly did so for a distance of
about thirteen yard* along the liottom
Ki t The top part was shored up by
am* in the tumid manner ; but tho un
dermining of the lower earth caused the
upper crust to lieoome loosened. The
ganger or foreman of the works felt the
ground tremble underneath* and be
shouted out to the men at work, " It's
going to fall in—look out ! " Before the
workmen could escajic the whole side of
the sewer gave way, and three of the
men were instantly killed. Two men
and a lad were partly buried, but were
got out.
hnrrioane lately passed over a portion of
East St. Louis. The number of killed
and wonnded cannot lie statied, but sev
en arc known to be killed and lietween
thirty and forty seriously wounded, some
dnngerou*l ( v and a good many more
slightly injured. It is believed a num
ber of jiersons are still buried beneath
the ruins. The scene is frightful. Houses
are torn to fragments, others ore unroof •
ed or upset, and still others are carried
boldly from their foundations. Scarcely
a building or tree or anvthing else within
the track of the storm is standing. The
wreck and ruin is complete.
Evil is like the nightmare ; the instant
you bestir yourself it is ended.
The SMII> of Fttha'and Porto Hlcn.
Inquiry establishes tlio truth of the
ntmor *t Waalungtou with regard to tbo
proposition of the now Spanish Oovern
mi nt to noil tlto itkuid* of Culm and
Porto lUoo to tbo FuiU -dHtub - for #IOO
- Tbo l'ri niilout and HmYtlel)
of Htato both ay thnt noma time ago
Urn, Prim IIOOJO u proposition to (h ii.
HJTUM, offering tbo colouies to tbo V'n
ted Stutm for It **s de
clined nt otii-o on our |ort, tool declared
to lie wholly out of tbo OUonUuU. About
tbo tiluo tlio Ihiko of Savoy Wan nUiut
to atort frotu Florence Ui naauiuo lh lu
tion of hia now |aiitiuu, and abort ly be
foro (SiMt. Print en* iia*aaniliutcd, n confi
dential frit ml of Aiuadcna and tbo N|tuii
ih Regency, who had btinnolf lieen par
tially educated IU Autorioa, nrrivau iu
Now York at tbo liearvr of projxmTtion*
of notllonioiit to tbo (Ulutu Patriots on
tbo part of tho now Hjwidah regime.
Throe proj*itutiouj> ibcliult l a provincial
ttutonouj f<n Culm tool l*urto itii-o int
ilnr to tlint enjoytvl by tbo North Auo-r
--iouit colonics of Groat Britain; a full
und complete anmeatv fur tbo revolu
tionists, leaders, aud defender*; ropro
sontatiou of Cuha and Porto Hieo in tbo
Spanish Cortc* ; tho ulHilitiou gf slavery
uud tlio oabtblishmottt 6f manhood an/
frage, with n froo Praa* and tbo of
diaruaricm ainl petition ; tbo untivo Cu-
Iwills and I'orto Kloans to have otpoi]
rights in official positiojia with tboirSpan
isli follow oitutona.
These term* woro submitted informally
by an American well known for hia ftrioutf
lv rotations to tbo Cuban patriot*, to Ba
ilor AUliiluu, as tho Now York lioad of
their luovounnta. .After carolui ecu-id
erati.ni tin y woro rejected by Aldjtuia,
who declared it tt*< luto. Tin- atrocities
of Spani di war had baeu ao terrible us
to iiutko it oortain that tbo Cubans and
their oppressors could not Hvr togHliW,
and tbo former had determined to fight
until independence or tboir extermina
tion was tLo is-suit. Tbo Spanish agent
uaa thoroughly itumtwkiil with tlio de
termined spirit of tlio CnlttUS, as will as
tbotr practical lesoureea for continuing
the strife almost indefinitely.
At tbo time tho negotiations were ja-ud
ing, anil before leaviug, the iilea of wil
ing tbo colonies was again mooted, ami
though tbo Cubans exptm-ed tlieiusi lves
favorable to suob a toruiinutiou of their
endeavors, no ciicoumgnmrot wai af-.
forded on our aido. Shortly after the
coronation of King Amadous, li< u. Sick
lea was again approached on the subject
Of course, be listened and considered,
and tbo result is seen in tb proposed
sale at SIUO,OUO,UUU. Pn-sidont Gnqit
said that tbo Administration laid i*> in
teutiou to Consider it, Ix-lieving that,
even if dusirablc, the Senate eould not be
induced to ocoept such a treaty, and t
would bo altogether useless to ask Con
gress for appropriations to oarry ot thr
provision*. in face of tho fact that the
obtaining of tbo #1,50(1,000 wtnlnl for
tbo Santo Domingo purcbaao wtia in con
siderable doubt. Iu the meanwhile tbo
Culmna keep pegging away, and, with
the aotive hostility to King Amadma'a
Government made by the Sitanisli Ke
publioans under Castellar, then* is a
strong prulubthty that the SfMtnimrd*
w ill Im> at last oom|M-ild to alacodon the i
islands to thoir patriot enemies.
The Pennsvhania Coal Trade.
The anthracite cml tmle is, we tliink.
more marly at a dead stand than we
have ever liefore known it. There is
ben* and there a mine in the several
regions at which a little coal is produced,
a work of gm.-u and faror of the miuers
U> some ojsjrator who has not reudored
himself obnoxious to thorn, and to whom
suspension would prove especially detri
mental ; but the trade may properly K>
conaiderud at a dead lock, and the wny
of escaiie from the unfortunate position
ju-t a* cV>uded as a f>rtnight ago. Tln-re
is this favorable point of diflVrcuce—
there is now little n wspajter excitement,
md no appn-bcnsioti of a cool fatuiue.
Kvorylwaly in tliis city obtains as much
coal as he requires for domestic im* ut
prices ramting fnm fpvTo f t> r Si buylkill
to 10.15 for la-bigb, the long ton. At
New Yotk prices, as wo h-arn, rule at
about the same figure per abort ton of
2,ooopounds. Coal from tlicbituminous
and somi-sntltrnriU* rvgimvi is daily lin
ing into more kms.J u*>, reaching this
byway of the N'ortbcru Central and
Petiusylvunia ltailruada, and hence find
ing outlet and a market by water. The
supply from the sources unmcd will tend
to break tlie severity that might other
wise follow a short supply of authracite
coal, should suspension continue through
tbo spring months. Attention is just
now directed to tho Legislature, the
Judiciary Committee of which has been
examining the various purtira in the
anthracite coal iuterest, in an endravin
to discover where the trouble ties, and,
if possible, to devise and apply a remcslv.
Its re)Mirts of tho situation tuny b<- look
od for shortly, and, it is hoped, accom
panied with such suggestions as will
l.iinnomee with existing difficulties and
set the trade in motion with ita wonb-d
energy. The total tonnage of anthracite
rejxirtssl by the rarrying compauioa for
llio week ending on tho Ith of Maroh.
wis 50,221 tons, anil for the year, from
Ist of l)e,s-nilier, 1,870,406 tons, showing
a decreaae of 1,010,007 tons on tlie an
thracite tonnage U> the isirrcs}K>nding
time lost year. The bituminous tonnage *
for the week was 1t*,713 tons and for the
year 96,758 tons ag.iitist 126,466 tons to
corresponding time l..*t year, an inerease
of 46,2:15 tons. The total coal produc
tion of ail kinds for the wi ok. as reported
by tlio carrying companies, was 1,496.984
tons to same time lost year, showing a
•Wreaeo of 1,008,432 tons. Pfnltdiiphi'i
THE OUIKN TIME. —The ancient* useil'
to indnigi* in practicnl jokes to a con
siderable extent: for instance, the Tlira
cinna. at tlu iT drinking parlioa, sornc
tinn-s playssl the gwme of hauging. Tlmy
fixed a round nootie to the Istugli of a
tree, ami placed uuderueath it a stone oft
snrh a shnjie tlint it would easily turn 4
around w hen any one stood on it. Then
they proceeded to draw lota, and the
man who drew a lot took a sickle iu his
hand, stood on the stone, aud put his
neck into the halter. Then the stone
was kicked away ; if he could cut himself i
down with his sickle, well and good ;
but if ho was not quick enough tip was
hanged outright; "andthe rest laughed,
thinking it good sjiort."
Nero's jests were likewise very practical
'• What a fat fellow that Senator ia." he
observed one day hi n courtier ; " see
me cut him in two," and he did in the'
most facetious manner.
A GOOD DAPOUTKB.—There are other
ministers of love more conspicuous than
she, but none in which a gentler, lovlier
spirit dwells, and none to which the
heart's warm requitals more joyfully
respond. She is the steady light of her
father's house. II -r ideal is indisaolubly
connected with that of his fireside. She
is his morning sunlight and his evening
star. The grace, vivacity, and tender
ness of her sex have their place in the
mighty sway she holds over hia s]iirit.
She is the pride and ornament of his
hospitality, and Hie gentle nurse of his
HORACE HOW ES who died in San Fran
cisco, left property valued at nearly!
82,0410,6(10 -so tied up aa to make it ttae
lesa to hia widow and child. Just be
fore dying he sent a message to the
courts'saying that he hail always disap
proved of adjournments out of reiqieot to j
the memory of deceased members of the
l*ar, and requested that no adjournment
be allowed in his cnae. It in believed
that his will will be Met aside on the
Sound of insanity, and in justice to his
SrsPiciotia. —A disconsolate citizen of
New Orleana pitta tho following question
to one of the papers published there :
" Mr. Edytur—That what I wish to ask
iron is whether strychnine, what the po
ice give to dogs, won't pizen the human
being after aaasingcrs has lieen fried.
Please put in the jwper how this is, for
if fried strychnine is pizen, I go agin
saesingera. Yours, till pizcDed."
WHEN any one waa speaking ill of an
other in the presence of Peter the Great,
he at first listened to him attentively,
and then interrupted him. "la there
not," said he, "a fair side also to the
character of the person of whom you are
speaking ? Come, tell me what (pod
qualities you have remarked about him." ;
The Shipwreck.
' Our reader* are familiar with the fact
, that the U 8. strain-hip Saginaw wwa
' wracked ou a coral island in the Pacific
vagan and a itmulier of hr crew pemhed,
lon or about th Ist of November lost,
whilst on her way from Honolulu to Han
Bramhuco. The following t* from a pri
vate fetter dated Honolulu. January 17.
written by K. I*. Judil, one of the suffer
era, iituj luldrtMiseil to hia sunt, the wife
of Dr. J. Q. Hteonis, of FJizals-Ui.
We Iwve IKS-II jw-nnitted to the
folliiw-iiig extrui-ts :
"AINWI three o'clock of the morning
w muled, our ship was hard and fast
u|M>n a coral reef, IMM than sixty mile*
from the | mint .! d jiarturc, and every
son I (l.t the Vessel looked fo* etu'U mo
im nt to be bis final one on earth ; anil
well wo might ; it wan just dmk enough
so that uothing could be parfcctly dt-
Huguiidti-d ; the rvir of the breakers was
dua fin till g, and every sea swept otur deeks
' from stem to tnibwil. The ship was
danhott up aud down upon the ru k like
a mere toy lm.t from the hand of an
angry laiy. It waa inponnilile t<> main
tain line's eqiullbriuui hence all Were
compelled to lie prone on deck, or cling
to the rigging to ymnpe lieitlg wuslosl
overhrtrfM. and diahel upon the rocks.
At first h hantlv neamed poasitiie that
the ship iviuld hold together until day
light; hut fortunately vory UttU* wind
' was blowing, uud we had only the ordi
narv hwife of the sea to contend with ;
ha<f ifiiAeu otherwiae, I should uot be
. here now to indict tin* letter. The
forward jmrt of the ship went to pieces
r soon after aim struck, leaving her iu . cry
much the condition that would reeult if
any of the steamers at N'ew York were
i cut off just forward of the smoke stack,
i and the after part left high ami dry for
th ingresg and egnws of the m-a. At
daylight we were ennhlcd br means of
lines mode fast nt the maintop, and
anchored inside tie rssif, to launch four
of our lMstta safely inside the lagoon ; as
soon MM this was effected, th- Work of
i removing aqcb firovtaious. clotliing, val
; uables. soils, etc., as could be accurisl
from the wreck was eommeueed, and
continued during the entire day. The
island or sand spit njmn w hidi we Isudtsi
is alsmt half a mile from the wreck ; ia
i known as Ocean lalan>l, has lieen the
■ scene of several wrack\ evideuoea of
( wtneb were not wanting. The island is
- aoun- three miles iu iwivuuifereuce, cov
ered with ajM*aesof coarse umh rgrowth
about braaat high. The so'l is broken
shell fragment*! of e>ral roek and fine
white amid, no fresh wafer abounds.
<txc-pt sudli OM filters through the surfno
after heavy rains, which at this season
are of Rvmuwitopeurrsnoc. When evwy
t'.iuig had been wtsl that waa of any
value, we eommenewd jireparaUons to
make ourselvea as contfortalde as jsiadble,
uAr such -ireumi*tancea ; we had se
' cured sufficient eanvaa to hirni-h Gielter
for all hands, and although it waa very
imperfect jrotocU< against the nun and
violent winds yet it s<ne.l our jaxnas,-
vary well ; we biul sinsl but very little
food from th* ahiji, the whole amount
was Munething like six laim'ls of pork,
three Karrels of flour, six Irnxes of pilot
bread, a few sacks of potatoes and a
small quantity of oanntsi un-ata and
friii( : thia would hardly support ninety
three man more than twenty days, so in
rcsject to food w* wero badly off, but
men placed in oar situati<>u do not mind
wbut they eat. It the actual cravings of
sjipctitr are apjw-ascd, so we very soon
came to eat seal lWh ami fowls
with a relish. The tiesli of th<- seal is in
some reqecta similar to beef, but is very
coarse, and exorwdingK ol-agwiou ; that
of tlie fowl very tough, end so strung,
bnt thanks to these two we wero kept
from starvation.
Oue of oar boats was made ready to
send to the Sandwich Islands for aid,
and left us on tin, lHth of N'ovesulx-r,
having on I ward a vohmteej- erqw <•( four
men, ttuder commajid of tbo first lieutcu
ant of the Saginaw. Of their voyage,
and loss of all bnt one of Uitwr numlw<r,
I will hare th> newqiaper aent at the
Mime tune as this letter to tell you.
Through their agency we were relieved
by the Hawaun steamer "Kilanca" on
the sth of January, after having leen
on the island sixty-eight da vs. Wear
rived in this rity ou KitunUy last, and
far my part 1 rut hardly sav that I am
the worse for my shitwreek, except lliat
it bo that I am a tnne more slender aud
liony than was my wout ; we are to
remain here about ton days longer, when
we shall Providence iwrmitung aail
bv steamship " Misga Tuvlor," for Ban
Krauirisro, where I hope to arrive early
in February."
A Hard Case.
The man who did not commit suicide
write* to a Chicago paper "Mr. Editor.
Would you picas be wo kind as to insert
this few lines intoyour worthy Paper, just
to clear a mans uame somewatli, it is on
acconut of Ute last poisoning ease of last
Friday evening. 1 o-monstrste against it
the only tiling I took was a heavy daM
of HeiUim* Powder, and that was noth l
mg but a feint, I intended to find nut
the true Character of said Air*. Kenorke
my wife, and I must ny that f snorwded
very much so that I am sntisfiisl with the
result, if 1 would ltaie taken morpUin it
wonld have killed me in an hour as I
took the powder at 6 o'clock precisly at
18 OClook thev with my wife came into
my room, and I anw distinctly that she
did not show the least Emotion, as it ]
would happen from a woman who has
got some Affection for her hustwnd no
more than that, nt lOoGloek ahe came in
to the Saloon wi ha Policeman, and bad
( me arreated Imh*us)< she thought that I
was in such sn danger tliat I would as>n i
jwisa into itornityt smdt are the facta aa I
state here now, a* for not leing able to
support her is a great Htorev would just
have been brought up by Wnelf, if a
woman has lieen living with her bus-]
hand pretty near five years in t'oinfort
nlde Ciremnsaae* and afterward has got
a little dull time in which time ahe tarns
hr hsek upon him I declsre she cannot
' be much of a w'msn— Now- Sir I wish
yon would put thia in your Paper, it
would lie nothing but justice to a man
i who has had hia share of Troublt*."
What 1* Ginseng a*cd for.
A friend of the Lynchburg fiysWicrw,
residing in the mountains of an adjoining
county, wheri' entire a Tea of ginseng
abound, and who uwns a pretty eonail
erable forttUM- in tlie article, if he only
knew it. ask* the shire queation.
The " heathen CWnee' use ginseng as
, we use tobacco, and from time inimr
morial thry hav<- re gaoled it as one of
1 the moat valuable productions of the
earth. Fntil recently Uiey obtained the
greater |wrt of their anppbea from Tar
tary. but now the American supply is 1
equal to the demand. It was long a
matter of wonder wliat they did with it, j
but it ia now ascertained thnt it is exteu- i
sively eniploytsl as a medicine, and that
the Chinese haw a auperatitiona faith in
ita virtnea It is said to lie a great
riitnulant, and u apecifie for rheumatism
and consumption. It is sometimes ex
ported in its erode state, and sometimes
cured or clarified. The prices obtained j
for it range from twenty-five to eighty
oenta jier jionnd.
It ia a matter of wonder that agricul-1
turista do not turn their attention to Ute
cultivation of this root in fields and
' pordens. The growing demand would
justify the experiment, and it might
prove a valuable one. The mmintaius
of Bedford. Botetourt, and Ainh rat
abound Kith it, and many persons devote
a part of every yeor to gutberiug it and ,
taking it to market.
A FI/IWKR OOBTTKE.—The following!
flower eoatumc is descrilied in a foreign
journal: •* It is an eveniug dreaa, with a
<lemi-traidrd skirt, made up entirely of
ruches of shaded silk, alternate m'nnvc
1 and violet, tewed on a tarlatan founda
tion. The ruches are very full, notched
on the edges, and caught up lietween
the plaits to look like flower petals. To
soften alLthls is an overskirt of violet
tulle, with long, slender vines of dark
green leaves of the violet looping the
skirt on the hipci, and trailing behind for
a Bash.
i f\l 1 ;
GOOD, IF TRUE.— Movable or adjusta
ble horse shoes have become a "fixed
fact," and a company in Chioopee, Mas
-1 sachueetfa, are engaged in their manu- j
faoture. litis shoe can betaken off at
night, or when the horse is not at work,
and put on again when wanted, as easy as ,
i a pair of boots. '
The Insurrection In Part*.
The Government, following up the
i proclamation of PrenidMit Thiera, sent a
detatehmant of troops and gsmdaruMw to
i occupy the poaitions of Uio insargeuta in
Uie ADuitinartre District. A coueidere
-1 blc numlwr of cannon were removed,
i and tlie gendarmerie made some 40 pri
iiiiera. Tn Uie morning, however, the
Natioual (luanb of Belleville and Mout
martm with many unarmed aoidWa f
1 the line, arrived ou the scene auil re
leased the prisoner*.
Gen. Vinoy, who was iu rotnmaiitl of
the Govemmeut foroea, haviug |Mt.*d a
cordon if troops around the hill at Jfont
, mortre, and planted mitrailhmaes at the
auproaclte*, and hi* sentinel* preventing
nil |iernn* from aaeeiiding the hill, tlie
1 latteries of nil trail hniana werw wsai aur
roumled by nugrv groups w lio deuiainl
rvl to know why the auuiiriU* <litruat
ed the jieople, aud if it was their inten
tion to nuuwarrc them. Tin* soldiers
w hen asked If they meant to fire on the
j eiliseu*, uiode no reply, anil stem a gen
eral fratoriiiEatiou commenced, J'bj
iioqih- were allowed to draw the inlt roll
felU( uside and a-welld tlie highta. Hie
eotn|ianieof *olibera on th** summit uloo
fraternized with the National*, who were
guarding the cannon still in their p
aevrion. A* frewh troop* arrived on tlie
ground, the people Mltotitod to thi'iu,
. " Jtover*.' arm*:" aud the on IT was
obeyed. At JO o'rlnek a. m., tin- N
tioiiul* ln-ll the ground strain, and pre
vented all tiiiarmtMl |a*mon* fnm going
Up the hill.
At 11 o'clock nimjf Ijattolioti* f
National Giionl*, fuUy orgaqiaed man-h
--I*l into the Montiuartre dintriet *h'ut
ing " 17M ID WepaW/RR/NEThe dis
trict M then wholly in the pcMweaaioa
of the Nstiouala, the aoldii rs having
deserted. Not a gendarme nor a rangh
regular was visilde. All the National
GuariU Were am|4y sup)4i< d with cart
ridge*. and appeared detonoiued to re
tain their cannon and hold tlieir p<aii
tion on the height*.
At Lavillctto, also, the troo|i* fiutt*rn
izeil with the iuwurgeuta; whole regi
j luents of th* line <-urreiider*d their arm*,
refusing to act against the iii*urgcit,
and marrhed across the Place de la
j (Joaeonle aud Champ be Mara.
The pntqiuM** of the iusurgenU are
still indefinite. Their wain object ia re
instance to tlie Government. The crowds
' in the Montmartre and Belleville, how
ever, are unanimous in their elatnora
! airainat the Assembly at Bordeaux. They
demand its immediate (Involution and
J the eltvtion of a new laxly wliieh shall
4 sit in Paris.
Htortling fact* connected with the
i event* of the morning have IKCOWM
known. Gen. Earou was surrounded
for several hours by the ntob in tlie
' Montmartre Hi# troops proved faith
ful ; they c hargtd aud took three bar
ra-ades, using the lmyonet, and finally
eat their wav out and escwped. Gen.
Le Comto and others Wert not so fortu
nate. Alai doued bv their meu. tin y
were tua le prisonera fy the rioter* ana
are now detained in the Chateau Itoiige.
Gen. Paturel was wounded. Gen.
Vinoy was hiaaed and (>elted at Moutmar
tre, and Gen*. H'lsv.lle, Laeomte, aud
Clement Thomas were taken jrn* -uera.
The former VM killed, ami the latter
was taken before a drumhead court
martial and condemned to lie shot
1 Oen. Paladinca i* a priseuer at the n-lej
head<|naitor*. the approaches to which
= are giinrd<d by Natioiial Guards. Many
gendarmes were killed.
On Saturday morning, tin* troopa nc
cveded in rapturing 40 cannon in the
Afout.nartre. Of thev, the poople Mook
five, without fighting. The remainder
were removed to a place of safety.
The Government waned another pro
clamation repudiating any intention of a
- co*ptf rtnt, warning the Communists who
seek to pillugw Pari* that they will ruin
France, and a|(<ealmg to the National
Guards to Jolt an end to the condition of
anarchy into which they liave plnnged
the CapituL
The journals confirm the report of the
exerutioti of Gena La<comte and Clement
Thomas After tlunx caplun; they were
token to the Garden of Uu- line dts.
lUsuera. Montmartre, where the Central
lb'Toiutiouary Committee hold their ait
ting*. After" a brief trial they were con
demned to suffer death, and wen* taken
out and sliot. All account* say they
died bravely.
It is said that M. Assy of the Interna
tional Society was President of the Court j
which condemned Gena. Lecomte and
Thomas to death.
It ia thought that the revolutionarr
movement now in progress at Pari* will
extend to Mananllea and Lyons, and evan
to Bordeaux. The Thiers Government
' contemplates removal to Toon. It is
aatd the Germans decline to interfere
mill affair* in Paris.
The Fmo special despatches from
Pans any respectable Parisian* art- stu
liirtetl. (Jen Lecomt* wa* abandoned
>▼ hi* troops and arrested on tlio heights
of Montmartre. Gen. Tbuma* was ar
rested in plain clothe*. The letter's last
word wa* "Coward*!'' He fell at the
third discharge M. Thiers is firm but
full of grief. Gen. Vinoy"* indignation
is bouodlc-s*.
The National* have placarded two pro
elaurations. The firat oue iaaued aays
the French people awaited calmly until
an attempt was made to tooch the life of
the Republic. The army did n>4 raise
its hands against the arch of tlie lilierties
of the Itcpublic—the otilv Government
that can close the era n| invasion and
civil war. The people of Paris arr con
voked for Communal electioua The
proclamation is signed by the Central
Committee of the National Guard, and
dstad at the Hotel de VUle. The arvrmd
proclamation is a* follows :
7b thf t'eoplr of prtrit: You have in
trui tod na * ith the defence of the rights
of Paris. We have driven out Ute Gov
ernment which betrayed u*. Our mis
sion is fulfilled, and we now report to
von. Prepare for the Communal Elec
tion. Give us as our oulv recompense
the establishment of a real Uepublic.
(The some signaturtw. 86 in number,
are appended.]
The Telegraph'* special aavs. that on
Satunlav the gendarmes ftmT upon the
Nations)*, The latter returned the fire,
and several of the gendarmes were
woundeL (ton. Vinov has been mobbed.
The mon ia triumpliant, and virtually
possosa the city. Only wine shops are
open. Ih-nnkenneas is rampant Even
women are armed.
The Official Jovrun! of Paris gives a
narrative of events. It sirs the (v*itiou
at Montmartre was carried on Saturday,
and the guns were alxmt to to removed,
when the Nationals snatched the arms
from the soldiers, and the latter wete sur
rounded snd epuhved. The eorjiaes of
the generals were mutilated. Pans, says
the Journal, is indulgent but it must
rise and chastise the assassins, otherwiae
the whole people will lie tlieir accom
The city is full of Bonaparti*! agents.
A correspondent ha* seen Chevron, Con
ti, Ilouher, and Beguicr. The insur
gent* for some days (Mwt have received
five francs daily, sup]M>*ed to b fnriiish
ed by those agents.
NOT TO BE CaroHT.—The Honolulu
Qmrtic is greatly amused at the receipt
of sn advertisement from a "company"
in Connecticut, addressed to all tlieboya
in the Hawaiian Islands, and telling them
those who inclosed a specified nmnoer of
stamps to this company should be put
immediately in the way of making a
fortune. It think* it too late for Haw
aiian lioys to lie caught in any such way
aa that.
from abroad is a flower costume. This
ia simply an ordinary evening dress with
demi-trained skirt, made up eutirely of
ruehea of shaded silk, alternately mauve
and violet, sewed on a tarlatan founds
tion. The ruches are very full, notched
on the edges, and caught up between the
plaits to look like flower petals. To
soften nil this is an overskirt of violet
tulle, with long slender vines of dark
green leaves of the violet looping the
skirt on the hips, and trailing behind for
a sash. The dress looks like a huge
bouquet of Parmesan violets.
have but one newspaper, which cornea
out once a month, in the shape of a
stitched pamphlet of about 100 pages.
It has been established s little more than
a year. The country boast* also of one
railway, twenty miles long ; but others
are in progress.
Tbf XarkHn.
4* ■ ->**■ mnrtoxs.
tor Cam*-Fair to prune 114.4 ft iMH
I iNHM• • • -♦'* M • V>H
, ■■!.... Alfa .44
1 OnVYo* -MMdltoe. ... l .M
>u . tun faMm. i.tf * i.
*UI ib
• MM* LM a 147
WIH*QIM>I \M till
Xo4%Mta* L.4 a 1.44
Rfft—WatfMli I.ao 4 111
' faa.n Mi ,m aw
(teatM-MM .TT a ,41
n-<lotnv VrßAfu..ll*..-, .11M Its
Um-WMM .44 4 .tl
. F> - HIM It as b*M
Uh , Il<( .UK
Hi TWO w>. .at a .to
utdoW.R. Ha .
a Fancy .§ a.> 1
W infra Ordiaary U a .14
Ivan., Labia • 44 a .*
''ira male U a .14
Kltromrd 41 a It
tibia It a .U
; Kuua-Steto T a .44
Bjurrne—(bat--* |T.<|4 a 1.14
frill.. trn a 444
Fair Grndi* .... 440 a 4.T4
ttoea CiTri-t * -mitoon ( oa a 4*4
lafartor 4.44 a 4.04
■oM-1J.., 44a a 4-41
i 400 a 444
, flout-KM** * • 1 •*
run 141 (Ml
Burkvtetot 4TI a 4.T4
-N. 4. Hit
tiarUf-Xu 4. n*a.............. 74 a .17
1 iMcbil 44 a .44
B>* Nu. t. a 41*
WW t|im. Xo. 4. i a I.M
l.oii Il'*a .Mil
foaa-v woo (bU
riiMttni < rtu M.aaart
ItßiUnu—Ultra 11.44 4 1144
4.. ..1 vuai.tT 444 4 444
IHUxUMb-t auwa IM a 444
1-ilra 4 *4 T 4c
Htft I'atTU 4.T4 4 1.44
*to 4 4-44
i Hmw.--I.lv> 4.44 a 4.44
Fuwa 4.44 a TM
Wan, 1 40 a 1.44
'.•a* ta a .1*
(lata to a M
Ra atari .14 a .44
Lean II a .14
Xaaat-HHH* l4 a 174
Extra. 1.44 a 144
bi.-*uw *4 a 1 1#
i.wa Miiri 44 a .44
Ri*un~iir -14 a 44
ijaya 141 X... 4(4
Fuaa-fttii bin 44T aT. 44
f|Ul-W4ai Xrtl 14* a I M
White laa a 1.44
t.a-YrU> - 14 4 -44 •
tin—i n a ..
hnwtii i . .14.144. MS
4T 4 -441,
THK attention of tb rooair*! world Laa
Ijneo rtitx li attrarUd by tl4 ifflptorr
luriit* m waking introduced by
GEORGE Wool* k Co.. in tb*ir new atjka
of Parloi and Vtwtrj* Organ*. Thay in
vite U* attention of all iuUfaaMmd in
ninati-, and tlir elevation of all that per
tain* to it; to tbeir advrrt*MaMHt in
another column. AllxrganiaU, teacher*,
and music dealera are invited to examine
into the merit* of their iuatrtuneote,
IwiieuUrh- aa abown in tbeir latent ttyle
of Xumhrr Thirteen (Mm* Orytm.
Fitvnto. —The Looitvitte fiomrirr-
Jonretil doe* not wiab to engage an "F 4 -
ralraral editor. " There w, it gtvea
notice, •• no suet position an thi* paper.
We may ini*lwd our render* in pobtina
and moral* and religion, and all that
w>rt of thing, bet never abaU thejr bare
it to my that we permitted any man
through tbene col tun n , to dilute and un
dermine and demoralize and ran frantic
whatever tittle knowledge they may hap
pen to poaaeaa.
No eniptions, aoree or decoloration* dia
figure or annoy the man or wman wboae
ttotuach. liver and bowel* do their duty
thoroughly. To compel tbem to their
work, U> render it impoaiible for them to
do it iu a *lovenly, imperfect war. it it
only neceaaary to take a few doaea erf DR.
tent vegetable epeciflc removes every
weakened organ and rwotrola every die
ordered function.
No v ELTT —An sftartment houac i* now
in course of couatruction in Ronton by an
incorporated company of twenty gentle
men. who have contributed ?lsu,ooofor
this purpose. They arv to be thirty auita
of apartment*.
) Council nun*, face rough akin, pim
ple*. ringworm. aaH-rbeum, and othci
•■utaneon* affections, cured, and the akin
made soft and smooth, by using the Jc-
MI'IOI Tut .So VF. made by CAXWUX.
HAXAMD k Co., New Vork. It i* more
convenient and easily applied than other
remediea, avoiding the trouble of the
gtvaey cotnjvmnda now in tiac.
' V '■■■- - 1 a_L L-i 1-1.1 II i■■ j
T* Serai Veraal 4|H|4.
S <4w* W invtlMb *i* mmn M*Nm la haaan at :
•mm* aa4 rmriaii— at I ina*n'nia Una 4jwhh|u.
ia4 *i rnai of Mln— UkM Ta4r l<raa> an aM am
anally iiJlwAutf hif 1 ti-an iicusttudf* 'baa iXaHnMiMh.
It tta. a a 11 a tiiairf la On waaai to *4i—. *4- |
-art? priaa w afaaaM w* to ilnil* aaaar atbar at
ibrar a ibamia- lalni alUwi tnai art aba awn pn*-
Oral IS ibr qfu, —>Mli Uh m af Ota in u aa
nWHtwa. la nw aI Ua. tact. Ita i.man abi
[roprr Una M mrilr . pipnUl ttiratMa 40 HaMM l
Wtiat i 4 BH—T*. a ataiwlet. abicb fari laai aattaaal
t-aim. bMprarrd aqormwil H4*i aaanan4|t
ibr aboat sw—l4*aar4ata, aa4 an a—aamoa aaai** *ba
alaat afcK-'i b—jarali- pmhKa*. tad alaan a4B>*-
> Mat UM | *a t ii-Hiiti tbr pr—HMr to ftw ndal
ctitolnv apnaa aHxaa." aor Htbr r—at rn
ratmly ■ ulaWa. X-biaa. ban*, aaa bs mm a m- ,
—to—i aa4 aa*Wli i*4uil Tbr rbilhaa awb
bir>b tbr Or a toatod at lbs braakaa a* <4 viator.
H n bravftr aaa tbr totol 4r—ar *Uh boto aad r
Ifiiiianl. Ast 4to'Q"*. v*> 4 H laaaaaa. Tbr Ha
tan Ira ai aitl aadaaraUoat laata. aam dm alt abamit.
aad jaat raaaab at aa *arlaal to ragaiato. ■ itbaat aaa-
Talrlaa. 4b baaato II w. Uwdna a wcl4 paealtoftr
I adMXad to IS, pr>—lit aaaaoa.
Tbr rtrat lytaiaalvMMTtolntoUu*
mm aaa avardrd hatta Aanrtnaa lartamir l"a.r to tbr
Owanux* 4w i 4WnjalMT* fV. ita U3 Ontn
sur-i. Sr. Yn-i Maaa*—in'i.rd Tta-Uarr tats
hn. Bm-a-Tta Bta Uu PtrwlUmar law i
tmjMb. lb. ordrr. m baud. Tti-Uiw Load Pet
w U oral- a poaad, tor ail -era Warraatod to ba
M-rta tbaa Lead rtar s UaaarnbU aM Haa
t aad tor# toa I. ad or Xiac Naa ar Iraa tai.OiH
lar aad tonfdr ot T>r aal I* auuL fm Addma aa
, mm— l
HI'S Tl* S, Trattoiaa. and PV4Haa At atom 4 '
Seal tw AAdma "Hi KlW*. lf.rn.UJr K. X.
(imiMKßs HUB OK xormrxß
Bntonea ' CltiiCl A||UmU A Oat-aa*
"*a fW t-r c'lfiß>Jtot' |
C 101.4 1 441.4 l-lto r<*daa Hamad mi
m fnm tbr b-ud to *rv aa Ibr ■—m tlml (are la B
I d*r>. Aral tan far 4w Hattotomoa rpaa or ann
n ntoadnd Addnm. I M KHS> Sj Hadlar MaA. 84.
42 - if Aitrt run eiVKX TO ri w-
TtiHPitPUtl than aI Ktaalator Iba aad
gafvsriEi s aurtfu.'ss'AS!:
444 Wrrl Mih Htnrt. JCra Vi
PERtT DATLS A SOK, Praprielm,
1840. 1871.
The Most Popolar Melicine Extant.
antes TUB iHTßomrnoa or
2?©rry Davis*
Aft— thirty raara' trial, the "fain Kilter" mi? be ja*V- I
h rlrtrd tbr (rrrt mtdi—nr at the world, I— thaw it *0 1
rctriaa ot MM slob* lata which it baa sot luand It* war. .
ud aaa* wh—a It ha< not bam l*r*l? awd aad htchl?
priard Maraorrr. Ihrrr uno rlinwtr to which It IMB
not iwovrd it—lf to br wall adantrd for Ibr cow of a coo- '
•tdarabl* rarirty of dttotaar ; it ia adattrabiy ratted tor ;
ever? raw. It baa >t soar of IU food Mim by repeat
ed trials boi il mnliaaw to oorupy a prominent poaitto*
in trary tanuhr toadieiaa chert ; aad ia aUU raoairiay the
mart nnqaalUled teat Imoaiala to IU rirtawa, from p— ocw
of the htfheat diaract— and r—ipon.lhflMy.
Phy-inaiir of the ftrat itpeci&tllt? recommend it a* a
moat rflrctoal ureparaUoa for the ritlnclioo ef pain. It
not ont tba beat remedy or— known for Bralaee, tteto.
Burn,. Ac, bat tor Dymtttew Cholera. any rort of
bowai compUint. it ia * remedy aaaorpaaaad tor eßciaocr
and rapidity at action. 1* tba treat citiea of India, aad [
other hotcPanUa, it baa become the Standard Madteiaa
tar all awab oomplainto ar wall u tor Pyapaiiaia. JUr—
< 'ompUiut, aad other kindred ttoordara. gor Oowaba
aad Cold*, Canker. Aethma. aad Rheumatic Dtibraltiea
it ban beat proved by the ww abundant and conrtMtat
t.wttmony, to be an itiraluabie medicine. No article rret
attained saoh onbaanded popnUritr. Tbr rartou
ilia for which tba Pain Killer i an uafailinc cow. are too I
well known to require recapitulation to thi. adrarttw i
meat. Aa aa external and internal medicine the Pain
Killer Wanda ami railed.
the aftoacy'o/
"^ttTaafito ataoal weary oountry in the world, and ia
fr s? d^asiL b ' pr,Md '
J. X. HAXXII * CO., Propridton.
CtnclnuwU, O.
pto—qr PbdsCUWIMB Hal*. K7 FAT.
A OEXIX WA*T4X>-fl4 A XTtg
A A merit an Kn!ttin HacbmrOto. KoMew. K*4to.
J any dwaeritoJ—. Addwa*. 3 M-V >V i w
•f Great Offer.
tj, .a |l. II tomi jriui ttia—a HI • ißtwljiri n c Anfl |D| JKRIiLS
JXR hdb AOD (NHCIMH TO RMMSHkto RRftowlto •***'
far • mmnat article 4 ta KB* P— B*y *nd *• ml
Pa aa Want a etlaxu-o a. inlwin - ar nw—bm^to
TSfSfZ'/a rrer fbm't m-a tale rbaaga BanyAa
'ere Addn—r W—toe. JNeee wee fja, M WHHto* IH..
dCbßci 4Tb njim-nc lATfC*t AMMHTUIMrt
Il*y. amt Brawtotte Wyto tw
,4 4)1 ktoAi. 4d Umm Am* 4.
YTSt mcnt; Hbadow pwilottiim##, Cl4a
radimit -i tcc*. IMakigur*, Tat4*aws. Autolrar
-to. to in. v?L vaßSffe^fe^SlftE
Fire Hats,
psfiL&ti rATß.^rtjL?2Sjt
T. QWAV—'aJ'. _ -
r - Sfr.ffMSrATBT-'ttSi,
s iiili
A r—y tor ' inamwt—e._ 1 r awwbttto. Am**-
, uaa wtom alt —Jam mmm jiad taited^toawmato
* 7Ti'tßur
Laifls ifl Sofllfiwßsl Missouri
The Atlaatk urf PaefEe R. X. Ca.
Hare tor mlr IM4 acraa. of be— |a,Hw an tens waa4l
- Aeraal —SEra era aamtos mTand to Siam toty ana mim
, mada. IWkaS idiman. wWJ .n. ct nwid aonban aad
, | . St. ItouXa
K —apaud fwrwma ali Hamu vttb aantoaa*
'! !■*"■ * HTIUfSTi
fWini afawbrr aaa wateteears'trom Ibr. tojdpar aaa-
aarnaa. That aU wba aaa tbir nailer may aand tbetr
aßhr: Tatorbanawna* wWI wutoi. wa ajTmrndSl
to w tor tba teuatoa at wrniar Ibl partucatero, *
ratwcblr mmiida adWto wdß da to mart an.
and aoaya of IW, r-,+, /—• Ci.y ana af Iba
iarseal and br— tomur naenpapw pablitoad nßaato
baa by mail. Band— if yam ana* pii man wi. pintoalite
" rt ' e **™ e K.C. AIXB3I. 4 On. 4 asato . Matnm
And tbr eaUbratad WHIbK Y knawm ia
M i hif Tffkiix* m of tba yxarxMß MMI IMMR tosMS
4**Ptt rv anMu * 4<wxmlml
Ww. *4 4*r **-. *•to TaaU.
aad t XAA . BABUNfi,
4a. IStttaWKL, 44 itoam.
Asato. 4- tbr DMOterx.
HENKY r snrrrEurr aoa. ctaamo. _
Priijel Wrmiiis Piiir
oi'IIVII e"iMiT.*!7!!-rVJ—jra—r
Hemp. Jote, Cotton And FIAX TWUMO,
URAIN If A 08.
AB tbr ttondard Brand* at eaty In ma—l tear* Oar
gaabtita bam and^yo— w lea eat toXto mwkM.
I- -
W PAIR IT, Itarart. X. S.
JHpf '-"m j
j i - i ' ; , ;I JpJXV
Mee Th-n ! Hear Them!
I Raw rtrUa aaa ready, t iealaia —mtoiams mtm WO
mc. bar, apply to Aseota, Dealer*.
cup, woonw a Co.. Boston.
Subseribe at Once I
The Moet Interesting Stories
Aim atwar* to ba totmd in tba
4 T peasant there are BIX GREAT STORIES ran
] A. *■■ tbronsh Ita oalqrana. and at least OKI
Near aubacrlb—a are Urn* aura of barln* tba cowt
mrbcetnent of * naw continued atory, no matter
j when they aubacrtbr lor tba
Each number of tba NEW TORE WEEELY 00B
tmiaa aarenl beautiful illustrations, double tba
amount of readts* matter of any paper of ita SMB.
; and tba Bketcbaa, Short gtorica. Pocma, etc.. are by
tbr able— writer* of America and Europe. The
1 does not coniue Its usefulness to amusement, but
CbHatMsa p at quantity of really iuatrucuvr mat
,ln tba mm •ondeneed fbrm. Tba
baas attained a high reputation from their brcTity.
excellence and correctness.
Tba PLEASANT PARAGRAPH* are made up of
• the concentrated wit and htunor of many mtnda.
The KNOWLEDGE BOX la condned to useful Uv
formstion oa all manner of subjects.
Tba NEWS ITEMS ytre in tba (Sweat words the
moot notable dotnae all orcr the world.
wavers to inquiries upon all imaginable subjecto.
AR ÜbHtilW Literary PaoerJ
ia tii
Each uaua contain* from EIGHT TO TEN SHORT
STORIES AND RE ETC I IKS, and ball a doun
POEMB, tu addition to the BIX ajERIAL BTOKIEg
Specimen Comes Sent Free
Th Terms to Subscribers i
1 one Tear —Single Cony
One Tea*—Four Copies (4.401 10.00
One Taor— Eight Copies SO.OO
Tboaa sanding 440 for Club af Eight. aD teat at
onetime, will ba entitled to a copy frae. Gattwa-up
of GMba can afterward add single coptea at |4.1
"STREET a SMITH, Prop'rs,
Ha. 4* mrm* anrm. H r
NIT.N.U. March te 5. n