Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, March 31, 1871, Image 2

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    fP^^rvv> , ■
Outre Hall, Pa., MarcK 31, 71
TKKMS. Tlio Cicnthi: 1J All. lUroa
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The New York Sun. a radical sheet,
but which has no love for Grant, ad
vises the democrats to uomiuats Sum
ner as their candidate for prcsideut in
1871 We rather think our party will
not follow its advice, as there is plenty
of good material, and fhr superior to
Sumner, in our own ranks from which
to nominate a leader. The radicals
may swallow any thing from Grant up
o garlic and codfish, but the democra
cy will never get hungry enough to
swallow Sumuer.
The desperate strait in which the
radicals now find themselves, is illus
trated in the cry of Ku-Klux which
some of them are now raising in and
out of congress. "Bleeding Kansas
once served their purpose pretty well
to humbug the people, but that was
when th freedom shriekers were out
of power and the people could iu a
measure, be gulled into bclievsug they
were sincere. But we doubt whether
the crv of "Ku-Klux,' by Grant and
his congressional desperadoes will find
any ear with the masses who are groan
ing under radical misrule. The cry of
Ku-Kiux now raised is to divert the
atteutiou of the people from the iui
quities of Grant and his officeholders,
who are plundering at wholesale, and |
whose malfeasance is turning every i
honest man in the laud against them. 1
"Ku-Klux" is a humbug, and all there '
is of it, is of radical gettiug up, bv (
radical carpet baggers who are to the ,
South what the lice and tnads were <
to Egypt. Egypt had its plagues in I
every imaginable kind of vermin and (
the South is plagued and cursed by t
.he lice and toads of New England— j
. arpet baggers who only went thither <
to steal, speculate, and plunder what j
was left those unfortunate people after (
a cruel and desolating war. and be
cause some of these northern vermin
are not encouraged by the high minded ,
*5 cople of the South—and we hope to see
themdisrepubable charactersalldriven J
, ut —their radical partners and shar- (
ers of the spoils in the north, are now ; (
lustily crying "Ku-Klux." Let the , 1
.- ■uth alone. If she is as bad as radi
cal scalawags all the time represent j
her, why don't they keep away ?i (
They are not invited to go down there. |
Nearly all the military officers sta- i
turned through the south, report that 1
they know nothing of these Ku-Klux J
* utrages and that peace and order} (
prevail. j i
New Hampshire has turned "Ku- i
KJux," Pennsylvania, New York, and '
other states, last fall went "Ku-Klux," '
■ad because the chivalrous sons of the ,
■outh will not be forced into voting i
for the despicable carpet baggers, who
t'i.r years have traduced her and who; |
i:re' now there like jackals to glut |
themselves upon ber misfortune#, they ,
ieiiow "Ku Kltx" aud ask congress I
to put them under the heel by legisia- j I
lion, aud Grant is mean enough, after
himself reporting the south was all j |
quiet, to come to the assistance of those ,
villains and ask congress for more i
bayonet power to tyraaize and domi
•teer over, and subjugate the southern |
because, they will not bow to (
und kiss the hand that has smitten |
When it comes to decide between
Ku-Klux and the crimes of Grant's i
::ilministration, the people have al-.
icady shown very unmistakably that.
they will turn "Ku Klux."
One Hundred Democrat*
Washington, March 22. —The three j
democratic congressmen from New!
Hampshire were sworu in to-day, be-,
iog the first from that state for years.,
-They met with a warm reception from
their democratic brethern Hon. Fer
nando Wood will give a graud enter
tainment to-morrow in their honor, j
Hon. John Edwards, of Arkansas, was
a'so sworn iu to-day, swelling the num
ber of democrats to an even huudred.
The county office* to be filled in thi*
county ext full will be one member of the
legislature, two associate judge*, ontcoun
* ty treasurer, one commissioner, and on
auditor. Already are the a.pirants for
these pla*c beginning to hold up their
heads In the shape of. as for we have learn
ed, three candidates for assembly, four or
five for associate judge, and aoote six for
county treasurer. We suppose the names,
of these, and probably a score of new ones j
i.naddition, will be announced in due course j
in the papers. There will be good niateri- j
al to select from ; we expect to *ee> strong
ticket nominated, with which the democrat-1
ic majority in old Centre, will be swelled
to at least 1000 next October.
Wo here repeat, what we said in the
Hitportkk last fall, that the canvass for
nomination should be cairied on among
rivals in a more friendly and honorable
wy" than has heretofore been tho case.
The system of wire-pulling, raising all
kinds of damaging stories against rival
candidates, and making all kinds of promi
se*, this to Tom the other to Ilarry—should
he beneath any one claiming to be a gen
tleman. We think such a course in a'can
didate very degrading, and shows that be
is only a spoils aeekcr, with more love for
filthy lucre than for tho principles of the
the party to which he proteases to belong.
In next week'# REPORT Kit we will
print copious extract# from Sen
ator S?urimer's great speech, delivered ,
last Tuesday op San Domingo and
G.raut. He gives Grant particular
Thr Fifteenth Amendment in ike Jinx
HOT —.4 SeattuHW/ Judge and U (VM
orexi Hilnw.
An incident or two, which occured
recently in North Carolina, illustrate
how justice is administered under rad
ical reconstruction in the south.
A coloied fellow-citiaen went into n
store, and finding the merchant, as he
supposed, toe) busily engaged with a
customer to attend to his wants, pro
ceeded to fill his ilocket* with sundry
valuable articles lying on the counter
It was dexterously done, but the vigi
lant eye of the owucr saw what trans
pirod. As the gentleman was passing
out of the door with his booty, the
merchant arrested him, made hitu un
load, and then handed him over to the
tender mercies of the law . I'he thiol
was indicted and urraigucd before the
court and jury of his peer*. I'he
facts were proven as ahovo Mated.
The learned judge charged the jury a#
"GNTXOI OF JURY : Pis prisner
you are tryin' is chared with the
crime of stcaliu'. Stcalin is the tah
in' and carryin' away of do good* of
another, lie must cot only take 'etu
but must tote 'em off. Pis prisner
took the goods, but before he got out
of the store do owner made him Uff
"em dar. If do storekeeper wanted to
make de prisner a thief, ue should wait
uutil the prisner had leff the store and
toted off de goods You must find de
prisner not guilty."
The jurr, concuring in the law as
; laid down by the court, instantly ac
quitted the accused.
An eminent lawyer of \\ ilmingtou
had oceasiou in the trial of a case to
call a Colored witness to the stand.
The name of the witness is Anthony
Hall, and he is an alderman of the
citv. After beiugsworo, Mr. Holmes,
the attorney, addressed him thus:
"Now Anthony, tell the court and
jury"—"Stop,' said the judge, "you
will please address the witness as Mr.
Hall or Alderman Hall; the court
will not permit a witness to be insult
ed." Mr. Holmes assured the court
that he intended no disrespect to the
witness or the court; that he had al
ways known him as Anthony, and by
that name he was uniformly addressed,
i The judge directed the clerk to enter a
fine of $ 10 against him, Mr. H. took his
seat, and the court directed him to
proceed in the examination of his wit
ness. The attorney said he should
ask no further questions. On his re
fusing a second lime, the judge direct
ed the clerk to increase the fine to S2O.
The attorney on the other side-asked
Mr. Hall a* few questions, and said,
"Mr. Holmes take your witueas."
Mr. H., without thinking, said. "An
thony, vou can stand aside." The
repetition of the iudignity aroused the
ire of the Judge, and be directed the
clerk to increase the fine upon Mr.
Holmes to SIOO. He paid tho fine
and left the court. The court room
was crowded with loafing negroes, who
were greatly delighted with the ac
tion of the judge, and will vote to re
elect the carpet bagger for his vindi
cation of their rights. One of the
ablest carpet bag judges, having the
full confidence of the radicals of North
Carolina, is eminetly qualified for the
criminal department, having served
four and a half years in the Ohio state
prison for burglary.
Speaking of the sad effect of the
coal aurpensiou the Seranton Daily
Democrat of Saturday says : "As the
davs succeed each other and are mul
tiplied into weeks and mouths, the
continued suspension draws the dark
clouds of want and misery more thick
ly over tae length and brendth of our
valleys. Beyond the great mountiaus
which girdle the anthracite regions,
how little is known of the woes and
sorrows which have been caused by
the suspension. Under many a roof
are gathered together wives and chil
dren, whose prayers constantly arise
to heaven for help in this the darkest
hour of their existence. Hundreds of
families who never before knew what
it was to want for the actual necessa
ries of life, are now experiencing the
sorry paDgs of poverty. The exhaust
ed nurse and the empty cupboard are
prolific of uutold dispair. No longer
ago tbau yesterday a case was brought
under our immedinte attention. It
was that of a family, lately arrived iu
this section, consisting of husband,
wife and four litUe ones. They had
left the old country, ignorant of the
desolation now reigning in this vicini
ty. The sorrows of the farewell were
greatly mitigated by the bright hopes
which went before them. On the voy
age across the ocean, many specula
tions as to the early accumulation af
comforts, were indulged in. But
alas! how shallow were there dreams
To day they are in bitter want. The
mother has been sick for nearly ten
days, without medical assistance. The
scanty larders of neighbors have con
tributed their portion in order that
life might be sustained. In the tea
pot were a quantity of tea leaves
which, we informed had been boil
ed ami re-boiled a dozen times.
And this is only one instance
in thousands just as bad. It is a sad
paradox that in the midst of plenty
thousands are famishing."
Cessna vs. Meyers.
The Chambersburg Valley Spirit,
printed in the Meyers-Cessa district,
The Committee on Elections of the
House of the Representatives had be
fore them on last Friday the case of
Chorjienniug Cessna against Hon. B.
F. Meyers. The hearing was post
poned until next session. Cessna was
very much chagrined at this decision,
and moved that the parties be required
to file their arguments with the Clerk
by July 1st —that be should have
them printed and sent to the members
of the Committee and that the case lie
disposed of at the opening of the next
session. This extraordinary proposi
tion was resisted by Mr. Cofirnth who
was present, acting as Counsel for Mr.
Meyers. He projxated that the briefs
of Counsul be filed at the meeting of
Congress in December and that 'the
case be argued at the pleasure ot the
Committee. The proposition' of Mr.
Coffroth was adopted. Oral argu
ments will be made before the Com
mittce at such time as they shall fix.
This was Cessna's second defeat. He
was anxious to have the Committee
dispose of the case iu a summary wuy,
after the manner in wrhich he was in the
habit oi manipulating contested elec
tion cases himself. But be was sur
prised to discover that there was a
disposition on the part of bis Commit- 1
tee to decide according to the testi
mony. He doesn't want this case de
cided according to the evidence. He
knows very well that a careful exam
ination of the testimony will increase
the majority of Mr. Meyers. Wo
have reliable information that a count
will give Mr. Meyer# a majority of
over olio hundred. We drop a tear
over CWspa's disapjioiniiient, but we
insist that he ought to be removed
from the Presbkncy of thp Ponrd of
i Trustee# of Frankliu and Mat.hglj
j College.
The Vice Presidents' (Jntuiiiiar.
When Joe luuie was ncandidate fur
YWlWdett. ac.iou*
made <> hi* orthography. c® Pre*!,
dent Co'fax's grammar *eem* to l>
equally bad/ number of the
independent contains an artiolo from
his potion the Northern Pacific mil
road In which hi* p-o-ngo occur-:
Even taklug ("Itleap* as the ft *• t
ingpoint, it will ho (via St. 1 uti!, w here
an arm of thi> railroad i rt .u In 1 1 two
hundred mile- less distance to Pug. t'-
Soumi than to San Francisco. Ho
sides thin vessels tVoni tlu* Uuldcii (iatc
to China sail on what i* culled the
Brami circle, instea 1 ot in a -iraighl
line; and any <>ne t-ti*g tlu I'v n
airing on a globe will lw surptlsed at
the tsull, it they have not )t \>. n>!\
studied the effect f ihe rotundity ..I
the earth, niol it* dunin she l 4 p-. i i-
Iterance a* you g northward tow.std
ih-> Pole. Hence, vvhtli they havt
sailed eight hundred mih# from Stn|
Francisco they are -nly one hundred i
| mile* from the entrance to PuVt
| Sound.
Thus, in one soutcpee. vv c e.avc the
individual making the t-t a .ud.d to,
represented in the fii>t, second ami
third |Kiw<ur, in the singular ami phi
ml number. I hi* would he badenougo '
for a twelve year old echotd Imv, hut
for Vice President Colfax it i* di
graceful. The liuh-• pendent should!
eng. go a ciitic on the style of eminent
personages, if Colfax c* to continue hi-.
♦ ♦ ♦
Which is the Imitatiott attd Which
the Model!
The San Domingo correspondent j
of the Tribune say- that Dae*, the ro
caller! President oi San Doming >, keen
all the members of bis family in pun
lie office. The llovernor of Sau Do
mingo city i* hi* brother; a secern!
brother is a (Jeneral of his army ; n
half brother is Governor of Aiua ; a,
brother-in-law is Secretary of State ;
the Deptv Collector of the capital j
is his son ; anil another son tilUa valua
ble office in the same city.
One reason why all these relation
of the President's family are such real- j
oil* partisans of annexation i*. that the
Treasury of San I\iming is heavily in
their debt. They enjov large snlai i. #,
but they are never paid, because there
is nothing to pay them with; and out
of the million and a half dollars to be
handed over to Beat by the I nittd
State* for the island a very large por
tion will go into the hand- of his rela
tions. Indeed, the correspondent of
the Tribune says that Baex and bi
sons, brothers iu law. brothers, cousin.-;
second cousins, and so ou, will get
about the whole of it.
Scenes of'AS Re-enacted.
.!//< Sscecpiny All lIfJo re It.— 'I he
I'opulace in Amu. —Riot anil I Re
order It am pant. —Prominent (Vti
tens Butchered. — Their Both-* }'tr
adeil OH the Street #. —l/f-iry light
ing in l*ro<jre*e. —Street* lied II ith
B!oo*l. —Knerfetie Action of Bis
Paris, March 23. —A serious disturb
ance terminating in a riot occurred
at the Place Vendome. Last evening
a reactionary crowd had congregated
in that vicinity and were expressing
in strong and equivocal terms their
disanprobatiou of the course pursued
bv the insurgents. The mass of peo
ple swelled to such proportions and
apjicarcd so much disposal to indulge
iu riot and disorder that an order was
given to a company of nationals to
clear the mob. The latter, however,
resisted, and it was not until every ef
fort which was made t<> effect a clear
ance without bloodshed had failed
that the order was given to the nation
al's to fire. At the order ihe troops
fired aud the mob fell back and final-
Iv dispersed. An immense number of
person# were killed and wounded by
the fire of tho troops. Great indigna
tion is felt annmg the citizens in con
sequence of this la-t crowning outrage.
'lhe reactionary movement is rapidly
assuming force nnd strength. The
citizens are armiug throughout the
city, the Place d' Auxcrroirs has been
selected as a rendezvous and they are
now concentrating rapidly at that
place. There they will ap|>oiut lead
ers and determine on their
future plans and movements.
The greatest excitement prevails in
the c : ty. All classes of citizens are
partaking of the agitation, which has
become general. Heavy fighting is in
progress before the Palais Royal and
the scene iu that vicinity is one of riot
and carnage. A similar scene is pro
gressing at the Louvre, where the
fighting and riot has become general.
The peaceable citizens arc meanwhile
in the greatest alarm and consterna
tion least their own lives and safety
should be imperiled or threatened by
the disturbances.
London, March 23 —noon. —Tele
grams from Paris just received contain
information of further fighting and
rioting, which occurred in that city
this forenoon.
An immense number of citizens
have been killed in these disturbances
aud the greatest indignation prevails
among the citizens, who are now arm
ing themselves, determined to quell
the disturbances.
Versailles, March 23. —M. Favre
has informed the national assembly
that he has received a communication
from Prince Bismarck in which the
latter announces that if the lelogrngb
wires in communication with Paris arc
not repaired and the aggressions
which are continually occuring in di
rect violation of the treaty of peace
arc not stopped within twenty-four
hours the German troops will reocupy
the forts surrounding Paris nnd open
fire upon the city. The greatest ex
citement prevail* in the assembly in
consequence of this announcement.
Several of the Paris papers have re
moved to Versailles.
The Paris insurgents have obtained
from the Bank of France a million
francs against the deposit of a formal
treasury I Kind. A requisition made
by them upon the Rothschilds was re
fused payment.
Var*aiilc#, March 23 —evening. — |
The insurrection in Pari* is fust a*-
Bunting the proportions und horrible
character of tho revolution in Idood,
while prominent citizens nre hourly
assassinated by tho mob. The latest
information received from the city
describes the mob a# sweeping all be
fore it. The most appalling scones arc
being enacted, and among the promi
nent citizens who are announced to
have been butchered by the rioter# to
day are M. Ha tide, some time since
spoken of as Franco's representative
at the London conference, M. 11 at
tctigner, banker and member of the
bourse, und M. Henri de Ptuc. tlie
celebrated civil engineer. Immediate
ly after these gentlemen were mur
ifered their corpses were paraded upon
the boulevards, amid the yell# and
curse# of tbe infuriated mob. The
greatest consternation prevails among
the more reripeotuble el.--e#, who have
great fears for the lives of women and
children. All private dwellings are
kejit closed and the city is at the mer
cy of the unmerciful reds.
The iiuuirgont* l<> day niUml and
r occupied Foil Vinfciim-a v ithuut op
h |KMitiiMi, It i*runvir--l here (hat tin
. attiuk will IK Hindu up-M (lie revolu*
. tioiiii>t to morrow by ilie troop* now
held HI reserve hv the government.
i . ♦ ♦ ♦—
\\ ailiinj;(oii, M i roll'J'J. Tim 1 >ui no
era tie colli mil in the House ntand* at
KM, To day M'" 4 *!"*. ililihttrd, Hdl,
> and l'ai hcr Wore attorn in iu the N< w
, Hampshire Dt-m--<rutie dulegntiotEand
wore aoou after-tunl* I.dlowed hv Ali
Kdwui-tU, of Arkitoaux, lliu* increasing
the iiiiuilit r on the Democratic aide;
from >'7 to 101. l'lie acce*ioii ItiMt
week of Mr Jacob 11. Blair from the
j ! Kcputilit-nn *i,|o w.i- the first iticreitM
, since tho oroanif.ition. |n the elee
I tioti* yet I . take place the Democr.it.-
I ! will eicet at tei even member®,'
< which will give them within fourteen
I ' vote* - I a majorih of the 1 louse, but
| for ull practical purpos,* they in.w
control tho Utilise, I'lur- fur m tin
two lit t L. of the lit w itilhrv hale
;cm rietl 11 on point, ami, by tUlroy tug
the two-third* rule, hnvo uipjetl in tht ,
butl every attempt ol the lea ileum at
virion* legislation.
KMTUIIOII of L.o) IT HI ittain.
From our ipwitl eorresjii -ndeii!.
WlUfaMMpoit, March SM To-day a*
J (he lumhiiM jreml u vit.d hi ightiit*!
j vr our t ity mot land-- upe, Lo\J Urit-|
J lain clwwl hi remarkably hie of trout |
j upon the gallows lie a negro •( or
dinart hight, rol>tit hailtt anti g< nuini-
I color, pre. ell till £ ttll appearance of child- ;
oh simplicity ami innocent e. Itorn of pa
re nt - ht-IJ in bondage near Baltimore, lit
early t-scapcJ ihtir d.-.-iu l>y III* Jepaiturr j
|la I.itUu \ :k 1 litre lit- begun that won-.
I dorftil career of crime ami licwutiousav** ;
ui return ft r which 10-th.y he pay* hit pen
| ullv by hi* lilt*, ll i said of lout thai
though he had an Ostensible wife, lie found
attachment w ilh two married women at
York, one of which clo|w-tl with him
I a* far a* Lcwirtown when the rightful hu*-
I hantl overtook him aiul recovered his legal:
j jwui-c. From l.cwi-town lie proceeded
j to He ISt ft ntc where hi* a-suim-d wife re
joioed htm, hut some liiuu afterwards died
. In 42 he innrtl a! \\ i!liifu*|w-rt where
: lie soon math- the acquaintance of a Airs-
Adam- with whom lie departed to Wiik*
' harie, >he leaving behind htr a hit-hand
i and three children to n> < --inpat-y h'tn
At the latter place he t said to have nt
| tempted to ki!t a certain Mr. Kelly who,
! stood hetwetu him and the object of hi*
A- . u*ali >n* t.f robbery and ult.-mpu d
! murder follow him iu hi* track* wherever
, iie had made hi* abode. With *ucl a
| preparation Itrittain ietllod about three- '
i forth of a mile north of the criitrs of the
city in a place of iit'-l noforiou* repute
1 - ailed "Nigger Hollow Hard by .land*
I a di-repitiable Intern in wbieh tho inhahi
| taut* of the sinkhole of pollution wore
| wont to a*- tnble, and spend their money ,
and time in Useless drink* mid idle gotp. _
Here on the lfilh -f November may be eeii
' i*oyd Hrittain coloredl and Jacob Hay
i i while) the victim. 1 hey *it by a table in
friendly and ---ntldrntial conversation eon
: earning a s-rtairt Mr*. Tlioinptna, the
object (if Mil (heir illicit hist, Tili a wick- , (
ed woman had forbidden the house t.
Hriltaiti ou that i..ght, in ooo*oqunoe of
which he deliberates injury against hi* ri
\ak M- at while H*y called for the drink* ,
, and they exchange compliments ll I*
between 8 and U o'clock at night. Brit- ,
! lain aoon lent • the tavern with hi* I.MIS, (
among which wa> the fatal chisel, and _
proceed* !o conceal hilimlf near the hou#e
of Mr 'lll ll] -n, the wife of whom ll*-!
frequently received Improper ri*iu front!
both Hrittain nnd Bay. Shortly Hay came "
along and entered the hou*e. Jealousy
tilled Hrittain** heart, ami a short distance
above the bou*->, he concealed himself (
with the chi iil. premeditating murder. (
Presently Bay left th- hu*. t • Mum
home. A- he pa*-<-d ai-mg, Hrittain
sprung from the darkne-* and t*bbed him j
with n chisel. Hay shrieked "murder}"
anJ the cowardly an*ln fled, believing j
that no one had *ecn him. Providence, (
however, rule I •tlo-rwise; for as he -truck ,
tha fatal blow, the victim looked around
and. by means of the brightness of a iight
• hiniiig tr> !ii nn- iglilsori ig lo>.i- lull in .
the murderer'* face, he *w the face of hi*
dusky friend with whom he had parted .
seemingly friendly. Hav *Uiggerel back
to the tavern, exclaiming a* h® entered
"Oh I m murdered' The colored man I •
treated at your bar hurt mel 1 have to
die to die' Medical aid > summon- |
-id The wound *n> mode on the right j
side of the ahdoinni. Hie *ufle;ing manL
wa* conveyed to hi* houie where one week i
after, he died in consequence of the -tab-'-
I bing i
Th next day thu at*a**in wa* arr.4ed ,
and imprisoned. Hifore the death of Hay, :
Hrittain wa* called to his bedside when he ,
I identified the murdert-r. On the -'of No j
vemher he wa duly tried, convicted ar.-i t
tentenced to bo executed. 1
THK I>l TV or TIIK SncKtrr.
On thi* be-iutiful sonny day a vast con
course of people gathered ar-uuid the jail '
nnxiou- to get a glimpse. About two <
hundred entered the yard of the jail to *
witness the ft nrfti execution of the law- '
At minute- before 10 o'clock th® sh r-!T. '
officer*, pris->ner, minister* and jury 1
thoughtfully and mournfully marched '
from the prisoner* cell to the scaffold. '
The sheriff, prisoner, and minister* walk- '
ed up the scaffold. After the reading of 1
the warrant. Rev. Harden offered up a de- ■'
vout prayer in which he committed the '
-prisoner into the hand of Almighty God. i<
He wu* then allowed to |H-ak. He catue '
j forward nn-1 in a rapid ami audible voice. 1
said: "Gortlemon, lam going to be hung. '
I can say that I didn't kill Jake Bay or i
I nothing. That'* all I've got to say."
Hrittain tli* n hade good-bye the sheriff,
! officer*, and minister* saying in una!!* red j
voice, "God bless you. The officer
placed the rope around hi* neck. Hrittain
smiling a* he did .-o. With hi* neck in i
the rope, both his hand* and feet in shack
le*, the trap was tprung at precisely
12:jO. and tha soul of I. >yd Hrittain
departed, leaving hi* lifeleM body swung ,
in th® air. Although hi* fall was six fec t -
it did not dlslocato hi* neck anJ the prison
er twitched in ag-mie*. At 10 minutes af
ter hi* fall his heart reiisej to beat- He
wa* taken down seventeen minute* after
his foils put in it plain coffin and delivered
into the hand* of hi* family, who, at hi* re
quest, are to k-'-qi hi- body two day* before
Thus ended another life of consummate
crirue and Heentiousm * the gallow*.
Green-eyed jealousy ha* citalogued
another name upon it* bloody front; too
suggestive of the presetic*' of human de
prnvity and sinfulness. J. I*. •">-
lloltli'ti ("onvic(c*l
llr-nu/t of (he Iwpcnehwrnt Trial —
(Jorcri)Or l/o/ih o / omul (Juillj/ mill
/)rpo*r<lfrom Office— Ife i ili
fir<{ Forivrr fron /folding <my I !<•<
of frajii or llmior in the St ah IIu
) 4 iual I'ofr; iii to Hi.
Raleigh, N. March 22. The High
Court of Impeachment, sitting for the trial j
of \V. W. Hidden, Governor of North
Carolina, voted to-dny on eight article* of
impeachment preferred hi - the Hon-e, with
the tullowing r---ult: Forty-nine members
were present, and n two-thirds vote wu*
I required to convict.
| On tho first urticlo lie wns found "nutj
' guilty"— yeas, :k), nays, l'-i.
On the second article the vote was : Yeas,
H2; nays, 17. "Not guilty."
On the third article he wa* found "f nil-1
I ty" —yw. 37; ptyf, If.
j On tho fourth article, "guilty"- yea-, 38; J
I nay*, Iff
| On the fifth, "guilty yea-, 40; nays, 9.
i i On the sixth, "guilty yeas, 41; nay*, 8.
-1- On the seventh, "guilty"—year, 37; nayn.f
| ! On the eighth, ' guilty yea*, 8fl; nay
,l3 .
, \it o -ler Wa* then pa '-d rfflilivlli|
, Governor Gulden from office, and tlisquali
fy ing l*ini front holding afty uttlce of honu
or |iro(lt in ih Slate,
On this order the vote stood !"G ill ill
. affirmative- ami 18 In the negative.
I | All llie- fiulinl.tr* w ere present except one
file i temple-Xloll of lliei H-nnlei it ttilrlv*ll
Cun-c-rvHtlvi- and fourteen It puhlicnu*
| One Hi'ptlblh an waaabsctlt, Mi Klylhe, o
X iirtliampt-'il.
The chnrges on ahiih Mr. llolden, r
-cutly Governor of North Carolina, w*<
impeached are briefly, reftuing obedience
.. ui llie writ of hnbt-a* corpu*, l-u ifir ng am!
unlaw fully iiiipriiining rlti*en, -lid lak
i-ep money illegally out of tho Slnlo trea--
ury t" pay a band of deperMt® ehnracter
.'iiipl'-y cl by Inn a* a slaiiilttu; ariny. . Un
:lie habe ■* corpus cllarg-i tha v-ite w n* very
.-o-avy against him -niie-lhinl ol' the It
ipuhhcMii Senators voting guilty w:Ui
their !>euii>cr|ic i-uili-xgui'*, *o lhal in
-Uspriidiig that muniment of liberty Air.
iloide n may 1 e said tee have hanged him
-• if. Hi* seiileiic® i* rcnn-val lYoin ofttce
|and ilit-tualiflenli-in from holding any
office- of trust, honor, e-r profit within tie
fhe proc* edings of the court ofiin
peio hlueiit he-ing, Wei take- it, beyond re
vie- w, thi* eHsqunlittculiuii is f-r life, and,
j ill iiiipi-aehliie-Ul selitelie'ee 10-t barring the
; ui*-r' ordinary form* <l pr--* euli <*, the
j deposed Governor is amenable tee further
'punishment, though, exit of regard tee hi*
'present great though justly earneel el.-grn
latum, it i* not likely the rod will he said
-it h:s tun k anew. The- most prominent
■ nil -e-juence of this impe-a- ' sunlit will he a
-Uilden falling ->ll ui the number of "Ku
iK!ux - ullage- iu North Carolina, tin-e
'grisly tale - having had it for a main object
|is scare the Legislature by a threat of re
. mi-triu 1.-ui into sparing the culprit he
j fore it. The next liiipoaehnielit ill erde-r
is that of Havid Huller, Governor ol Ne
i hra*Va. aceti*e*el of malversation of pubtic
i fund*
11 *fe miney ola .\ orthrrn Man —.\t-
ffrots * —I nftir
Act inn of tin■ /ne> x'lrfiition C-ifinnut"
Ixen-eir, N. C, March 17. I have been
reading tin- Tribune on the doing* here
oi North Carolina, and it ha* surprised me
' not a little that *o much ha* been said
abe >ul thee terrible- murder* of the l-lae-ks bv
Ithe Ket-Klux Klan, ami nothing about
ley the t'niun Le ague- eifthe white-*.
It do.-- ste m Strang--, in view of th® natu
ral couim-m sens® of the Northern people,
thai tlo-y can b!icv that w her® for the
last fie e y ears there has been a majority of
Republican* among jur--r* , ticgrese-s sitting
on the jury), Use judge* all Ke-pbieiican*,
arte! sheriff ami offie-ers all Republican*,
that no once can have justice but a conserv
ative. 1 am from the North; hav® been
here all the time kinee the war, and can
testify that 1 have never se en given to oth
er Northern peofde coming here hontsi
iy to make a living anything but the uto*i
unvarying kindness. The conduct of thr
people t.eecards Uee ii.es becli one ef the Ul
nu-st c-irdinlily To b.- ure 1 have never
told them they were "Jetestable rebt-l*,"
anel ought to give up their farm*.
Why uai it that th-' Investigating Com
mittee did not subpoena a Conservative
from Kiutrnt North Carolina, instead o!
the three worthless character* they ordered
from this place? If they had ordered a
Conservative there he might have t-dd
them of tho perfect jo-ace we have ciij*#yed
for the past year to the negro, and - r that
their children were cmrrcly good enough
to uttctid >• hool with negro. -, a* I have
known carpet bagger- to do.
1 think it my duty to give in m* exi
d rice --li one of the outrage* that ha* cottte
to my.knowledge. The first yv.r after the
war a Mr. O-lehttin happened t<* offend one
of the "truly loyal Tlii* fellow look
-avcr.il other n* gr- - w-nt 1-- Mr.
hum iu -the night and killed him in the
presence of hi* wife, took her and dragged
her into th® wood* and cru tlv outrag<-d
her. mid then 1- ft, after robbing the house.
She -v--re to the negro, but th® lla-iica
•hcriif n<gb-eted to do anything with him,
and In- g--t al-out the neighli-trln*--! a*
big an I Ire*- a* d--*-* any other Cm-n
Leaguer where there i a majority (
L-rant' Sn Ib-ntingo e->muiiiner* ar
rived at H'a.biiifclon on Monday evening
The only Incident "f interest that hajs
p. iml on the way frx-m Chat lesion wa* on
the A- qui-* Creek boat, where I fed Ib-u*
glax* wo* refused admittance to the dining
room, whereupon the whole party rvfu* -d
to take their dinner ami when they ar
rived here were in a rather ravenc-u* con
dition. An orderly from the IFhite House
met the boat, with % letter from the Presi
dent tor Mr. Hade. As ha* been antici
pated, the jouraalisttof the party agree that
the report willbe very rtrong in favot f|
he aunoxation scheme.
The following i* an addition t-i the al
ready published account* ol the terrible :
calamity at l".ixt Mahoning township, In
diana county. tn Tuesday night or Wed
nesday morning of last weak, the dwelling
house of Wm. Hopkins caught fire and
wa* entirely consumed, and horrible to re
late, two of hi* daughter*, agal respective
ly eighteen and twenty year*, and a little
nephew between three and four year* old.
were burned to death in the flame*. Not
n vertigo of the little b .v i *aid to have
been left except hi* tkull and the remains
of the young la-lie* also were almost entire
ly consumed. Tho fire is upjH>ed to have
been occa*iont-l by coal* dropping from
the cook st-vc an-1 igniting the floor be
Since the New llamsjihira election Grant
lin* rofued t receive visitor*. Tim Chi
rago Times think* if *oniething could Imp
pen which would make him refu*e bribe*
it would be a blessed thing lor the country,
I.IKK IixrHTMATKU for April, appear* in
its usual becoming drcs*, and contain* an
excellent variety of rending matter with
several portrait*. We would in-tanee -
Mi*es Nilsaon and Demowit, with por
llt*nry liurdi*n mid Klim I*. Need-
Irani, two Inventor* of the Day ; the late
Bov Suicide*; Kdward C. Delatfen; Ital-
I inn* in New A ork; Tree planting in Anier
iea; General "Ntoiii-wall Jackson; I!"
Anglo t.'ivilixation a* typified in AI fern
the Great! Slavery vvith.-ut a master; Wm.
L Howling, Al. |).; Alii— Gary, tha pe-l;
niu* and HoneaAy. .V g->--i uttmhar,
Pri e :'ai el*. ;S I a Year. Sent half nyt ,r.
•ol trial, f-r F I Addre- S. U WKI.I X
itsti Broadway, N A.
Sent l-'rtc fur 3 Mentha, t-i try.
A lu-w 8 page itlu (rated |atier. Aiming
! it* contributors will he found many <-f the
bet and most iiopular writ- r* in tha laiul.
'embracing John Hav, <**ut lir of Li''
Hreeclic* and Jim Hludso.) Mr*. A l.
Rii liardaon, Jiiniu* Henri Browne. I -1.
Knox, Prof. Simoiison, George Warren,
Sophe Worthington, Lillian Gilbert
lir-'U i.e. M H. V llrcrk, Uaptmii M-n
--ton, Alexander Hyde, (In Agricultural
Idepartment,) n-i many other-. Mark
Twain will also contribute ariieie* oceio
-ionally. S*-n-l name* to AMi.l-D AN
i'l BLISHKH Hartford. Conn.
GruiKY'a I ADY'* HOOK for April, 1871
: his® lovely cnibellisliments, including a
I St—l Plate, Toby i* Waiting, n Colorod
Fashion Plat-- --t' six tigliru*. u plate of
Itiding-liabit*, an "Apri Fool" engraving
mi Hxteimion Sheet. Containing thirty
eight engraving*, and a great variety of
fancy work design* in the Work Depart
ment. I n the literary department there i* a
great amount of reading that is exocuding-
I ly diversified and interesting.
We have received the first number of For
Errrubod't, a new monthly paper published
I.v llciiry 11. Sage, Buffalo, N. Y. A* its
nuiue i .ii pi in*, it contain* mutter of inter
lr-1 to ail, young and old ; novel* nnd his
i|orc nqrlctillnre and fine art*, humor
and burlesque, nil have their all-d'ed
pares. It i* nu Illustrated paper and tile
engraving* are carefully selected and ad
miiably executed. Sample eopi* will ht
[sent on receipt of fifteen cent*, and the
I subscription price is only $1 50.
'*, l! r> I : all (juuiti, n deiicutn woman of
IxfiuraMvf, r-nnxylvania, h.ul an uuplea*-
■g -Mitio---- whit Ii tier hudiaiid la*l w®k, and
li iake.| tiurfiei in a ro-nu The hu*ban<l
or dtfeatend her life, and sho opened the -lour
Mid fled down stair®. He Hrd n gun after
lie her. Th® bullet, however, iuiMal the
mark, but *•• frighlend her a* to ctuw
e death in a day or two.
I* - - . =r .ii "r,"gssar
RKADY F;lt AGKNTS. The book that 1
, 11* selling. Tlie Ch. iipes! and H-'-t lLtory
•ftli® I. ate W'-r, in both KnglUh ami Ger
man, Profusely I ltu*ira-< -d, -nlr t*oi
< )ue agent rsporl* 88 order* ill two days, it< l
'quickly and eoill 111- •IK ,I A 11 II (' ll
** IIA It I>, Publisher, 4 U ('iiestnut St., Phila i
'• marfil it
. A(.KN l> M Al-i: A KKMALK.
~] For lal selling ft> yu!ar subscription j
Hook-. Kxtra induct ment* t>- Agents !
Information free. Address Am. lhok C*i,j
Sji2 WiiiuuaM, -x A. ft-h2tH|
• v |f|AHl-* IS Nit 111 MHL'U 1
I Ih nd.iig'.Vt.
h'witling*-, to-gh(, color - l eye- and hair,]
- you will r®c .ve, by r-.urn mail, a oorrevt]
j put tire of your future hu-hand or wife,]
r j with name -tiid -lateofiiiair-age. A<)dre*s
i-' \V K-t.X, P. O Drawer NoJI, FuR.-nvilli , j
I K. Y. tii-34 I'
e .tivU.. -i-Jl Die celebrated HOME SUIT
trr hfH, make* til® "lofk *fifco" -alike on]
both tide*,) and i* futtylicrnsrd. The best
I, and cheapest family Sewing Machine it.j
:!i® market Addre**, -I'TiaaoM, Ct.xitK
A isu., R ton. Mus*., Pituburg, IV, t'bi-j
at'-, lib, or st LotiU, M-i, 27jnl'U
r C'OL'till! COrcill! (XJUUH
Why will you C-'ugli when you can tc
*oeaily relieved by uxing
i tr. VVflla' Curl*.he Tablets ?
: i hey are a -ore cure for Sir-- Tliroat, Col J
a ltor>eii—. Catarrli nn-1 ait Di---ases of thi
. Lungs, 'i'tiroal, and Ur-oiciiial Tube*.
I roui the great number of Te-lituoniali
as t - the-tlici--ncy ofth-s in* aluable medi
' cine the following i* -uleeted
17 W aiip-in---li A ve. Chit-ago, 111. Jan. 14. 71
, "For 110- last teli year* 1 hav® been i
"great sufferer from frequent attacks ol
"Aeulo Mronohili*, and ha*® never found
• "anything t-> relic.u oxe frtnu the-® uiaelu
, ••until 1 tried Dr. Weil*' Carbolic Tablet*.
CACTIttN. Don't let worilil®** artic.e*
, be palmed off on v-u. In- -urey-vu get only
JulIX (j. K KI.LOOU, Piatt Street, N. Y,
j Sole Ay -id Sold by DruggisU. Priced
jeont* a H--X inur2i.it
'"] Over --ne thou-and illustration*. The
ejlarg.-st best selling, and most attractive
j!subscripti n book ever puljloh.-d tine
I agent iit Denver, Colorado, sold lutcopie
in 1 iljji tin- agent iii Milwaukee -<IJ
Hi cop.v- in 5 day, and a large nuinbel
I from 2* U J-l -• -pie- per day. Send foi
|Circulars, with term- at once. Addresi
' l' S PCULISUING Ctt , 411 UrootiK
•I St N Y. fctb24.W
: ITViTiI t'YTTSi )V Pltlt'E-? {a conform
t to Keduetiot) of Duties.
tc Send for our New Price List and
_] Club form * ill accompany it, containing
full dtr--ctions— nuking a large saving t
' consumer* and rnnunerative to club or
- gaiii*. r-
The Great American Tea Co.,
31 A" 33 I V>ry Strrrt,
! P.O. Box .ootl. NEW VOKK JUianJifii
"j ll conUxifi* ox-r lull tine engriving* o:
Haiti--- Scene- and incidents in the War,
f j at. t i* th- only AT TUKNTIC aud ()FFI
, 1 CI A L history of th*t jgr-Ht conflict.
i*uhurt---.! iii tw-ti, English and German.
CAI TltiN Infbri-r historic* are b-- ng
| (ireuiated. Sec that the book you buy n-ii<
, Lain • U*> flue eiigrax trigs and map- Send
tor - trruiar-A >—e our term*, and a full dc<
r.pl ii of the ..rx Addtc NAT I
i I'ubli-hing Co., I'bita. niar'.'4.4i
Serifturr ;./ .Vow# hurt m-t toprlMrr.
(it mt 111 ami (it -luffji hart ktsmj tat A other
Science j ! BiMe.
A b<®'k of thrilling intcre-i and gr-etei
t-- every human being. 1h
k PajM-rs, Pulpit* and People arc all discus
sing the -ul-i- cl anJ Iw-oh. every nun, w
r j man an 1 child w ant- to rc,-,4 C, The louj
; fierce wari- end--!, and hon -rablc |H-ati
eurc-l, Scicnee * true, th" Bible literal,
1 pure and beautiful, b -tk now satifii-d, anJ
firm friends, God *w- rk day*, six actual
}! day*, not lung |N-r**k Thi- t-ook gn >-<
I the v- ry cream of acieuto, making it* thril
ling r--aiitje-, Ixwutie-, <ndcr and -park
'. ling genua hundred fold m--r*-inlercstins
ih.atb-:. AGENTS WANTED Kv
- |®-rien-*-d Agent- will drop -iher book)
and ---riirc territory imn <diat< lv. A-L
S b-r <K. ulur ZIKt.LKR A. -McCl' M.
DA, ltSo, fiivtliM, 1*1..1a. :oar24 it
jt u r H i<: ii A.
• It i a -or* and p--rf.it rommly for ail di
. . -. f the lover and Splcc#, enlarge
.|m-nt or obi-tru-tl-n of inlr- t. Urinary,
Uterine, --r Abdominal Organ*, P-'Vcrtyor
• -v want of Hi > •1, Intermittent or Remittent
. Fever*. Inflammation of the Liver, Dropsy,
isiugi "h Circulation -f tlu- |1 i—-d, Alu
c®'l i,mJnut-uicxi, Scrofttla, Dy
l< t-ia. Ague A F ever or thouConcomi
- bint*.
, Dr. Well* having become vvr-' of the
, extraordinary medical p<r<'|—'rUe- of the
'South American Plant, called
j i it i ii i: it i.
-cut a p< > isl eoiiimissi-'ii to that country
procure it in it*native purity, and having
four d it* wonderful curative luopertu-* to
even exceed the anticipation formed by it*
great reputation. Ha* concluded to offer it
' to tlie public, ami i* hap;y to -tale that he
! ha* p.-rtccte-l arrangetuenU for a regular
I: month!v -upply of thi* w—ndcrful Plant,
He ha- ip- :it much tunc experimenting and
investigating a* to the moat efficient prejia
' ration tr.-m it. for popular use. and ha* f-r
•! some lime U*HI in hi* own practice with
! most lit|>y r--*ult* llie effectual niedirine
! now presented t-- the publicn*
Dr. Wei la' Extract of Jurubeba
and he confidently recommend* it to every
" familv ll* a household rem<--ly which should
l.e freely taken a* a lliood Purifier in all
. derangement* of the system and to animate
and fortify all weak n-l Lymphatic tcm
'i prrnment*. JOHN <4- KKLLOUO, l'latt
- St.. New York. Sole Agent for the Uni
ted State*. Price On* lhillar |wr bottle.
Bend lor Circular. n*ar34.4t
ritHK MAGIC COMB will change any
I colored hair or beard to a permanent
' black or brown. It contain* no poison.
. One comb *ent by mail f--r SI. Dealer*
! supplie-l at redticcvl rate- Addre** AA in
Patt-in. Trrn- Springfield. M# 10 mr 4
11*" ANTED Ag..!it-cv-TV 11
1 W our new* H-M-k, v i/.. '•HISTORY OK
'! ITALY, tillu.tn.ted.l by John 8. C.
".Abbott A |d-ndid subject ami jmpular
author. H. H KI'SSELL. Publisher, Boa
$5 TO S2O A DAY!
Do you want a -iluath-n h- Mdesmanat <>r
-mir home. t- -ell our new 7 stand White
!, It'ire ft--the* Line- t<- lat f--r ever Ih-nt
. ,ini* till eiian-•• Sample free Addre*-
;] llii'l—ll Uiv-r Hire Aliil*. II iu St.., N A
. |or 10 Dearborn Sl. Uhi-g--. marlo.4t
LA. A lu-ly who lind suffered f--r
ye-I- from IK-afne-.Catarrh and S-rofula,
wa* eure-1 by a simple remedy II- rsytn
! tnlliv nnd gratitud" prompt* ln*r t-> send
j-lhe reieipt-free of chattte to any one *i
■ iniinrly nffiiet. I. Addn - Mr- M C.
.! LKOCHCTT, JfrBV rity, N. ®I. m*ro.4t
•Sand BUY KRS are notified, that a better
• mid cheaper Jr tlinn wa* ever known will
; )- up-plied Thi* Jwr excell* in every
quality and riajiiireiueiit, and will outsell
; Hiul.i an under-ell any and all other*. It
' it*e!f. Important Price list for
' 1871 now rendv and -eiit fre. Addre*.-
,* UHAH. O INI.AY & SON, No. 221
' D -ek St . Philadelphia. niarlO.4l
1 The most useful, ornamental, sensible
- ami popular <>f subscription books, i
I "Physical Trainning of Children,,' ju*t
f out, ' It ha* splendid Steel I'lnte*. i richly
i houtnl, mui cve'y Kntliur and Mother vh no
.; see* it vviinU it. It ha* no opposition ami
t delivei* elegantly. 1 li® first agent out
*j cleared s3l.Win Ave hours! No modem
i j book like this one Splendid term*. Utr
-: eular* *ant free. Oanvaailng Book* only
SI New ll'orld Pub. Co., . w. cor. 7h
jiilid Market St,*., Philadelphia. miirlo.4t
• rajgratgiaj THEA-NECTAR
111 K H TEX
with Own Tea Pin
_ all ta-tci, I'Vir sale
'■! evervvvliere. An-1 for
,|Greut AtlanticA Pacific Tea Co .Bchurch
'St. New A'ork. P. 0. Box 5506. St-ud for
Thea-NectarCiroular. mrlo.4t
VT OTICK - I .otter* of Adminirtratloi
, ill upon the estate of Daniel Condo, tat
,'<-f Gregg tw p , dec -I, having b#en grant*
tha undar*igtie<l, ail parson* know ing them
•elVe* indebted tsi said --.late are haaahj
- I ailed upon to eOlne forward slid lliak® set
tlemviit without delay, add thus® havim
claim* tfl present them projierly autfiantt
1 cated.
uiarlO.fit Jrf®u'#ufr<Qri
I j umiersiguod lias a Urge quantity of th*
Early lLe Potato*-* for sale. Thesepwla
toe* art- earlier and yield more largely
j than any other kind. To be hod at reaaotxa
-1 ll rule*.
mar!o.4t Centre Hill,
Norway Oata.
ArraKTiov F*axjaa - The undersign
ml offersa largequantity'of Norway OwUfoi
Isl®. This uaU yield* two® a* uiuei at
any otlu-r <att RATK- Single Bushel
$2.'U or tbrc® iiu-bet* $5,1*1 Order* may
| b® left at the Old F--rt and accompanied
'if tlieeash, <-r by railing upon the under
| signed near Farmer* At ills
iuli2*>-Un*. JAS A M'ULtarica
J. If. Roifanydar
luiliM of the I'eaec, Hurveyor, and
I Attends to i-ollections, surveying and
: dividing of (amis. Particular attention
given to those having land, <>r property for
•ale, or de-iritig U* buy. Deed* Mortgages
Ac., Ac ; drawn and acknowledged upon
, -h.-rt notice, and reasonable term*
Office over Snook'* Store Mitlheim, Pa.
■ News! See Here!
"' The undersigned hereby Informs th*
, riiiarn* of Pi-niiavalley that ha ha* nur
'•; i hosod tii® Tiii> hop heretofore carried on
'"I by the U. 11. Mfg Co.. and wil. continue
j ;)ie same, at the old stand, in all iu branch
-1 j--*, in the manufacture of
'[ All kind* of r. pairing done. He ha*
always on hand
Fruit Cans, of all Kitta,
Al! w->rk warranted and charge* reason
jable. A share of tile public patronage so
| Hcited AND. UEKSMAN.
| dy < eulr® Hail
lp | dealer* ia
•'! Lo all the
Ie! ——
q A very large as
t|l • s.rtiu®nt of Tot
ixr Aarici.ua,
y fixer o<Hids
So*|o, dec , Ac ,
a' The ficest qual
gl ity of tt a ro a
to ' •*T*KU POCKET
r-j Ktvtvua, S*t*aoaa
and Kxzut*.
• ; Wm Pxrx* ix
GKCAT VAaturv.
|.j PRESCRI PTIONS, compounded by com
patent druggists at all hours, day or night.
Night customers pu 1 night belt.
Hi shop St., Boßef.inte Pa.
j iualfi I
L |h ARDMKTEILS and Th' ruiomoter*, at
ff AOFFIN fHI M MINGS a large k..rt
L "F
Just /Vd/iiW, if a tiralnf Eartlupt
I'ritr six trots.
A Lr;-it a**iN rtix N A*- Pau. TatATuaxr
xMi UAI-mai
# Cure of iSaaateul Wcaknos., ..r Sj-erniau-r
rho-A. induced, HV Self-Abuse, Involunla
ry Knio-i'-n*. lu.potency, N*rr<n|a DwbiU
* tr, and Imj-eJiioeiits to Maniag-generally:
" <\-n-iimptii-t*. K;dlep*y, ami FiU Mental
""'and Physical Incapacity, tr. By KOB.
" .1 Ct'Lv EKWKLL. M D. Author of
•" the ,4 tinM*n Btnik," hv.
I The world-renowned author, in thi* ad-
I. mirable L*- ture. clearly j-r.-ves from hi*
■ own experience that the awftit conso-
I -{Uencct ol Self Abuse may be effectually
removed without inediciens. and without
" dangerous surgical operation*, bougie*, ia*
* strtnnetit*, ring*, or cordial*. |Miinting out a
" mode of cure al once certain and effectual
by w hit h every suflcrer, n matter what hu
condition may li®, may curv himself cheap
" lv, privately, *nd rsolrillr. THIS LEU
Sent, under seal, in a plain enve ope, to
• any addres*. postpaid on r,-ceij>t of six
cent*, or two iK*t -tAiTij-*.
Also, Dr. Culverwell't "Marriage
Guide, price 23 cent*.
Addre** the Publisher*,
r 127 Bowery. Nuv York, Po-t-offipe Bug
,t 4 *. s.-fffily
On Allegheny Street,
H iv ing purchased the entire stock of Good*
fr.-m Levi A Miller. a:id
g are now prrparcj to accommodata *ll th*
,i obt jrid* of the establishment, and h*t*
. of new OM*. w keep C-nstaiitly on hand
t'oflfb®, 1 ca, Sugar,
' Syrup, Dried Fruit,
i Cnnc*l Fruit, Hani*.
-I Dried Beef, Salt,
Pickle®, Butter, Flour
I, Corn Meal,
Buckwheat Flour,
and everything usua'.y kept in a well regu
lated first c!a* Grocery Store
V ui.-ir3.ftm rtUHLaGAULT.
II 'j i a*Hi.** A IXAN'A. EAIM.
SUr flollar Wrfklif fun.
it i A N'rweaayer at tha Praaeal Wan,
l ateudrd for FM*l* K*W M Earth.
*i lactudiag Tsrmsrs. UKXSXIO. Xlarehaa**, Pro
fsxsioaxl Ma, Wotkara, Thlakvrt, aad all Haa
urr of Uoms* Polk*, sad tb Wtw*, low. tai
11 iuastitar* or alt taeb.
or i®® ti** oat Caat a o®y. Lai tkar* M a
MO Ol nb ax *rrr Part Offia*.
ol th* sxoi® six* aad gaaaral chfM**r aa
' rnx WKSKLT. bat Wta a rrsatcr vartaty of
inisrafiaaaoo* roadiac, aad rarnttblac Ua nn
to it< •atocrttMrt wttb grmtar ftrtka—. ti*o*rt
j it c--iua* i vie* * iok tutaad or ooe* oatf.
•r A i roiiEiaoatlr rsad*M Dowsaapar. wttk 10*
t. israa*! circalaUon m tb® wand Krs. tad®-
ih> I'tsot. *nd trarlsss la POUUO*. AD tb® BW*
I fr..m - rrrbr. Two Mats a oopy ;bj mall.
II AO oeou • tnoutb, or $0 * tear.
' ! F.ro r—r. MPAratatr addr—id.
~ . roar Dalian.
" I Tea renta*. oa® TW. wwwtilt bddraad (bad
v *a exirx oopj to tbc (®txar a#^f
I, Twentr copies, ooe tw, p*r*talr addressed
11 (s .d aa rxum copy to ibe t-itu op of eiab).
>r Ftlfrto Dalian.
•Tr copi-e. oae rear, to ooe alt dree* load tb*
- IU.W Mk,T Ob,
fiiCT ropie*. one rear, soparatrtr aadrwiH (aad
t ie beml Weeklf on*T®*r to setter oe e(eiab),
Tbtrtr-iv# Dalian.
Ic ne I. ami red cot-lea, OM T*ar, to oa* d*Trti
(-ad the Daily for OM r*ar MOMk®tt*r •>oC
ciabi. Fifty Dalian.
•' F hundred nopieo, one year, eeparataly aa-
V ) ---ed (*u: the Dally for oa* yw to tMjrrttar
~ I. -..fcfob). 81 xtr Dalian,
"l IF- ire. nee rerr loparbtelT addmeed (and
VI - ■ X'.l* Liipy to toiler up or club), _
h Hlxleen Daltara,
• ' rt.-e order*, eboeba, or drag* oa New
•r • .-i c -ut anient If not, tnea register
"iixiiims u-otiey. Aloros.
1 "I* fVnt.tN'T, HiiblUher,
"•ii- die* fw yrk CUy.
!; ! 17LSIII NG TACKLES, rodaliuti*, Luqh
' | flies, sea nair basket*, etc. Kigyou
°i nut to catch trout at
-r'tl other Jajmnncd ware, atthe Anvil Store,
It aplfftib. IBWINA WlLaojr.
3 Come one and all
; At The Old Stam
The /jrpesf Arrival of Spring mm
I. ' Summer Uoed*.
* at Centre Hall.
11 AND
fi i
Hrta, Caps, Boot*, Shoos.
_ „ „ eleo a large Mack of
FISH, the boat, ail kiodc,
the Wet u4 cheapest la the market.
Wolf's Old Stand.
New C(i<-tomers,
.pitm,y. VM WOLF.
• .
COAL—-Wilkatharr* Coal, Chestnut.
Stove, Keg. ftinur* and foundry.
Coal- fb.*t quality, at the low
r; eel price* Customer* will please
note that our coal U housed un
. j der commodious sheds.
"LIME—Wood or coal-burnt Lime, for sals
et our kilns, on the pike leading to
1 POW DEE.—Having received the agency
-j for Pu Pont's Powder AT
>| WHOLESALE, we shall he
pleased to receive orders drum
r i the trade,
% I
(Iflc* end verd over south end of Held
- Ragle Valley K. R Depot. Bellefoate, Pa.
, nov4 SHORTLIDGE A 00.
i 1
He* been to the extreme end of the
1 market For BOOTS * SHOES
to Boston.
Fur DRY GOODS to New York.
|j For CLOTHING to Philadelphia.
toLlach article bought directly
from the Manufacturer, with a de
sire to uit this mark 11 mm
FINE ALPACAS from 40c te Tie the
ftnest—equal to $1.86 alpacas.
SUlTS—from sH)to $lB, heet all
wool Oamimei as.
kfe.H* inlands to clone out hie
Carpels at old rates. Irons Iff earta to 7*
coats per ynrw, far the heet
And selling from 18* to 1 carta, the heo
calicoes, and muslins la proportioa, at
rm Women's Shoot common good, to wan
hsr xaaßntf.. si,®
at the lowest rates, end told at 18i< price
from SIO.OO to $lB for the best
end If it einttrue. Sternberg will treat
They only ask people to come awd see
even if they do not wish to buy.
plated forks, spoons, Ac, at
TUK AN VIL STORK is now receiving
a large end well assorted Stock ol
Hardware, Stoves, Nails, HorseSbosmSad
dlery, Glass, Paints, Sheet Bar and Hoop
Iron also buggy and W agon Stock ol
every description.—Call and supply your
ff&Ts Wlsos
SPICKS of all varieties, ground to order
and warranted to be strictly pure.
It is the onlyplaceyou can And unadultcra
tad spice*. Try them for your own setwfac-
Y "" Td°K%'|D STBOMAB'.
Offer to the Public one of the
largest and best selected stocks of mercbea
dise. in Centre county. Call, examine and
ee for yourself.
FINE GROCERIES, mocha coffee, olc
gov. leva, best quality Rio coffee,
best oolong black teat, green teas, lovering
tyrup, golden syrup, Drip# llnearticlo bak
ing molasses, rice and everything in the
. o Nr. Andrew Reesmsn, would respoot
lullv inform the citixens of Centre Hall,
that bt now bus on band nil !•• oj CoaJ
• atoves—Gafl Burner*—which h# aft w
) low nt elsewhere. Q?e him n call *B<* go
u and we bii tock before purcbaiing eUe
where. noTlßtl
f X
PaTßUvnn Psceweea f*.
2 am 4 s i*isr *
Attorney* at Law. BeUefontc,
K Offic i, on the Diamond, next door to Gar
man's hotel. OeasuUatioM ia German i
Engl eh. feb'^Wtf
JACOB KHoNTC. Attorney at Law
Bellefonte. Peon a., will aUend promp
ly to all legal busioese entrusted to hit
M.-Office with J. t. Patter. near the
Court House. Consultation* In German
4 or English. Ifo#p7y
W Oollartion* promptly made sad special
auaatioa given to those having lands t
property (or sale. Will draw up and have
acknowledged Deeds, Mortgage*, Ac. Of
■re la the diamond, north side of the
court house, Bellefonte. octEFOßtf
Hxsar aaocsuuiorr, j d SHOXKT.
E* :Jk _ . i"*m mia IffHf
(Late Milliken. Uoever A Ce.)
i And Allew 1 surest.
Discount Notes,
Buy and Se
i Geeerament Securities, Gold and
jg>HA|rCrg, Attorney at Law
U Bellefoate, promptly aUeads to all b
iaees entrusted to him. juU.CHtf
a ■ F. FOETNXY, Attorney at Law
• Bellefoate, Fa. OSM over Key
bek. may it mni
u i. m sxxwTxa, rsuxs a. SKSTKB
Bellefoau, Centre Co., Peon a. apfiStf
Ebianee rn tAs ddswnce
C. H. Gateiiut,
Rmrgeee iM Mcchaalal Dntiot
who is prrmsßsntly Incnled in Aaronshurg
in the adice former ly occupied by Dr. Keff.
and wha has heaa practicing with entirs
swoeam—having the experience of a aumbar
of years in the p refusion, he would certt
ally Invita all who have as yet .not giver
him e call. U dose, and test the trwthAunea*
of this assertion jBF-Teeth rxtrartod
without pnla. maylfftMtf
" #BITX "FISH UetriM. UnrturaL sc., a'
la all their Tariotios, at
I D D. NXFF, M. D Physkriaa and Sur
JL s geoa. Centre llall. Pa., offer* hi*
prafaaueaal services to the citixens of Pal
tor and adjoiarag towaskip*. Dr. Naff ha*
the experience of SS year* ia the activ.
practice of madicia* and turgery. p 10 lt>
I /n* ead Surgeon, Potior Mills, rs.
enn his professional services to the ciu-
L teas of Pottei township. mrX,W.tf
'' ~ Chas. H. Held,
r Clack, Walckmakcr A Jcwclci
Millhcim, Centre eo., Penna.
Respectfully inform* bin friends and tl>
public in general, that he ka just oeoneC
* a; his new establishment, above A lex an
° dor's Store, and keeps constantly #a hand
all kinds of Clocks, %atchs and Jewels*
of the latest styles, as also the Maraavill*
. Patent Calender Clocks, provided with i
complete index of the month, and day us
t the month and weak on its face, which U
B warranted as e perfect time-keeper.
tß.Clorki. Watches and Jewelry m
, paired oa short notice and warranted
sua. u. oa vis. c. t. aLKXaxDBh
* ! AUornsys-at-lew office iaCoared House,
Bellefoate, Pa.
with Orvis A Alexander, attend* to collec
tions and practice ia the Orphan'* Court.
i Furniture Rooms!
r spcctfully inform* the citiinn* of Outre
county, that ho hasconatanily oa bead, and
make* to order, all kinds of
Howl MADE Cut tax ALWAYS UK uaxn
His stuck ef ready-made Furniture islarg
and warrsnu-d of good workmanship sod:
all made under kia own immediate ruperi i
sioa, and is offered at rate* as cheep aselse*
where. Thankful for past favor*, ae lk
its a continuance of the same.
Call and see bis stock before purchaslr
elsewhere. sp3l'Gß,l.v.
lan Yard.
Tbe undersigned would respcctfoUy In
form tbe citiaeas of Centre county, that
tbe above Tea Yard will again be put ia
foil operation, ia all its branches, by them.
The highest market price will he paid
for Hidea of all kiada. The highest mar
hot prion will also bo paid fur Tanner's
Bark. The public patronage is solicited,
t Satisfaction guaranteed
i between Market end Arch, formerly 104.
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Oil Shades, Wick
Yarn, Cotton Yarns. Carpet Chains, Grain
Bags, Window Paper. Batting, Ac. Also,
I Brushes, Looking Glasses, Ac. decfoly
and Conveyancer. Deed*. Bonds, Mort
gages, and all instrument* of writing faith
t fully attended to. Special attention given
to the collection of Bounty and Pciision
. claim*. Office nearly opposite tbe Court
_ House, two door* above Messrs. Bush A
Yocum'i Law Office Bellefonte, Pa.
lOjunly |
- OCALEN, at wholeMle and retnil, cheap
|- f)OgTB, large stock, all styles," sixes aa3
ii IJP riCM i for men and boy*, Ju*t arrived
,1 at Wolf well known old Stand.
'- w KATHKR, of all deacriptious, frencl*
j goaif kin, * panish sole leather, utoroc
-1 co*. sheep nkinx, linings. Everything
- in the leather line warranted to give satin
-1 faction, at IURNSIDK A THOMAS.
>, .i ,
i- CLOTHlNG—Overcoats, Pauts, Vests,
* sad Dress Coats, cheap, at Wolfs.
CIATION.—For the Relief and Cure of
tbe Krrii g and Unfortunate, on Principles
of Christian Philanthropy.
Essays on the Errors or Youth, and the
j Follies of Age, in relation to MaaniAQK
and SOCIAL EVILS, with sanitary akd forthe
afflicted. Sent free, in seeled KdVelopes.
, t Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. jull6.lv
f *ao p*> Woata. Th* bMt MUioc book *Tr rsLU*a
t- mL AasU wks Mil nr in war*
ifx pneesat IRWI* A WILSO>