The LlflM lock. There in * little myotic dock No human eye hw open, That beafrth on, end beOtclh on. From morning uni And when the soul i#wrf jxd in deep, All silent Mid alotifk It ticks nd tick* thllM| tu#ht. Vnd new runneth dorß. 01 wondrooo i* that work of Mi Which knoll* the pawbif hour: But rt ne>r fennel m* mind conodtcd The Wfe-elock's magifl ptowcr, Not Oct in gold, nor docked with K*ui. FT wvwlth nd pride WHMMWI ; Bt"rich or poor, or 1. gh or low, Each boor* it in hi* Erea*t, Bnch i* the clock that wciwo* life. Of fl**h and |>irit blended ; And thus 'twill run aithiii the breast, TJfl that strange life U ended. Tkf Perplexed Hon* keeper. I wiah I had a dozen pair* Of hand* tin# very minute; rd M* put all these thing* to right* - The wiy dotn* i* in it. Here'* a hi* washing to ho dona, tine pair of hand* to fe> it Sheets, shirt* and steel inga ocat* and paota— How will I eVr get through it T Dinner to get ftir alx or more. No loaf left oVr from Sunday, And baby CNN a he can lit* He'* afwava ao on Monday. And there'* the cream, 'ti* getting ermr, And BUM) forthwith ba churning. And here'* Boh want* a button on- - Wluoh way ahaU I he turning ? "Ti* time the meat was in the pot. The bread waa worked for baking. Tlie clothes were taken from the bod - Oh dear! the baby's waking ! Oh dear! if P—— eomew home. And An .la things in this bother. He'll just begin, and tell me *U AWW hi* tidy moth How nice her kitchen ueed to be, Her dinner always ready Ftartly when the dinner Wit rung - Hush. hush, dear little Freddy And then will come noiae hasty word. Right out before I'm thinking They aav that liasty worda froiu wives Set aober men to drinking. Now btTt that a great idea, That men should taka to sinning. Because • weary, half-sick wife Cant always tuuile to wintung 1 When I was young I owed to n My living without trouble ; Had clothaa and pocket money too, And boors of leisure doubt . I nev.-r dreamed of anrh a fttte W hen I, ti 'tis* .' waa courted— Wife, mother, nurse, eeamatnwa, coofc. hou*>- keeper. chambermaid, laundreaa, dairy wtv man, and acrnh generally, doing the 'work id six. For the sake of Using supported. A LEAP FOR LIFE. I was on nv way from Fam to Rotuv, and one morning in Mar found utyvnf in the City of Marseilles, where I had made up tax miml to take the steamer fhr Italy l"he vessel I had intended to sail in had departed the day previous to mv wriral, so there was nothing tu d hut to aaucct the next beet and crwnro .nee my jo arts ey After toting the offers £ the various com panies. I finally settled upon the Central Abbertoci, of the Yakrv Line, and after seeing my aboard, and looking in vain for some owe to whom I might say good-by. 1 followed suit, and was soon us the deck. I h v