CENTRE HALL REPORTER FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1871. LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL MIWS.— Our friends will oblige at bv sending in any item* of local inter est, including death*, marriage*, Ac . as tuch are eagarly read by your frtead# in the west, many of whom get the Reporter. W would utiim it a f*vor if our kind pa iron# would occasionally mail a copy ot th* Reporter to relatives and acquaintan ce whsformerly lived in Centre county and removed to other part*, which would induce many to become subscriber*. BLANKS.—RIsnk Summon*. Vendu Nate * |xctttionc, xnd Judfrnoiit fna Exemption Note combined. Justices AN ar rant*, Ac-. f° T l c l Otßoa. I*IH>RTANT KSS MEN.— The circulation of the REPORTER, OU this side of the county, is now greater than that of any two papers in the county, hence business men who wish to roach the Ponns valley trade, wih advance their own interests, by ad veil tising in the RBPORTBR. Our subscrir tion list is open to the i infection ot a! who wish to advertise. GOI.PKN FOUNTAIN PEN —Something new and novel, bo sure snd read the nd vertisement in our paper, hesded "Omt est invention of the Age. AV o bolieve the Golden Fountain Pen i* unsurpa*e*t. \ g.Hvl pen >* a niv. sity to overy msn woman and child Af< u*. her,, i* chance to make money in introducing a g,>od and saleable artu le. jsn -i y. Fre-h tisolcn. Flow er. Fruit, Herb, 1 ree * Jb Shrub, and Fvergiven prepaid bv mail, with direction* tor culture Twentv-Bve different packet* of either el**- for SI,OO. The six cla-*e#ss.rt\ 29,tW lb*. Evergreen and Tree Sy . < Apple, Pear. Cherry. Ac,; Gra*- >• H*HI, Cabbage. Carrot, t>ni,m, >J' *h. Turnip, and all A'egetable and Hewer S,-e,l*. ia small or large quanlitie-: no Small Fruit-. Stock*. Bulb*, shrub- 1.0- -. Verbena*. Ac . by mail, prepaid, New Golden Banded Japan Lily, I rieed Dmeriptiv* Catalogue sent to any p.am addr,-**. gratis. Agent* wanted. AVho!.- #ale Li*t to Agent*, Club- and the Trn..o Seed* on commission B. A . WATSON, Oi l Colony Nur-er < and Sect) AVarehan-e, Plymouth, Estab lished in 1542 lOfeb.Jtm A rot TOR* MNKTIN,*. The annual meet of the Auditor* of Potter township will be held at the Old Fort, on Saturday Matvh 25th, 1871. when all person* interest ed will attend. -- Prof. H. Meyer, formerly of the Centre Co. Normal In*tilute, will open a Select School at Centre Hall, April 10th, a suffi cient number of student* haying a.ready been obtaipcd to commence with, with -til! room for young ladies and gentlemen from a distance. All admire the tine spring wewther we have had during the last three week*, it suited our farmer* admirably, and just *o with Hoffer Bro * cheap good*, at Belle fonte. Their price* and good* are admired by all the farmer*, and the public general ly, find that the place that suit* them be*t in making purchase*. Gaarce.—The grape i* one of the nicest, most profitable, and e.osiest fruit* to grow that we have—they commence to bear*oo ner than any other. Mr. G. M. Keplar, of Pine Grove Mill*, a* we mentioned in the Reporter some weeks ago, ha* every variety of grape vines suited to our climate, and offers them at half the prices asked for by outside nur serymen, and wari ants his vine* to grow. The fact# are worthy attention. He offers none but such as are full and hardy, and suited to ourclimate. He recommends the tionconl above all others for our county* a* also the Hartford prolific, the Ivies seed ing and the luna. Mr. Kcplarhaving had .many year* experience in grape culture, mersons will do well to lavor him with their Mrders. AA'm. H. Boozer, of Potters Mill*, has just received a patent upon a loom inven ted by him. SAP AFFAIR.—^ The body of Frank B. Isctt, was fourd yesterday morning, (Tues day,) about 7 o'clock, dad in his bed at hi* boarding house, the residence of Simon Brotherline, in Hollidavrburg. Quite a quantity of blood was discovered, and sup position was that he had bled to to death from hemorrhage of the lungs, but on further examination a small revolver was discovered Beneath the cover, and what appears to be a bullet-hole about the mid dle of his forehead. His death mutt have been almost instantaneous. Mr. I sett re turned from a visit to Carlisle on Thurs day, and has been #:rk and confined to bis room part of of tho time since, and has shown evideut signs of inanitr. He was a young man greatly respected in this com munity, and was for a number of years a member of the firm ofMcLanahan, Stone & Isctt. in the foundry and machine busi ness.—He was aged about 30 year*, and bis parents reside at Spruce Creek, Hun tindon county. His sad death casts a gloom over the whole community.—Regis ter. NOTE.- -Brick Pomcroy being anxiou to advertise his Democrat in the best and most generally read paper in central Penn sylvania, and after making a due effort to ascertain this fact, has selected the Repor ter as being the proper medium, and ac cordingly orders one full page advertise ment. "Brick'' having always been an out and out democrat, we know our demo cratic readers will kindly allow the space "Brick" occupies on our 4th page, when it is conceeded that the REPORTER furnishes more reading matter than any other coun try (taper printed. From a letter received from Dr. Kreider who l itely moved from Millheim, w# are informed that be ha* located, at Benton, Crawford county, Ohio, and ha* every prospoct of getting into a lucrative prac tice there. The people of that section can •alely outrun;zethe Doctor, a* be i* a regu lar, graduate of the University of Penna., and besides the valuable experience he has bad a* a surgeon in the army, his experi ence as a physician, since that, placed him in the front rank of physicians here w here his practice was large and successful, and his removal much tegretted. We are pleased to notice that our neigh bor, Mr. Henry Witinor, who was confined to a bed of illness all winter, is able to be out again, and enjoy the beautiful weather we are having. May he yet bask many years in the sunshine of life. PUBLIC SALE. —.MESARA. Houseal A Krom will expose to Public Sale, at Potters Mills, Pa., on Thursday, .March 30, 1871 at 2 o'clock, p. m., the fol lowing described perscual properly, to wit: Horses, wagons, stoves, one cow & twin calves, and a large lot of hotel furniture. SEWING MACHINES. —Mr. F. P. Green, agent for Centre county, for Grover <fc Baker's celebrated sewing machines, will remove from Philips burg to room next door to Centre Co. Bunk ou April Ist, where he will always keep these machines ou hand. These sewing machines rank among the very best made ; and they are a favo rite with all who use them. They are adapted to all kinds of work, and have advantages for ornamental work, pos sessed by no other machine ; they make very little noise and run with great ease. Ilev. Hackenburg, Lutheran minis ter at Bellefonte, has accepted a call from a charge in Schuylkill county, whither he will shortly remove. ♦ ♦ Our every life is a sermon. Our birth is the text from which wc start. Youth is the introduction to the dis course. During our manhood we lax down a few propositions and prove them. Some of the passages are dull, ami dome are aprigbtly. Then come inference* ami applications. At sev enty years we say, "Fifthly ntul last ly/ The doxology is sung. The benediction is pronounced. The book closed. It is getting eohl. Frost on the window-pane. Audience gone. Shut up the church. Sexton goes home with the key on hisshoulder.—From Cumba Swept Up. French journal, Is Havre, attributes the and downfall of France to the vice of drunkenness. "I>et tt* sup press drunkenness," says a writer in that paper, "by visiting with the tuoat severe penalties the drunkards ami those who furnish them with liquor. Let us take all possible means to re press them, ami we shall see u notable change in the tendencies of the day J I he nation, now troubled ami unhinged, will be led back to the habits of modes ty, industry, order, morality,aud dis cipline, lost by it amid the unwhole some fumes of the taverns. Let us seek practical means to repress this vice." Here is a chance now for some of our general reformers who are out of work. It is true that all sumptuary laws with regard to the use and sale of alcoholic liquore have hitherto been a failure hare, but then in France the ease might IK* different, and it might be worth while for Massachusetts to semi a mission thither byway of test ing the matter. Who i- sb-cking up the way of the L. A C. rr. bill in the boi.et The COUU' need# money lo gra,le in Union ci\, build depoti sUK-k the road. Ac., Vo Kx-Congres-man Cake, of Schuylkill county, *> In hi* -eat >ix day* during the U-: ..—ion of the Forty-fir*! congress, f r which he received $5,iVA\ or per day. i: r* Noll.K Subscril er* to ib- Ro p,rior who intend to change their place of residence, h©uld not fail to notify u* where they wish their papers sent after April Ist 3 '- April Court—lirautl Jurors. Tavlor—AA* M Coy b. llefonte - Tho. Gorden, II C Kerlin. Potter-—Geo Harter. H Koyer, Peter bre on, S Keller IJu-h—ls b Molten. Huston—T Pr. it-, J J Thompson. burn-ule Geo Zimmerman. Phili|v>burg—Ja* Perk*, D Parkvr. Hogg* —AI Fetzor. JNA Holt. Ham* -Jno Shoneberger. I" nionville— BF Feather*. Fergu*on—J F Krep. T Ho**. Alile*—D Shafer. Snow-hoe —K lde. Pettn— M Gephart. AA'alker— Jno Kmrick, Wm Roder*. JVnrrrw—3rd Xlondtty, I'M, .4 Rush- II Rikartl. Jno Harter. bellefonte — Jno Mitchell, A Ogdcn \V H llume*. Howard tp. D AA" Shank. Potter—A .Al Cov. G Hoffer, AA'm Love, D Flisher. llalftiu*on—J 11 Ebb*, T Gray. Miloa—S Nathan, Ja* Alallory, J F AA'att. AA'm Zeigler, Benner —E Banny. Ponn—S Otto, I) A Mu**cr. Walker—J Gobble, Jno Miller, J S Swartz. B Bock. Gregg -J no Colden _ Mile-burg—Jas E Weaver, J S Proud foot. Maine*— L C Stover Taylor—Jacob Snyder. Philip-burg— E Hunter. Ferguson—l) G Meek. Harris—Jno lloman. AA" AV" Leach. B-'KfiS-N 8 Goldman. Howard bo ro —Joseph Rover. Union tp.—B A* Brisoin. 7V it terse — 4th .A/om/ay, 24/A Jyrt/. AA'alker—T AA'alker. P Gephart. Penn—Jno llarter, J 11 Reif*nyder, Jae Eisanhutb. Harris—Wiliinm* jr. J G Irvin, H U Michaels, J B Hart.wick. • Bellvfonte—K Hepburn. S Dorr, R B Barger, S Harper. D Z Kline. Ferguson—AY E burchfield, S M A\'il liains. S Glasgow. Snow.-hoe—Jno Gunsalis. Taylor—J Sliaror. Potter —H R Smith, Jno Slack. Alilcs—Adam Shafer, Joel Rover, Jno Wolf. Gregg—Daniel Ituukle. Curtin— Ja* Huntar. Boggs AV Curtin, Jno Hay*. Spring—D Shram, H Dandis, J K Tate. Benner—Joseph Mitchell, M Fi-her, Ja* Knox. Marion —Jro> AA'ilson. Worth—J AY Simpson, T AA'eston. Huston—H Ilart-ack. Howard tp,—Wm Montgomery, J C Smith. Hslfmoon -J Thompson, J I! Lever. Ru-h-H Mat lev. Patton—G AN' F Gray. Union— G Alexander, Jno Alexander, D Campbell. Burnside—R Mulholland. Tearerse —2n/ Monday, Apri' Term b'ing Ist .Way. Spring—ll Milber. Noah Alusser, II Poor m.ni. Joseph Comly J B Alexander. Boggs—Mich 1 teuton. Frank M'Coy. iieUcfonte—.l 1* Gephart. Potter—W AA" AA'CUHI-. Rush—G Getdnian, 11 R Wilson. Harris— A Hart*wick, S AA'asson. Pcnn— E Kramer, 11 H AA'ciser. B O Detninger. Mile# — H AA'olf, Jno Hubler, Jno AA"o!f. Gregg— Geo Kormnn. Unionvilla —B Rick. Jlaines—Geo ltupp. Potter—Jacob AA agner, H Moj-er, R Porter. Union—P M Bu-riij Snowshoe—D H A eager. Fcrgason—l! J fate*. 1' Kickline._ benner— B F Hunter. M Grove, AA" Fox. Huston—J AV Richard*. Patton—J B Waddle. AA'alker—Jno Career. Liberty—bonj L'gs t. tSf Any per*on sending us eight sub scriber# with the cash, sl6, will receive the Reporter 1 year free; and for four names and SB. the Reporter <5 month* free. DISSO LI'TION. —Notice is hereby gi v en that the partner-hip heretofore ex iting under the name of John Taylor A Son. <n the manufacture of Lumber, in the Seven Mountain*, was on tho 18th day of March. 1871, mutually dissolved. The bo-A# of the firm remain in the hands of John Taylor. JOHN TAYLOR & SON. mar24.3t Milrey, Pr. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. —Notice i hereby given that a partial account of T. M. Hall, assignee of Jacob P. Shope. ha# been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, to April term A. D. 1871, and unle*# objection# are filed on or before the flr*t day of -aid term, it will be confirm ed bv the court. JNO. MORAN, niarl",3t troth. STEREOSCOPES, TIEWrt, ALBUMS, CHROMO*, FRAMES, E A H. T. ANTHONY A > ()., 591 Broadway, New York, Invite the attention of the Trade to their extensive assortment of the above good#, of their own publication, manufacture and importation. ALSO PHOTO LANTERN KLIOE* AND OR APHOKCOPE*. XKW VIEW# OF roKKMITK. E A H. T. AN I IION Y A CO., 591 Broadway, New York, OpjHwit Met ropolitan Hotel, IMPORTER* AND MANUFACTURER* OF PIIOTI>G Ra I'll IC M ATERIA LS. marlO.t'iiii pE.N.S HALL ACADEMY. The Spring se-sion of this Classical and Normal Institution will coniraet.ee on Mon day April 24tli 1871, to continue nine teeki. Special attention given to those desiring to teach. Tuition from $4,50 to 7,00 per session. . Boarding and furnished rooms can be had near the school at reasonable rates. Reference: A. K TKUXAL, A. M GEN. GK. BUCHANAN, Principal. Pres't. mara.Ht. J)UBLIC SALE! The following real estate, situate near Farmer#' Mills, in Gregg twp., Centreco., l'a., will be offered at public sale on Saturday, April 15th, 1871. 240 acre's of land under tlie higret state of cultivation, and equal tothe bret of Pennsvalley far ming land#. Thi# land '# all clear, with the exception of about 10 or 15 acres which consists of the choicest timber-land, there are two orchard# on the premises, and also a spring of never failing limestone water near the buildings. Tno improvements consist of a two-story dwelling house and bank-barn, together with all other neces sary outbuildings. Especial attention is OH I led to the factthatthis farm is very suita ble for dividing into two farm*. Person# wishing to purchase are invited to comeand examine this property atuny time previous to side. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. m when Term* will be made known by JNO. RISHEL&WM.HOMAN, Executor*. Have at least one l>ook in vour li brary in which all the good children 'did not die. My early impression from Sunday school book* was that re j ligion was very unhealthy, it seemed J a terrible distemper thai killed every bov and girl it touched. If I found mvself some day better than common, ' I corrected the mistake for fear 1 ' should die; although it was the gen-1 oral opinion that I was not in much I danger from over sanctity. Hut Ido j believe that children may have religion and yet live through it. A strong mustard-plaster and a teaspoonftil of ijKvnc will do marvels. Timothy liv ed to grow* up, and we are credibly in formed that little Samuel woke. In deed. the best boys 1 ever saw oeeasioti allv upaet tilings, an I got boisterous and bad the fidgets.—From Urutuhal [Swept Up. DEATHS. On Uih int t Smilhtille, Ohio, of lung fever, sr*n Ellen, daughter of Daniel II and lruci!la Harter, aged I jear, 1 month, and 5 days. Dear little Kltie. a shadow deep. Rest in the earth, * here joy "an.- 1 And loving t-x. on only *<'< p. For Elbe i. dead. d< *r Kllio is dead. The small w bile hand- are folded now, And 100 el \ rest* onee bright young heart And pallid i* her little brow, For Kltie U dead, dear Kibe is dend. N On t'ah int., in Gregg twp., Peter \Vea ver, aged t"6 years. At Hublereburg. Pa Franklin V .on of David and Catharine N oneada, aged la years, 19 day* On 20th itx-t .in Totter t* |* Mr John Miller, aged 74year*. MARRIAGES. On 7th inst., by the Key. C H Reiter, at hi* residence. at Aronsbure, Mr. r rank lin Mover, an J Mn-Hiimh K. both of lVnu township. MI I.ROY MARKETS. Corrected by lteed -V Thompson. lUd wheat 1,30 ...Kve 75 ..Com > Old oat* 421 New oats h> barley ul Cloverseed 6,35 Timothy*eed 4,00 Salt 2 s<per ack •••••• •; bat-on Otk- Ham 22 butter 20.. Egg* MO Plaster 9.50 BKLLK F<NTK M V R K KTS. I'orrected by Keller * Musser, xVhtte Yheat $1,35, Red 130 bye .... 75 C„rn <-> . ..Oat- Brle> i 1 7o . Cloverseed <1,25 Potatoes O.NO Lard per pound 121 ... Torkj>- r pound 09. Butter 3U Egg- 25 Tfa-t-rper ton sls Tallow 10 bacon In Mature WALTHAM WATCHES. The extensive use of three watche* for the !a-t liftcen year* by Railway Conduc tor*. Engineer* and Kxprivsmen. the tiio.t exacting of watch-wearer*, ha* thoroughly demonstrated the strength, teadin*#*, du rability and accuracy of the A\ althaiu AA ateh To MM that class in all tbe.e mpecU. i# to decide the question a* to the real value of the— time-keeper- More than 500,000 of the-- watehe* are now speaking tor thomaclves in the pockat* • t the people -a proof and guarantee of their*uporiority over all other*. The superior organization and great extent ot the Company'* AV erk# at AA alt ham, enable# them to produce watche* at a price which render* competition fulilt, anil those who buy any Other watch merely pay from 25 to 50 per cant, more for their watches than is necessary. Three time-piece*combine every inipreve nient that a long experience ha* proved of real practical ue. Having had the refu sal ot nearly every invention in watch-ma king originating in thi# country or in Eu rope. only th*— were finally ad.'pted which severe testing by th* mret >kilfull artian* in our works, and long uo on the part of the public, demonstrated to be essential to correct and enduring time-keeping Among the many improvement* we w ould particularize: _ . Thetnventiou and u* of a centrc-pinton of peculiar construction, to prevent damage tothe train by the breagageof main-springs, i* original lib the American AA'mtch Cotn panv whs, having had the refusal of all other contrivance*, adopted Fogg'* patrnt pinion a* being the best and faultless Hardened and tempered hair-spring*, now universally admitted by AA atchmaker* to be the best, are used in all grade* of AA'ahham AA'atchre. All AA'allhatn Watches have dust-proof caps, protecting the movement from du-l, ml lessening the necessity of the frequent cleaning necessary in other watches. Our new patent stem-winder, or keyle** watch i# already a decided success, and a great improvement on any *tem-winding watch in the American market, and by far the cheapest watch of it* quality now offer ed to the public. To tho*e living in portion# of the United States where watchmaker* do not abound, watche* with the above mentioned improvement* which tend to ensure accuracy, cleanliness, durability and convenience, must prove invalui ble. The trademark# of the variou* styles made by the (Joinpany gre • follow*; American Watch Co., AA'altham: M-r. Aran, Watch Co., AA'altham. M**. American AA'atch C->., Crescent St., AA'altham, Ma*s. Appleton. Tracy & Co.. AVnllham. Ma-s American Watch Co., Adam# St.. Waltham Maw. Wallhnm Watch C<>.. Waltham Mo. P. S liiftlctt, Waltham Mao Wm. Kllicry, N\ nittiAin, Uu*. Home Watch Co.. lL>*tt>n, Mass- Examine the spellingof three name* care fully before buying Any variation even ot a -ingle letter, indicate* a counterfeit. For -ale by all leading jeweler*. No watche- retailed by the Company. An illustrated hutorv of watcn-tnaking containing much ti*eful information to watch-wearer* sent to any addres# on ap plication. BOBBINS A APPLETON. General Agent* for American Watch Co., 18'2 Broadway, New York. mar3.4t P V The oldest and bret conducted Mercantile College in the Country. For particular*, write to I*. DUFF & SONS, Pittsburgh, Pa. -AL-Hnrjor- Edition of DUFF'S BOOK KEE PI NO, 4<qp. The most coiiqrchen • ivc work publi-lied. Contain* National Hank, Hail Road bookkeeping, Ac. iimr3.lt UNCLE JOSH'S Trunk Full of Fun. A Portfolia of lirt-cla# Wit and Humor, containing the Kichrei Comical Stories. Cruel Sell*, Side-Splitting Jokes. Humo rous Poetry. Quaint Parodies, burlesque Sermon*. New Conundrums and Mirth- Provoking Speeches ever published. In terspersed with Curious Puzzle*. Amusing Card Trick* Feat# of Parlor Magic, and nearly S<XI Funny Engraving*. Illu-truted Cover. Price 15 ct#. Sent bv mail, pos tage paid, to any part of the United States, on receipt of pripe. PICK k FITZGE RALD, Publisher*, 18 Ann *t., N. Y. mar3.4t Db. S. S FICH S Family Physician: 'JO page# : #ent by mail free. Teaches how to cure all disease* of the nenmn ; -kin. hair, eyes, complexion. Write t<> 714 Broad u ay. New York. inr3.4t. BLOOM INGTON (ILL.,) NURSIIfY 19th Year. Acres. 18 Greenhouse*. Largest Asuortiiient—all size*. I test Stork! Low Price-! Would you know What, When. How to Plant! Fruit, Shade, Ever freeli Trees. RootGralt-. Seedling-, Osage 'laiit#, Apple Seed. Early Rose Potatoe*. Shrubs. Roses, Greenbous* and Garden Plants, Ac., <fc<- Flower and Yegetable Seed#! Finest, bret Collection—Sort# and quality! Send I<< cent* for Now, lllustrn ted; Descriptive Catalogue—9o page*. Send stump, each, for Catalogue* ol Seeds, with |dni i directions 64 page*; Beedding and Garden Plants 32 pages, and Wholesale Price _ Li#t 21 page*. Address F. K PHOENIX, bloomington, 111. mar3.4t A GREAT OFFER. HORACE WATERS, 481 Broadway, N. Y will dispose of One Hundred Piano#, Me lodeons, and Organ# of six lirst-cla— ma kers, including Water#,' at Extremely low Price* for cash, during thi* month, or will take apart cash and hulam.c in monthly or quarterly installment*. nmr i.ti FOR $7 I'FR LINE ' We will insert nn advertisement ONEMONTH In One Hundred and Fifty-five First-clas* Pennsylvania Newpapers, Including Eleven Dailies. We refer to the publisher of this paper, to whom our responsibility is well known. LIST SENT FREE. Address GEO* P. HOWELL* Co., Advertising Agents No#. 40 * 41 Park Row, N. Y. inar3.4t $5 TO 10 PER DAY. MEN, WOMEN, HOYS and GIRLS who engage in our new business make from $5 to $lO per day in their own localities. Full particulars and instruction* sent free by mail. Those in need of perinanet,pro fitable work, should addres at once. GEO. STINSON * CO., Portland, Maine. marJ.L A M A Kit I At;E OK MURDERS. The lititlr'* (tramlfather Kitted bg the Hridegroom't father —The liride't Hatband* father Killed by her In rle. j Correspondence of The Sun. Indianapolis, Feb. 111.—-A mar riage lies recently been mduntized in Harrison eouuty under lira following j oxtradinnry ooiniditiirnU: GusUvua Marsh married Airs, Judith lltHithbv. The father of Marsh, Win. Marsh, killed St. Clair Young, Mrs. Hoothhv grandfather. Mis lloolhbv's uncle, Stanley Young, killed her husband'* father, Win. Marsh. In addition, Mrs. lloolhbv's father, Col. Timber lake, WIIM killed bv otic Henry Low mver. To go back to the firat cause , of murder, St. Clair Young's sou Wil-| ! linm married a daughter of Win. Marsh They did not live happily, and al\<*i a season of mutual misery agreed to purl. After thu separation the hushund and father circulated slanderous stories about her. She bore an excellent character for hon esty, and generally esteemed for her I many virtues. Hut her father was| justly incensed, and repeatedly en deavored to obtain satisfaction. They were a family of wealth and much in fluence, and steadily refused to take back their foul report.*. At length William Marsh met Mr. St. Clair Young at a hotel table in Corvdon. They wcie seated exactly opposite each other, and Mr. Mnrsli emhraead the opportunity of asking n recantation of slanderous reports. It may be imagined that words ran high, but very little time was consumed. St. Clair was insolent, and Marsh threw a fork at him. No gentle silver fork, but an ugly *teel one, and two pronged at that St. Clair, to avoid further missiles, aroc from his seat and retreated toward the door, cn*e knife in hand. Weighing three hun dred pounds net, he tilled the door to such a nicety no one could get in or out. Marsh attempted to get out, ami St. Clair attacked him with a knife, whereupon Marsh drew a pistol ami shot him dead. This was in 1851. Marsh was arrested, released on bail, ami triumphantly acquitted when tried by a jury. Eight Years afterward Stanley Young, a brother of William's, n—as sinated William Marsh because he had killed his father. Mr. Marsh was -lauding on the street at the time en gaged in con vernation with (Jen. (• res ham, the present United States l>i# trict Judge, Mr. Young came up and shot Mr. Marsh through the heat. To continue this chapter of crime, although it is not exactly relevant to the *ubject, it does not appear how the tirst huhand of our heroine, Mr. Uoothbv, met hi? fate; but the death of her father is not without interest. Col. Timberlake was an officer in the Union army. At home on leave he attended church in his neighbor hood. Among the ladies there was the pretty sweetheart of farmer Low mver, and she wore, at her throat, a star brooch, which excited the ire of the loyal Colonel. He could not per form bis devotions for the wrath that was enkindled in his bosom, and be whispered to his sister-iu-law to wrest off the odious breast pin. It was eas ier saiii than done. The iua : d resist ed. Indeed, the starry nvmph was about to get the better of her patriotic antagonist, wheu the gallant Colonel interfered. This was too much for the lover, Lnwmvcr, who sprang to the rescue of bis beloved, and a general tight issued, in which the farmer drew a revolver and shot Col. Timberlake. In his jus titication, it appeared that he ucd his revolver onlv when be saw Timber lake put bis band in his breast pocket Under the impression that a pistol was to be drawn out, he fired, ami Timberlake was killed. Mr. Lowmyer surrendered himself at once to the proper, authorities, and languished in jail several mouths, but was eventually tried and acquitted. It is a matter of speculation what next chapter of calamity mav bead-, dul to tho family horrors, The con tracting parlies in the lately solemnized marriage are said to bo very clever, well-disposed people. It mav IK- that the score of blood is wiped out. - - ♦ ♦- - -■ The spring term of Prof. II Meyer's high-school, at Centre Hall, will com mence April 10th. Students from abroad invited. COURT. —Next term of our court nil last three weeks commencing on Monday April 17th. V Largo Stock of I.ndie- Fur#, hr blankets. nil buffalo Robe* at BURNS! DE 0: THOMAS AGENTS WANTED FOR Physical Life of Manand Woman, ■ >u. ADVICE TO BOTH SBXBB I mnnl, chaste, and thoroughly scientific work on tho following highly important Mibjd I-: Change of Lift*. Love, Court-hip, Qoattiewtfom for n Happy Marriage, Physiology of Marriage. Early Relation* of Hukban'd and wife, Duties and Experi ence of wife and Mother. Care of Mother and Child. Mysteries of Reproduction, Mo ral and I'hy-iia! Transmission, and kin dred topic, from tho highest authorities in Europe. Price $2,00. Sale* immense Freight paid on hook* and canvassing; liouk* free. Ft Circular* and Te#timoni-1 als addre**, PAKMKLEK & CO., iMI Race st., Cincinnati, o, marlo,fit HANDjj ELLS and Door Itell#, all-i --ze and kind* at ap!o' IRWIN SWIISOX# (lANNKI) FRI'ITS, pearhe*. tomatoes J pine apple*, and pea* in great vario at ifITRNSIDK *TllO|fAß' HANDSAWS, ktiive*, spoon*, coffe mill*, shovel#, spade#, rakes,hoo amps, forks, chain*, <Stc., at BURNS! DK ATIIOMAS' AN- INDEPENDENT FORTUNE IN FOUR MONTHS. Can be made in a quiet way by men that j arerapableof keeping the secret. Address JAMES GOODwI N,67 Exchange Plaece! New York. mar3.4ij I W.)15 T'RR T"K "VROKTAHLK 1 UTF 1 I O-LVIPULMONARY Balsam 10/U The. Id standard n-meily for Coughs, Colds, j Consumption. "Nothing better." CUT- I.KR HRO*. a Co. Boston* mailt. 4T *ll If if ¥* ¥t ej us A* w fttt t f M n TO THE WORK I NCI CLASS.—AVenre now prepared to fiiriii.sh all classes with eon-iatit employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments, business new, light, ami profitable. Person* of either #ex easily earn from /il)c. to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devot ing their whole lime to the business, boys and girl# earn nearly n* much a# men. That all who see this'may send their ad dress, and lest the busine*. we make the unparalleled offer: To such us are not well satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing Full particulars, a valuable sample which will do to com mence work on, and u copy of The I'en/ilt't lAtcrary (etnipauian one of the largest and best family newspaper*ever published —all sent free by mail. Render, if you want permanent, profitable work, address K. C, ALLEN V CO., AI'OI'STA MAINK. mrß 4t EMPLOYMENT FOR ALU (JTjO/pS ALARY PER WEEK, and ox qftO* I penses, to sell our new and useful discoveries. Address Is. SWKKT \ Co., Marsha'l Mich. mar3.4t AVOID QUACKS. —A victim of early indiscretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, AC., having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, which lie will send free to his fellow-sufferers. Address J H TUT TLK, 78 Nassau st.. New York. mar3,4t CI BE AKM ED I CAE lit)()K AN b J FRENCH SECRETS for Ladies and Gents. Sent free for 2 stamps. Dr Bona-i 'part * Co,, Cincinnati, Ohio, inar<J,4i i k Terrible* in lowa. Itoonvsboro, March If. \ Terrible trag edy occurred at Carroll this morning at' • eight O'clock. Mr. li 11. Terry, a lumber: ■ merchant, shot and killed hi* wife, set his; house on fire, and (hen shot and killed j : himself Instantly, lie married his young | wife at the east last October, but was much! f given to drink so. Louden, March 111 Iti* rumored that ' a marriage ha* been arranged between the Princes. Beatrice, the fifth daughter and , - ninth child of Queen Victoria, and the • Marqai* f Kly. The Princess is now in j her fourteenth y ear. The Marquis watborn in I Hp). From >Ya*liinitio:;. | Washington March 15 The senate has ttased the bill giving to honorably dis- ( j charged soldiers and tailors, who enlisted j. between May ft and July 22. IHCI, SIOO „ bounty, each. j The New Hampshire Klection was " brought before the house to-day by Mr 1 Kldrldgc, who desired to now whether it j wa* in order to offer a bill to suppress ku k lux organisations in that cate The *poa kur decided that it was, amid much laugh- Iter In the senate Mr Trumbull was success ful in getting a third reading of the bills repealing the duty on coal and salt, and then having them placed on the calendar without reference to any committee. This will enable him to call one or both t any time for action The democratic members of the house, | in honor ofthe arrival of three democratic j congressmen from New Hampshire for the . first time in fifteen years, contemplate hold ing a grand reception jubilee Filibustering began on the democratic * side soon after the meeting of the house, and the railing of the roll was kept up 'j steadily on dilatory motion*. The object of these tact ici was to prevent Mr Butler j from submitting hi* ku klu* bill, which , : was agreed upon in the republican caucus■ > lxtnight Next to the motiontto adjourn! . the regular order would bethecall of Hates , for bill, and resolutions, when Mr. Butler . would have an opportunity to otter his bill' [ under the call of Maine, through Judge Peter* or Mr. Hale. Great Flood. Memphis. March It). Further repert*of the dotal state that entire pi ntati<-n* in the ; lower portion of this state are entirely cov-l, ered with water. The same peport routes M from ditfercut portion* of Alabama, An itti- j ffictue crevasse is reported in levees pro-) tec-ting several of the wealthiest and largest j col ten growing counties in north Missi.sip- 1 pi, covering plantations for miles, destroy- j' ing half of the gathered crop*. The dam age to the plantations and railroads cannot be estimated. A large number of bridge*' on all the road, have been swept away. Tro.l!r works and embankments have been i washed and swept away on the M and C. I railroad, near Lafayette, Tc-un. The .track was submerged for a distance of two 'mile*. i, The Fremont Southern Pacific Kailroad bill, which passed Congress in the heel of the session, and which has received the ap- - I proval of General Porter and President 'Grants, provides for a land subsidy of IH, : (All,III) of acres; worth at leal $2.St) |*r. acre, amounting to an equivalent in cash >f st.\OOtl.(llV Generous Radicals' • ♦ • j A patron of a certain new -paper once : said to the publisher: "Mr. Printer, how is it you never called >n me for pay for your paper?" "Oh, 1 ' said the man of type*. "we never j ask a gentleman for money. "Indeed, replied the patron, "bow do you manage to get along when they don t ' i-ay you v ' "Why, said the editor, "after a certain • time we conclude he i* no gentleman and, wr ask him." "Oh ah ye* I see. Mr. Editor, please give me a receipt, ' and hand* him a V. j Make my name all right on your hook*.' . -WW* - - rite present Congress ha* given awav $78,U00 of the people's money to unsuccessful conte.-tanu for ('en gressional honor* and emolument* j Claiming seats in Oongrcew promise* to become a prominent branch of Ameri can industry, under the encouragement afforded it by our wise, liberal, and patriotic national legislator*. The new German empire, with Al sace and l/orraine, will coutain 40,- 148,209 inhabitants, and France, with out those provinces, will have 31,4'28,- •VI: inhabitant... United Germany will lie the second nation in Europe in point of population; Russia alone lead ing it. The larger part of Russia, how ever, is inhahiteif by a half-civilized jieople, and it may be fairly stated | that Germany, numerically speaking, is at the head of civilised nations. The ccnstia of 1880 will advance the United Btates to that position. j "CRTMS BWKKPT UP is thesugges tivonnd somewhat peculiar titla of a very interesting and readable book, written by ! the Rev. T. D* Witt Talmage, of Brooklyn, j New- York, and published by Evan*.Stod-; | dart A Go., 740 Hansom Street, Philadoi phi* The anthoi i* well known hy the l>ubllc g.-nerally a* a popular lecturer and preacher. Being a man of the time*, hi* tytnnalhic* are altogether with the present, j and Iti* view* herein expressed *how thej fearlo-* di-rugnrd of all old conventional-[ ,j i*m*, and heart v appreciation of the ad rnnce ; . of the age. In illiutration oflhi*. he i now , engaged, with all hi* heart, in the "Free! ( j Church ,t fnrrmmt," having o labored a. , I '0 secure the co-operation of enough pecu j niary and working assistance to rear a free tabernacle, capable of .eating over three , thousand people ; and thi, accomplished inside oftwo year*, with a congregation of J less than one hundred, in an old church. 1 ! in the immediate neighborhood of the great j , Henry Ward Beecher. The article* treat- 1 , ed in "Crumbs," are illustration* of the n many and various saying* of the present: Jav. with pleaaing sketches, all .(towing,, their application to a moral. They arei. i: written in a spicy and vigorous vein, hu- ' i morous and pathetic. His article* -•rittcn: j on hi* late trip to Europe are also included. ' ! He ha* evidently viewed the sight* with i | ipen eve*, and ha* it peculiarly happv faculty o( wood-drawing rarely surpassed; '| hi* style is decidedly original, and hi* many ! philosophic an<l amu-ing aphorism* are wonderful. We add a few extracts, a* thev better illustrate his style. We recommend 1 I for it a perusal by every one, and wo prc- I diet for the book a very large sale. It is I print <d on linlod paper elegantly bound {m morocco cloth, and is illustrated in a . manner at once pleasing and suggestive, by art eminent artist. The price. $2,00, is J ; within the reach of all, the publisher*' do- | | *iro being evidently to make it at onenpop- ! ular and cheap \s it is published by j subscription, it will not be found at the) | book-atore*, but will bo mailed to any ad- i I dor**, free of IM>-tage, on receipt of the i price by the putilisher*, hv whom relialde I canvasser*, male or female, are wanted to aid in it* sale. We advise any of our rea der*, wanting employment, to apply for the agency. The April number of DKMOUKST'S I Yorxi A MrmcA i* full ol enterfaining and very instructive reading for the young, , and certainly no better present could be made than a year'* subscription to this the - best of all juvinile magazines; besides each subscriber get* a premium worth several r times the cost of the subscription. Ad dress W. Jennings Demurest, HftH Broad- , way. New York. < DKMORRST'H MOSTIII.Y MAOAZIKK. for Afiril, present* its usual brilliant display of new spring fashion*, nnd a choice ••lee- -I lion of literary articles, some very good " and practical information on home matters, and Jennie Juno's splendid papers on lltv . marriage question. Hitch successive num ber of Dcmorest's Monthly seems to be unexceptionable. Every department that r goes to make up a first-cla*. parlor inaga- 1 xine i* complete, unci the premiums offered to each subscriber at sft are certainly worth ( much more than the yearly subscription, Published by W. JKXNINU* DKMOIIKKT, HiUt Broudwa.v, New York. j A Philudeljiltia paper says "a bill en dorsing the ten commandments could not be gotten through the Pennsylvania Leg- I islature, without the payment of a consid erable amount of money to the members." The democrat* elected all the congress- k nnen in N.Hampshire and have tho legisla- * ture. A biff, clean sweep. o NEW FIIIM ai Centre Hall. J. It. MII.T. A L L N EW. New Store, New GOOJH. The undersigned t e.pectfully Inform* the citiaent of Centre Hall and Pottar lwn • hip, that he ha* opened a new tore at the well known *tand formerly occupied by C. F. Herlachcr, where li# is now offering A Full ami Complete Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS cheap an anywhere, III* stock Is -Oitirely new, and tha publie are respectfully invited to cull and exame Inn for themselves; Goods will he offered al the lowest possible prices, and by a gen eral system of fair dealing th'cy hope to merit • tair share of public patronage. ( nil nml Dxtiuilun our hlock NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODH, edr- Only Give u* a Fair Trial. We have a full and complete a*sortment ofthe latestßtyles. I)rv iioodHa w 7 Groceries, Queens ware, Gentlemen and Ladle* furnishing Good*. Ladies Cloaks and Circular*, in Htlk and Cloth, all kind* of GrocertW, the flneal i Syrup*, the be*t Coffee. I obacco. Paints. htyeiuff*. Oils, Fish, Halt, Stationery, and everything ele that i* to be found in a wail storked country store. The highest market price paid in Stare ( <MHIK for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Don't forget the New Store, at Centre Hull, where good* are now offered at a bar gain. Call and see u*. .p*y J. B. BOLT. Groat Bargains at C. F. Harleoher's CENTRE HALL, PA. Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard ] ware, Queen*wore, Woodmtd willow ware ! Iron, Salt, Fish and in fa t, u magnificent i-ssortment of everything kept in a First Class Store, now ready, and for sale at tnarvelou* low rate*. GOODS VERY NEAR AT THE OLD THICKS. Mulitt* they will sell you ih# Hft bet brand* at price* that will aatonuii you Sew >prutg Dress Goods A uiuml beautiful variety, consisting of all the norrlim of the iriwii, at lower rate* than ordinarily charged at other place*. VfThite Goods 6r Embroideries rite finct tock in town, OeTh a> o quantity ! quality, and price*. mo? sxjfiYS Tho beat make., lateal Style* and lowe*l rate* (HaU and Cat#* in great variety Linen*, Towelling*, check*, Denin g, loth Caimer*. Cloaking*. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Spring and *umtuer *hawl, in fact, we keen 'everything, and will *ell at a very *nall .advance on fir.l co*t. All *r a>k that VoU will CALL AND EXAMINE OCIt STOCK ' before purchasing rl#*w her*. ar#dona consider it anv trouble to how goods, i ALL KISUS OK IIAKSKSR iilvcr plated and Yankee Harness double . and *ing!e, bridle* and halter*. ; mayl 68, ly. > i SAVAOK A HUrt.. (Successor to X. IliiibUh) I ' I Whole sale ami retail dealers in Stoves & Tinware, . I * Allegheny Street, Beliefonte, Pa. Rend only a partial lie! of Cook Stove Wellington, Wavcrly, Ornamental, Oriental, Royal Cook, Trincc Rornl, Sea Shell, Arti.-an, And American Parlor and Office Stovca: i Morning Glory, Tronic, Brilliant, and Sow Egg. I And Parlor Cook* tor Wtnal or Coal, and | Wood Stove* of every description. Attention i* called t-> hi* t. k of Roofing • Plate, a new size, which he ha* jut receive ■ ed. izc 40x30. It tnake* better job thant he |! old size, and can be furnished cheaper thai any other establishment in town. rr-ff-Spouting and jobbing .promptly at jended to. reasonable and satis* ( actinn guaranteed. ocl2'Gß K\Y HAKDW A UK STORK J. A J. HARRIS. NO. 5. lIKOCKKKIIOPF ROW A new and complete Hardware Store ha' been opened by the undersigned in Brock' erhotT* new building— where they are pre ' pared to*cllall kind* of Buildingaml ILUM Furnishing llardware. Iron, Steel, Nail*. Buggy w heel* in sett*. Champion Clothe* Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and lian* Saws, Trillion Saw*. Webb Saw*, leeCrean Freezer*, Bath Tub*. Clothe* Hack*, a ftil n**ortincnt of (ila* and Mirror Plate of all #izc, Picture Frame*. Wheelbarrow* Lamps, Coal Oil Lamp*, Belting, Spoke* Felloe*, and Huh*, Plow*. Cultivator*, Cori Plow*. Plow Point*. Shear Mold Board . and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov el*. Spade* and Fork*, Lock*, liinge* Screw*. Kab Spring*. Horto-Shoea, Nail* Norway Rod*. Oil*. Lard, Lubricating Coal. Linseed, Tanner*. Anvils, Vice*. Bel' low*. Screw Plate*. Blacksmith* Tool* Factory' Hell*, House Bell*. Dinner Beli* (Jong Hell*. Tea Hell*, Grindstones, Car pen i ter Tool*, Fruit Jar* and Can*. Paints, Oils Varni*he* received and for sale at j june.V6B.ly. J. AJ. HA KRIS. BASKETS in nil their varietie*. children carriage* willow ware, guns, pi*-i tola, powder, hol, cap*, cartridge*, sc., at HUHNbTIiK a THOMAS PRI NKS and DRIED CTRRANTSo the very be*t quality ju*t receiveda Wolf * old stand Litdlea TrnaaeN. Thi* invaluable article for female*, I* now to he hail at Herlacher * *tore, and no other place in Centra county. Ladie* remember iihat th'e tru**o can be had at Centre j Hall If. ; HARNESS, collar*, cart whip carriage whip*, in great varieties, govern ment gear*, saddle*, bridle*, martingales check lines, cart gear*, tug harne**, bugg harness harne*, etc. Everything in thesad dlery line at HCRNSIDK A THOMAS' NOTIONS of all kind*, Stelring' gloves Handkerchief*, corn's*, pocket nooks j jn nil their variety and very rhcup, at HUItNSIDK A THOM AS . NKW PATTERNS of oil cloths, nt re duced prices, at Bt'RNSIDE A THOMAS' TH K Largest and Best Stock of warrnn ted Boot* anil Shoes, warranted to give satisfaetiou, at reduced price*, nnlv to he found at BURNSIDKA TlloM .VS IT IS known to all in Bellefentu and through tho county if you want a good article go to BITRNSJDK A THOMAS'. 1 SYRUP, the finest ever tuado, just re! reived, cheap at Wolf* old stand-try it. j A K L oiriroo K 8 T 0 V IB j Parlor Stoves, and four sizes of (la* U rner* constantly on hand ami for naleat aolO'fiK. IKWIN A WU.SON'H. ORN BLANKETS AND SLKIOII BELLS, at low prices, at qplO'Gß. lit WIN A \V H.SOX' BOALTS for Buggies and Carriagbor. ' .sizes in use; Fire Bolt*, ditto, at PIOUS Xswnr *WIUOM' I SADDLERS BUCKLES, hook*, bit *pots ring*. Everything u saddlee wants for the manufacture of harness, to be 1 ound AT BUENSIDE A THOMAS'. , AHAI'M, HKTWOI.W'U MAW MARAT. r . rmixT, mo HOC nt., Bellefonte. W I NKH AN D LIQ UO It^ The subscriber rswpaotftiUy ll< the at tention ofthe public to his establlshm nl, where he I* tirepated t furnish ell kind* of Kiireirii ami UuiuiUo Liquor*' wholesale •t the lowest rash price*, which are warraw :*d to he the b*l qualities according to their respective price*. Ill* *lock con*l*U of Kye, Motioiigahela, irih end other Whi.kie*, all kind, of Brandies. H.dUnd (Jin. Port, Maderia. Cherry, Blackberry and other Wine* tne best article, at a*! reasonable rate, a* can be had ill the city, Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger and t'arraway Brandies, Pure Jamaica and New England Hum, Cordial of ail kind*, lie would particularly invite Farmer., Ho tel keeper, and other. to call and examine hi* large (unply, to Judge for them.elve* and be certain of procuring what they buy, which can *eldom be done when purchas ng in the city. gg- Physicians are respectfully requested 0 give hi* liquor* a trial. apIO 1 IK NTH* HALL lIOTEL. j Joax tr i Mil.** Proprietor. Binge* arrive and depart daily, 'or all point., north, south, east and west. Thi* favorite Hotel ha* been refitted and furnished by it* new proprietor, and i* now in every respect one of the timet pleasant country Hotels in central Pennsylvania, i The travelling community and dr<** cr* wiltj always find the best accommodations. Per* •on. from the city wishing to spend a few week, during the summer in tne country, will find Centra Hall one ol the mo t dean lifiil locations and the Centre Hall Hotel all tbay could desire for comfort and con* venience. qpMff>,tf. j COACH MANUFACTORY. 11AIIDMAN I'llll.l.lCS, AT 11 IS manufacturing establishment al Veagertown, on the Lewluwr. and Bellefonte Turnpike, ha* now on banc a fine sioek <.f Carriages. H iggic Sulkies and Spring Wagons, which he now offer fur sale a* superior in quality and style* U anv manufactured in tne country. They are made of the very be.t seasoned stork by first class practical workmen, and finished in a style that challenges comparison will any work out of or IU the Kastern ities and can be sold at lower price* than those manufactured in large town* and cities, amidst high rent* and ruinous price* of liv* ing. Being mastor of his own situation, anxious to ex. el in his artistical pr ! and free from any annoyance* in hi* bust no**, he ha* lime and anility to devote hi* entire attention to hi* profession and ho customers, rendering satisfaction alike t all patron*, operative*, hi* country, anc himself. Call and examine hi* stock and learn hi* ! prices, and you cannot fail to be sati.fied, K F P A I li I N (j of all kind* done neatly, promptly, mo I reasonably. Yeagertown, June IS. 1MB —Ijr. nOI'BLK AND SINGLE BAKHKL fowling piece# ai j aplfffiN IK WIN* fit WILSON. fir J B KTTKLKB HULLS ALh WINK A LIQI'OK 8 T (J K E Bishop street, Bellefonte, in the Stone buil ding formerly occupied by the Key stone Bakery Take* pleasure in informing the public that he keep, constant! v on hand a supply o. choice Foreign and l).metic Liquor.. All Harrti , K'<> *J ('.oil aarrantcj j to cuutain tht quantity rrjtrrarutrd. The attention of practicing physicians is •.ailed to bis stock of * PURE LIQUORS, suitable for medical purpo**-*. 8..U1*,: iugt. and demijohn* constantly on hand ' He ha* the ONLY PURE NECTAR i i WHISKY in town. All liquor* are warranted to give tali*- ! i' faction. Liquor* w ill he sold by the quart, i barrel, or tierce, lie ha* a large lot o BOTTLED LIQUORS JOflhe finest grade* on hand. Confident that he can ideate customer* ! he rr*po< lfu!ly *olicit a snare of public p*J j ! trenage _______ ny!4ti • 1 R WIN A WILSON are oanstaniii ft ceiving tisa good* in their line. HA R D W A R E ofevery description at redu.ee prices- new being opened every day apIUTK Wall Taper, cheap from 12 to 30 cent* per bol ta HtrbiLr' HUPFALO SUA LKS. of the bent make from 4 lb# up to b*. > spiff fib I**lN A Wu>-s r |M KKEY PRUINS, raisrn*. pear he* 1 apples, orange*. Utrion*, ail kind f of foreign fruit*. Ham*, bacon sc.. at , IHURNSIDE A THOM AS . DRY BOARDS, Plank and K< willing for tale by ]*WIXA WILSOX. | spiff 6K. CYROSS-UUT AND MILL SAWS b< ./make at law is A \Yltox. aplff 68 TUMPS! Wooden Pumps* 1 AND PIPING. * The undersigned would rcepeetfhlly call j ' the attention ortheciUaen* of Centre county, I r and Pcnnsvallev in particular, to the fact; mat he i manufacturing •f riZ B£ii'f r*UiiJP, made at home or elsewhere. He u>n non but the b< #t material, HI VAklttTt TIIKM to give satisfaction, a* being the ino#t la*t- Jing and durable, MI'F.KIOR TO Tin OLP ' j wooden pump, being arranged to let the • water otTand prevent freezing in winter 1 Pine, poplar or cucumber pump# a! way on hatnl. Hi* inatirial for pump* it allj ! sawed from large timber, and arc thu* i ScourctUgai out Checking or Cracking jj All order* bv mail promptly filled.) PIPING, made of the bast material, of five inch scantling, joined together w-th! coupling block*, thoroughly banded, audi wat ranted to stand any prc**ure required for ordinary ue. Price* of piping range | fWrni 12 to 18 cent* per foot. Send order* to *ept.W ly J TELLER. l| Milesburg. Pa IB uri a I Cm seg AND CASKETS AIR-TIUBT AND INDESTRUCTIBLE | FOR Trotecting and Treacrving ihc Dead. 1 The umlersigm-il take* pleasure in an '' nouncing that he ha* secured the solo agen l| cy in thi* county for M E T A L LIC A X/> G L A SS llii riit 1 ( use >ilist Caakfla, which are o widely know n a* to reouir • no ♦imcial commendation. The METALLIC HURIAI. CASK, with it* present im proved style and finish, it* entire harmony ' with the feeling* of ths bereaved, it* per fected a<lju*tiiicnt* and appointment* in ' whatever relate* to the preservation and i protection of the body after death, confirm its utility and entire adaptor** to the pur- ■ ! jHises for whifh it i* designed. CGFKINSof all descriptions furnished , at the shortest notice; ami all order* filled | promptly night or day. The Dead laid out i with care, aud funeral* and escort* supoi* , intended in person. HENRY HARRIS , nov4t Beliefonte, Pa. A | I LLKR'S HOTEL. Wo,lward. Pa" | All Stage* arrive and depart daily. Thi* favorite hotel i* now in every respect , one of the most pleasant country hotels in , central Pennsylvania. The traveling com munity will alway* find the best accomuio* ; dntion. Drover* can at all times be accom- . miHlated with stable* and pasture for any number of cattle o- horse*. julyiTOOtf GEO. MILLER. A large ami elegant assortment of Horse Blankets, Buck-skin Gloves and Buffa lo Robes, at very at low price# BURNS! DK ,VT HUM AS fpil Khighest liiarkot price* paid for a ' i X kind# of country produce. . UURNSTDE A THOMAS' \ SPINDLE SKEINS for wagons, nil si ' zc*, at the sign of the Anvil. aplo'6B. luwis A WILSON. IAMPSOP EVERY VARIETY and J kind at n p Iff. i>B IRWIN & WILSON S. c HORSE COLLARS, if you don't whs ' your horse'* shoulder# galled and madesore, get good lusrse collar* at BURNSIDK & THOMAS'. A Tremendous Stock of Goods at Burnsidc d' Thomas. TROY'S of all kinds, at I , 1 BURN side & THOMAS' I'liiluriHpliia Store. In Broek*rh>ir block, Bishop Street, JMlofonte, where KELL Kit A MUSS Kit, have just opened the best, cheapest, Urgest • well .1 the bent uMMjrtcd (tuck of Goods in Betlefont*. 11 KitK LAI)IKS, I* the nl.ee to buy your Bilks, Mnh.ir* KM, Alpacas, Dclain*. Rant, Brilliants, Mu-lins, Calicoes, Tick jmga, KUnuU, ttjM-r. Planet*, Ladie* ('., a t Gvtit*' Clotn*. Ladle* Barque*, Whit* l'<7ky. Linen Table Cloths, Counterpane* !<"rib Counterpane*. White and t'ol.rar ITarlton, Napkin*, I n*rting and Edging* i White Lace <'urtln*. Zephyr h Zephyr Pat* J tern*. Tidy Cotton, Shawl*, Work Basket* RUNDOWNS, ] Notion* of every kind, While Good* ol every description, Prrftiroery, Rihbona- Vrlvct, Taffuta and Bonnet, Cord* an* Braid, Veil*. Button*, Trimming*, Ladiw and Misses Skirts, HOOP BKIRTB, Fhread Hosiery, Pan*, Bead*, Sewing j LADIES AND MISSES BHOEtf itid in fact every thing that can be thought J ] u f, d* * ired or u*ud in the I ; FANCY GOODS OB NOTION LINE KJlt GENTLEMEN, : they have black and blue cloth*,, black ano fan. y a**imeres, -nttuietU, tweed*, met- I on**, *i)k, rat in and common vesting*, in i short, every thing imaginable in the fine at i gentlemen* a ear I,wed v made Clothing of Every Dia ecrijttiou, for Men and Boya. Hoots and Shoos, in endless earieti Hats and Caps, C'A ItPKTS, tfildotk, Hogs, Hroicn Muslins, Hleaehed Mus lins, J trillings, Sheetings, Tableeloths, he., cheaper than <l*ewhere. Tb. .r *tck of qC KEN'SW ABE h GBO t'KHIKS cannot be excelled in quality or j price. Call in at the Philadelphia Store and con iitiee yoursclvc* that kELLKB h MUH *>KH have any thing you want, and do bu | sin.- - on the principle of "tfuuk Sale* and Small Profit*. aptU,<W[ oust* ano ruouveu AKB TAKIIS <i< >OD SEWS FOR THE PEOPLE. Great Attra*tiori and Great Bargain*! 'IMiE undersigned, determind to meet the J. |e.polar demand for Lower Pricea. re , spccUuliy call* the attention of the public ; to UU stock of BADDLKRY, tow offered at the old stand. Designed w :>o'kail * for the people and thetim' s, the lar gest and most varied and complete assort i meat of Saddle#, Harness, Collar*, Bridle*, •ofevery description and quality; Whips, j and in fact everything complete to a first class cktablisbment, he now offer* at price* which will *uit the timet. A better variety, a better Quality or finer I style of Haddlerv ha* never before ben of ' *ered to the public Call and examine our ' took and be satisfied before purchasing* jeifewhere. Determined to pleas*: my patrons and thankful for the liberal share of patronage heretofore enjoyed. 1 respectfully solicit * continuance of the same. JACOB OINOSS, Centre Hall. I VKW FIRM, NEW GOODS AND Panic Prices. FOSTER DEVLING A WILSON, i Having purrhrted the extensive store ol . Howell, (tiltilan 1A Co., and addedto them at panic price*. Urge aasottment of 1 NEW GOODS, 7 j pi They are enabled to sell at OLD FASHIONED PRICES! " A iargc variety of . I*adie' Drta Good* Great Bargains in Muslins and Calicoes.! Beady-Made Clothing Warranted to Suit, j Our Cloth* and Cassimera, Cant be excelled.® THEIR GROCERY DEPARTMENT. A*tonibe* every one in assortment and low . I price*. Svi up. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Canned fruits, | Jelhei, i>oniPEtic nd Forcijrn FruiU, Cheese and pastries of all kinds, ai.d every other aitiele be l .mging u> the Grocery Department. j They Wholesale at Philadelphia Kates. z-Sr- Farmer*, Mechanic* and Laborer* look to your interest. One dollar *aved i* . a dollar in pocket. Then call and nee at what astonishingly low price* , FOBSTER DEVLING A WILSON, Are selling their Dry Cood* and Groceric*. re-No trouble to show Good*.'ma. If they *rc r. t a* represented, we will pay you for your trouble. Don't forget the place. ••■TURNER BUILDING-** ip.Mtf Allegheny St., Bellefonte Pa. CENTRE HALL Manufacturing Co AND Machine Works. CENTRE HALL CENTRE CO., PA. 1 j Having enlarged our New PocxnxT and MACHINE Snore and AORICCI.TT*AI ( WOKKS Blocked with all new and late*: j improved Machinerv at Centre Hall, an nounce to the public that they arenow ready to receive order* for anything in their line of businc**. Shaftings, Pullies, * Hangers, IRON & BRASS We *lo manufacture tac celebratedj . KEYSTONE HARVESTER, which now stands unrivalled. Thi* Reaper has ad vantage* over all othei Reaper* now manufactured. One advan tage we claim for it, is the lever power, by which we gain one hundred per cent over other machines. ' Another advantage is the hoisting and lowering apparatus, whereb.- tho driver has under his complete con trio of the machine; in coming to a spot of lodg ed grain, the driver can change the cut of he machine in an instant, without stopping the team, varying the stuble from 1 to 14 inches at the outside of the machine, as well as on the inside. It is constructed of first claas material; and built by first class ina chanic- We w arrant it second to none. All kind* of Horsepowers and Threshing Machines, Hay and Grain Rakes, latest irn proved. All kinds of Repairing done. Dif ferant kinds of P LOWS AND PLOW CASTING. The Celebrated lleckendorn Economica 1 plow which lias given entire satisfaction 1 We employ the best Patternmakers, our I patterns are all newand ofthemostimnrov- ' ed plans. Plans, Specifications and 1> avr ings furnished for all work done by us. . Sir We hope by strict attention to bui ' noss to receive a share of public patronag CASTINGS of every description made and fitted up fo c MILLS, S FORGES, FURNACES, c FACTORIES, TANNERIES, J AC,, AC. b s All orders by mail promptly attended to OENTRE HALL MP G COM'? 1 IIKMIIY T. mi* COMPOUND FLUID Extract Catawba GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts—lluid Kziract I'ho barb and Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Juiee. For liver complaints, jaundice, bilious affections, sick ot nervous headache, coslivetieas, etc. I'utely vegetable, containing no mercury, miuenila cr ; deleterious drugs. ■ | Those Pill* are the most delightfully { pleasant purgative, superseding ea*tor oil, alta. megarata, etc. There in nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They (give tone, cause neither nausea nor griping [pain*. TTbcy are composed of the fineet ! ngi edienlt. After a few days' use of than* •u.'Si an invigwratien of the entire system lake* place a* to appear miraculous to tha waak and . ru-rvst.-d, whether arising from imprudence or disease. H. T. flelubsdd'a (Compound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pill* are n<4 Migarrssatod, from the feet that *ugarco*td PiH* do nut dkeolve, but pas* through the stomach without dissolving, consequently do I*H produce thr deeited ef fect. The Catawba Grape Pit)*, Wing pleasant in tad* and odor, do not necawL tat* their being sugateoatad. Price fifty cents per box. E HENRY T. HELM BOLD'S HioMLv coicsmirn oourocsn Fluid Extrnct Banuipnriltn Will radically exterminate from the system Scroftila. Syphilis, Fever Sores, hirers, Hoie Eyas. Bore Leg*. Bore Mouth, Bora Head, Brum hiu*. Skin Diiaase*. Bait Rheum Canker*. Runnings from tb# Ear, white •welling*, tumor*, cancerous affe®. lion#, node*. Rickets, glandular .swelling*, night sweat*, rash, tetter, humor* of all kind*, chronic rheumatism, dyspepsia, and all disease* that hava bee* twtabfished ia the system for yean. L Being prepared expressly for the above cempl noeiip. its hicssd-puri& iiig proper ties are greater than any other preparation of sar*a)rilla. It sfives the cotnplcxioa a clear healthy color and restores the patient to a state of health and puri ty . For puri fying the biood, removing ail chronic con stilutional diseases arising from the aa im pure state of the blood, and the oaly relia ble and effectual fcnuwa remedy for the cure of pains and swelling of the bonce, ulcerations of the throat and tag*, blotch**, pimples OR the face , erysipelas and all scaly erupt IOI.* of the shia. sad beautify ing complexion Priea, f 1,60 per bottle. M HENRY T. HKLMBOLD'N COXCCXThATXtI Fluid Extract Buchu, THE GREAT DIURETIC, hns cured every case of dinhales ia which it has been give*, irritation of the nech of the bladder and inflammation of the kid neys. ulceration of the kidneys and blad der, retention of urine, disease* of the proa late gland, stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel, brick-dust dedoait, and mucous or milky discharges, and for infeebted and delicate constitution* of hath sexes, attend ed with the following symptoms: indisposi tion to exertion, loss uQ<> wer, I.a* of mem ory, difficulty of breathing, weak nerve* trembling, horror of disease, wakefulness, dimness of vision, pain in the back, hot hands, flushing of the body, dryness of ths . ! (.kin, eruption on the face, pallid counte nance, universal lassitude of the musculor i system, etc. Used by persons from the ages of eigh teen to twenty-five, and from thirty-fire ibi fifty-fiveor tn the dsclin# or chan'ge of ! life; after confinement or labor pain*; bed wetting ia children. B llelmbold'sextract bnehu is Diuretic ed blood-purifying, and cure* all disease* •rising from habits of dt*i|>stion. and ex cesses and imprudence* in life, impurities of the blood, etc., superseding copaiba in affections for which it is used, and sypbili i tic affections—in these diseases usad ia con ! nection with Helmbold s ruse wash. LADIES. In many affections peculiar to ladies, tha j extract buchu is unequalled by any other remedy—as in chlorosis or retention, in! ! regularity, paiafttineas or supprassioa of ; customary i acuation*. ukeratod or schir ' ru* stateofths utcru*, leucorrheM or whites, lerility, and for all complaint* incident to the sex. whether arising from indiscretion !or habits of dissipation. It is prescribed extensively by the most eminent ohyviciaas snd midwive* for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, ot both sexes and all ages attended with any of the above disease* or symptoms), 0 H. T. HELMBOLDH EXTRACT BU CHU CUBES DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPRUDENCES, HAB ITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC.. in all their stawes, at little expense, little or no change ia diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. It cusaes a frequent de-ire, snd give* strength to Ur nate. thereby re moving Obstructions, Preventing snd Cu ring strictures of the urethra. allying pain infiamation, so frequent in this class of disease*, and expelling all poisonous mate ler. Thousands who have been the victims of incompetent persons, and who have said heavy fees to be cured in a h->rtiitne. n nva found they have been deceived, and that the •■Poison., luss, by the use of "powerful astringents," been dried up in the system, to break out in a more aggravated form and perhaps after marriage. rsfe HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BU CHU for all affectionf and disease# of tha urinary organs, whether existing in male or female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter ofltow long standing. Price, 1 one dollar* and fifty cents per bottle. I A HEN'P. YT. HELM HOLD'S IM PROVED ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed as a face wash, and will be found the only specific remedy ia every species of cutaneous affection, ll -peedily eradicates pimples, spots, srorba | tic dryness, indurations of the cutaneous membrane, etc., dispels redness and incipi* ! ent infiamation. hives. ra*h, moth patches, ! dryness of scalp or skin, frost bites, and all ! purposes foi which salves or ointments are i used ; restore* the skin to a state of purity , and toitnes*, and insures continued beal thv action to the ti*ue of its vessels, on which depends theagreeableclearness and vivacity of eomplexion so much sought and admired. But however valuable as a reme dy for existing defects of the skin, H. T. Helmhold's Rose Wash has long sustained its priuciple claim to umbounded patron age, by possessing qualities which render it a toiled appendage of the most superla tive and congenial character, combining in an elegant formula those prominent requisite*, safety and efficacy—the in varia ble accompaniments of its use—as a pre servative and refreshei of the complexion It ts an excellent lotion for diseases of a syphilitic and as an injection for diseases of the urinary organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Buchu, Harsaparilla, and Catawba Grape Fills, in such disea.-es as r commended, cannot be surpassed. I rice, one dollar per bottle. D Full and explicit directions accompany the medicine*. Evidence of the most responsible and re liable character furnished on application, with hundreds of thousands of living wit nesses, and upward of 80,009 unjdscited certificates and recommendatory letters, manv of which are from the highest sour ces, including eminent Physicians, Clerg ymen, Statesmen, etc. The proprietor ha* never resorted to their publication in the newspapers; he does not do this from the fact tliat bis articles rank as Standard Pre. paratsons, and do not need to be propped up by certificates. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Delivered to any address. Secure from observstion. Established upwards of twenty year*. Sold bj Druggists"everywhere. 'Address letters for information, in confidence to HENRY T. HELMBOLD, Druggist and Chemist. Only Depots: H. T. HELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, No. 694 Broadway, New York, or to H. T. HELM BOLD'S Medical Depot, 104 South Tenth it net. Philadelphia, Pa. Beware of counterfeit*. Ask foJ tieury T. Helm hold's! Take no other.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers