CENTRE HALL URI'ORTKK. 0 Centre Hall, l\t., March 24, 1 1 TKRMS.—The Cas TUK IUU. Kttron- TKR is published weekly at per year in advance, or $2,00 when not paid in ad vance. Halfyearly and quarterly üb scripticns at the same rale. Single copies Ave cents. Advertisements SI,BO per square 1 10 linwd forthree insertions. V>i\ ertisemcnt* for a longer period, at a reduced rate. Business cards of five lines, >5 per y 'r. Communications recommending pet-on* for office, 5 cent- per line. Communica tions of a private nature and obituary no tice* exceeding five lines, five cents per line. Business notices in local column 10 cents per line, for one insertion. Notices of d. nth* and marriages „ d free of charge. Our (riemls, in all paru of the countv will oblige by tending us local items of Interest ftem their respective local ities. The figures set to the told re-* upon each subseriler's paper indicate that the subscription is paid up to such dale, and answer the same as a receipt, Per-on- re mitting by mail, or otherwise, will under stand from a change in those date-that the money has been received From all portions of the country com. dispatrhos of the great rejoicings, firing of cannon, Jcc., by the democracy, on ac count of the great victory in New Hamp shire, last week. + • The Danville InMligt acre this week j cotues to us marked with an X. That's what we have beeu doing long ago, friend Chalfant, and the Ktcroiut.it is regularly mailed to the /-fr.Vtgmc. r. How is it"* The Parisians might find in the Latuen- ' ations of Jeremiah a picture which would •uit their present condition. Take the first capter and first verse, and one i> almost led j to believe the great prophet had Paris in his mind's eye when he wrote tints: "How doth the city it solitary, that W .-K fiill of people 1 how is she become as a wf.i ow 1 she that was great among the nations, and princess among the proviuets, how is ; she become tributary 1" Grant (Jets Mad The radical defeat in New Hampshire, published in last week's IvEroKTXK, has badly stunned Grant, and when el I Simon Catneren stepped in to tell him the news he got mad and slammed the door, a, though the people had not the right to vote as they pleased. NVell, well, the old granite state ha- -lam tued har ponderous doors, right in the face of Grant, and knocked him fiat as a pan cake, and we think that Connelleut, in a few days will slam her doors in the face of the imperial usurper who -it- -o fredly in the white house. Graut may feel grate ful if the people are only content with thus slamming the door* upon him, for he rich ly deserves to be soundly booted besides. - ♦ ♦ Auo titer Fight Antony (lie Hails at Washington. Double, double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble. The radical party is fast going to pieces, and the old witches ujon broom-sticks haunt its poor, gin laden leaders in the cross roads and by ways ; they commence to look hag g;ird and worn; misery keejs gnawing upon their vitals, and satan is after them with his hot poke- to give them their reward. It is ail bubble and trouble with them novr, and each day seem# to give birth to new discontents. The radical party, which fattened up n the ill-gotten spoils of the war, is f ist crumbling to pieces, and Grant i- the monster upon its back to ride it to the devil. The history of Grant's administration is one of disgraceful v\ ranglings an 1 quarrels among its h-adors, who have been gouging out each others eyes and pulling each oth era hair on account of the spoils. A pretty page does this furnish in the j proud hiator-* of the United States •Such an exhibition of eorrupton, ve nality, perjury, official plundering and demoralization in high places, cannot bo summed up in all the past history of our country, from Washington j d>>wn to Buchanan, as is found under the administration of Grant. A Washington correspondent of Kith inst., chronicles a further un pleasantness, as follows: Washington, March 16. —The irre pressible conflict in the Republican lrty, inaugurated in the Senate last wect in the sacrifice of Senator Sum ner, was developed in the House to day in one of the most extraordinary , and remarkable scenes ever enacted in the hall of Representatives, which il lustrated even more forcibly than did -tT-^apitation of Mr. Sumner the di-intcgration ami demoralizrtion go ing on in the Radical ranks. The Iwdt of General Butler from the action of his party friends yesterday, as set forth at length in his letter addressed ! to the Republican members of Con gress, and published in the main in to day's World, was the cause of all this commotion. It brought the .Speakor j down from his chair on to the fl'ior of the House and compelled him to defend himself, while four other Re publican members appointed with Butler got up in their seats, and, after denouncing the policy agreed on yes terday, declined to serve oil the com mittee and withdrew. This bolting letter was not only published in the leading Republican paper here, but was printed by Butler in circular form and laid on the desk of every Republi can Senator aud member. It is about the boldest step of the many bold ones which the redoubtable memler from Essex had undertaken, while the feel iug of satisfaction of Butler's friends and tho indignation of his Republican enemies were wrought to the highest pitch. It was no wonder, then, that tor nearly two hours the Republican side indulged in crimination and re crimination, in charges of corruption and trickery, of falsehood and sland.r acd invective and denunciation almost unparalleled in the bitter contests of political opponents. The Democratic side flocked into the aisles aud enjoyed the fight with as keen a relish as if it were another New Hampshire tri umph ; while the crowded galleries tes tifixl their interest by palpable ap plause over Speaker Blaine's scathing review of Butler, no less than at the furious points made by the latter on the Speaker. But the misrepresenta tion and falsehood which the leading Republicans fastened on Butler's let ter were almost the marvel of every one ; and even Butler himself, driven to the wall by counter-exposures, ad mitted that the occasion and the scene that filled it were disgraceful to the sarty,5 arty, the House, and the country, udge Kelley first led off in a denial of Butler's first point, that the high land'men and the Democrats struck bamls to authorize tiie committee on yesterday. Butler said he certainly understood yesterday that the high tariff men were anxious to adjourn, aud that they wanted to prevent all the other legislation. Peters then in quired of Butler whether a majority of the Republicans present had not voted for th-; resolution as it passed ? Butler replied that it was sprung upon , the House rushed through by A trick , by Republicans, "w ho, to H certain ex tmt, voted under coercion, nnd had struck hands with the Democrats. It was carried in defiance of the organi zation of the Republican party as pto claimed in the Republican caucus." The coercion intimated was ltlaine's i intluencc over members through com mittees yet to bo ap|n>inted. Mr. Dawes wanted Butler to explain what he ment by trick, for an examina i tion of vote showed that tiftv eight of the Republicans voted fur the resolu tion. while only fifty voted against it; and vi t the majority of the Republi can members were accused of engag ing in a trick. Thus was Butler's nee ond charge demolished, and it nettled him to sec that Dawes had done it; but he clung to his assertion that the committee had been authorise*! by a trick, and reminded the Republicans tlmt they bad agreed to stand by bi> Ku-Klux bill in caucus. IVters, oj Maine, said that be had offered the committee at the Speaker's request, and added that there was no such cau cus action, and if there was it should not bind him in legislative matters. At this point Speaker Blane tackled Butler in magificent style. He called Mr. Wheeler, of New York, to the chair, and took the tloor. His first act was also to cuu\ ict Butler of false hood. After a preliminary skirmish ho said: "I desiro to inquire if the gentleman was not informed that the Speaker had written that resolution." Mr. Butler said he was not so iuform ed. "Well," said the Speaker, "I took the resolution to you in my own handwriting, and you not only read it but you suggested an amendment, that the expenses of the committee should be paid out of the contingent fund of the House." There was a murmur all over the House at this hut bra Ken Butler never flinched. The Speaker proceeded in a vigorous strain utid with tuuch feeling to further expose the latter. Butler sat uneasily in his seat, inflated his cheeks a* he always does a hen he is utad, threw his eyes aslant the cell ing, then over on the Democratic side, and then at the Speaker. Mr. Blaine, alluding to Butler's statement that some ltepubll can members had been eoereed into vot ing for the resolution, a anted all Republi cans whomsoever, "so coerced, to stand up now and so state the fact or to forever hereafter hold their peace. If any oue had not voted as a free act the country should know it. lie piuscd, but no mem her arose. He ilien read from Butler's | letter, in relation to coercion, and said this statement wa- made in the face of the fact that fifty-eight Republicans had voted for the resolution, while forty-nine besides Butler had voted against it. He now d.e --• tnanded that Butler should say what mem ber was coerced. Butler replied that to do so would be to detail private conversation. ,11# declared that it was understood in the j caucus that the bill should be introduced , to suppress disorders in the South, and the action of the House yesterday wa> a viola j tion of caucus action. Mr. Blaine appeal ed to the president of the caucus to say whether it was not understood that no member would be bound by the caucus action. It had never been the practice for | caucuses to bind men upon measures, but j only on nominations made for office. He did not doubt if Butler could have obtained any followeres he would have bolted the ■ caucus which has! nominated himself (Mr. Blaine) for Speaker. As the latter pro ceeded he grew more and more wrathful, j and took in the spirit of the exciting scene. The Republicans and Democrats gave hint | every encouragement. He said he would <ay nothing about his writing that resolu tion, for he dispised and spit upon the as i sertion of any man who questioned his right in that particular as n i -'Even the insolence of the member hirn seif,-' said the S|>eaker, "will not carry him to that extent." Because he had written this resolution he had been accused of playing a trick. Butler jumped up from his seat and snarled out, "I repeat it, it was a trick." Blaine intimated in reply that Butler was in the habit of relating most everything but the truth. "And now," said the Speaker, "this letter which has been printed here, telegraphed all , over the country, and laid in printed slips on the desks of members, I* of the meanest, , most contemptible, most unfair attacks ' that was ever made." A burst of applauso j finished the period. Butler was quick on | his feet. He fired away at tho Speaker, 1 and said it was his duty to kep the chair j whero ho "occupied a wooden seat and spoke through a wooden head." Mr. Blane reminded Butler that Mr. Colfax once found it necessary to leave the Speak- } er'i seat to chastise him. Butler said he ! had the floor, and he wanted to be heard. ! He was, perhaps, ignorant of parliamcn- ! tury law, but he did not want to have any ! more knowledge of it if it would have the j effect upon the rnind that had been devel j oped in tho speech of the Speaker this j morning. Tho way he snarled this out created roars of laughter. He felt pro foundly his (tosition as lacking in parlia mentary knowledge, "but 'for ways that are dark and for tricks that are vain' there's none liko Speaker , 'the same 1 now rise to maintain.'" The blank, said he, might be filled by a gentleman at will, {n continuing his remarks, he charged that the Sf>eaker had entered into collusion with the Democrats t" force this measure through. He had not expected to bring this disgraceful controversy into the House, but he resorted to the press, and expect that the gentleman would have taken tho samo means. He had no doubt he would survive all that Blaine had said about him long after the latter ceased to occupy the presidential chair; and wound up by charging that if Blaine had shown half the zeal in legislation for protecting the loyal people of the South that he had in forcing through land grant and other iot> there would have been no necessity for action now. "Na.ne one, sir," said Blaine. "I name most all of them," said Butler. "And I pronounce it a base cal umny," siid the Speaker; it is utterly false." Butler contented himself by reit erating the charges of his letter and sat down. The rest of the session was occu pied by Sheilabarger, C'oburn, Stevenson, and others giving reasons for refusing to act with tho committee. While all this was going on there was at the other end of tho Capitol a Senatorial Radical caucus in session in the Senate oltamber deciding just the reverse of the course of the House —that there must be legislation to suppress the Ku-Klux, and, as a consequence, the ses-ion must be protracted. So the party is in the process of a triangular dissolution Tho Republicans of the House are tor one policy, the Butler Republicans are for another, whi e the Senate Radicals decide that the session must go on and all legisla tion excluded till a law U passed to sup press tho disorder in the South. The ball is opened. First the Ku-Klux, and then conies Santo Domingo. William F. Packer, son of the late ox- Govcrnor Paekor, diodatSt. Paul, Minne sota, last week. His remains will bo brought to Williamsport. Wcndel Phillips on the Grant— Sumner Affair. The great Bostonian —the brains of the radical party —who has ever been about a year or two in advance of his party in bis ideas, gives his mind up on the Senate and San Domingo. Wc furnish lielow his sentiments, as print ed in last week's National Standard : [Wendell Philip * in tatt tceek's Xational Standard.] A blow sometimes stuns a drunkard into sobriety. Possibly the insult off- cred and the peril brought to the lie publican party by the removal of Mr. Sumner may have this effect on the nation. We mav sec the loyal u.en of the North rally to the defence of the Union. If not, then there i# but one thing more for Congress to do in order to sign the death-warrant of the Republican parly, and possibly of the, Union. Ixt Congreaa now adjourn with out authorising martial law at at the South to curb the Ku-Klux. aud they have assured the election of a Democrat to the Presidency. In deed the mood of Washington in re gard to the anarchy of the South is such that we consider the matter about settled. Tht i Tkirty~threc Hrpn hi trout oho lotl tcerk re worn/ Afr. Sumner frvm Ais i xf fleetal a detnoeratte /Vcso/cnf for 1872. Whether Grant will con sent to run on a IVnnncretic ticket i of worse uncertain. Probably he doe* not himself know yet. Hut evi deutly llutler'a bill on the Ku-Klux is not likely to become a law. The same subserviency that ate dirt in the Sumner matter stands ready to defeat that. Any substitute that sends Southern assassins to be tried by a jury of fellow-assassins is a mockery. Nothing short of shooting hall a dux en Southern millionaires at the drum* head will awe the KuKlux into sub mission. There seems no likelihood of such vigor either in Congress or at the White House. The Santo Do miugo collar on Senatorial necks shows that they belong to a man who has entered on the course where An drew Johnson perished. How far lie intend* to advance on that pathw ay he does not himself now know. Hut the descent is fatally easy. Wo did not expect much from General Grant. Rut when he so unexpectedly arose to the level of statesmanship in the mat ter of the fifteenth amendment and ol the Indians, we smothered all our doubts and gave him large confi dence. The last few months, capped by this insolent interference with Con gress, reveals the man. We persisted iu believing that Mr. Motley was re moved for adequate cause until Mr. Secretary Fish's clumsy letter dispell ed the illusion. That act. seen iu the light of this attack on Mr. Sumner, was evidently dictated simply and solely by spite toward the great Massa chusetts Senator. James the First saiil, when he came to London to mount his throne aud found only blundering officials, "thev have given me a secretary who cannot write, aud a s|<eaker who cannot speak." Grant is understood to he in the same afflic tion. And the Massachusetts rene gade who helped Mr. Fish to his boy ish rhetoric did his work so poorly that he betrayed the secret, and let the world sec that, after six months' incubation, the department could not hatch a decent excuse. Just as that discreditable act was floating away into oblivion comes this usurpation, which puts the present Executive into the company of Jackson's bank intri gues aud Johnson's attack ou Stanton. The revelation it make* of the servilli ty of the Seuate is disheartening to all lovers of free government. Every man knows that each Senator who vo ted for Mr. Sumner's removal did so solely because the President had let him understand that only on that con dition could he hope to have any in fluence at the departments in securing office for his frieuds. We tell only what is an open secret at Washington. Politicians there, attitudinizing on the floors of Congress, use words in a Pickwickian sense and varnish base acts with comely phrases. Rut it is fit the people should know the plain truth. The President has bought off his opponents by refusing all winter to listcu, in the matter of appointments, to the recommendation of any member of Congress who voted with Mr. Sum ner. The oulv excuse individual Con gressmen make for changing their votes is that to be iguored at the depart ments, when asking offices for their supporters, is death to their political tio|>es. If Santo Domingo is annexed, Grant secures it by threats aud bribes. The poorest memory will need but lit tle effort to recall the very embassy that bought a Keystone vote, the judgeship which won a Wolverine, and the herring post that made anoth er Senator put on the Domingo collar. Of course, when a party becomes merely a "ring" to divide the spoils it touches its downfuli. It it tad to think that the power of a great party thould hare fallen into the hamlt of x tich low, mercenary teljithnett. It is sail that we can oppose to outlaw as sassins at the South, hamlet! together, mercilessly and at every sacrifice, for at least a great object—secession— that we can oppose to them only a gang of Swiss, shamelessly exhibiting themselves for sale to the highest bidder. And so cheated of hull'our gains, Itetrayed in the house of our friends, we inuet rally for another such fight as that which crushed Davis and balked Johnson. To prevent the choice of a Democratic l\esident may be im possible. But our effort must go deep er than that. We must begin to edu cate the people Into the determination, that if, encouraged by a rebel Presi dent, secession ever lifts its head again at the South, the North will sweep re beldom with the besom of uttsr do structlon and leave it no ruler but the sword until every now living white man is in his grave. WKXDEL PHII.ui-S. The Real Reason The partisans of Grant and Sumner, are scolding and jatcing —no other' word so well expresses the situation— each other about tho cause of the re moval of the latter, all of which must be edifying to the British members of the Joint High in Washington.; Grant would have the public believe' that he promoted tbe humiliation of the senator from Massachusetts because the latter is generally out of sj mpathy with the administration, aud used his position as chairman to forearm him self to destroy administration projects in foreign affairs. It is important to bear iu mind that no one pretends Sunnier was injurious to the adminui t ration in any other respect than iu transactions with foreign powers. Noj questian of internal politics, therefore,; enters into the discussion, and the on ly important transactions with otbirl nations now before the Senate, or like ly to come before it far some time, are Santo Domingo, the Alabama claims, and the fisheries. But over-passing this for the moment, let us revert to the record to see why Sumner was re moved —and here we think the facts will be found ugly things for the Grant partisans. Mr. ScTiurz, while advocating last Friday his motion to postpone the subject till next day, in spired the following colloquy : It was but just to tlint member, to tho Senate, and to the whole country, that the real reason for which such a change WHS proposed should he laid bare to to the pub lic gaze. He would therefore ask the Sena tor who had introduced the resolution (Howe) what were the reasons why such a change was made. Mr. Howe, of Wisconsin, rose to reply. Mr. Htewart, of Nevnda (aside) —I would not answer him. Several Senators—No don't. Mr. Howe said on the one hand he was asked a question, and on the other appealed to not to answer }t, and in deference to thai rule of courtesy which hu had sought to make tbe rule of his life, he would make a I- civil answer to a civil question He would r ] briefly state the reasons, so far as he knew ' them, and he certainly anew them as well 4 ' as any Senator. No question had been 11 raised as to the ability of the Senator from t |- Massachusetts, and 110 pretension bad been made that he was surpassed in any respect ' hy the gentleman p oposod to succeed him. II but it was known to those who proposed v the change that the personal relations exist, ing between the Senator from Mas-acho * sells and the President ofthe United Stales n and the bead of the Slate Department were such a* to preclude all social into course between them. In brief the informal ion '• was that the Senator from Massachusetts •f reftitad to hold personal intercourse with |.; the Secretary of State Mr. Sumner, of Massachusetts Just tlie *' contrary. . Mr llowe, ot Wisconsin, continuing j without noticing tlie remark And that (lie Senator lias not held any intercourse with * the President of the United States In n view of thee fads it was deemed be-t that if the Committee of Foreign Relation* should have a head w ho would be on the best speak -1 ing terms with the Secretary of State and the President r Mr Si-hum, of Missouri, replied that he was very creditably informed, andthst from the be,-! authority, that the Senator from I MnssachllsetU, kitting behind them (Sum c neri, ha.l not refused in enter into any of tlcial relations either with the President or ( the Secretary* of State I Mr llowe, of Wisconsin laskniy friend not to change the i*ue 1 did not speak of . their official relation* 1 spoke of their personal relation*. Here is mi explicit statement that tin* social ami personal, not official, rc lutions existing hetwtou Mr. Hutnucr I on tlx* one luiioi mid Messrs. Grant ( ami Fish on tlie other ham) enforced the action of the Republican caucus. Who, then, inspired the caucus ? Who complained to the caucus of ruptured personal relations? However that may he, the public lias from Senator Howe a reason. A few minutes later in the debate ; Senator Howe "denied the correctness "of Mr. Schurx's assertion that the "Santo Domingo scheme was at the "bottom of the whole matter, and | "maintained that the Senate's action j "had no significance further than he j"hail state*!." This last assertion of Howe brought ; Wilson to his feet, whodeclarcd : " I he 'true reason for this action had not "yet been given. The Senator from 'Wisconsin denied that the Santo I >< l"niinco matter has anything to do with "it. but everybody knew the fact, "and it was useless to deny it, that "this effort has grow n out of the Santo "Domingo matter. We all know that "if this Santo Domingo annexation i "scheme had uever cotue up there nee "er would have been anv effort to j "change the composition of the Coin "mittee on Foreign Relations" Whether this be the ' retort courte ous" we leave others to say. Certain -1) it, iu moral effect, charges llowe either with ignorance or falsehood While this inconvenient issue is pend |ing between two Senators, iu comes a ; child of the settiug sun, flaming with warpaint, Tipton by name, and Ne braska is his nation. Listen to this artless son of the backwoods, awav from (be vices of civilization and the tricks of dissimulation : He said be knew some lime ago the intra- IttaH U> array the President against the i Senator who |J off noamst the Santo Do mingo indignity, Wlien the Senator from Connecticut 1 kerrv) had made a motion to j investigate the imprisonment of Davi* Hatch, It was charged that he a a> attacking the administration. He then added that he had taken down in yesterday * proceed ing* in the Republican caucus the words which fell from the tips ofthe Senator from Wisconsin (Mr, Howe) as to the reason tor I this change The words were "that thr majority of the -Senate were in favor of the ; annexation ot Santo Domingo, and a ma jority of the Committee on Foreign Kela jtiont were opposed to iL and that was the rt*aon for making the change. ' Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, n-krd if Mr. Tip -1 tun did not fee) -ome compunctions ..f ; conscience in divulging the secrets of a par | ty caucus. Mr. Tipton said he might have, had he not seen the w hole proceeding* of the cau ■i cu* in the morning papers, with the yea* and nays, and his friend's (Sherman s) i name among them. M r. Sherman remarked perhaps Ins friend Tipton had rovealod the proceeding- Mr. Tipton replied that the Sennlor did j not a-k that question in good faith ; that tho Senator had too much repc< 1 r- r Mr. Tipton *) integrity arid hnor to inli rnato that he woiild d<> nothing of that kind. Mr. Howe, of Wisconsin, then repented what he did say in the caucus. It was 1 substantially that there was one parliamcn- . tarv reason why, inhisjuilgcmrnt, the right to alter the Committee on Foreign lt*Uli<>m should be excrei-ed, and that was that he I understood a majority of the Senate to tie in favor of the annexation ofSanlo D*min go, and a majority uf the couimitlec to be opposed to it. It wa* ill accordance with parliamentary u-age to rccon-litute the committee. But this was not itself the rea-on lor removing the head of the com mittee, because the adverse majority might very wed be corrected by removing any other member of the committee, and if that had been the only difficulty with the (Committeeon Foreign Relations it might !u waived hereafter as it been heretofore. Mr. Tipton, of Nebraska, did not see that there wm any material difference in thi statement from what he had said. He did not ncknow bilge that a majority of the Sen ate was in favor of Santo Domingo annexa tion. The vote stood i! 8 to a- slated in the newspapers, and this he knew to be true. (Laughter.) The attempted rebuke of Sherman is evidence that Tipton had blabbed, and blabbed truthfully. Hone wan com pelled to own up. He tried to get in a line distinction to save the integrity of his first statement, but Tipton was too close OR his trial and instantly took his scalp. Wilson too was, for once in his life, light. Howe's answer to Scburz may have been civil, but was it honest ?—World Letter front Hie (oal Regions , MOUNTCARMEL, l'.t., MAR. 11th,71. Friend Fred.— I embrace this my first opportunity of penning you a few lines from the anthracite coal fields of I'ctiusylvania. You are no douht aware that the greater nortiou of the collieries in the ' anthrucite region arc on a stand still, and have been for the last two months. On the 10th day of January the Grand Council ofthe \V. 11. A. called ' a susj ension throughout the whole anthracite region, for the purpose of reducing the stock of coal in our mar kets, and also for the purpose of ad vancing prices, which would follow au advance of wages for the miners and others working in and about the mines. On the 15th day of February the Grand Council ordered the men to resume operations mi what is termed tho three dollar luuis, but they did not resume, the o|H*rators and carrying companies were not yet ready. The fight now is shall the operators run their own collieries and employ and discharge who they see fit or shall the |men (or iti other words 1 ) the W. B. A. j run them and dictate who shall and who shiill not work, as the> have been (doing for sometime past. The men throughout the region are getting ties I jierate. A terrible outrage was committed in our quiet borough, which made the whole community tremble. On last iKaturday morning, about two o'clock, ia block of houses, owned by Col John - Hough, was attacked hy a nam! of out laws. The men living in these houses 1 were employed hy F. Roads & Co., ' who are running their colliery on the co operative system, but designated by 1 the \V. 11. A. its a black-leg colliery. The moh, supposed to number 4(f men, I attacked the buildings on the north and west sides, and during the fireing (some of them broke out a panel of the 1 (door on Ihe east side of llie building, and put a kegofj owder in the house, ' with a fuse ignitid it and then ran ex- ' peeling the powder to do its work. The J explosion wasti rrible, completely blow ing out the enu and purl ofthe aide ul 1 |the lower part of the building—leav- ' 1 inn floor, with two lietl* ami ' t four hoarders, Mho were slacking in t them it l tin* time of the firing, fall to > the first tloor: one of the men, Gorgt | lioflmsn, of Shaiuoken, waa shot through the heail by a mueket hall i while Iviujf asleep in bed. He lived aln nit three quarter* of au hour *Uer , sards, he leavre a wife and two small ' children, hie remain* were taken to I'in* (irotre, accompanied by the bc , reaved wiie, children and father, i The building at the time contained thirty men, women and children, all of whom, except llotTmaii, escaped. The I object of the mob evidently was to murder the whole of them, there were | about one hundred shots tired in the building, some of which were tired into the bod rooms, slid several of the balls entered the led* in which some of the inmates were sleeping. The building was occupied by three families, one of j which kept hoarders The evident cause which led to the perpetration of this outrage, is, thati all of the nialo occupants (with one exception were working for F. Koads A" Co , at the so called black leg Col liery. It is high time that some aciiou lie taken for the better protection of life and property in this region "what think yun." If. B. 0 + 0 A Western Hurricane. St. Louis, March H.- A mast lerriflo hur ricane pa-sed over a portion of Katt Saint Louis between two and three o'clock this allcrnoott. The wind fir*l came from the southoast, and came with a fury and force never before wilnesed in t'ds latitude. It first -truck ihe elevator on the bank of tbe river and took n part of the roof off, and pidng on in a due in>rthoa*l direction, it totally demolished the freight depot of the St. Louis and Vandatia Kailroad, eight hundred feet long by otie hundred wide, 1 and a water tank eighty feet high, and the p engcr depot of the Southeastern Kail road . two freight depots, portion* of the ; pa*eiiger depot and ticket offices, and the 1 round-house of the Chicago and AlloU; Kailroad ; t e car house, scale office, freight office and purl of one of the freight de list* of the I Ihio and Mississippi Knit road, the freight and passenger depots of the To- iitlo mul Hon J, and a number of dwelling livum in tha vicinity. A portion of the Tt-rre limit* and Indianapolis depot •at blown off Nearly all the derrick* and other applicant* ucd in the construc tion of the bridge were torn from their places and blown into the river. Kerry thing within a width of from two hundred two three hundred yard* was actually torn to piece*. A whole-train of car*, including a thirty ton locomotive, wa* blown front the track and whirled *otuo forty feet into a ilough. Another train of thirteen eat*, laden with grain, wa* overthrown and ma*hed and Koad one car blown into the river. A train coming in on the Trrre llaute when at Brooklyn, three mile* north of i iat St. Loui* wa* blown fruui the track and tome forty cart (landing on a ide track of the Toledo, IVibuh and Chicago ; .(mod, about nine mile* out, were over thrown. The round-houte of the Chicago and Alton Koad, after being blown down, caught lire from an engine imide, and it* ruin* were burned. The engineer of (he locomotive wa* burned to death. The number of killed and Wounded cannot bo stated to-night, but (even are known to be kilted, and between thirty and forty *eri j oUklv, (oiiic dangerously wounded, and a i good many more slightly injured. It i* i believed there are a number of pcraon* : still buried betioalh the ruin*. The scone iit frightful. Some bouse* are torn to frag ment*, other* unroofed or u|*et, and still other* carried Indily from their foutida ' lion*. Scarcely a building or a tree or anything else within the track of the storm -landing. The wreck and ruin it complete. The pecuniary losses are estimated as fol low • Chicago and Alton Railroad, ut', Ohio and Mississippi, I'JUtitl); Toledo and W abash. SI3&.UUO, St Loui* and Vandalia, )S),UO; Southeastern, $90,000; Wiggin's Ferry Company, s2l. - 00. Two or throe (tcamboat* lying on the eastern tide of the river were a!*o very seriously damaged. ANOTH KITIX)RNA DO. Frame Huu*es Demolished — la>m of Life. St i,ouis, March 2(h—The Lebanon (III.) Chronicle give* an account of a terrific tor nado which passed over a portion of St. Clair county last Tuesday night. The -torni passed half a mile east of I-ebanon and did great damage. Some twenty fart* houses were blown from their foundation* or entirely demolished, and outbuilding*, fence# and trees were destroyed. Mis* Watson was instantly killed. Mr, Ver million wa# fatally Injured and ha# *inee died, ami his wife i* not r I pes-ted to recov er. Mi-* Vermillion's arms and legs acre broken and she was otherwise injured. She isnot cx|>ecid U live. Nearly every body in the house destroyed were more or kss* hurt, teroral of them dangerously. Some houaea and also persons were moved from one to two hundred yards, and tree* two to four fee( in diameter broken like pipe stem*. Terrible Railroad Accident. Dubuque, March 17.—A terrible acci dent occurred on the Burlington, Cedar Rapid* and Minnesota roilroad, one mile south of Salina, thi* morniag. A con struction train having a large force of la borers on board wa* thrown frotu the track. Five of them were instantly killed and four severely injured, two of whom ranot possibly live. The Very Latest front Paris. London, March 30 —la. nu—The latest dispatches received from Psris are of a; most interesting and esciliug nature. The city i* almost in a state of revolution, gnd fear* of a general uprising are ssriously entertained. The greatest activity among the troops I* reported, and every prepara tion is being msdc on the pert of the gov ernment to meet sny and all emergencies thst may arise. (teuernl Chanxy Shot Paris, March 20 General Chanty wa* made prisoner, and taken to the Harden of the Rue des Riier# Montmartic, where the central revolutionary committee were sitting, nd after a short trial wa* shot The Hotel de Ville ha* been attacked and captured by the insurgent* who now occupy it. Fresh barricade* are being continually erected. A number have been thrown up in the vicinity o| the Hotel c e Ville. The latter building i# also being fortified by the insurgonts, and it will be rendered a powerful point of defence. The central revolutionary committee ha* issued a proclamation convoking the pc ple of I'ari* to a publio assembly, (W the purpose of holding a communal election. M. Thiers and the other member* of the government have moved to Versailles for better security until the excitement at Pa ris has been subdued. -* * • Terrible Affair In South Carolina. Collector Wallace, ofthP fift'l Ctrolina district, report* that Deputy United Plates Marshal Loper. while attcmping to soiae an illicit distillery in the possession of a dealer named Znchariah Young was attack ed by the latter. Both men drew pistol* and fired simultaneously and both were kil led at the first fire. The Coal Troubles. Johnstown. Pa, March 17. —Delegate* from the Anthracite and Bituminous Coal Miner*' A-social out met hero to-day and formed a union. Officer* to conduct the utl'uir* of the new organization were elected from the Workingmcn's Benevo lent and the Bituminous Associations. A general suspension of work by the miner* in the bituminous region is expected at nnj early day. ] OeuntTM llistnarrk has informed l'resl. i dent Thiers that he is considerably unt il barrassed in organising politically and r commercially the ceded provinces of Alsa- I ce and Lorraine, owing to the determined | resistance of the inhabitants and represen | tations from leading hoards of trade that German commerce will he damaged by the | competition of the Muhlhouse manufa. lu ) rers Bismarck therefore intimates that he would abandoH Alsace and Lorraine if the French indemnity is increased one and a I half milliards uf francs. [ AGKNTBMALICA FKMALK , Kor last telling popular subscription lt'H>ks. Ksirs Inducements to Agents, Information free. Address Am ilouk Co, i tU William Si N V ft.bJ4.iH ikpilislfs SO HUMBUG ! i! 1 Hy sending Boot* , with age, height, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct ' picture uf your Allure husband or wife, ! | with name and dale of marriage Address \\ FO.Y, I'. O Drawer No 24, Kultoaville, WAVI'Kf) h/Vl^ • Invito sell the celebrated HOME SHUT TLE SK WING MACHNK Has the WW ,'ltr-ferii, makes the "lurk tlitea" (alike on both sides,) and is fully hernial The brut and dice pest family Sewing Machine in the market. Address. Jotifteo*, CLAMK A co., Hoston. Mass., Pittsburg, Pa., Chi cago, 111., or St Leuis, Mo, 27jnlHt COUGH! COUGH! COUGH! Why will you Cough when you can ne so easily relieved by using Or. Wells' Carbolic Tablet* ? They are a sure cure for Sore Throat, Cold, Uorseliess. Catarrh and all Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, and lironchia! Tubes. Pruui the great number of Testimonials as to the efficiency of th-s invaluable medi cine the following is selected. 17 V\ ahpaitseh Ave. Chicago, 111. Jan It "I "For the last ten years I have been a "great sufferer from frequent attack* of "Acute Bronchitis, and have never found "any thing to relieve me from these attacks "until I tried Dr. Wells' Carbolic Tablets." ELIZASKTU T. ROOT CAU HON Don't let worthless articles be palmed off on you, be -ureyou get only WKLLS CAKBOLICTABLKTS. JOHN KKLLOUO, Plan Street, N. V Sole Agent. Sold by Druggists. Price 'J6 cents a Box. mark'l ft AGENTS WANIII 'FOR "WONDERS OF THE WORLD." if: liur one tliourand illustrations. The „ largest b*t selling, and most attractive subscription book ever published. One Ogcat in Deliver, Colorado, sold IUO copies • 111 4 day* line agent In Milwaukee s lid . SO copie* in i day. and a large number r from Ji to ;iO copies per day. Send for Circular*, witk term* at uu*-e. Addrns* U. H PUBLISHING CO., 411 Broome 1 Bt. N. Y. feb'it.ttt v| fIkUnTI.'IV HP MTTUE.-l n, conform U> Reduction of Duties. . 16AAA TSA YIMi to CONSUMERS J by CUTTING UPCLUBS. squSend for our New Price List and a ' Ctub form will accompany it, containing 1 full direction*—making a large saving to 1 consumer* and remunerative to club or ganizers. e The Great American Tea Co., f 31 d* 33 Yttry Slrtct, i P o 80x6M3 NEW YORK. 'JPian IU •[AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HISTORY OF THE WAR IN EUROPE s ft contains over 100 fine engnvings of „! Battle* .Seenos and incident* in the War, and i. the only AUTHENTIC and OFFI - CI A L history of that great conflict. " Published in both English and Uerman. r CAUTION Inferior histories ore being . circulated. Kee that (he book you buy con tains 100 fine engraving* and map* Send • tor circular* A see our terms, and a full de- scriplion ofthe work. Address, NATL J PutliiMqfOfc, fkila, ■atHg e Serif turt Seine t Kmrt met together. m j Or wen# and Oeotogg Ask hunf eacA other 'Science **!' Iti hie. THE r A book of thrilling interest and greatest ,; importance to every human being. Thi Paper*, l'ulpil* and People are all discus. ' sing the subject and book, every man, wo • man and child want* to road it. The long , fierce war i. ended, and honorable peace Mcun-d, Science t* true, the Bible literal. ' pure and beautiful, both now salified, ami ' firm friend*. God'* work day*, six actual • days, not long per.od*. Thi* book gives . the very cream of science, making iutbril , ling realities, beauties, wonders and spark ling gem* a hundred fold more interesting f than fi;to n AGENTS WANTED Ex perienced Agent* will drop other boeki and secure territory immediately. Ad dles. for circular ZIKGLKK fit MoCU K DV, Iff So, Wtthfik, Phila. Bsrtkil .1 U It I It K It A. ) WHAT LS IT? . It i* a sure and perfect remedy fur all di sease* of the Liter and Spleen, enlarge ment or obstruction of interest. Urinary, ' Uterine. <*r Abdominal Organs, Poverty or i a want of Blood, Intermittent or Remittent , Fever*. Inflammation of the Liver, Dropsy, Sluggoh Circulation of the Blood, Abe " ce*es. Tumors, Jaundice. Scrofula, Dys - p. p*ia. Ague fit Fever or thoiiConcomi i taut*. Dr. Wplls having bcwwwe aware of the extraordinary medical properties of the South American Plank called j I it I' hi: n a, , sent a special commission to that country procure it in its native purity, and having foui d it* wonderful curative properties to ' even exceed the anticipation formed by its r great reputation, lias concluded to offer it to the public, and is happy to vtate that he I has pcrircted arrangement* for a regular monthly supply of thla wonderful Plant. ' He ha*-pent much time experimenting and • investigating * lulormosi efficient prepa ration from it. for popular use, and ha* for some time used in his own practice with most liappy result* the effectual medicine new presented to the public a* J)r. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba - and he confidently recommend* it to every , family as a household reined v which should he freely taken as a Blood Purifier in all derangements of the system and to animate and ffirtify all weak and Lymphatic tem i prauienl*. John tfi Kki.looo, Piatt St-, New York. Sole Agent for the Uni ted State*. Price One Dollar per bottle. 1 Send for Circular. mar'ifi fit 80'CLQCK. rjMIE MAGIC COMB will change any j X colored hair or beard to a permanent 1 black or brown. It contains no poison. One comb tent by mail for sl. Dealer* i supplied at reduecd rale* Address Wm Pattofl. Trea* Springfield. Mae*. lO.mrfi W ANTKI).— AgenUevery where to sell our new Book, via, "HISTORY OF ITALY"," (Illustrated,) by John 8. C. Abbott. A splendid subject and popular author. B B RUSSELL, Publisher. Bo* , ton, Mass. mnrlO.fit $5 TCTffO A DAY! Do yitU want a situation a* salesman at or near home, to sell our new 7 stand White r M'irc Clothes Line* to last for ever. Dont miss this chance. Sample free. Address Hudson River Wire Mills, Wm St., N Y. ' or M Dearborn St.. Chicago. marlO.fit DV. AFN KSS, CA TARKH, BCROF U LA. A lady who had suffered for year# from Deaftn-s*. Catafrh find Srofula, was eured hy a simple wsmedy. Hersytn ' pithy and gratitude prompt* her to send I the receipt* free of charge to any one si i niiiarly afflicted. Address Mrs. M C. Lkooktt. Jersey City, N. J. marlO.fit , FBI'IT JAR MANUFACTURERS AND BUYERS are notified, thut.n better and cheaper Jar than wa* ever known will "be supplied This Jar excel I# in every . quality and requirement, and will outsell , and,can undersell any and all others. It wilt sell itself. Important Price list for 1871, now readv and- sent fro. Address > CHAN. G. INLAY A SON, No. 221 Dock St., Philadelphia. marlo.fit HOOK AGENTS! The most useful, ornamental, sensible and popular of subscription books, is "Physical Trainning of Children,,' just ' out. It ha* splendid alee! Plate*, is rihly 1 bound, and every Father and Mother who i sees it want* it. It has no opposition and . delivers elegantly. The first agent out cleared $21,00 in 'five hours! No modern 1 book like this one. Splendid terms. Cir culars ont free. Canvassing Books only sl. New H'orld Pub. Co., s. w. cnr. 7th and Market Sto., Philadelphia. marlO.fit |Mm THEA NECTAR with the Green Tea Plu everywhere. And for NHSW™"®' wholesale only by the Great Atlantic& Pacific Tea Co ,Bchurch St. New York. P. O. Box 360fi. Send for Then-NectarCircular. pirlU.fit A OENffi A-bv the AMERICAN KNITTING • MACHINE CO., BOSTON, MASS, or ST. LOUIS, MO. 27jnt9 IXrOTICB Letters of Administration IT upon the estate of Daniel Con do, late ■>f Gregg twp., dee d, having been granted the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are hereby called upon to come forward and make set tlement without delay, and those having claims to present them properly authenti cated. DAN!KL BUNK I.E. CYRUS t-'oNlMt, mar 10 fit Adminiilrator*. IVVKLY liusK POTATIKs Th. I j undersigned ha* a large quantity of the Early Rose Potatoes for sale. These psstn toes are earlier and yield more largely than any other kind. To be had at reasona ble rates. J. C. KAMP mar 10.ft Centre Hill, Norway Oats. ATTKNTIO* K*aur.as - Tlie undersign ed offers a large quantitytof Norway Oats for •ale This oat* yie'd* twice a* much a* any other oats. It* 110 Single Bushel t*i,iJO or three Bushels s.y<si Orders may be left at tlie Old K..rt and accompanied bv the cash, or hy calling upon the under signed near Farmers Mills, feb'Jfi. KM. JAM A M'CLIXYICK J. H. Rolfsnyder Justice of the Peace, Surveyor, and Conveyancer. Attends to collection*, surveying and dividing of land* Particular attention given to those having land, .r property for sale, or desiring to buy. Deed- Mortgage* Ac , Ac j drawn und ac knowledged upon short notice, and reasonable term*. Office over Snook's Store Millheim, P. fab 10.3 m News! See Here! TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undersigned hereby Informs the citizens of Pennevnllejr that he hss pur chased the Tin-hop heretofore carried on by the C. 11 Mfg Co., and wil. continue the same, at th<- old stand, in all it* branch es, in the manufacture of STOVE PIPE A NPOl'TlXti. All kinds of repairing done. He has* always on hand Fruit Cans, of all Sixes, BUCKETS, OU PS, DIPPERS, DISHES, AC. All work warranted and charges reason able. A share of the public patronage so licited. AND KEESMAN. 2*ep7oy Centre Hall LgKLLKK A JAKKETT dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS al*o all tho STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES. A very large as sortment of Tot- LZT ABTHI.K-. F A *c r 0. ul* Soaps, Ac., Ac., The Attest qual ity of R A zo a "-TXICI-, P(M*Kir Kv 1 V Z*. Set—OKS and Razaae. WALL I'xrxi tx GKKAT VAKIXTV. | PKKSCKI PTIi iNS, compounded by oom I petent druggists at all hours, day or night i Night customer* pu I night bell. ZELI.KK A JAKKETT, Bishop St., Bellefonte Pa lunlfl 1 BAKo METE Its and Thrrmometrta, a IRWIN IRWIN A WILSONS. t' tOFKI N TRIM M I NGS. a tarwe aMft J m.ntat IRWIN A WILSON"! T II E G R K AT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISTERY. Jmt I"sWoW, in it SraM Knrrlapt /Vice sijr ernt*. A Ltat'XlUX TUX N A l KK, TaKATME*I AMI R A till At. Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sjwrmalor rh*ra, induced, by Self-Abn-e, Involunta ry Kmissluns. lmpolrtic.v, Nervous Debili < ty, am) Inipediiwoiitt to Marriage generally ICoasttßiption. Epilepsy, and rit; M nta and Phv-icat Incapuritjr, a* Ry RH J (TLYKKWKLL, M. D Author a the "Green Rook," be. The world- renow ned author, in thi* ad- 1- i luirable Lecture. clearly |>ro\ •- from iiii .-,own experience that the aw ful rnoe g (|unr*> itl Self A bun- may be < rf<-<iumllj ;• | removed without medicien*. and with<u • dangerous surgical opcntiotii, )uguM, in i-jMrumenU, rinp, or cordials. pointing out a '<■ mode of cure at once certain and rfli<rtu! It by which every sufferer, no matter hat hit ' condition may be, may cure himself cheap lr. privately, ami radically. THIS LKC • tI'KK Wil l. I'lt<\ I \ IKMI\ Tt THOUSANDS ANp Tflol SANDS. Sent, under seal. in a plain enre ope, t< '* any address, fn>rfj ai<i on receipt of >ii cent*, or two |M>l *um| '•j Alao, Dr. Culverwcil "Marring* r Guide, price Ho cenU. ll Address the Publishers, OH AS. J O KI.INK Jk Co., 127 Bowery, New York, l'tai-uffin- Box ; 4. OUR u-taty e'^ N KOCKKIKS • GROCERIF.O OPPOBITRTHK IRON PRO NT, On Allegheny Street. KUHL A GAULT. II iving purchased the entire atnrk of Goods from Levi A Miller, and *! ADDKD LAKGKL) TIIKKRTO, are now pre pa re J to accommodate ell the j" old jriends of the establishment, ;nj li-.-t. jof new one*. py keep ooit.Uu.Uy on hand Coffee, 'lea, Sugar, -Syrup, Dried Fruit, Canned Fruit, Ham*, p Dried Beef, Salt, Pick lee, Butler, Flour ,Corn Meal, jjj Buckwheat Flour, ! and everything uauaiy kc.pt in a wall regu. la led first plan liruccfy Store c mariflm RUIIL* (JAULT. v ®bcSN?Sun. COAnLEs A. DANA. K4UoP. r j | ®hr follut AUcrbty jfcm. A XiaaHMi' at tk* Pn—at Ttasoa. lauaM far Peaplr Maw aa lank. I acted tag Vlraara. Machaatai. Merchants, Pro liaml Una. Workers. Thinkers, aad all Maa aar of lomH Folk*. and the Vim, Son*, aad Daaghurt of aU lack. I OHLY OMR DOLLAR A ¥*A t UKI ni'VDKED COPIES FOR UA I r - Or M thaa Oaa Ooat a Copy. Lot thai* bo a IM Clab at tvory Coat oaiet ! REM I-WEEKLY HI'S, 03 A TEAR, of the MM BIM aad xaaaral eharaetor a* I TtlE WEEKLY, bat wttu a greeltr Tartar/ of nnoooiioaooa* roadiac, and fanuthlqg tb* a*a r lo it* saoscrlbstt with groatar froahnws. bocaus. It ooßioa I a 100 a woo* I a stood of oeeo owl/. j THE DAILY ACM. 6fl A YEAR, A protetpontlT reodablo now*paper, vita tha taraast circa lotion ta tba wortd. Froa. tado pondont. aad faeries# la politics. All tba atrr* t from over/trbere. Two coats a Oopj tby moll, it coats a mouth, or Rfl • /ear. TERMS TO CLUBR THE DOLLAR WEEKLY HFN. I /Irs copies, oao /oai, aoparitojr addressed. I Four Dollar.. , Tea copta*. oao /oar. eensratalr addressed (aad aa extra oop/ to the icuer up of club). Elebt Dollars. I Tweatp oopiso. oao /ear. osparatalr addro*aod I |aad aa extra oop/ to the totter ap of ciab). Fifteen Dollars, nftr aopiee. one rear, to one ail dree* iaad tho arm). * oekl/ oao /ear to cotter op of clab). Thirty-three Dollar*. Fin/ copies, oao _ /par. separata!* addressed (and ue sta>i w opxiy oa /Oar to getter BP of einb), Thlrtr-Ire Dollar*. ' no hi ad red copies, oaa rear, to oao addreta (tad the Daily for oee year to the cottar up of rinaj. FIR/ Dollar*, one hundred oop lea. oao year, separately ad -lre*d (aad the Dally far one y*ar to the setter up f cfcb), Mlxty Dollar*. T:IB SEX I. WEEKLY SIN. Kire f oplea, one year, separately addressed. Eight Dollar*, r* ooi to*, one rosr. separate)* addressed vand .a . xtr* copy \o gaiter up of clab). Sixteen Dollar*. SEND YOUR MONEY •. i < ffl.-e order*, checks, or draft* on New w'l.-r -voi convenient. If not, tacn register t'nf o-mulaiuc mouey. Address 1 W FNOLtNO. Publisher, Ban i.fllex. New York City. I WISHING TACK LKS, rodalines, hook . flic*, sea hair basket*. etc. Big you out to cats'h tpout ht „„„„ . „ BUKXSIDF, & THOMAS JAPANNED TOILET SKTTS, AND other Japanned ware, at tho Anvil Store. NPLO'6B. IRWIN A W ICSON. i Come one and all! *j PRICES, LOW . At The Old Stand 9 f The I jryc-tt Arrival of Spring and Summer (,'oodt. at Centre Hall - LADIES AND DENTS DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, 1 AND GROCERIES r R 1 HARDWARE, QUEBNBWARE Ifnta, Cape, Root*, Shoe*. CUE Al* LINE OF FLANNELS, MI'SLiNS, CALICOES AND SHAWLS, ALSO. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, SYRUPS, COFFEES. alio a large atork of FISH, the beat, all kind*, MACKEREL and HERRING. the het and chcujiett in the market. il olfx Old Stand. ; y/A'AHuWA AHoaiK^** F.'K New >!T tomers, ■; AS WILL AS INVITE OUR OLD FRIENDS. TO GIVE I'M A CALL. apM,y M M WOLF. COAL, LIME, I : and POWDER! i" 8: -I COAL— Wilkeabarre Co*l. Cheatnut. Siova, En. furnace and foundry , Coal—onSt quality, at the low * eat price*. Customers will please note that our coal i* housed un der mmmodiou* shed*. t\ f; LIME—Wood or coal-l>uri>t Linie, for tale tl at our kiln*, on (he pike leading to J. Mi'oburg. xf |. POWDER—Having rwcivrd the aftnev for Du Post's Powder At WHOLESALE. we shall be .. plnuod to receive orders from j. the trade. '• ! ■ >1 it •J (KBro and rird nrtr Miatk end of Bald U Kxg I* Valley H. K. Depot, Bcllcfoote, Pa. * novt BIIOIITLIDGKACO. s STE It N E tt'G a x j ( Hat been to the extreme end of the market. For BOOTS k SIIOKS to Boston. For DRY GOODS to Saw York. e ; For CLOTHING to Philadelphia. , Kadi article bought directly from the Manufacturer, with a de sire to suit this inarket-jpf r PI N K ALPAC AS from 40c to Tie the flaest—equal to $1,26 alpacas. 4. SUlTS—from $lO to $lB. brat all wool Cassimeies. feß.Hi! intends to close out his slock. UK THKUKKORK NOW OFFERS BETTER BARGAINS THAN KLSKwIIKKK. Carpets at old rates from 60 cants to 74 cant* par yard, for the bast. DRY GOO 1)8*NO ADVANCE, A.:id selling from 121 to 14 rents, the be* calicoes, and muslins in proportion, at rate*. Women's Shoes, common good, to wee all summer, at $1 par pair Fine Boots from $8,60 to $7,60 for CLOTHING at the low est rate*, and sold at 1867 price SUITS, from SIO,OO to $lB for the best. CALL AND SEE, and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat. They only ask jeople to come and see even if they do not wish to buy. "THNK TABLE CUTLERY, including I plated forks, spoons, Jcc, at ap10.68 IRWIN & WILSON. r |tllK A N V 1 L STORK is now receiving 1 a large and well assorted Stock ol Hardware, Stoves, Nails. Horse Shoes, Sad dlery, Ula*, Paints, Sheet, Bar and lloop Iron also Buggy and Wagon Stock ol every description.—Call and. supply your selves atthe lowest possible rates at autn'4B. IRWIN A WILSON SPICKS of all varieties, ground to ordei and warranted V be strictly pure. It is the only plaeeyou can find unadultera ted spices. Try them for your own satisfac tion. You can onlv find them at BURNSIDE As THOMAS'. Burn side & thomas Oder to tha Public one of the ! largest and best selected stocksof merchan dise, in Centre county. Call, examine and ee for yourself. FINE GROCERIES, mocha coUbeTolc gov. lava, best quality Bio coffee, best oolong fdack teas, green teas, lovering syrup, golden syrup, Drips fine article bak ing molasses, rice and everything in the grocery line at the lowest cash prices in tht market BURN SIDE & THOMAS'. Is tht place. x c (STAVES! WV^! i Mr. Andrew Keesiuan, would respect fully inform the citizens of Centre Hall, that he now has on hand all sizes ol Coal ' stoves —Gas Burners— which he offers as low as elsewhere. Give hint a call and go ■ and see his stock before purchasing else where. UQTIS.iI 1 f i! \ OF THE W AOEI htmw Pmrawaaa pin. OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. (IBUs £ W ESTER MPI BLtSHtKC CO. J Mmtowa' A#*at*. Wutkarak. Pa. vm. n. luit, u t arirziß JI.AIH A STITZRR. AiUirut->at Law. Bollefonto, 0e i, on the Diamond, next dew to Gar man' hotel. Ceaeulteiioat ia German ©t Engl >i fcbiyqwf JACOB RHONE Attoraoy as taw Bel Mont*. Penn'a., will attend pronin Iy to all legal buaiaeaa entruetad to hit car#.—Offlc with J. f. Potter, near the Court House. Coneultationa to German ar EnglUh. JfleepTOy TSHWF. POTTER, Attermejr it Law. CollMtktaeproaitiili' made and apecial aUentioa given to too*# having loads at property tor tale. Will draw up and have acknowledged Deed*. Mortgage*. Re. Of ten in the diamond, north tide of the court bou*e, Beliefoote. ortgdßf ■tavor aaocKaaaorr, t dibwrbt. President, Coehier. QENTKR COUNTY BANKING CO (Lata Mil 11 ken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow Internet, Dikcount Note*, Buy aad So Government Seeuritito, Gold aad aplO Hf Con'pooi. J AS. M MAN US, Attorney at Lew Bvilefoiite, promptly attend> U> ail be meat entreated to him. JoP.Batf DF. FOKTNKY, Attorney at Lew • Beliefon to. Pa. OftM ovar Roy nld'> hank. aaayll OBtf n. a. u AtxtnTßE, Jtuxa *. aaxvxa whiurrm & wuvm A TUTORS Era-A T-LA W, Bo lit fen te. Centre Co., Peon'a. apCßtf iSaiawa* oa Uu Ad**mee, C. H. G melius, tiirgeoa ui Xcduuikal Dntfait ! who La permanently located La Aaronsburj j in the office formerly occupied by Dr. Ma#, and who ha* boon practicing with e*tm j soceeaa—having the experience of a number :of yaara La tha profession, ha would cordi ; ally iarita all who have aa yet ;** giver him a call, to do *o. and tern the truthfulness of thia assertion. mP-Teeth extracted | without pain. autfffitf WHITE K lSH.Herring. MmUul. oc.. a* apirOß. BURNSIDK eTHOMASy SHoK-M AKERS TOOLB and ladiaga ia all thair varieties, at , | EC ENS IDE a THOMAS*. : n D. MIFF, X. D.. Phyaisiaa aadSur X. a xaon. Centre Hall, Fa., agbra hi* ; f.r jfeneionai services to the ciuseat of Fot ter and adjoining township*. Dr. Nag ha* the experience f St yaara ia tha acti*. practice of medicine and aurgary. aplO# E. J. THOMPSON BLACK. Phyat ciaa and Surgeon, Potter Milk, Pa . , I olfera hi* professional service* to tha eitt ~ tena of Pottei tawaahip. mrJC.tti.tf Chas. H. Held, J.Ctorit, Watch maker aft: Jcwdci Miliheim, Centre co., Prima. Respectfully inform* hi* friend* and th public ia general, that ho ha* juat opened *jat hi* new establishment, above Alex** " dor'a Store, and keep* constantly on hand all kind* of Clock*, Watch** and Jewalrc of the ialeat atylea, a* alao tha M area villi* v Patent Calender Clock*, provided with c f complete index of the month, and day * r the month and week on it* face, which ia i, warranted aa a perfect time-keeper. Sffi,Clock, Welches and Jewelry r paired on abort notice and warranted _ aeptl'dfofy ixo. a. oavta. c. t. iititxm OR VIS A A LEX AN DEI, A A ttorneya-at-la w. Office in Con red House. Relic font a. Pa J. P. GKPHART. with Orvia A Alexander, attend* to collec tions *nd_gractic* in the Orphan'* Court. 'Furniture Rooms! J. O. DEINIXGER, 1 ivspeelf ully inform* the Wtfaen# of Ontro ! county, that he Um constantly on head, and j make* to order, all kind* of * BEDSTEADS. BP ft K A US, SINKS. WASHSTANIS*. CORNER CCPBOA Rl'ft TABLES, Ac , A* :Hoik Manx Castas Always ax uaxn Hi* atock of ready-made Furniture ialarg and warranted of good workmanship and t all made under hi* own immediate*upert i •ion, and i* offered at rate* aa cheap a* else* S where. Thankful for past favor*, he tolic it* a continuance of the same, j Call and aee hi* atock before purrhatir I elsewhere. ___ api'GMy. iCENTRE HALL Tan Yard. The undcraigaed would reapectfVilly in |form the citixen* of Ceatra county, that ithe above Tax Yard will again he put ia Axil operation, ia ail its branches, hy them. HIDES AND BARK WANTID. I The highest market price will he paid ! for Hide* of all kinds. The high eat niar- I ket price will also bo paid for Tanner's Bark. The public patronage ia solicited. * Satisfaction guaranteed d<d,tf MILLER A BADGER. T P-ODENKIRK. WITB ARTM A N, DILLINQXR A COM PANT No. 47, NORTH THIRD ST., PHIL'A between Market and Arch, formerly 104. MANUFACTURERS A J0BBKI& IN Carpet*. Oil Cloth*, Oil Shade*, Wick Yarn, Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chain*, Grain Bag*. Window Paper, Batting. Ac Alao, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. Brushes, Looking Glasses, Ac. dcc9-ly RC. CHEESMAiOTOTXRYTUB LIC AND MILITARY AGENT, and Conveyancer. Deeds, Bonds, Mori gage*, and all instruments ol'writing faith fully attended to. Special attention gives to the collection of Bounty and Pension claim*. Office nearly opposite the Court t House, two door* above Meaar*. Bush k Yocum'* Law Office Bellcfonte, Pa. lUjunly ' I CJCALES, at wholesale and retail, cheap I O 'y IRWIN A WILSON. BOqTS. largo stock, ail atylea,'sixes and prices, for men and boy*, juat arrived 1 at Wolf well LEATHER, of all descriptions, frauch calfskin, Spanish sole leather, moroc cos, sheep iikina, lining*. Everything I in the leather line warranted to give satis faction, at . lIIRN SIDE A THOMAS. ■ CLOTlllNG —Overcoats. Pant*, Vesta, and Dress Coats, cheap, at Wolfs. HOWARD SANITARY' AID ASSO CIATION. —For the Relief and Cure of • the Errii g and Unfortunate, on Principles f of Christian Philanthropy. Essays on the Error* of Youth, and the 1 Follies of Age, in relation tt> Makxiagk and Social Evils, with sanitary ahl forth* afflicted. Sent free, in sealed Envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, • Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. julls.lv - **M por Moath. Tb. boat asUin* book over pabltab . rd. AfUU who Mil oar Bow work. PLAIN HOMX MVDICAL COMHCJV I bass aa eompottUon. Than narar aa* a book published Ilk* It Ana bod* caa soil It. Ksarfbud/ aauuit Mans uisb an nam making truui *Mj to fate nar muoth aal. lie* this woodaitul bwk. M paa DoaeifeUva CtrcuU* nt Iraa oa appHeattoo. *. not aood Mao AprntT; ana abo oaa fattjr appreciate Ibo norito of tba oarfc. and U> (act that It moats a unnaraal am Aaanto i ids? y>QCWfT r *t IRWIN * WIUPM ' a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers