fader the Linden*. Do you forget the linden tree*. Upon th.t Inline nißlit in June, Where all waa afloat save the breeite, No witness bat the half-veil'd moon, When, flinging off all vain disguise. t east before your feet. And strew to read i> your deep eyes, Hyoxi could lota ate, sweet 1 Tour soft hands preas'd my own again, And all my cruel woes asem'd embsl, As by some unoe% fain chain 1 frit that our two Urea ware blended ; 1 never aha" foi gut the eharma 1 found in every thrilling Wine, Whan, nestling, trembling in my arms. You vow'd to be my own. Yon vow'd to be my own Aw life. Ana on those lovuig words 1 fed: Rut broken vows bring baartaore strife •Till love itself Is almost dead; Yet lo UKWO liudeu trees 1 fly. In spite of winds and stormy weather. And wish that I had ehanoed to die, E'er wv oatne here together. Daisy. Darting! with the great brown eyes. Briraniing foil of uweet aurptne , FVeeey floe* of spun-guld hair, Drifong over temples fair. The golden Summer seems to mo Pulk-r of grace for knowing thee. Where the solemn mountains stand, We enrobed together, hand in hand. And tho Summer Sunday smiled On the old ami little child; (hie l>owed low by wearv strife t>f a long and wasted libs And the other fresh and fior Ami pure aa this delirious air. Rippling laughter, soft ami lew. Rise* (him the porch below, Where flair hrnnette and lovely blomle Have drawn a eh armed cireto fond Of friends aud lovers to their feet. By winnuig smiles and voices swort. Many an aching heart may know Sorrow and fovc together go Rnt our love, my baby friend ! Knows no sting W dreary end, IVrfool trust sn true low lies Mirrored in your lovely eyes. Nothing in this wondrous view fan compare, my pet! with vou; tlraeefol ferns bend low to brush Ytwar ewnniug oat of bright Blue plush ; Wide-eyed daisies envious stare At the ones that kiss your hair. Nodding from the graceful brun Of the saucy hat they trim. THE EXPRESS TICKET. One of the pkaaantest journeys I ever took was made a short time lock, in rom pny with a total stranger, but who proved to be the most chatty, roost conituunioa ttve penwMi 1 ever met with, although his rode of morals was undoubtedly rather lax. We got in at the London terminus, and as be almost at once asked me where I vras going, we found we w ere each houud to the satue large city. 1 fancied he had bmu dining rather generously, frotu hi* fare, which was a little flushed ; be liad plenty of excellent cigars and tvas very literal with them; and ere we had ndden half-a-dozen miles, he produced a pack of csnto, ami asked me to play. 1 declined ; and he said with a smile: 44 Afraid of srmogvrs with cards ? Well, you are quite right: but we shall do no harm to each other" 1 hastened to assure hitn that I was umler no suspictcn as regarded himself, but that I did not care for cards. " There von are to blame," he returned ; " you should alw ays susneet strangers who want you to play at canto. Why should a man firry a pack with him, if he doM not intend to" profit by their use 7 Take uiy advice ami always be on your guard." 44 But then." I said with a smile, "bv your own rule you would lead me to sus pect you." u A ou wouldn't be far wrong, if you did," he replied, with a very meaning nod; '• 1 only wished to plar for a cup of coffee at the refreshment station; but I have plaved in railway carriages for very different stake* —and won them. However, lam all right to-night, and don't want to win anybody's money. I cleared eight hundred over the Legrr, and that will last me some time." I congratulated him on hk good fortune, and said i wished 1 had been as lucky. " If it shouldn't do you more good than it will me. you needn't mind," be returned; " light come, light go ; but still it is better to have a few hundreds in your pocket, than to be without a penny to pay your fare, a* 1 have been on this very railway." 44 Indeed"' I ejaculated, as he made a j pause here ; "that must have been awk ward." " Awkward! I believe you," he raid. "But there! a man with his bead screwed on the right way. need never be at a low. in a rich country like this. I hadn't a penny—at any rate, I hadn't a tenth part of the required fare—with me; I was bound to keep an engagement, a long way down the line, and I bad not a friend who wo-ild lend me sixpence; and here I found myself, owe evening a quarter of an hour before the train started. Something like a fix. eh ? What shonld vou have done 7" 44 Well," I replied. u l' hardly know. If I bad a watch " " But I hadn't," he interrupted, 44 nor anything else that would fetch two pound seven, the price of a ticket. A first-class ticket, of coarse 1 mean; I had made up my mind to ride first-class; I like it best, and, under the circumstance*, it wa* just a* feasible a* any other." 44 Then, perhaps. I should have gooe t the station-master or sxperintendtnt," I said, "and told him all about it; and if that wouldn't do. I must have stopped in London." " Then it wouldn't have done, you may swear," he replied, •'station-masters are not so soft as that. Well, now, I'll tell you all about it; and it may be of use to vou to know, some day, what is possible to be ilone in such a fix." I nodded my thanks, aud he began. 1 need not tell TOO how I came to be so placed—speculative men are often in such a position; we always get out of it somr how, however, and 1 did, this time. When I arrived at the station, there was the train, with the engine writing a little wav off. blazing and hwing away ; some of the pitKsengerx had taken their seat*, but uiost of tfcctn were walking up and down or having* parting glass with their friend* or looking at the IK*A*talk How I envj-d the shabbiest of them all' for he, whoever he wasj had got his ticket, and I could not get mine. If the train had gone right through, I would hare taken mv seat, an ,| chanced dropping out just before thev stopped; but 1 knew they examined tickets half-way, so that would not do. If the journey had been by the same engine. I would have lain at the back of the tender, on the coke, as I did once to a place nearh a hundred miles down the line; but I knew they changed engines, so tbi, again, wouldn't do. I saw oue person on the platform whom I recognized, but aa he wa a clergyman -a dean, in fact—who was alwavs preaching against us racing-men, and had once actually persuaded the town people to put their races down, I knew he was of no use. Yet I couldn't keep a wav from him ; he had a aort of fascination for me; I may call it a presentiment that he was to get me out of mv hobble. Well, the bustle increased; you know, of course' bow brn-y the station get* just before an exjpress starts. The engine came back and was hooked on; the porter* ran about with their barrows of luggage; the passengers left the refreshment-rooms and bookstalls, and clustered round the doors of the car riages ; the dean got into a compartment by himself, and I was walking up and down in the darkest part of the platform, and only five minutes left. I paused for a moment before a little room where I saw the guards go in and out and wondered whether one of them would let me ride with hint if I told him of a thing I kDew—l really did know of it—for the Cambridgeshire; when, all at once, a splendid idea struck me. It was the veiy thing! The door of the little room was half open, so that I could see no one was in there, and several coats and caps, be longing to the guards, were hanging on the walla. I glanced down the platform; every railway official seemed up to bis eve ill business—no one was looking that way. 1 popped into the room in an instant- had put on a coat and cap, which fitted me beautifully—and was out again in a few seconds. There was no time for reflection, nor did I need any; my mind was already made up, so, pushing past the people with the air of a regular guard, born and bred, 1 put my head into the carriage where the dean sat, and said: " Tickets, if you please." The old gentleman was reading a book; pushed his spectacles a little higher on his nose, and exclaiming: "Dear me! 1 had quite forgotten," he handed out his ticket, which I very coolly pocketed, and was moving awav, wlien the old gentleman said: "This is a new rule, to ta':e tickets at starting, isn't it i" FREI). KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor VOL. IV. •• Yi*. for." 1 answered touching my cap; "only bcn in force this month, i air." "Oh," ho said. and began reading his (took again. At thi* instant tint boll for starting rang, and tho guard* began to bawl out: " Any more going on 7" but there was plentv of time for me! If there wasn't a guard in there, fooling among tho great cuat*. and swearing horribly, as 1 could hear, at tuwr of his matea, for moving hit fwrtieular roat out of its nlace. I stood behind the long double ladder they wheel around to clean the lamps took off the |oor fellow's coat and cap, ami hurried across the platfonn a* though 1 had just come from the re ffvahment room, The station-doors were dosed, but a guard catching sight of me, shouted: " Now. sir, this way, or you w ill be too late P' He opened a carriage door, ami pushed rue in, just as the engine sounded its whistle, and the tug eaiue which moved us on I was in the carriage with the dean! There was nobody el*e there, as I well knew, and I really felt very unootnfortable. 1 didn't at a'l suppose lie would re*\igiiize me, but yet there was a sort of feeling which made me wish that the guard had put tne anywhere else. However, therv was no help for it now,and I made up my mind to see at once if there was any danger of recognition; so the first time he put down his l-ook, although it was only to cut some leaves, I ottered hiui a neWsjwper. He declined it; but 1 had obtained an opening, and I followed up my otter with a few remarks alsmt the weather and so forth—quite enough to let me see that he did not at all remember my voice. I couldn't sleep, but 1 pretended to do so; and on we went, scarcely another word having been spoken on either side, until the tram slackened speed; and I kucw we were uear the station where they examined the tickets, and where, of course, the murder would be out. When the carriage* drew up alongside the ticket platform, and I could hear the familiar cry of " All tickets ready," I feigned to Is- reading tnv paper very intently, although, in reality, 1 was watching and lis!cuing with all my might. 1 saw the dean look up curiously when he first heard the shouts; he listened, too. with a nuzzled air, and took off his spectacles and wiped them, as if that would help hitn to understand it; however, I have no doubt lie thought the notice did not apply to hint, so he calmly put his glasses ou again. At that moment a guard —a regular one this tiiuo, 1 thought to my self—looked in, and ofcourse said; -'Tickets, if you please." 1 gave him mine, which ho merely glanced at and returned, and then 1 screwed myself into a corner, as much out of the light as I could uutuagc. The old dargrman had. ot course. done nothing. " Now, sir, if you please," Mid the guard. '• Eh r returned the dean, Iwking round, and pushing up his spectacles, which seemed to lie a habit with him. "Tickets, sir, tickets; look alive, if you please, sir," answered the man. * Tickets ! tickets !*' echoed the dean; "mine is all right. I have given it up.' " Not to uie, sir." sa d the guard ; u and no one else has beeu near this carriage." " Oh, but I gave it up lwfore we start ed," explained the old gentleman ; •• it i* a new rule—has only been in force thi* month." U|s>u my word, I thought 1 should have burst with laughter here, the dean explain ed this so innocently. *' New rule, sir !" said the guard. "No such tiling. We cxatuiuc the tickets here, and take them at TOUT journey's end." u Now, I'opkins,'' shouted a superior of some kimlhaven't you finis bed with that carriage yet T "Come sir, look shaq. with that tick et," urged the guard. "YVhatdovou mean T' demanded the clergyman, who was clearly getting angry. "What do you mean, sir) I have given my ticket to one of your men, and I am rather inclined to think it wa* yourself." Popkins wa* now shouted at again very angrily, and hi* answer brought two or three ot hers round the carriage door. • 4 Now, what's all tlii delay alsnit 7" raid a man in a very swaggering tone, I suppose he wa* in some authority there) "what's all thi* about, Popkin* 7" 4 Why," raid the guard, "thi* party hasn't got a ticket. He says he gave it up at London; and. not satisfied with that, rays he gave it up to me." "Nay, nav; I am not certain al*>ut that," said the old 'gentleman. •' 1 only ray I gave it up to some guard, who told me it wa* a new rule, ami he xva* much such another man a* yourself." • 4 Oh, that won't do." raid the chief offi cer very harshly; 44 wc must have your tickets, or your money, or e!c we shall remove you fnun the carriage. We have these game* tried on us very often." " Do you, indeed 7" said the old gentle man. * 4 Do you, indeed 7 There is my caid, sir, and I shall leave you to take your course." Well, when they saw who he wa*, they naturally cooled down a bit, and grew more civil; but by this time the other passengers had got anxious, and were put ting their head* out of all the windows, and asking what was the matter. 4 * Perhaps this gentleman," rays the guard, mcaningof course myself, " who must l ave been in the carnage at the time, can tell u* something about it. You didn't give up your tickets, sir, because I have just examined it." " Uufortunatclv." said the dean, speak ing before I could answer, 14 this gentle man was not in the carriage ; he came in ju*t as the train wa* ftarting, and after the collection of tickets.' The men looked at one another, and I could gee they did not lielieve the story at all. " [ am afraid, sir, you arc under a pre®* mi-stake,'" said the chief one; "and we shall IHS compelled to write to you for this money, if you don't nay. We can't keep the train here all nignt; so you must do as you please, as, of course, we can hare our remedy against you." The old gentleman looked angrier than ever, and, pulling out his purse, exclaimed: "There, sir; there is your mouey; hut, rely on it, you will hear from J essoin and Jessoin, my solicitors, sir, on the matter, It is an atrocious robbery!" " You will have your ticket given you at the next station,'' said the other. '• I will not delay the train by going to my office now; 1 will send word on by the guard. Hut depend upon it, sir, you are in error ; you are, indeed. AH right for ward !" " Error, sir! error!" exclaimed the dean. "You shall see, sir; you shall see. I don't care (or your ticket. You may make mc pay again, if you please, when I get to my destination. 1 believe this com pany is capnhle of anvthing; hut I will teach them a lessotir I'his gentleman shall be my witness of the transaction. I will take your card, sir." The men cleared from the window, for the engine whistle sounded, and off we went. "Oblige me with your card, sir," continued the dean. " I need hardly ask you if you ever saw so nefarious a proceeding V "Never, sir; absolutely scandalous!" 1 replied. " But do you think it will !>e worth your while to take further notice of it? It will involve you in a great deal of trouble." "Trouble, sir! What do 1 care for that ?" demanded the dean, indignantly. •'lt is my duty to expose such conduct; and I will do it. I will thank you for your card, sir." I felt it would be dangerous to refuse a card ; so I expressed my sympathy with him, and gave him the card of a foreign gentleman of my acquaintance, which I luckily had in my pocket. Then the old gentleman seemed to be brooding over his injury, and scarcely spoke another word. When we came to the refreshment station, the guard brought him his ticket, which he CENTRE HALL REPORTER took without a syllable, au la-fore an hour was over. A* for my friend, whose card I gave, I uever lunrd whetlier the (bail had tried to liod hitn out or ut ; iu fact, although I called him my friend, we were by no means friendly " Vou think the whole transact ion rather fishy, eh 7" ejaculated my companion, interrupting himself. " I think it downright dishonest," I said, frankly, "unless YOU repaid the dean." "tfli, ldid that,'* rtvqaitideJ be. "1 sent the old gentleman a post ofliceorder in the name of my foreign friend I'm a racing inan, and up to a thing or two, but I'm as straight as a die for honesty." Well, well, 1 wonder w here my eoininu uicative friend is now. 1 daresay the pitcher has gone once too often to the well in lit* case, as with the thousand other clever fellow* we read of in their appro priate histories. Rule* of Table Etiquette. True jHilitcncss has its origin in I'hii*- tiuti chanty and kindness, and all stand ard rules of etiquette were founded for the greater oonveuienco and hapiiinesa of the member* of society. Although the reasons may not la* obvious at first sight, they exist and will be apparent on careful couaideration. Ist. Do not keep others waiting either at the Wgiuuiug or the close of a tueal. 2d. Do not sip soup front the tip but frotu the side of the spoou. 3d. Be careful not to drop or spill any* thing on the table-cloth. 4th. Keep your plate neat; do uot heap all sorts of final ou it at once. sth. In patting yonr plate to Is- re helped. retain your knife ami fork. 6th. When asked for a dish do not shove but hand it. 7th. While dritkiug do uot look around. Bth. Instruct the servant to hand the cup at tin* left side so that it mar be re eeited bv the right hand. 6th. Do not drink your ten or coffee without first removing the teu*i>ooa from the eup to the saucer. 10th. Use the knife for cnttiug only ; never put it to the lips nor in the month. lltli. Break your bread into small pieces and rest them on your plate while spreading. 12th. Do not eat too fast, bqpide* giv ing one the appearance of greed, it is uot healthy. 13th If you find anything unpleas ant in your food put it aside as quietly as |KMsibl>> without drawing the utleu tion of others to it. 14th. Do uot OJJOU tin lijw nor make any unnecessary noise while chewing. 13th. IN> not touch th • head. 16th. D> not rest the eltniw on the table. 17th. Do not sjH-ak with the month fulL 18th. Brush the table neatly before bringing on the dessert 16th. Be thoughtful and attentive to the wants of those about you. 90th. Converse on pleasunt subject.* with those sitting uear you. 21st. Do not say any thing not intended for all present to lieur. 22d. Leave your plate with the knife aud fork lying parallel, the handles pointing to the right. 23d. Never leave the table IK- fore oth ers without first asking the lady or gen tleman who presides to excuse you. The Bold Dlacoxcrer. Cienerst Sutter recapitulated to a friend recently the circumstances attendant upon the discovery of the gold at hi* mill at Coloma. Wheu Marsliall arrived at the fort with the specimen washed out in the mill-rare, he sought on interview with liis employer iu hi.* private office, and with an air of mystery prodno-d hi* tn astiro, aud. iu the language of the lat ter, made the inquiry of Idm. " I* not this gold ?" Taking down a volume of the '•Knovelopa'dia of America," the only scientific work at that time in his j**<*••*- *iou. Captain Sutter sought out the tests for dctennining the character of miner als. Submitting the *|ieeiuu-u* to the action of nitric acid, they were found to stand the but; and tho further hydros tatic experiments of weighiug the metals in water was tried with a like rv*ult. The character of the mineral Iwing establish ed beyond all doubt or ravil, Marshall returned to the mill accompanied by Sutter, who, anticipating the stamjsvh that the announcement would occasion among the workmen employed, Is-gged that the matter might he kept secret until the mill was finishcvl ;but the thing was too good to keep ; the whole affair was made public in the manner descrilv cd ; the stampede did take place, in con sequence of which the mill was never finished, and its frame, like a gaunt and spectral skeleton, stood for n long time after, until from the netiou of fire, decay and the rnilaof relic hunterH.evcry vestige of the renowned structure diapj>enred a number of years ago. Making the in quiry on the occasion of taking his pic ture as to the whereabouts of the dis coverer of the gold, the old pioneer with a quizzical facial expression and charac teristic shrug replied. "Oh, he's gone away oop in de mountains, hunting after de big lootnps !" Alas for the futility of human expectation : poor Marshall'*"an ticipations of finding "the higlnmps" never was realized ; and discouraged and disheartened, he has lived for years past in n sort of tumble-down tenement, with in view of the discovery which lias rendered his name famous* eking out mere sulwisU-uce ly raising poultry, grapes, and other fruits. It is to In hoped that he may realize something handsome from liis newly published biography. The Coal Question. In the Pennsylvania House the bill to regulate trausjMirtatioii of coal WHS con sidered. The first section prohibits any charge for transportation of coal of more than fifteen mills per mile per ton of 2,4er ton for branching at loading and ship ping |siuts. Tne second section requires compan ies to transport c.al from all collieries on their orders. The third section requires them to sup ply a sufficient number of ears to meet uli demands. The fourth section inflicts heavy dam ages for violations. The fifth section exempts companies having special charters for the transpor tation of cool only, from the bill. The bill passed through the Commit tee of (he whole without a word of amend ment or opposition, but objections were made to suspending the rules for the second reading. Mr. Hall said the bill oould not reach the Reading rond be cause it was chartered five years before the constitution wiut amended giving the Legislature the power to revoke or alter charters of corporations. After a long discussion the bill went over for a week. VACANT STOKES. —There has not L>een for many years so many vacant, stores, lofts and offices, on Broadway between Canal ahd Fourth at reels, in New York, city, as there are to-day. And the mini lxr will be largely increased between this date and tne first of May. CKNTIU: lIALL, CENTRE CO., PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1871. tattle In Texas A Texas correspondent iu a lute letter says : Duriug the twenty-five year* 1 have lived in Texas Ntoek cattle of all age* ami sexes, exivpt lvf st'.*rs five or *ix years old, have uot brought more than 6" or jjiti per head, and u great<*r part of the tune not near that price, Simiindt horse.* have ooinmiuidod t>2 1 to #3tl |>er head, and sheep from to S2. llilt all our native stock are of inferior quality. Wherever g>Hsl stK'k has lns*l iutrvHiuced it inid well. A large portion of Texas, ami tspteisllv W . Rein Texas, and the coast counties, IN Ix-ltcr ud ipled to stock rnisiug than anything else ; iu fact, it )my* well if a man takes hold of it iu earnest. The *toek cost* nothing but the branding- Those who own large rain-lies keep ineu employed fur thi* pnr j* >NO, aud every spring and foil scud them outuitli a few change* of (MUiies and a quantity of provisions, and they keep at their business H> long as tlieir sulxu-t --enee lasts, or until all the stock is brand ed. They do not drive the cattle to any imrticular point, but herd tlieiu at tin most convenient place. Tlicy then build a fire, lnsvt their irons, and send into the herd the most skillful i-ofier*, who throw ropi> over Mich cuttle a* tliev wuiit and lead them out and brand tYieui. The cut tie are theu turned loose until they are ready for market. If a man k•*•)>* his eattle from wninb ting or dying, iuul get* anything for thi'tu at all iu the mar ket, he is making money. Since the war leef cattle have brought only §lO per head. Before that time Louisiana planters gave us I letter prices. Beef is slaughtered and packed at seve ral |s>iuta iu Texas, the establishment at Columbus probably m-tiding off the largest quantity oi s*ltsl Is- *f. The hide* oiul t.dlow nearly pay the first cost, which leaves a margin for large profit* to the packers. Texas idioulil supply double tlie quaiitit v of U*-f she has sup plied at any one time yet. Nothing is done here with the energy witli which business is conducted in the older State*. 1 lielieve that it is generally admitted hero that with a small capital, i-htw-p raising pay* latter thau any kind of stock ; but that requires constant atten tion to business. A shepherd must be kept with the sheep all the time ; and tlreu we want b<-1 tar stork than we now have. Men of iudoa* aid indi.sUy can engage in stock r.a ui.g lien- and atake money; and tk- pro-.pe.'t will impr.oe a* the resoure * of the country are de veloped. Tiger* Tlp*J on Tohaero. It *•* in* that some beaxta, tig. ra for iustauiv, arx> orcanionally eonflniied smoker*. A corrcapondeut of au Kant liuliiii journal, the yeilttkerry £' oAicr, give* the following curious evidence c>n that point- " loliaerxe,"lie Ray*, "that you give nil anecdote of a tiger snatching a cigar from a genth-iuan'* hand aud bolting witli it. A frieud of urine once had a tiger cuh and a terrier pup in rearing. He wa* a great nuoker, and would play UIMIUI tlu- room wiiiie he indulged in tire weed. The **w|r noticed that there wa* a gradual decrease of the cigar end* thrown away by hi* ma*U-r. which could only l>e due t> hi* master, is-eoming more uikali aft< r lie had exhausted the wvulol opium liall. On one occnuioti. the l'anlin having gone out to dinner, the hookalmdcr prvjmred the hookah, a* usual, and leaving the tnouthpu-ce on the favorite chair of hi* Highness, went lo watch hi* return. Entering the room with tlie I'asha, the first object that met their sight wa* the tame tiger lying fast asleep near tlie liookali. The Dosha called in vain, and the hiMiknlsular Miook the tiger iu vain. He was dead drunk, having exhausted bv smoking everv atom of the cenU-d opium 111. How Artificial Ixory 1* Made. A scientific journal thus dttorilvt the proce** of making artificial Ivory fnun rubber: Two pounds of pure rubber arc dissolved in thirty-two )Mrand* of chloroform and the solution is saturated with a current of ammonia go*. When the robber bit* been completely blenched the admission of the gu* i* interniptcl. nud the ma** is trausfern d into a vow-el provided with a stirrer, in which it i* washed with hot wnt(-r until the blenching agent ha* lccn entirely removed. During this operation the temj>eroture ia raised to 85 dcg. Falir., in order to evaporate the chloroform, which, by conducting it into an apparatus of (Hiiidensatron, may I*- again made use of. The remaining product form* 14 kind of froth, which iH-ing pressed out. dried, and again treats-d with a snmll quantity of elilow fonn, is finally obtained as a consistent paste. This paste i* now mixed with a sufficient quantity of finely pulverised phoshatc of liiuc, or carbonate of zinc, until it assumes the appeamnce of moist flour. In this con lition it is pressed In hot moulds, which it leave* sufficiently hard to Ih turned, planed, fiL-il and bored. In order to imitate corala, pearls, enamels, hard woods, Ac., it is only nec essary to mix th# paste witli the desired oolor* previously to its lx-ing compressed. THERE was an incident in Miss Kate Field's lecture on Pickens, in Chicago recently, that showed how well she ap preciates the char act"'i' she probanda to he so in love with. During the lecture, just after she had Wen diluting upon Dicken's love of children, us one of the most admirable traits of his character, a ohild-in-arms awaking from a troubled sleep and tindiug itself in a strange ]>lacc, made two or three audible demon strations. The fair lecturer jsiused, and haiking sternly into the gallery, inquired in her most impressive tone, "Can't that person lie removed ?" The audience very genernllv felt that although the ideal love nfciiildreu was verv pretty " to point n mornl and adorn a tale,"the real child, interrupting the lecturer, was an entirely diflcrent affair. THE FIRST BLOOD. —Though the first skinnish HA the Frauco-Prussia-war took place between the French mid Prnssiatis on July 28 at Raiding, where the Hint blood was drawn, the war did not open in earnest till August 2, when a division of Froissard's corps crossed the frontier and carried the heights above Snnr bruckcn. This action, the first of the war and the only one on German terri tory, was witnessed by the Emperor and the Prince Imperial ; and is the one in which the latter, Recording to Nami lei IU'K IK mil INSTIL- bulletin, received liis " baptism of fire," AN EXPERT. —Gen. Roiirbaki is thus described by a corresjx anient: "Heis a wondrous swordsman, and, it is said, of ten performs the feat for which .Sir Wal ter Scott made S iladin famous—laying a silk haudkereliief on tlie blade of liis scimitor utid shredding it in two with an almost imperceptible movement of the arm. It is said that Gen. Bonrlmki can even exceed the dexterity of Musa, the Saracen chief made so renowned by Lord Lytton." Sumnuii) of News. THIS Qertuan tr|* have ullleft Paris. Tut: I'rutuiiiui Kuq*ror hu* gone home. T'ltr. B< Igiau army 4* now on a (teaee footing. I'uuanKi-i'Aix ha* 4.156 licensed drinking mtlooiis. SKUIIU * tlisUirbaiiia * have occurred in the large French cities. WiseoMain IIHH oue hundred cheese factories within its limit*. TMK appropriations finally paused by Owugnww aggregate over 8145,tAI6,tHJtl. THKIIK were 514 datlm, 156 marriages, and 42R birth* in N. Y'. City last week. ALL restrictions a* to persons passing into and out of l'aris havelaa-u removed. THE cattle disease is still prevalent ill the vicinity of Providence, ltliode Island. Tnu Canadian fi-heries are estiiuat**! at 850,1**1,111X1 a year, employing HO,(*JU tueu. FOKTV thotisand tons of lead are im |Hrtsl into the United States every ear. Co HI) (X! A WAPE iiiell.vtuallv tried Htiu-ide for the uineteeiith time in Ciu eiiiuati. NEW BKUFVIUP. Ma**., has a s**rx*ant girl who lias lived 111 on.- family aixty oue yeur*. A Vol'No lady iu Indtaua was frozen to death while out sleigh-ridiug xiith a j voting man. TUK Boose of Ib'prxaeutativrs faihd t > pus* the hill to increase soldiers' JH-U- Hiou* 26 jh r ceut Tiir young Queen of t ireeee ha* the reputation of Wing oue of the beat >Uieli in Europe. A BILL providing for a Htate Consti tutional ( ouvcutiou is before the New Jewev Legialatme- A Mi M'ATINK brewer's p*-t goat licked | off 871X1 worth of revenue stamp* from lager la-er barrel*. A CnwasE agent* offers to deliver Chinamen in Tennessee at the rub- of ?7,lX* a hundred. Ni vstLY 1 ,t*B loh * of cotton are re (wiced at the |ort of Boston every buai uess day in the year. ALL the Fieueli Ttlunte* Mrujnr and Peter Tnllen W#N | instantly killed in tin* bridge tunnel at HiunuUd, Mo., by a premature exploaioti of a blast. A PAirrr of aix from a United Btat*- Coast Survey vend at Appalochicola. Flo., were drowned by the cajisixing of a small boat. VEHMOKT fear* a short crop of hay. Imwuse of the severe cold thi* winter, without the usual quantity of Mioxr to protect the grass land*. HKXHY BAXTT, an itinerant cirrus clown, recently ran away with the young daughter (onlv 13) of a reportable citi zeti, from a Michigan village. THE schooner ApU* wa* blown out to -a from Han Francisco during th* late gale, and ia Wippved to have fouudrrcd. There were six men on Iswrd. DAVU. BITLKH, (Iwenior of the State of Nebraska, ha* been im|v-neh*l liv the House of Ibqirewentatire* of that Htate for malfeaaaucc in oftW. bv a vote of 33 to 6. M. TittKßs decline* to make a treaty of commerce with Germany on the ground that it i* necessary for France t*. imitate the United Htate*. and restore the cquilihritun by liigh tariffs. PEI-OUTM from SOELLIMI Kansas state I bat tbHO i* likely to lie a repetition of the reign of terror that existed then- last Full, which culminated in the hanging of wis or eight horse thieves. IT in rumored that Napoleon i* negoti ating for an estate in It'hernia, to which he w ill retire. though from preparations making at Chiaelhorst it ia believed that he will rejoin the Empress there and re luoiu souie time in England. TIIK Chinese iudiilged at the island, where he found between CO and 70 per ilous living well, but yet in need of cloth ing, medicine, Ac., nud longing for news from the omer world. They gave him the following letter, which, on the 25th of Janttarv, he scat from Edmbttrg to the Ath i CU(/i -w in: Pin AIKS'N INLANIT, October C, 1876. M. Edituk : Aa many ship* |mm thi* 1 \land ou the route to and from Han Francisco, but at too great a distant* to lioartl them in our couuea, it ia or ojin ioii that they do not know the island to IK* inhabit**! There are uo danger* of rock* or shoals, and if they come within a tn lie tliev would most always get a supply of fruit, Ac. We number aixtx or aeveuty person*, and we always lik* to show hoopit.htv to strnngern and to hear the new*. i'Lis ia the third day we have seen shijt* |ia*M, and this day oue ia Ktanding in, by whieli we ** ud this. The landing ia on the north aide of the island. If, dear air, von would have the kiud new to give tin* a |4ac# in yonr valuable paper, you would greatly oblige your humble servant*, Tmk Com MI -MTV OF I'm AIUX* IMLXED. Ilurh-d ( liles. " Burietl Cities " ia the name of a new amusement or puxzle, which offers a pleasant mental < xereiar and refrcahea tiie knowledge of geography. It con atata in *-mladming in a aentence or vera# the nam*- of one or more well-known cit ie*. The orthography must te pre served, although the uame may be ivi ded *0 as |u form tlie end of one word and the Is-giiniing of another. For in stance, " Bring some water. Loo ia faint ed." The city buried in thi* sentence, ia quite obrioualy, Wab-rltsi. Islands may also 1m- submerged in the name man ner. In the following rhymes no leas tluui twenty-four cities are buried, and some of thetu quite effectually aa fire. wnU-r. or tire " t>th of time" lias ever concealed from the eye of a Oladrtene or a Hal Lun ; In tin- palniv, r*4uu.t month of Mtv, N.. other than Us op* rung day ; A toy walked *<-r M->at* rt. To )*>tani(e fl his Uncto I*M ; Musses and lichens he gthere.) enough, RntMiglrd with thorn* and briars rough : Ocrs, cotrnUjis and lilies btsne A.L rs, tanks and the rose vendane; Hut when from the unnnUiu he earn, ilum, )'!rc his uncle was oat of town ; So he t>k a staff or divwg rod. To search for "titia lieoeath the sod." U many s onr in the olden toao XV**> swailowed up for its sin and crime ; And he (dunged his rod in hen- and Iberv, For deeji th< buried citirw were, And he soundest s cymtwl, b-esu> sound Might htk< those cities under cround, Wl,t. h are chiefly on snlphur and litumen found. The hoy is trying to dig up Saline rrllcs. a rrystai cup. A tripod found in a den of (Stch, The branse case that adorn**! a niche, A s|iear re, A bal>y loiic since petrified, Die boat <■! mother* mummified. A marble head Imt abqi exploring. We ail are b.n-d with so mu.-h bring. Ad Ire to Marriageable ftlrk, If s man wipea his feet on the door mat be will make a good domestic bus kind. If a UIIUI in KuufSng a candle puts it cut, yon may lie sure he will make a stupid husband. If a man put- his handkerchief on his knee while taking tea, yon may lie sure he will make a pru dent husband. Iu the same wsy. always mistrust s man who will not take tfio last piece of toast, bat prefers wait ing for the next warm Iwteh. it is likely that he will make a greedy and verv selfish husband, with whom yon will enjoy no "brown" at dimser. no crust at tea. and no peace wliatever st home. The man, mv dears, who wears rubber*, and is careful about wrapping himself up lieforv venturing in the night air, not niifriHpieutly makes a good invalid hus band. that mostly stops at home, and is easily comforted with slops. The man who watches the kettle, and prevents its kuling over, will not fail, ray dears, in his married state, in exercising the same rare in always keeping the pot boiling. The man who does not take tea, ill-treat* eat*, takes snuff, stands with his luck to the lira, is a brute whom I would not advise you. my dears, to marry upon any consideration, either for love or money - but most decidedly, not for love. Put the man who, when tea is over, is dis covered to have liml none, is sure to make a good husband. Patience like his deserves to be rewarded with the best of wives and the best of mothers-in-law. My dears, when you meet with sueh a man. do your utmost to marry him. In the severest Winter he wouldn't mind going to lied first. REMEDY FOR THE FOOT AND MOITH I>IHRAHE. -J. F. Gignonx, M. P.. in the Turf, /VW and Farm, recommends, in the treatment of tliis disease, the use of the permanganate of potash, and claims that it lias the following advantages over remedies Though applied in the form of u saturated solution, it causes little or no pain : produces as complete a slough ns muriatic acid over the uleerwUtl part, but does not attack the healthy jiortion of the hoof, no advantage which I con sider should recommend it to every one who may have occasion to urn* any }x>w - erful caustic application. It ia a cotn plete deislorir.er. and its action in Unit nrted that a iiiujoritv of the lb publican members lunl ifieiiW in caucus to ace<-jt the report of the HuleCtmi luittee r<-commending the change. When the report was read making Mr. ('auierou Chairman of the Foreign lb-la tious Committee, and Mr. Humner Clour inaii of the new Csiuimittee ou I'rivilegea mid Ehx-tious, Mr. Humner, after a dig nified *jx <*-h, giving his roasous for his iwtions, withdrew from the IMUCOS. A very warm debate ensued ou the report of the Cfiumittee, |>nrtleipst< d iu ly Messrs. Hheruuui Hhurz, l*ogaii, Wila >u, Kenton, Ferry, and others, in oppnai tiou. and by Messix Coukliug, Nye, HU*wart, Howe, Carpenter, Ivlmuml*. and otlierw, iu favor of the report. The Keiiators who favor the re |tort of the Committee jirofcase.l to do ao out of 110 o|qMMitiou to Mr. Hnuiuer iwrsoindlv, and diarlaitued that SIMXWHS or the San to Domingo project liad auvthiug whab-xer to do witli it. They sard, however, that very important qu<-tious would be ■•!- mitt* d t<> this Committee, and that it would lw* very emltarraasiug to lutve as its ("uairmau one whom neither tle I'reniiJeiit, nor the Hecretary or Assistant Heeretarjr of Htate could liave anv eum muufo-ation. They argued that the suc cewi of the uegotiatious now in progress ls-tween the representative* or (treat ltritaiu slid the United Stat*-*, would lie endangered by Mich a stale of affair*. Those xrbo op)osed the report held, on the otlier hand, that the quarrel be tween Mr Haiuiner and the Preddent and Secmtarr of State wx a {lersoaal one, aud while tbey bhunml Mr. Hummer for many thing* he has don*, they did not think there wa* *ufli -ieut cause fur tite j party or tin- Senate to take up the disa greement and make it the basis of any action Mr. Fetrton eharaeterixed the unqsHititott as a "grave mistake.'" and Mr Wilson predicted disaster to th party if it was carried out. lie refnrrt d to the time when HUplieu A, DmgUs was removed from tin- Chairmanship of the Territorial Committee, because be disagn**! with the Prwaidetit. and re minded Kenabnw that from tluvt netiou I was to lie dated the split in th# Demo cratic party. Be a*zurvd Senators thai their proposed action would bring down j ou them tin- ludiguaut proUmts of thoti*- amls of the ohkwt and strougvat lb-puUi cans of the country, including the old anti-Slavery phalanx, the ntemliers of which, nualde to ajqwreist# the embar nwouenta n-fernd to ly tin* other Wile, would be in full sympathy with Mr. Hum mer, and would at least, if this change was made, lose heart iu future, and fail to work for the party and the cause, as j they liav# done ladore. Others argued that no Administration ever made a greater mistake than thi*. when it pro- CMed to strengthen itaelf by removing ' r. Summer out of its path. Mr. Hamiltou, whom it was prtqvosed to place ou tin- Committee to make Up ita quota, declined, and Mr. Frehnghny scii wa* then seheted. Mr. Wilson moved to w*mmit the report, with in struction* to restore Mr. Hummer's name to the Chairmanship, ami WON voted down by 26 Nay* to 21 Yea*. The Hanging of John Thomas. 1 John Thomas, the colored murderer, wa* hung iu New Y'orl City at the To aha. The concourse of persons iirea eot Is.tli inside and outaid. the jaiJ was smtll, aud this was owing partly to a i strange n-quest of the coudemue*l man. that no colored peraoa should be allowed Ito aee him luuigtwL To this bt made ' one exception. Mis liarber, he said, had , leeu very kiud. aud be should like him |to lie prem-nt. Thomas continued to the last in that quiet, happy frame of mind ! he lias always shewn since his cotulemns tion. He was v isited by his wife and j the wife of tlie Haytien Minister, who took their final fan-welL Thomas, of id! the group, seemed the least affected. Vt half-t*ii*t six o'clock he siteiMlod mass. Thomas joid solemn attention to ' the service, and seemed fully to realize ' tlie axrtul fact that he had not long to i live, aud that cternitv with all its swfal realities wa* do*.' at liniid. The man ivlin>d eariv, but slept rerx | little through the night. He Miowed more wakefulness than other condemned men had shown within the memory of the warden* of the jail. The wakeful nee* did not *ectu to di*tre** him. He maintained his firmness and calmness throughout. At uine o'clock precisely the proccmuou appeaixsl. kiwbvl by the Sheriff aud his deputies. At tlie same in- tant tho rain commenced to fall in torrents. Tlie lirisoner, with hi* religions adviser, :nelt under tbc scaffold, where a sliort prayer wa* offend. The prisoner re pentad fdowlv, and with nmuoxred countenance, the words of the minister, with eyea w idc o|teu ami lookiug straight at the crowd in front. After the prayer was concluded he kissed the crucifix, and the noose was adjusted. The black cap wa* draw n over hi* head and face, and in the midst of hi* devotion* he wa* wxing into eteruitv. No struggle marked his death until Uo wa* in the air nliout three minute*, when ha several times drew himself up, hut after a few 11ft irate* straightened out aud was jironounosi diwd. It was exactly ten minute* after nine wheu tlie drop fell. The assem blage *lowlv di*|>era(-d. TIM' corpse wa* taken in eliarg" by a colored lady, a friend of the deceased, mid thus termin nted tho earthly career of Johu Thomas. RETEALLNU PITIES. —A resolution was oflered in the House by Mr. Hale, of Maine, repealing the duty on salt, which ' was finally mlopted, 145 to 47. A reao i lntiou was then offered by Fornawortli. erfect arrangements for baths and perfect cleanness as Rome. The Roman sewers for carrying off the tilth of the city were also more perfect. The main one, the cloaca maxima, had a aeries of small channels flowing into it from all parts of the eity, and render ing her drainage most complete. y IT is the duty of thoee interested in building up cities and towns to patronize and support their local newspapers first. In almost every county in the country there is a newspaper published, and it is the duty of the farmers, mechanics, mer chants, and property-holders there to support the paper, if it be live. Atten tion will be called to their town. Peo ple will be attracted there. The paper and its place of publication become known. When we see a live newspaper we at once think it la printed in a live town, by a live man, for live men do nor long remain in dead placet. Facta and Fancies. At Paul's spire is 404, and At Peter's 44 fret from the ground. .Motto for a Fancy Goods Dealer— " Now all men liy these presents " There were 160,000 horse* in Paris, and out of that number 00,600 Suave been killed for food A hollow log, rafted to s Jersey saw mill, waa found to contain a hundred snnfiah ia a torpid state. " It ia known that abont 100,000 prison er* were taken in Paris, with 1,400 con non and 400 field pimm and mitrailleuses. A Boston girl complains thai, desiring | to learn the cabinet making trade, she :