Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, March 17, 1871, Image 2

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Centre Hall, Pa., March 17, 71
TKHMS.— The Cxxtrk llvii Hi on
TKm is published weekly at >-■ I" r
advance, or SB,BO when no. paid in j
vanee. Halfyearly and quarter > -uh
scription* at the same rate. Magh i op <
tveeenU. ~,
Advertisements SI,BO per s.juo. t
lino*)forthree insertions. :-
for a lon iter period, at a red a* .1 rate.
Business cards of live line*. J* *
Communications recommend ig |>< • •
for office. 6 cents ,=cr line t'om.nur,
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tico* exrcfldim fivo lines u x t% 1 ', n x
line. Business notice- m local column H
cent* ter line, for one insertion.
Notice* of deaths and marnacosm . i ;ed
free of charge. Our triends in all |wrt* m
the county w ill oblige by sending us L- .
items of interest ftxmi their reqw - tiveh .
"The figure* set to the addt.— upon
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stand noui a change in these dates that u <
money ha* been received
THANKS. —Capt. M't'lcUnn, M. T .
ha* our thanks for favors from W; -!>
Representative Meek has our
thanks for doc's from Harmburg.
The radical work of re-construction
has been both a failure'aml a humbug
from the start, aud the re construction
acts are a disgrace to our staure books.
Every attempt of congress, in this
matter, since the close of the war has
been a miserable failure, and emigres
has had to do its work over each res
nod, because reconstruction was Both
ing more than an attempt to force the
south into going for radicalism.
Where carpet baggers did succeed in
getting temporary foothold trouble has
inevitably followed. No le#* than
four radical governors are now on
trial for crimes and misdemeanors.
They are Holden of North Carolina,
Clayton of Arkansas, Sutler, of Ne
brasba, and Reed of Floriila. \\ hat
a commentary this is ou the beauties
of reconstruction ! How it red< unds
to the credit of the pnrty of "grand
moral ideas."'
From a list of jurors printed in
another coluiuu, it will be seen that
Samuel Nathan, colored, of Miles, has
been drawn ajuror, for week com men
cing Monday April 17th. Thi- is the
-econd instauce of a colored juror be
. ing drawn in this state since the pas
sage of the loth amendment —in one
of the eastern couuties.a few w < i ks ago,
a colored man was also drawn a- a ju
ror. We ho;** this circumstance will
not occasion liny rivalry and ill IVding
among Mr. Nxthan's brother jurors nl
the radical persuasion for the same
week, in that each one may be arabi
i ious to be seated aside of Samuel,
much less do we hope that any of tln-m
who have gone the full length of wor
hip for the African, will turn up his
nose if Samuel's chair in the
tfox be next to said radical friend, lor
we assure such au one that the "com
ing man" is plenty good enough to sit
aside of, eat with and sleep with any
(Vntre_ county rad., for thus were
teachings of radical politico theologi
an*. We have heard of rad* turning
up their noses because Samuel Nathan,
colored, has been edrawn as a juror,
which comes with a very had grace
from the lovers of the "man and broth ;
er,** and looks a little inconsistent.
Come, now, take courage, and swa'-
low a little of your own medicine, pre
pare your nasals, and don't go hack
on the negro.
Reports from southern Kansas state
that there is likely to be a repetition
uf the reign of terror that existed there
tart fall, which culminated in the
hanging of six or eight reputed horse
So; wc thought that under radical
rale Kansas would enjoy the sweets
-f peace and quiet, and no longer
bleed. Horse thieves and fugitive
government plunderers find in K.uis i
a congenial clime.
king William of Prussia and Pns
ident Grant.
Ob the 2nd of January 18il. Wil
liam became king, and on the 18th of
October following, was crowned, and
placing the "golden round of sovcr
► iguty" upon hi* own head, said, "I
wear the crown by the favor of God
toil nobody else." Our sovereign
I'lyases, on approving the 15th amend
ui nt to the constitution said, "I have
given four million negro votes
to the radical party." Wil
ii.:m denies indebtedness to the ptople
tor wearing the crown, and Ulysses
claims the credit of crushing the
"white trash" mud sill* by elevating
the negro over them, rejoices in the
act, aud in 1871 hold* hi* "carnival"
preparatory to the establishing imj.tr
inlism in the United States. He i*
sues his edict, aud the white men are
routed and discharged from arsenals,
forts, custom houses, Ac, 11> make
n-om for his negro wards. We have
~ en the el-olive franchise in (lie ciiie
.f New York ami Philadelphia roti*
i oled l>v the ha trap* of Grant ami Isi.-
.-•ddiery, and in true royal style ho ha
i-sueii his fiat to enforce in evcrv etat>
the elective franchise of the negro at
the point of the bayoi et, Bending forth
bis pimps, epics and informers in coin
ntand of tlie army to disfranchise the
white man at the people's expene, to
nid him and his party to consolidate
states and establish an elective mon
archy. He has his paper mills in op
eration, grinding out greenbacks, send
ing them all over the Union, selling |
them at one hundred dollars for eighty
based upon printed Ironds whose hold
ers are exempt from all taxes, with in
terest payable in gold to the bond
holder, and frauds, swindling, robbery
and defalcations rampant with the
fiscal custodiunsof the people's mor.ey.
The public lands, from which the guv
ernment received millions of revenue,
given away to pet railroad simula
tors. Han Domingo must be pur
chased with the people's money to se
cure thousands of negro votes for the
radical party. We have two curren
cies in circulation —depreciated paper
for the people, and GOI.I> for the fed
eral administration and its official
buccaneers. The defeated congres
sional carpet baggers jmrer nrourd
Washington city, contesting the amis
of those elected by the people, and ihe
treasury must be fleeced to pay them
—m Mr. Dawes, radical, in his place
in congress, informs us that a hundred
and fifty thousand dollars have been
paid this session of congress to those
contestant pets of the administration,
i and hero we are compelled after six
j years of peace, to pay oppressive nnd
unjust taxes, and for what? That we
jmavhaxo a groat and splendid gov
eminent, and in order to have it m,
j immense revenue must be raised from
the people, who arc bound down itu
•ler the load of taxi-, direct and indt
red, so that wo find a swarm of feder
al tax gatherers covering the land 1m
I the enrichment ofthemsoivt * and their
j masters: and thit in addition t< state
j taxes ; thus the people are doul !y op
pressed, ami between the federal mar
ehalls and state slut ills, arc ground to
dust, and now we liml Grant and
; Bout well rejoice at the defeat of the
repeal of the income tux, and the coin
maml has gom- Ibrth that all the uii
i just taxes must bo collected fort with
to support his embryo imperial court
, and to assist him in following his ad
mind prototype, king William, who
i annihilated a republican form of gov
ernment in Trance. In like maimer
Grant is attempting to destroy the
federative principle.- and rights of the
states of this Union—and like King
j William, president Grant has studied
one passage ef scripture so thoroughly
that it is quite at hi* finger end-, and
has given it his approbation:
"There went out a decree in the
davs of Claudius Oeasar, that the
world should be taxed.
Grant i.- making a big push to have
Sumner removed lroni the senate com
mittee on foreign affairs, and the thing
premises to cause a rupture in the jir
ty. Frelinghuvseu, of N. Jersey, is
1 Grant's choice for the place.
Mr. Fish intends to retire from the
the state department and it is rumored
that seiiator Mortou will be Grant's
1 secretary of *tate.
Gran's Humiliation of Sumner.
Grant has revenged himself upon
the Massachusetts -Senator, for the
i present, but we think L'harics will
knock the segar out ot l lvsees' mouth
one of these days, when he ri.-es in the
senate. The President has succeeded
j in humiliating Sumner, hv having him
removed from the chairmanship of the
-citato committee on foreign re lations.
On the 9th the caucus of republican
-enatore met at eleven o'clock, with a
full attendance. The committee con
-istingof Messrs. How e, Sherman, Nye,
Pool and Morrill,appointed to arrange
the standing committee* reported that
they had performed their duty, and
j submitted a report.
Senator Cameron was placed at the
! head of the foreign relations committee,
and Mr. Sumner as chairman of a nw
committee, to be called elections Mr.
Sumner immediately arose and declin
ed the proffered chairmanship, and
challenged criticism upon his conduct
uuring the twelve years he hud served
upon the conimitteeof foreign relations.
Mr. Snmner spoka for a lew miuute*
i and then withdrew from the caucus.
It is not known what influenced the
i caucus committee to change the pro
! gramme agreed upon last night, to
make Mr. Morton chairman in place of
Mr. Sumner.
After Mr. Sumner left the caucus,
Mr. Howe took the floor and defended
the course of his committee in remov
ing Mr. Sumner from his foreign rela
tions chairmanship, and said that Mr,
Sumner was a hitler enemy of the pres
ent administration, and that it was
absolutely necessary that a change
should be made in the interest of the
republican party. Mr. Sherman fol
lowed, taking au opposite view, and
claiming that no reason existed for re
moviug Mr Sumner, and that it was
an iusult to republican* in all sections
of the country. Mr. Trumbull follow
ed, taking the same view, and defend
ing Mr. Sumner from the charges mode
against him. After Mr. Trutnhuil had j
concluded, Mr. Sehurz took tie floor
and advocated Mr. Sumner's {ositiou.
Mr. Sumner's friends say they will
be able to defeat the action of the cau
cus committee, and have him retained
in his present chairmanship. Failing
to do this, Mes.-r.-. Wilson, Sherman.
Morrill, Sehurz and other say they w ill
take the matter from the caucus into
the open senate, and there, where the
proceedings are public.
Some of the President's strongest
friends regret deeplj that he has bWn
led into recommending the displace
ment of Mr. Sumner from the f osition
which he has held for ten years, hazar
ding, as it doc*, the future success of
the republican party.
Tie excitement this morning was
very great, and the most careful ob
server# say that if the caucus ratifies
the action of its committee, a split in
the republican party is inevitable. It
has transpired that the programme for
the removal of Mr. Sumner was ar
ranged between the President and
several senators on Monday and was
carried out by Senator Anthony, who,
it is alleged, agreed to appoint a com
mittee to arrange the standing com
mi;tees named by the President hut
Failed to keep hi* agreement ami nam
ed only one senator, Mr. Howe,out of
five whom the President desired to con
stitute the committee.
The motion pending in caucus is to
recommit the report of tlie committee.
The debate in the republican sena
torial caucus on the proposal to re
move Mr. Sumner from the chairman
ship of the committee on foreign re
lit oiis was hot and exciting on both
sid< for several hours. The debate
continued and was finally closed l>\
the caucus sustaining the projawitinii
of the committee contained in their re
port for c3i.-j>!acing Sumner. A vote
was taken on the matter and resulted
in a majority of four in favor of re
It is understood, however, that Mr.
Stunner will still have a place on the
committee. L'ji to the very latest the
friends of Senator Sumner entertained
the hojiethat the caucus would decide
in hi* favor.
The Great Father in-law of the Ad
[Washington Correspondence Cin., Com.]
As I sat today in my place in the
reporters' gallery 01 the Senate, the
main door tn the chamber below swung
open with a bang that indicated the
approach of royalty, and all eyes were
turned to see first the majestic nose
and then the graceful body of the High
Custodian of the Bootjack and Keeper
of the Royal Card Basket, Brig. Gen.
Dent, step in. Advancing in u gra
cions, dignified manor to the first step
of the serious loading down to the main
floor, the High Custodian assume.l a
lofty attitude. He placed his left hand
in the small of his military Lack, and
pressing the other upou his custodial
heart, he gated at the Vice-President
in that top-loftical style |>eoulinr to
I'd win Forrest in "Mo'tumora." when
he makes some incisive remarks touch
ing hi* inability to get up a lie at a
moment's notice.
Soon as the eagle glance ot the tiia
jestic Dent caught the eye ot the \ ice-
President, he hinged his corpv* at that
point where the leg? end ami the body
begins, making a motion v ry like that
indulged in by little boy* when other
little bov give tliiim an unexp<etcd
punch in' the lower part of the diges
tive apparatus, lie then *aid ou.e
tiling no one could hear, when through
the iiivsterious motion, turned on ,
inililai v heel, lifted liis beaver t hi*
maj slie, military bead, and then disap
poured from otir longing gaze through
the opened doorway ot the Snate
What i s is t live <ll UII age ami
country where the-e great hutorieai
scenes cau he wiliicMwl 1 I feel thank
ful, I mav say that 1 feel to a**rt, a*
tin ill friend the Rt. Ihv. MaxweM,
P." (!., was wont to say, that 1 rejoice
at my good luck. D. i".
l.n-t Hours of the Radical Legislature
of Louisiana —A 11> rrib c Diunkeu
Orgie fitted with Burlesque Reli
giou* Services Practical Result
of Radicalism in the South.
[Fn u tin- New Orlcniu Time-, MnrcbS ]
Any one who, in days past, lias been
au observer of the dLuf.el proceed !
ing* i f the Legislature of Louisiana,
who could have l>e.'ii present last
night during the closing hour* of that
body, might have imagined that by j
some magic influence he had lean'
transported to the seeue of some jolly
: curoti-al on the hoarders of Abyssinia
or Dahomey.
The House proceeded to btniuees,,
and for a fow ininute* there was eoiu-|
parative quiet. But soon a disconten
ted cahul, which had been disappoint
i ed in certain pet schemes, aud wished
i to stave ofl' all other business, raised j
another general row, ami for a space
of ten minute* there was such a
how ling and wild uproar as only the
inmates of Bedlam can ever know. A
' concert of wolves, or the caterwauling
of a troupe of angry mousers, would
most aptly typify the scene. Ooej
gentlemen becoming more excited than
-cemed necessary, the Speaker very'
politely requested him
"NOT TO THAI: HIS uuin unt,"
Amid the unparalleled confusion
and hubbub that ever and unon pre
vailed, the Speaker, Mr. Carter, a qui j
et young man from Cameron parish,
stood puding his fragrant Havana,
and beating the devils tatoo on the,
table before him. He seemed fully
aware of the important provisions ol
all the bills proposed, and whenever!
the ayes and noes were called, he inva
riably decided that the needed provi
sion was carried. Sometimes the noes,
were louder and more obstreperous
than the ayes, but Carter knew a thing
or two, and always decided,
That was the way to d<> it, and the!
only way uuder the circumstances
The Speaker at one time remarked,;
"The noise is so great I can't heur,"
and, with a pleasant equivoque, contin
ued "I am partially deaf, and have but
one car, but it would take forty ear*
to hear all your motions." About
10:30 o'clock many of the members
and a goodly crowd of the lobbyitcsj
bird punished their regular quart of
benzine, and the yelling became inten
sified. Howls, whoops.
swelled upon the agitated air, as if a
thousand devils had ben let loose and
each vied with the other in keeping j
up the hideous chorus. The prolong- !
ed and deafening cries or calls for the -
yeas aud nays wero absolutely stun. 1
ning. The thing ended in a riot —sov- '
eral uegroes got into
Thcv grasped oue another with that ,
fraternal and awkward hug peculiar ,
to the hear tribe, chairs and table* |
were overturned, inkstands rolled and |
rattled across the floor, and tables and |
paper .-tfewn about the hall in most j
admired coufusion. In the midst of (
this a shrill, piping voice announced.,
somewhere in the scrimmage that the ]
Senate had adjourned sine die, which ,
announcement was received with diri |
sive yell* and cries of \
" VOi; KNOW now IT IS YOU RSI LF," |
"llow arc poor feet," "Bully l>oy with '
aj. la* eye," Ac. The Senate, it was 1
understood in the lobby, had fizzled '
out like a gorged anneomla surfeited (
with a hearty meal, and now its mem I
hers and attaches poured into the I
House to witness its death throes and '
add to the confusion, which had taken <
the shape of a
and only lacking the oooking uiau to ,
make the semblance complete. It |
was evident that "fire-water" hadn
gained the supremacy, and now ruleil (
the roast. As early as 9 o'clock the ,
members, white and black, could have ,
been seen dodging out of the hall in
search of refreshments; but at th s |
witching hour tho L
in delicate streamlets. Anon it flow- i
ed in rivers, and then swelled in tor- i
rent* that confused the brain and i
made the tongue voluble. Members
left their seats and crowded the aisles,
and the mixture of colors became so i
promiscuous as to have puzzled tho'l
most expert adapter of the bins
most appropriate to bouquets of this i
character. The noise increased with'
the flow of strong drinks, and a*
scores of voices rose each above the:
other, the din became
exceeding anything known in the
heaven nliove or the earth beneath, j
The crowd boiled and seethed like ;io-j
tatoes in a pot, or ns the hell broth in t
the dance of witches, as described in 1 j
Macbeth :
I),nihil', double, toil Hlul trouble, I
Kip' burn und euuiUron bubbls.
Not Hecate and her skinny attend-,
ants could have brewed a more infer-'
nnl mixture. Further business was
impossible, aud the time fur adjourn- 1
iix-nt having now clearly arrived, ajj
venerable colored chapliuu, amid the
din and row, was called upon for
At its conclusion, the throng disin
tcregntcd, [>ouriiig out into the street,
a motley yelling mass, redolent of the
fumes of gin, tobacco, and Bouquet
d'Afrique. A lame nigger tnen
stumped around the empty Lulls, put
ting out the lites. A yellow cur dog,
that during the din had quietly slept
in the corner, ran yelping down the
stairway. A predatory torn eat on
the roof set up u dismal caterwaul,
and as it died nway shuddering on the
midnight air, the last faint trace of the
Legislature of'7l vanished into foetid
oblivion. I'ali!
Prof. JI. Meyer, formerly of the Centre
Co. Normal Institute, will open u Select
School at Centre Hall, April 10th, a sutti
eient number of students having already
been obtained to commence with, with still
room for young ladies and gentlemen from
u distance.
(ioYcrnmi'iit Officer Ilollwl to
1 The Cincinnati dawdle of Thursday
saya: A chronicle of daily event* t
seldom called upon to inform the pub
lic of it more terrible denth than jrcater
day ltefel I CapUilt Thoinaa J. Hairy, a
worthy government *torcktw|>er, at the
distillery of Kleischmaii A" Co., near
I low the heart rending accident no
culled is now conjecture; possibly it
will always remain so Alter dinner
he was seen silling by an OjHMI window
of the distillery reading. Helow him,
>n the outside of this u|>orliurnt was
an o|ieii tuh, containing the worm.
Frequently the water contained m (hi*
vessel brcatue boiling hoi from the
heated va|atr within. It wa*o yrslrr
day. latter ill the afternoon Captain
Iliirrv \iitt needed in the 1 ut<* of lii
dutj us-torekwjter, and wan sought
nlkout tli<* premise*. Not I icing found,
:i tin --etiger \vw wiit to Scdutusvillt',
with no more success. Thii awakru
ih! npiirilu'iinion, an-1 it more careful
K'inh about the distillery was made.
At Lft the hul of (lif uii fort u nit te man
was ilitcuvrml near the tub, and the
u rrii.le thought came flashing into the
mind that the storekeeper might he in
this vessel. With fears for the worst
the content* of the tub were exauiiod.
There Hie hotly of the officer was
found literally boiled. Whether as
he sat he was suddenly seised with a
faulting fit, or had fallen asleep and
tuiuhled in, or had falleu in unawares
while looking into the vessel, is left
entirely to conjecture.
Exit tlic Two Thirds
To day inaugurate* a decided change
tor the Wetter in the political condition
lof the I'nitcd State*. The two third*
fiuwer of the Republicans i broken in
the new Congress meeting at noon, and
from this happv conaequenca of the
election* la-t fail it resulted that the
, (ample of the I'nitrd Stales are no lon
ger at the utter mercy of a political
party. The Wa'aiue of the govern
ment is restored. The Kepubliean
two-third* in Congress, new dead and
gone, for they dare not unseat enough
of the opposition to rretore it, iaat lite
1 bottom of much that blackens our
Federal annals in these four year* past,
and in the face of that vote is seen the
popular condemnation of that infamous
spawn it begot, The fourteenth amend
aunt, with its sneaking, pouhouse
laws to enforce it; the fifteenth amend
meut with its .South Carolina Legtsla
tures and its promising crop of bayo
net election laws for Noithcrn as well
as for Southern polls; that disgraceful
fa tee, impeachment; Howard's Afri
can bureau ; the hideous drama of re
construction and re-reconlruciion,
would never have be-n po blebut for
this now uefunct two thirds. How it
was made matched what it did. At
first l>rake, assuming to represent Mis
souri, andCresswell, affecting to be a
Senator from Maryland, brought tbe
-Senate majority up to the required
pitch, the House then haviug it. Af
terwards came lirownlow and the West
Virginia tribe; and latterly, that
Falstaffs legion which swarmed up
from the South heavily reinforced
Senate and House. Many of them—
more of them by several llian ought to
lie out of the |H>uitenliary, if all tale*
he true —yet linger, but their worst
power is over; the Radical two thirds
is departed.— World
Important Dcri-iou Cotirernlng
I'roniUory Notes.
The following is the substance of ft
legal decision which appeared in the
Legal Journal of this week. Our rea
ders will do well to bear in mind as
it tuay save them loss of several dul
lais which might result from neglect
to fill the btauk neccewarily left in
printed for notes, in case the (taper
-hoti Id come into |tosse*ion of a boua
jidr holder after having passed through
the hands of a rascally one: By a
decision of Chief Justice Thompson,
of the Supreme Court, it is held that,
where a blank had been left in a note,
at the time of filling up, singniug and
delivery, ami afterwards had been in
creased in amount by writing over the
blank, the maker, was answerable for
the full face of the note as altered, af
ter it had passatl to a bona Me holder
for value, in the usual rourse of busi
ness. The case was that of Garrard
vs. Hodden, error tu the Common
Pleas of Fayette county. The maker
of the note filled in the words "one
hundred," leaving a blank between the
words "hundred" and "dollar*** in the
printed form. The pay-e afterward*
tilled the blank, by inserting "ami fif
ty," thus making the note call for "one
hundred ami fifty dollars." In this
condition it was purchased by tbe
plaintitT, and the drawer refusing to
pay the face of the nwte, suit was en
tered. There was uothing on the face
of the note to show the slightest altera
tion, and the handwriting and the ink
were the same, and there was no crow
ding of the words, the blank giving
ample room. The drawer was held to
have invited the fraud of his own neg
ligcncc in delivering a note that admit
ted tampering with. He could have
saved nil difficulty by scoring the blank
with the jeii. As between the maker
and the payee, the alteration would
have made the note void, but not so
ns between the drawer and an inuocent
holder for value The Chief Justice,
after riling the authorities on the point
says: "We think this rule is uiiceMH
ry to facilitate the circulation of com
mercial paper, and at the same time
increase the care of drawers and ac
ceptors of said jaiiHT, and also of ban
kern, brokers, and others in taking it.
Phis rule will not apply to cases where
the nlteratimi is apparent on the face
of the paper.''
The Tax payer* of the state, from
whose treasury 825,000 have beep tak
en to pay for Hollu rniel's painting of
the bat tie of Gettysburg says the
Morning Patriot, are notified that
their picture is on exhibition at No.
1003, Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Admission, 25 cents. Their interest
iu this announcement will lie enhanced
when they learn that Professor Law
ronce will describe the picture, and
read Colonel M'Michael's address at
3 o'clock and 8j o'clock p. in. daily.
Professor Lawrence is said to be a
good, sonorous reader, who brings out
i admirably the strong (mints in the
I speech and the picture. No one, we
are iufortneJ, can comprehend the
great eve.its that took (dace at Getlys
burg, in July. 1883, without seeing
Rothi-ruicl's painting, and bcarius the
professor's explanation* and readings
of Colonel M'SlicliHel's s|hh-cli. It is
doubtful whether General Meade,
himself, knew anything about the bat
tle until be snw the picture. Admis
sion, 25 cents. Price $25,000.
Washington, February 28. —There
was not only an interesting but au ex
citing time iu the House to Jay on the
coal question. The tariff men were
so suddenly stripped up that they ut
terly failed to recover in time to make
even a respectable showing on the re
cord. While Mr lien Holler bad
one eye on the Clerk, who was leisure
ly reading bis Ku-Klux bill, and
another on the ceiling, and with no
ears iu the boisterous confusion on the
; H oor, nor eyes to see to tbe clock
1 which ehowtnl that hi* hour had jour
by, Mr. Kernadu Wihwl quietly aroae,
threw Mr. Duller oIT hi* (Wf, ami
|>lumpe<i rijfbl liefuro the House a
joint resolution to rr|M*ul all lnw or
twrta of law* which levied a duty on
foreign coal.
Duller looked stolid with utuiiiib
nieiit ami then blustered for the tlnor,
hut the *|eukcr recognized Mr. \Vmnl.
I I'ig-irou Kelly almost grw hlack in
the lace, while the Democratic side
wa* tilled with merriment at the Re
publican discomfiture. Itul there was
no room for discussion, I'm Mr. Wood
in >vcd to *u|>eiid the rule* and put
the rrsoluliou at once nil it* pauagv
The Hi-publican* *catterel like a
flock of pigeon* a* the roll call pro
ceeded, and only forty three ol them,
and two Murylaud Democrat* were
found %oling against the resolution
The West and mmuo from the Kat
Came aroiietl the Democratic standard!
and voted in column till the result—
-142 for free coal to 4S agaiust it.
When th* vote wa* announced the
Democratic side indulged in applau* ,
for the light was handsomely wua. (
The resolution goes to the Senate to
morrow, and there i* an esceleut pro*
poet of it* passage.
The great uiogul of the Republican
party in iu-w|iaperdoin at last i* llor
ace tireely. lie is now engaged iu
spying out the land eu tbe l'reei
denlial ijue*tioii and has come to the
follow ing conclusions:
Firstly, That the neit electiou will
be very closely contested, —more
closely contented than any electiou
since 1H44, when the Democrats were
Secondly. That the Republican,
|iarty are undecided as to the policy
of rsi ominatiug General Grant f r
their candidate
A convict in the Indiana |teniten
tiary ask* a pardon for the following
"It is true 1 have only 11 mouth*
longer to serve, but it is now thought
that our present superintendent will .
be removed and a ihsmocrwt put in
II place, consequently we fear we will '
have a hard time uuder a [h-ntocral
superintendent, as the couvicts are 1
principally Republican*."
- ■■ ■■ • -♦-
Litr* Fit* at Petroleum Outre. 1
Pituburj, March 10.—At so sarljr hour i
this morning a Bra originated in ths Butt*
to lioui* at Pstrulsuin Centre, Pennsylva
nia, which place wa* composed almost en- |
lirely of wooden buildings. The Ire
spread across ths street and on both sides
as far south as Aiken's hall, and north to
the bank of the creek, leaving (be Ameri
can house standing. Kifty-etght bin d
ing-, dwellings and stores, beside*, barns,
etc , were destroyed, tbs Bre sweeping five
acres clear,
Flection of l it 1 ted States Senator.
Kirbmond, March 14. Ths legislature
to-day elected John \V Johnston, conj,
servative, for United States senator, by I(M
vote*, to 40 vote, fur John H Pupham, tbe
republican nominee.
New II iimpslt ire Drinorratir
Concord, March 14.—The annual elec
tion fr governor and members of the legis
lature wa* held in this slate to-day.
Th* republican majority in (he slate in 1
I*7o was 1.503. Tbe slate committee, after:
a careful canvas* of the situation, proclaim-1
ed a pr liability of an increase upon these
The rotunis come in slewly. Return*
from lOti town* givs Weston lfi.Kfl. and
Pike 19.41&—a republican loss of 1,061. 1
This almost positively insures the sue fee- j
of ths dsmocral ticket
Concord. Match lb—l a. m The latest;
return* make ths plfSfitipll uf Weston pgr-;
lain—by probably I.Ul) u 'J.IJUI majority.
Th# indications point to the eleciion of
two democratic congressmen in the Second
and Third districts. Tbe house ot repr.-
tentative* i* uncertain, but the senate i*
Union Parilr Hailruad.
Boston. March A—Th# annual meeting
of the stockholders of the Union Pariic j
railroad was hold at tho ufft't ol tk# coin■ i
pany in Sear's building to-day, the presi '
dant, Oliver Ames, in tbo chair. Tbe re- 1
port of the president acknowledges that th*
earning this far have been rery unsatisfac
tory, but lake* an encouraging view of tbe
future He stales that many improvement*
will he made this year, not tbe least of
which will be tbe completion of tbe bridge
across the Mississippi river at t>maha. Mr.
Ar*e* propose* to i**uesi'So.,GUoofiwrnty: [
eight per eent. mortgage bonds, to provide
mean* for tbe completion of the bridge.
The principal sources efipcoroe this year
are in the mine* of Colorado and Utah, the
sale of lands and the transportation of tea :
and silks, from China and Japan.
The report concludes with a recapitula
tion of tho history of tho congressional in
terfotanco with tho management of the
road, and gn aaoartlui) that tho remit U the <
restoration of ths credit of tho compeny.
with a great advance in all iU securities.
The report wa*. unanimously adopted. |
alter which the following oficers were I
chosen and tba meeting adjourned until
nest year : President, Thomas A. Scott, of
Pennsylvania; secretary, K A of
Naw Hampshire; board of director*, Oil- !
ver Ante, of Msssarhusett* ; John Duff. ,
of Massachusetts; Klisha Atkins, of Mass- I
achusetl* ; Oake* Ames, of Massachusetts; J
L. P. Morton, of New York; Roytl C. (
Rubbins, of Massachusetts; James Brooks, (
of New York ; O. N. Dodge, of Iowa; Sid
day Dillon, of New York ; C. H. Rushnell, (
of Connecticut; John Edgar Thomson, of (
Pennsylvania ; Andrew Cornegle, of New i
Turk; George M. Pullman, of Illinois,
and P. Gordon Degter, of Massachusetts
To ptovid* far the compulsory education of •
children of sound mental and phvsical
health between the age* of six and elev
en year*.
Section I. Rr H rnactnf Ac That from (
and after the passage of this act it shall be
unlawful for any person or persons in this
Commonwealth having the charge, control
or care of any child or children of sound
mental aud physiom heallh between th- |
age- of six and eleven years to cause or al- .
low the habitual absence of such ohild or ,
children from attendance at the common ,
schools or from school* known at priva's <
schools or academies, or from other sources ,
of regular and ccinpetant education; and ,
such permission or neglect on ths part of |
the |>er*on or persons aforesaid, shall be .
deemed a misdemeanor, and upon convit- .
tion thereof, he, she or they so offending,
shall b sentenced to pay a tins not exced
ing one dollar for each snd every child, HI d
for eech and everv day so absent from tbeir
neglect or permission a* aforesaid, or un
dergo an imprisaament in th# county jail <
or work house for a period not exceeding |
one day for each and every child, and for ,
each and every day so absent from their .
neglect or permission, or both nt the di*
rrelinn of the court.
The shove it s espy of the first section of
shill introduced in the I'< uttsylvania Lex*
i.lnture, to "compel psrents to send thsir
children to scheol st ths tender age of six
years, psy s fine or go to jail. Think of s
poor widow, who is obliged te wash or sew
to maintain her small children, say she has
two, who do not go to schools, and may
receive Instruction at homo; the children
grabbers demand a dollar a day for each
child for the entire time they are absent,
which may be three months. She cannot
of course pay the flue, and must be torn
fTom her children and suffer imprisonment,
six onths in the county jail or workhouse'
whilst her children are left to starve or b
sent to the poor house. This is the work ot
Republican legislators; this the humanity
and tolerance of the radical party. Con
cerning the spirit of this hill ws shall have
-omethipg ft tbar to say in ths future, not
withstanding the deserved fete it has met
in the Legislature, having been negatived.
That a thousand Instances like the one we
have above noted, are not to immediately
happen in this Btate, i* no fnultofthe Radi- (
cal leaders.—Pittsburg Post.
r During the impeachment trial o
, Governor liolden, of North Carolina
1 a negro swore that lie and four other'
• of his raee had dressed as Ku Kilts
r in February of last ymr in Alaiimnci
i county,ami had whipped three negroes
This was one of the acta which (lover
jnor liolden had pleaded in justiliea
,'lion for plat ing Alamance county un
. :der innrtial law.
1 "Washington rcporu say that Seiut< i
• Huinner is about to make a hitter at
lack on (Jrani. Hut (irant's friend*
' say that if hitters had any effect or
I hint he would have died in St. laiuis
• ♦ •
The |>ring Utiii of rmf. il Mom'i
; high. school, at Centre Hall, will com
meiicc April lOth. Stutlenls fiom
abroad invited.
• ♦ *
W • list e r.-. ••!<•.I the ltrt nuuitx-r of
ouw eandidate for jmblje favor . alleil
I Oner a M 'rrk. the Y otiitg Ladies' Own
I Journal, published hy t rank l.nllt, New
York. It* original tales, ItW llllscelluueou*
luwlter, iti admirable illustration* anil
carefully selected faahloli plate*, together,
I forut aii eirellent Jier|ndieal, nil especial-
I I ly adapted to the lire*ids.
'■ A Saw IfKaLTII JoLttHAU llra'lkatul
■ Huutt I* the title of new Health Maga
zine, of (I |iasn royal Oftavo. just issued
HI very neat form hy W ft. l)x I't r A
KHOTHKM, HU6 Hroadway, New York. In
their proaiiectua the Publisher* promias a
, high-lolled, practical liealh journal. • diled
not iii the interest of any medical party or
I clique, hut one which >fiall "gleen from all
lleldt, hold under eolltrihution all triuo'l
U/mn/iriar, and seek ail from all ititelli
| Rent aeei asihte teachers." The first num
'her now before u# has a v aried and itivil
ing table f contents, whieh needs only to
be seen ill order to awaken attention. It
furnishes hot only a number of elaborate
ly prepared paper*, hut also a great varii
ty of miscellansou* "fail*, hints, remedies,
etc.," for the family circle. The publish
lers offer it to subscriber* at $1 AO a vi-sr,
| and call for cant assert in all part* of the
• country, to w hoin they w ill pay large
cash commissions.
Parana' .Wt i< ai. MOXTMLV.— Devoted
to Mtiic and matter* appertaining thereto
[ Kacli No. contains about 26 sheet* of muaie
, for instrument* and NIN J L PstHl
660 Broadway, N. Y. s•'( a year, tingle
j conies, SUcts each
Content*.--God fill's* the Little Church
around the Corner; Katv Mac Seal. Hong
and Chorus; My Dear Old Sunny Home,
.tfigttone. Hong and Chorus; Heaven
claim* her as an Angel. Trio and Chorus;
Jesu*. 1 my Cross have Taken, tjuartet;
I will arise and go to my Father. Sacred,
troot> lIniLTH —A Journal of Physical
and JUenul-Culture AU s A/oore, 21
Farnklin St. Boston, .Mouthly "JU eta. 5
yearly $'J; six Co pic, $lO
(oa ten Is—The Water we Drink—War
Surgery—tin Poisons—Public tfurder and
Suicide— What to Eat—Condiments—Con
sumption—The Alchemists, Ac. Ac.
rpilK MAHIC CtiMß will change any
X colored hair or heard to a permanent
black or brown. It contains no poison.
One comb sent by mail for sl. Dealer*
supplied at reduced rate* Address Win
Palloii Trca* Springfield. M* 10 mr 4
\\T A NTKD ti
; it our new 1100 l v, "HISTORY OF
ITALY iillustrated. 1 hy John H C.
A . Mvtt. A splendid *ubjec( and popular
lauthor. B U RUSSELL. Publisher, Bo -
'ton, Mas*. mtrlO-ft
I fio you want a situation a* salesinaii at or
1 near home, to sell our new * stand White
Wire Clothe* Lines to la*t for ever llont
IBIS* this chance Sample free. Address
Hudson Kiver Wire Mills, ll*m St., N Y,
or 16 Ilearborn St.. Chicago. tnarfU it
LA. A lady who had suffered for
Iyears from Dcaftie**, Catarrh and Surofula,
; was eurcd hy a simple remedy. Her ym.
I pathy and gratitude prompt* her to send
: the receipts free of charge to any one -i
--iinlarly afflicted. Adores* Mrs. M C
1 LKOUS.it, Jersey City, N J. marlo 4t
AND BUYE&B arc notified.?ht> better
! and cheaper Jar than was ever known will
' tie supplied This Jar excells in every
quality and requirement, and will outsell
! and.can undersell any and all other*. It
wilt sell itself. Important Price list for
,1871. now readv and sent frc. Add res*
CHAR. . INLAY' A SON, No 221
Dock M Philadelphia .-;••
The most uaeful, ornamental, sensible
and popular of subscription book*, i*
•'Physical Trainning of Children.,' jul
out. It ha* splendid Steel Platea, 1# ri~hly
bound, and rrcy Father and Mother who
tees it wants it. It bat no opposition and
j delivers elegantly. The first agent o;ji
cleared s2l,ii in five hour*' h'o modern
book like this übw splendid terms Cir
cular* sent frctt Canvassing Rooks only
$1 New World Pub. Co.. s. w. cor 7th
and Market Sis., Philadelphia. roarHMt
BI.Uk TK.4
with the Green Tea Fla-
Ureal Atlauth'A Pvifie Tea Co , Schurch
St N'rv York "P. O. B>* ffiflG. Send for
Thea N eclarCircular. r 1U.41
ST LOUIS, MO. 27jnt>
For fast selling papular subscription
Books. Extra JnJHrc;pihW M Agents.!
Information free. Address Am. Book Co ,
$2 William St. ti-T. frh24 4t
♦lO Made From 50 eta!
Something urgently needed by every
body. Call and See ; or 12 samples sent
{postage Mid) for fX) eet*. that retail easily,
fur flu K. L. WOUXJTT, 181 Chatham Sq..
N Y.
day) U> sell the celebrated LIOMK SLIL'T
make* the "lork ttilca" (alike on
both side*.) and \% fully UrrrttrJ. The bet
and cheepest family Sewing Machine in
the market. Addreas, JoHgaos, Clakk
Am., B*ton, Mass., PitUburg. Pa.. Chi
cago. 111., or St. Lwuis, Mo,-. 27jnW
Gettergl Agents NVatifcd
for firoesbcck's Calculating machino rapid
accurrate, re I able, simple, Easily opera
ted, cheap and beautiful.
Giving instantaneous additions or *nh;i
tractions, taking from 1 to five columns of
figures at a time, carrying and borrowing
it* own ten*, hundreds, etc., without the
least thought on the part of the opera
tor. Addreas, 7.1 KG LK It A McCUK
DY. Philadelphia, Pa __ feh'-'l 4t
Over one thou-and illustrations. The
largest best selling, and most attractive (
uh-cription book ever published. One
agent In Denrer, Colorado, sold lUO oopie*
in 4 day* One agent in Milwaukee <>ld
30 copies in 4 day. slid a large number
from 20 to copie- per day. Send for,
Circulars, with tcrm at once. Address
(T S PUBLISIIINO CO., 411 Broome!
St.. N. Y. fcb'i4.4t
REDUCTION OF PUK ES* to conform.
Pi Bcduetlon of Duties.
aiiEx TS\ visa < COSSUMKKS,
Send fur our New Price List and a
Club form will nocompany it, containing
full directions— making a large saving to.
consumer* and remunerative to club or
The 6reat American Tea Co..
.11 A* 88 I'wtviMrrfl,
P. 0. Box As 43. NKWYt )K K Jtliaii. lit
Carbolic Tablets.
Prepared bylkr. IVKIdX
The moat important discovery of the nge:
is this wonderful Healing and Cleansing
agent for all dissaae* or weakness of thej
Respiratory organs, Sore Throat, Sudden
(Join, 11 orsrneaa, Catarrh. Asthma. Dryness
of the Throat or Windpipe, diseases of the
Lungs and for all irritation of the mucuous
All vocalista and public speakers vvlto
-peak and sing without effort. u*c those Tab
lets, their effect in clearing the voice is sim
ply astonishing as can be show n by num
erous certificates.
Dr. Wells' Carbolic Tablets
set directly on the mucuous membrane and
should he promptly and freely taken in all
exposure or violent change of weather, a*
they equalixe the Circulation of the Blood
and thus ward otTall tendency to colds and
Lung difficulty.
The proprietor* would **y, all first class
medicines have their Imitations, and they
C A UTION the public against imposition by
having other tuedicinas thrust upon them
in place of these admirable Tablets. Jolts
Q. KXLLOOO, 84 Piatt at. N. Y. Sole Ager.t
Sold by Druggists. Price 26 cents a box.
,f VT )TI('K. Letters >•( VdininUtratio®
, ii upon the i-tate of Da-". I Condk), lata
•f (irevg twp., d< d. having been granted
"* the undersigned, all persona ktiowingthem.
[, olve* indented to raid estate aro hereby
~, called upon to come forward aiiduoike set
tlement without delay, find those having
'• claim* to present them properly nuthenti
r- eated.
I'Yltl'S CO NIK),
1 ■ i,u It..fit .hlm 'uitfrntora, j
lW ItLY BOSK I"I \Tol • Tin
1* uudersigaed ha* a large i|ii'inii(y of the
I Early f(o-e Potatoes for "all Thre pota
lajtoc" are earlier and yield more largely
tliun any other kifol. To liehnd at rea*otia
"! Ile rates
marlU.tt Centra llill l
Norway Oats.
" Arrxat ios FA NO KM- The umiemign-j
odotfer*a large quantity.if Norway OaUfurj
'•ale. This >■*(* yield* twiee a* iniieh #j
aj any other .at* It vis.-. -Hmgle But hill
,1 M.UI or three Bu*h<la fS,(W. Order* may j
i, lie left at the old Fort and accompanied j
, hf the eash, or hy railing U|M,i the under
,, signed near Farmer* Milt*,
I) ' feb26 Vitt. JA* A Vl't'l lMti K
f|K lt\Pl K I Ml CTION
1 Notice is hereby given, thai an alec-1
tiun of the stock holder* of tile It. Hi futitr,
( .\aruit-burg A Youiigmonstown Turnpike
, 1 ('"liijissv, wilt beheld at the public houar
'| Of Geo Miller, at W.-Hlw.rd, . the #©• j
olid Tuesday, of March, 14th, IMJt, be
' (ween the hour* of ID m-lock, a in., and 4
Ij p. m , for llie pur|M>* of electing five di
tractor* for the eiuuuig yimr. Hv order o|
''the Board.
I ltom F.i-i ta
i felCl tlt President
J. H. Rcifsnyd r
>, Justice of the iVsce, Kurvcjror, mid
1 Conveyancer.
Attvtid* to collection*, surveying and
dividing of Uud*. Particular attention
given to those having land, or property for
' .ale, or de-iring to buy. Deed- Mortgage*
' Ae.,Ae; drawn and aeknowledged upon
* short notire, and reasonable term*.
Office over Snook s H.ore Millheiin, Pa.
feb 10.$ m
; News! See Here!
The undersigned hereby inform* the
[ ciltxens of Penn-va)lfl{jr that he ha* pur
chae.l the Tin-hop heretofore carried on
i by the C. II Mf g Co., and wll. eonltnuc
■ toe same, at the <dd stand, in all it* branch-
I; as, in the manufacture of
I All kinds of repairing done. He ha*
' always on hand
Fruit C'tttut, uf all Kiita,
All work warranted and charge* reason
able. A share of tin- public patronage so
licited AND BEES MAN.
TbepTVv Centre Hall j
dealers in J
also all the
A very targe a*.
surtinent of Tot
t.KT A art. 1.*.-.
Soaps, Ac., Ac.,
The fito-t qua)-
L ity of B AX o a
Stkkl, POCK rr
, | and Bxxoa-.
i PEES 4 KIPTKINS. comjonded bv com
; potent druggist* at alt hours, day or night.
I! Night customers pu I night hell.
i BishopßC, Bellefoute Pa.
|| iunlH | _
'lff YOFPI* TRIMMINGS, a Urge aaaort
' Just *i a Sratfil Harclape
I'rttt tir rents.
A Ltntt aKov; TTTK NA'.t aK.Tnr VTJXENT
Cure of Seminal Weakru---, or S|H-rtuator
rh.wa, induce*!, by Self-Abuse, Involunta
; ry Ktnissiou*. Impotency, Nervous Dcbili
't v, and Impediment-to Mamag.- generally",
(Con-umpUon, Kpilejoy. and Pits: M.-titai
and Phvsical Iro apneilv. Ac. Bv Roll
J. CULVER WELL, Si. l. Author ot
the "Green Book,'* A< - .
The world-renew n<nl author, in this ad-j
mirahlc I*ecturr. cleafly j,r>ve-frotn hi* j
>!owtt that the awftil ctinse-j
'jquouce* id Self Abuse may be
. removed without mediciena, and without i (
{ dangerous surgical operations, bougies, in
! ttruinenu, ring*, or cordials, (>uintiiig out •
' mode of cure at oncy frrtaii; aud effectual
by which every sufferer, no matter what his
condition may bv, may cure him*elf cheap
-1 i Iv, privately and radically. THIS I.Et'-
Sent, under seal, in a plain enve ope, to
any address, patlpaid on receipt of six
j cent*, or two *ut :a,up
. J% tsp," Dr. Cutverwell'a '"Marriage
j Guide. ' price 2-*> cent*.
Addreas the Publishers,
.127 Bowery, New Y'ork. l'o*t-offioc Box
4.688. sep'Lly
On Allegheny Strwt.
1 Having purchased the entire stock of Good*
from l*-vi A Miller, arid
1 arc now preparcj to MecoromodaU' v!l the
••Id Jriend* of the c*tahlis|imtnt, and host
ofnewopp*. w kerp constantly on hand
C'OLFI*E, 'I ca, SUJ^AR,
Syrup, Di inl Fruit,
CunjU'U Fruit, Hants. ;
Drietl Reef, Sglt,
I'k'kles, Butter, Flour i
Corn Meal,
Buckwheat Flour,j
and everything usualy kept in a well n-gti- (
latcd first cla* Grocery Store
luartl.tiiii RUULa OAULT.
Physical Life of
Man and Woman,
mors I, chaste, and thoroughly -cirntiflc •
i work on the t dlowing highly ini|w>rtaut
subject* : Change of Life. le>vc, Court-hip, *
Ouiiliticntiou- for n Happy Marriage,
Physiology of Marriage, h.trly It !ation 1
of Hii-lmtid and wife. Duti"> aud Experi
ence of wife and Mother. Care of Mthei
and Child. Mysterp-s of Reproduction, Mo l
rat and I'hysica' Tian-mi-sion, an I kin
dred topic*, from the highc-t authoritii - in , (
Europe. Price S2.U). Sai • immense j
Freight paid on lunik- ami cantn-itiy'
I book* free. Pot Cir< nlar* and TestimonL 1
al* adjre-*, PARMELKF V CO. IM
; Race t., Cincinnati, O, marlU,st 1
HANDJJ ELLS and Door Bella, all si
/.* and kinds at
ir*ISH ING TACKLES, rod-line*, hook
I flii'-. sea hair basket*, etc. Rig you
out to catch trout at
other Japanned ware, at the Anvil Store. |
, aplO' oß. IRWIX A Wtmox.
(TANNED FRUITS, peaches, tomatoc*
> pine apjile*, and IM-U- in great varie
nt BURNS!DE .% THtiv AS'
BOOK A>- U MutrnM
fllu-tration- to any Book agent, free >i
charge. Addrc-s, National Publishing
' Un. Philadelphia, Pa. fcli24.4| ■
i J 1 R U ii E II A.
Evana' Gift Book Enterprise.
j We continue to send a valuable gift with
. every book bought ot us. Thousands will
1 testily to our promptness and fairoots,
'itiive us a trial. Write for n catalogue
' Sent free. Address, I). M. EVANS &
l !CO., 721 Market Street, Philadelphia. Pa. I
■\ feb24.it j
i i
i ronic one and all!
At The Old Stand
j The f jryctt Arriml of Sjsriwj and
Summer (ioad.
at Centre !(*!(.
Ilnta, Cap*, Roots, Shoe*.
also a lar-t- „ * ,{
FISH, the beat, all kind*,
the Wert and cbe*|>M in the market.
Wolf's Old Stand.
P 4
No ~r tomers,
ap"i4Gß.y. WM, WOLP.
COAL-- \YiikmWiTP Cal, ClwdaaL
Stove, En, furnare and fbiiirlry.
Coal—lo vl quality, at the low
cat price*. Cm -turner* will plca*<
not# that our coal it housed un
der commodious fhrtb.
LI ME - Wihhl . rcoa|-Lurnt Lino-, for fair
at our kiln, • n the pike leading to
PO W DKR—• Having r crirel the agency
for Du Pout's Powder At
WHOLESALE, we shall be
;<lca-ed to receive order, from
the trade.
(lice and yard near -oulh end of Raid
Kagie Valley K. R. Depot, ButtrfcMte, Pa.
STE it N It E It 0
ila been to the extreme end of the
market. For BOOTS A SHOES
to Boston.
For DRY GOODS u New York.
For CLOTHING to Philadelphia.
Vfc-Kaih article bought directly
from the Manufacturer, with a de
fire to uh thi* tnarkcUggf
FIX EALPAC AS from 10c to 75c the
tnert—equal to $1,25 alpaca*.
SUlTS—from sloto $lB. best all
VtNil Ca*iuieie.
Vvlle Intcndf to cliwr out bi
Carpels at old rati-, tram SO cent* to 75j
ccnu per yard, for the best.
And felling from 124 to IS cent*, the be*
calicoes, and muslin* in proportion, at
Women'* Shoo*, common rh1, to wca
all summer, at $1 per pair
Fine Root* from s">, Vto s7,*t) for
at the lowest rate*, it mi oold at 1857 prico
S V 1 T S,
from slo.(ti to *IS for the be-t.
and if it aint true. Ktcrnberg will treat.
They only *k people to come and see
fven if they do not *ih to buy.
17*1 NK TABLE CUTLERY, including
(tinted forks *tH.ns, v Vc, at
'pilF. ANVIL STORK ia now receiving
I. a large and well assorted Stock o'
Hardware, Stove*, Nail.-, Horse Shoe*, Sad
dlery, Gin--. Paints, Sheet. Bar and Hoof
Iron also Buggy ami Wagon Stock ol
every description!—■Call and supply your
-elves atthe lowest possible rates at
SPICES of all varieties, ground to ordct
_ and warranted to he strictly pure.
It is the onlvplaeeyou can llnd unadultera
ted spire*. Try them ftr your own satisfac
tion. You can lv 2nd them at
Offer to tha Public one of the
largest and best selected stocks ttf merehan
<li*e. in Centre county. Call, examine and
eo for yourself.
FINE GROCERIES, Uiocha coffee, ole
gov. lava, best quality Rio coffee,
nest oolong black tea*. gr:en teas, lovering
syrup, golden syrup. Drips fine article bak
ing molasses, rice and everything in the
grocery line at the lowest cash price* in th
uiarketBURNSlDK A THOMAS', i* th.
S"TT7TT> i >T< ) v i-lsi"""
Mr. Andrew Remuan, would resuect
! fully inform the vitiiena ol Centre Hall,
that he now has on hand all sizes of Coal
stove*—Gas Burners—which he offers a>
low its elsewhere. Give hint a call and go
: and see his stock before purchasing vl*e
! where. ' \ibTlß,tl
1 1 M 4 \
I 5 °4-
(l Pavaavae Dai !**• **♦•
ovit celebrated
i jg 1 ea.ee. *—.
o, WeSTKKM PtltaWllO Co.
r Manufa tatw*' Ain**, PhtstaMgh. K i
Vfjanly .
h. h ml. a ia. * aviTgaa
Attorneys at Law, Boliefonte,
JOic i, on the Diamond, neat door to Gar
man'* hotel. Cenaultatlona In German ot
Engl h. MtWmf gj
f ACoR KIIoNK. At to racy at law
J BrlleJuMo. penn a., will attend promp
jly to all legal burthen# entrusted to bis
caw.—Office with 4. F Potter, near the
) Court House. Coufuitationa in German
; or English. JeepTDy
TOHK V P(TTKR Attermey tfla w
J Collertiouf pr.jfptly made vna special
attention given to these having land* ot
property for sale. Will draw np and have
i noknowledg**! Deed*. Mortgegaw, Ac. Of
lee in the diamond, north aide nf the
court bouse, Bellefunte.
•invar naot-gtcanorr.
Prefident, Cashier.
(Late Milliken, Hoarer A Cn.)
And Allow latereet.
Discount Notea,
Buy and Ke
j Goverutnent Kecuritiee, Gold and 1
,' Spiu UMf Campon*.
I" AS. MM AN UK, Attorney M Law
(J BellsfuoU, promptly attend*4-> all bo
■■ne* entrusted to him. jalAdhtf
F FORTNET, Attorney at Low
a BcilrftnU, Pa. Office <*r Ray
aold * bank. may H dPtf
la. v. M'tLLMrta, OHtsl Baavaa
ta'Akurrsa a vzaish
Bellefante, Centre Co., Petta'a. epOhf
Acimer m (At ddannwa.
C. H. Gutelius,
HBrgron and Mcrhaitiat! Bradtt
who t* p< rtnanently located In Aaronsbure
in the office formerly occupied by Dr. New,
i and who baa been practicing with entir*
*ucoea—having the* vje-rienon of a number
I .f year* in the prof—-ion, he would oerdi
•lly invite all who bare a* yet not gi<er
him a call, to do an, and lost the trulhfnine**
i tC thi* a-*< rt*n. JMHTtaffi eatraeted
without pain. meyS"ffiitf
WHITE FLSil,Herring. Marker*!. *c., a*
SltOK-M A KKILS TOOLS and indtngr
in ail their varietto*. at
P* I N if F, M. P., Ptidilw ffijC
• peon, Centre Hall, Pa., offer* hi-
fcrvicee to the citiaena of Pel
■jft and adjoining township*. Dr. Xrffha*
•.he evpenener of 23 j<*r in thv activ*
practice of medicine and -argery. spiff#
cian and .Surgeon. Putter Mill*. Pa..
Jlfrr* ha* profcwaional serv ice* U> the citt
tea* of Puttci township. mrdG.'Z'.ti
Chas. H. Hold,
( lock. IValciimaker dh If gflpi
MiUhctm, Centre Co., l'etttta.
Ronticthilly inform* hi* friend* end tin
public in general, that h„ kv juct openec
•this new -:al>ii*hmfitt. above Aleian
der's Store, and keep* constantly on hand
•II kind* of ('leek*, Hatches and Jewelrv
of the Ut*t at e tun, a* also the Maranriu*
Patent Calender Clucka, provided with r
complete index of the month, and day o*
the month and week on it* face, which k
warranted a* a nerfect time-keeper
IffiCladtt, \Vetcher and Jewelry m
paired on ibort notice and warranted
rvo. n. uavia. c. T. at Kxx.vpxa
httrney*-at-law. Office inCoarad House.
Beilcfoate, Pa.
with Orvisdt Alexander, attend* to collec
tions and practice ia the Orphan . Court.
Furniture Rooms!
T '-*pecttufly informs the citizen* of Centre
••ouniy. that he ha*<ran*untly on hand, and
makes to order, all kind* of
Hi* s.'ock of reedy-made Furniture ialarg
and warranted of good workmanship and :
all made under hi* own immediate*upcr\ i
sicn. and i* offered at rate* a* cheap a*el*e
where. Thankful for part favor*, he *olie
it* a continuancoof the same.
Call and see hi* stock before pureharit
elsewhere. ap2sl'B.l.v-
Tan .
The undersigned would respect foil- n^
form the eitiaen* of Centre county, that
the above Taa Yard will again be* put in
; full operation, in all it* branches, by them.
The highest market price will be paid
for Hides of ail kind*. The highest mar
ket prico will h'.-O be paid for Tanner's
■ Bark. The public patronage i* solicited.
j Satisfaction guaranteed.
lb.tweel) Market and Arch, formerly lo#.-
Carpets. Oil Cloths. Ot! Shades, Wick
; 7 am, Cotton Yarn*, thtrjwt Chains, Grain
'V?5' PajM-r, Rntting. Ac Also,
Bruslms, Looking Glasses, Ae. dtct-ly
T> L t'lrin-isMTN7N< TA kY* >U B-
and Conveyancer. Deeds, Bond*, Mort-
I gages, and all instrument* of writing faith
} fully attended to. Special attention given
[to the collection of Bounty and Pension
claims. Office nearly opmite the Court
• House, two doors above Mes*r*. Bush A
Yocum's Law Office Bellefunte. P*
| lttjtllllv
: 1 OCALKS, at wholesale and rt tnih cheap
|lO()TS, large stock, all styles, sizes and
1 ffpnee*. for men and boys, iurt arrived
! at Wolf well known old Stand.
j a EATHER, of alt descriptions, frouch
i | jf a < skin, t oatiish sole leather, utoroc
cos sheep ikius, liuing*. Everything
II in the leather I .nc warranted to give satis
faetion. at U' RNSIDK A THOMAS.
CLOTHlNG—Overcoats, Pant*, A*est*,
and Dress Coats, cheap, at Wolf*.
CIATION.-Forthe Relief and Chlm or
the Krni g and Unfortunate, on Princiule*
of Christian Philanthrope.
• Esssys on the Errors .f Youth, and tie
1 Follies of Age, in relation to M AKHIAOK
and -SOCIAL Evtu, with sanitarvaid forthe
afflicted. Sent free, in scaled "EtJVelone*
; Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. julls.lv
ttO fwr Monlh. Tbe bu Mllln* book etc M ui. a
Ml. AaeaU Who nil uur n„ w wo ;J;■ tK "" t "" PMtt,
tT<- no romiK tlnoß. Thar* meter we* ■ book hmsluJ
like - W, *eU tt, RfflfflflUo
Menu ue n..w ir.kin* from EW to <4 per month "7
bjok M pette t)cr£i., Center
ml fm o iMtiiaiion. We want lood Jt|y Avnis*
men who can fully Apprclat tb niprtii 11 jt*