** Kiss Me, Mamma. 7 Elm those 116s before they cube In their silent, soft repos*— I I That the littk life mg tortm|%; Blissful, as an sngwlh iresm| Ail too coon, ths rSSo will hi | And the sm light sink in sh*4w I And the britrm stars disappear 1 With each quickly fleeting yus4. If avium on that lovelit brow, (All so brightly joyous now) f lire another sun go down. Will sparkle an immortal crown. And the little lips we gMt j Lovely, yet Jorora, so stltl. See your mother bonding law O'er that littlf couch of enow 1 Shu.l leringly she nsMt ui weeps, But the bsbstmcm ANP NWW Pi+cm FOB Kaxawo FOVTLS.—Dttring 1860. I raiseil about 150 fowls on an old where fowls had been'ridsed more or less for years. The oonseqleuee was, I lost at least one third of batched by the mnrh-dread •d gape*; F,sried uairlr all the reme- • dies recommended, but my only suc cess vv in removing the worms with a feather for the purpose. This J ear, I am on a new place where no owls we* evec Jfaspt, I set my tort hau j on January 39th , I have now about 140 chicks out gome one third grown, and not a single fass of gapea or other sick ness yet; treatment t lie same in both ▼ears.— PorAry- Bulkii*. Fan* IvnrtrktNTS. K.ep constantly in a tool-bpuse.a dry cloth and an oiled 'one. W'Heua tool is brought in, as it always isweben the day's work ia done, it is cleaned and wiped with the dry cloth. I# it is not to be used the next day, the oiled cloth is then robbed over it. WTießeveH.*Y cultivator is not to be j used the fettewiag day, it is brought in ! and cleaned. By pursming this course through miner, every implement is kept bright and ready for use. In adili tion to tneee, hoes, -hovels, spades, Ac., are kept sharp. All this time use lard oil, bat there is no further use for • ploughs 9r cultivators, give .them a good ooat of hnaeed oiL This forms a cover ing that it imMmious totuoistare, and the tool is a* bright in ilie spring as' when iaia avruy in the fall. PorxTBT SOTIETT. —A convention of poultrv breeders was held in New York, to revue tlu scale of points of fowls, and to correct Jbc errors in the American scale of S. J. Beaton, of Hartford,Ct.. TO chosen chairman, and A. M. Halsteai, of Rye, N. T., secretarv. Mr. M. C. Welds proposed to make t&e standard number of points 100, instead of the EafKsh system of 15. This was discussed at a great length. It was nnanimourtri agreed to ignore weight in the list of points. Twisted feathers in Asiatic Cxicwiri* were decided a disquali fication. It was decided that the head and comp should constitute two separate points. *The question of disqualifying vulture Vatture Hawk Brahmin* led to a long discussion One of the most important points of the session was the adoption of the fol lowing resolution, presented by Mr. ' Halstead: i . i&wifeedri'hat the Convention recom mend to tbe several societies in the United fttttcs that the following article be incorporated in the rules : That each exhibitor mall be required to name the breeder, together with the owner, in each entry they moke Dowzspl RBCXIPTH. -Buckvheat Qihst. —Two cqp of bncktthoat, one cap of: flour, one-half cup of yeast, mixed to a athin batter. Let it rise over night. Before cooking add two tea spoonfulg of white sugar and one of soda. Rich Small Oiice*. —Beat together three teaspoonfica of buttef, three of sugar, three eggrt* threp cups of flour, one-half grated nutmeg. 801 l out thin and cut in small cakes. A NicdAWay to Bake Applet.—Take nice sou£*kpies, dig out tile cores, place the applesm a deep dish or tin, fill the cavities wftere'fhe cores come out with sugar, pod! a cup of hot water in tha tin ; bakpy a quick oven, and you will have a hmfthfel and palatable dish. Orang^Pufkfixg. —Take four good sized oragges, peel, ssed and cut into small pi*sa Add a cup of sugar and let it steflfl. Into one quart of nearly boiling dmk stfr two taoleapoonfuls of corn staitth mixed with a little water and the yolksW three eggs. When done let it cool, alt then mix with the orange. Make a fateting of the whites of the eggs and half #kup Of sugar. Spread it over the top pudding, and place for a few minqtos in the oven to brown. RocutimtPork:—k small incision is made in me meat and stuffed with a Tittle seasoned with sage, pepper qpl salt Pork should always be thoroughly cooked.' 'The fat should be remorm from the brown gravy, a little water added, but no flour, boiled, and sent tag table in a gravy dish. Apple sauce, oaion sauce, and fresh boiled potatoes,*tare the necessary accompani ments. ' A Fojqpiii Congressman went outapding-yrith his sweet heart, and, in riß own words : '' We were Bear ing a fin#l sliirt of woods, the homes at their beftfttpeed. I had determined in my own ynifld that when we reached a particulagmpot I would * pop' the ques tion, andfp I did, but would you believe - me ? shempd no. Just as the word es caped hanipsl purposely ran the sleigh over a Etamp. Out we went, she to cool her pera in the snow, and I to coun teract ttSlamage She had given my af fections. Her first words after getting beck in tte.nleigh were: 'Excuse me, sir, I wished to tell you to notice the stomp.' *We often refer to the sleigh tide, but to this day she believes it was an accident. We live near the Indiana hue—a divorce is not wanted." New* Summary. j A UTTTK boy playing iu an Ohio gmve van! pulled a tombstoue over and killed ; himself. f has. Da. t'oog, of Buffalo, had an j income Wt year of nearly SIB,OOO from | her medioal practice. Tnc lowa IVimvrstio State Conven tion is called to meet at Bee Miunea, on Wcduesdoy. June 14. 1* a fight at Auburndals. M.w , a man I was knocked iqioii the railrood track and i run over by an expross-train. j Hit wife of Mehemet Ali ivvpiiroa five i himdovl eamela ti> transport her luggagi , when she goo* to the springs. 1 Tub riaiAna Diario intimativ* the d im age caused by the Cxban revolution at peer two hunilreil millions of dollars. It ia believed tliat tlie prineiiial pre airvative aulwtanee used iu embalming the mummies of Egypt waa carl*ilio acid i in the crude state. Owrvr* seventy-two feet long can l* 4 ! distinctly seen on the surface of the ui>*ni iby the givat telescoj*m of the Earl of 1 lioAsc and Lonl Oxmauton. ' Tn* revenue officers of Nan Francisco mad.' a raid upon the Chinese and cap tured fourteen unlicensed cigar-maker*, who only worked in tlie night time. I A DMFAXVH from Berlin says tlie war contriluitron of $00,000,000 franca exacted .from Pari* has lieim apj*irtionevl—l3o.- j 000,000 to North Uennany and 5t1,000,000 ■ to South tternuiiiy. A rtuvaTE tutor in London. Engliuid. ha* roceutly beeu committed to prison for having sum-ptitioualy o\itain*t fnuu a printers <*>iy of the queatiou* tliat hod Ime n prepared for the examination of hi* class. ACCORIUNO to a statistical rejxirt sub mitted to the Legislature, there wen (6,693 uiarriagi-s. 30,738 births, and 10,- 790 death* nsMrde.l in New Jersey du -1 ring 1870. The ui*rnsg\i registry is in- j complete EVKB* lime a shot is fired from • Krupp's 1,000-poonder it .art* the IVus sian government 800 thalera. and the 1 :nonst multiplied, and, from lin ing in the ; woods, have become fierce, so much so ' that it i* necessary to organize a force ' for their extermination. THE census return* show a considerable decrease in New England iu the amount of land reported under cultivation, owing in part to tlie abandonment of less fertile ' lauds constantly going on, and likewise a decrease in the amount of production of . stable grains and live stock, while there is shown a large increase in tlie crops which are properly comprised under the classi fication of vegetable, farm or garden pro ! duct*. THERE is a Freuch journal published at Yokohaima which, during the war. up to the present time, has hardly had ; room to print accounts of all the French j victories ! In consequence, the crews of the French men-of-war iu that part are jubilant, and officer* on l**ml tlie Prus sian frigates Medu*a and Hertha (also there) have been writing home anxiously j inquiring if there is anything left of Germany worth saving! INDIANA leads the van of the corn growing states of the west. From the mouthly report of the Department of i Agriculture for January we learn that the average yield per acre of corn in the ' west for the year 1870 was as follows : Ohio, 39 bushels ; Indiana. 39.5; Mich igan, 37 ; Wisconsin, 38 ; Minnesota, 133 : lowa, 32 ; Illinois, 35.2 ; Missouri, 31.4 ; Kansas, 28 ; Nebraska, 29.9 ; Ar kansas. 31.8 ; Tennessee, 25.8 ; Ken tucky, 32.1. A BAN JOSE CaL, paper report* that a i well-dressed mau has l>een in it* vicinity ( for several days searching the hollows of the trees for treasure which he concealed j there over thirteen year* ago. He ho* • found but one portion of it, the balance having doubtless been discovered and 1 carried off by other parties, rhe man states that in 1857 he was suddenly called East and had not time to secure his prop ' erty before the steamer started. Is the State Prison, at Chariest-own, - Mass., there is now confined one of the . most extraordinary rogues in existence. Beginning hi* career of crime in York, Pcnn.. twenty years ago, while yet a boy, by the perpetration of arson, and being 1 now lps* tlian thirty-seven years of age, he has filled np the interval with a series of offences, and has figured in courts and 1 prisons ander a multitude of aliaaea, such l as no other American culprit or male factor has ever equaled. THKRS was a brilliant wedding iu the : West the other day, and all parties sc -1 companied the happy couple to the depot | where the new husband tenderly bade ! bis bride farewell for the time, and she i started off on a wedding tonr with her uncle. The gentleman's business would not permit his absence at this season of > the vear without incurring possible losses and losing important business opportuni j ties, and be believes in attending to j business liefore pleasure. | COLORADO rejoices in being warm du ' ring most of the day* in Winter, and finds an explanation for this happy fact I in the warm trade winds of the Pacific, 1 that nome straight from the equator and the East Indies, and rush over the Rooky i Mountains so rapidly—in twenty-four hours—that the eternal Know cannot cool | them. Such occasional cold days as ■ Colorado has it attributes to the cold winds out of the Mackenzie River and Hudson's Bay regions, but they are not strong enough to effect much. MR. BOOT, one ot the dead, by the Hudso' River disaster was on his way to Buffalo, where he was to be married as soon as be reached there. The young lady who was to have been bis bride is now at one of the hotels in Ponghkeepsie, heart-broken, and her mind nearly dis traoted. The next day she begged her friends to be allowed to see the mangled corpse of h.T intended husband before they took him away to be buried. They would not let her go near the l>ody, how ever, and she remained in her chamber, moaning piteoualy. A WOMAN, who, with two other ser vants, was left in charge of one of Pitts field's fine residences while the family was 0> a southern trip, became insane, last week, and made a general demolition, so far a* she could, of the silver plate, bijouterie, articlesof vertu, etc. Among the wreck which she piled in the middle of a room were many fine pictures, but she declared that she would not believe the witches when they said her mistress's father wa* a man, and so luckily spared a fine portrait of him. She also had refrained from obeying their com mand to burn the house, but it is doubt ful how long she would have done so had in not been for the prompt arrival of an officer who took her into custody. SOME time since several men had a barbacue near Cuba, Tennessee. As they were returning from their frolic drunk, they broke through the window of the grocery store of Mr. Frank Graves, and saw a yonng man named Schofield, extracting money from the till. Mr. Frank Graves, who was one of the barbacuers, was naturally indignant, and had the young man confined in an ice-hou6e, placing a negro as watch and ward over him. Early in the morning the frolicsome men returned to the ice house and extracted Schofield from it, took him away and hanged him. Three of them, the grocer among the number, now have been brought to trial for mur der, one of their eomradee turned State's evidence. The NfWbnrTport "Fire Bug." The caae of flio ciivcrninoul against Leonard Cboate, the Nowburyport •• Fi I Bug,* tenninatiHl in (ho Supreme Judic ial Court at Satem, Ma**., when (ho pris oner pleaded guilty to netting a house on fire. and wa* uumirwl to confinement in (ho State Prison for lifts For twenty voar* and over. *ay* the Boston J.oirao). NVwburvport ha* Ik-ou vi*ited at intervals by destructive ami mysterious eontlagrntion*. They were in noarlv every instance caused by an in* geniou*ly conatrtioUal inforual machine, ; or " fire box," and wore generally attend ed by anonymous threatening lot tor*. Beyond tli uothing could be traced. It was evident that the incendiary must tni a man well acquainted with the vicin ity. but no one could even suspect who might l*i tire guilty party. About two year* ago it was asserted for the first time that the letter* received were in Chunk*'* handwriting, and yet the belief that he could l*i the criminal gained ground very slowly. Not only waa the suspicion controverted lv every known characteristic of (lie man. but it ana evident that he could uot he the gainer of a dollar from any of the tiro*. Even the inducement of possessing si- I n goods, offrtitl to the w oalltHl " klepto maniac," was uot offered to him, and it was almost unanimously eonaid< red that he waa one of the lo*t men in the world who would l*i likely to have committed so great an outrage. But the chain of cireuuistautial evidence was so strong and so conclusive a# to his guilt, that In* with drew his former pie* of not guilty and pleaded guilty. Taken together it i* one of the most singular ca*e in the annuls of oritue in thisoouutry. It m-ciu*impossible to con ceive the motive that could have actuated hiiu in the oouuuismoii of his great crimen. It waa not a j*vuuiary one. for he has been a loser rather than a gainer by the conflagrations. It could hardly liave lieen a malicious one, for iu the first place Choatc apjiears to have been a genial, kind-hearted person, and in the record, his father, brothers, nearest friend- are among the chief sufferers from his acts. The question of insanity has t*en suggested, but the theory lutru ly seems a lettable one. No one ever sus pected the accused to lie other than perfecly rational, and his entire walk and conversation have ever l*vn consistent with the hypothesis of his canity. Viewed ill all lights, the ease is a truly remarkable one, and in all probability no satisfactory explanation an !*• ottered until the convict elects to make a full and free confession. A SAD SCEXE.—TLIE most heart-rending scene of the Hudson Hivor Railroad dis aster—the dead Fowler family—has la-en removed fur the people of another local ity to mourn over their sail fate. Up to the tune of their removal all the live bodies were laid out in the undertaker's rooms. They were all encased iu rose wood caskets, and the lids wore kept open during a jrt of the day, so that the public mourners could walk in aud view the solemn picture. Here was an entire family who had all perished at one fell stroke, leaving not a single oqe to come after when grief hail brought deejsur aud despair hail brought death. The father and mother lay side by side, beautifully enshrouded, but their disfig ured faces wrapped in white linen aud shut out from view. Near by were two smaller caskets, one containing the son, and the other the eldest daughter. The first was a fair-haired boy aged about 12 years. He was not mutilated in tb least, and the expression on his faee was re markable. It did not resemble that of a corpse, or of a person asleep. He a|>- peaml as if he had simply closed his eyes, feigning sleep, and so life-like was the whole expression that the beholder was almost constrained to believe that theeyes would presently open and the li|*s j>art in a playful smile. His sister, a girl two years younger than the boy, was discol ored on the whole of the right side of the head and face. The rest of her body hail been protected from the fire, all ex cept the thumb aud forefinger at the right hand. The arms were folded across her breast, and the hands were white as snow, save the two fingers thnt were burned to a blink crisp. On one finger of the left hand she wore a tiny gold ring, which she carried to her grave. ()u the other side of the ]*uvnLs was the baby laid out in a small casket, enshroud ed in snowy white. The entire family were removed together and conveyed away to the presence of bereaved friends. Now York State Agricultural Society. At the Annual Meeting of the New Yolk State Agricultural Society the Treasurer's re|>ort ihoiml the following footings : Receipts for the year, $24,- 308.67 : on hand per last report, Sl7.Hi i • 45 ; total, 842,286.12 ; payments, 822,- 133.48 ; leaving on hand £20,152.64. The Nominating Committee reported the list of officers, which was elected : Preside*I — Richard Church, of .Alle ghany. Vice-Pmuhmt* —Thomas H. Falls, Jr., Edwin Thorne, Julian Winne, Frank D. Cnrtis, James Geddes, William A. Joy, Benjamin F. AngcU, and Horace 8. Huntley. Corre*poHrii*tq Secretary —Thomas L Harrison, of St. Lawrence. Tretwirer —Luther Tucker, of Albany. Erecutire Committee —Ailin 'lhayer, Jr., Milo Ingallnlie, of Fordhatn ; Morris Roberta, 8. Swan. Harris Lewis, George H. Brown, Joseph Julian, and Joseph Cole. A NEW RKPTBUC—A Letter from Silver City, Grand County, New Mexico, tells of a new filibustering scheme for the invasion of Mexican territory and the erection of Honors and Chihuahua into the " Pacific Republic." The schemers propose, after securing these States, to annex Hiunidoa and Lower California. It is intimated that the project of the Texas International Railroad through Chihuahua and Sonorn to Guaymas, on the Pacific coast, is a mask for the fili bustering enterprise. The scheme is declared to have the support of } parties in California, Texas, nnd (Chicago, as well as other parties in Mexico, and that a company of five hundred filibus ters, in the guise of railroad laliorersand miners, are to leave Chicago for the theatre of operations early next spring. Sufficient from elsewhere to make up a force of 2,500 men is expected. Mauy of the Silver City miners intend to join the expedition, and assistance is expec ted from discontented Texans. RECENTLY, 32,000 prisoners, and their military escorts, passed through Berlin and had to be received and fed at the military kl'chen at that place. They came in detachments of 1,500 and 2,500 men. Bu( the arrangements for their reception were HO systematic that the crowd brought by one train was alwnva fed and dispersed before the next arrived. Some of theae small armies of prisoners were half famished, and at leant one-third of them were sick with diseases brought on by cold and privation. Thcv appear ed to appreciate' the arraug<*raenta made for their comfort, and the French corpo ra! gave a sum of money, small, though perhaps as large as he could give, to the relief of the German wounded. A STORY or Lronow STREET JAIL.— Ludlow street jail, in New York, is not such an unpleasant place to be in as it might be, all things considered. Two years ago a man from Ohio, named Sam uel Oppenheimor, was put in that jail for swindling and he has been there ever since, and has been making money all the while. Samuel, it turns out, specu lates in Wall street, and whenever he wants to visit Wall street his jailor ac companies him there and back. He pays nothing to speak of for boarding and lodging, merely the extras being charged for, as at any other hotel. SOME BUSBAVDS, it must be admitted, are exceedingly moderate in their little indignations. Thus, on the trial in San Francisco, of Oliver Dale, for enticing away the wife of one J. A. Bergner, the injured husband, being upon the stand, testified as follows: "I came in at times and found his (Dale's) arms around my wife's neck, kissing her, and using endearing language to her; I did not wish to lay hands on him, but I did not think it quite proper." The (Tew of the Safin**. A leaf from the journal of an officer of the Hayinaw, which wout a*horc in the Pacific, u interesting. It five* tin* cloning occurs just before the reoeUc. " After the nailing of the gig on the ISth of November, the thought* of the exile* lelt upon the voyage of the boat, ami they followed tier in imagina tion over the wu*U< of waters, ami Sim 4 - ulntcd u|x hi how long it would Ih> luiiore help would cotue. Counting Jav after day, and saving each night to each other —" the gig is o many day* out to day " —and working silently on the boat*, the time wore inoitotouoush- away, (hut sioimllv of an eveuinu, alter an iijh*uo% good supper of fish —the nearest op proaeh they had ever had to a full Uuitl animal spirits would rise, and songs nud sturv-tcU'Uff would euliven the hour. It is not surprising, however, that the stories generally ran on the subject of good eating. Up to December 11, they had killed and eaten seveutv-fivo saal and twelve hundred ' gojicvs. t hint mas Day- Merry Christina*—lit | nut-til over in the ihw's journal with the simple remark, 4 uuifortn ration.' •January comes on, nud the gig has been absent over sis weeks. Many are getting de spondent, giving her up for lost, while others simply complain of hunger, and work patiently on the see-md cutter which is about tlnUhed. But work pro gre-ses slow Iv, for men civil not work, very briskly on empty stomachs. At length on "the alu-rnoou of tlm ikl of January, the carjs'iitor at work un the large Ik vat (he was encouraged to work by doutile, i. t., half rations) raised his head to wipe the perspiration from hia luce, when he *w a dork smoke in the otliug. Hardly daring to trust hia eyes, he Stooped again to his wtork, hut with a Iveating heart. Hnou linking again to seaward, he felt sure tlitit what lie saw was the smoke of a steamer, and then he shouted. In an instant the whole eauip was in commotion. Wrv soon the vessel came in aight. The Kil auea. and Hawaiian tlsg at her tuailhrod, secin*si to those half-famished, half* clothts) mariners, 4 o rainbow in the skies.' " Front the diary tiie following extract is made : 44 January 3, 3:30 p. M. —Hurrah I Sail Ho ! Commotion ! (treat excito ment! TikvLs dropped * if red-lnA. Kui* bracing ami geiientl joy throughout tin camp. A faint sjHi-k of smoke was dis cerned Viy Mr. ltyan ; have no reeolhi-- tion how I got tuy gUcwca, but (numl them in my hands ; in a twinkling had a look, amt saw a steamer ten wllee away. The steamer cLkr! iu town:da the shore, and dipped her colors. We no sod cur largest ihig and made a reap"oivr diji. Many of tin- shipwrecked mariner* n-, untitled awake that night. The arrival of the steamer seemed hke n dream Hut th • morning dispelled *ll doubt and fears, there lav the steamer Kilnrint The officers ami men tlien learned tlie sod facta alsuit tlie YuliUlteer party. How foiu out of five of that heroic crew, after a mouth of storm and famine, found a watery grave aim at within hail of wil liug rescue; and how one, triumphing' over famine and shipwreck, unmindful of himself, and only intent uikiii saving the eighty odd shipmates whom he had left on the desolate island a month be fore. boldly secured the letters making knowu the shipwreck, and, exluutsU-d on he was, reaching the shore, put them iu i a secure place, so that any one seeiqg the wrecked Uiat, and pcrliap* his own lifeless laxly and those of his oomnblea, might know for what thev hod sacrificed the naelvea, -forward thy despatches, anj thus sccare the speedy relief of the sur vivors on Uiat distant and barren tolui. Tho brave Talbot dead 1 Soil, indeed, was the news." The French Cabinet. Louis Joseph HatTct. the I'ronlatit of the Council, is from the Toagun, wber* he was tvorn in Ihlß. He becahie a law yer, and entered public life after the rev olution of 184*. whtn he was elected to the Constituent AiMffibly. He voted with the Conservatives, and was au ar dent adversary of socialistie projocU. He supported "the Republican t-onstit*- tion aiul wo- appointed Minister !f Agri cultare and Commerce in lean* N'aj* - Icon's first Cabinet M. Buffet resigned this position in 1849, hut resumed offi cial life for a short |>eriod in 1851. He remained aloof from official life until lßfil, when he was a successful candidate for Uie Corp* Leginlatif. He there sup ported Uie Imperial Government, but strenuously demanded literal onnpp .sions. On the aovwim of M CRivler to office, he was appointed Minister of France, and acquired the reputation of being an able public official. Jules Himon. wtat lsv* bron vorf ap propmtely uamrd Minister of lmtru< tion, is in his 57fh year, and until 184(1 was engaged in educational pursuit*. In 1848 he was elected to the Constitu ent Assembly, and paid i-apeciol atten tion then-in, to questions rr.rsiriinfr IST bor and public instni<-tl- o]erative organization* among worknqf men. • ;• 1" Jules Favre, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, is a do-tin gushed member of tin late Government of Notional Defence, and represented its affairs at Paris du ring the siege. He took part in the rev olution of 1830, and has remained the consistent champion of French Republi canism. in the press, in the different na tional assemblies, and at the bar. lie is one of the most eloquent and burned ad vocates at the Farm bar, and is a memlmr of the French Cabinet. Louis Fieard, the Minister of Justice, was admitted to the French bar in 1844, and entered public life in 1858. when he was elected bv a Faris district to the Corps legislatif. In that body he acted with the oppooition. and remained a con sistent Republican through all the vari ous political changes of the Imperial Ad ministration. Jules Dufanre, the Minister of Finance, is in his 73d vear, and is au old jkilitical associate of Jl. Thiers. He supported the Republic ; took oath of office under Louis Napoleon, and retired from public life after the coup d'etat of December, 1851. French Affairs. By a vote of 519 out of n total vote of 538, M. Grew has been chosen President of the Frencli Assembly. Mr.-Grevy is fifty-eight years old, and is a lawyer. He hoa been often in the French Parlia ment of the Jura, of which he in now the representative. He ia a thorough Re publican, but by no means a member of the radical branch of that persuasion. It further apjiears that tho Constituent Assembly is to estahliah a Provisional Republic, with Thiers as President, Favre as Premier, and the Duke de I)- cazes as Minister of Foreign Affairs, The other Ministers are to be MM. Si mon, Picnrd, Buffet, and JJnrthlov. When peace ia concluded, tlie convention will proceed to Faris and submit the form of a Government to u plebiscitum. The Journal tie* JlehalM says Thiers fe universally regarded in Pnris as the future President of France, with Favre, Picaod, and Buffet as mem'airs of tho Ministry. This puts a new phase on the aspect of afluirs. The Monarchy wmmi to lie out of sight, and something like a Republic, with constitutional powers and under the guidance of conservative men looms up. The war haa lieen so entirely a contest between personal and popular Government, that when Germany takes i refnge in Ciesarism, France may fly to a I Republic. California Vegetable#. —The size to which vegetables attain in California ia almost incredible, pumpkins weighing 250 pounds, squashes 150 pounds, beets 1100 pounds, and carrots thirty pounds ; and astonishing as these facts may seem, it is easy to understand how these re sults are* obtained where growth never . ceases. The latest thing in the boot and thoe ; line ut Boston is a crimped calf boot, tye 1 calf skin tanned with the hair on, aid i made up with the hair ontside, tipped | with alligator leather. Ladies' boots ! of the same style have also been made. The Kan Donil|fn£}R|iiitaktete, The Geminioainn has srrivsd i4flu§u> , Doiuingo City ftgm HAinnuu Uev. rsrcrv niio conuiH'lcu Wtli thmpurtf h ill *•!•< In, ! b-nt health. The want of coaling facili , Hwt detained the ship six ilavaot riiuiam* ~ Tlui Cotnmtasiou fouud the itihaliinuits , of that p tiuuh very gaiit'rally id anusxntun * A tAH hi#. ttgulb>a mode into the owiiumkip of Ijie laud annual , the hmbor slvowed lhat iu I'liiUvDitkh's . 4 1dtteinl is involved in any pmuU tnuia* .' action tlwro wlmtevor Mr. Fnlima and ■ ( ntid t KSallivaii have a|wqiet , ul Isanti at a uoiuinal price of nearly all of Uw availahlk wat. r front for liiy , i vessels ar<>Md the luqjlmr tdL-bpiuiMia. j There is mi wihrabhcmin.Aid*! (hat' ; ' WVtii)|L Tlie londsd m.d wgnAir , uterly received by Bae*. Mr. Wade cx-i I plained it* cluuract*t. B** , r and ('.ibfiist gave a eordiol ws-lcoaie, , President Haes sawl ueoee and tahht, government woghl fiiMow union wtth Hw i . United bhO.v * Ttu- pej>te were itU j anxious tor rsbrfd had'Vi,> 1 . D Kuiuiciuis with hhn. Tlir cotnmindsn> of tlie ionv W u it* suniKvanl to .-anunaud woes Haytten*, nud Huvti wiw the eat irtlWrHti the wh.de matter. Helital in* , fummtl.in that an ineursion to bo. I made while the CoiuuiissiooStnatdhi h>* . luiliuMMsqlheiu. and fn.m Jiis agents had learned Uie whole ggeMnrnk 11* • presm-d tlx- hojK- tffiit fne Ciuninission *m ipten.l efi-A' faetKK. ' * j* 1 111* tkxAiuUMpti find-, jhys far. no p , p. ii .iiijs uf tMi Idle or div ( M-usioua. l'ue season is vezy tieidliiy. t The Comniuwion will pndvubly vfcut Asua , , tietl lie; storien of trouble th*rt arc untrue, iiieCofefalkafnn intend* ti AtAtA ! for limn? ill tktu( four w Wrpfttt t agrcctl to'gfVe Aaie Votidiuw to tj#brul or ( j any uf Jija officers, tovnte heronod m*t i; Uh> Doftinjssimicat awl nteassngsni nil! I tt . unrc. p, j Test tlath. ' I ffiie fidlnwing is fh#l*fpsilont's mea ' .wigc on tfta Teet Oath wt: f > lln Simile ami Ikdl j i havo this trfyt#th-n --atc Mm- nupouui. uioiit th.,|'4k)iJuld meet my iqiproval. The effegk 'f Un [ law, however, is to relieve from taking a. ' prrsmlied mi it was intended Ml ctclune tr.dta soi h' offioueand ty rnipi If from of I qihvm. > By this law tfteluUier lavfwUPlt, slid, Mod for his.oountrv u> lnta to his, lyalitj -la-fore osMimliiu., ofiminl. flnm i 'tions, while thaGenmrfti Hhn wdnnaand-' 1 etl hosts f. MWH low of hlxOovw.. , iiiviit arc mtmitted wftboui if. I csuuvt. affix my a D w ndualt 4 f iliseniuinut.-A againgt Oi#iq JhsP< r-vi hh I I lover*ssmit. ' , m \ . 4 I betievn, however, that i not avisot |Kilicr to keep frmn office bv ak-t of oafij 'Jumc who are not lUsqtyfitVal byjto# stitutiou, and who are the chofre of tr~ j Kol voti-rs. Brtt, while relieving. them ) ' |rout an path which they rannuCfakf, I 4 n-eommead the rriugac alco ol'Ui.Actoa ' Whom the ath ho* no sfipitiKvtjiip. *' J ifcigm-d) . , t. SN -• ExEci*rivK Mammkiw, 4\h„ IH7L / x < I 111 led States Markm tlvet. At the coiumeiuH-niowt of the war, Ua- I I'uited (States were among the first maritim< nttions in the world;' from lnfiOU) INUS our maguificcut fic-t* ' r jre.-* pdui-.il iu wiub*r i>4 shtiq. ** . fbo folk' Wing table show ; "T ; v.. 11, lh* AUbtms ...SSI H, UM-rn Nirbolaa .... a * 11* ti>* stivMn.i.Ma a Ip> laxwiauiu.... .... a .a, ia* i*>rt.u ai' ny \h* x*o>ui . t 1,11)11* swnpxr VI lJ tk' SfKy. 3, [' ivitMTdntawtat-r > i a>w'of. .i' 111, u.r .1 f.v I* ffUf'iif e -r*-- t '. ttrUM t 'i*ocV.i ! SivwTwi .rf.— .Ml mstauo tJJ&lKlJtji.v'r'-l 4 J! IpihttOMSU .* VBr♦lU'VWfdl tA.t.¥l "'twin* ma i*o si nV u* T*it. .... i -' n, ti.r WlttOuw v „ ~a j 16 . I B1 litlXklUMp . St * , 11, lb* OtuMM |.Total ....... v 3M ' t lay tfc* i>. I| 4 Jv i * - - 4 n* dill loss to our men-hsnts in ac tual oash pn|K-rtv was something ova*r 1 iIUU.OOtI,INX). The above list ia thought ' to be tdffiing to the amount of shipping " forc.-d to seek protection under the flag* ' of other nation* I'nlted States I inaoe. . The following no- (ho: reodipts and I exjiencbtun-s of the Luovd but- a Then*- OHfor the quarter uipling Dec. 31,. 1870 ; * llArelpof W 4 * 4 Rnrlpu 4 luleiul heOW fiWJBW ! sain of IllbU. Land* ..., * MUorllaaani autuvra 11.455.11S JS — I Kuns-ipa .ysiavr.tjoo The folh.wlhfc are the rxju-nditures for 4 the same jm'tukl ; ' Clatl an.l mtawtlaiunn* . .... I , Nary . 4 WW.SVOH 1 Indian* t..Bs*v.h 3S*Mta I rriwuint .i)4 MS all , I twtaraal do Umi psltUc iMbl.,.. , JI lis WU l i. Nat f,i*ndllarr ... ?.I 6J , . •-i— 4*. til Vl Politicii fw Oowwwrvwwur.'- The Dofii.i. j* orotic (VingresA ConvcijUon of the Dta* ! trict (Hartfool ntid Tolland P-mnthart i ; nominated D. A. R. Gootlrieh of * jTcruon. Julius L Htvruig, the present , \ mepiber, is fhe HAjwitiMcwn ramffdaU' 1 -1 In tho Hopaid Heaiotorhil Dadnct. Krra < . Hall sra*fiotmunt<-d. The Bepitbliivqi? rl >]then third- District have nomiuate-l - j H. H. Starkweolhcr for rc-eloction to . Congrros lor n third Um Iff s vuta of 71 I I 1034' % \y i< r H THE uunt of 44 I>ic " Mimuoiir, the 4 hrnve enginoi'VOf tho Hudson Itivertrouk did not appear to lie much Imrt whett found. There was a ctjt under the right , I ear. re iu the side and A-.t .6. 5.0S a 6.50 HWr Rxtn.. .V. a, .'•.*■••• •'. 666 rnlfl , (Miaara Ultra .„. 1M n Al ' Wbzvt- Amber W'Mit<-rn in I.TO 1 t • BUta LSf a 1-VD W'hltr n-asa TOOaa ..... jfrio* a)U , 4 So. 1 Spnoo. ..... 1.61 alia Br*—Wratrrs - I-OO m i.l ata.:...'..Tr-. 114 . 1.11 Slata.. ... a OO i, cim-MnM WrMm ; —. .n .*> B*s- Chrrw ll<*a .ia f Tlmnvhy. .*. •* ut OaT*—Waaiars . -O -M . j po*—Meaa - 19-0O If nffoaon. 1 uf 14 ' Bhrtt-CM(*...i It.oo a 7.60 H Fair OfartM U4 a S.*4 e CArn *-KZX?. S.S - J it U Hoot— .4............. 7.00 4 7.90 - Bs*Kr-Uvw-0(t04t0(^1M<*....*.. , .00 • 6WO 0 Fnoca-White wtMerKiUs 6.M a7 TO 0 *1 Hif F-ZWa. *.s a AOO s IlutalrfiZ o7, . (inain—< oru—No. 4 .60 a .M ? /JBartoroN*. a.saw —... BPrfAtO. a BnrCimi ' I* • f.to lloaa—Tiva t. 6.60 a 7 75 FU4' - *•> 7S| . j Wklit.M v< 140 a l _ Oin.J. e..... .60 a ,44 5 R„ f.T:.r. 1.00 * 1.10 f lUnucr js |7S . Lass...) -ri • " ' . -UJSAS7. , 5. Wa*AT—State o. J ft-M T 4 Extra. I.W a 1.48 1 tint—State •••■ •* • W K C05~Mtwd w .......... .a........ .78 a 84 r Bakuct— Stela....*., .76 a .86 9AX~SUte. TO a 6 FBItABELPHM. Is ia i ODsn—leltow • • a' (HRft-.rfe.t Wkl .* Timothy a 8.48 ! I'rrmoiacm—Cnide 18, Brfloed .44 i BEKVCATTUI ■ v 01 * -S* •' * tl <1 J I'MTKO HTATHK rOltaikX*. m i- HBwam. I n Jh' Hepatn row Autn uiv www adopted din-#|!ig tho ik>inwit4o on i'oinincmt to ciiusidotgtla' xpt*fienov of providing j (gr Usr-egiil:iUtii of railioadv so as to I prevent yflilu. t'alliirg f.ittlfu inatriictioiiabi the com- f niander of flu* Tminsroor, mid the unities , of otliul Hi the waters of Hsn I fbdffilflffij. -a "t 4 j pie reSolatisHt of the lorgialainnt of . fugiatia w itlniruwiuK tUvir rotifiiMtion of I the FiftawiiLU Auwndiueiit was takeu up, uita wu* laid over, . Au aiie-oiJineut fixing the salary of the ( U'liM'Wusbrc ivf flic Hnjiivms Court at , *1)1 tW of the Asaociatc Jns- i tie.-* at VHJHJIi, was adnpt.it |n tlui b-iuvte tile tali fur the relief of | Certain navaLfloutracloiw, which was late , •ly ordered by Uie Presidciit, again t put on it* poaoiq;-', and vject4il by a 1 , voL- uj ei i o OL i A rosulutfon wav adoptnl directing the , ' Judiohury t'utnmittrw in inquire ino> the i Otgtit taf the Ttesjutry iMjiaitment to I ret viu ooiu|niKiiU*'i tat wnrnvsi n ndernl ( I by the Jfniific lUiiroitd. and a|>ply it ta> ~ the intearat up 1-un-lc la-ued til Uie road, i The A|>UlMp)lUti|lll bin wa* then re ' u siunelgW' tm pry'di-ioIJS relating tt) ( IJulfM [sslnricv fifiafiy ngrenl ujvou. ' They tlx the salary of Chief Justice at < 4 SH..VIO ; Adhvefiite Jndgce. fi 1**1; Cir 1 colt Judges, $(1,000; District Judges, ' •5,000. • . . I In the Uie la?gh*lative, ExiXH- i live and JtivUcml Appr'-prwt ion bill was 1 tu|cii up. Mr Truminill, of Dliuois, , ' tupved to r-'peAl ttmt jituvbwi in the law , , pt -povwd to lx- re|eabil by Mr. Snwyer, j i which taak<-* a pardon aanoluaive wi den on in Uie Court of (3aim Uiat the , t jV-ywrm who prcvpuits it is guilty of w hat- , I e'vnv iifft-iie- is rii ib-d ib the jwr l->n, I unless u|KIU it* micption lie entered a 1 ' written protest to the contrary. This, { a longer diM-tiouun, was carried by I QmgaaCtef v °tc °f the Vire-President in ita/nvor,. In |tm 8- iiptp, • uenilnti-ui whs -ft- r- d , ree irameuding that Ui<- Joiut High (Aim l (gissioi) provide (tv the cession of the I iMiitteh NorUit, Auiwoesn ixmxwsiou to ffiuv VKiuutrr. Its oalisidnrstion went 4 ber under nhgr'tr"' ' Iu the Senate the House bill to guard ifliepnritl of •le.-yphw#|*7yqM| *ri' pdbd fjpiu Uie Judiciary (AimiunUM 4 . 1 Tu.--b9l extending Uie tiiuc for fifing , ti*t*cv elouiiH to Jan. 13. 1870. was re fawtevl without aiuunduiciit The Leg- < ud-iUvc spiiruprtatiou bill was takeu up. on flic repeal of the pro visum making I riif ppnm .siiwi of a | Mtrdou evidenoe of 1 1 qnkwaltv in tin Grnvrt if (T*im*. Th rrjti-l was cankil by tlie .wvUiig vote of the Vh'e-President. The ailieudlliellts I H* public grounds at Washing ~ j Aon, were eoticttrrc-i in, and an agree- - I TO-ut was mads to take the final vote on ! the Ull In bcTJnte, the resolution having ' {of. r 'nrj-; to Ui aoiuisition of British , . Viuvwgni was refurroa to the Committee 4 foo F rwgu Kelatioua A bill waataUuducwd to aid in Uie - i tahlseUwriii and snp|K>rt of schools in , tin (tenth | The L-*hiflaUve, F-xecntive and Ju i dhpal Appridnifiun tiifl was passed, the i motion U> otrike out the increuae to Uie E-jtsmhonol BUMS* having boon voted X' " r - - t' In Uo House, uie bill to enforce the rpteviSHmi of th* J-'ift.i-iith Amendment jguid ri> secure the right of citiaeu* to vob aw taken up at the pi IW of the ten i Si-m The provision for calling n tlx nidi (a rr* at elections Was striken out, and thi Wlf tWu piuu i hv nearly a party v i , In Um House the report of the Com- Nulttae oi| the dificulties at West Point wtw then taken lip and discussed further. Some of fhe Sia-uk. r* •-.•inmontod severe ly >n tli* Aca-iemy nt Wast Point and its managing officer- The report was ad, ipt.-d, together with the additional re -tawtam direetsng u inviwtigation into the condtact of Hie officers of the iustitu -4 tvpt'* JSk Butler's -111"ititute, puuishiug Wiwi C'laoa only by a loss uf their • Summer furlough, was rejecteii bv a vote 'MIT to 111. The bill fof the M-vurity of life on i6hwaAwti was iwrn-d ss a sabstitule . for Uie Senate ta'l on the nsiuc subpvt. Jt gasabli*hcM regulations providing k>M or danger from fire, leaking, ' 1 ofplosioli imi otter ttii-idcnts. J' In the n-port of the Con- ; ! ifiTeticr Onfflrftitt'i' on the bill creating a ' Territorial Gt>verunwnt for tho District; of ColnttibiA Was agre- >t V, and Uie bill now goes to t|te Prvwiiient Iu tho flonne, tlie report of the Com mittee 5f Uqi(ert-Qc on the Consular Appropriation bfll was agreed to. The Army Appropriation bill was then 4 f considered. The amendment to jierfcet the title of 4 the national cemeteries wan rejected after. ,' shine debate. The bill wsssubsequently • jiaamil. Iu the House, bills were introduced to' ' imuh-li the }iriuting or depositing in the II tumls of counU-rfeit (tank tiotss or frwe r (ifmil currency, to encourage and aid th* establishment of free schools ' tfirongliont the country, wtnl requesting I the Commissioner of Internal Revenue | to caforte the collection of the tax on i tho a*rip dividend* of Uie New Turk I Gentral Bail rood Company, leaving the 1 liahfljtv to V determined by (he proper ..ityTrtite'C . fj . - ' The bin autlioritihg a joint critnmuMicro (te fix the jfbrtb-west boun-larv. jvass.il * vote nf l'i*J to 72. q Tfc Sundry Civil Hervioe Appropria-, turn Ifilh •* reported. It q*propn*te fctAjffOjTOu ! In fle House,a rsnolution wo* adopted ; {Tying the Appropriation tails precedence lever all oUi< r busin>-ss hereafter* Th# (teuttiero Pa.-ii* RnQrowl bill was then taken up and the amendment cut f titlg eft branch muls and mincing the dkpfta] U> h6O,UUD,(MIU was atlopted after ' seinb tWoite. An amendment excluding ij mc proposed ro.il from consolidation With toads hecewftrr to be rhsrtcml, waa also Hfl-q-led. atnl the bill then passed by i * vote „f 13i 16 70. Wbw-th OF M ajmu' Huaaris.—ln 1850 I dig* total vmlustinn of projx rty in the j State of MAsMcbuahtts wa* sßflff.T9r.ll 4 JC. i t In Bflt) the total valuation was 1.647,423,- 525. In 1860 total population was 1, 231 ,* 1 06n rt pdtMW. t* Him *s4 lofimw. Wutei- IH.IM ter*wF-Swysee, wu ImhUisb •*cot hi Aabnl pn* bin lim *.1.1*4 fe lh* n*po*itoT7 of th* ro*dir*l pn.f■!*■ Thw si* •**> id *oull So mm, . sh*slM thr *.mlS4*. saw th* *** da ti anuthvr *UU mod unmAMsoohl*. Nan* of th*** torn hi* sMdKs tn*ato iwtsl6k stth M wcb dliwrthM tad ontelaly , ' upon th* Mustd di'ta.i* as Ho*t*tl*r Mumcli Bit gsn, a to|l and m <*- | i ('SM ia is V*.|Mf4Soa. Anamw and qoisi* ar* fitos Jut |pl*npihromid* of poU-tiam for norvvaa da>- ordSr. j ' ■ ir. r. ..ry, is \ araau fotsi, lor llor complaint; prcpara ' tiona ol chlsnijmai and ogiuni for a|s*p>mn**a; aad y*t •haa* deadly draft do not compart, aa apactflca for tha Hp -r abow ahiMaorated, with thst whotaaona T*f*to btetariforant a#6 oUoaaUf*. white Uijr art all *o penti- I cietu tha*t tnnil*hSW any phjaictan ahoald toka th* mauoaaiWHl* <* proacriWa* thom. Lot iavalida. for thd( owStelteKto tha Bitter* hofcr. th.y retort to tha i psMbna Tb* rdtef their wiU *xporteao* from a count* of I Urn hanaloaa apoeifl*. will rasdm annaiM to lh* unaaf* preparattes* rf*rrod to. qntto waniprmai-T ' tUIT THIIf.-THIITT BsswUtally ; I * 1 WALTHAM WATCHES. Tlk> exlstudts ua* of thro* wst.-hos f<-r tle teal nflo.il yi-ara by Hallway OoiMlHClif, Engi neer* snl Kxprsssmen, lh* iw*t e\artin n* •ateh-wnsrera, hs# lUorougtily -lcUematraled llts strungtb, stosrtlnes#, dnralrtliiy sel styn rsey of the WalUialU Waleh. To ssllafy th*l .'las# in til llveaw respects, Is t'> dccido lb" quco lion m t<> Uie resl trslus of Ihooe tims-kscja-rs. Mote (ban 800,(1110 of throe wstcbro srs nw MiM*4kkittK Hmmlvii in tiw p.,npts- api oof at. l • gnsrontee f ttaur aupw*- [urity wvwr ill ottiera. Tlio auimrior orKaniwtion su4 grost exjont of the ('.rrapany 4 * Works st Wallhsm, ensWro Item to prodoco w a tehee st s prtos which ren der* cuuijeilitloii futile, and those who buy sfty other walch awrrwly pey from 'IA to SO per com. j more (or (heir watch** Ihsit i* nammatry. Tlnw., Uiue-pitM'.a ooibiu* every iit4|*ovr. Un ui tliat a long expertenor hs* proved of real practical nse, lfa> tug hsd lb* refussl of nearly i,very iuvriitioti in w£rh-inkta| urtgiMttng in iliia l ouaUy or In Europe, only thorn- were anal ly adopted ' who h awveiw IctUsK by Iho mmml •lulfufi artioana lo .hit worha. and kwit; uiw> on I lh* part of the paldtr, dotoottalrsicd t be arntial to ounwi sod .-nduniig Ume-lwwpitig. Aiixwik the many intprovemeol* we would MI iu uitruf The inrcatiou and use of s •< otre-piuton of (■eeslisr Stuirtru'-iion. to prt-*rt.i damage to 11.. u*in by the tr< aha.'.- of in*iii-sprlngs, is ; originsl with Ihe Atnsnasn Watch Company, who, having had the refttaal of all other eon- Irlvsim sdoptrnl Fogg's patent pinion 6* bae ing th> brat and fa ull !.-*. Harden. ,1 and tomprrod hslr-wprinr*. sow I univrraally admit ud by Watchmaker# to wlka brat, tfu lioed in ktt grades of Wallhaiu W atch *AU Waithain Waluhro h*vc da-i-pr<.f cafw, pr,iti'ding lite mo*rxnl f*su dual, and !< •- eeUlllg Ihe ti- ..-oaitj of Ute fTOqurul ckaattg um-oaary in olbrr sauhco. Our ties |MI n-it I 1.-m-wliidrr, or key toss wai.-li ia alrt-sdy a dectdod ttm. nd s gr 6t liuprovemenl on any stem-winding watch In Hie American tuarkat, and by far the eh. ai*t watch of its quality now off.-rrd In Ue pabH.'. To those living in portions uf ihe United Htsto* when- watchmaker* do nut ahotind, walcfaco with the shove mentioned im|rovotnrtila winch U-nd to enssre accuracy, cli-auhu. **, dttrshlllly and cinv.tii.-nt*-. must prove invaluable rite trademarks of the rartott* stytss mad., bv th* tVsnpany are as follows ; ' Aazat.as WATCH Uu.. WaJthamt Mesa. Am. WATcR CO., Waitham Ma**. Amebi. as Wrrca Co*, CrcseeulM., Walihatn, Maaa. Amnux, TSACV, k Co., Waithain, Ma*#. AguiJ'K WiU U Co., Adams Ht., W alt ham. MjUMw ITtinua Wat*-* CO. Wallhsm, Mass. P H lUsn rrT, Waitham Mass Ww. Ktxmtr, Waltliam, Mao* Itoua WATCH CO. tkiaf.si. Mass. Examine the spribng of (hoar name* earafah hh f i, l.uytug. Any rarteUoii even of a au- j Arts letter, indicstos a counterfeit. Fur sal* bv all leading Jeweler*. No watches rrfailed by the Company. An illustrated history of watch-making, con taining much useful information to wsteb wearera sent to any address on application. SuHHiK* a trn t'TOI. 41 ,•*rat A**an far Awartraa R'alrt Co.. ISt MrwsSarair, R** l'wrfc. TOMS. M I 1.1.1 K-a UMPORfUM Of f ASNIOM ADO MOWtOOttt, Orm-m A T It*WATV TT7 HBaiAIIWAT. N T MR* Mi 1.1.1 U t*s to ml.*** hor wmsa**, US*. S*l *S* IM l*w SO I*'■**< UMI ehmm *ter<*o *f I *-■> asaa Tatws** as (iai* Farrasi* m ih* ~*n, 'taslf **J *•- (anus rat, **■■**■( *- fa (* w. Boi rwi* m MtMwU-sa *s 4f c-*u*WtMS. Vteam *aml hr istes iM wHh rWI 4m* a*d mrosar* a* Star*. A Ml K H MIIXER. rn BRIIAQWAV. N Y R h—til I ■■■. ** m *ll it- hrsateM* ***ntt*d wttk iM*t*r* and *i*Ac. of 61, Ute* and dawsw. hwl. dUttafi #S*lle|ffi*teW 84 A LINES, ter as AIiVKRTthLMENT 400 NEWSPAPERS, TIUI rn* ass t-aso. um.T am aa*n man *s rwa •SUU ÜBT Far Uo*. stisalo aad fsrtSar putmls*. AdSasaa NEW YUlk SEW4FAPEI t'AHIS. It Park law. X. Y. 4 1114 Ati 41 Si EWiPAPEI t'XIO*. CMISSh DL lORTMWESTrRX SEWSPAPES rxiox. Mil** utrr. Wfls. RiBBANS BROTHERS, Paper Bag and Flour Sack ■aaafacttrsrs aad Printer*. 35 FAIR ST.. NEWARK. N. J. B** nrUmwn, Mltl*e*. S*S*aa. Rn*- ■Ma. Ml OSS Mao Ran ***** to Ordar *4 lb art butler. UKUERA BV MAIL PBOMPTLV ATTRNDEII TO *Aimaa Fan *hirt>. *114; to Akin IWh USUWanMHst. lint. Sutb and Walnut Ma. *r l/ux Mo is nremusr miiit iimn is w u CONSUMPTION CONQUCRKD ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM! *tad ibat ma tdbotr amodnwod roal aaH ttts ALLEXR - Ll 4 Nti ft AIX A M Th,. anaquallrd *m*rAorant. tot ronrs tVwMnmftMti and aildamsam W*d. Introdatod to lb* oat-nag fmblir aftor tto m*nt* for tb'faattttortuva'awrb drooonhar* ' bar* fan* laatod. 7Vkea.lt from - btrb n>* >..- Tb* parhagr of A 11*0 Laag Babrnm roa -ont no to ao uou tb* afln*d naar Ml m; rn; mlannaarr nari ha pmv* I r*rt adtoptoM. and nndal It baa baas MM) ia ami 'amiliaa. aad with muAiUt cgart la twr, taatoao*. (KM main h* btwn uafnrtd from h*t bar ah* Ml tea pnmotMWl t MmmrtM aftor arvoral ataama MrbtMtn. I oilb rough* groat paia m tb* laag*. aad proteratom. M> that to* t. .hi. aoo to do h imrawb. aad *mi.t in tb* nappoei of bar fwall*: and. vith oar* aad natloa-d nar ; at lb. hateua, ab* .tparta aatir* iMtaMW Aaatbor p*e*aa. a roana noma*, to *br u>ab. abtcb waa of nmoth. mandiag. w aotttag b*tbw aad . th* baa aamba*. 1 tb* wenad boute. aad baa aaarj iadt ral*oa of a o*dj rat* A *-nng maa who aw ramtat blaod, aad qaM* tmol •adamb. ha*, h* th* aa* at two bctUr . toon maob lam prorad. and M now iN to do a UtAl* Hi. nor* A roung maa to a bom I loonatmaadod a trial at M. i aho h* had a bad onogh aad maob |*ta i* lit* nag* tot month, pant, aad nnnhW to get mat or *m*|>. baa enta mrorad talnag It. aad • BOW smi lb* faarth bdtk wtth groat h*a*6t Ht atd to a* oa a merat rant, hr woald sot do witboal It, H* ia hopiag aad raaaooabl*. 1 N team* to aw- to h. abl* to nmn. he wroi again V*r* rr-tmrtfol'j and gralafnilr roar*, j- ( HARLKKA RtlVNnV.lvtr MwaaoSriv ALLEY'S I.VN6* BAMAM la p*H*al| harm Una i th* m.t delieato It n th* Ml* (<-*h aad S3SSK®"" ~0l' f ;Ha aayaMr Sold to all Drwggwtoaad M*d><-m* Doatem. J. N. HARRIS * CO., Fropriatart, OINOINNATI, O. PERKY OAVIB A SON. Qassrsl Agents. PrarMrarr, N. I. 7 Per Cent. Gold Loan [FREE OF OOVERNMENT TAX ] FIRST MORTGAGE LAND GRANT StNKtNC FUND BONOS or THE M Wisconsin R. ff. Co, Only 15 Years (o Run. FROM JANUARY. IR7O, CONVERTIBLE INTO STOCK AND RECEIVABLE FX)R FOR LANDS AT PAR LAND niAXT OF OVEN OMR MIL LION Afßlb rillM SOT. iIVMKNT. DION WHICH. TOOETHER WITH THE ROAD AND AIL ITS PROPERTY THESE BONDS ARE A First and Only Mortgage. Landt *itwnpt*d from taxation for II **a to arte of 140 Mlto Roal built, from which locum* ia (torirod for which th* iron ia ftMs."! cwsfc *>- "toST*Bmnt'o?Mii,Ttgf 44.000.006. Eteimatod rain* , of Lamb alotta oaarljr double that amooot. PRICE 90c., WITH ACCRUED INTEREST. at which figure tha* pay al prwent premium on Ooid. tm cant par aeoam to tha to**atar. _ _ The Tru-irct ar* th* Hon. WILUM H. Lbokuis, Ei- Chiaf Joabo* of Ruprwmr (Vmrt, BUI* of >.w York. J. : DITTOS Htzzlx, and ,U*r t.oonviv, M. P.. England, wham a largo amount of th* Honda haw tows mid. ; Thaw partite are rounirrd to arc that pmwd* of land Ml** ar* applied aolalj lo tha paying of Internal and Prta alpal ot tha Honda. Caapaaa Pay able January and Jnljr. Th* aonnactlon* of thi* road with the Nortbarn Pacifto and th* whole North Wax a* well to it* Eatltra' oonoao ttonr, will hr tern from a Paiuph,et and Map, whtoh nan h* obtalnad at th* oOce of OWYNNE, JOHNSOX & DAY, 16 Wall Street, and WHITE, MORRIS k Co., 39 Wall Street, New York, Baxkzm ami FHAitoLAL Acxßit r*m tsk CoMvamr. NILSSON BOUQUET rwr nrrw pmrmc. I C-MSLfSC F?iL*£££L. ODO BlMTiil I*HrdWß VYVwIMI URRpHHMi IHWIi , 4 OK* i • wAime-flwe a MONTH i BY THE /V *"■ " •<• IBMSW IIHHMO*., U<>t n. '•TH. I-out*. Ma. _ ___ ________ vim T*kw AT YHMY u* r Price Lm moiled torn ■ twylliiofma, W. will hire w t. ROANOKE VALLEY, VA.ftT?? wPi fl JiBUBAI. Pl'RH.l0 IV ro .ssstE: r.iirsrsSMMie |TMW rt..f u# •• No Mm • Vrumd " timm Kmfirtyt >**° $5 TO $lO PER DAY. 1.-rU h* nm m w m IH.iw.m jub limit to >Wf *q way Rtojlrtfe* Hum __ goo la -*eb M *MU M. Dtatngaoo, •Mt M mil s£rHt m*, fljHHiff TO THE SUFFERING. A m-f fci < llww. •' ti'kKK AM.* •mm, More Ikntl, wMWM, dhewarhe. M (•MlmAO rM#w~| 4Me*eMNtwjHi #•*-, Eb^S^^xrfSsi;] W dou loeeoKt it. fwo.rf IMI. willtiiinM •6000 REWARD SB a oapmor article BA to AM iw do> end nog !• want a mmuumm ao ml—no a or near iwca*. • . 1 lahwdao. aw dv t-etrand WW Wv -Km W W, Past a— Mm *.'• WB ! tit*. Utifr i IMm 8%. &, Will MM DL. I g. 1 ■ to n.Mt.w m. iwaa. PL 2f "Phj."arid fiSL'MS'fi t># oofbl, iirrfiarod far EiiiiUtwu. mJ.|Qa. WWW - ,1 . A BE-r I*- atria* #r - \ m*mo?"S IOM I'D pU>M **d eiwrerma*. ropee wmh Wl to.taaooA BaßasssßssSil S=sr 53b IMPERIAL GIN, WlteMAnM WHISKY tmown ao 180a Roto Übwo arttoloo aoaf iapMlaW be dlMS lattaa kaewa to th. WW arHVYI.CBA ABAHA la. AS Am. aw. Saw TarA. aM CMAA . BABUJBi Ha. 188 Mat# IW. Jkjral. hr it. DtMitton. HESBY R BRPWUPTACw CMcaMt. j CBAiZLEI A. DAS A, EAKor. ?lw gotUir &xl A Irarwtr M tAa raa Ttwaa. ImiraM IW raa.a Maw mm Saul. taMMIMfWM.. ManAaaw MOM. Watfcm. Thlataam. aa4 all Haaaar <4 .■•* Fnlko. aad tho Wtxa. Bmm. aa. W aU mkA ONLY OMB BOLI.AB A YEAR ! ORE HI ABBAS COPIH PON |M- Orlaao<*oaOa*(Mat• < mt. UaiWtaiMßOß •I ftwj Post OA**. THE NEBI-WKU.LY BCM. •• A YEAR. M th* aa. Mao awl aaawal MioraMor ao THE WE#*- LV bal -;. i. a froaaa yM W imW oml W MM to >to oaWcrraao* N NJWUr fpo.haoa. Ww H aoawa awiooa ii.n in m aaar 'cMlf. . THE DAILY iri. 0 A TEAR. tSSU! TERMS TO CLUBB. TRE DOLLAR WEEKLY BCD. FM Ufll aaa *ar. ooporatoA, ■ Ma i ■■ i • *SM£Z.riU " r7L "" rt " EBk< BaUaro. Jinea" " 'RRas.sW.YJtt - *■ | TklrT4krta Baltara. TMrljrAtr Ballara. Om baadnrf ooomo. aao jwar. to aotlliM load W Dai. Iw aaa faar to tfec arttor j> a# Dob . Omt hvadiad W mm mm. amnMo. Wml .aa. Oi* Doilj I* oaa aa o Uto foSar ao#Wfc>. Mmtjr Baltara. THE EMI-WEEKLY WD. D aopMo. aao war. iitliM.ll ifclri aoA K%M BaHaro. Toa oofitao. aao roar, Mtioraaa. alAi OOMN laal MM nco x> wmtm *v W moB. Baßow SKSB YOU MOSEY lAj^-ssssrjsttfssaras ( ooatalaia. Mnany. Addroao. I. W. CTULAKD PalilMliM Dae OOao. Baa Too* Subforibe at Onoet pom m THE PBOPLK'S KAVURITE JOURNAL. ! The Most Intorßßttnc Btorloo Arc alwmro to bo lOtutd la tbo NEW YORK WEEKLY! A T praaant (bora an SIX ORKAT BTORIKB run A nine Iknak It* oolutnno: and at Iraat OM STORY IS BBOr* EVKRT MOVTH. Row antiapnbora art thuo aaia of bartnx (bo oc-m --monootaont of a aaw coatlaoad oiory, ao mattor orhoa (boy oubacnbo for tbo NEW YORK WEEKLY Rack namber of Ibo NFW YORK WFJEKLT cow- ; latni or Tort I boaatlfal HlnotratWt, douhla tbo amonat of rradiaf mattor of any papor of Ita claaa. and tbo Skotrba*. Short Storiao. Pocmo. etc.. art by tbo tbo ablott wrltoro of America and Europe. The NEW YORK WEEKLY dooo not coadae Ito noofntaaaa to amuoornent. tml pubiiahco hi it quantity of roalty tnotrucUro mat tar. in tbo moo xwdaaaod form. Tbo raw YORK WEEKLY DEPARTMENTS Uaro attained a hlh rrpntaUon from their brevity, ' r aroUoaca and correctaeaa. Tbo PLEASART PARAGRAPHS ore mod* op of 1 tbo concern r*to ...• jt ' - hzmrt t. axuoom BMDLT OORCIITRATEB CBtPOTRD Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla S*rP'MM'*f car iqm..>w to Roo*- •bto -ml am ■' a- dm fwaii | af ffcotowfFwto yw r.fvqr *j BWd. toM-< 4f • *** toe 7to Aama glw .a mi/ torftooW * M 1 JbWiJk I HENRY T. HELXBOUyS CORODfTBATHD FLUID EXTRACT BCCHU I THE GREAT DIURETIC. , aao caawA oeorr mm of Anal i m wk iaf. M haa haaa i (ma. "ii 1 .- r r~ ■ • J " " 1 r " . 'ibtil a .rii Ml yto Attoyood tooMAr. itoaa— j re f-oto . I toMM aMf to ba- I LABIRD. H. T HXLMBOLIFS EXTRACT BTOBU iTIB DURASBS ARISIRO DBOH IMPSU DESTDR. HABITS OP DISSIPATION. ETC.. a mil ttifir Ttifin. i *frtHr irgßrtmiiii. imltur mo T'tmnmw tm AmA ao taewnianaei'. sad aa aapaean TnoDtsmmdn wlio fcuAH'w IDVMHI tAh# WIKSIMBW of imMmnmaitmi 1 ' y^^ytaTotoSlSqte^aSßwiwtULTfl Mm* J |ADaaltoaa Mai* or Paaaala, tmoa'aSaaooo'aaia onHaaMMaaTaal aa amtoar of haw Mag atoaens. Prw. sLto por toato L A • il ttf* " ■ .. . . m , ■ BLEKBY Ta HSUMLBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH ' raaaet bo amrpamaid aa a FoOa Woaa. and will bo feaad ] Un rrniy HMetaO iNMMtWIy (Q #f'Wiy 99MHBMni of {\tHmoßmi i V"*"' It-peodily aradwatoa /*wm*ii. Omm. toitoi' i /*ro. i-i- n-~ of tbo Oaooii.iMt hop, ata., j Daaoto ■ tin* aad Mom MmmoMm, Ihat BodL j *3l r*o-. y&horK. F'OW Mbo, andall i purpuooo for wtuch •-• • or OMno. on wmA; m.aroo the ekin to a Maw of punt? and mftuoa*. aad iaoaras | onotmaod beoltiiy action ta theiimiia of its nimM. on , which depends the acmable etoemeao and riracity of enmplaaton w much eomrbt and admtoad. Dot toaiw I |.| ciaiM to unlx-undwl potronaga. by piiwoi—iag qwal- I Bin which render it a Koto .<)■, *3 y. ofl ho amotSwpoc iatin and Okmgaalal character, cembming in aa eloaeut toramla Ihaaa prominoot reqaiaUa . today and fig wiy ' iheiorariableaeoouipanimeetoof iu aao—aaaPreeerm tur* and Refreeher of the' ■mpleiioo. It to aa oaooliant Lotion for dia.am artaiug hom habits of diwti patron, : ward in connection with the Exraai-Ts Brcar, nanao raanXA um Cats was Gbapc Pxua. la oooh diaeaoaa aa raoomiaeaded. cannot bo anrpaoaed. M OLM par IMto. w D Full aad eiphoit dlroctiona accompanying th# madt | ißrtdeace of the moot recponalbtoaad rotiahW eharaatoi tnrmohad oa applieaaioa. with hundred* of ttowaade of living oitaoooM. aad upward of NI.OK) nnootioitod eortti | odtoa aad iwnaaaaiendoli.i? lettero, aony of which are from the Bjgbaot auareo*. inclnding aadaaat PhjaMmaa. >fd grEp>rwlto—, ud do M mewd to bo ptoppod op by * ■ V ' - -'ll > -V f* I -• - % A 1* w . *. ■ Henry T. Helnxbold's Genuine Preparations. jaßsaaafEßais m oonhdenoe. to Hmt T. Ha.MBOM>. Drnggiat awi Only Depot*. H. T. HkUtaoLpa Drag aad Chamkal WArehotw. Na iM HTOSAWKW **— VJL ; n 5 f?g%%SSL ** fa t - N v y. n. e. ihh. 'vSo. •