"CENTRE HALL REPORTER. Centre Uall, P*-, February, -l.'Tl TERMS. -The CtxTS* H\t.i Karon* ran I* aubttsbed weekly at wr year n advance, or ttfoW when nw i*u*j n **' eaace. Halfvcart.v and quarterly script ion- at the same rate. >!iric roplm •recent*. . _. o Advortbcxucnt- 1.-s i*r "M* lines) forthree ln*crtinr Adve I rtieciwsnt for a lonycr |-rio*l. st r r i • Bu*inc*> or*l* et ve liwc*. parj>an Comuiunication.* rec*numcituir for office. 5 oeat- |cr linv. tleas of a private wstup sod lu lsry le tters ♦veeedin* hve line*, fo- twr Haw Bu'ine- noti-e* i hs ' " '" mn lu oents per Uu , for no in -crtioe. Netfoes of deaths ami marmger larertcd free f char*". tr trieb. iu all pari* of thseoontv will ohiiye hy -rnd.Rjf U* l the l*rv-- t|w> i each subscriber's w*|r indicate'that the •übscrinllen U paid up *u*h .late, ana imwrr the name a- a receipt. 1 vr-cii- rc miltiiur bv mail, or otherwl-e, wtl •tand ntuu i chAti^t 1 in ' h money kits boon wctivwi Who Xffds tho Gorl^! Our (Visud Kurt*. *f th<- t'-'iitre llH />'■- oorfer, mu*t read h lejti.-lstive J*urimJ back wants. A few weh- ac- he nil-i iue*i his n*.-ee and turning to our tile of 1 eh. Jrd, we And this: "Reiirwentattve Meek pro sented a petition iu the house in favor of the erection of a poor-house in l ou tre county." Which is far different from what you say above, and our au thority was tha ftfrist iVieud Joe, put on a pair of glasses, if you can't see, probably tanglefoot burt your vision. Father on the HofcA •aonsays: "And last week he notified his reader* in the lower end of the county that tupple meai U> the Nitunr and Bruth valley turn • pike bill, authorUint an increase of 1011, passed the House, wneo the fact was. *uon a bill passed the Senate, but was killed in the House. Put on your specks mend, Fred. We put on our glasses a second time and referring to "last weeks" issue we dud it thusly : "A supplement to the act incorporating the Bald Eagle, Nit tany and Brush valley, turnpike, passed on the 7th inst." A little blind again Joe, we don't say quite as much as you make it. Now put on your glnse- ce and read. What we did say, was substantially correct, though the pro i-t eding* as they go out from Harris burg may have been confused in un important particulars, and as we did not g*t a regular journal of ibe doiugs ol .nr qpvan? at Harrisburg. we had to furnish such a* wc eould gather from other quarters, a fact which we lamented last week in presence of our j.lly friend Perks of Philipsburg, when he xvnsoled u with the reply (hat he would "gladly send us his Legislative Journal, it • not worth reading." Constitutional Reform. Mr. Buckalew, on 17th uit., from the senate committee on constitutional reform, reported a bill with the fol lowing title: An act to provide lor the revision and amendment of the constitution ef the commonwealth. It provides that the question of calling a convention to revise and amend the constitution snail he submitted to the people lor their decision, on the second Tuesday •i dune next, at which time aho mem ber< ier the proposed convention shall he -...ted for, and if a majority bf the legal voles shall be in favor of a ctu vmtiou, thcu the member* ebuecn ab.uf mset in the hall cf the house at Narniburg, at noon, on the second Tuesday of September next and pro oecrf to business, with general powers t adjournment as to time and place, etui with authority to prepare and aobitut to the people all such changes and amendments of the constitution as lh*y shall think proper, subject, bow ever, to the followlnglimitations upon their powers : Ist lhe sittings shall not extend beyond 100 days of actual fsastou; 2nd. That one-third of all the members of the convention shall gave tjie right to require the separate tad distinct subn&sion to a popular tub; of any change or amendment jfopuwd by" the convention. Tbirty twv members are to be elected at large, each voter to vote for not more than sixteen and the tbirty-two high est in the vote shall be declared elect ad. One hundred and eight district member! an also to be chowo, divi ded as follows: Philadelphia to'be entitled to nineteen—the Ist, 'id, 3d,: 4th, sth, 3th, 7th, Bth and 261h wards f thai city to be the Ist district aud to elect- six members; the 6th, 9th, 10th, 1 ha, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th wards to be the second and alect 6; the 18lh, 19th, 20th and 25th a Ik- the third and elect 4; the 21st, 22d. 23d, 24th, 27th aud 28th, to b the fourth and elect 3. The remain der of the state shall lie entitled to i aigbty-nice members, as follows: Buiks, 2: Montgomery, 3; Chester aud Delaware, 4; Lehigh and Carbon, 3; Northampton, 2; Berks, 3; Bchuyl- j hill, 3; Lancaster, 4; Dauphin and Lebanon, 3; Northumberland and l'nioii, 2: Lycoming, Montour, Co lumbia and Sullivan, 3; Luzerne, 5 (and each voter of Luzerne to vote lot tto more than three candidates); hii,iiroc, Pike and Wayne. 2; Sus an* banns, Bradfoid and Wyoming, it l'ioga, Poller aud M Kcan, 2; i'Uidon, Cameron aud Centre, 2 ; Klk •ud Jefferson 2; Blair, Huntingdon and Mifflin, 3; Indiana and Cambria 2; Clarion, Venango and Forest, 2;' £rie and Warrcu, 3; Car* lord, 2;l Mercer, -Lawrence and Beaver, 3;' Butler aud Armstrong, 2; Westmore land, 2; Fayette and. Creene, 2; Washington, 2 ; Allegheny, 8 (no vo ter of Allegheny comity to vote tor acne than tire candidate; i; .Somer *-t. Bedford aud Fulton, 2 ; Franklin and Cumberland, 3 ; York ami Ad *n*, 3; aud Perry, Juniata and Suy '2. The members, cxw ju in Ale gheny aud Luzerne, to be elected by' A cumulative system. Ihe third scc'tien provides regula tion* for the election as to foriu of .fr.-keta.- The fourth provides for the nioetiug of the return judges on ti>e Thursday after the election in Philadelphia, and on Friday in the other portions of the state. The re turns are to be opened by the secre* , Jury of state within fifteen days after the election and if a majority of the votes are for a convention the govern or shall declare the fact giving the re u t The secretary of state is to call the convention to order and at pre . limiuary proceedings the cbeif clerks the senate and hou, tkinu?,' I mt tto a fjjpK lar, to he allow*! only for two see sions; postage, stationery and contin gencies, 115. The House Kdinrtkmal Bill- The Investigating Committee. [ M'n*h. Cor. lUlu Gas* tta,] One of the re-xilts of establishing the "Bureau of Education." is -ecu In the "enforcement" project now I before the House, known a* \ "Hoar's bill." The provision of this infamy may, without exaggeration. be ' characterised as abeolutely startling. They propose to enteifore directly in matters which concern a man's own , household, and in the most tender re lations. 'Admitting that the Gonatitu tion of the United States is dead and buried, is the centralism that is to fol* | low to lie of the Peruvian type m ex hibite*ljust prior to the coaquent by Pittaro? Is (kngrt** to prescribe what boot* everr child in the country •ball rend ? In short, go on front Step to Step, until every social rela tion shall be regulated by the central political power. Take care ? There ie more in such 1 movements than i- "dreamed of in ' the "philoaophv" of some. Thig peo ple have been" "educated" to believe i that * (JbtwmMumf," State or Federal, had nothing to do \ Constitution or Bo with the et/serifnor of turn. The present movement. beyond peradvenlure, aims to establish quasi intidel "notions" by forea of law aa*l the baronet, as the baaie of the new model liepuhlic! The moral* of the country have been alreadv debauched, eo for as the ex ample of the executive, and the powei of Congress and it* o>*airtees can et feet them. Ashley and Holt eel the example of making light of the ohliga tion of "an oath,"—that adamantine chain that binds the integrity of man to the throne of hie maker." Who believe now a word that a majority c f the witnesses swear to before commit tees of Congree# ? Ie it not notorious, that men have been summoned before the "Investigatiug Committee" of the Senate who were charged with fiuding Ku-K|ux outrage* at the South, en fovroijed by their very selection, to commit barefaced nerjnry? The ly ing report of the "committee" Pre dicted npon lying testimony, will be •raftered all over the country, aad I hope every Democratic newspaper will treat it with silent oomtempt. Tbe "God and morality" rads at Washingtou, are still keeping things lively with their diagraeefal quarrel# They have nearly all fallen out with each other in their greed for plunder. A dispatch, a lew days ago, sap: During the consideration of the de ficiency appropriation bill iu the house today there was a lively debate between Butler and Fara* worth The latter reiterated the charge that Butler had used rnirrori and other furniture of the treasury department to furnish his house. Butler replied with much personal bitterness, and for some time there was au exciting scene which was much enjoyed by members- It is stated that Faro*worth has some other charges which he intends to bring out against Butler. The present legislature must be a iaxv one, the Morning Patriwt says it may net adjourn until May. The small amount of work performed tbu* for indicates the extension of the sea. siou until at least that lime. The members of the house of repre sentative* of this state have given a most touching proof of their regard for the memory of the iaimortal Washington, by adjourning for too (lays. The senate was not so patriotic by half. Philadelphia and Eric Railroad (outpaay The annual meeting of the stockhol ders of the Philadelphia A Erie Rail road took place at Philadelphia on the 13th inst. The annual report was read which shows the total earnings of the road to have been 93,144.044,71, and the expenses 92,577.728,42, leav ing as net proceeds 9666,819,20. The report says that "notwithstanding a fair increase ol passengers and freight, the total earnings hare been Ja*< than the previous year, which is accounted for by the very low freight charges rendered necessary to complete with the Erie railroad of New York, whose rates were so law as to render the busi ness unprofitable to themselves aod injurious to the interests of other com panies. It is believed that this policy will toon be abandoned, and relet es tablished remunerative to all parties, which can readily be done by mutual agreement and a rigid adherence to the rates udopted." The folllowing statement shows in detail the account of the road with the Pennsylvania Railroad Cacnpanv: DR. Balance d ue ou construction account Jan., 1970 937,974 37 Amount paid for construction in 1870 302,75729 Paid interest on funded debt in 1870 1,078,436 22 For maintaining organisa tion 9,050 29 91,409,218 14 CR. Income of net earnings for road 9566,316 29 Dividends for O. C. and A. R. R. K. stock 210,00000 Interest allowed 23,33707 •799,653 35 Balance due Fenna. R, R. Co., January 1,1871....9609,564 79 After deducting 8340,731 67 due ua construction account, lite receipts of the road have ialleii short of the work ing expenses and interest on the funded debt 9268,833,13. A portion of this deficiency is accounted for in the necessity of paying gold instead of cur rency for interest on a large portion of our bonds, but the principal partis due to the low rates of freight charges. An additional charge of one Quarter ; of one per cent, per too pgr mjlg 03 655,000t0u* f Ix-ing the averagsaoiouuf I of tonnage carried over the entire road, would have made the receipts sufficient | to ]Niy the working expenses and in* terect ou the funded debt, aud leave a balance of 8202,717. The road is and has during the year been kept in good condition, and the operating expenses compared pith other roads have been quite favota ble. The general superintendent confi dently exfiects a considerable reduc tion in the working expense- the pres ent year. The improvements rnsds in the construction account cousist iu deepening the slips in the harbor of Erie, the construction of sidiiup, god the crectiou of a round-house for iocc motives at St. Mary-. Arrangement < are now in program looking toward a material extension of business during the tirrwid yur, Ths *wk and dsd ff'tye I^l same as on the lat of January, lA7<). An election l*r manager- to serve for the ensuing year was then entered; into. The following gentlemen were unanimously elect*' l: Mc-wr*. h.dward F. Guy, J. Edgar Thompson, Water Morris, llourv Duhring, Jacob P, Jones, Joeiab llacon, Sanui*4 I'. Bo dine, John M. Kennedy, 11 aahiltgton Uutohcr and llano D. Moore. WaaltiNgtott Wa.hiugt*m. February 2.'—The Ilt-publican detieiencv hill of 11.1,000,- 000 came up in the ilonse t day, and waa thoroughly exposed in the protrnc* ted diacuaaion* that sr# hv Messrs. Brooks, *f New York, Kldrtdge, Co*. Woo*l, McNeelv ami others The firat called the attcutiou of the coun try to the fact that the bill contained a deficiency appropriation *>f f 4,000,- 000 lor the army. Thia amount lie declared waa not irquired t*> *upport the army in fightiug the Indian#, but for its um in peaceful Stales le •■outrol ejections. Mr. McNeelv doni"iitsa ted that the rent for the Howard Uni versity waa pail for a building which I the government itself erect yd and paid j for. Messrs. Wood aud Cox laid bare : simitar iniquities in the hill, while General Franeworth made fearlul tilt at Geueral Butler in thin w iar i He tint charged him with being intenmtrd in the granite contracts for building the Boetun Post-office, and wh*sn the item came up for furniture for the Treasury Department, FrausworiL said iit was a u illustratioa of the way three wholesale appropriations for mirrora ; wera nmde for this Deoartmsat. eotue : of which had bean useu to de •orate the residence of a member of thia House, I and then had disappeared. Seusa lion.) "Give ua the name, as id El dridge. "I want to know if he is a Dem,K-rat" Fraasworth replied that his politics were of that uncertain kind that would be difficult to describe, for be had bean evervtbiitg by tunw and noth ing Jong. The eyee of the whole House and the crowded galleries were of course on Butler. He rum tilled with rage, and denied the charges. He had twan vindicated heretofore be said in the PoeUofica eharge. and as to the story that tha mirrors of the Treasury had bam loanrdjto him was fahe General Fransworth was prompt with his re ply. He had intimated tha charge about General Butler's being rnteras ted in the granite contract of the Bo* ton Post-office, but now he asserted that it was eueceptible of proof, aud that the granite quarry *• now known •• "Butler'* Quarrv." The dtecumhm was uatimelv cut offhv order of the House, but the "Democratic tide kept up its criticisms on nearly every item, and made -oroe pretty damaging exposures, as the regular Congresmon*: report will ahow. The day's session wound up with a spirited debate between Mr. Feruaudo Wood aud Mr. Townaeud. of Peonevlvania, over Howard audthe Freemen's Bureau, in which Mr. Wood made an able vindication pf his course towards Howard. Naato Domingo The Santo Domingo' Com miwoonera, or two of them rather, have written aome private letters here, the contents of which it would not, of courae, be proper to publiah, hut the tenor ol which indicates very clearly what we may expect on the annexation Ques tion. The Commissioners have alrea dy discovered that Havti strongly op. posee the transfer of Santo Domingo to tha United State#, and is virtually sustaining the revolutionary leader Oabral. It is therefore very evident that if the Dominican portion of the island is annexed to the Uoitad states this government will accept • war o* no inconsiderable dimensions, especial ly eo far as expense is concerned. It remains te be seen whether Congress will accept that sanation when the di rect question of annexation nomas to be decided. % An act is before the legislature to authorise the Tyrone and Clearfield railroad oompany to sell and coovey its railway appurtenance*, property, real and personal, corporate rights and franchisee to the Pennsylvania railroad oompany, and Jo authorise the Pennsylvania railroad compaay to purchase tine same, and to issue addi tional .-haras of its capital slock for that purpoae.—Panted. A supplement tu an act. entitled an act to incorporate the Bald Eagle boom company, in Clinton county, ap proved the 13th day of April, A. D. 1859, authorising an increase of boom age.—Passed. The Female Suffragists ountiuue their efforts to secure the ballot. Mrs. Isabella Baacher Hooker succeed- Mrs. Woodlmll in public lecturing, ia Wash ington. aod will this week deliver her ■oral aad religious argument for the enfranchisement of women. On ths other side, Mrs. AlmiraLincoln Phelps will in a few days issue an address to the women of the ceuotry ami wore especially to the old pupils of her late aister, Mrs. Willsrd. and of her own, calling on them to protest against fe male suffrage and vindicate themsel ves aa true women. There is a Slight difference of opin ion between Radicals as to what art the leading characteristic* of the Rad ical party. Richard Smith, of the Cincinnati Gazette, savs "the Re publican is esseutially ao honest par ty." Donn Piatt, uJT the Ciaciuuati OootwertiaJ, says "the Republican party is the pasty of organised rascali ty." * Both the witnesses are Radicals of the first water, but Donn's testi mony is corroborated by the facts, and Smith's is not. The ex-Empsror Napoleon at Wil belmahohe ha* received ao official no tification from ths German authorities not again to overstep the privileges of a prisoner, to abstain from all inter ference in politics, nud to imut no more protests and no mors proclama tions. Orders have been givea to the Governor of Caastl to watch the Im perial prisoner mors elosqly, Ths N. Y. Post takes thin view of the Arkansas trouble: It pay l> thought calamity, by tasoy, that ths Republican- should lone Arkansas ; but it is not mi groat a calamity aa that a stats should be threatened with anarchy by bed men; and if the Republicans in any state eau sb<>w no better title to rule than 4m to % ftfiff Mey give piarg ttoens to democrat- the bet ter for the country, and better, to too, for ths Republcan party. ' The Mifflintowoere are (|iiarreliug 1 over tiie matter of diatribntiiij,' the wNW? h" |#fMature appro. 1 priated to t|e pf ib* Mirterem (eon the late fire. The bill the "destitute atid needy" aa the per* iwaa to whom the money shall go ; but, i* If Hege4 there 11* nope fuch, Jhe poor, who I oat their ail, have already received back, through charitable con tribatioae, more than tbey lot; whilst the wrei.'-to-do were not made "deeti tfite nod poedy" by their lower. Thua tfc* ioftuM MfJ k if *t|g*ud by aou.e that, tiiulo the o.'ruuw *tancce, tlo tutntey ought to be guttered' to reiuaiu is the State trcavury ; whilst. <>th*ra rlaiif that it should he rtjuita- 1 ll—l I ■ 1 111 There aft atrail-lmir bh ii on hothj idrof the I'tiited Stntea rtctiuteehaiM-l) bar. ami io tunny nlhr |>!icc, who j might leant wisdom t'rooi 11* M>-* • i wipjii Strmtor, Krvl>. I'bitgt ntlo* man atlotigly u||Kt legislation fotv tug the tUMocintien ol whiter and hla -k in tha public aohool*. H- rmitciuls that sx (iug . M'ial ditti rem va will In : aggravated lather than letttuved ; by law* designed H> wbi|k*l equality ami iutertnixlur*. The worat -u> tit ion ' of (Kipular education nre tltoun who at* tempt la use our public school system as an iiiaLuiuctii l'r violently aia-li rating individual piiU or popular prejudice. • ♦ • ' The propriety of annexing I lab to Nevada ban been latrlv considered ill the LcgUlatute of the latter communi ty ami udvvmely deoidnd upon, though 1 tin! coiumitten teporliiig in favor of ; that ooime dnclnrea that io many le ■ apecta the annexation promised would b of'incalculable brio-tit to Nevada. A Utah tebioiu iwceire* a good word, ] tin ia may be bara given a |wrt of what < the committee save : ' This Territory was organised first by the letter l>ay Saint* of Je*o 1 hriat ovtr twenty year* ago, ami i ! to-day without a territorial or county 1 iltbl. It cotitaioa aue ol (In- moat larau ful cities of it* age iiiulstur on the con* : tiuent. The pollen ami internal regu i latioua of the city aud Territory are 1 the beat nerhu(M in the civiliwd world. The truffle iu spirituou* ltquora i un 1 der tha coaipleta control and mbordi ' natiou of the city and territorial au -1 tborilie*. In tha City of Salt Lake intoxication scarcely erei *e*ii among > the itcntilea, much leva, if ever, among the Mormons. Gambling aud house* of ill-fame ara not tolerated, and are i acateeJy known. Iu achiail aystem i* ■ uuanrpaaaad iu ill adaptation to tha i wauta of the maaaae. > This freedom from dabt and gaiuh ting couiraau strongly with the debt i of $660,000 piled up on the 40.000 in-1 > habitant* ol Nevada iu the lust ten , year*, and with thai prevalence ol ' gaiuiog which forced tha lata (rover i nor in hi* message to imuat strenuous ly on legislative restraint. The pnpu lation of L'tah ia put down in tha last > cansus as 60,766, though claimed other wise lo be ISO,OOO. The papulation, 1 of Navada is 41,671, or, including the inhabitant* of * debatable -trip of tei* ' ritory, :J2,6'16 ■—• ~ ■ ■ A New k'orh Adtiaw of One Hub -1 Urrd Per Ceat in ( •! HWim* lie* 1 ceber—Ouly a Week's Supply is the City. 1 In consequence of tbs general and long continued strike of miners in the eusl rv ' fion, together. with the severity of the ; sr est her during touch of the wittier, there 1 U now an alarming scarcity of coal in New Ynrk, and price, ara rapidly advancing, i Slue* the loth day of January, when the 1 Penn-ylvenia miners umou ordered work I ta he stopped at all the niiua*. no coal has 1 been received in that city. The amount of anthracite oal now held by dealer, is esli- j mated nt fifty thousand tons, which m , about equally divided between the whole* I tale and the retail dealer* The retail i price, which ws> sd,kl per ton on the 4rt • I of December, now range, from sll to $lB j ' The wholesale is little, if any !es. Kveu i i at these rale, coal cau be obtained from i dealers only by their regular customers. It is said that the whole stork of cualj , now in this city is not over a weeks; i • u Pl , 'j- There arc tVom ten to fifteen thousand tons of bituminous coal, but this] . is mostly held on contracts for steamship companies It is thought that coal cannot , be obtained neit week for Io- than fifteen i dollars per ton. One dealer. St is reported, j r was offered a cargo of broken coal yester day morning for thirteen dollars per ton,l but did not decide to purchase. H.- would: ! now be glad to pay fifteen dollars frr the same coal, but thinks it doubtfltl If he can obtain it at that price ' A New York paper say. Chmisumer* cannot be too economical in the use of the i coal they are fortunate enough to have on hand. Whan the stock now on hand is ex-j haustcd, it will be impossible to replace it* without a settlement of the present diffi culty between the coal companies and the j miners. The former are determined not to yield, being Convinced thai detest now would place them ever after at th* mercy of the miners. The latter have been stub born and united up to this time, having maintained tha longest and tnnat general strike yet attempted by them. Ho long, indeed, have the miners been idle, that the companies hope their necessities will soon force them to resume labor. A meeting of the lesming ooal capitalist* will h held in Philadelphia to-morrow, at which It is expected they will maintain their pres.nl attitude of resistance to tha striker*. A oorrespoiidrnt having written to the Nan York Journal of Commerce at to th* right ef income tax assessors to sxmuln* tax payar* boo* and papers the editor ra phe* a* follow*; Answer—Yw, sir!' The assessor under the law can inspect your ledger, your cash bK>h. your bi I book, and all and singular your HilU, notes, re cord-, document*, latter*, your wife's let tert, har certificate of marriagr. your fami ly hi hla, your daughter's Undone: pist|as | from har lover, your shirts, your breaches, and whatever els.- you have heretofore re garded a* private and peculiar. All ha baa to do is to send for the book*, which must be f-rbcoining "if described with reasonable certainty: or If there is (in his opinion) any fraud) any fraud or evasion, be cut "enter into and upon (he pram ] isea," Uke note of "property, good*, ware* ! and merchandise, aud all nrtielrtor t liable to tax, owned, poaaMoad, or ints/cr the tar* or management," of hi* victim. Htorns, shop* and house* h**® Vun antar ad all over the coifntfy. and cleaned of book* and paper* of all kind*, which the curious official* hare examined at their leisure. Tiir LITTLR CoTPoaaL—The march! number of this sterling juvenile nomas to u* a* Irtish a* (hi: |n*t hrn* f Spring. > Kaclt pumbnr fonUjii* about * much I reading as a"J nrdiparr h<>pk coating ope ; dollar and a half, and Hie twelve numbers of one year, coding only $1,50. forming a volume equal to about a dozen such hook*. The publisher offer* f* *end free a Copy of. the tiinarb steal engraving. 7**' H">rr.al% Chtr"hi, price IXUU, to each suhaarfbar for 1871. Terms sl.b a >e*r For specimen number, and revi.od premium list, address, I tha publisher, d"hn K Miller Chicago,: j>,as* is>e*i*i*d from hi it. tfoyer a Co., of VarksbufM, Clicstpr C*.. Pa., sam ples of Imported ay Oats. Altlko Clo ver and Ou-ster County Mammoth Corn; they eenerously offer to send sample pack ages frtr to all Fainer* who son/ * tempi to pay postage. Messr*. N. P. Buyer A Co. ara tlie latrge.t Importer. ofThoroughhred Stack and Choice Heeds in the States, and every Far jour in-tne country m chama- to teat their Uenutnt Beed*. free if charge We hope all our farmer friend, will avail themselves of this generous offer. Tux Phbknolooical Jockpai. tor March contains—Noah Webstar, the emi nent leiicorraidicr, vllh e M ,..t.si f j una, can | bo '•'* tlif quaflficattiiii ftV a PhrcnolojrUt; Pr<>gra* of Kdlgiou* Civil-' ixation. as illustivitad in the improved con dition of the Kara; Thomas do Witt Tal luadge, the eminent divine; Brain waves —a new theory; Ibe new king ofHpain. with portrait; tho lt Oen Prjrc prutittit. out iiOM.oltiu 'or tha r van* question ; the Food stniply of Europe and Ainartca, interesting fact-; Japan, Its present condition; Puni-hing Criminals, t, reform demanded: How to Kise in the: world, or wherein lie* Greatness—birth or culture; Iceland, the Land of Fire and Tut: Npnagay. for March ia a .-banning uutnlKT. To oe how the llule ones "go for it'' when It route* u< hand, j* ajone worth 0k ftrioqnf h, |t UtJJbct jjonthlv VITDITOKft KKl'ttKT. Hiiii-'ioent showing the Hscript* andj K* petolitoic* of i other sour. do overpaid atHHiunl. 1*1,41 do due relief account* "Ua.ti suo,i;i.d4 cu. Hv am i ot outstanding for iml'i ami pre vi.-u* y.-ar ...It.7tu.a4 i d® out* tan ding f"r * I*7o 77.007.*' do cunt i order* lifted ie. '-nx.uu dc exoiieratlou* allow sn| celli-i tor-.1.174 7! * do percent age paid collector. 1.60U,'d7 do traii-f -rred to stale account.. I,OFJ. '2 do stationery 10 . do treasurer's salarym. 'J.UIO do balance in treasury. "i.OIO.TJT! — to.'., 170,-4' KKLIRF FUND. lilt. To iffi't relief tax oiit*lnd iiijf at lat settle inent ~....1 . .5A7fat,tkl f'2,7.HOU Clt." - By ain't outstanding do wxonrrati-oi* allow ed i-ollsctor*..., 80,04 do |wunty j iin account With the Commonwealth of] pMonsyleania, fur State and special State laiet received and paid out for t'e year, 1870 To an. t outstanding at la-t settlement $2706.47 do assessed for 1*70..... 8419,(78 do overpaid accounts... 18.82 extra assessment*.... 18.91 da duo county *ccount..l£ (.Vn- Ureaad with the Commonwealth .of Jl'vnn 'sylvania, ahd f--uiid them true aqd correct i * above stated Wltnwsa our hands tin* Vd dav of January. A. I IS7I JOHN KISHKL * % J M BI'SH Audilers., It II YKAGKRI - . JOMRFH McCLosKKY i JOHN BANKRT ' - JOHN BI NO I Attest Wu.Yl'KFf * I * Urrt. RKCKIPTS Amounts rs.nvill bor ough 1H4.41 do A J Gardner Howard bor ough 14V 7s do John Luw, Benner tC*">.72 do J K Boak. Hurnside BU.CU de John l'onnrl. B-gg- 978.00 do Win Mann, Curtiu 208,86 llP** I.'.4 d D K KUtie, Hn-lon., 262.21 do Ephrnin Glrnt. Howard 44 ,00 do John Reciol. Liberty........... Wfi.txi do J K Weber. MUk. 9*\l2 do Adam Yearick. Marion.. 4M7,iX> do Jaisu Mauck, Ponn .I(H(,NI do J Hvckeitdaru, Potter .2247.71 do J M Bu.h, Pattoii 480.Ui do T J Batchelor. Rush 318.78 d<> Samuel Noll, Spring ..... 988.42 do I) H Yeagcr, Snow Shoe 190,00 do John Funk. Taylor t 82.79 do Wui Spott*. Union 1. IMO.BB io Martin Brumgart. Walker. .. I04Q.I& u hlim- Turner, Wurtn.JWl,l 1870 Pat|ie) licrr. Hd1ef0ntc...,.,,.. 042,i1D do W C McCWhen. Philips burg 20,(k® do Wm H Neff. Howard 86.00 ■iu Joseph Stear, I'niunvilta.,.,,. 81,00 ] do John Lutg, Bonner A90.0U , d> B Virhdoeffar, Hurnside...... 80.00 ] d<> John Holier, Hoggs 204.00 do Jlenry Thicl. Curtin 42,00 ) do George Mover, Fergusi-n 8-86.00,1 do S J Herring. Gregg 4ft'.(l)* do Wm Harter, Haines 480,00 1 ] do Jacob BotPirf. Harris -W6.OU do John Ward. Half Moon 87.00 do D W Kline, Huston 123,00 d> baptual RHckltt* Hqvncd 8H.7 do Jacob liei:bdol. Litinrty.....i.. $43.15; do Jrfhn S Hoy Mrlon l 70, dq Dahiel Consar Milei 870.0U , do Jons* Stine, Paittn 8(Vt,40 do J PASmith, I'enn 110,00 do Wm Eaken-. Potter 16i9i,12 do .1 K Sigfried. Rush 188,00 . do H J Gate-. Snow 5htw........ r'idrt, do Philip lluaver, Tay lor .iscx.Cmi dp Win qputu. L'piou 2&'t,iiP Jo liertry tSniiklo. Walke* do Alexander Chanev. Worth... tm.OR Am't received from A 0 timmi**.s iJOd'.J m -islSr ti|>*tavu XTVarsnn......... IH.BII tuiurt crlor Andrew White 47.7 state lunitic asylum. In xano iintipera 1186,48 1) 7. Rlilie e*-horiffon acct ivki.txi K R Burger A Co. print- I ing 1,7... " keh.Ufi ..■rtuin>|liv.irt(( coste-.... lutiTtaif *>n h'Hc# and - - • bonds '. ....f 1842,1(4 Hoffer Brb'a uijr- , chandizefor |s ny SOTftA* oinstahles pay '477.10 assessor* pay...... *£',oo eastern state pcnitcntl- "*" * -- bry 808,0$ Pit Meek printing IHfiS. . 70 r(...mmM°nor 7,801 , Wm Burchfield 27J41 9' W^VS': ■ ! , iu fill) ."><>2,B itoUt .u 11>. bill* •>.1,40 . Slefl lutg- \ t' 1 - •il l-UU-70... ... 808,91.1 Isaac llatint-love* A< 1--.3 ' J H lens 1 er,'c|- .pout- Ing bud stove- . TO,* I \v II Hnvi o tin v< .t oil com 1 Ifu-c ........ I 1i.f.0 J "" Dim 1 D'-rr 1 .1 Armor i T wood and haul. >• *c lo 17.7- fiVi* l.lviiig.tt.ii -Intloii erv bsM 10*,"* Ge * U ntkiT s - | ,<>r Jai1,,......., R!c7i M t aflViu v.oV. 1 J A IT.'. insurant ■ 71,> .1 A- J liai • tner, Imn dUe 79,8t H M Magce r (>.! lh stl'.ute Stephen B'o I i! •,1 woml !,'*• Jlt Mi'.che! 1.1, b i ef tendance prison . ...... I '• \btal.l Suit.- r b> I, > A 4' finery uoc.t:ed laud honk 28.00 Treasurer s bonk* !4,Wi W Holme, a if ii ... 17*.'t Win Clark renoHiig • a.il, 'b Gvoti llrysn -1 a'.ion>-ry • T John-t u jiotlhgc.,, 11..V II Stis-iiianmerchandik* 2.34 J k' Lnritnore table Htc, .1 Pacina c .rk 1,78 John Gwrbrick '.06; lluru-i'lia Thou i.m.-r --1 i handlre .' .. ll' F Muri hy x Hoi: leioks for Prothoi.otary 4 1. "s Sam'l ilari.ii-r light ning-tod Jail ; l!>. a Ii F V ortnex auditing act's H-.tt) Til Uiiotul- gia->ing windows 2,0(i ij W A Artcdd t nning torfttrnaee 22,00 Dait'l Garman hoarding witness.. .I.Ot' H I. Thoma* 1,80 \\ Mann b ru: g ,1 court r.aun e -1 "fC tirox v de-k . 11,00 Ail !!uder*< n court , reporter 70,00 MEM urphy A Sat en velope# 40 Of Nora Met sinter wr.-h --ing for prisoner* I'.Of A C Geary !.< AUo Sci>- binding win dots 1 k .'.of D M (ilenr. i> fr c irt riw.m 1,8 Wm Aiken- 1 if Reddy Power* work on gate 3,00 t M 'I ibl en pbi-trring 2 80' .1 I Rank •• !sa4- and ►laiioc.rrv 28(5 t. blrle- Dugati loi i ling court room rd rupn'a 7,4 I! Dan'l Mcfimley raj • n ■ icr work a- d bitt,rl- 37117 Todd a Dunran castings :0 .' Suumin x Guggeii hctmer rarf-ttt*atidtottt ting for co.rt If u-< .... 381,- JacohShromA Co bind ing carp, is an 1 matting 17.00 % "Wni \ Hughe* ii.H' afnl -ash ......... 7,'0 *a (• Bryan A Wiiiiain* Mug 9,0 Jaine- 1 urey digging ditch A< .. Ktt .! Mellermolt tuascr ry md regi-t .rs . . ".."..(if To-irdcr Jnn<-> it I'.*'-( .t medical aliendancv Jf I'M* do Andrew M ir, >ll % •.!,<* I Jo Ikuopble ,i .---n, vm dots blind- ("-uirt lb u>< t J- If I do Gcefgi tl'Br :B,N. tt ' 1 hair- and repairing 1 i isllf r>- 11 |*ii-fs ! do Wm I* Mi!-'ii Att.-r --t noy f.-- I< I*. do G* A itavacd r ting- -1* do II TP Its "- table • t. 1 d" Will' M Ihl. blank -.1 1 > • .1 *--k. t d< M I*l K.al.h .: do !t..riy - p..-* cr '...:rt 1 House flue- - r 1 llll Nuh-da- paper flTlfch 1...... ir.,.. d> , Zclter Jarctt }*(•• r 1 " jury r-mtn ... ...... I- 15) do Jnmc. If I. d.x k !j ct '7,1(0 Hrielgcs to v it do Paid Lea tin r* ; Mr > hxuie-i die bridge i /, d® ftoro It- lJefonic bride 1 at Latnb .t?i.-! .Vi'.i" -do I!.-ad and bridge view- 119,0 i d Reftrnding "f c -mmi-.- -toiiers B"te* ... |<\f'p\oS] do Itcdeiu|dlon of I'm,' ted State- lam) 1,052.2.*ti du D W dring sheriff bVi.Ctn Amourt paid t" th"-State 2.9125d0 do of mitatdtiding ordei. . from la*f y'fsr,.: 871.63 d" Trrtiiirsr 1 sflirv lono.pi 10 Stationery Hi.Od o Halam e 2.010.22 $56, '11,4 RF,CA PIT!* LATION. .(ccciptr ....$86,11! !! Kx)miidituTc- 54.101.27 RaUio-'- in Treasury. Jn 2 1871 20hi .22 MUip'cs iiut-lalidiiig ■ 11 Luplicat - oi 1870 and ■prvviou* year*, -uhjcct toexoncr 1 ation* and com mi-si on -1864 Marim Murphv Hurn-idi f* IT**- "2 Gi" L Peter- I'liion :>VJM HP'Ji Sinmn I.inglc Lihcrty 1422.' 18Hft WitiFurx Bellof-uitc *l43.'.hi K II Noli Spring 22K.34 IW7 SGulbmitb BelWontc .... : 41 •I I.Shope Milcshttrg ' . J W Gardner art) H" • I 'K''. St*" t-nivr Rentier ...... st t> il .l'ihii-"n Howard Itii.9.' M FTibbin* Marrion*.. l a", >7: j M'iii HdltSlini, ShiH' 2t 1708 A Snvder ItcH-fontc -S 1,7-t'. 1 .Ino 1 mud foot Milesburg !'!tj,'3siv A Jonc* Philipsburg WmA-kev C IMb: <"oi. 1 j j p • ,'pl.ii ts-niivl. Ib'gg fnff.ti. ( Jacob Hostel man llalnc-... oCZ Olli Wllilam Cross Hilf Mixu Ivl.oßj> Michael Confer Ilouuid , Benjamin Llta-t Lih. riy IftV'ilt l> C Keller Poffe- uta >'• r Wm H \-l upHtijr 11*21 i(r Port It ey ii'-l lelniti .Tfr.d.vlt v J A Weaver Mile-hucg ), AJ G xr-7io 1 llowfiid I ro M ! , J K Honk Burn idi r; - John P-'lllleli It ■ . . ir. 1, 4 M'n, V , • • X#c- I Kreb. Fe'gllsoii 377,241 .Is Herring Gregg D It"i, riiian Himi,. 170. !■' i 11 f YYUlai.d Harris .".l j I,1; , ' <' Kp I, ia Hi tib nil UnUHi.i I"i 7.'-''' .1 Ib-chdol Lflierty fkxl.-v. • Adam Teat (I , on 1 .1 M Ru h Pulton 310, Samuel Noll Sprit. .....122231 T) 11 YegcrSnow Mow K 41 *<. Martin HruniiP.nl M is-. * fc .il;> ,h .i u IVL-it)i*V " a" ,U "V" • - l ! 'l J j Weaver \ttbrA-.,eg.. rf .....7. 47i'.H.'| M J M'cGloi. hen Philin-burg 687,97 i -'Wm ft Neft ijowtinl b0re....!. 7 11.17! .lotepli s't< i f Vnlonvlllc 164. John Lift* Brnncr ( _ jip.^ii* B Fiehdoctfcr Hr; ..i i fc . ..... 'Oftj''. :,(i J Holtnr I'"!. 'i " H7iV97i ! IJriibV' *24 I.MS „ Geo Mity cT Fergu--n 2J4'."> ; Samuel Herring Gr .fg . ..... 1887, 'p ■ M'tn Harter // o . ... jp Jar-ub llottorf /farri- 278S i*3 \ John Ward //alf Minn, sju.2l , H W Kline Uo-i ~ :i7i',.ot iu'Vfiltd 418.87 r ' * JIKtS -l'W MnrtOt 1108,12 Duuitd ('i.qsar Miles 10t53,37j ( Jonas Sliiic Patlon fm.r, ](", () J P Smith IViui 184H.011. WinKakcn- PotH-r *1910.®0 r * P K Ligfricd ISu|| MO.iJi John M Fuary Ui.rmg W.T.r.L 1 ' "i MkM ilnuv, HUiivv,., 408,82 1 Philip r„... 190,68 I M m Npottsi'rtlon 177 97 ti wsnry Dunkle Walker 1674,82 Alexander Chancy H'orth 200.6 C U4.50.74 W Tbo*e tjmrko.i v;i,L'iXhav. vqQaradtltfiir h| f LIABILITIES a /0t26,70 f iif.ty bond* 10.tu.t I'm 8i!e............. 1t,100,00 1 County order* oiit (Ui4'Ml# A D . I>7". t the 2d ' lav of Janua y, A D , 1871. JOHN MING JoS McL'LOSKKY, JollN (4 BANKET. f ii ,n m I ttioarrt. Atti.tf Wn.i i FkukT. Clerk, STATE Of i'EN N A.. CenirnCoutitr.Sg. We, th® undersigned A uur hand* and seals this 24th day of Janua , ry, A. Ik, 17I. 1 " J. M BCBH. LS. JOHN KISIIBL, LS. D. H. YF.AGEk, Ls. . Jwdrg j Att.-st: WtLLtxw FntKr. Clerk. * 6EKTB WAHTED- 5228 A MONTH) A-by AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE Co BOSTON MASS. „t ST. LOUIS. MO. Jnt9 j JURT 55 K 1$ A. ] AGEN SMA LE A FEMALE. For Ja -1 selling jMpu/nr iubcripthu. j ' • k. Extra lnd.u • m-nt* to Aarntu. | Information free. Addre** An. Ibaik Co, St a. 1 febs4 4*; 610 Mud. From .'Sir.'*! S-nr.rthii.g urgently ne-4*4 by ®v®ry- j body. CaJi and See; or 12 sample* sent] p. stage paid) for 60 cats, that retail eailv ; :.t sl< It 1. ll'ot.'-'-'rT. lsl Chatham Sq I X Y. feh24.4i \VANTi:i AGENTS. s2< PER , Is; irtie . >brx!.i HOME SHUT-! 1 Tf.K SKM ING MAt'HNK Has the i#®- Icr'ft-■!. maLe Ue " Y. Pbi'ad. Iphht. l'n. fcU2l.4.j FREE TO -1 ' .7.1-r --of OUI BOOK AGENTS an- isHsk g-M. cee "I •i rgc. Addf "Natio.iol Publishing I'll,lade.> !. >. In i'ft'24 4i AGENTS WAXIKUT'OR ■WONDERS; OF THE WORLD." Ot. r one fh.'ii-aiid Jiiu*:raltwti*. The liar;-.- 1 .<-• -. Itinsr. anJ m-"t attractive ul' rripii ti i'ook ever pitbii-hed. One 1 • 1 ■ - >i'l Ml) copies 11 4 day* (be in Milwaukee s-dd hi vij .. i da). "I'd tt large number (ft in -J to 1 c 'pic- icr day. Send for i' , . nr-, -.'h t.-r n* *l once. Address 1 s PUBLISHING C*-, 411 Broome' >. N Y. f-i'24.4i REDI (TIGN r. Weils' (";*,iL ii' TnhlrM t sc .'nr,. "i th> iiiucii 'U-membrane and -Ii ul'l [sroiiijdly aiul freely taken in all ' "xp tire or violent change of v-ather, 1^ 1 ! th vc< (be C rciilation )fth* b'"d f Hndth i' ward "3" ,11 tcttdf; v-'< -JdUnd l.ung difficulty. i The prop >v* -"iild say. all first m . i*w* luive thxiritnftiitiona, )hcv wotpd U AITTION the publ'C ;>g ,'ii;.timp..-iti,.nby j having "tber iiicdicint-s I'iruii upon them in th ■ admirable Tablet*. JOHN I K ri P mfi! \ Y Sob- Agent' > I* . Price 2'* cent- a box. 1 li b', t tv. if ciiiiu- IT? lit MRUGT By -ending 88ct*. 1 v'.l. it- 'jjbl, color of eye- and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a corrcci pieluieof you- future huslutud or wife. 0 n i,!i iirti..c rtiid da eofmttrriiige. Addrc*-, , M FOX. P. • l)n\\< r V2l, FuU"iiville. • N Y. •fvblO.fitj , f .i\ THEA-NECTAR ISVPUKK .M'fc ,V t RI.KK T F. 4 as x u ''bthi Gnam Tea Fla • V"-. M'arrantiw) taxuh -j'' SwUvU ill ta-'v. K-u -a!t ' ! 'vybcr*-. .\nd for^ Knuh-alo only by the lirw Ailrtiiiic-V Pacific Tea Co ,Bohurqhf -1 NiwY -ri P. (i R.x .Vol, dfcllbrl) I 1 . N. ct rCirt up.r. Ii 1 Ag< ii!- \\ qutc I. For the t LAnd vri Sucrod Mystery t Hv Hkv. W. L. GAOK. ill,' giatdc-t end !"•! popular new! Iu- k • ut. ilc.tuirc'l. (11 " supvrh Diustra-i : n, Mr-.!. etc. N< other I—>k like it— ' iionu < Hint: hxlf -•> Uxt, AgoitU sell AOu> 1 I .i jcr vcck u! it mJ Pko|". STOW-k'a ,Vr//- i',ri, ), -• Jfirfm Isryt if/t.- . - • ••'■ Sctui fll circular* t. M oßTHinutov, Distiv A ('.., Hartford. 1 • d 1311 K MAGIC COM K tgii) change any * . ' 'd I'iliair or lusxisf to h permanciii 1 ilack or hrown, p c intainx no Poiaon. J Ju® va.iot. .i-ut by mail for sl. lJoalers ti u|tf>|icd nt reduced rute. Address Win I'littou Trni- Springfield, Mas*. febla4 t {, . s I.AISHING TACKLES, rud* lines, hook " I. flics, -ca hair b:\-kets, etc. Rig vou ' tut to catch trout ui * ftUHNSIDB A THOMAS - > A PANNED TOILET SETTS. AND ' other Japuuncd ware, at the Anvil Biorc. ■ ipllf os. lltwi.v a Wiiomt. <1 | 1 A -X El) FiiL I TS ptMscileit, lOlUllUe'- | J. H. Heifunydor ,lui..■* ul tliw IW, Ktirvivwr, and Conveyancer. | Attend* <• n••"•* h*> in* land, r PROPERTY FOR ll*. BUY. Deed* Mortgage* ,V<\, Ar drawn rtid acknowledged upon i abort notice, ami reasonable tortnt. Office over tinook'a Hum Millhetra, Pa. !M2AP CASH tit)*!, No. I A Sufar, l>. Ho*l Hrowa Sugar 18a. j Dark llrown Sugar, lua lie. HIO COFFEE UC'ttto. SV ItU PS from ~b t $1 00 par gallon j Sugar llu*e from 7oc. to SI,OO. Everything else in Proportion. Person* purchasing Good* of thU ftna' I will plae bear in mind mu*t W paid fr before taken away. WK SELL CHEAP, Because w* **ll FOR CASH ONLY. WK KKKP NOBtMIKS £©*, Country produce will ha taken ia j ;exchange ft*r gol, and lk bant marhat; j price allowed. IVmtni from Centre county, will plea** uk* notice that money ran L tared by ; , Hirrhaaing their good- of Aletandar * S bo. doct.Bm i News! See Here! | TIM AND BHEETIRON WARE The underaigntd beraby inform* thai ;rititen* of Penna raUy that he baa war | oh*ed the Tlnthoo heretofore rarriod or, by theC. H Mfg Co., and wil. cunueae ihe tame, at the old Hand, fa all It* branch. •a, in tb* manufacture of sTOVF, PIPE dk Apocrine. All kind* of rapalring don*. Ha ha* a!waya on hand Fruit Can*, nt *ll StM*. BUCKET*. Cl'^S. I DIAPERS, DISH Eft. AC. All wnrk warranted and charge* raaaon-1 •hi*. A *hare of tn- public patronage a*. 1 licit*™! AND RKKbMAN, '2ep7tK- Centre Hall JfRLLP.H A JARRETT dealer* In DRUGS, MKDICIXRS. CHEMICAL* aioall the STANDARD PATENT MEDICINE*. A very large a*- aortmant r TOI LET A aTicLKa, Pa ac T Snod* Soap*, dkc., A. The fit eat qua!* Hy of RAt o l it stem, POCKKT Ksiva*. Si*eoa> and Kaxona. WALL Parica U Gas vr VASISTT. PRESCRIPTIONS, compoundedby com j peteni druggtat* at all hour*, day ir night. Night customer* |>u 1 night hell. /.KLI.KK A JARRETT lii.hop St., BUo*oat# Pa. junlb I STOVES! STOVES* Mr Andrew R-e*roan. would reapect 'ully inform l* c eitiuna of Centre Hall hat he now ha* on band all vice* of Cat' •ii.ve.-Gaa Burner.—which he ni u?a< Other machine.. Another adv hoining and lowering appa'.atu*. wbeech the driver ha. under hi\ Complete contrw of the machine; in e<>Utt&* to a tool of lode ed grain, the driver tan change the *W*..J he machine in an mttaai, without ate" ,nini the team, vutiiht the Muhla from "ST ■nckutat lh* hutaide f the maeh*i), aa wal' Moqlht in.ide. It Dannat*'. < ucd f Erw cl*., tnatenal, qudVuUt of tirc claa* ma ehanic*. Ra wWa; ft v coad to none. All KM* f Hur.epower* and Throahiag Mvblaea. By 4 nd Grain Rake*, latemim provad AlUind.ofßepairingiona Dl'- frraut kt M d*of P L.O W S PLOW CASTING. The Celebrated tfeekeadorn Kcvnotnie. plow which ha* given entire aatiafactioi Wc employ the beat Patternmaker*, ©u; tuUtern* arc *ll new and of the moat i tap POT ed plan*. Plan*, Specification* and Jl aw ing* fori.i.heil for all work don© by u*. tafWr hope by *trict alter lion to bua tie** to receive a .hare of public patroaag CASTINGS of every description made and filed up If MILLS, FORGES. FURNACES FACTORIES, TANNERIES, AC., A( Ail order* by mail promptly attended to CENTRE HALL MF G COITP SPICKS of all variotie*, ground to and warranu-d to be utrictly pure It is the onlyplaceyou can find unaduifaera toil a pi OCA. Try thorn for yourown aati*fae lion. Ym can wilv find them at BURKSIDK A THOMAS'. HANDSAWS, kntv©, *poon*, coge* mill*, -hovcla. spHd©, rake*, hoc amiis, fork*, chains, Ac., at BURNSIDE ATHOMAS BIfRNSIDE It THOMAS Offer to th* Public on* of th< liirgoat and best *elooted stock*of mrreban diao, in Centre county. Call, exaini)*an' ce for yourself. FINK GROCERIES, mocha cofn©, ©l< gov. Java, bent quality Bin ceCac best oolong black tea*, grsen teas, Inveriot ■ymp, golden yrup, Drip* fine article bak ing ntolaaaea, rice and everything in th grocery line at the lowest cask wfcws in th* inarketBCRNSIDE A THOMAS'. D UM place. NOTICE.- " > Lettey* teatarhentary upon th ©agat' of John fringes, late of Penn townnhip dee'd. having been granted thq utader signed, ail persons knowing tbeqy*elv© hi deoted t< the *aoc- are hereLe notaSsd t< make pavuent. and tho*e havftig clatei. tc i.roeont them properly authw.lcatejtrsec 'JomjnA JA&Jii DIMHIUE - jaa27.fit / t t a . i' I TBISSOTRTION OF COFAKTM 1 - JL/SHIR, TH© PARU>ER*HIP IWTVFIAFNTA ETDLII* %*- TWORA AM©* AH'TANDRR AND W K. ALE** AN DOR. UNDER THE NAN.E OF A. ALEXANDER C SON. LTHIADAVDIEAO'VED BY MUTlML eop*ent, TH* BUSIIIE** of THE I*l4 FIRM WILL HE WFTIE.S BY A. AL*I*R, INFORM IN# LEAD* THAT THEY will ■ UILIIIUE THE I.O..•• IN AIL IT* BRANCH**, AT TH* OLD ataad. in MIIIBEIUU UNDER the NAM* , •! AietaiiJcr BRO a AND fvypuetfuli,* *lb it j HE PATRUNAGR of THE euMoiwera OF the old I HOUAE; AMI OTHER* IN WANT OF THEIR TIN* J < GOOD*. It WILL BE their CONSTANT DE*IR* and •'TFOR, TO RENDER BILL AATKFAETKM BOTH TA ' j ©UALITY OF GOOD* AND prie©*, A* W*LL A* FAIR DEALING AND E-.URTEOU* TREATMENT TO AIL, W • •! K©*P R<>N*TANUY ON BEAD N FOLLATOEK OF DRY G<*UD*. GROCI RIE*. QUEEN*WAR*. HEFDWNRV, WOOD A WIIJOW WAR*. DRUG*, DIE., A*. W. K ALKAANDEK, . IAAWSM A. R ALEXANDER. J. Y ALEXANDER. COME ONE AND ALL! < PRICKS, LOW At The Old Stand I > j Tks Ij*rqr+\ Arrival 4 Sprmf •I Owtf# H*ll i INDIES AND GENTS DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, 1 ** GROCERIES HARDWARK. QUEENSWARL Hata, Cap#, fUota, Skom. ALSO. A CHEAP LIKE QF FLAKNELB* MUPUNS. CAI.ITOEK ASD SHAWLS, ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT or I NOTIONS, ST EC PS COFFEES AIOO A *A*o© WORK OF FISH, TINT BEAT, ALL KIADS. MACEEREL SAD HERRING, TH* BEAT AND RBAAPEA IP THE MARK©*. Wolfs Old Stand. WE SHALL TARE PAKFLCRLAR CARE TO HAIR IT AN OBJECT F**R New TA - - toners, !AS WELL A* INYTTE OUM OLIF FRIENDS. TO GIVE US A CALL APUMLY. WM WOLF. COAL, i 1 LIME, , • AND W)WDER! e a I u > .. ( COAL—WTTMABARRE COAL. (WML SUVA, RAG. FRNUN*AND FOUNDRY. COAL—OF B.UT QUALITY, AT TBE LEW* AOTPRIO** C'UAUAUER* WIILPLMW NOT* THAT, OUR COAL LA HOUSED I*N* DNV NA MM *UA ABED*. LIXR—WOD ©R C©L-LNIRNT LIMO, FOE AA* • * AT ©UR KILN*, ON TB© PIKE LENDING T*A XI!E*BURG. t • FOWDIR. HAVING RWREIWD THE AGWNC* FOF.,D DONL* POWDER AT WIMLTBLL F, WE (HALL B© PKNAAD T© MEAIVE ORDERS FROM the - ) I OMEW AND VARD NEAR WOTH END OF BALD V EAGL© VALLEY R. R DEPOT, BELIEF.MT*. PA I 1 KVI SHORTLIDGR * CO. STERNBERG • HA* B*U TO THE EXTREME END OF THE R ■ ' MARKET FOR BOOTS DL HHOKS. ~ TB BOSTON. FOR DRY GOODS TO FEW FURK. 1 FOR CLOTHING TO PHILADELPHIA. * BFO F*l'K ARTICLE BOUGHT DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURER, WITH A DA AIR* TO SUIT THI* UARHVTDSS FINE ALPACAS FROM 40E TO ?6C THE TNEAT—EQUAL TO U. 26 ALPACA*. SC/ITS—FROM $lO TO $lB. BEAT ALL W 001 CAAATMEI E*. TFOHI INTEND* TO CLOAA OUT Hl* STNEK. HR THEREFORE NOW OFFERS BETTER BARGAINS THAN ELSRPTHKRK. . ONRPEU AT OLD RAHFEA FROM W CENT* TA 7S CENT* PER YARD, FOR IKE BEST. DRY GOODS, NO AHVANCE, T AND AEHIAG FROM 12| TO ID CCX. r DH E ANYIL STOIR I* NOW R acelvtngr I A LARGE AID FILL AMORTED Block OK' LURIWNFO, STOVE*. NAIL*, ILORSE SH , SADB dloiy. GLASS PAINTS, SHEET, BAR NR ID UOP T0 NKFO'UGY AND WAGON ; FUU-K JR !• 1 '?