Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, February 24, 1871, Image 4

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    jut w.
A Woman's Lin.;
Dhb the nowiii of ths dark Wuf.
Braid th* of the ebw fcr afore;
Bat neither half o fkthomlre* c<usfa .
it in th* depth of a true w omMf* far©-
Stern fate, that can*** dearest f-i.ad* to fori.
The tronjret, holiest (tea mar eilrn surer;
But. in the secret of a worftan'a heart
The low once kindled Will remain isrewor.
Man. in the heat add fervor of hi* Hlfa
Uay soon t >rjc<* the lore that's Mikied and
slighted; W
Bnt woman, hidden from the world's wild strife.
Will sorrow ever ft* the hope that% blighted.
And, as the irr round the oak that grows .
Will cling to it the tighter when xl* shaken.
So to the heart that true affeotiou kuoss .
Affliction will a deeger lore awaken.
The rate ia strfato a 4 Nrtb
The violet at the north wind's breath will
But W •lltkil lt lew* through *U Otitis* HUH
last, . *-• #v ■ *
And sorrow only wOl new torawr govti*
If then wouMst woman w.Wp AMWUCO
Oh: use it temlwty, hnd fchgW
For th tub no triatr ran It* tlrmnea* fa<w%2lA*
Uukiudnes* will its ar.hu crush forever.
Farm, tiarilwi fnd H©*h*>My
MorsTTHK. -e-Pdw white lew.!
white. groan*** rib s*d iwed very tlifoiq
is an excellent cement far mending bra*
ken crockery ware; -but it take* a wry
long time to harden. It ia well to put
th m mil x d qljjeei in some ktOTStOoifi,
and not look*' after It for scraml VyekH,
ami even niuflth.--. It will then he fotui.i
ao firmly nutted that, if ever broken
ag.un, it' part on a line with the
former fracture. •,
SrnimaTnto THK Sir*.—We do not
much believe in stimulating sick folks,
unless it ia by air. sunlight, rest, proper
food, and a healthy, mental state. Many
a person sick with fever or alow, linger
ing disease, is stimulated out of the world
bv beef tea, hrandv / chanioague, am ma
nia, and other noetmiua, when hw might
have lived by good mining aud nutritious
food. They die of starvation. The blood
soon liecomes impoverished when whole
snm food is withheld, and. if in addition,
it is loaded with noxious drugs, its char
acter is greatly changed, and it becomes
quite unfit to yield nourishment to the
tissues through which it cuvulatea.
—Herald of Hea&k.
COOKING FOOD won Hooa.— l*. P.
Brown, of Newport, K., wrote t* the
Farmers' Club : '* For several wars I
have annually raised and fattened about
500 hogs, feeding them entirely on whole
and uncooked aim. At present price of
pork, however, this will not pay, and I
have concluded to eook their food here
after. Now, would you advise me to
feed whole corn steamed ia ths ear, *
shall I shell the corn, grim! it, and feed
it as mush (cooked; t I have tfcoogfat
toe of cruabiagthe corn and cob togeft-"
er and steaming it, feeding it cold.
Would the latter plan be a good one ? I*
there any nutriment in the cob when well
cooked, "and would any evil probably n*
suit frcm feeding it to hugs ?" Mr.
Brueu sdyjaad him ri> shell bw corn, ami I
then oook.*f uaing the eob as fuel. He
believed the judgment of most experi
enced farmers was iu frvor of cooking,
and that tlie advantage would bg fully
40 per cent. # * '* ~
Fnrrr GARDEN.— Jhearf TVN* need
pruning, sashing with soap or lev, pro- ]
tection against insects, etc., and such
other care as has already been suggested
for trees in the orchard
PnnttMii of small limbs may be dyne
with the knife wherever necessary, to
bring trees into shape.
Grape - I'iure not attended to last au
tumn. should be pruned in the first'mild
apell that qcctum.
.N'-r-'c--iVa nmy be set as soon as
plants can be procured, and the frost ia
fairly out oLtfae ground.
7m7iseVil!be needed for grapes, and
posts shoqld he got out \t nere dura
ble timber is scarce, set a short locust
post in the ground, spike to it an up-1
right of other wood. *
Blackberpes and Reepbermet should be <
set as early aatbs <x>:iditiau of the soil <
will allow. The underground shoots,
which will-larm the caues of next aea
aod, start very early, ami are likely to
be injured'if the setting is left until £te.
—Mice litoedrapidly, and it may not !<o
gene rally known that an immense num
ber of them are usually destroyed, in!
autumn, by the filling of the ground j
with water and its freezing. This is one
of Nature's modes of checking the mul
tiplication bt these pests to s degree"
that would Snake them worse than the
frogs in Egypt. But the past autumn
and winter, tons far, have lieen in many
parts of .the country unprecedsntedly
dry. hear from some sectioud ot so
great a lack of water in cisterns and wells
that much if felt for the result.
In aomb Aities the fountains are so com-;
pletely up that larg- extra fifC
patrols nrof orpaaized to watch agni:n-t
conflagrations. With the above facts in
mind, it will be will for all having fruit
and others trees to look out that they
are not mrdled by the redundant mice
that sull.pirrow in the dry soiL We
well rem3l>er that, some twelve or fif
teen years ago, after such a dry autumn,
there were hundreds of thousands of
fruit trees girdled and destroyed soon af
ter the first heavy fall of snow. In many
cases laMb orchards were rained. Mice
seldom, if#*-*, gnaw a bare tree, or one
around iftieb the snow is firmly tramp
ed. The tlttrplest protection, therefore,'
against tjglr ravages, is to either keep
the snowj&nred away from any tree or
shrub in ginger, or to trample* it firmly
down ar>* hd the trunk cs soon as it falls
To leave a.£gbt snow around a tree for
a day or night will furnish a fine cover
for the demedator* to work aniler.
Tarred paper put around a tree, and Ex
tending up 10 or more inches from the
ground, and held by a string, a fur
ther Mifegukajl swrtk proviinag for all
valuable ft iff. trees. ITie rbcmng felt,
saturateilTiplli omd-tar, can ba bought
30 inches **id<vfor sto 7 oeots a imrd,
in large ijMkttitiee, and each yard wifi
out so as td make six pieces for trees not'
more that- 5! indies in diameter, or
twelve pisses for trees less than three
inches ln^fcmetcr.
Hearth ana Home: 1 notice in your re
port of the meeting of the Fanners'
Club, that Hon. J. A. Bill, is quoted as
authority for ploughing reclaimed
salt maridie*. This, we believe, is not
according $D J£r. Bill's record. He tried
the exprtfiment once upon a small patch
of his tbitAy onrrs of dyked meadow,
sowed it Bwith buckwheat, but it was s
failure. -The crop grew well enough, hat
was dryyi out by the unexpected
flood in-jtfce Qnnnec-tieul ' The most
of his TflHAitncd marsh lands was
never tdijlic-l by thp plow, and never
•owed wffl/gnw seed. TViy. ri|,A
small f-tijliq' rmmirg through wMch
brought l|vn graiw-sced enough frym
above artificial sowing. Plow
ing may,wjill enough in marshes cov
ered at'Apaes with brackish water, and
where ttA ihkek mmh-grass has new
been but where the sod has 1
been onoe fonned it far folly to use fhe
plow. Wte -s id is exceedingly tough,
and will IAK for years after the salt wa
ter hrs bdm shut dff. For such a sod j
nothing*iiWe fa needed than to drain,
top-drewylind to sow grass-seed persis- ]
tently. wiH grow where weeds
will if itfMs a ehance, and if the wefds
are moifhjyeariy. ° that they do 'not'
have an to. go. to seed, the
grass will ggpw upon them and root them ;
out. Among all the salt marshes re
claimed njfcg the shores of Coboeclicut
and Maasfehusetts, We do not know of
one wherapJowing has been found prof-:
itable. She best crop for these lands is ]
grass, iind this fa readily brought in by :
top-drees®* and sowing seed. Many do j
nothing qjrsow the seed. In the case'
of the y marshes, where plowing
has been Imported to, a black marsh-sod
had never-Men formed,and plowing was
feasible. .It may be advisable in the ease
of your \ltginia correspondent, but we j
do not wiFffnim to be misled by any mis-
of the practice of those
who have kpa most saocessful in reclaim
ing these apis. Bed and white clover,
timothy 4B red-top, do well oc re
claimed end make excellent;
fodder, yip appearance of the weeds
after the fillis shut off, is a good symp-1
torn and snmild be followed immediately
by sowing grass-seed.
■ r4*
I/CSACT FA inar&ing ia Frtooa—
asylums are all erowdM.
mmm WW 11 -
finmmary ef flew*.
JEJOCT Lind will be fifty years old in
THE Miiall-pox has beeomo epidemic
in Loudon.
;< In I.SiT>, .311 people wcrj devoured by
tigers in Mudput ' < t
TUB New York Yacht Club has electrsl
I Mr. Jiuuos Gorvlou Bennett, Jr., its Com
AT a lle auction in Greenville, Orange
Co , N. Y., eowa avoragvd 840 i*r bead,
mid hay $22 a ton.
Coui niglita have nut a stop to gate
ilu uW. you had Ivtter quit.
A. aM>'iNV has Ws organised to en
tlstiwd'teriidway fltMn Frob-ricton, N. 8.,
;te Mvier du Loup, Quubec.
T V Ni:a-HAMi*siiu:s man, who rcoantiv
r' luyt sua of hi* great tinw froeen, chop
' pv J it off V(ith a mallet and chiwL
'! A pupor suggest* that
f the bint pdaaitilp um' to we cau put
' Ahaka is to *tke4t a pt x nal Colony.
.1 r Mtorv rail any wagons, la<leii witli iin
[ Vtihmis Futennl Pan*, all be in-
London gift* to Pigi*."
'• TiniT'ommcwmd llaivk of St Jq)iu,
■ N. B.i was mvutk* rblil by burglar*,
1 who a larga-auount of mauey.
TUI: ladies g\\q a a rwasou for mar
rring tea jiioora, tint they uowaelduia
find KUVtliug- nm m a man worth bav
,.ifg.' • ' '
j Xlii. HOLT, a<spcagt> artist, ws Ijad
tly acolvd bv. the of a dou ah
uut whieh waas jdaeeily" simmering in a
kettle of hwL< '
Tux Cvunjianies say that
the infiifik o! foreigners into the we-t
tturiug the next spring and summer will
' V khjiost tiqwnilhie i.
• Thk House IVctfle Kailtoad Commit
.tee.it is iiuderstiHHl, will favor
of the . Southern l*acific lvaillvsul bill
passed liy the Semite last July.
THK Kuisoopul CUmTh ha* at preaent
35> and 'J miasonary bisUoj*.
with -"JthoOO lymmuiucanta. The eou
' trfluiUous lust year amounted to Sd.Olci,-
725. . .. i
A Halffax, N. K., telegram say* tlie
proceeding against the schooner* Nick
i isou. VYouson and Frankhn are closed,
ami the vessels will be promptly oou-,
• detnneil.
G*>*. tan XVyek, member of Congress
: from ths Xlth N. Y.) District, treati-d
, the children of the public achoolfof Mid
dlotowfi. to the number of over 1,000, to
! a grand sleigh-riile.
TBEBE are aw tkkOUH French soldiers !
ip Ss'iV<erland. The men ore very bad-
Jy ciail taKi the Swiss government lias
i aakinl the Frt-nch authorities to scud
, dothiug tor their use.
ANOTHEB call on the German Landwher
j for men between the ages of 27 and 47 j
, ha* bora fanned. l>om the new reserve
I ddd,ooU meuVill IK- ready to march into
. Friuice at aliort notice.
A B*s FRANCCTCO man who brought !
? suh for 9100,000 for damages done his
| property by the great
exploaion in April. 18ii6, has been'award-
J ed §1,787.02 and iutarShi.
THK rinderpest lias aj>pcared in West-
Aiviter, N. Y. Twenty cattle belonging
'to "Mr. Wallace of Opton Fafl, and
some stoek, of Mr. Hynard of Somers,
are sufi't rmg from the diss***.
AT thF" meeting of the Conference in
Londou, Russia is said to have fully
gained her oljecf—all her pretensions
j beipg kqowh\Vged, she yialdiag noth
ing. Turkey obbaiusAio guarantees.
• IXaßOhißcestrr'fhbitfß schooner Elith
! is snppos,d to hnpro been lost
on ' the Weaft ip Bank?', with. her crow,
I (' •n-datrimcf tw --lve in .aji,'three of whom
, leave whCna, .nul Awo nine children.
i THE Xldiche fn.linn# in Arixona are i
! growing bolder, and nicdte dniiy raids 1
; into th# Jfijno. nyd, Gila reservations,
"1 1 f oo aside red free, j
. M -r* Jns.y.s4irw nrgeutly called for. }
J. MOVMU-e or adjust able horse shoes
have become a " fixed fact,' iU)d a com
pany rir Ghioopee, Mass., are mgtsl in I
their manufacture. This shoe can lie
' taken pn at ni|dit, or when the biwse is
j'pqt a( jsprk. pttt oh kgaih "when
w aided, as a pais nf .boota
THE" iaa a telegram
' froafi "Lyons "-Which sites that Gen. Crc
| iner, with one of "the" divisions of the
! French Army of the Eust, has effi*cted a
- ri*treaf fropi foutaglier .to Oex, but was
: obliged tonpikq and aliandon forty gnu*
! to the Prussians.
Tiu: Pi ohtfritory Stat* Central Com
mittee cf sfarsarlinsetts ha* adopted a
rewdutiou in favor of adopting woman
Huflriurr* tu> a part of their political piat
' form, and appointed a committee to ar
range for a convention of the party to ;
con-ider Hhe subject.
j GOLD to the amount of Sls, iu the
gizzard of a hen, is a matter tnat is
agitating the denizens of Belmont, Wis
consin, just now, a man having recently
made a discovery of tlult startling char- [
acter. The mortality of bens ia said to .
lie very grant in that locality since the
discovery was made.
A ST. Lorn woman complained to the
Police, on .Monday, that another woman
had won away the love of her hnsfaaud
by the use of a certain love-powder, and
that, although she had tried the efficacy
iof the sasne powder, thereby involving
to herself an expense of 85, she had been '
, unable to win it back again.
THE Pennsylvania Secretary of State
gives the' septennial enumeration of all
; counties, ertepf Fhlton, showing the ag
gregate of persons to be 806,697;
of dqaf ami dumb persons, 607, and of j
Wind persons, 761. Philadelphia has
158,022 taxable penning. 88 deaf and
< dumb perwwi, and 176 blind persons. ;
THE annual meeting of the New York '
State Agricultuial Society, was held at
i Albany. The annual reports were sub
mitted. The Treasurer's repotf shows s
balance of 830,252 64. Oftiiwa* for the
; ensuing year, with XL Ibclwrd Churcli,
-j ff ABeghany, as Pra-idwit, were elected,
1 and after debate on several quotums of
! minor' importance, the meeting ad- j
j journed.
I* the Bupjcinc Court for the District
|of Col am lua, Chief-Justice Carter an
nounce" that by reason of a divided
Court,Mtire* coacnraing in the opinion, ;
the judgment of the O)art below, in the
case of Caroline Brown against the |
Woshiogton, ;Artksndria and George
town Bailreod. .Coiuuuiy, for §ld>X
j damages for plaintiff, by forcible ejec- <
tion from a car at Ahucandria, in Mnrdh,
on account of Vildr was affirmed.
j" A TiBCLAB statement, compiled by
I Mr. Joseph JSimtno, Jr., of the-Bureau
ol Statistics,-sbowe thateincc 1856 the
rehtww* of BritiSti tonne go entered at
; AmeJiSan ports, and American tonnage
j entered af Brjtigh ports, have entirely
cringed ; th 4 instead of th latter being
1 don Win the feoaer,-as prior to 1868, tira
| former fa hoar double the fat er. The
■ chtmge is tmtkihod to the diangns eflbct
ed by vteam and iron; bpth in the vehl
j eles and modes of coinmerca
I MIIJ THOMAS A. HALFWE, the wonnded
| express messenger at A Ibarra, is rapidly
i recovering. In a letter tofa friend he
j says fr This has been a pretty tight
! squeeze for me. I did not expect to live
'fifteen .minutes after I had given the
alarm,' All ! stiked for was to see my
; wife and child, and I could have let go
■my hold pretty -easy. I had no bones
i until .Sunday, when I told my wife that
1 if I weathered that night I thought I
1 might get well. Nothing bnt the provi
, deutial interposition of God saved my
; life that night."
J IT fa a question letween a couple of
! teamsters in the vicinity of Shclbnnie,
i which fa the stronger, tfie force of habit
or that of imagination. During the late
cold snap John suffered Intensely from a
| slit in the back of his coat, which gave
! him the rheumatism in the shoulder, and
' kept him iu a chronic state of shiver.
' He went home at night, half frozen and
I wholly cross to find the "gude wife"
i had put a patch on the offending hole the
' night before. .And Jerry enlarged to one
iof his companions on the warmth of a
, red flannel padded w&ibtooat his better |
I half had been making for him ; said he
" had just as 'lief be out as in, for he j
dida*Mpel .the cold at all," and got home
at high! to fipd tha jnach kaded dread- !
n£U"Lf had been hanging behind the
kitchen stove all day.
The West Point Troublss.
, The Committee on Military Affair*
have made their report. Iu it the offl
! oers at West Point are condemned ; and
' ■ it is recommended that the expelled cu-
I dot* be reinstated. The re pert says :
r j "The conduct of the officer* show* a
j lack >f comprehension of the priueijihw
1 of military aiacipUne, *urpri-itig in otll
. ccrs of SBoh long and honorable at uul-
I ing iu the army. The only thing that
can le said in extenuation of their ac
tion is thht their effort* to maintain dir
' jcadiuo heretofore have not been prop
' eriy siwtsiiitHl at Washington, and that
' scntancca of court* martid providing
' i for the dituaioaal of cadet* have almost
; universally teen remitted."
- j Tlu> report of the Committee is par
, i tioularly severe ujwn the members of
I the first class. It ismcludas :
"Your Committee therefore Iwlleve
that tlie itsdot* engaged in the diograee
ful affair tbffuld W MVSM|. puui l ed.
aihl that kuj aliglit punishment will haVJ
the etricl to aggravate the evil iustratl of
' i iwoviiig s renunly. Four years ago a
I pan of the firat cias* to<ik Mi iiutocsn'
: OIMIH into their own bauds, liraudinl
" thief " upon him, and drammed him
from the Point. The instigator of the
j offence was tried by eoiu-t martial and
' sentenced to Iw dismissed ; bnt on uje
'' t the authorities at Washing
i ton ti><' seiiteiiee wna nuiutted ; and the
recent outrage must lie regarded a* iu
purt-tim finil ot the clemency then
shown. The Committee are of the
Opinion that the meiala'Ts of the first
ejus* who were the instigators of aud the
leaders in the atkur of the first of Jiui
nary should IH at once di missed from
the* Academy, and that all the other
uieuitiers of the elas* who p.rtici)iated
ill the affair should lie tried by court
; martial and severely punished. They
therefore re vqumeud the adoption by
Congress of the following resolution :
A'-wJeo/, That Congress itsxiiumeud
to the Secretary jf XVar to restore Ca
det* Barnl, Barnes and Fleckinger to
i the military academy at West Point, to
take effi-et *t the U-ginning of the next
academic year, aud then jicrmit them to
j proceed with the fourth class without
further punishmout for the offence here
tofore committrel by them.
Kesofmi, That Congo--a recommend
that the Secretary of War convene a
court of inquiry for the purpose of as
certaining what lueiuWrs of the tiret
chis* were inetigutors and leaders in the
affair of January 1. at the I'fiited State*
Military Aasdamy at W,*t Point, and
the remaining raeinlgtr* of the clara cu
guged iu the affair be tried bt a general
court martial to IM couvtuuHi for their
, trial and punished at the discretion uf
J (he court.
Don't be Afraid of Pure CoM Air.
Don't be afraid to go out of doors he
i cause it fa a little colder than usnal. The
( cold air will uot hurt you if you are
i properly protected, ami exercise enough
'to keep the circulation active. On the
; contrary, it will do you good ; it will
j purify your blood, it will strvugthcu
your lungs it will improve youl diges
tion, it will afford a natural, healthful
stimulus to your torpid circulation, and
strengthen and energize your whole sys
! tem. The injury which often result*
, from going into a cold atmosphere t* oc
casioned by a lack of protection to some
; part of the body, ex|Ksure to strong
drafts, or from breathing tlirough the
moutb. Avoid tliesa*, and you an* safe.
Don't be afraid to sleep in a cold room
at night with the wiudow open. Cold
air, if pure, will not hurt you at night
any mora than in the day, if you are
protected by sod b)
urea:hiag riWtrffs Ifynff
do uot breathe thus, acquire the habit a*
soon a* possible.
If vou.wlsh to lie subject to colds,
coftglf;, andfevora. shut your-eKi* closo,
{hot ny>s Jay and niglit. If you wish
, U> lx- foes* from thou companionship,
, always have plenty of pure air to breathe,
night and day, take daily imldoor eys
1 ffae regnrdlev-,£r fl • % Stfilfar, Ixceiff #-1
to proKs-iiou, and eat, drink, sad bnt he,
as a Christian slu ulcL— Herald ef HeaUk.
FKherr and Alabama Claims.
The diplomatic correspondence on the
Fishery ami Ainbuma queotion is pnb
; lislied. The flrat letter fa from the Brit
ish Minister at Washington to the Secre
f tary of State, informing hiin of instrac-1
; tiona to propose to the t'uitd States a
I joint kigu com mission of un-rnlxrs nam
ed by each Government to sit IO Wash
ington to discus* the mode of settling
qneafions, arisiug out of the fi.h'*ri<-, as
well a* those which affect the relation*
of the United State* toward Her Majes
ty's possessions in North America.
Mr. Fish replies in substance that the
i removal of the difference* arising out of
depredation* of th* Alabama will also
be essential to the establishment of the t
j good relations which both Government*
, -tehire should exist lietween them, and
suggests that the*e claims also be re
| ferrei to the High Commission. # Sir
Edward Thorutou replies that this
Government consents to this if the claim*
[of British subjects, arising out of the
i' events of the war, shall also lie discuns
ld. Mr,Fi*h conveys the aanuit of our
Government to this proposition, and
*ngge*t* that such clninfa only a* may lie
presented by the Government* of the
respective claimant* at nil earlv dnv, to
j Ikj agrw-J on by the Commissions, shall
(he considered.
IN* THE Hrnsow Rtvm fUriffoAb DIS
ASTER, the car* dt> not seem to have been
injured at nil by the cq.Union, iuul w< re
not even tliinWu Iron.itlit nbk. But
tho moment the engWe' struck the oil
j car the air was filled with flame for fifty
j feet in cverv direction, communicating
fire to everything with which it came in
! contact, 'i'hia blinding, blistering, pen
) etrating flame doubtless filb-d the first
1 sleeping coach almost iurtautaneouslv
j and anffyciited it eeeupauta. It ev<4-
: oped the second sleeping car at the same
time though with fate penetrating foror,
tho affrighted passenger* escaping by
the rear door as the threatening tongues
! of fire showed themselves throngh the
veutillatorH in the roof and th© shattered
windows at tfae sidefrv From tly% car
the escaping pewegn* vere ciiiipall.-d
I to pas* through the third sleeping e%r
to reach solid footing, which was <wdy
; found at th© rear of that car. Tlies©
I three sh-ejoaft ©am were tkoref<re stand
ing on the trestle work of the bridge.
' The cars in the rear of them, two aleep
j ing and one oominon passenger coach,
j were at one© uncoupled and shoved liaek
j dowrn the track beyond danger, leaving
the three sleeping cars at a safe distance
1..!- f ' ' '
; THE SAOINAW —The announcement of
, thu siifety of the wrecked officers ar d
i crew of .-the Uojteri fit aim atenner Hn/pi,
nam will .hfenlood of anx'-et) from tit©
I mind* of liundradN The party arrived
l at Han ■Francisco in tho steamer .Vosra
" Taylor, from Hrmolnlu, whence they h rd
, been cpnVqred ffopi their sea girt prison
of Ocean fauuid bv the Hawaiian ateamet
I Kilaeea, which Had boon generously
placed at th© disposal of the United
States Consul at Honolulu liy the Hawai
ian Government. Th© unfortunates
reached Honolulu January 14, all much
debilitated from lack of sufficient food,
they having been limited to a daily ra
tion of but one potato and two ounces
of bread, which they supplemented by
catching sufficient turtles, seal*, Ac., to
sustain life. They have, however, fully
recovered from the effects of their forced
abstiuence, and are all in good health.
THUS DEFINITION of a " sw&jt dress" is
traveling all over the country : " A light
blue silk with very long train, quite plain,
being only lightly trimmed across the
front breadth with three rows of folded
tulle, headed with a piping of blue silk.
The waist is made very pointed, the cor
sage low, the sleeves Marie Antoinette.
Over the shoulder are worn folds of
white tulle."
People will do well to remember tha'
tlie ©now, if left on tbe grass, acts a* n
blanket, and does a great deal toward
keeping it alive over winter. Many who
! have a strip of grass between curb*tone
; and pavement clear off the snow which
j allows the grass to winter-kill, and next
, summer it will need retorting, especially
; after this open winter. Keep it covered
| all you can. '
! THE S©nate passed the bill authorizing
the sale of' tbe useless military reeerva
itlonain the Weet.
The DUTertntArtn Pistols.
• j An amusing story of ilie contradiction
I* of the old nduge " United wo Stand,
'l, divided we fail, ooium lo us from the
i- I lfud*ou Hivtr. During a rain and thaw.
I at a place nut far from Wast Point, a lit -
lie i-rowcl might have been awn gwtbi-ml
• . una owning tt> witness the passage ncrooa
>- of ana (musou who should dare to attempt
1* to do ao.ou the ioe. The thaw and nun
t | had ao weakened the froaen bridge that
• it aenncd doubtful whether it wa longer
>• safe, and the water and altiah which eov
>- erwl the thin ioe, hid from view the
>t dautforotm air hole* and weak spots.
g i Althottgh aevetul wialied to cross, none
>t | would attempt the pm-agc, till at length
fn gentleman onute down to the river'a
! edge and announced hi* intention to
f 1 nuke the attempt Puivhiuiiig from n
iKMttuan a good bunt-hook, which he
e ! could uae as a pule to jump dangeron*
-j idaeoSj and ua a Mipport anttuhl h" go
1, j throOgh, he uunle reiuly tu Uut Than
d,a pvvklW. with a |utek weighing peiha|w
f mum. hundred jHunil* on hi back, said he
a would go too, und in apt to of the advice
' of the crowd, who knew the ice would
I not Mipp'ul two meu together at one
a , ot, attfuqtoud to walk over with the
e ; tulvcutiiroiia one tint mentioned. That
II g u' h'uiitu in vuiti jwotesttHl apsinvt hi*
• doing M. but the peddler *aid, "My
• tiwr, 1 will go mit you, and dcu if I gets
c in you can pt|o me out uiit that stick,"
J Pi!i mg it iiupiktteible to jH'i'nUtide him
i todwut, the gentleman apnuig to the ice
'' and attempted to get audi a start as to
t j prevent his "old man of the sou" fnuu
• ut least bviug by his aide ; but to no
- 1 avail, for the peddler was with him in idl
i hU turning*. At hut, being fearful for
r, hi* own safety, the gentlenun dtew a
1! pistol, and j* outing it at the peddler prtv
( claimed hi* determination of b'owiug out
i" lha bruin* if he pretested in keeping ao
■' close to him.
Aeting under this g.utle poniuaaion,
I the follower kept back at u sale distance,
• | but on reaching the other aula immedi
• j atelv Miught a justice, and before the
• train could arrive that was to Ivear tin*
II gentleman away the grasp of a constable
was on In* shoulder anil lie was charged
' withpinnliug with uiteut to kill. Ac., Ac,
• a revolver at the head of one Han* L>id
-1 t-mdorff A trip WHS made to the justice
' and the gentleman submitted to IK*
1 searched, aud there truly enough *u
■ discovered the pistol, but unfortunately
i for liana, it was found to be uuuU- of
' pottery, and to be of the kind known aa a
1 pocket pistol, and on withdraw iug a cork
I from it* mouth, Bout boo e# wpftd there
-, fruut Mid vanished down the throat of j
' the jUHtftv Tlie gentleman now pit'jH*.
tw to nrxfaecutc Hans for sweariug that
f ho* pocket pistol was a revolver.
Banger* of the New Narcotic.
,' There i* danger that not a little harm
, may result from the free u*e of the new
. noreotte, or aua'sthctie, chloral. That it
, haa valuable medicinal proprieties and is
, 1 an admirable sedative, there can t* no
I doubt. But it is one of the tuual fasci
k noting of narcotic*, and the habitual use
ol it to said to hi* attended with more and
I greater evils than almost any other drug
[ of camnion consumption It i* under
. i stooil, says the Boston AJrertiter, that
, ; the use ol it has bec.une alarming prei a
. | lent, nd it may therefore be wet! to note
, a few of the oommpieuor*. Eminent
, physicians "ay that it aggravate* rtien
. mati.nn and skin disewsrca and causes
irritation of the mucous surface* of the
, uoee and throat. It causes a dimness of
1 sight that is the most luoonveuient, to
I aa# the least. A Chicago clergymen
, lately fold hit experience wiUi the drug
r to his physician. For a few nights it
wit* taken for alecpleaauosa; it* effect*
t were very pleasantthen came p# a dimneas
dimneas or weakness of sic lit ;
he had to read with one eye at a time—
' for a ininwto or two with each- If one,
[ eye was used lunger than a inaiuU*. the
j words and letter* la-came blurred aud
indistinct. The eye* became conjestod..
~ the lid* wilfcti a3 partially p*nat* d. I
.. VnffvongufJhacl a poCuliir appvufanrt- —'
a black streak like that caused by ink.
extended the whole length of the tongue,
in it* ceutm The physician who a-uda
this aoronut to tlie Chicago 7V/oie nays ■
that this peculiar appearance of the ton
gue is diagnostic. He ha* observed it in
those who have been addicted to chloral
eating for only a I-w days. The babit i*.
uorivivg, exceedingly hard to break off.
: and attempts to do so have reunited in
symptom* not unlike those of <Mirium
trrifn*. One ease is reported where a
man who took an overdo*** slept for
twenty-four bourn, and on awakening
found hi* anil* and legs paralysed. It is
to le hoped that these fact* will induce
the public generally to ho very cautions
about the new drug, and not to make iw
! of it at all without advice of a good phy
sician. _ •
England and the United State*.
In her remarks to Parliament, Queen
Victoria *aid :
At different time*, several question* of
importance have arisen, w-lueh arc not
yet' adjusted, and which materially ftflWt
tlu* rotations between the United States
and the Territories an*l people of British
North America. One of them in par
ticular, which concerns the fisheries.calls
for earlv settlement, l.wt the pos ible in
(Uacretion of individuals should impair
the neighborly understanding which is
on aD grounds *o desirable to cherish
and maintain. I have, therefore, engaged
in amicable communication with the
I President of the United States in order
to diitemiine the niot convenient mode
of treatment for those matters. I have
suggtwfpil the appointment of a Joint
i (Jomtniiaion, and 1 liave agreed to a pro
posal of the President that tliis Commis
sion shall lie authorized at the Nunc time
and in the same manner to resume tin*
1 ' oatkodaintkms of claims growing out of
' the circmnsUueoii of the late war. This
I arrangement will, by common consent.
| include all chums for compensation which
" have liecn or may be mnile by each Gov
! I ernment, or by its citix*Uß uimn the ,
' other.
The five Commiaaioners on the port j
| of Great Britain to consider the Alabama
i question have lieeu appointed, and their
1 names are as follows : Earl de Grey,
prof, Montague Bernard, Sir Edward
Thornton, Sir John Maolionald, of Can
' Bk John Ilooa becretary of the
[ Gofniiiissfon. Lortl Tenterden.
Poisonous Gloves.
The following, from an English mo<li
' oftl journal, conveys a warning : " Our
attention lm.- been*directed by a repect
• ed correspondent, to a case wliicn ho j
'! aacriba* due to the wearing of glove*
dvid with some poisonous KiibstnUee.
l|is patient; a tody, piirohns.d a pair of
1 ' green-cidored gloves at n well-known and I
' j respectame lioftse. "In none of the gloves
I was the dye promiuent, but upon the 1
r i%u!d*ecomiDg lic.tcd, it was stained to
i iHi til a degree that warm water would
i acareely remove it After wearing a few j
• pairs - for the gloves rapidly became
shabby- the lsdy notified a vesicular
I I eruption presenting itself at the aides
ana root ot the noils. This vesication in ■
a few day* proceeded to ulceration. Un-1
dcr -eiitabie remedies the rash disopiKsir- j
: ed, but upon the lady resuming the
1 wearing of the gloves the mischief
recommenced witji nnewivl gcverity.
Upon onr correspondent examining tne !
gloves further, aud analysing a solution
1 prepared from them, he discovered the
existence of an arsenical salt, which nt
1 once cleared up the mystery of the case,
and the nature of the dye.
ALSACE AND LOBRAIXE. — It ia probable,
savs a Berlin correspondent, that Prince
1 Wilhelm of Bud en. a brother of the
Grand Duke and a General who has
i greatly distinguished himself in the cam
! i paign, will be appointed Stadtholder of
i Alsace after the restoration of peace. The
new province will not be emliodied with
| any of the German States, but placed
t under the ceutral government, and Is
subject to the Emperor and Federal
Council. As it has an annual revenue of
60,000,000f., and requires only half tba' j
amount for administrative purposes, the
| taxes will either be diminished or a snr
| plus obtained whieh can lie employed on
|! improvements of all kinds. Hereafter,
when Al-aee has to take part in the mili
-1 tary burdens of the empire, there wili b J
| litfleirany surplus. The prisoners from
i Alsace and German Lorraine —no les*
than 26,000 among the 275,000 un wound
ed Frenchmen interned in Prussia up to
[ the and of 1870—are kept separate, and
. have, malif of beetfpertmtted (o
go home.
• < •
Salmon Hatching.
i Mr. Thaddeua Norria, who appliod to
Mr. Hiunmd Wtlmot, of Now Castle,
*; Ontario, Canada, for salmon egga to
make the nth-nipt to stock the Delaware
with this noble fish, has received a
I rt-*|Miu*, fro n whicii the G* riuuntown
II 7Vo/r,i/iA uiitkr* tin* fullowing extract:
I : " You ar your friend*, or any oilier
i d>*m rving peraoua, oan have any uumbi r
II of aolmou eggs that may bo required.
• j The best time for removing them i* Feb*
• ruary or March. Measr*. Hudson and
> Pike, Fish Coiiimisoiourra of Connecti
cut, have been here and have cug.igcd a
> • Urge number of egg*. The price at
i pi t sent i* tlu some M* WC obtaiui-d loot
• year frum the Maine IkmiuiiiMUoiiiirrw
forty dollar* per thousand egg*. The
i ova look very well indeed. The li*h can
< plainly lie mon in tlata. As Ido imt
i force incubation by uain*< spring water
i ut ii dMrtoi, which I conatdcr *u un
i | natural tempemiiuc, my young fry will
i not oolite out before April, The tcm
• |teiature of all itn am* in America winch
■ | -aimon frequent for spawning will Is*
I' found to l>* vtow simflnr, about .18 or .'to
degree*, during the winter uiouth*. In
• Gct.JieraiulNoveiulMir, when the |iawn
ing is going oa, the temperature i* much
> higher. A* soon u* winter *et* in aud
ice covers the river*, 38 or 31 ilegm-s
i will he the average conditio! of Ihe wat.-r
until the latter jwrt of April, when the
U*mj>eratura rapidly inoroasea A <a<n
i us it n-aches M or 55 degree*, out |K>p
i the sal to *>u fry a* if by magic. It amuse#
! me much h- read of certain American fi-li
lircedarw, who -av that it is iudis|>cnsal<le
for sucewwJul tlsli breeding to have pure
spring water, at a temperature of fruia
to to 50 degree# My ex n-rience haa lei
me to Itelieve that ao high a teiufieratiue
i quit** unnatural with the nalmouiila
trilH** of fish. Throughout the whole of
North America we find the salmon and
trout depositing their jawn in stream*
that ore constantly covered with ice in
sh • wiute .
Let me kuow the number of eggs your
friend* may probably want, in order liiat
I may keep enough on hand. A large
uumlier of the salmon tliat I manipulated
lait fall when in prune condition weighed
from twenty-five to tlurtv-tivi* pound*
each. A U'imber lui-asurvJ in length
from three feet to three feet four inches.
I would judge tliat a salmon three feet in
I -ngth iu July would weigh from tw.-uty
rtve to tlnrty |*>uiids. 1 would like to
have your opinion an tiim jioiut.
Since our fast reforme. to propagating
salmon in the Delaware, says the 7Vie
gntph, Mr. Noiris inform* us that he
thuiki, after mature cousiileratiou, th-
Mr. P. H C'liriHie'* trout hatching estt
liaknieut in Dntglte**! couuty, New Voik,
would to* the most eligible pHuw* to liatch
the salmon for the Dciewar . Mr Chris
tie is a personal friend of Mr. Norria.
aud haa every facility for hatching the
salmon ova. lie haa an abundant supply
of spriug water ala unKorin temperate
lure of 50 degiecs, and when the fry
arrived at the proper age they could to*
readily transported to the Delaware. It
is proposetl to obtain Wight n Uu th<iu>
sand impregnab-il eggs from Dr Wilinot,
snd to make tin- attutnpt to atock the
Delaware with this edebivted fish on a
large scale. The upper portions of tlie
Delaw are contain numerous hole* in
which the temperature in summer is not
higher than the salmon stream* of Can
ada, and the numerous trout streams
running into tlie river within fifty miles
of ila source would sfford protection to
the young salmon fry from predatory
Better laws for tlie protection of flsh
in tlie pel*ware and its tributaries will
soon l<dprc*i-uted to the legislature, for
witliout the anostan t! of more slringcjil
law* regulating fishing in tlm Deluwans,
the laudiiMc efforts to stork the ro er and
its branches with new and valuable lish
wiM bo entirely fruitless. We trust,
however, tliat the h-M*lature will grant
the protection desin-il by our own tisli
c* 'innuasio'ier, the oonuni*ionerw of New
Jr w. and by all who do not wish the
' extermination of shad and other fish in
our river, w lurh most surely be tlie re
sult in a very few year* without legislative
j int* rfett oca i
Drowned bj Inrhe*.
An accident of a horrible nature oc
curred on the farm of Mr. Houston, near
the villngv of Wyton, ('anud.i. resulting
in tlie death by drowning of nn agval
well-digg r named William It >llun of
Wyton. The well on tlie premises be
came foul, and several parties were ap
plied to to cleans** it; but each one, un
examination, refused, as front Un* con
struction of the well, the proc •** did n it
appear safe. It win an old-fashioned
well, 3D feet deep, and walled up with
loose boulders. lt*>bluus undertook the
job w ithont f*ar, as he had bi-cu a well
digger of some thirty years's experience,
and expressed no fear* for his safety.
The water was pumped out, and he de*
cended. Al*>ut midway was a piece of
pump-log running across the well and
blocking tip Uic way, This he found
necessary to remove. But no sooner
had the tackle been applied, aud the
wood started, than the stones and earth
caved in on all side*, burying him be
n-ath them. The block in some
measure checked the dese-nt, or else the
uufortnnate man must liave been crushed
to death immediately.
Hut he was only spared to meet a more
| terrible death by slow drowning. Part
of the debris formed a iiortial arcli over
him—the rest wedged him in tight be
low. Those UIKIVC wire almost paralyzed
by the sight before them ; and, for some
time, thinking potr Bobbins nlmost be
vond the hone of recovery, did nothing
to extricate him. At last", hi* voice was
heard, as it were, afar off. feebly calling
to Uiose nliove to clear oway the stones
and let him nut. This reassured the
men. w ho one and nil set to work with a
1 will iu the best manner that suggested
itself ; a man went down, and by means
of a tub, lowered and raised by a wind
lass, a large quantity of Uie earth and
' stones was pav>ed up. As fast as they
worked, however, the eartli kept falhng
| in. All tins while the voice of Bobbin*,
wa* beard at intervals—now imploring
1 deliverance, in affecting terms, now mak
ing incoherent ejaculation*, and again
, invoking mercy.
" Ike water is rising ; it's now up to
my knees ; but work away boys and
you'll save me yetcome from away
down in the bowel* of the earth in a
faint tone, but yet distinct enough to lie
Then the voice broke into sobs of de*
Each time it w-as heard, the men in
tlie well and at the windlass put ou
I freali energy, and worked till great beads
iof sweat rolled from their brow*; the
crowd continually increased, until at last
i there was a very largo excited assemblage
on the spot.
i "It rises very fast; O let me out of
) this 1"
The thought that the man, lieside* the
! agony bo must have endured from the
pressure OJKMI his body, was alowlv
i drowning, lent fresh vigor to the work
I of deliverance, but the exhumation was
i extremely slow from the rniudy nature
' of the soil, which fell in almost a* rapid
ly as it was taken out- Thus the work
went on for hours, and nt last the unfor
{tunate man was reached. But he was
dewd. The water hut! gradually risen,
and, unable to move, so firmly was he
jammed in, he*had at last sucoombed—
iictuully drowned by drops ! How fright
ful must have been his lost agonies !
Conditions of Peace.
The latest statement of the terms of
peace proposed by Germany differ some
what from those previously received.
Now it is said they demand the cession
of Alsace and GO German square miles
of Lorraine, which consists of 437 miles;
tho part of Lorraine ceded to include
Metz. This is in lieu of all Lorraine
and the occupation of Champagne. The
money contribution is said to be one and
; one-half milliards of francs for war ex
j penses, 30,000,000 for captured ships,
and 40,000,000 for German workmen,
mechanics, and others expelled from
| France. This in lieu of ten milliards
(10,000,000,000), and amounts to 8300,-
000,000. In addition to this, a claim is
put in for a definite rente on a few million
on limited time, for the crippled and
outlined Germans, and orphan* caused
by the war. Modified though these
teima be, they are still very hard on
Franco, and- it will be vary difficult to
secure acquiescence in them.
Among the bills introduced in the Sen
ate was ne for the punishment of bri*
I tmrf at electoona
A resolution of the Oregon legislature
rejecting the Fifteenth Amendment, and
denying the right of G<iugr<-* to inter
fere with suffrage in that Ktute, was pre
sented and laid on tlie table.
Iu the Kenute, lulls were introduced,
1 for tbft lortUir security ot life on steam
' vessels, and regulating the dairying ol
paaaeugera in steam-shi|is suJ other
The ikiuforesee Committee* were sp
| |mi ntd.
A jaUtion from tlie New York Reform
Leugne. for a Committee of Inquiry to
' rejHirt on the condition of the freed peo*
: pie, was nil I 111) H led to til* ricuats
• lii the Nenstn a rvnemstraiiov a got oat
gianti of land to raiixowl eniupauu . and
- a memorial on behalf iff tlis Ctnclntntti
and Koutliern Ilailroftd wefo pHwtiiel
The bill for providing honorably dis
charged soldiers with homesteads froui
1 the |ntblic land* woa rajiorted.
In tlie Setiata an adverse report was
ma.tc nu tho bill M-witiiug autn-* on
nrta.-le* Pi the suffering iu t'runu*, un the
ground that it would lie wholly impiac
tion Ida P> lia upon the articles.
The jobit rasolutioii awarding 85,000
to o<*. F. Ro'.iinMiu for raving SecreUiy
Seward's life was IKUWMI.
The lull Mub-udizit.g a steam-ship lit *
from New Orleans to Mexican ports was
jiussetl by a vote of 20 to 21-
A bill pavuig Nicholas Trist 814,000
for negotiating the Treaty of Guadalupe-
Hnlulgo was )HSM-d—24 to 13.
In the House, s |ictition was prenentr-l
from a large nnmWr of New York sliiji-
I owners, ugaiuot subside* and iu favor ot
I the privilege of buying foreign v.-usels.
1 A lull wa* refiorted iu favor of reuior
i ing the Urooklvn Navy-Yard, and a n
| olution was offered for a like removal
' of the yard* st ChariesUnrn and Kittery.
1 A substituP- for tlie bill was offered, eou
' | titutig Secretary Robeson, Admiral
' Porter, Gen. Kherman, Brig.-Gen. Hum-
I phrevs an 1 l"a|it. Patterson, of the Toast
) Hurvey. a commitP ■ to inquire into the
cx|>edieucy of selling the Brooklyn
A bill for the better pr lpx-tio; of the
frontier* of Texas, providing for the or
ganization of mounted ranger* P fight
, the ImlxiiiH. was defeated, and tiimlly
laid an the Pdile by a voUt of 75 to A3.
In tb* llouov Mr Wbitaley, membcu
from Gt-oigio, took the oath of office.
Mr. Hooper moved to go into Commit
tee of tin Wliole for Die purpose of
left<*b>ng the lull for the repeal of the
- income tax. Tli* vole, which i*regarded
as a text on tha general question for
> repeal, was taken amid cou*idocab]o ex
citeni -ut and revulteil in the cx-j Uun of
| tlie motion, 103 to 107.
i A resolution was aduptad directing the
Committee on Foreign Affairs to inquire
into the expedfancy of jmthng the mi*-
■uon at Berlin on a par with those at
Ijutuiutt and Paris.
A bifl was paascd to pay to the widow
of George U Pendleton, master in the
nary, his share of the prize money of tlu
sp-amor Montgomery, for prizoa cap
tured while he woa a prisoner of war.
A protracted debate arose on the bill
to |w*nnit Win. H. Hmuuvun, Ist# Naval
Constructor in the Navy, to wit Intra*
, his resignation, M-oepUxl January, ltiuß,
*nd to mniitate him in offioi-. Admi
ral Porter was bitterly os*aulted by
Mexorm. Bonk* and Butler, the former of
whom ascribed to the enmity of tho Ad
miral the coaipstlaory re-urnntkvn ot
Han-com. In the course of his re
mark* Mr. Bank* alluded to the rtearner
Teunewhoe, *ayina b>- luui heard within a
few days of *8 wftvsl aoafnaai*
having aud sho was luisuawrorthyt and
that they were tiiiwiibPg to risk - their
lives in tier. Tlie intimidation of na* at
officer* bv the Departmctit—fffe did not
inclnde tie Secretary— fuwt'kopt Jho con
dition of (ho vesael secrjt. t TimJuli was
The bill providing |>enHona for sol
dier* aud sailors of the war of ItHti and
the was ]>aa*ed.
In Hie II <use, j edition* against grants
t<f laud lo railroad* were presented.
In the House a petition from mer
chant* of New York, against unjust tax
ation. Wis presented.
The Tcnnenoee con tested election case,
between Sbeafe and Tillman, wnadecided
in favor of tlie latter, who ia the sitting
member. ____________
THE I'OSTOS Journal relates an in
stance of a man in that eitv, who, dn
nng n panic, finding mo*t of his ncigl:-
i>or* failing, concluded to follow the
fashion, although amply able to meet all
hi* liabilities. He called a meeting of
his creditors aud informed them tliat he
thought it prudent Pi *u*j nd. A com
mittee was appointed to look into his af
fair*. and, at their first meeting, one of
the gentlemen said: "I suppose you
know how you stand youraeif, much
1 letter than we could ascertain if we
. went through your books. What do
i; von propose to pay ?" After a little
hesitation the debtor said: "Well, I
i don't know —wliat arc they paying in
, Milk street ? "
Ir is estimated that seven hundred
, thousand copies of the Bible and New
Testament have lieon distributed among
. the Prussian nnd French soldiers.
1 The Markets.
new rota.
Besr C*m.s—VSlr to prune sl**o ills
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,* Bi-rrss—stst* at .so
, obiow. n. xv a*
•' t'sorr SO • .SI
wvurro OrUtiixrr II a .14
I rrnnxlTun* 3a ......... .34 s .36
rimn-Nia r*ctnr.T .14 • .IS
" KklmlDod 07 s 10
> ■ Ohio 10 • .13
| Bao—Mxlc 71 a .SO
BTKTK*— CHoIr* $7 00 S T.SO
I I I-rim* 6.00 * 476
, i nirOmdi* IM * 673
BTWI C*TTXS—Cnromoo 4.00 * #OO
Inlmor .......... 3M 400
1 tfooi-VLJT* OS# a 7,10
sntsr-UT*—Oaod loCbokw. 4.® J.®
FUHB— While IT inter Extra. 630 * 7-35
I ! Spring Bxtt* 4.66 * 6.00
I llarlwhrxt 4-74 • 4.71
OBAl*—Corn—No. 3 4* a .SO
'' tl*rt*rr-Ko. X new .04 a 46
I | O.U Ko-t 4 a .44
RyrSe.l -ft a .ally
Wheal -spring. Jto. %I • I *S
• :I.A .. .77T.7!:. uv s
I puss—Siaaa 33.00 *31.40
>1 ristitml cxTtna mwrr
] BtarCoru lilis M.wr.,.M. H-00 a IXSO
OrconO Wnallty I a * M
" sxir A I maa—Covawon 360 a 4sa
, | KXtra. .. 4.30 a 730
nor frng 6-76 a 7.60
Ssist " SaS
I , lion*—LP* ' *
Fpin !...• 800 a 736
' i WNBAT 4 30 S P46
Cos* SO a ,73
OAT* .......... -60 .41
UIP tl a .14
WIIXAT -State 180 a J. 74
run 143 a 160
nrs-Stale 1-0 a 1.10
('OBH —vilxet 64 a .68
BASXST—SimIa 76 a 06
,OATB—BUUe 63 a
rillL *!>£!. Till A.
' Fxoew— Teno Extra 457 a 700
I WniAT—Wratern Ho<t .' 1 83 a 1 00
White 1 80 a 1.83
' Cos*—Tallow -76 a .80
Mlrad TT a .70
; rixxr 07 a .00
II WE print the advertisement of the
Amer can Watch Co. in another oolnmn.
Iu addition to fibe large asaortment of
watches made by this Company, they
desire to call special attention to the
Watch for railwuy engineers, conductors
and expressmen. Also their Boys' Watch,
w hioli ia now find placed on the market,
and to which they desire to call the at
tention of Yo mg Amrrifn.
FOB THBOAT DISEASES and affections
of the eh*t. Brown't Bronchial 1 VoeAss,
or Cough Loeengers, ore of great value.
In Coughs, Irritation ot the Throat caus
ed by oold, or Unusual Exertion of the
vocal organs, in speaking in public, or
singing, they prod tie* the most beneficial
, results. The Ikoches ha ve proved thr
1 efficacy.
The next beet thing to pajing a fioater
a large salary, is to pay him hi* small
!, 4
For Dynprpsla,
8 Inilffaathm. diqusaaion of spirit#, and
I general dcliility In their yariou* forms :
•' ideo, as a preventive against fever and
- ague, ftnd other lutcniiittoiit fevers, the
! "Ferm-Phosphoratcil Elixir of CaH
, | *>aya, M aiaile bv Caswell, Hazard k Co.,
i New York, sod Mid ly all druggist#, ia
f i the best tome, and as a tonic for patients
r rocovoring from fever or other aickutMs,
it has no equal.
Th* Muaria f Wlalar.
j T3. ImW .ftd 4lte.na4lST -4. *d Till-aaad
~ Ttete# Tl> • maim a| Sjm **saus baa • 4a**iss <S-
K-4 a pa* h *o*l *•** sad ih mum A) |Sm*, 6*4
II U* h*a itelit* ar omul intMMlfia te *l* Th#
Y *a4 *ed lu6.i b<u* ma tm< I U< • s Sua.
tl ira a)**** -*u#ss*if #*#6*4 to to• tows*
sister, (ud *>i4 fcmtr thn- •. *smm - "ri*
- . 3sdtera*teav |-NW ahich DW aafarhUd w*-
1 in, i**irat raaUa ai mme *a6 Ow aaMah*
I VJd mJSaJp. BUT auSa h* 6a4tiw4 hrUtsratwlar
* ' *M u| U—U3T ' • 3mm ftlUm. T* teas Hl-n f
ail ••teSnfal Artl- teatvaMM ai*M**ai. nu )TSn
m I iKnt'K-.l
trxat* *Tm)*S Mt fal at UteW-Sf,a^
[) 6-a pr-aor*> ,li#MO-S t*u 4- #1 lite W tea XTha*
l Una tlwaaar. lha dMaUht# aas ahn*aha wtond
atthln a rhtav I*M 4 now. br ukia# • f*USna #ls
P HMI Hru* • Snr. Tsa ateaaarh ed "• has" te
, pnrtana Ite SMM US rnrulnHr A/ ! MteSily • *ha 4*4.
brum UmteUl uxnilMM. -tUawte MM maM <*
THAI KmH aaS luwriSuseM S*b imM rww aa
' Sm lha axteruAl praaaars ad ault. *a4 tS utelar alb
* aMUt* !a*h ar* *|4 te sateS lha a*A aS *nsa4
k >fcW<te aSI b* aaotSad ,
tin raim i.of kn
1 18-*>•!'< Mntw ,**' teMMlra ASSrai C.
- ) A. W.BMH ttrr-ya. IMM. . .
' SO>" V Ml IK TO Ar.aTW Tl KIM.
F* • I.Tfiua,. .1 pUte r... . S-rjX asS
- 1 NMINIM. kUiiw u *mix r.I*B)BT,
—lt 'irwiWtT Mmm . BJi I*.
I .ni-s nu. oftVEVliMa a fabaaMi
- 6M 3HII V Itovr STSXXSX!
, ft TMr V..1 IslM I'wtei Ciasii"< aaatate*
J lha 4ui.nl <a'<anuatua. *al Iran Inr two aunp. A4
• ~l4a M Baoaaar Fa_;
I 1 H AVTEIi-rftSas a MOKTH' BT TUT.
,*\ Xntrrlraa KulWiat lUrhloa Co., Boilos. Maa .
- . or Ot ! .-Tl'.. Mo. _
1 e|| < I7>T*. —TbaWruhlr Wiaaimrta pafurUr
-8 Mji la iai*irtl hwraisail'i'* frSt "ate IHna,
. , r-RAMSK. Aianm. A I-RAMER. MilvauXaa. *h
$5 TO $ PER DAY. 9jjS
(.iria *t>o ahXAa* ■* MI aaa ImMaaaa ail> ten #4 te
>l6 te-r 4a S teMT a— UwlM>m . fU saruaateia aaS
I itsaraaiiiMMana (ray te auS, Tl>.r >a naa4al|Mrate
' bate. i4S*il mh4 a4.lr aaaiaaaa.
J UHlim.i: STIVvV 6< A fN-MIMMI Matua
< Agents! Read This I
f' mrtfc|ft,.Fiftry ABEXT* A IAXART
I ; If *4 ftaw imt mA MM |MM. a allaa a
r' at® arwsr
I Mahs amlte. urasaxca* LdW tea*! a bw ta
" | Oakas Oas
f i I*AjKJf Wg*Mi'mVertviTTxeea
ft ifte btlf tha r jig, rate if bntaa to arSartb*
, 3a*a4 fasu- Sum* A rwu )-X isteM Muteafi.
' Aaauta au-tel A tew. OOVB* ItStek. _ „
*.*W*Ul W T.
t ll'l I toi*4*tTll.ATr.B MM.
VW Of W WABA aaj fuMMr te maSated t" *
n maim. <i* * suite aarrasw w
■ lAjun rvij, tAiex i r-t -K.I- 6 f< IqititeM
f mm' m < a*4 toteawe- u'ia te f*r ##UA. AMeonSL
i Hr>Tt * 4
. Atefte* Sir faMawftlaa. fti aaahlfta. 4.|V
: ou*, Sa i ftlwssi, arateftila. au>4
: (site ar /" Thw r*al|M 1 Sue--—cte hil mil
jlK Mi 8.r,, .I M aa>WMrr 1. nn—l Mte i U.eilp
.- I AA— 1. aB -abar null tiaS 4aS-I Ih —4n I 6—l tl
c ■> I'll Ifaute IX tera-1 rK-Tbteanabaarasatteiii*
' . ten T"l tte tuna 4i—w*.
f . ASSw. Bar Ml MAM H WOBTWI.
33 It.un.-**. St St— Vnr% CM*
t MBO. MllArX'3
* UCttMX A T (iTVWAaA.VtI RROAt.W* v * T
' 8H illitt bvte l*fi at h— rtetea—ara,la*Ma
a I 'dn lamilatv, thai tte ku Ite auaa ntel.it *4
,lf" te—WA te IA-u: -AASIA IteTUaXZh TBIMMCS
8 f OKI- 1-1 -H-1 it Tha ronntn rxmiOr **i ar
i Ta'Steft —a <— te te—. Maar r—i te a—
* . wmu— utteMi u sa'r eaatwosra- v)'*' r* sl
r: I— art** o-t -i -n.-.-yJ -v -• *M *A.-r af a<
J. A-Vatt—j: It ttll.ljrir7tfßllo3lteF*T, R. V.
8 8 X IIIWIII ■IIMW tel B Woasb" tell Item 1 Hb
. . Ji isai i tent. taate u4 4to<a- sbteh
]nt tefny te#—hu. ■ - *• ■ ' . ~. .
tetol* v ftr\ tft —ltoi litwete' btetertrnenl
SSHB V^.^m9S9E9
. ' xn 1 itnta S4)l llMj^in , r
i mkn, *..AHtsfa.TMakiRKM. Txl.l AJiffaateftte
. Goiil<.|F.tilnii" Drama#etewam^l YMMr
* , wiplicft ikramrrnT*Lus "f *ll W4
Atjtrrx FRKW-n P-il.ulkar.^
133 Ns——n to.. S*tx Tartc.
Lais ii Mvßst Missouri
> | The Atbmtto aad Pselfle H. R. Co.
IU- fa. tek I.W MTte telwte traaJiw. aa I*k artert
, Aitni! mvS— a- aaowK uy mM te lb—-dy a- -la.
-1 —V Tte tote i-lunat*. llb abort. taiM llillteu aoS
I una ito-iiarA—t—S tote' It—nl III' kasol
- 1 b—t. *a.V MOtSteteaa tete—M te tlla—Rm tan
p a -Bitete. tte it# ateil— te ifii. rate— t
, rot
1 AMCHV Tin K. Uatel t -fiaiitenair.
i . CVSuvhand WtlteOA.
J I St Lnt-w. Me.
' ii DnCWiIT KEIBT llTlin II Will
COXKEtI rrillX ~Vm tha rara te b>. .Hit—
J ' lor 4—u. O— UM tea* M> tekam Tte <b-f .1
a thalraaabt—— —<4t—rate raaloterW una ALLSBW
, I.I'M. HALS AM Tm. oBUHnAIIrS t-n—rAorabt, far
1 rarlKl'na-aii-.Kir-i arte aJlCwaaa WaSitta a it, —h
, a ainctK-n te Ua Throat. Itet—a. a—l all ihaaa—a te Um
1 I faloMMf Oiriiu. u utotewul ta aarifuiii |blir
1 ' aq—l te ahi p—ampAUm thai —a hr ica-i- —fa aotet
1 j Iwtan hr tha —aSaml i—Sf, Tto JVAUAM ta aae
r I ontetlr I ———anaa b. tteAtw arte tee- bMMra*
_ ! aoquauilaSaMbHaa—al aooaa—, RraStte<a4h—:-
W hat lha Oltj ftlaate—rj a? araay. shrat ALLCTS
I Tter- aartalblf oaahot ha faaad a tetear Orafb oa
; Laa Rt-tat-dr
As .in Kxppctorant it has no Equal.
k i ikwln, MA- . Bte. U. UNA
v , Mkmiw P.Darns 0n. .
n c—b.-Tb* I—rkaaT -f AUra - . Uu Bate— jrra aa—
mo lo aiitiONff UM llUcitol Poor HI mj Otlf miMtmidW7
"Ite'ra'ti Sa tean —alaad Ma— tttet hat *h| 4ry a
tarmonprad u—tea—iteioa. paiaa>—*l —t—Vte al*U.
wilh aaafli*. rr—t ran ir ttehrat*. anS |ailfai,
thai akaii ahla mom te do teaat—orb. aad —ite in Ihr
aqi—hi"l ter . and. atitb —via. ranlxnad a—
I -il th luteni. b ra-.—rt- U— mteiolii—.
Atttehte —IT . # foaas te>c—b, te I •—ega
i haiK I- rrcatTuT t*t that teroonab
i obiah a rf atetiftaa. W ateAtnc tel*—: and
I ite ha. j-a—te-al lha u—-ud balAla, aad tea rr7 indi-
nlent bted. aad t|—te oaak
At™ -6 —as te nh—B I —eo—rodad a ttnal af O.
* I—tea faSstod—h aad ronfli paw in bwfaa— far
man—a J—W Sd unaiaa te—draaVM alw haaiWß;
m——ad lillu it. and ia no* nalnf lha faaTtfe kMtfa
: with an*— bant-6t ll* aald ta —a aa a —at ta te
I .<KilJm-t dn Mil brat A How te*iu iad raaaaaahtr.
j it i mn- |a —xi fa to aid- fa nuo—aliM wran aasin.
Vl.l.rod i.r*o BAI.WAM K Ptefatefa
fssiSg* a&siS
oji.lt QNM'MCTIOV.
Baiato ail Pm— and Madwnaa D—far*.
3. V. HARRIS It 00* rmfirtatoia. n ,
EffrtskimttoA'rr, o.
Osßtrtl Agwsto,
Prnt Mrnt-r. K. I.
7 Per Cent ©old Loan.
. - OB Tftr.
M Wisconsin R. W. Co.
Only 15 Years to Itnn.
First and Only Mortgage.
Land* a* am pud from faxaUoo for Ufrarehr sot* of
ygtoiiatftim i 1
I*) Mil. Road huiO, |rom ahich Inooma fa Sartrad. (
with nuddhr facraa*itw reotepta.
Bnt 34 Mil— more II"*-! te txdkl, for ahleb tho iroa la
ali- a.lt ratch—ed. an.l all tba wt-rk otidar onntrart.
5 An Am-Lin* from St. Pool and tte Sorth WtaAteMD
■rsiilsa and ChlOUtD.
Tula) amount nf Am*.- #1.M8,006 EaUmotadnha
f of Land* alonti noarhr donbla mat amount.
ol which ft*uro ihry pun preaool promlum on Gold. S
, par cant per annum fa lha mrrafar.
' Thr Tro-ta— ar* th* Hon. WILUAJt H. L* o * ASK. JS*-
Chlrf Jtwlira of Ruprrm* Court, State of Sow Tprx. J.
DTTTOS STIUX, and .TAMWA Goonoo*.Xl. P.. EnpUnd. i
, wham a laroo a—naal of lha Baoda te— baas aoM.
Tha— porti*a art reqnir*d fa no* that procoada of land
' —l Ufa applied aoloty te lha paylnx of Inter—toad Prin
cipal of th* Bond*.
(<a*poßi Payaklc daauary aad Jily,
. Tte ooonaeMoni of tela rood with the S—thern Poeißc
and tte wtelo North We,L aa trail M it* Ea-iern coonotv
, Moo*, trill bo aaan from a Pamphlet ted Mxp. whioh can
bo oUaiaad ot Ihoofleo of
10 Wall Street, and
: " • 29 Wail Street, New York, i
BAXSXSX AXS rwAJtoui, lain ros tax CowAinr. I
; Tho **l*oslo DM of DIN* mttehm tor th*
last ftftoan year* by Railway Oondortore. F.i>gl-
I 1 Mora ati'l Ktprsaetneo, tho Bawl r tuning Of
I I wuiehWum, baa thoroughly demonstrated
| j Ibu eirvugth, atrsdiitoaa, durability and a*eo-
I ' rarf uf tin* Waitham Watch. To aatiafy that
, rlaaa to all these rewpocto, ia to doekfotiM* ques
tion m l<> lb* real rale* <>f thara lime-kosper*
M"t' than 900,009 of tbsa* walrlira art now
i •( akluK for tbaomalfM to tha porkote of the
i i naouls a proof and a guarantee of Owtr sopor
. i (amy o*sr all other*.
Tha superior organisation and great extant
' nf the ('..mpanr'a W'arka at Waitham. enables
them to produce watches at a jwiea which ren
der* comnetiUoc futiW, and thoae who bay any
other watch merely jy fruoe SMto 90 par cant,
mora for their watches than fa Banality.
Thaae iimc-piaoea onhtno evary Improvs
-1 maut that a Ipn* eitwritmoe baa pr..*d of real
• j practical uw. Hi*.k bad the refusal of imarly
, er.-rr Invention In wafrh making artgltefing
thia "cooouv or in Xurona. only those want ftaal
: y adopted wWih aetera testing ha tha aaoat
, kilfull irtia.ua hi mm mwfcu, and 1-ug aaa an
I L o "V u i" fonwateafod fo had*-
I sandal to aorrrcf and enduring time-keeping
1 L Among the many ItnpnwaOtonte wa would
. fpnrn<h!anr#s l . •
I Mm tovsutat. and una of • centre-ploton of
lawuktr ooßKwtwn. to prevent damage to
r I (3* train by tfo breakage of ittawapmgs, la
I f.tfmel aith the Aoi.n o Wauh Company,
, . ahe p l**t.g had lb* refusal of u oCher eon
-1 tWvapeea, adopted Foggfe yntent (damn an bo
' for the beat and fouhlaaa.
i. . Hardened and vmjwr"d hair-springs. now
, 'utiri really admitted by w ai<-hnfek*r> £ both#
' beat, are iwad HI ait gndee of Waitham Watoh-
I'M. '
All Walthaa Watrhea haw dtut-proaf caps,
, pretesting the moaemeot foam dnat, and lan
aautng the ns cnaany of tha trrqasal rkmaing
. naeewmry in other watches. •
Our new puteut stem-winder. or kaytaa*
watch ia already a decided auaeaea, and a great
; ituprowmeut on any stew-winding wateb In
1 tha American market, and by far the chomp**!
watch of iM quality now offered to the imblk. .
" I To tiioaa Imog in portiooa of lha Ceiled Mate*
I i wberr watchmaker* do not abound. Ml Mm
with tha aboe* mentioned imprwraamwta which j
• tend to ensure eocuraey, oleo*dnsaa, dnrabtnty j
> and r .nveturticr must prose invaluable.
1 ; Hie trademarks of the canons style# made •
be tha Company ara an follow*: t
Auuu< an tv anew Co.. OaaoaotAC Wn'tham,
If —
Art-Lara*. Tnerr. A Co.. Waitham, *aaa.
• i AjuhucaW Watcn Co., Ada an Hi, Waitham, |
; j WaunuK Ware* Co.. Waitham, Mam.
P. K Raari err, Walumm Maaa
(fa. lj.ir.nf. Waitham, Mam.
. j H<>wa Watcw CO.. Baatoo. Mam.
■ 1 I've mine the apriUng at theae names careful
;] |y befatia bnyfng Any vnriaiion even of a atn
sW hater indicates a counterfeit.
For aak t<* all leading Jewelrra Wo watebsa
retailed ht the Company.
■ \ At. i juatcat -d hmtory of wateWmshmg. -
I tarriiug iu-..i. useful information to watch
, a carers aant to any astdreaa on application.
HOBIIIW a trpt rrtw,
Bsasral Arssn tor AmiH—a Wall* Os.,
' _ T*tw rwri HE
' fnscspsns. smeie •• UW psrday and aorwA
! j i u iUJI-a dTiifc* Asm*. Mstos.
tfifM? f 3 t M t
rnv xnr WOIKIN %a—,-wa wa*
i m m atvnarsd I* tvnuim si) fjasw . wnh asmsamt
■is|hamsal si !• Us whalest ilsiimw has •
.) mmbw a mil ■ 1 asm mm. imht and jmdMHa. j
, Kmurn t erthw asa eseJ sa fesm tor. w Hlvjn-
• r
■ trm to mail Asadss, if yoc sniK jwemanset jsu*nt
I . f. Q. AfAEff-*,<>•• ftoyta, Mmaa._^
•;- l? I
' I wsdsw. *'l'. Ilumseahd Wii'f Jmeß aanrawinc.
' j "PusKcmeciranmuea." I h hJlsjmm,•<•' fr .
. Jw anIMM eeifaOse aadssnt sjwto. aadma
Mwiit • SJEM >
j RAdfllVH-Li u UAKWat. wamdaia. K. a
I, CftABLSt A DAJLA. Editor. ,
3ltf golUr £":. xl
1 A tesmarir " lha r ISISI Tt*m.
11l lew am tor i*aanla %mm mm Bartk.
• tadmUm famasm Maohaassa JtrfefcacM. nslssmaal
, j Use. Wosfcsc*. TaiiAer*. and ail ftaaßSr d Bams#
1 toha. and Ute WTma. Sons, ami tlsnnbmn at atl mto.
Voslt o>r noi.i tn a TEAAI
osc irtMU rorin row ma
! OrlamUmaO**OielaOer U*Umeshea*mCtoh
Una) Fast OUbos.
THE lEHiw r-rmi-T ir*,i TEAK.
cm the saw stas ami a ■■anal tetrads* as TVB WEEK
: ■r"'" "*
THE PAILT tr*. an a TEAK.
• Tff ) mail. A* oato a amath. ar M ayaar.
; rte*eemaa.ee#r*r.-teeraletreddn-wd.
Etnha Kalliar..
Twsair Stetea. am saar. sspatamlr addisasid *ad as
-1 artrs wlotessmrsps< AiWi.
rtfewa matters
Ftef astote aaa le.sm nad tha Ism-
WcsKlf aos raar la **♦!•* an tt etw.
Thirty•* hrea Baltera.
' °stft^rtos^f&^
: i °Sat- -
autr maltee*.
TH E imtwEULT nrw.
Ft*a #*>*. ■nf. wpammbr ■* i mt.
Etoht KsMwra.
Tsa lanaa •# ysar. wmwaaatr tddrsasad mad aa acta
j aopj l> (Mat ap m a".
Ml aire* AtOan.
m> ton *o\ tr
'! tn TaO Ofllss stewa. thsahs. dmlta aa !trw Tate.
| fttKtnwffr c -rmtrtil UIW IWfUM* U WMM
[ \ Iw. CSOLATCP PMrnkm Bmz Oflk. T*A
- Subscribe at Onoe!
Thn Mott Intmrmntins Stories
Are always to ha tonnd m lha
AT present there ara HI GREAT STORIES ran
htn* thprwveb it enlumna: and aPlaasl OWE
New suhsenlwrs are thiw sure of ba*tqg tha eoaa
aneiMwmi nt of a new continued atory, no matlar
wi.en thePMbaanbafcirth# *;
Each tiumher of the NEW YORK WEEICLY con
i talus aereral beautiful llluatralkma, doubk the
; amount nt readln# matter of any papsr of ita rlass,
and the Nhetcbes. Kb art Stories. Poems, etc.. ara by
the ablest writers of America and Europe. Tha
deea net sahia* Ha nsefnteesa to am use meat, toil
Cbllabraa at vt quantity of ready instructive mat
.tn the mow on drneed form. Tha
hare attained a hlgb rtpnlaUoa ham their brertty.
1 e *r* tie nee and eorrectne*.
tha concentrated wit aud harbor of many minds.
The KNOWLEDGE BOX Is confined to aaeful la
tarnation on all manner of suhjects.
the NEWS ITEMS iflrs In the fewest words lha
meet notable domes all over the world.
ana were to Inquiries upon all tmagtnabto subjects.
An UnrivdUod Literary Paver;
Each tsae-v contains from EIGHT TO TEN SHORT
STORIBB AND SKETCHES, and half a dose*
| POF.HR, In addition to the HIX SERIAL STORIES
Specimen Comes Sent Free
Tha Term* to Subscribers >
One Tear—Stogie Copy
One Tear—Four Copies (ISO) ••
One Year— Eight Copies
That# .ending S3O tor a Club of Right, all sent at
ana Hma, will be entitled to a cop* free. Gettore-up
{ of Culm can afterward add atogta copies at S3.SO
("street & SMITH, Pw^rt,
| ue. 4 VOLVM STREET, >. J.
New T<MR, Angtwt IMb, W
Allow me te mD war attmrtfontoMy W*
CSC. Tha ocmponcnt parte ara, BCCHTf,
MOM or PifTAnAtma -lbiahn, in *•*,
Jnnl - r fforriad, by dfoUlMion, to form a flu.
gin. Outrelw attracted .hy dhqilyamnirt with
•pints obtained from itmipm Htrrleai *•*?
little sugar in saad, and a small proportion nf
apMh It ia mora palntobla than nay now la
Bnehn aa prnparad hf DrnggfoK I* * * M,fc
mfor. It ia a plant that anlto Ito frngmitoe ,
th* action of a ffnm* dmitrwyn thin (W* SottY*
pried pie a Waring a dark and gtntlnvw da
aoeMtm. Mine ia the oohw nf i**rwh*oU.
Tha Buebn In my prafmratton pradomlaaU'.
tha amalicart qnauth* of tha other Ingwfflwta
are added, to proranl f. rmcnUtl m; optm ia
•paction tt will ha fonnd not to b# • Ttootor*,
aa made hi FhAmaoojN**. nor tat • %r|—
and thewAire ean bo twad tn onnan whom fowr
or ißfMuattfN rtht In thin, yon hdfe th*
hnovkdg# of th* togradtontn and the mod# tf
■optog tha yon Will foror It with a trial,
and that apon inapeerion it wfll mat with yonr
KtaSaf, lltfttirm,
a foiling of profomtd
I am, Tory r*ap*etfony,
Cbomlat sod Dmggtot of IS Yanrh' K^wrianee.
I _ . . w
(From the largont Mnnafoctnring OtoWai*
tb< Wflffdai
-I am aagsniatod with Mr. H. T. RatmbnU
| he ooenptod the Drag Store opposite my tmi-
Vnea. and was miu*M I® ouodmria* tha
tmmmm wnatn othnra htd not taaen m*llT
batoee htm. I m* mm mvoratd* mnmaaaM
with hi* ebdrnetw nod aoterprito."
Firm of Tommn A Watghtoian, Maenfae*
taring Chemists, Ninth and Brown ate..
I FlNiilnlgHi
I j *
|r - V '*
- t :r - v t^yfe
|1 -V. - t j ' -'% ■ • "
. ' - : -
' once affected with Orgaadc Wafihwoan, rntfirrd
the sad of Mmhctae to ntrawtthos and Ntng
orate th* ■film, which HELMBOLD'S EX
TRACT BCCHT mrarinWy does.
HELMBOLD'S Fluid Extracts! lilUI
in aflhctioM paonltar tofhmfooa, in nnaqnalkd
lytr My other r^^frit.
uuiKn run nrncr ncn
mil radically exterminate bom th* are tern
Maeaaea arising from habits of dissipation.
BelatoU'i Flu! Eitract Backs
It t* pleasant In tent* and odor, "im-m
[Jiatc* in action, and mora strengthen ing
than an* of the praParataaM of Bark or iron.
Those suffering tram broken down or deli
cate eonsutuuonn, procure the remody at omev.
gold ky Draggtats artrywhaie. ftrte*
||.U par Bottle. *r I l*aUea tor S-00
Delivered t* say aadraaa. Oanertba
lynytaau tn nil o*nanannonttona.
nniess done U) la steel engraved wrap
per, with far-simile of my Cbemka]
Warehouse, and signed
■"'SMI . A
N.tk K 0. imV , Ea. 1;