CENTRE HALL REPORTER. Centre Hall, Pa., February, 17.71 TERMS.-The CKNTRK 11AM RKV<>K TI* i# published weekly t $2 PER year in advance, or $2,50 when not paid " hu for office. 6 cents per line t omniumon tions of a private nature and obituary no tiees exceeding five lines five oeiits per line. Business notices in local column H cents per line, for one insertion. Notices of deaths and nmrmce* inserted free of charge Our friends, in all part- o the eountv will oblige l>> sendmjt u l-. si itoms of interest from their respecHv elocal. ''The figures -ot to the addr,■■■ upon each auhscriher's paper indicate that the subscription is paid up to so. lii date, ana answer the same as a receipt t ers lis rc> mitt ins bv maii. or otherwise, will under stand from a change in these dates that the money has been received The Spring: Eire (ions. The state senate has don® one sensi ble tiling, in which we hoi* the lu>u*e will concur, namely, repealing the act of 1869, bv which the lime far■holding the elections for towij|ah)T> ofheers, was changed to of OcLv ber, old law. Ihe foHowitifn* the bill: ' *► SECTION 1. Be FT enacted, r/c . That the fiftenth section of the act etititleJ an act farther supplemental to the act relative to the elections of this commeuwoaUh, approved April sev enteenth, one thousand c-ght hundred and sixtv uine, be and the same is hereby repealed, and that i:i the vear Anno Pohiiui one thousand eight hun dred aud seventystwo, and annually .thereafter, all elections for city, ward, borough, township and election offi cers in the different cities and coun ties of the commonwealth, -hall he on the dgv# ami al the times they were held, as provided by law in the differ ent cities, wards, boroughs and town ships, in said counties, prior to the seventeenth of April, Anno Domini one thousaud eight hundred and rixtv nine, the date of the passage of tMf* act aforesaid, /Vciiucrf, That all such elections authorized bv special laws or bv orders of the courts, shall be held under the provisions of the same in 1871. SEC. 2. That the terms of the differ ent city, ward, borough, township and election officers in said couuties, to be elected at the elections to l>e held in one thousand eight hundred and sev enty-two, shall l>egin when the terms of such officers heretofore elected shall expire, and so with such officers annu ally thereafter as provided by law, prior to the passage of the act of sev enteenth of April, Anno Domini oue thousand eight hundred and sixty nine: /Yom/etf, That the provisions of this act shall not apply to the city of Philadelphia. Women Read. You are to be eligible to the office of school director, in Pennsylvania, and may be many of the fair readers of the REPORTER will he voted for at the next general election for that p<>- siiii n, as a bill passed the state senate last week, yeas 19 to 13 nays, allow ing women over 21 years, who are taxable*, or property holders, to be elected school directors. "It is not pr r-osed in the bill that you shall be allowed to vote, as that might dt-!< at its objects, for women would be a> ure to vote for the men they an so fond of, as a hungry darkey would be to "go for" a corn dodger. And the men, of course, would "go fur the women" as they always uocs, and the fair sex thus be sure not to go up ye salt." Narrow Gauge Railroads. T;-e article printed in the KEPOR TKK some three wetks ago, upon the subject of narrow gauge railroads in ! W.ii-s, attracted a good deal of at _ 8 11 tenlion. We recently saw ar. account ( of -neb a road being constructed in i (i and from the following article ; tuk i. from the Underwriter it will be ! >• : that n similar project is under j w.y ii our -stale, viz: | "A thirty-inch track '<• to be built I fn>; Alien town, Pa ,to llarrisburg. i by v.ay of Reading and Lebanon, I whi< It will test the value of the nar- t git';, roads, which have attracted so i n.u of the attention of railroad men j fat * ne time past. If this and tther t ex; > liments, now in contemplation, t rhail prove successful a new impetus I wiii i a given to railroad enterprises. < Ihe -mall cost of construction and 1 equipment of these roads will cause the to to be introduced in many locali li<* which will not afford the expense 1 of rmldiag and working a road of the 1 oidmary size. "The number of lateral roads on all 1 il tuck lines will be great increased, < aud iti densely populated rural dis ' Irici.- every farmer will desire to have < a rctlroad to convey his produce to 1 market. There can be very little 1 doubt of the success of such roads as 1 ft tdint, and there was, in fact, apparent show ing of economy ; but then the fall elec- I lions had not taken place, and a re cord had to bo made on which to go In-fore the people. The action of the House Appropriation Comntitte on 7th inst, snows what a miserable pre tence that record was, for it agreed this morning to report a deficiency bill of nearly 814,000,000 for the pre sent fiscal year. Among the items, are 8126,600 for the House of Repre sentatives, 8719,436,38 tor public buildings, $1,974,73 for AN asliington Territory. 870,000 for light-houses, 8225,000 far public printing, 8189,- 434,37 for tbe State Department, $75,- 850.58 far the Interior Department, 84.744,872 for the Post-office Depart ment. $3,529,886,27 for the War De partment, $102,000 for the Freed* uien's Bureau, and $613,000 tor the Navy Department. National Education For nearly a year some of the lead ing Radicals in Congress ha\e beeu incubating a scheme for the farther consolidation of power in the general government, in tne shap of a bill to Make control of the educational system of the couutry. This measure came up in the House last Tuesday, and Hoar, of Massachusetts led off in its support. The bill, which is called a bill "To Establish a System of National Kdu caticn," provides that any State may, at its eleetiou, in lieu of the tax pro vided for this act, provide far all the children within its border# betweeu the age of 6 and 18 years suitable in struction, Ac. If any State shall, be fore July 1, 1872, by a resolve of its Legislature, approved by the Governor, engage to make such provision, and shall notify the President of the United States thereof, all future proceedings for appoiutiug the officers provided for by this bill, or for the asessmeot or collection of the aforesaid tax within such State shall be suspeuded for twelve months from that date. If, at the ex piration of the said twelve months, it shall by proved to the satisfaction of the President of the United States that there is established in said State a sys tem of coramou schools, which provide# rcsouably for all the children therein who dwell where the population is sufficiently dense to enable schools to be maintained, no further steps shall be taken for the appointment of officers or the assessment of the tax therein ; otherwise he shall proceed to cause •aid tax to he assessed, and said schools to l>e established within such Stats forthwith thereafter. This outline shows a scheme for appoiutiug a horde of office-holders to control the educa tional systems of the States. The bill, aside from its general feature, is full of obnoxious details. Heavy Damages for Baggage Burn ed. Cyrus 11. McCormick brought a suit against the Pennsylvania Central Rail road Company for the alleged con version by them in March, 1862, of several trunks and their contents. Mr. McCormick, a resident of Chicago at the time, arrived in Philadelphia on his way home, and delivered his bag gage to the company to be checked through. The trunks wereoverweight, and the agent refused to check them a'lhough the passage tickets were shown unless an additional sum was paid. This was refused, and the re turn of the baggage was demanded, but too late, as it had already been forwarded. On its arrival at Chicago, as there was no one to receive it, the, trunks were stored in the depot, which was struck by lightning the following night, and consumed with the larger part of the baggage. On the trial of J the action the jurv awarded the plaiu tifT610,671 61. From this judgment the company appealed to the Supreme Court, general term, which affirmed the judgment with costs. A learned Senegambian legislator in the Louisiana House of Representa ' tives, on Wing reprimanded for a "breach of decorum" for saying ot another member, "dat dnr nigga is a dam liar, and I will frow a boot down his throat if he opens dat dar cellar doah again," indignantly replied, "dar is no breach ob de korum, for de ko rum am still sittin ready for to do busi ness." We suggest him as Giant's successor, byway of improvement. • 1 A Fighting Parson. Lancaster, Pa., Jan. 30.—Not very far from here is a little edifice called the Octorara Methodist Episcopal Church, over whose congregation Par son Gregg some times presides. Par son Gregg is a man who fears the Lord, but never stands in dread of man, be he never so mighty. The Octorara Church, generally known as the "Gray Horse," stands in a sort of desert, and lies one half in Pennsylvania and one half in Maryland ; that is, the old Ma son and Dixon's line cuts it in two, and leaves the sacied building equal ly divided between the two States. Whenever there is a revival the ungod ly from the Southern side of the line i come over aud raise Cain among the I faithful. They congregate about the door and issue cat calls, and they swear | and cut up generally like barbarians. When meeting is over they force their ' attention upon the young ladies of the , Church, and make love to them in a i highly indecorous manner, and on - meeting the parson, always ii.sist upon bis taking a drink. Tin* invariably nffends the good man, and excites his a wrath against the wretches, the more t since they are almost always tipsy, and [ invariably blasphemous. Last night a party of them came r jver the line and disturbed the meet ing. Parson Gregg paused a moment f n the delivery of his sermon, (which | by the way, was from the sth chapter ' )f St. Matthew) and rolling up his 1 sleeves, uttered himself us follows : t "Young men! If there's another j lisorderly sound from among your lisreputable crowd, I'll come down j torn this sacred de*k, and ;n the name | if the Lord put a head on every moth- a er's sou of von. Get down on vour Ivi co. you hound*, and pray fur Initter tnutiiior.-, or else levant." Saving which lie proceeded with hi# M'rmon, n nn>*l edit) ing discourse. In a moment the noise again began. An audible swear ol the first magni tude filled the room with it* bud otlor, and caused the worshiper# to shrink within themselves with horror Parson (irrgn camp tluwti front tlial pulpit in a atnlo of quirt race, lie took oft'his coat and ltutq it over tlie | cliaticpl rail, atul then want for t!u>*e airktxl voting men, only one of whom lie succeeded in overhauling within th# portals of lite church. Him lie Iwatcd satisfactorily. Fol'owing tins* upon the trail of the other*, he came un with the most outragwou* heathn his pul pit and finished hi* serniom. He will never 1h trouhlesl anv more. How u Whole Family Became Blind | From the Cambridge (Mass.) Herald. J There live# a family in Dorcheater eountv, every dark eyed male member of which fart he pa-i fifty year# has gone blind at the age oi twenty to twentv five year#. Those with blue eve# escaped the terrible affliction. There i* a tradition about this singular circumstance which we lay before our reader# a* we heart! it; Some sixty vear* since, so goes the stoiy, a beau tiful black eyed girl of twenty, from some cause or other, lost her eve-sight. Her misfortune brought penury and want with it. Being reduced to beg gary, she was wont to go abroad ask ing alms. During one of her journey# she visited the neighborhood in which reeided the ancestor# of those who are sight-less. Instead of her helpless cou dit ion exciting, as it should have doue, a leeling of #yuipathy, she was treated with ridicule by some of the younger members of the house her evil star had , led her iuto. Two of the bov#, at a matter of mere deviltry, took her out, promising to couduct her to a place where plenty awaited. Intead ol giv ing her a sate conduct, thev carried her i into a swamp and left her. It is Mid that she cried out beseechiug them to put her on the public road, but they heeded not her lamentations. Find ing herself about to bo dtserted among thetangled brushwood, she turned her prayer to a curse, asking her Maker, in her revengeful anguish, to punish her betrayers by making their offspring for seven generations as belples- as she was. It is said that she was fouud dead in the swamp, having perishes! from hunger and cold. This may ap j>ear somewhat romantic, bnt whether the traditionary |ast of it be false or true, it is assuredly a fact that the male offspring of the family referred to, lose their sight as indicated. Hun* dreds of persons in Dotchester county will verify it. KEC KOF A*EH ENCH TK ANB - Over Twelve Hundred Lives Lost. London, February 11. —Intelli- gence has just been received in this city of a marine disaster of a most ap palling character which took place at sea a few mile# offt'n|e La Hogue, a headland of France, in Normandy, forming the northwest extremity of the peninsula of CatenttD, in the Eng lish channel, opjmsite the island of Alderney. A French trausport, heavily laden, and on which were upwards of twelve hundred and fifty troop#, was wrecked among the rocks off the coast, and all i on board perished. The sad intelligence has cast a gloom over the entire city, and further particular# of the disaster are anxious-® iy awaited. The Artui-tice Prolonged and peace Anticipated London, Fob. 13.—The special cor respondeLt of the Times at Berlin tele graphs to the evening edition of that paper that it is confidently expected at : headquarters that pence will shortly be concluded. Nevertheless military and financial preperations continue. It is reported that the armistice has been prolonged until the 28th iust. Berlin, Feb. 13. —The Prussian t ross Gazette judges from the result of the elections in France that the re sumption of the war is not to be eipec ted, and think* tliere is scarcely a doubt that the armistice will be prolonged. Versailles, Feb. 13. Hostilities continue in the Department# of Jura and Douhs, the Ireuch refusing to accept the armistice. Versailles, February 10. —A strong belief prevails at the Prussian head quarter# that the French Assembly will frame a Provisional Gove ran eit with Count De Pari# President, and provide far a future plebiscitum on the question of the restoration #f the Orleanist# or the establishment of a Republic. Due D'Aumale has less charge titan his nephew. The elections in France have gone in favor of the monarchists. The Steamer Tennessee with Grant's San Domingo commission on hoard has not been heard from. As there are a goodly number of prominent men on board, great uneasiness is felt in NYasbingtoii ami all over the coun try, about the safety of the vessel. The Tennessee left New York four weeks ags. It is announced that up wards of three hundred persons are aboard the vessel. \Ve are not aston ished that Grant is uueasy, since the expedition was on his res|K)nsibility. It is a sad thing for a man so oft to miss his way to his be#t, as well as most lasting home We have received <>( Me*sr*. Philips A Kuvnxhls, Rochester, N. Y. their Henuli fully Illustrated "Floral Guide snd Osrd imr'n .Muntiui for 1871." Conteinin* full iiftgc cuts of Apuilegia, Canary Flower, 'nn-y. Stock. CladoTu* and Triloma, He rides beautiful cut# of AMcr*, Unlearn. Co hen, Gourds. Hollyhock, Double llose, PortulMca, Zinnia, Cnbbngei<, Melons, Squurii, Ac., Ac., giving plain directions for the culture ol more than 1000 varieties of Flower* niui Vegetables, Sent post paid in paper cover, c. Full Hound, with your iinine in gilt. fiOct#. Address I'll K LPS K. To am't in Treasury Jan. I, 1870 f 2,t,t de outUndlne tl v t at nist eitr'uirnt...S7,t4X,W do a*ee**rd fol I*7o .fiuo.H# de extra aKninl..„ 180, M do received fro n I*n •ceted laud* 4 #\*>, -V JJde received from oilier source* ..Ifi.W# IH do overpaid account* 188,44 do due relief accounts 708,47 fUfi, 170,64 1 CK v am't of outstanding for 1800 and pre vious year 11.740,84 do oul*Ta Ndi II g for 1870 "J7,U7,3fi do count v order* lifted 48,688,00 do exoneration* allow ed collectors 1,174,23 do percent age paid collector* 1,600,27 do traiinf-irrvd to ta( account 1.049,5'J do stationery 10 do treasurer * salary. . 2.000 do balance in treasury. 2,0)0,-2 ft* 170,64' UKI.IKF FUND. DR. | To an, i relief Ul outstand ing at I a* t * el tl •- ment. „$2,765,fi0 CK. By ami ouUtanding l,ts4J,'A) do etoneration* allow ed collector* 1)9,04 de percen tags paid collector* 113,89 do balance Ira nsf *r red te c o u nt y ac count 708,47 MILITIA FI'ND. UK To am t militia tax out standing at last set tlement 708 26 ! do assessed for 1870.... 773,00 do special assessment t5.1,87 1 do over|>nid accounts. 38 mi CK By am t of outstanding taxes 869,22 do exonerations allow ed collectors 192,60 do percentage paid col lectors 28,62 do orders lifted 100,1*' de treasurer* com mi— sion 6.26 do balanco duo fund... 409,80 8. 8. WOLF, treasurer ofCentre County in account with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for State and special .Stale UI as received and paid cut for t'te vear 1870: To am t outsUnding at last settlement $2708,47 do assessed for 1870 3419,66 do overpaid accounts... 16,32 extra assessment*..... 13,91 do due count? account 1049.62 CK By am't of outstanding taxes for 1889 and previous years $1762.47 do oulstaading for 1879 1017,66 do exonerations allow ed collectors 286,17 do p< rcenUge paid col lectors 99,08 do State treasurer's re ceipts 8981.82 de treasurer * commis sion 86.78 Contre County S. S: W* the undersign ed Auditors and Com miss ion art of said County do hereby certify that we have examined the foregoing accounU of S. S. Wolf, Treasurer, with the County of Cen tre and with the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, and found them true and correct as above stated Witness our hand* this 2d day of Januarv, A. D 1871 JOHN KISHKL) J M Bt'Hil Auditor*, 1> H Y K Ati K K I JOSEPH McCLOSKKY 1 JOHN SAN KEY (btsmiMiusm. JOHN BINO ) Atte-i Wx. FI'RKY, I Clerk. RECEIPTS Amount* r* reived from collector* and other sources: 1867, John Conley, (irrgg .$738.27 do Thos S Lingle, Liberty 169.t0 do Wtu llolt, >now Shoe 75,1 X) Hh.y. John Prmidfotler 2247.60; do J M Hush, Fatlon 460,00; do T J Hatchelor, Kush 318,78j do Samuel Noll, Spring 966.42 do 1) 11 Yeagcr, Snow Bhi>e 190.00. do John Funk, Taylor 82.78 do Win Spott-. Union I8u,8; do Martin Krumgart. Walker.... 1040,15' de Kliat Turner, Worth 231,16 1870 Daniel Derr, Bellofont# 642,20 do W C McCutchen, Fhilips burg 20,000 do Wm 11 NefT, Howard 66,00 do Joseph Steer, I'nionvill* 31,00 ] do John Lutr., Henner 6!(0,00 , do B Viehdoeffer. Hurnsid* 50.00j j do John Hotter, itoggs 2*l t do Henry Thiel, Curtin 42,00: i do George Moyer, Ferguson 536,00 . j do SJ Herring, Gregg 4tt'i,(: do Win llarler, Haines 450,00 | do Jacob Hottorf. Harri* 806,(0 do John Ward, Half Moon 87,(41: do D W Kline, Huston 123,00 do Samuel Brickley Howard 264,75 do Jacob Bechdol, Liberty 643.16 do John S Hoy Marion 170,00 do Daninl Conser Miles 870,00 j do Jonas Stine, Fallon 363,40 do J P Smith, Penn 110,00 do Wni Kakens. Potter 1606,12 do J K Sigfried. Hush. 156.U) do H J Gates, Snow Shoe 62,00 do Philip Hoover, Taylor 9i,OU do Wni Spelts, Union 225,60 do Henry Dwnkle, Walker 468.(8 de Alexander Cheney, Worth... 98,(8 Ain't received from A L Geary late treasurer 2409,68 j do unseated lands 4890,63 do other sources 15948,02 $66,111,49 KXFKNDITIRKS. To order- Auditors pav commis-.$ 60,00 •ioner* pay Jobn King... 301,88 Wm Keller 412,00 S F Foster 244,00 J McCloskey 266,0 tipstave S T l'arson 46,00 court crier Andrew White 47,60 •tote lunitie asylum, in eatie iiuuper* - 686,46 I) 7. Kline ex-herifl'on acct 800.00 R H (larger A Co. print- II ing 238,00 common wealth eot 3674,44 interest on note* and bond* 1542,64 llotfer A Bro'a iu*r cliaiidire for prisoner*... 68,05 election expenses 1165,61 premium* on *c*lp* 288,20 road views and bridges.. 564,23 grand and traverse ju ror* pay 8076,04 conatableapay 477,10 aisetsor* pay 7*.9,00 eaitern itato penitenti ary 608,09 PC Meek printing 1809- 70 600,00 Fred Kurt* printing 332,60 inuuisitioii of dead bod ies 87.77 Ceutre county ag'l soei ety 100,00 I' D Stover printing 279,82 K H Elisworth printing 41,80 Orvis Abraui Switacr locks 8,60 At' Geary unseated land book li'6 l Treasurer's books 14,80 \Y Holmes A t'o dsuri andshuttars 11,76 Jebn Morn n dockets fees A r 489,26 I'eter Can way work at court house 1,6" N Hillibush account. 90 Klias (Srcve book case ~ 19,50 .) McD.rmoit cistern 176.10 Win Clark removing coal 60 (ieo 11 Bryan stationery %|,AO .1 T Johnston postage 11,60 11 Sussman merchandise 2,86 J W I.aruiior# table B,(Jpj J Pacma work 1,76' John (iarbrick 8,00 Hurnside* Thomas mer chandise 1,06 W F Murphy a Bons Woks for I'rotWtiOtary 45,6i Sam'l llarpttcr light ning-rod jail 128.;*.)) L F Furtney auditing art's 86, <* • T H Klo.ad. glassing windows 2,l*'' \Y A Arnold tinning tor funis. * 22,0(1 Dan'l Carman boarding witness... 6.U' H i.Thomas ... ... 1,691 W Mann books binding and blanks ... 68.0U J 11 Morriaoa book and e*pres...,.„ 16,66, Patrick Dooley digging ditch 90,86 j Tho* Nay lor plastering 19.20. W K Shope carpenter work 7,26. Charles Gamer cleaning emirt room and office.... 12,001 J McDerinoti pump for cistern 17,03 Dr J F I-ariinore med ical attendance lO.UOj Kiias (trove de5k........ . 11 .00 i A II Henderson court reporter 70,00 W K Murphy A Son en- V elope" 40,00 Nora McCalisler wash ing for prisoners 17,06 A C Geary lx.tsi Atto Seiss binding wir. dow book 8,60 1) M Glenn ice for court room ... 1,80 ■ A ikens 1(11 Reddy Powers work on ?'Bte..'. 3.00 s M Tibbens plastering 22,60 J 1 Rankin books an.l stationery 28.06 Charles f>ug*n painting court room ana ru|>!a 907,4(1 Dan'l McGinley capen terwork and boards, 871.47 Todd * frunean castings 30,20 Susstuan a Guggen beiiner carpets and mat ting for court house 861.86 JacobShrom A Co bind ing carpets and matting 17.00 Wra \ Hughes doors and sash 7,00 O Bryan A Williams post..'. 8.4*1 James Furry digging ditch Ac n.tsi J Mcfrermotl masonery •■nd registers . 66.U Toorder James H Dobbins. medical attendance . $ lo.tt) de Andrew Morrison 2.00 do Cempble .1 Son. win diiw blinds Court House 118.09 do Oeorga O Bryan, New chairs and repairing court room lKk> do Wm P Wilson Attor ney fees >i(li do Geo A Bavard castings B,<* do II T Harris table 8.(1) do Wm Msan blanks and d'>kets 61,(111 do WniKealah. ... 10,00 de Barny Powers Court House Sues 3 .00 do John Bravkbill paper 718 do Sam Nicholas paper hangers 19,00 do Heller A Jars-It paper jury room 18,16 4a Jatues li Lipton dock- I U 67.10 Bridges to wit ■ do Pais! l.eatners for Mr chsnicsville bridge 436.23 do Boro. Itellefonte bridge at Lamb street...- 6U0.00 do K'>ad and bridge views 118,0.' do Refunding of commis sioners ntes 16.948,02 do Redemption f Uuni l* d States lands 1,06220 do Collectors overpaid acta 136,83, do Supervisors for road UxonrSLn.la. 4,288 18 do "Win Fury balance as commissioner H00.4X1 do Wm Kury com. clerk... 308.87 do Refunding militia fund lOO.tX) do 1) W Woodring SheritT 160.4*0 Amount paid to the State 2.912,80 do of outstanding orders from last year 671.63 do Treasurer s salary 2,000.00 do Stationery 10.(10; dc Balance 2.010,22 $56. 111, 49 RECAPITULATION. Receipts $66, 11 ] .49 Kip. .lures 64,101,27j Balance in Treasury, Jan. 2. 1871 $2,010.22 Balances outsUnding on Duplicates ofj 1870 and previous rears, subject to eioner ations and commissions 1864 Martin Murphv Burnside. $ 176,8 V Geo L Peters Union 852,6)' 1866 Simon Lingle Liberty 242,22 1866 Wm Kury Rellefonte *1489,811 KD Noll Spring 228,34j 1867 B Galbraitli Bellefonte •921,44] J I.Shope Milesburg •818,93! J W Gardner Howard Boro 49,82 S F Ishler Benner 202,86 , GD Johnson Howard 106,99 , W FTibbius Marrion 496,87 i Wm Holt Snow Shoe *267,24 i 1768 A Snvder Bellefonte 394,20 Jno Proud foot Milesburg... 190, Oil , A Jones Philipsburg 96.39 | WmAskey Hurnside 66,15 John Ponnel! Boggs 396.80, Jacob llostcrman linines... 692,01 ' Willinm Cross Half Moon 161.05 Mir bad Confer Howard... 138,63 ' Benjamin Liggct Liberty... 170,54 1 DC Keller Potter 638,88 ! Wm II Noll Spring *641,4! ! 1869 I) F Fortncy Bellefonte 2353,04 ' J A Weaver Milesburg 447,61 A J Gardner How aid boro 84.04 ' J K Boak Burnside 178,78 J John Ponnel! Boggs 182,18 Wm Mann Curtin *63,82 f Levi Krebs Ferguson 577.24 J H Herring Gregg 392,74 * I) Hotter man Haines 479,45 ' D V Willand Harris 524.12 " Kpbrain Glenn Howard 167,25 ' J H.ehdol Liberty S81.8t Adam Yearick Marion 170,76 J M Bush Patton 810.99 1 Samuel Noll Spring 1222.2" ' D II Yeager.Snow Show 146.44 r Martin Brumgard Walker 169,94 n 1870 Daniel Dcrr Relief..!,to 2664.23 n J F Weaver Milesburg 479,82 - W C McClutehen Phflipsburg 587.97 v Win II Nefl Howard bofo 2'6,47 * Joseph steer Unionvillo 164,93 7 John Lutr. Benner 1189,66 " B KiebdoeflTer Burnside 201,95 J Hotter Boggs 976,27 t* Henrv Thiol Curtin 244,88 - (eo Mayer Ferguson 2346,28 Samuel Herring Gregg 1887.50 1 Wm Harter /fames 1936,06 Jacob Bottorf //arris 2768,38 o John Wsrd //alfMoon 720,21 D W Kline Huston 376,08 \ Samuel Brick Icy Howard 445,67 1 Jno S Hoy Marion 1108,12 1 Daniel Conar Miles 1083,37 ci Jonas Stine l'atton 606,16 b J I'Smith Penn 1648,01 T Wm Eakens Potter *IBIO,BO cl P K I.igfriod Rush 840,23 o John M Furey Spring 2837,62 o H J Gates Snow 5h0w.,,,,,, 408,82 u Philip Hoover Taylor 190,68 1' Wm Spotts l' nion 177,97 hi Henry Dunkle K'alkor 1674,82 ri Alexander Chuuey Worth 200,66 IX m , , . . , 1*4,329,74 Hi 1 ho* marked with a • have squared their c< Uplicates since scttleuient. qi LIABILITIES ' un't of exonerations and- f percentagu on un- < olleeted taxes fi825,70 County bonds lii.uki.tsi Pro. notes 16,100,00 County orders out •tandiiig 2,780,36 Bills and costs un paid 2,000,100 due A C Gearv late Treasurer 2,600,00 $99,206,06 RECAPITULATION Total amount of assets $16,329.74 " " liabilities .... 89,206,06 llalaui -I in favor of county $6,123.09 1). W. Woodring high sheriff of Centre county, in account with said county. January H, 1871. January 3. 1871. DR. To eouulv orders „..sl6t>,(*) To Jury feiu 24,00 By executing Jury seusiiotia end summonses Juror's Court procl'm f 18 1,06 By Cam mun weal the i wis . H1, 3., M> .enveyiiig M (Juick to Penitentiary 76,t My prison registry and ex press 8,12 By building oven and ma terial 28,50 By Turakey fees Prison- I ers 28,60 Bv 241 4-7 weeks boarding. 748,97 I 174.09 Balance due Sheriff $986,60 !CENTRE COUNTY. S H. We the uader • igned Comtniaaiuners of said county, do hereby certify, that the foregoing is a true and cor ret statement of the receipts and expenditures o! said county, from the 3d day of January, A D . 18TO, to the 2d Jav of Janua v, A. D., 1871. JOHN BING. JO* M. CLOSE FY. JOHNGSANKKY. (X'inmitiiinfis. | Attest: W111.3 sxi Ft' uk v Clerk, , STATE OK PENS A . Cent reCount*. S. We. the undersigned Auditors ol Centre county, da hereby certify that, in pursuant e jof an Art of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to counties and townships and cu tv and township officers.'' we met a! the Commissioners office at Bellefonte, on the Ist Monday in January, and did audit, set tle and adjust the sevt-ral accounts set forth in the fotegoiitg statement In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 24th dav of Janua ry. A D . 1871 J M BCSH. LS. JOHN RIMIKL. I-S D H. TEAGER, LB. Auditor*. Attest WILLIAM Friiv, Clerk. , tnijc^fesgSun. X HAfts.- • A. k - S. . J lie Jallav I, A Xtssr*rsl UsFresssl Vtßei. IslesAeA ler Pssylr New oa Un*. '••la4(cg Fsrats s. V!ee*is-lis. Mwbsftt*. >-st.o-s: Men. W-isrs. raiakers, sat s I :• r ol Ilosast Fo. lbs Wise , So • sot . ti.'biei of all sacs. s.-MLT OM DULt.A U A YEA It I nxt ui vuuiiicupiof row ui. x . I S ISSB duo Coal sC-Vf- Ul Xbart M s 930 Cias si sv irr Cusx utter ■XEWI.W EEKLY OX, 1/ A YEAR, s r.s sifflt Use sot gooarsl etsarsrwr ss l * w ttlilT. bat b s mtur one? of • .-M sssows isslisi. sad fsrolsMnj lbs * t. ntweillMis wttb nvstor trosbssM e*es to Ibr irlirr of clattl Etchf Dollars. * o .s aissa oss rs.r. srfvarstoit ttbessi i as raws Doer so lbs ;surr Bp of nab >. PIRMS Dollars, s Hi < as iaa t. la oas aldrers iaa Yltty Dollars, s 1 J.-st c >oias. oas T'nr ssparstrly ad l - < so • Uss Us'Jy torus# josr lo ibcrci'-cr f-bi* Maty Dollars. IE HEM 1-WEEKLY HEX. • , j.. ooe vrar.sepsistrtr sddiosied. Rtgbf Dollars. i r .... oi s rsrr toporaioir addressed tsad - .>f j to satin up of rlitl, Hiafrea Dollars. HKXD YOt'R MONEY * or tars rXrrss. or drsfts raXtv - ' •!• c Biooisol U sec lora rsgfusr ft !slums sSMf. Afdrss. I " rvrnvi Pab-bbr-.* Hoe ttr- \rw terb CBr l*ss (fee u i s k N k If * t t t f f ; TO THE WORKING CLASS-Weare ] now prepared to furni-h all classes with i constant emplriyment at home, the whole i of the time or for the spare moments. Business now, light, and profitable Persons I of cither sex easily earn from S(V. to $5 per evening and a proportional sum by u< i t-1 1 ing their whole time to the buaine-v Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this may -end their ad |dress, and lest the husincs, we make the | unparalleled offer To such a are not , well snt'.stie.l. wc w ill send $1 to pay for i the trouble of writing Full particulars, axalutblc sample which will do to cotn i! mence work on. and a copy of 7*V I'rajtlr * Li/rrary < umpani"i one of the largest and best family new-f atter*ever publish.-d j —all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN A CO.. AIOVSTA MAIHK. I frb3 4t j r |" , HE HEW YORK DAYBOOK Till 1 CHAMPION OF WHITE SUPRE MACY AGAINST THE WORLD V FIRST CLASS EIGHT PAGE DEMO CRATIC WEEKLY, established in lsV |s2 per year; $1 for six months. Subsi ribc I for for it. Fur *j ret turn eopiVs, address "DAY BOOK. New York Citv j feb3 41 DR S. S. FICU'S Family Physician; I 90 pages ; sent by mail free. Teaches ] how to cure all disea-es of the person : ! • kin, hair, eyes, cm iplexion. M rite !•'. j714 Broadway, Nvw York. feb3.4L BRIG(>S sk BRO S I Hunt ratexl mi Descriptive U'ltlulouge of Flowers and Vegetable Senls, and Bummer Flowering Bulbs For 1171. Will IK ready for mailing by thu middle of January, notwithstanding our great loss _ of type, paper, engravings, Ac,, by fire, which destroyed the Job Prmt'iig office .>t the Rochester ilftnarral ami ( Vir>"iiW<, 25th December, 1879. It will be printed on nj most elegant new-tinted paper, and illuf trat-d with nearly Five Iliinilreti Original KngravingK. And two finely ex-cut-d Colored Plates •pex-imeo* for all of which were grown by . ourselves the past season from our own i Hock of'Seev mail!, the last season. To others a charge of 1i.!,, cents per copy will he made, which is not 11 the value of the Colored Plate*. We as i sure our friends that the inducements wi j offer to purchasers of Seeds, ai to quality „ and extent of Slo'k, Di-coiints and rreni iunis. ate unsurpassed, l'leasescndorder- , for Catalogue* without delay. Our Colored Climiiio for 1871 j Will he ready to send out in January; | The Chromo will represent Fortv-two \"a- f rieties of showy and popular Flowers ol natural site mid color. We design to make it the bust Plate of Flower* ever is sued. Sixe. 12x21 inches. The retail - value would be at h-ist Two Dollar*; w< •hull, however, furnish it to customer* :it ' 75cent* per copy, and offer it a* a Premium upon order* for Sec,|. See Laiuloga )i when out. BRIGGS A BR'ITIIRR. ?{<•- ihttttf, N. Y. iR It 11 AGENTS! READ THIS! * \irK WELL PAY AGENTS A SAL IT ARY of S3O per week and expen* n >r allow u large commission, to *el! out iew wonderful invgntion*. Addrcs* M WAGNER a CO. Marshall, Mi. ii tijanl , OSYCAOMANCI ki . X tleman can make s!,(** a m >nth, ' •ure their own happiness and indeiienden :y obtaining I'NYCHOMAKCY, FAHCIXA. rioH, or Son. CHARMINU. 4(* page •loth, Full instruction to use this powei ver men or gnitnaj* at will, how to M..- ncrixe. become Tranoe or Writing Mctii iin*. Divination, Spiritualism, Alx'hoo--. Philosophy of Omens and I)rea-' JJ j-l mm } o ong's /iarcUL i,; M ; iage. *c , ajl con " ine( J j„ this book : 1(M,- ■ N X'olo • p r j,. e by mail, in cloth $i.25, pa- I n*r covern $i x OTU K. Any person wili ng to act as agent will receive a sample •opy of tin- work frtr. A* no capital is rc [uired. all desirous of genteel employment uould send for the book, enclosing 10 cts. or postage, to T. "W, EVANS A CO., 41 iouth Bth Sc., UhUftdelpßia, febtt.il 1 ■■ ■> SEND FOR ot!It PAMPHLET TO' _A I• \I i . I'M. 25 cts GEO l! r ROWKI.I . t ■ 41 Park Row. N. Y.l fab.4t Curiiiif-, how Htrange! J Thf I/-I / /Viral 4 fVun/mMioa contains t| > •! m l infirmatloii. Hant free for tw Address Maa. 11. MET'/.KB H Pa fel3t m. I WANTED I lasslaakl* l>, • r. I . "I. UaA. maaaalasar par*' il THE COTTAGE CYI.OPv€DIA. 111 > lit ATM* COMPLLTE LIBRARY 111 ST OH V ASP HI ()(J It A THY Arranged ;.ieatins who? what t when'all) • . < < I, suggest! d in r# gar.l to |> c , pb.ees ami things, Inoi <-x<-ry -e>. ..! k' •" here rapidly and corrcctli a ! It also recounts the Woioli-iYul, and stirring events H His ory, a- . with lllustrativi Sketches, \m ' : an I Advetilurea—ton Icnug it • j luwat i aluahle and read a .bleb* <• world. Issubd be j one.Notlum.' mot , Sifl.l' tt) sf I'll'TIOS itS I. Y. Send for < in- liars. W A BUR'-II AM, Publisher, Byraesiat I N 1 d—l 44 J. H. Rolfsnydor Justice i!.* I*. i..-, Hurvrvor, and ' t Conveyancer. Ailviids Us, surveying and ■ dividing ho • Particular attention '[given to i'> . - ; latul, <>r property for ■'sale, ord. . Ionds Mortgagna '|A< . A. WMgH upon 1 .hort lioti. • * hit-term#. I office .v. - Millhcim, Pa. fob Id. 3m CHI \U < A"U STOUK ALEXANDER L CO., OKALERSIN ilai- t - t Ddtktag and . Groceries . ~. -nt wholesale and rs i'tail price*. i Dry (i so-i -, Grocerieg, f Queendwar. , Gltttwire ' no i i! -i-rv, • o>J£A; j oaj>i 270112, No. I A Su ar, J i -t Brown Sugar 18c. Dark Brow ullr. IKIO ( U (miL BTBI i 1 1 40 pw gallon Sugar IT !: .in 7o to $1,(31. ~ Everyihiiij,' else In Proportion. Person- t G *h of this firm will pic.i-c .... i thatgoods mustbd 'paid for Le! r.- i away. WT • KI.I. CHEAP. Because we sell FOR CASH ONLY. WL xKL P NO 800 EH. exchsng ' : - that he has pur cljascd th" i • hr. tofore carried on by the C. II Mi* Co.. and wil. continue the same, at th i -land, in all its brancb e., in th m. . if. :;.r,iof sTOVi. IMPi: sV SPOI TING. All kin i f : dune. He hat *1 way, x n hand Fruit Cant, of !i Sizai, BUCKETS. CU PS. DIPPERS, DIMIKS. AC. AH was s rr >1 id charges reaaon ahlc, X i!is ft .- it.'ic patronage 5010,,. 10,,. ; AND R EES MAN, 2-epTOv Centre Hall y KM.Kill vhUKTT dcalcrt in DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS a!* • all the STANDARD PATI NT MEDICINES A v • rv large as- M.rt . fTot lKt AttTirLCa, iA \ I 1 C.MMIt S•. ; Ar . Ac., The hi c ; qual - ' I tint >Ti.t, POCKET KX ! V - s '.';*OM V • i • Pti i tx Ul.! . VASIKTV. ! PRFSCRI unded by earn peten* il ur d.*y or night. ' Nirhtcu- ; ti WI. i: A JARRKTT. ""t., Belletonte Pa * junl !y CTOVF - Mr An. w .iild resi.ect . fully infort -•*.! Centre Halt. , that he ii' . i all * *ea of Co*' It.iVfl (J: . . ch he . low a* el- him a ralnrnd g< sri.l -ee hi- - mm baring e!e. \ where. novlßU IIARUM riiermoineiers, at 1) . WILSONS / tIIKFIN i ' a large a#rt l N , . it I L>ONt> t'i k i : i "t. HA 1.1. Manufacturing Co Axn ® , Marhinr Works. CENTRE II a 1.1. 1. NTRK CO., P A j Having <1 • t New FocxDET attdj M.XIRIM: i Aatl at Centre Hall, an uouncctoth' iliey are now ready to receive." . . ivtliitig in theirline of bu-inc- ■ Sim flings. ' PuKii's, ■ I la tigers. IRON & BRASS which now *tu:t 1 u; rivalled. Thi-Jt. Ip iv ■ tagcovar all otbei Reaper* now o rinl, (lite advan tage we claim ' is. ■; M* lever power, by which we gii ... i ire.l per cent ovei other niacin At. r a.lvantagu is the hoi-ting Htol ! iparatu*. whereb; the driver h. ii* complete control of the machine; in. lingtn aspotuf lodg ed grain, tin Irive.- .an change the cut ol he machine in an ant. without stopping tho team, varj u ' ihl' from Ito 14 incbe*atthi> he machine, a* well a* on the in -i* 1 • li i •natruetad of first cla** matei ill; ■ by first class ma chanics We w.■ . tit -econd to ftone. All kind* H wer- and Threshing Machines, ila> ;I 1 ■'•. u Rakes, latest im proved. AI! i ' Repairing don*. Di.'- ferant kind* of Y I, O W S PLOW C ASTING. I'he Celehr-t d il tidorn Economics plow which h v, , <-iitire *ti*factioii We omp!-.\ • Pattcrutnaken, out pattern* ar. I'tlic most improv ed plan*. 1* ations and Daw ing* furui-hv ■ " "rk done by us, *t- W" 'i •!. I tion tu hug; in--* to recci ixubllc palrchag CASTINGS of .-very . I - u ,, f 0 MILLS, ro!u* -s. Fi i\N.U - r.\ miiiKs. lANNEKIRB, *V., AC. We also man ' i ri,,. uclebrated K KYSTONK HARVESTER,: AH -irJei': by m d • n.ptly at ended to 1 CENTRE HALL AIF'G goJI'P ** HI o \ OF THE V ACI ' B 0 PtTIITI* JT, tMf tl OUR ( KI.EBEATID GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. J f; jo Western Purlimiiko Co. ; j rty. at the low- 4 >■>lpwo Ju.lomer* will pious* 1 not* thpt our cool it housed un der commodious sheds. <► LI M K-Vadtf coal-burnt Lime, for aalr *rWi-Wln. > ih* pik* leading U j liltiburg. POWDER. Having received ths agency j for Ihi Pont Powder AT . WHOLESALE. we .hall b* , pleased to receive orders from , the trad* , a I ( Otto# and vard nrar south end of Bald I Ragle Valley H. R. Depot, Belle ton la. Pa. novt BHORTLIDGI A CO. < I 1 STERNBERG, I Ha* been to the extreme aod af tha * market. For BOOTS A SHOES 1 to Boaton. , For DBT GOODS to Naw York. For CLOTHING to Philadelphia. < \guKach article bought directly i from the Manufacturer, with a de ire to suit thii iuarket.gri FIN E A Ll AC AS from tOc to 75c tka finest— equal to $1,26 alpaca*. t SUlTS— from slo to sl* boat all j wool Caaeimeie*. j intend* to cloie out bli | stock. HE TMKKLPORN VttW oFFXKS BKTTRB BARGAINS TH Of KLSKwHKRR. Carpet!- at old rato*. trout 50 csuts to 75 Cent* per ' ard, for tl.e beat. DRY G'OODS, NO ADVANCE, And a dliug from 121 to 1G cent*, the bes oalK <>r-, and muslin* in proportion, at •'.lea. Women'* Shoe*, common good, to wea. all uminer, at $1 per pair Fine Boo# from $3,60 to $7,60 for; baat. CLOTHING at the lowaat rate*, and sold at 1867 price SUIT 8, from SIO,OO to $lB for the best. CALL AND SEE. and if it pint tree, Sternberg will treat. They only ak people to come and ee ' i ven if they do not wLh to buy. FINK TABLE CUTLERY, istclud*ex piated forks, spoons, Ac, at apio.ss ifcwiN a Wilson. wmmmmmmmmmMmummmmmMmmmmmmmmmm* rvISBOLUTION OP OOFARTNKI -12 The partnership heretofore existing he ween Amot Al*sander and W. K. A lei ludor, under the name of A. Alexander A Si, la tfci*day diaaoivad by mutual consent, a butineos of the late Arm will b settled by A. Aleiaiider. at hit residence A. Ai aiannaa, W K. AuiiWU. Millkeun Dec 2, 1170. CIRCULAR. Referring to the above, the oadeeeigaed beg leave to inform the trade (hot they wHi continue tke buaineae in nil lie branchea, e the old stand, in MillheinT, under the name of Ale lander Bros end roepeetfally solicit the patronage of the cuatomura of the eld house, and other* in want of. their line of good*, it will he their roaring* derive and clfort to remirr full aatioferiien both in •juality of good* end prices, a* well a# mr leatiag and courteous treatment to nil..We keep constantly on band a fu it stork e# Dry Goods, Orocenw, Queenawara, Hardware, neup'ir< i lion, and isotfared at rates as ckaap assise where. Thankful fer peat favere, he selic its a continuance of the same. Call and see hi* stock before purchase rioowhor* mMTO. CENTRE HALL Tan Yard. The undersigned would respectfully in form the ctliaens of Centre county, that the above Tan T ard will again ho put ia Rill operation, in nil its branches, by them. HIDES AND BARK WANTKD. The highest market price will be peid for Hide* of nil kinds. The big a est mar ket price will alee he paid for Tanner * Bark The public patronage is solicited Satisfaction g uaranUMl. dcMtf MILLER A BADGER J P. ODIN KIRK. WITB ARTMAN. DILLINGER A COMPANY* No. 17, NORTH THIRD ST., PHIL'At Two door* above Arch, formerly 9R, MANUFACTURERS A JOBBERS IMM Carpets, Oil Cloths. Oil Shade*. Wick V \ am, Cotton Yarna. Carpet Chain*, Grain Bag*. Window Paper, Butting. Ac. Ainu, WOODEN AND *ILLO% WAIF 1 Brushes, Looking Glasses, Ac. doB U U UHIIriUAN. XV. Lie AND MILITARY / U MT" and Conveynncor. Deed* f^y gage*, and all lntrume .-''.^- 'l' >& *.■ fully attended to •lait "Am?"* Houwa. tw • nearly oppurito the Court o door* above Messrs. Reek A T ft? r . LawOHow BelMbnte, Pa. t *MBly iJCALKS, at wholesale and retnil, cheap' O y IRWIN A WILBONT^ fIOoTS, large stock, all styles,^ki as* and If.price*, for men and hoy*, just arrived at Wolf well known old Sund. LEATHER, of all description*, frwtich calfskin, Spanish sole leather, moroc co*. sheep nkias, linings. Everything in the leather lino warranted to give satis -1 faction, at lURNSIDK A THOMAS. CLOTHING —Overcoats, Pants, Vesta, and Dress Coats, cheap, at Welf a HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSO CIATION.—For the Relief and Care of the Errii g and Unfortunnta, on Principles of Christian Philanthropy. Essay* on the Error* or Youth, and the Follies of Age, in relation to Maxbiaox and Social Evils, with sanitary aid forth* atUicted. Sent free, in sealed Envelopes. Address. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P. Philadelphia Pa. jullS.lv sue pU a Kyqhody.vsatstt Mem unmU sfT mop esskia* fwee tW) ''*ris for *M,aik 7*l UU -odA.cldl U i. DMCTbjtos CWtlsr ■rnt hot