Now And Ever. Ask what yon will, mv own ami only lore; Phr, to lore's sen ice trn<\ Your leas' wish sways nw m from worlds And 1 tnM *ll to yon. Who air the only Who. And in one girt *U womanhood to me. -Yet some tiling* e'en to thoo 1 cannot yield 1 A* that rme gift, by winch On the still morning in the wrodmdo field. Thon maito'etexistence rich, Who a*t the only She. And in one girl all womanhood to me. We had talh'd long ; *nd Umu a silence came ; And in the toprooet tint To hi* nest the white dorr floated like a flaiue ; AYirt my hp* chre.l on here Who Was the only She, AnJ in .me girl all womanhood to me. Rmoc vyhm my heart, hee hy her heart— nor now Could I vwixt ht-r* and mine. Nor the now! loveakill'd angel eh.>o*e.—Bo thOB In vain wonKlal a*k for thine 1 WliO art the only She, And, in one girl. *ll womanhood to me. Old Lot OK. 1 haw you forgotten yet Th* onr*r of the flowery land- Tlie Mtomnt garden where we met, Mv hand t hat trembled in your hand * Ourlips found word* scarce *rt enough. A* low iKsn-ath th* Milhiw ire*. We eat.' HE** J"* fojß>W*B, kv*> t JX> vou remember. Lev e Lottie* ' Marie, h*v* you forgotten yet ]%.< km tig barter that we wade The rings we ohanged, 'he nun* Uiat set. The wood ftlU-fUled of song and shade ? The fountain* that were musical, Br mane an ancient trvating-tree ? Marie, hare von forgotten all Do yon remember, Lore Mane 1 Christ t no, hare you forgotten y* Ymr room, with wool and pwe* gay. My garret, near the kr A was set, The April hour*, the r'ghts of May, The elear. eahn nights ; the stars above. That whispeiwl -ih.y wvie fairest socu With no eloud veil—remember, lore. Do you teucuilisr, Lvov Chnstin. > Loniae * married ; and. -wll-anlar ! Mane a road has ta'en ; And (Je Chnaune has passed away, Iu southern aunt- to flower again. Ah. inc. tvvr one and all John Hatluw MKU found. For tow ar I the end of the *rek he began to tfcl a warmer ftvltnp for Mil* Janet. I do not thitik that Jo!m was wrtoudy iu llovo with Mix* Dunton. If he had Iwen, he w*ild hture found some means of com mtitiirathv vrith hei A Uamsand *pe ' with sleepless eyes all round their lirvL cwftmot keep a man from telling his U-vo somehow, if ho really have a love to tell. He observed often during the week that lluldah wa> depremad. He eould not j exactly aeeount tor it, until he noticed something in his sister's behavior tow nl ' her that iwakwel hi* susiiictun. A*oon as opirtmut\ offered he inquired of lluldah, atfivring at the same time to know •something alxmt it. •• I don t want to complain of your sister to you. Mr llarlow—" " l'hew ! call me John, and as for my sister, I know her faults better tliau you Jo. Go on, please." " Well, it's onlv that she told me that Miss Dunton, wasn't used tt> eating at the same table with #rrrf#. and when one of , the boy* told your father, he was mad and | came to me, and said. • Huldah, you must eat when the rest do. If you stay away ftotn the table on account of these city snob* I'll make a fuss ou the spot.' > > to avoid a fits* 1 iiav e kejit ou goiug to the J table." I John was greatly vexed with this. He was a chivalrous fellow, and he knew how such a remark must wound a perwoo who had neTer learned that domestic service had anything degrading in it. And tie result was jsf the opposite of what hi skter hoped. John paid more attention >to Huldah Manner* because she was the victim of oppression. But, sitting in the old " best room " in the dark, while the ladies were getting ready, and trying to devise away by which he might get an opportunity tospeak with Miss Dunton alone, it occurred to hint that she was at that time in the sit ting-room waiting for his sister. To step out to where she was, and present the case ia a few wonK would not he difficult, and , it might ail be settled before his sister came down stair*. The Fates w ere against i him, how ever. For just as he was aliout to ant upon hi* thought, be heard Amanda Holmes's abundant dresses sweeping down j the stairway. He could not help hearing 1 the conversation that followed:— t "You see, Janet, I got p this trip to night to keep John from spending tin evening in the kitchen. He hasn't a bit of dignity, and would spend tin- evening ramping with the children and talking to Huldah if he took it into his bead ." { " Well," said Janet, "one can overlook i everything in a ntau of your brother's 'culture. But what a queer way your country servants have of pushing them selves.' Wouldn't I make them know their place* P' And all this was said with the kitchen ■! door open, and with the intention of ! wounding Huldah. Jolui's castles tumbled. The erudite wife alongside the silver tea-urn faded out of sight rapidly. If knowledge could not give a touch of humane regard for the feel ing cf a poor girl toiling dutifully and sclf denv ingly to support her family, of what , account was it ? Two minutes l*fore he was about to give • his life to Janet Dunton. Now there wa rn gulf wider than the world between them He slipped out of the lst rx>m bv the outside door and came in through the kitchen. The neighbor's sleigh that wn to call for them was already at the door and John U-gged them to excuse him. He had set his heart on helping Huldah make mince-pic*, a* he used to help his mother when a boy. Hi* sister was in despair, but she did not say much. She told John that it was time he was getting over his queer freaks. And the sleigh drove off. For an hour afterwards John romjied with hi- sister's children and tub I stories ,to the boys and talked to his father. When a man has barely escaped piing over a precipice he doe* not like to think too much about it. John did not. At last the little children went to bed. The old gentleman grew sleepy, and retired. The boys went into the sitting-room and went-to sleep, one on the lounge and one on the floor, lluldah was just ready to begin her pics. She was deeply Hut John succeeded in making her more cheer ful. He rolled up his sleeves and went to rolling out the jmstrv. He thought he had never seen a sweeter picture than the voting girl in clean dress and apron, with lier sleeves rolled above her elbows. Then was a statuesque perfection in her well jrounded arms. The heat of the tire had flushed her face a little, andhe was laugh ing merrily at John's awkward blunders in pie-making. John was delighted, he hardly knew why. In fixing a pie-crust his fingers touched hers, and he started as if he had touched a galvanic battery. He looked at Huldah. and saw a half-painful expression on her flushed face. For the first time it occurred to him that Huldah Manners had excited in him a feeling a thousand times deeper than any thing he had felt toward Janet, who I seemed to IJC now in another world. For the first time b- realized that he had been ' more in love with Huldah than with Janet all the time. Why not marry her 7 And then lie remeinlxred what the Gov : i ernor had said about marrying a woman's i heart and not her head. I I He put on his hat and walked out, —nut, , out, int i the darkness, the drizzling rain, , and the slush of melting snow, fighting a j fierce battle. All his pride and all his , cowardly vanity were on one side, all the irresistible torrents of his love on the I other. He walked away into the dark I wood-pasture, trying to cool his brow, i j trying to think, and (would you liclieve it ?) i trying to pray, for it was a great struggle, f and in any great struggle a true soul • always find* something very like prayer in . | his heart. : | The feeling of love may exist without , t attracting the attention of its possessor. I It had never occurred to John that he j could love or marry Huldah. Thus the passion had grown all the more powerful '' for not la-ing observed, and now the unseen fire had at a flali appeared as an all-con ; stiming one. Turning back he stood without the win dow, in the shadow, and looking through i the glaas at th* trim young girl at work ■with her pies. In the modest, restful face > he read the story of a heart that had > carried great burdens patiently and nobly. I What a glorious picture she was of warmth I and light, framed in darkness. To his 1 heart, at that moment, all the light and • warmth of the world centred in Huldah. II All the world I*sides was loneliness and I darkness and drizzle and slush. His fear • or his sister and of his friends seemed base and cowardly. And the more he looked at this vision of the uight, this revelation ,of peace and love and 1 glit, the more be was determined to possess it. You will call liiin precipitate. But when all a man V nobility is on one side and all his meanness ; on the other, why hesitate 7 John Harlow had done more thinking in , that half-hour than most men do in a ! month. i) The vision had vanished from the win ! down and he went in and sat down. She had by this time, put in the last pie, and i was sitting with her head on her hand. i The candle flickered and went out, and ! there was only the weird and ruddy fire light. I cannot tell you what words i passed between John and the surprised : Huldah, who had thought him already betrothed to Miss Dunton. I cannot tell what was said in the light of that fire; 1 i! don't suppose Huldah could tell that story j herself. CENTRE HALL REPORTER. HultUh *-k.-land arrived unexpected!)'. Aunt Judith, with her family, came over at dinner-time, so that tiicre* was a large ami uierry nartv. Two hearts, at least, joined in the deaeonS thanksgiving before dinner with much let vur. At the table the dinner was much ad aired. " Uuldah," said Janet Duuton, " I like your pios. I wish I could hire you to go "to lUwton. Our cook never doo# so well. ' Johu saw this well-aimed shaft hidden under this compliment, ami all his man hood rallied. As soon as he could be sure of himself he said: - '* You cannot have lluldah ; she is already engaged." " How's that 7" said Auut Judith "0! I've secured her serv ices," said John. ••What!" said Mrs. Holmes, •' engaged your— your—your help before you engaged aw ife. •• Not at all," said John; "engaged my help ami my wife in one. I hope that lluldah Manners will be lluldah Harlow by Christmas." The Deacon dropped his kuife ami fork ami dropped his lower jaw. ami stared. "What: How! What did you say, John 7" " I say, father, that this good girl lluldah is to Is- my wife." "John," gasped the old man, getting to his feet and reaching his hand across the table, " you've got plenty of sense if you do wear a moustache! tiod bless you, my boy ; there ain't no better woman here nor in New York nor anywhere than lluldah. tiod bless you both. 1 was afraid vou'd take a different raid, though. " Hurrah for our lluldah and our John," said lieorge Harlow, the college boy. ami hLs brothers joined him. Even the little Holmes children hurrahed. Sagacity of a Dog. A correspondent of the Boston 7V i .n-ri/x tells this story of u sagacious dog : A horse attached to on eipttM wagon mas running away, and w• nt t -aring through Friend street atnnl the shouting of men, yelling of boys, and screaming o* women, while " Tray, Blanche, *nl Sweetheart" were lurking at his heels. As tlie runaway horse passed a stable a hirge sized, >{ut of the stable, and without uttering a sound, made for the runaway horse half wav down the street, tin coming up with him. the dog "Spot"—for that, 1 Imrncd, is the name of the noble creature seized the rein* that had fallen to the ground, ami. after tugging, pulling, twitching, and jerking with greut earn. sine**, he ntcoeedcd iu bringing to a standstill ttn runaway horse, and held him quiet until the owner of the team came up. The writer was so impressed with the remarkable sagacity of the dog that he went to the stable and made portietilar inquiry about Spot. Here he got the information that this sagacious ereature had wvrd the stable from burning once or twice by waking up the watchman who sleeps in the counting room, it svms that Spot is h-ft as sentinel to watch the premises and give the alarm iu c.ise any of the hor-s gt cast in their stalls, or get loose in the night. Upon one invasion when a fire took iu one .f tlie stall*, and was smouldering amidst some damp straw, Sj*it awoke the watch man, who, on casting his eye down the stable and listening, could not | >erevive any horse loose or cast. The watchman returned to his btuik, and soon fell asleep again ; and again "Spot" awoke him, ami on catting his eye down the stable, he discovered smoke issuing from one of the stalls. .Seizing a couple of buckets of water and dashing it on the burning straw, the lira was extinguished without giving any further alarm, and thus, by the remarkable sagacity of this noble creature, a large conflagration was pre vented, nml perhaps the lives of many valuable horses saved. Ax INCIJ'FXT or THZ Brans. —A corres pondent writing of the scige of I'sris, j says : Men witii tiieir eyw fixed on the ground, and muttering to themselves, shwr monomaniaca, are wulking to and fro like caged tigers from the bridge to the Luxeinli'itrg Garden, only jmtning every now Mid then to shake their fist at the stars. It is very droll, I know, all i this, but I again entreat you of your charity, you lodic* and gentleman who an- some thousand* of miles awav, to have pity on us poor fellows who are "within range." Ever and anon a splinter strikes a mailman, and hiscorjise lies there for the living to stumble over (ill it conies to their turn. Madness ha* brought these wretches out of their cel lars, and it will keep most of them there jin the air until they die. Death shirks some of them, or dallies with them cat fashion by sending them, as a prepara tory to it* summons, some frightful or tormenting wound. One fellow wn* within four feet of a shell when the bns -1 tie of it wa* over he wo* still seen stand ! i'lg erect In point of fact no single j scrap of iron had touched him, but the (lame had simply burned his eyes out,ami he stood sigh this anil flayed. There arose, when this was seen, n great cry of wildest despair from the crowd, whom horror had at first frozen into statues, but a greater horror had congealed into men. THE VERY LAST. —Chicago's last sen- Hntion i* the ease of a young man who killed himself to allow a vonnger brother to many a girl whom l*)th loved, but I who loved but one. Tlie name of the two brothers is Zonk—John, the disap pointed elder, anil Ezra, the successful younger. Tito girl's name is Marin Sto ker, whose person seems to l>e more at tractive than her name. Both families are farmers, living near Farmington, 111., where John, who wris 27 year* old, hail n good character. Finding it im possible to hear the pangs of love—the pangs of tri.mß primal! i* it not well ; known iu the mountains un.l valleys of our land that all the calamities which liavecome ao severely and suddenly uiHin your kiugdom of late years, have arisen from the fin-t that your majesty lia* no longer the elntitn of n white elephant, •>ituv the unfortunate death of the lucky white elephant which la-longed to your fatln-r, who now rc|MMes in rapture in the seventh heaven of the blesse.l inimor tnls ? Ik> you not know, O king, that the elephant which now carries you m but a common block la-ast, which brings only black luck to us ? Having, tlisre j fore, your prosperity and glory at heart, 0 king, and kissing the dust fr.m your j golden feet, I venture to projiosi the following plan to your majesty : There is a washerman in this city of extraordinary skill iu washing or dyeing white . very thing brought to him, however black it ninv lie, and however difficult to make white and Ix'autiful. l*-t now ,my lor.l the king consider well tin- word of his : servant, and bid this skillful washerman to wash your elephant white, so that the white days of pro*i>eritv mav once more dawn ujMin your bhraed majesty and ou the mini." The king, who was weak in tuiud, heard the potter's project with delight, mid readily a*-*ntsl to it. Ho sum moned the akillful woshernnn. whose f .iu.- was great, and thus addrexsi-d him : "1 command tliee, most loyal subject thy skill m washing my elephant white, that I may eii joy white days of proqter ity erea as my father before me." But the washerman, w!io was a shrewd luiui, and ready withal, su|Hvtiug the plot of the potter to ruin him by so vain u project, thus s|Hke t<> the king— "O my lord kiug ! Unit 1 may wish my lonl's royal elephant white, it suitable washing-house must W erx'tsl, and also a pot of corresponding size must !*• con structed, and then I will wrasli your ma jesty's highly res|H-eted elephant w lute, and feel myself thrice blessed in having carriisl out my lord the king's wishes." On this tin-king summoned the jMittcr, and enjoined him, on pain of his royal displeasure, to coustruet a vast jait of sufficient dimensions to bold the royal el< pliant, as well a* a sufficient quantity of water and other constituent* for the abbition. The potter, in fear ami trem bling, is.lleotisl ail immense moss of clay. Ollt of which he constructed a |st large enough t hold the royal el. phant. When, however, the elephant stepped into this huge pot it broke into several pu-c.-s. Auother pot wiw made of con siderable thiekm-sS hv the Jiottcr. who, ; do a* he would, cottlA not even by his laigiwt tires lathe it thoroughly, so as to make it both conqsu-t and strong. S> the unfortunate jHiri-r was iu this dilem ma : if he made a thin iot it was brok.-n by the weight of the elephant, and if he i made it thick enough to r.--i*t such a weight, he could not, with all his efforts get the pot sufficiently baked ; and wa obliged at last to give up the task n* be yond his power, ntul to brave the royal di .pleasure, which consigned him to a pris4>n for the rest of his Ufe, and confis cated his g.wsls. " Plot not sgiviust thy neighltor," says the Burmese proverb, "lest thine own projH-rty suffer by the plot " —a proverb which is here wellenforwd. The Steam ItailruaiN of Mii*vvrhtivtts. The follow ing statement of the condi tion of the steam railroads of Massachu setts on the 90th of September, IH7O, anil their operations for the pn-eeding t-u mouths, is cnm] tin' Legislature hv the different eorjiorutiona, through the ttailroad Com mismoners : 's|.iaU stcxX 1 *1 .'Ji: I*l.l in "I (W..A4T I*l.l IS.tWOIS I'wt at r< su.l sqaipia-nts sS/.10 js I> uH of tnsiu n*D in M*1IIWI1 in lull* I.ST Ix-uiilb of bnuu'f<- 3*9 T- ai ml'rt of m*>l operallon 3.01S Htttnbor of mil** ran tOf.IV.SM Numbor of amnl J Til.Ml T"H of froifbl rrrto>l OW.W Total In.-ofli- itm munUnf I'AV.o: Working O*|H-III N't I mrninga f,3SS.iI! Itsu-fMt pt.| I.TSo.onr. Vruoanl of Jlvi.Vmti 3.STI.X J Surplus S*|.l- 3d ISTO I.aso JlO Jiumbor of turn rrgulsrlr rrapioveJ ISAM Numbrr of rtn|>|. J- klllr 1 Sf, Numlx-r of prngrr killr.l 1* N xtibrr of prrxmr klllr.l whllr triklng er tying upon tbr track V Number of engine* 63D Sumlwr of pewngrr c*r 7*l Number of mrrcb*udtr cere 10.951 In the year ending November3o, lsf.7, the total income of tlie steaiu ruilroatls was B'J4,. r 3y,722 ; working expeoMa, surplus NoToml>er 30, ?0,891,t>78 ; men employed, 11,030 ; employees killed, 39; number of paKseugera. 2M, 1215,391 ; pas sengers killed, 10; tons of freight, 7,- 378,0H3; number of engines, 652; pas senger cars, 733 ; iiicacliaudise iwrs, 10,- In the year 1870 the following divi demls were declared : Boston and Alba ny, 10 per cent; Boston ami Lowell, 8 ; Boston and Maine, 10 ; Boston and Prov idence, 10 ; Connecticut Ilivcr, 10 ; F.ast crn, 8; Fitch burg. 8 ; Old Colony and Newport, 6 ; Providence and Worcester, 10 ; Taunton Branch, 8 ; Worcester ami Nashua, 10. Deaths from Suffocation. One of the most heart-rending of re cent calamities in New York occurred iu a second-story back room of the premi ses No. 1,497 Third-avenue, between Eighty-fifth and Eighty-sixth streets, where four persons were found dead. The person first making the discovery wa# t'hnrles Muller, a baker, whose shop was on the first floor of the premises, ami who, finding the family had not been astir during the day, nliont 0 o'clock went to look for them, opened the door, found John Longhlin, aged twenty^-seven his wife Anne, aged thirty, their son Bernard, aged four, and a young woman named Susan Hnmls. all lying upon n bo give I every IKHIV a eliattce to buy a present, Mid in addition hinted tn a ileliente man ner what I should like uocli one to bring. S> the invitations rend very much like this: Mrs. Charity Phlasliottom met Husband You He I-'Hi Asked To Mr and Mr*. M -w Hkinnrr's Kitver Wed ding, January l?tii. • v * Iteaae twtiiK silver vaster, wiUi extra mas lard Jug. .... , Mr. John lb-rum and Hustatui To Mr. sud Mis. Muse Kklutier s Silver Wed uilig, Jauuary 17th. ,♦ We cherish (oUtl hope I" your dim tiirn in reference to a salver teapot. till the Iwck of each invitation was a neat gilt scroll, eudosing the words, •• I'leain' avoid dollars stores. To snv the affair was a sueeeas, would U> defrauding tin dictionary. I haw looketl tliat venerable pamphlet through, but fail to find a word tliat iu*-ts the cos.' Nothing short of seven syllables and a "French roof will do, sol gave it up. On the arrival of the gvn-sta. I took cluuge of the presents witli oa uraeli emotion as the \oiue of the nreaenU called for. A silver (s-n knife I receiv ed With a husky tremor iu my voice, while an elegant silver ti-ajs some of its neighlsirs of the Sierra Mad re, hke P|Micatepeti Mid lz taccihusti, which rise rcajiectively 17. - 720 and 15,705 feet UIMIVC the level of the sea. None of the three peaks just named have been in violent eruption during two centuries, through lopO eati'js tl often emits smoke, and Ori tuba, situateil iu a lower latitude, line been quiet for mora tiiMi three em-1 turies. A gnwlunl elevation of the country has IKH-U steadily going on. in couimon with that of the whole I*aciflc American coast, and at intervals of fifty or 100 years some great eruption takes place. In 1756 the volcano of Jorullo Imrst suddenly from the miilst of eultivnteil plain or table-land, and in n few wi-eks nttiuncil s hcigth of over 4,- U0 fin-t. Within the year the jveak of Colima, only ninety miles from the northern const of Mexico, burst into flame, and is still poiirinir fortli niawn of rock, but no lava. Now Chcrubneo bos broken its rest of man* generations. It must present a grand sight from the capital, but the villages nlimit its base whose property has been destroys! will find tio consolation iu this. Ihe re-1 luorkahle exemption of California from earthquake shocks during the post year, may possibly be due to the opening of rents in Mexico. TH* KXOXVIIXE (Tenn.) Chromick of the 14th instant tells of nil Silvan hire ns thrilling and inprobable as nny that bus ever adorned the jvnges of the most sen sational story writer. A short time since a drover, stopping for the night at an inn in the mountains near the divid ing line of Tennessee and north Caro lina, hail hi* suspicions amused liy the rough appearance of several ill-looking men who were "bout the premises. Therefore lie carefully exanuued hi* room IWore retiring, and wn* horrified by finding concealed under bis bed the body of a man, with hi* throat cut from ear to ear. The drover took up the laxly of the murdered man, placed it carefully in the Iwd, covered it up, and took tils ]x>.Hition behind the dixir to wait the result. About midnight the door was softly opened, and five men. armed with huge knives, entered the room and stealthily approached the l*il aida The drover did not remain to watch further procoodingn. but quietly *lil>|xxl out of the door, and msile the lxnt of hi* way from the murderous den. The next morning he raised a force and returned to the inn, where the party succeeded in capturing four of the gang. As incredible it* Ilvi* storv up |H>nrs, the Chronicle vouches for its truth on the authority of a responsible gentle man, end gives the name of the drover who wn the hero of the odvouture, and who is Well known in Jefferson county. OoxsrnKKARLE C ARE is necessary to keen vegetable* that are wanted for pro ducing seed, through winter. Beets, turnips cabliage and carrot* wiutted for this purpose must not lw allowed to I*' frozen ; neither iN it safe to keep them in a warm place, where the stems and leaven will push into growth. A cool and dry cellar is the Ixwt position for such plant*, although, if sufficient care is given, and the soil is dry, they may bo buried in the garden. _ AT A DANCE in a private house in a small town in Illinois, on Thursday eve ning, RUSH Parson#, one of the guests, requested a young lady, who wa* sitting beside ltiley Mace, to move, ns he wished to speak to the latter. Tlie lady com plied, nnil Parsons drew hi# revolver and fired two shot* at Mace, fatally wound ing him. The murderer fled, aud has not yet been arrested. There hod long been a quarrel tietween the men. Cincinnati used last year 18,000 gallons of water to each person. Mark Twain n Juteulle PugilDD. "Ye I've had a good many fight* in u:y time," noid old John Parky, tenderly muiii|>iihitiuK hi* di-maiitlcd roae, "ami it's kiinl of queer too, for wheii 1 ww a boy, the old man was always telling no IHUer. He was a good mau and hated fighting. When 1 would come home j with my none bleeding or with my face scratcliotl lip, lie Used to call we out in the woodshed, and iu a aortowfu! and diseoiiragoti way, nav, "Ho, Johnny, you've had auother fight, he* ! How many times have I got to tell ye how disgraceful and wicked it is for !*▼ to tight ? It was only T*sterut the sin of light ing, and here you've been at it again. Who wm it with Has time ? With Tutu 'mv Kelly, hey f Don't you know any iM-tler than to tight a I toy that weighs twenty jtoiuid* more than you er is lighted, and pat. while burn ing on the surface of the water, and cov ered with a tumbler. As the jwjvr f >um* under the tumbler, the water s ill rush up under tlie tumbler, and leave the coin in the plate, when it may 1* lifted witii out wetting the fingcra This is a vun interesting experinirnt. a* it nfford* a good illustration of the expansive jOWIT of heat, and of th- pressure of (ho atrnu*- phere. But we will tell our young friends of a more wonderful and enualJy simple metuod of doing the same tiling. Bupjvose you were required to take a coin from" the tioUoin of a deep jar, or even a pail of water without wetting your iiand, and suppose further that your naked hand was to be thrust through the water, how do you suppose it could be done ? Simply by nliskmg a Utile lycopodium, (a sulwrtance that may bo procured cheaply at any drug store,) over the surface oil the liquid. Then plunge your hand boldlv but steadily in to the water and it wifl not wet you in the least. The cause of the water's not wetting tiie hand is the same in princi ple as that which causes the dew-drops to stand in spherical drop* on the cab bage-leaf, and the water to roll off the duck's back without wetting it, By somewhat similar power, spiders and other insects walk on the surface of wa ter without wetting theiuaelvea. and without sinking in the liquid to any ler ceptible degree. Pros LOHUIO Thkih Tin*—A ere re* pondent writes : " Grease the tails when the pigs are horn, and I will guarantee that they will uot come off." This may bo true, and at any rate so simple a pre ventive is worth trying, but wo much doubt it* efficacy in nil casea. The trou ble is caused by "s ring.supposed to 1* of a fungoid character, growing round tfte base of the t iil. If token in time, be fore it lis* completely girdled the tail, ti grnwth may bo chocked and the tail saved. But when the ring is once around the tail it is aluioiit impossible to save it. Carbolic soap and glycerine, with a littic carbolic acid mixed with it—say one part of carlolic acid to ten part* of glycerine is likely to prove as efficacious as any other remedy. We have generally de pended on petroleum, and we have aired some tails, and some we have not We liave never lost a tail from a thorough bred pig. but have lost a good many from rroM-Vrcd pigs and grades. The SO-CAIUM! Cheshires, or Jefferson County breed, seem to l>o jmrticularly liable to lose their tail*, and such ia the ease to some extent witji the Yorkshires. The black pigs, whan thorough-bred, are not affect ed with the disease. A SHASOIIAI r.vnnt ta translating the narrative of a Chinaman named Pill, who, having visited Europe, has written for his countrymen an account of the strange customs of the barbarians of the outer world. Ou lx>ard the steamer in the Bed Sea he wa* intensely amused by the conduct of his fellow-passengers. Some of the men's lxards were much entangled, while the hair of others was loosebut lis ulwcrved tliut the men had good figures, while the fcrui of the soft, sex was extremely handsome. The dress of the 1 allies seems to have pleased him immensely ; but of their manners he does not stxvtk iu flattering terms. " They turned out from their cabins early in the vuoming, and rested them selves on the long latiui couches on the joop, their husbands attending by their sides. After meal* the husband and wife generally walked up and down the deck 100 turns or so, till tiioy got tired ; and then laid themselves dowu on the main couches on the poop alongside each other, where they began twittering like swallows in a low tone, and cm braced each other's anus like mandarin ducks." Military men have discovered a new remedy for intoxication. It is nothing more than raw potatoes, out up into slices, and eaten without salt. An ordi nary " murphy," it ia said, will oura the most obstinate case in ha If an hour. THK ootton-spinners of Bolton have | conoeded on odvanoe of five per cent, on I th# wf#s of th#ir workmen. lircai and Health. The Jourtt'il if Chemistry thus talks I on tilings which every one thinks alxnit j daily, and some of us, it may be, more than we ought: Tite tight* waists, the low necks to dresoen, and the high-heeled shoes are I most tin grunt abuw-a, and ought not to IHJ longer tolerated. We shall not quarrel with the little jaunty hat* of tiro ladies, for they are indeed pretty, and no harm i esult* from them, a* of all . iHirU of the Ixxly the bead wiU the least clothing. But, to noas to the other extremity, we have to say that the de testable high heel* to boots and shoes, running a* they do down almost to a ; point, are S]M tiling the (rait and ruining lite ankle-iuiuta of children and young miase*. We are careful to order our shoemakers to remove *u<-h heela from shoe* before permitting them to be brought into our dwelling Hela of moderate height and g"xl breadth are of great service in elevating the feet, so a* to avoid direct contact with moist .-artli, and they also give eupjxirt and afford tinuiiess to the step. Why should Fa*hiou push g*Kxl devices to wliaurd extreme# 't We must aid in dethroning the tyrant when her decrees lead to the physical or moral injury of the race. The present fashion of leaving the neck and the upper j>art of the cheat Iwre is fraught with evil consequences. It would lie tees objectionable in countries uniformly warm ; but that our dough tin, here in this frigid and changeable climate, should constantly expose to ' chilling a vital part of the IKXIV, is one of the evils of fashion which should lie discountenanced by everv mother, and father, and brother. No ; port of the draw of men is really more atwurd than the hard " stove-pipe" hat no generally worn ; and yet all attempts to subvert it have proved abortive. For thirty years we have worn this kind of head covering, and we like it better than any other ; we have tried hard to like the low soft hat*, but we cannot; and this is the experience of thousands. Abaurd'as the high-hat is, if it does keep the head more comfortable, it does maintain' a more equable tempers!an, it doua/inaf lie Iter, thou any other form of html covering ; and so let us continue to knock them against beam* in attics'and branches of tree*. If they eerve a good purjxsw in brushing cobwebs from the roofs of old garret* and stab las, they al so protect us from laid humps, and keep our head* comfortable. Hleadlnr Hfrrtisi and EreMiuy. A curious change of domratic relationa occumsl in tlie town of Orange, Massa chusetts, five or six years ago. Two young men. ucighl*>r and fricrndx, says the Boston Tranter, h*d married two voting and amiable women, and each c up iv had lived together happily form few years, curb having one or two infant plslges of affection in the meantime vonclisofed to them. At the tim* spoken of—ix years ago—on* of those inotch and hi* friend's wife took sick, and diod within a week or two of each other, j The friends during their life hod secured i ' djoinuig lots in the cemetery of the town, and when the decease of the par ties mentioned took place, they w ere bu ried in their rr*|*crivc lots, but in such away that a monument could be erected I >et ween them. Whether this was occidental or not, is not related. About five months after the double decease, however, the survi ving male and f#mol representatives of lioth house*, somewhat to tin- surprise of tlie neigliUirs, coneludd to jicrpctuatc tlie former friemUhip by s elo*er alli unee ; in other words they got married, ami their wedding was a splendid affair. After a time—about three year# ago— the united representatives of lnith houses concluded s joint arrangement to show their love for the dead, by srecting a splendid mio-hle monument—the finest in the cemetery—on one of tli* facet of which the name, age and virtues of the II end husband were set forth, on the oth er face those of the deceased wife. How to Treat Children. A child should eat regularly and sim ply, but should litre some variety of food. A child soon tire* of one article if confined to it. Bread and milk, bread and butter, different forms of toasted bread, In tiled kominv, Indian mush, cracker pallida, simple preparations of corn starch, rice boiled in milk, and rousted pototoe*. making a sufficient va riety. Give your child plenty of exercise in file open "air. If you live in th* city, do th* beat you can ; but if you live u> the country, with apace about you and gat< well scoured, put your child out-of doora and let him wonder about at his will. In summer, leave him out all day. if he enjovs it; in wiuter. wrap him up and send him out in moderate and plea*- nnt weatlier. IxH him get aa dirty as he jiloases. His face will keep pretty clean if he sjicuda enu anything, At t o'clock the order of the arrest waa read • m parade, and in the evening the firtte class again got together, and agreed u}™ the programme to be carried out All 1 the class were present except four, one of wluim was absent two in hospital, and one (Cadet Mansfield) refused to lake any part in the transaction. The •-lass, numbering 38, divided itself into and went to the room* of the three cadets under arrest at about mid night No sentries are kept in the quar ters after tattoo, ao the lynching parti.-* met with no trouble. Tbcv entered the f looms, waked the boy*, ordered them to : make no nuiau, and' got up at one.- and jrnt on citizen's clothing. Cadet Orant, win of the President, ajqu*r* to have | I >een the leader of one *jund. He waked Fhckinger, and finding that he had no citizen's coat g**f him one. Baird was roused by Cadet Davis, the captain of the company to which he bekmgeo. The jour boys were greatly terrified, but | were a**"urwl that no violence would be j done them. The party left the quarter* by the light of lanterns, and marched up to the mountain toward Fort Putnam. .After goiug a short distance they baited, told the prisoners that they were expelkd J from the Academy for lying, and warned them never to show their faces in it j again. The boy*, when released. took to their heels, tearing that stone* wonM be thrown at them, and they made their way to Buttermilk Falls, where they spent the rest of the mght. The first class then went l*ack to their quarters, ! which they gained without raiaiiig any j alarm. The whole afiair did not occupy half an boar, and the victims were taken from their rooms in uch haste that one of them left hi* watch and wallet The next morning the three fourth claas cadets were missed, and the Cadet, Captain. Davis, who hail himaelf waked Baud, reported him absent without leave, ami ooolly saw the poor boy as a deserter "upon the rolls. The Superin tendent made haste to report the boy* as deserters in a di*jatch to Washington. During the day the facts partially leaked out and the commander of the corps, (ien. Upton, ordered the two leading members of the first clam to make a re-1 {tort to him of all that had occurred. The 1 ' class at onoe held a meeting, took the matter out of the bauds ot the two cadets thus appointed, and chose a committee of thm to draw up a report, which tliey submitted on the sth. Meanwhile the expelled cadeto had sent a messenger to the first class, begging that their clothes and other valuables might be sent to them. This was done, with a new warning to them not to re turn. Barnes went to New York, and Baird and Fliokinger to Pougbkeepric, where they found friend*. The latter two wrote a statement of the outrage, and sent it to Superintendent I'iteher ! On the 6th an officer was aent to arrest them ail deserter*. Barnes was alao brought back from New York. The thrv. victims, on their return, insteatl of receiving the sympathy and support of the officers of Uic Academy, were urged to neign at once, and were induc ed, in their state of alarm, to sign resig nation*. These were indorsed by Gen. ritehar an.l Gen. Upton, with an urgent rec immendation for their immtdiate se-! ceptance, without the usual reference to i the jwrenta. The resignations were re ceive*! and accepted at the War Depart ment on the 9th. The first class appeared to have so impressed the academic officers that they were anxious to got nd of tiio victims in order to prevent the necessity of iuvesti gating the outrage and punishing the petpetnftom. They are accuse*! of seem ing to have no conception of the gravity j of the offense until the 10th, when, finding that the icsignatien of the three victims ha*l been accepted, a weak order was issued (Unapproving of the affair, and confining the first clnss within the limits of the parade-ground and academic buildings. The first clans in their ad drwwto the Superintendent, and in their suliaequent testimony before the Con gressional Committee, said that bring had become so common in the Academy that they felt it their duty to make an example" o! some one in order to main tain the honor of the Academy. They stated that in 22 esses where cadets has lieon court-martialed and sentenced to I lie dismissed, 21 has been restored by orders from Washington, so that courts - lnnrtial could not lie relied upon to punish offences. All of the cadets en gaged in the affair sustained each other and declared that they were all alike responsible, so that it waa impossible for the Committee to find out who instigated the movement. The Military Committee will hear the report of the sub-committee and decide what action to recommend to the House. GKIIMAN REVENUE. —Bat in strong contrast to these instances of German clemency is the following, which is a trne recital of which happened in a recent! encounter: The Fourth Company of the One Hundred and Seventh Prussian Regiment had taken a French camp, most of whose occupants fled, while those who remained feigned surrender. The German officer in command advanc ed with a polite bow to the French chief, who while delivering up his sword with oue hand suddenly tired a revolver at the German with the other. He was but slightly wounded, but the rest of the French soldiers taking the shot, as a signal, all fired upon him simultaneously, and he fell pierced with many mortal wounds. The Germans, who were in much larger numbers, were so maddened with rage at the sight of their dead lead er that tliev fell upon the French prison ers and put them all to death. A Portland man has sued his barber fox cutting of his mustache. The bar ber savs he didn't see it. Similar carn alities'are liable to occur in this locality. ly Heprrt, Bend your heeds, ye tall totes, shoes; lis***, 0 listen result flowers, Mow— ; lb. win# for rear-y km, mf km I 1 Mv •ecrstofsrerrtaaowyeukosw. Orifc rwtie the team aa 1 pas. ; All the bbwaoms stnih In lb,- gnu* ; j (the kiirdi —wi> ffivurr I>qbA * j " Happy,* t toy Stty bam art am.' Dear little birth, lhm*abot all the land, lb "hi tell this secret T ttino are king, i lint hum will be able to ttudevstaad ; | Ttiej wfU only say t "Ho* swart is the sou*." And lb. flowers will wltojw my tate towtgkt; To lb* fhirtes that mm in the ctiarai flowers flls, Aud the woodland singers are over lk sea. This •ammer-Utne still In my heart aboil tw. Fnti* and Fancies. Ontonagon shipped 834 tons of copper last year. The proposed flag of the new Herman Empire ia black, wliite, red, and gold. ■ A Minnesota editor having been slant* ed Clerk of the House, hi* wife is run ning the paper in his nhanecc. A Berlin telegram states that the Ger man war expenses amount to 1,000,000, tinder*, or my £170,000 • day. Carlotta Faiti ha* lost greatly by spu rious ticket*st Bio Janeiro. Seven hun dred dollars were taken on one evening. Km Roderick Morehison has received a letter from Africa giving positive intel ligence of the safety of Dr. Livingstone. Tan Wisconsin Assembly passed, by on almost unanimous vote, a memorial to Congress against the repeal of the In come Tax. Two Belgian carbineer* have Ikh-h diet liy Franra-tinuua. In ooosequcnce of the outrage, the local authorities tarrmA all Fnutee-ti rears found on Belgian ter ritory. The cbeeae mannfactore of New York i* growing to stopeodoas proportion*. Twelve hundred factories are now in operation, making one million pounds yearly. A Cincinnati* woman, melancholy be cause her husband's cirettm*taticfM were not as good ss site supposed, opened the veins of her arms with her scissors, and perished. A man in Minnesota hail got all ready to be married, when he received a letter from his wife in Maine which reminded him that he was already in the holy es tate. He had entirely forgotten the cir cumstance. , The causa of woman suffrage is stead ily procreating. A teacher of j has it a rule that the boys may wash the girls' faces with snow "it the girts are as big aa the boys." That is, if they can. Kansas* loads all the Htate* in the average yield ot corn, it bring 43.4, fol lowed by Nebraska with 42.2, and Cali fornia 4L4. She aim stands third in yield of wheat, barley, potatoes and buy, and seventh in bnckwhaat. A bbctaa man in Marblehead, Mass , went home drank a few weeks ago, and thrust his wife cot of doom and broke her leg. It waa set, and a night or two ago be went home, drank again, and broke her log again in two places. NO. 7. The A limit* Bm* asks : "Why are we not to-day the richest people in the world ?" ' Tb<- Lminilk Jomrmai pre- Htuift it is chiefly brnnw there are oth er people in the world who have the ad vantage of us in point of property. A lad in Bridgeport had three fingers of his right hand taken off a few daya -inre, by a drep-fMes in a braes shop. Looking upon hu bleeding band, the luuve little feQow exclaimed, "I'll bet mother will cry when she ares thai " An advertisement ill I is a good lMunometer of the oondition of business. The other day an "ad" for a carpenter published three times in a Boston paper brought two hundred let ten and forty personal applications. About 150 representatives attended the quarterly aemna of the Grand Division of the *SQf of Temperance of Eastern New York. The total membership of the order til that division w2l WW. The treasury now contain# about #4,000. Two fools in Illinois dared each other to marry. Each thought, HP to the last minute, that the other would back down but both were plucky. Now that they are married the t are in a peck of trouble, each bring engaged to another person. Tiros is a rumor floating about in the German papers that an importer from New York, who aafled for Germany on the ateamer Hermann, to buy good*, be came insane almost immediately on land ing and died a few daya afterward of congestion of the brain. The golden gooee ha* made its reap pearance. The wife of a journeyman carpenter, in the London road. South ward, pwvhaaad a goose for her family at a moderate price per pound, and on examining the inside fortunately discov ered secreted two sovereigns of the reign of William IV. The apothecaries of Boston are mov ing for a law requiring a diploma from a college of pharmacy or a certificate from an examining board, after an ap prenticeship of four years in a dispen sary, as s qualification few engaging in the' retail drug business. A vovxo gentleman, after having paid his addresses to a young lady for a tune, popped the question. The lady in frightened manner, said, "You scare me, air." The gentleman did net wish to frighten the lady, and consequently re mained quiet for some tune, when she exclaimed, "Scare me again." There ia a remedy for croup going the rounds, which nwy, perhaps, prove *ffi cacious. It is tdmply allspice tea, the t, being made of whole grain* of all spice. According to all accounts, it gives almost instant relief in cases where other remedies have ftuled, and seems at once to cut the phlegm loose and relieve the child. OrncuL returns show that the total number of passenger* arrived in the United States daring the year ending Dec. 31, 1870, was 413,685, of which 354,189 were immigrants. The net im migration for the corresponding period of 1869 was 385,287, showing a decrease occasioned bv the war in Europe, of 31,- 118 in 1870." "My dear friend," said a gentleman to a bankrupt the other day, lam very sorrv to hear of your misfortune. Your family has mv" warmest sympathies." " Oh* dou't trouble yourself about my family. I looked out for them, you bet! Just save your sympathies for the fami lies of my creditors." They mix things considerably in Chi na. A man-tailor may be seen working diligently at a lady's dress for about si* cents a "day, and a washerwoman will wash and iron your clothes at #1 a hun dred ; while a "boatman's wife may be seen tagging at the oar or handling the sails like a man, often, too, with a baby on her shoulders. A CASE of convulsions resulting in death occurred at Worcester, Mass., a few days ago, by which a physician of twenty-five years of professional life was needlessly possled. Immediately after birth a child was suddenly placed in the lap of a little girl, between three and ; four years of age. who screamed, went into convulsions, and died. A member of the Connecticut legisla ture was told by a fellow member that it was " a good day for the race." " What race?" said the victim. "Human race," said the joker. The man was so impressed with the sell that he tried i: on a friend after the following fashion "It's a good day for the trot ' " What trot ? " asked the other. " The human race," shouted the joker. A jailor at Princetown, Indiana, re cently had a wager of four hundred dol lars with two of his prisoners that they could not escape from iafl. He was a trifle mortified, a few days after, when the twain encountered him on the street, and demanded the forfeited wager. The jailor couldn't fork over so large • sum, but he stood the next best thing—stood treat; and the jolly fellows having faytt i "full," returned to the Court Bouse, . | surrendered sherpppj