—<_ „ CENTRE REPORTER FRIDAY JANUARY 20th, 1871. LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL NEWB. -Oar friend* will oblige Ms by sending in anv items of local inter •est,, including deaths, marriages. Ac., as ■such are rsgnrlv read by your friends in it lie west, many of whom Ret the Reporter. Wo weald esteem it a favor if our land pa trons would occasionally mail a copy of the Reporter t<> relatives and acquaintan ce* who formerly lived in Centre county and removed to other p*;ts, which would induce manr le become subscribers. ' 0 BLANKS —Blank Summons, Vendu -Votes, Executions, and Judgment and Kvmption Note combined. Justices War rwals, Ac., for sale at this Office. IMPORTANT TO WFINESS Mkn. — The circulation of the RKPORTKR, on this si.lo of the county, is now greater than that of any two pajwrs in the •county, hence business moil who wish to reach the Pcmisvallcy trade, wih advance their own interests, bv ad veil tisinvr in the UKroRTKR. Our stihscrir lion list is open to the inspection of *l/ who wish to.advertise. FOR LADIES.. ..Hirsch A Bro., at Milroy, are now selling their large and select stock of LADIES' FURS, BAL MORAL SKIRTS, Sit AW LB, CLOAKS nlnin hlaek and trimmed, at greatly minced prices. 21oct3w TAKE^NOTICK PERSONS GOING TO HOUSE KEEP ING. and othars. in WANT OF FURNITURE, ] will do well to call at John Camp'- New Ware rooms on Main street, Milroy, where he ke* ' p ur . niture of all kinds, Sofas, Tab' ('hairs What- Not-, Bedsteads Ac.. Cve i'HK VP- novVaL HoflVr Bros. Yjellefonte, pay the high.jßt prices *; or all kinds of grain, and sell goo-% jh® lowest possible figures. .\ larc and riue assortment aaways OH hand. We had written a notice of the im proved appearance of the Bellefoofe Republican, week before last, hut find it did not appear, having beeu Iot in the confusion attending the changes made in this office at the time. We arc pleased with the neatappea-j ranee of our neighbor, only do not mu cy the quarto form, but for a paper done up in that way, the Ryuhlican now compares with the handsomest. Pecuniarily we wish you cucccss, political) v yonrdog is dead—the "ring" choked him. PKNX AXKAD.—SUL. Geary, of Penn, killed a '(Hs> which dressed -190 lbs. Pcnn is ahead, a nd Gem* killed the largest hog, so far. Our young friend J. B. Flisher. i> in from'.he oil regions, and paid our sanctum a visit the other day. Always glad to *cn htra. MUSICAL CONVENTION. —A musi cal convention will he held in the Luthern church, oft'entre H!l> com mencing on Monday evetung January 3Blh, aud closing oW the evening of the 3rd of Feb., with a grand concert. Toe convention will be conducted by the distinguished teacher of music, Prof. ft. C. (."urns, of Lttfck Haven, as sisted by an acvotnplished organist. The programwe for the concert will consist ocaaVred music, anthems, solos, duets, utlartetts, glees, and chants. TiocteJs applied to the benefit of the i chu.ch^ Committee. —Geo. Hoffer, H. Dash er. W. F. Jordan. D. Swart*, J. T. Lee. SELLING OFF AT COST.—Messrs. Graham £ Son. manufacturers and ! dealers in boots aud shoes, propose to sell off their entire stock at cost during I the week of the January Court. They are uot going to quit business, but having a heavy stock uu hand, they wish to dispose of it, preparatory to the opening of the spring trade, j Persons in need of boots and shoes, j for men, women or children will save j money by calliug upon Graham & Son. The reputation of these men is established. They need no cncomi- i urns from us. **Not Guilty." The Perry county papers come to us laden with the proceedings of the trial of Thomas J. Boyer, which commenc ed ai New Bloomfield on Wednesday of last week and terminated on Mou day night in the acquittal of the ac cused on the charge of murdering his j father, mother, brother aud sister. In the trial of the great case a large j number of witnesses were examined. Drs. Rutherford and Crane, of Harris burg, testified as to the effects of chlo roform on persons inhaling it, and Julia Updegrove, of Rockville, gave the history of a catastrophe by which Mr. i Gamin, wife and four children, were suffocated by smoke at Rockville ; in ' this case all the dead but Mrs. Gamin were lying in a natural position—as if they bad made no struggle to escape, i This testimony was presented by the defense to show that the Boyer family might have been suffocated in a simi lar manner, instead of having chloro form administered to them. The jury were out over three hours in deliberating on the murder case. Their verdict gives general satisfac-! tiou in Perry couaty, though strong in its circumstantial aspect, was consid ered insufficient to warrant conviction, j Another charge is .pending against Boyer—that of forgery. Ou this he; was admitted to bail in the sum of S7OO on Tuesday. Burning of Another River Steam er. Memphis, Janunry 16—The steamer T. T. M'Gill from Cairo to New Orleans caught fire at "Shoo Fly" bar at 10 o'clock last night and burned to the water's edge, her upper works being -onsutned in less than two hours. She had on board fifteen j cabin passengers, fifteen deck and about 1 ninety roustabouts and deck crew, making the total number on board one hundred and i twenty, of whom seventy are all that are • known to have beeu saved. Among the the cabin passengers lost are a German, his wife and child who jumped overboard locked in other's arms. Also, u colored chambermaid named Anna, and three men whose nainesare not known. Among the deck nassenges lost were five men, names unknown, two women and entire family of seven person. BATTLE OF LE MANS. A General Battle Fought on the 11th-—Chauzy Defeated by Fred eric Charles. Bordeaux, January 12.—A general bat tic was fought on the 11th under the walls of Le Mans. The Germans attacked the rre neb Army 6 f the Loire along the i whole line. General Jaureziberry, who i commanded the wing of the French, held his position on the right bank of the Huis ne, and General Coiomb on the left and fought desperutely for six hours, the French maintained most oftheir posi tions. Ihe Prussian iorces engaged are estimated at IbU.OOO men. The extent of 2, ? rench loss is unknown, but is serious, ihe Germans took thirteen cannon, two Mags, and 18, (XX) prisoneis. EVKRY MAX VXD IK ARMS. London, January P.—The government of ar, s has issued a decree announcing the consolidation of all military organizations and the entire able bodied male population with the regular army for the defence of the city. A commissioner is appointed to • carry out decree consisting of the Govern, or of Paris, president, and the comman- i tiers a{ the forts, artillery, and engineer l corps. 8 | Tueweathcriicvld, Ou Sunday ; CAUTION. , My WIFE Lilcinda Weaver, havir J LEFR MY BED and board without cause < I provocation, nil persons are hereby cautioi - 1 OD against selling her anything on my • count, as I will pay no debts of her cot traeting. CORN KLIPS WEAVER. 0 jun3o.lt Or#gtW| S j IVSSOLFYLON HK COPARTNKH 1 111 -BHI P. ■ J The partnership heretofore existing In ' tween Amos Alexander and W. K. Alex ' under, under the name of A. Alexander " SON, is this day dissolved by mutual consent . The business "of the late firm will he settle ' by A. Alexander, at his residence. A. AI.AXANPKK. W. K. j Millhcim Dec, 2. 187(1 CIRCULAR. Referring to the above, the undersigne. beg leave to inform the trade that they wil 1 continue the business in all its brauchea, a the old stand, in MHlheim, UNDER the nam , of Alexander A Bro. AND ffspectftilly solici I the patronage the customers of the oh I house, BM OTHERS in w ant of their line o I good*. It will be their constant desire am J effiin to render fVill satisfaction both ii J quality ofgood* and prices, as well a fail J dealing ami courteous treatment to all. WT ' I keep constantly on hand a FIILLSPWKTU Drj Goods, Groceries, Harxlware TT ood A Willow war.N Drugs, Ac., Ac. \Y. K ALKXANDKK, jan'.XVJM A. R. ALKXANDKR, J>r BLIO BALKI The following propettv will br aold on Tuesday, February 1 4th, L v 7l, HI ' the resident* of iLnry Dasher, 1 mile | east of thq Old Fort. F*v oHorse*, TL Cows and Heifers, V of large Shoats, 1 heaxl ol heep. al-oa new Kxcclsior Reap er! 1 two-horse wagon, 1 buggv ! sulkev, 1 txvo-horse sled, 1 1 I t WOHOF*E cul tivator nanufata"T'u by J. D. Foote, plow s, cultivator*, •arrows, Ac., also a splendid thresb'V.'G machine and power, with double GEXFED jack, 1 fanning mill, I patent fod der cutter, hay by the ton, 15 i acres of grain in the ground, a 20 inch circular saw, entirely now AM! in splended order, a pat ent hay tVrk with pulltw* EWL 80 feet of rope, 1 Harpsier EWFVI planter, a Dorr's patent STUMP inachine, notse gears. Sad- ALES VOW chains, Ac,, 'together with a va riety of house-hold furniture, I large wal nut secretary, bedsteads, 2 sets of new chairs. 1 -ink", I largo dining table, 2 break • ta-T tables, dough tray, stands, Ac., 1 oo. meat vessels. As*. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. in., on S*M uay, when terms will be inadx' >RCXVN bv J. NXI r, I RESETTER. HEN ft Y DASHER. JPI)RLLC SALE. The following property will be sold on Tuesday, Febururv 21st, 1871, at the residence of Joseph Dasher, near Centre Hall. Two Work llorses, 1 yearling colt. 3 cows, 1 breeding sow, 5 shoats, 1 twi-h-.>rC wagon, 1 two-horse -pritig wagon, I cart. 1 two horse sled, 1 sleigh, I Lay-rake, 1 tanning mill, llogsled, plows, cultivators, harrows, Hay by the Ton, Ac., also household utensils Ac., con sisting of 1 cooking stove, 1 parlor stove, 1 bureau. 1 settee. 1 large writing desk, ta bic-, chairs, stand*, sink. 2 iron kettles, bed*teads and bedding, tubs. Ac., together with a great variety offarming implements and household furniture too numerous to mention. FMK' to commence at 1 o'clock, p. M., on said day, when terms will be made known BV JDS. DASHER. T)L'BLIC SALE (Will BR sold at the residence of the uu drrsigned.. about li miles west of Centre Hall. On Thursday, 16th February 1871. 4 Worses two 2-vear old and one RFSKRL. spring colt, 2 cows, 7 head young cattle, 10 head of sheep, 2 breed ! ing sows, 1 plantation wagon, 1 trotting buggy, 1 sied, threshing inachine, with power, -haker ?nd stacker, three-fifth* in , terest of 244 acres grain in the ground, drill, hay rake, feed cutter, corn planter, corns craper, cultivators, plow*, harrows, forks, rakes, sythes, harness, of all kinds. Hav and Corn Fodder, also, household furniture. 2 beds, 1 new Tu.*carvra cooking stove with pipe, tables, .chairs, carpets, tubs, barrels, meat vessels, i and a variety of other articles too numer -1 oil- to nu-ntion. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, on said day, when terms will be I made known by J. A. GROVE. TISSUAL STATEMENT. Office of the "Farmers' Mutual Fire In surance Company of Centre County. CKNTRE IIALL, Jan. 9th, 1871. ASBKTTS. I Bills receivable, be i ing premium notes ; due and payable * by members for | insurances made j the past year $21,820 78 Of wnich amouut ! there has been eal | led in 654 80 j Leaving due on nre , mium notes taken the past year.... $21,171 98 To this add receipts I into the Treasury I and in the hands | of Collectors, from j assessment No. C... 2,761 77 Making the total available jLssetts | of the Company, the PADTYI-AR $23,933 77 XXPKMOES. Compensation to Di rectors $36 35 Salary of Secretary.. 100 00 do Treasurer.. 25 00 Printing, office rent. [ postage and sta tionery 119 29 U. S. revenue tax j and stamps 95 22 I Fi r E-p roof SAFE | $431,25 — less am't J paid by Secretary. . SIOO 331 25 I Agents for collecting J assessments No. 0, 135 08 Election board, last year 5 00 Losses. Paid the past year : To Jno. 11. Conly, $939 00 " Eliza Mitchaß 380 00 I " WIN Keller, 25 00 1 " Rev. Fisher, 945 14 | Henry "Witmer, note, 72;5 38 Total accruing assetts and funds of the | Company the past I year. 19,468 16 To which add funds, I heretofore reported for previous year 5.,139,730 49 Less, amount of notes J expired, and can ceiled by const nt of parties 21,526 15 Making the total available as setts of the Company, this day $137,672 80 | Risks and insurances taken the past3 - ear 280,060 91 Sume heretofore re* ! ported for previ ! ous years 3,320,399 75 Grand total of risks and insuranees taken since organ ization . $8,600,400 66 From which deduct policies expired and cancelled by consent of parties 172,544 83 Grand total of risks and insurances in force this day 3,427,915 8-3 Debts, Liabilities; — Due Henry Witmar, $1,60. GEO. BUCHANAN, Attest: Pres't. ALKX. SHANNON, Sec'y. At an election held the same|day, the following members were elected Directors, for the ensuing year: Geo. Buchanan, ; Sanil F Foster, llenry Keller, Amos Alex ander, John Wolf, Joshua letter. Jac. : Hosterman, John Krumrine, J W Camp bell, S G I/erring, Jno Shannon, Sain. Gramley, Whereupon the new board organized, and appointed the following officers: President— Geo Buchannn. Vice President — Joshua Potter. Treasurer —HE nry Witmer. Secretary— Alx. Shannon. 13 jn. 31 —— h 4650 per Month. The best selling book erer publish ed. Agents who sell oar new work. PLAIN HOME TALK AND MKDICAL COMMON BENBK, here no competition. There never wee S book published like it. Anj body cen eell it. Everybody wants it. Manx agents are now making from SSOO to $&) per month aei ling this wonderful book. M psge Descriptive C'irculai sent free on spplicstion. We want good lire AgenU men who can fully appreciate the merits of the work and the fact that it meets a universal want. Agenti UHO deaire to do good as well aa make money. Addrcei WELLS A Co., 432 Broom Street, New York. jan!3.3m SALESMEN WANTED. " Business honorable. No competition liDe ral "v trivr." S W inl Don't g<> lo Bcllefouto for yottt nR Clothing. You can buy tliciu cheaper ,'n' ai Milroy, we have the lowest rent w- to pay. in - ' tliifri ii BRO. 4 At - P, Siolling off ai Cost. ' $2,000 Worth of first class Boots & 11 • 8! o0, Will bP offered for sale at eo*t, during next week, January Court P.aitivelv for Y one week only, at Graham A Son Belle -7 fonte Their slock i* heavy ami in order , j to make xvav for spring and summer goods, they offer this inducement. Here is a eliaio oto saVe money. Call and examine K h elr line stiu'k. People of Pennsyally, don't forget the great sale of Boots A Shoes, a hen you go to uellofonte nut week. NOTICE. —I'crsotta who cute their ! notfsatthesaloolTlirani Durst for nrtit- II les ptirYh*d, aro hereby notified that at the same are due, and payment is respet '.® fully requested. J * H. DURST. sas ■- - nt* 40 Barley ('*' - Glover*eed H,ttt Timothy*eed 4,00 Salt 2 iSO per sack, I ! Bacono6c Ham 22 Butter:®... Kgg e I 20 • BELI.EFONTE MARKETS. I Whit* W6ct SI,BO, Rrd 12 live 110,73 Corn 070 Oat*. 45 Barley 0. fj ."5 Cloverseed 6,25 Potatoes h,75 . I per pound 12 Pork per pound 00. . Butter 30 Egg* 30 Plasterper ton . sls Tallow 124 Bacon 15 HamSO . # • \\T"ATOH FREE, and S3O a day sure' v\ and no humbug. Addres* LATTA • vt CO., Pittsburgh, jan ! '.4t' 8 O'CLOCK J muis IB NO UUMBUH ! By sendingSocts. • with age, height, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct "picture of your future husband or wife, j with name and date of marriage. Addre*-, 1 NY. FOX, I*. ODr awer N024, Fultonville, , N. Y. janlß.4t j 1 j r J r pHK MAGIC COMB will change any ! I X colored hair or beard to a permanent j black ar brown. It contain* no p<>isn.; 5 One comb sent by mail for SI. Dealers; j supplied at reduced rate* Address Win Patton. Treas Springfield. Mass. janl3 4t THEA NECTAR ' ! Great Atlantic A Pacific Tea Co ,Bchurh j St. New York P. O. Box 5506. Send for I Tbea-Nectar Circular. " janl3. lt BOOK AGENTS WANTED. THE LAND (IF SA CUEDM VS- S TEEV, OH THE BIBLE MEAD ; I IN THE LI OUT OF ITS OWN \ SCENERY: —Rev. W. L. Gage's new book, is now ready. Printed on tin- i j , ted paper, issued in beautiful style, con- ! , tains 2tO Superb Engravings, and is one of ) theniost valuable Biblical booksereri.*-ucd. I In every family where the llinle is to bej ' found, and there arc millions ofthem. there I 1 can this work be sold. Agents will appro- i ciate this. We want agent* also for Prof- 1 ■ Stowe'* "Belt-Interpreting Family Bible." j< ' the grandest book ever issued, being hi* ( • j crowning life work—pronounced by critics the finest and most complete Bible extant, I now having a larger sale than any other), ■ j three Bibles couibind. Splendidly illus . trated —contains a dictionary of the Bible ■ with 200 engravings, a history of each book, | ■ etc., and enables any' reader to form hi* I ) own commentary on the scripture* as he; i studies them. Any agent or per*on whoi j reads this, and who desires the must profi- I . j table and honorable business, send for cir- I culars with full information. WtiRTHIXGTON, DI'STIN A CO.. , I Hartford Conu. janl3.4w . Vmm~ GENTS WANTED 5'22'. A MoNTH) -bv the AMERICAN KNITTING. MACHINE CO, BOSTON, MASS. ori' ST. LOUIS, Mt. 6jan4l 1/1 Energetic Farmers Wanted! i/UUFrom s:t(l9 tos4i* can be made du-j ring the idle Winter months Business! pleasant and honorable. For further i>ar ticular* of this Special chance address at 1 once A. H. Hubbard Phila. jnn6.4w; Agenti, Male and Female, $1(10, a week—66 per cent, and $25,099 in) 1 cash Prize* Informrtion freo. Address ' .•Imerican Jbaik Co., 62 William St., N. Y. g jan6.4w THE H.INI) IN 11.tNI> NM'TI' TIT" LL KK INSUBANCR COMPANY want* a number ofgood -4gents, also a good general -Igent for Western Pennsylvania. 7 al*o a good general -Igent lor the jternfan' - Counties of Pennsylvania. JddrcwHsiid in Hand Office, No. 112 South 4th St.,j 7 Philadelphia, jan6.4w r |3/\ wO 1U WdWBo you want a situation as salesman at or near home, to introduce our new 7 stand H'hite ICtre Clothes Lines to last for ever. Don't mis.*! this chalice. Sample tree .fddre*.* Hud son River B'ire Works, 75 Win St.. N. Y. or 16 Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. janti.4w FREE BOOK TO AGENTS. We will send a handsome Prospectus of our New Illustrated Family Bible to any Book Agent, free of charge, Addsess, National Publishingl'o., Phila, Pa. 6jan4t iaai'KD, JAN. FT, 1871. fc 4 1 f VAChoice Selections No. 3," contain -1 v/vr ing the best new things for Declamation, Recitation, Ac. Brilliant Oratory, Thrilling Sentiment. A Sparkling Humor, 180 pages. Paper, 30 cents, cloth 75 cts. /Isk your bookseller for it, or send price to P. Garrett A Co., Phila jan6.4w! WANTED—AGENTS, (S2O PER dav)to sell the celebrated HOME SHUT TLE SEWING MACHNE. Ha* the - j der-ferd , makes the "lock atitea" (alike on _ both sides,) and i fully licensed. The best and cheepest family Sewing Machine in the market. Address. .JOIINHON. C'LAKK A *'o., Boston, Mass., Pittslmrg, l'a., Chi 1} cago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo, 6jan4t AGENTS W \NTED FOR THE HISTORY 0F G O D'S CHURCH I<3 Prof". Knot*lipon , IRWIN A WILSON n" OnTsjarge stock. all styles.'.siaea and prices, for men and boys, jut arrived IKATHKH, of all descriptions, fronch jcaifskin, Spanish sole leather, moroc cos, sheep skins, linings. Everything in the leather liuc warranted t>> give satis faction. at 111" KNSIDE & TfloM AS. I'M NK TABLE CUTLERY, including plated fork., spoons. Ac, at " IB WIN A ILBQN. and Thormoiiiewr*, at J) IRYVIN A WILSONS C~IOFFIN TRIMMINGS, a large assort _J meat at IBAY 1N A WILSONS HAND BELLS and Door B. lls, all si zes and kinds at aplO' law TXA WILSON# CLOTHlNG—Overcoats, Pants, Vests,j and Dress Coats, cheap, at Wolf s. HORSE COLLARS, if you don't whaj your horae's shoulders galled and madesore, get good horse collars at BURNSIDE A THOMAS'. rpHR ANVIL STORE U now receiving I. a large and well assorted Stock of Hardware, Stoves, Nails. Horse Shoes, Sad dlery, Glass. Paints, Sheet, Bar and Hoop Iron also Buggy and Wagon Stock of every description. —Call and supply your selves althe lowest possible rates at aplp'6B. iR WIN A _W 1 L SON A Tremendous Stock of Goods at Burnside & Thomas. Whitman's celebrated confections, Whitman's celebrated chocolate, linker's chicolnte, Smith's chocolate, China Ginger, English Pickes, American Pickles, at RURNSIDE a THOMAS FjpoYSofall kinds, at BURNSIDE A THOMAS SYKUP. the finest ever made, just re ceived, cheap at W.dfs old stand -try it. A Largo Stock of Ladies I tir-. hors JK Blankets, iuid Buffalo Hohea at IUjfRNSIDB A TIIO.M A 1' 71 ISHING TACKLES, rod.lines, hook . flies, sea hair baskets, etc. Big you 1 out to catch trout at UUKNSIDE A THOMAS T APANNEI) TOILET SETTS. AND other Japanned ware, at the Anvil Store. | aplo'6B. lawis a WIIJSOS. CIANNED FRUITS, peaches, tomatoes J pine apple*, and peas in great varic i at BURNSIDE a THOMAS' 100K ING-GLASS PLATESofallsir.es j for sale by lnwi.v a WILSOS. | aplO'tifi. UNION PATENT CHURN, the best in useat IRWISS WILSON'S. j apl(?68. HORN BLANKETS AND SLEIGH BELLS, at low prices, at ap 10't>8. IRWIN A Wl Laos' BOALTS for Buggies nnd Carriagber. sir.es in use; Fire Bolts, ditto, at plff'6B IHWIN a YViLao*' SPICES of all varieties, ground to order and warranted to he strictly pure. It is the only place you can find unadultera ted spices. Try themforyourownsatisfac tion. Y'ou can onlv find them at BURNSIDE A THOMAS'. HANDSAWS, knives, spoons, coffc< mills, shovels, spades, rakes, hoes, lamps, forks, chains, Ac., at BURNSIDE ATHOMAB* BURNSIDK &~THOMAS: Offer to tli<* Public one of ths j largest and best selected stocks of merchan dise, in Centre cofinty. Call, examine and sec for yourself. 17 1N E G ROCF RIES, mochn coffee, olc . gov. lava, best quality Ri coffee, best oolong black teas, green teas, lovering syrup, golden syrup, Drips fine article bak ing molasses, rice and everything in the grocery line at the lowest cash prices in tht marketBURNSIDK & THOMAS , is tht place. SADDLERS BUCKLES, HOOK., BIT spots rings. Everything a saddles wants for the manufacture of harness, to be ouiui at BURNSIDK A THOMAS'. rjMIE Largest and Best Stock of warran 1_ tod Boots nnd Shoes, warranted to give satisfaction, at reduced prices, onlv t>> he found at BURNSIDE A THOMAS'. IT IS known to all in Bellefento and through the county if you want a good article go to BURNSIDE & THOMAS'. A large and elegant assortment of Horse Blankets, Buck-skin Gloves and Bwfta lo Robes, at very at low prices BURNSIDE AT HUM AS T IIEliighest market prices paid for al kinds of country prod uce, BURNSI'DE A THOMAS' NEW STORE.—LEVI A. MILLER at Runkle's Old Stand, opposite the Iron Front, on Allegheny st., Bellefonte, is Where Penusvalley Farmers, and nil others, get the cheapest nnd best Groceries, Tobaccos of all grades, Boots from the Dost New York Manufacturers; Syrups, Sugars, Vinegar, Ae. Try him, once jan7tf A RLOR 0 O O K 8 T O V Efi Parlor Stoves, and four sixes of Gat U mors constantly on hand and for salcat aulO'oß. IKWIM A WiLHON'a. S— pTinTUKinrrreTrTrr wagons, all si zc#, ?t the sign of the Anvil. aplO'ijfi. IKWIN A WILSON. I AM PS OF EVERY VARIETY and j kind at . aplo\6B IRWIN A WILSON'S. ' REMOVAL. THEODORE DESCHNER, GUN SMITH, has removed to the store known as No. f t Bush's Arcade next door to Zimmerman Bros A Co., at Bellefonte, where he is jusi opening out a complete stock of 1 REVOLVERS. ' GUNS. . ' AMMUNITION. FISHING .TACKLE Baso Bulls, Bats, Keys, and general Snori- King NVIIIIan.fi lYngrnmtnc. Dispatches from Berlin give itif Alsace anM Lorraine Li \ also surniisefi to he a part of Iheplan which! King William will probably pursue. ; M A R HI AG ES. On the 11th Dec., by KeV. W.ll Engl", Mr James Nee.-e, of Peittts vally, to Mi * Lowisa Shroyer, of Brush valley. On the 10th Jan., by the same, Mr. G • ■ W llacl. to Emilia SliullVr both of , | Brush valley. 1 On 12thUtsl ,by Rev. Aurami. Mi New. 1 ton N Hostertnan. of Centre Hill, to Miss ' l Priscilla Waller, of Addaiinburg, Mich. Oa the 12th inst., at the Lutheran parson-1, age Centre Hall, by Rev. J. Keller Miller, t Mr Martin L. Risliel and Miss Catuarine A llout*, both of Gregg Iwp. On 10th inst., Mr Adam Stover, ofttrogg t wp., and Miss SallieShowalter of Aaron*-1 burg. j; On 10th inst., Rev. P.Sahiu, D. U, John s 11 Muser and Chesta A. Bowersux, both,i of Hains twp. DEATHS. [ i On 2nd inst, at Potters Mills, Mr*. Jam j t Caraun, wife of Joseph Caraoii. * On 12th inst., in Brush valley, Jacob J JiGramley, aged Wyear* 12 days. On the night of 17ih, suddenly, at the i , residence of And. Swartx, near Zion, Julia „ Anna Sw artx, wife of Henry Sw artx deed. 4 I aged 70 years. ti _ c A VALUABLE HOTEL and STORE a stand for sale.—The undersigned willjli utter tar sale a valuable Hotel and store L—jS stand situated in Tvlersville, | 7/S Clinton County. The bull construction with a storeroom r with a good ware room, and an arched cellar beneath the building. The other part consists of two rooms, a I good stable suficient to stable 90 head ol i J hore, a good wagon shed also on the! same. For terms address M M D. HOCKEY. S. K SPANG I. EH augs.tf Executors Great Bargains at 1 C. F. Harlecliev's CENTKK IIAM-. I A. Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard f ' ware, Qucensware, Wood and wii'ow ware Iron, Salt, Fish and in fact, a magnificent ] assortment of everything kept in a First Class Store, |i now ready, and for rata at marvelous low rutpji, GOODS VER Y NEA RAT Til K 1 OLD PRICES. Muslins they will sell you the very best i brands at prices that will astonish youjt New spring Hi 'ess Goods ! A most beautiful variety, consisting of all j the novelties of the season, al lower rate> than ordinarily charged al other places. White Goods A' . Embroiceries The finest stock in town, 00TI1 a> o quantity j quality, and prices. MO Of BXJATB The best makes, latest styles and lowest) rates. (Hal- and Cans in great variety. Linen-, Towelling- checks, Dcnin g-, loth i Cas'imers. Cloaking*. BALMORAL BKIRTH, Spring and summer -haw I*. in faet, we keep ; everything, nnd will sell at n very small j advance on first cost. All we a>k that vou will CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK before el-, win re. a- we do no consider it anv trouble to show goods. A LI. KINDS OF IIA UN ESS. silver plated and Yankee Harne-s double and single, bridles and halters. mayl'CH.ly. i # •isA VAGE & RRO., (Successor to N. Hilihish) % ' Whole aale and retail dealers in . Stoves 4: Tinware, H Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Read only a partial list of Cook Stove 1 Wellington, Waverlv, Ornamental, j Oriental, Royal Cook, Prince Royal, Sea Shell, Artisan, -j And American Parlor and Office Stove*: Morning Glory, Tronic, Brilliant, and e New Egg. i. And Parlor Cooks tor Wood or Coal, and Wood Stoves of every description. Attention is called to his stock of Roonng * Plate, a new sixe, which he has just receive ed. sire 4<)x2l>. It make*betteriohthniithe ,j old sixe, andean be furnished cheaperthar any othe# establishment in town. Spouting and jobhing promptly at : p-nded to. Charges reasonable and satis i. potion uarnntoed. ct2'ofi IJ3 SW HARDWARE STORE 1 ~ ® J. & J. HARRIS. NO. 6, BROCKERHOFF ROW A new nnd complete Hardware Store hai •• been opened by the undersigned in Brock -1 erhofT S new building—where they HTC pre -0 oared to sell all kinds of Buildingimd Housi 0 Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails. Buggy wheels in setts. Champion Clothot * Wringer, Mill Saw*. Circular and Hane Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Ice Creau e Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a ful 0 assortment of Glass nnd Mirror Plate of al sizes, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows ] Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting. Spokes Felloes, nnd Hubs, Plows. Cultivators, Corr Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold Boardt and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery. Shov ■ els. Spades nnd Forks, Locks, Hinges 0 Screws, Sa.-h Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails - Norway Rods. Oil*. Lard, Lubricating Coal, Linseed, Tanner*. Anvils, Vices, Bci 5 lows, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tends j Factory Bells, House Bells. Dinner Bell* Gong Rtll-. Tea Bell*. Grindstone*, Carpen tor TooM. Fruit Jar- and Cans, Paints, Oils - Varnishes received and for sale at 1 juno.V6B,ly. I. AJ. HABBIB. s TIASKETS in all their varieties, children carriages, willow ware, guns, pi , tola, powder, shot, caps, cartridges. *c., at J BURNSIDE .v THOMAS ; PRUNES and DRIED CURRANTSo i, the very heat quality just rccelveda Wolf a old Ntand liiirilea Trusai's. _ This invaluable article for females, is now t to he had at Herlacher'sstore, and no other place in Centro county. Ladies remember . that these trusses can bo had at Centre u Hall tf^ HARNESS, collars, cart whip carriage whips, in great varieties, govern ment gears, saddles, bridles, martingale* check lines, cart gears, tug harness. Pugg harness hnmes, etc. Everything in the sad dlery lino at BURNSIDE & THOMAS' NOTIONS of all kinds, fitsbja* 1 >ISVM Handkerchiefs, combs, pocket bookß 5 in all their variety and very cheap, at ~ ' BUUNSIDK'.v THt>M AS . il iyBW PATTERNS of oil cloths, at H duced prices, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS' BABITS SOAP, Win. llagaii and ivo ons, olive soap, Dobbins' soap Je ;es I, Oakley's soaps, oldcastile, pure, Palmsot p, t- Elderling's soap, and a great variety ol ABA I'M. KirHIPI.HK *rw VIA HULK * VROgT, niSHoV jit., Bsllcfollto. WIN KS AND LIQ U U rfr Tllc awWribor ospwcttaHy call* th* nt tention of tile public l<> hi# etlaWiahm at, where lie is iircpfltssl to furnish nil k I ml* of Foreign and Domestic Leiuor*' wholesale at the lowest cash price-, which warran ted to he the best qualities nctovding to their respective | rices. Hi* tock consist* of Bye, Munongnhela, Irish and ther Whiskle*, all kind* of Brandies. Holland Gin, l'. 'REPAI R I N O i of all kinds done neatly, promptly, tna reasonably. . j Yeagertown, June 12. D*k- —ly. _____ noI'BLK AND SINGLE BARREL • fowling piece* at apltfiW. IRWIN A WILSON. . \\T J. B. ETTKLK'S HOLES ALE WINE A LIQUOR STO K E Bishop-trod, Bellefonte, in the Stone bull- J ding iormerly occupied by the Key stone Bakery Take* pleasure in informing the public that he keeps constantly OO hand a supply o, t choice Foreign ami Domestic Liquors. All lUrreU, AVy* ami arranted to enntain ihf quantity rrprr*enii. The attention of practicing phy-ieians i* alleil to hi* -to'k of PURE LIQUORS, I suitable for medical purposes. B>>ttl<**, I iue- and demijohn* constantly on hand. lie ha* the <>N LY PURE NECTAR WHISKY in town. All liquors are warranted to give satis- I faction. Liquors will be sold by the quart, < barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot oi BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grades on hand. Confident that he can oleuse customer* he resfiecttally solicits a -nnre of public paj troii age my 14tf j JSWIN V WILSON are constantly re ceiving new goods In their lino. H A R I) W ARE ofovery description at rcdu.cc prices—now j being opened every day aplCC&j Wall Paper, cheap j iroiu 12 to 20 rent* per hoi ta Herlaclur BUFFALO SCALES, of the best make from 4 lb* unto 120,0001 b*. ! a pit* 08. IRWIX & WILaOK. mrBKIY PBUINS. rl*ens. peaebe ;J[ apples, orange*, lemons, all kino i>f foreign fruit*. Hams, bacon AC., at fBURNSIDE iTUUiIAS'. DRY BOARDS Plank an^ Scantling for sale by IEWIX HplO'CJ*. /NRGSS-CUT AND MILL SAWS, he Vyraakcat luwtx a WIUHIX. ahlffW PUMPS! Wooden Pumps, AND PIPING. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention utthecitixenaofC'cntre county, and Peniuvallev in particular, to the fact that he is manufacturing made at home or elsewhere. He uses nonej but the b< st material, IIKWARRENTS THKM to give satisfaction, as being the most last ing and durable, SUPERIOR To THE OI.I> wooden pump, being arranged to let the water off and prevent freezing in winter. I'ine, poplar or cucumber pumps always on hand. His matirial for pumps is all tawed from large timber, and arc thus Secured against CheckingorCracking. All orders by mail promptly filled. PIPING, made of the best material, of , five inch scantling, joined together w *h coupling blocks, thoroughly handed, and warranted to stand any pressure required for ordinary use. Prices of piping range from 12 to ifi cents per foot. Send orders to sept.3o.ly J. TELLER. Mileshurg, IV It u)' ia I Case S AND CASKETS. AIR-TIGHT AND INDESTRUCTIBLE FOR Protecting and Preserving the Dead. The undersigned takes pleasure in an nouncing that he has secured the sole agen cy in this county for M E TA L LIC A NI) GLASS lliirial Caaca mid Caakcla. which arc so widely known as to miuire no special commendation. The METALLIC BURIAL CASK, with its present im proved style and finish, its entire harmony with the feelings of the bereaved, its per fected adjustments and appointments in whatever rotates to th> preservation and protection of the body after death, confirm it* utility nnd entire ada|>tncss to the pur poses for which it is designed. COFFINS of all d i scriotions furnished at the shortest notice; and all orders filled promptly night or day. The Dead laid out with care, nnd funerals and escorts super intended in person. HENRY HARRIS novit Bellefonte, Pa. MILLER'S HOTEL, Woodward, IV Stages arrivo and depart daily. This favorite hotel is now in every respect one of the most pleasant country hotels in central Pennsylvania. The traveling com munity will al ways find the best accommo dation. Drovers can at nil times he accom modated with stables mid pasture for any number of cattle or horses. july3'i:THEPBOFUL Great Attraction and Great Bargains! r |9IlE undersigued, dctermiud to meet the J_ popular demand for Lower Prices, re spectfully calls the attention of the public to his stock of SADDLERY, now offered at.the old stand. Designed es peeiall * for the people and the time*, th* lar-1 geotand lufwt varied and complete assort- j Uielll of Saddled, Hurneds, Collar*, Bridle#, i of every dc*cri|tioi and quality; Whips,! and in fact everything complete to a first- i class establishment, he now offers at prices j which will suit the times. A better variety, a hotter quality or finer! style of Saddlery ha* never before been of scred to the public. Call and examine our! lock and be satisfied before purchasings; elfewhere. Determined to please my patrons and thankful for the liberal -hare of patronage j heretofore enjoyed. I respectfully solicit a j continuance of the same. JACOB DINGUS, aplo'6B ly. Centre Hall. FIRM. NEW GOODS AND Panic Prices. FOSTER. DEVLING A WILSON, Having pure hosed the extensive store of owelT. Gilliland A Co., and added to them 'at panic pricesn large aA#oilment of NEW GOODS, I They arc enabled to sell at OLD FASHIONED PRlfeS! A targe variety of Ladies' Dress Good# Great Bargain# in Muslim* and Calicoes. Ready-Made Clothing Warranted to Suit.' Our Cloth* and Cassiruers, Cant be excelled. THEIR GROCERY DEPARTMENT, Astonishes ex~ery one in assortment and low prices. Syrup, Sugar. Tea, Coffee, Canned fruits, Jellies. Domestic and Foreign Fruits, Cheese nnd pastries of all kinds, and every other article be longing to the Grocery Department. They Wholesale at Philadelphia Rale*.. Parmer#, Mechanic* and Laborers look to your interest. One dollar saved is a dollar in pocket. Then call and see at what astonishingly low prices FlH< < jar-TURNER BUILDING Jap23tf Allegheny St, Bellefonte Pa. Fuss al Millhtim Quite a Heneation and Fuss ha# been cau#ed at Millheim, as soon a- it became known that J. W . Nnool was just receiving anew stock of Spring (roods! R AT OLD PRICES. which he purchased lately when I Gold was down and prices had fallen. His stock consists of Fine Dress Goods ; Dry GoOds, Groceries I SUGARS, MOLASSES, COFFEE, : CHEAPER THAN EVER. ' MUSLINS, CALICOES, >' AT 4)LI) PRICES. i%,The public are earnestly invited > call at SntHik # #trc in Millheim, and sa ? tisfv themselves that He Oirers Grenter Iljirgnina • null Kella (*oo- A LKi tURKOMHKNAIUKK,TRKATMK.NT i- AKI) RADICAL Curo of Spermatorrhoea, v Seminal Weakness' Involuntary Emis sions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Nervousness, Con sumption, Epilepsy, and fits; Mental and " Ppysical incapacity, resulting from Helf- Aouse, Ac. —By ROBERT J. CULVER WELL, M. I)., Author of tho "Green r Book," &e. d The world-renowned author, in this ad c mirablo Lecture, clearly proves from his e own experience that the awful conse e quences of Self Abuse may he effectually ;, removed without mediciens, and without - dangerous surgical operations, bougies, in struments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at onco certain and effectual t by which every sufferer, no matter what his - condition may be, may cure himself cheap 's lv, privately, and radically. THIS LKC -tURK WILL TROVE A BOON TO e THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. ;- Sent, under seal, in a plain enve.ope, to r any address, postpaid on receipt of six r cents, or two post stamps, r Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage e Guide," price 25 cents. ADDRESS J TOTWI • N fell VOL'S AN!) DEBILITATE: I, WLIO.SK SUFFERINGS HAVK BEEI J '♦ • PROTRACTED PROM HIDDM 1 CAUSE#, AND WHOSE OAU i SKS REQUIRE PROMPTTXXATXBVT | M KKKOIX XXIITIVCK DIIKBiIU I If you are suffering, or have suffered, from involuntary what offset J does it product- upon four general health 'I Do you feel weak. debilitated, easily tired? Dues a little extra exertion produce pal ! pitation of the hea.it? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent ly get out of order? Is your k urine tons* | time* thick, milky or flock Y or i it ropy on setting? Or does a thick skum -iae to the top ? Or is a sediment at the bot iom>f ter it has stood awhiW ? Do you have spells of short bieathing or dyspepsia, ? Are your bowels constipated ? Do you have spells ol i fainting, or rushes of blood to the head ? j Is your memory impaired ? la yonr mind • constantly dwelling on this subject? Do ivou feel dull listless, moping, tired ol company, of life?"Do you wish to be left ! alone, to get away from everybody? Doe* jany little thing make yo start or jump ' Is your sleep broken or restlces ? Is the ius i tre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom en I your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy your j self in society as well? Do you puraue your business with the tame energy? Do you 1 feel as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to St* of melancholy ? Ifio, Jo not lay it U JOUI i <* dyspepsfax. Have you restless n Igbu 1 , Your back weak, your knees week, and have but little appetite, and you attribuu tins to dyspepsia or hver-eomplvint ? Now, reader, aelf-abuee, veneral disease* badly cured, and sexual excesses, are al ! capable of producing a weakness of thi i generative organ*. The organs ol genera tson, when in perfect health, make the man Iid you ever think that those bold? defiant energetic, persevering, succesftil business j men are always those whose generative or 1 gam are in perfect health? You never hea j such men complain of being melancholy of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart j They are n< ver afraid they cannot succec* in busineas: tbey don't become sad ant . discouraged; they are always polite ant j pleasant in the company of ladies, and 100 l you and them right in the thee—none o j your downcast looks or any other mean nets about them. Ido not mean those wht keep the organs inflated bvrunning to ex cess. These will not only ruin their eon stitutions, but also those they de businea w:th or for. How many men, from badly cared di eases, from the effects of self-abuse ant I cxceasea.have brought about that state o weakness in those organs that has reduce* ; the general system so much as to indue almost every otherdiseaae—idiocy, lunac.y paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al most every other form of disease whicl humanity is heir to—and the real cause o jtbe trouble scarcely ever suspected, ant I have doctored for all but the right one. I DISEASES OF THESE OBOANS RE QUIRE THE USE OF A DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU ♦ IS THE GREAT DICRETIC, AND IS A OCR TAIN OF EE FOR DISEASES 0* THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAY DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNES FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERA! DEBILITY, i - ' ' \ AND ALL DISEASES OR THE UEINART ®I ; OANS, whether existing in MALE or Fi ; MALE, from whatever cause originating , and no matter of haw long standing. If no treatment is submitted to. Con sumotion or I nsanity may ensue. Our flee I and blood are supported from these soured and the health and happiness, and that c ;; Posterity, depends upon prompt use of reliable remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCKI established upward of 19 years, prepaxe rby H. T. HELMBOLD i DRUGGIST, ! Broadway, New York, and t 104 South lOfA /St, Philadelphia, Da. | PRICE—SI,2S per bottle, or 6 bottles f< 9 $6,50, delivered to any address. SOLD BY ALL DRLGIBTS EVERYWHERE. ' NONE ABE GENUINE UNLES 3 DONEUI IN S,TEEL KNU&AVKP WRAI T PER, WITH FAO-LIMILIE OF MY L ' CHEMICAL WAREHpUSE, and signe kwtmiWmr J Dr. WAXTUKRC C. U BURN* A VTNEGAfi BITTERS Hnadied* of Thouaadi - I gjj WHAT ARE THEVV -j 95"? £ ff fr ? 0 I § TUST ARE NOT A THE * 3 f w y FANCY DRINK, If? Made or Peer Rant, Whisker, Proof Wrto and Refuse Liquor* doctored. sptOSd sod sweet : sawl to picas* lbs taste, caned-Tonka,"" Appe tit ers," " Hectorer*," *., that lead OM tippler to to ; drankWßoM and rata, hot art a tree Medietas, ad : fttwn the Native Boole s*4 s—of California. tr - e from all Ak-selle Mlaslas;* TLoy art i: - UttEAT ILOOD PUBIKtEK and A UPI MfIXH rilSClPLKsprhel Benotater asd lavlgorator of the tpica, carrying tig all pokes' .* matter and rectorlag tb# blood to a b.wubj oot-tau .. j> go person can take u>esc Bitters according to direc tion and remain long an wen. UN wUlhe given fort* tscsrabt* ease, pre*: ltd the hones *f* not deetrofad hp mlaesal poison or tafcrr means, and tbs rttal organs wasted hcywdttts repair. Par laflstsMßietavy and Chronic Rkeumn tlaju mad fimtu Vrapepala. ar Indigestion. Olllous, Rsalisesi and lasermlueas Pavers "plaaaasa of she Ulead, Liver, Kidney*, • "! Bladder, these Btfiera have bees mast SBCM..- ML Back Memoes are ceased by VHtatcl Ulead, whteh I* *r:.er*itjr prodoeed by dsmgvnoat of the Digestive Organs. DTMFKFHIA OK IKBICWSTION. 8s ! ache, Fain la Use Shoaidon, conghs, Tigtiiuai >ti f Utu Cheat, DtzxlncM, Sear TI nalslliias of the MMUM Das taste In QW Month. UJJlon. Attacks. Palpitw:-., of the Haart, Inflammastoa of the Laagm. Fate UI regions of Mm Ktdnejs, and a htttxtrrC other ps •ywptCNMs wv th* i i>i|ii!iigß nf pyyppflti. Thry Invigorate the grontach aad Mtmaiato Hto i pldlivsraad boweSs. which rsadsctlism efasetjeat. i I, efflesey to deanslag the Mood of aU Imparities. - •t hnparttag newlife asd vigor, to the wbnlesj'Mem. ? FOB HK m DIHEAME& Erepttoo* [? Bhewm. Nlnteaes. aped*, rtoptr*. Ptndnles.Pt .la. < [- bsaetss. Blag-Worms, Keald-Uead. Sore Eyre, gsz : il elas. lleh, hearts, UsroktrxttoM of the Skit. O■. > and Disease* ef the fetaa. of whatever asmeur ASU - . r are UtetaCy dag apaudearrtedontof thesgrten- V abort those by the nae of thtae Bttsrr* Qae Utt!- 0 each eases will eoaviaee the most iaerndaib tit cfi:,. f. csrsUre edhet. , Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yoa I 1 its , Impcrtaee hare Mag threagh U>e efcla la Pimples, Erav lt Uou ovßorsei cleanse It wtwn yon ftnd tt ohstmctca ■. and slaggkh la the vekm; cleanse it when ttisf At., j aad year feelings H1 tell yonwben. Keep tl*o Uood pare and the heNlh ef the system wOl follow. PIN. TA PE and other WOK MS, ImttagiaUrc s ayetem of ao many thoomnda. are edeet saUp deetrer. ad and removod. For fall ditnellooa. reed csxefeily . Ow circolsr aroaad each bottle, prtnted to four Iss.- g*gea—Bagtiah.Oertnaa, Frenehand epankh. n " I. WALKER. Proprietor. B B. MCDONALD * CO.. . Dragflsts sad Oen. Agsnts. tan Franekco. Cel. 1 aad ■ and MCommerce Street. Kw York. U pr IOLD ET ALL D&COOUTg AND DEAJLLi.£. * Grover & Baker's ? ®! HIGHEST PREMIUM SEWING MA CHINES. T- The following axe aelcctod from thou*- ■s AND< of U-ftimonials of similar charnctcr. as evpressing the reasons for tho preferwes - fur the GEOVEE A Barer Machines over id all others. JT ••• "I like the Grover & Baker Ma si chine, in tbe first place, because, if I had * anv other, I should still want a Grover A IT Baker; and. having a Grover A Baker it I- answers the same nurpoao of ail the rest, h 1? dons a greater variety of work and it i >{ easier to learn than any other. — Mr*. J. d C. Croty (Jenny June.) ••• "I have had several years' experi ence with a Grover A Baker Machine, which ha* GIVEN LI E great satisfaction. 1 think the Grover A Baker Machine is more easily managed, and less liable to get out II of oriler. I prefer the Grover A Baker, decidedly."-{Mr. Dr. Watts, New Trk.] „ , •• • "I have had one in my iamily for some two years; and from what I know ol its workings, and from the testimony of manv of my friends who use the same, I can hardly see how anythingcouldbemore complete or give better satisfaction. "—Mrs. _ (General Grant] • ••"1 believe U to be the best, all things considered, of any that I have known. It is very simple and easily learned ; the sow ing from the ordinary spools is a great ad vantage ; tbe stitch is entirely reliable ; it does ornamental work beautifully ; it is not liable to get out of order/'- Mrs. A. M. Spoones, 36 Bound Street, Brooklyn. The Grorer and Baker Sewing Machine Com pan v manufacture both the Elastic Stitch and Lock Stitch Machines, and offer the public a choice of the best machines of both kinds, at their establishments in all tbe large cities, and through agencies in nearly all towns throughout the country. Price" Lists and samples of searing in both stitches furnished on application to Grover ABA ker 8. M. Co., Philadelphia or to F P. Greene PhiUip*busg. For sale at S. H. Williams A Cos Furniture Store BELL fonle. NA T U RES -Hair Restorative Contains no LAC SULPHUR —No SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH ARGE—No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and is entirely free from th# Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs used iu other Hair Prepara * tions Transparent and clear as crystal, it will T not soil the finest fabric — perfectly SAFE CLEAN and EFFlClENT—desidera tum* LONG SOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LAST! It restores and prevents tho Hsur from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy op peamne<\ removee Dandruff, is cool and _ refreshing to the head, checks the llair -I from falling off, and restores it to a great 9 extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all Humors, cutaneous N eruptions, and unnatural Heat. DR. G. SMITH, Patentee, Groton Jtiuc tion, MASS. Prepared only by PROCTER OF BROTHERS, Gloucester Mas*. THU n Genuine is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly tor it, with the nameof the article blown iu the glass. Ask ytmr'Druggist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no other. „ „ _ _ W U For sale by WM. Wolf and J. B. Salt ed Centre Hall 24junly — —TOCONS U MPTIYES. The advertiser, having been permanent ly cured of that dread diseasa, Consump tion, by a simple remedy, is anxious to moke known to his fellow sufferers the me ins of cure. To all who desire It, ho will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge!, with the directions for preparing amf using the same, which they will find a sure Cure For Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ac. Psrties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, 165 South Second Street, Williamsburgh, N. Y. dec-2 ly for ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered foryears A_ from Nervous Debility Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful in discretion, will, for the sake of suffering 3S humanity, send free to all who needs it the F- recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex _J perience can do so by addressing, IN perfect, confidence, JOHN G. OGDEN, Ifo. -12