| NTRE HALL REPORTER. | CENTRE Have, Pa, Decemier 0th, 1870. | CE Cai in, Wipes air ve & . ~(longress mut on last N eountyy will profiably bee leetea Unis ted States Ropator from the Sate ol Delaware. - sy yPemoeratic Rditorial Cotivention, ‘We notice that Jaco Ziegler, Es =U ‘a call for a meeting at the “ day the 10th ef January next. “toona, ganized, are respectfully requested to ‘be present at this meeting. All right, uncle Jake, only we resolution passed, designating Belle fonte as the place for holding the next meeting. — eS 1st Senatorial District. R. P. Deckert, Esq., is the Demo-: cratic nominee for State Senate in the First «distriet, made vacant by the death of Mr. Watt. Mr. Deckert received the nomina- “tion on first ballot—the vote stood, Deckert 62, M'Candless 15, Rodgers ination was made unanimous, and the convention was most harmonious. “The President’s Message. Since a stale paper of no great force or originality has been anticipated, the public wilknot be seriously disappoint. ed in the annual message of the Pres- ident. The first paragraph opens with the usual congratulation on the material prosperity of the country and its freedom Trom foreign complications, eral Southern States’ was accomplished v violinee and intimidation. Such is President's partisan view of that mighty uprising of the people of Alas THE FRENCH WAR. Continuous Heavy Fighting. De Paladines Vielorious.— Prinee Frederick Charles Relreating.—Ar- my of the Loire on the move.— Lost _ Touns Re Occupied. — German Ar my of the Left Defeated. — Manteuf- fel Evacuates Amiens.— Wildest Ex eitement at Towrs.— The Prussians Beaten at Etrepagny.— Thionville Being Bombarded.— The City Des troyea by Fire, Tours, December 1.—The govern: co — in the assertion of their political rights, Thus of reconstruction is to be renewed, The successful efforts of the admin. the United States over citizens domi at length. France is feebiy congratu- fmted tn her efforts to establish a re publican government, and hope for teondition than at the close of the sion A demand heen made for the redeess of wrongs lecommitted by the Spanish in Cuba sgainst the persons and prop SEN. of Congress, has now pending. The patiot Jr . ug iit | i \ are dismissed with no mare than a laut struggle In refering to the re- doctrine is reiterated. San Domingo, as w lcupies a large share of the message. The great advantage of the annexa- 'tion of the island to this country are [ar lit would be “folly” to neglect such a ie S A 3 ‘prize. The President greatly distuib- ment has most encouraging advices he Prussians under Prince Frederick Charles, unable to hold the village of | Beaune ln Rolande, which they had {maintained a short time against Gien. (lines, evacuated and burned that village. The inhabitants, num- Ihering two thousand, were driven from their shelter. { The retreat | compelled hy the » French, In the lust encounter the French Lroops engaged were merely young Leonseripts from the southern provinges who had joined De Paladines’ army s, They behaved s; lendid with daring and bravery of the Germans was Tours. ly, fighting ul veterans, General d'Aurelles de Paladines, amy of the Loire, is in full motion. His troops have retaken the towns of Lontoire, in the department of the Loire, Et Cher, Saint Calais 1 Bessesur Braye, in the depart. Sarthe, and Mondoubleau, in | ment of Bron, Nogent and Le Rotron, lon the left, on Montorgis, on the right, 'have been reoccupied by the French. | The Retreat of the Prussians was very precipitate, | In the battle at Beaune-la-Rolande, -de-camp to Prince Frederic ithe aid i aptured by the French. | Charles, wus ¢ ee col Wo 1 worl Letter From tae Loop. Loop, Dec. 1st 1870. Fred.—1 bave the partietlars of the huvwer’s joke now, but as he is a“ good fellow” I will not tell the tale. G. WW. S. declares that the deer was lame and stiff and that he could have caught it on a fair run, On Tuesday night, as ¢ol. Love and Wm, Woods were com- ing through Pleasant Gap, in Nittany mountain, a panther sprang into* the road behind the buggy and. his terrific yells almost frightened them out of their boots. They are of the opinion that they owe their lives to the mettle and nimbleness of Strohm’s bays. The Col. never eame up the moantain fas [ter in his life, and he avers that he ‘would not have taken any amount to have gone back. They first heard him near where Mr. Rapp once lived, and he followed them a distance, but, for reasons best known to himself, discon tinued the chase. I think the lady who wears the cheek puffs would look better without them, I always did think her hand. some until she put those inventions of his Satanic majesty in her mouth to augment the rotundity of her cheeks, and now she don't look natural at all. Beit distinetly understood, however, be any more I would not say so, and stand prepared to combat only against one broom handle. Some of our men use cheek pufls, too, but they are made of pure Kentucky leaf, and it is a little more natural. The Loop school takes the van in code of honor so far as visitations are concerned. The professor of Horog raphy, of Big Valley, gnve from his ‘well ladened Thesaurus a lecture on ‘the phantasmagoria of the past, or something else. His lecture contained { ‘the Loop no doubt would have been enlightened upon the mysteries of sei ‘ence and art had not the speaker who lsuce eded him, who was introduced as Re Infatu Ba © Instances of the te affects | gxcos- sive drinkingre recorded daily as thé transaetions of the , various” police offices, Yesterday, a case of unusual severity was developed before Alderman McMasters, in which the husband ofa poor woman, named Brady, was charged with attempting to kill her. His ungovernable passsion for stromg drink. had driven him from one excess to anotherintil he pawned every rage of clothing the woman had, then visi- ting one of the many disgraceful seconds had junk shops that are loeated on our very front streets where stolen clothes and iN.gotten goods of all kinds are collected he discovered from flaunting signs, of bed quilts at the door that money. enuld be raiss ed on them, so sneaking home he stealthy ly sliped the covering from his ¢hildrens bed and left the little ones shivering in the cold. The mother discovered his move- ments and attempied to stop him when he drew a large knife and made a dash at the woman, who, through fear sprang out of the way, eaught the knife in herhand, and was disabled from further work for some- time. Har cries brought the neighbors in, when she repaired to the police office and appealed to the magistrate for protection. During the recital of the sad ciretrmstances she begged to remind the officer that Brady was drunk at the time, that he did not real- ize the depth of degradation to which he dening fumes of the liquor had prssed away, when a mortifying sense of his situa- tion would make him all right for the fu- ture. The Alderman Issued a warrant for his arrest, and a hearing will be had this mor ning, Pittsburg Post. 1 T P.ODENKIRK, J * WITH ther insurrection had occurred in Mongolia. Twenty thou- sand insurgents were threatening the town of Oora, the eapital city of the Province. Forces armed with Russian rifles had gone to oppose the movement. ‘a Philadelphia, December k—Aholbd bo- cupied by Patrick and Mary McCullough; was broken into this evening, bx four wen... vatiots places. T 500 from a HuFeauial thereon, end’ depar- ted. . } : 3 The dedthy in P ndelphia Inst wobk amounted to two hundred and fifty-six, 3 vious week, The duniata’isbeing stocked with dead fish, They are lett to die in the baskets and then thrown into the. river, San Francisco, November 28. —glsa- ac Braken was shot dead by Robert Evans, alias Witehead, at four o'clock this morning, opposite the Alhambra Theatre, Brakan. glaiped, ans caused a sepht county, three hundred apple trees “to spite Betsey. om—————— a A {ARM AT PUBLIC SALE, Will be sold, ut ines, near Sprin Mills, in Gregg township, Centre county, Pa, £4 LAs On Saturday 10th December next, a valuable Tpuet of land containing. « 257 ACRES. good state of cultivation, the Balance coh- sisting of 'ARTMAN, DILLINGER & COM PANY | Two doors above Arch, formerly 226, {MANUFACTURERS & JOBBERS IN { ; . Carpets, Oil Cloths, Oil Shades, { Yarn, Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chains, Grain > “ 1 . Pie at wins: Je} » ”s * lod hy the fear that some European Count yon Piater was killed. | Bags. Window Paper, Batting, &c. GOOD TEMBERLAND. House, Barn, ‘desirable vroperty—Ilying convenent to stores, mills, &e SAMUEL’HARTER, for heirs of John Huiter, decd This is a good choice, and so pro. nounced by the Philadelphia journals adelphia Evening Telegraph. | ‘tions themselves, yearn for participa tion in our civilization. The old] abolition hobby is adroitly pricked| with a hint that the acquisition of the torial district have shown their appre. | ciation of the importance of the politi-| cal struggle on the 20th instant, by nominating, with great unanimity, one, “sof their best men. All personal aspi-| “rations and factional “divisions have ‘been sunk by that party, and Colonel] Robert P. Deckert, has been made | ‘their standard bearer. He is a gal-| lant soldier, and a gentleman of abili- ty and culture, and of blameless pri vate character. He entered the army as Sergeant-Major of the Twenty- ninth Pennsylvania Regiment, under Colonel Jobn K. Murphy, on the 1st | of July, 1861, and shared the fortunes “of our gallant army until July 17, “18035, when the regiment was mustered out of the service. He participated in the campaign of General Banks | the ‘Shenandoah Valley in the spring of 1862, and was at Cedar Mountain, “zecond Bull Run, and all the batties| in front of Washington, in the disas- ~trous campaign of Pope. He won es pecial distinction for his gallantry at Autietam, Chancellorsville and Gettys- | burg, and then was transferred under Hooker to Chattanooga. He became Assistant Adjutant General on the staff of General Slocum, and with #hiw scrved in ‘the memorable march to] Atlanta, and thence to the sca. He _ was at iutervals promoted Lieutenant, | Captain, Major, and Lieutenant Col-| anel for “gallantry and other meritor- ous services,” and after the vietory over rebellion was complete, Colonel Dechert returned to bis profession: of the. law in his native city He is at| present an. Assistant District-Attorney uuder Mr, Sheppard, and by the courteous ‘and faithful discharge of his duties, he has won the respect and gonfidence of the bar, and of the com-| prevnity generally. cian by trade, and is free from “Rings” | and all complication which would em- | barrass him as a Senator. | - > —- & nation will obtain possession of San| Domingo if the United States aban. | ‘don negotiations. He informs the country that the inhabitants, although] incapable of maintaining free institu | able in Cuba and Brazil. It is difficult to enumerate all the wonderful benefits that would result | It is needed in the event of a foreign, ‘war. We must pass through foreign Florida. Tens of thousands of laborers] would rush to the island. It has the richest soil, best harbors, most salubri- ous climate and most valuable miner als. Iis possession will go far te restore San Do | mingo will largely consume the pro-| ducts of our Northern farms and man ufactories, and will produce all the su ir, coffee and tropical fruits the peo-| Her possession will cut off] a hundred million of imports, and pay | It will . . hy It will be a measure of national | defense, It will build up the merchant | marine. It will provide means of pay-| ing our honest debts. It will furnish the necessaries of life cheaper than ever before. All this San Domingo] will kindly do for us. We: were gi al-| ‘ell us that, like Helmbold’s Buchu, it would cure all the ills that flesh is heir| to. If this will not shut up the mouths) uport attacking Chateau south east of Chartres, These victories have bee on the right, under Prince Charles, General de Paladines’ under the been even more brilliant, gic movement towards has forced the e the arrondisement sailles, evacual dome au dun and Chateauneuf. - The Prussians attacked M but were driven away. patches have been bull prefecture the wildest ¢ London, nthusiasm, December 1 repulse n mainly operating Frederick he west, to HIZATINGS, wounded. tally ascerta A ber of French losses, A special from Tours sa cial Trochu and | Choissy Le Roi. ) mile > aud encamped fifteen fre SORTIE FROM PARIS—THE CORDON BROKEN, ys: Offi- ym Paris. PRUSSIAN Prof. of Chemistry, of the Agricultural College, Pa., exploded the whole thing! by virtue of Hollands and Tokay, (which, by the way, is a branch of] Chemistry. There was another pro | Hessor introduced, but of the nature of | ‘his business and the subject of his lee (ture we know nothing. One of these ‘distinguished (?) visitors was leading a gaunt hound, and if we may judge a man hy she company he keeps, the whole thing was a hodge-podge of man and canine, biped and quadruped, We| doubt if’ this homogeneous mass was irom the Ag'l College, for we believe ‘the people of that place have judgement cnough to know that the Loop is no place for a novice to expatiate, but is La fit place for the home of the genius lof art and literature. The Prof. of Horography sang a song, and to do him justice we must say his voice [ar (surpassed the voice of either the pea- Whilst he was sing: ing a young lady eame in. The Prof paused and remarked that he was glad that one more had come to hear him. When he left he said he must go to see seen of him he was ranning post huste ‘ueross a field, It is all right, hovs, only wanted a little sport at somes body's ex pense and you had it, but when you want to lecture again, pray donot ‘come to the Loop, for the people here) | appreciate nothing but ghod lectures | This is probably the last letter I shall] | write you concerning the affairs of the] Loop. The old local preacher made his 'quadrennial appearance last week and | In our next we shall give you a Having disposed of San Domingo) w the President next refers to the smug-| gling operaticns on the Mexican fron- tier. The massacre of European resi- i i i { i | | ate. Toussey Moustaix Boy. Ea > a. . Clinton County. Firg.— Last night about 9 o'clock an {alarm of fire was sounded, oceasioned by attack in the south. A dispatch from House on Jay street side towards Main The firemen were promptly on noticed a large dot of cradles at the| freight depot yesterday that had just] arrived. If these can be taken as “the briefly referred to. commonly received boundary between | the United States and Canada is not| citement. Laval, December 2. crease.— Clivton Democrat. Well, it must mean that it all is to) United | within the territory of the and is now your next quarter sessions, on which COmMMmIssion. crease, di So TTT Our New Press. —Our new power press was shipped last Wednesday, per steamer, from Boston, and we expect it 0 arrive in four or five days, should nu nnforseen delay occur. The Ru PORBER will then appear in a much larger form and rank among the best conntry papers in the Unitea States, In our two previous issues we called ap: on those-of our subscribers who ave iu arrears, to forward us the amount duc) President regrets that no conclusion has | the appointment of a coramission to take proof of the umount of the claims of our) citizens against the British government for damages, und that the United States settle these claims 20 as to have responsible con- trol of all the private as well as p ublic de-| difficult to perceive whither this course would lead if persisted in. An amount of| . . i claims would thus be piled up by a lobby | | d. Gam ldestroved. It may be said that the fire ex- building was three stories and un attic high. much everything inside was soaked. Some of the furniture was remove |saved, but « oubtless much damaged. The in the attic at the point where it was seen to issue from the roof. Mr. B. had an insurance of $3,000 Prussi | tent. noy. wooing + stalls dfs i FATAL ACCIDENT.—A man named — and threw it aside with much violence, causing it to strike Wilson (who had stepped aside out | of danger, he thought) a stunning blow on Brushes, Looking Glasses, &e, : CHEAP CASH STORE MILROY *» PA. CO. 3 ALEXANDER & DEALERS IN Groceries of all kinds, at wholesale and re tail prices, Dry Goods, Queensware, and Iosiery, ATTHE AP GASH by igar, loc. Gil ~ rr mh 1 A \ AD A o Best Brown Sugar 13¢ Dark Brown Sugar, 10 & lle. RIO COFFEE 25 Cents, Y RUPS from 575 to $1,00 per gallon Sugar House from 75¢. to $1,00 ey Persons purchasing Goods of this firn Ns | for Lefore taken away. WE SELL CHEAP, Because we sell FOR CASH ONLY. WE KEEP NO BOOKS. hange for goods, and the best marke 1 } e nllowed. ake notice that money oan { ———— rs ——— ifr GET THE BEST. tionary. Dictionaries. 1000 Engravings. 1840 Pages Quarto, { Ind to add testimony in its favor. i [Pres’t V alker of Harvard. Jvery scholar knows its value, i (W. H. Prescott, the Historian. he most comple'e Dictionary of th Language. (Dr. Dick 6 Scotland. 1 r 1! 0 Xr gs 4 . . | by earlier Inborers. ; } en } does - I te A 4 ¥ nf N (Smart, the English Orthopist. i 1 A necessity for every i hest guide for tudents of our lan [John G. Whittier. range. [Chancellor Kent. fer ity. [Geo. Bancroft [Elihu Baritt. i seientifi litcheock. to Philosophy. ¢ all others in definin [President 1s i asl know, b gt English Dictionary ? TOvES! STOVES! Y Mr. Andrew Reesman, wouald respect- fully inform: the citizens of Centre Hall, that he now has on hand all sizes of Coal stoves—Gas Burners—which he offers as low as elsewhere. Give him a ea!l and go and see his stock before purchasing else- ‘where novl18.tf Look! Look! - Not for the Locomotive! But for the fall in goods. If you want to buy your Dry Goods cheap Go to Graff & Thompson's, Milroy "11f you want to buy your Groceries cheap, | Go to Graft’ & Thompson's, Milroy. | If you want to buy your Hardware & | Queensware chanp, ! Goto Graff & Thompson's, Milroy. i {If vou want to buy your Boots and Shoes, i Pats and Qups, cheap, Go to Graff & Thompson's, N ilroy. 1 If you want to buy your Clothing and un- der ware cheap, Go to Graff & Thompson's, Milroy. if you. want to buy your Fine Dress goods, Shawls nnd Ladies Furs, 4 If you want to buy your Fish and salt cheap, Go to Graff & Thompscn's, Milrcy market prices, Go to Graff & Thompson's Milroy. N. B.—Ready-made Clothing, and La- dies Furs, sold at wholesale prices, at GRAFF & THOMP: ON'S? Milroy, Pa. NEW FALL & Winter Goods. AT FRONK'S, LEWISTOWN a in their new and magnificent room | the necommodation of their ld friends in | Centre cotnty, have just npened a very . | large and well selected Stock of J Dry Goods, Domestic Goods, | 1| Ji | Barred Flannels, ] Cc} i J al Shawls and Furs, A Fine Stock of Milleuery, Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons & Flowers. i ' | | | Edueational Monthly. by all Booksellers. COAL, LIME, A Splendid Assortment of ‘Men's & Boy’s Clothing, Cloths and Cassiméres. All of which we offer at most POPULAR PRICES, FRONK 8S novll.8m Lewistown. News! See Here! TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE -The undersigned hereby informs the citizens of Pennsvalley that he has pur- chased the Tinshop heretofore carried on AN EIGHT PAGE WKEKLY, ow in its Eleventh Year, publishes Ser- oy a Serial Story for the Family, a new Children’s Story every week, Chats with the Little Folks, Editorials by the best Methodist writers and others, Foreign and Domestic Corresponden full rt- ments of Religious and Secular Intelligence. Price $2,060 a year. beral premiums or cash commigsions tq canvasgers, rip- Hon pice it, iy, Hobe. | TOR, speci en, éncloss a two cent st ‘mp to pa Josiage, Address THE MET ODIST. 1 i HOLIDAY JOURN HOLIDAY aouinNaL € Ma ie ined 5 ' on tage. Address ADA ers, Boston. i. as MASONIC) ¢ y s i{hd y ¥ lar. - oo Domes DA. NewYork, ..;:.... Lo og dechdt CHRISTMAS GIFT to nll Yem CHRIS to wll Year rs to published Weekly. Two Month'Su tion Gratis, The Months of Novemb and December, 11870, Hii grt to a subscribers remitting $4. for the year 1871. 320 is desea i iLof Sabra ria ofthe i for “TWO Mon Ta oh ave : y e , atl die” (1 Picturesqné Ameriea, cons didly on pb isting Slsplen: commenced in November. D. APPLETON & Co., Publishers, New York. dee2. — — a a NEN. ROBT. F. LEVSTIFE N 1 ' ready for Pablication, the B oyely U= { fam Fg ’ ae BobLE Lon by log ee my the. "ote, lowol, 500. pages : lustre Fo be sld ty ube ong to, Foo or vo HORT HAND. 150 words a minute in A) 4 weeks. Send two stamps fogeircular. 8a “p. 0 Box da81. igh or A SURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash. fasts, $1,500,000. Grants LIFE an ENDOWMENT Policies of all approved forms. Ample securi- be ll EL against TS , denth or tetal disability. $olieics written by the year or month: Has $700 per day for Six Yeurs in beneflis-to policy-holders. + oo dec2A4t. DON'T WASTE TIME AND LABOR" by usin up an old Axe. Send $1.60 to LIPPINCOTT a BAKEWELL, Pitts- burgh, Px dnd will send a tip-top Axe, Expressage paid. Half a day lost in grinding will thus be saved. // “dec24t am——— i i ¥ 3 tt sn, po _— WINTER SAS RNA "META LIC K&ROSEN : 1s absolutely safe from explosion or breaks ing ; burns any Coal Oil, ‘or bad; gives more light, no odor, and uses lessoil, “It is perfectly non-explosive. The light is better than is proguced by any oth- er lamp.” —W 8 Clark, Pres't Ye setts Agricultural College. “It is perfectly nov-explosive, gives, better light wnd is’ wore economical ths any other lamp in nze.” WW Wells, Ia Sep Pub Schools, Chicago. The appalling deaths and fires from glass lamps exploding and breaking create a great demand for this lamp. It PAYS to sell it. Sold by Canvassers; Agents wanted everywhere. Send for circular and terms to Montgomery & Co. Cleveland, 0. 3 Barclay St. N Y. dec? $25 A WEEK Salary !|—Young men -avantedsns local and traveling sales. men. Address (with stamp) R. H. WA L= i KER, 34 Park Row, N. Y, 2dec.4t $30 A DAY, sure. LATTACS. & Pittsburgh, AGENTS! READ THIS! y E WELL PAY AGENTS A1SAL- ARY of $30 per week and expenses, of allow a large commnii new wonderful inventions. Address M WAGNER & CO. Marshall, Mich dee2 dt 182 USE THE''V Re Pulmonary The standard remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption <**Nothing better., Cutler Bros. & Co. Boston. dec2 Cherry Pectoral Troches Avesupatipt Soalhoriers pi Ba Yolde: sthma ial a oi i are Dn schial 1 have nome of that nauseating horrible Cubeb taste, are very soothing and act like a charm; Min- isters, Singers, and Public ? kers will findthey are especially adapted tothe voice. Sold by Dra sts, ‘Also 2 RUSH 'S(FV)COD LIVER OIL, for Consumption ‘and Scrofula; use no other, E dec2 4 {J hRAMS DEPILLATORY POW- DER.—Remeoves superfluovs hair in five minutes, without injury to the skin, Relieves most violent paroxysms in five minutes and effects a speedy cure. Price $2 by mail. THE JAPANESE HAIR STAIN Colors the whiskers and hair a beautiful black or brown. It eonsists of only one prepamition. io cents by mail. Address 8 € UPHAM, No. Til Jayne Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars sent free, Sold by all Druggists, SYCHOMANCY.—Any lady or gen- tleman ean make $1.000 a month, se- curetheir own happiness and independence by obtaining PSYCHOMANCY, FASCINATIO or SOUL CHARMING, 40) pages; cloth.” Fu instructions to use this power over men or animals at will, how to Mesmerize, become Trance or Write Mediums, Divination, Spiritualism. Alchemy * Omens and Drexms, Brigham Harem, Guide to Marriage, &c., all con- tained in this book ; 100,000 sold ; price by mail, in cloth $1,25, paper covers $1. No- tice.—Any person willing to act as agent will receive a sample copy of the work As no capital is required, all desirous of gente] employment should send for the ovk, enclosing 10cts., for oung’s Evaxsk Co,, phia. THE BEST PAPE § * ieticch as P + over , y y " for subscription—we are sorry to say" ht as no foreign government Would con that very. few, thus fur have responded. | sent to pay, and persistence in demanding | Pittsburgh, December 4.— | morning in Lawrenceburg, above Puker's and AND THE _ BEST INDUCEMENTS! This Quarters 13 Numbers SENT FREE by the C. H. Mfg Co., and wil. continue the same, at the old stand, in allits branch- es, in the manufacture of A fire carly this the right side of the s.ull, mashing it in tious satiiemont would Tead to. inevitable killing him instantly. He was We again call upon them to send us the maney due—we need it press ingly, We have spent our money up- oi the ReEronTer furnished them thus far, and ogy new press, and the great expense of enlarging the paper, puts of justice will prompt all who are in arrearsy to religve us in this predica- confiet, in which there would be new los- ses of public and private property for which ‘no indemnity would | Butler hus managed to getinto the message his oft told grievances of Cape Cod fisher- (men, The President thinks that the Cana- ever «be received. | They Lave not given our intruding fisher- ‘men proper warning before seizing them, | Landing, destroyed the Revere House, the Butler House, Flor:nee Hotel, New York | Hotel, Adams & Foster's dry goods store, | Christlow’s grocery Lewis & Co's cigar store and about thirty private dwellings, and the Legal Tender and Independent oil wells. i an incendiary. York, Pa., December 4.— [Special to the { i i | { { { due us. | f & hal Speaker While bas ordered an clec- tin on the 20th of Decemier to fill a re Watt. “am “tol. John J. Patterson, a well insidious design of creating a “political ef- fect” against this government. In appre- hension that the uneighborly acts of Cana- {da will be vontinged, the President recom- | authoriging the frunsit of goods in bond |neross the territory of the United States to {Canada ; all of which Congress will not be urgest and finest in the State, with the whole of last season’s erop and seventeen head of cattle, were burned, very early this ‘morning, supposed by an incendiary. i } wv Markleville, Perry himself, wife and two children perished in the flames. The fire was caused by the ex Jiininta county, now liying jn Colum- bit, South Carolina, is a candidate for United States Sepator, from that State. Very y , the carpet baggeys are not all dead yet. mmm ee A tlie A Subscribe for the Reparter, tplication of Butivr's plan of nou-iater- | caurse, but the representatives of the peo. ple will hardly give President Grant the | power of interfering by proclamation with the commerce of the country. With this recommendation, Butler's anticipated cod fish war may be said to have closed, and it w 11 be long before the country will hear any meye copeernipg it,—-Morning Patriot. New Orleans, December 1.—An exten- sive conflagration occurred here this mor- ning. The Varieties theatre, John Jaw- kins’ store room, Schiller’s coffee houseand Lines' stable, were destroyed. The fire originated in the property room of the theatre. An adjoining building was also damaged. Two firemen are reported un- der the fallen walls. The los is $250,000; ipsurance $100,000, in local companies. i brought to Lock Haven that night on the ‘train and burried the following Saturday ‘at Dunnsburg. Heleaves a wife and three children (one of them a step-child) in desti- [tute circumstances, Her first husband was ‘killed on a railrond Wilson was about 35 years old, of a fine, athletic build, and lis spoken of highly by his neighbors. He was raised on Kettle creek, nbout 20 miles ‘above Westport, where his father now re- | sides.— Clinton Democrat, 1st inst DE ——— | Important Decision. Jackson, Miss., Dec. 4 —Judge Fisher, ‘of the circuit court now in session at | Panola, on Saturday, in the case of the ‘State Dickey decided that a .white man who had been living with a negro woman before emancipation and after, was ur.der the luws and constitution of the State of Mississippi, her lawful husband. The decision causes no little excitement, as there are a numberof similar cases pending in the different court: of this State VR dein > ip San Francisco. November 80.—It rained night, and there ave indications of contin: nance of the storm. There were heavy snows in the mountains, and POWDER! COAL—- Wilkesbarre Coal, Chestnut. Stove, Egg, furnace and foundry, Conl—of bost quality, at the low- est: prices. Customers will please note that our coal is housed un- der commodious sheds. Wood or coal-burnt Lime, for sale at our kilns, on the pike leading to Milesburg. ; LIME— POWDER.—Having received the agenc for Du Pont’'s Powder A WHOLESALE, we shall be pleased to receive orders from the trade. Y ar south end of Bald Office and yard ne ole Depot, Bellefonte, Pa. Eagle Vuliey R. R. STOVE PIPE & SPOUTING. All kinds of repairing done. He has always on hand Fruit Cans, of all Sizes, BUCKETS, curs f DIPPERS, DISHES, &C. All work warranted and charges reason- able. A share of the public patronage so- licited. AND. REESMA : 2:ep70y Centre Hall ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Prizes cashed and information furnished by GEORGE UPHAM, Providence R, 1 MAS EGGS.—Big thing. Send for | Circular to A, Tuomas, 320 Wash- ington St., Brooklyn, N Y, ; A CARD.—A Clergyman, while resi- ding in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness Early De- cay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole tram of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Gres’ numbers have been cured by this benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will, send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Free of charge. Address SHORTLIDGE & CO. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City, dec24t z to all subscribi be next year's Fitey-Two Numbers of * Moore's Rural New- Yorker, THE GREAT ILLUSTRATED RURAL AND FAMILY WEEKLY, F AND COUNTRY. OR TOWN The Rural, now ie 21st ear, in ot only the Largest’ Best an eapes : by far the Largest Circulating Jour! of its Class in the World? Ngatiozal in Character, Ably Edited, Superbly Illus. 1st un Oi RICAN WEEKLY? trated and Printed it I ay d Auth all branch. tisthe Stan uthorityens anchs es of Agriculture, &c, Asa Literary and Family*Paper itis a favorite in many of the best families all over the Union, Cana- da, &c. Indeed, Moore’s Rural Rival in its Sphere, and is the Largest Il. Justrated Journal on the Continent—each number containing Sixteen Five-Column Pages, (double the size of most papers of its class.) It is the paper for the East, West, North, and South. gk TERMS, INDUCEMENTS, &C. TERMS—$3 a Year of 52 Numbers, and only $2,50 ir Clubs of Ten. : This Quarters 13 Numbers sent Free, as above, Our Club Inducements for 1871 are un- edented Specimens, Premium Lists, &e., sent free to all forming Clu —and Acdress D. D. T. ‘ New Yory,