CENTRE HALL REFORTER, FRIDAY SEPTEMBERBYH 1 LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL NRWS.—Our friends will oblige us by sending in any items of local inter- est, including deaths, marriages, &ec., as such are cagarly read by vour friends in the west, many of whan get the Reporter. We would asfeon ita fav trons would gecasianally mail a copy of the Ranartor te relatives and acquaintans cas wh farmarly livel in Centre ¢ounty and removed to other na ts, which woul induce many ta beooama sabseribers, BLANKS Blank Simmons, Vendu Notas, Kxeeutions, snd Judgment and Rx mts Nita Ahngiwinady Justices War. enants, &o., fur salgent this Office. InporTANT TO Business MeN.— The circulation of the REPORTER, on this sid» of the county, is now greater than that of any two papers in the county, hence business men who wish to reach the Pennsvalley trade, will advance their own interests, by adver- tising in the ReporTER. Our subscrip- tion list is open to the inspection of all who wish to advertise. AE Towxsair NomiNaTioONs. — The democrats of the various township will hear in mind that township officers will have to be elected at the general election in October. We suggest that meetings to make nominations, be held at the usual places, on Saturday, Oc- tober, 1st. The democrats of Potter will meet at the Old Fort, on Satarday, Oct. 1st, at 2 p. m., to nominate, 1 assessor, 2 assistant assessors, 1 judge, 2 inspectors 9 school directors, 2 overseers, 1 audi tor, and 1 townclerk. 2h BOULUD a ae Cruren DenroaTiox.—The flowy repaired Evangelical Lutheran chure ‘who has been staying Here with “his Excelsit Pholagniph caf his ‘week ellefonta,, where he ‘man Bro’s tod, to continue twkihg ‘photographs, gems, ambrotypes, &e., lof every size and style. He keeps frames of all styles and prices. Asan ‘artist, Mr. Glenn has no superior, "His work at once recommends itself land [Charly, during Fair week, and get a | picture that will please you and your | friends. «We can spepk of bis work us |unsurpassable. Fé tt ect. A en — RouNaway.—Qu last Saturday after inoown, as Mr, George Harpster, an aged citizen of this place, had returned [from & visit to Snyder county, while in [the act of leading his horse from the | post in front of his house to the stable, ithe animal took fright and made a la woodpile, into which the old gentle ‘man was dushed with great force, the vehiele passing over him and upsetting, ‘the horse took down street, making H complete wreck of the ton buggy, which was the property of Wm. Wolf. Mr. Harpster was confined to his bed a few days in consequence of the acei- dent, but received no serious injurics, ee lp Gp - Fatarn Accipext~—At Milroy, on last Friday evening, 19th inst. as M r| John Strunk was handling some coal] oil and benzine it accidentally caught fire. Mr. Strunk seized the vessel con- ‘taining the burning liquid and at ‘tempted to carry it out of the house, ‘but when he came to the outside door he found it locked and in trying to ‘open it, his elothes eaught fire. Harry Rope boy of 17, or thereabout, go die ual Lian di 4 hel A corps of Penn’a R. R. engineers, commenced operations, ontheold road, iu thaygep, across from Centre Hall, on [Wedflosdnys.® odo 5 wan ree a f DEATHS. On 22nd inst, at Centre Hill, of con. sumption, Margaret Gilliland, wife of David Gilliland, aged about 58 years. MARRIAGES. On 20th by the Bev 8S. Aurand at the so oli hony G. Noll and Miss Sarah M. Swan- ger of Millheim, Pailadelphia Market, Wheat quiet and unchavged, Rye at 88¢, Corn dull at 95297. Oats unchanged, Lard duli wt 13 al60, NEW YORK MARKET Wheat—No 1 spring at 81 25.1 27, and winter red alabot 1 30al 34, Rye dull and nominal. Oats at 52add0c, Corn dull at 85a88e¢. Beef unchanged, Lard at 153al51, ~ Chicago Market, Whea' dallat 1 50}a1 50! for Na 2 spring, Corn, No 2at 63ec. Oats, No 2at 361a36lec, Rye, No 1 at 73¢. Barley at 80.90¢ for No, 2 Hogs quiet at Sa8ie, Cattle at 3ia7le. MILROY MARKE1S. Corrected by Reed & Thompson. red 000 to } 15...... Rye 70 Old outs 35 New oats 85... Barley 90 Cloverseed 6.00 Timothyseed 4,00......... Salt 2 50 per suck, and 3,00 per barrel... .. Hagen Otc Ham 22...... Butter 30... Eggs I 3 T EACHERS EXAMINATIONS. ~ The Examinations will be held as fol. lows commencing at 9, o'clock, ut which time the Secretary wil be expected to have the class Srguniaed and in readiness, soa to ¢iuse no delay. Applicants for schools will bo required to attend the Examination in the district where they expect to teach, unless’ they produce a writton request to ‘the contrary from the proper Bourd. All Should be provided with paper, pen and Ink. Murion—Jacksonwville, tember, 24, dif Penn—Milltheim, Saturday, Octobor, 1st. A a Tuesday, . Octobon, 4th, Potter—Centre Hull, Thursday, October, 27th, Grego —~Penn Hall, Friday, October, Tth, Hains —Anronsburg, Saturday, October, {8th, . Harris —DBoalsbure, ber, 12th. Ferguson—Iine Grove, Thursday Octo- ber, 13th. Saturday, Sep- " Woednoesday, Octo- Come one a e Assortment of those splen-| sole Goods whic wv Manufactured at the MILROY ‘Another Great Earthquake in CALIFORNIA ! Another lar “did. a ¥ ) ’ ‘ | will now be offered to the public, Thankful for past favors, 1 mn again rea-| dy to supply my old customers aud num- bers of new anes. My wagon willisoon ap. pear The T.rgest Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. ; . at Centre Hall, At Your Doors, londed with a great variety of Goods, fugh ns Plain and Fancy Cassimeres of the lutest LADIES AND GENTS Halfmoon —Stormatown, Friday Octabor, 14th. | Patton—Waddle's sehnolshouss, Saturs day, October, 156th, | Benner—Armagast's school-honge Mon. | day, October, 17th. | Lilesburg and Bogs—Milesburp, Tues. day, October 18th. : Howard and Curtin—Howard, Wednes- | day, October, 19th, oy Eagleville Thursday, October, | 20th, Taylor and Worth—~Port Matilda, Sat- turday Octebor 22d, | Huston—Julian Furnace, Monday, Octo-| thar, 24d. | } | { Union—=Unionville, Tuesday, October, | | 26th | Spring—Valentine's school-bouse, Wed-| [nerday, October, 20th. | (Speci | Examinations will be held at;—| | Rebershurg, Saturday, Noyeaaber, 5th. | Ballefonte, Saturday, November, 12th. | {for such as were prevented from a tending! lat the proper time, all such Applicants] {must come prepared, az required on page 1139 of the school L MAGEE. R Co., Supt. | Aug2i | RAVELERS LIFE AN ACC KE} IN- SURANCE COMPANY, of | | Hartford, Conn. Cash Assets, $1,- | M. Spring & Summer Styies, Beaver Cloth, Tricot, Doeskin, Satinets, Tweeda, Jeans, waterproof Plaids, an almost endless variety of DRESs DRY GOODS, AND GROCERIES Ra; Ylannels Fine, Medium and Coarse, Stocking Yarns of ull kinds, he BLANKETS. white, gray, and horse Dlankets, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARL CARPETS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. heavy Damask, Flowered, Ingrain and Striped, Parlor and Stair Carpets, all supe- rior, bright fast colors, WOOL, LARD, und SOAP taken in ex-! change for Goods. Goods, of every varie, ty, always on hand at his residence. John C. Kemp, . ; centre ud Pa. Agent for Thompson & Sons. | Rn 2 2 SHAWLS, Go THIS WAY | ITS! SUITS W. W. McQlellan, at Bellefonte, would] | | i | | | | ALSO, A CHEAP LINE OF FLANNELS, | MUS..N8, ; CALICOES, | AND apr2tf ———————————— ALSO, A. GOOD ASSORTMENT OF J ust ¥ Culverwel ry Remin years’ sucel 4 internal m knife; pe simple, certn whic condition may * ‘address, $ Box WE we : Fr Cy go & Co., % - ands of 3 ¥ BELLEFONTE MARKETS. iu Auronsburg, will be dedicated on|seeing the situation of Mr. S., ran to his Sunday, ‘the 9th of October, 'next.{asistance, and in endeavoring to ex- There will be German and English tinguish the flames his clothing also preaching on the occasion. The relig took fire, burning him in a terrible nine, a. m. Several ministers will of religion and the ublic in general, | are cordially invited to attend. By. order of Building Committee—Wm | 11. Stover, J. H. Musser. sep23t3 | ee » * Mr. A. D. Swartz offers his fine prop- erty, at this place, for sale. ‘See ad- vertisement. The letter from oh 2 M., withi several others, we are obliged to omit, | on account of the space required by political articles, the election being so near at hand. od ntegie. ArresT,— We are informed that a German, who has been in this coun-| try only sume five weeks, has been ar. rested in Sugar Valley, on suspicion of firing the barns of Messrs. Slhioyer| and Brumgart. : pr - “fr Sa ooo Keller and Musser, Bellefonte, vi | have an exhitbition of goods, in their store during fic week, which will be a signt worth seeing. Admittance wil be free—children half price—bat the most attractive part will be, that goed will be disposed of at what might be cousidered half price. Don't forget it. Ee aerate ibe i Sib ii We saw something new at Graham & Son's boot and shoe store, the other dav. This is a metallic heel, to be at tached to the boot or shoe by means of! three screws, instead of the common proved forms Ample security, | ow rates. Also insures against! hn ANY + " { Potatoes 0,75] ACCIDENTS causing death or] n | . : & . 4 . i er pound 00 [total disabi.ity. Policies written by the White Whent $1,830, Red 1 15... 'Rye...... 10 Cloverseod 6,50 ard por pound 18 Butter 30......Eggs 2. Pte: ton manner ; and inhaling some of the gas| therefrom, his lungs were so badly ins Mr. Strunk was still in a very critical condition but hopes are entertained of his recovery. - - ——— —— di @ AA ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING —On last Wednesday afternoon, while a party of boys were out gunning, a son of Mr. Wash. Loneberger, about two miles from this place, met with a very! serious accident. A son of John Hor ner shot at a greundsquirrel, running upon the fence. Loneberger being upon the opposite side, the bullet une fortunately stiuck his right arm below the elbow, which was fearfully shat. tered, and theu passed into his right] side above the hip and it 13 supposed, lodged in his bowels. There isno hope for the recovery of the unfortunate boy. y er eee Ameen The Wes the roads covered several inches deep with dust. AL. lf pr mmr ne Ho! tue Farr! tHE Fair | —Every body in Pennsvalley talks about going to the Centre county fair, October 4th, 5th, Gth, and 7th, and all being anx- ious to know whether Burnside & Thomas have received new goods, we can tell them they did receive them. and a magnificent stock, intended ex- leather heel. It is beautifully made, aud we think is destined to succeed the bor, and will not wear out. pressly for fair week, and a short time! 158 Tullow 124...... Bucon 18...... Hami0 discovered a sate and simple remedy for cay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders Great numbers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one whe needs it, Free of Charge. Address JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D., Bible House New York City. junl7.Om $1000 REWARD !—1 will give one thou. sand dollars reward forany ease of the fol- lowing disease, which the Medical Fucul- ty have pronounced incurable, that Dr. Richau's Golden Remedies will not cure, )r Richau's Golden Balsam No. 1, will, curo Syphilis in its primary and secondary | stages, such as old Uleers, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Skin Eruptions and Sorcness of the Sealp, eradicating disense and mercury thoroughly —Dr. Richau's diseases to obtain a radical cure wilitout wevent the patients from eating and drink- + 83 per bottle or two bottles, $0, | Dr. Richau's Golden Antidote, a safe] and all Urinary Derangements, nceom; a- nied with full directions. Warranted to] cure. Price, $3 per bottle, Dr. Richau's Golden Elixir d" Amour, a| radical eure for General Debility in old or voung, imparting energy to those who have led au life of sensuality. Price, $5 per bot- tle. or two bottles $0. On receipt of price, by mail or Express, be shipped to any spondents, None genuine Address, Dr. D. B. Rich- Now York. oecly we A Radical Revolution and more durable than leather and suve an immense amount of work. Yvery body ought to call and see them. The above we copy from the Belle- foute Watchman, and add that we have also examined the new" patent heel, and take it to be a useful invention, and lasting upon boots and shoes. Messrs. Graham & Son have the right fur Centre county. M. W. Jacobus, D. D,, Commentor ard Professer in Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pa, says, of “Our Father's House.” The topies are fresh and sug- gestive; the style is highly cultivated and ornate; the book is fascinating, instructive and elevating.—See adver- tisement. di Tae REasoN Way.—The immedi- ate cause of premature fading or blanching of the: hair is an obstruction of the oil vessels which afford the col- oring matter. The remote causes may be general ill health, trouble of mind, etc. Hence, in order to restore its natural color and beauty the oil vessels must be restored to their normal con- dition, It is on this principle that Nature's Hair Restorative is com- pounded, and it has proved a complete success, wherever faithfully applied. It is not a poisonous dye, consequently the effect is gradual, and in severe cases two or three bottles are necessary to produce the desired result. See ad- vertisement. A uli > Larce House.—The largest - buil- ding in Pennsyalley, is the new store and dwelling of Mr. Snook, the enter- prizing merchant of Millheim. Tt is a three story brick, extending back the whole length of the lot and cover- ing the front, facing the turnpike, The third story, we are informed, is intea- ded for a hall. Mr. Snook’s new building is an ornament to that enter- prisig 4nd ively “town, and proves that a man who sells goods low and advertises, will always get along. A large assortment of all kinds of goods, always on hand at Bnook’s and bar- gains never run-out. Uri=Mr. Samuel Working’s new fn on Charen street, went up this week. Centre Hamil still keeps on im- provibg, new houses are continually going apyand others are in contempla- tion. ee el Ae The county jail now has eight board- ers—three being blacks. money of their customers. We recom no other store. Attention Farmer MILROY GRAIN DEPOT. ing the farmers of Centre county, that they still continue to have charge of the W | house, attached to the mill, at Milroy, and are still prepared to i Grain, for Cash, at | Persons dealing with the firm, can rest as- ‘sured that we will at all times render sat- |isfaction, in paying prices as high as else where, resolved not to be underbid, Thankful for the liberal patronage here- tofore given them, they hope, by a striet attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same. PLASTER, SALT AND COAL, always on hand and for sale at lowest mar- tket rates. REED & THOMPSON. A.S. KERLIN, Supt. of Warehouse 16sep3m UDITOR'S NOTICE.—The under- signed, an auditor appointed by the Orphan’s Court, of Centre county, to dis- tribute the money arising out of the estate of Catherine Wise, (formerly Catherine Kern), daughter and heir at law of John Kern, deceased, to and amongst those le- ally entitled thereto, will. attend to the is ofhis appointment athis office on Fri- day the 21st day of Oct., 1870, at 10 o'clock a . m., of said d \y, when and where all parties interested ean attend, or they will forever after be debarred from gaining any. part of decedents estate. JNO. F. POTTER, 16scp3t Auditor. News! See Here! TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undersigned hereby informs the ¢itizens of Pennsvalley that he has pur chased the Tinshop heretofore carried on by the C. H. Mfg Co., and wil: continue the same, at the old stand, in all its branch- es, in the manufacture of STOVE PIPE & SPOUTING. All kinds of repairing done. He has always on hand Fruit Cans, of all Sizes, BUCKETS DIPPERS, DISHES, &C. All work warranted and charges reason- able. A share of the public patronage so- licited. AND. REESMAN, Zepl0y Ceutre Hall HOWARD SANITARY ATID ASS0- CIATION.—For the Relief and Cure of the Errir g and Unfortunate, on Principles of Christian Philanthropy. Follies of Age, in relation to MARRIAGE and SociAL EviLs, with sanitary aid forthe iflicied Sem = sealed Envelopes. Address, 1} SSOCIATION, Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. julls.1y LEAD, Cristadoro’s Excelsior Hair Dye Its effects CRISTADORO.S HAIR PRESERVA- Try it. “Children’s Lives Saved for 50 ets.” FMPHOUSANDS OF CHILDREN DIE ANNUALLY OF Croop. Now, Moth- ers, if you would spend 50 cents, and al- ways have a bottle of Dr. Tobiar's Venetian Liniment in the house, you never need fear losing your little one when attacked with this complaint. It is now 22 years since 1 have put up my Liniment, and never heard of a child dying of Croup when my Lini- ment was used but hundreds of cures have been reported to me, and many state if it was $10 per bottle they would not be with- out it. Besides which, it isa certain cure for Cuts, Burns, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Swellings, Mumps, Colic, Diarrhea Dysentery, Sprains, Old Sores and Pains in the Limbs, Back and Chest. Noone once tries it who is ever without it. nally. Full directions with every bottle. Sold by the Druggists and Storekeepers in the United States. N.X. BRANDRETH’S PILLS. Their great value consists in this: They may be used so long as any disease affects any of the organs of the body; and by thus persevering in their use the disease will be cured, and the body restored to health, free from every taint and impurity, Their reputation proves their merit. Thomas Smith, Coroner and Justice of the Peace, Hastings-on-the-Hudson, says Brandreth's Pills eured him of Dyspepsia and Heartburn, when every other medicine had failed to relieve him. Certificate dated April 2, 1868, Dr. Turner, of Savannah, Ga., says he has, for nearly forty years recommended Brandreth’s Pills as a specific in Yellow Fever, that he never knew a patient to die who took them torthis ma.ady, being other wise sound. Their prompt use takes out of the body those matters which feed the ly medicine he considers them far in ad- vanee of all others, and here he speaks from personal experience of their quali- ties. year or month. Has paid $700 get day! for Six Years in benifits to policy-holders. | sept. 20.41 OX A DAY '—40 new articles for! £25 Agents Samples free. H. B.| SHAW, Alfred, Me. sept. 30.4¢t | i ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. | Prizes cashed and information furnished by | GEORGE UPHAM, Providence R. 1. | pt 80 4t ' 30 Cenls to 85 per Evening, at Home !| | Weare prepared to farnish ‘profitable 'craployment to Men and V' omen at their] homes. One person in each loenlity through- | out the United States, cun engage in this! business of great wages. We send, free, | full particulars and a valuable sample, | which will do to commence work on® Any | person seeing this notice, who wants profit. able, permanent work, Shoald send us their] address, without delay. E. C. ALLEN & CO., Augusta, Maine. $10 nll Tool A PAY FOR ALL —Stencil Tool L-| LAM, (15 Broadway. N'Y. snmples mailed free. A, J, Fu sept. 30,4 VOID QUACKS. —A victim of early indiseretion, causing nervous debilis! | 80 oe A. ple means of self-core, which he will send ree to his fellow-sutlerers, Address J. free to his fell fferer Addr L.} SAXON GREEN. Is Brighter,witl not Fade, Costs Less] as much surface, SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IN | PAINTS. | J. HL WEEKS & CO., Manufacturers, 122 North 4th Strect, Philadelphia. sep9,4t| SYCHOMANCY. FASCINATION| OR SOUL-CHA RMING.—400 pages; | cloth. This wonderful book has full dn- | either sex, or any animal, at will. Mes It can be obtained | by sending address, with 10 cents postage, | to T. W. EVANS & CO.. No. 41 So. Eighth] St., Philadelphia. sept. dw] PRICE REDUCED. | THE BESTIN THE COUNTRY. | | NEWYORK OBSERVER, | $3 PER ANNUM. SIDNEY E. MORSE, JR. & CO, 47 Park Row, New York. septd. dw | ANTED —Lands in Pennsylvania for eash and good stoc