Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, August 19, 1870, Image 2

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remem }
CeNTRE ann, Pa. Avaust Ith 1870.
© Dumcerntic. Nominations.
For Assembly, |
P. GRAY MEEK, of Bellefonte. |
For Commissioner,
JOHN G. SANKLIY, of Gregg.
For Jury Commissioner.
WM. BURCHFIELD, of Ferguson,
For Auditor,
DR. dg. BUSH, of Patton,
We are pleased to notice that the
ticket placed in nomination by the
democratic county convention, last]
week, meets the approbation of the
masses, and that the democracy of oid
Centre will march with it to victory
in October.
Hon. L. A. MACKEY is the choice
of the democracy for Congress, His
nomination was made by acclamation,
and without any solicitation on his
part. He is the strongest man in the
district, and the only one, we firmly!
believe, under whom it is possible for
us to carry the same. Believing that
Mr. Mackey will receive the unani
mous nominaiion of the congressionv]
conference, . soon to assemble, we defor
farther allusions to him; until we can
chronicle his nomination by the district!
conference. |
In Hon, C. T. ALexaNDER, Centre
Wm. H. Armstrong,
We have, during the late session of
entre county, the votes of the above]
; : tae)
republican, that in what we have prin-|
ted of Mr. Armstrong, we told the sim-|
ple truth, and that we did him no in-|
. a . |
him. This proof is the dissatisfaction |
honest |
a .
Ie fails to receive the|
does not appear as that of an
represental ive.
opposed to Mr, Armstrong, and one
vention, last week, twenty-four dele
in the
maining counties composing the dis
aies voted against him.
trict, he fares no better—and why?
[or the reasons already given in the
Rerorrer, the present summer.
record stinks— he has voted with
lunderers and thieves, and given him-
self over to the foul Washington rings
Let us again give a short expose of his
Ist. Armstrong voltd against a prop-
osition to discontinue the odious income
proposition to fasten the income tax
upon the people.
4th. Armstrong assisted in voting
Re —
Colored Democratic Association. |
We hope the above heading won't
: ‘ . | French ironclad fleets wore recently in
frighten any Centre county worship | co proximity of the mouth of the Elbe.
pers of the African. But it is a fact | The Prussians hold all avenues of com-
Th o War in Europe.
Tho Prussians y esterday bo:ubarded and
. . {eaptured tho fortresses of Duzelstein und
are getting numerous enough in Sn Lichtenburg, in the Vosger mountains,
places to form regular associations.| he Crown Prince is in the rear of Motz,
The Baltimore Gazette, of the 11th ‘and his army is within fifteen miles of
| Nancy.
; J Itis believed in London that Prussia has
A large and enthusiastic meeting of} ,pupad pence,
» . 1 "nn . .
quarters, No. 51 Holiday St. The fol- 10 and General M Mabon is represented
lowing named oflicers were elected: he in a deplorable condition,
. and James Ellis, Vice Presi-! decide the fate of the Empire, as popular
dent, fuith in the Emperor is vanishing,
The Saarbuck fight was more demorali-
the Association, addressed the meeting | zing to the French than has been supposed,
and stated that in the coming election The pursuers found arms and equipments
there is every indication that the num- | on the rond worth a million florins,
Advices from St. Avold, to Friday night,
The Prus.
party. 3 .
had becun to sce who are their true! sbout half way between Metz and
: | on the railroad.
friends, and are rapidly leaving the]
Republican ranks,
"nH . nad a i bu rg.
Fhe committee appointed at a pre-| EaBeRtitie. oF
vious meeting to procure a hal of | SaDRue vest qEaiIeuS Fry
. r . . Oo y rt wnceh.,
larger dimensions for the meeting of | "45 *oandoned by the frene
the association, rep rted that they had |
which is ample in size for the wants of
the Association. The Association then
adjourned to meet at the new hall on
Thursday next.
ee lps pe
tory in North Carolina, Tennes-
see and Kentuckey.
The recent elections in the above
states must be a great eye-sore to
Grant and his bayonctted minions.
These states have now again pro
nounced against radical tyrany. All
behind to observe and hold in check any
movement of the French fiom Metz and
rei tf Ap
county’s choice for Senator, we have aan to speculators and landsharks, for :
tried gentleman, who, as our represen-| which the government receives not WE hegre. vote Hi Sh sgeluss 1 ie
tative in the lower House, some years qt while you, reader, must pay for Democrats, yb Te urs Orie
ago, proved true to his party, and faith- 5, if you want but a single foot. ous party carried the day.
| pete -
ful to his constituents. He isa gentle-| 50, Ho followed up this vote with What the Negroes Want.
man of ability, and has always been another, voting away millions of acres! In the Radieal Convention of South
- . r 4 . ‘ . .y .
an active, working democrat. We cp oo valuable public lands, Carolina which recently nominated a
should be pleased to see him nomiva- ppv 10 the land ab gro for Dieuennns Governoz » so)
: : : Rais hich | ‘ red man named Cain thus delivere
ted hy the senatorial conference, which, Washington. jut
TH ose Baia : Pd . . himself:
meets on Thursday, August 18th, at! gin. Armstrong in all his votes upon| “There is a question that lies near
Lewistown, as *his name would add|jq,q grab schemes, assisted in voting my heart and near the heart of every
strength to the ticket, and in theevent! wav territory larger than the whole man of my race. It is the question ol
*his elects is ge IRE AIS cf oh 2 tdd)e ctnpn . equal representation in the halls of)
of his election, {his senatorial district, | of he middle states, free of cost to the J “I do Rive: dt has
\ patticalasly: would! Congress and in State affairs. It has
amd Centre county particularly, woulc speculators, g
. . al been charged upon me and a distin
« 3 » 2 TE » . . a ny
have a man in the Senate, of whom Wel Tth. Armstrong entirely neglected ruished friend that we have sought to
could feel proud, and in whose hands 4,0 interests of his constituents. raise a negro party. Let we just
our interests would be safe. | ‘touch that question with my magic
wand and transfer it, gad I have done.
All 1 ask is that tl’, eolored voters
shall have equal representation, 1
know that two years ago I thought it]
‘was not judicious to thrust ourselves
stealing rings
For these seven reasons the honest
Hou. P. G. MEEK, is our nominee republicans of the 18th district are dis-
for Assembly. It is useless to speak satisfied with W. H. Armstrong, and
to Centre county readers of his demoe- are opposed to his re-election. We
racy : his unswerving opposition to honor them for it.
vw 3} i
The Loss on Both Sides Heavy.
Berlin, August 15—midnight.—Further!
Fifth—No law granting bounty was
enacted by the Forty first Congress,
nor has such law been enacted since
the act of March 3, 1869.
Sixth—In all cases where blanks
and instructions for the presentation
of claims for bounty by claimants are
requested to state the service of the
soldier, the date and period of each en-
listment, the date and cause of dis-
charge, or if the soldier is dead, the
date and cause of death, the relation
ship of the nearest heirs, and what
bounty is claimed, should be fully
et nin items
What Is the Necessity for so Much
Forthe year ending the 30th of April,
1870, the following sums were collected by
the Federal Government trom our taxrid-
den people :
From Internal Revenue, viz:
Spirits av sesinn sasanssssrsr sins DR R03. G1
‘ean sess sears 428,51
Fermented liquors... “ne vernn, 122,67
ot seenenens hy 108,861
Gross receipts......... eskaseasssnnnses weno, 781, HBR
| merated...... weres snanssenses snes Sh 1 1 AR
| Income, including salaries... 38,512,334
LiOgncies obs utinsncivis viveis sivininsnnins 1,655,048
| PUSBPOFES cosivervrsnr sesssmisruses sorter sruensinss She SD
HO RBs sues eerae ssvassisrsasssmmes srnaissusas ready ST KIT
PRB ouusns srnssn serie seins sesennsas VE JOM
sessns sennirenss BIH BET
wun: 19,718,298
veeannss $000, 260,947
The custom duties were in gold. Redu-
ced to legal tenders, at the price of gold for
the last year, they are brought up to $200,-
1 000,000. The whole revenue, therefore, is
| $80,000,000 The interest on the debt is
{say $140,00¢,000, on thegreenback standard.
The expenses of the Government should
Sees E suns ann
000. Why, then, go on and raise $380,000, -
000, or even 200,000,000, in taxes ? The cus-
tom-house duties, with the internal taxes
lon spirits and tobacco, are amply sufficient.
| By taxing the bonds as other property is
Heroic Act,
Tt is not often weare called upon to re-
cord a more noble and unselfish act ofhero-
fsm that was witnessed on the Branch Road,
on Tuesdnyllast. Just previous to the return
ofthe Branch train, the wife of Jos. G.
W. Burns, who resides about midway be-
tween this place and Altoona, close along
the line of the rond went across the road to
a neighbor's, Unknown to Mrs. B. or any
member of the family, she was followed by
a little daughter about two years old. Just
us the child was crawling nervss the track
the train enme thundering along at a high
rate of speed. Owing to a sharp curve in
the road the engineer, Mr, Jumes R. Stew-
art—who, by the way, is always on the
look out—did not observe the child until
the engine had approached within about
sixty yards of it. With rare presence of
mind Mr. Stewart immediately shut off
steam, reversed engine and blew down
brakes, and then with lightning speed
went over the engine and down on the point
of the cow-entcher, and just as the pilot
was in the act of striking the child's legs,
with a sweep of his “good right arm’ lifted
and threw it off thetruck. As soon as the
train could be stopped the child was picked
to Mr. Stewart, who at the risk of his own
life had saved that of their darling, can be
better imagined than described. Allhonor
to the engineer of the branch for his noble,
manly daring. May he live long in the
land to wear his well earned laurels, and
may he never be called upon to undergo a
similur_ trying ordeal —(Hollidaysburg
- lie
A Boy Beheaded.
A most shocking and heartrending ac-
cident occurred on the 20th inst., in Upper
Providence township. Montgomery Co.,
opposite Phenixville, by whichla boy, by
the name o f Conway, who was ruuning a
mowing machine, for his half brother, kad
his head actually severed from his body.
It wppears by some mishap, while the ma-
chine was in motion, the boy was thrown
or fell from his position and his head came
in contact with the cutter, and was cut off,
ene A el A
The Radicals are cons'antly mouthing
about equality. That is one of their favo-
i — ————
[taxed, and by dispensing with the natio-
(rite watchwords. Now, equality is one
. . | . . s. a8 .
nul bank currency, substituting greenbacks | thing and a fanatic partiality is another
in its stead, we could get along easily thing. The difference between the two is
enough, and also have tea, coffee, sugar, |illustrated by the conduct of that party
% » “1 2s , » » ry . { 3 . . » .
fought ut the Yilliage of 1 "gn, near Motz the people insist at the coming elertion
und raged fiercely for six hours. (that this shall be done ?—Cincinnati En-
The Prussian foregs engaged in the ac- ‘quirer.
tion numbered sixty thousand, The men | pid
Some weeks ago the New York Tribune
made a statement in regard to fraudalent
of troops voting in that city, which went the rounds
engaged has not been ascertained. The of the press. It was charged that forty-
fire from the French infantry and artillery |
The French army was commanaed by
Marshal Bazaine. The number
seven thousand votes were polled from a
was terrific, but the Prussian line never for! population of twenty-two thousand, giving
an instant wavered, but followed up every auch district by number. The Tribune
advantage, under a perfeet hailof shot and wnkes the following retraction, which we
shell from the enemy, and finally, after a comm nd to those
hard fought and bloody struggle, succeeded paper :
who believe in that
in breaking the French lines, when a gene- | Finding in the Times a table of certain
ral panic ensued in the French ranks and unofficial returns from the present census
the troops under Murshul Bazaine were of total population in particu
driven in great confusion into Metz, while districts at the Muy election,
lur election
we hastily
radicalism, and the treason of aboli-|
tionism ; his bitter, but just, lashings
the monstrous negro equality doctrines,’
in the columns of the Watchman,
are not forgotten, and the party owes!
him its united support for his uocom-
promising stand. During the war he
was among the few who dared the min-,
ions of Lincoln, and would not down at |
their command. Mr. Merk akeady
served two terms in the lower House
and we defy the opposition to show
from his record, that he was not true.
to his trust, or that the interests of our.
county, or of the commonwealth, suf-|
fered at his hands. |
cy therefore gallantly rally to his sup-|
Let the democra-
forward mn office. I took the ground
that we had better send white men to
Congress, and that colored Republi-
cons could wait until after the elec-
tion of Seymour and Blair.
“We have colored men side by side
with white men, but since the passage
of the fifteenth amendment we believe
ha Jy we should take a step higher. 1 de
his vote in favor of every iniquitous mand that we should have a division of
measure which came up in Congress, the spoils. let us have three colored
by three white representatives in Con-
gress. Let us have an equal division
of the offices and the spoils und then we
shall be satisfied.
Will you allow]
Fur these seven reasous has the Re-
PORTER held up Mr. Armstrong to the
scorn of the people, and diligently
watched his course in Congress, so
that republicans and democrats might |
know how shamefully the man has be-
trayed his trust, and recklessly thrown
Honest voters, will you east your
re gp
R. H. Duncan has not yet made up
We trust not, and candidly ask every his mind to accept the rad nomination
Bob don’t like to go
endorse his votes
honest republican to examine this for Assembly.
| one corps retreated upon Verdun,
Thegorps of Marshal I’
that of Woerth.
wife emma
Reported Defeat of Prussians.
They are Retreativg Sovthward.
Y 9
from the Associated Press:
from Metz.
majority in Oclober. |
Mr. Joux G, SANKEY, our nowi-|
most withering rebuke at the ballot afraid of the pinching in going through
box. (the little end of the horn. Stick to her
salt and coul upon the free list. Will not toward the negro and the foreigner. The
'negro, although upon their evidence, had
{been kept while a slave in the most degra-
| ing and immoral condition, was admitted
at once to the right of suffrage. But when
[they come to the foreigner, they require
‘him to wait five years on trial, and then
present o certificate of hi: moral conduct
{ before they grant him the same right. The
| mgst brutal and ignorant negro ean vote at
once, but the most educated and refined
Morcigner must wait five years and then
prove his character. And such is Radieal
EE —
Rum is making fearful havoe in Al-
‘bany. The Argus says: “Two limbs
of the law, six government officials,
one physician, and nine wives of re-
|nccepted the figures and made them the esting families, were before the courts
past month on a charge of
grosslyldrunkenness, The disease is spread-
the vote of the whole ward {ing to an alarming extent.”
being given us that of a single election dis-| = re r— — —
trict in it. We utterly withdraw our] $1000 REWARD! I will give one thou-
lcomments opologize to our readers for (xand dollars reward for any case of the fol
having trusted the times on anything and [sowing Sisense’, which theMedical Fucul-
: » #081 y have pronounced incurable, that Dr.
promise never to do so any more. | Richaw’'s Golden Remedies will not cure.
ro ii ie Dr Richau's Golden Balsam No. 1, will
The following seems to be the result of | cure Syphilis in its primary and secondary
the election in North Carolina. The Cons | stiges. such ax ald Ulcers, J Jcernted Sure
se sul dS casi hi lun : coal real, Hore Byes, OKIn Nruptions an
gressional delegation stands five conserva-| : g disease
: . : CVT Soreness of the Scalp, eradieatin
tives and two Republicans. The political and mercury thoroughly —Dr. Richau's
complextion of the Legislature is not very | Golden Balsum No. 2, will cure the third
much from the following: Senate—Con-| ROS of syphilitic and mercurial rhewma-
servalive. 8%" Revubli : " ttism, and I defy those who suffer from such
Serva Ive, ¥ey fiepub cans, 18; Lower | diseases to obtain a radical cure without
House— Conservatives, 75; Republicans, 45. the aid of this medicine, which does not
Hiram, better withdraw your cutthrouts, | prevent the patients from eating and drink-
i {ing what they like. Price of either No 1
Gov. Geary has appointed J Alexander! VF 83 PRbel bore op two bogies $9. p
| cas ; ye . | rf. chau s Golden ntidote, a safe
(DImpson as Rey Fills » 3]. : : 4
omy ns R Kister of Wills of Philadel land radical cure for Gonorrhea, Gravel
phia for the unexpired term of Gen. W. A. (and all Urinary Derangements, accom; a-
Leech, deceased, notwithstanding the nied with full directions. Warranted to
efforts made by leading men of both par-| “UN Price, 53 per bottle, ,
tis to lve the oflice filled : | Dr. Richau's Golden Elixir @' Amour, a
Lure lice ed 30 #s the widow | radical cure for General Debility in old or
{and children of Gen. Leech would receive young, iinparting energy to those who have
Hed a life of sensuality.
FIO PAINTERS. <1 have just received a
new lot of Pure white Lead, which 1
have had manufactured according to my
own directions, and will warrant it not only
equal bul superior to any other Lead in the
market. “A trial order solicited,” and if
not what it is recommended to be, 1 will
pay eurtuge,both ways when returned, and
refund the honey. Be sure and inquire for
“McManigal's Sure white Lead,” cheaper
Brand always on hand, also Linseed Oil
Turpentine, Florence white, umbers, and
ull Dry Paints, Prices low.
augd.tf ___ Hardwire Store, Milroy.
PUBLIC SALE.—The valuable
furm, belonging to the estate of Maj John
Neff, dec'd, situate on the Boalsburg road,
2 miles west of Centre Ha I, is offered at
public sale; the same containing
140 Acres of Choice Farming Land,
avd 35 Acres of good W
Thercon are erected a dwellin
: nk Barn, an
| er necessary outbuil-
dings, with a weil of never
|iniling water at the door, and
— “wa Inrge cistern at the Barn, an
Orchard of choice fruit is also upon the
place’ For further particulars ply to
the undersigned, or to Mr. John Bitner
upon the primises Also:
Two Houses and Lots,
and several outlots, in the town of Centre
Hall, wre also offered at publie sale, one
being a very desirable residence near the
central part of the town, with choice fruit,
and all conveniences, -
All the above property will be offered
at Public Sale, at Centre Hall, on Sat-
urday, 27th Avgidt next.
aul2 tf
Patt Agents, 450 Ninthete WeshnROD:
atent Agents, 459 Ninthst., W
D. 0 Jor advice, terms and references, :
a A S——— Se ooo
than any other because. it will Paint twice
as much surface,
1 10 WES A ares,
122 North 4th’Street, Philadelphia. jull8t
STITUTE for Young Men and Boys.
Send for circulars to Rev, J. BE, ALExaAx-
peg, Principal, Hightstown, N. J. agub.4¢
———————— SS ——————
A Book of 125 closely printed Iate-
ly issued, contains a list of the best Ameri-
can Advertising Mediums, giving the
names, circulations, and full particulars
concerning the leading Daily and Weekly
Political and Family N
er with all those having Ia
published in the interest of Religion, Agri-
cultuse, Literature, &e., &e. Every Ad-
vertiser, and every person who eontem-
plates becoming such, will find this book
of great value. Mailed free to any addres
on receipt of fifteen ecnts. GEO. P
ROWELL & CO. publishers, No” 40 Park
Row New York.
The Pittsburg (Pa.) Leader, in its issue
of May 29, 1870, says: “The firm ol G. P.
Rowell & Co, which issues this interes-
ting and valuable book, is the largest and
best Advertising Agency in the United
States, and we can cheerfully recom nend
it to the attention of those who desire to
advertise their business scientifieally and
systemetically in such a way; that is, so to
secure the largest amount of publicity for
the least expenditure of money.” jullbst
oP A Lv E NTS Letters
Inventors who wish to
Patent are advised to counsel with MUNN
& CO., editors of the Scientific Amnieriean,
who have prosecuted claims before the
Patent Office for over Twenty Years. Their
American and European Patent Agency is
the most extensive in the world. Charges
less than any other reliable agency. A
mumphlet containing full instructions te
inventors is sent gratis, MUNN & CO, 37
Pa k Row, New York 15jul, 8¢
VOID QUACKS.—A victim of earl
indiscretion, eausing nervous debill-
ty, premature decay, &e., having tried in
vain eve y advertised remedy, has a sim-
ple mesans of self-cure, which he will send
free to his fellow-sufferers. Address J. N.
TUTTER 78 Nassau st., New York. sugd.4¢
The New
. DS . o
= Empire 2.
The extraordinary success of their new and
improved manufacturing Machines for
light or heavy work, has induced the
Empire Sewing Machine Co.
to manufacture a Now Family Machine of
the same style and construction, with addi-
tional ornamentation, making it equal in
beauty and finish with other Family Ma-
chines, whereas in usefulness it far owtstrips
all eowpetitors, The price of this now ne-
knowledged necessary article comes within
| , A : ts GE
[nq : : | the benefits of the office y expira- Price, $5 per bot-
| which the Prussians are said to have been! the office until the expira 2 i :
hardworking farmer of Gregg town-son receive the radical nomination for | > worsted. Hesays that his dispatch states! How gf He 190 Pe W ick the General was!
ov 3 « « x > 1 . « 1 » » . » » . » { { . felected., 8 8 ’ - TE
ship, and a man of intelligence and (Senator, in this district. Bill is light, WmirreMore Backs Our.— | that they retreated southward with a loss ©0cted: And this is the way the great|th
. age alas Ship | r . liao pardoner treats the widow hi
business qualifications. He hails from | yd we should like to have an easy Charleston, August 15.—\Whittemore, of forty thousand men. The broker seemed |} ow and children of
| beat. tle, or two bottles $9.
On receipt of price, by mail or Express,
eso remedies will be shipped to any
place. Prompt attention paid to all corre-
[spondents. None genuine without the
reach of every elass, and the Company is
prepared to offer the most liberal induece-
ments to buyers, dealers and agents. Ev-
ery Machine warranted. Apply for circus
lars and samples to
. . : : tH 1a nerorlidemi in Rta tf i 1. One ofthe bravest of the braves,
good democratic stock, and has been | campaign H Wilson’ .rond io the has issued an address to his constitu- to have confidence in his information, as he
K i > - . - . ‘ :
an unflinching member of our party all
his life. He is a gentleman of strict
integrity, and belonging to the toiling
ests of our county ever in his mind, as
cone of the board of Commissioners.
Economy will be his aim, and to lessen
be his earnest endeavor. The office of
Commissioner is one of the most im-
portant in the county, and when such
men as Mr. SANKEY are presented all
true and honest citizens should come
to their support, if they desire their
own interests properly cared for.
For Jury Commissioner, cur old
democratic friend, Hon. Wn. Burca-
FIELD, of Ferguson, has been nomina-
ted. Judge BurcnrierLp is also well
known all over the county. He is one|
of our most upright eitizens, who has,
never betrayed a trust. He served five!
years upon the bench, as one of the
Associate Judges of our county, and
during his term, his bearing, and his!
of all who lezrned to know bim as a
public officer, Judge Burcurienn is
a veteran. democrat, and has stood by
the party through weal and woe,
Dr. J. M. Bush, of Patton, has re-
ceived the nomination for Auditor.
He is a fit man for the place. A striet
democrat, and whole souled genial fel-
low, everybody who knows the Doctor
will feel like voting for him,
These are the men, fellow Democrats
Let all bickerings, if any there be, be
laid aside, and all work harmoniously
for the ticket. The men upon it are
deserving our utmost effort for their
election. Let us be as unflinching as
our nominees themselves have ever,
olents formally withdrawing his name
‘Senate should prove as rough as his y
turnpike from Bellefonte to Lewis-
| Congress.
town, the shaking and thumping he
te Ap
The North Carolina outrages are too!
much for decent Republican journals. |
They denounce the conduct of the mil-|
itary scoundrels who hang up by the
thumbs whoever displease them. |
Grant smoks his cigar at Long Branch
will get before he reaches that haven,
‘will settle him for the next decade, and
‘make him curse the day he consented
‘to run upon the nigger ticket.
Bil A
i VP
nomination, a hard road to travel, At repeat the savage tortures of war.
the radical convention, is ¢ 5 yy
on, of this county, | For the Reporter.
held last week, twenty four votes went ’ .
Seainst- the: dod ’ . | Gregg township, Aug. 13th—Mr.
A get and the feeling] gjitor 1 wish to inform you and the |
against him ran high, so much so, that, readers of the Reporter, thut the report
his friends became pale with rage at'now being circulated, that Mr. R. H.|
! i - 1 .
the independent and honest delegates, Duncan would carry Gregg township
who whould not be lashed into the sup- this fall, is an error, and so far as 1
op . oy SUP {can learn, Mr. Meek will get the par-
port of the little demagogue, who so ty vote here. Gregg township Demo-
shamefully misrepresents the 18th dis-| crats never go back upon the regular
trict in Congress. The Williamsport
nominees. Mr. Duncan is an extreme
Bulletin, the regular radical organ,
radical, Lence he can expect little, or
no support, from his democratic neigh-
‘bors, who want something a little more,
substantial than “being a clever fel-
low,” to induce them to vote for a man
a. of the opposite party.
This week’s Bellefonte Republican Our delegate election was slimly at
publishes the proceedings of the radi- tended, which is too generally the case
down upon the man who voted with
the land robbers, and says he cannot
be re-elected.
| was made unanimous,” with the excep: plexion of the ticket. This is a neg-
(tion of Billy Armstrong's upon which | lect of an 1mportant duty which 1s
the Republican is mum. Explain, [to be deprecated, often those who
Brown, was there any considerable op-|8re guilty of this negligence are the
position to Armstrong in your conven. Ones to complain, When a motion
tion, and is it not true that there was a Wis made to instruct our delegates on
refusal to make his nomination unani- Assembly, the result was Meek had 8
mous? Why don’t the virtuous Brown tnd Kurtz b—two votes thus carrying’
give his readers a fair and truthful the instructions for our whole town-|
report of the proceedings. “The fact is, ship and making it binding upon our |
Armstrong is held in contempt by the six delegates. In your list of delegates,
better portion of Centre county repub-| published in last week’s Reporter, you
licans, which fact Brown wishes tolomitted the name of Mr. John Roush,
conceal. who was one of our regularly elected
ed lf pi delegates, VERITAS.
The radical senatorial conference —
meets at Tyrone, on’ Friday, August
ee > |
Some bad boys at Oshkosh, Wis., put a!
hornet’s nest under the cushion of a soft
in a church pulpit last Sunday morning’ |
and when the minister sat down after reads
ing the hymn, he got right up without be-|
Friis fe ere or
A negro in Washington, D. C,,
while playing base ball on Thursday,
‘bought largely in gold.
Prussia Army, Hexry,
evening.—The advanced gard of the Sev-
army of the French at five o'clock on Sun-
day before Jletz The enemy was rein-
forced from the fortress, and a bloody fight
took place along the whole line. The
French were thrown back at all points.
of the outworks, The close proximity of
the fortresses unllowed the French to secure
their wounded. Our troops fought with
incredible and admirable energy and en-
thusiasm. WiLniam.
Circular in Regard to Bounties.
A circular has been issued by the
Second Auditor of the Treasury, dated
August 1st, stating :
First—No action can be taken on
claims for bounty under the decision
of the Supreme Court of March 14th,
further legisiation by Congress, as the
Adjutant General cannot designate the
regiment to which said decisions ap.
plies, the President’s proclamation and
general orders of the War Depart-
ment, upon which the decision is based,
having authorized the raising of only
forty regiments. while eighty were ac-
Second—By the act of July 30th,
1870, the fourth section of the act of
March 3d, 1869, entitled an act in re-
lation to additional bounties, and for
other purposes, is repealed, and the
time for filing bounty claims, under
the act of July 28th, 1866, additional
bounty is extended to January 13th,
Third—Soldiers wl o enlisted under
the act of July 4th, 1864, are not en-
titled to unpaid installments of houty
under section first of the act of Mare
3d, 1869, und the decision of the Attor-
ney General, January 19th, 1870, un-
less their discharge certificates declare
them to be discharged by reason of the
expiration of their term of service.
Fourth—The bill which passed the
made a lucky strike and ran clear
ing told. He said he did not feel like I0Use of Representatives giving eight
around the bases, but on reaching the
home base fell dead.
preaching that morning, and the audience 20d one-third dollars per month to
tlle ens
It is now confessed that mostofthe wheat
known as No. 2 of the spring crop of 1859,
hicago, is hopelessly hot. The
amount spoiled is variously estimated, and
amount similarly damaged at
Milwaukee, will prove a gigantic loss to
The fault lies with the ring of
railroad authorities and warehousemen.
George and Daniel Yost, sons of Jacob
Their father, who was riding beside them,
was a'so struck, but not fatally. The young
men were aged eighteen and twenty-one
Davenport, Iowa, August 12.—A singular
ease of suicide occurred at Cordova, Rock
Island county, Illinois, yesterday. J. Rich?
ards, a boy about fouiteen years of age,
having been chided fir teasing his brother
at the tea table, left the table and was dis-
covered later in the evening lying dead on
the ground. He tied the rope of a swing
around his neck and deliberately laid
down until life was extinct.
We welcome the September number of
BAaLLou's MAGAZINE, for we always find
something init to interest us and our
household. It is filled with original stories
of love, of adventure and the sea, and
withul, has some dozen or more illustrated
articles, scenes in this or other countries.
Itis only $1.50 per year, Address THoMES
& TALsor, 63 Congress St., Boston.
“"Demorest’s Monthly Magazine’ com-
bines the most useful, beautiful, compre-
hensive and complete Magazine now issuéd,
Music, Stories, Poetry, Household matters,
[name of Dr. Richan'3 Golden Remedies, —
| D. B. Richards, sole proprietor, blown in
Address, Dr. D. B. Rich-
ick st., New York. ocly
TRAY BULL.—Came to the premises
of the undersigned, in Potter township,
about the Ist of Ju'y last, a red bull, about
14 years old. The owner of the same is
hereby requested to come forward, prove
property, pay charges and remove the
augl9.3t Wm. A. BOAL.
The Cheapest Paper in the World
30 Cents!
UMNS of matter, Political, Literary,
Agricultural, Currant News, &e., from the
First of September, 1870, until the First of
January, 1871, for Fifty Cents to single
subscribers, $4.50 to clubs of ten, $8.00 to
clubs of twenty, and $30 00 to clubs of one
hundred (to one address), cash in advance.
Address B. F. MEYERS & CO., Editors
and Proprietors, Harnsburg, Pa.
RAL SOCIATY.—A Stated meeting
of this socivty will be held at the Court
House, on Monday, the 22nd inst, at 7}
o'clock be a full attendance is requested.
Seventeen Teachers wanted for the Pot-
ter township school district, for the com-
ing winter term, to whom the following
wages will be paid, viz: To Teachers hol-
ding professional certificates, $41,00 per
month. To Teachers holding provisional
certificates No. 1, $29,00 per month. To
Teachers holding provisional certificates
No. 14, $37,00 per month. To Teachers
holding provisional certificates No, 2, $35, -
00 per month. To female teachers, $35,-
00 per month.
| Glass of Lottles.
ards, No, 228 Vyr
Architecture, and Gardening; and its
Fashions are unquestionably far ahead of]
all others. Demorest’s Monthly, for hand- |
some typography, high-toned literature
and first-class illustrations, is not excelled
by any other. Yearly, $3. A choice of
premiums, worth from two to ten dollars,
1s given to each subscriber, among which
is a splendid Parlor Chromo, worth $5,
Address W. Jennings Demorest, 838 Broad-
way, New York.
‘‘Demorest’'s Young America,” Prince
of Magazines, is on our table, and we find*
of expectation for the good things they are
always sure to find in it. The chromo of
the Baltimore Oriole makes the present
number es esially attractive, and “¥id-
dling Freddy" still excites the attention of
the juveniles. Yearly, $1.50, with a beauti-
ful premium, worth the cost of Young
America. Address W. Jennings Demor-
Male terchers preferred. All applicants
must prove efficiency in school govern-
For further information, address, Mr.
Jorn 8, DauBErMAN, President of Board,
Centre Hill, Pa, or Mr. Jorx ArNgy,
Secretary, Centre Hall, Pa. aug.12
stand for sale.—The undersigned will
for sale a valuable Hotel and store
3 stand situated in Tylersvilie,
Clinton County. The buil-
ding consists of a good frame
iy construction with a store room
25x45 with a good ware room,
and an arched celler beneath the building.
The other part consists of two rooms, a
good stable suficient to stable 80 head of
orscs, a good wagon shed also on the
game, For terms address
est, 838 Broadway, New York
such soldier during his active service,
augd. the
Empire Sewing Machine Comp.
my27,3m 201 Bowery, New York
as the Hon, Charles A.Mayer, Presi-
dent of the court of ey mon Pleas, in the
25th Judicial Distri consisting of the
counties of Centre Clinton and Clearfield
and the Honorable John Hosterman an
the Honorable William Allisggn, Associate
Judges in Centre county, [a issued
their precept bearing date the 2nd of
July A.D, 1870, tome directed for hold-
ing a court of Oyer
General Jail Delivery and Sessions
of the Peace in Bellefonte, for the count
of Centre, and to commence on the 4t
Monday of August next being the 22nd day
of Au ust, 1870, : nd te continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby
Coroner Justice of the Peace Aldermen and
Constables of the said county of
that they be then and there in their
persons, at 10 o’cloek in the foremoon of
said day, with their records, inquisitions,
examinations, and their own n-
ces, to do those things which to their office
Sbpertains to be done, and these who are
und in recognizances to prosecute against
the prisoners that are or shall be in the
Jail of Centre county, be then and there
to prosecute agninst them as shall be just,
iven under my hand, at Bellefonte, the
20th day of July, inthe year of our Lord,
1870, and in the ninety-third year of the
Independence of the United States.
D. W. WOORING, Sherif.
ond term of this classical School will
be opened on the 20th of July. Prof. A. E.
Truxal will continue the school, assisted
by several experienced teachers.
A class will be formed in the of
teaching, and special attention will be
given to thuse who desire to teach—Pen-
manship is taught by a skillful penman.
Boarding with furnithed rooms ean
had at the rate of $2 to 2 75 per week—Tui-
tion from $5 to $8 per quarter,
For farther particulars address
Penn Hall, Centre Co., Pa.
ANDSAWS, knives, spoons, coffee
mills, shovels, spades, rakes, hoes,
lamps, forks a ft at
WHITE FISH Heorging: Mackeral, sc. a
apl7'68. BURNSIDE « THOM
rPYHEhighest market prices pefd for all
T kinds of County Eroduce, at
kind at
aplQ’.68 IRWIN & WILSON'S.
julls. se
PICES of all varieties, ground to order
and warranted to be Strictly ure.
It is the only place you can find unadultera
ted spices. Try them for your own satisfac-
tion. You ean only find them at