- wad - > a op TAMAR Tae Y "= : A IIIS WIEN CH CI RTCA mii iat BALL REFCRTER. In Congress, on the 9th inst, the bil | os 1 A al to establish a universal system of nat- y AN oN H hit 1, 5 : . . v : RID ern ee — unalization was tabled by a decided majority, This measure wadintended TE RLUE AND THE GREY. : i : : THE BLUE AND, 2100 to throw impedimeuts in the way of white men becoming citizens of this wo - " SR Aad sm v rome on “peor recently published upon the. I RE t Mi th A Aka ransfugion of blood from one living wb | . uss a ) 1 Tm {jeot to another mentions; as the principe] | points reached in the investigations ot the auther, first, that blood collected and kept in contact with the air at amedium tempec- ature remains unchanged in its constitu- ent histological condition, and preserves its chemical peculiarities for two or three hours: second, that the red globules, satu- rated with oxygen, are the nctual revivify- ing principle’ the fibrin not being an essen- tial part. On this account, in insuresafety, and to prevent the introduction of cloths into the circulation, blood deprived of ils fibrin is to be proferred to that in its nors » d Fine Dress Goods. condition Third, the defibrinated » blood of any species, transfused into an in- | Dry (: 00ds, can revivity | . . Groceries SUGARS, MOLASEES, COFFEE, (CHEAPER THAN EVER. MUSLINS, CALICOES, AT OLD PRICES. y@. The public uve earnestly invited call at Snook’s store in. Millheim, and sa- tisfyv themscly es that Ile Offers Greater Bargnins and Sells Goods Cheaper than | ELSEWHERLE His stock is always full and complete, Nee I bradb atic ob + | and selected with care, and keaps nothing author lie in the introduction of foreign No purcha- : : : | that is calculated to deceive, bodies with the blood, the formation of | ger leaves Snook’'s Store without having clots even in injecting the defibrinated the full worth of his money. New goods : . Fain} : e ordered every few days and whenever blooc , introduction of air into the girs | *™ © : J. 3 lo 1, theint: ea f the iis wanted. The highest pricos paid for all culation, and the precipitation ofthe IRJec: | kinds of country produce. Call and see. tion, and finally, phlebitis, or inflammation Snook never surrenders. marll,y of the inner membrane of the punctured Magazine. ll A NEW A wiiter spout recently burstin Transyl- Apothecary & vania, by which eighty houses were des: . ~ troyed, and the dead bodies of 214 persons Drug Store, - were found strewed about in the fields, and tin Brooker Aaah pid a , nt } i vap acated in Brockerhoft's now bloc 18h taken out of a neighboring river. loci 5 B10 ay sein : op street, BELLEFONTE, Pa. The subscribers have the pleasure to in form the citizens of Bellefonte, Centre, Qlinton & Clearfield counties in general, that they expect to be ready, by Monday uy TIENTS TN 21a Az wih ruin 4H Aelia Le wate Ureal bargains ot... 0 C.] NTR lecher's Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard ware, Queonsware, Woodand willow ware Iron, Salt, Fish and in fact, a magnificent assortment of everything kept in a First Class Store, rates. GOODS VERY NEAR AT THE OLD PRICES. Muslins they will sell you the very best that will astonish you brands at prices Goods New spring » Dress A most beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelttes of the season, at lower rates than ordinarily charged at other places. White Goods & | alo mbr 1d eries Che finest stoe 0. intewn, ) af 0 quantity quality, and prices. ¥ HOOP SRIATS The best makes, latest styles and lowest rates. (Hats and Caps in great variety Linens, Towellings, checks, Denin gs, loth Cassimers, Cloakings. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Spring and summer shawls, in fact, we keep everything, and will sell at a very sma 1 advance on first cost. ; All we ask that you will CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK before purchasing elsewhere, as we dono consider it any trouble te show goods. ALL KINDS OF HARNESS : silver plated and Yankee Harness double and single, bridles and halters. mayl'68,1y. ere PRICES, ~ LOW| At The Old Stand The Largest Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. at Centre Hall. » Quite a Sensation and Fuss has been caused at Millheim as soon us it became known that J. Ww. Snool was just receiving a new stock of Spring Goods! AT OLD PRICES. which he purchased lately when Gold was down and prices had fallen. His stock consists of 3y the flow of the inland river, Whence the fleets of iron have fled, W hase dic bliides Bftho graves grass guiver, Asleep ure the ranks of the dead; Under the sod and the dew, 5 Waiting the judgment day— | committing himself Under the one, the Blue: Under the other, the G ray. country, and met a well deserved fute. Wu. II' Armstrong voted against there-by HM I'LRO Yi ated Sopa vi Woolen Mill. will now be offered to the publite = Thankful for past favors, I sin gai Fon 4 dy to supply my old customers and num- bers of new ones. My wagon will soon ap* At Your Doors f alt loaded with a t variety of Goods, such ond i er Utasitnros of thro latosh Spring & Summer Styles Beaver Cloth, Tricot, Doeskin, Sati an Ion ‘endless of fig i as tabling this shameful bill, q rainst the fran chise of the white foreigner, while, on | the other hand he voted for every dir- to place Sambo on that was pre These in the robings of glory, ty qiegro measure, mal boyky) 4 Those in the gloom of defoat, All with the hattle-blood gory, nthe dusk of eternity moot; Under the sod and the dew; Waiting the jadgment day; Under the laurel, the Blue; Under the willow, the Gray. | an equality with whites, | sented, : dividual of the same species, h 4 Samuel J. Reeves, a prominent man- ufaeturer of Philadelphia, ex presses his disgust of the Re w party, in | a letter to Congressman Morrell, of this State, in consequences Of U8 POS | (uv Wwe enn combat an alt The desolate mourners go | tion on the Tarift He Snys: <] by exchanging it for that which is Fanlthy. 8, 1f Protection ana Domestic Industry Fourth, the blued of animals of one species | ovinalv | with flowers | Lovingly laden with Rowers are no longer a part of the Repub] wl i LADIES AND GENTS DRESs GOODS. DRY GOODS, AND GROCERIES that individual, compensating for loss of blood, fulfilling all the functions ofthe nor- mal and primitive blood, and being subjget to all its physiological laws. In the same eration of blood, i public From the silence of sorrowful hours jean | can revivify, it even in a transitory x "Flannels Fine, medium and Coarse. © ~~ = © Btocking Yarns ofall kinds. RE yen | platform, to be fought Jor and main | ner, animals of Mother, he Buel | Waiting the judament day ; | tained and supported agninst: all at- blood ie NAT Jeon foe wl | hs Under the roses tLe Blue: , | tacks, then I intend to be counted oul heen injected in smail quantitios it may be , | of the party. Moreover, 1 intend to | use my influence to induce others to abandon it. I shall tel! every man I meet, and on all occasions; that the party his tricked and betrayed those who have been their firmest and most ardent supporters, 1 think that you must admit that nine-tenths of the iron manufacturers of the country, and nearly one half their employees, have voted regularly the Republican ticket straight and sure. I believe that a majority of them are, just now, in that condition of mind that only a. little more sach ‘wetion as is exhibited by Allison, Logan and Butler, in Com- mittee of the Whole when the Tariff bill is under consideration, is needed to sever them from all party connec- tion. 5 2B BE. end oo SK § § aliminated ; if injected in large quantities it may produce death. Fifth, transfusion well executed is not adangerous operation. The practical dangers signulized by the Under the lillies, the gray. - So with an equal splendor The morning sun-rays fall, With a touch, impartially tender On the blossoms blooming for a Under the sod and the de w. Waiting the judgment day: Broidering with gold, the Blue ; Mellowed with gold, the Gray. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE/| Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. heavy Damask, = yr 3 Striped, Parlor and Stair rior. bright fast colors. ~~ ® ASN NO WOOL, LARD, find SOAP taken in ex- of every varie- ALSO, A CHEAP LINE OF FLANNELS, MU LINS, CALICOES, AND uy change for ty, always on honda his resid SAVAGE & RRO, (Successor to N. % an ia =, H, WILLIAMS & 00, didi eo Wholesale and Retail Dealers in So when the sumer calleth, On forest and field of grain With an equal murmar falleth The cooling drip of rain; Under the sod and the dew, Waiting the judgment day ; Wet with the rain, the Blue; Wet with the rain, the Gray. vein.—IHarper's Hilibish) SHAWLS, apr22if Whole sale and retail dealers in Stoves & Tinware, Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, SYRUPS, COFFEES, also a large stock of FISH, the best, all kinds, * MACKEREL and HERRING. the best and cheapest in the market. Wolf’s Old Stand. WESHALL TAKE PARTIOULAR CARE TO MAXE IT AN OBJECT So plentiful are the grasshonpers in Salt Lake City, that the stench arising from the accumulation of their death cars asses is terrible ia seriously affecting : CRABS0S IB terrib &, and i f 184) ecling next. (21st inst.,) to ; the health of the eity. | OPEN THEIR NEW DRUG STORE, i a » Ace M { 3 i af ' oe A precocious hoy in a public school out | fOr the accomm dation of the public, and West. who stands high in geography, was | they hereby extend a cordial invitation to esl, who slands 1g 1 In geography, Was | 11 “who may be in need and wish to obtain recently asked by his teacher where Afri- | He promptly answered. Fresh, Pare, & Genuine Medi | | COTTAGE FURNITURE Sadly, but not with upbraiding, : The generous deed was done; In the storm of the years that are fading. No braver battle was won; Under the sed and the dew, Waiting the judgment day; Under the blossoms, the Blue; Under the garlands, the Gray. nt Aire Call Me When Breakfast is Ready. Oh! call ‘me when breakfhst is ready, Dear mother ; don't call me before; Oh! do not deny me the pleasure Of moderate s eep, I implore. Eight hours of sleep is too little Yor delicate maidens like me ; And nearer, by far, is my pillow Than a eap of the dainticst tea. Oh! mother, I cannot endure it— This getting up early’s a bore; Then eall me when breakfast is ready— Oh! please do not call me before! Read only a partial list of Cook Stove in All kinds of TURNED WORK" > EE “Hes 3 obs ong one Sy~opor HagrrisBurag.—Thisbody of ministers and elders connected with | the General Assembly of the Presby- terian Church in the United States of America, will meet in Bellefonte and | hold “its session in the Presbyterian church edifice now approaching com- | pletion, It is composed of the Pres- byteries of Huntingdon, Carlisle and Northumberland (O. S.) and parts of the Presbyteries of Harrisburg and Susquehannah (N. 8.) as formerly known and designated. There are within its bounds about one hundred | and fifty ministers, one hundred and seventy five churches, with upwards of forty-six thousand communicants. There are twenty-five counties in 1t, as follows: Adams, Franklin, Fulton, Bedford, Dauphin, Huntingdon, Per- ry, Juniata, Mifflin, Northumberland, Montour, Columbia, Lycoming, Tioga, Potter, Mckean, Elk, Cameron, Clin- ton, Centre, Union, Snyder, Clearfield, Blair. Rev. James C. Watson, D. D, | is the Convener, and Rev. Thomas | Creigh, D. D. of Mercersburg, Pa, the Moderator. The first session of the Synod will be held in the evening of Tuesday, June 28th, at 71 o'clock. Wellington, Waverly, Ornamental, Oriental, Royal Cook, Prince Royal, Sea Shell, Artisan, And American ie furnished to the trade at CITY PRICES. ca was located. “ All over the United States." cines, Chemicals, Drugs, Alse Thare' a . g y P ino . . There's a moral taught by the fohowing Land all such articles as are kept in a onversati hie peds to be learned | vs y cony ersation, Ww hich need t » be od Firt Class Drug Stove, by many fathers. Said a little four-year | : E : : | v8. Lately selected with great cure and 1 TURNED PALINGS, BALUSTERS, FOR New Customers, z i and HAND RAILING Furnished to Builders. ; old: “Mother, father wont be in heuven discretion, in the ities SINEW YORK with us, will he?” “Why, my child” and PHILADELPHIA, by the senior “ Because he can't leave the store.” partner of the Establishment, who has had OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE n the Art—and who speaks, reads and writes the German language as well as the | English tengue, being fully as well acquain- ted with the nomenclature in that language of the business, as with the Latin and Eng- lish terms and technicalities of the Art; | and hence we can and will a od, size 40x20. It makes better job thant he CAREFULLY COMPOUND PHYSICLA xi: PRE- | old sizo, and can he furnished cheaper thar SCRIPTIONS, any other establishment in town. in either language; and shall do it by day | ZérSpouting und jobbing promptly ai, | and by night. © | ended to. Charges reasonable and satis | We modestly and kindly getion scuaranteed. & wp op ootESB | share of public favor and patronage. 3 ASK ETS in all their varieties, children | stock consists of I carriages, willow ware guns, pis- | PURE & GENUINE DRUGS, MEDI | tols, powder, shot, caps, cartridges, &e., as |" CINES, & CHEMICALS IN ALL er BURNSIDE & Tk OMAS' ts THEIR VARIOUS STYLES & PRUNES and DRIED CURRANTSof FORMS of PREPARATION the very best quality just receivedat used by regular Physicians. Wolf's old stand We also keep the : iPod id CENTRE HALL ~ nest Extract: and Perfumes for La- rgv T diay dies, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, 1 an Yard. Clothes, Paint, & Varnish Brush- The undersigned would respectfully in- es. The very finest and best Cut- form the citizens of Centre county, that lerv. Combs of all kinds: Ivo- the above Tan Yard will again be put in 2 Gam-and: Horn, Bird- full operation, in all its branches, by them. FY | Sand Pp HIDES AND BARK WANTED. Op. BD > are The highest market price will be paid Whitelead, Zinc in for Hides of ull kinds. The highest mar- Oil, China Gloss, ket price will also be paid for Tanner's Linseed Oil, All the Bark. The public patronage is solicited. i Be Satisfaction guaranteed. various fue) colored de3, 9m MILLER & BADGER. Furniture and Coach Ladies Trusses, Varnish, as also DeMarr This invaluable article for females, is now PF Varnish, and a few appro- to be had at Herlacher's store, and no other ved Patent Medicines, and place in Centra county. Ladies remember lastly, a large and well selected ; that these trusses ean be had ut Centre WINES AND LIQUORS Lot of W ALL-P APER, Hall: oo 8 i. | Ff, ov th The SUbSGHT/GE ruspect Rally falls hs at- AND CHEAP AT THAT, viz: il. U M B E R tention of the public to his establisbm nt, | & : &9 ro Civ - ; » where he is prepared to furnish all kinds of | Promrl cts Pe ELI KR & FARR ETT, . ‘ : Foreign and Domestic Liquors’ wholesale Dr rads & A oth aries The undersigned respectfully announce } Druggists & Apothecaries. | ¢, the citizens of Pennsvalley that they at the lowest cash priees, which are warran- : ( ted to be the best qualities according to have in operation a NEW STEAM SAw i MILL, one mile east of Foust's, in the Sev- their respective prices. His stock consists j : of Rye, Monongahela, Irish and other en mountains, and are now ready to farnich Whiskies, all kinds of Brandies, Holland square Lumber, plank studding, joists, Parlor and Office Stoves: AS WELL AS INVITE OUR OLD FRIENDS, TOGIVE US A CALL. ap24'68,y. WM. WOLF. Ne W HARDWARE STORE! J. & J. HARRIS, NO. 5 BROCKERHOFF ROW. A wew and complete Hardware Store has been opened by the undersigned in Brock: arhof"s new building—where they are pre- yared to sell all kinds of Building and House urnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails. Buggy wheels in setts, Champion Clothes Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hane Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Tee Croan Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a ful. assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of all sizes, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes Felloes, and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators, Corr Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold Board: aud Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov- els, Spades and Forks, Locks, Hinges Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shees, Nails Norway Rods, Oils. Lard, Lubrieating Coal, Linseed, Tanners. Anvils, Vices, Bel lows, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools Factory Bells, House Bells, Dimmer Bells Gong Bells, Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpen ter Tools, Pruit Jars and Cans, Paints, Oils Varnishes received and for sale at june’ 68, 1y. " J4.&J. HARRIS. WHITE FISH, Werring, Mwackernl, &C., apl7 68, BURNSIDE « THOMAS TT Ehighest market prices paid for all kinds of country produce, at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS AMPSOF EVERY VARIETY and 4 kind at : IRWIN & WILSON'S. apl0'.68 Wall Paper! I have just received from New York 5000 Bolts Morning Glory, Tropic, Brilliant, and New Egg. A young lady of Montgomery county, Ma. of the most respectable family, and possessed of considerable means, has late ly eloped with and married a negro, in or- der to revenge herself upon her parents, who refused to permit her to have the man of her choice. v4 An old bachelor says that we are safe from ever having a woman for President, because not one of the sex would ever confess to being over thirty-five, which is | the age prescribed by the Coustitution as the youngest point at which any man is eligible to that office. Upholstering, Repairing Furniture and everything pertaining to the business promptly attended to. And Parlor Cooks tor Wood or Coal, and Wood Stoves of every description, : Attention is ealled to his stock of Roonng Plate, a new size, which he has just receive Mill. Factory near Blanchard & Co's Planing UNDERTAKING. .. We also make COFFINS, and attend tue nerals with the most ELEGANT HEARSE. ever in this part of the country. Ye: call me when breakfast is ready; Oh |! mother, don't call me too soon; Shopping , of course. needs attention, But that can be done before noon. They talk of the folly ot fashion, 1 do not consider it 80; For parties must not be neglected, And style is important, you know. Oh, mother, it makes me so nervous To think of your steps at my door; Than call me when breakfast is ready; Oh! please do not call me before! Home Pol ask for a liberal Our & Ware Rooy, No.7 BUSH HOUSE raisens, peaches | i FMURKEY PRUINS, | apples, oranges, lemons, all king of foreign fruits, Hams, bacon &c., at BURNSIDE « THOMAS’. deci0,ly BELLEFORTE, PA GE THIS WAY! ——————————————————— T. Newton Wolf Merchant and Cash Dealer In Country Produce, WOLFE'S STORE, CENTRE COUNTY, PA. [Bmyt eel ele eterna The Railroad. —The prospects of the ear ly completion of the Sunbury and Lewis town Railroad are indeed cheering. A meeting of the President and Board of Di- rectors was held at Lewistown on Tuesday of this week, when arrangements were made to finish the road immeditely. One thousand men are wanted to go to work, to whom the highest cash prices will be paid. The contractors say the work of grading must be completed within six months from this date: The bonds just issued by the 3 ITS¢ SUITS iteness. * Bhould an accquaintance tread on your dress—your best your very best— and by accident tear it, how profuse you are with your ‘‘never mind; don’t think of it; don’t care at all.” If a husband does it, he gets a frown ; if a child, he is chastis- ed. ““‘Ah! these are little things,’’ say you They tell mightily on the heart, be assured | little as they gre. company —31,200,000—have all been sold ; A gent'eman stops at a friend's house | 3100.000 to John R. McGovern & Co: aud finds it in confusion. ‘‘He don,t see $100,000 to the bridge contractor, and the W. W. McClellan, at Bellefonte would inform fhe men of Pennsvalley, and bie friends and customers, as well as all others who may desire to be rigged out, In well Fitting, Substantially & Fashionably made suits of cloths, fron? nd of terial they ch 1 woul ar 1 ih still in’ the field, and prepared to accommo- date. , have a large and excellent assort- ment o Furnishing Goods, 1 BAUM, REYNOLD'S NEW MARBLE e FRONT, BISHOP 8t., Bellefonte. anything to apologize for; never thinks of | balance to the Pennsylvania R. R. Co. such matters, everything is all right, cold | This sale of honds supper, cold room, crying children; per- | fectly comfortable.,’ He goes home; his wife has been taking places in the hands of the S. & L. Co., all the money needed for present purposes, and ere many months ta “8 | we may look for the iron horse to pass eare of the sick ones, and worked her life . © | through the Middlecreek Valley. To the almogt butt ‘Don’t seé why things can't | . oh ao (Y A rrirad er. : | indefatigable efforts of Col. Simpson the be kept in better order; there never were | a call. jun, 18 ————————-—- ————.— STERNBERG E A; LSO ¥ i ¥ Clotlss, Cassimeres, & Ves(ings be made bo or “€ i ———— | | | from which” ents will | 2 Bor in the ys | President of the road, we are indebted for such cross children before. , cy these prospects. —[ Middleburg Post. ] Radical Revenue officials, East, West and South, are implicated in frauds upon the government, amounting to more than five millions. New Orleans supplies the particu lars of one series of frauds amounting to $2,- 000,020, and New York those of another of | $1,000,000and more. These unfaithful and No apologies except away from home. Why not be polite at home? Why not use freely the golden coin of courtesy! “I thank yon,” or, “Youare very kind.” Poubly, ves, trebly sweet from the lips we love, when heart smiles make the eye sparkle withthewclear lightof affection. pect them to be mindful of your welfare, to grow glad at your approach, to bound away to doyour pleasure before your re- dignity and authority, mingle politeness. Give it a niche in your household temple, Only then will you have the true secret of sending not into the world. really finished: gentleman and ladies. Again we say unto all, be polite. a —— The Pittzbugh, Port Wayne & Chieago and Pennsylvania Railroads inaugurated “a faust train between Chicago and New York, the time being twenty-seven hours; leaving Chicago at eleven a’elock, a.m. and reaching New York at two o'eloek, py m., the next iy: This time will be made not by increasing the speed of the trains, but by omitting the stops. For instance only two stops will be made between Pitts- burgh and Philadelphii—at Altoona and + Hagrisburg. Under the inluence of the competition which now exists between the competing lines from Chicago to New York, this route will reduce the fare to eighteen dollars, : cro np mm bn GUNBOAT LOST. Advices have been received announcing ghe total loss ofthe British gunboat Stuney, inthe China’ea. ~ Her commander, | Wil- lam Lilawain, and fHrtv-two of the crew perished. The Staney wis a screw. sten- mer of three hundred tons burden, and eighty horse pov : etaaldcarriel three guns, Cyn A gentleman of Oitawa, near 80 years of age, who has been a close observer of the climate of Northern Illinois, piophesics a heavy frost about the 26th of the present month. : A. New York paper gives a list of sixty Sores and over two hundred offices to. lot in Broadway, below Fourteenth street, The high. rates demanded leave them tonant- £88. An unknown man jumped off atrain of =Cars gear Spruce-Ureek; Saturday evening awhile it was running atthe rate of thirty miles an hour. His skull is fractured and his death is hourly expected. He foolish- 1y jumped offafter his hat which had blown Fyre x 5 fo. cheering i | rascally officers were appointed by General | Grant on the “trooly loil”’ principle, and | while they support his administration they | may steal as much as they please. Loyal- | ty before honesty is the new motto, E, D. Mansfield, writing to the Cincin- nati Gazette, Radical, wants Jeff Davis and John C. Breckinridge elected to the Uni- ted States Senate as a means of saving the treasury from the ravages of the radical thieves. He says; ‘The Senate needs such members. The leading Southern | members were always good watchmen og the publie treasury: That is what is most needed now.” There is nothing more suggesitye of pure thoughts andisacred meditations than the little grave in the church.yard. Remar- kably so is a cluster of tiny green mounds in beautifal Greenwood. Secarcely aname designates the silent infant sleepers below, _ but here and there fond hands have placed i the toys that gladdened their hearts and | brightened.their eyes ere yet ithe Heaven- They ave the depositories of” mothers, sweelest joys—those half unconscious buds of innocence —flowers of humanity nipped | by the earliest frost “of time, before the | cankerworm of pollution had nestled inthe | embryopetals.. Callons must be-the heart | of one who can stand by those grave.sides, and not feel the holiest emotions of his soul | moved:by the thoughts of purity which belongs alone to God and Heaven; for the mute preachers at kis feet tell hime of life begnn, and life ended-—cnded without a trial. and without a stain. Surely if this be -vouchsafed.to humanity how infinitely superior must be the: spirit- land. enlight- ened throughout eternity by the sun of unenduring goodness, whence started forth the soul to become but a: brief sofourner among us. The heart swells with a inourn- ful joy beside the tombs of the little chil- dren, that, unbidden, have-gone unto him: Mournful, because the treasured jewel is taken away: joyful, because it has been placed for all the hereafter in: the diadem of the Redeemer. tp lr Se ee ve Ser————— : 2.1. Yn > Ta lise girl at Carrelton, Ind. was burn to death a few evenings ago by the ex- plotion of a coal-cil lamp which she was carrying, : Gin, Port, Maderia, Cherry, Blackberry Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger and Carraway Brandies, Pure Jamaica and New England Bum, Cordial of all kinds. He would particularly invite Farmers, Ho- tel keepers and others to call and examine his large supply, to judge for themselves and be certain of procuring what they buy, which can seldom be done when purchas- ng in the eity. a= Physicaans ave respectfully requested o give his liquors a trial. aplo N ERCHANTS HOUSE, 4 413 & 415 North 3rd, st., PHILADELPHIA. H. H. MANDERBACH PROPRIETOR. I. C.N1rEe, CLERK. This well-known Hotel, will be found by all visiting the city, one of the most desire- able, both as to reasonablechargesand con venience. German and English is spoken. aplO 68 tf. =x TRE HALL HOTEL. Jorx SPANGLER, Proprietor. Stages arrive and depart daily, for all points, north, south, east and west. This favorite Hotel has been refitted and furnished by its new proprietor, and is now in every rezpect one of the most pleasant country Hotels in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovers wall always find the best accommodations. Per- sons from the city wishing to spend a few weeks during the summer in the country, will find Centre Hall one of the most deau- all they could desire for comfort and con venience, apl0' 68, tf. COACH MANUFAGTORY . HARDMAN PHILLIPS, T BLS manufacturing establishment af Yeagertown, on' the Lewistown wid Betlefoute Turnpike, has now on hand a fine stock of Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies and Spring Wagons, whieh he now offers for sale ns superior in quality and styles tc any manufactured in the country. They are made of the very bestseasoned stock by first class practical workmen, and finished in a style that challenges comparison with any work out of or inthe Eastern cities and ean be sold'at lower prices than those manufactured in large towns and eities, amidst high rents and rainous prices of liv- ing. Being mastor of his own situation, anxious to excel in his artistical professior and free fromrany annoyances inthis busi. ness, he has time and ability to devote his entire attention to his profession and his customers, pendering satisfaction alike te himself. i : Call and examine his stock and learn his prices;.and you:canunot fail to be satisiitd. Lc REPAIRING of all kinds done neatly, promptly, na reasonably. Teagertown, June 12,1868 —1y. OUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL fowling pieces at’ t apll 68, IRWIN & WILSON. Has been to the extreme end of the For BOOTS & SHOES market. to Boston. For DRY GOODS to New York. For CLOTHING to Philadelphia. wa. Bach article bought directly from the Manufacturer, with a de- sire to suit this market @# FINE ALPACAS from 40c to 760 the finest—equal to $1,256 alpacas. SUITS —from $10 to $18 best wll wool Cassimen es. wn. He intends to cle#se oul his stock. THEREFORE NOW BETTER BARGAINS THAN ELSEwHERE. HE cents per yard, for the best. DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, And selling from. 12% tor 16 cents, the bes calicoes, and musling in proportion, at rates. all summer, at $1 per pair Fine Boots from $3,50 to $7,50 for CLOTHING at the lowest rates, and sold at 1857 price SUITS, from $10,00 to $18 for the best, CALL AND SEE, and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat. even if they do not wish to buy. shingling Inthe, plasterers’ lathe, shingles, any desired length of frame stuff and square-timber sawed to orderand on short- est notice. Any thing in the line of Lum- ber supplied to orded. Builders and others wanting stuff will do well to send in their orders addressed to John Taylor & Son, apr22,3m MILROY, PA. H* RNESS, collars, cart whip carriage whips, in great varieties, govern- ment gears, saddles, bridles, martingales cheek lines, cart gears, tug harness, bugg harness hames, ete. Everything in thesad dlery line at BURNSIDE & THOMAS’ N “om of all kinds, Srelfink loves andkorchiefs, combs, poe et books tn all their variety and very cheap, at BURNSIDE s THOMAS". duced prices, at BURNSIDE a THOMAS’ ABITS SOAP, Wm. Hagan and .le- ons, olive goap, Dobbins’ soap Je es Oakley's soaps, old castile, pure, Palmso: p, Elderling's soap, and a great variety of other soaps, at URNSIDE «a THOMAS’ B B URNSIDE & THOMAS, Offer to tho Public one of the dise, in Centre county. see for yourself. INE GROCERIES, mocha coffee, ol¢ gov, java, best quality Rio coffee, best oolong black teas, green teas, lovering syrup, golden syrup, Drips fine article bak- .ing molasses, rice and everything in the grocery lire at the lowest _. rices in the market BURNSIDE & THOMAS'. is the place. Call, examine and S spots rings. wants for the manufacture of harness, t found at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS’. BoE HOUSE. near the depot, Belle- fonte, Pa. W. D. RIKARD, Proprietor. This new and magnificent Hotel has now come under the proprietorship of Mr. Ri- kard, formedy of the Cummings House, and will be kept up in FIRST €LASS HO- TEL STYLE: It has comfortable rooms, all the modern conveniences, prompt ser- Everything a saddlee EW STORE.—LEVI A. MILLE} 1s at Runkle’'s Old Stand, opposite the iron Front; on Allegheny st., Bellefonte, is Where Pennsvalley Farmers, and sd} others, get the cheapest and! best Groceries, Tobacces of all grades, Boots from the best New York Manufactarers; ‘Syrups, Sugars, Vinegar, &c. Try him, once ianitf large and elegant assortment of Horse A Blankets, Buck-skin Gloves and Bufta- at low prices URNSIDE & THOMAS pRELy RCOOK STOVES Barlor Stoves, and foursizes of Gas- Burners constantly on hand and for sale at anl0'68, Irwin & WiLson's.. { | vants, and reasonable charges. TH i TA- BLE will always be abundantly supplied with the most sumptuous fare the market will'afford; done up-by thé most experi- enced cooks. HIS BAR will always con- tain therchoicest liquors. He will be glad to see his old friends at the new hotel, and no pains will bespared to make them feel at home. jul23, 69, tf rE E Largest and Best Stock of warran ted Boots and Shoes, warranted to give satisfaction, at reduced prices, only to be found at - BURNSIDE & THOMAS. T 1S known: to all in Bellefente and I . through'the county if you want a good article £0 to . URNSIDE & THOMAS’. | of English and American Wall Paper. Over 7000 pieces on hand at reduced prices Parlors, &e. Good common paper at cents per Bolt. Persons intending papering will do well to examine my stock before buying elsewher. Orders by mail, stating size and kind of room, will be carefally selected and for- warded and if not proven satisfactory can be returned at W. J. McMANIGAL'S HARDWARE STORE, ap8tf MILROY, PA. Samples of the above Paper can be seen at A. own store, ods . Whitman's celebrated confections, Whitman's celebrated chocolate, Buker's che colate, Smith's chocolate, China Ginger, English Pickes, American Pickles, at . BURNSIDE &« THOMAS’ ‘GOOD NEWS FORTHE PEOPLE Great Attraction and Great Bargains ! HE undersigned, determind to meet the : Xe ular demand for Lower Prices, re- spectfully calls the attention of the’ public to his stock of SADDLERY, now offered at the old stand. Designed es- peciall for the people and the times, the lar- gest.and most varied and complete assort- ment of ; Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, of every description and quedity; Whips and in Inet everyUing complete to a first. class establishment, he now effers at pric Which will suit the Hing prices etter variety, a better quality o style of Saddlery, has never efors Diner ‘sered to the public. Call and examine our ‘tock and elfswhert. 1th ope etermined to please my patti Hranijchl for the Bi ral Ry ot patronage ‘heretofore enjoyed. 1 res ici ‘continuance ATT sang TL ¥soliciea JACOB DINGES apl0'68 ly. INGES, Centre Hall. BY ills, sh ‘X¥ mills, shovels, spades, ra lamps, forks, hans. rales, rakes, hoes, BURNSIDE & THOMAS’. MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE, All 1 ask is to call and examine my Mi stock. Having just bought my du- ‘ring the last ie, F de petit ition _ to prices, A\rabifity, dnd fashion, PAA of Philadelphia. - W.-W. McCLELLAN | No. 4 Brokerhoff's Row, Allochony a Bellefonte, Pa., where eloth : vestinis callers, ambreDas.” Ssimotes, caps, in short, everythin So pomplutéli Ti out w elitlentat di be Ba i de up’ in the latest style. I am wines agent fof WILCOX & GIBBS Sewing Machine, which should be seen by all desiring a machine de25,68y Clock, Watchmaker & Jeweles i Milihcim, Cente co., Penne. espectfully informs his friends sill thi et general, that he friends wily he at his new establishme der's Store, and kee ment, hbove Alexan n all kinds of Clocks, popstunt] Feels of the latest styles, as also the ville Patent Calender Clocks, provided with a complete index of the month, and of the month: and week on its cop is wartaaied ie a prio time-k r. ¥ ocks, at - paired on ore ices aid Shey Xe NATHAN KRAMER'S BQTEE, Millhcim, Pa. (formrly Wm. Hos" te man’s). This well known Hotel has "been refitted by its new ptoptietor,” The traveling conimunity are tee to’ give him a call. His table will be kept first class, and his bar always supplied with: choice liquors. Drovers will bolied Sion marl, 66tf - modation 4 - # New BOOK Store. 8 HOLES A' AN RET BOOK, STATIONERY & NEWS EM!- : PORIUM. ACOBD: MILLER, h Book inion & Boi 3 ment of Kinsloe rother, off Adlegheny street, neat thé’ Hignd, 4 a] mite, to, which he has just added a large invoice of goods, such as is generally kept in a well; conducted Book and Station e. His stock consists of T i Miscellanious, Suhday School, and. ’ oti, hi very Eis ‘pass 5, diaries, every ean of cap, legal, bil, letter, bath, per, Tawing and tissile papér, paper, envelopes of every des peiis, inks, ink ber bands, ran parent and. nels, pencils, cl ons: &ec., &c. Legal and A re : kinds, rovente: stam Justiges bi iks of all face. Ordets taken fo goods at 1tin 2 e an muion slates, - t |. Lochman’s Celeb | ‘which he sells at fifa County merchants would do well t ‘him a call before purchasing eliewhere Le + T