Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, June 10, 1870, Image 2

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    A A FSAI,
OrntrE HALL, oe June 10th, 1870.
ill Armstrong is no longer “Bill”
A vmstrong-=he is Dodger Armsirong,
which is the title that has beer given
him at Washington since the vote up-
ou the pin iron resolution.
il tn Api
A. B 3futelinson has retired from
the Bellefonte Republican, having dis
posed of his. interests to Capt. Burger.
Boyd's wadldictary appeaved last week,
Success to Bim in anything he may en-
gage in more honorable than publish-
ing a negro; equality sheet.
Capt.’ Barger is a young man of qui
et, gemlemanly appearance, and we
extend him the hand editorial, hoping
he may not get spoiled by being in
company with Bill: Brown. Pecu-
niarily we wish him suecess.
If dodger Armstrong helps to vote
away seventy million acres of lands
to the speculatorsvand land grabbers
at- Washington, in one session, how
much will he assist to vote away to the
great land thieves if elected for next
tera’? F foodie a2
Reader, honest republican, if you
want an acre of this land you must
pay a stiff price for it, now can you
calliit just to give it to the thieving
speculator in million acre lots,—in see-
tions larger than some of our states—
without these sharks having to pay a
cent for it? If you approve of this
notorious stealing policy, then vote for
Armstrong again,
Where the Taxes Stick.
The people often wonder where all
the money’ gues to, which ‘is paid in
the ‘shape of “taxes. We often: at-
tempted to show it in these columns,
heretofore, and can give the dear, pa-
tient readers of the RPEORTER a
further idea just here. The Secretary
of the Treasury recently seut to the
House of Representatives a list of some
three hundred and fifty Collectors of
Intérnal Revenue, who have not paid
over the public monies collected by
them. These officials aré in arrears
to the Treasury millions of dollars,
and ne-doubt’dre all the while cutting
a big dwell ‘and driving big specula
tions with the people’s money, when if
justice were meeted: out to them, they
would be serving out a term iu the
witentiary leariing some trade
This is another little “side issue,”
as the ‘Bellefonte Republican would
rematk, hence we dwell no longer up-
on-itigin te
a A
> eee
Anathor Radieal Dafanller.
NEW York, May 26.—The books
of Joh M. ©. Marsh, late Colletor of
Taxes for: Westfield ‘township. New
Jersey, show a deficit of $14,000, and
suit has been commenced against his
securities for the recovery of that sum.
“This.is a very common thing since
the government passed out of the
hands of the democratic party in 1860.
when raseality was an exception and
honesty the ralé=but- with the up-
turiiing of the constitition of our fath-
ers, the, country has also suffered ‘a
complete upturning dn morals, and
now, onder radical domination, we
have rascality in “office holders “the
rule. and honesty a rare exception.
Well it is all right, we guess, for it
is the “Ged and morality party,” and
the Bellefonte Republican will not say
.a-word about it, as 3t i8 4M » “side is:
oy es bP:
‘Fhedast meeting, to further the cou-
struction of the ur railroad, will be
haldiat Cerfre, Hall, 'on Friday, 10th
ist. ‘Ebe.committies,on subscriptions,
fromval the townships. will be present
10 réport progress; and the occasion
will he er
he embraced to ‘make a last and
fiwid @ffortsto raise more means’ to
gradethe roddgand if the material aid
is Hot fiftheotiing, then our railroad
DORIITED fonale, iiieh .
wanjoct, wil be abanTmed wod our
people a bed oxer ta the sneérs ‘and
redicule of thuir wiser and more énter-
pr FEC IR Lowsh of ‘other. parts; as
adds! Lyon 55 a, a he whieh
wouddatossastiy benghit them, and their
fare ye Ciizons once wore we say,
“Nak eh AGTH NiiE WeSinagifehe
epadkds ag |
w The oss ofshe Penn's RR.
oo othe, road will pay and “are
astonishicd thatzour, citizens pre $0 _in-
only ask, of us. the “remaining third.
“More thicy will not do, and, niore we
CHM HOt BRT? owe of vinden
er ee ate ei lf Mere em
vAioh elisa d
am. 4 Eg, ou met
‘Cuigross, seams. to be using his best
“nds to make: hime odious wo
his" constituénts, by persistently .cast:
ing his votes with “the “Corfupt rings,
and in direct opposition to the wishes
and interests of those whom he repre-
sents, and of the people at large. In
the first place, duty compelled us to
arraign him
ing away the
ers and speculators, to t
80 million acres; then we were forced
to expose his duplicity and double |
dealing upon the tariff question—by
budly talking tariff, then dodging
when the test comes, thus playing the
little thimble rigger, and appearing
on either side the fence, and ugw we
have to present the ignominous record
he made for himself on last Friday,
when the Internal Revenue bill was
before the House, the odious tax-law,
which has Deen cursed by" nearly
every Democrat and Republican in
the laudi—Armstrong taking sides
with the ‘crew that is for continuing
that odious measure, the income
sax, and for the repeal of which the
people of the United States so unani:
mously ¢lumor, Armstrong's vote, in
the first instance was cast in favor of
lewting the bondholder go free of taxa-
tion, then for continuing the inquisa-
torial measure, and heaping unjust
taxation upon the commoner classes.
On the amendment of Mr. Beck, to,
include U. S. Bonds among those of
corporations from which the tax is to
be deducted, the yeas were 78, and the
mays 110—among the nays Wm. H.
Armstrong, thus wpting against mak-
ing the bondholder pay his share of
the burdens of the government, by
deducting the tax from the bonds.
How do you like that, citizens of the
18th congressional district?
But see, not half an hour afterwards,
on the proposition todift the odious in,
come tax from the: shoulders af the
commoner classes, and thus place them
upon an equality with the non tax-
paying bondholder, Armstrong has the
audacity to insalt his constitucats by
voting NO. Read,
On theamendment of Mr. M'Carthy,
to strike out all sections relating to in-
come tax which the people all demand
—the yeas were 59, and the nays 123
Now then, reader of the REPORTER,
this is the true record made for him-
self, by Wm. H. Armstrong; on last
Friday, in the House ‘of Representa-
tives at Washington.
Armstrong's vetes show his doctrine
to be, te enrich the speculators by do-
nating him millions of land without
cost, and making the poor emigrant
pay for every foot he gets; and in
favor of exempting the bloated bond-
holder from taxes, and fastening the
infamous income tax upon the less for
tunate class of the citizens. And this
is what aristocratic Bill Amstrong is
doing in congress,
ete Ape
A Negro Senator Nominaled—The Ne-
groes Clamorous for Office—=Whites
Wilmington, June 3.—The Repub-
lican County Convention, which closed
its session here last evening nominated
a negro for Senator, and three negroes
for the Lower House of the Legisla.-
ture; also a negro candidate for Sher-
iff. Great dissatisfaction is expressed
by wany white and some colored Re-
publicans; and a new Convention will
prebably be held. It is feared by some
of the leaders of the party, that the
disposition shown by the negroes to
monopolize the office, will have a dis-
astrous effect on the counties, which
now have white Republican majorities.
The partnership between the negroes
antl the ‘ earpet baggers”’ seems com-
pletely dissolved.
Rome, June 5—midnight.—The dis
cussion. of the dogma of infallibility
was closed amid great confusion, the
debate being forcibly ended. The dis
tinguished bishops who were appointed
to the schema, and who were among
the most prefound and able debaters
in the councils, were summarily ruled
out of the debate and prevented for
participating in anyway in the discus-
sion. They were loud in their protes-
tation, and it “is believed: will 1ssue a
farewell protest against the arbitrary
manger in which the debate was closed.
The opposition were totally unpre
pared for this manner of procedure on
the purt of ‘the ultramentanes; and
“their indignation at the defeat of their
tactics; and formaintaining a stubborn
‘opposition to the scheme is very great.
“The excitement in charch circles is in-
tense, and the opposition seem to gain
strength from the efforts made by the
ultramontanes to crash them.
Lely seins
Hong Kong, May 30.—2 p. m.~~Im-
porsunt advices have' been received
“from the scene of the rebellion which
has hrokeéun’” ont in the northwestefn
proviticed of China. * The mévement
‘originated’ among the Mohammedan
Gevotees, who have revolted, and their
the government troops have alreally
taken place, and in all the eficoungers
the rebels were vietorions,! The Chi-
nese officials in the disaffected region
are much alarmed. and couriers are
constantly arriving at Pekin with ur-
gent appeals for reinforcements, Mean-
while the insurrection is gaining
ground, and the rehéls are moving up-
on Ourga, a Mongolian settlement, an-
der the protection of the Russians, who.
will defend the Mongolians from the
attacks of the Mohammedans.
i or =A Hp.
“YW hitkemore is re-elected to Congress
from South Carolina, The returns
Lare not all in, hot*enough is known to
insure the return of Butler's friend to
his old seat by the side of the irveson-
cilable leader. ~~ f
The Governor of Mississippi wants
the marriage license fee put as low as
possible in that State, so as to encour-
age matrimony.
Last Sunday I observed two young
ladies coming out of Sabbath school
together, but presenting 80 harked a
contrast, that the impulse was quick to
institute comparison,
One was dressed neatly, nicely, eon:
sistently, and would ba known a8 a la
dy on sight Wherever she might bo
seen, There was nothing about her
dress to divert the attention of her
scholars; nothing a thoughtful: man,
ready for a sensible and prudent wife,
could object to; nothing to contrast
discordantly. with the services of the
sanctuary. Her attire was appropri
ate for the parlor, street, and commu:
nion service. 1 could not but say ty
her father, as I walked along with him
after church, that he was fortunate in
having - a daughter of such good
The other young lady reminded me
of more or Jess than I -would like to
proclaim on the hunse tops. I may say,
however, that the idea of a custom got
up on her elaborate and bewildering
style, “adorning the doctrine of Christ’
in the way of teaching children the
precepts of the meek and low'y one, or
explaining the obligations of the Holy
Word, which makes such express
points against the vanities of the world,
the pride of life, &e,, &c., struck me
as so positively absurd, that it passed
my comprehension how two ideas so
utterly irrevelant and incompatible
and absolutely opposite as the conecep-
tion, arrangement and adornment of
such a costume and the duties of a
school teacher could ever get together
in one head. Certainly no child of
mine should be “taught” (?) by such a
compound eof vanity, frivolity and in-
consistency ; and if I were to hear that
@ worthy young man whom I esteemed
was about to marry her, I would sure
ly claim the privilege of prophecy to
write blank on his card.
I heard a lady say yesterday she
had dropped in at ———-, and found
Miss Blank, at ten o'clock, in her room
nothing, but pouting and wishing the
girl would come to dress her hair. I
asked her how this precions éxawple
ex hansted her leisure, and she said,
“Mainly in fixing her hair.” She, too,
isd communicant of the Church of
the Lorll Jesus, and though a kind.
hearted git], T feel bound to say sheis
a positive disgrace to the profession
she makes. She is a hundred fold
mare culpable than the St. Giles traui-
per, who said she had never been in a
church, and didn’t know it was wrong
to lie. > f
A few evenings since, at an experi
ence meeting 1 heard a young lady
briefly respond to the pastor's invita
tion, and, I am sure, with the fullest
sincerity, declare her desire to be all
her blessed Master would have her to
be. My heart went out to her in
warmth : and of all who recalled their
experience thut evening, none was nore
acceptable to me, But even as tears
gathered in my eyes, I could not but
remember that at a plain and pleasant
social gathering a few evenings before,
she was so adorned and embellished
and elaborately arrayed that I' should
not have presumed to advance the to-
pic of our Lord and his life and teach-
ings, for there was nothing in the out-
ward garb“to te supjaush a welconie
to any such subjects, and yet 1 know
her to be a good and worthy girl, sen-
sible and intelligent on other subjects.
What a pity! What a shame! Noth-
ing is farther from me than to impose
a uniform, a drab fiock, or an absurd
plainness that attracts notice and in-
vites criticism for its ostentatious exhi
bition of piety and self denial; ‘but
there is a medium which the best wo-
men, the truest ladies, do know how to
avail of, and which, even if a cross,
every professed follower of a ‘crucified
Redeemer is bound, by that profession,
to follow.—N. Y. Observer.
Sd ATi. dia att
Araens, Jane 3.—Several more brig-
ands have been captured, and after a
short investigation they were sen-
tenced to be executed and have since
been beheaded.
Liverroorn, June 8.~The tide of
emigration ‘to Ameriea is increasing.
No less than 21,000 emigrants, main-
ly Irish, left this for various Ameri-
éan ports during the month of May.
Nine-tenths of them went to New
hb A le pe en
A father who lives at Portland, on
Monday, punished his son for chewin
tobacco, by making hin stay out an
chop wood until nine o’clock at night,
then soft-soaped and washed his mouth
until it was raw, after ‘which he eram-
med it full of of pepper and thrust the
boy into the cellar, A brother let
the lad out during the - night, ‘and
the little fellow took a train or a boat
unable to speak, and had to write
what caused it.
Chicago, June 5.~During a thunder
storm yesterday six men, Among a par.
ty of workmen ‘who taken refuge ina
thived ‘of them instantly killed, ode so
Badly buined that he may be crippled
for life, and the others stunned.” ‘Bhe
hristian eharch; in - Walnut street,
partiafly ‘demolished. Had it oecurved
(luring services many would doubtless
have been killed.”
A lp MP Am m——p »
ExGovernor: Wm. F. Johnson is
u candidate for the dsmoeratic nomi-
nation for Assembiy, and Col. Sirwell
The term of Hon. James Thompson,
pire next year, He will probably be
the nominee of the democarey for re-
topes i
Helena, Montana, June 3.—The
ever experienced in this Territory has
just subsided. Snow fell to the depth
of five or six* feet im the mountains,
and the rain has been incessant for five
The prospects for placer diggings could
not be better, and a large yield is ex-
pected this season.
ee ete
The best tea—Modesty.
A paper puts a matter which i
to enforce in the following neat simile:
“You might as well attempt to
shampoo an elephant with a thimbleful
of soapsuds as attempt to do business
and ignore advertising :”
Another writergmts it thus; “Try.
ing to do business without ‘advertising
is .ike winking through a pair of green
goggles, You may know you ‘are do-
ing it; but nobody else does.”
aymnieeetvirbaai sgt
The New York swindlers have adop-
ted a new dodge to cheat the unsuspec-
ting denizens of the rural districts.
They are flooding the country with
circulars addressed to those who ‘were
sowdiers in the Union army. The doc-
ament unnounces thut discharged sols
diers ure'entitled to one hundred and
sixty acres of lund, assigned to them
for services during the war, and that
to obtain this bounty from the govern
ment it is only necessary to forward to
the “undersizned” a power of attorney
accompanied by a fee of thirty dolldrs
for professionul ‘services. Soldiers
should not pay the slightest attention
to such swindling propositions, nor sub-
mit their claims against the govern:
ment to any but well known and reli-
able legal gentlemen, -
Cems i pet
The production of oil at the Parker's
Landing district has been increased
matérially during the past two weeks
by the striking of several mew wells,
among which are the Henry Run well
now doing about 70 barrels daily, the
“Chance Shot” well doing about 75
barrels, and the “Hidden” well repor-
ted at 150 barrels per day. These
wells are all beyond the line of any
strikes previously reported and prove
that the western limit of producing
territory has not been nseertained.
en li lf Apr
Gilmore is still busily engaged on
his great history of the Peace Jubilee,
| He must hurry or the dish will be
cold when he brings it on the editor's
The divison which existed in Cin,
cinnati between the German singing
societies ‘has been. healud, and all join
in mow to make the festival, this
month, a success.
Qle Bull is gone home after giving
a series of concerts in this coutry and
spending much of his earning for chut-
table purposes.
such a man!
A writer says: Henry the Eighth,
that wild beast, composed glees which
deserve to survive him,
Motto for a rejpoted snitor-—he woo.
ed, but she wouldn't, le cooed, but
she couldn't.
A New London Sabbath School
teacher said to a little boy recently :
“Suppose some bad, wicked hoy were
to stop you on your way to church, and
ask you to go to some bad place with
shim what wonld you say 2”
“What would I say ?” repeated the
youngster ; “1 would say, shoo fly, dont
bodder me; I'm bound for Sunday
John Hule, ‘an Indian horse-thief,
who has spent most of his lift within
the walls of a prisou says he shall be
satisfied if be ean die on the back of a
stolen horse.
Simon I. Rhodes; of Reading, died
from injuries received by a board
striking him in the throat while work
in the planing mill
Mr. Ed. Embree, of Lancaster coun®
ty, was stung in the ear by a common
honey bee, on the 22d inst,, and died
in a half an hour from the effects,
The number of immigrants that ar-
rived at the port of New York ‘last
week amounted to 12,687.
Ls ple gag pre ees
Raleigh, May 81.—On Wednesday mor-
ning last three men went to the house of
Daniel and Neill McLeod, brothers, living
in the western portion of Cumberland eoun-
ty, and murdered both. They also badly
wounded the wife, daughter and son of
Neill McLeod. The McLeod's were
peaceable citizens and highly respected by
the neighbors.
- * oo
An oil train on the Atlantic and Great
Western Railroad took fire yesterday mor-
ning, while approaching Cleveland, The
fire communicated to the railroad bridges
over the Cuyahoga river and the Ohio ca-
nal, and destroyed them. A frame buil-
ding, oceupied by the Kritch & Crane
Manufacturing Company as a machine
shop, was damaged to the extent of about
twenty thousand dollars. It is covered by
insurance. The loss to the railroad com-
pany has not been ascertained.
Carraccas. May 31.—On the 27th ult. this
city was taken by the revolutionary forces,
under command of General Guzman B'anco,
after a sanguinary conflict of forty-eight
hours. Over five handred men were killed
and much damage dene to the city.
A frightful railway accident occured
yosterday morning about two and a half
miles from Patterson. N, J, The construc-
tion_train on the Delaware,’ Lackawana
and Western Railroad was precipitated
from a trestle bridge thirty feet high, and
several killed and wounded The master,
carponter, Campbell, and six other ‘car-
penters were instantly Killed. Between
thirty and forty workmen wer: shockingly
mutilated. The scene baffles description.
Many men are buried in the rains. The
moans and cries filled the air,
An Trishman, the other day, being as-
ked when he ever saw sueh a warm winter
at this, replied. ‘Last Summer, be jab: rs!’"
Paddy’s decription of a fiddle cannot be
beaten. He 'sayss “Bt is the shape of a
turkey, and the size of a goose; the man
turned it over on its baek, and rubbed its
belly wid a long stick; and oeh, by St.
Patrick F how it did squeal ™
A Montana vigilanee committee eaught
a very obnoxious character, set him on his
mule, and told him he had precisely fif-
tean minutes to leave the country m. He
five 11 answer!”
A Girl recently. eommitted suicide in
Omaha because she had just one lover too
many. She could not decide whieh one
she would marry, and as she could not
wed them both, she disposed of the ques
| tion ty killing hesgelf. |
fy ohe to play a
He says, howevdh is may
be, the moment ho hears & fiddle he goes to
thinking how he used to dance!
The Pacific Express train, on the Penn
sylvania Central railrond runs from Altoo- |
na to Harrisburg and thence to Philadel.
phia without stopping for wood or water.
These are perhaps the longest runs that lo-
comotives are called upon to make with-
out stopping for there necessariess: These. |
long runs are necessary to compete with 4
the New York roads. They could be ob-
vinted by the completion ofthe Lewisburg,
Jentre & Spruce Creek R. R., as that
would be a shorter route than any. that
New York could devisa,
"Brigham Young is one of the richest }
men in the world, - Tt is said that a single
Now York house hes invested sixty mil.
lions in securities on account, and his pos-
sessions in Great Britain enable him.to be
the third Inrgest depositor in the Bank of
England. :
A smart boy of Bollefontaine, Ohio, after
eating a green apple, exclaimed, ‘Oh, dear!
I've chewed an Odd Fellow!” “An Odd
Follow!” said his mother’ ‘Yes; Le's giv
ing me the grip.’’
Woman is composed of 243 bones 169
muscles, and 860 pins, Fearfullyand won-
dertully made, and to be hanflled with
great care to avoid scratches’
and Conveyancer. Deeds, Bonds, Host.
ages, and all instruments of writing fiith-
fo y attended to, Special attention given
to the ¢ollection of Bounty and Pension
claims. Office nearly opposite the Court
House, two doors above Messrs. Bush &
Y ocum’'s Law Office, Bellefonte, Pa.
UDITORS. NOTICE. — The under-
signed, an Auditor appointed by the
Orphang Court of Centre County, to ‘make
diztribution of the balanee'of moneys inthe
hands of T, M Hall, administrator, ete,,
of B. Taylor, late of Hownrd township,
dac’d, to aud smongst those tegally entitled
theveta, will attend to that duty at his office
in Bellefonte on Thursday the 80th day of
June, A. D. 18/0, ut 100'eclock, A. M., of
said day, at which time and place all pér-
sons interested are requested to attend if;
they think proper. 1. YY, STITZER,
JundOsit Auditor.
PAUTION. ~All persons are. he chy
Jeantioned again EE , of a hole,
signed by me, payableto Levi Kreps, for
one hundred and fifty dollars, and bearing
dute abous Muy 20th 1870. As1 have not
received value for the snme, 1 will refuse
to pay it unless compelled by law.
Charchyille, O. K!
The undersigned respectfully informs
the citizens of Potter township, that he
has just received anew Stock of Goods
and will always kéep on hands
Which will be offéred at the lowest
possible prices.
pg” Only Give us a Fair Trial. <6
We haye a full and complete assort-
ment of the latest styles,
Dry Goods,
Gentleman and Ladies furnishing
Goods, Oils, Fish Salt, Stationary, and
everything else that is to be found in
a well stocked country store,
The highest market price paid in. Store
Guods for
Don’t forget the Store at Churchville,
where goods are now offered at a bar:
gain. Call and see,
RO Your Buildings with the New
Patent Copper Covered Star
Lightning Rod, in the construction ofwhich
magnetic iron is used, § inches squire und
grooved, and covered in the most perfect
manner with pure polished sheet copper.
The most cele rated electricians, Sir Hum-
phrey Davy and Prof. Fariday, say in tho
American Cyclopedia, that a rod construc-
ted upon this principle, contains the great-
est possible conducting power. The es-
tublishment in Philadelphia, where thisrod
is made, is the Juitjpest of the kind in the
world, and they offer a reward of $500 to
any person who will show that ary build
ing as been struck by lightning upon
which thie rod has been properly placed,
The undarsigned, having his headquarters
at. Oentre Hall, will call upon property
holders in the valley with this superior rod.
Persons, however, should not delay, but
se d in their orders at once.
(i mmings House, Bellefonte,
James H. Liprox, I roprietor.
The undersigned having assumed con-
trol of this fine hotel, would Tesprect fully
ask the patronage of the public. He is pre-
pated to accommodate guests in the best
style, a
supplied with the best in tho market.
stables attached to the }otel, with carefu
and attentive servants, The traviing pubs
lic are invited to give the Cummings house
aeall. Omy27ef
RY BOARDS, Plank and Scantling
for sale by Irwin & WiLsox.
aPPIOBR, ei dibs bi fiogula igi beer
make at IewiIN & WiLsoX.
aplO’'68, .
HOE-MAKERS TOOLS and findings,
: in all their varieties, a
rea LE wt Cen;
Ine mall i afew: ANS, ith ig large and
necar, the largest eye iit, 1s now pre-
fae o take pretaree Tn the fries style of
heart, such ‘ns Photographs,’ Gems, Fa-
roetypes, &e., all sizes and styles. Prices
moderate. Pictures warranted to give sa-
tisfaction, or money returned. Call at
once, C GLENN,
apr22, 3 Artist,
SPINDLE SKEINS for wagons, all si-
zes, at the sign of the Anvil.
wp 10768, : Irwin & WiLson.
New Goods
New Goods gauet | af
New Goods
Just Received
Just. Received
“Just Received
At Centre Hill,
At Centre Hill, .
At Centre. Hilljs ion ooiiin i.
Where you will ind a good assortment |
Queenswar Wood illow ware, Hats
and Caps, ts and SToes, Drugs, Oils,
and Paints, Fish, Salt, Wall Paper, &¢.
Great inducements to persons buying
their Goods for cash.
may6,twom GRAFF & THOMPSON.
has removed to the store known as No. 5
Bush's Areade next door to Zimme rman,
Bros & Co., where he is just opening out a
complete stock of
oD & %
Gk 1,
Base Balls, Bats, Keys, and general Spore |
ang-A Luns made. ire
warranted, adeand repaire
where the citizens of Potter and adjoining!
townships are cordinlly invited xo ng
see him, and give him a trinl. Coats, Pants
3 boys, ‘dnt and mude
to order, in style lo suit customers, Good
work and reasonable prices guaranteed,
Give us a trial, a 2imydm
( United States Treasury 9.5 CC
32 Wall 8t., New York...
( lews, Habicht & Co., London.
The business of eur firms is conducted in
the same manner, in all re pects ns that of
an Incorporated Bank, Parties keeping
their accounts with us in either
or Gold, can Check at Sight, without no-
tice. Interest will also be allowed upon
all daily balances; credited monthly and
account current rendered. We issue Cer-
tificates of Deposit, payable on demand or
at fixed date, bearing interest, and available
wn all parts of the United States.
We are at all times prepured to make Ad-
vances to our Deslers on approved collate-
rals at market rate. of interest. We buy
and sell Gold, Bills of Exchange, Govern -
ment, State and City. Bopds, and other
rstelass Becurities, on commission.
Special Attention given to negotiating
Railroad und othén enrporate Loans;
We make Collections pron wh of Go
Ons, Dividen By. len es, Dra C., Pa
B ints in the United States, adn, or
rape. and are fully prepered to offer Bank-
ing Facilities upon either Currency or Gold
basis. 2imylm
+ v-lhe New
Te * ‘
204 I 24
Bowery «mpl re Bowery
The extraordinary success of their new and
improved manufacturing Machines for
light or heavy work, has induced the
Empire Sewing Machine Co.
to munufucture n New Family Machine of
the sume style und construction, with addi-
tional ornwrbentation, makin Lit equal in
beauty and finish with other Family Ma-
chines, whereas in usefulness it far outstrips
all cowpetitors., i Vad
knowledged necessary article comes within
prepared to offer the most libéral ind wee
ments to buyers, dealers dnd agents, Ev.
ery Machine wappunted. Apply fur circu-
lars sind samples to ji.3 a
Empire Sewing Machine Comp,
my 27, 5m 201 Bowery, New York
OTICE.~ Letters of Administration
having doo granted the undersigned
over the Estate of William Keller, late
of Potter twp., dec’ d, notice is hereby given |
to snid Kstate, to come forward aud make
Pedihent ut Mahuyy and all SONS
ithiout ; PRS
nving accounts aginst the same hy yr
sent thew properly authenticated for Settle
& is
mna20,06L &
F Hor Sale! —The undersig-
arm ned offers his yaluable Farin
situate in Potter township, ‘ong mile: south
enst of Centre Hill, alongside the Bellefonte
& Lewistomgtdrapike, at private sale, the
same containin 65 ACRES, of which eight
acres are good timber land. Thereon erec-
ted a large foume house, bank burn: $8
apd all necessary outbuildings; an ol
Orchard, also a young Orchard of grafs
ted fruit. This is a farm of smooth land,
and in a high state of éultivation ; a'well of
limestone water also a spring, both of nev
er {niling water. For or J culars
apply lo 4b ve aims SAD: YE :
2imy din Cy
The andorsigned nouw prepared to put
this superior
and most thoroughly tried. Being of cop-
par its eouducting power is
other metal except silver.
rives it the greatest strength and stability.
his rod has a surfage 2) times grater than
the common iron rod, and being eight times
greater conducting metal, re
equal to twenty iron rods.
’s Lightning Rod has
Munson’'s eive
{ Wanted Ev
for Everybody.
300 per Month. Send for
Sixth St., hiladelph
50 Pages Pinel
It atic
pe sulation
frauds of eperators.
ood: We pay Brel
-. e
f fe
CONN.« ££ -6:la F.
win gld
By J. H. BEA
Lae Re r. BRIN 8 X
¥ #
oF BAe se
og oi wile
Polgamy and the
origin, to the present time,
fin. te are meeting with
suecess, one reports &
days, one 20 the first
1y Don't 3
Well’ ic
r Box Sent
by mail
‘The w enliven
dents full of abarast
will buy this, notwi
Ttisa pl
delphia, P
UNION, with, which Je GIV]
werb orld- ned work
The best paper and est
half a day, “Sales easier than
rofits greater.” Wide awake
Fehon Cierrymon and others,
r and fall particulars of this
yd and unprecedented combin
which there is more money than
now offered H.
fisher, 400 Chestiut St., Phila.
“After much study
ion as to the re
woLic Acip, Dr W
TO, noination
Fhe form of » Tablet,
a # =
© 48
ps ;
Ohio and Connegtient, and at National ‘Fair, |
Maryland Institute, American Institute of
New York, Mechanics’ Institute of Cincin-
pti and atveryanany Cobuty anc District
airs. ;
1t has been endersed by. over five hun- |
dred Professors in Colleges, and other sci-
entific men, as the best rod ever invented,
and possessing all the elements necessary
to protect buildings from lightning. :
Price.—Only 30 cents per and $38 for
each top, this includes cost of putting ap.
Delay in having your buildings roded, is
dangerous ;send in your order at once to
my27tf ¥ 3
[1 Centre Hall
A Book of 125 closely printed pages, late-
contains 4 jist of the best Ameni-
wrtisin ediums, | giving :
nafdes, circulations, ‘and “all pas
concerning the leading Daily and ¥
Political and Family Newspapers, toget
er with all those having large circulations,
published in the interest of Religion, Agri-
culture, Literature, &e., &e. very Ad-
vertiser, and every person who contem-
plates becoming such, will find this book
of great value. Mailed free 10 any address
on receipt of fifteen cents, GEO. P.
ROWELL & CO., Publishers, No'40 Park
Row New York. i
The Pittsburg (Pa.) Leader, in its issue
of May'29, 1870, says: The firm ol G. P.
Rowell & Coy which issues this interes.
ting ard valuable book, is the largest and
best Advertising Agency in the United
States, and we can cheerfully recom nen
advertise their business scientifically. and
systemetically in such a way ; that is, so to
secure the largest amount of publicity for
the least expenditure of money.” _-junlOdt
Inventors who wish to take out
Fatent are advised to counsel with 3
QO., editors of the Scientific Amerigan, |
who have prosecuted claims before ©
Patent Office for over Towonty Years. Thei
American and European
the most extensive in the world,
less than amy other telah P:
pamphlet containing full Fostr
Park Row, New York = (1 -
That the Best Mowers—the
pers—the Best Self-Rakers to be found in
the world are the Original and Re
Double-Motion Aitna !
of Salem, Ohio. §
taining partieulars.
achines, : de §
fr CO, . X.
moves Corns without pain; price
Sold at drug and shoe stores.
mailed on receipt of price and trade su
lied by the JAPANSE CORN FILE CO.,
roung or old, married or single,
or hy of ii
Ta circular.
whether in
For Female COm
at the dawn of
4 Pine street, New York, junlodg
14, these Tonic Bi
the tippler on to "irun
= and ruin, ;
ve no equal’
but are a
Herbs of Californ
y =n
cisco and Sacra
Commerce st
Druggists & D