ean a To EN IC FOR ns YOUNG LADIES. ¥ prio, ra ou ve a very sood heart and a very bong nose, Jut now to the point '-~do ‘you wean to Re? ) io The house is hes og both by eich and by poor, Who knock all day long door; They turn gp.their ey ps, ond they turn Qut their tues, : at grandmine’ 8 You say that you Jove me, bat Jove wl alongs d * { YOO) F To unmadtied girls” EN Kein ule wn- known, Yousigh and look down, aad present me a rose; ) But that isall stall do you TRE te pro- posd® lt RAT Prin I am not so hard-henrted as I may appear; W hy stop and looK sheepish? —there's noth- . Ang to.fear, .. Youmen are such Relig! only Belzebuh knows The troub'es you give us “before you pro- POSQ "Tizalmost two seasons sinec I have heen out; You Simiper and smile and you whirl me about; Bat this is net business, the Foes, Another will leer d meil you don't propose! horrid time You take all the airs of » man I've b pagferr- ed; § SIE REY You keep offihe 3 elt, and you doo t say a word. This is not fair, Phiey—sure’ a fellow who shows . W n vis sow chi haa 7 8 o pu within of give me can't go on avn with cons and with pios, — Never come here agains-or be frank and tol Owl. a The Difference Meise their ships, the eager things, To tof their luck at sea, But none can tell by note or eount How many there may be. One turneth east; another conth— They neverecqine again; Andibenwe know they must have sank, Butmeither hownor when. Godsondlbililis happy birds abroad — “Thiy're less than ships,” say we, No moment, passes but He knows Hew many there should be. Onabltildeth high, another low, Wit use a bird's light care— Mf oly one, perchance, doth fall, God knoweth when and where. Bradlee gra Hat The Telescope is: Doing. Olé of the Targest telescopes in the world it is well known, i is owned by. the Chicago Uniyessity... The destined work «of thls wondesful instrument is to. make, in con- nectiGhl With nine chief Observatories of Europe and America, an entirely new cata- logue of250,000¢tars, determining the right ascgnsion and. declination of each particu- lar starfsd $Hut by “observing its position, astromoraers may, infar off ages, beable to announce authoritatively on its motion, and to deelate in what direction. it has procec- ded ¥hFough the illimifable voids. At this mom ent ibdsslowly and surely performing its sublime work, and furnishing these fur- off ASLFONOMCTS the data upon which to base theif oe ulatione regpectiis that mighty proble fie direct motion of the sun through space. ‘Whemshis is solved, data will also be abundant for | cating 4 he pos ition af the great centralbgin, {around ® bich Millions upon millions of other suns popularly de- -nominatedStars, in all probability, revolve. The labor being divided among the ten | principal observatories in the world, will make the shore of it falling to the Chicago Qbhsory atory, 2 3,000 stars—upon each one of which the most careful obsggvations will be made And recorded. It will require abofit ten year: to aceomplish this stapen dous work, and when it is dome we may expect some most impotant astronomical discovegjes.- —{The Index.] NE . o ] Trin A musical festival is i preparation in New York which will surpass in stupen- dousness of arrangément and. grandeur of execution even the Boston Jubilee. The place selected for holding this immense Jubilee i is the American Institute building and’ over 8,500" WO fralged voices have been, engaged for, the oecasion. An im- .mense organ, largerthan the onesin Boston, is in process of constructiom Gilmore and his bale SEARS Fledbs Wonk with other pieces, have promised thei r services. “The concer eq : yw when the Handel and Had, yn Soe fetiesof Boston will be ASE OBE BE ork. One hu dréd thousandedollars have td boca, sibe 8 syns Project. BO Br Tt. geen wil Crop pbrtifron various Poin 3 in Thi noig say the prospects are favorable for a large harvest. C. ) Planting i id bout com. pleted, andgthe. Wheat; corn outs all look well. There i is. genotil conyplaing, howe: | > ain, and ifit Wes not comet two. the crops will suffer. Sle i Oo nos. « er smile,’ n, ted Fo aan who aid; “He sneezed a snooze Rr wi Tésoze it to pick 4 Frel With 2 a “peaceable man | the my F never hind w fuss | with hut oi 4 he “Sates RR it in this Ha i or not in ands is in this The Allentown Demo- - spectingunipaton di dg, which ioluh The claim is based upon the follows ing condition : The dfigival giants of and by the state were limited to 400 ACTPS. {Heng @ thie frranfees, who or igi lly rt. opted Re Tad oBtain- ed their warrants for that amount only from the and office, but in making their surveys they ovepran their rights and returned: to: the dand office trom 150 td 475 acres. The State instead of refusing to accept, the suryeys, as it most certainly should have dhtte at the time; with the parties in fault, re. the watfrant, and assumes tO “have charged this surplus as a claim against the land so granted, and mow “after nearly a century, and after the lands have been subdivided, and in many cases passed through Scares of hails, and in good faith, and under a genuine warrant from ‘the State for (tlie origin al 400 acres, (the surplus having been a palpable connivance between the State officers and the original warran tees and kept a profound secret uutil the late date) the State now seeks to extort this unjust demand, avith all its accumulated interests from the present occupants of the land, And more.ab- strd than all the rest is; that all whe have not patents must pay 815 to se- cure one, 810 for survey. and State seal, and 82 for searching out this won- derful claini;, together with interest, ete. Justice and common “sense would seem to teach ug, and Taw should be founded upon common scnse, that when the original survey was returned in excess of the warrant, the State should have refused to accept it, or have col- lected ‘her caim from the original wwrrantees, and that after sleeping upon her rights for about eighty years she should be debarred from coming Lapon the present océupants who hold the land in good faith and who have borne the heavy barden of “taxation upon it. We are aware that by the common law “no time runpeth against the King or Commonwealth,” and its claims never outlaw, yet we believe justice and equity should set aside the technical law when the strict execu tion of it would do palpable injustice. While the Commonwealth has these arbitrary rights, the people also have their Fights. There is a mhxim in Jaw ‘that every man has a right to a day in court, and that a form: il. entry of judgment must be made against him before the penalties of any Jaw can be executed upon him. * But in this case no such record appears; therefore, allowing for the sake of argument that itis just, the land cannot be sold until such recording appears: hence ‘we do not believe, nor can we aseertain from the best informed sources that there is next, nor do we believe they will be The amount of money which would he realized out of this claim after being tithed by the different officials throngh whose hands it would pass would be very much like the Irishman’s tead— “Yez may have been a very purty bird before your feathers were shot away, but ycz don’t amount to much now. The people are indebted to Attorney General Brewster, ibrotherof the pres- ent incumbent, and the corrupt Legis- lature under Gov. Geary’s avluriugla- tion, for the passage of this most oner- hous and unjust act. Gov. Geary in his last message feankly acknowledged that«the Treasury had been busoly used to currupt the State Government, and we know of no reason for this | flagrant act of injustice except it be to tracks already made in the Treasury | departinient and enable the “Ring” to further continue its accursed work of curruption. +A\Ve : believe : this “law should "never have been passed, but such being the case, the only remedy is its early repeal, and the péople shoald demand it and send such Rep- resentatives only to the next Legisla- ture as will honestly strive ‘to bring about this mach ito be desived result. Some of the more wily: —or, ad they would be termed by the wire-pullers ‘discreet’ — of the Radical party, dis¢laim the establish ment of a strong Central Government az their object and aim for the prepetuation of their asecndencey. Oeensionally, hew- theicnumben will give bold; utterance: to their partisansehemes. For instanee Par- «son Brownlow: “Haa I mp way I would 50 eonstrnet the Government fhe United States as 6 form a #trong “central Government here in the Distaict of Golum bia; « and organize the Statesaswomany eolonial ¢orporitions fe absolutely dependent’ upon ind subjéet fo ton as ave comrties to States; and lie adds; “IL believe that" Congress” and the country ‘are looking in the same direction.’ purtysthere is no good reason to doubt that he speakstraly. The Radicals are not only looking in-that direction,’ bil thoy upc praétically working with that intent. The issue is bet ween consolidation and despo- tis and Segtes and the Constitution. The { friend: of liberty against tyranny will stand or fall t em 6Btite pa fain and the Chasis th as it was, ankto dif- fuse the lesvinigs of a’ Republican governs [Ment upon the Jeffersonian prince iiple of Shag rented god to thie gicatast wmber.. he iy J. B. EPTRLES. Ww. HOLESALY WINE & LIQUOR pe = 8: ORYE i ing street, Bille orite fn the Stone buil- z iormerly occupied by the Key- Stone Bakery Takes pleastire in infor ‘ming the pabLlie that constantly on hatid a sup of oteign anestic Lig AU Dirryels Kegs and Cusks' oop ante odo contain the quiitity represented: choice Piifposel. ‘Motte: stant] gt PORE N en ha and demi; “has the Pi Wis KY in oh FA bazar “iors fe always associated i in my mind with a hill.” 1 i Hifi are ia ptaded 3 fa ort 10R, 1quors wi © : or He has oA Fl Ae Fi x ig The es P > 3 i eR nt - entioti of the ¢ to his ext Damon I oh il to EAE, of Foreign and Do ¢ : aay ‘wholdeala at the lowest cash ted to be thei rel ye of Ww ulin, qualit olland berry Hin ne Tnsonubls rates ri t 3 mmpagn F ye C re , and ny ies. Pare Jamaten and New England oo 'Cordint of all kinds. He w ho particular ely invite Farmers, Ho- tel keepers and others to eall nl oxXmnine his large su pply, to Judge for themselves and Wy vertu aE procuring what they buy, which can seldom be done v when puretins- ng inthe eity. » or Physicians are respectfully requested o give his liquors atria , pao M' ROHAN Tb HOUSH iy C13 & AD, “PHI f1.X° . 9 HH MANDERBACH ok ETOR. 1.C. Nes, Uneny, This well-known: Hotel, will"ba found by all visiting the city, ohe of the most desires abla, both as tiv rensonablachnrges und con- venience, German and English is spoken. apt 08, tf, AEN TRE I ALL HOTEL. B Joux SraxNgLew, Proprietor. Stages arrive and depart daily, for all points, north south, enst and west, This favorite Hotol has been refitted and furnished by its new proprietor, and is now in every respect ona of tho most pleasant country Hotels in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovers will always find the best accommodations. Per- sons from the city wishing to spend a few woeks during the summer in the country, will find Centre Hall one of the most dean tiful locations, and the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desive for comfort and con- venience. aplO G8, tf, fo inds of om 1 likin { Bang phic hint 3 2 . othe ‘ A ———— A —— iT —— COACH MANUF ACTORY. HARDMAN PHIL JTPR, THIS manuf: debit ot biishiment al Yeagertown, on the Lewistown amd Bellefonte Turnpike, has now on hance a fine stock of Carringes, Buggies, Sulkies for sale as superior in quality and styles tc any manafactured in the country. They are made of the very best seasoned stock’ hy first class practical workmen, and ‘finished in a style that challenges comparison with any work out of or m the Eastern cities and ean be sold at lower prices than those manufactured in large towns and cities, amidst high rents and ruinous priees of liv. ing. Being mastor of his own situation, anxious to excel in his‘wrtistical profession and free from any annoysuces in his busi- ness, he has time and. ability th. devote his entire attention to his profession and his customers, rendering satisfaction alike t¢ all patrons, eperatives, his country, anc hiptects. Call and examine his stock and learn his prices; and you cannot fail to be y on REP ALR I.X¢ of all kinds done neatly, bos To reasenably. Yeagertown, Jane 12, 1858 —1y, } mr om——— cons w ind YREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEAT- 1 ED LANDS FOR TAKES, FOR 1870, AND PREVIOUS YEARS, - Notice i is hereby given that in pursuance of an Act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of June, A, D., 1815, entitled, An Acttoamend an Act direc 't- ing the mode of sel'ing unseated lands in Centre county,” and the several supple- ments thereto, there will he ar to publié sale or outery, the following tracts of unseated lands in said connty for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, atthe Couat House in the borough of Bellefonte, on the second Monday oi’ June, A. D,, 1870, BENNER TOWNSHIP. i ACR'S PER, WFARRANTHE NAMES TAXES Sedans sont) J hingi&...............8 0) « D Shugert....... snanasts ke Jas Bartram 8 85 iviseeenn dh. B° Hutchison. os... 2 01 BOGGS TWD. “H........David Lewis.......... "98 )) we 10 hn Wil liam Gray. Mvieies U8 KO flo wd weed onsithan Hervey aad 14 i ono SOWErs ...... 2880 ol &R Rhos... 6386 srsnan ns ANAPOW BA 18. cven ee 6 00 weeseneee 1 hOS Thornburg... 615 swHenry Harris Hal Hannah Fishburn, + w. YR 80 Marguret Butler... 8 65 John Cochran S04 Wm Russel 1 H2 Thos Russel ‘1; 20 FY 37 nuns + yaa 1T79...... 3058... hnd hr Reisen estemeraH J ohn M'Clure W. saa mwmne Mary bane Lou Wa 108. cd] Liss. lames Ourtinia. ai Wakad ames Brooks wii Susan Reese, oh dada muhanes Suga.. En Godfrey. aRebeeen dels. wi (radfrey iia isisise == Fetzer 36. wi Wm Wilson... ih desis bhp KnOAV ND ; wGeorgeAston James Rowland... 491...... 8 sivvisa add ohn DCO isons carers 353 gi: “arma 2 m Wi istar., “Simpson Davis... Bvan Mies... Samnel Miles, =r oy m A hane ello... oo “ w® res ubeten Sanne Sheen 10 16 14 12 Tesanen 6 065 HHH 6 65 60 HHH 6 65 9.06 3 RY 250 3 44 4 65 i JD snub TE Henry, de 11 12540 Fee aninse Mo-es Hood......... wu 14 36 aiiwss Ann Denll.. 4 66 Wm Hood.. . 26 60 100 ee... 80ir. ecediOsbe NaS 4 iatnia ‘Burnside rae i 01..4.0%0500.D Kharsetned bn. an 987.15. 8) “DQarscaddonirLl. 8M 430 Joseph \' allace.... 274% wD CasGaddon..... 18 16 Wm Brady 15 58 Jel Bradys. iin. 483. hs wine Barron Ir B20)... aid conn n Wine Dnvidson ai foi Ddiwsssas a] 03 Davidson. voi: Aas Gn nknown_, John M Clave ooo John Poorman. os an we. 1003 15 58 1H 44 1468 452 16 12 V1 ON . B58 15 68 15.58 1558 1558 15 58 15 58 15 68 rane. 3D D8 « 10 08 ~ 1088 Hall 10 87 i 12 15 58 se 3 07 155 03 15 68 1608 15 58 14 46 TEAS od $08 1H OH8 S05: 08 Jno Davidson. jae severe Robt Davidson 433. nd dg Wm Davidson Ne do. ul... Wm Ewing... dogwodo, teed as NS Ewing... os anideica shi: Ewing: RUA doi. do. si Hannah wing... “do. d dno Swin : Anna Bing. do.........Samuel Ewing......... dos... Alex Jilieggon, —— Ay Robt Gray... "i arte = Grant... Pt oe apes hehin ston TH on, Eth Hi FER es seen Foy “rane 15613 do mas doi.. ou as 424.00 1280. ae Francis Johnson, 50 433, eal. wasn Dan 1: Reese 410...... do. aminid ORCI W pine... via A do. ino. wae Wan, W allneé .. 438 ci sssness Eos seasons. coun 40. 5740105... Geo WW. Halicicee wa. i ri NANG Hal! cena vo dbnuis «Robt Gay RE 27 49 in — Wm Dewart.. od... 2749 A0 aus AOs vin Inoy Dewitt id. i 2: 0 doGais esnaibosdd 8 Towers... sansa achras 29 i) 7 Daisia rata dd Gray. aiharerseane 24 pee 26 34 lek... nner. ili walle... a 2544 Orbs . as’ ds Dh oss Shaffer... erin PH Tot 50 ow 3 my Brady... a HAD yon. TAME a ne vs 2 4) hai a DON gee sunre ani ig : Lrrant Ss Brady .. *eresr nese - « do.. BE a do do do do do del 2 Donelly... — . 974 asebte i OT “aiiiny rvin ig Tetife es on M ate wens TT: 49 rancis ‘Johnson... 27 49 Wm MP horson.. ii Ho ) Nm Bell... CERERES sana ih 24 hus Stewart, 49 SER sRERES Pattl CoXeagessrescrsisssne Jno Vaughn Pay id dienox...un.. « Andrew Petlit...... . Cdno Barelay Win Bingham James Hall ‘ Chas Hall Pavid Lewis John Shynn Riohaed \Waln Joseph Waln Jee Waln dohn Barron Eli Canby » dro Wh Molly wrton v nknown : ereminh Parker Henry Harris Michuel © Prien Hany Wheeler organ Penssol & Hunt F Guernsey Fe 16... 139° 103 Jesse Brooks Christiun Rohrer J, Godfrey no y ers Thomas Hale Thad Wibser os IP Wharton os Maines D Curscaddon D Curscaddon John Curtin Roland Curtin Narah Lune Jno W Godfrey D Cavseaddon Wm P Brady Mirthin Godire Peter Smith Mary Lane Jos Kelan Paul Custin vdieo ©dly leman Sarak Ww son Alex Be I Chas Hall Caleb Lawns Isane Longstreet Chas Allen dos Taylor Andrew Epple Robt Levin N 8 Atw ood dob W Packer Ho N 8S Atwood Job 'W Packer do Peter Hahn Susan Hubn Joseph Thomas Jacob Waln Nathan Levy Theos Hempkins Robt Gray m Gray Win Yardley Sam’ Buird Matthew Leech Jos Kelso Lindley Coals Wm Gilbert Caleb Lawns Lance Jongstreot James White Rebecea Kelso Robt Frwin Jacob Packer Charles Allen PhilipM vers Simeon Myers Naleutire Myers Michael M yers Ester Eddy Carper Ni:tar Thomas Hale Jesse I: all Robt Amesly Johan M Canlly Robt Amesly Cline Quigygle Sam’ | Scott Fishburn. Wharton JM & LC Packer Fishburn W barton JM vs WD Packer ' Mean "Jor Kelso A Hamilton M& F Loch Richard Funis Township. Lico Imyer , » os Be” 8 Ine thfterson °F {ico Nice Jacob Lite Peter Cispin Sam’ Dunesn Thos M'Cullough Leonard Haw thems Tsane Worrell Alfred B Crevit Thos Ferguson Aavon Levy Jas: Moore 35 30 21:92 27 90 21 02 1419 110 Bu 2048 os 52 do 2089 85 15 26 48 29 48 474 65H 52 ¥1 53 0s 5245 hn A912 Fw me Oy dd 10 84 1251 J1 9 1127 11 43 14.58 BOO +2 84 HM 18 2 27 Dan’l Turner Lydia Fowler Jacob Way Henry Medlex Richards & Ganter Richard Mo ley Henry Manley Benj Horner Jno M Kenn Robt Rankin Isaae Buckler Jas ‘Baker Jno Peterbridge Jr Isaiah Lushy Caled North Jno Peterbridge Jno Packer Sam’l Bryson Avram micks Unknown 1saac Buckley Richard Manley nry Manley ownship., 129 127 Half Oa ed TR «F138. ck ls Jno Conder Andrew Carson Bernard Hubley Robert G ay John Curso Cornelius ds Jneob Markley Dan'l Reese Yaune Richardson Michael Zeigler “Jas Taorimore Jno Mercer Unknown 0 do Moon Township. Josiah Lawburn m King Sunil Brain Jno M' Cissiek: Henry Floyd 82290 Epes Em | burn. ia Underwood: ich pooh Pls wor John noward hs oN uernnad oo» 2 sess: 8 Run me + do IR PEs NER Be a 9 g vi 25% 150 158 A098 £6 do 50 250 ol 3 40 30 200 208 a8 mn 496 R80 do 30 20 400 2 425 do: 321 331 130 128 196 n2 b0 1 RO 120 do 32 il 40 42 By Geo SS doer, sopler dam Epler ON Stover & Wolf Hurris Township, Sam'l wilson Jno Mitehall dno Reynolds SN Barvy Thos Sankey Jno Steele “Robt Smuaple Adan Connelly David wilson Joseph work Dav d work Nathan Simpson win wilson Peter wilson Eleann M' Cormick Peter wilson a Kenrney wharton wm Hoffman Jno levin © wi Brown Jar Reed ‘Wm Hoffman Thos Johnston wm Irvin Jno Bell Robt Batters Howard township. RC & J Custin Jumes Green Sam’! Custin dno w Godfrey Joseph Green Jesse Evans Reland-Curtin Paul Dustin Jos h Ta vior Sark Burnham Bam’ | Pancoawst J 8 Furst Wan. Ramsey Jno Graylburg ao A nknewn Jonathan Willis James Gregg 4 Hall & Curtin Joseph Harris Unknown Sam’! Leathers ¥ Leathers A i it urris Hu osthin Martha Godfre Jonathan Wi Fills Tiikhawn A J J ose phson u ao ou ja noglen; Bolt Moore Williams Robert RKulnes —— ules Unknown ~— Kuines Adam Kulnes Unknown dna Price Ano Wheeland Jno Rolington as Baxter C&S Kulnes John Friend Vaknow n Liberty township. arsceaddon Sam'l Custar we Roberts % rah Custin dub W Packer Stephen Stephenson Jno Duanw ood Ebenezer Benham Dan'l Pleteher aE & J Hayes Unknown Win nayves Je Magee dao Quay Jas Samuels Simon Lingle. Hugh Shaw Q tian Nestlerode Unknown Stephen Chambers Ross Baker z= Peters Wm Scott J & D Gunsaulas Thos King Teter Lytle Robt Sovith Wm Garvell Peter Swartz Jere Sheridan Matthew Leech Marion Township. 4 W Kinney rah Wilson Robt Young J MM Kinney 0 wm A Thomas Unknown do de J eho Schenck. _i 0 ~ Unknown dex Scott known “do to do Susistion h Rober Miles T ow wl . mehry Toland Sam’ Nort mn Dan'li Williams m y Rich Parker Jere Parker Binkkon Gratz . do do do Thos Grant Ral Brady Ot r oS Thos Gran: | 2 Robt Brady " ] ® na Wold a g I ed Dues 6 ship, — — oe SRNERRLY 5 Ea. 5 BESTIUBE ESar Wa =e my 222222=8° 8° 190, =x? a SRW A ie $5 2 A ry 00 md 35 15 Mares rg igus po . - oe Bly vee = Bx aa ee Zasiom paar THESERS 10 49 sm 2% 10489 31 88 240 al 66 2:1 nw 1003 deo HOH 18 75 83 0 2 2H 482 - aT Oe el Bz. UEISS BoE - $08 S35 i CoLERERNEZ pes Hau Fass i do” 153 do do ao. ‘Fdwd doreinias Wandutringas Jos will Geo Faust am h ak fson lelhan Ravi in © wrence amon] Clatat Daniel Buckley Jesse Richards Casper Schaefner bt Spear Christian Lenhore wm wilson Sam’! Harris 818 rthoiomew Wistor 13 3] Richard Morris 16,63 Thos Wistar Casper w MM ris : » Ah oi ui “Nathan Mattock Josiah Mattock ah Me ‘Aewry Hes Christian Stoner no Stoner nj F Hore Robt ‘Reed Jos mopkins Juno Hopkins Christian Rohrer *anl 1 Phi bill EA Blaek Joseph Wells Robt Pi in “Jno Masser dno {Filgun Jaco Bhoughs Pan’ | Turner ww ontgomery Jno Linden Ano Sherrick Jno Hoover Mary Smith Richard Malone Hannah Turner James Turner Burbara Snyder Ann Authurs Shales homas Arthurs dos Ww elsh itios— J ohn pened Reulon Haines Jos Miller Jos J Wallace Robt: Rainey Jno Fank white & Parsons shert King OR rrison Edward Bryan i Bauman © Thoms Hamilton Eleanor Siddons Isanc Britches » John Gundger George Slough Michacl Gunduger mardmanPhilips Thomas Hwmiltyn Thomas