A LOCAL NEWS.—Qur friends will oblige by sending in any items of local inter- est, including. deaths, marr &c., as such ate ea Jou by 3 oh w many eo: 3 wm oo We would esteem it a favor if r kind pa- trons would wccativanlly, mail a copy of the Reporter to rola‘ives and acquaintan- cot whe formerly lived in, Centre eounty nd removed to sthor puts, which woul ne an y te become Tes BLANKS —8lank Summons, Vendu Notes, Executions, and Judgment and Ex- ewption Note combined, Justices War- rants, de. for sale at this Utlices —r a T. J. N.=1t wili be attended to. man ili fy The musical convention which was to have been held in the Loop, last week, wis ‘postponcd to some future time. . : A fair trial only is needed to con- vince the most skeptical, that Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer will accomplish all that is claimed for it. iam el We. acknowledge the receipt of a summer hat from the gentlemanly firm of Foster, Devling & Wilson, Thanks gentlemen, and. consider. our hat tip- ped. wt » > Tart Gurass—Me Meury Wit- mer, of this place, on last Wednesday A. Mr. I. W., writes us: ing of soldiers a y evening, orate th ied inthe met at the Academy yalsburg church yard. academy in the following order: Boalsburg Brass Band; Rev's Groh and Williams; a squad of about 20 sol- diers; the friends of deceased soldiers, followed by the citizens, ahd marched to the graveyard, each one carrying a boquet of the choicest flowers. The flowers were given to the soldiers who distributed them over the graves; af- ter, which Rev. Williams delivered a short and patriotic address. Over 400 persons were in attendance. I. W. lp ne Mp nen Turer Trousaxn Hoes BurNeD ~The stock-pens of Gafl’s distillery in Cincinnati, containing 4,200 hogs, were burned on the 11 inst, Three thousand hogs were roasted to death. The scene is said to have been as grand as it was horrible, Great col. ans of flame, fed by the living fuel, shot wpward thousands of feet, and rolled off in dense masses of black smoke. Every effort was made to save the poor creatures, and about 1,000 were got out; the rest perished, our office, menstring ubout five feet in length, @ach. Who beats it? ; athe Vareey Pre-Nie.= Way i SErews, pri 9 a | Norway Rode, Otte. Lubriesti Era n iis “A [4 31 i ter vols, Jars and C i Varnishes reveived sad for at june 68, 1y. 4. & J. HARRIS, bly FU ANIDE » THON As" E . Ii BURNSIDE » THOR AS" ANTPSOF EVERY VARIETY an kind af wio.68 IEWIN & WILSON'S. Wall Paper! I hve just received fry New York 5000 Bolis of Exizlish sud Soverican Wall Paper, A p # Owes 3000 pieces ow and at reduced prices ] B . On papers amd afl styles suitable for Halls G ot common paper at 5cents per Bolt. Persons intending papering will do well to examine wy stock before buying elsewhers Orders ail Hams an i warded and if pot proven satisfactory can be reterned at bh 19 W. J. McMANIGAL'S HARDWARE STORE, apBif MILROY, PA. ai id fy Pp a i. and order. aa prievs as at my i at the lowest rates, an ; : ws Establish ¢ Kinsloe & Brother, om Allegheny | By rake oh ‘the Dismond, Bellefonte; to | which he has Justadded a | rze invoice of ds, such as i» generally kept in a well- | Sonducted Book and Station Dore tock consists of Theological, 3 1, Miscellanious, Sunday School, and Boake. Also, bi ) : pass babkas JSinties every e f ly 1 3 etter, A sR ’ ara and tissue paper, fine. IT 5, ’ ‘from $10,00 to $18 for the best. CALL AND SEE, and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat. They only ask. people to.gome and sce even if they do not wish to buy. ‘Our Cloths and Cassimers, EY |b ~ Cant be excelled. THEIR GROCERY DEPARTMENT, i Soishis every oné in'assortment and Tow Syrup, Sugar, Tea; Coffee; Cunned fruits, 110g mira Oe Cheese and pastries of all kinds, and every other article be- 4+ 7 longing to the Grocery perial | - w Department. is | Thoy Wholesale" at Phitaddly #! gr Farmers, Mechanics This new and magnificent Hotel ‘has now come under the proprietorship of Mr. Ri- kard, formerly of the Ouinipinge House, and will be kept upin FIRS ASS HO- TEL STYLE. It has comfortable rooms, all the modern. conveniences, prompt ser- vants, and reasonable charges. THE TA- BLE will always be abundantly supplied with the most sumptuous fare ‘market will afford, dene ’B Tk the most experi- enced cooks. HIS BAR will always con- r enveiopes Of rors d tain the choicest liquers. He will be glad | ens. inks. ink- to see his old friends at the new hotel, and | + rOM MOT no pains will be spared to make thom feel| gj,te 8, pen tls, eh ori jugs 0.48 | ge” Re! oe and Justices bla fly buving injured the Crops.—We hear some complaint ‘ofthe wheat \ in s¢ r ¢ locali- ny valle » ‘Where | The weathe: is still unsettled, and we have small showers of rain neafly every |! INO. H. ORYVIS. T. ALEXANDER ORVIS & SLEXAN E Attorneys-at-law. Office inConrad House, Bellefonte, Pa. ; J. P. GEPHART, with Orvis & Alexander, attends to collec- tions and prastion in the Orphan's Court. 0 Taw T0tf i Wall Paper, cheap | from 12 to 20 cents per bol ta Herlacher DUFFALO SCA LES, of the best mak BY ALO Mou 120,000! bs, Bake upl068. + IRWIN & WiusoN, | J)OUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL AJ fowling es at * pa a sds EW STORE —~LEVI A. MILLER Na RBunkle's Old Stand, opposite the ron Front, on Allegheny st., Bellefonte, is «© Where Pennsvalley Farmers, and all ‘others, get the cheapest and best Groceries, Tobseccs of all grades, Boots from the best New York Mapufacturers; Syrups, Sugars; Vinegar, &é, Try him, Lonce . #5 4 janTef . and : Laborers tg. your interest. Onedollar saved is 4 dollar in pocket. Then eall and see at | what astonishingly low prices - {Are selling their Dry C 0ods and Groceries. . {1 78°No trouble to show Goods. “ts : 103 |. If they are not as represented, we will un- | PAY you for your trouble. Don't forget the 4" 28 TURNER BUILDING By p20tf Allegheny 8t., Bellefonte Pa. The Largest and Bost Stock whan t 8 an oes, warranted te a safifction, at reduced pr as be. Goods from the und ors taken fos foond at BURNSIDE &' ime th drier rcv esale agent for | at home. : : a ray: of warran | ki revenue stamp phat fuser, or Br hres days Mh T IS known to all to hman’s through the county | you Wanta | ich he sells at good article 5 RasipE #1 Ea « pg largo and elegant assortment of Horse RLOR COOK STOVES aa a 5B kets, Buc alin Gloves and Bufta- , at at low prices One EV URNSIDE & THOM AS DA ; pA arlor Stoves, and foursizes of Gas- |B rners constantly on hand and for sale at avl0'68. Irwiy & Wison's, ma 1 5