Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, February 18, 1870, Image 2

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Ba aa
CENTRE Hatt Pa.,
Read the voto message of Gov. Gea-
ry, in another column,
slays the metropoligan potica bill, an
iniquitous Hofster, passed. byt ‘the rad:
ical legislative ring ds Hwnsbucg,
by which thespeople "df Philadel phi
Fobr ut wry 18th 180.
subjected to the coptrol, of a. corrupt |
clique. Weidhdorse avery. ‘word! of
this message pits reasoning. 18 tRang
and unanswerable, dod, is Jit fipon
correct ddidbratic principles, ‘We
take) pleatuserin olor Wi, palo’
ti¢ stapd taken by Gov. Geary in this
matter: Let him continue in tho same
HR and every Democrat, and hone
blican will applaud him, ety
Ey ring at Frtishueg MN
strangled effectually.
ae Aandi ond con
Bill Browa-duinks ., bittefs Sod go
the “poker. v. His pw per is the ther-
mometer and § sure’ in ator of an at-
tack of these fits, ag Wis Asqie of tha
week ig full of the “court Toustd ring,’%
whieh is the: snake that. itivariably
gots:after him ;'of late, ‘however, ‘we
ngticp that Wolfe'gets aftérhin too,
when he gets the “poker.” Por, poor,
oqseek Haven En make a city
outsef itself by swallowihg Wp Plem-
iggtan and “other little} olives. df it
gets as huogry as Wi import once
was, it, may want ‘to swallow up the
village of Bellefonte. ~The dct to. in-
corporate ‘the city of 'Loek Haven, is
before the Legishature: i
p= ten
President Grant, last, week, serit the
yaw of his Father, Jesse R. Geant, |
to the Senate for: sulin as, Post
Master at Coy agen A el It indi.
cateshn g reat. deal sty in both
son and, enn as. iting Righér was
offired or asked for." “Hurrah for the
Grants and Dents !
i A SA Hp 8
The meetings "held ast weoke ‘and
this week, along the line of. the L. C.
& 5-C. RR., commencing at Spruce
Creek on'Oth inst., ‘and eontinuing
at the different towns along. the line
from day to day, were generally well
attended ‘and .bacoessful., These mee-
pings weee, all “tly addressed Hon.
Geo.. F. Miller, who so plainly laid
bare the practicability. of evr contem-
platell railroad, its cheapngss of con-
struction, its lessening the distance be-
tween the, east and west, the great
ads and travel which: would be des-
tied to go over it, its. certainty to be
profitable ‘and yield a handsome divi-
ded to the stockholders, guaranteed
the honest ‘intentions and good" faith
of the Penn’a"RR. in the offer ithey
make our.people, or rather, in accept.
ing'the offer, made by our’ people, and
lad, but. not.. cast, the incalculable
benefit the road” would prove to’ our
yalley in 1 greatly enharicing’ the cpalue
of real estate and affording us better
markets; al} this‘wis so elearly | dem-|
onstrated by Me, Miller, ‘that no one
can longer déubt that’ we’ should'have
the road ‘that we are able: to grade it,
that it will be a good investment and
entich opr valley “and that we will be
‘acting very foolishly. against our own
. ik ad FT.
a { § ’ ”
‘the last hour of grace is inviting, pro:
ceed and subscribe the Means {o, pay
for the grading of ‘the road; This ar.
_gument: “in favor of. railroads cannot
be gainiaid, #8 np one can point to a
Ydflroad in the cogntry, that did not
produce afl these goof effects.
Citizens of Penn ‘and: Brushvallies, |
cwill you longer: hesisate, cun you lon-
ger remain blind “to Your ‘own’ ‘inter
“ests, and’ will'foa let this last -oppor-
" tanivy slip, and ‘only ‘awake to your
“golly whel itis too’ late?! We trust,
“mob. |
you, of:small means, and do your duty
in aiding’ this" Viiprototmens according,
to your circumstances. . Thére de Hot.
many. who ate too poor’ to subiscribe
“one, two and three shares of stock, let
“these be subscribed; let the richer
no longer hesitate, but, step forward
“and subscribe their’ ton, tiventy “and
" forty shares. All stoek subseribéd by
our citizens to grade the road, stands
i-upon: same footing, and receives the
same dividends a8 the stock owned by
the Petn’a RE, for’ riiling and stock-
~ing.the road. Citizens of Pennsvalley,
“SF you come. up to! your’ duty’ in ‘this
matter; ‘inside: the next. font. wooks,
then- you can’ Test assured, that in less
than tavélve! “months the Penn’a RR.
Co omp; will have the cars runnin y
through your alley.
+++. The citizens of Harris township are
alive upon the railroad, ..The mceting
at Boalsburg, on the 11th, was well at-
tended. Mr. S. H. Stover was chosen
President, Dr. C. W. P. Fisher and
F. Miller ad Tossed tho meeting, “at
considerable length upon the railroad
question ; he was followed by several
“other gentleman;
ing the township. Harris, we are as-
and thas fiw has not stood: among itlie
Fhe fibeting it Ceritre FIN ohlak]
Satirdity J wis” well attended)
Witmef and ‘Maj’ Jah * Nef! Viee
Presideints, and Fréd'k Kitz, See'yo|
Addresses were delivered! By Messrs.’
Blunéhard, Miller, and Wilson, whicly
hdl a Fond effec RiP rousitt out pes
The Hering at Penn Fall,
di ’ nding the drench
gain, was well attendedi andon! son
delegation {rom Centre Hall was hye
ent. Liab. Evans was chosou Presi,
dent ; G. Durst, M. Nofsker; H.W
mer Chr. Moyeb, and otliers, ‘whose
pames we do not recoléct, were. ¢ho-
sen Vice Presi idents, and Tas. I. Poster
Mr. Mijler, followed by Messrs. Kurtz,
Buchanan, and Brainerd. Gregg has
done handsomely, so. far, and? Can be
relied upon to do her fall share, and
does not stand’ waiting £5 seo frst whe
ther her neighbods are going do any
thing, wil owing fo ne energy. and
perseverance, of R. H:
The railrodd meeting. at MiTllioin,
on the 15th inst, was a decided sue
The officers chosen were Anos
Alexander, Prest., Jas. P. Smith ’and,
B. O. Deininger Secys. ‘There. was.a
deep and general interest manifested.
Upwards of $3,000 additional stock
‘was taken, and the prospects are, fon a
‘steady increase. Tlie entire stocknsy
subscribed ind ent’ Hp. 98 SIH,
and it 1s hoped nach more will + bd
raised. : The friends of the enterprize
are in earnest and* have strong hopes
of yet seeing their fondest expectatipns
realized. Feud
The subseription. of the different
townships along the line, sa far as we
have returns, stand as follows:
Ferguson, already: subscribed, $21,500
Harris, do do 23.000
Potter, pledges, 30,000 t0'40,000
Gregg, certain for, 40, 000
Penn twp, subscribe d, 16, 000
Haines gud Miles to'hear from yet.
‘Phen there is guaranteed the right
of way.and grading of ten miles at the
Spruce Creek end of the road, by the
Fafuace'compatyy, white Uhiéh cotfr-
ty is ready to do the same through her
territory as far as ‘to the Narrows, so
that we have the. road within our
grash, having but to réach for it. ‘Phe
success ot’ failure, then, depends upon
the effort just now being made in
Pennsvalley, One strong pull, and
we get the road, Let that pull be
made NOW.
A Steamer Exploded — —Four Per
«+ sons Killed.
Helena, Ark., Eeb. 11.-—The steam
er Maggie Hays, cof Pittsburg; explo:
ded her middle boiler in the centre of
island No. 68, on her way from New
Orleans, atgl: 35 p. m. esterday... The
boat being” killed wit
fire, and buened until she sunk. Cap-
tain Martin was blown into..the air
from thé hurricane roof and hisbody
was afterwards found in the hold, dhe
second engineer, was. badly soplded
and died at 5 o'clock. The second
deck hands "dnd ‘one fireman were
killed” dnd their bodies “were either
blown into the river or buried in the
wreck. ;
New Albany ga house
of a preacher named, Marion. Li. Du-
vall, about two miles east ‘of Corydon,
was burned last night by a mob. IL be
house: and contents were entirely, de-
stroyed, Duvall"was ‘at a neighhot’s
preaching.” Some, time ago his house
in Crawford county was pulled down |
over his head bya ‘mob. ~Heis an
independent preacher aiid a ‘worthless
a ,
oe EXPERIE N1T1A DOCET. oy es su utély
experience teaches thosewho use...
first symptoms of disease, . that» will
surely restore health; thaw to wait an-
til the.complaint has become chronie.
Use these Pils in all cases of Billious
ness, | Jndigestion, Headache,
Complaint, “Female Irregularities, de.
storekeeper, “it ‘contains’ murel useful
information for the invalid and’ con-
valescent.” "If you are’ ailing dée Dr.
Morse’ssIndian Rook. Pills, and you
will find them of great value. “Soldiby.
all dealers. feb, 2
Mr Robert Morgan, oF Conaerseille
band of twenty or thirty negroes: and
most britally murdered.” ST or dight,
of the negroes have been arrésted, and
hung by Whe infuriated’ a of “the
vicinity. Th, A
: tl wil
dg §.
Representativ e Mayoradline.o ust, Ei ie
for a copy of the Auditor Gen. Report.
of the People, Ns ot he Metro-
politan Police Monster.
aud dovsanl Laprcsnly:
tives pee Commone alth ol Lennsyi-
| vaniik 1
GIRNTUEMEN: Having saroliiy 00h
cidered Bonator billy No. 29; entitled,
ment of a Motropolitan Pokee for the
loity of Philadelphia,” and although
nctuhted by asincere desire to confonm
my dction in! regard tovititol thas of the
General Assembly, I» am constrained
to? Avithhiold ‘the ‘executive, sanetidn,:
‘of giving ny reasons for disappran
2! si
i “the first place the: title is sols in
conformity with:the eighth section of]
the Bleventh Article of thd Constitus
+ tion; ‘which declaves that “no bill shall
be passed by tho legislature, containing
mdre than one subject; which: shall be
cledivly expressed in the titled! vAsil
read the bill one of its/most important:
features is ‘the wlection ‘of five police
commissioners; andiyetr this idea ds
neither olearly expressed, nor even re-
miotely indicated by the'title./
Another objection to the bill is that
| thie'whole sixteen pages wre jumbled
tagdther into one section. It 181 usual
and proper to'divide bills of such length,
into sections; each embracing 'soma-
masked: features; avd to have the sec’
tions arranged according to some nave
rak ardor. “Although this is only a
matter of form, I am aware of no good
and Uttendlisregurd of all sound proce:
Mies has been gaid about the ehar:
Philadelphia ; “and I anyfublvdpersin
ded many of them’ are mot uch’ ns the
good’ oftleriof the ¢ ity “demands, But
whilst - his is an acknowledipd evil,
& most important one, and that eon:
tein plates’ ati ¢Rting revolution | in
fii branely of the éity governing,
‘The vonstitutional authority of ‘the
hgistittibe; ina period of profiund
peice to’ fereate’ a power such vas ‘is
contemplated by the “Metropolitan
Police Bill to operate over the whole
Gtéte, or any part ‘thereof, is'a question
of*'gfeat’ fit gta, and one which,
undér a vepabican form of government
déderves érions consideration, ns ivine
volves inWerent and indefeasivle rights
and other fundamental pritéiplés ina
government established for the benefit
afid ft ppliess of the people.
The HiiFwdder consideration iz fraught
With moméiitons eomsdquences to the
oitizens uf ‘Philadelphia ‘and of the
er van be'taken ‘away from so large a
portion of the people’ of Pennsylvania,
without their consent, for a period of
yeays) Gnd lodoéd in the hands of six
petsons, is to me extraordinary, unten-
able“ and’ in ‘violation ‘of the spirit,
meaning and inténtof the first'and 'sec-
ond sections of the Twelfth
the 'Constitation, 'Thé second section
deelates ‘that all power is inherent in
ard founded on their aithority, and in-
stituted for their peace safety and hup-
pines” The éonstitutivhs'sets forth, in
such plainandiunequivacal terms, the
‘prifietples” upoil ‘whieh a republic an
conmiént’ would ‘be ‘Eaperfluous, and
‘would weaken rathér thin Strengthe mn
‘Phe! cise. 1
If therd exists any’ Highit or authori-
paer'i ii n/ few men fora term of years,
of 'yéilrs, or tt mike ita: perpetuity.’
county und township Within the State;
and that by the ‘same reasoning Con.
‘press ‘possesses like power to legisliite
flor the different States, erfact’ a grand
cial powers in the hands of a few per:
the government of themselves: 'T'mast
confess that Tam entirely uniprepired |
‘oud in its téndencies; and vo anti repub-
Jican in its character, and whichis cal-
chlated to'Wproot and destroy the dear
est principles and privileges of the’ péo-
our well regilatéd’ Commonwealth,
Jugtice and the dictates of sound pire;
lic policy require that the ' citizens ‘of
every politieal and corporate division,
{However great or small, should ‘be per-
mitted, as an. inherent. right of self:
| ggvernment without “officious inter-
meddling” from any quarter,” to-main-
agetheir own local affairs in their own
wily, through officers selected, at the
“allot box by themselves.
: Im remanking upon this, subject I
haye elsewhere said, “The great, pr in-
feiple; then; pon, which, our free. Insti
|:tutions vest is;the unqualified and, ab-.
solute,sovereignty of the. people; and
ieonstituting ag.that. principal. does, the
mbsti positive amd essential, feature . in
(thesgneat charter; of our, libouties, 80, i ity
ishettencalgulated | thay, any, ather, ito
(giveselevatibu to our hopes and dignity
to our actions.
feel thetithié power;te elect, their own!
erhmdntsabides in them, so long will
they be impressed with that sense of
security and of dignity which must ever
. ot 5 ; rs ~
every sacrifice—maintained in all the
| | power r and fullness—in all the breadth
Sa depths OFTHE LEMOS “odpacity
pifiention, It js not tos that
Bek legos p, ner) absegagy
tion, or theory, or ox rine, but asa
Tle tity of! Bhildelphisineo onder to
' povy the necessarpioxpenses of hergoy,
arament af ber new, important, and
extomgdgd Jmprgvaments, pod the inter.
"esi on her immense “deb (now' greater
‘thi tht of thé Uoritdnwerleh ylie hing
infa condivion tor idereadd cherflillabily-
tiesyand if she does, it ought, to beavith,
a phrfect,) ur rstandivg for what pur- |
Posgand to what amount.
he salary bf the milyo¥, "| who tow
performs all'the funetibns' that arepro-’
posed fo be placed. in the hands of this,
board of police commissioners, is four.
{hous and dollars, while the saiaries of
the six commiss three thou
sand doll: ig To el i: fifteen
huridretdt dollars and one at ones thou-
sand-dablars, a. hommidting, JRRgistrate,
tthe e Ceuggal § Rit SLY this how,
sand dollars, ane lerk een
hundred, and that ot the" at
phiidian, "rthide * “thoosand dollafs,
amount to the sum sof + twenty. eight} 4
thousiud dollnrs, to. which may be ad-
| ded rguts, ptationany, printing and in.
e identals, at, least twenty two tholsand
dolled ibid, faking ‘in all the stv
of fifty’ thbussnd dollars for: salaries:
and expenses for: the official. depart.
ment alone...
dhe bill says: “The said board's Nall
have entire control of all the police of
the ity, antl'shall hav “authority to
increase the force of patrolmen, should
they deem the samemecessary ; and it
is hereby madq the duty of thansaléct
sufficient, moneys. to meet the LXPenses,
of the Ca and said force,”
fade in every respect’ the ‘most’
per feet Surrdhidér of plennry powers of”
the many tothe few thatol shave ever
witnessed. I Abjalutanutiolol thape,
i60y poms & to ner ease t MRA
thei pl easure, to fix the Wages at ny’
EEG va per vision! {rsh Wy sdures
Such powersaie fot excroised by the
Antooral of Russia, Lhe ity goyngily
angl ithe people seem to be entirely ig-
nored by the ill, | exte pt that “the
hoard Sha¥l, frbim tine 'th “tide, sabmit
to the coulis! thelr estimates of ithe
surns required for the-payment of offi-
cial alanis wad: ek pois (ahd for the
mgintainunce of the police force, There
is no check or audit prescribe, a: id np
matter what nidy he thd Sum feqairet;
the donnie must provide: and appro.
priate the ssnpblunt, agd the peaple; wl.
veady, oper hurdgugd, must meet large
ly increased tixalion” to supply thie
councils with ‘the’ nt esi means to
satisfy the demands of the Hoard: Anil
after paying the fifty tholtsand dodlnrs
| before mentioned to set this, “Trojan
harse” upop his legs, and introduce, 1t
mta Philadelphia, no one can estim: ate
the inerease i expinses, fd noone’ is
to’ he responsible forthe damages that
may occur’ afteriiiits .machivery has
been sat in operation.
The police force is also to be put upon
a war footing. Every ap; lidsit is to
be submitted to an ex: aminati it’ by “a
properly qualified physician,” «ind
not found enurely competent and under
the age of jorty five Je way he must be re-
jected, | WV hy sh ul trus Ly, able bs wi ed
and experienced police officers be ex-
claded Tram the force, 'witheut rédard
to past services or present effi sieney,
five years of age ?
fist time in the history of the J
(hat a mail ia Geile ‘who is other
wise suitable in every respect, shall be
preseribed when he nriy- have setved |
his country faithfully in her armies
and attained theage of fbr ty five years,
This i is a monstrous injustice, and an
ostracisin whieh’ T' trust Will never mise
the sanction of,'or be tolerated by, a
brave and:geverous pebple,
I have not had ting, ta call your
attention to the provisions of this bill
think T “Have: portited ‘olit- Sufficient
Pawrbmigs in this attempt to create sucha
and responsibilth d Fo
force “appointed by a concentration of
the pepple’s power inthe hands of a
few men, chosen by legislators from
every be art of the State, ‘Who are fully
assfived” ‘that their" owti constituents
would! not submit to any such infliction
of absolute governpjeut! and taxation
upon. themselves for a single moment.
This is the kind. of legislation which,
‘under pretence of searing the 'pdiice,
creates disbortent, ‘disshtistaction und
‘disttirbivnce. -Tvarouses! in the bosom
of every mini whe knows his, own. in-
{-herant. rights, the most determined op
Rosition, 2 and frequently the most un-
oo promising hostitity” to every iove-
int hyawhich he peredives lis liberty
is is abhi; andiomakes: hin wage a
continuous war fare azainst all whom
he conceives to be the enemies obliln
ty, whether open ap concealed,
A. republican _goverpment, anol
long exist under partial and teqifal
Tales." And te perpetuate this republic
ith all the’ biasing: whieh cluster
ardund it; the/State, Legislature must
-enpat laws, bearing alike upon : all, with |!
equal and exact justice to all, ‘without
pre judice or partiality. A iy
‘majority in the State. usidertaking g
to’ legislate
the passage of laws unequal, ubijust and.
republican iin forme mor: idembleitatid in
vineiple, and: ‘mustrsoon Sink ifito-im-,
perialism. wodl Lindl nwossivad bos
iid Per theseand other ménasons deiinnot
give thie’ executive sdnetion ito this; por. |
‘iin ‘other aptiwhieh has actendengy, to,
take from thiepeopleodily portion. of"
their inherent rights. The election off
every local officer charged with the
dutics of executive authority, or with
by eo own
voll .
cil, or. their representatives
Sah very [8
government should have some respon-
hyd he
0 20 i
toghe people, @, the soiree o 2 poli ; jen]
Mot fore (he ia yor oft PI allel
thas oieupiodit ns pasision of eh
him, the, ad!
looked yand | ind a right to loo t
thé i A tHE Ya we wn
thé'pr dar vltion wfithe/peaceand gob 4!
‘order bf the City wolf he dias, duiles) 01
Xe py they | An
ym. jot Dox |
ei Io
forge Ao LHe wd
is huir to yresu me
sel vb of |
nity." 'Woukl itdmprove/the existing
conslibion of [things ta j divide, j thi
responsibility A sixe
of whom the 1 he or W oul
To whom i ull they be ir
for'd’ soaked of ality?
ly tothe heirs of thaiwholasita
which obangss angually. N
il not
the machi frog tHe “biY, * chobké “a'|
majority of ther for: three: |
yents, nor amew baand fori five years,
Diver, phy | MNEPYS RID §
is, a politicyl heresy, an refa-
ted 3 no’ RE biter Ne kind
of an army would that Be Which ‘had
six commanding officers, all of equal
rank? A id what, sdrtof fn State ad:
ministration. wopld, tha be en: Dating
from six, Gevernats, I of e ual pow :
er and Authority ? od "'w at’ wood
could bee x pectd Mo police brgimns
ition Which i848 be governed: byisix
equal and. nespioveiate OUI IRISS ION
ers, k
the Ole 0 hifadelphin. desire
a “i. babe shia "Bill fet” the
conimissTonatd bie oF their bavn chosing A
wb Stipa on oapudon them’ becttofshe
eed hy id those Whi np ih
shipartoh e, an He Hilf is Citra re.
tur od Tor . her contd crm tion +
Fen 10ehc cw edb Wi in
[1fy Eo DT 4 biiy "
A word of Warning fy the n rational
banks comes from ashinftony” "The
Cohiptroliér dt tHe citrrenty is notified
that many Natiodal: banks ave ehirgs
ing usurions: rates of: Wepest, and he
hus addressed a Aer {o, many_ of these
ban ks, calling their attention to’ the
hatter, and fife he ff “tht "the 058
coutent on the part of the public is sueh
that 4F tho pracuiee sscnatsiopped The
ply be, compelled Wn instipte prgeee
ding: against them under the Bauk act
for forfeiture of J weir charpers,
. CUI Bal XIQUEE 3 3109 i
From the toneiof Gov: Geoary's: até
ahnaak message, the amlical. legisla
tare of Peunsylyania, ia pecking with
corruption, and; fram the speecl, of
congressman: Dawes; | of Mass., also. a
striet ralical, the Grant Admipiiry
tion. cap compete, with any in epreup:
tiony. ©, beautiful, radical rule! how
it is, improving the morals,and condi:
tion of the country ly +,
ly fp Ap
It’ TERY th at therd is : 1 HAN Fein ih
the fnountiing ‘of Norther Caroling, no
more thah fdrty milesfroim. Greenvillg,
S. (5, who has repched the gx funn ine |
ry. age of 143 rears. At thé time « f
ial ad
| former generation, has always, heen in
moderate eirea: nstances, and has lived
upon a plain, coarse vezetable fet;
tht he his neverd uml any liquid but
pure #pring Watery and bids «Ein te five
Fan years lomger. Je enjoys pecfeet
healih, possesses all of -manbopd’s at
riDLTes and w ants to marry. He has
survived 'sbven wives, afd, Hatihe 168
thie Kist on® dbo 60 yeurshgo, ‘helo
The undersigned having, s Gooh NEW |
TWO HORSE WAGON, Jofferé to rade
the same. on a good horse, not under Gand |!
not over years old. Appl 1 Sadist |i
at Centre fHallto :
febl Itt GEO, HH. ARPSTER.
The un efsigned w inl 0 for
a ‘his el Aiice i Potter?
Thursday, March Jud, 70 folowing
ed r ¥ ho AVAL
Throd Horeek, 11 Mure witht loa],
1 Mule 3.years.old, two 2 year old
Colts, 4 Cows, 6 head of young
Oittle, 91 Shane 2 hmleod i her: Sows AChns,
ter whites), Zi pian jon /Agans,
Horse 'W agon, hay Lhdders,
Ll Sleigh 1: Bugky, hohse- Findus ofp Hh ry fe-
se prion, 8 ngle and doybhle arness,
Chi obi} oho Riperind |
ower d in ) ar gone {
per, Chiihapiog Hewicty LB int
tres) Oi ok de § Be Haines: Hol
power, Maghinergnd Shak 1 ‘unning- |
mill, Gritherd a al % anid other fa¥m-
vg ibe nsidesd Alsoli dhe pusire 18tock: of
household Goods, consisting 0 Bureaus,
Bedstdids; Tables! Ohi Shinds, Stoves,
iron 1K bien, Carnaion Roiptogy hiithe bu |
shel, &e. Sale to comnience a
bil e sal e
feb) Je en en and, Ah ME Ro |
"he undersigy ed d, will offer
1 hited Bang ow oh thé Hall
; bid
ptpubl bli me
drop ert 2
4 Yeti
dToréé] 1 Hredding Mure,
1 Henig
oold Mats, ok Ei : Sahar §
Col ts, d Faw
Hifveph Bill prin
nd. Now} TH i
on Whaghn, 1 tw
gonad Sind la
arrows, ‘Cu Ag i lea
Rithogrie tity fd
gz ~1EOW
Sale |
‘WM, KELLER, sr.
1 3
( Ll
4fe tf
FARM for Sale,
190 Acres
ng described
x sal
nh * -
known as the proper
Bod on the north
\ I'( Fa on ai
ol Lan
iol . Admin, pop
1 Charles» he
c aro Wh
For further informati
ty of Wns
e wost b
the. sua Fh
Jand of
is xe vive sii
N niipiend
ap, tf dread
| sitaute in Pann tow hd
Millheim, ¢ on to {hth
i} ARGH uf goed ia
0 Amugth Jand pi and in
tiv Ron fe xe
lero lcistbrn int iy door,
ticulars apply to
POST 0% a
two-story w
new 2-
evi ir aiohe |
onl ti
Li wt
For further pure;
= bain, ;
of thy disposi! ‘of
has. rem ved
Bes Hite,
v| ion exclusive y. to
in all its brajis 108,
| Fon
L am pre pared to xell
At the Lowest
of hind,
v 1822 D per;setts
CUTLERY! Pocket nt
A ple di
oh il winger
no 3
oF ti gi
if tired
2! TEWe; very low
The dfn] will
at Bid resiQence, near ©
On Tuesday 22nd
of horn Cattle, 2 head
Windmin yp browd whe
good ha
plows, 7
af house shail’
aAdon ©
jn2s ve
KF. "RM at Public
onthe. pre
Miles town
AN eav en, dec
110 Abres' of
eres wrbion i mie
high state 0
ing Pive and Hemldck
Lherean erected ny ge
weather boarded
from, mouniain sp
je gesidne
epnt. ot
. DN per cent.
sale, an
feb4 avi!
‘Public Sale, 11
w, oha Spri
's eds,”
Sleighbells, one, sett
Tools, Hafrows, Oultiv
one eg e
the bu
ye and
eljione Jon:
5H 841
ol JaliN Ro
| fyb, Hed lo
Writ b Himself,
Eiken, Hime
Full P
ang, M
er and Sh apWiaka.
it. Agents av.rage fom
vers a week, We offer
i i & B BY BR
Sol, ouch:
infor mi
onday in*
Vi fully «sal
pa ence
flatters Rimself Se he ¢
tion. THOS. J
15 rtm
offe r ‘at
entre Hill
February, neat,
of Ho;
et er,
iol) four-hoovse Wa
agans, 2 gett
arrows, Co
Sale, ,
Wolf's Store, in
nd: in
RLS ba nce be-
d two-story,
Alling” Hotide,
Gobd water
on confirmatio
1 Guardian.
J. 3
¢ Sale. in Cen-
Sule] Harp-
"H to wit:
orse, one
ngwagon, one gel C
good Blacksmit
ators, Cornplunter
, Corn and Oats by
ot en el
50 to 100 s
He vadersi ’
e ios of the
3 id; Goi,
vol plaid
e Gi téaeht
an render
pe ign do
X Stock .
r. Y
@ ten the sti
thes : Ahr ha side of th
‘onthe inside
The Celebrated ro
plow which has 4
plans. Plans, vind oh
ings furnished for ali w
| z@We hope by strict A Dusk
ness toiracéive a share of public patronage
stax Lid," SA ;
oH «4
JF rafts fl :
Sebhate 4
ge i
od 30 srmelyan ps ods ET
The Company ainou “40 thas
sn | Potter towshin, that they are now
ed to furnish upon notice,
as’ éleewhere, every article in the line ar
ee ne,
and Spou
A Kinds of repaiting done; k
wl ways on hand AP nn Hf
BUCKETS. _ Fond Ena
Ww wea «i bo
Jubfrat vaya
ge ‘1 DISHES, :
All orders by mail props anh
# tend o #
008 ¢f. 0 via vo wg badwel dss
HF 03d savand iH
wae iiiih it
fiir 17 TION = a
SE bY at us»,
21413 KR wv
3 14 A8
2 aif] ad! 60) .. sn O
Wepeld deja ® nid
Seilga ll
New: Gopds, ‘
ail] od BTOCS
eT #5 ips
& ¥g Hans ann
. WassoY- & cov wy
The un ordghe be Fe Hitgimthe
citizens of Sania §
fo pened noe
3H J that they, bay ne
well a ; Se ur
wherp, iby, are
4 Bo ors 44
bedi F Hetingher, whe
; hs
{3 amid]
(iin h
wy ld 34
# [ds
\ By
: f
5 ty #
itatay ba
Zon 4
mer mi
$5 4
are ee Hy to onll 3
ine for themselves; Conde
at the lowest
ling th
eral system of Fair
merit a ‘air share of public
Bi GOuDS, &
Call T nd ‘Examine
bail G0uDs, 1 £3
| pa Only dé da HE Trial,
We have a fall and: i ent
ofthe Tatests complete sssogtm
Xone ad 8
=i Sh game re ow)
iE iid
a1 20rd
Nol ne Fancy Go