a hs SA 5 A HH AN AI NEV HARDWARE STORE! J. & J. HARRIS. o£ NOB BROOK ERHOPE-ROW gms dw ind complete Hard ware Store Nas on opened by themndersignad in Broek |- FTA NRSTFBatiathg A Sas fi . i y FR nisin Har ro. Tron, Btosl)N Wht Ry gu in setts, Chawpien a Mage: Mi fl of Sn, fre eunoy Xs sy iol: SavicTe VrdorerB ony Pb Clo0ice Rbckdd & ful} Toporform the wank bsdortio dnt of is qmp! Mi : clothes & blenphiod wh plz : oh a3 i Sn ray bagpriws ori. fourth Aha imothnmoand! i ps, Coal Dil an tin hand § becuné stemvandthe » Fo liven. Tn HOY, Plow Culfiv ATS, Corr’ | of hot water: through 3 } Plows, Plow Paints, Shear Molik: Bonrde } slight rabbin § and Caltiviton Toaths Table {Sidon havi) coum Ww ch co nat els, Spades and Forks, Lock ne | much rubbing! by! Hend! odmdwns Serews, Sath Springs, Hors tl-Shad, Na 1 washboard: d+ +1. 0g vuidio of bevomes Bon 1 orway: Rods, Oils. Lard: Lubricating ; onl, Li AT Anvil pH 1 o 24 Yo il Jon, Linsend, Tanners. Anvils, Viges, Bol fj A child from 12 to 14-years oan work. it; lows, Serew Plates "Blacksmith of wo rs ud opora isa hes | Factory Bells, House Bells, Dinriey Bolly { ie SS Raed Gotz Balls, Toa Belly, Grindston es, Carpe comple in, mae A tor Tools, Frais. Jats and Cans, Paint, ils. ble, effective, © junep'es, ly. J. HARRIS, fable, efucth ve a And lec 20 Th a Bollufomte Planing Mille and shonld be addressed A OS 1 5. HD A AAD IA ABN Please Read this and Tell it too you Neighbors. Costly hw pS ea ! 0 . b 3-0. r. fe {rons that Wi i8 of op importance {oe Uhl vend XY SNe Bideidd Bh, on: ; ‘0 0 1 e n M il bs EDMUND BL ANCHARD, 8, AUNTIN BB! REW, (OH AR WwW. M. HOLMES. | |. ana B.'M. RLANCHARD, OLM4 | Joon SELL snAD vlad? «dk Blanchard & Company, Ying. § an 1a? avr ddw {fai Succosagna A Re} adntinn Hi wphaod 0 00., The attention of hol pus llc feral, y Hed to the he h dorsigne i; Ww HERE pI OA FINE ER sie og reir oO fy ‘D WEATHERBOARDI ) fl grant virile ty oft ldib ale BY lek) { rt OF 11 of Various Styles, Fall and Winter Gootls foul the above celabrated Fags ho Milroy, Miflin countiryo Hai 1 er ha list cor prides the follo wing wile assimeres, Ladies Cloth, Beave Plaids. Stieid Plait & Eiht Pathe pols, - Myvebdi, Wanna Blankets; 0110 { i Horse Blankaots, ks / J 11 A RE eat verighy aud yparior nality 0 | Ste wking and Mittin Yarns, Zephyrs, a | Bap ul atteation is-fulled vd dur Jars nd variad i assorim ent of and Da- ————— ———— ———————— a AA A ST AA S31 RIA SH A ———— A ——— A "Bot ‘what we i. J. NOTICE. —Tho subscription prive of the RyporTER is $1,560 per yoar in advance, which is less than that of any other paper of its size. We are printing this paperat victim of “entalepsy. have to ask is this—if the government | compels the bondholders to surrender | their bonds for less than the value of them, does it not, to the full extent of the . difference, practice. repudiation? Ts not gach compulsion repudiation to all intents and purposes ? Is not the Government asmuch a répudiator in repudiating a part of the interest ou | every bond as it would be if it repudi ated the entire bond ? Ismot, the sum and substance of ‘the difference simply | the difference ‘between repudiating a | part and repudiating the whole? CENTR: HALL ‘REPORT! FRIDAY, JANUARY 7th 1870. pes DEXTER CLOT EN WASHER THE BEST WASHING MA- Pu MARKET a LOW PRICES, Fall and Winter Goods. Eve Y AtThe Old Stand CH wi | 1 Incidents of a Chinese Funeral in San Francisco. Ah Poy, a Chinese merchant died in ‘Ban Francisco a few! days ago. ~The Bulletin deseribgs the singular ceremo- nies of his funeral: While the bells were ringing, only good gods were around in the air, the mourners came out in the street. The coffin was brought out aud placed {on the sidewalk, draped with red, white and green cloths, The mourhers, Sud a ose to ol : 4 ret pe ‘ho profess to b of whom there were about "a dozen— Jd ‘yet people, who | 8 all women but one—were dressed in | sh deked 3 thavery Suggest oh of RY white robes, with white cowls on thier | diation, will talk to yen of Bou jweils heads. ‘The hair on the womens’ heads report as a: model of wisdou igh yhoo was disheveled. Several of them wept esty and honor ! Radicalism makes ina genuine manner, but the rest strange havoe of men's financial Wor: howled in such a way as to justify the als, dail pe Ln statement made by some in attendance | A lady —— was endeavoring to that they were hired mourners. When | jy press upon her pupils the tewible the coffin was put down the mourners | affect of the punishment of Nebuchad- filed around it several times, weeping, “Seven vears he ate wailing, and throwing up their hands, | ” : and then all bowed themselves with their faces to the ground, and remain- ed in that position several hours, On the side walk below the coffin, | were arranged three or four wide ta bles, and on these were”deposited the | sacrificial offerings. These were five roasted hogs—full size—with tips of tin®el on the ears and wreathed about their snouts. Three sheep skinned and laid ‘on large pins, occupied prominent | places. Then there chichens | roasted whole, with many colored can. dies melted and run over them,.in imi- PARTICULAR tation of robes. They were set upright ad EAN OBJECT * lin “edible chairs, with their eilva : straightened, and fantastic covers on » a — Nain Sok 4 $C 18 a at Centre Hail. and NY Nr id AN OORS, SASH, : LIN DS, LADIES AND GENTS DRESs GOODS. DRY GOODS, or she SHUTT ‘8 wot Arvs, | ( Scroll work of tyvery Description. BRACKETS OF ALL SIZys# and pattorag made toorder. Having a “BU LEERY [a PATE NT L V M BE R DR Y Is R, " gonne ected wi th « our establjs hunent, | wa are enabl led to mapufug ture our worR from’ | 34.9 tripe dq, ¥ lowered, Ingrein. THOROUGHLY SEASONED | Parlor ad tai ae. “ik LUMBER! | All goods m wads of best material. re ORDERSE R OM CONTRACTORS WOOR, LARD, and SOAP taken nvex- | BUIL DERS: ALERS, AND THE | change for Goods, Goods, of every yarie- TR ADE IN GX ih AL, 80.1 1CITELD, 3 ty, always on hand at his residence. BELLE FON TE, CENTR r O. Pa. | Fe W ALL PAPER, of every kind and ii duidw Yo 6 Ay le, alw ays on hand at his vesidence. C, F. ‘Harlecher’s hol —re _augl i'08, 6m, John C. Kemp, iil NEW . GOO Centre Hilly Pa. j hs ot 8, gent fon Thompson & Bons. | is : ; SPREE ll | : CENTRE HALL, PA. Elin, aul 1 ’ A 3 x a GROCERIES G REAT BARGAINS Vv far nishes rec give dd pnd for anle at household exo fver hi 4 Nob i A. Wo nc ra os wes oT A alriove ll aft a line il id H.. ¥ idants. ut ' 8 R DWARE, QUEENSW A RE Nov. 12 6mm. tim . a Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. fon, nezzar, saying: ofl * R180 4 CHEAP LINE OF FLANNE MUSING, AND grass like a cow, “Did he give milk 2” i A aad moan) Axon * visutial Jo dg Avrnd) od 1am S1udans Now. Opeutig. ti 10 (ida im baton Js I] The undersigned havin g purchased the 1:11 AHT OM ni art * WR ninriee exh wil ai banego oH Yo aspebisan Centre Hill 8 i» er SE VV HOLES Adst WINE & LIQUOR AT Q RE J. B. E [TE LE. Bish op treat, Bell afonte, in the Stone bufl- ling iormerly occ upic d by the Key+" st one Bal ie ry Takes pleasure in informing the public thi t | {i ecm sam esl. SI ————— " : . % ey Sands form the mountam ; moments, CALICOES, foute. 4 SHAWLS, Au. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF sob ‘NOTIONS, 8 PS, COFFEES. fr ~ al80 alarge stock of : FISH, the best, all kinds, CKEREL and HERRING, 1 Soha and ohehpeinin the market. Wolf's Old Stand. who is the most reliable Watchmaker and | Also Dealer mn Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard ware, Queensware, W ood and Willow ware Iron, ‘Salt, Fish and in fact, a’ magnificent | assortment of everything kept ina Jeweler in the place. WATCHES, and A Nuys FINE JEWELER XY. N 5 | 11 Me ( ) Al Ch r ire d ! cs ORAL} or aud ( Lhe WW alchios 4 | he'ke Shp 0oNsLa ntly ‘onhand/a uy pply Ki t : { | make the the year. K } N 1 T U | | chalge Fm eign and Dames tie As uors | ; i { 1 ¥ { - i & K { R i a IS Most Sc ientific Principle. {/l Barrels. Kegs a and rs A wrranted he | JEM BAT Kind pro ant eared torcontain the uantify repr i first. lass Store, : ) ( tas sil ey RS | apy Bure me 3% in Bo Pr U RE I, LIQUOR ’ : { | ang Gey bd an. for medical purposes. Bitiih, Nol 4 doar” to Harper’ & Bros tnd ¢ lemijoirmns Ye ats antly an hand. | i is Pa Bh Wri H All liquors are “wirtanted togive satis. | Tales. Mui hie jm, ) 4 on Wry V1 ¥ 108~ faction. Liquas wil i be sold by the gary r 1 fl io r to man’s) This wel kn own He tel, has! barrel, ork : He has a large lot of GOODS, VERY 11 ak? 1, 3 new { site od dng gg fyi OLD PRICES 4 ER Av Je ——————— oul gh OMe ef $13 1s{action, th English rad gd Lo ) tran ed at! A viig-Mib HER a silidd bhl¢ EAN rw : were Spring hy oy | suitn JURE, w NN july? NEAR AT THE [iif The subseriber respectfully informs the citizens of Centre county, that he has con- stantly on hand, and makes to order, ail | 1"be Kept first-:| nfident that please customers kihds of : i class, : tie Wd hi 3 Yar gu ayy } ld ] "Ted “111 0] 1} h O10 Hi gn Ine, Pr WOPrR Wi ! fully e xeent ad at it riotfee. | | The attention of practicing pha ¢éicians is | |! AR gre r 1 ot Lins he & N LY pp L ‘RE N FCTAR Wareroom. | wie dish ! necks | been refitted by its proprietor. 1a¢€ | TL EDL 100 ORs” are AI work. Wa | called to his stock'of Wii IK YY ih town. now ready; and for ale at marvelous low i | Jos MN KRAMER'S S HOTEL. fo tray e ling communi ity t to. give | Of the he rile & on hand. Their claws were bent 4 [FP t BB New Cuitamers, 5, (Co Cl si Lei as ‘WELL AS INVITE OUR. OLD 0: FRIENDS, TO GIVE US A CALL. fi APRS, y. WM. WOLF. * ARN ESS, collars, cart whips, carviage : whips, i in great varietics, govern- Tuent gears, saddles, bridles, martingales theck® “lines, cart gears, tug harness, ag | \afness hames, ete. Everything in the sad dlery line at a BURNSIDE & THOMAS" I ONS ofall Kinds, Stelring’ glov es | 9 Wandkerchiefs. coms, pocket books | their variety and very cheap, at wa BURNSIDE « THOMAS. | HANCE FOR A BLACKSMITH. ‘A goad opening is offered to a Black- | vith, at Eurlystown, about 1 mile west of | Old Fore, where a new shop is being erec- sed. | Connected with it is a good dwelling | house, ood stable, and two acres ot gr eund. There bei eing no shop within several miles of theplace, no better loenlity can be de- sired. For further information apply to the undersigned at Earlystown, or by letter to D RHINESMITH Ra JAS C BOAL i onondt Centre Hull, Pa. DB, OOAL AN ND LUMBER. » in general pe kept if] go wr 6d bast 3 ofl) dgoonds galb abl and replenished it with goods oun chased at the lowest Cush gris, es! dent that it will be te Sherk of sibmbe want to buy goods, te fore purchasing el ge i SAR They have placed: fhe igre ® control of Mr. Jas, MM. a, nd had many yedts expetionee i selling and who will at all times:be purchasers and othe.’ and dc it an object for them The stock consists of the ment of all kinds of g te § hedt Row a country store, SCRA eno Hh $304 5 EL Dry Goods, ES om {1:1 & i oi A } i i jt Hi , Dress Goods Ti fol of yey woh sgul 8 had Lo Grocer wo no “500 #alqe qa spn ad soasb White Goods & 4-3 Quicenawirres 3 | Embroideries to, Divhed ANY pateons and ful forthe Tiheral share of patrondge | The finest stoek in town; bochasto quantity ofpre « Joyed. BY cepectfully solicits | | qu ality, A most beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelties of the season; al lower rates than ordinarily churged at otner places. HE couplets t, hie nd \ isfinent UL Lhe LDiGs, a » RAL SHOT gl shi we y YOUN RUSSEL PROPRIE: FOR wd well known Hotply sity clier VATICIV, 8 D Natl ie i {he as neve ne been of- 1 to the ] Call ar d examine fied before purchasingr Hier qua i Tr helt 1 *t Hit he, 8 sAti our pears, gr apes and nuts; pY- % EAN &® wht; ! aw 5 X v V Nis og Mendas an Ns i] - ® . 3 ty 5 line © He in eoneral theaflag rd he yi ¢ i : : PLY iis t A044 58 “ili. A} % —. - i lity or finer | { i | Cane Seated Rooking Chairs, : | ramids of high colored, greasy looking me | cakes ; loaf imitations of lambs, goats | | ducks, ete., covered with melted con- | | fectionary ; piles of Joss sticks and sa. | ered tapers, with rows of them burning » ¥ my © \ BOARDS . , i Je ) 1 ! smoking and sputtering on the borders | settees, lounges l or sale by | of the table; strips of red, white and | 8 Now pape bearin steriots cha | Complete suites of Furniture furnished nt ( Or . ye OW paper earing mys erious Char. | short notice n ae in the be nt Pos thle make at acters: dull lookinz r mages at several FE munner— HOMEMADE and warrante Wd of the | ap bon | | best material PIC ord WS FER ber iri d Vie pape. Yi | age the anyplace yan ws @ wah fh | PiTeel, heal Lug Jia end 2 Lower than Elsewhere | te ces, Try them for) nsatistae- | Which he his Just adted a large ally kept | FOR: their heads. 4 vEDtie - wii cits arhare of public A) . t il BON \ ‘ my 31 up and made to grasp spears, darts, | | modation for any number of horses rr rr | | BEDSTFADS, (Cottage and plain,) rar 2, 601 NF. WE §: ‘OR Ti i LE | N ra i w : Se . OS, : NIT) NGS SE . Muslins they will sell you the very best s had been baked until they were | N )ARDS, tUMMI! ras HOUSE, : Jot etornind tO RIPE ters h i 1 DARE . ; | C OR aE rs Pt 1 R1 J W AL. w2031 k R AM Al a Propuic lar. ered ih " Fn om ot the! bri WIL ds at pr Ces that will astonish you. OW nd v » fer SQ err | - \ ra %Y | POPU day ind jor Lowa G08, I'e- 8 or brown, and yet the feathers on thei EXTENSION TABLES, | B Ey RRONPE PENN'A: : pula New spring wines the wattles on their necks, and | eo moar. | Themndersigh : 0 his HL of ma | Dining Tables, | of thie fine’ hotel) would respectiiilly ask the »ADDLERY, 1} * i $y - 4143% Pied He Np Li d to tigrod al the id thand road in ion i . . ) I ace ast of : ofidred st thie old stand, wigned es* | wilted. These, too, were ornamented Toilet Tables, Ace th of style, " . i ~~ J 1 hi ! and will take iL 3jre di nat his n . . 3 £4 “sv nd assOort= { with tinsel and paper. Centre Tanles, in! tha market. Goud | Son BE mol complete assopt- | SN Jas i J Ys int attach el { to L} ae An ei wiil ret al neh y | Several large crabs Sinlisy Boughirays, | Hg i fo : : : Collars, Bridles, | wharf lay in the centre of the table, | | he'are’in vitod to dite the Ould ig Hae dgsceriptiof PM : | a CAl juldél, ly. act everytn 0 8 Lrsts | J and were set off with ornaments like C . l [ > w offers ab prices | all the rest of the offerings. There | radiée RS —apples, in the ce Og up Cane Seated Nursing Cnairs, { Leave Plain Rocking Chali s, | spo hin : fii rn nd exorcising wands, Several roos- | D bia sid | Lah : and exorcising : | NAS HRT 3 | | Great traction u a NL : venlls the attention of the publie | hed, having Wsimed chintrol the crests on their heads, were not even | Broukfust Tables | Fatrohaze ynmodate guests int ht 1) ? taliles are sup- Lind PH op! e ald thetn mesg bit * IAT plied with the Best from Meigg's Hyd dopcpitk 1 io LEE Rig hb- Saddles, Hirtitss, vd, quality. Whips, were numerous pyramids of fruit also | The old. Cane Seated Chairs (plain) wan bi Windsor Chinirs, ILrnisioa and zorranaa(l and prices, a d iw dowd) 3 WM dreddsm 1290 rl 0 Of ATS RARDWARE, » : Sluis) 443 bn i i BE | Tha best makes, in - f BOOTS ad SHOES, | patios (Hats y va ye teva sp RET ART | Linens, Towtlings, ¢ . AND Mu, oh] ™~ \ 1 ho! ‘ifs i“ ght Ape ; ah gl My , i O ASSIMETs, {i it mkings, Hats and Onps, iWin & WiLson, : Ladd i +R “Nu Pr : ee _ oul tar" BALMORAIL-SKIRTS, boasts saw Vubesabe " Drags, Oita I Patntapi==i mio (Jnios ood suid, Willow, Ware, also Wall Paper, Fish, Salt, Legther BE . Give us a eal pe fi Ea that Centre Hill t p yy (1141 and cheap goods. 7 : a rd THoMPsox; Centre Hil, Jpo. 2 kis 3 toqmiA P. 8 —-Wealsd buy Hides and for which we will price; wither in Cash or Thade. , TW Ew 1A le ¢J other Japanned ware, at the Anvil Stope. CS ACOB DINGES Contre Bh Children’s Chairs, VETS Cal GIR) © ) np HPS y 2 dad aud Scagth TRwIN & Wise. 1) ’ 3. A Ak latest styles’ and lowe and C oa} in great variety.) recks, Denings, cloths an § = Es . ee and MIL LEY. abionaty sud Deows wo Hi ‘other, i ~ 4 1g . 8) ACOBD. r | 88 Book, Dd irelinged the | Establishes | hd iAK jit! Soa po FX of all THA 16013 pe Stiri ne and summer shawls, in fac t. we Joop eversting, and will sell at a very smd] advanee on first cost, All we ask that you will oxo, His | CALL AND EX AMINE OUR STOCK ola WIA es : : : | stock consists, of Theplogieal, Medical, law | before purchasingrelsewhere, as we do not H AN PEA WR knives. speons. coffee | Miscellanious, Sundiy School, ari School | conshler it. any trouble to showgoeds. le, shovels, Spades, Fikes, hoes, | 1 hel Also blahk books. tinrte haus, | ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, J ODRIRS, XP. nl ass DOORS, diaries, every grade and ‘price Inn > tos rk yy Try . & THON AS! oan. Ie Liki {ode 1 al Ne AI P silver plisted apd Yankee Hurness doubl FHOM, F0L¢ che Rl Jr and single, bridles and halters. ———— — Dal AEE ‘t pn Ts Ha a——— een ene p> = DAY ny i mavl 68.1y. SH HOU SE. near the depot, Balle- | aL. BY AKERSTOOLS and. findings, | ©7400 CRY RET Teatt o SEfcTapvion Bnd 1 fonte, Pa. in ui the ir ¥ ariaty bikie 8 . . Res Sunde 4 pe CHn rT A tin Vr “ . WwW. D. RIKARD. Proprietor, BL RABID A & «FAM AS at we beats pon vik lial k an pad ARLOR a S To0 VBS gigle pencils; ead aC iK myons, * | This new Aud magnificent Hotel has now ! I \ Ypniry izlin lanlks of all Paphos, Inwix & WiLsox: P Parlor Stoves and fonr ine of hacks a rank of b: no | ae he 1 O01 ) all s Lo. Sg | kegal pnd Justices bian) Ks ‘of abl IApRIN a : A line of hac ks, a rank of badger ing | come u ander the propri ietorship of Mr. Ri- | |p I: \ DLE SKE 1 NS f Wagons, ail si- [Th xr } : AK | Burnes gonstanciy oR hackman oecupied the side of the kard, formerly of the Cummings House, points ; and every where tinsel, paper, | . i The best smoke fumes and insufferable stench. W 00ND COAL BURNT ' LIME, | The streets were blocked byjthe throug | at the Bellefonte Line Kilns, on of Chinamen, negroes and “superiors ;” the Pik the Z adingto Mileshurg, at the Jowest | 3 rev . pn | ¥®. Persons in want of Furniture will ‘do | re ry Ve are the only parties in Central | | but in the erowd, next the coffin and | J] to vive me a call } " : st - - + 4 LR ZPenu'a. who burn in free e-lunch table of the gods, womer JOHN CAMP, | nt Flame Kiln, predominated. They were a degraded | Miers || | and diseased looking set for the mast | part, and seemed to be rivited in their | tracks by idle curiosity. Inaaiierue ionte, id . . invoice of | in" a'well 2 “ali AN Prices fan, Hi atl! 1% ua asg'is Oo tionery > ad : { note pa- French | TAP! APANNED TOILET RE — AND BT pi , i which produces the Best White-Wash {0089 res’ and "RET L ‘ O10 My Plastering Lime, yl : offered to the trade The best -SHAMOKIN AND WILKESBAR RIE ANTHRACITE CO. AL a sizes, prepared expressly for farhily use i Also Silver Brook Foun- dry Coal AND fu] hha esl lent manuf “ } vii iil Ae Critrio fess nil | 1 id & . Hig & Calf Deiore sep, pa MANHOOD: How Lost, How | | Restored. —Just published, a new edition of | Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the ad idad, pure (without medicine) of Sperma- torrhpea, op Sein nl, Weakness, Inwolun- tary Spinal Tiosse Tm Jotenoy. Mental and Physiedal Tneapaeity, ripe ifents to | Muarriageoete. ; also, Cons sumption, kK pilép- | i Fits, induced by selfrindu gence | Or aX eXIEg vagance, Wass Price, Ih se aled Hive’ ope, only 6 celits Thecolebrated author in this ad- Ha SEY ” Fig i E LY ~mrgh] my RWS [NA Wilk Sp&T | mass other Ww pita an’ s s celehyated confections, Whitman’ s-celebrated chocolate, Buker's'ehe colate; Smith's chocolate, Chinn Ging r, Finglish Pickes, American lichen a BU RNSIDE & THOMAS' apl0'6 68. ee ‘ eimai] HE Largest wd Best Stock of warran | gr 8 about two feet high, and supposed 1 tad Boots and Shoes, warratited to zive | to be the representations of several satisfaction, at reduced prices, only to | prominant Ll coolieites. - These they | found av | (BURNBIDSST THOMAS ie 4 Tot of first anid Sec: | cast into the flames, evidently believ- | ing that the possession of them would certainly appease the malignant gods, and give Ah Poy land of the good. At 1p. Mm. the coffin was placed in the hearse, the mourners got into the hacks, and the melancholy procession teed prices: ut of Pagans and Christians proceeded to BURNSIDE s THOMAS | Lone Mountain, where the remains SCPE SOAP, Wi. Hagan and _e- | will be entombed till the sailing of the he wed NE Ne be | - “ petites | [Rv & Wil SON ard constantly ro "ORN BIL. ANKETS AND "SLEIGH BELLS, at low price IrnwiN Wilson SV, ANd in Lowest pri ses, Sond quality a SoABDY, BROAD BAILS PALING, SHINGLES nd astéring lathe for sale cheap. ,.#'{ Office dnd yard, near South end of Bald | BagleValley R. R. Depot. SHORTLIDGE, & CO. Bellefonte Pa. ceiving new goods in their line . ) Lr "iT a (FENTEETALL HA RDIWARE / thi XR FREE a safe entree into the Pricgs—now i ofever: deseription at redu, © p ' d apie tS, | being opened every day we pr———————- a soll wl C as. H. Held, | Clock, Watchmaker & Jeweler { rs days \ LE | Miliheim, Centre co., Penna, Furniture Rooms! eins marc? |] public in os ne wi bh it he | at his new establishment, [oo Storefand kept con all Kings of Cloe ks, 3 Wholesale and retail dealers in Stoves & Tinware, Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. at Yr ¥ Ae 4 $y; Siva (p it fA a ples. IRITYN,& I ALSON. oft ot hs {hres Ne Tis | 0 pine a Hd les, and peas in great varie- ? Arp gmp i 4 dav Im 1 ' v iy | Le yo : i Eh SNR ph ear | Ps BL E |] NGLE BAL the.ordeg is rece iverd : | 8 R NSIDE : & THOM AS x a be! hid 5 9) ) fF hi IO , j a he moaern conveniences pronj sar- i Tow} tug x fi il nt i # gate ih A ol . 18 k OW no e {i i At 12 M. an old Ww hite he ade d WO- van 5 and re sonabla p “hi HT FOS, T Te r A - i 1 i RW N 1 Q( yx! f a Yan's eo Ye I le: h: : ! a; od Hon hair baskets. ots. Rig you 1. Ap IN & yim: ; ated Vr ing Fluid man came out of the house, bearing in Wh ied | + | whie CLIPAPS hiFens ide vorenth BURN IDE & THOMA { with the most sumptuous fare the mark 0 A], Ts r Bi ts woitld Bowell to vive "RNS { & AS { | her arms a huge load of tinselled pa: | will afford, done up by ‘the most exper te 3 ia | (mgm T : | | enced cooks. HIS BAR will always coin appl as, "G8, ly | through the county if you want a x Bish By : : ' ILL - | dre Err in Brogkerhoff's Al hop Bye t, at and taking. a lighted Sosh stick set the | to see his old friends at the new hotel, and | PIVOKEL Cl § BURNSIDE & THOMAS’ on fire. Then’ wollen ‘no pains will bespared to inake them feol | ’ t 8 ee, yn Iw A ire, at home, jul23, 69, 1 ap 1068, K & i . ade Tnak intr Sve a duh 3 ELLER USSER, ory | brought out some curious looking mma- JNex. PATENT CHURN bes pen he " “pl 10°68, 4 47 ! Gp 4, pia — pala 1 IB Iie HF 6 whoo 10 2 ie ais HERE" he es baal 1s the placeto buy —— rable CASHY, c.oarly demonstrates froma | ¢ Lans, Brilliants, . Aline, S. Dadios Sek ears successful, prac that the | SAVAGE & RRO, ings Flungls, O Ay 'y oy Cea tige, i 'y ming cohstquiieds of self-nbuse may | (Suecessor to N. Hilibish) ing, Gents’ Cloths Ladies u use of internal metlicine or the a pplication HD Cogutevphnes White of thetknile: poi nin gz Out 8 ods of cure ton, Nap ri it at once S| le . foet ui ul, by Low "Coton, Shot terns, Tidy Cotton, eo 89 Chonan justice | hand and fo es, a4 the sign.of the Ags il, Kinda YEHUD Sainpan! ‘nc NNEDF RU ITS. penches, tomatoes, apl0'G8, Bn hy | and will be kept upin FIRST CLASS HO- | street, waiting for their “loads. ati slg, agent for | pie TACKLES, rods lines, hook | BLE will Always be’ abandantly pl ; ) mil hay : RAW mmes Be ze8 in fige; Fil mrehasing elsewhere, 13 known to all in. Bellefonte and | | per. She threw it on the pavement | NCCE SON. et Ii He will] | tain the choicest liquors. e will be glad | 2obd ‘article =o th [Ficess v : iZ3il in use at Iewin & WiLsox's. have Just 0 Inrgest No i nes, FH he radi ny cared without the dangerons | Pekay, Linen Table C1 means of wi very sulferer, no matter cs Sr A —————————— oo 21 APIO. %8, bis BW {a TERNS of oil cloths, at re certain, and e¢ { h what Hidde ditioh may be, miny curd him- self clioaplive privately, and yadically nerd his Le clure shoud be in the hands of ¢ very youth and every man in the and. ‘Reh nhder ¢eal in a plain euvelope, 10 any addrase on receipt of six cents, or tWo i stage stamps, by addressing the pub- ishers, Also, Dr. CU LVERWELL S “Marriage Guide)” price 25 ob nits) Address the pads ‘10 and the Md Ji apenca abavd Alexan stantiy on Rand W gis hesaud Jewelry of the lal cat’ styless as alse tha Maranville Patent Caldider © locks, provided with complete index of the month, and day oi | the month and week on its fice, Pa Wotiuns of every Kin every descri V Ji peiiption, ind Braid, Tun and Misses Sk ous, olive soap, Dobbins’ soapJe es | next China steamer. J. 0. DEININGER, layla koaps, old castile, pure, Palinsa: -——a . Read only a partial list of Cook Stov in. nap, and 4 great variety 1 iin] of £45 fi an aYLIR respecttully informs the citizens of Centre | ih Ji S0aps, Republican papers affect surprise at : "BURNSIDE « THOMAS the speeches of Democratic members of Congress against repudiation and con- sider it a conversion from Mr. Pendle- He never taught repu- diation, nor has it been a pland inany Democratic platform, but can Re- publicans say as much. The Louis ville Courier makes the following py & THOMAS. Offer to tho Public one of the t and best selected stocks of merchan- ah in Cetre eounty. Call, examine and see Yor yourself, INE GROCERIES, mocha coffee, ol¢ gov. java, best quality Rio coffee t oolen ng black to green teas, lov ering on golden'syrup, Drips fine article bak- ing molasses, rice and everything in the os grocery line at the lowest eash prices in the Market BURNSIDE: & THOMAS. is the place. Se BUCKLES, Hooks, bit h spots rings. Everything a saddle 1 awants for the manufact ure of harness, to be found at BURNSIDE & THOMAS. FNTON HOU, SE. Mirroy. .A change of Proprietors of this Hotel, was made on the 1st of April, « The 2stablishment has . been refurnished, refitted, and remodeled, ‘and will hereafter be conducted on first- ‘class hotel principles. The present propri- etor will give his personal attention to the comforts of Hie traveling public, and oth- ers or may favor him with their custom, ABLE is Kept in first class style. GOOD STABLES are “eotinect a with the ‘Hotel, and obliging 0étldrs are always on the ground to atten to this department. A portion of the pub- lic patronage 18 solicited ; fo accommo- ’ 7 dations are gustnized to’ 3 WM. R. SELL boon 10 %30 LA FE Ww Fog ob Bad ae wee ton’s views, point: One of the features of Mr. Boutwells report is his recommendation that the National Banks shall be compelled to accept four and a half per cent. bonds in exchang for the six per cent. bonds, which they now have on deposit in the Treasury, as security for she recemp tion of their notes, Now, in this connection, we have a plain and simple question to ask. The Grant administration, we] all know, professes the utmost horror of repudia- tion. It can tolerate nothing that has the look, tone, taste or smell of repudi- ation. At the mention of the word, it county, that he hasconstautly on hand, and makes to order, all kinds of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, WASHSTANDS, @GORNER CUPBOARDS TABLES, &e., &c JoMe MADE CaArrs ALWAYS ON HAND his stock of ready-made Furniture is large and warranted of good workmanship and si all made under his own immediatesupers i sion, and is offered at rates as cheap as else- where. Thankful for past favors, he solic its a continuance of the same. Call and see his stock before purchasing elaewhere. ap24'68,1y. i v which is Warsi a5 A pe rie ct trmeo- Ket or. 1. C locl KS, Wi atche an d Jewé Iry paired on short notice and wars: ranted, : dep L168 Ty ro- hol ta Herl: IF FA LO SCA LES, ofthe best make from 4 Ibs up to 120,000] be IRWIN & Witsox. dr {frour'12 to 20 cents per cher tp Bl. Ap 107 63. ccs —— -e 1 arge and . © legant assortment of Horse A Blankets, Buckskin G loves and Bufla- lo Robe sy at very at low prices 5 BU RNSIDE & . —— ————_ A ———— a . x THOM AS La dies Triusse AS, Thisinvaluable article for females. is now to be had at Herlacher s§tore, and no ether place in Centre county. Ladies remember that these trusses can be had at Centre Hall. i : me con Ss WHITE FISH, Herring, Mackeral, sc. a —————— 1 did 1 kind at apl7 68. BURNSIDE & THOM AS | kinds of country yroduce, at : i By RNBIDE &T HOM AS. £ Naki “I aisens, apples, oranges, lemons, of foreign fruits, Hams, bacon &c. pass highest market prices paid for all KEY PRUINS, BURNSIDE «& : THOMAS lishers. {1 CHAS. J, C. KEINE & CO 127- Bowery, New York, P. 0. Box 4086. jan, ly I HOOKING. GL AQ 8S PL TES orallsizes 4 forsale by (IRWIN & WiLsox. api Hs. : : M* SROTANTS HOUSE, 4 413 °& 4156 North 8rd, st, PHILADELPHIA. MANDERBACH PROPRIETOR. I. C.N1pE, CLERK This well-known Hotel, will be found by all visiting the city, oneof the mast desire- able, both as to reasonable ¢hargesand con- venience, German tind E nglish is spoken. “aply 08, tf, (ENTRE ITAL I. OTE L. C JouN Seavaren! Proprietor, Stuges arrive and depirt daily, for all PQints north, south, east and wast. i his favorite Hotel has heen refitted and furnished by'its new proprietor, and snow respect one of the most’ pleasant country Hotels in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovers will always find the best accommodations, Per. sons from the city wishing to Spend a few weeks during the summer in the country, will find) Centre Hall one of the most deau- titu): locations, and the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire, for comfort and con- y yenienge. apl10°es, tf. Pease ETS in all thelr varieties, childr en HH. ———————————————— carriages, willow ware, guns, piss} ot, = 8, cartridges, &e., at NED 8 THOMAS’, 2S poder, fh : 11:% Wellington, Waverly, Ornamental, Oriental, Roval Cook, Prince Royal, Nea Shell, Artisan, And American. Parlor and Office Stoves: Morning Glory, Tropic, Bril junt, New Egg, Wood Bifov es of every A Plate,’a'néw size, which he has just receiv- ed, size 40x20. Tt makes hetterjob thant he old size, and can be furnished cheaperthar any other establishment in town. promptly at- 72S outitis and jobbing R 2 : le and satis- tended £0. + Charges reasona faetion seuaranteed. oct2'68t en ——————————————— ————_——— AMPS OF EVERY VARIETY and kind°nti dio te" IRWIN & WILSON'S. the very best quality just feveived ah | Wolf's old stand Thread Hero, Poin Bol Re hb 11 LADIES AND MISSES SHOT" soi Jreou) | YidN FANCY : a OR. ON LIN FOR GENTLEMEN, vi: they have black k and ue cloths, black dnd Hin fancy Sheymores e k, satin ond! short, every thing ma giunble inthe gentlemens wear. vib 0 il dw uw Ruedymade. Clothi g of, very Dis. seriptipm, for rs fin er 3 1 sol 4 Pra in in elves t Profits,” || il spw (ads sr) vd Ianedn row sada] elibuss fo basass vig 5 3dr %a Yiuesslg amr six s, A068 tr. * * > -. “ - . Tee nae J iy . Ry LY