£h EH A...» ———— » LOCAL ITEMS. LRN Dh ie iid LOAL FEW na agin ot inetading deat such are eagarly the yi &o., by your friends trons would occasionall the induce many to become subscribers. I — BLANKS —Blank ni emption Note combined, Justices rants; &ai; for sale at this Office. ISAAC HAUPT says, pair of Bébisleds, one alse; 2 Sle other ford Also, : AntisDust: and Calerific Cookin and the Revolving Light, which entire satisfaction ting stove, Stoves, AS given eee A tn Mp mee CrurcH DEprcaTioN.—On the 9th of January, next, the new Evangelical Church, about 2} miles west of Madi- sonburg, will be dedicated to the wor- ship of the Almighty God, Several noted ministers from abroad are ex- pected. S. AURAND, EE A a TO THE FARMERS AND TRAVEL- ING PUBLIC OF CENTRE CO. residence of Hollins Maclay, fs 8, Nog ending at Wm. Wilkey's house, and whieh tant fi ; od Di, finduded to travel with loaded teams, and found considerable difficulty in getting through on account ol hills and swamps, we would advise you, as friends, to keep the old and main road lea- ding through the town direct In the depot. TIZENNS. 10dcst Milroy, Dec. 7th, 1869. e—————— A A HIRSCH The Clothing Store of Messrs. hy Higsch & Bro, was last w eek AND anid thié week, thronged with «40 Lind 4 on eistomters from: Centre co. BRO, MILROY. lew boo te deal with : iy Chex RATES ¥ o easir Ie ¢ Gregg twp , Feb. —— co., had a Janes on New Fea purseioiw some very fine table linen. DebicaTioy, -- The Spring Mills M. E. Church, will be dedicated, on ‘next Sabbath, 9th. Prof, Bowman, of present. The public are invited to at- tend. + QOomsCrgRk.—Mr. Wm. Fury, on "Wednesday, was elected clerk to the county commissioners.! Mr. Furey is ‘thoroughly ‘booked upon the duties of office. » nil olin > _ ~-8upprx Deatis—The wife of Mr. John Kimport, died very suddenly, on the morning of ‘the’ 2nd inst. Mrs. Kimport had beén in the burn-yard, attending to some duties, and upon her return to. the house, it was noticed that sométhing was wrong with’ her; she shortly after fell over, and expired in aboiit twd bouts thereafter. Her age yas about 70, “© Mr. E. W. Dale, of Spring twp, killed Tho xulorsealke: on the 2nd i Fhe repfild was quite lively And od SVidencly Sropiout to dee’ whether summer was comicg on. We acknowledge the receipt of égomplimantaries”. to the Brainard. Fury lecture course, commencing with the “errdtic” 'H. G., \Junuary 25th, next, : $29 AT Js onmadn gl ilo Maj. Harry Forster has purchased the stock of goods belonging to Gillil- land & Qa.; Bellefonte, and will carry llefonte. Buccess to him. L api mi pa bal . ruitfaind, floods did some damage. SLUR ik , fie mokpibg by fire. yarieea % morning, Je fire in the cooking stove and’ i” again'to bed. When the family, was aroused the fire had or Sach Headway that nothing was sayed.; gdueil UV) i — a raid 12th ult, the eldest son of Ho ni Quick, of Marsh Creek, while . chopping wood, accidentally ' gdnk Che'axe/deep intd one of his feet, almoss severing the heel from the front 1 RYFtion OL HRLIERLST 1 afr. Michael Harper, of Asronsbure, 1+ killed 'a'hogz, a short tiinie -ago, ‘which weighed, when dressed "850 pounds. : TT TTT Te ) +i] pag FedrreAr Ho The Festival giv- en Bythd Cefitré Hab UL 8: 8, on Christmas eve, was a fine affair. The «$88 wiis'w beatiful ond, ‘aud looked Avbstiant with ‘its five hundred gifts, + ®hory'-sddresses Were delivered by o 'Revsd Kingoaud Miller, and Mr. John 8 , ih Miller had a happy ad Attention na:was showi, by their So GiCiti ta. dis questions. Mr, Harpster ot oP 8 salty history which was fall of interest. & music by the choir, under the lead of Mr. H. asher, was charming. The wholeaf- fair passed off ereditably and to the utmost pleasure of the crowded audi- ghee ura — va. {add smell just as sweet,’ coin a phrase and say, wedding feast?” months. The fact is, the percenta of gay and brilliant marriages whi do not last any time, is greater than way. nearly two years duration, when they became tired of single blessedness, and bethought themselves of becoming ove. They were not “rich on both sides,” or either side, by any means, hence they sensibly took the straightest cut to econcmy, and sent for a ‘squire, who made his appearance at the proper time, and the two were made one. Af. ter pocketing his 50 cent fee, the jus tice turned to depart and was followed to the gate hy the happy couple, and bowed “adieu,” when Sally quickly turned to her loving spouse, and said, “Now. John, let's go and crack wal. nuts.” And the walnuts were cracked and feasted upon, and though the af fair took place some years ago, the knot still remains tied, although it had originally been celebrated by a feast upon walnuts, | gr Tae WEaTHeEr.—Old 1869 passed and spring-like. 1870 was ushered in nearly as lovely as marked the going out of 1869. Saturday, Jan. 1st 1870, was slightly clouded at times, and the — The gentlemanly foreman of the National office, Mr. R. A. Kinaloe, has resented us with a set of “White's ewspaper Files,” for which he has our thanks. These files are the most convenient we have yet seen, and ofall siges, to suit for filing newspapers, pamphlets, magazines, letters, Lo. and cost but a trifle, and we recommend them to all persons, in any kind of business for the orderly preservation of their papers. Each subscriber of the Reporter should have one, These files can be seen at our office, also at the various printing offices in Belle. tonte, at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, and at various other places, They can be obtained only of Geo. O'Bryan, dealer in school and miscellaneous books, stationary, news, &c¢., Bush House. eats lbenno Make friends of none in whom you have not implicit confidence —whom you cannot trust in all places and at all seasons. The best friendship you can make is that which is based on those feelings which spring from the observance of sacred truths. PHILADELPHIA MARKET Gold 1193. Wheat, prime Pennsylvania red at $1 29a1 32. Rye at $1. Corn, old yellow at 81 ; mixed wes. tern at §1 02 and new yellow at 87a 92e¢. Oats at 56e. Cloverseed at $8a8 23. Timathyseed at 84 50. Flaxseed at $2 2042 25. CHICAGO MARKET. Wheat at 76ie for No 2. gether. size and sha 1 ” - 14 inches in length and eter ‘and hook shaped. i i 1 f f i inside of the chain. hen ean be seen at our cffice. lpn Corn at 683a70¢ for fresh. Oats at 39a40¢ cash, Rye quiet but firm at 70a7lc for No 1. Barley at 75a80. MILROY MARKETS. Corrected by M' Atee & Reed. White Wheat $1 05,... Red $1,00 Rye 0,80 ......Corn 0.80...... Oats 42.......... aster per ton 10,00.......Salt per sack 8,00. ! Butter 25..........ue Eggs 18......... Bacon Sides & Shoulders 16 Hams 25.......1ard 18....... Potatoes 0,50... BELLEFONTE MARKETS. White Wheat 81,10, Red 1 00. .'Rye...... 0,90. ......Corn 085, ...... Outsd0. ...... Barley 0 0,50, Lard per pound 18.......Pork per pound 00, Butter 40 Eggs 30, ......Plasterper ton 316 Tallow 123...... Bucon 24...... Ham30, nh —— SPECIAL NOTICES, Bl HAIR @RENEWER . place, are already in contemplation for next summer. Centre Hall is bound to grow. pnt eel lf Mp eens SoLp.—The farm of George WW, Spangler, in the Loop, which was ad- vertised for sale in the Reporter, was sold a few days ago to Jucob Meiss, JI. a If you would have a good thick head of hair, use Hall's Vegetable Si- eilian Hair Renewer. No other like ii. tne A remem———— Rossen. ~—The store of Mr. Levi Miller, at Bellefonte, was robbed on Christmas night, of a watch, pair of boots, and a few other articles. The thief or thieves effected an entrance by cutting a hole through the door, large enough for a hand to pass through, and pull the bolts which fastened the door inside. The depnt was entered game night, and 50 cents stolen, whieh was all the money that could be found in the office. eet mi ScuoorL House BurNED. — The school house, known as Dinges, school house, about 1 mile south of Millheim, was burned down on last Christmas morning. All the books and other contents were burned. We did not learn the origin of the fire. ee ment. sls sponsors rwil January 11th, next. renter catia ——— Sol. Ettlinger, of a good Appointment. — MARRIAGES On the 26 ult., Rr the Rev. C. H. Reiter, at his residence, Mr. Andrew Meyer and Miss Dinah Geary, both of Penusvalley. of Mr. J, G. Meyer, at Aaronsburg, Mr. Thomas . Bogenrief, of Miflinburg, Union county, and Miss Mary G. Meyer, (daughter of Selomon Meyer,) ot Aarons burg. On the same day, by the same. at his res- idence, Mr. Isaiah Boob, of Mifflinburg, Union county, and Miss Alice M. Orndorf of Haines twp. On the 23d ult., at the bride's father, by the Rev. S. Aurand, Mr. Perry Condo, of Jacksonville, and Miss Anna B. Spangler, of Miles twp. a On the 26: ult., by the same, Mr. Samuel Long and Miss Susan B. Ream, both of Gregg twp. ; , On O05, 28th hy ] | David Stover, of Oak Hall, and Miss Elvi- na Sechler, of Boalsburg. : On 23d. ult., by the same, Mr. John W. Stewart and Miss Ellie M. Mo:er, both of Boalsburg. - : Gi On Sept. 19th, by the same, Mr. Daniel Spicher, of Petersburg, and Miss Catharine Bressler, of Penn'a Furnace. § On the 27th ulf.; in Gregg twp., Mr. Ja- 20 days; ; Spangler agea about 60 years. On the 25th ult., at Aaronsburg, of con- sumption, John Frank, aged about 60 ears. On the 28th ult., near Milroy, Mr. Wm. H. McNitt, aged about 3b years. hair. It will positively restore Gray Hair to its Original Color and Promote its Growth, It is an entirely new scientific discovery, combining many of the most powerful and dom. 2¥~It makes the Hair smooth and glossy, and does not stain the skin | gx It is recommended and used by the first medical authority Prica $1,00. For sale by all dealers in Medicives. R. P. HALL & CC., Nashua N. H., Proprietors. jan. 7 lm tpn ii — Brandreth’s Pills, they remove all bad accumulations from the bowels, and purify and invigoratethe system. All whose health is not perfect owe it to themselves to take a few doces of Brandreth's Pills, be- cause the seeds of decay are constantly eradicated by their use, and the principle of life confirmed, thus giving a vigor of bo- dy and mind to a period when we have been used to see the fultering step and the enfeebled intellect. —Gen. Paez, the distinguished liberator of Venezuela, says he has used them as his only medicine for thirty years, with the most satisfactory results. — For Costiveness, Dyspepsia, and as a Family Medicine they are unrivalled. —Daniel I. Tenney, Esq., Astor House, New York, cured by Brindreth's Pills of Dpspepsia and Costiveness, when all other means used had failed. —A gentleman, whose father died of con- sumption at 36 years, was also attacked when about 21, by the disease. He had cough, night sweats, and general debility. Doctors recommended cod liver oil, but he wasted away. At last he determined to use Brandreth’s Pills. In two months they made him a sound man. IMPORTANT NOTICE.—Farmers, Fa- milies, and others can purchase no Remedy equal to Dr. Tobins’ Venetian Liniment for the cure of Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysen- tery, Croup, Colic, and Sea Sickness, taken internally—(it is perfectly harmless; see oath accompanying each bottle) and exter- nally for Chronic Rheumatism, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Cuts Burns, Swel- lings, Bruises, Mosquito Bites, Old Sores, Pains in Limbs, Back, and Chest. The Venetian Liniment was introduced in 1847, and no one who has used it but continues to do so, many stating, if it was Ten Dol- lars a Bottle they would not be without it. Thousands of Certificates can be seen at the Depot, speaking of its wonderful curative properties. Price, in Pint bottles, One Deliar. The genuine is signed 8. I. Tobias on the out- ide wrapper. For sale by the Druggists, nddlers, and Storekeepers throughout the United States. Depot, 10 Park Place, New ork. GRANT & PROSPERITY. Busines revives under the new regime. ther than general causes have, however, given a tremendous impetus to the sule of Cristadoro’s Excelsior Hair Dye, The chemists have come out in two lea- ding scientific journals against the lead and sulphur poisons for the head (for that is their proper designation), with which the country is infested, while Dr. Chilton, the first analytical chemist in America, an- nounces to the world that Cristadoro’s Dye is Utterly Poisonless, and that he knows it to be so, because he CrIsTADORO'S HAIR Pursrrva- TIVE, as a Dressing, acts like a charm on the Hair after Dyeing. Try it. Sold by all Diugglte. linlm STERNBERG Has been to the extreme end of the market. For BOOTS & SHOES to Boston. For DRY GOODS to New York, For CLOTHING to Philadelphia. 3 3%. Buch article bought directly from the Manufacturer, with a de- sire to suit this market gf FINE ALPACAS from 40¢ to 70c the finest—equal to $1,26 alpacas. SUITS from $10to $18, best all wool Cassime: es. W%.He intends to close out his stock. HE THEREFORE NOW OFFERS BETTER BARGAINS THAN ELSEwHERE. Carpets at old rates, trom 00 cents to 70 eents per yard, for the best DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, And selling from 12} to 16 cents, the best calicoes, and muslivs in proportion, at old rutes, Women's Shoes, common good, to wear all summer, at $1 per pair best. CLOTHING LN AVL at the lowest rates, and sold at 18567 price SUITS from $10,00 to $18 for the best. CALL AND SEE, and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat, They only ask people to come and see even if they do not wish to buy. A NOTICE.—Sternberg intends fora will sell lover than any othor. next, else the books will be given into oth er hands to collect. apl0 GS, tf, CENTRE HALL Manufacturing Co. AND Machine Works. CENTRE HALL CENTRE (0, PA’ Having enlarged our New Fo¥NpRY and MACHINE Snopes and AGRICULTURAL Works. Stocked with all new and lates: nounceto the public thatthey are now ready to receive orders for anything in’ their line of business. Shaftings, Pullies, Hangers, IRON & BRASS which now stands unrivalled. This Reaper has advantagesoverall othe Reapers now manufactured. tage we elaim for it, is the lever power, by which we gain one hundred per cent over other or Another advantage is the hoisting and lowering apparatus, whereb; the driver has under his complete contro’ of the machine; in coming te aspot of lodg- ed grain, the driver can change the cut of the team, varying the stuble from 1 to 14 inches at the outside of the machine, as well as on the inside. It is constructed of first class material; and built by first class ma- chanics. We warrant it second to none. All kinds of Horsepowers and Threshing Machines, Hay and Grain Rakes, Intest im- proved. All kinds of Repairing done. Dif ferant kinds of PLOW CASTING. The Celebrated Heckendorn Economica plow which has given entire satisfaction We employ the best Patternmakers, our patterns are all new and of the most improv- ed plans. Plans, Specifications and I aw- ings furnished for all work done by us. z#~ We hope by strict attention to busi ness to receive a share of public patronage CASTINGS up for of every description ma MILLS, FORGES, FURNACES, FACTORIES, TANNERIES, &C., &C. KEYSTONE HARVESTER, The Company announce to the citizens of Potter township, that they are now prepar- ed to furnish upon short notice, and as low as elsewhere, every article in the line of TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE Stove-Pipe and Spouting. All kinds of repairing done. They hav always on hanc BUCKETS, CUPS, DIPPERS, DISHES, &C. All orders by mail promptly attended to CENTRE HALL MFG COM'P ap1068 tf. i ——— —————————————— Look Here! BOOTS & SHOES FOR FALL & WINTER TRADE!! péy-The Largest and Best Stock, 2#~0f BOOTS and SHOES, ever brought to Milroy. Men's Coarse Boots $3,50 and upwards. Boys’ from $1,87 to $4.25. Women’s, $1.75 and upwards. Misses Shoes $1,80 to $3,00. Children’s, T0cts and upwards Persons wishing to purchase Boots and Shoes, will do we 1 to give him a call be- fore going elsewhere. J. L. MARKS, Milroy. 12nov8m. EE m— $1 5 5 A month made by agents selling Olive Logan's great work, *' ote the Footlights Behind the Scenes. picy, ra sellin out. 19,000 ordered the he Buh EA teats ean secure fleld and a $2.00 out-fit free, by cute ting this out and addressing Parmiree & Co., Philad., or Middletown, Ct. _ 26nvFt GLAD TIDINGS TO GONSUMPTIVES. —A rateful father will send to nll who wish it, the directions by which his daughter, after being given up by physicians ry despnired of by hor father, was restored from QON- Fill MED CON SUM PTION Lo perfect health, without the use of medicine. Sent free. Address, Mr. GaeeN D. Franxiix, Jersey City, No. J. oro... Ad OA Free to Book Agenis. We will send a handsome pr ectus of our NEW JLLUSTRATED FAMILY without dru F lars, address TL. SAGE, Via, Woriiicalats, af : Great Distribution By the Metropolitan Gift Co. Cash Gifts to the Amount of $500,000. EVERY TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE. 5 Cash Gifts, each .oemnerses seen $20,000 ig“ WT reansmmennntrsroe. YRO0D “" 5,000 “ SERATRNRR BOER RRRAR RRS 1,000 i“ : On 200 500 ht Sesadrss aRsRRE FERRE 100 60 olegant rosewood pinnos each $360 to 700 % “ melodeons each 76H to 100 350 Sewing Machives......... O00 Gold Watches...oovevunen “" i“ i“ “ sushsstdi RRERRRIRE RIN SEsEiANER BERRIEN R BRAS BIBLE, to any Book agent, free of charge, Address, National Puprisuixe Coume., Philadelphia, Pa, 24dedt FARMER'S HELPER. SHOWS How to Double the Profits of the Farm, anc how Farmers and their sons can cach make 8100 Per Month in Winter 10,000 copies will be mailed free to farmers. Send name and address to Ziegler, M'eurdy & co. Philadelphia, Pa 2dedt THE BEST! THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN A weekly illustrated journul of 16 pages, devoted to Machinery, Agricultural Im- yrovements, Chemical Science and New Dota A Splendid Journal. 81,500 oash in Prizes will be paid for elubs of subscribers, on the 10th of Febru- ary, A handsome large stecl plate EN- GRAVING of 19 distinguished American Inventors, presented to subscribers. Specimens of paper, prospectuses, and blanks for names, sent free. Terns, $8 a vear; $1.60 for 6 months. Diseount to Clubs. A book of importance to all about to apply for patents sent free. Write for full particulars concerning prizes and pa- tents, to ex MUNN & CO, Publishers and Patent So iciters. 2dedt” 37 Park Row, New York. ATEURALGIA. Nervousness and Fe- own cure free. Mrs. N Dixi, Jersey City. 24d edt The best, cheapest and most richly illus- a vear inndvance. Address Street, det » os cr ———— lored hair or beard It con- tains no poison. Auyone can use it. One sent by mail for $1. Address, MagIC COMB co., Springfield, Mass, 24dedt I was eured of Deafness und Catarrh by free, M=zs. M. C. LecoerT, Hoboken, 4tde2b N ~~ A Thief. He has beén traveling about humbugging and selling a base compound which he exalls WOLCOTI'S PAIN PAINT. outside wrapper (with signature large.) Look out for counterfeits, 70 to 3 any of the above Pri- zon for 25 cents, Tickets deseribing Prizes are vegled in Envelopes and well mixed. On receipt of 25¢ uw Sealed Ticket is drawn, without ¢hoice, and sent by mail to any ad dress. The prize named upon it will be delivered to the tickethiélder on payment of One Dollar. Prizes pra immediate) sont to any address by express or reir mail, You will know what your Prize is before you pay fur it. Any pries exchanged for another of the same value. Neo Blanks: Our patrons can depend on fair dealing. Rererencrs, —-We solect the following from many who have lately drawn valua- ble Prizes, and kindly permitted or to yub.ish thom : Andrew J. Burns, Chicago, £10,000; Miss Clara 8. Walker, Exltimore, Piano, $800; James M. Mathews Detroit, | 85.000; John T. Andrews, Savanonuh, $6.- | 000; Miss Agnes Simmong, Charleston, | Piano, 8400. We publish no numes with. | out permizgion, | OpiN1ONS OF THE Press. — reliable, and deserie | | Jean, ly Tribune, May 8. | | i Cash Prizes, Silverware, &c, valued at. i.e. a fair dealing firm.’ f 9% “A friend of ours drew an $50 p News, June 8, | + Send for Circular, to Agents. Satisfaction guarantecd. | erv package of Henled Envel ONE CASH GIFT, ters should be addressed to . Hazgren, WiLsox & Co., 195 Broadway, Néw York. a 2novl2t Ta ger now prepared to furhish all classes with constant employment at horne. the whole of the time or fur the spure monents. Busi- ness new, licht and profitable. Persons of either sex can oasily, earn from He, to $9 per evening, and a proportional sum by de- voting their whole time’ to the business. Boys and givls earn nearly as much usmen, address; and teat the business, wa make this unparalled offer: To such as are aot pay for the trouble of writing. Full par- ticulirs, a valuable sample, which will de ee... LANA ow ¥ frend with equal in sicher akes the sande Btitch as by Hand, but far superior in every respect. Will Knit 20,000 Stitches in one Minnie, perfect wo leaving fre 424 Jom oe tld of the work. « wi i air of & GCIIRE SAPD size)in less bar Ope i n hou gdb Ei : : ! lode or n, or Ribbed Work, ~ with an J or SET THD stockings with double heel a ) ‘ . urs, hoods, sacks, smoking caps, comforts, urses, oufls, fringe, afghans, nubias, ule oe dersieeves, mittens, (skating enps, lamp wicks, wtp: cord, Birt shawls, Jnekets, (Prac % Kets ne ders. w Sn " k, and in facet an endless variety of articles in | every day use. as well as for ornament. rom 83 to $10 per Day + Cun be made by any one with the A:neri- cus Knitting Machi kn &ec., While 2 poy oberitore hte more kni fupey Work, 1 Wuys commands ron ABA urs readily knit from twelve to fifteen : BE RT ah Xo melt bir par, . M4 ab i ¥ ZA Can sell their wodl at’ | ; cents per pound; but by getting the woo} nade into Jarn "a ndpll expense, an knitting it into socks, two or thpes per pound can be realized. ye ¥ . On receipt of $25 we will forward a mes chine aa LCPBA QOD 4 TE We wish to procase wctive AGENTS fo every section Qf ni an nudas Cb 8 Fin induce- ments wid be offered. Fi American Knitting Machine Co., + 10dcit Boston, Mase or St. Louis, TT THE BELLEFONTE | : Ip : Te i sR : » Boot & Shoe Store ! ' Next door to Post Office 1) {| “3 We have slodst od bund, TAN: 197 4 GENTS CALF AND KIP BOOTS’ A larger sssortmébt af Ladies and Chil- dren's Shoes than any other piace in town. a Sun Ble, eve Igo gnnke a A en Serudaiel -,n before purchasing elsewhere. octhtf, GRAHAM & SON. AINTS for FARMERS and others.— The Graftog Mibessl PgistiCe., any now minpufscturing the Hewt, Chespast #n mostidnrahle Phint in use pet on, mixed with pure io Sous. welt nN ol st Jb or 40 years; it is ali ee e plive, to commence work on, and a copy of The | People’s Literary Companion—one of the | largest and best fumily newspapers pub- lished—all sent free by mail. ander, if you want permanent, profitable work, ad- dress E. C. ALLEN & CO, Augusta, | Muine. Pain, sent free of expross charges, on re N. YX. or ene Gallon of Pain Paint (double all Druggists. R. L. Worcorr. = 10dedt LORILLARD'S “"EURERA™ | A. BAUM, WHOLEEA LK DEALER iN WIN — Wherever introduced it is universally in which orders for Meerschaum Pipes nre daily packed. Lorillard’s “Yacht Club® denicotinized, 1t cannot injure nerveless constitutions, or people of sedentary habits. —1It is produced from selections of the finest stock, and prepared by 1 patented —Jt is very aromutie, mild, sand light in weight—hence it will last much longer than others; nor does it burn or sting the tongue, or leave a disagreeable after-taste, —Orders for genuine, elegantly carved M.erschaum Pipes, silver mounted, and packed in neat leather pocket cases, placed in the Yacht Club brand daily. Lorillard’s Century Chewing Tobacco. —This brand of Fine Cut Chewing To- bacco has no superior anywhere, —1It is. without doubt, the best chewing tobacco in the country. Lorillard’s Snufls Have been in general use in the United States over 110 years, and still acknowled- ged ‘‘the best’ wherever used. —1If your storekeeper does not have these articles for sale, ask him to get them. —They are sold by respectable jobbers almost everywhere. ~—Circulars mailed on application. 10dc12t P. LORILLARD & Co., New York. BEST CABINET ORGANS AT LOWEST PRICES, That the MASON & HAMLIN CABI- NET and METROPOLITAN ORGANS are the best in the world is proved by the almost unanimous opinion of professional musicians, by the award to them of Seven- ty-five gold and silver medals or other h gh- est premiums, at principal industrial com. yetitions within a few years, including the Nodal at the Paris Exposition, and by a sale very much greater than that of any similar instruments. This Company man- ufacture only first-class instruments, and will not make ‘“‘cheap organs’ at any price or suffer an inferior instrument to bear their name. tion of new machinery and otherwise, they are now making BETTER ORGANS than cost. whieh, in accordance with their fixed policy of selling always at least rernuners- | Double Reed. Solid Walnut Case, carved son, Melodia, Other styles in Cireulars, wit accurate drawings of the different styles of organs, and much information which will be of service to every.purchaser of an or- gan, will be sent free, and postage paid, to every one desiring them. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. 16d ct 154 Tremont St., Boston, 506 Broadway, New York. BoA AGENTS WANTED FOR : STRUGGLES AND TRIUMPHS OF P. T. BARNUM. proRprtion. 1 full particulars, including In One Large,Oc- tavo Volume—Nearly 800 Puages—Prin- ted in English and German. 33 Elegant Full Page Ewngravings. It embraces Forty Years Recollections of his Busy Life «Merchant, Manager, Banker, Liectur- ¢ 1.and Showman. No book published so 1 cceplable to all classes. Every one wants ‘t. Agents average from 50 to 10.) snbseri- oers a week. We offer extra inducements. [Nlustrated Catalogue and terms to Agents sent free. J. B. BURR & Co.; Publishers, 2nov8w : Hartford, Conn. OTICE.~Letters of Administration having been granted the undersigned over the “Rstato of Elizabeth: Neese, late of Gregg tp., dec'd, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to WEY Estate. to come forward and make ayment without delay, and all persons having accounts against the same will pre- sent them properly authenticated for settle- ment. pp JAS D. GENTZELL, PETER NEESE, dec’; 6," Administrators. | where he is prepared to furnish all Logue Foreign an | at the lowest cash prices, w i their respective prices. | of Rye, Monongahela, Irish and and be certain of procuring what they buy, ng in the city. to give his liquars a trial. apl0 ANEW Apothecary & located in Prockerhoff™s new block, op street, BELLEFONTE, Pa. form Clinton & Cleartleld counties in that they expect to be ready, by next, (21st inst.,) to OPEN THEIR NEW DRUG STORE, for the accommodation of the public, and they hereby extend an cordial invitation to all, who may be in need und wish to obtain Fresh, Pure. & Genuine Medi- cines, Chemieals, Drags, and all such articles ag are kept in a Firt Class Drug Siore, wm. Lately selected with great care and | and PHILADELPHIA, by the senior | partner of the Establishment, who hus had and hence we'ean and will SURIPTIONS, gud by night. We modestly and kindly ask for a libers | stock consists of | PURE & GENUINE DRUGS. CINES, & CHEMICALS IN ALL THEIR VARIOUS STYLES & FORVYS of PREPA RATION used by regular Physicians, We also keep the ' Finest Extracts and Perfumes for La dies, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Clothes, Paint, & Varnish Brush es. The very finest and best Cuts Jery, Combs of all kinds; Ivo- ry, Gum and Horn, Bird- cages and Seed, Pure Whitelead, Zine in il, China Gloss, Linseed Oil, All the various fancy colored : Paints dry and in Oil, Furniture and Coach Varnish, as also DeMarr Yaraizh, and a few appro- ved Patent Medicings, and lastly, a large and well PER. Lot of WALLPAPER, ANDCHEAPATTHAT, viz: From 10cts per Bolt up to $2,50—Give u a call, ZELLER & JARRETT, jun,18 Pruggists & Apethecaries. 0 ged ww geeen, load, stone, | Arh - | eres 10 suid the consumer, I¢ { for Houses, Berns, Fenges. | Car makers, Pails and W { and Ships’ Bottoms, Canvass, Metal and shingle Roolstit beipg Fi d yroof. ). Floor UA] Cloths, er having used 5, 000 bbls. und gsm paint {Ux ANY purpos ed for body, durability, elustieity ad hetiveness. PriéeSU per bhl. ong which will supply a farmer for years come, Warranted in all cased as above. Send for a eircular which gives full partio- ulurs, None genuine unléss branded in.» trade mark, Grafton Mineral Paint. . Per- sons can order the Paint aud remit the mow- ey on receipt of the goods. Addréss | octld, tm © BIDWELL &CO.,' - . 254 Peurl street, New York: i FPVHE ANVIL STORE is now receivin a large and well assorted 0 Hardware, Stoves, Nails, Horse Sh - alery, Glass, Paints, Sheek Buz and H Iron also Buggy an agon gene description +Ogil and supply selves atthe lowest possible : : _aplg’ss. IRWIN WILSON! COACH MAN TORY. ITARDMAN PHILLIPS, AS 13 manufacturing Tawi at i Ye Th n n and ince ha 4d x fine stoak of Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies and Spring Wagons, which he now offers for sale as superior in quality and styles te any manufactured in the sountiy, They n are madeofthe very ask bY recluse practical AOrkmEn, ARE | ison with any work out of or inthe Eastern cities in a style that chailenges eom and can be sold at Tower prices than those manufactured in large towns and cities, sinidst high rents and rhinousyprie Ve ing. Being master bf Risd wa . antions to'excel a bis artistien and free from any annovances in his busi. ness, he hastime and ability to devote his entire attention to his ‘profesion’ his customers, rendering satisfaeti eto i pletula, opefatives, hi: country, soa imsélf. 2 : £4 Call and exarhine his stock and learn his prices, and you CTR to be satasé OREPATR ING {7 of all kinds dong neatly, promptly, nd reasonably, 4 Y engertown, June 12,1 —ly. C- CHANDLER, M.D. o> J TOMEPATHIC PHYSICIAN AXD SU Garoy, Bellefonte, Penn'a. O bs 2nd Floor over Harper Bro's Store. RB neeatthe Office, . References—Hon, X : Pres't Jude eo, Lock Haven Pa; Hon. L. eG arper Bro's, Merchants : ay LE a 4 fog novia” NENTS THIS WAY. 200 nim G SU1%5) SUITS W. W. McClellan, at Bellefonte ould inform the mea of Pennsvalley and sold friends and cusfomers, as well as all others who muy desire to be rigged out, ra € 1 In well Fitting, Subiiantiaily & Fashionably | made suits of ¢loths, ftom any kind of mas | terial they choose. I would.say that I am | still in the field, and prepar ACY it, . L have SIE ant xce \oht gstort- ment of : . . “x Furnishing Geods, | ASX Cloths, Cassinieres, & Vestings from which garments will be niade to ore der inthe = iu | & 3 | Most FASHIONABLE STYLE, $7 “An 1 ask is to call 4nd ‘examine m “fine. stock. Having just 3 ht my goods du- ring the last panic, I defy competi as to ods dura {ity and Tashion: i side of Philadelphia. A: Fehr | Remember the ge a RAE, No. 4 Brokerhof’s Fow, Alcghony sot Bellefonte, oh where £ oths, « in Tes, vestings; callars, umbrellas, cai ats, his short, everythi g Gonupietly rig out a gentleman, can oh and made up in the test style. A am also agent for W, ; GIBBS Sewing Machine, SEL e all desiring a machine - wd ORSE’ COLLARS, if you' dowt wa H ; Jour horse's Shoulders gal yi 2 esore, od horse collars at ~*~ SURNSIDE & THOMAS. A Tremendous Stock of Goad: AT BURNSIDE & THOMAS. 8