a es of New Store. Tae pli - Nev ew vi Goods. NEW FIRM at The andersig nad inform the eitiz 4 Conte ! sete ¢ ship, t ave © ar a new store $e the we n ik stand formerly occupied or, Where ‘they are onw hring ahr A Fall aid Complete Stock of Sgt avin at 188 wtf) 1 cheap as an; yrch ore, Yas indy ew. ina the publi - ectfully inviged to call and exame Fy rupectiully.in Goods will be offered at the lowest possible prices, and by a gen: eral system. of fair dealing they hope to merit a fair share of publie patronage Their ‘stock i i Call bud Examine our Sto NO TROUBLE TOSHOW GOUDS, g@&> Only Give us a Fair Trial. We havea full and x te assortment of the latest (y les. wi SN Qur Steck com rises in pard Dry Goods, P Notions, + lu Millinery Goods, Hoseries, The Cocos os ond Silver. An Immense, Aulation of Silver Found ‘at’ Last~ What the Govern: ment of Costa Rica Shar es—$10,000,- 000 Buried Specie Brought to Laght ~The Story of a Dying Sailor Pi racy on a Spanish Galliot. Panama, ‘Nov. 18.—Your readers will remember the story concerning $10,000,000 in silver buried on the! Cocos Island, which was started in San Franeisco ten years ago, and’ has héen ‘probably published in every, county newspaper in the United States, “Te { tale was that a doctor im Baril rapois- co was one night ealled 'tonthedtbedside of a sick and’ poverty: stricken sailor The dgetor watched over him carefully and made and paid for «all © his dwn In spite of all his pre- | cautions Fira grew wouse, i es tee en SI I A AAA A congress, and after an investigation account. A large majority of the members of the new ‘expedition were, soldiers, probably ‘sent to look after | the interest of the government. A priest was sent along to look out for their spiritual welfare. They left Costa Rica in June last, Nothing bad been heard of them until yesterday, when a letter was received from one of the ‘party by a friend in this city, contain. ing intelligence of the discovery of the’ treasure,” The letter states ‘that’ dll ‘the treasure has not as yet been ob.) ‘tained, and therefore no estimate of its ‘value oan be given. | The greater part out is in silver, the most of it Spanish | dollars.== Gor; N Yo Stn. TIT CST «NE Ww GO ms | ba The man was deeply affected and wept bitterly. Death came-over him slowly | but sprelyas © @ 0 On his dying bed, with 1 tears in his eyes, h¢'thanked the doctor for all his kindness, and said that he could and would fepay him fir all HE trouble: In a few short breaths he told him that in his younger. days he had been a pi- rate. With ‘twenty companions he had shipped at Callao on a Spanish’ treasure ship bound tp Cadiz.' When five days out they rose and: butchered the officers aud passengers, after which the course. of the ship was changed: i 588 Now Opening. The undersigned havin 'g purchased the EW HARDWARE aK Xo. a ROW, : A éw and edhiptote Ward ware Store ha | béan opened’ by thé undersigned in Brock: athof’s new buildipg-—~where they dre pres ped tosellall kinds of Buildi ngand House, | . urnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails. Buggy whéels in South, Chifimpion Clothes Wreingar, Mill 8wws; Circular and Hand’ Baws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Toe Creamy Fracgot, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, & ful assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of al gikas, Ploture Framos, Tamps, Conl Oil Lamps, Felloes, and Hubs, Plows Plaws. Plow Points, Wheelbarrows Belting, Spokes JLultivators, Corr Shear, Mold Board: and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery Shoy: els, Spades and Forks, Locks, “Fringes ‘Sprews, Snsh Springs, Horse-Shaes, Nails Norway Rods. Oils, Lard, Lubricating, Coal, Fe nsed: Tanners. Anvils, Vices, Bal lows, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools Factory i Honse Bells, Dinner Bells Gong Bells, Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpen ter Tools, Fruit Jars and € ans, Paints, Oils Varnishes racaived and for sale at juncd'G8,1y, J. & J. HARRIS. ROT. a Oe BLACK, Physi #inh and Surgeon,” Centre Hill, Pa. offers his professfonal ‘services to ‘the eiti, zens of Potter townkhip. mr28, 3m AT CENTRE HALL, PA, Dry Goods. Notions, Groceries, Hard Centre Hill Stor es! ¢ nd replenished it with new g.90 ju st) due “west. Three weeks afterward, enc ms co —— ——— ware, Queensware, Wood and Willow ware fron, Salt. Fish'and in fuet, assortment of everything Keptin a First (lass Store, TY | Please Read hla and Jolt it too y ith iid i : Ek Ag i Hil big Add STILL AHEAD | § Ws BR slyei {+ wink) Othe attention of the publie gene iy ould tothe fact tht the und pany wilt] exhib t to Bi Be oh e elr’ W great au of latest styles Fall. and Winter Goods «1 { from. the Rr da Fae otis i A Lilrgy, wn count The list it od followin Eg En Chanimares, int C loth, Ene ob lnids, Satinats, ain ancy Xlans ely, Tabs Soe Bla i i : Horko! Blankets; So Wi A great variety and supenibf pality 0 Ntocking and Mitten Yarns, Zephy rs, &ed Especal Attention ie called 16 our Wie ‘and viried assortment, of sw Striped, Flowered, Toghain, nd Da- mask Parlor sd Stir C arpets, “Ge J All goods made ofbest material : WOOL, LARD, and SOAP taken ifr ex- change for Goods, ' Goods, uf every varies" ty, always.on hand tihis > residence. hi WALL PAPER, of every kind and Ay le, alwitys on hand at his resider ee. John €, Kenip, marlotf Late 1 @entre HIN il Agont for r Thampson & Son ps WINE & LIQUOR (A BORB wind! J. 5 ETTELE. Bishop street, Bellefonte, in ‘the Stone buil- ding iopuiatly not Abied bythe Koy Lh stone Bakery Takes pleasure in informing the publi that he keeps constantly on hand, a. supply of choice Foreign and Domestic Liquors. All Reirrels. Kegs and Casks carranted to condaig the ‘quantity, represented, attention of practicing. a called to his stoek 0 - PURE "LIQUORS, suitable for medical Ll oF and ns, and cy i h 3 He “iy I PERE PNR Ww H Wik fil ¥ £1 1 » § All lique en ¢ i ito rive iter ill Shatin at —— | 20m N orice. ~The subseription price of wh ich is less than that i any (yy nme ¥ yin’ ow if AR rg wir, & YE "FLOOR AND" WEATHERBOA ae "hf Vitions Styles, i. ROOKE bili sag vii id Buk Ds, A tire Sa li t Scrolls work: of o av ie 5 BRA CR SOF S14E L oi R DRYER? establishment, we are enabled i ture our work from FORA LER Bi Ny IN GE A ER ICTR E “angl1'o8 i; fonse. who is the most reliable W Shinaker and Jeweler in the place, Xie Den erin WATCHES, an Fi FIVE J EWELRY, ‘Chroviofitorund ether Witches' repaired of the A ‘Most Scientific Principles. Jobbing of all kinds promptly and’ eare- | fully executed at shortestmotice. + All work warranted to give satisfaction: 74 Business transgeted « in ‘both English and German, : Ne xt door to Harper: & Bros, Spring july23, dy SONA THAN KRAMER S HOTEL. L Millhcim, Pa (formarly Wm, Hos. § man’s), . This well. known. Hatel has {i | faction, rf kbs 1d fi tid te, | barrel, or he ot oft, Bon refitted by its new proprietor. The “1A30d Co dealfl ENEAIE Eb ol aote tl tarvisancn ub bub sgotd ro a ib: a " roan add ; ah ade oe oan inten bua XEENSION, TABLAS, wl if heels sn goad v sishelid¥ a8 LoswilH yan id spb qn] s'iieX a® baa «8 fener af sent sow adi Ye seislyge dyid auth Badd vial ems Jessi ping Ia8l ta Supa aes "97 e. r: dein ner ee radlos sodden rani esd hae basal veagedw papel ties spell od ed) areal “fpla y vu dghd seiv Cnairs, #1 toll w By foe ppianT ily baidgent # 51 3 «al ’ ¥t it: Tas : ba TA jell 16 jeu god ‘settees, . % B81 tes bratde AT saree ad) Yo pldono w) to Complete wilted of Pinite re’ fitulihé shortmetice and had ble mann a" 3 i fives Avert 4 t Jo sannn add soond wit med) ssoqzs Jon Hw than Elsewhere 7 bans role wewoldd Si) BTN sl bl trang ban | ya, Rivsons fap wilt or Farnitare wil 96’ rel) sngivame, acallesr mun lo ssdend 0G NL i il tive adit i 13 38 3 1} Brite Ai ARS bo i pe HOF the fede oh Ad ds ori i Confident that bplcan {pl¢nge; astomers | he res; peectiilly solicits a share of publie pa he tronage myl tf ne Eas rin Bm ager! Yih a] Fancy Goods, | Boots and Shoes Hate and Caps Carpet Bags} Umbrellas, Par asols, fore purchasing elsewhere. “They have placed the store under tha | . “control of Mr. Jas. M. Lashell, who has \f ad many vears experience in selling goods ha who will at all times be pleased to show | ran upon a reef of rocks: fringing ani island in the Pacific; and before morn- | ing eight of the bucaneers weié drbtvn- ed. rites, GOODS VERY N Faveling community aye ited to give him a cs sll His table wi » Kept. firsts 1 ass, and Tig bar always supplied with choice liquors, Drovers will ind accom- meodation for ay nnrber of horses. ; A {EAR AT THB pl 2,60tf i Queensware, / Gentlemen and Ladies furnishing Goods, Ladies Cloaks and Circulars, in Silk and Cloth, all kinds of Groceries, the finest Syrups, the best Coffee, Tobacco; Puints, Dyestuffs, Oils, Fish, Salt, Stationery, and evervthing else that is to be found in a well stocked eountty store. The highest ‘market ‘price ‘paid | in Btore Goods for) COUNTRY PRODUCE. Don't forget the New Store, at Centre Hall. where goods are now offered at a bar- E Call aud see = . WASSON & CO. ¥ OW PRICES, Fail and Winter Goods, Af The Old Stand at Centre Hall. LADIES AND GENTS DRESs GOODS. DRY GOODS, AND GROCERIES HARIVERE QUEENSWARE Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. 'ATS0, A'CHEAP LINE OF FLAN us, “ MUSLINS, 0 + CALICOES, | poy, » AND STAWAS, | Wa LTH A180, CE oF! a & CETERA SYRDUPS, COFFEES. also a large stock of FISH, the best; nll kinds, «1 MACKEREL and HERRING. Wolfs ol “on warket.. stand. WESHALL TAKE PARTICU LAR CARE TO MAKE IT AN OBJECT E 1 =i FOR’ Sand Now w v Customers, FO AS WE FRIEN ap24' 68, y. hat LB Yi Puta a my gam WOLF. yy —— ph OH —— - § fe is, onda, carh whips, carvings whips, in reat warieties, /govern- ot are, “saddles; ‘hid les, martineales l £5, garth gears tug harness, bugg 1 ete, dnengbing inthe Sal ment eheck bs tery Bi Yoif TONS of in Stelring’ gloves N% nds re hiefs, coms, peels books in all their variety and very ebeap, BURNSIDE a TH! MAS. NE PATTERNS of oil cloths, at re gured, Hn ¢ BUEN SIDE & THOMAS’ i A 5 (BINSORP, Wm Hagan and ies “ons, olive soap, "Dabbine soap Je es akley’ 3 joaps old castile, pure, Palm so: p Elder 3 20ap, a 2 great variety of her s : : other sORPS, BURNSIDE « THOMAS! RN T U RNSI DE Le THOMAS 16 ome of the largest and best selected stocks of merchans dise, i 6G county: y | , examine nd see tor Sau 9 alt) $ Lies “4 ol rat SAVES : 3 os livesti the shore in boats, and found the island fertile and pleasant. After ‘thred days’ Hard Work, Itifey! brought the kegs of silver dollars to | the shore, and buried them, The treas- ure amounted to over $10,000,000. As water was scaree; and the provisions on the wreck were totally damaged the twelve pirates took to their boats, and steered for the coast of South America. Nothing was ever’ heard from ‘one of the boats, and it was prub- ably swamped in a great storm which | occurred three days after they had left the island. The provisions in the oth- er boat soon gave out, and the. men gradually became delirious for want of sustenance. Two jumped overboard and were drowned. One of their coms panions died in the boat, and a fourth ‘was killed by his comrades, who drank his blood. After drifting under a burn- | ing sun for two weeks, the survivors were picked up by a passing vessel. One of them died on the following day, and the other lived to tell his story to hundreds of incredulous lis- toners, and to seek in vain for the means to return to the island. He was now about to end a life of disappoint- ment in death. At the conclusion of his story the dying sailor drew from under his bolster a roll of papers giv- ing the latitude and longitude af the, inland as near, as i ang) I anded+t them to the doctor; sailor died. The , mutiny, occurred against Spain, and the sailae died in San Frapcisc Romy thirteen. years ago. A careful study of ‘the chart located the island in the vicinity of Cdéus. {he doctor embarked in. the scheme ‘with “all ‘his’ ‘wealth, rigged’ out a schooner, and sailed from San Fran- cisco in search of the El Dorado. He returned a ruined mau, unable to dis- cover the island. Other expeditions were fitted out, but none were success- ful. this city bought a schooner and fitted | out an expedition,’ ' There were twen- ty, six persons in the party. They left in high spirits, with complete charts, |, and seemed confident of success, most of the party were 6ld Californians, and were used to a life ‘of adventure, Among the party Was one George Cummins. a man of large experience, jous expeditions. "They reached the Rand after fifty days’ navigdtion, thoroughly worn out and. disgusted. They spent nineteen days there vainly looking for the hidden riches, und then gave up the hing as entirely Utopian, Setting sailagaiu for | Panamay they finally brought up ih La Unioh} Wiénce Cummins came up to this city ' with the news of their blasted hopes. It was thought that the. failuze, of this expedition would put ap end to all attempts to recover the specie, This was not the cise, Last winter some; of the su perstitious and wealth} y citizens of Costa Rica began to agitate the subject anew. A company was or- ganized, composed of some of the prom- | an object for them to purchase. The stoék consists of a genera] asgsort- ment of all kinds of gonds/ usanlly kept-in | y country store, sugh as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, HARDWARE, BOOTS and SHOES, Drugs, Oils and Paints, Wall Paper, Fish, Salt, Leather, &e. Give us a eall apd vou must be convince | | that Centre Hill is the plade to buy gool | and cheap gods. Gravy & TrOMPSON, Centre Hill, Jan, 22. '69, P. 8.—~Waalso buy Hides and Calf 8kirs for which we will pay market price, either in Cash or Trade. G.&T. ARLOR COOK RTO VES Parlor Stoves, and foursizes of (3as< Burners constantly on hand and for sale at aplO'68, Irwin & Wirson's, Ehirivdipiis Store, in Brockerhof's block, Biskbop Street at Bellefonte, where KELLER & MUSSER, h Jaye fast opened the bast, cheapest, largest gtvell as the best assorted stock of Good, | in Bellefonte. HERE LADIES, Is the place to buy your Silks, Mlains, Movam bigues, Reps Alpacas, DeTiek Lans, Brilliante, Musling, Calicees, Coat. ings, Flanels, Opera Flanels, Ladies ie ing, Gent? Cloths, Ladies Sacques, Woes Pekay, Linen Table Cloths, Counterpa: Crib ‘Counterpanes, White and Colarec Tarlton, Napkins, Incertings and Edgings, MW hite Lace Curting, Zephyr & Zephvr Pat. erns, Tidy Cotton, Shawls, Work Baskets h SUNDOWNS, ‘Notions of every kind, White (Goods of every. description, Perfumery, Ribbons- Velvet, Taffeta and Bonnet, Cords anc Braid, Veils, Buttons, Trimmings, Ladiei’ and Misses Skirts, HOOP SK IRTS, Thread. Hosiery, Fans, Beads, Sewing LADIES AND MISSES SHOES and in fact every thing that can be though of, desired or used in the FANCY GOODS OR NOTION LINE FOR GENTLEMEN, they have black and blue cloths,, black ‘and fancy cassimeres, sattinetts, ‘tw eeds, mel orns, silk, satin and common’ ve stings, in short, every thing imaginable in the line of ge :ntlemens wear, Ruedymade Clothing of Every Dis scription, for Men and Boys. Boots and Shoos, in endless wvariel) Rugs, Brown Muslin, Bleivhed Mus ling, Drillings, Sheetings, Tablecloths, &e.. cheaper than elsewhere, dik 58 stock of QUEENS W ARE & GRO RIES cannot be exceiled in quality or oi Call in at the Philade rhia Store and eon- | vinee yourselves that i ELLER & MUS- SER have any thing you want, and do hu- siness on the principle of {'Quick Sales. and Small Profits,” h AND PRODUCE ARE TAKEN OLD PRICES. Muslin they will sell vou the very best | brands at prices that will astonish you. New spring Dress Goods A most beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelttes of the season, al lower rates than ording rity ¢ harge sd ui other places. White Goods & Embroideries quality, and prices, | The best makes, latest styles and lower | rates. (Hats and Caps i grout variety. | Linens, Towellings, checks, Denings, cloth® | Cassinvers, Cloakings. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Spring and summer shawls, in fact, we keep everything, and will sell at a very sms advance on first cost. All we ask that you will CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK before purchasing elsew here, as we do not | consider it any trouble te s show goods, ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, silver plated and Yankee Hurness dpyb) and single, bridlas and haligrs. £5 - mayl’ Bs, i % +» BR APANNED TOILE T SE oT TS, AND other Japunned ware, at the Anvil Store. | aplU 68, Irwin & WILSON, | ANXED FRUITS, peaches, tomatoes pine apples, and peas in great varie, $1 at Bh TRNSIDE & THOM AN QSHING TACKLES, rods lines, “hook dig you out to catch trout at BU RNSIDE & THOMAR' T 1S known to all in through the county’ if vou want a , good article go to BURNSIDE & THOMAS. pp pte | | Whitman’ 8 ce Jlohrated confections, Whitman's celebrated chocolate, Buker's chocolate, Smith's chocolate, Chinn Ginger, E nglish Pickes,i 7. 1.114 American Pic vkles, at BU ENSIDE &« THOMANX BELLS, at low prices, at _aploes. [win & WiLson¥ SAVAGE & RRO. (Successor to N , Hilibish) Wholesale and retail dealers in, : my. Stoves € Tinware, . Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Read only a partial list of Cook Stov Wellington, Waverly, Orname ‘tal, Oriental, Royal Caok, Prince Royal, Sea Shell, Artisan, ¥ TEV And Awdridan, ; i § Parlor and Office Stoves : Morning Glory, Tropie, Brilliant, New Egg, And Parlor Cooks for Wood or Coal, and Wood Stoves of every description, Attention is called to his stock of Roonng Plate, a new size, which he has just receiv- ed, size 40x20. It makes better job thans he old size, and can be furnished cheaper thar any other establishment in town, ror BPS Wha Jobbing | tended to, Charges reasons Tnetion guaranteed. Lge ng le and satis- | oct ‘63 | wo—— AMPS OF EVERY VARIETY and kind at apl0 68 BAIN 3 WILSON'S, FIT REES & wa {lide 0 Fo dd \J 84 Grdat Attraction and Great’ Bariaifis | | gs undersigndd, deterbiindth dads the | popular demand for Lower, Prices, re- she setfully alls the attention” of the publié to his stock of SADDLERY, | now offered at the old stand. | pe: inll forthe people and the times, the lar- | zest and most varied and ‘complete assort- | me nt of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, of every description and. qu ity 3 | Whips, and in fact averything complete to a first class establishine mt, he how offers at prices which will suit the times A batter v aviety, a biter quality or finer style of Saddlery has never before been ok serad to the public, ‘Call and examine our tock nnd ‘be satisfied before purchasings elfewhere, Determined to please my patrons and thankfa) for thé liberal share of patronage heretofore enjoyed. _T pespe ally. golici ita continuance of tie Shine, JACOB DINGES, apes ly. Centre Hall New BOOK Store. WionksaLE AND RETAIL BOOK, STATIONERY & NEWS EM- PORIUM. ACOB D. MILLER, has purchased the ¢) Book, Stationery and News Establish- ment of Kinsloe & Brother, on Allegheny strect, near the Diamond; ‘Belléfonte, tc which he has just added a larga inveice of goods, such as is generally keptin a well. condueted Book and Stationery Store. © His | Miscellafiious, Sunday School, ahd Sehool | “Books. Xiso, blank books, time books, | pass books, ~dinries; every grade and price | of cap, legal, bill, letter, bath, and note n= per, Frain tixstn papier] find POE paper, envelopes of every description iy rice, pens, aks! inksstands; erasers, ‘rub- hor bands. trahsparent and common slates, te pencils, lead peniils, chalk ‘erdavons, &e! Legaband justices blanks of all kira revenue stampsat-face; Orders taken for goods at all times. Goods received in three days’ from the time the ‘order is received. Mr. Miller is also wholesale ‘agent for Lochman's Celebrated which hesells at manufacturer's prices, him a enil’before purchasing elewhére. sept. 68, ly 7 RU NES and DRIED CU RRANTS o' 1 the very hest quality ‘just’ received a Wolf's old stand anni on I QOKING: GLASS PLATES of allsizes {1 A for sale by Irwin & WiLsox, _apl0’G is. np EF MANHOOD: How Lost, How Restored. —J ust publislied, a new edition of Dr. Culverwéll's Celebrated Essay on the radipabenretwithont medicine) of Spermas torrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, Involun- tary Seminad Losses— Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Varkinge ete, t sy, and Fits,” Induced by self-indulgence ‘sex: nl e xtravagance, S-Lnice, jn a sealed enve 0 cents, "The i ged althor, in this, ad- mirable essay; c.éarly demonstrates from a fHirty year's successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically fired, without the dangarous use of inte nel nedicing yplicatio of the kite} 9 inti dike BY th fp at ance Simple, certain, and effectual, means of which every sufferer, no m: A what his condition may be, may cure him- self gheaply, privately, and radically. Fy od This A should ad we any address, on receipt of six cents, or two stage stamps, by addréssing the pub- Also, Dr. CULVERWELL'S: Marriage Guide,” ae Sikh) its, o Xi k Rh i 127 Bow ty New Nl 4,586 jan29 ly wFQRT: ¥1 In the bouidiess T Si an: u N ny Soul, fortune, and tells Why Ww and how to seek it; it tells {to capi italist® where to farmer, the best 1: nds ; the merchant, the manufyet re the br man, pas of every low th A Lipa BAK Sent ude sea Mh a PIA en envelope, ishers. lishers, Lek WANTED. Bo w AGENTS FOR It speaks to the ye ng r A Jord: in and invest; the laborer, to find goof wages; the | the mechanio, of the great chances ops them; it tells eveny b ody just what oy ought to know: about the vast resources (and wonderful ‘progress in" every part 0 this great eotintry, New, fresh, _interes- | sing and popular. nd for’ Cireuldr. Farmers, Turmeis | sons, and other enterpmsing men, can learn of . money making De "% Obie PROPLE'S PU ie PhoP Pa, RARE Le HED i yu Mo., or AL RS Ap M, 4 roprietor, BELLEFONTE PENNA. The undersigned, having astumed control’ | of this fine hotel, would PEspAe tfully ask the patronage of the public. He is prepared te accommodate guests in the best of style, | and will take eare that his tables are sup- plied with the best in the market. Good stables attached to the hotel, with eareful and attentive servants, The. trayling pub- lie are invited to Riveibe Cummings House a gall. Jui, ly. Tusa x 8S HOTEI, Anzondin o Pau JOHN RUSSEL, PROPRIETOR. The old and well known Hotel, situnt.ul in the centre of Aaronsburg, has again bem occupied by Mr. Russel, fornyer proprieton who now invites his old friends and the travelling community in general to calls v1 sce him. The house has been elegantly furnished and is kept in the best style. Dic - vers can always find accommodation. aplly 86tL. RY BOA RDS, Plank and Scantling forsale by Ixwix & WiLsox, aplO'6s, (Eo: LCUTAND MILL 8 make at aplU6e. QrIcEs of all varieties, ground to order and warranted to be strietly pure, IT is the only place you can find unadultera~ ted spices. Try them for Sita satisfac- tion. You canonly fi find them a BURNSIDE &THOMAS. Ho DSA WS. Ro F SAWS, best Inwin '& WiLsex, ‘spoons, coffee mills, shovels, apades, rakes, hoes, Inmps, forks, chains, &e., BU RNSIDE © THOMAS HOE-M AKERS TOOLS and anime in all their varieties, at i BURNSIDE &« THOMAS". sm pt Rc ps smn Sap J PINDLE SKRINS for wagons, sll si- ges, af the signief the Anvil, apl®68. :. Ar pais Inwing WiLsown. 1 OUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL ap 10°68. oy i pieces a IRWIN & WILSON. rsa nna RA —— i: Psines in use: Fire Bolts, ditto, at aplO'68, Irw & W ILSON' 8, POCKET © UTLERY all makes “and odie esat IRWIN & WILSON. ap 10’ NION PATENT CHT RN, the bes in use at Irwin & WiLson's. apl0tO8. Naa ud I RWIN«& WILSON are constantly ro . ‘ceiving new goods in their line HAR DWARE ofevery destripti ion atredusce prices- now! helps opened every day | aplVU es, fi Chas, H:! Held," Clock, Watchmaker & 3 eweley Millheim, Centre'l co., Penna. Respectfully inforins his friends and the ic Tn general, that he bas just opened. ; a» is new establishment, or Alexan rs Store, and ke constantly on hand all kinds of Clocks, ’atohes and Jewelry: | of the latest styles, as also the M Patent 10eks, provided with r hon index of the month, and day os ~g—- oF i ponth and week on its face, which i is nted as a Rerfest time-kee 4. Clocks, Watches and wink re- paired on short notice and warranted. sepll'68;ly TRE HALL Tan Yard. The undersigned would respectfully in- farm the citizens of Centre; county; that the above Tau Yard will again be put in full operation, in all its branches, by them. Ro AND BARK WANTED. he highest market price will be paid fo Wilides of all kinds. Fhe highest rs t price will also ‘be paid for Tanners Bark. The public patronage is solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. oct], 8m MILLER & BADGER. Fou 12 to 20'cents per bol ta Herlacher’ ——— UFFALO SCALES, of the best make from 4 1bs upto 120,000 bs. _up1068. RWIN & WiLsex, -skin Gloves and Bufta- lo Robes, at YerX OR rH’ Rise bisle i » oath Bil i Sirib on dl i SES Sdail Nail $B i bA at ng 3 ® & i » 8 sor. + 11 lizH ‘This’ vp ' ach is » . Slrpehit der! vants, and a EVER H BLE will always be Shuai with the 10st sump) oy Jarabe, will afford, ‘done enced -oooks: HIS bah wi Ea tain the eheieest/h to see his Ti no pains will be at hogve = ® = 3° he TER inspret an: bi Be Pa er a hots. an {iol satisfaction,’ at red SE 2s sink e fond wb hi dic & TH Ay anv 3i% 13 “3 ge gly? i HS ide fi Phd ail: piling. i BNE i i ' aaa b iy jaa 2 syad BEDSTEADS, : i sid ia siinihe 9 § hon oi BUREATS, risiloll md) Sungeb : A gijatlw & dial aw oun vid SINKS, | in! dsoin’'o € ant 0 tiles i hao wAsHSTAN DS, 8 5 sited '@ORNER CUPBOARDS 9» 9 aol . wS ABLES, dour die 9 Lb 93 bee beim dian § . . Home Mave CRAIRS Arways 0 ox. ad | makes t6 0 rder, n Min of | 1 ) i Fé par] his stoek of rebdy Shade Pafhiviee d wane dio Fammren and warranted of good workmanship anda. ; all made under, his own immediatesypery] is > 2 Vii sion, and is offered ab, rates. a SAAR Spears where) Ae pt roy Be bolic 27H sioifiia | dt itd a continuanes of the same, diiw Call wd sé hid stock vt ing" | aPRNEBIy) elsewhere. . , 18 Ere " tis wll nuibe { # i Si qT iB ¢ BLidke . bre Bprhol isthe ll 10 188 HR . Vir PROPRIETOR. A al 2 »i fil by # tinal is ‘wi 7h wb Hotel, i Lallxisiting ri ie kh able, both las trreasond T 4 venience, German and Eng At nusid ENTRE HALL HOTEL oben nsta Sat rrive and, south Sire, by % Ls wail} F380 Proprietor: y Jabrutiot] 4 favorite H outhy es sb furnished by its new Fa a in every ¢ one, of the pron owns d h count otels 1 The travelling ¢ CLT lh ha i ia always find the o sons from the be wishing to a. fow weeks during the summeg | he a. will ind Centre Hal one intr nd hl ifs tiful locations, Jug 11 all they! ‘could desi comfort and cope wi PL Sustes ii AaplO68 tf. i ae § venience, DASKETS me willow: ! guns, pis~ yt BURREEL Joux F. POTTER. Atl an i A we RY imimediians a bia “Sta ges ol, pow ler, Ha fa i Toss Las pros SDN al fi rd Pdr Jind 8 old 30 2 i» eT Smee wip fon ee 3 malich levbood tect spods sas 11 sq a rete 9