Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, December 03, 1869, Image 3

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a3uAN KS.—Blank a Judgmeniag padu
otes, Executions, & uw X-
ewmption Epa, at this
LOCAL NEWS.—Our friends will oblige
ws by sending in an ot , of local inter~
wat, inela ing desi im trian, Ke., as
such are eagarly read by your friends in
the west, many of Whom get the Reporter.
We would esteem it & favor if our kind pa-
trons would occasionally mail a copy of
the Reporter to relatives and acquaintans
ces who formerly lived in Centre couni¥y
and removed to other pa.ts, which &
induce many to become subseribers
Nos. 85'& 86 of Zell's Eneyclopedia, have
been received, 10 cents per ube. L
Ellwood Zell, Philadelphis, ublisher,
. A § i
Zell lax KEneye d a, still contin.
us io fie and we fotd our former
high opinion of the works as ‘heing more
Ir than any other work of the kind
yetpublished. *
parleanc Haupt, at Bellefonte, always
keeps pace with the times in the matter of
Stoves—he dialwhye the fink to Rave the
Intest and best inventions, Be sure to con-
sult Isaac, whenever you wish to buy a
Stove. Goto Haupt and see the Revol
ving Light, we have one and would not dv
without it.
el ep
TuEFTs.— Aaronsburg seems to be
troubled with petty thieving. A few
nights ago the Retroust of Maj. Isaac
Stover'was robbed of 16 chickens.
Mr. Israel Gronoble, of the same
place, as he was returning home late
one nigt, last. week, caught two men
in the act of stealing his hay. He
knows the names of the fellows, but
will not expose them for fear of perso-
nal violence; as we are informed. This
is wrong, the thieves should be ex-
posed and punished.
Qne night, about a week ago, some
50 bushels of corn were stolen from
the erib of Mr. Aaron Weaver, near
Vgnson.~Mr. John Spangler, the
tlemanly proprietor of the Centre
Hall Hotel, was out in the Alleghenies,
a few days ago, and brought home a
fine deer. Spangler intends having
several’ Vehison "sappers—he knows
how'td get them up—whén all should
attend who like good things.
Farin Accrpent.— Mr. Smith, of
Logansville, informs us of ‘a distres-
singioceurrence, which took place in
Sugar Valley, on Thursday of last
week’ Mr. Wesley Meizer, a respec-
table young man, living by the moun-
tair about 3 miles from Logue
left his homie on the above day,in a
wagon, upon which he placed a load-
ened rifle, and on reaching his broth-
ers house, some 2 miles from ubove
village, he got off of the wagon and
in endeavoring . to take the rifle off,
which had been wrapped in a sheep
skin, it discharged, the ball entered
his left side, struck his heart and “pas-
sed through his body, killing him in-
Hal n Vegond Siciljan Hair | Re- |
newer i¢ the best preparation for the
hair in the market, and always gives
satisfaction. Do not be put off by un-
principled dealers’ ” with ‘others on
which they make more , profit.
Souxn.—Bellefonte is distant from
Centre Hall eight miles, with several
ranges of high mountains between the
two places, yetitis a common thing
here, to hear the whistle of the loco
motive distinctly, as the carsjarrve and
depart from Bellefonte ;: a few -even-
ings ago, we plainly heard the whistle
of the 9 o'clock train indoors, and on
Monday evening one _ of the church-
bells of Bellefonte was heard quite dis-
tinctly, on our streets.
More InpPrOVEMENTS—~Our young
and newly married friend, Mr. Jas. P.
Herring, on Monday broke . ground
for a new dwelling house, which he in-
tends erecting upon the corner lot, be-
low Herlacher's Siore. We hear of
several other new buildings that are in
WaEN ApaM delved and Eve span,
disease was unknown but since that
time the race has ogencraled and at,
the present time mankind is afilicted
with many diseases, yet if people
would take a medicine upou the first
symptoms of disease which would pass
direct to the afflicted parts and restore
healthy action thereto, they would
Freanly prolong gtheir lives. We be-
ieve Dr. Judson’s Mountain Herb
Pills to be the bestand most Univer-
sal of Mediciues, they shonld be used
in Liver Complaint, Female Irregu-
larities, Bilious Disorders, Dispepsia,
&c. Use the Mountain Herb Pills,
and hy a fair trial convinee yourself of
their efficacy. Sold by dealers.
Dee. 3 2m,
Our whilom townsman, Mr. George
8. Potter; has turned up in Excelsior,
Hennepin Co., Minnesota, from whence
he writes to us under date of 23d ult.:
“I have been quite unwell since I have
been here, bat feel much better this
week. I think I shall be able to get
around some in a short time.”
; 4 “ .
i tle.
Go to Hoffer Bro’s Store for cheap
goods... It is an undeniable fact, that
the majority of our honest farmers are
Yegulag customers at the aforesaid es-
tablishment.. - Reason: Hoffers sell
no spurious article ; they ask no enor-
‘mous profits on their goods; they al-
ways keep on hand a full assortment, |
and they deal fairly.
The ease of Potter ss. Wm, Allison
et al.—Better known as the Potter Will
case—which was to come up fer trial,
this week, was again postponed, oti ac-
count of the absence of Judge Black,
one of, the counsel for the plaintiff
All the othets:parties: concerned, ' We’
are informed, were present, and ready
for the trial.
cre Roa
lames Potter, one of the early settlers
a ur valley, was looked upom |b
ny, especially among 1
as sa porn personage, and
ju lv too; we have an instance
where his name took precedence to that
of the Almighty; upon the’ very im-
portant occasion where two, of oppo-
site sexes; were | LE
a Potter township Justice, in “ye olden
time.” It was an honor ;to
have the General attend as a witness,
and he was accordingly invited. The
couple with their friends appeared be-
fore the Justic at the appointed time,
mony, and closed up the tying of the
knot with the following words: “And
now I pronounce you man and wife in
presence of Jim Potter and God
ref lp
Parties ate buying land, and con.
template lhe erection of four or five-
new iron furnaces, near Sharon, Mer
cer county,
Zachary Taylor Hockenberry, con-
victed of murder in Butler county, is
to go up on a rope on the 4th of De.
ph So fe ————
We had some rain on Tuesday, last; on
Thursday, 2nd, snow. The roads are mud-
em ete A es
Burnside & Thomas, are honest and true
To beat other merchantsthey easily ean
They are not selling at cost as Jews gener.
ally do,
To humbug the public as others can do,
If we want a good article it tis the place,
They take a race with exery merchant in
the place,
They have every thing in the merchandize
And any better is hard to find.
Just give them a call and you will find
A geod assortment of every kind,
To suit your taste, they will not rue it
For they are the men that just can doit.
ee dy lp
A Serexpip Prize vor THE Labpres —
The finest, most pleasing, snd costly engra-
ving ever published in America, to be pre-
sented as a premium to each subscriber to
DemoresT's MoxTHLY, 8 Magazine of
practical utility in the household, u mirror
of the fushions, and a literary conservator
of surpassing interest and artistic excel-
lence, acknowledged to be the Model Par-
lor Magazine of America.
The engraving, 28 by 35 inches, is from
the original painting, entitled, “Tue Pie-
Nic ox Tar dre or Jury.” The painting
took a whole year, und is considered the
finest of the entire list of numerous popular
productions by Lilie M. Spencer. The en-
graving was the labor of four years, by
three eminent artists—John Rogers, John
Halpin, and Samuel Hollyer; the last
named having been indueed to come from
Eutope to America expressly to finish it.
The engravers have ably seconded the suc-
cessful labors of the painter. None but ar-
tists can fully appreciate the skill and Inbor
lavished on this engraving. The general
effect is very fine and impressive, and the
delicate finish to the heads will bear the
most minute inspection. The union of line
and stipple is executed with unusuai abili-
tw and heir skillful combination hus great-
ly contributed to the success of the engra-
vers in this unsurpassed proof of their ar
tistical genius,
The work on the engraving alone cost
over seven thousand dollars, besides the
cost of the copyright, and is acknowledged
by competent judges the most elaborately
finished large work of'art ever engraved in
America. Fine copies of this magnificent
Picture, on heavy plate paper, worth $10
each, ave tobe given as a Premium to each
Subseriber to Demorest's MoxTHLY Ma-
gazixe: Yearly Subscriptions only $3,
and Ten Cents (which is to be sent with
the subscription), for the postage on the
engraving, (which will be mailed securely
done up on a roller). This is certainly the
largest, most liberal and splendid premi-
um ever offered to single subseribers by
any publisher, and affords an easy and eco-
nomieal way for any one to secure an ele.
gant work of art, a Parlor Picture that is
only next toa piane in the way of orna-
mentation, and a perpetual reminder of a
day which ought to be cherished and held
in remembrance by every true American.
The reception of this magnificent picture
will take every one hy surprise, and we do
not venture anything in saying that $10
will not procure another that combines so
much of interest and beauty.
Specimens of the Magazine, with circu-
lars, giving full pariiculars, will be sent to
any given address, post free, on receipt of
15 cents. Address, DEMorEsTs MONTHLY,
838 Broadway, N. Y
ly. Ap
J. W. Conley’s Sale, below Centre Hall,
farmetock, Saturday 11th Dec.
V B Hirst's Sale, Earlystown, 28th Dec.
farm stock and household.
Sale of real estate of L. Kerstetter, dec'd
in Penn twp,, on 1st January.
J. Dickey’s Sale, Earlystown, January
6th, farm stuck and household.
ins. aftr Mp ie——————
On the 25th of Nov. at the residence of
George Flora, by Rev. J, Keller Miller,
Mr. David Flora, of Benner twp., to Mrs
Catharine Minnium ef Union County, Pa.
On the 24th of Nov. at Centre Hill, Mrs,
Catharine, Consort of Robert Lee—aged
52 Soars 9 months and 6 days.
n the 29th inst., near Centre Hall, Miss
Matilda Lin
On the 28t
flin eounty, Mr.
about 40 years.
gle, aged about 63 years.
of Nov. in Millroy, Mif-
Holmes McClay, aged
To Coxsumprives.—The Advertiser,
having been restored to health in a few
weeks, by a very simple remedy, after hay-
ing suffered several years with a severe
lung affection, and that dread disease, Con-
sumption—is anxious to make known to
his fellow sufferers the means of eure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy
of the prescription used (free of charge),
with the directions for preparing and using
the same, which they will find a SURE CURE
ete. The object of the advertiser in send-
ing the Prescription is to benefit .the afilic-
ted, and spread information which he con-
eeives te be invaluable; and he hopes eve-
ry sufferer will try his remedy, as it will
cost them nothing, and may prove a bles
sing. Parties wishing the prescription will
idelress Rev. Epwarp A, WiLsox,
myld,y Williamsburg, Kings co. NY
: Bangs OF ForTu 2 Sentlomun ho
suffered for years from Nervous ility,
roto] Bihy and ail ‘the effects. g
youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of
suffering humanity, send free to all who
need it, the receipt and directions for mak-
ing the simple remedy by which he was
cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by th
advertiser's experience, can do so by a-°
dressing, in perfeet confidence,
Joux B, OGDEN,
No. 42 Cedar st., New York.
MEN, On the Ruling B00, Bb Youth and
Early Machood with SELF HELP for
the ing and unfortunate. Sent in sealed
letter envelopes, freeof charge. Address,
It costs about four hundred” dollars
to winter an elephant.
Howasb AssociATiox, Box P
phis, hiladel-
und, ly
* *
A ——————
. Wheat — Pennsylvania and Mil.
waukee at 81 31al 35.
Rye’ 81 12, ° ;
Corn—old yellow at $1 10, mixed
se 08al 10, and new yellow at 87a
Osts, Pennsylvania western and
southern at 60a62¢.
Beef ecattle—15a17¢ for good to
choice, and 11al4t for. poor to medi
Hogs at 10010} for common to ‘me-
dium, and 103alle for prime.
Gold 1214.
Beef cattle—extra at 16¢; good
steers at 14}aldlc; fair 14aldle, and
inferior at 10alle.
Hogs dull at 9}a10}e¢ per pound,
' Corrected by M’ Atee & Reed.
White Wheat $1 20... Red $1,16...........0
Kye 0.80 .....Corn 080... 00t¢ 42.0000
Plaster per ton 10,00.......Nalt per sack 8,00.
Flour (family) 4,00....... Butter 25.......0000
Eggs 18......... Bacon Sides & Shoulders 16
ms B......Lard 18....... Potatoes 0,50...
Apples dried 124. Barley $1 10 Pork 10
Wheat $1,20....... Corn, new 1,00 Rye
1,00.....0ats, 821b, 40... Timothyseed,
dull, 250. ...... Flaxseed 2,00......Cloversed,
dull, 6,00 Butter 85 ......Ham 29..........
White beans 38,80, ...... Eggs 18...... Lard
Dall, 18......Tallow 10.......Potatoes 0,30
dried A ples 1b, 08. ...... Pork. 8@9..........
Side & nie il.
White Wheat $1,15, Red 1 10. .' Rye, ....
0,90.......Corn 065,......Outsd0, ...... Barley 0
90. ......Cloverseed 6,00,....,. Potatoes 0,50,
Lard per pound 18....... Pork per pound 00,
Butter 40.......Eggs 30. ...... Plasterper ton
$16 Tallow 124 Bucon 24...... Ham30,
Restored to its Original Youthful Color
by the use of that scientific discovery called
It will make Hair grow upon bald heads
except n very aged persons, as it furnishes
the nutritive principle by which the hair
's nourished and supported,
It will prevent the hair from falling out,
and does not stain the skin.
Oo better evidence of its superiority
need be adduced than th e fact that so
many imitations of it are offered to the
Our Treatise on the hair sent ‘ree by mail.
Price $1,00. For sale by all dealers in
Medicines. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua
N. H., Proprietors. Nov. ¥ Im,
The undersigned will cheerfully mail
(FREE) to all who wish it the Keceipe and
full directions for preparing and using a
simpleand Beautiful Vegetable Balm, that
will immediately remove Tan. Fre kles
Pimples, Blotches, and all eruptions and
impurities of the Skin, leaving the same
soft, clear and beautiful,
He will also send (FREE) instructions
for producing, by very simple means, a
heid or smooth face in less than thirty
days from first application.
The above can be obtained by
mail by addressin
THOS. F. CHAPMA N, Chemist,
P. O., Box 5128. 195 Broad way, New
York. Oet'l, ly
BOOKS Without Money!
We offer the following premiiums to such
as will aid in increasing the cireu lation of
The person sending us the largest number
of new subseribeis (net less than 10) from
Dec. 1st to Feb. 1st, next, with the cash,
81,30 for each name, will receive a copy
of “Chambers’ Information for the Peo-
ple,” 2 large vol, price 87.
The person sending the next largest num-
ber of new subscrib. rs to the RErOR TER,
we will present a copy of a finely illus-
trated work, '' How to Make the Farm
Puy," price $5.
To the person sending us the next largest
number of new subscribers, a copy of
“Parson's Laws of Business,”’ a valuable
work, price $3,560
To the person sending us the next | argest
number of new subscribers, a copy of
“The Voters Textbook," price $1,756,
To the Jorn sending us the next largest
number of new subscribers, we will send
the REPORTER one year free,
This offer open until Feb. 1, 1870. Names
can be sent in as they are procured. The
price of one year'ssubscription, $1,50, must
accompany each nume., Address, REpor-
TER, Centre Hall, Pa
The best
ean be had at the Bellefont: Line Kilns, on
the Pike leading to Milesburg, at the lowest
rices. We are the only parties in Central
enn’a. who burn in
Patent Flame Kiln,
which produces the
Best White-Wash
Plastering Lime,
offered to the trade The best
all sizes, prepared Seay Jhaily use
Silver Brook Foun-
dry Coal
at lowest prizes. © Also a lot of first and sec:
ond quality
and plastering lathe for sale cheap.
Office and yurd, near South end of Bale
1 . R. Depot.
Eagle Valley CH ORTLIDGE, & 00.
i A I A
‘The use of horsetlesh as 100d apps
to be on the'inerense in France. New
butchers’ shops for the sale of this ar-
ticle have been opened at Bordeaux,
Angers, Havre, Sedan, Toulouse, El-
buen and other cities,
The increasing of the salary of the
Governor of Wisconsin to five thou-
sand dollars a year, was carried at a
recent election by a majority of 6,-
ANROOD JN THA young & ris-
ing generation the vegetative powers o
life AT OT but ina fou yours how often
the pailid hue, the lack-lustre eye and em-
aciated form, and the impossibility of ap-
lication to mental effort, show its baneful
influence, It soon becomes evident to the
observer that some depressing influence 13
checking the developement of the body.
Consamption is talked of, and perhaps the
youth is removed from school nnd sent in-
to the country. This is one of the worst
mov sments. Removed from ordinary dis
versions of the ever-changing scenes ofthe
city, the powers of the body. too much en-
feebled to give zest to healthful and rural
ex reise, thoughts are turned inwards up-
on themselve-, If the patient be a female,
the approach of the menses is looked for
with anxiety, as the first symptom in which
Nature is to show her saving pswe' in dif-
fusing the circulation and visiting the
hook with the bloom of health. Alus! in-
crense of anpetitg has grown hy what it fod,
on; the energies of the system are prostra-
ted, anc the whole economy is deran od.
The beautiful and wonderful period in
which body and mind undergo so facina-
ting A change from child to woman, is
looked for in vain; the parent's heart
bleeds in anxiety, ana fancies the grave but
waiting for its vietim.
HeLmporp's Extract Bucuv for Weak-
ness arising from excesses or early indis-
cretion, attended with the following symp-
toms: Indisposition to Exertion, loss of
power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Brea-
thing General Wenkness, Horror of Dis-
ense, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful
Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet,
Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Langour,
Universal Lassitude of the Muscular Sys-
tem, Often Enormous 4ppefite with Dys-
peptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of
the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid
Countenance and Eruptions on the Face,
Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Eye-
lids, Frequently Black Spots Flying before
the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and
Loss of Sight, Want of Attention, Great
Mobility, Restlessness, with Horror of So-
ciety. Nothing is more desirable to such
patients than Solitude, and nothing they
more dread, for Fear of Themselves; no
Repose of Manner, no Eurnestness, no Spe-
culation, but a hurried Transition from one
question to another, These symptoms, if
allowed to go on—which this Medicine in-
variably removes—soon follow Loss of |
Power, Fatuity, and Epileptic Fits, in one |
of which the patient may expire. i
During the Superintendence of Dr. Wil-
son at the Bloomingdale Asylum, this sad
result occurred to two patients; rea on had
for a time left them, and both died of epi-
lepsy. They were of both sexes, and about
twenty years of age,
Who cun say that these excesses are not
frequently followed by those direful disea-
ses Insanity and Consumption? The rec-
ords of the Insane Asylums, and the mel-
ancholy deaths of Consumption, bear am-
le witne s to the truth of these assertions,
n Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy
exhibition appears. The countenance is
actually sodden and quite destitute—neith-
e~ Mirth or Grief ever visits it, Should a
sound of the voice occur, it is rarely arti-
“With woeful measures wan Despair
Low sallen sounds their grief beguiled.”
Whilst we regret the existence of the
above disenses and symptoms, we are pre-
paved to offer an invaluable gift of chemis-
tey for the removal of the consequences,
Hermnorps Higury Coxcexrraten Fru-
tp Extracr o¥ Brvcnu., There is no tonic
like it. It is an anchor of hope to the sur-
geon and patient, and this is the testimony
of all who have used or prescribed it
Sold by Druggists and Dealers every-
where. Price $1,250 per bottle, or six bot-
tles for $6,00. Delivered to any address,
Describe symptoms in all communications
Drug and Chemical Warehouse,
594 Broadway, New York.
4X done up in steel-engraved wrapper,
with fac-simile of my Chemical Ware-
house, and signed
oot8 2m. H.T. HEL MBOLD
Has been to the extreme end of the
market. For BOOTS & SHOES
to Boston.
For DRY GOODS to New York.
For CLOTHING to Philadelphia.
Y#%. Each article bought directly
from the Manafacturer, with a de-
sire to suit this market 2
FINE ALPACAS from 40c to 75¢c the
finest—equal to $1,25 alpacas.
SUITS—from $10to $18, best all
wool Cassimeres,
Y®. He intends to close out his
Carpets at old rates, trom 50 cents to 76
cents per yard, for the best.
And selling from 12} to 16 cents, the best
calicoes, and muslins in proportion, at old
Women's Shoes, common geod, to wear
all summer, at $1 per pair
Fine Boots from $5,060 to $7,060 for the
atthe lowest rates, and sold at 18567 price.
84-1 T:8,
from $10,00 to S18 for the best.
and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat,
They only ask people to come and see
even if they do not wish to buy
#29 NOTICE. —Sternberg intends to
make a change in his business, and there-
fore will sell lower than any othor. He
wishes all who owe Sternberg & Brandies,
to settle positively by 1st of November
next, else the books will be given into oth
Ler hands to collect,
apl0 68, tf.
A Tremendous Stock of Goods
Bellefonte Pa.
Ladies Trusses,
This invaluable article for females, is now
to be had ut Herlacher's store, and no other
place in Centr2 county. Ladies remember
that these trusses can be had 0. Centro
INE GROCFRIES, mocha coffee, olc
gov. java, best quality Rio coffee
best ooleng black teas, green teas, lovering
syrup, golden syrup, Drips fine article bak- |
ing molasses, rice and'everything in the
grocery line at the lowest cash prices in the
marketBURNSIDE & THOMAS’. is the
canal aa ear,
The undersigned respectfully amnour
to the citizens of Pennsville 4 that they
have in operation. a NEW STEAM SA
MILL, one mile east of Foust's, in the Sev-
on Mountaing, and are now ready to fur-
nish Square Lumber, P ank; Studdi
he, plasterer's Lat
iy es, hy ber sawed to ord d
nd Squaretimber s order and. on
ortost motice, Any thing in the line of
to order. Builders and
stuff will do well to send
John Taylor & Son,
Milroy, Pa.
Miusoy. A change
this Hotel, was made
The establishment has
d remodel
of Proprietors of
resent propri
attention to the
the traveling public, and oth-
or him with their oudtom.
v class style,
h “dood STABLES ure
the ‘Hotel, and obliging
ground to atten
fot rion of the pub-
ii | accommo-
4 Ton
may21tf Milroy, Pa.
$7 INEGAR. —How made in 10 hours
without drugs. For Circulars, address
IL. SAGE Ninegar Works, Cromwell,
THE SCENES, by Olive Logan. A high-
toned, rapid selling book. A complete ex-
pose of the show world. 650 pages ; 60 en-
gravings. Prospectus and Sample free to
Agents. Parmieg & Co., Philadelphia, or
Middletown, Ct, 26novRt
AGENTS WANTED for our Great Household
A New Handy-Book of Family Medi-
cine. By Dr. BEARD, of the Universit
of the City of New York, assisted by med-
jenl professors in the various dep: rtinents,
Three years aevoted to its preparation,
Quackery and humbuggery exposed. Pro.
fessors in our leading medical colleges tes-
tify that it is the best fumity doctor book
ever written, Outfit und sampie ‘free to
agents. E. B. TREAT & CO., Pub's, 654
Broadway, N. Y. 26nov it
GENTS WANTED. Newest and
greatest invention out—the New Self-
adjusting Guides, for eutting perfect fitting
Pants, Roundabouts, and Tadios’ Dresses.
Indispensible in every household, Address
RAMSEY & Scorr, Pittsburgh, Pa. 206nvit
1 ‘ By sending 85
cents, with age. height. color of eyes, and
hair, you will receive, by return mail, n
correct picture of your fature husband er
wife, with nume and date of marriage. Ad-
dress W Fox, P. O. Drawer No, 24, Ful-
tonville, N. Y. 12nodw,
We will send a handsome prospectus of
BIBLE, to any Book ag "y free of charge.
12n0v' 69, 4w
CO , Philadelphia, Pa.
lic putronages is sol
WE will send to uny a.idress a Pamphlet
of One Hundred pages, giving diseriptions
of 600 Farms, with other valuable informa-
tion, Will sell 756000 acres of land from $1
to $2,500 per ncre, Send postage stamp.
12no4t Box 168 Fredericksburg, Va.
I was cured of Deafness and Catarrh by
a simple remedy and will send the receipt
free, MRS. M. C. LEGGETT,
12novdt Hoboken, N. J.
Written by Himself. Tn One Large Oc-
tavo Volume—Nearly 800 Pages—Prin-
ted in English and German. 83 Elegant
Full Page Evrgravings. It embraces
Forty Years Recollections of his Busy Life
us a Merchant, Manager, Banker, Lectur-
er, und Showman. No book published so
acceptable to all classes. Every one wants
it. Agentyav rage from 60 to 10.' subscri-
bers a week, We offer extra inducements,
Hlustrated Catalogue and terms to Agents
sent free, J. B. BURR & Co., Publishers,
12nov8w Hartford, Conn.
"Great Distribution
By the Metropolitan Gift Co.
Cash Gifts to the Amount of $500,000.
b Cash Gifts, each...... SRRAREREY teeenenss 20,000
10 he " BEEBE unas Rane 10,000
a 000
350 Sewing Machines.........
500 Gold Watches.......coueess
Cash Prizes, Silverware, &c.,
valued at ,000,000
A chance to draw any of the above Pri-
zes for 25 cents, Tickets describing Prizes
are sealed in Envelopes and well mixed,
On receipt of 25¢ a Sealed Ticket is drawn,
without choice, and sent by mail te up ad
dress, The prize named upon it will be
delivered to the ticketholder on payment
of One Dollar, Prizes are immediately
sent to any address by express or return
“ ab
i“ i“
i “i
. 100
egant rosewood pianos each $360 to 700
" * ‘melodeons each 75 to 100
“75 to 300
76 to 300
You will know what your Prize is before
you pay for it. Any prize exchanged for
another of the same value. No Blanks,
Our patrons ean depend on fair dealing.
ReEvErENcES,—We select the following
from many who have lately drawn valua-
ble Prizes, and kindly permitted us to
publish them : Andrew J. Burns, Chicago,
$10,000; Miss Clara S. Walker, Baltimore,
Piano, $800; Junies M, Mathews, Detroit,
$5,000; John T. Andrews, Savannah, $5,-
000; Miss Agnes Simmons, Charleston,
Piano, $600. We publish no names with-
out permission.
Orixions oF THE Press. —'The firm is
relinble, and desery e their success, — Week-
ly Tribune, May 8. ‘‘We know hem to be
a fair dealing firm." —N, Y. Herald, May
28, “A friend of ours drew a $500 prize,
which was promptly received." —Daily
News, June 8,
Send for Circular, . Liberal inducements
to Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed, Ev-
ery package of Sealed Envelopes contains
ONE CASH GIFT. Six Tickets for $I;
13 for $2: 35 for 35; 110 for $15. All let-
ters should be addressed to
Haxrer, WiLsox & Co.,
12nov12t 1956 Broadway, New York.
aa Jr “EN “A
now prepared to furnish all classes with
gonspent employment at home, the whole
of tif time or for the spure moments. Busi-
ness new, light and profitable. Persons of
either sex can easily earn fren 50e, to $5
per evening, and a proportional sum Ly de-
voting their whole time to the business,
Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men.
That all who see this notice may send their
address, and test the business, we make
this unparalled offer: To such as are not
well satisfied, we witl send ¢ne dollar to
pay for the trouble of wing Full par-
ticulars, a valuable sample, which will do
to commence work on, and a copy of The
People's Literary Companion—one of
largest and best family newspapers pub-
lislied—all seni free by mail. Reader, if
you want permanent, profitable work, ad-
dress E. C. ALLEN &' CO. Augusta,
Maine. 12nov69,18t,
sisting of a
Be gles
Mining one half of an adre; thereon
erected A two-story weather
Tne Leh Sich wavs
A BARN u well of never i
tor n e yard. The lot contains all
Ei rt lk
uildings, For further informa pply.
ap2,tf Millheim.
wii: a 00.0000
WW, W. MeClelian, at Bellefonty
inform the men of Pennsvalley, and
friends and customers, ns we
who may desire to be rigged out, |
& Fashionably
terial they choose, I would hat 1
still in the field, and L would any shat Lam
ment of
Cloths, Cassimeres, & Vestings
from which” garments will be made to or.
der in the |
All 1 ask is to call and examine my fine
stock, Having just bought my du
ring the last panic, 1 defy competition as
to prices durability, and fashion, this side |
of Philadelphia
Remember the Plece.
No, 4 Brokerhoff's Row, Allegheny street,
Bellefonte, Pn., where cloths, cassimeres,
vestings, callars, umbrellus, cuins, hats,
caps, in short, everything to completely rig
out a gentleman, can be had and made up
in the intest style,
I nm also agent for WILCOX & GIBBS
Sowing Machine, which should be seen by
all desiring a machine de25,08y
The subscriber respectfully calls the at-
tention of the pubibe to his estublishment,
where he is prepared to furnish all kinds of
Foreign Domestic Liquors’ wholesale
at the lowest eash prices, which are warran-
ted to be the best qualities nceording to
their respective prices. His stoek consists
of Rye, Monongahela, Irish and other
Whiskies, all kinds of Brandies, Holland
Gin, Port, Muderia, Cherry, Blackberry
and other Wines—the bist nrticles—at as
reasonable rates ns can be had in the city,
Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger
and Carraway Brandies, Pure Jamnica and
New England Ruwn, Cordial of all kinds,
He would partienturly invite Farmers, He-
tel keepers and others to eall and examine
his large supply, to judge for themselves
and be certain of procuring what they buy,
which can seldom be done when purchas-
ng in the city,
2@- Physicians are respectfully requested |
to give his liquors a trial. 10
hose who have used
5. 9
“1t is worth one dollar a
family.” —N. Y. Tribune.
“In the laundry of my hoy
ler. ba £4) ght | rs ’
“Every week has given ita strongerhold
laundry.” = . Y. : ap. aid & 5 isis
“I heartily commend it to economists of
time, money, and contentment!’ re
Dr. Bellows,
“Friend Doty—
Wf your Washing |
shiccess, I ASSUYE
fn year's use, it
than ever, and
under any eirey
“Your Washing
daily use m our Ig
keeper expresses he
with it, It certainly )
er amount of work w Le
not wear the elothes neur som
old Jashiahed ‘wsh-bonrd, ih)
one inundaress is dispensed in
M. F. Round, Supertn bohdunt,
Yapurtment of St. rine
. City. re J
“A A constant use of the UNIivErsaL
Croraks Wrinoes for more than
Jeursingin faanid y. In we bythe
‘powers that be’ to give it the most unqual-
ifted Pisa; and to prontanes lan indies
oct] dm
Apothecary &
Drug Store.
loeated in Broekerhof's new black, Bish- |
op street, BELLEFONTE. Pa.
The subscribers have the p.eadire #6 n=’
form the citizens of Bellefonte, Contre,
Clinton & Clearfield counties in general, |
that they expeet to be ready, by Monday |
next, (21st ihst,,) to i
for the, accommodation of the public, aud
they hereby extend a cordial invitation to
all, who may be in need and wish to obtain
Fresh, Pure, & Genuine Medi.
cines, Chemieanls, Drags,
and all such articles as are kept in a
Firt ‘Class Drug Store,
5%. Lately selected with great care and
disgrution in the cities of NEW YORK
and P ILADELPHIA, by the senior
partner of ‘the Establishment, who has bad
in the Art—and who speaks, reads and
writes the German langage as well as the
English tongue, being fully ns well acquain-
ted with the nomenclature in that language
of the business, as with the Latin and Eng-
lish terms and technicalities of the Art;
and hence we ean and will
in either language; and shall de it by day
and by night.
We modestly and kindly ask for a libera
share of public fuvor and patrouge. Our
stock consists of
used by regular Physicians,
Wa also keep the
Finest Extracts and Perfumes for La:
dies, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes,
Clothes, Paint, & Varnish Brush
es. The very finest and best Cut-
lery, Combs of all kinds : Ivo-
ry, Gum and Horn, Bird-
cages and Seed, Pure
Whitelead, Zine in
Oil, China Gloss,
Linseed Oil, All the
various fancy colored
Paint<dry and in Oil.
Furniture and Conch
Varnish, as also DeMarr
Varnish, and a few appro-
ved Patent Medicines, and
lastly, a large nnd well selected
From 10cts per. Bolt up to $2.5 ve us
n elk H ZELLER & J. RRET
jun, 18 Druggists & Apothecaries,
spots rings. Everything a saddler
wants for the manufacture of harness, to be.
found at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS.
TORSE COLLARS, if you don’t avant
your Bo sis shoulders galled and
madesore, get good horse collars at +
WHITE FISH, Herring. Mackeral; s¢.,8
fisr |
Shmgle Roofs,
er having used 5, 000 bbls.
und as a paint for any pti
msible pa
keeping. Our servants have en
PRICES.—A Fair Offer.
‘both machines, free of freight, to
fand the money if any one wishes to «8
the machines froeof Proight. aftera , io
the drudgery of mashing
with leds labor and no injury to the gar
“ Canvassers with ed didi ve
al dis de -
ral discounts nade, | £01 T
TRI C! BROWNING, gent, |
The Grafton Mineral Paint Co., are
pt on, mixed with pure linseed oil. will
Car ronkers, Path
(it being
ed for body, durability, elasticity
whirh wi po :
Send for a eircular which gives full partic-
od in a
rt of the house
ili it, and Mhways Buvel >
willing to aso it, ; 8 Buve
~Henry Ward Beecher, © 1
. Send the retail price, Washer 4. Extra
Wringer $9, tail pe I ies or
where no onefis selling: and so sore gre
we they will be liked, that we ngree to.res
tral, according to direetions, ms
No Dian ines or brother =
rmit the 3 #
nds, fifty two days i ‘ it]
ean be done rr, more expedition i
nents, by a Doty’s Clothes usher,
a Universal Wri 5 LF ol
right of sale
make money fast seling them,
Sold by de lets tow
32 Cortlandt St., New York.
DAINTS for FARMERS and others.—
1 1 be. pest
most durable Paint in use; two coats well
fie 10 ar 15 Yours: it is a ligt brown or
sesutitil chown color. and ean be ¢
ged to green, ond, ktoné, arab, did :
Tops, D ans, J en joes, rria . ‘ ie
‘ails and Wooden ware, Agri:
ome Cuiiond | #0
Fire and Water
the past year,)
is unsu
hesiveness: JPric pet bbl. of 300. oun
su a former for yeart to
come. Warranted in all eases as above,
ulars. None genuine unless brand
narel Paint. Per.
ons n
cr luring SR |
coetld, tin 0 33
FP'HE ANVIL STORE is now receiv
: a large and well
Hardware, Stoves, Nails, ve Shoe:
dlery, Glass, Paints, Sheet, Bur and F
Iron also B a
every description, —Call a
selves atthe
He AND LOT Fi } )
dwelling house and lat, at Centre Hall,
| 3
supply your.
@ Thtes SF iy
& WILSON, | 1
wrivate sale. His pr
hurch st eet, pear the bus!
the town. Felony \
aug, 204m
* "Next door to Post Office,
£ ii = 2] 5 t 3 5 1 a A
We have always on hand. /-4 '0
A jarger sssartment of Ladies and Chile
dren's Shoes than any other place in town,
Gum Shoes; every style, u an by,
We ask an examination |
beiore prrchusin g elsewhere,
octisf, GRAHAM & SON.
T Hs manufacturing establishment
eagertown, on t wistow
and Bellofonte Turnpike; has Jew
u fine stock of Carria Buggies, Sall
and Spring W Hick ¢ now offers
for sale as suparior in quality and styles te
any manufactured in the pulry.
ure oie OF (hs very hest seasoned stock
first eluss practical workmen, and fin
in a style that challenges comps with
any Th out of on the ¥ astern cities
and can be sold ut lower prices than these
manutactured in large towns and eities,
amidst high rents and ruinous priess of Five
anxious to exeel in his artistical profession.
and Fe ances in bis t
ness, he has time ap ‘to
entire attention’ to bi
} x
himself.” Ye SHEQS #0 x
Call anid examine his stock am ;
prices, and £] PAR wR
ofall kinds don Roady, NG
#7 ¢ y
T[YaEhithast marke prices paid for all’
C17 L country p we #
oA NTE od As
URKEY PRUINS, raisens, peache;
apples, oranges, lemons, all kinl
F its, H bacon &c., at
of foreign BURNSIDE s THOMAS’.
over H r Bro's Store. id
Office. e erences— Ton OC A
Pres't Judg Lo : Haven, Pa.
A. Mackey, €: 0 ISL Auiiviad
nf ‘mtn
Harper Bro's, Merchants, Bel!
oak others. Fp :