Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, November 05, 1869, Image 1

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    % then
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£1 © a
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tin ~The CrxTRE HALL hi
8 published weekly , at $1,60per, NOI
vance; and $2,00 when not pardand
nee. Roporter, 1 month 15bearts, , , »
ka vertisements are inse Hediausy 50, per
SQUAT (10 lines) for 8 weeks. Adportisess
be ts for a year, half year, or three wa Hi
aba ddss rate,
I Job-work, Cash, and hb a ex-
acsiousl y exmaquisd at: wepspnable hag; .
tice, RF
for punthasing #!
Bi ainer on the.
on & MecHanical Dentist,
Sun x pomapently ET in A nrons es
bara the offiee es éccupied by),
- and/wha h hs heen p practicing with | +
ra having th ee perience ‘of i
number aGyenrs inthe profess
cordially imvite all wl
given him a cal, to |
trutifalaess of this
Extracted | withou
(EYRE con
i "
Hi uf af) dation
Fe ™wEk Hane Pde Noy TY Gh Erin
Tie NURse RY, for Novonber, is
yretty all oh 3 } a Biya
for littl He, dhe hn Avill
elig t t.3
fail to? he d at
i ——
, nat TTT
moro Ls ait; Cire Co, Puy,
Wi | Jad
Towrge reread a ln
PAA fa ti fii aC oo
[the fond “mrient” ‘Whose fedugs rere)
sufficiently ‘lacerated, at, Jogsing” ‘hig
daughter through hed finding. a, Jug
bind; andl’ T yas Permitted tol puss... I |
inimediately apologized’ th’ tha young
bridé and her husband, and told them
whe,I was, and niy reasons for the as |
m {isamed patertity, and they enjoyed, the
joke so hdhrtily that they “called me,
“father! during oll entird 'jourhey to«
night in prayer to God, Tn Was i
sublinje ‘eens, nd ‘the representation
' before ud tohds torawakenshémaest dey
vout reflechio Ops, Vad s i {14
Let patemis, hy wish (0 Have! thelr
undersfiitid {td ossomié? of wisdom | and
love, SeCuEp thi voluriey ‘nud give them
free ncgess to, is pages.
Strigeles and: Tetuphs. ry
Rony, Soran iy dlifietando or
P. ToBagning, Written’ by! hin
self. dl hugtrat ad HR4Pp. Hartford,
Cong J. Be Burr & Co. 1860.10
“From the well-known Hublishitie 1
ly, and slyly! hinted sa me tha, the fis rst
bay: shodld Be clhivistenod $48. x Ar
friend the" Ret. Drie Chapin, Yo she; yf
in Tiwgte rate punster, 13 Teter fired of |
) nl
3 [ Cl >
pe Rp
Pog :
dy! ) diivhimrog hw
avid rian ls
+1! VIET Pb ;
: Wi +H To Ii!
“tl oul
: ure
hn EON
November Sth, 1869,
P up .
wl ) ig
bi sa yp
Wa ny i dys
ih Lien 11 i
14 ieee Laut foe 5 Gk }it
oH Lid:
Geary” » Dupiicity and Treschory — His
Sk meful Treatinent ‘of his Faithful! ,
"Friend, Benj. Harris Brewster—
"Letters of John, Conode, MB.
Lowry, Benj. H, Brewster; |
ih, 13 VE
a, Oct
Hon. B BH! Brewsien, AF 8 A
val ‘DEAE Birt You hive on hen: |
eral ocegsjans, fold” vi me thit whenever
Vile welfare of the Commenweslth, you |
(1 i
The Late AGRI General Rmifiters a
Terrible Rebuke to thi Treacher: bh would at oles’ relinquish the offe o
ous Governer, '' "iis vl Attorney Generdl” into ‘my: hands,
ren That time has now arrived, and 1,
‘therefor, respectfully and earnestly |
request that you immediately tender to"
me your rekigaition, to take effe
The Sollowing correspondetice will
throw some light an the conduct of the
GoVernor | in the displacement, of At:
Ltoxney Generil” "B.'" Hid Brewster, . by,
the apppingment, of ko Chr{d11* Brows.
ded {3 is A
without dehy.“ “Nok actives; will :
munch oblige “ Y dhs, etd, ul ui
i Jor Ww. Criss
| ringing the ghanges on the ‘Hithés%
louse, of J. B, Burg & C6, of Hartford, | ig hinge he y )
“of Thterest: Lore the nibs’ sympathetic; couple, he,
“The Great. Showman” 7 ever saw, since’she is Chimty? nny |
fon y ) 5» Fa ;
to private lifein iy shades of his cher- | i am | Puy! i! 1.) a Joe 0¢ Pasion
which edmiliioe He bokeh] oo. tsi | my atteftion to the TLL P. r Wo i
hava Tobi
fio :mber contains many
| tin
1 48 A @
xR iy a Fr,
And Allow Interest,
Discount Notes,
Buy And Sell
ve o interes-
induced to give the publie his ‘experi Fo the ci uid, “1 did je I 4Did|
ences” during footy active ‘vears) lin a | what,” I asked y hy tht roplivd
adorned | | the dag tan, “Py T. BLP The
large "Solume of 800 ‘ pp Lie ail os
Lo o MTSE A Lo or "ny
lhvith over thirty excellent engravings. | , thus liter] ¥ ringing a nf
2 { chartȢ on my imals
His publi career of over! forty bus y in tials,
Putt propia, July 30, ‘146d rr
DEAR Sik; 1d Af fter a full and free
lo w. Geary! Governor of
PuiLapeLpaia, Ocer. 23,69,
eodsultation “with our politic! Aagsheis Pp 2 ! 0 earls
Hates, who aragiihxiony to secure the enndy bai
To Gon, John
“ele ction of our mutugl f friend, we have | Sik t=Yesterday Mr, Harmer han.
COME to: | tue y conclusion that’ your [ded to ‘mel your letter Of the 21st, of
hi vesigiidtion hs A ttomey Ge nere) won Id } October, Tt requires my resignation
goa 18H Wiis tos strengthen Lim and | “immediately and withott deldy,” and
dd fo Dye FOspucts of his election. | | assigns no cause for the request, It's
LL write thus freely bbeause’ I. khow | & peremptory demand most unusual
go ai
A — or
wiki 108 $ basis, qs
<9 net Joa A Gr
Vault dy
Fe. aialy | i
Hey! Hyon bo g
i ne all
Hojasoy , Loc of
Bt, Louis,
Oct, 281
Phelps, ar planter, of ; x
Louisiana, has arrived fro m the w
of the Stonewall Ly shes ti
ig il
disaster. to, that
caught fire 8J6:20 an WY
ing ‘at the pont a ligtle neds Neely’
miles below St. Louis, from a rolled >
which some deck passengers had too
pear some hay while they were ids
ee Hid bar, the pilot supposing that’ ’
the bar. Unfortunately, at the end of" *
the bar was a slough and bere a Tu
only 30 cts, or $3 a year. A ip
L | ume begins with the January number. i
| Address, S. R. Wels, Publisher, 389 !
Broadway, N. XY.
The November number of Peterson's |
Magazing is already on our table. It
2 | Mok a Fa iy “ebgrutitg/ “The
Ba A Vv oo Fry er a
: ong of ply
ASME xs rar 4
iy =0)
pe fashigh
niBeleloate. pre Smpt- | beautiful’ Ww Yo? sed,
avs attention to all business entrusted | this tasteful magazine. There
to Yi. oc july®'i8. | q pattern for a Tidy, to be wi has d on
) Db. p. NEFE MDL) Phveicianund | Java canvass, privfed 4 An the appropri-
Offere his professional services to the ¢ iti
Surgeon, Center alk, Pu. :. | ate colo vig #leove is 4b the nrice
zens of Potter and adjoining townehi; ®, M wu
| of the hia Ji Ii J fkip |
Dri/ Neff basth © he sim tence of 21 years r
| ns alw: ys in Yih nmgazi ne, are from |
the active practice of WE apo AR Sur | the very best authors, Mrs. Ann S. |
gery. plo "ON, Wy.
| Stephens continues her master ly Nov-
Government ; Securities, Gold and Cou-
pons. yo 8 Bplg 08.
xb ER iu Ba.
Bellefonte, Pa...
& Alexander.
serv ites, Y
apl 68; wih til
jo at Law |
1 Qfhce with Orvis |
2? my wy
hh Prafes: sions N
Rs, ‘entre Hull,
dE dliaai
a 11 138% ZR as ZAYE A [Frank 1 ed & gives adv dratiniord
{Gp Ped! IE
i m= Ja powerful fald, Rnd Paigy Vewtnor a
N ILLERS HOTEL The pr ied {a but two di lars a year.
otel has been refitted and furnish-
nes for 812,00; in the first case a
An central Pennsylvania. The
13 club; in Eh ugly yy of the
NAT OR all times be accommodated with! rhe z
ve HR, tf. _aBmprietqr. | large- stead for {ramping its subject a
ele Is Specimen copies of “Peterson's
Its central fo lity ma kes it desirable’ for :
5 arinerly,of the Stated U hion Hotel. | } time tq get u i for 18701 Al drass,
eh TipRErs AT LAW,
H. N A ALL Ee JAMES A. BEAVER. - lela SAWrie Antginettes 9 1 ul Jism An.
| fos! \Wapser jog W ash-
TTOR! “i 8-1 i-LAW, | chapter rs Of ‘KW
nay id ORE ! ington,” Mrs. R. Harding Davis has |
Chas. H. . Hale, Sx charming love story. \¥ ith thisnum- |
Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. dec251y. QE by ye tiie “Pri dag for 1830.
\Y ool ward Centre. county, Pa, :
S.ages arrive sid depars daily. Tht <fal To clubs, the terds“ate cheaper still,
J ; h-1 viz: four copies for six dollagsy ov gight |
t's Indl Brapsietor | ha, is paw _in-
2 ost plbastntidoun-
weet Ii re pectone of t 16 mo p a mt ¥ 2 large) Srl? rd ving being given as a
a mmunity and driowyers will al- pre sent, to the person getting up the i
WAYS he Hekt accommodations, Dro-
: stables nn Pa for anv: umber. of cat« | ni aguzifie: 4 oh Al dit Ir'av ing.
8 horses. GEO: MILLER, || Thisengraving is a very beautiful one,
: ¥ it ate ther's knee, 1ts
DE el. } py 0 318 Ri ce Streat. child at prafeérat its imo
wi ¥ P ih d 1 MR, [sith $Our Puther Who Art In Henv-
sof lid otphia.
» iti the eity on business or for pleas- laguiie) ! Ma griatit 10 those
all visi ng.% NY BECK , Propriettt. 1 With big wel ubse, Now, sy the
_ APT, pid Chas. 1 Pétérson| 806 Chestant ptreet,
> #
or Wa dP : LATR & STEALER Philadelphia, Pa.
oh lefonte, Pa 1 Nicnr Scex#®ix Tae BisLe, by
vi a oY * ” 3 v ” Zz Vy
"+ Roe FON. a: next doo te Sar He Daniel March, D. D. Zeigler,
Cassa) iladel-
rey Pa. ; Cincinnati, Xi
wo, Ill.
pn St. Louis, Mo.
Hs of the most affecting and most
tantsgenes described in the Bible
iu spidkdander the splepdors of ori-
ental night. Sodom and Egypt, Beer-
So Babrlg Carmel and Gil-
cad Bam
2 rgwas dotele sultations in German or
English, Gey "1 fab "Hote
ALES, t Vhaleale and retail, op
ops. Hii) : Eg)
0 wv the thousand. ml] styles, si--
on andp Fioas’ for men ‘and boys, just ar-
on xived at Wolfs well known Old Stgnd.
0, fe,
% FA THER of all descriptions, french
tj _ealf skin, spanish sole leather, mo-
bh Bx mh i: er
fl heep skins, linings. Everything and t ah
ita fee Sach, by
LT indie ne warranted to give “Jud ht, ower and
at - BRED THoMaS ; a re the STL Ra
or: SRI J Tans Cf CUTLERY. imclading Pheauthor.of iiht Betrfesia the
60 AV hapl0 ge TriR es WILSON, Bible,” has sudteeded inv bringing to
ins — EE RAY ONT fLROSK light. "new and beautiful gens from
the mine of bible truth)” ‘and has’ pro”
im’ ‘Saddler: Ye Aiiéed a delightfal volume. | na
#poetfolly in4.
The style i in high it''is published
£0. th Me Brush vals
he hay od WW Saddler She excels anything it has been our privil
in f 1 rt a a er. Pp
oa Lp Th Olistustd farmiarly Hat £4¢' 10 gxamine, TH steel engravings
lar flr and A ‘prepared io by the Ajrst, artists of the country are
“og sofaroishe al | pede f We liaye
ea | | Defect “gems at.” We haye space
EE Ham Cll, Bijtler a describe bus tio of them. | ‘The fest
ips of eyeny kind and’ quality, inf. “THe Night' Watchin. Mount Sier.
“1 cfuet ovetything complete, "bqtial 10 a frst.
pt He ra Beside! ‘one of the:mountain passes, with
ig tity anid fineness of, style: | Farmurd grand pesky’ toering, crag apan cray
‘on either side, stands e'w atch, wer
‘withiitsisalitary watchman. Just thr'o
hepa oan be - een the) fir Af bright;
194 hd others are invited Lo callland dxatine
dei di Others
nt of ji dastorersid
vidoe d® prin 1a plas ER, Tr.
ued ¢ ili preety yr
JR .
daldw OYSTER SALOON, | 7:
) reet, it Bush's Arcade Restly
20 Be Hires; Pa. nalts hr Hi ‘©
; i ow open, and go goo cals)
! hours; éef, |
pent is
Jystersi he
“ind bup~, “Fle. MONG. + Goiteth. Was A pain va,
Ria ‘pass oft down the APES to the’t the when
the long looked: for hire ad connie
SE Rehr
F XTRIM WINGS, . Tobbe 1Jet {with healing in, ELE hog Befors |
h wiry TTRWIN Whe At: ott USS A Jone, fio tain side, and a / prose]
fichtay, |, 7% Ix & Whsoxs. te forr Tneelin on b 1
Pe two} tix | intnil frat € gon unciishione
10YS of all kinds; at
Sat “= roekis pt I'he’ ‘pale fgajbeans crecfy
; ae 101 URNRIRE . & THOMAS, among the ofdlzs; Juss! reveling thein
€, jhe Ye-/
Stan sien
Ei a huge'b (bird/fl
ings and!
es” 113
years” ins been ost eventful, and is |
recited to usherein in spirited narative, |
the reader
the end as sure bv, as he openg the boy
The work #8‘ not only exceedingly; ing |
‘human Bitare,”
humerous anecdotes well, told.
Lever likes Tun niingléd with good sense,
or would blearw g'inen aud HAs,
‘how . to get long rin |
the work snd Snake money,
ye eligi dri B urnum's a
and. Fria phs.”, 1, ho
Tha book contains his gi bhtad food
“The Att of Money Getting,’
times the cost of
book. "AS a traveler Bamum exhibits
low himion his journéys,
excel lent,
graphy of'the book 1s of
and does
éredit to the blishis.
“Struggles and Trinmphs”
culia¥ Bobk! in every way, and’ is ohe
of those works fortunately adapted for
isa pe
likes, Severy now and then” and, open-
ed at any’ page, furnishing cheerfal
reeding for the pissing “hour.
be lured on tathe eud before lie stops, |
so full of interest is it.
We give our readers an extract from
the book ;—
The! managers of railroads running
west from. Chicago, pretty rigidly en-
farce a rile excluding from certain re-
served cars all | gentlemen traveling
without ladies. 'A«T do not smoke,
I avoidad the smoking and as
the ladies’ car was ometimes more se-
lect aud always more comfortable than
ents fosmuggle myself in. If. Isaw a
lady about torenter the car, along, I,
followed closely, hoping’ thus to “elude
the, vigilance of the brakeman, who
geterally acted as door, Keeper! ‘But
the car Cerberus is pretty well up to
all stich ‘dodges, and [did not always |.
succeed. . On oie’ oceusion, seeing a
and starting on a bridal ter; aboat to
enter the car, T'follewed closely, bug
wag stopped by. the: door, keeper ' who
eaHed ont; |
“How many ' gentlemen are with this
tady ?”
{hh veri ways agtingdp Ab v young
ew | xymagrpieg. peopie, 13] Very fomd
oe ‘iny husband” and “my
OAR tanmiwhiel sotnd
gael eo > eAlpf thosggrho ut-
ter thEmprso. in answer to the peremp-
I" “fs am this 1ddy’s husband.”
w Aid 1 Bids your van Baedby the res
semblance a Baivees the lady and jmy- |.
self,” suid I'to Cerberus “that Lari herr
| fal er” . IT
‘The tall dol hiidhand and hi
Bushing bride were too. much “taken |
back h to deny their newly
permitied the your Sophy) 0 pi ”
th the cart f1¢;
y “We can a’t, pass in oition With, one
lady.” ¥ 1101 sri] Tals
fa S1oTe bia The. stillne ol
hig bia lor
| i ee San or fp YS
0 @& 2g sia ao
DER Cope 3 “moun imo W i vo soind
1 ] os vom ui b da Cr )
4d. AV. 34 A048 7r Ie a LE
£45 10 i | od
Qeptr re fragy > oil
hoi n LOD %
fe wy arg
a vou will not dutive nie: of
ag " vA child during the
gather,” I
Sad og ihty
Fam, hh p
man ‘exclaimed:
“You can't go’ in thevopsir 1
“drrather guess [ cin 0° iP owith
Not With that Lady, ald fed low:
This posit n
the approval of the Govermor, w
thorizes me to write this letter! oy
yours, Jotiwy Covonr, |
"Chairman State Central Committee. |
Long Braxgn, Joly 31, 18€9.
To the Hon. John Corode™ Chati-
thin yan do; wo arp up to
avelldrsiaricks out it tre HA
I sow indeed tint (18). was
no #0.”
Ait ig
2 A0 go,’
“I a fag pin ng, gy CIV tl; A othe rail-
roads sion ailgctatng oar Sena
the west, and I really hope
ermit meso take a seal in the apd
from Nie Y irk
themitogether, tp
mati exclaimed dot by;
vo ain't ‘Pkuew “od bs
lingseveral old 1eftérs Filan my pocket,
Cand <Howint: him the diréctions onthe
pes, 1 replied:
‘old fellow’ has chalged i in Mis appear
anee, perp.
J that Fauthe
The brakeman ‘looked astonished,
but finally said: “Yell that 48a fact
sure enough. J know you when T dome
to feck again, bub really I did not be-
lieve you 'atfirst. © Yow sée we have all
sorts of tricks’ Played oft’ us, and we
learn t0. doubt everybody.
very welcome tp go iu Mr. Barnum,
and T am very: glad to see yon,” and as
this cotiversation ‘was heard through-
out the car, “Barnum ‘the ' showman,”
was the subject of general obsérvition
and remark.
— . : ———E—
w=Thd latest, and, most faitastic sug,
gestion in the way; of telegraph i that
of“4 French enthusiast, who, like, all'l
inventors’ and ‘origivators bf graud
ideas, is now heartily’ law ghet “at in
Europe for his paivs, His proposal
isy not to fly ithe, moon, but to commu=
nicate ‘withthe planets, He, wishes |.
to mount a Mitror, ‘capable of being
readily moved, and to give flashing;
sigrinle to-Jupiter-or Venus, Eis theo
aly, pt given Jiutérvals and! inlequal
numbers of times the tnhabitants of the
‘to’ lundérstand that they mean sorhe-
afid "to return « them, Should
they do his, a Bode of dighals could
manifestly, without thtich” difficulty
becdevised... The, proposer of this cu-
r ious scheme-points out that, gen now
bright, spots Are occasionally seen] on
sone, of, the plafiéis, suggdsty that they
mat possibly. be similar signals from
frhabitants of those orbs, to each other
ind toe" The ideas suid; to have
worthy: of) Bavions, agentivn PY, ‘he
il 2a ITTY Ti iri ’
' Soifitmon keep savage, dogs, avound |
40 thet therhungry *ipoor:|/
Lwhos sop | tO Bet w Lite! nay ge it ne
dy Hau ni fro
i 3
Ii fools would be content to act I’
o. I like them, kind, of, boys who are
alilye: trying toalift baka Says al
“01 yd Tg i .
81 I $ Lit { tin
I'littve. vol:
| te stter of July 30; 1889-1 4d decline to |
| resi the Uffice’ of Attoroey (General
®t J
My evtrse as: A NGIIES General. hygs’
| not been oy pen to any Critiusm that,
| merits sue h & Jtest and 1 will not
misent to LE to an : hndiznity
ih: it has bee contiived Hy mien who
Ctiltveto himeand exposed. these evil
BENJAMIN Haris Bugwtan,
Erie; August 13, 1869,
ges Str :—Mopre “than a month
y, was informed that Bréwster
saerificed to appease” Mc:
Clive and Mann, bo aceount of an old
sore, Cameron, on account.of & new
one, and Covode, ‘because Brewster
had decided against his right t6 a
scat "in Congress in the Resist con-
test!’ . : flainsiod
téduld net believeth you ry
consent to the sacrifice of so pure and
devoted friend at the instance of such
a combination.
I'wrote to you and you replied that
there wat nothing whatever, in, the re-
port. ; } ffi
Jefore I received the letter, howay-
et, I' met you in Harrisburg, 4d you
conitemptuously | scouted, . at and.
séottied thé idea: of asking Mr, Brewse
ter’s resignatic on! 2 ap M
Judge of my sufprise this mobaing, t
upon veatling in the Observer, Mt. Co-
odes letter of Jul y 30, ta Mr, Brews,
for. ig
, In my Hnible judgment; a grave
error has been cominitted.
| Mr: Brewster's integrity and ability
are ‘elements too valoale to, your ad: t
ministration, to'be thus treated, Still, |
if, from any ‘cause, or’ from any pur;
pose yop wanted his resignation, it
should: have heen. asked for by a difv
ferent min; and in an altogether dif |
ferent way’ ;
1 do not know how: Me. Brewster |
ray fael.j in regard | to treatmetit ‘which
cannot be considered anything short ofl
us ; and vet his treatment has
not iad Srudh ag’ ily owq, / if You.
authorized Ar CoVbde to write sucha)
letter, which Ido not! believe youl |’
could have dod tin’ 1 have-better!
evidence: than, FY news pay er" ‘article,
Very vespectfully. yours, muils
“BT a mage fos M: B. Law ry A
4 An Metin 0
HOR: Isp Tatograph)
fh 1 dui General Homes iad
do makeany, RppqitisEits for fou with’
Generali Geary ; you will drive WAY
ARC hilfiot’ lia Fo uiyehing toedo witha
ANSWeluio id ‘bi F Ja HN ‘Covone,
| Regeived wt Feil Pa. “Chuan
Ting) . totdare™ iil
sn HI Mis
# iy
i$ particular case,’ A
After, my receipt in July last of the
r of Mr. Covode, wade publie’i in f
which he requested my resignation,
and assumed to do so by vour authofi:
ty, vou sent épecinl messages to me’
by A éwis" Walno Smith, rdeputy
| attorfiey »reneral, desiring me. not
to .1ieagard.. his letter, and as-
suring. ane; that it was 'unho-
{ thorized ‘and, that” i%s “publication.
was unauthorized. Nétwithstanding
that I felt a sense of wrong in your
| silence and neglect to=make a public
disélimer of thay lettdr, yet 1, submit, |
‘ted’ Sutuls fur ithe sake of the. party,
ts canse, knowing well that any.
agitation 'of the subject on my, part;
would involve) iyou. and peril yonr,
'Phiz you appl pauded at Cor, |
ry 4 i fortnight ago; When; of your on
accord, voli came ta see me, and when
we dst saw ench other, and, then you
expressly said’ to oe and Mr, Lowry,
and, I believe, to General Kane that
oul Feldtidns were mu nthanged
sald that all of the atition. 0 Lo
villd, in the letter, before. med,
and 0 a telegarm sent by to “nie,
you, Ww
terms condemned his ‘Conduct’ as bra-
tal. and ‘merifing punishment. ‘You
wished me to wait until after the elec
tion, when I might deal with the men
who had put _an affront on ‘me.’ You
then thanked me for ‘the service I' had
rendered, and repeated your personal
and official confidence in tie and left
me, making arrabgements with me for
an-importapt official duty to’ be ‘per
{ pulp with you. “To Mr: Gummi
who went to you, especitly deputed v
me, to confer with vou on the subject
about three weeks ago, vou expressly
iterated and reiterated your confidence
in me, suying | that you had no cause of
complaint, and ho Wish to remove me
or hay me resign. The ‘offer of my
resignation, referred to in’ your letter,
was frequently made by me and others
forme, and was alwhys refused by vou
as hurtful to your prospects. It was
wade from motives of personal conv-
enience, and to help your renomination
and silence the calidmnies of men who |
Nore Your gnemies. As an instance of |
your feelings towards whom f'would re-
Soke YOU your eotirse in feference: to
nn Kemble, whom you'told me you
suspected of being A'defatiter, and by
your express direction had me send you
twice an accoithtant from ‘the eity: to
yerify your sup posed discovery of his
| dshinayentiss afd nguinet whoo yon
hi ad Bite a8 soot’ ds you
Ww ere re-elodti i
Naw you write to mre dumandiog my
resignation, and assign no, cause, but
leave ma open to dimputations, to which
0 ill not wobmit, 1 will not permit
y6i, at the ibstance of a class you noe
'nofinced ‘tome as corrupt facionists
and one of 'whour you, instructed ne
‘to prosscate; and after you have an
Hswered your ows eonvenience and re-
ceived vy help; thus to eyict we from
A [never sought, and which you
solicited nse! to-acoepty, and which I
have held with due respect tomy pubs
lic Buty and my own bouor, |
After this course of dup pc oF va-
siltation; tome it is ind]
shallowest water about her wits five or
six feet. The boat bring loaded with"
to put out the fire were _anavailing. ww
The Belle of Memphis came spat :
$30 three hours after the accident,
gers and crew only thisty, are known
to be saved. "The fast seen of Cap:
tain Scott he was flontisg down stream
on & log. People at Noely's saw a
light and hastéiied to assist. One maw
resced sixteen persons with a skilland.
had it Bot been for thishelp.all would,
have been lost. A gentleman from
Paduea, Kentitcky, swan [ashdre with
a lady, dnd at ber entreaty wi
fo ‘save her ehildo: Tnx swimining |
‘nshiore hi wis' grasped by rowing 1,
man’ and was sémpelled to shuke hin... .
nian was taken from
wreck ‘=o budly burned. that he:
There were thirty-nine cabin passen-
AH the indies gy
bqard were lost hut one.
A Minos wicesT House: ¢ oF Wi OR-
surp.—The New York Herald come
tains & very full description of the |
Jewish house-of worship, built corner
Fifth Avenue and Forty-thied street,
New York, ksown as “Temrple Emmn-
u-EL” Tt blends. in unconscious har-
| mony six different arders: of architec
ture—Saracenic, Bvzutine, Mores
que, Arabesque, Gothic and Norman.
The interior decorations are fiver and
more dost “thAn ¥6¢ Si“ Ohristian
church in the land. The Herald closes
its article with the followings - |
In ten pews from the pulpit sis
every Sabbath ten millionaires, and
from shat point back wu aggregate jof
millions more is represented. Did
there ever sit together, since the days
that the fair and segnl rular of Sheba
was escorted by the gorgeous retinge
of the court of Solomon: tp the temple
of "thas weuarch’s Ambition, sigh a
galaxy ofworldly wealth, amd it might
he venturéd, sach a galaxy of beauty
and refinement * The roef of "the tem-
ple ie flat mud cut to spusves by the
transverse arches. A guod deal, of
elaborate polvhchrome painting fills in
the many beauties iu this field. of dec-
‘nicked from the full radiance, of ‘the
‘mars Blazing candelabra. . The fig:
ures are brought edt in happier relief
and shew with a Jaster denied. foes
by daylight. Hid
Y timgertior ihe temple o. Town El
is a featurein itself, and has no paral-
Net. Tits extevioris an experiment iu
architecture oftentimes before attemp-
and your hy. hold my office wacanty
Titi Bil) it with whemseever will be base:
antl wean enough to, nun, the risk of
lle’ treatment, on) reggive JL as the
i oJ am, sir, or ai
| Brsoadadi HARRIS Basten.
STUY wrt
remnant 1869. §
Hoh." ‘ Bénjamin: Harrie hres ter, |
ration, without: being quite so great a.
‘Novelty, has so many; points of origi-
nility that it fwirly divides, the palm
Sigh! Tt try be added, in conclusion,
ht the fivst pew sold, realised. the en-
oro surn of $5000, , ;
ft stp
rd queer huiorist, whe has “had a
" Philadéiphia; 20979
SIR: ‘Haig filled 00
Teer time of ity says; “When a a man
| Brewster.
LiRsaneval #0 met
“Dé you iy eoprolgion for your
» agkeda pious old
Aintem; a gt y llow. who was
something of a yag. “Yea, i in ‘aborn,” 4