w Ta v aww ed - Ty & WW i CB Ly v NEW. Lan ai, ve WW old Centre Hall. waa ie ag WW ASSON & CO. See WEEN i 48 Ls TRE DAR: ded vespectiully inform the eitizg WAL Hall and Potter town this a ave opener a’ naw store es a Es, known stand formerly #c¢ cunioad offer] 8 on erlnchef, whete they are now A Rite Comyllete Stock of in or oa + SPAING:&, SUBNER 6008 cheap. as anywhere. * “ Mig ty Thee fteckisentinaly new, and are respectfully invited to cal A ind fe ess, Gondss wil i he, offores at she Lomeost Poeribag pl ges, and by a go erabfvstam of fair: dedi ing, they hope pile feipsharent PE patronage, the public ic and ex: apt LO Cay ond Px amine enr Stock NO TROUBLE TOSHOW GOODS, Aden naa +3 ny Give us a Fair Trighh ov R18 ofighe latgat Dtyles. Oda eompaises in part; Drytémods, Notions i sad ilbinigry Goods, el dlaseries, od) vd dane Goods, “8 “Be: ws and ph os hd ;. Hats. and Caps be, Carpet Bags Ree SYA Unmdbrell: , HN a 4 Farasals, Que ensware, Gentlemanal d Ladjes furnishing Goods, Ladies C Ay afd’ €ireulars, Ro by adlg Kinds of Groceries, the nest es TUR the best Ce offee, Tobacco, I ins, fivind Oil. Fish, Salt, Stationery, nnd egervihing else that is to befound ina well staeked, country store. The highest, market price paid “in Store Goods for} COU NTRY PRODU CE. an’ t fouget, the, New 8 ore, ut Céntre Hadl where goods are yow offered at a bar- q Gell snd see Je oo x ASSON & CO. an’ FT HOUSE. Almrhoy. Ao ange gf laoprictons ‘of this Hotel, was mua on the o “of April." Thexkestablish ment dns hed nage Qurnished, refitted, and remodcleil, wow pore: after be condl feted, wap first- "ley h prin ‘iples: Tie present propri- ctozill FING, his pernna 31 torte n to the epi foxts of the raven publig ‘a fd oth- = 8 may {nvon him With {Heir ah: ston. Ny shy ABLE is af { in fir rot giaeRty le. a w : GOOD! STABLES are aw plod il py Hotel, andl obliging E Twoy ¢ oft the e Foun d to attend A north 3 t hs mrgnent, : Some, 1s 80lpdted ox ook KeCOMMUGs Q ae guaranteed to AW. we WH i $ BE E1.. Sits v. Pa UTe of her «THO N AS. ¢ nina Tact aud, BU BRN SIDE oi aGrore Ere gan iq ) hetse coliars at avd gE» BUR SIDE 8 & THO AAR, Tr catty at forgme lh, af He, fins a the aoe) gta) to offers: Jy “fone OPERA 14% Wi. ELL : WIG, "OREO “helerrnn, bat sc; “of XY ol, i aA xi] IS nhw nrenaren aRR AXT ED Co &! FARE VBE I FX RY o t Priv. ate LTE ugde: signe a rh a valueb! Hrs’ i 1 Yevimd t £ entre co. SARS ERE Milth ean at private sale neat: (ining 60 acres of Land. the hk hak qtato of} eultivatiop, and | fa Qe sl Rips fohn msigt of ARIE, I URERILAND. oral 'w 2-2toy weather boarded | Log House, Barn, and ps TJuthuild: ngs. well of ff water in the y ard, a‘ i: re o stream of water. Ww 0 ds f1 ‘om the ¢ door, and ool BL iH Wa gh] AS 4 on $F in B AME vi4, Gm ‘8 3 14 O08 Wf snd ii Millhei im. Ar endous tock of Goer URNSIDE & PHOMAS. BNE GROCE RIES, mocha coffe se, old 04 sit 950%, Java, Dest Pn wlity Rio coffee yy +o oolang black teas, gréen teus, lovering olden syrup, Drips fine artieia’bak- hg ofoars, ¢ rice. and everything’ in the arom r¥ Ww Ww rib RigH Hérving! Make al, &c. IP M AS gah ale st market DUges paid Lo all Br nies produ 3Y PRUTNS raisens, peaches | Friiipé Hams bacon, &c., al Se THOMAS | db wN 8, calintes, cart whips, carriage Vig ipd, in great varieties, govern: ft pelrs saddles, bridles, martingales Hinds, cart wears, tugsharness, bugg PG nd BU RNSIDE & THOMAS" os a Ba rai Be ~ . OV as wid lcerchié fs, cams, pocket Aloves 11 thé vubietw and very chedp, at BURNSIDE « THOMAS’. Ra TLiaMeY i we vd ud i) v CBRN ke THOM A erling's Sop anid’ a, greav M¥rjety of Hoaps Me VIRERNSL DE THOMAS SEP E & THOM AS, © Cpe ba to tha Publie iss! of the largest ob best selected stocks of mierehan- aise, in Centre county. Cwll, examine ang gee for youraelf, Gi WF | { | R. 4 TR ri SAY L BEeGatR BE. wi 4, ————— —————— PRIDAY. 00TQHYR 20th we pm ——— _— — em nen The Marquis D'Orehes ' offered a prize of four tholsaad «dollars to any person who would: discover a cheap actual death. This ‘prize - has been gain d ty Dp. Caniere. His method 1s to pla ‘ the hand of the subject be. tord'a light i ita Ad rkéndd room; ifthe 4 Subj foot Is not dead the light will make the hand senti-transhuednt With wn rosy hue; but if dead ‘it will be perfectly opal q ue. Weise Al Sar George Bartelle. of Port: Jderviy, ves miled some vwaghty stories about a Miss Honker, when Miss Boaker, arm- ad with a cow hide, called. Me. B: out administered “to him several severe cuts about the head and wea, at which the spectators all said, sorved him right, of a saloon and oe " A Mumily which was residing in Lynn Mass,, ‘at last accounts, has, during the past sixteen years) lived io sixteen dif ferent townsoand cities, and has occu- 4 3 “ anh J different Hogges. rH a . - * . . Paring thik moving period the wife ed Wvonty eight , par Th £ "GRE AT Cats OF MUMAN MISE Just Published, in a aon 3. rice six cents. A'Leotureon the Nature, Treatment and Radical» Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorthaeen, induced by Self Aase; Involuntary Emissions. Inipo- tenet, Nervous Debil sd and Impediments to Marriage generally; ‘onstimption, lipils opsy, and Pits 1 oo Physical Inen- Gaeiiy. 4 &e.~By ROB. J, CULVERWEL, [. D, Author ofthe “Green Book'V &e. The w orld renowned author, inthis ad- mirable' Lecture, clearly proves from his OWN experience that the awful conse- quencos cf Self Abuse may be effectually emoved without medicing, and without dangerous’ surgical operntions, bongies, instruments, rings, or cordials, Pp inting out a mode of eure at once certain und effectual by which every sufierer, no matter what his condition mag; be, may cure himself cheaply, privat ly, and, radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent undér seal ina plain envalope, to stage stamps, by wddvesging the pub. ishors, Also, Dr. CULVERW ELS Marriage Guide,’ price 2 cena. Address the pub lishenrs, CHAN J C KLINE & CO. 27 Bowery, New Y ork. P.O. Box 4,088." jan20, ly NV 2OLESALE WINE & LIQUOR STORE ————— J. B. ETTELE. Bishop street, Belleétonte, in the Stone buil- ding iormerly occupivd by the Key= stone Bakery Takes pleasure in informing the public that he keeps constantly on hand a supply of All Bareels, Kegs und Casks ctrranted to esntain the quantity represeitted. Tha attention of practicing physicians is ATAS becontd the mother of eleven chil. ! ar "all. A fe rons gen o young ladies in a cértpin hous ow, the other night were heard as follows: “Oh fora man! singing Oh for a ntan! h for a wan-—sion in the sky! : Be fore they could get any. further two young bloods outside respon- ded : “Oh fora gal! Oh fora gal! | Oh for a gilrlon of old rye. | Fo Gi § GE SAR FUE NE | Three onsechtive decisions in the | Courts, in the cana] to muke the if feem that vith the gl@ilers permis hint to range 8 ¢ 8 'o infer other horses, the oner f the diseased horse is Hable for the dami- | age that way ensue. aay ase, law pretty | lear, the owner of a horse re meget af A The Daily News says that 3 Gotild wasthrought, before the grand jury this morning and questsoned regarding the | ' As the result of | Butterfield, B. Corbin £ recent gold “eorner his Sab-Treasurer, brother-in testimony Gineral ard A Prosi 1 ifaetid “4 1 Grant | pear aa uve. been arrested for CONS PILACY. | ak : ~ | A Cam adiah pi pi er reports that since | Prince Arthur landed at Halifax he | to 159 ad: | disiners and has received and replied dapeed with 340 partners re- | ri - 4 5 ( p 1,700 hoiuets, 15,000 | linbds, shot F539 head of game, given | pregents, 4.500 ¥ . % RA 4 * qt [olin chied saaken “y ee Tali > y ant ia travelled heard 2,000 “God biess hims.” me “eo w To an altetcaiion between a negro witha guife,~and . Sdwaed Pierce, a WwW: hite tol, a! townshin, Bradfo { ndir armed with a pis ! + }.: 14? } on 14 ‘ i Ww eve nine in VY CS b county, the oro | Varn ey Vell 3 a bail theeasl his hi ad which — ills its A swine “My de: ar,” indqiired a young wife of “hér husband ‘on’ his ' retutudrom buginess, “hate you sepn the besotiful the “Ahem ! no, The stirmpticil- of -fede - Al ‘exe Nani Saye: Led Latin used hy tite ha d phy- preseriptibhy « has/| r ait > i of murdering Would it not . y ‘5 bt ¥ the S1CHRIL ¥ parsons iavely. : any be well H 1 ¥ 4 itt 3 enough, to nse the Maglish language, or ‘doif’t they understand it, - ims ems ff fs Pt mt i mn - An immensebalanc wheel, ag sevensthousamd has jast been cast igh og | pounds for anew | rolling milk at a | ts the og 1B Owen Ferney, his wife, and two children®'wére buimed [to deatls on Broad Mountain, Schaytkill County, Pa., October 12. The house caoght fire in the night and the only inmute saved was Ellen Foel, who jumped from a window. ep ti — JAAR ES was drying t 10 Fpobandb little Eddy to retire at sundown “You see, my dear, how the little chickens go to rovst at that time.” “Yes; aunty,” re- plied: Eddie, “but the old henalways goes along with them.” A country; papen advertises for sale a pew which: “commands x view of nearly the whole congregatidn. Bridal breakfast parties, to days before the wedding, to show off the presents ave a late invention: ° pr pee «King William of Prussia offers the — meet. It will cost $50,000: RP e—gh-— called to his stack of PURE LIQU ORS, vY In town. All iN \ors arg warranted te givo satis: faction. Liquors will be sold by the quart, barrel, or tierce, Ha has a Inree lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grades on hand. Confident that he can please custonfers | he respectfully solicits a share of public pa | tromape my 14 NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE. E undersigned, deteymind to meet the ppular de mand for Lower Prices, ros spectitliy cal 8 the attention of the public to his stock of a. SADDLERY 3 : Designed es- peciall forthe people and the times, the lars gest and most varied and complete Assores ment of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, of every descriptioft and. 4 unlity § W hips, A better variety, a batter qual lity or finer | styl le of Suddlers never pefore heen af sered to the publie. Call and exstmine otir tock and be satisfied béfore purchasings elfewhere, Determined to please my patrons and thankiul for the liberal share of patronage heretofore enjoyed. I respec Fully solitit a continuance of the same ! JACOB DINGE Sy Centre Hall ONT gas aplo'6s Iy. Gontle don’ to e ape buy your new gyery de aft Pit! a Arriyj ing and pe nod for familiar place y ou ofien READ raader, rian fact : t the plage to mer £0 dor crip ion whieh have ices, and are Wis at Pu. rier we beat Six, Bush's Arcade, Bellefonte, peo; 3 ip blow, but wh el it Comes to selling honest goods «heap, whole crowd. We ure offering A the notis ons, hos YES, ry, gloves, ir muslin, te Kings, flannels, MNEs, clothing, shawls, carpets, chain, hoop skirts, and corsets. Cis Pon’ t | WORD ug evidence of it in our store. an variety. . Course and shots for menand boys. Benutiful Freneh and Turkey morocco, kid and la ting, lace ands button boots and shoves for ladies and elildren, witht 2 cheice invoice “X OF olassiwwars, canned ti on ntoes, pickles, picedlilli “hdney | and the best ofl at the lowest prices. THIS . Ve have ar endless variety de artioies- whieh fine hoots and queensware, coffees, SOUNDS, corn, sau de, sugars, peas aid green ( aisup, pepper fof SVIUps, teas And of the many £0 10 mis ak @ up a com- plete assortment. Great indueements to CASH buyers. Remember, a dollar save d in buying goods ise asigranade thun to work ut come right along to . Zimmerman Bro’s & Co. ican : Butfon Hole and Sewing - Machine, and get ood goods aid full value far it. Wew BOOK Sto WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOK, STATIONERY & NEWS PORIU Mt ACDB D. MELL#R, has purchivsed the ¢J Book, Stationer y and News: Hstablish- ment of Kinslod & Brother, on Allegheny 8 treet. near the Diamond, Bell lefonte, te whicli he bas just added a large invoice of goody sueh as is. gone rally keptfin a wells condlieted Book andi St tationery Store. His stock: eonsists of Theolbgical, Medieal. Law Miscellanious, Sunday £chool, and Schoo! Books. Also, blank books. time books, pass books, digries; every grade and price of cup, legal, billi. leite r. bat h, and: note pa- per, drawing and tissue paper, fins French paper, envelopes of every deseription and DIC. EM- yer bands, transparent and co muion slates, slate pencils, lead penyils, ehaik er avons, &e:, &e. Le gal and justices blanks of all kinds, revenue stamps at face, Orders taken for goods at all tithes. Goods received in three days from the time the order is received, Mr. Miller is also wholesale agent for Lochman’s Celebrated Writing Fluid which he sell: at manifacturer's prices, County merelianfs would do well to give him a call befora purchasing elsewhere, sepd.’ 6R,1y | PRU NES and ii CURRANTS o the very best quality just receive Ww olf's old stand’ Sceived = * 00KING-GY. ASS PL ATES ofallsizes ios for ress by Irwiy & WILsoN, oa 68 ORN BLANKETS AND SLEIGH BE LL3, at low prices, at upl0'es.. IRWIN & WILSON's: I AMPS oF EVERY VARIETY ‘and 4 kind _apl0.68 IRWIN & WILSON’S. | the Reporter. ¢ LOTHING~-Overeoats Pante, i and Dres¢ Coats cheap t- , Wolf's Store: ae a : _ _ oon eet ee Hie octet uss. uel pease 2 J — “The a —— i pit which is Joss t er ut of its 8120. 0 Ne cost, antl thovafore trond tliat # is of gr eat import at ants pltyment bode at oneq, 481% 4 Bellefonte plone, Uk. EDMUND NLANCHARD, E. Mu RLANCHARD, Ww. My BOM. Blanchard mpany, . Successors to. Healentine, Hianshta MANUFACTURE E WHITE, & Y ELLO Sor FLOORING: AN DD» WEATHERBOARDIN NG. of Va arious Buen; DOORS, or Tinie ih Sh 4 ¥ { 3 MOU ILDINGS, Seroll work of every Dose Tiption. BRACKETS OF ALL SIZES. and pattems pate Having # LUMBER DRY ER," tonntetéd with our estahlishmeont, ‘wa re enabled to manufac ture onr work fio PHOROU GHEY SEASONED . LUMBER! r= ORDERSFROM CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, DEALE RE > AND i TRADE IN GENERALS CITED BELLEFONTE, C $i: CO. PA, aupl 168 6m, RE Y OUR TIM E PIECES 507 OF | A ORDER? take then to J. H. HAHN} at Bolles. fonte. whois the most reliable Watghmiker ait! Jeweler in the place. Also Dealer in WATOH ES, Rad FINEJE Ww ELRY, Chronometor and other Watches repuired |’ on the Most Scientific Principles... Jobbing of ull kinds promptly and ore. 1 fully executed at ‘shorte sb notice. : 11 work warranted to'give satisfaction; 24 Business transacted wo (rerman, Next door “to Harper & Bios. Spring stréat, near High. © july2s Jy ON ATH AN KRAMER’ 8 SHOT Eley . Millheim, Pa: (form rly Wm, te man’s). This well known Hotel heen refitted by its «new proprietor, The traveling com dunity areipvited to giye him a call, is table will be kept first- ¢lass, und his bar alas ‘supplied with choice fiqu & Drovers will find accom- medation Jorany number of horses, marl 2,60tf RY BO. ARDS, “Platk and Scantling for sule by. Idwiy & W ILSOX, anlO'GR, (Ross CUT AND MILL SAWS, best make at Idwix & Wilson, aply ON, QPiaks S of all varie oties, ground to order and. warganted to be strictly pure! It is the only placy you can find uwiadufter l= | ted spiges. Try them 101 Fyour own satisfac. tion. Yeu can only find. thein nat BURNSIDE & THOMAS’. H ANDSA WS, knives, fhoons, “coffee mills, shoyels, spac dep , ritkes, hoes, Lamps, forks, ahains, &¢ BURNSIDE . THOMAY O8- 1Aa8 A —————— ———— ——— —— SH ————— A ————_— a —— od HOE-M AKERS TOOL S and findings; in all their varieties, BU RNSIDE & THOMAS. a ————————— won INDLE. SKEINS 3 or Wagons, ah Sie 5, ab thesign of tha Anvil, IRWIN & W ILSON, AND SINGLE BARREL ing piec : TR WEE ¢ WILSON: mest | QPINI apl(y 68, oUB LR fow aplUes, JARM FOR S. ALE! The undersigned offers his valuable afm situate in Peun township, one mile west of Millheim, close tothe Lewisburg & Belle- fonte turnpike, at private sale. The same C onfnining 102 Acres, | Seven acres of goad while onk timber lund. LARGE BRICK HOUSE. BANK BARN, all necessary outbuildings, a IL \RG EORCHARDOF GRAFTED t FRUIT This is orte of the heist farms in the valé v, smooth land and ir a high staté of culd vation. A well of excellent wated; also i rge cistern dt the door. For farther pars rs apply to n JACOB XEEN; tf a. : nehr Miliheim. | B> LTS for Buggies and Carri¥ges, al} sizes in use; Fyre Bolts ditto, at dp 1038, [WIV & Ww [LEON 8, KET CUTL E RY —=4n mitkes pe prices at, IRWIN & 'W FLSON : apl0'68, XYor PATENT CHURN | tives be n use at IRWIN & W Hamty i ap lO 68, ] y USS E 1) S ; HOTE I. Aavonsbhute, Pe I% JOHN RUSSEL. PROPRIETOR. The old and well kown Hotel, situatde! | in the centré 6f Asronsburg has again bes | oceujiied by Mr Russell fi rier proprietor, who now fitvites his old friends and SN | travelling com unity in general todall 1 ‘eve Hith. The house Nas Been cleganwlv fiirnished and is kept iWth@best style. DW - vers ean always-find ae commodati on. Aaplo’ B6tf 5 4 sn stints sg [rE & WILSON are’ searistantly re- {2 um ceiving new goods in their line HA RDWARE ofevery description at Fedusce prices now being opened every day apples, Sis 5 oe Chas. H. Hold Clock, Watchmaker & way Milllieim, € ‘eiftre €o.y Penna. Respevtfully infb1 ‘m8 his’ friends ‘and “th. pihlie in general: thift he has just ence at hiy, new establishiuent, ghove Alexan der s Store, and keeps constantly enhind wll kinds of C locks; Watéhey and Jewel: of the latest styles, 45 aldo the MAFEnvill, Patent Calender Clocks; provided daylo ‘asomplete index of the manth, and’ day the nionth and ‘week en ‘its face, whi wartanted as a perfet time-keeper! vis. Clocks,” Wetehes aid Jewelry ro ‘paired on sho notide and yarruited’ sepl1’6 i CENTRE HALL Ton Yird. The undersigned would! respectfully in- forny the citiwens of Centre county, hat the above Tam Yard will zgain be put in futl operation, in al its brapehes, by them. HIDES AND BARK! W. NTED: The highest mhrket price willbe paid” for Hides of all kinds.- The highest mar- ket price will also be paid for Tanher's Bark... Phe publig,putreniige is solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. octl, 3m: riifiang & BARSED, Wall Paper. ‘cheap/* from 12 to 20 cents Per bol tH erlucher UFPALOS8CA LES ror dho Wess make] : from 41b# tipto 120, 9001 bs. apl0’ G8, Irwin & WiLsoy. erates df= yap — i — HEWROY FURNITURE Y alla sell disnel Jel FEE apd 2 segtrall b % 49 ohao! in ¥/ + lilo HU robaagolA avaet™ om, soigyankd fui é 3 Disa idol ee] Ware oom, 00! A nol Weg ard Dd " ut 3 i ‘ i fi i By . - The ci tito hip the } Sl Sra stantly on sh N BEDTEADS PS (eps pip nwo CORN ER ot FHBOARDS, <1 : ENE Ns1ox pARLE, Wd yA iv Bre: itl . "4 Tol : i 8, (1 WV Centre T ables, Swnks, Doitghbrdys, : c radies, « Ane Seated Rocking Chairs, fi Cane Sewted! Ghairt (plain) 4 | +» OutteSeated 2 Nursing Chairs, 1 Plain Rocking Chairs, eras TWindsor hidsents Chair iva, settees, " Yiiile Dining hapless Pd ‘Complete suites of Furniture furnished ut {short notice and mude in the bust possible immer 2ption EM ADE did warranted of the beat, paatbrial Prices Bower. thant dlserchers. TH. Persons in wart of Furniture will deo well to give me a call.” JOHN CAMP, Miltoy. sig ao 2 : USH HOUSE. near the depot, Belle- fonse, Pa. W. I. RIKARD, Proprietor. This new and maguificént Hotel hrs now come upder the, propriet rehip of Mr. Ri. kard, toruarly of the Rim ings House, and will bekep pin VIRST CLASS HO. TEL STY It has comfortable roorns, all the sin: conveniences, PTR THY with the, most \ymiptgots oltre the murket will afford, deot up bY the most experi enced cooks. fe ks NR will® always con. tain the choidest hi uors. “He ‘will be Aad n. pring will be spared to hake theny fedl at bong. dls Jul23, 09 tf ILE pi Largest dnd Bost Stock of WhATTan ted Boots wud Shoes, warranted ho gi satisfiic tion, at reduced rices, onl ks fomid at BUI RNSIDY i THOM AY PR TERA IE REVENUE LICKNSES, Al! persons subjeet to Licenses, under the intermnl rovenue “lowi of the United States) in the subdistrict composed of ithe townships of Potter, Gregg, Penn, Haines, Hitltmoow, Pattony: Ferguson, Harrie ath Stiles ure hureby motifted that applions tion for the sniae must Me made to he un. dersigried; ut his office At Syhing Mills, : . J You NG, Jus, saw ori amd Assessor (ETRE HALL 1.0, DEININGER, respegtinlly informs the gitizens of Centre county, that be basconslantly op Band, ard makes to order, alt kindy of ead / | BEDSTEADS, "BUREAUS, STK] | v AST a CORNER CU PBOARYS, maT, 8 Re 3 wage aiheY #3 rag Bao id Hoses ™ pon. Carns’ Ada ad ox Haan gin si te LAR 3 Wie Liat rds ng Fgh ANE are fi dw figm d ES an #3 WH éhlant all tnade under His wi id fog pre sion, and is offered at ates a¥ cheéup if Else- Where: Thai fu) fot past favors he pple itd a, doptinitnee! of the sini: CHIT and sey his stodk Vhibire purehasine : elséfyhere. rae apt 68,19: ¢ 4 $f $18 % ’ ” - - MN ron ANTS HOUSE, | \ 419° 415 Nogtly Bed, st., wats PILADE PHIA, ait H. H, FANUERRAH PROPRIETOR. LERK, (nom yon Il befoueges 8 (ity, ane 1e most d hl able, both as fk EA rad ind con. Yepisnes Sera ah nglsh is spoken. TApINe8. fr 11 Re ENT TR at, . BHALL “Hor HA bo Li Bel 8 Arvive ah td Laine i di 4 a 1 eral is fay rite een re Sifted ana | oF th ‘and isglow st. pleasant Be Soul Le wa sylvania. oun to 8 ior. few he mer in thi iil on of the! 1 Lnsgv ery pcs {row VR Rid Co ouniry Centr ae ; Tiatl Hor * in ote 10 68, all thoy could desire gon: YORI nm tf, JH if i Ls Lda n Ex i be Sandila ite are, “Gung, pi Fie bo SB 8, eartridges, ec. RNSIDE & THOMAS powder fie Vis, Sr fr Aes sem NEW. G ata, gatuad "3 wall 3 ronkiM domi 3 11) sd L/ ii rh dion d \ yosite vit ¢ fiat vp The wndenifthd Mth RN booy it 265d i ill 4 i ii i od cate il Store, i sgl pt? i Vulsing boadoo i wilt * ii 3 alg iW vi # Ht 0 nde aioe oar snk ihe he ol y dent that it wi want te buy goods, ys ve Tied a ole urchasin J w control of | Sind nd any aT anchor dnd 0 hav noe ia al fin god fu and dos it akiok. kept in . ists of » genethl The oA vot ¢ oh Endy 8 gol try sto To ‘as’ = * Gitoeeries, Bir bi } kb © Queensw are, BOOTS atid SHOES, Hate #Ha Cig, Drufs, Oils and Paints; Wood and W illow Ware, als. Wal Paper, Fish, Salt, Leather, &ec. ¢ msn call and “bn. must be convines hat Shire Hill is thé place to buy gool and ¢ fitap goods. I RAFY & Tuomrsox, Cente Hill, Jan: 3588 : Fob wh We biy, He and dCutfsins or which we will pu rket price; dither in Cush or Trade. y " G.&T. RLOR COOK STOVES Burrt¥s constantly on hand and fof sale at | apres, Inwix & Wir#on's, A BAUM, £4 i wily REYNOLDS NEW MAPRLE FRONT, MiSHOP st. WHOLES AME DEALER IN ES AMD LIQ¥O SR WIN The st herber phapectfuly col¥ the ‘nition ofthe pulMe to his estalficlrment, where be is prepared to furnish all kinds of : Foreign i Doméstic Ligquors' wholesale at the loMest cash prices, which are wérran- ted tp be the best. qualities accordsag to their respective prices. His stock ¢onsists of Rye: Mononguhela, Irish and other Ww hinges; al all kinds of Brandies, Hoiland Ging Port; Muderin, Clierry, Blackberry leusogiable ates we can be dud in the city, Hhampagne, Cherry, Blacd®berry, Ginger and Carraway Prandin Pidre Jamaicn and Now England Rim, Cordial of all kinds. L Ho fo would particMurly invite Farmess, Ho- te] In¢épers and obhers to call and oXamine hit large su ply; to judge for thenelves | and be certain of procuying what tHéy bay, which enn’ seldony be done wher puréhas- .z in the city, 70 Phys¥éians ar respetifully Fequested to’ give hid liquors trial. apl0 Philadelphia Store, t x in Biotkorholrs block, Blshop' Street, at Bellefonte, wikre | kEriEn &M ESSER erkd the best, cFea the best assorted stock yest, Non y hat. jie of Good, as well as HERE LAs lace to bly your Sitka, Mo¥hirs Mo¥ambiques, Alpacas, Deluins. Lary, Bri Nianinod polios, Calicnes, Tick Xl Flantls, adiés Coat- Inge anek net Ee Lads Saenue, White i, Tipan Table eth Counte d Etlor grit. {htorpan a hite’ ah olorec nse kins ogs ad Edgings, Tyr a i EEE Whi ue byt Pat Whitt hae Baskets te fi N otfoRs of evéry ‘Kind, White Goodb of os deteriplien Petfumery, Ribbons— Velvet, ; Tafeta and Bonnet; Cords anc Bryd Weils, Buttons, Trimmings, Ledie and Masses Skirts, am HOOP SKIRTS, Thread Hoviery, Fans, Beads, Sewing LADIES A AND MISSES SHOES and in, fast every: thing:that can be tho wh) of, desired or up Lin the N Ee Jirthep GENTLEMEN, ' fab ssimered pines, the ‘0 tS silk atin ‘dnd oom oo: , ever thing imaginable in geritienien: wear. ! Read made Sibiu: of vrs Dis- pon fepion; for Men and Boys. ES % get, Basti anid Shoos, intiondlbmn sarily a on wn n M ling, , Di ng, 4 Zz ate Pableeloths, ih A NG CERES he HE in quality or rice. . Joa | in’at the Pia 8 HN a that. rd) a don: ve any % ‘do ba Vel i oR Yy So patch arin ap30,69 A slenuitiiap wh hf i rans rnb) sya Ah» hilatian and nar Pin iii Fie aey send ibgiats wwlidY Hs X baawiil h 7 s 77" Hi Saingad » TisX id BARGAINS be | pm = 1 § a iy elon Surin iT EL PAwnc od ot ig Dry iad, Koon , Queensw a ikea assortiiént of ove | 0} z sid revg mind oT Ny dd 21 uae hag First Class Store, Al BY : 4 "e sndt ant ftwondsi sll now ready, and fof a io rates. Ham bs 3aibib lon x rile ail havens eek Fouled ; iestriii bs ratsfs iH fas wild Dress Go md we Muslins hey will sell vit brands st prices that will New s Lo t18 qi bev ain SATs L. bp A most bensitifa] sé, pink the noyelites of the season, yl Ty 2 than Urdidiily (REN atv: sri ied? ade Fhe finest stobk ingens ASHP quiTRity | oplity, nnd prieps. Yo ed he | oop § tial 14 bin & ¥ Limehe o® oi io “A Cassimers, € onk Nine, ' BALMORAL SKIRTS, ekee) Vit Eh Spring and Betfhangr abinatls, in evervthing, and will at a advance on fivst cost. , ~All we ask that vou wile 1 CALL AND EXAMINE OCR SR before purchasing elsewNere, as we | consider it any trouble 4 show g ALLKINDS OF BARNES striae Dod) not - “7 $43 £3 and single, bridles and halterss may} 68. tv. . -p : i APAYNED TOILET SET other Fipunned wake; at ¥ pl 63] Lrwi: Ta 5 1 ANNED FRU TIS, p pea’ ' » us i Co ATi. Zur PC BURNER pl SHINGT TACKLES, rods lines, hoot fink, sea hair baskets, ete. Rig you out to catia trout at BURNSIDE # THOMAS TIS Rnown fo all in Bellefente | wd this the county if you good article BURNSIDE & THOMAS. Whitman's erlBrated con fegglons, wr Whitman's celgbrated choco Buker's eet Su i Flekes Rpedtdrel China/ Ginger, Rha nid at low by Pr. Wm. Wilson, in rs. M A #1) be’ witha] lar wo-Story Mat arse Teo md “fh Ameriean akon t od oie] BER NSIDE 4 & THOMAS by the heirs of the Ibe 3 sold nt privatg sale, on terms tosis, pur- I ifes erected. | A URNSIDE SHONAY : ge and ele ent of Horse’ A Arion But a GI ig and Buia. 8, At ve VALOATES 1 REAL ESTATE TAT Tho ap Dd bie. Ket ; hod e lar { valunble RE Bo Ma ary in Potter towiithip, Ceritre’ Chasers, as follaxe: ART Saleh tik heh st. A lot ofr v T lage of Potte Mille, a Seid on 1X ACRES, ion, Two-ste- ‘OL lai all respects a d situated for i t ol ny it SH re Ha doin: 8 and Geo, H ret : pr kins zg Francis A FOUR HUNDRED . wi Slr TWELVE aURLSS DUPE Thi os is ro A RA THREE FARMS' is pis we ane hiiidred and’ ith hut: i ©) Re of als Te um § at. i "Ha A rab o sd # Kell&r, Jacob others, containing TH I ACh, Aa dion hots HE ndeot thor Jet ely Aent:cotditior),” mig ‘being: almost, nc | the best reads 1 3
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