— LS — ———rt EW Apothecary & Drug Store, located in Brockerhofs new block, Bish- op siren, BELLEFONTE, Pur The subscribers have the p.easure to ine form the citizens of ‘Bellefonte, Contre, Clinton & Clearfield counties in eneral, that they expect to be ready, by Monday neXty (Dist imme. Sho Life ie) OPEN THEIR NEW DRUG STORE, for the accommodation of the public, and they hereby extend a owridinl nvilnpion to er A : ‘ H, wl - be in need and wish to obtain £ orlsane Huapt, at Bellefonte, always Outs, No 2, 394a894. all, who may b keeps pace with the times in the mutter of | Rvp yuiet: No 1 at 75¢ and No 2 nt | Fresh, Pure, & Genuine Medi. Ey Stoves—he is alwaye the first to have the | 704° cines, Chemicals, Drugs, DO '3 WAS Rin latest and best inventions, Be sure to dun. Barley $1 cash for No 2. 1 beat I TY HIN sult Issue, whenever you wish to buy a Live hogs lower at 3% 40a9 for com- | ahh 4 auch le D ue Sto ep Stove. Goto Haupt and see the Revol- | mon, and. $9 5009 95H for good 10 “1 Tint Clo orig Olore, £ ing Light, we hav ould 2 | hain a ately selected with great care An ving Light, we have one and would not choice, Jotely selected with great cure fig without it. : and PHILADELPHIA, by thesenior Sistine A St pariner of the Eetabhishinent, who has had CENTRE CO. ELECTION. OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE October 12th, 186), Geoven'r. | Goven'r. ob 1866, 13.9. in the Arc—and who spanks, reads and _ writes the German language as well as the English tengue, boing fully as well uequain- ted FL the nomenclature in that langnage on XL Are a nf the business, ad with the Latin and Eng- . Corrected by M Atee & Revd. lish tegms and techaienlitios ul the Art: White Wheat $16... Red $1.10........c... | and hienee we can and will » 0, Jor % 40 . } ' . ; Rye 0,90. ......Corn LUO... Oats 4........ | CAREFULLY COMPOUND PRYSICIANS PRE ho - Fw ond of the most extensive establishments in central Pennsylvania, for Stoves nnd Tine ware—thelr variety is endléss, and thoy of | fer their Goods at. the most reasonable pri- ces. The Pennsvalley trade will make a note of this, ae MN eon VoL AL Wm." Wolfs Store there is n grost rush for his New (Goods, which is pronounced by all competent judges one of the begt kfooks ih the eounty--no deeop- tion in his wares and no regrets after you have bought them. re pln a 0 lI : coe REL ADBLBHIA MARKET Wheat, red at 81 39al1 40; white $1 40. . f + a a 3 . “Rye at $1 0541 10. : Corn, yellow at $1 03a] 08, . Outs, Peun’s at G3e, Barley ut 81 40a] 45, : Cloverseed is steady at. $6 50a7— the latter for prime. Timothyraed at 83,50, Flaxseed §2 25. vo QHICAGO MARKET, Wheat, No 1'and No 2 at 95a05¥¢, Corn quiet at 6oaGo i, we : ao 1 a ra : i » * Hise M{ ] | anal) $EubHS.N If you wav ” ileaburg—J 8 Proudfoot, C G Ryman, — | Gilroy. Bown why G Thuile. {If vou want a new style Chester. oh TR Whe RF Eb aerl : pm - | fidld Coat—Call at Hirsch's, Milroy. Boi iy hin, a ny tr NALANKS Sak PW ey a ! If vou want a good warm Over. erguson =Cins Sn vdor, Jonath Hess, otek, Kxecutions, and JUGEMONL nad Exe, Jor at Hirsch's, Milroy regg—Duniel Burtges. 5a Nove combined, for tad ac chin [S i Cal at Hi wR ok Inines— Wm Condo. : p ] : i 4 3 3 KT § | Q Relis chépet ) 1eapest Ia ris Francis Alexander, J H Keller, Eh and Fo Lhe sells lower than any other for the | Daniel Garner, LOCAL NRWS. «Our! friends will oblige | «amo material, That's go. Liborey Joby Brick! ws b sending inary items of loeat rr ; RAL LLE L I “FRUDA ¥, OCTOBER 24h 1650 or LOCAL ITEMS. . 10 1 Fw 4 1 » wa—— (IR u 5 oa plenty wlien they ort on the publie i On last | Sgnday one of the fleet footed animals ' mihde its appearance near the Preshy- | tekian church, at Spring Mills, while 1 our, “at | religious services were heing held in MACHINE,” L ELY MUCH IMPROVED—AND THE NEW Universal Tail ex FIRE : ¥ ey. iF bdo : {ilos—dJonat han Wolt anry ger ost, eluding: deaths marriaged eo, a ’ 3 enn— Mich Kerstetter, Thos Hoekman, such are! dhgariy rend by your friends in for | Mr. hs rearge 1 orter, so well known otter—G eo. Stover, the wast, many of whom get the mone Gita all in this neighborhood, on last tush— Mathias Plank. h Lr wt og . i a ad Dama Wa world estonia ig x favor i put Kin Ps fhesday, called to bid us “good bye.” | Frowshee Jamas Redding. trons would aceasionaliy mall 8 cofy of Bid has ‘ot 5 J6 Walker—John Divens, Jax Martin, the Reperter to relslives & AA i$ nas Avie to TRAVERSE JURORK IST WERK. eos whodarmerly lived in entre coun't | WEL ¥ Milesburg—J C d ] \ ; : sburg—J C P Jones. and removed to gather Pals, which would : Beer must be Pidiipebiteg-— W W Hale. induce many te ecoams A jo ‘nionville—Chas Smith, M Gries. Recall Howard bor rlien Sparing, Rallefonte—G A Bavard, J H MeClure. einen wf e Nou BI &352 of Zell's Enexelopedin, hava Been received. 10 centuper number, T, Ellwand Zell, Philadeiphin, publisher. Zeall's Populat Encye opedia. still contin wes to egeh us, and we ROK id i id la ditto tie, when ita or : | the woods. The nicest selection of Ladies Furs, | to be found at Benner—Heney' F Hunter, Boggs— Wm Curtin. Burniide=d acob Craft, Cuartin—J G Noll, Ferguson — Levi Krebbe, Grege--Wm Hackunny Jno P Ross, Haines—Jonas Fry, J H Musser, Halfmoon —Jdames M' Divit, Howard Michael Confer, Huston—J W Richards. Liberty—Daniel Bitner, Joseph Spang. ler, Jumes Maden. Miles—G W Royer, Jesse Long, Samue! | : Frank, : | Bellefonte,.. 187 Marion—Isane Frain, t Milesburg... 40 Ponn—Henry Bolinger, Adam Hoster- | Phillipsburg 106 min. | Howard Boy, 20 Potter— Wm Stump, John Odenkirk, | Unionville. 2 eo W Boal, 8 F Foster, Samuel McClin- | Boggs ...... ag | Burnside...... 81 | Benner.........161 Cetin... w 30 Ferguson GregK. oovnne 207 Halfmoon... ©} | eg 1 Harris Howard twp. 78 Huston ones 30 Liberty......... 88 Marion........J 89 Miles: 40.9402 Patton... 50 Pean......... 3H LC Potter. ue. 04 | Rukh. do 100 {| Snowshoe, 12 | Spring... 184 Tavior.a.c. 30 Union... A | Walker... j167 Worth ey : NEW YORK MARKET Wheat firmer and unchanged. Corn advanced 2ad¢. Oats unchanged. Beef cuttle—prime at 16a16) 1.com- mon at 12al4e¢; and inferior st 8¥x lie, MILEROY MARKETS, + Sine mb | the church, and remained around thee of tha" Rim grain took off to S. Judge. 1564, ———— op Avorsiett Fire ar BELLEFONTE | +O last Friday, noon, Mellefonte i | i i i { 3 | i i { i { AIRE An. Hiren's, MiLroy. ams llly. le. Eos Srov es. —1)o vou want a Cookstove, a parlor stove, cheap —uo to Titzel's, roy. See his advortisement. on lpn We To turn gray hair to its natural col or and beauty, use Hall's Vegetable Siciligy LIne Renewer, the best qin mast p prefafatidn $oicdod has” given us “Jaw 1H had another fire, which destroved the wooden: buildings, on Bishop street, | starting at the “Our House" Mr CEdward Brown, Michael Howard, and J. B. Ettle arc losers by the fire, The | lass is partially covered by insurance. For the Reporte, eee LIBS E) ia ee ¥ we en sin - ¥ # IRC, “+ Rush—L C Kinvon, Lewis Hees, Snowshoe—8 Y Luens; I'H Gallagher, I V Crider. Spring—R V Barnes, David Weaver, John Harrison, Philip Barnhart. Taylor—-John Copenhaver, Union: Reuben Hr Walker—8ol Peck, Adam M' Ewen, W W Rogers, John Carner, SECOND WEEK. Mileshurg—W C Davis, Philipsburg —Owen Handcock, Bellefonte—J B Etteld, R H Forster, 'W Jackson, Wm Schrock, Bartram Galbraith John D Lieb, Boggs—Jumes Somerville i Snide Meek, Juno B Mitch- ell Grege—J (Gc Evans, John Rosaman. Haines—@Geo Miller, Wm Eutinger, Ja- cob Holloway, Frank Detweiler. Harris— Emanuel Wolf. Huston—J 8 Thompson, Murion—="Wm Zeigler. Patton—P ilip Carper. Penn—G WW Stover, G M Swartz, Potter—Danial Durst, UD Ostann, Jno B Bittner, J T MceCorniek. Rush-~Geo Twigg. Spring—aA J Swartz, Tayvlor—John Eimeigh, Jacob Snyder. UTnion—G L Peters, David Campbell, Walker—J C Johnson, Theo Gordon. Worth—Elias Turner, - mess ie ified YT ANHOOD. INTHE YOUNG & ris- | | JXLing generationthe vegetative powers of | ‘life are strong, but ina few years how often ' the paid hue, the lack-lustre eye and em- ' aciated form, and the impossibility of ap. | | plication to mental effort show its baneful influence. It soon becomes evident to the | Grog 20 | shgarver that some doprassing influence is | gp com" Eg . 3 sassansss At checking the developement of he body. | Halfmom 42 I ps . . : dees {Consumption is talked of, and perhaps the | inrris 170 | south is removed from school and sent in | proc Fog pg ‘ta the country. This is one of the wordt | 11 In {anavements, Removed from ordinary dis | I iherty ey fx . warsions of the ever-changing scenes of the | A "rion “ iwity, the pgwersof the body too much en. | yo LF ds | feabled to give est to healthful and rural | p.,, ; | exorcise, thouglits are turned inwards ups | po" 1 air themselve . If the patient be a female, the approach of the menses is looked. for | with anxiety, as the first symptom in which | g 0 3" Nature is to show her saving p wer in difs | rin oy { fiesing the circulation and visiting the | TER seers | ehverk with the bloom of health, Alas! in. | (+50 {crouse of anpetite has grown by what it fed | | am; the energies of the system are prostea- laed, anc the whole economy is deranged. | | The beautiful and wonderful period in | { which body and mind undecgo so facina- | yg oq (S000 Naver 2%: Moran 22: Mor ting a change from child to woman, is | avi rid ARAN) looked for in vain; the parent's heart} =O "U% dleeds in anxiety, ana fancies the grave but waiting for its victim. ii Herssorp's Extract Brvenv for Weak- | mess arising from excesses or early indis- | cretion, attended with the following symp. | terns: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of The selution uf the problem in the Cone Reportergof [ast week, on page 8, | whout the Condens of a piseher), is as fol- | lgwsd , nr Larze diameter 7° X .7804=38 4846 . £4} ane “ 11 tre Hall —— cml fn. fr sn een We acknowledge the receipt of Mis souri. papery from our friend, 11. | aves of diwmeter. o Grieh, forwdrle fram Drashvalioy, | Stl disicact] 47 NL 7408 12.5664 Also from some unknown friend, | . : PLT aR ASIN 12 5668 <483 61287744 cud. «21.991 several odes of papers from Omaba. 41 " - ne re Vi 40 A) IL: 2:0 Hl 24) ald Lr 15 12% 40 40 140 aR aren of disneeter. 2 2.0012 plas 38 48446 plus PASC 73.0422. Altitude 150-3 Ox T8042 085 2110 cu- bic inches, BRL I0--280 2 1L3SY, contents of pitcher 3 it iN gnilans, 4 HY i) 181 Ww) 100 Iss edi 100 123 i A646 8102 S447 362; Pershing % Frothnt'y. Reg: - ee i i | Broke His Arn. —On last Friday, 22nd, hile: Mr. Hegry Fagepich, | from below Cehore Hall, ®t in the | act of sliding down over a straw-stack, | he struck his arm upon a rail, break- ing his wrist. 8 Please jnsert the allowing problem in . your paper for solution: ; PROBLEM.—How much of the earth's surface may be seen from a steeple HK feet, or <GT5TG wiles Bigh ; supposing the earth's . al giro . Peireumierence to he 25 00 miles? For Tue Lantes.—Mrs. Shoop bas | foronsburg, Oct 21. 6. CHR just returned from Philadelphia with | meen mpd pps the latest styles of millinery goods. DEATHS Ladies, call audisee. Mos. Shgop un- | On the 20th inst, {lin ten Hal), after a | 2 4% ; TR Hugoering illness, Allie, soh of Nr. Dian- : h 1 5 % Te 1 . ad- * « id 3: . - : derstand baw to pleas Nee fs Lisl Hess! aged 12 years, 3 month aad 21 vertisement, i QIAN jo. + Theo BSPRCIAL NOTICES BE EEE EEE EE anes AAALLS a; | ’ 100 ov SEALERS a ———— So%4 8002 Mujoritics— Paeker 4 $ . i E! i : i Assembly. - ¥ % ve grwgl Our friend, A. A. Kerlin, we natice, | Bas icen to Philadelphia, and our Bin RRIAGE | | On (etaber 10th, at Pine Grove Mills, by ! readers in the Loop, will undeigtaud | Rov i Sell, Mr, John nn. Chathan, of | what that meantime, x dure | VO Cy pl bo Mad en stock of nel. add cheadpizood< Ny + ’ Kerlin knows the wants of his si | Te. ee ——— ee 35 UThat Wn. J. Hostennan, proprie- tor of the Comming" House," Belle- fonte, knowehew to keep wn hotel, is evidenced fram the manner he Recamn- | tiddates his guests, keeps his table] and the general good management of | ruango; “WOH L100] MA - d 206 » y 3 49 145 22 Bellefonte... 219 t Mileshurg... 43 Unionville. Howard hor, "24 Philipshurg..lin C Boggs... nw 122 | Bonnier... 173 Burnside... 30 Curtin 1 | Ferguson... 202 x t - ~e Improved with Rowell's cog- wheels, and the Patent Stup, are now unquestionably far superior to sny ApPAL: atus for wishing elothes evar invented, and will save their ©ost twice u yeur, by sav labor and clothes, : a Those who have used them give testime- ny ne follows: :, "We like our machine much ; could net be persuaded to do without it, and with the aif of Doty, we feel that we are ms of the sition —~Rev. 1. Seti, Bishop M. E. Chureh. 5 : . : ' § is worth Dp liar a week in any Plaster per ton 12.00.......8alt per sack 3,00 | ot fr amily.’ =X XY. Tribueg, . Ee Flour (fami'y) 00, Rett Bc cisrsaanane | 8 itherl: hiv Ro doith ’ tim aha Py ofuy burg ’s Lt Kage 1% 2... i Bacon Sides & Shoulder tg; | i itherafiouus; and shall do it by day Rivest shanks a. 9% . ny ow ) { Al 5) Hal, . the iny nti ==lROV le uyr- Hao pan goer] stain ip | We modestly and kindly ask for a liberal or . ip > gt “ou hd a , ARPES dried 153, a aE nfs {share of public favor nud putronge. Our | “Vigyery week hes given jtastrohgerhold x LEW ISBU RG MARK E 1 . stock eonsisis of uid a upon the affections oi the inmstes of the Wheat $1,20, ......Corn, new 1,00 Rate. cuss PURE & GENUINE DRUGS, MEDI | sundry.” -N. Y. Observer, LOO sOnts, 2b, 40, .,... Finothysead, | CINES. & CHEMICA LR AN ALL “1 heartily commend it to economists of dull, 250... Flaxseed 2,00 Cloversed, | THEIR VARIOUS STYLES & time, money, mud contentment.” =Rev. dull, 7,00... Batter 20 veaserl FORMS of PREPARA {ON Dr. Bellows, White howns iL Eggs 18 yates r used hy reguiar Physicians, Friend Doty—Your last improvement i Dull Tos ARO 10, ol Dios 0.50 | Wanlso koep the of Jour Washing Nachiue in & om Blo Cdried J : aed . Gs cavrinens : - COvSS, * “ou ; . 11% | Side & shoul | Finest Extracts and Perfumes for La- | (ory are Ri Shh more of 1 LU BELLEMONTE MARKETS. | dies, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, | than ever, and would not be parted wit #| White Wheat $1.30, Red 125. . Rye... | Clothes, Paint, & Varnish Bensh | Shvler any circumstances. Soles Hobins ‘ge 1 0 5 £ Yai > ov ; ry 3 . 2 . , 1 . a . ; . | ern 0 Ben om The very tan bet Ct at ing Mine ba 180 | Lard per pound 20, .... Pork par pond 14. levy, Combs of all king yn (iY LSE I mir Iutindsy. avd the REL Het a a 0 Placterner torn] ry, Gum and Horn, Bird- Koeper expresses hersell as highly pleased Bl fo A ra rik no A) 1t pe : Wi tn re]! 1 Seed Pn ' : with i, t ceriainly necomp cia - A) 10 Tullow 12} ...... Bacon 20...... Lamy. « aa 8 ana. i ' nre | er ampount of work with les labor, snd does 3 | Whitelead, Zine in pot wear the elothes near so match ns the Oil. Chinn Gloss | old fashieped’ wushebonrd, By using it, 14 ' 101. All the one lnundress is dispensed with. '--Wm. > dnd OF, Allthe | 35 Soin pe ihmans of ng 7 Bion fanay olored : Deprtiment of St. Catharine's Norsery, ¥. 3 AINLe IY 3 . : i iy, fi AN VEGETABLE SICIL Furniture and Conch { “Afier a constant use of the TUmivensat } : Varnish, as also DeMurr Crores Weiscex for more than four h ; risk, ad n few hope, | years in our family, J wa ayiNgtited 3xthe hel FE # ER i ved Patent Medicines, ane , ‘powers that be’ to give it the mest unquale R NEW L. Tnstly, a Jargeand well seleetnd | lied praise, and to pronounee it an indis- 1 theonly infallible Hair Preparation for Lot of WALL-PAPER, pensible pant of te istery of house i RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO. ITS AND CHEA PAT THAT, viz: i ne 4 Sen rk 7h ny _- "es edit” ORIGINALC 1 : P12 : From 10¢ a Bolt up to SL0-—-Give o ] HL ANE Es Ars ve IRIGINAL COLOR AND PROMO rom lUcts per 1s ID 10 Semi are Us. .Henty WY anl Beecher, ™ 3 I'S GRO WTH a cnil, ZELLER & J ARRE1 YT. 3 . . - It is the hound prepa i m avel offered jun, 18 Druggists & Apothecarion, PRICEs.—A Fair Offer. to the nublie.adoneSottle witl ast ton | TTI rr Send the retail price. Washer $14, Exon Se ie A : > iy ; An i TL \ Wringer 20. and we will forward sither or ger and accomplish more than three dot. i i MM B KE R both machines, free of freight, to places 4 J A Qe | where no one is selling; and so sure are we they will be liked, that we 10 Te tled of any other preparation. Dye; it will not! } v wn — A pt on— pe TRIAL LISTAXOV. TEILM, 18:9, List of causes, sot down for trial at No- | veunbier Term of Court: FEIGNED 1. Beckwith's V iil 2 Sallie B. Wilson, J C Baugher & Co. lk Et ama” = Ere ee * & = ot J yo = “| 2 3 » Our rensewer is dot a stain the skin as others. It wiil keep the Hair from falling out. IT CLEANSES THE SCALP, AND MAKES THE i MAIR SOFT, LUSTRIOUS AND SILKEN | Our Treatise on the EHairsent free by mail | Price 81,00. For sale by all dealers in | Medieites. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, "| NX. H., Proprietors. oct], tm el en JE: The undersigned respectfully wnnounce | rund the money if any one wishes to returs to the eitizens of Pennsvalley. that they | oh ninehine freeof freight. afters month's have in operation i NEW STEAM SA WwW i trial according Ly directions. MILL, one mileenst of Foust's, iv the Sev- | No husband. father or brother should Cen Mountains, and are pow réady to fur- | 0000 the drudgery of washing with the t nish Square Lumber. P anx. Studdi.g. | for fifty two days in the year. when it | Joists, shingling Lathe, plasterer's Lathe. | oor he dome better. mere ‘wxpeditiously, Shingles, any desired length of frame Stull | Con jo Tabor and no injury wo the gars ‘und Squurctimber sawed 10 order nnd on Lyne nts, by # Dotv's Clothes Washer, sad shortest notice. Any thing inthe Hine o? | Triversal Wringer ' | Lymber supplied to order. Builders and '° Canvassers with. exclusive right of sale others wunting stuff’ will do well to send] | ke money fos seling them, $ in their virders add reesed to | ’ ¥ a. i ! — wt JP Ss Tek re { ¥ 4 INSUR | i 178 a wh A Yi oN Ho y: a4 2h 00 J21 42 49 -_ n= et REGULAR CAUSES—I8T WEEK. 1. C Derr v¢ Wm H Ble. YT Wns P Diven vy Farm Sehool. 3, Jno, Jones ex Cloartielil & Tyrone LR 1. John G Jones vi R DD Cammings. Oo. Jas Me Manus vs T' R Benner. én Green Decker vs Township of Sainte] Hacter vs 1 8 Jacob trrove Va a Michael Deekar vs 0, Michiel Hettinger vs Win Heckman vs ‘a Ait J his house. Stop with Bill, and you'll} say so, arr tit The papers have wgreat deal to say | je now about the arrival, in New! “ork, of Father. Hyracinthe, the emi: | nent Catholic priest, of Puris, vet that | 3: mf of so ereat inportatice as the tact that the Pemnevailey trade éentres | at Holler Bros siore, DBoellcionte, where they buy the clhicnpest FOOUE, A fl : supply alwavs on had. : re lp Towssair Orrcuns Ta CoxsuMmrrives.—The Advertiser, having been restored te health in a fow = | weeks, by a very simple remedy, afier hav- Ling saifered several years with a severe lune affection, and that dread dicense, Con- | sinption=—is anxious to make known to bhis fellow sufferers the means of cure, To all who desire it, he will send n eopy | of the prescription used (free of charga), with the tlircesions forpreparing and using the some, which they will find a xvREe cre FOR CONSUMPTION, AsTHMA, BroNcuiris, The abject of the advertizer in send- ing the Preseription is to benefit the afilic- : ; fold br dealers generally, to whom Kbe- Johu Taylor & Son, ral discounts are made. R.C. BROWNING, Gen. A 82 Cortland: Si, Now Tork. Potter Grexz. : Rush do de do da du de {junt. tm a — Ladies Trusses. Be pasate uma histone This invaluable article for females, is now | PYALINTS for FARMERS ind of - {to be had at Herlacher sstore, nnd no other | The Grafton Mineral Paint Co., are place in Centra county. Ladies remember | now manufacturing the Best, Chenpest and that these trusses can be had at Ceulre | pnrost durable Print in use: two eonts well | Hall. tf. ut on, mixed with pure linseed oil. will | FE ME, COAL ANDLU == 1 Inst 10 or 1} years; it is a lizoct brown ar tA 4 Milroy. Pa. do merry | oct] Am dan do dao Jacoh N da odoin BY Heekman ve do do id dereal Ruurhhouser ve do do Seal & Rawley ve Havs & Jacobs sodas Snith use of va RB Xeltson. 17, L Caldwell & Uo, v= Keller & Stover SECOND WEEK. . Kreps Dro'e vs epler, et al Philip Collins ve D6: Bush Hy NA! Reynotda ved J Fleming. Mad OO Willinmas vs RR Neiison. 22 Hower, Bower & Can, vx 1 (enins. 154 » oy oh pe.) il x RE Us 1 ot Hi - s—— Totul...... 83850 S151 OBR; S261 484 2058 Wort... 3 Wl U MBER. | benutiful chiscolate color, and ean bs chafie The best gud to green, lend, stone, drab, | ote, - - : Treasi'r oo Recorder. Sheri). ~~ - -~ *. # Cely bb le i . : 1 r) » Ju owe last we furnished the names of recentlv'elected officers for Haines, | Cerogye, and Potter townships, and this | ive, or i - , oo § i oh | o | ted. and spread information whieh he «on-| WOOD COAL BURNT LIME, | Soo suic the conan gr in vain to be invaluable: und he hopes eVE- 1 oan be had at the Bellefonte Line Kilng, on Cur makers Pails and Wouden sufferer will try his remedy, as it will | the Pike leadingto Milesburg, at the lowest | cultural Im; lements, Canal Boats, Vowels cost them nothing, and may prove a bles { prices. Weare the only parties in Central | und Ships’ Bottoms, Canvass, wad sinz, Parties wishing the preseription will | Penna. who burn ju , Shingle Roots, iit being Fire and Wales nddross BT ARD 3, Vr 1LSOT, | proof, Floor Oil Cloths, (one M re » -~ ”~ - 3 ad Capes d “ 20 Isreal Conway ve Suge, 21, Iixon vs Thos \Wetson; 23, G8 Flegel ve Charles Wooden, 2a. J Potter va Wm Al week add the following : MILES TOWNSHIP. . Judge of Election, David B. Mever; | School Direetars, George Drunmzart and Johu Mever Justice of the Peace, Samuel Gramly ; Supervisors, Henry Wolf and Jaeab Hazel ; Overseers of | : Poor, Emanuel Harter and John Hos-1 * os D’Gurskalidon Hy Syl ~ Day. Wm terman; Inspectors of Election, Aw i Grakane Te ou by, ve drew Ocher and Jonathan Krainer;| 32 G Morgan et al vs A BLong et al. Auditor, Jacel Bramgart ; Township | " C Beckwith, Exr's vs D I Pruner et Clerk, Joseph K. Weaver; Constable, | Geo. W. Royer. | HARRIE TOWNSHIP. Justice of the Peace, Wm. I. Sel- | Ters : Judge of Election, Henry Kel | "ler; Inspectors: of Kleetion, Wp. McFarland ; Behooll Directors, Peter | "Shultz, Uriah Stover; Constable, Fru-| 45, wms wn. saine. “anvel Walf; Overseers of Poor, Hea: | 0a feet Creck Lumber Co. vs Lewis > : y tox at o atson, rv. Fredericks, Juhu W - Stewart {| 0g EH IB Mitchell, Supervivors, John Bucher. David | 4 J B Mitchell vs Goo W Tate Spar; Auditor, Samuel H. Suover; ! 18 s+ of Kookatie, Ad'r, vs Wil H Miller. "Towuship Clerk, Teane Kaup. oo D Usrskadden ve Savior & Duy. FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. J Cormun, use of vs’ 8 3 Wolf. gis EAE ar: +3. Judge of Election, David Kreps je; |! 72] CWitionte va Charles Lucas. "Fuspectors of Eleetion, Geo. Musser, | and Geo. W, McWilliams ; Justice of | the Peace, James C, Murphy ; School | lison, of al. JO Sharar vs Thos: Weston, Bx'1: y. J D Lieb, use of vs Ellan Lolan. 8, Abram Buzby vs Jos Robinson. * J Gordon, Adr. ve J Gordon, Adr. 30, A C Hinton vs Conway & Graham. G05, Toner & Steebvs Wm Gralmm. i . 34, Levi Zingling va Wm Washburn, 36, S Armstrong vs Robinson & Worsl A, Julin Bither vs James Brisbia. 37, Long & Massman vs J 8 Gray. 48, G Michaels vs Jacob Koozer, 39, Barber & Henderson v& M Murphy. 40, J B Mitchell vs J E Reish. 11, Haupt & Co. vs P A White. 42, W D Gray vs E J Pruner. #1. Peter Hockman vs Jolin Hoy. 54, mollobaugh vs De ass & Beightol. 35, John RB wood v4 W P Dale. 5g. Brenner, Tucks & Co. vs J Walker. Wao Hair/'vs otter, Bower & Co. "Directors, Peter Kechline, and John | 98, [same vs Bower & Quick, she Rumbarger; Overseers of Poor, 049, Obert ve Thomas M May. «Creo. W. Meek, and Henry Kreps; { Constable, R. P. Craig ; Supervisors, Jaeob Weaver, and Samuel Harpster; 80, J wi Oaok vx yunter Dale Lumber eo ol, Noll & Anderson vs Jeremiah & El- Auditor, D. G. Meek, Township Clerk G. D. Dauley. lan Lolan. 2, Packer & Parsonws williams & num- phreys. : ; 63, John Miller ve Jacoh Keen. 64, w M Lvon vs G walker etal. 69, H Reese vs Hunter Dale Lumber Co. PEXN TOWNEHIP. . 60, Ligroy vs J Unaerwood. . | ‘Justice of the Peace, Jacob Em- | D3 Piste. rick ; Judge of the Election, ¥ 'Kuarr ;’ Inspectors of Election, Elias Losec, and “Jumes Hahn; Oversecrs; of Poor, | " Samuel Weiser, Jacob Ebert; Super- 73, I) Btever, use of vs CF merlachor, .IN18GTS, Henry Loag. Jacob Kerstefter, | 74, Barnes s Smucker vsJ 8 Gray. v ‘8ehool Directors, 3. C. Campbell, D. |: 13 First National Bank, of Ind, va A B { ay K 3 Wray hank bogus, yu Db solanson r va. LL KX Dunkle. 82'S hn ed Eo G ‘Peters. 5 oo 61, Irwin & wilson vs 68, Surah Long vs Levi Quick. 69, Divid Keller vs Robert Kendell. 70, Crider & Christ vs Thomas Nayler, 71, williams & Cox vs naupt & Co. 92, J Muency vs J Z Long etal, . A rT AHutehinson. iin, : AL. Houser : Auditor, Andrew Stover ; | 7a First National Bank of Ind. vs Sam!l 1 Yonstable, fone Miller; Township do Tain Kaden ql do pg So ; ‘ 2 : y 2 idy OSERIan ef al v H C miag, Clerk, Jo id Zeigler. procdihAe 78, w Underwood vs J H Aromerman, «ppt BENNER TOWNSHIP, i Th Yadgon et al vs w Laughlin. Dar SF Ct ot AAD & ; | ; M1 Judge of ‘Election, Curtis Hile ; Justice of the Peace, Joseph M. Wil- son ; Inspectors of Election, I. ¢| Al | - port y Christ, Dale : School. Directors; ‘Samuel Yearick, Adam’ Crumrige ; aE stare! .. Supervisors, Michael Grove, Richard SPECIAL CAUBES. +. Conley ; Overseers of the Bout, 0.p,1 Kg wshoe Land Association vs'D Car- * 'Hassinger, John Latz; Auditor, Ad |#%dgen- am Wagner; Constable, Amos, Garb- | 3 Fives JET Ib vw rick ; Township Clerk, Andrew Has. | B M window, singer. Ry rani And 5 do. i Tk at os 8 Diya Morey vs eso: Wearnpr.—The ‘weather, | for the last § or 7 days, has been quite WORDS. Op Th 4 ox youn NEN, On t WISDOM, vor YOUNG ‘cold and somewhat stormy. The ud in the morning heiny frozen bh 3 . wi § Early Munhaulive Pussion fu Youth and 1» a considerable dept, 83, Jacob Deets vs wm Brown. - 84, J:Cornelius vs Jacob & Isaac Carter, 85, w i: nolmes vs Moshazpon Coal & Luinber Co, ‘AE Thum . § wh Ey 5 vv ng... : : Beiiefonte vs welch &A Hen. 3 8 ¥ ood, with SEL LP for the Erring and unfortunate. Seat in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, : Hose nn ASSOCIATION, Bas phia, a, ; “jund ly power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of’ Bron- thing General Weakness, Horror of Dis. | ams. Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful ! Horror of Deuth, Night Swests, (ld Feey Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Laniour, | Universal Lassitude of the Muscular Sys | tem, Often Enormous Appetite with Dys- | peptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryuess of the Skin, Pallid Countenance and Eruptions on the Face, Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Eye- lids, I'requently Black Spots Flying before the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and Less of Sight, Want of Attention, Cireat Mobility, Restlgssness, with Horror of So- cieew. Nothing is more desirable to such patients than Solitude, and nothing they mare dread. for Fear of Themselves: no Li<p se of Manner, no Earnestness no Spe- cul ion, but a hurried Transition from one quesiion to another. These symptoms, if allowed 10 go on—which this Medicine in- | variably removes—soon follew Loss of | Power, Fatuity, and Epileptic Fits, in onc of which the patient may expire. During the Superintendence of Dr. Wil- son at the Bloomingdale Asylum, this sad reswlt occurred to two patients; rea on had for « time loft them, and both died of epi- lepsy. They were of both sexes, and about twenty years of age. Who can say that these excesses are not frequently followed by those direful disea- ses Losanity and Consumption? ' The ree- ords of the Insane Asylums, and the mel- ancholy deaths of Cousumption, bear am- witne~s 10 tha truth of these assertions. n Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears, The countenance 1s actually sodden und quite destitute—neith- yer Mirth or Grief ever visits it, Should a ! sound of the voice occur, it is rarely arti- culate, “With woeful measures wan Despair Lovy sullen sounds their grief beguiled." Whilst we regret the existence of the abov.: diseases and symptoms, we are pre. pared to offer an invaluable gift of chemis- try fa: the removal of the consequences. Hey Borns HioHLY CoNcENTRATED FLU- 10 E3 TRACT oF Bucwu., There is ne tonie like it. Tt is an anchor of hope to the sur geon and patient, and this is the testimony of all who have used or prescribed it. Sold by Druggisgs and Denlers every- wheres. Price 81,25 per bottle, or six bot- tles for $600. Delivered to any address. Describe symptoms in all eomniunications Adslress I HELM BOLD, Jrug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Broadway, New York. "ONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS done up in steel-engraved wrapper, with fac-simile of my Chemical Ware- ‘hodse, and signed octd im, H. T. HELMBOLD. Errors or Yourn —A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Prem: ture Decay, and all the effects of yonthtal indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who freed it, the receipt and directions for mak- ing the simple remedy by ‘which he was 1 ' . vertiser's experience, dressing, in perfect con ; Joux B. Oaprx, : myl4,y No. 12 Cedar st., New York, OHN F. POTTER. © ATYORNEY-AT-LAW. Collections promptly made and special attention given to those having lands or praperty for Sale. Willdraw up and have achnow edged Deeds, Mort ges, de, fice in Garman's new building oppo- sie the Court-honse, Bellefonte, Pa. * can d by ad Sdence. 0 soby a ? OC rent ME Bellefonte... 211 Milasbhurg... 1 Unionville. Howard vor, 39 Philipsburg. 126 Boggs....... ve Benner Burnside Curtin ........ Ferguson.....202 GroORE o uniane 281 193 Halfmoon..... 42 Harris...iein IR Howard 5 3014 | Jd al JU 142 124 169 Og -i gy 210 204 1056 ol 183 tl 49 66 9 24 08 249 332 141 vo 125 50 02 178 71 $i) Liberty 68 Marion......... 18 Miles...... win BB Patton, . 00 Penn........... 288 Potter........ 820 “122 Snowshoe ... 108 Spring .......128 aylor o 42 Union: «ic $0 Walker ...... 180 Worth......... 82 70 Total M » 613; Wells 228. a] ' Bellefonte... 2 Milesburg ... Unionville... 20 Howard bor, Pa Philipsburg 122 Boggs..ivou. 122 Benuer........ 174 Burnaside..... 30 Curtin : Ferguson... 202 Grogg. coe 260 Hanines........ 196 Halfmoon .., 42 Harris. 187 Howard ud {uston.,..eee. 40 Liberty .i.... 47 Marion....ee, 78 Miles. ......... 230 Patton......... HY Penn.......... 08 Potter........ 32 Rust ..c.uee 118 Show shge... in A PUIRE cchereere Tayior....... 42 ‘Union oie 50 Walker sirnss 167 Worth seehaanes o8 HC SDK a! 07 178 J 4 on 128 71 Total...... 245% 8090 Majorities—-=McC Larimer 368, or 1a 0 Jemanstratione + 93 13 65 1 70 ol a) 200 250 184 42 154 08 40 67 9 214 oY a 202 122 106 130 42 oH) 168 12; oJ Hl) 3379 4lol 0 66 2 154 S88 101 08 aauitawty en 226 43 20 29 126 123 174 30 3 190 2013 196 2 181 ha 40 63 13 229 09 238 818 122 108 180 42 ob 170 o9 - JOPRIR NY my 4, y Williamsburg Kingseo, NY TTER A A v ate of Philip Gramly, late of Mile: township, dee’d, having been granted to end | | to present them duly authorized by law for settlement. at the house of said dec'd. en i the 15th of Octobér, next, or as soon afler | as possible, SAMUEL GRAMLY, } REUBEN GRAMIY. Exceutors. Fase Read tlie and Tell at too yu Nuighbors. MILROY Woolen Mills STILL AREAD! The attention of the public generally is onlled to the fact that the undersigned will exhibiy te the people At Their Homes, n great variety of latest styles Fali and Winter Goods from tha above celebrated Factory, ay Milroy, Mifflin coun’y, Pa. The list comprises the following articles :— Cassimeres, Ladies’ Cloth, Beaver Cloth, ® Plaids, Satinets, Plain & Fancy Fian- nels, Tweeds, Jeans, Blankets, Horse Blankets, &c. A great variety and saperior q Stocking and Mitten Yarns, Zepl Especial attention is called toour large snd varied assortment of ! uality o roask Parlor and Suir Carpets, “tex All goods made of best material, change for Goods. ty, always on hand at his residence. style, always on hand at his residence. John C, Kemp, Centre Hill, Ps. Agent for Thompson & Soma. N EW HARDWARE STORE! . kL 2 J. & J. HARRIS. “NO. 5, BROCKERIOFF ROW. marlotf A new and complete Hardware Store has been opened by the undersigned in Brock. arhoff’s new building—where they are pre. yared to sellall Kinds of Building and House “arnishing ilardware, Iron, Steel, Nails. Bugay wheels in setts, Champion Clothe: Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hané Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, lee Crean Freezers, Bath Tubs, Glothes Racks, a ful assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of al. sizes, Picture Frames, Felloes, and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators, Corr Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold Bourd: and Cultivator Tecth, Table Cutlery, Shov: els, Spades and Forks, Locks, Hinges. Norway Rods. Oils. Lard, Luabricatin Corl, Linseed, Tanners. Anvils, Vices, Be Flows, Screw Plates, . Factory Bells, Bouse Bells, Dinner Bells (orig Bells, Tea Bulls, G rindstones; Carpen ter Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans, Paings; Oils Varnishes received and for sale at june 6% 1y. - 4 % pl 3 ' ! 3 i i | Patent Flame Kiln, which produces the B est White-Wash and Plastering Lime, in aBered tothe trate The hept SHAMOKIN AND WILKESBAR | RIE ANTHRACITE COAL, | all sizes, prepared Sey for family use | Also : i ‘ $ i dry Coal at lowest prices. Also a lot of firet and secs | ) Fy 1 a i AR J SOARDS, BROAD a7 PALING, SHINGLES and plastering lathe for rale cheap. Office and yard. near South end of Bald Eagle Valley R. R. Repot. SHORTLIDGE, & 0. apples, ; Bellefonte a, Cr wn s—— a ] % -e | ———— ons - ——— ENTS THIS WAY! : SULESt S 11% W. W. McClellan, at Bellefonte, would i 3 | i & Fashionably | made suits of cloths, from any kind of ma- | 1 have a lange and excellent assore- ; i | o 3 3 ! A LSO, : Cloths, Cassimeres. & Vesting ¥ i from which garments will be mude to or. der in the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. All Task is tocall and exnwmine my fine stock. Having just bought my goods du- ring the last panie, I defy competition as to prices, durability, and fashion, this side ‘of Philadelphia, =. . = HR Remember the. Place ¢ : W. W. McCLELY AN No. 4 Brokerhoff"s Row, Allegheny sireet. Bellefonte, Pa., where cloths, cassimeres, vestings, callars, umbrellas, cains, huts, caps, in short, v b everything tocompletely rig in the latest style. : I am also agent for WILCOX & GIBB Sewing Machine, which should be seen by dean snufaciure er having used 5, 00) bhis. the past year) Prices per bhi. came, Warranted in ail eas¢s na above. Send for a eirealsr which gives fail uiars., Nene rennins unless branded a's trade mck, Grafton Mineral Paint. r- som= can order the Paint aud remit the mon ey on recipi of the ponds, Address actla bm RIDWELL & CO. 254 Pearl street. New York. 3 FEVIT ANVIL STORK is now receiving a large and well assorted Stoek o Hardware, Stoves, Nulla, Horse Shoes, Sad~ dierr, Glass, Paints, Sheet, Bat and I » Tron also Buggy mi Yagon every description. — ad and su youre relives atthe lowest possible ra aply'e®, INWING WI ’ TOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers his two-story His property is situsied om the town. For further parniculars to JOIN REIBEX. aie, 204m Centre Hell. ————— ——— A ————. © ———————— a ————— Ti BELLBFOXTE Boot & Shoe Store! Next door to [Post Ofc. We havd always og and. GENDS CALF AND KIP A lapger sssoriment of Ladies aud Ch". ten s daoes than uny otlier place in tows. Gum Shoes, every style, make and size. We ask al epunifintion of our goods, before purchgsiig elsewhere, 313 FH TCRANAN & SON. } : GRAHA MA 4 MH COACH HARDMAN PHILLIPS, AT HIS manuteetusing establishment at : X gagertown, ou th n and Bellefonte Turnpike, has nowoun Bang a fine stuck of Carrlages, By bulkies and Spring Wagons, w ich hee re rate ws superior ig quality 3 i ANV mmnufactured in Lhe > gre muds of the very best stock Ly witk dities d first class practies) workmen, sad | in a styie that chiadien any work out of or In the ’ be cold at Jose prices thal manufactured in large towns snd . amidst bith rents sod ruinous prices of liv- ing. Being masior of his own situation anxious te excel iarhis artistical profession ness. he Tins timerand entire ate=ntioh to h custonrers, ing all patrons, operatives, himself, ; “Call i Ws i Saeki his prices, and you eannot REPAIRING A number of har are ately wwwork ont heimg made at Farm kk giv. OWEN
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