CENTRE HALL REPORTER. pms Cmte CexrrpdiabL PA., October 29th, 1809 "Our friefdOW "JI, IL. Brainayd, has become assistant editor of tha Bellefonte National... He. is a spicy writery and knows how to “pitch into” a fellaw. ge ——— "The New Senator from Tepnessee. Angew. Johnson having failed to be elected, U.S. Senator from Tennessee, as will be spen by the result in an: ather, colunu—~by lacking only two voms—our readers undoubtedly are anxigus to know something of the charagter of Mr. Cooper, who was taken up aga NOW man, and elected by - one majority, Although wg deeply re: grret the defeat of Mr. Johnson, who would have made Washington very un- pleasant for Grant and the radical loaders, in and out of Congress, vet Tennessee will be represented by a gen- wine Johnson man in Mr, Cooper, is will be geen by the following which we copy from’ the Morning Patriot: “Per haps uo event since the election of Mr. Buchapan as President of the United States, has afforded John W, Forney such heartfelt joy as the recent defent Senatorship from Tennessee, Tt takes an entire column of his Press to give hie exultation to be wondered at. Not only hes a political opponent been the Republic, haved escaped the éx- posure of their dark and devlish plots to overthrow the Constitution which 10 wan'ia the Union could hate made but Andrew Johnson, Democrats and other honest and decent people, there- fore, regret the defeat of the Ex-Presi- dent, for the very reasens that furnish suth miserable spoils-en ue Forney oceasion for rejoicing. “So far as the politics of Mr, Coop- er, the new Tenncesee Senator are cou- cerned, we believe him to be aa bette democrat than Mr. Johnson. He i: said to be more than the equal of the Fx-Président in intellectual ability and cultare, He is also Mr. Johnson's personal friend, and refused not only to electioneer for himself, but, in hi place in the joint convention of the Glad All Avound. Brick Pomeroy thus addresses his class: bo “Ifa Democrat in one State, by dint of brain *pluck, and honesty of purpose raises his head above the hedge of thorns he is in, the Democrats of every other State, instead of helping him up, whacks him over the head and yells From 1861 till date the Democratic party has not killed off a Republican, but stabbed in the back, poisoned, hum- strung or erippled its own men by the score... The republican party take thieves, robbers, swindlers and even tools, and make great men and rulers of them, Sy hy sticking to their men mid building up by every means in their power, all the while giving everything known and unknown upon us as a party, They nominate a thief, and he divides what he steals. nominate a drunkard, all swear he i& a temperance man, and elec) him. They takea candidate from a jail gutter, or prison, swear he never was outside of a bible class and elect him. ’ ars, foreign ministers of Keepers of assignation houses, who shoot their best customers, ratify in churches, call it religious loyalty and say amen, This is very applicable to a small olass of Centre county Democrats who, orudge, will operate against the nomi- j Srufye, wi! {ees of their party and artempt to de- } x , : . feat candidites upon the ticket, while the rads, on the other hand, stick ! . . . {their nominees, he they fish, flesh or The late in this | adyui : . teounty furnishes an apt illustration, We hope this disorganizing spirit will »~ » | : ' orofit by the above rebuke, and that carrion, election to operate against our ticket on elec tion day, by Deémocruts themselves, EE ATTORNEY GENERALSHIP. Dupiieity and Treachery—Ilis Shameful Treatment of his Faithful Friend, Benj. Harris Brewster— Letters of John Covode, M B. Lowry, Benj. Il. Brewster The Late Attorney Genera! Administers a Tercible Rebuke to the Tr achers eus (roverner. (Geary's Previous to the election we publish- ed au letter from Cavode, 30, 1869, to Attorney Genera! Brew- ater, asking him to resign, and saving that Gov. Geary had authorized him to thus write. To this Mr, Brewster replied, July 31st, that he would de- celine to resign at Covode’s request, that his conrse as Attorney General rn — ——— whe went to you, especialy deputed by | me, to confer with you on the subject | about three weeks ago, you expressly | iterated and reiterated your confidenee | in me, saving that you had no cause of complaiut, and no wish to remove me or have. me resign, The offer of my resignation, referred to in your letter, was frequently made by me and others for me, and wagalways refused by vou as hurtful to your prospeets. It was | made from motives of personal conv: | enience, and to help your renomination Land silence the enlumnies of men who WOre vourenemies. As an instance of your feelings towards whom I would re. call to vou vour course in reference to Mr. Kemble, whom you told me vou suspected of being defanlter, and by your express direction had me send you | twice an accountant from the city to verlfy your supposed discovery of his delinquencies, and ggainst whom you | were re-elected. | Now you write to me demanding my | resignation, and assign #0 cause, but [ leave me open to imputations, to which {I will not submit. I will not permit | vou, at the instance of a class you an- {nounced to me as corrupt factionists | and one of whom yeu instructed me | tu prosecute, and after you have an | swered your own convenience and re | ceived my help, thus to eviet me from u place I never sought and which you | eolicited me to accept, and which I have held with due respect to my pub- lic duty and my owmghonor, After this cours plicity or va | cillation, to me it Tem ferent which, lcerve with vou I cannot and will, and you may hold my office vacant, and fill it with whomsoever will be base and mean enough to run the risk of like trentment, or receive it as the price of suiue dishonorable bargain, § i eg, A 0 wo #4 BALLOON ASCENSION BY ‘A Lae CASTRRIAN Ix Onto.—~Prof. John Wise, of Lancaster, made a balloen as: cension from Otvilie, Ohio, on riday, with a view of navigating the air in sucha manner a8 te arrive in the vicinity of Lancaster eity. The cause of his failure to accomplish his origi. nal purpose is explained in the follow. ing narratvie of his nerial trip, “When Mr. Seacrest agreed to let me make the voyage with his balloon, from the fair ground of Mr. Jaseph Boavely, at Orville, Ohio, on Friday afternoon last, I intendnd to sail till midnight and reach a point at or near Lancaster, Pa. ; but after I had opened the valve to come down below the clouds, it would not shut perfectly gif tight agin, owing to the small pres sure of the spring and the interven- tion of the congealed tallow between the clapper and bed-plate. 1 snapped it suddenly several times to flatten out ' the tallow, and succeeded in bettering it somewhat, so that I could ssilgfour or five hours at least, ' “Having started at 2:15 p. m. 1 reached the Ohio rive at 6:30 p. m. Here was a beautiful sight—the sun still shining on the balloon, the earth below covered by the shade of night, with a pale yellow glimmer of reflec: | ted moonlight. Finding my ballast | nearly exhausted | made up my mind to land at Steubenville, but a loeal current of sir swept me mpidly across the river, sand the sudden transition from sunlight into woonlight made me purblind, and for some minutes I could not discern clear land from woodland ; the light from the works in Steubenville also confused me, ‘The gas in the balloon having con- b I ——— ‘ | people shuald seek relief in the hiero- | lifes of ndoctor’s prefeription, when | | they can buy as good, nnd nine Himes lout ten, n better remedy than most Governor 1808. Governor 1800, | © 7010 LT 1 8 patnor, ear. Packer, Geary | Q0CtOrs giv e, for the Tusignificant sum nl 10 W208 | of 95cts. - We refer to Judson’s Moun. Adams Whiiinens 31 08 § 20 0 300% 2052 i 0 2aoct . 2 : Allegheny oe 12790 20011 18301 17808 tain Herb Pills, these pills cure Hend- Armstrong ...4078 3708 300) GL Liver Complaint, Indigestion, REE 1 * Beav aon | ache, dt cri: Beaver, Female Irregularities, and all Billions ail shenennn 2483 | Borks.......... 13288 Pil | dirorders, they are prepared from a Bitireie ae 0058 formula pronounced by the most learn- 706 | ed Physicians of our conntry, to be the #290 | best and most universal of family ‘mods 2009 | jines. Give them a fair trinl and you Betow we furnish the official vote fob Governor in this state, in 1866, in connee- tion with the result in 1860. - 1910 pwill- never he-without Judson’s. Mouns 8230 | tain Herb Pills. Sold by all Dealers. »102 Qct’] 2a, sonnel AI Ma ooo Tennessee Senatorial Election. 10" | Nashville, Oct. 22—~The grand 514 | senutorial gegtest ii ended, and the 00 | result hae¥nli every one by surprise, J | Johnson's friends felt confident of his | 475 ences, but it appears ® trap was | 2340 Ts prang on him, as when the vote came 3098 | ty be tuken Johnson received 51 votes fies {and Henry Cooper, of Davison county, 15 in announcement of the vote. 1 Mr. Cooper, is a Democrat. 197 | Sof | Pl itr pie 2B of), 15801 Merrow ix Paxvo,— There iz con- 8217 4027 | : ; 4355 | ciple of health, We have many 3% | thousand of testimonials of their hay- 1058 | {ie restored the sick to health ; which Cameron mtsasasatihie 4 i Contre ............ 4505 Clarion .oiviinns 2818 Clinton coool Clearfield ...... . Columbis Crawford A000 Cumberland ... 4667 Dayphin.........4801 Deleware... 262 PID .conninicnsinnsiip Elk winenncit] Fayette 4350 Franklin, Fulten............1068 Forest ..........: « 18 Greene .......000 Huntingdon ... 2238 Indiana........... 200 Jeffurson . Juniata Lancaster Lawrence Lehigh sae seans end Lukerne ........ 15 Lycoming 48 pd 4348 oH 400¢ 1066 205 2002 $y 30 1042 RiiB 14% 25 gs a 8785 —_|n —_— a 4 . ons ump ti o'1 “g . pchitis, Asthina, g Sutarh ented : y imlialation. 's Inbaling x ; remedy knows that ope —discplves the t +, whieh lirown off. the envitios heal, and » cure fected, Treatment By letter or in per ean be had only of Q. VAN ig - LL, M. D., 16 West 14th St, N. Y. i aug, 10m : 5 WANTED AGENTS FOR u the pom " CRpeak slo they fortune, and tells him wh seek it: it tells the eo h | -, Nvest; the 1nDOFEF, 1 farmer, the best lundy manufacturer, | Kay : thers; ivtells every Toe ought to know, about th | Fedoure and wonderful progres If every “part ef this great country. New, fivsh . ting and p Ia v NEA ReREgiion TS or Cinifr, | PiFrere, urge sons, and other enterprisitge m of «+ money akin ons, ba : INeF On, deinhis, Pa. Cincinnati. Ol, '€F 11. St. Louis, Mo, or SpripgGeid pee. ool 1.2m, ao a%i . nse Ti —— —— a A nan ih oe bna # i a ta dilds buen 1% Hunn {dma G 84) bo exh yg i A sient i iIny: 7a) mot: emiditun ® His sien 11 EBEGO Has ‘been to the extrémvend of the 1 ss Bin bBuseds #3 - 2) . v ercer ........... 3761 40 be seen at our office, Use Dr. ®yO ean . 1640 ' Morse's Indian Root Pills, aud yon B94 will find them not only a curative of a0 i | disense but also a preservative. They ov 1702 2694. 844) 1565 THO JK) 2408 40802 1054 342 je wan B870 Northumbi'd AB2Y Perry 2495 Philndeldhia 46817 i 1085 iy 10 4024 3407 24809 01202 81h Montgomery... Montour Northam ’ 1 ' Liver Complaints, We make from which Headache, Female Irregularities, de. {no secret of the formula nnss, 04205 360 densed suddenly from the colder shades notwithstanding the discharge of all | I am, sir, ete., Bexsaviy Harris BREWSTER. Jim Haggerty at Large—The Law Cheated by a Mob. Philadelphia, Oct, 24,—The noted (Jim Haggerty has escaped justice. It | will be remembered that he was in- | witnesses in the case, when the matter cumie up for trial, could not be found. | They had been tampered with and | spirited away. One of the prosecutors | named Hill, an ex-policeman, was in- “duced to leave the city, and the char | ges against the prisoner could not be | prosecuted. District Attorney Shep. | pard, knowing the character of the | man, and fee ing that justice had been cheated at the time Haggerty was par- | doned by Governor Curtin, called the i { | ters. He had been convicted and sen- | tenced for robbery to a term of nine years’ co finement, and after serving | twelve months, he was pardoned out ‘on the condition that he would leave | the country. He did go to Canada, ' but only remained there a short time, my remaining ballast, the vessel dar. | ted down ou the top of a tall white ouk | tree at the margin of a piece of high- timbered land, in Buffulo township, | Brook county, West Virginia, on the | | farm of Joseph Gist, Esq., a¢ 7:15 p, m | "i through a ded ot clouds | intensely cold and so highly charged | with ozone that I became almost in- | stantly hoarse, from whieh I soon re- | | covered after my descent. “Had uot this trifling mistake oc- curred, all fur the want of a little prac- tical knowledge on the part of Mr. Bencrest, I am sure should have reached Lancaster, by midnight.” Trouble in France, Fears of a revolt at Paris on the 26th are diminishing. The govern. | mentis taking every precaution to | gaurd aguiost sny dwturbance of the | | public peace. Marshal Bazane has | beeu ‘authorized to nse his cannon | without merey, if need be. | ’ 1 i ! It is reported in Paris that a plot | hus beea concocted by the liberals for | (a rising on Thursday next. been discovered by the Emperor, who | is concentrating troops in that city’ 1354 TH02 Pike Potter 620 Schuylkill 10614 Snyder ........... 1826 Somerset 170 Sullivan 761 Susquehanna. 208] Tioga 1628 Union ........o.c 1287 Venango... .....0 802 Warren .........1072 Washington... 4712 Wayne ...ves RY Westmorel'd 6118 Wyoming 1499 - od R780 708 8001 1700 17K 1315 2040 7h HH 2482 4004 1825 45% ! 1207 178% a241 2007 1 1346 8798 1072 83062 430 4420 4701 19M 4400 RT $077 2307 S046 1408 HROG | this medicine, is prepared, read it carefully. Use Morse's Pills. ‘Soll by all Dealers a lt So (Speeinl.) PIMPLES. The undersigned will cheerfully mail FREE) to all who wish it the lieceipe and | simpleand Beautif f will immediately remove } ee | Pimples, Biotches, and sll eruptions and : 08508 | impurities of the Skin, leaving the same | | soft, elenr snd benutiful, ‘ : He will also send (FREE) instructions [for producing, by ‘very simple means, a | LUXURIANT GROWTH OF HAIR on # bald head or smooth face in less than thirty | dava from first application. | The above can be obtained by return ——-— Total......... 200,086 807 Geary's majority 4500, —— a = CENTRE HALL : Manufacturing Co. Machine Works. CENTRE HALL CENTRE CO. PA" - H- fami i THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, P. O.. Box oI'8. 195 Broadwsv, New York. Oct'1, y | Good News for the Ladies. | FALL OPENING of | Bonnets, Trimmings, Millineny, at Mrs. M. E. Shoope's, Iu Centre Hall . Mus, M. E. Suoore, has Just returned | fom Philadelphia, with the LATEST | FASHRONS, and a complete stock of © J New Bonnetts, New Huts, Elegant Having enlarged our New Fouxnpurand | Macnixe Swors and AGRICULTURAL Wonks. Stocked with all new and latest improved Machinery at Centre Hall, un. aounceto the public that they ure now ready to receive orders for anything in their line of business, Shaftings, Pullies, 3 ? : warket. For BOOTS & SHOBY ui : Shim 3 : te Boston. - i 3 a i Eh [ 24835 194 For DRY GOODS to New York, sive to suit FINE ALPACAS from ), finest—equal to 51,25 al 5! 3 1] tana kb i & oil} ai b SIN, best alt 3 SUIT E~ from $10 to rg if woul Cussilueria, oad bank ” te 1: £8 hay 3g.He intends to elese out his. stock. . ; § Go 2 Biig HE THEREFORE NOW OFFRES BETIEL BARGAINS (THAN | ©. ELSEWHERE 0 100s «l Carpets nt old rete, trom <4) cents, 30: 9 cents per yard, for the best, Bist DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, wy 98 And selling from 12440 16 cont. the best culieoes, amd nding dn poperiol, atid rates; : Weoren's Shoes, COMP ge all stirnniesy at 81 par pair Five Boots from’ Ws 300 for the best, Fy ir ~~ CLOTHIN at the lowest eles, and avid; ab ~ U 1 "gH » from S10,00 10 S18 for the heat. : 3 ¢'\LL ANDREE - hag 02 and if it wind Lue, Sternherg wil thing ah They only nk puodle te cone ‘an i even i they do nol wish te buy wl, » es r 1 1's t | sod General nek has received or- | : , TICP. —Sternberg inte , | ders to employ artillery if necessary rar NOTIC ende fo make a chugs in his business, ad th ® - t which will be sold or made up, as wand ob) gore will sell loser than any other, He [IRON & Bi a SS reuscrhle RY syle ATE Very prety, wishes all wun 3 bang. & Binilie. Wi ASTINGS | Ladies call and seo them early. Firat. | next. else the hooks will be give W y come, first served, Oct. 2m, er hands jo collect, das dd ap laste, UE ee | of every description mde und Ltted UPIOT | 5 >» yprop © Lotters of Administrat’'on | = RF TI io ai MILLS, N having bown granted the undersie VELI SALE. Hix sire ot af pede FORGES, { over the Estate of John R. ikern. ine | 01 Lie Lirplian.2 Lull] A FURRY. - - EN FURNACES, FACTORIES, tht merited stu n/ rogiet. Ou ge | for be next appeared in ibis city a * Hr sue 4 al. JRL pb 1d : . . Vtheof AumatoM. i eh sue his oid game of usenulting and cuttin TY vay ed a letter to Gov. Geary, and e el Ce. Phe iinda wm PL 1 Pw has been re red rs bits “a scathing. for permitting. his | that as the prisoner had not a ided by {a pe a regan ie faithful \ ttrnev (veneral to he fos | the provianans of the pardon, he could ' 4 » events bef re i Bo sit . Salted 1 -Y dlls de: i F “somind 1 | be made to serve out the unexpired | men AWalls even ore issuing : msuited by Covode, and reminded | oo fr which he had been sentenced | The liberaladeny that there is any Geary how he had denied ll comptic- | foundation for the reports of insurrec- and declared it as infamons [ Was Fepresen : Yana but svpresent hat, there wv, . (In Sept. 26th Covole cals il tele- | and the caso occupied considerable ! f P po [ Hangers. Ri ie ns 3 legislature, voted for him on etery Primmings, av. ballot. In all that relates to the fu tire prospects of the demoera‘ie party, thereiore, Mr. Cooper will, doubtless, he very useful. [fhe possessed the vigor, audacity and obstinacy “of An ews | i knew the secrets of radical politice as the [ater know Fat drew, Johnson. an. ity in this plot against Mr, Brewster, | sed tiv: Mann:and Brooks: | be Orphans ( ME i aH y . of Gregg tp., dec rd. notices is hereby ved | Ferd will he exposed ar piblic sale on Sa. | to all persons knowing themselves indebted | raat. November 34k, nett, $n theprem. | on the charge of robbery. The prisoner ned to the | open the sessions of the Corps Legisin A lt Nowre. in. Miles AW. Chie sea dll is 4 a them, he would he the coming’ ma: among demoerats. Whether his sena- PE Ra ; iia torial career will develop those trait: and that knowledge remains to he'zéen. If it should, the defeat of Mr. Johi- sou 13 not to be particularly regret. Bat the great Tepnesscean is “not dead vet. The savage joy of Forney over what he fondly imagines the po “litical endof Andrew | Johusen, will Yet. tumed to, bitter pain, If « “meapiityg Providence permits the | Ex. Prgsident, to live few years Jonger, he will yet be heard from in the council: of the llepullic, . He will be elected waneceed Brownlow, or will he sent to “the dgwershonse of Congress from his porn shistriet,. The mighty spirit which defied. the. w ole. band of radical “paves at Washington, will yet be tri- mmphant alike over his own, enemies and those of constitnrional govern ‘went’, all AB a TN Mim Spring Elections. wed exchange has the following : ebad . ny objections are urged in vari in fu Pris of thé State to the law of Tasi “session fixing the township] municipal ~ antl State’ elections om the same day. Rhooretum judges of Erie county adop- ted the following resolution: *“Resol ved, Thatdn the opinion of the return judges af frie county, the law com Siping the elections of State, county and township, works confusion. with- " Hat’ iy! eorresponding benefit, and therefore ought to be repealed at the nex tpession of the legislature,” or Phis ds the conclusion:we have arri. 9d at)" after having witnessed the “Wark igh of this change-—and from the ‘Pasnpe of the Registry Act; on; we predicted the law, ehuniing the time Jor holding the Spring elections, would : prove i legislative blunder, and meet with geilral Fissatistaction. The sen- 4 tinehts of “the “Frrie county return "Jud ras ate held by the people genéral- ad the law onght to’ be repealed. + It is anpther example of “radical wis- somgdnd id course-of time the entire - Registry Act will prove equally ob- “obi ot gaming om set fA Ahem ma TEx Francisco, “Oct: 23 ZBiturns be? jg ife am : } $3 37% 5% 0 lela) elechinn indicats the of the i ticket by comparatively large majoritics, ; B® £4 ag o 8 or wun i wy 3 10Cess anocratie sram to Brewster forbidding him to make any speeches in company with Geary, On the 21#t of this month, October, after the election—Geary sends Mr, asking him to resign forthwith, Below we furnizh the reply of Attorney Gen- eral Brewster to Gov, Geary, which puts the hero of Snickerseilie in a very bad light. We will priue. the entire correspondence in next week's Repor- ter : Orvrice oF THE ArT'y GaN, Purtaperenia, Oct. 23,69. Pennsylvania ; Sir :—Yesterday Mr. Harmer hap. ded to me your letter of the 21st of October. It requires my resignation “immediately and without delay,” and wesina no cause for the request. It is a peremptory demand most unusual among gentiemen, and uncalled for in this particulur case, After my receiptin July last of the | time. Judge Brewster liste | tacts of the cas2, and yesterd | to give a decision as to the | the order of the district attorney ‘that he be recommitted to pris: ay he was on. | The decision has been expected for several Saturdays past, and about noon yesterday the pritoner was brought up from Moyamensiug on an order from the judge. He was placed in the van with aims eleven other prisoners, and Court Officer Thomas, and Prison Of- ficer Clifton had the men in charge. The van drove into the space between the old and the new court houses, and soon a crowd collected. Haggerty stepped out and walked with one of the officers close to the door of the old court house, when the cry of “Fire” wns raised, and then a general push was made and the prisoner broke away and ran through the carriage way into | Chestnut street, and then across the street to the American hotel, through | which he passed into Minor street. The | officers pursued, but on reaching the ' door, of the American they were pro- | tetier of Mr. Covode, made public in | vented from entering by a mob there the columns of the daily press, in'| collected. Haggerty had dropped his which he requestéd my resignation, | hat in the flight, and as he passed und assumed to do so by vour authori- | through the gang in front of the hotel ty, you sent a spreinl message to mo ay Mr. Lewis Waly Smith, deputy attorney general, desiring me not tp regard his letter, and as. uring me that © it was una. thorized and that ws publication was unauthorized. - Notwithstanding that I felt a sevse of wrong in your silence and neglect to make a public disclaimer of that letter, yet I submit. ‘ed quictly for the sake of the party and its cause, knowing well that any sgitation of the subject: on my part would involve you and peril yonr election. This you applpauded at Cor- ry a fortnight ago, when, of your own record, vou came to see me, and when we last saw each other, and then you expressly said to me and Mr, Lowey, aud, [ believe, to General Kane, that our relations were unchanged ; to me said that all of theuction of Mr, Co- vode, in the letter before mentioned, and in a telegarm sent by him to me, and which I” exhibited to you, was unauthorized, and you then in severe ‘terms condemned his conduct as bri- tal and meriting punishment. You wished me to wait until after the elec tron, when I might deal with the men ‘then thanked me for the service I had | rendered; and repeated your : Ae] and official confidence in me and left me, unaking arrangements with me for ‘a general uplifting of hats took place. This was done that identification would be impossible. | The movements of the crowd around the room and in front of the American showed conclusively that a rescue was premeditated. In front of the hotel & general fight took place, just as Hag- gerty entered the place. This was done by the friends of the . fugitive, and among themselves, in order to prevent the pursuit of the court officers. Mr. Thomas, who endee vored to make his way through the crowd, was struck by sonie one of the mob. He was forced | to draw his revolver before he would be | admitted, sud then it was too late, for the prisoner had reached Minor street, and was then on his way into Market street, where a carriage was in waiting for him. This carriage stood in front of Sharpless’ store all the morning, with the driver seated inside with reins in hand, On reaching the vehicle Haggerty at once jumped in, and the whip being applied to the horse, awa they sturted at a break-neck 1 large crowd followed the vehicle, bat all to no purpose. In Mauch Chunk, Packer's home, be) had. a gain of 234 on the vote for Boyle last year, In Harrisburg, where Geary resides, the returns show a rad- ical loss of 233 as Sompavil with the "vote Fartvanft received, This shows | tif to-morrow. The people of Puris ferns, ——— : a Rt oo —- How Johuson’s Defeat ded. The defeat of ex President Johnson in the senatorial contest is received in Washington with great pleasure by the radicals, including Grant himself, who has been worried about how disa. greeable Johnson would make himself among those opposed to him. It shows ‘too plainly how they feared him. The | truth of the matter 1s contained in the | | frank admission of two or three promi- { nent republicans, that should Johnson | get into the Senate, he ‘would make | Washington too hot, for eer:ain indi. (viduals. The election of Mr. Coopor, | however, gives satisfaction to the democrats, as his abilities are said to | be fo the first order. EEE a qu ————————— The Willismsport Races—Good Time by Goldsmith Maid. Williamsport, October 21 —At the national horse fuir at the Herdic park to-day the race for $5,000 was won by Idol in 2:32}; Locust second an Fanny Allen third. The race for $7,000, between Goldsmith Maid and American Girl was easily won by the Maid, in four straight heats. Time— 2:261, 2:28}, 2:30%, und 2:29, the first | heat being declared dead by the dudges. The race for $1,000 was won by Liz. zie Keller, in 2:29, Fanny Feru sec. oned and Lady Garfield third. Rondout, N. Y,, Oct. 24.—~Joseph P. Wood, ship carpenter, last night killed bis wife with an’ axe, Four deep cuts were found in her face, four in her head, and three in her throat. After killing her he cut his throat with & razor. Jealousy and rum caused the erime. | — -> SPAIN. Heli Oct Bhnithe Sohvidtionls growing n the present state o rties the selection of a King is im- pe ible. The Cortes is a4 much divi. ded in opinion as the cabinet, and un- less a cont ise is effucted the estab- lishment to a monarchy is “hopeless. ¥ Chicago, Oct, 26—Central Tow has a week for ska. t, with ice thick en Pah but no snow has fallen, a a Rah he. oid In 1868 it cost the taxpayers $2, 848,850,69, to collect $178,151,012,64 ‘internal revenue taxes. | to suid Estate, to come forward nud make TANMNLERIES, | prvment without delay, and all person. &C., &C. | hnving accounts against the ante will ire: sent them properly authenticated for settles | ment. MRS E. KERXN, We also manufacture the celebrated | cet2n Bt, Adimninisiratrix. KEYSTONE HARVESTER which now stands unrivalled, This Reaper hing advantages over all other Reapers now manufacturgs. One advan- tage we elaim for it, iv the lever power, by | which we gain ene hundred per cent over | other machines. Another advantage isthe hoisting and lowering apparatus, whereb; the driver has under his complete contro of the machine: in coming ta aspotol lodg- ed grain, the driver can coange the cut of + Saleh he machine in an instant, without stopping | A the team, varving the Stuble from 1 to 14 & inches at the outside of ghe machine, aj weil D wr Ok iY tn —— A A ———————r ss ms—— ——— 9 Farmer's Helper. CAHOWS HOW TO DUUBLE THE 3) PROFITS OF THE FARM, and how | farmers and their sons oan each make | $100 PER MONTH in Winter. 10.000 copies - will be mailed free to farmers. Send name ' and address to : | ZEIGLER, McCURDY & CO. oct20,4t. Philadelphia, Pa. i i | A — T_T TW ——— \W ANTED Agents Teachers, Students : Clergvinen, Furmers’ sons and daughters, and all to sell Blan Ho by i ee Qh gy ¥ | as on the. inside. Iti: constructed of Lrsy class material; and built hy dert class mn- chanics. We warsant it second to upne. All kinds of Horsepowors and Threshing | Machines, Hav and Grads Rakes, inteatin- roved. All kinds of Repairing done. In€ erunt kind: of PLOWS AND J Lhe slune aavavlat : who, having abandoned stage life now ex- | ee | hibits in vivid colors the whole show Wi | « Berore and Behind the Neenes, : Being trath- : ffl, moral, and high-toned, ns well ad sen” following ¥aluabis FARM, of Soloniow | Wenver, dee d, containit ss b. i 110 Acres of Land. a { of which about (00. acres wre: clans, unde {good feners wind in a high stateof cultiy Laon, The bninsoe i= of the mast valus PINE and HEMLQCK TIMBERLAND. Thereon vreoted a rood. fw sfory, weath— er boarded dwelling HOUSE Bank-barn, ang} " other necessary putbailding-. = ond water, from noRuta in Springs, near the door. Alsou good TR adi of choice frait, on the promis 5. Sale jo, s0in- mgt § <lovk J wi Fh Es 4 Ni wand ? S.=—One shind of pu manne to remnin as widow s ny mt Pa ses | ten per cent, of tise Tesidue to be paid on day of sale, and tarts jor cond on con firmation of sale and tie residue ithin one ve rtherenfier with, intetest, ta he se- cured by bond and mort on the prem ines JONATHAN WEAVER 2 oct], ts $ rong <» fauardian, (BEAT DISTRIRCTION By ‘the J Metropolital RUS ny. — Cash Gils AT Cie E TLS Lo the anu of 3 chant AL LAY Ticket draws a Prize. R Cash ca ie ) Ah eer $10,000 : w § 2 i 40 20 300 je on Ra rom sc p™ AT iw "i a i he ih # elegant fost PANG, eH a ni lodeons, LL ERLY plow which has i sational, rich, and racy, it outsells ull other books, Benutifully illustrated with $0 epirited engravings, 24 full page cuts, G0 | pages. om rose tinted paper. Greatest in. ducements yet offered. LProspeetia, Sample ’ Mr. Beecher—sent to one address for 52 72 We hope by strict attention to busi fat Philadelphis, Pa., Cincinnati, Ohio, or business permanent, Enclose 3¢. stamp to Potter township, that they are now prepar- | every live man who will act as agent | Address R. MONROE KENNEDY & * Stove- Pipe | SERMONS 1IN BUCKETS Europe. They are full of vital, beantiful All orders by mail promptly attended t form suitable for preservation and bi Tshers ($3) giving two handsome volumes ALT Wu. J. HOSTERMAXN, Proprietor. offer PLYMOUTH CHRISTIAN UND | e is prepared to ianity—with Lec- stables attached tothe hotel, wiih careful | VooKS for fourdollare. Special inducements ho an impqriant official duty to be per-. formed with ven. To Mr Cummines nmin &8. howthe me» are sppreziate) where | i Runtiagdon has & pubis halt, lie are in Spe cimen copies sent postage tree, for de. d Watches ... Cash Prize, Silver VARA BE op pe arpeios es sds sabes A chance to dF W any of th zes for 25 cts, oRels des sealed in envelopes amd wefin . ceipt of 25 cts, a Sealed Te without choice and sent By erg ot Areas. Tha. Prize nnd’ upon ivere 40 he tich et-older oh p of 31. Poiges are inimediately address by express or return mail! will know what your prize is Before pay for R.. Any’ Prize exch ned other of sanwe value. ha trons. can depend on fal ¢ Tere Ref s.— We seleat from ny he av ately hle Prizes and ki its: lish them: 5 T Wilkins. iss Annie roc, Ch John B Mooes, Lo E-A Day, no names with 3 A Dra ithout perm a fair dealing rin wv: -N. 4 @ “A friend of ours deew a $500 1 Nan prompt ¥ received. —D: . : » all of the most improve | Copies, Bores, and Stationary, Free.” For be Pe tons aud fi aw- | Cireulur, explaining, address, immediately, ness to receive a share of public patronage | Middletown, Conn. 9 \ Qe A MONTH SALARY PAID TINWARE! = [8k ; 5 . Van Allen & Co., Broadway, New York. {Clip out.and return advertisement.) ‘ol, 4t od to furnish upon short notice, and as low. | {0,4 fightand honorable business, piy= as elsewhere, every article im the line o ling $30 a No gift copii No €0., Pittsburgh, Pa. ogt15, 5% HENRY WARD ya) : ® and Spouting. | All kinds of re PLYMOUTH PULPIT. | Are being read by people of every classand: Us, ro Yita],_benntife religicus thought and feeling. Plymouth DIFFERS: Pulpit is published weekly, ‘and : CHM? For sale by all nowsdealers. wi 0 TRE HALL MF'G sony early subscriptions received by the: pub. of over 100 pages each. Haif yearly, $1.75 A new and superb Steel Portrait ‘of Me BELLEFONTE PENNA. The undersigned, having assumed control | pix pIT ($3)and the ON (2.50), an Unsectari accommodate guests in the best of style, and will take care that his tables are sup- The traviing pub vide Io give the Cummings Hous | ings furnished for all work done by us. { PARMALEE & CO, Publishers, either for Agents. tnale and female; The Company announce to the eitizensol | wapey PREE-GIVEN GRATIS to ‘humbug © No money wauled in adeance. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE. BEECHER'S pairing done. They hav always on hand : denomination all over this country an : 0S 3 SAR DISHES, &0. Mr. Beeshor's Sermons and Prayers, im QuaMvaE HOUS] Boceher presented tonll yearly subscribers. Faron ary en PB of this fine hotel, would respectfully ask the an, Independent,. Weekly Journalef Chri plied with the best in the market. Good ulafd TB. 30... Publishers, k a call To FORD & CO. Publishers; i} Fath
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers