Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, October 29, 1869, Image 1

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    sarah og
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6) §
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Adencons ol wh wid § I'T 51 ¥ 1
“wollot sd 1! baalal hf al seu tan fH wtte has sie
qd (ghee old Yo nivisign g
——————— — ER A =A mT 0 ce sherri
Centre Ha, Clenlire opi Octoher 209th; 1569.
: : al Wid no ro } a“ tlavank ap
. > nn 4 A "10 genie
deine be Erste Palin’ ix
pestition, I'titdd fav to decapplish | ti
holy mopeiihan did, 1 by no, one, of, the.
Eb pany wou kd, on, 8 ug ACEH hate
igh 1 sid
iii ue AH aA0qTV: 1
smn § oats
Vol: 2Nu /
) ols it |
nts Brenan
¢ | O I i %
Ri sul
wayoogd wel
- - esrnesm—— #1081
df Sir Joh FARTS : = rp e iE ot 5 ap
n the spring, of 1865 I's
= phn wble reson for the ie frequency: aelin
{rom Repulse Bay. , on & dogale ral way Segidgnt. whinge the hel
journogto King William's Land4 My senwandly aries’ fms :
COMPANY Wis entirel y'of ‘tives; and! # After all, ap
on our Hetting about! two hufilréd uf 9ur mie
: 24 sy hth ici (i
TEN 18 published Ww eokly, at F100 por yews
advance ; ad $2,00 when not paid in.
wh waee: Rbporter, Aaontl 16 cents,
Adyertisenienits arefhisortdd 8 51,00 per
squate 110 lifes) for ee
ments fora year, Half yvelr, o¥Rvoe wénthy
ata less rate” beaived
All Job-w re C asi nd ght ands ge |
ps &
ccm me ce. Ao AI Se ¥
Thefdllowing local laws, ‘were passed at
‘the late session of the Legislature:
An eh extending the provisions of an
avRe re Act to promote the im-
al estate, by exempting
Inortgages % other money Sec urities |
Qn, except for stale pirposas,
his commonw eaith™
King Wallin Bland » erg nh
did wawduried: Then about Hy
SE. He elk WHAM led favther) tin
next Ji AY Tm net
Moa Ban Ryde lie! od ¢ Tethry casei! on rd twins avithome dor}
| mxt fon ptaip fr: agli this pakLy Mgt shat" Ml it Vand nid |W Ci fhmet’
it ii)
D! Murray, Centra Hall, Pa,
BB of all Riffds of Buggies,
would respectfully /inforan.the citizens: of
Jehtne canntv, that hg bjs on hand
with afd without top, and whigh will be
sold at reduced prices for cash, WE 8 Peas
ipnable eredit given,
or Wagons &e.
the bi
1 Fit 5
frog, P
¥ RE day of April ‘ofre
: eh ob eight bund wd and sixty-eight,
©, counties, of Pika, Centre, and
ng Be it enacted by ‘the Senate
‘and Hohse of Representatives of the Com-
uont e th of Pennsylvania in Genaral As-
sem bly and it is hereby enacted of
Se Rn gr 8
She ¥ t he
‘mote ? ¢ pe of real A by
‘exemptitg mortgages and other money sc-
'curities from taxatioff, except for state pur-
iposes, ih certain couhties of this common-
‘wealth Jwanprevedthe fourth day Arn
one thousand eight hundred and sixty
‘eight, be ithe same are hereby exten-
‘ded to the counties of Pike, Centre &nd
Wayne :
‘Speaker of the Hbase of Renresentatives.
Spealer of the Senate.
—The thirteenth day of April |
i one thousand eight hundred
Jno W Grarn
8 111 fixing the num-
«1H J
Anno DOR]
AN Act] to ¢
ere surt of common pleas of |
Conch cobnty fte Inst session AR one
_ thousand eight‘hundred and sixty eight,
did not fix ip Mamber of jurors to be pla
ced in the Ww Jie | for one thousand eight |
hundred and sixty nine:
And whereas, e presids int judge and |
dary commissioners of said county notamd
theschool directors cf
fixed the number, and selected the names
wid placed them in the wheel iy the month
nd sixty Rive, and it is desired to validate
said action; therefore,
1.' Ba it enacted by the. Sen ate
nd Housel Représeatativys of he Loin
sembly met, and it 1s hereby edacted by
the authority of the same, That the procee-
‘mi: id Centre County; in Bxing the
hiumber of Pérsdns to be placed i in the jury
Sixty Bing AV sglpcuny « 1d names and i
placing them Vor Theor and «Fdes
PASE nt, Are hereby validuind aud taade
FT inh ike effact as if the same had
Joux CL ARE,
Npéderofthal House.of Representatives.
ke # pfitha Senate
Appr Sand Th h doy of April, An-
wi nine,
AN Aet, fort fred petition of the mutila-
syrds, posters, progrimines, announce.
nlents, et ¢itera; add for the protect ion of
hts, madafectarers ahd bthers in
vk ie SR of Philadelphia and county of
oka $i BE it érficte@ by the Sendte
ulof wealth uf Pens ylvani a in Ge ners! As-
sentbly met, and it is hereby enacted by
bag he assage of this act any person
rann gui ty, of mutilating, destrdying, tee
fara he, poster or other adver:
ied or. al er structure in or loasted on
a y public ¥ ighway in thé ity of Philadel-
Sofi eb ue shall be deemed
So ¥ be finédl not less than twenly ©
five nor midge hare one himndred dollars for
ad’ bie pully shall impri-
gon d the Eourity jail for a Lh of
Bot” na
"Provided, "The penalties of this
ly to those tearing down or
Fograninies, et cétera, after this perform.
poe therein advert i or to the owneror
Phjchse sid "show bills, play
rAMES, et ceterit, niny be’ pos-
‘dwrier or tenant be the bill pos.
fu or employed to put up said
: 5 We ‘penaity shall be
first and a offences.’ |All
Jee the tats treasury.
rs Hallie:
edker of the Sonat
no Domini one tHousund eight hun
and sixty nine.
Centre cdunty, to levy
gE it oy Hy the Sofie
grist of'the Com-
eby éneted by
a, That it shall be
hos8 eoupity \ at their next An<
Cacho]. Te T said townskrip,
p for or amet gehool and
Off the
Ba the fakes are collec.
od ‘additional
a rR Ato) tatiyes.
of January, ene thousand eight Bondred
vs wealth of Penasy bvanin iad en eral X's-
‘dings of the resident judge and jury com-
wheel for ene thousand eight hupdre wy and
fe cn Seperd therato, orindrawing jurors
dona in striet complianct with exis-
tiny oe
aint oid thousand eight hundred and
tion, aod ih fe af" show bills, pla- |
the SR magaty of pisces of wutusement,
ey House ‘of Refrisentatives of the Come.
the authority of the same, That from and
OWa OF removing ny show bill, pias
gat poste up of kay wall, force bill
En and
emeatior] and pon con-
Gates th dpon § Soavietion for a
: ce tht
an three nor more than six
i ¢shat] not = pp
removi show: bills, play bills, posters,
et ik Srila . fantge or othedstrirc-
t his gr thei» wishes, save and
H nD pv bills po posters, programmes
de and by virtue, of this
paid itfte
a! eB rovatutives.
oh Foved—THE Se day af atid | .
: ihn in General ‘As-
ool di irectors of Walker
hadaid nto that which
: oy pi a town BaD, and
) fs 0 e th Yous dollars:
ker o
ne thousan
anions of the Com
Hat th
ir eAanty. 1 to: Re fbw
ERE Shfeenth ds i
i hive.
aby the Sate
Ivanid in General As<{
ig hereby, ied by
: oF 1 wa
this is.
£1 Nor not ex-:
R fa
interest @nd upon the sem condi-
ons provided for in said act; and the said
town’ couheil and’their successors in office
gEeby further en owered to levy and:
_in Side on to thai]
Te rea aker of'the;Senate.
proved— e ninth day. of April, An-
mini one thowvsand eight hundred:
Fd sixty mint.
Twe Horse Wagons, Sprit
faction in every respeat.
All kinds of bepairing do
tice. Call and see hig stock
for purchasing elsewhere.
Science on the
whe 1s parmanentl)
burg iin the offiee fa
Drs Neff, and, ¥ Ww ho has
entire succoss- aving
number of Ferrs in th
cordially invite all W Jo hay
given: dim a eal to do so,
truthfulness of this astertien,
E tracted with tt PAL x
the e
is machi df gp ge
1 to gives atise
ne in short Nno-
ap 18 08 .Lf
dd In Ausrans
perience Of &
he wonld
eas yet hot
and test the
2% Teerh
may 68, 1y
on - —
And Allow Interest,
Discount N¢
Buy Ard Sell
apt 68. vad dais a
Bellefonte, Pa. Off
ApT B88,
Attorney -at-law, Belle
te Bil, JL.
. Surgeon, Ue
Orfare his profession: ul se
the a0kive prac Lice
of Medi
mg Fi
HX. M osrtisteR.
plu 6s.
rney a Law
ce with Qrvis
myld $m.
wr T—
' 3
entre sted
july? OR,
t and
ices to the ©
of : a] ye Tv
cine. and, SUF
“p10 6813,
pbdigiously EAfoutedia At re rkitiliubl & olan §i
RES. " ;
wri} nin
CenTRE Harr Pa + Qétobe er Roth, Ty
rm ————
To the Aretic Region—The Fatd!
of Sir John Franklin and “Hs
The folowing letter, addressed by
Capt. C. F. Hall, the Arcti¢ Explorer,
to Mr. Henry Grinnel, gives a graphie
| William's Land, and of the finding of
fresh efidence of the fate of Sir, John
Frankliu and his men:
Revurse Bay, June 20, 1869:
Henry Grinnell ;
DEAR Str:—This day I "have re:
turped frém a sledge journey of ninety
: | days to from King a
| Land. It was my fotos,
yreparatioh was made, to
Bat iy “attention
aving or be en ea led itp | ev) ry
i sula, in the vicinity OFF are aif
| straits, vwlere nadive
nu ake
ourney last seaspu;
réprt ad 1g that
my expel tion there by
toke, Oog-lik Isle, and Ig
im of Apis
) Lik,
& odd FORNEY S-AT-
Bellefonte, Contre e..
Chas. H. Hal
Attathey at Luw, Be Lkefo nite,
M Woodward,
Nuagres s¥rive and depart «
price Hotel has been refitte
ed its new propr jetor, a1
evervrespectone of t the
try Hotels in central Penns
frat ling community and di
wavs find th st accommo
at &11%imes be aceon
stables and pasture for any
tle or horses.
ald ng, tr
i a he
ord HOTEL. 312 & 3
a few dors whe
B*¢ KS
Its central locality makes i
Pa. do
» county. Pa
laily, Thi
a and fur
is now i
Shin er
rovers w ill nl
ate dq wi ith
af eat-
i4 R: nee
we ad,
lat i.
1m 13
Street by
it desirable for
ure. A BEC kK,
_apllt 68,1f.
Bellefonte, P
man's Hotel. Consultations
in German or
fah19. 60, tf
a ————
CALES, at wi
© ordw 08.
“BOOTS, by the v the thous sand,
zes andprices, for men and
rived at Wolf's well known
all s sty les, & si-
od Qtand.
of all deseri
apl068. IRWIN &
Mi heim Sa
forms the cities of Pent
that he has started ane
at J willy at the old st
Stover, and is
ptions, french
(ddler ”
and Whips of ev ery k
fact everything complete,
alas establishment, and
sonable prices. He warran
to quality and
and others are inv
ap] ¥i |
ited to ca
i deterniine
On High street, at
ant BllTetonte, Pa.
lishment i is now open, an
pe hud 4 eal eel
Yrariges, tH
a yrise thé b
This e
ph of fare.
equal to a first
wark as
Il and examine |
ts his
se customers.
xcellent estab-
sy Piey: (Cakes,
nS o
"Billie ard Tl able.
© hall sizes and kirds
ment at,
ne pio hm
TRYROD, ‘the Best ever
t WiLsox's.
a Ta¥ge abort’
mide just re
stand hi pit
¥ *s
& i 3
{ last cot npanions. The. result
of this
| journ>y was tha Suifing + ofa tontin
place of a few v
| pillar they h: ile eréited ¢Thee'|
| the bottom Build
some fifty miles south of
Of { Parsy which
outlet of Fury: aml Held straits,
ral places
ell races "4
| vicinity ior about they
[ also gained maen 1nfor: ARON
that confirm:
thé {id
the visiting of sev whee
white men amd tl
| seen by the natives of r-loo-hik
froin |
| the natives of Ig-loo-lik,
| lik Isle, and thereabguts,
| ed the report I had heard in the win
| ter of 1867-8, which I have
| sts ated. And still further proofs of this |
| report have been also obtained on my
| late visit to "King § Willign’ WL
| My sledge journey to thé str: hl be i
ty andl Hee le, gud thdnge fof d to Par-
| ry Bay and back to Repulse Bay by
| the route already defined, consumed |
| ninefy six days. : { aid
The result of mv sledge jowrngy th
| King Williams Land may be summed
None of Sie John Franklin's
| companions ever ‘redehed or died on
Montrea! Peland. It was late 1a July,
1848, that Crozier snd his party,” of
about forty or forty five, passed down
the west coast of King = Wj {Ilias
Land in the vicinity of Cape 'Hersehel:
The party was dragging two sledges on
the sea ice, which was nearly in its last
stage of disghlution—o ealdrge sledge
ladened with awpidg™ covered boat,
and the other, aj s smal} Joey Hadeyed
with provisions’ and canip Ch athridh
Just before Crozier and party arfived
at Cape Herschell, they weramnet by
four families of patiyes, and both ‘pir-
ties Went into camp‘ fiear exch other.
Lup thus:
native party, gave me much’ sad, but |’
deeply interasting igfgrmhtfon, Somes
of it stirred my heart with sadness, in-
tefmingled with rage, for it was a con-
fedsion that they, atl their comparn-
ions, did secretly, afd Histily abandon |
Crozier and his party to suffer and die
for ‘riéé vol faésh = prowisians; shes) in
truth, it was in the yer of the, nas
tives to save evry in alive | fhe
‘DEXL trace, 4f pricy, § and his party is
fo be ‘found 1 inthe skole ton which Me.
Clintock ‘discovered a Jiftle below, to
| the southward and eastward of Caps
Herschell ;
the natives. " "Tha next trace is & camt
Williams, Laud, about three miles
eastward of Plier 8 fiver where, two .
men died and réegiNed=Christian byt,
al. | "At gis Phas fis} bes
| them that Crozier, dnd his ro toad
caught while there, a ei Ba ex-
cellent. fof fod,” with! which the. ‘fod
there abounds.
party ocours some. five
enstward, on a long,
ix, fife |
poiht, of
bo Richa #4] ; on soit
thirriver thirty-five of Orozidr's panty:
werd ‘hg Vy the witive Poasyetta,
! 'seriplion, an the AL CORN; aol Til “Sofia
in thes Viator Yi 180931. rlauad Ey vi
© Inthe kira g, of 1840 w fag
Was foudf Ly SO BAT Ré
1 sable igor nd Ww which Wid, Cohgpt te.
1 coven wath the remains bi of Nie
head of TH ox Bi
SHOW WAS, DEAR Yat prov Foqui;
ell now Uhrougliont «the rover
eLiolsy {hind” i an vith HAR
thesd: howis dad. b
hy MeUliutonk ; (eh, oud nl was Use od
dis att and mst ip oien, Eg nl (eS
Tv ane FEN al Abe Hii We Sf
skglegons, 41d e
Lrelies, sho then, SLUT if
AH 0, sind] The. native Shores: |
{ucts his Affive ol Ev 1 “Gen veh
i Ine
pindividenh Sh, prea fa
Xl Ormation sibowtt whith staal:
Padi | Pav) S11 lie |
pty N NEE dr
& #5 i
Nee! Hg R ARLY EY iy ny ler amd
1 | very teh ati dedi > Mra dad), Bi
fn SIRIFENI. 3 Ww wd laa Nobis oJ ohn!
wl ' a Jd’ oe
met hep Nithiy Oi is
# i a
a e
fod ine {the Med i Ht A
ging g 6
about Kiyg {1 5 oh
Porwsor-were wdiwhn éd vos fu them |
| consumate wl { he Great North: re Pus |
| Sag o BEV gol RTE adh Hs
R fevid mee of the eRaft number
| aunstantial, Laveryl thing al bout, this
| | Notthwesty Pagsgag,.s ship po shy
Péanklinds ax pedigow was insqumplise
| otter he Ugh Weber hahigiiih igs
up, at BP ip Fah Tes wil oon
the guarter eck ; the vessel wits 40 15" Ite
wititen housings) ob gail or seat, Jot 3
This ¢desol was found thy the QoRjor |
1K" AHEVES 'n ofr 0! Rainy Jelaw lf lat. |
63, degnées 0 Hg ik aie ae |
oy W. wearin, t
18 CIT
ail ubrokéty Mowe! ios pf nlp rank
Wis TUR ARH) Fotn orn ov.
idence I have gaingd Both df fifa. fk
pod! KingoWi lismgdaanii there RMF
have biel widogref the) que vheeud spe-,
| cigs; beloyging te. ove, or the. phar
thet wa shipse: Lionly: No this. thie |
ph tive eth dibhiy 5 db dew ouite vlikely
that soi fei Riv: and ih pol whe-
thersth ape ol fa ou ir ‘Hither
| the 811i ie Whe BIRalo akin igh
in 1845. qd pdw rigida tuol al biel
Atplech the lilstor ’ WES Fok
Pi f's’ uf “ex peitiol
spend. BEUBeY 8 Rif Suh
Laud with i soasigderabl ¢ party, Whose
only bustiyees shoud be to make search-
¢3 for rec Bs which befond’ doubt lie
bitged | 9B, that Tad. | ya "anil erga
fromashited oh WNEs 88, “myself at
Jobe? o rao thin grado tees bd SW ionad
by dna ¥ih od ea reh ose ‘there wihon tthe
{THEO THE Wintéh W for
the Esquimayghave mad o den oR Ber
all’ the coast aFEATERYi Hiam’s Land,
om kithesosid@riiomg ils cpouthggm ex
ates uF dosthep es: & clikatlie govthern
ie fék anythingeind adv erioisin
le RE ire :
os i Ji
fr Wed
of eleven gu ki
Cag UUT afb |
though they-wrewasenntameable as eg-
p Ewas (hdl gakkioh poi bs EB:
| inaccessible, mm vhonavber ip boogiin
fl mueh lapioztant information Liga
5 Tigh
TY. Hover that af: 1, "Whilh, fr
hp fi Wt “of, de fy
had ircpsoh to suppose would be, ve
warded bythe discpupry of the whole
wok the td theipe thei that had ac:
weamufalod in t that gleat, xpéaition,
und Jeon déppsibed an, 4, vaudt a little
Way inlind or east ward of Lane Vie
fh Radltfadte tht fate "of “the
epLubRyY A wl hich, Ring a
“iad isolated, , I cabogl wonder at
bilugeshie Repaje Bay dmb vies, fory
hk refusal i Yhol ve uel degie-
yt Hi!
Wicd ol gehen t off: vil conntr y Alive
traitors ibeuiiisances, that we
the Hsquimaux, of hate ountry than
"thes LOB sould ivhe were wudan the com-
Rr some time
najng mK ng 3 am’s s Land?
od my; Pry. Ts FaLhoab
7, have Femaine sd to make’ a Sum:
nse Litt ob, King’ William's’ Band;
notaply, probadle, that we should
sa fet
“COMPERION Ay, they,
"al fe Mbad of Troy Bly, und
itu huee “ote plagds ¥ Hive als]
rey mantioned.. 11 le Cove, | West
the mmorial, Jie F008 that dial’ there.
1 Wherever he Esgiinan have. found,
| rytages of “iff 10 its §1
[sidingh Ah a, of five, men
1, nyt bukidel| butafes the savages; had
nl Tad's
| findsh the disgusting , work,
| a. companions - had
| add; way td the tar, Spangled’ Bunnér
th Ie dreat and true
Kee aa Pisgah I could have
| great Varietyrrof, relies, ¢ of Sit, Jobs
Frnnkliw's bapddiuon, fom they 8renow
Alotie Fehipaw that: ht i wedine henrd
ofHrom’ Ponts Biv | Milokenrine
River, Ty a As it was Ih fh : to ha dtisfied
with, aking upon our sledges about
one: husdred fwenty-fiva - pounds toial
Wei iH of relies: ‘from matives’ about
King W ini: M's Thud. ViSowie of those
Jd, will enumerate ? a by’ Eau ‘of
whizesher) of a boat, olinken built.and
Oper fustdnad. This part of ni-boat
tour. by “RN Chinteeks” patty. 2,"A
\amdd] dakisledge Tunie, Feduseds rom
tHe bredge ona hichythd | bodi rested.
Pare” of thie must of ithe Northwest
Puig Shi ip. 4, OWtoudtneter box,
Lita, Baba ATS of mhtke und the
Queen's broad arrow ‘engryed upon
biti ow, FPwon long hatvy,s sheets of cop- |
Flr ahi dows inch ew vide, with |
Eh holes for seFew ! fails, |
| Qaghgse sheets, as well as on “Hat |
Norulrwdsy Passage Shipjare 1 umereus |
& the Q ues broad '‘arvow, 8; Ma- |
ished andbovnd, in 0 bay vf in
[pinch sisi pliate— fon ks and SPOONS
Pu iia. iE "Pari! ‘of i watoliosi 9.
Kaves at | dyer Hal other things,
rotficrsi ihtevesteghiviae hE] futeniotthe |
IPFaTin We tilde sid ‘imtérest in in. |,
{4 BH ol Ble, ei rhe
pa ion
eveything €ise. that game fram the
[hogad. wiidd Boeke} elnbonitely
Libenring evedts/ and initinls »of' | the |
oli of hh. ai Mi, Gingell, and
gach pein iti’ States
ion Noohido thi tnpitia» ands I
it is but a drop in tHE WHERE Fividg
[4 oma fl del off the!’ vast amount of |
y el information |
he front Re
dip Ply Buy. {
i on
lhe, 5
Bik River,
2 88
2 “h
miles, on.our WAY, we, net a party of] a
Pelly, Bay: natives, who were fleeing,
Vrom their evuntry’ on nedount of!
swar” raging there. The effect bn ny’
€ompan) y WAS that oh He’ coma
tion, could, they, be induced 10: proveed,
me and thervefgre, teirible as was
the blow to my plans. Thad to turn
back, trasting that Teon)d ‘sueeend in
fget ling a small hand of fithful Ii
white men out of same. ships, if, they
should happily « make: into!» Repulse
Bay. , Not, ungil the fill of 1857, was | «
[ enabled to get the desired number , of §
white, men, to ACCOMPANY MIR, besides
uy Esquimanx interpreters Joe and |
Haunah—as an, escort of defence,
while making the Jong delayed journ
ev to King William's Land, and, 1
then, it sus onlyrat the very last
mente-that i is, while the whaling 4es-
| sels were weighing anshors and, start.
yd the States—thag I wassuceess.
ful, The resalg of ay i Ring seamen
| that neither I nor, their Captain knew
| mue about, proved as many; woul
| pect. One, of the; men, Frank La.le
ever prov td during-the year I De
el the party’of 96s mend rid] Grdory
causes of te fr
b aa 4
igf*AmeicgD juries, hv A
Braye word from a coron
Gehauring Soroporations nd el
a indi 2 n
wg wer.
Hr jury: bre, ps ! sa’
crimigal, pourt, nds fet the hd
the evidence be n ver 30 direct, 13 rect, § 5
will find them, lacking the moral cout:
age 10 do what afew wees etorg
thev, declarad jpecessary to Ye’ done.
The case, of the engineer, Griffin,
who was indicted for eansing the jv In
Hope ps on he Ere Railroad,
iz strikingly in poin n di ence
ofa Teint the 1 , he dW his
engiog without ord Eh and ind a
the collig igion which resulted. in be a
death of six perso, and the, injury of
many more. The eyidence was undis-
| puted; the judge's chprge wis strong
aguinst the prisoner ; yet the jury pape
inty sours, with a yirdict of ‘Not Guil-
ty, and Griffio was s discharged.
| Ia the, above case Ju ‘Bagrett, '
I placed him, with a hility and hopor. | GAYE | SPIE. wholsome ads ponitioys te
Two men of the five would, I au quite the jury, which returned the verdict
confident,” have: proved’ better’ men | of vot. & guilty, 10 us plein a case of
uthay fey dirk. had they nat been ill, Murder: as, it Was. possible to prov
‘advised, .- Nome of the men, sexcept ‘which we would Tike to see “copied i in
noble Frank Imiler, ever accompa- Pennsy) vagy bs i
{nied me on any ofmy great sledge - He'tgld ¢ je fat. i eri on
‘Torele full of 1868; diirink fagainst law, rgainst Justice, and
a mutinons attack’ nifdé upon me, outrage against humahicy.” *¥ou as
when my fuithful men was. ul, lated the obligations of your ath,” be
about seven niles distavt on business,’ told them; * Sink ei simple: obligation
[was compelled, i in kelfidel ence; taenl)} to reuder a veri lict According to the
Chem, { evidenep. 1 an th nshed” that you y
fell, and died i in fifteen t should in this vay “set, aside ‘the law i
At once the rehellion eyed, and, violate your oaths ; and T trust
ade one of the band . came, and ikea that , fhe spiTits of the ‘dead’ dying,"
min; mek nowledged freely and truly! bleeding and burnt victims’ of Mast
wh i
that he und his cpp! anions were A. Hope will rebuke you ss long 1 as you
tH; cother the gl dil ty ones, and ‘hoped I
live. Atfer admonishipg then i in this,
hf forgive him, which 1 didion the wholesome way “for some time, udgs
instant. I feel that had I’ not! taken |! Hyrrety told thew thatin the futyre he
this list “dread alternefive,” fy fatéd hoped they would feel a proper regard,
would have been dite as serryful as for their paths, ‘sod discharged them
that of: Fludson. C.F. Haw fn from any further duty, an t the ¢ mpli-
XEWSPAPER DELS men: tary ground that they were, “pot fit
1 Any person who tle a' paper
1 ta sitas jurymen,” “1 wi rot bry.
cases.) he, kindly observed, “before
regularly form the POSE- offfee—wheth-
er directed to, his name oF another, or
{such a yy.” we Lib df A
With a few mare re udges Ti fike Todgh
whether be has suliseribed OF not —is
responsible. for the: pay.
Barrett, und a few fess Juries like ity
“2.0 If wperson orders iis paper ais
we should a e hopes of a _fey
less o ocidents” c ‘that caused by
continuéd, He must pay all aFrenragis,
or the publisher may continue to scnd
the men they a i ath
Cir pide
Across the Coutinent. ih
if undl payment is made, and cqliget It'is the iceifion of the Usion and
the hot eamhonht whethér it is tiken Central’ Patfific’ railroads to pluces
from the office oF not:
3. The cou Hs have decided fh e-
| theo train of Pullman palace and
dinihi | cars “on! their road 9 yun
fasing 16 take newspapers and pévisdi-
{als from the post-office, or rhmpying
thfoingh from’ Sycramente, Cal,’ to
and leaying them uncalled for, is “pri-
Philadelphin and New” York.” Wa
learfi that the arrahgement will goin
mui facie! evidence of: ication
A: fn
to effect hext week, and and 4 train of
al this kin will Teitve oul end” of the
berets bon 1 rontd otice A edly The route willbe
pn ville, Sn 16i~An. acei- tirbihy Harrisburg abe’ foanections
dmb obeurred atthe Ohio River Peidge, fio: Hew York." " Philagelphin and
iehich dwell § the Htmber oftives vaca Baltin;pre centering hergy proceeding,
feed in 35 consgrletion, Xt'half pst | west ov onthe. Peynsylvau; ja railroad to
four o'vlog i this afternoon, the tempo- Pittsburg, thence by Fort Wayne te
rary trespie. work being evected be | Chicago and Omaha Through tickets.
wen! pier 16nd 47, for th purpesa | will be issued, it ineludi ing boarding a and:
of syin zing’ W span, give way by''a jar state FODIS 80 ‘that pussenger
tof the logghative, used i m rats ng the not leave: thy cars on the; Toute,
| timbers; and six men were ppecipita- tire devine the continent will bo pr
ted as distance of « ninety-five feet days. | : he
Jokin' Ru Pa he, {4° earpehter | was’ ins
“tantly knead. ‘John 'Kitby, fi ealrpen; |
ter was Qui, in to, and Hontad over the 5
veefs, His body: has. aot been LeCOVer; |
edi; Owen Gallagher sand Win. Irwin
"liBorens) | weve Mart: tly Fly unde]
Robert Gehistey) y “Tabby er, afd Mrtt
MN Clure, ers. mortally “wounded,
Payne) leaves a wit and child] He |
was formerly “of Ciichmatil ‘Ahout
tivo o’clok to day John Balkiys, while
walking betw een Digs, 18 ant 13.Y his)
‘sid bis. footing. and fell a; dice of 1
eats feet, nad vas instintly | 8
killed hotididye 1 dbidw bu, |
| | Sarat |
A negt ro. a David Cronshaw,
was tried at Tyhich butis) Vii, ligvwek,
for’ the crime of i pér and 36d guilty, |
[The penclty, is death, nd, ld eg
> id af disten yeies, while guthering
doued, he; awill rexpiate: lis hemos, of; : chestnuts near that place ast week,
fe se the gallows; 1 © ha19b
nseon the ga kin i fell from a tres some, t ir rty of forty,
feet to the 2 und, breaking his leg’
"and neck.
1g: iii
‘er iit
Another Toro 0 Outrage
A fiendish abit, ws, fia
terday in. Washisgtou by, a negro, to
catragd a little white girl ton yeamof
age. HE wax arrested; and itis. ro-
moved thiat au effors will be made. ta
akg him out of init and, lynch him.
These ‘cases are sa frequent thy sum-.
‘mary: punishureygshald hpueied out
to ‘their folic authors, bai
rE ;
| The, following anlnnderous | )
gned wprebuked ; LE Av i ingen. ys
tg. ney, telegraph. Ho proposcato
place a line. of women fig ops apart,
and commit the Hews to. the fo of
them, HR fot ie : Et
. 4
R of
| Sf Saat | biTs
0 oe Billings: delivered a Joctut re
) Midway aty ge veral ods ah