Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, October 08, 1869, Image 4

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    Pree Maton Con dol
I also give official notice fo the
elaopers of Centre gounty that, by fan
att ‘entitled “An Act further ‘supple
mental to the act-relative to the elec
tions of this Commonweunlth,” ap)
April 17th, A.D, 1809, it is provided
as follows:
SECTION 1. Be of enacted by the Sen-
ale and House of Represe natives of tne
Commonwealth’ of = Pennsiilvanta in
‘Generale dasembly, met and-st-3s der ely
‘enalleb-bythe athority rote tom
That it.shall be,the duty of each ofthe
| ‘Jommonivealth,
. a . ‘w 2 I .
‘nssesspfs Within this
on the first Monday in June of each
year, to take up the transcript he has
received from county commissioners
under the eighth section of the act of
fifteenth’ Api eightecn ‘hh adradund
ur, and 1 an immedi-
thirty-four, and proceed to
ate revision of the same, by striking
therefrom the name of every person
who is known by him to have. died or
removed since the last previous assess.
ment from the districtof which the is
the assessor, or whose death or remo-
val from the same shall bemade
known to him, and add te the dame |
the name of any qualified ‘voter who
shall be;known by him to have moved
into the district since ‘the last previ-
ous assessment, or whose remaval inth
the same shall have heen made known
to him, and also the names of all who
ghall make claim to him to be qualifi-
ed voters therein. Assgoon as the re
vision is completed he shall visit evry-
&welling house in his district and make |
apron ol
careful inquiry if any. person whose
name is on his list has died orve-
moved from the districtand so to take
the same therefrom, or wheather uj
qualified voter resides therein whuse
name is pot on his‘ list ard if sa, off
add ‘the'same‘thereto ; and'iv all ca- |
ses where a name is added to the list a
1ax shalliferthivith be assessed against
the person; and the assessor shall in |
all cases ascertain, ‘by inquiry, upon
what ground the person so assessed
claims dorbe arvoters riipbughe: ¢om-
pletioh of the work, it shall be the du-
ty of each assessor as aforesaid to pro-
ceed to make out a list, in alphabeti-
twenty-one yoars of age, claiming to
be qualified voters in the ward, bor-
ough, township or district of which he
is the ‘nssessor, and opposite each of
is or 1s.nout a housekeeper; and if he is,
the number of his residenceg in towns
whire the sanfe are numbered, with the
stieet, alley or court in which situa-
ted 3 and if in atown where there are
no numbers, the name of the street,
alley, or, court on whieh said house
fromts ; also, the occupation of the per
son, and where he is not a housekeeper,
the decupation, place of boarding and |
with - whom, and if working for an-
other, the name of the employer, and
write opposite each of said names the |
word “voter ;” where any. . person
clwits to vote by reasons of naturali-
gation, lie shall exhibit his certificate
thereof to the assessor, unless he has
been for five consecutive vears next
preceding a voter in said district’; and
in all cases where the person has been
naturalized, the name shall be marked
with’ the letter “N ;” where ‘the person
has merely declared his intentions to
become «a citizen and designs to be
naturglized before the next election,
thé name shall be marked “D. I.;"”
where the claim is to vote by reason
of being ‘between ‘the ages of twenty-
oné or twenty-two, as proveded by law,
the word “age” shall be entered ; and
if ape has moved "int3 the elec:
tion ‘district to réside since the, last
general election, the letter, “R” shall
be- placed opposite thename. It shall
be ‘the further duty of each assessor as
aforesaid, upon the completion of the
duties-herein imposed, to make out a
seperate list of all new ‘assessments
made by him, and the amount assessed
upen each, and furnished the same
immediately to the county commissio-
ners who shall immediataly add the
names to the tax duplicate of the ward,
borough; towuship or district in ‘which
thdy have been assessed.
Section 2. On the list being com.
pleted and the assessments made as
aforesaid; thé same shall forthwith be
retiirnéd to the county coniinissioners,
who shal cause duplicate copies of
said lists, ‘with the observations and
explihations required to be noted as
aforesaid, to he maed out as soon as
practicable and placed in the hands of
the assessor, who shall prior to the
first of August in each year, put one
copy thereof on the door uf or on the
house were the election of the respec.
tive district is required to be held, and
retain tha othe r in his possession, for
the MuspioCHin flee of charge, of any,
person resident'iithe sdid election dis-
trict who shall desire to see the
same; and it shall be the duty of the
said assessor to add from time to
time, on the personal application of
any cne claiming the right to vete, the
name of such applicant, and mark op-
posite each name “C V.” and immedi-
ately assess him with a tax, noting, * as
in all others cases, his occupation, rosi-
dence, whether a boarder or house-
keeper; if a boarder, with whom he
boards ; and wheather naturalized or
designed to be, making in all such ca-
ses the letters opposite the name, “N.”
or “D. L,” as the case may be; if the
person claiming to be assessed be natu-
ralized, he shall exhibit to the assessor
his certificate of naturalization ; and if
he claims that he designs to be matu-
ralized before the next ensuing elec-
tion, he shall exhibit the certificate of
ona —- Rs aon
gioners, in making Qupli age copies of
all such returns shall’ make ddphidute
copies of the names of the voters in
each precinct, seperately, and shall
ion the same to the assessor;
and the copies required’by this act to
tion places on or before the first of
August in each year, shall be placed
on the door of or on the election place
intaach of'said précidets, £%
Section. 3. After the assessments
have been completed on the tenth day
yreceding the second Tuesday in Octo
io of eC shall, on
the Monday “ithmedintely Mowing
make a return _to the connty commis-
sioners of the names of all persons as-
sessed by him since the return required
to be made by him by the second see-
tion of this act, voting opposite each
name the observations and explanations
required to be noted as aforesaid j and
the county commissioners shall there-
upon cause the same to be added to
the return required by the second sec-
tion of this a¢t, andu full and correct
copy thereof to be made, containing
the names. of all persons so returned as
resident taxable in said ward; bora’,
township or precinct, and furnish the
same together with the necessary elec-
tion blanks to the officers of the elec
tion in said ward, borough, township,
or precinct, on or before six o'clock in
the morning of the second Tuesday of
October; and no man shall be permit.
ted to vote at the election ou that day
whose nama ie not on said list, unless
§2 nd
a pe
of & high ry kjund on convic-
tion thereof, be fined and imprisoned;
or both at the discretion of the court,
but the fine shall not exceed one hun.
dréd dollars in each cise, nor the im-
Jifieonmetk more. than one year; the
ike punishment shall be inflicted; on
conviction, on, the officers of glection
who shall neglect or refuse to. make, or
cause to be made, the indorsement res
quired as aforesaid on said naturaliza-
tion cortificate, se ®l Lal oy
oy y= + 'R * 3
Section 6, If any elation gffigar. shall
refuso’ornoglect to require such pros of
the right of suffrage as 1s prescribed by this
Ini, or the laws to which this is i supple-
ment from amy person offering to vote
whose name is not on the list of assessed
votors, or whose right to vote is challenged
by any qualified veter, present, and shall
admit such person to vote without requis.
ring such proof] avery pars so offendin
shall, upou aeuyiction, be guilty of a hi bh
misdemeanor, and shall be sentenced, for
avory such offence, to pay a fine not excee-
ding one hundred dollars, orto undergo an
imprisonment not more than one year, or
either or both, "at the discretion of the
Section 7. Ten days preceeding every
election for electors of President and Vice
President of the United States, it shall ‘be
the duty of the assessor to attend at the
place fixed by the law for holding the elec-
tion in each election district, snd then and
there hear all applieations of persons whose
names have been omitted from the list of
aesossnd vagers, and who elainy the right to
vote or whose rights have originated since
the smne was made out, and shall add the
names of such persons thereto nszhall show
that they ave entitled to the right of syt-
frage in such district, on the personal ap-
plication ofthe claimant cnly, and forth-
with assess them with the proper tax. . Af;
ter completing the list, a copy thereof shall
be placed on the door of or on the house
where the election is to be held, at least
one who is qualified, he shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor in offiee, | on oon ion §
be punished by fine or imprisonment, and
arty a
fraudulently al de
destray why Tist'of yotegs m So os
ted by wiris wet, iar fear down Sarl ave
the same from. the place where it. has been
fixed, with fraudulent or mischavious in-
tont, gr for any lnproper punpose, 4 ory
son so offending Shh 0 Py ora h
misdemennor, und’on ‘eonviction shall Bo
punished by h fine hot ¢ teoeding ne ting’
dred dollars, or AmprisaRInong not exceeds
ing one hundred dollars, or imprisonment
not exceeding two years, or both at ghedis-
eretion of the court, ty
Section 18 Adl-eleetions for city, ward,
borough; township and election officers
shall hereaftor, be held on the secend |
Tuetduy vf October Subject ta ull provis-
icns of the laws regulating the election o
time shall take their places at the ‘expira.
tion of’ the ternsof thé persons holding the
same at the time of suc
asseesor shall be heldy unde this act, until
the yearone thousand eight hundred, and.
savenly. ‘ £51 ¢
Section JB, At all elections. hereafter
held under the laws ofthis commonwealth,
the polls shall be opened between the hones
of six and seven o'clock a. m., and closed
at seven o'clock p. mq J
Section 17. It shall ba ; the duty of the
Secretary of the Commonwealth to prepare
forms for all the blanks made necessary by
the county commissioners of the several
counties of tne Commonwealth; and the
commissioners of each county shall, as soon
as may Be necessary afver receipt of the
same, at the proper expense of the county
procure and furnish to sll el eotion 6 fice rh
of the eleatipn distEicls of) their respective
counties copies of such. blanks in such
blanks in such quantities as may be render-
ed necessary for the discharge of their nee.
essary for the dischirge of their duties uns’
as hereinafter required.
Section 4. One the day, of election
one qualiiied voter of the district as- a
witness to the residence ot the elaimant
in the district of which he claims to be
a voter for the period ofat least ten
days next preceeding said election,
which witness shall také and subscribe
a written, or partly written and partly
printed affidavit to the fact stated by
him, which affidavit shall define clear-
ly where the residence is of the person
so claiming to be a voter; and the per-
son so claiming the right to vote shall
also také and subscribe a written, or
partly written and partly printed affi-
davit, stating to the best of his knowl-
edge and belief, where and when he
was born ; that he is a citizen of the
commonwealth of Pennsylvania and of
‘the United States; that he has resided
in the commonwealth one year, or if
formerly a citizen. therein, and has
moved therefrom, that he has resided
therein six months next preceding said
election ; that he hus not moved into
the district for the purpose of voting
therein ; that he paidaState or county
tax within two years, which was assess.
ed at least ten days before said election;
and, if a naturalized citizen, shall alse
state when, where and by what court
he was naturalized, and shall also pro-
duce his certificate of naturalization
for examivation ; the said affidavit
shall also staté when and where ‘the
tax claimed to be paid by the affidavit
was assessed, and when, where, and to
whom paid, and the tax receipt there.’
for shall be produced forexamination,
unless the afiant shall state on his affi-
davit that it has been lost or destroyed,
or that he never received any, but if
the person so claiming the right to vote |
shall take and subseribe an affidavit,
that he is ® native born eitizen of the
United States (or if born elsewhere,
sball state the faet in his affidavit, and
shall produce evidence that he has
been naturalized, or that he is entitled
to citizenship by reason of his father’s
naturalization); and shall further state
ir his affidavit that he is, at the time
of taking the affidavit, ‘between the
ages of twenty one and twenty two
years; that he has resided in the State
oue year and in the election district
he shall be entitled to vote, although
he shall not have paid taxes; the said
affidavits of all persons making such
claims, and the affidavits of the witnes-
ges to their residence; shall be pre
served by the election board, and at
the close of the election they shall be
enclosed with the list of voters, tally
list, and other papers required by law
to be filed by the return judge with
the prothonetary, and shall remain on
file therewith in the prothonotary’s of-
fice, subject to ‘examination, as other
election papers are ; if the election offi-
cers shall find that the applicant ov
applicants possess all the legal qualifi-
cations of voters, he or they shall be
permitted to vote, and the name or
names shall be added to the list of tax-
ables by the election officers, the word
“tax” being added where the claimant
¢lalms to vote on tax; ane the word
“age when ho claims to vote on age;
the same words being added by the
clerks in each case respectively on the
lists of persons voting at such elec- 1
Seetion'5. It shall be lawful for any
qualified citizen of the district, notwith-
standing the name of the proposed vo-
ter is contained on the list of resident
taxables, to challenge the vote of such
person ; whereupon the same proof of
the right of suffrage as is now required
by law shall be publicly made and
acted on by the election board, and the
vote admitted or rejected, according to
the evidence ; every person claiming to
be a ‘maturalized citizen shall be re-
quired to produce his naturalization,
certificate atthe election before voting,
except where he has been for ten years,
consecutively a voter in the district in,
which he offers his vote: and on the
vote of such person being received, it
his declaration of intention ; in ali eq-
ses where any ward, . borough, town- |
ship or election district is divided into |
two’ or more precincts, the assessor |
shall note’ in all his assessments the |
election precinct in which each elector |
resides, and shall make a seperate re. |
ture for each to the county comnis-
sioners,'in all cases in which a ‘return
- is required from him by the provisions |
shall be the duty of election officers to
write or stamp on each certificate the
word bb with the month and
rear ; and if any election officer or of-
ficers shall receive -a second vote on the
same day, by virtue of the same certif-
icate, excepting where sons are enti-
tled to vote by virtue of the natural-
ization of their fathers, they and the
eight days before the election; and at the
| election the same course shall be pursued
Lin all respeets, a8 is required by thisaet and
| the acts to which it is a, supplement, at the
general el¢ctions in Qctober. The assessor
shall also make ‘the same returns to’ the
county commissioners of all assessments
made by virtue, of: this section; and the
county commissioners shall furnish copies
thereof to the election officers in each dis-
trict, in like mannér, in all respects, as is
required at the general elections in Octo-
Section 8. The same rules aml regula-
tions shall apply at every special election,
and every separate city, borough or ward
election, in all respects as at the general
election’ in October.
Section & « Phe respective assgssors, in-
spectors ahd-judges of tha “élections ‘shal!
each have the power to administer oaths to
any persons claiming the right to be asses.
sed or the right of suffrage, or in regard to
any other matter or thing required to be
done or inquired into by any of said officers
under this act; and any willful false swea-
ring by Wny person in relation ta any mat-
ter or thing concerning whieh they shall
be lawfull¥ interrogatéd by uny of said of-
ficers shall be punished as perjury.
Section 10; The assessors shall each re-+
ceive the samne compensation for the time
necessarily spent in performing the duties
erformance of their other duties, to be
paid by the county commissioners as in
other cases; ald it shall not be lawful for
an assessor to assess a tax against any per-
gon whatever within ten days next prece-
ging the election to be held on the sécond
uesday in October in any year, or within
ten days next before any election for elec-
tors of President and Vice President of the
tinited States; any vielation of this provi-
sion shall be a stisdemeanor, and subject
the officers so offending to a fine, on con-
viction, not excoe@ting one handred dellars
or to imprisonment net exceeding three
months, or both at the discretion of the
Seetion 11. On the petition of five or
more citizens of the county, stating under
oath that they verily believe that frauds,
will be practiced at the lection about to be
held in any district, it shall be the duty of
the court of common. pleas of said county,
if inseddion, or if not a judged thereof in yu-
‘ghtion, toappoint two judicious, sober and
fitelligent citizens of the county to nctas
overseers at said election; said overseers
shall be elected from different political pars
ties, wheresthe inspectors belong. to ditler-
ént parties, and where both of said \inspac:
tors belong to the same political party,
both of the overseers shall be taken from
the opposite politieal party; said overseers
ghall have the right to be present with the
officers of the election, during the whole
and the rettrn® made outrand signed by the
election officers; to keep a list of voters, if
they see proper; to challenge any person
offering to vote, and interrogate him and
his witness under oath, in regard to his,
right of suffrage at saidoleetion, and to ox-
amine hig papers; produced; andl the oh
cers of ‘said eléction arerdquirdd o afford”
to said overseers so selected and appointed
every convenience and facility for the dis-
charge of their duties; and if said election
pflicers shall refuse to permit said oversers
to be present, And perform théir duties
a8 aforesaid, or if they shall be driven away
from the polls by violence and intimida-
tion, all the votes polled at sneh election
district thay be r jected By any tribunal
trying a contest under said election; Pro-
vided, That no person ‘signing tlie petition
shall be appointed an overseer,
Section 12. If any prothonotary, clerk,
or the deputy of either, or any person,
shall affix the seal of the office to any natu:
falization paper, or permit the same to be
affixed, origive out, or cause or-permit the
same to be given out in blank, whereby it
may be fraudulently used, or furnish a na-
turalization gertificate to any person who
shall not have been duly examined and
sworn in open court, in the presence of
some of the Tallies thereof,” according to
tlid act’of Congress, or shall aid in. connive
fit, or in any way permit the issue of any
fraudulent naturalization certificate, he
shall be guilty of a Wigh misdemeanor; or
if any one shall fraudulently use agysuch
gertificate of nataralisgation, knowing that
it was fraudulently issued, or shall vote or
attempt to vote thereon, or if any one shall
vote, o. attempt to vote, on any certificate
of naturalization issued to him, he shall be
guilty of a high misdemeanor; and gither
or any of thie persons, their aidors or ‘abet-
tors, guilty of either of the misdemeanors
aforesaid, shall on conviction, be t ned in a
sum not exceeding onz thousand dollars,
and imprisoned in the proper penitentiary
for a period not exceeding three years.
Section 13, Any person who on oath or
affirmation, in or before any court of this
State, or officer authorized to administer
onths, shall, to procure a certificate of nat-
uralization, for himself or any other person
willfully depose, declare or affirm any
inatter to be fact, knowing the same to be
fulse, or shall in like manner. deny any mat-
ter to be fact knowing the same to he true,
shall be deemed guilty of perjury; and avy
certificate of naturalization issued in pur
suance of any such deposition, declaration
or affirmation, shall be nall and veid; and
it shall be the duty of the court issuing the
game, upon proof being made before it that
it was fraudulently obtained,’ to'take im-
mediate measures for recalling the same
for eancel'ation, and any person who shall
vote, or attempt to vote, on any paper so
obtained, or who shall in any way aid in,
Jeonnive at, or have any agency: whatever
in the issue, circulation or use of any trand-
ulent naturalization certificates; shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof, shall undergo an im-
prisonment in: the penitentiary for mot
more than two years and pay a fine, not
more than one thousand i My for every
such offense, or either or both, at the discre-
tion oi the eourt.
" Scetion 14. Any assessor, election officer
or person appointed as an overseer, who
shall neglect or refuse to perform any du:
ty enjoined by this act without reasonable
or legal cause, shall be subject to a penalty
of on hundred dollars, and if any assessor
Section 18, That the citizonsof this State
temporarily in the service of the States or
of the United States government, on: pleri-
eal or other duty, and who do net vote
where thus employed; shall not be thereby
deprived of the right to vote in their severs
al jection districts if otherwise duly qual-
ified. it]
Given under my hand. in my office in
Bollefonte, the ninth day of September,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-ning, sud in the ninaty-
| fourth year of the independence of, the
{ United States, Z. KLINE,
Sheriff of Centre county.
Bellefonte, Pa, Sept. 9, 1869, |
Bh —
_ - a
— — - _— _-
USH HOUSE. near the depot, Belle-
fonte, Pa.
W. D.RIKARD, Proprietor,
This new and magnificent Hotel has now
come nnder the proprietorship of Mr. Ri.
kard, formerly of the Cummings House,
and will ba kept upin FIRST CLASS HO-
TELSTYLE. It has comfortable rooms,
all the modern coiyeniences, prompt ser-
vants, and reasonable charges. THE TA-
BLE will always be abundantly supplied
with the most sumptuous fare the market
will afford, done up by the nidst experi-
enced cooks. HIS Ba R will always con-
tain the choicest liquors. He will'be glad
to see his old friends at the new hotel, and
no pains will bespared to make them feel
at home. jul2s eo of
FIVHE Largest and Best Stock of warran
ted Boots and Shoes, warranted to give
satisfaction, nt reduced prices, only to be
Al persons subjcet fo Licenses, under
the internal revenue laws. of the. United
States, in the sub-district ¢composed of the
townships of Potter, Gregg, Penn, Haines,
Halfmoon, Patton, Fergasen, Harris
ahd Mileg are hereby tiotified that applica.
tion for the sume mutt be made to the un-
at Spring Mills
SF 03 SovuNG
Assistant Assessor,
b dérsigned, at his office
Furniture Rooms!
J. 0. pErNIdiR
county, that he hasconstantly on hand, and
makes to order, all kinds of
TABLES, &c., &o
his stock of ready-made Furniture is large
and warranted of good workmanship and si”
all made under his'own immediatesupery i
fsiniqoam &6
sion, and is offered at rates as cheap aselse-
where. Thankful for past favors, he solic
its a continuance of the same.
Call and see his stock Before purehasing
elsewhere. ap24'68,1y.
a ———— ——————————
413 & 416 North 3rd, st.,
This well-known Hotel, will be
found by.
able, both as to Feasonab vchurg
1 18 spoken,
venience, German and Englis
apl0'68, tf,
Stages arrive and depart daily, for all
points, north, south, east and west. :
This favorite Hotel has been refitted and
furnished by its new proprietor, and is now’
in every respect one of the most pleasant
country Hotels in central Pennsylvania.
The travelling community and drovers will §
always find the best accommodations. Per-
sons from the city wishing to spend a few
weeks during the summer in the country,
will find Centre Hall one of the most deau-
tiful locations, and the Centre Hall Hotel
all they could desive fox comfort and com
we rr Tr TT
Le DS !
! ’ i ew 3 ee 2, -
31 i® walinll Xa. { i
§ Wait 0 Fa
I yl | §
The undorsighed having purehai
Centre Hill Store,
drop chisNed wil now goo
Re me Tits then ros
mt that
a v
fore i Sola
They have placed the store under the
contre of Mr. Jas. M. Lashell, who has
had minh y years ox perienceinselling goods
and whoywill:at all times be pleased to show
purchasers and. others, goods, &n make it
an object for them to purchase,
The stock consists of a general assort.
ment of all kinds of goods usually kept in
a gountry store, such as
Dry Goods,
Hats and Caps,
Drugs, Oils and Paints,
Wood and Willow Ware, als
Wall Paper, Fish Salt: ‘Leather, &e.
Give us a call and you must be convinee |
that Centre Hill is the place to buy gool
and cheap goods gs 3 rs u
Rg 1 Geirk & MT uoMpsoxN,
wy : 4H - : .
Centre If: Jan.
P. 8. We also buy Hides and Calf Skins
for which we will pay market price, either
in Cash or Trade. . &
*arlor Stoves, and four sizes of Gas-
Burners constantly on hand and for sale at
apl0'68, Inwin & Wirson's,
¥ on »
| The snbseriber respectfully calls the at.
tention of thre public te his establishment,
where he is prepared to furnish all Kinds of
Foreign and Domestic Liguors' whoelesule
at the lowest cashprices, which are warran-
ted to be the best qualities nceording to
their respective prices, JHis stock consists
of Rye, Maonongaheln, Irish and other
W hiskies, 81} kinds of Brandies, Holland
Gin, Port, Muderin, Cherry, Blackberry
and other Wines—the best articles—at as
reasonable rytes as gantbe had in the gity,
Champagne #Cherryy Bl ckberry, Ginger
Pare Jamaica and
He would particularly invite Farmers, Ho-
tel keepers and others to call and wrumine
his large supply, to judge fur themselves
and be certain of procuring what'they buy,
which can seldom be done when purchus-
ng in the city.
sare respectfully requested
72# Physician
igubrs a trial, apl
to gived
Se Ra
P hiladelphia Store,
in Brockerhéffis Block, Rishop Street, at
Bellefonte, where
have just opened the best, cheapest, largest
5 well us the Debt assorted pry of Good,
in Bellefonte.
Is the place to buy your Silks, Mohairs
Mozambiques, Reps; Alpaéas, Delains,
Lans, Brilliants, Muslins, Calicoes, Tick
ings, Flaugly, Qpera Flanels, Ladies Coat-
ing, Gents’ Cloths, Ladies Sacques, White
‘Rekay, Linen Table Cloths, Counterpanes
ib Counterpanes, , White and Colorec
sertings and Edgings,
i 4
White Lace Curtins, Zephyr & Ze
corns. Ti ly Cotton, Shawls, Wor
Notiotis ‘of ‘every kind, ' White Goods of
“évary ‘deseri thon: Perfumery, Ribbons~_
Velvet, Taffeta and Bonnet, Cords anc
Braid, Veils, Buttons, Trimmings, Ludies
land Misdes Skirts, | fit
Thread, Hosiery Fans, Beads, Sewing
and in fact every thing that can be though!
of, desired or used in the
they have black and bluecloths;, black and
fancy cassimeres, sattinetts, tweeds, mel-
orns, silk, satin and common vestings, in
short, every thing imaginable in the line of
entiemens wear,
Readyhindé Clothing of Every Dis.
scription, for Men and Boys.
Boots and Shoos,. in. endless variety
Hats and Caps, CARPETS, Ouleloth,
Rugs, Brown Muslins, Bleached Mus-
c., cheaper than elsewhere.
1 Their stock of QUEENS WARE & GRO
ERIES cannot be excelled in quality er
_ Callin at the Philad
ty, at
esha oA Ai ner eset
one half of an mere, .
tad Lan hows A. now 2
oar ouse
, a well of never failing |
he yard. The lot contains all |
ill, Pa.
rofessional services to the citi-
es, Hard
ood and Willow ware
Fish and in fact, a ma
will sell you the very best
in great variety )
————— Ce —
Irwix a WiLsox,
& in great varie.
ig you
trout at ‘
known to all in Bellefente and
. es,
Pickles, at
by Dr.
the turn
will be
eller, «
lent co
nt assortment of Horse
and valuable Resl Estate held
. Wilson, in his own t and
on terms to suit pur-
f ground adjoining the wil-
Mills, aieining the -
Mansion, Two-sto-
other out-buildin
The grounds around the
act of land situated near Cen-
adjoining lands of Peter, John
That part ying east of
ike containing about thirty acres
vided into small lots te jul the
acob Arney, Samuel Foster and
erected is a complete set of farm
and two extra tenant houses.
> be desi
ast deseribed contain
SER bave any thing you want, and
siness on the principle of ‘‘Quic
Small Profits’ >
Beient amount of good timber land to each
“Inguire ofr. WAL WILSON, at Pos-
te Om ]
- 3 Oi ; OH
crasd 5 bad ow
these bert ian
og Lio in
Bish me a
ing iormerly a
stone nin
Takes pleasure in informing thd
he k constantly on a upp
choice EL
The of ing pl
nd | .
HE ar ne ONLY Eo: ’
WHISKY in town. Stipe ANY
+All liquors are
: <5
ahd ¥
Great Attraction and Great Bargains!
HE undersigned, detertuind to meet the
Pop oia demand for Lower es, Te.’
spectfully calls the attention of the public
to his stock of wr ovr pwr
prt 1. SONS
now offered at the old stand, esr
peciall for the people hoy 11 8 dcgigned car ty
Jest nal must varied and complete assort~
ment o dr ita Bf iE)
Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, 7 -
of every description and quality; Whips, ;
and in fact everything complete to a first-
class establishment, he now offers at prices
whieh will wuit the times, eet: {iis
tter variety, a better ality finer
style of Suddle hax never d aon of.
sered to the public, Call examine our
tock aid be satidled before purchmsings
Howhere, a ‘a 4 wih ite sd
Yetermined to please = i
thankful for the Niberal hare ‘ Tes
heretofore enjoyed. I respectfully wolieing’
continuance of the Mh i Die = otf
aplO'68 1v, Contre Hit’
Gentle reader, don’t for the world ale the
important fact to escape 3 mind th
the place to buy your new and Sum-
mer goods of every description which have
been bought at panic w, and are now
arriving and opened for inspection at the
familiar place you often + 1 © 3 ol
about, ZIMMERMAN BROS. & CO Nb. =
Nix, thls Areade, Bell Oihmesin
low, but when it c«
llefor g
people fis : £4
e ch od ‘We | 553
offering Fs: wile Om
to selling honest goods e
v “Weare
hole ¢
splendid stock of Indies’ dreds Fool, Ww
good #, notiens, hosiery, gloves,
calicoes, muslins, ticking,
ners, ¢ , 8 Ww ca rt ct
Popham, oop skirts, and. corsets Do
leveasingle: - =i nile sysh
ir bluods
W ORD 10 boy
about hard times andl high There is"
no evidence of it in our fore Wo Keep.
shoes for men and boys. ~ Bean NT Fenn "
land Turke moroceo, kid dnd n
and tan pots and shoes ad)
‘children, with a clioice invoice. |
®5 5
# if
io 1
OF 1 [onda aagqrO
queensware, glassware, sugems,’ coffees:
soaps, canned tomatoes, peas abd green |
SUD. .
We ha nd Yaristy 1
title ariiehen ‘which, ro a he
ASH buyers. Remember, a
but come right along to money ols ih io
Aten be Amo Ban Bl hd
good goods and full value for it. r Joga 4
@ :
"% Abhay
8 near the Diam Bellefonte, tors
sbock/ oo) s of ‘Med
100l, ‘and
pass books,
er, entelODR of OVErY.de
time the. i
w. BOOK Store.
J Da” Da LER, purchased the
ment of Khas 'S Brother, on
BE a Es.
8, such as is : in a
Conducted Hook ied Station ‘
of cap, legal, bill, letter, bath,
per, wing and tisnue paper, fine
paper, envelopes LLOSCTIPpHAON ana
In i Toray opm Crayon: ne, |
te pencils, lea n ils, ji fii)
Sco, de. Legal and justices blanks of
ors thon Bonnet fuce, aes 5
Goods received in three days. from the
SS Ee rt
Lochmaw's Celebrated Writ
which hesells at manufseturer’s pon li
County merchants would do well to give
him a eall before purchasing elsewhere.
: 3 sepd.’
ly ov bs cpr bth
3 - - - $53
i ¥
Vv 3
Wolfs old stand "
OOKING-GLA SS PLATES of all sizes Ts
LO orate by” © laws a Wise.
a ) .
IEEE Sh 4;
~ apl068. Inwas & Wasew's.
: Attorneys-at-Law,
jul 8m oxTE, PA.
aple’.68 IRWIN & WILSON'S,
shall assess any person as a voter who is
person who shall offer such a second :
not qualified, or shall refuse to aseess any
\o.e, upon so offending shall be guilty
of this et; aud the county commis: venience, upl0'68,tf. | and Dress Coats cheap ts, Wolf's Store. §