PO 0 AL I Sh dsl TANKS “Bek mong, Vendil Notes, Execttions, xf Judgment and Ex- te Rte ARR Tor emntion Nute.c wld at this Office. LOTAT NEWS, Hiendls wi oblige ws by sending. ng of local Inter est, ineludi ha , &ec. such are the west, We would esteem it a faver i our ~ trans woud NeRsT A mall a copy of the Raportér ta rela! item ces who formerly Vivell in Centre and removed to eflietr pa. ts, which induce many to became subscribers, Nos. 51 &52 of ZIT s Rueseiapedia, have "EMS. ns °% . A Ellwsad Zell. Philadel hin, blisher Zell's Posner tie 3 a panelilie a +o high onion Ei. work] as Deine. Aabiabe om) yet published. Lat We call thé attention of our readers, especially the country to “the advertisement of Graham & Son, who are now laying ina large’ assortment of Boots ‘& Shoes, They please, and ask only to have their Next door to. post office, Bellefonte, To make your-hair grow thick, ap- py Hall't Weetable * Ricilian Hair 2 greatest discovery of the i. 3 lenewer, the age. Joliet, THY, Has soe Firy valauble Prarie the. stone: from, which are shipped ta” remote pbints for building’ purposes. These quarries ®re very ex: tensive, and the stone has proven. hy test, to stand fire; nots crumbling like marble antl other stones, from the ae- tiom of heat. We are pleased to no. tice that otir fiend Bam Li Spangler, of the Loop, Tiasbeen fortunate enough to purchfi§e ffl Tuterest in some of this kind of. ro, $y, al Julliet. Mr. Spangler, and some other gentleman have purchased 55 adres for’ ‘812,000, upon wife ‘thet mtend' oan to com- mence opperatians, It is buta short va price, we believe $24,000. for a single acre. Mr Spangler left home ashort time ago for Jdliely to logk after his interests there. : This gpeck is’ better than an oil strike. xs ba TTT *Tre The Centre Hall Tannery is to be set in operation again, as will be seen by the asfivertisemntof Messrs Miller & Badger, in_to-days paper” “Persons having bark, for sale can find a good market at this establishment. A gre The dong established, “warranted Boots & Shees, of Burnsides & Thomas, are now'on hand, for the season. Their well«leserved reputation attract and bing customers not. only irom all wirts o fighie ‘county, but adjoining ones. Men with their sons amd employees are found there, Beturing them for their winter use. Their advantages of « 2 long experience, ail extensive trade, give them facilities that are unsurpas- sed by any other house in trade. We recommend our namerous “reatlers to =o and examine their establishment for themselves; afew minutes spent inspectitig’ their large and varied stock of merchiandize, will be of practical wee. Read their. advertisements for their numerous uther articles, lectin bn di 47 2 ‘The Examinatiof and exhibition of the sburg Academy, take place on Friday, October 8th, next. The “programme promises a rich dreat. “70 : CextrRE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL Roarery.—The eleventh @fnual ex- hibition of this society will be held on the grotd; at Bellefonte; onthe 5th, 6th, 7thiapd, 8th days of October. The groundsof thissotiety enmprise twen- ty-one aéfes, all’ eyclosed with a board fence eight feet in heig t.. The buil- dings are composed” of one central building. twerity-four feet square, aud two stories high. one wing twenty-four feet wide,-and.ene huadred and twen- ty-five feet ‘im length, well floored, shingle: roof, and all tha necessary fine textume intéhdod forexhibition, as are otherbuildings of the same dimen- sions tended and uséd for the exhib- ition of cereals and vegetables.—There are, al ntstatls ro horses, and cit Eh etbns “to roars one hundred and fifty head, as al: pens for sheep and swine. The’ itrack tor the display of the speed of animals is one-third of a mile in length, and said, by those who speak knowingly, to hé one of the very best in the State, A large number of hor- ses are ‘already entered to take part in the ¥arious trials of speed occurring on the last three days of the exhibi- tion, and-it is expected that the com- petition for the premiums will be ex- ceedingly brisk and well worth witnes- sing. 1 The premium list embraces almost everything. and amounts in the aggre- gate to some twelve hundred dollars, and committees are authorized to ex- tend it at. discretion. : On. Thursday; 7th’ Oct. Ex-Gov. Wm. Bigler, will deliver the annual address Before the Society, upon the grovnde, at 11 o'clock a. 5 0 n Wednesday evening, 6th Octo- ber, Emf.d,. Hothrock, one of the greatest of living botanists, will deliver in the Court House, lecture upon "Fawr Cultivation, and the Changes Produced by Cultivation in them.” Excursion tickets will be sold at radueed’ fates from all points on the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad, and on the Bald Eagle Valley Railroad, fromt to the 9th of October, inclusive, rd : : Any further’ information may be obtained by addressing William Hamilton, Secretary, Bellefonte, Pa. ats SRE election Proclamation has advertisements, which pT thing, As the omni. on will be made good hercafter, flor the election we shall alse devote more attention to our News columns, FR P— New. York, September : 24-—An Huvana letter of the 17th, says o baople at Sisussin with the United States, It is al worth a life for au American to go in- n to go in- to the streets dlone. It is reported that Mr. too of Pumb, in consequence of a loug cipher dispatch received day be- fore ¥. has directed the amchives of the Consul Generalship to | be compactly packed, and that he will | call a meeting of all ghe subjects of the Umited States to morrow or next day. | Amenican houses not only refuse to 3 but will nat sell. exchange as fredl§ ds usall NOI. the ‘contrat, many are purchasing ex- change, and drawing all ready funds from. the custody of the bankers here. Ir hla 00 FCA{ {railroad meeting was held at Boalsburg on last Saturday. President S. H. Stover. The meeting was addres- sed by several gentlomen ; from Befle- fonte. A ution, favering an as- sessment of 5 per eentimpon rewl estate inFlurris twp., as stock, was adopted, which IG raise about $73,000 in Harris twp leet other towuships fol- low suit, . smell) Ss A soc ——————— MARRIAGES On 25th of Sept.. by Jacob Hosterman, esq.. Mr. John J, Ketner and Miss Adeline Orndorf, both of Haines twp. el tf Mp T KB lows: The following cquumenging at 0a w § Miles, Rebersbuse, hts v.0ct. Tthy Grogz, Penn Hall, Friday Oct 8th, Haines. Auronshure, Saturday, Oct, 9th, Penn, Millheim, Monday Oct. 11th, Walker, Hublershurg, Wednesday, Oct. 13 Marion, Jacksonville, Thursday, Oct. 14th, Liberty, Excleville, Friday, Ovt. 15th, | Howard and Curtin, at Howard, Saturday | Oet, 16th, | Milesburg and Boggs, at Milesburg, Mon- day, October 18th, Taylor and Worthgat Port Matilda, Wed, nesday, October 20th, Huston, Julian Furnace, Thursday Oct. 2Y, Union, Unionville, Friday Oct. 22nd, Bellef inte aud Spring, school room No, 1, at Bellefonte, Saturday Oct. 23rd. (Special examinations will be held at Re- bersburg, on Saturday, Qct. 30th. Mill- a ACHERS "EXAMINATIONS, The examinations will be held as ful- gol 4¢ were prevented from attending at the propertime; butall sach applicants must come prepared, as is required on page 189 of the school law.) Applicants for schools will be uired toattend the Examination” in the District where they expect to teach, unless they preduce a written request to the contrary from the proper Bard The Se retary is requested to be present, and have the class organized and inrendi- ness by 9 o'clock, 50 as to cause no delay. R. M. MAGEE, aug27 Co. Supt. mpm. fp lien. Apo—— WORDS OF WISDOM, ror youxa wen, On the Ruling Passion in Youth and Barly Manhood, with SELF HELP for the Erring and unfortunate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Howarp Association, Box P, Philadel phia, Pu. jund ly en Errors or Yourn.—A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Deeay, and all the effects of youthful indiseretion, will, for the sake of auffering humanity, send free te all who noed it, the receipt and directions for mak- ing the simple remedy by which he was cured: Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by ad dressing, in perfcet confidence, Joux B. Oapex, myld,y No. 42 Cedar st.,, New York." ero vonaf]) To CoxsuMmprives.—The Advertiser, having been réstored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after hav- ing suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Con- sumption—is anxious to make known te his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a SURE cURE cso amp etc. The object of the advertiser in send- ing the Prescription is to benefit the aflic- ted, and spread information which he eon- ceives to be invaluable; and he hopes eve- ry sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and mny prove & bles sing. - Parties wishing the prescription will address RED WARD A. WiLsox myldy illiamsbarg Kings co. NY OUSE & LOT AT PUBLIC SALE, The undersigned will offer at publie snie, on the premises, at Centre Hall, on Saturday, October, Ind, a lot of ground, thereon erected a naw two-story weather- boarded dwelling house, stable and other outbuildings. here is choice fruit on the premises, and water near the door, being the property belong to Margret M' Calmont, cee'd. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, TERMS.—One third of purchase money on confirmation of sale, the balance in two annual paymeiia with. interest to be se- cured by Bond and Mert, age. AMOS ALEXANDER. Executor. TRYIMBER LAND AT PUBIC SALA. By virtue oi aa order from the Or- posal Uolrt oi Genre county, there will be vifgred ae pubiie sale, at Uenire Hygll, on Saturday Uetober 2nd, next, 6:3 Acres otf Vutuable Timberland belonging to the estate of Jymes' Alexan- der dec'd, situated above Contre Hall, at the top of the Nittany mountain, on the Turnpike leading to Bellefonte. This tract of land is well tinbered with Chestnut, Oak, and yellow Yine. Sule to commence at one o'clock. TERMS.—The one third of purchase money, together with one fifth of the bal- ance remaining in t i€ property as OWers one half of the residu.; bo Be oh Joes mation of sale and the balance in one year thereafter With interest, to be secured by Bond and Mortgage. AMOS ALEXANDER Guardian Augli. TPAXPAYERS READ AND REMEM- 4 BER.—The undersigned, Treasurer of the Board ef School Directors ofthe Town- ship of Potter, hereby gives notice the Scheol Duplicate of said Township has been placed in his hands for Ceellection, in ac- cordance with the provisions of the Act of Assembly, approved April 21, 1869, enti- tled “An Act relating to the collect on of School Tax in the School Districts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,’ and that he will meet the tax pdyers of iaid Township on Friday 22nd of rh next, at his residence, and on Saturday, 28rd of October next, at Centre Hall. T For the purpose of receiving their School axes, . All parsons making payment on said day or within one month thereafter, will be en- titled to a deduction of five per cetntum; those paying within one month thereafter, will receive no abatement, and on the 26th, day dT November next, d per cent. will be added to all School Taxes remaining un- aid, and the same will be placed in the Pd of a collecter. JOHN BITNER. sept 3'8t. Treasurer A ——— a EW Yi if AAT 1 Gold 199%, ty Tr ¢eclined 1a2¢! Corn declined 1a2e, Oats unchanged. Orade potrolenm. 164c, 824c. 4 \ QHICAGO MARKET, Wheat, No. 1 at $1,18, No 2 at ( 1at 7laTdie, No 2 at SoH No? at fs ¢. No 2 at 82c. Ry &1 50 for No 2, Beofonttle dull at $3 7645 80 for cows and light steers. Live hogs at $8,0040,10 for extras. MILROY MARKETS. Corrected by M'Atee & Reed. White Wheat $1.30... Red $1,20 Rye 0.90......Corn 1,00.....Onta 45. ........ Plaster par ton 12,00.......80]t per sack 8,00 Flour (ami 4, Butter Bh ate “ . tre 16 i Wi. Bacon Side: & Shon} » | 8.00 HOLLER O00, | Apples Arid Buidy $10 Pork i LEWISBURG MARKET ~~ Wheat $1.80... Corn, new 1,00 Rye. +. 1,00......0ats, 321b, 40... ..Timothyseed, dull, 2.80, vereee Flaxseed 2.00... Clovarsed, dull, 7,00...4. Butter 20 L... Hanh 25 White beans 8,60. ....Eggs 18....0 Dull, 18. .0aTallow 10... Potaties dried Apr Side '& shoulder 11. { BELLEFONTE MARKETS, White Wheat $1,380, Red 1.25, "Ryo... 1,00.......Corn 090, ......Outs {0, ..... Barley 1 0. ......Cloverseod 6,00. ...... Pothtoes , 0.50. Lard per pound 20, ...... Pork June poand 14, utter 25. ......Kggs 20... Plasterper ton 16 Tallow 124 Bacon 20... Ham28, A —— a — I —— — g§ 8% " 8 SPECIALNOTICES, Ee EL EE EE EEE ht id id Fed at 0. 100704 Janrd ERI VEGETABLE SICILIAN dod) HAL R Stl RENEWER. Ix tha only infallible Hair Preparation for RESTORING GRAY: HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL CHL IR AND PRIOMO- TI ~G ITS GROWTH. to tha publie, as one bottle will last lon gor and accomplish more than: theee bots tles of nny other presaration Our renewer is not a Dye; stain the skin as others. It will keep the Hair from falling out. IT CLEANSES THE SCALP, AND MAKES THE HAIR SOFT, LUSTRIOUS AND RILKEN Our Teoatise on the Hair sen! free by mail Price 81,00. For sale hy wll dealers in Medicines R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, NH. Proprietors. octl ln it will not ETTERS TERTAMENTARY on the J estate of Philip Gramly, late of Miles township, dee’'d, having been granted to the undersigned, they request all persons knowing themselves indebted {o said estate, to make payment, and those having claims to present them duly authorized by law for settlement, at the house of said dec'd, on the 15th of October. naxt, or a« soon after as possible. SAMUEL GRAMLY, REUBEN GRAMLY, octl,6t Execators, MILROY Wareroom. The subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Centre county, that he has con stantly on hand, and makes to order, al kinds of be BEDSTEADS, (Cottage and plain, ) WASHSTANDS CORNER CUPBOARDS, SOFAS EXTENSION TABLES, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables, Toilet Tables, Centre Tables, Sinks, Doughtrays, ; Cradles, Cane Seated Rocking Chairs, on Seated Chaips (plan) Cane Seated Nursing Chairs, Plain Rocking Chairs, Windsor Chairs, Children’s Chairs, settees, lounges, Complete suites of Furniture furnished at short notice and miude in the best possible manner—1loMEMADE and warranted of the best material Prices Lower than Elsewhere %#.. Persons in want of Furniture will do well to give me a eall. JOHN CAMP, 8 Milroy, N*® W HARDWARE STORE| J. & J. HARRIS. *NO. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. {1A new and complete Hardware Store has een opened by the undersigned in Brook- erhofPs new building—where they are pre- ared to sell all kinds of Building and House furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Buggy wheels in setts, Champion Clothes Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hane Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Ice Crear Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a ful, assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of al! sizes, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes Felloes, and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators, Corr Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold Board: and Cultivator Teeth; Table Cutlery, Shoy- els, Spades and Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sagh Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails Norway Rods. Oils, Lard, Lubricating Coal, Linseed, Tanners. Anvils, Vices, Bel lows, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools Factory Bells, House Bells, Dinner Bells Gong Bells Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpen ter Tools, Pruit Jars and Cans, Paints, Oils Varnishes received and for sale at juned'68,1y. J. & J. HARRIS, Bug RY on Jing Buses fo : Wall Paper, cheap Centre-hal. stand. fro wl2 to 20 cents per boltat Herlacher’ per yearin advance, t of any other papi tA tig papéiit YéMind our o¢ RevorrEn is $1.60 which is Js§ thn the of its size cost, and oy trons that IF Iv oF gros i payment bids Te At one’ 4 it a * BollG¥éTRE Plating Mil, EDMUND BLANOHARD, - 8. SOSTIN BREW, E. MORLANCHARY, CW. MJ. HOLM, ... Blanchard & Company, Successats. to. NH Aliné; Blanchard & Co; A FACTURE RS oF WHITE; & Al OW PINE FLOORING, = | 'THERBOARDING, § ie pay- friows States; SASH, 1IKDS. Lo BLIK WUE Scroll work of ever BRACKETS OF A ings, WH L 8 ARID] and patterns made to order Having a “BULKLEY'S PATENT LUMBER PRYER,”’ connected with our establishment, we are enabled to manufac 1rd our work THOROUGHLY SEASONED LUMBER! 2 ORDERS FROM CONTRACTORS, BUTLDERS, DEALERS AND THE TRADE IN GENERAL, SOLICITED, BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., Pa. augld OR 6m, A A A A AAA PIAL PEAT ONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS done up in steal-yngrayed Wrapper, with’ fhe-simile of my Uhemionl Wares hose, nnd sighed JULY 30 2m, H, T. HELM BOLD: ARE VOURTLIE NS ov or ORDER? take them to J. H. HAIN; at Belle fonte, who is the most reliable Watchmaker and Jeweler in the place, © Also Dealer in WATCHES, and FINEJEWELRY, UChronometor and other Watches repaired on the | Most Scientific Principles, | Jobbing of all kinds promptly and cure | fully exgcuted at shortest notice, All work warranted to give satizfitetion, | zr Business transnctod in both English | and German, Next door to Harper & Bros, Spring street, near High, July2s ly J Miltheim, Pa (Formerly Wm, Hos- te, man’s). This well knewn Hotel has been refitted by its. naw proprietor. The traveling community are invited to give hom a eall His table will be kept first. class, and his bar always supplied with choiee liquors. Drovers will find accom- modation for any unmber of horses. marl2 60ef RY BOARDS, Plank and Scantling IL for sule by Ienwin & Wisox, LAMIIOB, oo e ] iii (ROSSCUYT AND MILL SAWS, hest Jmake ut Inwix & WiLson, ap lO’ GR, ONATHAN KRAMER'S HOTEL. ————— ————— A ———— HL ————— a — 7 T——— QRIcHs of all varioties, ground to order he and warranted to be strictly pure. It is the only pinee you ean find ire. ted spices. Try them for your own satisfac. tion. You can only find them at BURKSIDE & THOMAS’, ANDSA WS, knives, Spoons, coffee mills, shovels, spades, rakes, hoes, lninps, forks, chains, &e., at : BURNSIDE & THOMAS HOE-MAKERS TOOLS and findings, in all their varieties, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS. QrivnLe SK KINS for wagons, all si- | zes, at the sign of the Anvil, aplO'd8. Irwix & Wirsox. PrriLs AND SINGLE BARREL : fowling pieces at aplO' es, IRWIN & WILSON, ARM FOR SALE! | Apothecary & Drug Store, lo¢ifed in Brovkerhoff's . Bish- op hind CLR 3 1 8 The subscribers have the plewsire to in- orm the citizens of Bellefowts, Centre, inton & Clearfield covwntied id general, it they expect to be ready, by Monday isn 3 st inst.,) to OPEN THEIR NEW DRUG STORE. for the accommodation of the public, and they hereby extend w» cotdinl invitation to all, who may be if anid wish to obtain Fresh, Pare, tr. 3 Scnulne Medi and all sich articles as are kept in @ Firt Class Drug ha 1 de pin Vol PAPE of (tao: 1A, by the senior ent, who hat had OVER 80 YEARN EXPERIENCE in the Art—and who speaks, reads and writes the German lnngtinge as well us the English tongue, being fully as well aeqiuin- ted with the nomenclature in that language of the business, ag with the Latin and Eng. lish terps and technicalities of the Art; and hence we ean and will CAREFULLY coMrat!Sb puYSICIANS' RURIPTIONS, in Lp lunglage; and shall do it by day and by night, '¢ modestly and kindly ask for a libern flare of public favor and patroage. Our stock consists of PURE & GENUINE DRUGS, MEDI- CINES, & OHEMICAL: IN ALL THEIR VARIOUS STYLES & FORMS of PREPARATION used by regular Physicians, We ulso keep the Finest Extracts and Perfumes for La- dies, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, < Clothes, Paint, & Varnish Brush en. The very finest und best Cut- Jery, Combs of all kinds: Ivo- ry, Gum and Horn, Bird- cages and Seed, Pure Whitelead, Zine in Oil, China Gloss, Linseed Oil, All the svarious fancy eolored Paints dry and in Oil, Furniture and Coach Varnish, as aiso DeMarr Varnish, and a few appro- PB ved Patent Medicines, and lastly, a lurge and well selected Lot of WALL-PAPER, ANDCHEAP ATTHAT, viz: From 10cts per Bolt up to $260-Give us a call, ZELLER & JARRETT, jun, 18 Druggists & Apothecuries, LUMBER. The undersigned respectfully announce to the citiscus of Pennsvalley, that they have in operation a NEW STEAM SAW MILL, one mile cast of Foust's, ir the Sev- en Mountains, and are now ready to fur- nish Square Lumber, P ank, Studdi.g, Joists, shingling Lathe, plasterer's Lathe, Shingles, nny desirod length of frame Stuff and Squaretimber sawed to order and on shortest notice. Any thing in the line of Lumber supplied to order. Builders and others wanting stuff will do well to send in their orders addressed to John Taylor & Son, Milroy, Pa. Ladies Trusses, Thisinvaluable article for females, is now to he had at Herlaeher's store, and no other place in Centr: county. Ladies remember that these trusses can be had at Centre Hal. Co elero ff I IME, COAL AND LUMBER. 4 The best WOOD COAL BURNT LIME, can be had at the Bellefonte Line Kilns, on PRE~ junit fm The nndersigned offers his valuable farm gitunte in Penn township, one mile west of | Millheim, close to the Lewisburg & Belle- | fonte turnpike, at private sale. The same! Containing 102 Acres, Seven acres of good white onk timber land, sh LARGE BRICK HOUSE, BANK BARN, all necessaty outbuildings, a LARGE ORCHARDOFGRAFTED FRUIT. This is one of the best farms in the val- ley, fmooth land and in a high state of cul- tivation. A well of excellent water, also a Inrge cistern at the door. For further pur- ticulars apply to JACOB KEEN, Jui2d tf near Millheim. OALTS for Buggies and Carriages, all sizes in use; Fire Bolts, ditto, at apl0’68, Inwixn & WiLsox's. OCKET CUTLERY --all makes and pricesat IRWIN & WILSON apl0'68, NION PATENT CHURN, the bes in use at Irwin & Winsox's, apl0’68, BY EL’'S HOTEL AARONSBURG, PA. JOHN RUSSEL, PROPRIETOR. The old and well known Hotel, situatal in the centre of Aaronsbhurg, has again bean occupied by Mr. Russel, former proprieton, who now invites his old friends and tho travelling community in generalioeallan | see him. The house has been eleganily furnished and is kept in the best style. Die - vers can always find accommodation. aplO 86tf. Fr & WILSON are constantly ro- coiving new goods in their line HARDWARE ofevery description at redu.ce prices- new being opened every day aplO’ CE, —————— ————A——— SL a A ——— A ———————— Chas. H. Held, Clock, Watchmaker & Jeweles Millheim, Centre co., Penna. Respeciritly informs his friends and the public in general, that he has just opened at his new establishment, above Alexan der’s Store, and keeps. constantly on hand all kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of the latest styles, as aléo the Maranville Patent Culender Clocks, provided with complete index of the month, and day os the month and week on ite face, which is warranted as a perfect time-keeper. WR. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry reo- paired on short notice and warranted. sopl1’68;1y ALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRI. VATE SALE in Centre Hall. 8. G. Suaxnox offers his fine property for sale, situate on the eorner of Main and Locus streets, in Centre Hall, a large frame dwelling, with a large and commo- dious Stable large enough for geven hor- ses. The house is well finished, and has a hydrant near the door and the water can be taken to any room in the house, or to he cellar. For full particulars inquire of John Shannon, at Contre Hall, or 8. G., Shannon, at Selinsgrove. teh19t from 4 lbs up to 120,000! bs, the Pike leadingto Milesburg, at the lowest prices. We are the only parties in Central *enn’a. who burn in Patent Flame Kiln, which produces the Best White-Wash and Plastering Lime, offered to the trade The best SHAMOKIN AND WILKESBAR RIE ANTHRACITE COAL, all sizes, prepared exPressly for family use ARO Silver Brook Foun- dry Coal ‘at lowest prices. Also a lot of first and sec: ond quality BOARDS, BROAD BAILS PALING, SHINGLES and plastering lathe for sale cheap. Office and yard, near South end of Bald Eagle Valley R. B. Depot. SHORTLIDGE, & CO. apl0'68 1y. Bellefonte Pa. G ENTS' THIS WAY! x SUITS! SUIT . W. W. McClellan, nt Bellefonte, would inform the men of Pennsvalley, and his old friends and customers, ns well as all others who may desire to be rigged out, In well Fitting, Substantially & Fashionably made suits of cloths, from any kind of ma- terial they choose. I would say that 1 am still in the field, and prepared to accommo- date. T have a large and excellent assort- ment of Furnishing Goods, ALSO, Cloths, Cassimeres, & Vestings from which garments will be made to or- der in the MOST FASHMONABLE STYLE. All 1 ask iz to call and examine my fine stock. Having just bought my gocds du- ring the last panic, I defy competition as to prices, durability, and fashion, this side of Philadelphia Remember the Place No. 4 Brokerhof's Row, Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pas, where eloths, cassimeres, vestings, callars, umbrellas, cains, hats caps, in short, everything to completely rig out a gentleman, can be had and made up in the latest style. : I am also ggent for WILCOX & GIBBS Sewing Machine, which should be seen by apl0'68, Irwix & WiLsoy, all desiring a machine, de25,08y New Siore. New Goods. NEW FIRM ai C. WASSON & C0. The undersigned 1 ev) inform the citizens of Centre Hall and | ‘ ship, that they bave opened 2 new sture at the well known stand fi oevepied are now wmerly by O. F. Herlucher, where ns offering : ‘A Full and Complete Stock . of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS cheap as anywhere, Their stock is entirely new, and the publi¢ nre respectfully invited to eal) exsm- ine for themsel> es ; Goods will be offered at the lowest possible prices, and by a gen- eral system of fair dealing they to merit a fair shave of public patronage. Call and Examine onr Stock. NO TROUBLE TOSHOW GOODS, #2 Only Give us a Fair Trinl. oF We have a full and complete assortment of the latest Styles, Our Stock comprises in part DY Goods, Notions, Millinery Goods, Hoseries, Fancy Goods, Boots und Shoes Huts and Caps Jnrpet Bags Umbrellas, Purusols, » Queensware, Gentlemen and Ladies furnishing Goods Ladies Cloaks and Circulars, in 8ilk an Cloth, all kinds of Groceries, the finest Syrups, the best Coffee, Tobmeco, Paints, Dyesiufts, Qils, Fish, Salt, Stationery, nud everything else that ix to be found in a well stocked country store, The highest market price paid in Store Goods for} COUNTRY PRODUCE. Don't forget the New Store, at Centre Hall. where good: are now offered at s bar- gain. Cull and see us. apy C. WASSON & CO. NION HOUSE, Miuwoy. A clan of Proprietors of this Hotel, was made on the Ist of April, The establishment has been refurnished, refitted, and remodeled, and will hereafter be conducted on first- cluss hotel principles. The present propri- etor will give his personal attention to the comforts of the traveling public, and oth- ers who may favor him with their custom. HIS TABLE is kept in first class style. GOOD STABLES are connected with the Hotel, and obligi Ostlers are always on the ground to a to this department. A portion of the pub- lic patronage is solicited; good accommo dations are guaranteed to all. WM. R. BELL, Milroy, Pa. ADDLERS BUCKLES, hooks, bit spots ring<. Everything a snddler wants for the manufacture of harness, to be found at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS’, ORSE COLLARS, if you don’t want your horse's shoulders galled and made sore, get good herse collars at ' BURNSIDE & THOMAS’, NJ OTICE.——On and after the 1st of Sep- tember the undersigned willeell stoves for eash only. He has made a reduction in the price of stoves and is now red to offer Cook stoves WARRA D TO OPERATE WELL at the following low prices: No. 7, $16,00, ‘8, $1800, “9 $20,00. Fruit cans cheaper thanever. Store near the Depot, Milroy, Pa. E. P. TITZELL. july16, 3m. ALUABLRE FARM at Private Sale! The undersigned offers a valuable Farm, situate in Penn twp., Centre co., 1% mile south of Millheim, at private sale, Containing 60 acres of Land, under the highest state of cultivation, and under Eo ences; ten acres consist o CHOICE TIMBER LAND. Thereon erected a 2-story weather boarded may21tf Log Huuse, Barn, and all ne- essary Outbuildings, with a well of water in the yard, and , : a large stream of water, Elk Creek, a few rods from the door, and TWO ORCHARDS of choice fruit on the farm, CHR. BAME, near Millheim. AT remendous Stock of Goods AT BURNSIDE & THOMAS. | il GROCERIES, mocha coffee, ole gov. juva, best quality Rio coffee best oolong black teas, green teas, lovering syrup, golden syrup, Drips fine article bak- mg molasses, rice and everything in the grocery line at the lowest eash prices in the marketBURNSIDE & THOMAS. place. WHITE FISH, Herring, Mackeral, &c., a ap17 68, BURNSIDE & THOMAS FH Ehighost market prices paid for all kinds of country odbc: at URKEY PRUINS, raisens, myl4,6m is the BURNSIDE &« THOMAS". enches of foreign fruits, Hams, bacon &c.. at BURNSIDE « THOMAS’, ARNESS, collars, cart whips, earringo whips, in great varieties, govern-- ment gears, saddles, bridles, martingales check lines, cart gears, tug harness, bu harness hames, ete. Everything in the sac dlery line at : BURNSIDE & TAHOMA OT[ONS of ull kinds, Steleing’ gloves Handkerchiefs, combs, poeket books in all their variety and very cheap, at BURNSIDE « THOMAS. EW PATTERNS of oil cloths, at re duced prices, at . BURNSIDE & THOMAS SOAP, Win. Hagan aud ? art 1 ABITS Elderling's soap, and a great variety of other soaps, st id 4 BURNSIDE «s THOMAS! A a URNSIDE & THOMAS, Offer to'thns Public on jargest and best selected stocks of dise. in Centre county, Call, examine and geo for yourself, RI "LOW PRICES. The Finest Stock of Spring’ Geode "Ever Opened in these Parts. At The 01d Stand v it st €enire Dall 2 cabins AND GENTS = DRESs GOODS. DRY GOODS, f § | + $88] Leg iii Atty L welduis lng lh 4; ) Flim ili 00] lpi boa nie | GROCER iE Yao ES jg Ho (4 gwoud s. ; Eu $1 Th. ¥ Pong: 2 #2 J . Ek yes ‘HARDWARE, QUELNSWARE, Hats, Caps ly Boots 'y Shoes. : AP LINE OF. i =F LSO_ A €HE NELS, i vs MUBLANSpi x 10 douse rid swim Fr GARICOESas AND | | A FLAN SHAWLS, I ALED, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF | NOTIONS, SYRUPS, COFFFES. Starrad - algo nlurge stock of 4 FISH, the best, al! kinds, $F: £ AS WELL AS IN . OUR OLD FRIENDS, TO G1 iS AOA LL spies y. . . YM. WOLF. The Latest Beatie Jivention, th Calorifie. To give some idea of the peenliavities of the ptove in question, me muy state that by a highly scientific and patent arinngement the excessive heat an the top of the stove which causes the centre pices: to burn ont, is carried around the oven, equalizing the heat of the stove, und eansing the bottom of the oven to be just as Jiot as the top part of the stove; by this arrangement, there fore, all danger of burning vut the centre pieces (usual to all cooking stoves) is el- fectually obwisted. What 3s mere, the . fire and oven can be easily reeulated toany degree of heat, by means of this patent ar- rangement, thus aveiding the necessity of iving the stove constant attention while Baking, in order to prevent it becoming to hot or too cold ; another adyantuge whicl this stove possesses to persons who use bis tuminous coal, is, that Ly the aid of the patent in question, it consumes the latter as readily as anthracite: in short, the ape- ration of this stove, which is as beautiful as it is efficient, leaves nothing to he desired. We would also state that these stoves cun be readily supplied with a patent copper- back boiler, by which all the hot water re- quired in afeuily aun be heated by the waste heat from the stove. To persons re- siding in the country, this stove comes wn | special blessing, as them all the: advantages of a cooking range, with none of the annoyances ; a water-back «an ousi- y be attached to it at a trifling cost, whieh will heat water equal to 8 cooking range without the inconvenience or expense of having a range built in the fire place. We will take the liberty of suggesting that to persons about going to house keepilg, too much im be to the portance cannot frocemsity of haying the best possible cook- ing lities. e great feature that it * does not require constant attention, that when the oven is once fixed, there is not the slightest risk from carelessness ér neg- lect, and that the tempersture of thé stove is absolutely unitorm at the top and bot tom, are alone to all other stoves in use, we would advise all persons who think of hasing, to call at the ware-rooms of [aac HAUPT, near the'de- pot, at Bellefonte, where ha k all ot Spears’ make of stoves. All of theabove patents can be applied to the celebrated anti-C ust Cookstove heretofore sold by him. Prices, 10 per et. less than market value, for cash. y . Isaac Haupt, Bellefonte, Sole Agent for Centre county, for all of Spears’ make of Stoves, 2%~He nlso haz on hand for sale. a few wo-horse Wagons, both néw and. old ; al- £0 one cart and harness, one I-herse truck wagen, one new trotting buggy, together with the best stock and vatisly of plows, cultivators, and harrowsever kept for sale about Bellefonte, All will be sald at bar. gning, for Cash. Don’t forget to call ang see his stock, before purchasing elsowher - aw SAVAGE & RRO, (Sueeessar to N. Hilibish) Wholesale and vetailidealess in Stoves & Tinware, Allegheny Street, Bollgfonte, Pi. Read only 3 partial listof sok Stox- Wel p Waverly, Orhan ( riental, Royal ook, Prince Reo, Sea Shell, Artisan, And Ameriean, Parlor and Office Stoves: Morning Glery, Tropic Brilliant, New Egg, And Purlor Cooks for Wood or Coal, and FWood Suoves of every description. Aitention is called to his stock of Roonng | Plate, a new size, which he bas just receiv- Cod size 40x20, It makes better job thant he bord size, nnd can be furnished wheaper thar 4 &~Spouting and jobbing ptly si- tended to. Lharge: ibe LL and satis. faction gonaranteed. : EE