Bs A a A 5 A AOU. 3 TASS — i ‘4: NEW LANDEORD,: | ©¥ Wok J. Hosterman, formerly of the Mill- ty BLANKS Blink Summons, Notes, Execut euption Note combined, for sale of. ce, - LOCAL NEWS:—Our friends will est, Including, deat h riv re Juprriages, guch are eaga by your trons would occasionally the Repofter to relatives ces who formerly live ! aud removed to other pa.ts, which induce many to become subscribers. and our aes to reach us, and we bei high epinion of the work, as evmplatatiiin y | t hed. 0 i Yel pu al SALES. ver, dec'd, Gregg §-, 7th August. Mheriff Kline offers at Sheriff's Sa 6th of Aug. the court-house, Aug ith, voters to the sweral Boroughs and tivs districts, on the afterno@iiafiSa August Tth, 1869, and elect represent said Boroughs and Towns x County Convention, to be held Democratic Club Rooms in B uesday, August Ith The nim bp € delognt district is entitled ¢ ment, is as follows: Bellefonte Bor. 3, 1. Philipsburg 2 Unionvi Twp. 1, Fer a FU Howard 2, HainsTwh, lle 1, Bu Aberty 2, 5, Penn 5, 3 Harris 3, Union 1, Walker 3, Huston t \ nrion 2. Patton 1, Potter q, lor. by W orth bk Rush 3, i 2 4, Ta wh W op fF Lolli] Ti SHEGR tr Answer to biblical enigma papert “The Child's Treasury.” INSURANGE, | On Manday Ja: “it & mieting ecutive committee of the Farmers home company Snialfmm vocM CLINTON CO, A subscriber writes, } na, July 20th § of JE FRFE B sustained a loss of about $200 in his fields, from.shocks that were washod carried off by the flood. farm, hear Salona, was bitten in th by a copperhead snake, while in the We take pleasure in nse of Hall's Vegetal newer as a safe and restoring Bn ) promoting its growth, inane A FISH RAIN. w rich he says: “A few weeks ago nes-ed. a eraging igrlength. frome l $0.10 ie soma of thewshad two legs under the horse severely stunned.” fi tre 5 SO 5H AP P55 NY HOLESALE WINE & LIQUOR STORE r————— J. B. ETPELE. Bishop street, Bellefonte, in, the Stone buil- ding ivrmerly occupied by the Key- stone Bakery Takes pleasure in informing the public that he keeps constantly on hand: a supply of choice Foreign and Domestic Liquors. All Barrels, Kegs and Casks warranted to contain the quantity represented. The attention of practicing physicians is called tol his stock of PURE LIQUORS, suitable for medical purposes, Bottles, jugs, and demijohns constantly on hand. He has the ONLY PURE NECTAR WHISKY in town, All liquors are warranted to give satis- faction. Liquors will be sold by the quart, barrel, or tieree: « He hus a ldege lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grades on hand. Confident that he ean please customers, he respectfully solicits a share of public Jo tronage. } my 14tf ALUABLE FARM at Private Sale! V The undersigned offers a valuable Farm, situate in Penn twp, Centre co, 14 mile south of Millheim, at private sale, Containing 60 acres of Laud, under the highest state of cultivation, and under good fences; ten acres consist of CHOICE TIMBER LAND. Thereon erected a 2story weather boarded h Log House, Barn, and all ne- 18 0oxsary Outbuildings, with a well of water in the yard, and WEES. large stream of water, , a tow rods from the door, and TWO ORCHARDS of ehoice fruit on the farm. CHR. BAME, near Millheim. in nm —— fala Creek my14,6m FIVE Largest and Best Stock of warran ted Boots and Shoes, warranted to give satisfaction, at reduced prices, only to be found at ~~ BURNSIDE & THOMAS. wae somite nm nna Em ANEW dpotheecdry & + Dru 2 Storey located in Brockerhof's new block, Bish.’ Op street, BELLEFONTE, Pa. s The subscribers have the pweasure to in. form the citizens of Bellefonte, Centre, Clinton & Clenrfield’ counties in geueral, that they expect to be ready, by Monday NEW DRUG STORE. next, (21st A OPEN THEI for the accommodation of the public, aud they hereby extend a ial invitation to all, who may be in need and wish to obtain Fresh, Pure, & Genuine Medi. cines, Chemicals, Drugs, and "all Wich artieled nb ane ep h @ Firt (lass Drug Sore, wa. Lately selected with great i discretion I the he RE W { oll and PHILADELPHIA, by the senior partner of the Establishanent, who has had OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE in the Art—and who speaks, reads and writes the German langue 84 well is the English tongue, being fully as wellscquain- ted with the nomenclnture in that JungHASe of the business, as with the Lntin and Eng. lish terms and technienligies. of the Art; and hence we can and will : CAREFULLY COMPOUND PHYSICIANS PRE RCRIPTIONS, in either langanye; and shall do it by duy and hy night. wea silpy We modestly and kindly ask for a liberal share of public favor and ‘patronge. Our stock eompists of 4 'g PURE & GENUINE DRUGS, MEDI. CINEN, & CHEMICALS IN ALL THEIR VARIOUS STY LES & FORMS of PREPARATION used by regular Physicians, We also keep the Finest Iixtracts and Perfumes for La- dics, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Clothes, Paint, & Varnish Brush es. The very finest and best Cut: lery, Combs of all kinds: Ivo- ry, Gam and Horn, Bind cages and Sced, Pure Whitelead, Zine in Oil, China, Gloss, Linseed Oil, All the vaio fimey éolored * Paint dry and in Qil, Furniture and Coach Varnish, ns also DeMurr Varnish, aad a few appro- ved Patent Medicines, and Instly, a large und well selected Lot of WALL-PAPER, ANDCHEAP ATTHAT, viz: From Wets per Bolt up to S2.60-—Give us a eal, ZELLER JARRETT, jun18 Deugpists & Apothecuries, A WORD TO Consumptives. Being a short sand practical treatise on the nature, causes, ad symptoms of Pul- monary Consumption, Brenchitis, and Asthma; and their prevention, treatment, and cure by inhalation. Sent hy mail, free, Addréss Q. VAN HUMMEL, M.D, 16 West, XN. Y. junds y NOTICE. ~Lotters of Administration AX having been granted then underegids over the Estate of Peter Fleisher, late of Potter tp., dec'd, notice ishereby given to all persons hnowing themselves indebted to said Bstate, to come forward and make [3 inent without delay, and all persons wmving accounts against the sume will pre- sent them properly authenticated for settles ment, DANIEL FLEISHER, fu! 2;06t, Administrator, LUMBER. The undersigned respectfully announce to the citizens of Pennsvalley, that they have in operation a NEW STEAM SAW en Mountains, and are now ready to fur- nish Square Lumber, P ang, Studdi.g, Joists, shingling Lathe, plasterer’'s Lathe, Shingles, any desired length of frame Stuf? and Squaretimber sawed to order and on shortest notice, Any thing in the line of Lumber supplied to order. Builders and others wanting stuff’ will do ‘well to send in their orders »ddressed to John Tayler & Son, Milroy, Pa. Ladies Trusses. Thigsinvaluable article for females, is now to be had ut Herlachor's store, and no other place in Centr: county. Ladies remember that these trusses can be had at Centre Hall. tf NOR LADIES ONLY.—For an article having a remarkable sale, address Mrs, MORGAN, 139 Fulton Street, New York. - id junes, tit, FOTUNE IN ANY STATE—Rights for Sale-— New patent article for every femule Sample 32 Address INVEN- TOR, P. 0. Box 2 #8 Nw York. june 25.6t, ANTED—LADY AGENTS, in jung, fm every lady will purchase at sight. Address Miss WILLIAMS, 139 Fulton St, N.Y. june 25°6t IME COAT AND LUMBER. [i The best WOOD "COAL BURNT "LIME, can be had at the Bellefonte Line Kilns, on the Pike leadingto Milesburg, at the lowest rides, ¢ ure the only parties in Central Pann. who barn in Patent Flame Kiln, which ATT Best White-Wash and offered to the trade The best SHAMOKIN AND WILKESBAR RIE ANTHRACITE COAL, all sizes, prepared eXbrasely for family use 4 Iso Silver Brook Foun- dry Coal at lowest prices, ond quality WAN RPO RR NY ® SOARDS, BROAD RAILS PALING, SHINGLES and plastering lathe for