Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, July 30, 1869, Image 2

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CENTRE ian Pa. July 30h, 1869.
HON. ASA PACKER, of & rbon.
- wn sun
a ———————
Ifish | ur
while his cond ult ih
ed the same gener
act of his life can \S
leaving its WIR on, the
history of Pennsylvania, while his of -
ficial career has been a burning shame
ang disgrace upon her escutcheons.
In the choice for standard-bearers for |
fost andidecided advantage, and that
fact will tell with powerful effect upon |
« of Cambria County, "
Building Railroads by Townships:
Tiking Broek wer
Since the "Petnsyleania Railroad
Company have agreed to tail and $ock’
the Lewisburg, Centre & Spruce Oreck’
Railroad, provided” the ‘expense for
grading the same is paid for “by the’
people along the Tine, mamy persons’
labor under the mistaken ideéx, that
the stock should be subseribed By the
township and borough authorities along
the line and. a tax levied upon . the.
the citizens to pay these: subsori pions,
Counties, cities, townships afid boroughs
ave prohibited by “the Constitiition of"
our State from being. stockhplders. 1h
corporations, even withthe assent: of
the citizens, hence the grading of our
road cannot be pid fr I that wan
leourageously presented by the press
and people.
Their again, the acts and doings of
‘Congress have disgusted many of the
hitherto strong aud § gtive friends and
adherentsiof the domi nent party of the
State, Hundreds who Stipported the’
Radical eand Mites TH 1868. will ‘vote
against them in 1869. Congress spent
whileat:the same time all the material
interests of white men in this State, as
well 2890 the natien, were tottering to
decay. And ‘What aré the present re-
sults of this polizy ? Cotton ntills are
silent otmuniiing but halftime, woolen
ff dories stopped, the iron inter-
ests Gofitplainirg, and all” because the
Radicals thought more” of ‘political
scheming and management than of the
ner, and the only way to accomplish
tions. We here copy an amenduent
to the constitution, passed in 1897 re-
lating to this subject :
Ske. VII, The Legislature shall
not authorize any county, city, boro’
township, or incorporated ‘district, by
virtue of a vote of its ¢itizens; or uther-
wise, to become a. stockholder in any
company, association, or corporation ;
or to obtain mouey for, or loan its cred.
it to any corporation, association, n-
stitution, or party.
— a
The Venango Speetator comes to
us greatly, enlarged . and. iniproved,
of prosperity in the argan of the dem-
tator is a good paper.
yt rere
Clearfield county, has, “for overa
year, heen having an e¥e phn a’ por
tion of Centre county, beitly anxious'to
annex Philipsburg and Rush‘ township
to that county. An effort, "to" aceom-
plish this, will be made next’ winter.
Centre, of course will have a sayin the
matter. : )
: ll —
Dastardly ‘Work,
We learn from the president ofthe
Asa Packer Association, Mr, \V., Mur-
phy, that au attempt was made to
throw the cars off the track between
Harrisburg and Lebanon‘as the assoéi-
ation were oftheir way to Philadel-
phia. A largetie wasplieal ovar the
track, anc thad it not been for the ops
portune discovery by the enzineer a
terrible accident would no doubt have
occurred. The mat who would dv so
infernal a thing wounld not get move
than his deseits if he were, committed
to the flames, Putriot 16th wnst,
This is radicalism full out. To throw
a train of cars from the track in order
to kill democratic voters, isin keeping
with the panty which hugg-an innocent
woman, and placed honest democrats
into dungeons to rot there, for no crime
EE a
Opening The Campaign.
Under thiz heading, “the “Awd” had
some seasotable ‘remarks when it
| prosperity of all sections of the nation.
LTnouy State Legislature the same signs
of inattention tothe real wants ‘of the
(*tvuption stalked
LC IMASSeN were séei.
| through that boly.
ind SOT Tike Fate in “market. No
Bill was considered that'did not have
Féondy hit” So op and mithitest
Fvere the evidences of bribery and pur-
mehtofthe Legislature was hailed with
“delight by the honest ‘men of all pare
"ties, andthe session of 1868 chronicled
| by the press as a lasting shame and
I diserade to the Keystone State.
Tu view of these facts, there are
Vihodsands of tax-payers tired of exces
sive” fixation: mechanics Clssatisfied
{ with the'attémpt made by the radical
[with their own wives in the cars, or
{ théir children in the public schools’
| manuficturers whose business has been
honest nien of all shades of political
opinions willing to act with the Demo-
Feraftic party in effecting a change in
the Fovernment of this State. They
have tested John W. Geary, and will
not vote for his re-election.” They
know he's a tool of the corrupt “Ring”
which manages affairs in this State
that he was renominated by them, snd
will wet in the future as he ‘has in ‘the
past. They know he has pardoned
offtnders from party considerations,
aud signed or vetoed bills, as the man-
agers of the party directed, without
reference to the wishes of the people or
| the welfare of the State. They ‘also
| reprobate the action of the Legislature,
tion upon the acts of that body by vo-
ting against the Radical nominees.
These are the points upon which the
guns of the Democracy can be brought
to bear in the present contest, and "the
duty of the party is to open the battle
with a full determination to win.
"ast should Keep out of the ranks. They
(will only take the place of better men.
| We repeat, this battle can be won,
Michaels, of Burnside tw
What it Cos
tin twp.
CORONER.—Dr. Wm. F. Reéiber,
Ferguson twp.
os Af fn MES
A Radical Journal on
The demoralization of the radical
wondered at, when we take into ac-
ble and influential journals
party have time and aghin & Duectol
against the renomination of Governor
Geary. Thedenunciations of Itis Ex-
cellency by Fitagerala’s, City, Jtem and
| several of the rincipal r ical papers
in Pittéburgh, have operated to dissat-
isfy anil disgust the rank and file of
he party. ‘The Philadelphia Evening
Telegraph hes also been a sore thorn
in the Governor's side. A short time
since it held the following language :
“Governor Geary has managed, du-
| “rin his official term, ‘to = dissatisfy
| “botlithe politicians and the people,
“in a vain effortto appease both. He
' “has proved a. poor politician, and
| “given not a litile of evidence that he
No a spark of statesmanship.
“Pennsylvanin has little ‘cause “for
“pride or congratulation as she looks
“back on this leng line of her Govern.
“ors. If a few good and brilliant
‘ men are stricken from the list, there
“ie little deft to raise it up “above ‘the
“level of medioerity ; ‘dnd Geary has
“done nothing ‘as Governor fo. distine
“quish himself over the mass of his pre-
“decessors. Meanwhile, although cor,
“ ruption reeks at Harrisburg, and the
“interests of the State are most shame.
“fully neglected and betrayed, his
“voice has never been heard protesting
| “in the clarion tongue that some men
“might have made ring throughout
“the Commonwealth against this car-
| “nival of folly and frand.” Ttisstrange
| that intelligent and respectable men
in the radical party, declare: their op;
position to Geary's re-election, when
they are informed through the editori-
| al columms of a sheet so high-toned as
| the Philadelphia Telegraph, that Geary
| has * ‘given not a title of evidence that
he possesses a spark of statesmanship,”
and that “though corruption reeks at
Harrisburg and the interests of the
State are most shamefully neglected
rand batrayed, his voice has never been
protesting ?"'~=Pudriot.
ob pr ls Mp Fo sn
Packer, The Soldier's Friend.
In those days of terror in 1863,
when Gen. Lee invaded Pennsylvania,
a niceting was held {ny Mauch Chunk
| for the purpose of raising troops for the
| defence of the State. There were him-
| dreds of patriotic men in the mining
| regions who ' were ready (to march
against the foe, but their families were
| dependent for sustenance upon the
| wages of their daily toil, ig unless
ithese were provided for, they. could
‘not go. The meting seemed certain
to prove abortive, whena venerable
| man, with benevolence written all
over his fuee, nrose and said : “I will
"provide the “necessaries of life for the
family of every man who enlists to-day,
(“und the wages of those of my employ-
| “ces who will enlist shall be paid du-
ring the time they serve il thearmy,
“the same as if they worked for me.”
The gray-haired patriot who spoke was
Asa Packer, and the response to his
speech was the “immediate” volunteer
ing of a large numberof men present
at the medting. And Asa Packer
| kept his faith with the men. whom this
pspeech sent into the ficld as soldiers.
| Their families were provided for and
(the wages of his own employees who
enlisted were paid the same as if ¢' ey
had continued in bis employ,—Latriol.
of . that
— iii
In NuMBERS there is saf ty, it was
upon this principle that the formula of
Judson’s Mountain “Herb Pills was
prepared. It was not the result of one
and promulgated, thes cappaign of
earnest. To be sure, in the country
work will not bezin until after the
crops are harvested and farmers can
spare tine to attemd meetings, see
their friend: and neighbors and arrange
ity, but the press can place facts before
and duties of the present and the fu-
ture. The radical party can be badly
eaten, if the Democrats act in a
prompt and proper manner. Asa
Packer, the Democratic candidate for
Governor, is the superior of John W.
Geary in every way. The “former is
an active, upright, intelligent business
man. He is identified “with the in-
provement aud developement of the
State, and having acquired wealth by
honest industry is spending it during
his life in acts ornoble-minded and un-
ostentatious charity. and benevolence,
He has founded a.college, endowed a
hospital, aided hundreds of young men
at the onset of their career, and at the
same time stands at the head of more
than one enterprise, intended fo open
the wealth of Penusylvania to the na-
tion and thus benefit her capitalists |
and toilers, On the contrary, John |
W. Geary is, and has always been, an |
unprineipled adventurer, Shifting his
residence to suit the needs of his condi-
tion, and moulding his views and prin-
expediency, his career has been oppo-
sed to the best interests of the country
and in ny wise an honor to his ‘native
leemed, Bat not by erving over the
| astyor sighing after the inipractica-
| ble; not by weak resolutions or timid
actions, It needs a mailed hand to
handie the campaign at this juncture,
Confidence in words apd deeds will in-
spire the masses with boldness, resolu-
tion and energy, and: they will clear
the track of all ‘hindrances likely to
impede the *Demgeratic car. If the
campaign is opened in this manner,
success is a fixed fact. We have un-
exceptionable candidates, our prinei-
ples are in harmony with the wants of
the people, and it only needs resolution,
courage and industry on the part of
the Democratic leaders and voters, to
insure the defeat of John W. Geary,
and the redemption of the State at the
coming election,
Radieal Candidates.
The namés ‘of the following persons
ara announced as radical candidates
for nomination.
ASSEMBLY. LJ. 'P." Coburn, of
Haines, twp. M. L. Litzel, of Potter
twp. :
SHERIFF.—J. B. Butts, Belle-
font, Wm. F. Corter, Liberty twp.
TREASURER.—H. P. Cadwalla-
der, of Potter township, Joseph FT.
‘Mitchell, of Benner twp.
Boggs twp.
Walker twp.
ver, Bellefonte,
na, 8. H.” Stover, of Harris twp., J.
Curtin, of
W. ‘Rogers,
State. In Kansas he was recornized
M. Kephart of Benner twp, George
ding to spend a fortune in advertising
his pills consulted the most intelligent
and learned physicians of the age and
the result was the production ofa sim.
ple but effieaceous medicine the Jud-
son’s Mountain Herb, Pills. These
ills cure Billiousness, = Dispepsia
Fiver Complaint, ludigestion, Female
Irregularivies, de. Thy have now
been used muniy years by the publie
and. thousands of testimonials bear
witness to their virtues. As a family
, medicine they are unrivaled. Give
[ the Mountain Herb Pills a trial. Sold
by all Dealers, Aug 62m.
The law imposing this tax, unless re-
newed, will expire next year. A pro
vision of limitation is in these words,
contained in the law: “The taxes on
income herein imposed shall be levied
on the first of March, and be due and
payable on or'before the 30th day of
April in each year, until and including
the year 1870, and no longer.’ Unless
the statute be extended the disagreea-
ble investigation to which it gives rise,
into the private affairs of citizens will
be at an end. But Congress may re-
enact the law at its next session, for the
revenue from this source is very large.
A Qt
A young man residing riear Wash:
ington furnace Clinton county, had his
wife present him one day last week
with three children, all at a birth, and
we are pleased to say that when last
herd from, the happy mother and dar-
ling little triplets were doing as well as
could be expected under the cireum-
stances. Fall in, boys.
The Uniontown Standard of this
week says : “On lust Sunday night Mrs,
Jeremiah Snyder, of Springfield town-
ship, gave birth to three fine girls, the
least weighing six pounds. All are
doing well, and bid fair to live,”
cious garden, and pas-
ture enough for all the cattle of the
Duke of Devonshire and for all the
fine horses of the Duke of Neweastle,
are—servapts of adlibitum, clerks and
fo. the extent ‘of a depletion
of the army—and presents of al kinds
“follow-citizens” at home and
abroad, Fac orders of his, since he
has been rusticating at Long Branch,
tell a significant story. . That the Sec:
retary of the Interior is laconic. If is
simply to see that his two favorite
vilgs ‘are properly “shod,” and sent on,
Upon inquiry’ T iid “that the mere
ehosing” of w coup’ e of horsés should
not cost more than a ten dollar green-
back ; but the word “shod,” like Lit
‘tleton's &e,” in Coke's Commentaries,
is made to mean by the &ycophantic
Secrdtary, an great deal. Fo short this
business. of “shoeing! and “sending
on” these animals, will cost the United
States more than three thousand dol-
lars, as per contra at the Departm ent
of the Interior, although Secretary
Cox certifies’ that he “carried them
with. his awn “hand.”
The loss of the mare “Addie,” the
subject, of the other despatch. from the
General, seems to have thrown a
“gloom” over the whole District, par-
ticularly - about the office of the Sur-
geon General, whase more immediate
duty it was “to ¥ee (in ‘the absence
of the President) to her health and
physical culture, (| The rumars. in the
anti Grant journals that there was di-
reliction - of duty on the part of the
veteenary branch of the Medical De-
partment, were triumphantly ‘dispro-
ved of by a post anortem examination,
instituted and directed hy Gen, Barues,
who, after the disembowling had been
gone through with, holding a small
worm about un inch’ ‘in length, and
ture, a most 8
blade of his sword, pronounced the dis
ease of which this favorite beast died
was—=the bots, This result of the first
Military Coroners inquest ever held
in this country relieved many from
prebeons of Ku Klux eonspiracy.
thesand at the most.
i ———
Peaches were pretty p
troops near Baraco have ca
ghot sixty rebels.
creasiigat Puerto Principe.
piu red and
election. The better plan is to attend
to it now, and not wait until just be.
fore the election. Let the Democrats
of the several districts see to the mat-
ter at once.
a a ———————
have lately been shown formula
which these Pills are prepare
of them, ean honestly nounce them
a good safe and reliable medicine. Be-
ing entirely free from all
ingredients they can be safely used
life. We would advise all to use them
and by a fair trial you can see at once
the benefit derived from them,
Morse’s Indian Root Pills in all cases
of Billionsness, Headache,
Irregularities, Liver Complaints, &.
Sold by all Dealers.
rt ly pn Mp ee
For the Reporter,
W. W. Love.
are conceded to be equal to the cmer-
party is well known ; his labors in sup-
to the nomination,
it be stated that but two short years
ago the township of Haines was ably
represented in the lowerbranch of the
State Legislature by Hon: Fred Kurtz.
Potter township has never sent a rep-
resentative to Harrisburg since its
formation, All tings being equal,
we confidently bclieve that the last
mentioned fact should so’ impress the
conventionas tolend to the nomination
of Col. Love. Let there be no mounopo-
lizi ng of legislative honors by any one
township. VERITAS.
For the Reporter.
As the time for the primary meetings
is near at hand, it becomes our duty to
endeavor to effect the nomination of
men to fill the various offices who have
been true to the time honored prinei-
ples of democracy, and who have
worked faithfully for the party ever
right of suffrage. The most important
office to be filled is that of Assembly,
and let one ‘he nominated for this office
whose honesty and integrity will se
cure for us, the rights which we demand.
Col W. W. Love, of Potter twp.
whose well known devotion to the
sterling principles of '76, has been
for this office, and as ‘he has done
more for the party than many of the
drones who usually flock into the polit-
ical arena, we can cheerful y recommend
him to the favorable consideration of
the convention, knowing that ho will
make a good representative if elected.
bs M. Sellers, Esq., of Ph
108 niles, ht an_ estimate
cost of about nine millions 8f dollars.
All persons subject to Licenses, under
the internal revenue laws of the United
States hon of Pkt, Ge composed of the
nships of Potter, Gregg, Penn, Huings,
RR wre hy Lo en {appli
tion for the same must bo made to the un-
dersigned, at his office at Spring Milla,
Jul80,3m |
Just Published, in a Sealed: Enwxelope,
co pix cents, A Lectureon the Nature
IR and Radleal’ Oure of Seminal’
Weakness; or Spermatorrhaen, induged by
Self Abuse; Tuvalyntary Emissions, Tnipo-
tenev, Nervous Deb ity; and Impediments
to Marriage genepully ; Cons mption, Epil-
opsy, and Fits | Mental and Physieal
Rhelty: &e.—By ROB. J. CULVERWEL,
M, D,, Author of the ‘Green Book’ &e.
The world renowned nathor, in this ads
mirable Lecture, clearly proves from: his
own experience that the awful conse-
quences (FRI? Abuse may be effectually
removed without medicing, and without
dangerous surgical “operations,” hoagie,
instruntents, rings, or cordials, pointing out
| a mode of cure at onco certain and effectual
by which every sufferer, no matter what
Ms condision be; may cure hiwself
cheaply, Riva y, and radically. This
“Meéture will proves boon to thousands and
thousands, |
go under seal in a plain ‘envelope, to
any address, on receipt of six cents, or two
stage stamps, by addressing the pub-
ishers, :
"Also, Dr. CULV ERW ELLS “ Marriage
| Guide,” price 25 cents. Address the pub-
lishers. CHAS JUOrK LINE & C0.
127 Bowery, New York, P, 0. Box 4,586.
| jan dy
: Clon :
The undersigned, having assumed control
of this fine hotel, would respectfully ask the
patronage of the public. He i€ prepared to
accommodate guests in the best of style,
and will take care that his tables are sap-
plied with the best in the market. Good
stables attached to the hotel, with careful
and attentive servants. - The travlin Jub-
he nreinvited to give the Cummings House
n eall, Julio ly
UPLIC SALE. — Will be sold, at Pub,
"lie Sule, on Saturday Auzust Teh, next,
at the residence of Samuel Wenwver, dec'd,
near Farmer's Mills, in Gregg twp, the
following personal property, viz
One Breeding Mare, 1 Cow, 1
1Br eng Bull, 4 Hogs, .1 Buggy,
¢ dearborn Wagon, 3 one horse
Sleds. 8 Hives of Bees, Four Bedsteads anp
Bedding, linen Bedclothes, linen C othe |
1 Cooking stove, 2 setts of Harness, 200 hs of
Lard, 12Gallons of Apple-Batter, 100 yards
of Carpet, 1 Copper Kettle, 1 Tron Kettle,
20 weight of Haws, | Dining Table, 1 Cup-
board. 1 Clock, and many other articles to
numerous too mention,
Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, on_ said
day, when Terms will be made known hy
july 23
The undersigned offers his valuable fur
situate in Pean township, one mile west of
Milllveim, close to the Lewisburg & Belle-
fonte turnpike, at private sale, The sane
Containing 102 Acres,
Seven acres of good white onk timber land.
coll BARN, all necessary outbuildings, a
This is one of the best furms in the val-
ley, smooth land and in « high state of eul-
tivation, A well of excellent water, also a
large cistern nt the door.” For further pur-
ticalurs apply to Lod
jul er wear Millheim
A ———————————
take them to J. H. HAHN, at Belle-
who is the most ralinble Watehmaker and
Jeweler in the place. Also Dealer in
Chronometor and other Watches repaired
on the
Most Scientific Principles.
Jobbing of wll kinds promptly and care
fully executed at shortest notice,
All work warranted to give satisfaction,
Zo Business tean:aected in both English
and German,
Next door to Harper & Bros, Spring
street, near High, July2i ly
B USH HOUSE near the depot, Belle.
fonte, Pa.
W. D. RIKARD, Proprictor,
This new and magnificent Hotel has now
come under.the proprietorship of Mr. Ri-
kard, formerly of the Cummings House,
and will be kept upin FIRST CLASS HO-
TELSTY LE, «It has comfortable rooms,
all the modéen conveniences, prompt ser
vants, and reasonable charges. THE TA-
BLE will always be abundantly supplied
with the most simptuous fare the market
will afford, done up by the most experi-
enced cooks, HIS BAR will always con-
tain the choicest liquors.” He will be glad
to sce his old friends at the new hotel, and
{ ne pains will be spared to make them feel
at home, jul23, 69 tf
The undersigned has invented uw new and
Eedl paint; color of peach blossom, For
a building 22x80, two story, cost of paint
S1,60 and eost.of putting it on $5,560, It is
both cheap and durable. Price of Recipe
$2,50. Any ohe ean put on this paint with
a white-wash brush, Persons wishing to
seen specimen, will eall and see the dwel-
ling of the undersigned, and satisfy them«
selves, This paint is intended for rough
weather boarding. WM. COLYER,
Jull, 4t. Centre Hill
$3 500 Per Year tosell ** Wonderof
the World,” Address J.C.
TILTON, Pittsburgh, Pa. julle'dw.
New Loxpox, Coxx., April 26,1869,
RemeMBERED Fries bt thought it
well to wait another week before writing,
to see if I continued to improve, as T have
been doing forsome time, udder the treats
ment of the new medicine, and I am happy
to tell you that T am getting better—even
faster than when you were here. I com-
menced the use of DOOD'S NERVINE
without advising me toit. When I began
with it I could only walk from my bed to
the chair, My trouble has been extreme
pain in the head, and has lasted of three |
year. Allthe medicine I have heretofore
taken has failed to giveanv relief. 1 am’
now able to go up and down stairs, and
daily improving, 1 consider the NER.
VINE the bestimedicine 1 ever found, and
shall continne its use, for I am confidant of
entire recovery, I have taken only three
bottles, and wonld not be without it on any
account. Very truly, + Mrs, 1.5 Nure
jul23 tw
b ahround
twp. wilFbe ndi er,
subject to the decision of the democratic
county cenvention,
PROTHONOTARY —Waeare authorized
fonte, will be a candidate for Prothonotar
subject to the decision of the democratic
county convention,
REGISTER— We are authorized to an-
nounce that J. P. Gephart, of Bellefonte,
the decision of the democ eount con.
the Seva Somuetatic county, con
bei /
mi fi
vence of which be
eo will -not be uble
to ca
friends th
their Kind a
knownto the ge ed
Over one thousand illustrations by
guished Artists in Europe
therefore takes this method of mak
ly. chat
is a candida e fog the office, of Prothone
ry, and will be thay hh
may favor him w
anpotmer the name of J. H
of Bellefonte as «x enndidate for Treasurer,
subject to the decisie
county convention,’ 8 the Democpatic,
TREASURER, ~Waare authorize
announce the Mavis ol isu, RAG Gr
Milpstwp: as a candidate for sure
pub to the decision of the Detiovratic’
county eonvention, YET Ad
ASSEMBLY.—We are suthorized to
atnounee the name ofJ, G Mexeratlin
township as a candidate for Assembly, sub-
Joet to the decisioty of the
ty conyention,
REGISTER. — We ate authorized to aie
of Worth tw., ds & bandidite fF Rogistir)
subject tothe deeision of the Demoeratie
county eonvention, i
nosnee the name of Daniel Wandring, of
Bellefonte, ns a candidate for §
ject to the decision of the
county evuvention, .
RECORDER —We are authorized t«
announce the name of [seael J. Grenoble,
of Hainestwp., as a candidate for Recorder,
county convention,
SHERI FF.— We are authorized to an-
nounce that Griffith Davis, of Spring town.
t hip will be a eandidate for Sheriff, subject
to the decision, o” the Democratic County
Convention. : : i
SHERIFF.—Weare authorized to an-
nounce that D. C Keller, of Potter town-
ships, will be a eandidate for Sheriff, stthject
to the dot
COMMISSIONER. —We are autherized
to announce that Joseph M Closkey, of Cur-
tin township, will be « candidate for Couns
ty Commissioner, subject to the decision of
the Democratic County Convention,
TREASURER. —We are authorized to
announce that Jos, M.. Wilson of Benner
township, will be a eandidate for County
Treasurer, subject to the decidion of the
Demoerigtic County Convention,
RECORDER. — We areanthorized to an»
nounce that Sol. Ettling~r, of Haines town-
ship, will be & candidate for Reev.rde,r sub-
ject to the decision of the Democratic
County Convention.
SHERIFF. — We are authorized to ane
nolnee that Thuoas M Coy of Philipsburg
will be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to
tha decision of : the Democratic County
SHERIFF.—We are authorized to an-
tiounce that’ Richard Conly, of Benner
township, will be a candidate for Sheriff.
stibject to the decision of the democratic
ehunty convention,
TREASURER. —~We are authorized to
announce that John W. Krumreine, of Fer-
guson township, will be n candidate for
County Tressurer, subject to: the decision
of the democratic county convention.
ASSEMBLY. —We are authorized to
announce that Col. Wm. W. Love, of Put-
ter twp, has consented to the use of his
name as a candidate for Assembly, subject
to the decision of the next democratic coun-
ty convention.
SHERIFF.—We are authorized to an-
nounce that B. F. Brown, of Harris twp,
will be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to
the decision of the democratic county con-
vention, .
PROTHONOTARY. We are authors.
zed to announce the ngme of Christiyn D.
Keller, of Bellefonte, #s a candidate for
Prothonotary, subject to the decision of the
Democratic County Convention.
PROTHONOTARY.=We ure authors
of Bellefonte, ns a candidate for Prothono-
tary, subject tothe decision of the Demons
cratic County Convention.
REGISTER.—We are authorized to an-
nounee the name of Samael J. Herring, of
Gregg township, as a eandidate for Regis
ter, subject tothe decision ot the Democra-
tie County Convention, i
SHERIFF.—We are authorized to an-
nounce the name of D. H. Yeager, of Snow-
shoe, nen candidate for Sheriff, subject to
the decision of the Democratic Co..nty Con-
SHERIFF.—We ara: authorized to
aatiounce the name of Joseph L. Neff, of
Boggs, wp. as 3 candidate for Sheriff,
subject to the decision of the Pemecratic
County Convention, if
$ PER DAY.—Akents wanted ev-
/\J erywhere, Sample for two stamps,
Address Bates, Harness & Co, ;
jul, dw a Cleveland, Ohio. |
Cancers ! Tumors! ! Ulcers!!!
ROF. KLINE, of the Philadelphia
University, is making astonishing enres
of Cancers and all tumors by a new process.
A Chemical Cancer Antiote, that removes
the largest of cancers and tumors, without
pain or the use of the knife, without eaustie,
eating or burning medicines, and without
the loss of a drop of blood, For particulars
eall or address P. IH. KLINE, {i D., No.
931 Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa,
Secret History
The astounding revelations and startling
disclosures made in this work are er
cret political intrigues, &e., of Davis and
other Confederate leaders, with the Hid-
Send for ¢ rs wd
a fall diseription of the work. Address
adelphia, Pa. tnd dO
Sights: Secrets
most startling, instructive “and _en-
Sorat ke
Circulars, and see our terms, Address U.
NEW YORK. . July, 164w.
bs MEW gs
iY PRUINS, raisons; pene chap
apples, oranges; Iethorin al) “
fruits, Hams, bacon ae TSB
of foreign
gH Tey
sent gues, anfidise.
harness ha #e
dlery line at bi5 om 55 om
heir variety a
Sofall k
ay id
carriages, willow: ware,
s, powder, shot, ¢ cartrid . &e., rigs
ORSE COLLARS, if you don t-want
"Your horac's shou ers galled and wali$
! sore, got gon : 1
(X3ep PRUFTS. PeheReX tomitums; “
J + pine apples, ah n varie.
ty, at - "BERS SIDE a : ; 8
STING TACK LES, sods Tinea, Sunk
F flies, sea i ay i Rig ysu
out to cateh trout at
; n hte
1 » through the county if yeu | Tans
Bupa articin ge wh EAE H SM
Whitnat' s celebrated confections, ; nad
Whitman's celebrated ¢ Nw
Buker's chocolate, Smith's
Chinn Ginger, Fougl Pi
A ie ick ae Sam
merican RUE: : x
——————— Lo mp
5 ?
bese 408
PAB gid
7 2d Tn
- i
poe a Xi 10} i
d i Saad & 4
A large pi alogant sortment
as ’ sv
in Gloves and Bufine
0 Robes, at very at i = :
i —— nn 50
| B ABITS SOAP, Wi fii
® ®
ey SS soaps, o casti e, pure
Bidurling’s soap, and a pure:
other soaps, at pt pti gs ®
ES of Wl] Variefits, ground
bi ped ar fe ict
t is the only place you ean find un.
ted spices, - ther for if
You can only | wl at gaa A y
HS Sain hina tatunt se
XL mills, shovels, spades, : rakes, howe, " we
lnuips, forks, chains, &e., at .3
HOE-MAKERS TOOLS and flodisgs,
varie of
2 =
to rele or” w¥ %,
, re. Eg »t
#5 a
3 x
BE srs & THC IMAS, FoR 53 h "
gi 4 Offer to the Public one of the
inrgesfanid best selected stocks of merchans ~~
dise, in Centre county. Call, examine and
sen for yourself") 1771 ¥{ ZOTT 110% T2 9E 5
“The large and valu Er
by De. Win. Wilson, dm his ow rhigamr
by the heirs GF the ls «Mn i
in Potter township, Centre county, will be
sold ut private sale, on terms te suit pur-
chasers, as follows:
ho dst. 8 Tot of Sib iNidg therwil ©
lage of Potters } pe Abus «i
SIX: ACRES; #w.cii18 #7
with a large Two-Story Mansion, Two-ste-
ry Office, Stables and other out-buildin
thereon erected. The grounds around the
house contain beautiful shrubwery, It isin "a
all respects a desirable property, and is well = 7 ©
situsted for business purposes © wo = :
2nd. A tract of hind situated near Gen" 2 1
tre Hall, adjoining lands of Peter, John
anid Geo. Hotter, Georgeonnd Daniel Durst,”
BE Ba and othe tair Es q
This tract is now divided inte
5 > a ¥
fifty acres and one of one hund
ty-four ac pith three
oF fulve boi Phat Hart: ving eh
“ xe contai about thir
will he divided ry ig ts
people of Cent Gf desi
partlying west “tuenpi
vided into three farms of about one hun-
dred and twenty-eight acres of in any
way that may suit purchasers, ~~ 7 ©
Srd. A tract of land near the “01d Fort,” A
‘adjoini lands of Geo, Odenkirk; Johm H. ~~
Keller, Jacob Arney, Samuel Foster and ey
EL. 85 F 35 ¥
3 1 Fist
others, coutaining Lif
Thereon erected is a complete set of farm
H he t on je § ¥
buildings and two XU sonant. ail iw]
Fuis trmet wilt be ul A,
vided by the turnpike—or in such other ==
Tis may be desired
The two tracts last described contain « =
lands of the best ple + rn dxcels
lent condition, nny, of the im
the. best din the so ; ade he i : |
ey can Le ¢ ded so as to anon af © pals pei - |
fivient amount of good thuber and to ench i on
(Dr. WM, 1 to N, ote,
A i an AE 2»
Atturneys-at Bie;
BAL fo t
pe 2 Soars
TURSDAY, JULY 3, foo0. = 1 "7
Boarding with furnished rooms cap be.
had at reasonable rates. ng. ean be
Sine IT hE a ITE] gEpet ; an
P, S.—Allletters : d Iressed &
or, Penn Hall will ric ive prompt a
jaly 24t. mpl 2