Millheim Saddlery. GEO. W. STOVER, jr., respectfully in- forms the citizens of Penns and Brush val- lies, that he has started a new Saddler Shop at Millheim, at the old stand formerly kept by J. H. Stover, and is now prepared to furnish Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, and Whips of every kind and quality, in fact everything ecufplete, dqual to a first class establishment, and at the most vea- sonable prices. He warrants his work as to quality and fineness of style. Farmers ana others are invited to call and examine his stock. He ir determined ta please customers, ap23, ly G. W. STOVER, ir. ne ————— ———— ——————— ———— ————n. ————. ———— — MILROY FURNITURE Wareroom. The subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Centre county, that he has con stantlv on hand, and makes to order, al kinds of . BEDSTEADS, (Cottage and plain,) WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, - SOFAS, EXTENSION TABLES, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables, Tolet Tables, AA. SH RO snes “FRIDAY, JULY 16th 1869. I JOHN ALCOHOL. John Aleohol, my jo John, When we were first acquent, I'd siller in my pockets, John, Which now, you know, there ain't ; I spent it all in treating, John, Because I loved you so: But mark you, how you've treated me John Alcohol my jo. John Alcohol, my Jo. John, We've been o'er lang thegither ; Sae ye maun take @ road, my John, And I will take the ither! For we man tumble down, john, As hand in hand we go, And T will hae the bill to pay, John Alcohol, my jo, John Alcohol, my jo, John, Ye've bleard out baith my een, An lichted up my nose, John. A firy sign atween. My hands wi’ palsy shake, John, My locks are like the snow; You'll surely be the death o’ me, John Alcohol, my jo. John Alcohol, my jo, John, Twas love of you I ween, That gart me rise sea early, John, And sit sae late at e'en. The best 0 friends maun part John, It grieves me sair, you know ; But “we'll gang no mair to your toon,” John Alevhol, my jo. The radical party met in state con- vention, last week, in Philadelphia, and nominated Geary for re-election. During Geary's administration the state government was so notoriously corrupt, that even republicans became alarmed and eried ont against the wholesale corruption of their party, and the democratic press could searce- ly, expose all the rascality, so nume- rous were all the radical schemes for plundering the public treasury. In addition to the exposures made by a few honest radical organs of the cor- rupt practices of their party, we now have the late radical state convention coming out flat-footed in favor of cor- ruption, by voting down a resolution which pledged the party to reform. We now copy from a radical sheet, the Bellefonte National, of 25th ult., the doings of the Geary convention. Read, honest republicans, read ! this evidence will be found in every radical sheet, which publishes the proceedings of the convention, We copy: “An amendment to the resolution approving of General Geary's admin- istration, offered by Mr. Quay, pledg- ing the Republicans of Pennsylvanma to the retrenchment of public expen- ses and the reformation of abuses in the management of public affairs, was rejected, 1t being objected that it was not relevant to the subject.” What! such an amendment as this New, BOOK, St VHOLESALE AND Dore BOOK, STATIONERY & NEWS EM. PORIUM, TACOBD MILLER, hag purchased the ¢) Book, Stationery and News Establishes ment of Kinsloa & Mrother, on Allaghetiy street, near the Diamond, Bellefonte, to which he hus just added a liege invoice of goods, such as is generally Kept in a wells conducted Book and Stationery Store, His stock consists of Theological, Medical, Law Miscellanious, Sunday School, and School Books. Also, blank hooks, time books, pass books, diaries, every grade and price of cap, legal, bill, letter, bath, and note pa- per, drawing and tissue paper, fine French paper, envelopes of every deseription and rice, pens, inks, ink-stands, erasers, rub- pr bands, transparent and common slates, slate pencils, lead pen ils, chalk crayons, &e., &e. Legal and justices blanks of all kinds, revenue stamps at face, Orders taken for goods at all times, Goods received in three days from the time the order is received, Mr. Miller is also wholesale agent for Lochman's Celebrated Writing Fluid which he sells at manufacturer's prices, County merchants would do well to give him a cull before purchasing elsewhere, sepd. G8 1y GOOD NEWS FORTHE PEOPLE. Great Attraction and Great Bargains! FEIYHE undersigned, determind to meet the LL popular demand for Lower Prices, re- spectfully ealls the attention of the public to his stock of SADDLERY, now offered at the old stand. Designed es- peciall - for the people and the times, the lar- gest and most varied and complete assort- mont of : Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, of every description and quality; Whips, and in fact everything complete to a first- class establishment, he now offers at prices which will suit the times, A better variety, a better quality or finer style of Saddlery has never befor: been of- sered to the public. Call and examine our tock and be satisfied before purchasings elfewhere, wo > >, NEW GOODS! Now Opening. The undersigried having purchased the Centre Hill Store, and replenished it with new goods just pur chased at the lowest Cash prices, feel con dent that it will be to the interest ofall whe want to buy goods, to give them a call be. fore purchasing elsewhere, They have placed the store under the control of Mr, Jas. M. Lashell, who has had many vears experience in selling goods and who will at all times be pleased to show purchasers and others, goods, and make it an object for them to purchase. The stock consists of a general assort. ment of all kinds of goods usually kept in a country store, such ns Dry Goods, Groceries, Queenswares ard dc AIG. Fe 3 EE a. ILROY Woolen Mills Milroy, Migtin county, Pa. . o- i The undersighied will take i regi : plegsure in supplying his friend i i - io plying ends, and tho public gene Woolen Goods of all Kinds, from the above celebriited Factory, FINE, MEDIUM, und COURSE, ALL MADE OF THE BEST STOCK, and in the most substantial manner. le invites especinl attention to his Fine black and fancy Cassimeres, and Superior Plaid Flannels, equal in Finish and Quality to the Best eastern Goods, and Much more Durable, z#~He will wait upon the people AT THEIR HOMES, as much as possible, with a large variety of these goods, WOOL, LARD, and SOAP taken in ex- change for Goods, Goods, of every varie ty, always on hand at his residence. 7 WALL PAPER, of every kind and style, always on hand. John C. Kemp, marlf Centre Hill, Pa. Crys HALL GE SA sn CKET CUTLERY—all make CUTLWIN & WiTsonnd [)°VBLE AND SINGLE BARREL fowling pieces at : apl0'68, IRWIN & WILSON. (Ross-cor AND MILL make at winx aplU'68, Sng eh x ii § : y — ‘ j jel IS a aplU 68, > TIASD HELLS itd d kinds 5% Ho iso nd i Wiisox's for sale b apl0' (8 4 APANSED TOILET SEY yu er ; 1 A IGon TaPnanad wars Al Pl yil Store. a OOKING.GLASS PLATES of allel L 0 or sale by ir, 4 Wrson apl PINDLE SKEINS for wagons, all si res, at the sign of the Anvil apl0'G8, win & Witsok: OALTS for . FRigand | , at ol Inwis & WiLsow's, sizes in use; Hox BLANKETS AND SLEIGH aplO 68, BELLS, at low aplO6s, Tr & WiLsox's, X98 parexy CHURN, the best in use at Ixwix & Wilsox's. aplO'Gs, (; REAT BARGAINS at - Centre Tables, Sinks, Doughtrays, C.F. Harlecher's John Alcohol, my ]O, John, | i . Determined to please my patrons and Ye've wrougt me muckle skaith; | thankful for the liberal share of patronage not relevant in the radical state con- Cradles, Cane Seated Rocking Chairs, Cane Seated Chairs (plan) Cane Seated Nursing Chairs, Plain Rocking Chans, Windsor Chairs, Children's Chairs, settees, lounges, Complete suites of Furniture. furnished at chart notice and made in the best possible manner—HoMEMADE and warranted of the best material. Prices Lower than Elsewh x®_ Persons in want of Furniture will do well to give me a call. 3 JOHN CAMP, Milroy. B A ~ New troting Buggy: fou jor sale at a bargain, at Wolf: ugg) o Centre-hai. siand. Wall Paper, cheap frow12 to 20 cents per boltat Herlacher's G; EORGE PECK'S EATING HOUSE T& OYSTER SALOON, On High street, at Bush's Arcade Restaur- ant Bellefonte, Pa. This excellent estab- lishment is now open, and good meals can be had at all hours. Roast Beef, Ham, {warm or cold.) Chicken, Turkey, Tripe, Pickels, Ovsters, Soup, Eggs, Pies, Cakes, Crackers. Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, &e.. &., comprise the bill of fare. Billiard Table connected with the Restaurent. Oystersin everystyle—alsoe by the dozen and hun- dred. deco ly Munson’s Copper Tubular AND THE STAR GALVANIZED an8 Thes: Rods are now acknowledged among the best in the world, having drawn the first premiums at the principal fairs in the United States, and endorsed by over five hundred Professors in Colleges and other scientific men, and have never been beaten in any contest. The spiral anges and rough edgos dissipate electricity and double the conducting power. Put up at the lowest rates. - ze Deductions are made on all or- ders sent in to the undersigned, - Samuel Harpster, Centre Hall my14,10t NW HARDWARE STORE! i J. & J. HARRIS. NO. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. A new and complete Hardware Store has been opennd by the undersigned in Brock- erhoff"s new building—where they are pre- red to seilall kinds of Building and Hous: furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Buggy wheels in setts, Champion Clothes Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hang Soto non Saws, Webb Saws, Ice Crean Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a ful assortinent of Glass and Mirror Plate of al sizes, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes Felloes, and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators, Corr Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold Board: els, Spades and Forks, Locks, Hinges Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails Norway Rods. Oils. Lard, Lubricating Coal, Linseed, Tanners. Anvils, Vices, Bel lows, Screw Hee, Blacksmiths Tools Factory Bells, House Bells, Dinner Bells Gong Bells, Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpén ter Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans, Paints, Oils Varnishes received and for sale at juned 68,1y. J. & J. HARRIS. COACH MANUFACTORY. HARDMAN PHILLIPS, T HIS manufacturing establishinent at Yeagertown, on the Lewistown and Bellefonte Turnpike, has now on han a fine stoek of Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies and Spring Wagons, which he now offers for sale as syperior in uality and styles te any manufaetared in the country. They are made of the very bestseasoned stock by first class practical workmen, and finished in a style that challenges comparison witk any work out of or in the Eastern cities and ean be sold at lower prices than those manutactured in large towns and cities, amidst high rents and ruinous prices of liv- ing. Being mastor of his own situation, anxious to excel in his artistical professior. and free from any annoyances in his busi- ness, he has thae and ability to devote his entire attention to his profession and his customers, rendering satisfaction alike tc all patrons, operatives, his country, anc himself. Call and examine his stock and learn his prices, and Be cannot fail to be satisfied REPAIRING of all kinds done neatly, promptly, ind reasonably, ¥ eagertown, June 12, 1868.—1y. HE ANVIL STORE is now receiving a large and well assorted Stock of Hardware, Stoves, Nails, Horse Shoes, Sad- dlery, Glass, Paints, Sheet, Bar and Hoop Iron, also Buggy and Wagon Stock of . every description.--Call and supply your- se lvesat the lowest possible rates at Wékap IRWIN & WILSON. And yet to part with you, John, It seems I'm unco Iaith. I'll join the temperance ranks, John, Ye needna say me no; Its better late than neer do weel, John Alcohol, my jo. rl What Radicalism has done for Ten- nesse in a financial point of view, can be gathered from a late letter of the Secretary of that State. He says the interest of the State debt has been | paid for two vears past by constant | hypothecation of bonds. Last year $1,100,000 was hypothecated to meet the January interest. To meet the in- | terest due next week, it would require double this amount of collateral, of which £200,000 would be lost without hope. During the last four years, the State has loaned to railroads the enor- mons sum of $15,000,000 ; but a mere trifle of interest has been paid on this sum. It is the belief of Secretary Fletcher that the State can pay no in- terest for several years to come, and that the best that can be done will be to find it, This shows the bad effects of disfranchising and trampling under foot white men, and raising negroes to a controlling position. The Ohio Democratic State Con- vention General Rosecrans Nom- inated for Governor. Columbus, July 7.—The Demoecra- tic State Convention met to-day, at 10 A. M., inthe Opera House. The usual committees were appointed, and the Convention took 4 recess till 2. p. M The indications are that Judge Rang ney will be the nominee for Governor. The Convention met at two o'clock, and organized with Hno. P. Van Trump as President. The following ticket was nominated : For Governor, General W. S. Rosecrans, on the sec- ond ballet ; for Lieutenant-Governor, T. G. Godfred ; for Judge of the Su- preme Court, W.J. Gilmore; for Treasurer of the State, Stephen Buhrer ; for Attorney-General, Colo- nel J. M. Connell. : re el Apr Plant a few kernels of buckwheat in each hill of cucumbers or melons, and striped bugs will not trouble the vines, ee tf pb irae When N. DP. Banks was chosen Speaker of the national House of Rep- resentatives, John Covode, a Radical member from this State, wrote toa friend as follows: “Glory to God Banks are elected.” John Covede is now Chairman of the Radical State Central Committe... Alexandér H. Stephen's history of the civil war has had a sale of 51,000 copies. I ,-_—_ A New Jersey father whipped his son to death to make him confess to the suspected theft of ten dollars. A somnambulist recently paraded San Francisco in early morning, clad only in a shawl and holding a mirror in her hand. en dp pe The noblest sight on earth is a man talking reason, and his wife listening to him. — a pe Whiskey isnot a tonic, but an alter- native—it alter dollars into pence, and men into brutes, & ia A landlady in Boston, it is said, makes her biscults so light that the Pp ee ard? Because it runs. Rev. Adam Clark said: Wine is the devil’s way into man and man’s way to the devil.” vention, coupled with a resolution en- dorsing Geary's administration! Well, no, truly such an amendment was out of place in a body, nine-tenths of which consisted of all the most notori- ous treasury thieves in the state, who have been plundering under Geary for the last three years, Yes, we say, this amendment was out of plate in_a body which nominated Geary, who signed nll the villanous acts of the late radical legislatures. To adopt such a resolution, would have been, in such a body, like Satan veproving sin. Thi§ radical gathering was controlled by the “ring,” the cor- rupt gang of which John W. Geary is the centre, and whom they will try to re-elect, so they may continue to fatten at the public crib. There is considerable excitement at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, over the removal of Mrs. Hood, late postmaster of that ci- ty, and the appointment of Mr. Noah Boyton. Mus, Hood is the widow of a soldier, and was appointed to the post office about two vears ago on account of her good character and the needs of herself and her orphans. While she was in cffice, no charge or eom- | plaint was made against her, and she kept aloof from parties. None sup-| posed that she would not be continued | in office by Grant, but, to make all sure, she visited Washington some | weeks ago and received his positive | promise that she should not be distur- | bed. in his word and assuring her, family | her utter amazement, she was removed | in a few days without previous warn- | ing, and no explanation was given her or has since been given her. Such | breach of faith toward a widow, is in- deed utterly disgraceful. It is a crime for which vo penalty could well be to severe. I IME, COAL AND LUMBER. A The best : wOOD COAL. BURNT LIME, can be had at the Bellefonte Line Kilns, on the Pike leadingto Milesburg, at the lowest vices. We are the only parties in Central Pon's. who burn in Patent Flame Kiln, which produces the Best White-Wash and Plastering Lime, offered to the trade The best SHAMOKIN AND WILKESBAR RIE ANTHRACITE COAL, all sizes, prepared eXprossiy for family use AIRO Silver Brook Foun- X “Y dry Coal at lowest prizes. Also a lot of first and dee. ondequality RDEAOART® RRA / RA! BOARDS, BROAD BAILS PALING, SHINGLES and plastering lathe for sale cheap. Office and yard, near South end of Bale Eagle Valley R. R. Depot. SHORTLIDGE, & CO. apl68.1y. Bellefonte Pa. YW HOLESALE WINE & LIQUOR STORE J. B. ETTELE, Bishop street, Bellefonte, in the Stone buil- ding iormerly occupied by the Key- stone Bakery Takes pleasure in informing the publi¢ that he keeps constantly on hand a supply of choice Foreign and Domestic*Liquors, All Barrelsy Kegs and Casks warranted to contain the quantity represented. The attention of practicing physicians is called to his stoek of : PURE LIQUORS, suitable for medical purposes. Bottles, jugs, and dernljolns constaritly on hand. He has the ONLY PURE NECTAR WHISKY in town. All liquors are warranted to give satis- faction. Liquors will be sold!by the quart, barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grades on hand, Confident that he can Ploase customers, he respectfully solicits ashare of public pa- trompage. . my l4tf heretofore enjoyed. 1 respectfully solicita continuance of the same, JACOB DINGES, apl0'os ly. Centre Hall DONT Gentle reader, don't for the world allow the important fact to escape your mind that the place to buy your new Spring and Sum- a —————————— familiar place you often : READ about, ZIMMERMAN BROS. & CO.,, No. Six. Bush's Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa. Other people blow, but when it comes right down to selling honest goods cheap, we beat the whole crowd. We are offering A splendid stock of ladies dress goods, white goods, notions, hosiery, gloves, trimmings, pet chain, hoop skirts, and corsets, Don't yelieve a single WORD about hard times and high prices, Theres no evidence of it in our store. We keep a full variety. Coarse and fine hoots and shoes for men and boys. and Turkey morocco, kid and lasting, lace children, with a choice invoice OF glassware, canned tomatoes, pickles, picedlilli suears, coffees, peas and green ont Up, SOUPS, corn, rapper rod ices all at the lowest prices, Aud 1 in addition to THIS. little articles which go to make up a com= ete assortment, CASH buvers. but come right along to Zimmerman Bro's & Co. Overseaming Sewing Machine, good goods and full value for it. De = 3 4 ane Ssllafonie Planing Will. EDMUND BLANCHARD, 8. AUSTINBREW, FE. M. RLANUHARD, W. M. HOLMES, Blanchard & Company, Successors to Valentine, Blanchard & Co. MANUFACTURERS OF WHITE, & YELLOW PINE FLOORING AND WEATHERBOARDING, of Various Styles, DOORS, SASH, BLANDS, SHUTTERS, MOULDINGS, Scroll work of every Deseription. BRACKETS OF ALL SIZES. and patterns made to order, Having a “"BULKLEY'S PATENT LUMBER DRYER,” connected with our establishment, we are enabled to manufue ture our work from THOROUGHLY SEASONED LUMBER! 2a ORDERS FROM CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS. DEALERS AND THE TRADE IN GENERAL, SOLICITED. BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., Pa. augl4 68 6m. ADDLERS BUCKLES, hooks, bit h, spots rings. Everything a saddler wants for the manufacture of harness, to be found at BURNSIDE &« TIHHOMAS’. SYRUP, the finest ever made, just re- ceived, cheap at Wolt's old stand—try it. ALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRI VATE SALE in Centre Hall. S. G. SuaxxoxN offers his fine property for sale, situate on the corner of Main and Locus- ernsrangg«trects, in Centre Hull, a larg frame dwelling, with a large and eommo- dious Stable large enough for seven hore ses. The house is well finished, and has a hydrant near the door and the water can be taken to any room in the house, or to he cellar. For full particulars inquire of John Shannon, at Centre Hall, or 8S. G. Shannon, at Selinsgrove, feh10t, V ALUABLE FARM at Private Sale! + The undersigned offers a valuable Farm, situate in Penn twp., Centre co., 1} a Containing 60 acres of Land, under the highest state of cultivation, and under good fénces; ten acres consist of CHOICE TIMBER LAND. Thereon erected a 2-story weather boarded Log House, Barn; and all ne- cessury Outbuildings, with a fly well of water in the yard, and RES large stream sof water, Elk a few rods from the door, and TWO ORCHARDS of choice fruit on the farm. CHR. BAME, near Millheim, > ET Creek, my14,6m HE Largest and Best Stock of warran ted Boots and Shoes, warranted to give satisfaction, at redweed prices, only to be found at BURNSIDE & THOMAS, HARDWARE, BOOTS and SHOES, * [| Drugs, Oils and Paints, Wood and Willow Ware, als Wall Paper, Fish, Salt, Leather, &e. | Give us a eall and you must be convince | ! that Centre Hill is the place to buy goo | and cheap goods, Gravy & THoMPSOXN, Centre Hill, Jan, 22, "69, for which we will puy market price, ithe ——————— 'MMARLOR COOK STOVES aplO 68, Irwiy & WiLsox's, WHOLESALE DEALER IN | The subseriber respectfully calls the at. tention of the public to his establishment, where he is prepared to farnish all kinds of Foreien und Domestie Liquors’ wholesale ted to be the best qualities according to | their respective prices. His sthek consists of Rve. Monongahela, Irish and other | Whiskies, sll kinds of Brandies. Holland ' Gin. Port. Maderin, Cherry, Blackberry | and other Wines—the best articles—at as | pensonable rates as ean be had in the ity, Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger land Carraway Brandies, PurelJamaica and | New England Rum, Cordial of all kinds. He would particularly invite Farmers, Ho- | tel keepers and others to eall and examine his large sanply, to judge for themselves | and be certain of procuring what they buy, which ean seldom be done when purehns- ng in the city. par Physicians arevespectfully requested to give 1s liquors in trial. aplo —————————_—— —————— a —————————————— Philadelphia Store! in Brockerhoff’s block, Bishop Street, at Bellefonte, where KELLER & MUSSER, h have just opened the best, cheapest, largest as well asthe best assorted stock of Good, in Bellefonte. HERE LADIES. Mozambiques, Reps Alpacas, Delnins, Lans, Brilliants, Musling, Calicoes, Tiek ings, Flanels, Opera Flanels, Ladies Coat ing, Gents’ Cloths, Ladies Saeques, White Pekayv. Linen Table Cloths, Counterpanes Crib Counterpanes, White and Colored Tarlton, Napkins, Insertings and Edgings, White Lace Curting, Zephyr & Zephyr Pat. serns, Tidy Cotton, Shawls, Work Baskets SUNDOWNS, Notions of every kind, White Goo every deseription, Perfumery, Ribbons- Velvet, Taffeta and Bonnet, Cords anc Braid, Veils, Buttons, Trimmings, Ladies and Misses Skirts, HOOP SKIRTS, Thread. Hosiery, Fans, Beads, Sewing LADIES AND MISSES SHOES and in fact every thing that can be though of, desired or used in the FANCY GOODS OR NOTION LINE FOR GENTLEMEN, they have black and blue cloths,, black and fancy cassimeres, sattinetts, tweeds, mel- orns, silk, satin and common vestings, in short, every thing imaginablé in the line of gentlemens wear, Readymade Clothing of Every Ds-i scription, for Men and Boys. Boots and Shoos, in endless variely Hats and Cups, CARPETS, Ouleloth, Rugs, Brown Musling, Bleached Mus- lins, Drillings, Sheetings, Tablecloths, &c., cheaper than elsewhere. Their stock of QUEENSW ARE & GRO CERIES cannot be excelled in quality or price. : Callin at the Philadelphia Store and con- vince yourselves that KELLER & MUS- "SHER have any thing you want, and do bu- siness on the principle of ‘Quick Sales and Small Profits.” GRAIN AND PRODUCE ARE TAKEN. ~aps0,09 - | i Furniture Rooms! J. 0. DEININGER, respectfully informs the citizens of Centre i i i BUREAUS, SINKS, WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES, &¢., &e Hose Mape CHAIRS ALWAYS OX HAND his stock of ready-made Furniture is large i t } where. Thankful for past favors, he solic- its a continuance of the sume. Call and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere, ap2 68, 1y. \ ERCHANTS HOUSE, 4 413 & 4156 North 3rd, st, PHILADELPHIA. - HH. H. MANDERBACH PROPRIETOR. I. C.Naek, CLERK. This well-known Hotel, will be found by all visiting the city, one of the most desire- able, both as to rensonablechargesand con- venience. German and English is spoken. aplO'68 tf, {ENTRE HALL HOTEL. JOHN SPANGLER, PROPREE- ' TOR. Stages arrive and depart daily, for all points, north, south, pt und west. This favorite Hotel has been refitted and country Hoteld “in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovers will always find the best accommodations, Per- soma fron the city wishing to spend a few weeks during the summer in the country, will find Centre Hall one of the most deau- titulMoeations, anil the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and con venience, aplU 68 tf, I ) USSEL'S HOTEL AARONSBURG, PA. JOHN RUSSEL, PROPRIETOR. The old and well known Hotel, situnt xl in the centre of Aaronsburg, has again bem occupied by Mr. Russel, former propriet.n, who now invites his old friends and the travelling community in general tocallaa | see him. The house has been elegantly furnished and is kept in the hest style, Die - vers can always find accommodation. aplO'86tf, min A nde a — Pv & WILSON are constantly re ceiving new goods in their line © HARDWARE i en ofevery description atredu.ce prices- now being opened every day aplU x, Chas. H. Held, Clock, Watchmaker & Jeweler " Millheim, Centre co., Penna. Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he lms just opened at his new establishment, above Alexan der's Store, and keeps constantly on hand all kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelr: of the latest styles, as also the Maranvillc Patent Calender Clocks, provided with ¢ complete index of the month, and day ou the month and week on its face, which i: warranted as a perfect time-keeper. x4. Clocks, Watches and Teveiry re- paired on short notice and warranted. sepll'68;1y ALUABLE PROPERTY at Privaet Sale, in Millheim. : The undersigned offers the following valuable Real Estate at private sale, con- sisting of A LOT OF GROUND, acre, thereon erected n two-story Weather boarded Log-house, a new 2- story COACH SHOP; BANK BARN, a well of never failing ‘The lot contains all water in the yard. and all necessary out kinds of fruit trees, buildings. to. . 1 § Fh BAME, aps, tf. : 0. Millheim. R. J. THOMPSON BLACK, Physi- cian and Surgeon, Centre Hill, Pa. stfers his professional services to the citi- zens of Potter township. mr26,3m CLOTHING—Overcoats Pants, Vests, and Dress Coats, cheap ts, Wolf's Store. . CENTRE HALL, PA. Dr? Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard" Iron, Salt, Fish and in fact, a magnificent assortment of everything keptina First Class Store, now ready, and for sale at marvelous low rates, GOODS VERY NEAR ATTHE OLD PRICES. Muslins they will sell you the very best brands at prices that will astonish you. New spring Dress Goods - A most beautiful variety, consisting of all the nevelttes of the senson, at lower rates than ordinarily charged at other places. White Goods & | Embroideries The finest stock in town, bo.h asto quantity quality, and prices. HOOP SRIATS The best makes, latest styles and lower rates, (Hats and Caps in great variety.) Linens, Towellings, checks, Delfinge, cloths Cassimers, Cloakings, = . BALMORAL SKIRTS, Spring and summer shawls, in fact, we kee everything, and will sell at a very small advance on first cost, All we ask that you will CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK hefore purchasing eleewheres, de consider funy trouble to how sands. ue) ALLKINDS OF HARNESS, silver plated and Yankee Harness dowhl and single, bridles and halters. mayl'68 1y. (ENTS THIS WAY! SUITS! SUITS W. W. McClellan, at Bellefonte, wonld inform the men of Pennsvalley, and his old friends and cnstomers, as w 11 oth Who may desire 10 be Hggedonty & Fashionably made snits of cloths, from any kind of terial they choose. I would’ A that Tam still in tha field, and prepared to secommo- date. 3 have a large and excellent assort- men a Furnishing Goods, ALSO, ; Cloths, Cassimeres, & Vestings from which garments will be made to or- : " der in the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. All 1 ask is te call and examine stock, Having just bought my | ring the last panic, IT defy com on as to prices, durability, and ‘fashion, this side of Philadelphia Remember the Place fine ds du- No. 4 BrokerhofP's Row, Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa., where cloths, cassimeres, vestings, cillars, umbrellas, eains, hats, caps, in short, everythin to completely rig in th Aentleman, ean e had and made up in the Iatest style. fa I am also agent for WILCOX & GIBBS hine, which should be % en by chine. __4c25,68y OTE Wm. Hos- has been ie travel- 0 a 4s. and oe oh With ¢ oid Ii- ONATHAN KRAMER Millheim, Pa. (former 10WD ki refitted by ite nes Brel to table will be kept fir ga ii — [AMES OF EVERY VARIETY and apl0'.68 IRWIN & WILSON'S.