PE — BARGAINS! iN kK N A . be The firm of Sternberg.a Brandeis having been dissolved, their present stock of Goods must be closed out inside of six months, and they will now positively SELL BELOW AUCTION PRICE! Coats from 82,50 to 85, and from 8b to £8. Delaines from 15 to 20 ets; Finest of Dress Goods from 20 fo DO cents. ¥a. All must be sold, and Goods let go at a sacrifice in order to close up the busi: ness of the late firm. . 7 Hereafter the business will be car ried on as originally, by A. Sternberg. who will be giad to see his old customers and as many new ones as will favor him with a call. A. STERNBERG. ap30-4t Bi EK AND SETTLE. —The firm of Sternborg & Brandeis having been dis- solved, all persons indebted to the same, will call at the old stand, where the books sre in the hands of A. Sternburg, as the same must be settled up forthwith, ap30.3t A. STERNBERG, Millheim Saddlery. GEO. W. STOVER, jr., respectfully in- forms the citizens of Penns and Brush val. lies, that he has started a new Saddler Shop at Millheim, at the old stand formerly kept by J. H. Stover, and is now prepared to furnish Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, and Whips of every kind and quality, in fact everything complete, equal to a first class establishment, and at the most rea- sonable prices. He warrants his work as to quality and fineness of style. Farmers and others are invited to call and examine his stock. He is determined to please customers. ap23, ly G. W. STOVER, ir. ———————— —— S— ———— ————— MILROY FURNITURE Wareroom. The subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Centre county, that he has con- stanptly on band, and makes to order, al} kinds of BEDSTEADS, (Cottage and plain,) WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, SOFAS, EXTENSION TABLES, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables, Toilet Tables, Centre Tables, Sinks, Doughtrays, Cradles, Cane Seated Rocking Chairs, Cane Seated Chairs (plam) Cane Seated Nursing Chairs, Plain Rocking Chairs, Windsor Chairs, Children’s Chairs, settees, lounges: Complete suites of Furniture furnished ut short notice and made in the best possible munncr—=HoMEMADE and warranted of the J a —————— HALL REPCR ST RRIDAY, MA Diss 186 A Romance of True Love. The death of a Miss Jackson, of this city, on Thursday of last week, was followed by that to Mr. W. L. Hudgens, the Suturday following. The former peaccfully breathed her Inst af: ter a long and painful illness ; the latter, in a paroxysm of grief, burst a blood vessel and died almost instantly. The deceased were betrothed, and the consumation of their dreams of love had been deferred frem time to time, until finally Miss Jackson was pros trated with sickness, Unwilling, even then, to be debarred her presence, Mr. H. was admitted to the sick room, where none were more attentive to the every want of the suf: ferer than himself, so far as the delecu- ey of his position would permit. A sister of Miss Jackson was, for days and nights, the sharer of his watchful ness. Her more feeble nature, howev- er, sunk under the burden of fatigue and sleepless apprehension, which she vainly struggled to sustain and at last Mr. Hudgens was left alone, with barely the assistance of a servant. The object of his solicitude and devotion, day by day, became more feeble. He scarcely left her bedside. Sleep became a stranger to his eyes, and even food was put away by him. — HCY TY Cio 2 INT Fwy Mey Ye ting barb of death, and finally the eyes of the sufferer closed forever upon the tearful face ever above her and her hands grew cold and rigid in death while yet in the warm clasp ot his ‘to The radicals have an exceeding fondness for loyal men particularly for the soldier, they reward such thus: Union at Chickamauga. General James Longstreet fought against the Union _at the same time and place. General Durbin Ward is removed by President Grant form the office of Dis- triet Attorney at Cincinnati. General James Longstreet is appointed to n fat office at New Orleans by President Grant, : General Mitchell commanded the United States troops ut Valverde and whipped the rebels, Colonel Crow commanded the rebels at Valverde and was whipped by the United States troops. General Mitehel has been re. moved by President Grant from the Governorship of New Mexico where tne battle of Valverde was fought. Colonel Crow has been appointed by President Grant to be Governor of New Mexico. General Knipe entered the Union from the ranks by brave services to the command of a brigade. After the war was over. he was appointed Postmas. ter at Harrisburg. He has been ve moved by General Grant, und George Bergner, who staid at home and made a fortune out of the public calamities, has been appointed in his place, President Johnson permitted Grant's father and brother-in-law to remain in office. Grant removed President John- son's son from a petty office in Tennes- see, and removed General Blair from being a ‘Direetor of the Pacific Rail- road. WHOLESALE WINE & LIQUOR STORE J.B. ETTELE. ding iormerly occupied by the Key- stone Bakery Takes pleasure in informing the public that choice Foreign and Domestic Liquors, whom it was so shortly to have been Thursday. On Friday the remains of Miss Jack- son were followed to the grave. He was by her bier. Ilis heart went down into the grave. fatigue to which Mr. Hudgens had him. He sank prostrated upon his of his feelings, bursta blood vessel, and in less than five minutes his heart Lad ceased to suffer for it was cold forever. followed to the tomb Times. Gem HEAVY BANK ROBBERY. Clearfield, Pa., May 13.—The Coun- ————————— best material. Prices Lower than Elsewhere! | ; | » Ym. Persons in want of Furniture will do well to give me a call. JOHN CAMP, Milroy. ew hatte Toegey, for sale at a bargain, at Wolf: ! Centre-hatl stand. an® Buggy Wall Paper, cheap frow12 to 20 cents per boltat Herlacher's. Spring GOODS New Goods! GEO. D. PIFER, who keep: a large Store. in No. 6 Brockerhoff Row, next door to Post Office, in Belletonte, Pa., has just received a fresh supply of New Goods! which he is selling at remarkably low rates His Stock consists of new, cheapest, best Dress Goods, such as, Poplin, French and Irish Poplin, weesssens Alpacas, Woe! De Lains, vevissnes.. French Merenos, ieached and Unbles- rensrennlntnib shai auachied Musing, Sireskane sisubedts sruuity veerenieserenaes Flannels of all Kinds, BLANKETS, TICKING, &c., &e. In addition tothe above he has, and keeps constantly on hand, a large stock of Clothing for both Men and Boys, of all descriptions. He also keeps the celebrated Hall Boots and Shoes, in endless varieties. ALSO QUEEN'S WARE, CANNED & DRIED FRUITS—in fact, every thing that may be called for, ean be found at his store, ga The highest market price paid for Grain IN CASH. Marketing of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods. Give him a call before purcha- ging elsewhere. GEO. D. PIFER. PENN HALL ACADEMY. This Institution will be opened on Tues- dav, April 6th. 189. under the care of PROF. J. T. ROSSITER, a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College. TUITION, from $£5,00 to $8,00 per quar- ter of ten weeks. Boarding can be had at reasonable rates. For further information apply to J. B. FISHER, Penn Hall, Pa. marl2 tf Go PECK’S EATING HOUSE & OYSTER SALOON, On High street, at Bush's Arcade Restaur- ant Bellefonte, Pa. This excellent estab- lishment is now open, and gaod meals can be had at all hours. Roast Beef, Ham, (warm or cold,) Chicken, Turkey; Tripe, Pickels, Oysters, Soup, . Pies, Cakes, Crackers, Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, &e.. &., comprise the hill of fare. Billiard: Table comnected with the Restaurent. Oystersin every style—also hy the dozen amd hun- dred. g &nc28 ly lar-proof sate broken open. About g i States bonds, two | A reward of one thousand dol- | It will not affeet the | solvency of the bank. tree: tion canvassed Kansas, Illinois, Mis | Columbia, and never kissed one son of | Adam over two years old.” That is, | perhaps, one reason they meet with no | better success. Let the revolutionary | sisthehood try it again, changing the programme =o far as not to kiss any “son of Adam” or any other man under voting age. Possibly a few good lock- ing young ladies, to take charge of the oscialory department, while the elders devoted themselves to speech-making, would improve the chances of the can- Vass, tS The following was received at Gen- eral Sherican’s headquarters: Cap- tain E. W. Clife, ghirteenth infantry, giv:s a report, dated Fort Ellis, Mon tana, April 10, of a fight which took place on the 6th inst., on the north fork of Sixteen-mile creek, near the head waters of the Muscle Schell river, between a detachment of soldiers and citizens and a hostile band of Indians —thirteen in number. The casualities were—Indians, nine killad and one wounded ; of the detachment, one sol- dier killed and two woended and two citizens wounded. a Sixteen Hundred Miners Suspend Work—Terrible Accident. Scranton, May 13 —At Pittston, this morning, sixteen hundred men and boys employed in the mines at that point and some by the Pennsylvania Coal campany, suspended work. By the explosion of a fire damp this morning at the Mount Pleasant mine, near this city, five men and one boy were badly burned. One of the men, Charles S utter, will probably die. A tax on bachelors from thirty years upwards is proposed in Paris, ali > a > Mrs Lincoln has retired to the inex pensive seclusion of lodgings in Frank- | to contain the quantity represented, { © The attention of practicing physicians is ealled to his stock of PURE LIQUORS, | epritable for medical purposes. Bottles, | He has the ONLY PURE NECTAR | WHISKY in town. | faction: Liquors will be soldiby the quart, | barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grades ou hand. Confident that he ean please customers, i | tronage. my Hef DONT . Fi Gentle reader, don't for the world allow the mer goods of every description which have Vou alien READ familiar plac people blow, but when it comes right down to selling honest goods cheap, we beat the whole crowd, We are offering A goods, notions, hosiery, gloves, triminings, flannels, is Don’t op SKirts, and COrseia. »@ singie WORD 1: CiICY Thera is full variety. Coarse Popa Beautiful French and shoe: fi ehildren, with a choice invoice OF queensware, glassware, canned Lonaioeas, peas and pigealilli eatsup, pepper nd the best of S¥rups; teas al the And RILZATR, SOAPS, A corn, piekles sauce, honey § and Spices, atl in addition to THIS. We have an endless variety of the many | OW Ral peices, Great inducements to for it, so don't spend your money foolishly but come right along to Zimmerman Bros & Co. Agents for the American Button Hole and Overseaming Sewing Machine, and get full value for it. a ——————— dios cinder ol ene AY Farmer's Read! THE CELEBRATED Hoffhein's Mower & Reaper! and the well-known Pratt Rake, AND THE are now on exhibition, and for sale, at Spangler’s Hotel, Centre Hall. The Hoftheins' Mowers and Self Raking Reapers have all the latest and most per- fect improvements now known; no weight upon the horses’ necks; easily controlled; adanted te all kinds of work; a complete self rake, and has the side delivery. The Clipper Rake is a rake with less ma- chinery than any rake now in use, and ea- sily managed. Also—the well-known Pratt Rake, one of the best now in use—light, durable, steel wire teeth, and easily worked, Farmers, by all means, come first and see these machines before purchasing others, Sald at reduced rates—Cash accepted, but also sold on long eredit. KF. Grass, Agent, my7,6t Centre Hall. What’s the Matter? Why, Don’t you Know, that Abr. - Hirsh, has just opened out a Fresh Stock of Spring & Summer Clothing New Spring Styles. zir-The largest and best assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING ever offered at Milroy. If you wish to save money in buying Clothing, give him a call before purcha- sing elsewhere. Abr. Hirsh, Cheap Clothing Store, rp Git Milroy, . MILRDO I RUG AND HARDWARE STORE . I have just received nn very large wssortment of goods, which will be sold at the lowest eash prices, at W. I. MMANIGAL'S. RUGS AND MEDICINES all wur- ; ranted pure. I’hysicians perscrip- tions filled at wl] hours. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes only. A large assortment of Patent Medicines at M MANIGAL'S. H WARE. Persons building will do well to give him a eall before purch- | aseing elsewhere. Barn door hinges, from twelve to 30incheslong. Barn doorrollers, Strap hinges all sizes, at MMANIGAL'S, RON. Iron all sizes, Scollop and all at 43 per pound, at | OUSE FURNISHING HARD- heavy Iron, from best manufactures M'MANIGAL'S. HORSE SHOES, Norway Nailrods, Cast Steel, Blister Steel, Bpring Steel, Springs, Axeles, Le., &e., MMANIGAL'S, EST 14 Ilicory Fellows at $2.00 per sett Hubs and Rims, Spokes, Shafts &e. nt M'MANIGAL'S, ADLERY HARDWARE of every des- eription, at M MANIGALS, at ! S | {A\UTLERY. Alargenssortmentof Pock- et and Table cutlery, Tea and table In this line we defy competition, | Waitersund tea trays, at MMANIGALS, Tae lQIILVER PLATED WARE of every Ny quality, at MMANIGALS. | DONS, NKS and Travelling Bags, Inge as- sortment at MMANIGAL'S, | - — { YALL PAPER, 4000 picces just r= { ceived 37 different Patterns, good paper at 10 and 12} ets. at MW MANIGALS. | fC UILDRENS CARRIAGES, $5.00 and C up at M'MANIGAL'S. Churns, Baskets, Grain Scythes and snethes at M MANLIGALS, L | Paterns, at { tA BI N ET ” riage Oil Cloth, Table and Stand MMANIGAL'N, MAKERS, | nish Paint and | (ground Bristles,) a new Patent Bedstead M MANIGAL'S. need, low at A sie P A Bn ff Faney and com- Will be sold whole- and MMANIGALR RCELAIN AND BRASS Kettles, Tea Kettles, Bake Pans, &e., at M'MANIGALS. large assortment mon Sonps., retuil, at PENTERS You ean buy your Plains, Saws and other tools low, nt M'MANIGAL'R. ALOOR OIL CLOTH, 12 Ditferent Pal- 1. 0 Band 81 w ide, a good ar- Qil Shades, all new patterns M MANIA US, Chi tier LETS, yerd ay Lele it outs, { nt { i { | i | | i i | AUSTIN BREW, WwW. MH] Company, HARD N. BLAM HARM hard & wlentine, Bloons! RERS OF PINE EDMUND } BE. M. RLLAN Blanc Sucevssors to Valentin MANUFACTU WIIITE. & YELLOW > FLOORING WEATHERBOARDING, ait 2 ae of Varfous Biyles, AND ' DOORS, SASH, ’ I N. SHUTTERS, MOULDINGS, work of every Deseription. IRACKETS OF ALT SIZES. | and patterns made to order, F: Having nn “BULRLEYXYS | LUMBER DRYER,” connected with our | establishment, wa aroenabled to manufue ture our work from Seroll 2z~ORDERS FROM CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, DEALERS AND TRADE IN GENERAL SOLICITED. BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO. Pa. aupld 68 6m. P. | LUMBER! | McCAFFREY & CO'S Wholesale and Retail BOOT AND SHOE Store, One Door above Reynold’s Bank. We will not mention in this advertise ment the different varieties of Boots and Shoes, and Gaiters of every description, that comprise our stoeck—suflice to say, that is completesin every particular and nothing to excel it in style, quality, extent or price in the county. Our ready-made stock was bought from manutacturers in the East who are eareful of their reputation, and would not sell an article in the least inferior to what they represent, Ve would invite especial attention to our custom made work, —well knowing thatup- on the satisfaction rendered in this Depart- ment depends entirely sur success in oni Employing none but First-Class Workmen. Ness, We are enabled to guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. z#y- A liberal reduction made on whole- sale purchases, juned'68,1y. P. McAFFREY & CO, JANES or VERY VARIETY and 4 kind at apl0.68 IRWIN & WILSON'S, ADDLERS BUCKLES, hooks, bits spots rings. Everything a saddler wants for the manufacture of harness, to be BURNSIDE & THOMAS | + ARE E-———————— — NEW GOODS Now Opening. The undersigned having purchased the Centre Hill Store, and replenished it with new goods just pur chased at the lowest Cash prices, feel confi dent that it will be to the interest of all whe want to buy goods. to give them a call be, fore purchasing elsewhere. ‘ They have placed the stors under the control of Mr. Jas. M. Lashell, who ha: had many years experience in selling goods and who will at all times be pleased to show purchasers and others, goods, and make it an object for them to purchase, The stock consists of a general assort. ment of all kinds of goods usually kept in a country store, such as Dry Goods, Groceries. Queensware, HARDWARE, BOOTS and SHOES, Hats and Caps Wood and Willow Ware, als Wall Paper, Fish, Salt, Leather, &e. Give us a call and you must be convinee | and cheap goods. ; GrAar¥F & THOMPSON, P. 8. Wealso buy Hides and Calf Skir » for whieh we will puy market price, eithe et &T. UFFALOSCA LES, of the best make from 4 1bs up to 120,0001 bs, aplO' 68, Irwin & WiLsox, ROPE, Pulleys, Whips, Broom twine. Broom handles, &o., Lc. CM MANIGALN Hardware Store, Milroy, Pa. ]' Ww. may1y'68 ly, P AROMETERS and Taermometers x anlO6R. TRWIN &AWILSOSN, PARLOR € 00 XK S T 0 v k Parlor Stoves, and four sizes of Gas | for sule a api os, Irwin & Witson's \ BAUM, ile REYNOLDS NEW MARRLE FRONT, BINHOP #t, WHOLESALE DEALKR IN 3 AND LIQUORS The subscriber yespectfully calls the at. tention of the puluc to his establishment, where he is prepaied to furnish ol} kindof His stock romsists Mononzaheln, Frish® and othe! all kinds of Brandies, Holland Port. Maderia, Cherry, Blackberry and other Winus—the best articlé—at as reasonable rates as enn bo had in the city. Champagne, Cherry. Nauckberry, Ginge: and Carraway Brandies, Pure Jamaica and New England Ram, Cordial of all Kinds, He would particularly ingtite Farmers, Hos tel keepers and others to eal and examine his large supply, to judge for themselves and be certain of procuring what they buy, which ean seldom be done when purchas- ng in the city. Rve, W hiskies, 7a Physicians are respectfully requested to give his liquors so trial. ap U STERNBERG & BRANDEIS, Bellefonte, Pa. AULE THE MARRET, by having the largest and best stock, and selling at LOW PRICES! Carpets at old rates, trom 8 cents to it cents per yard, for the best. DRY GOODS, NO'ADVANCE;* And selling from 12} to 16 cents, the best calicoes, and musling in proportion, at old utes, Women's Shoes, common good, to wear all summer, at $100 per pair Fine Boots from $3,560 to $7,350 for the best. CLOTHING at the lowest rates, and sold at 1857 prices SUITS, from $12,50 to $18 for the best. CALL AND SEE, and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat, They only. ask people to come and see, even if they do net wih to buy. apl06&tF, MILROY AE RGB ER RR i es ved Woolen Mills. Milroy, Mifflin county, Pa. The undersigned will take pleasure in Sipping his {Fiends, and the public gene: ra with Voolen Goods of all Kinds, Fuctory, from the above celebrated FINE, MEDI UM, and COURSE, ALLMADE OF THE BEST STOCK, and in the most substantial manner. He invites especial nttention to his Fine black and taney Cassimeres, and Superior Plaid Flaunels, equal in Fivish and Quality to the Best eastern Goods, and Much more Durable, zo He will wait upon the people AT THEIR HOMES, ns much as possible, with a large variety of these g » WOOL, LARD, and SOAP taken inex- change for Goods. Goods, of every varie ty, always on hand at his residence. z# WALL PAPER, of every kind and style, always on hand. John C. Kemp, Centre Hill, Pa. son mario a— 5 A ——— remm————— ———————— (ENTRE HALL 7 Furniture Rooms! J. 0. DEININGER, respectfully informs the citizens of Centre county, that he hasconstantly on hand, and makes to order, all kinds of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARI'S, TABLES, &c., &e Hosmer Mine CHAIRS ALWAYS OX HAND “is sock of ready-made Furniture is large nd warranted of good workmanship and s Ul made under his dwnimmedintesuj ervi ton, and is offered at rates as cheap aselse- vhere., Thankful for past fuvers, he soli - \ I~eW here, Naas HOUSE, AL 413 & 415 North 3rd, ot. PHILADELPHIA. I H. MANDERBACH PROPRIETOR. [. C.N1pPe, CLERK, api 68, iy. Jl visiting the city, one of the most desire- thle, both as to reasonablecharges and con- enience. German and English is spoken. ap lO oR, {ENTRE TALL HOTEL. JOHN SPANGLER, PROPRIE- TOR. Stages arrive and depart daily, for all ints, north, south, east and west. This favorite Hotel has been refitted and Wrpished by its new proprietor, and is now in every respect one of the most pleasant sountry Hotels in central Pennsyivania. Che travelling community and drovers will dways find the best secommodations. Per- «ons from the city wishing to spend a few weeks during the summer in he country, will find Centre Hall one of the most dean tiful locations, and the Centre Hall Hotel all they ¢ould desire for comfort and con venience, apples or. 3» USSEL'S HOTEL AARONSBURG, PA. JOHN RUSSEL, PROPRIETOR. The old and well known Hotel, situat «! in the centre of Aaronshurg, has again ben occupied by Mr, Russel, former propriet wn. who now invites his old friends and the travelling community in generaltocalla | see him. The house has been elegantly furnished and is kept inthe best style. Di. - vers can always find accommodation. apl0 86tf. py — I= & WILSON are constantly ro ceiving new goods in their line, HARDWARE ofevery description at redu.ce prices- new heing opened every day aplotn Chas. H. Held, Clock. Watchmaker & Jeweler Millheim, Centre co., Penna. Raspectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has just openec at his new establishment, above Alexan der's Store, and keeps constantly on hand all Kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelr: of the lutest styles, as also the Maranvilly Patent Calender Clocks, provided with : complete index of the month, and day os the month and week on its face, which i: warranted as a perfeet time-keeper. Ag. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry re- paired on short notice and warranted. i jp muna sepll'68; ly ALUABLE PROPERTY at Pritact Sale, in Millheim. The undersigned offers the following valuable Real Estate at private sale, con- sisting of - A LOT OF GROUND, containing one half of an acre, thereon a erected a two-story weather boarded Log-house, a new 2- story COACH SHOP, BANK SRO 3 A RN, a well of never failing water inthe ya~d. The lot contains all kinds of fruit trees, and all necessary ont buildings. For further information apply to SAMUEL BAME, ap23, tf Ls Millheim. R. J. THOMPSON BLACK, Physi- cian and Surgeon, Centre Hill, Pa. offers his professional services to the eiti- zens of Potter township, mr26,3m “CLOTHING—Overcoats Pants. Vests, and Drese Coats, cheap ts, Wal(s Store. OCKET CUTLERY _'makes and aloe at IRWIN & WILSON, dh di cin ss —— (Boss cut AND MILL SAWS, best Apl es. Inwix & WiLsox, FFIN TRIMIN ment at I pl0'68, n 'YTAND BELLS and DOOR : ¢] and H all sizes and kinds ut R ‘BELLS, 30 Inwix & Witsox's, ie RY BOARDS, Plank , D for sale by Imes venting apl0'68, APANNED TOILET SETTS, AND other Japanued wate, at the Anvil Store, aplO68, Inwin & Witsox, | T OOKING-G LASS PLATES of all sizes for sale by Inwix & Wiisox, aplO68, ei 8 i a — Tr a GS, a large assort- RWix & Witsox's. sm a ge Ml ree dl , _2es, at the sign of the Anvil. AplO'GS. Ixwrx & Winsox. BOATS for Buggies and Carriages, all sizes in use; Fire Bolts, ditto, at ~apl068. Inwiy & Wison's. H™% BLANKETS AND SLEIGH BELLS, at low prices, at aplO'os, Irwin & Wisox's, NION PATENT CHURN, the best in use at Irwis & Wrtsow's, splO68, REAT BARGAINS G AT C.¥. Harlecher’s CENTRE HALL, PA. Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard- ware, Queensware, Wood and Willow wire, Iron, Salt, Fish and in fact. a magnificent assortment of everything kept in a First Class Store, now ready, and for sale at marvelous low rates, GOODS VERY NEAR ATTHE OLD PRICES. | Muslins they will sell yoni the very best 3 | brands at prices that will astonish yeu. New spring | Dress Goods | A most beautiful variety, consisting of all | the novelties of the season, at lower rates { than ordinarily charged at other places. White Goods & Embroideries ! The finest stock in town, bo h as to quantity quality, and prices, 11 Fy Fy #31 < HOOP SXIATS The best makes, latest styles and lowes rates. ( Hats and Cups in great variety.) Linens, Towellings, checks, Denings, cloths Cassimers, Cloakings. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Spring and summer shawls, in fact, we keep everything, and will sell at a very small advance on first cost, All we ask thut you will CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK before purchasing elsewhere, as we do not consider it any trouble to show goods. ALL KIXDS OF HARNESS, silver plated and Yankee Harness doubl and single, bridles and halters. | mavi'68 Iv, co 5 5 # SUITS! SUITS W. W. McClellan, at Bellefonte, would inform the men of Pennsvalley, and his old friends and customers, as well as all others who miy desire to be rigged out, GP™ THIS WAY! In well Fitting, Substantially & Fashionably made suits of eloths, from any kind of ma- terial they choose. 1 would say that 1 am still in the field, and prepared to accommo- date. 1 have a large and excellent assort- ment of Furnishing Goods, ALSO, Cloths, Cass!meres, & Vesfings from which garments will be made to or- der in the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. All 1 ask is to eall and examine my fine stock. Having just bought my goods du- ring the last panic, I defy competition as to prices, durability, and fashion, this side of Philadelphia Remember the Place W. W. McCLELLAN, No. 4 Brokerhof's Row, Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa., where cloths, cassimeres, vestings, eallars, umbrellas, cains, hats, caps, in short, everything to completely rig out nt qehtleman, can be had and made up in the latest style. I um also agent for WILCOX & GIBBS Sewing Machine, which should be 3 en by all désiring a machine. CL de2,68y J PIATHAR EFANER 5 illhei a. (ferme terman’s). This well-known Hotel has been refitted by its new proprietor. The travel- ing community are invited ta give him a call. His table will be kept first elass, and his bar always supplied with ehoice’ li- wors. Drovers wi 1 find accommodation br any number of horses, axl? 60tf HOTEL Wm. Hos- INE TABLE CUTLERY, including F plated forks, spoons, &e., at “apl0'63, IRWIN & WILSON.