’ » a » WT e ———— —— A ——_———— tie Sy wy COE’'S C trim A ABAAS SN +» No Directory For Spain. Madrid, May 16.—The Cortes yes- terday, after long depate, rejected the proposition for 8 establishinent of an trinnial directory. It isnow confident. ly believed a regency will be created, with Marshal Serrano at its head. an ily wp pi A SSR RAC SA SAVAGE & RRO, (Successor to N. Hilibish) Religiods.— Rev. Dr driet, of Mifflin. burg; twill preach in the Presbyterian church at‘Centre Hill; on next Sabbath motiing, 23rd. > OUGH BALSAM This lol tried and popular Remedy is agnin called to the attention of the public. As often as the year rolls around, the pro- prietors annually make their bow to the people, and remind them that amongst the many things required for the health, come fort and sustenance of the family through the long and tedious months of winter, a ———a Bet n——— Manhood: How Lost, How red® us ' Ds Corvmawivy's Creamed 8 enl cure (without medicine) of Sperma« torrheea, or Seminal Weakness, javolynta Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar- ringe, ote. ; also, Con ‘ bow i Fits, i uced . og ns A SAI. > EE E—————————— GOOD NEWS FOR THEPEOPLE. Great Attraction aud (Great Bargains! HE undersigned, determind to meet the opular demand for Lower Prices, re- Cr y calls the attention of the public tu his stock of SADDLERY, now offered at the cid stand; Designed es- im CENTRE HALL REPORTER. AT Hi mT, SAL ITEMS, a ne Véndu~Sale of personal property of L. Kerstottor, det'd, in Penn tp; June 11th, Iniportant Announcement. Wholesale and retail dealers in Stoves & Tinware, —Bladk Simmons, Vendu d Judgment! anid Ex- ; fur sale at this Notes, Executions, uh emption Not conibid Office: —n £OCAL NEWS —Our friends will oblige ds He sBnding in any items df Jdcal inter- #it. including deaths marridgts, &c., as such are Gagarly read by your friends in the wast, nian¥ of whom gdt the Reporter. We would ested it & favor if our kind pa- trea would dteasionally tail a copy of the Reépocter td felatives atid acquaintan- ads who formorly lived it Centre county And ramoved td dther pats, which would iRddce manny to Bacomu sibseribers, smooth skin and beautiful cemplaxion follows the use of Helmbold's Conventrated Extract Sarsaparilia. It removes black spots, pimples and all eruptions of the skin. X IN THE SPRINU months, the system maturally undergoes a change, and Helm bold’'s Hi hly Concentrated Extract of > ureaparilla is an assistant of the greatest valde, emit mses For the West, Mr. John Rishel of Potter twp,, and Ja- cob Keen and Chr. Alexander of Penn tp, on Monday last, started on a trip to Michi- A CLEAR, mn) Ballou's Magazine, for June, is full of interesting and fascina- ting reading. $1,50 per year. Elliott, Tho mas & Talbott, publishers, Boston. ea a —— QUANTITY vs. QUALITY. F