Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, March 19, 1869, Image 1
HALL Fredrick Kurtz, Editor. Centre Hall, Centre Co... Pa... March 19th, 1869. Vol. 1.—Nbv. 49; ° 1 TR PT RAT —b Ary Ag a: : : A A aA MET A ————————— he U DITOR S RE PORT, correct, £8. above sited, itnosg our TRA H.-- Ny Entuk dh or HE NEW CARBINE. Mreasur Trove in North Carolina | Infernal Revento Fight, | The Harrishurs Patriot says: | | { ANTHONY C. GRARY, Treasurer, hands this Sth day of’, y+ + TE ig 1904 11 LS, or Yeu! "hi Strange Story | The distingus : ln account with Commonwealth ot 'enn- | JOH N K \ \ NANE, LR qayanee , and U Whi not paid in he first Cabinet of ¢ veant. after ' shim 8 fd WASHINGIGN, March LL, ~Much we distin swigshed rebe ol, Grenerad Jumes Lopes ibreot , has rec eived from. { (3 gyvivania: S. ETLINGER, | adtiEGe ‘eporter, onth ba cent htm. : Bada vie batels . DR. ' JOHN RISHE] Ldvortisements na neoerfed pel Ciel existence of k nan one week, | A Yely curious dist : January 4 1800 Auditors, - | Jquare {10 lines) for 4 weeks. Advertise | hag:ons to pieces. The new appoint heen made in a small islet which served ax a diversion from the | General Grant the Appairimen to the Toamor titi EXPENDITURE SOFCENTRE COUN MER yuan hal aby, orithree mont 4 | | 4 TN } . . : ‘ : . y ft cates +h i . at A 2 § 3 * iis . . " outstanding Ja- L452 1? TY, A. D. 1868. he Ime, nents, as announced by tele raph from Jig | WIND, aboul six Or seyen mil Call-absorbine cdbive discussion It | lucrative office of surveyor of the part nuary 1, 1868... S LL 1} | or lors for auditors pave... 53 (X) Job-work, sh, nnd neatly and ox Panicle S93 eve a ar . from ‘Bladensbhure North Carolina, | atl {ira Bort] (ost « tsp af New Orleans, I ea amount asses- | to oriler of John 1 Ra, As Rediliously exeented, at reasonable chan W Sm ton, are as follows: ay ANY : | was al hist report d that a mortal en | } this place he will \ { 3 4 R we > i . . a th . i a! » . 1 : : ah I. tad for A.D; 280 | issioner.... 200 00 Seeret: ary of State-——Hamilton is) ¢ wtienlars ¢ff whieh are os fol- | of Mnter had taken P lace between ex- | ot be long in recove ring some of the ne IE 8 1 salcciinar 4 a! : vi O00 sADRDS . | Ne W \ ork. lows : | ~olicitor Binekley and ex-Commis | loss his priv ate foriune suffered inthe January £1860 : to order of Wm, Furey, Cor SRE ee alee | Socrotary of the Trea ur Gieoree About six ears ago there hved, fgioner Rolling, It was #ftepwards | €ar. If no Southern negro nor North- Q Am sunt § mill : a! , oH ; ya wi : ( " | oHer.. ... ht. 24 a NI : a a : . . . ne . : . . ’ . . . : i ih “i PRR Re outstanding Jian ta order of : lor. Commi { hos «BFC TRG i, =. Bout J Massachuset!s, YO yall He ON Islel, asedrtamed that Bin kley net Rollins oe arp t-hazser could ha found quali an, 1. 18680. Dd 330 39 Ianan is 3 By Bg} el NERA ‘ tio Angk sw n {* . Catviss #3 ay To srhount 4 mill | to ordir.of Ning. Commission : ey BANS & £ seeretary of War-—Joh . Haw n saore of ¢oswanmp, an and Deputy Commissioner He wlan on | hie | for this position it mi; zht be im- pltensedt § for for posite Joy iard’s, when JP ihcklay. ag’ A that Grant could have selected bse, 646 93 LC AR | : a ins i mies | Y: | dated oi : ul Po e— 88 8 vintar ye and note 2 | ENTRE " TI ) ma he sinfe if NECESSITY LLICES DY Lhe name of im IPOWINY wil is cloak and cane, | some wounded Union soldier instead of 2} : v Te : Or Ted : rn £ . { ‘ Thy > . . : ' 3 t 4 ‘aR 3: : . : i yo. » ph | : onl : : : & CR. r ) atbraith, nl } HX : \ Adihi . ashburae Mind : PEL Ap earance i Lis i Wd | ie Tol CRIED Rollin Fan away thi rebel chieftain It soem that Grant excitement prevailed {his alternoon, : (4a 42 ’ Jaoutr ry 4, 1800 r 1} = ———— yn : : . y | ‘ . rte ' Hy ailing, tax ing) von is re 2 00 | v MAR. 10th 1860, “to France. Ex-Gov. Andrew G, | ie spring of 1806, then apparvent- | and Binekley, boing unable to eateh | filly understood what Longstreet outstAndiug 1867 ‘ 4 rder of Ntate wie Asviun ‘ . , voi 1c 38 or 29th vear and nid } . ; . ’ ho ' | inf and Tr A bd . $ om 2 X CR Yar of Feats *y) Ba i : ‘ony ‘or the R porter Uru oes 10 ft, Hershure, yh sh Fh Jud, dan io tin, curinead on vrlan a track him | ent waen h supp ied the famous RY Seiwht — Tama k wkin re onstruction pli Y. and has’ acted oulsiashcinse IN 1 SOO 63 i prt a Fire Mini ot BSE ar | I OE iit. PUNY ARN nod all Hros 0 Wii infamy ministry is much stroviger than the | *¢ hed been educated, yet his had, | hin con Jy ofl’ is pins, » nse | Accordingly, Longstreet has his re- Less overpaid acco! coveral kicks. | ward, But this handsome recogmtion Gass anducd, We wom. Py A cord nam Wree dama- | OF the party services of the rebel gene- Rimmel o clection expres L068 fon fn the amit ely ett Dut he | ability or shining qualitios, 15 a deci. | 107s Were somewhat reserved sd tac- | ping wounds about the head, He | Fl Has boon nisds so” suddenly sth Pe¥ centage to col- He A SIACLOPE Toe Tamura 1228 a0 : Nh Th ded improvement on the conrse. juno. | 10. Why he should k a life $0 | nromi: es t) serve Rollins in the same | take the truly teil lightly a back- bi I by to order oF Me Noro Mobos HO] bY noting Tables bc fs ioe sw elears and | pant nnd hoorish Washbrne, whoowill | eieeriess and scolded was 1 mystery | manneras soon 15 opportunity. offers. | Vill the exesptivavaf Gansral Fooe WL i in Al 2 | mott, New J + Hin | : 19 873 (X) y ; od this cl vf take the pl. ohn A. Ti at the | Ofte en hy Lis neighbors, Yet . ' the Union eanss had naim risa ce receipts LR thant Fog hy i 21] fore wa ot French Court. Mr, Fis held the | BC DP ted to erecta cabin for him- | Refrithifive Justice of Heaven. | my than Longstreat. In the presist- Byron ws : fo ew and dun: L206 75 | wd : % ni 1 in thi i We justice ency and malignancy of his_hostillity, Fy wr 8 1 23 8H to order of sae Hobbs, Archiz © for, or whether it was the of has served one tevin in (le Senate of | 1 T0 HOPOQ 0 pass bis remaining | jus never heen more clearly shown or [#0 rebel, not Seven {elforson ) Davis, BS so i HCl ne e200 001 of Speen ter oo hth Vinited States. ities hoe was | years in parfeet solitude. 12 cabin | oxommlified tha ii Mate of the la. | farpassed him. His weason to his nd : 3 ahi 1) ; anid : | ¢(] its { : country is made olious by this appoint- ent. oA On Friday last, as some men were | cutting a road through a snow drift n near Peacham Corners, Vermont, they | came upon the frozen bodies of Mrs. ! Emmons, nged sixty years, her daugh- - J. 8. Parsons... « | : Al IoC s A. | and her grandson. The old lady had bys tate e troasir = a dH Gree : Te ; . oh 1 1] : Mav. 1800)» 2, i laa pe ho Er ' | fallen, overcome with cold and snow, FECHIpS. XN tors BH ! a, oo fa mile from a farmer's house, | throveh the window of which a light vas shining all night, while the d: wgh- r had approac ‘hed a little nearer, and #i boy was within two rods of the win- reasurers com vid road tax. ) l, . : : oy pore, a Democratic paper... Brown, indienation of | CG romery county, | ANi1noyzy C. GeARY Cou? H | order fades Tan | : H ana s I | { : had his | COUNTY OF CENTRE. 14 2 fiw wid cymes af 3 : : i re . , mA : yg nd Pray L1OT QA Change 1 vonue, hi HS | DR | on : mpiion of LU. DO. A } © : ad 1 ennaiit tions dread cut iles : daar. He had evidently drageed him- January 4, 184 Re. Gallia : a s Es y To amount of tax outstantlindJanu- some distance on hiz hands and ary 1, 1Ré# 3 @od JAN of to RB’ MciCniaht Cue 1 ‘ y i ; : i 1 : N a, en ; jited by a jury orgamzed jor that | mone —— To amount of tux as Fa f ; 2 ad a i i v il y+ ‘ i : ] Tal. (11d It HIVRICTrioNn: y y ta Jyer » wy11°F at i a | . . : ussessed for A. D. } to Insurasice Policies and: Accor. ; ; bs% pg LRT XE ' : gselih Y FL ans sac, A newly arrived family were lately sp df : hithe « ny Pith © Hr 0 nz FP J agAng at a shop window in Rockford, Ereaunt overpaid invests of college Foire I 00 Thee i, 's bhhigea ty pass a groy] VTE Tosi aca dE puconiestal Sad Dyary elming. : Hinois. Little girl —*“Oh mamma! is Ro LA ba : ys, tne} if] 3 ai To “| that a en?” Mamma—*No, my child Vghty God! | that isa howl. Father—“No, my wife has since | gang daughter, that is neither a en nor unnatirad | ‘a howl, but it iz a.leagle, the hemblem cand as a fit- | of this blarsted country otmountrechis tat ‘HE to amount received of militia an.i oth- OT SOUrces to amount of relic f acceount to balance re due trea to] ‘ : . ne g Loni surer. 5.520 49 to Storvibore & Poo reas] Sma ’ : 5 Yared: on rad Ho floor. | five tustion: J Ob p————— i gry retribn- * —————— - who presi- | Stamping Judgement Notes.—The ro ommissioners. of - Internal Revenue davs since a horrible death in the hag decided. that a judzmont note re- i quires not noly a five cent stamp for Yevery $100, of fractional part there- by amountoutstan- ~~ ¢ | of, but five cents additional on ae ding for 1868 20,63 71 atisxine US] } 21 0] 4 ich ui u 3 ‘ : pins Rwalllly LU WiRUILES 1] Ih) . , | . . by amount county = Ninve for Tresinrers nllice. 50 00 | | TBR ; \ 0 '1¥a childven will nel hin + oo, engraved on the handle, and the fol- | (Oho) Forum. | count of the clause “without defalea- ord lerslifte 4d. 1044005 wi ] : - ] . 1 { | tion.” The og od x ra of this fact is wv An NLL eXonler- } , Xo. for pr sober... Fe) 35% ; dT nt i, : . 101 1144 yi, ! ; x" 1] ano i: ono? | xy Ations—per’ ecent- Merel Hse for . ees 21 “Pladen County. N. (L Mav 11 1899 | : is hd | of i tc business men eve rywhere, Age: to treasure V3 \ 0] HOMEY WITH THI GI . eR why 5 Ton township, vo w J ors i lia BE and collectors 176 3 A 1/1) sad Fr . : SanticiAY, Huoo, No. BY CAD . ' . : | BF auponntialives Ih tad eee : ce tho NEFA to society may | ¥ orion: Ennlaud . crazy last woek, and vhilg i | Asa flock of sheep were being driv- § Fotilion ers it Say 1 \ PT 1, TI \ ) ; a : to :] ; : p vin y : Lo . rae ; : . ait ' t 170 a | are of J ¢ len ACTOSS the bridge at Danville a few P= idee He kdntiamnid i hich he comnall iis fi | days aca. one of them jumped out of i j EE ae | of the | the window, and, sheep like, the rest of ACCOUNT WITH RELIEF P¥ XN i aes | nit re | Wis are | mn 3 sun has set 1 shail | 2 ; re | the winda Co S180], pire, L1G Tem : DR : bt r= QU OO rola ntable. LIS 01 OF tril tora faved PA SDITH VOT, Fare ne mn the hi Hemi TOUCH IN a coracr for tw Lizem tick ly followed. The result January 4, 1869, I ye ' . 3 ds XY : and woeRterful e * tl : . tf ib] as np a To amaunt.outstan- i 3 CR : rh ag r any FOFOW] Le! far the, ertly, | was th: at eight of them beeame food A Se zt zettleme ‘nt, ’ . * v amon Te Hi ; , wm q hov { ro to a do r. knowine there 3 y a } 3 x i 3% Raw BE armine as Jose wv 3 ix} lo without for fish, J ALUATY I. 186K... : 1.2.9 : Biv; y i m0) 1 - ; . Sn oo ’ Vaid! i sid { td 0h Vi 1¢ thinners i oes o) ; Lh : te am’'nt overpaid Fe dares Heirs Or) : ; : a dozen girls within, and ki r | the work oven now 1 feel as if td riding, the shots sometimes string | CeO EL } | airiec., : yooh) ns nn, a Wh ra Te od oe 2s UM yes 8 Pi Bo 1 branches af thes Mens Legis- ACCOUNIS o.oo ‘ 8S AH ine with abznlinta certainty that tub, fount iins of life were drvine tn.’ | the walls within six inches of their to, Alou: cnilitin | Tv n unt of indebted. : L : ; ey : : 3 i v3 a . ) : i a <a (l 1 lature. yesten: \¥ passed a rezolution, a g 221. 9, 594 ,0105.00, Pull, ¢ equal to tek ; of we tld ae x) an : ’ : adopting {he Fifteenth article «f ame ndmep [ to the Constitution of the U vited States, ed over the NioecK trial, died ad few 7 a January 4, 1869. By amount county tax outsi amling for 1867 and previ- OU3 years See te iiggt Iopet > blow out their | CNL Of amuni- - . > ne : { Frey . » . byex neration and | The prices of sucar having fallen )er centage to col- . | : NO KINNANE : Te i whi I he Ts . : "1, "fd . ) Y | : 2 ‘ 2 . rein soit eZ 8D ap: ry ; | of:one’s hands without puttine them in | YEH 1 have diready you, “Lhe I mally he waz dizarma y a - Hiwo cents at wholsile from the hich reo hy Hre Hn nO LL, Wd, rR “or the Reporter, | . a CT amount 1s contained in several Hier- . : wr ive ay vin: a to Jeni INO. RISHEL, i ' () i K tofs an hievem nt 2 nad : Foe coirirm Ba bor. and 12 now safe in an advil Prttes they hal react pal, consumers are Account 11,313 66 Es xs ost WM. FUREY, ry : | which few ean boast. Ifa boy eat eet | on the inlet. ro . SIE | correspondingly glad wih 93 1 op Re . MERLE Ih BY J. . : ' yo Lwenly-one murders have been com- | > ——— i We, tha undersigned, Ati titors of Con- | YNC. MORAN, WM. KELLER, i : | 20 far as 1SIITD 4 { rls > i onal » hrother : | nex 4 | i i x 8 : idl i lil ul i ard i . ys . . i . j Q NO tee county, do hereby certify that we have | | PR JNO. BING, In tds Yorl trials wo journey alons ne : chins Hueo,” ed in Indiana within the past three | A JR in Michigan has been fined examined the fotégoimng accounts of A. €, | If 013, { NIrs. § Vi | de i : : i , : y ya on { Pi \ it h one of | girls, and cul | i _ ; Es SD ale In ton of thoes CAE only 80 an A costs for : aliing his nejghbor (Feary, (treasury r,) with Con ¥rnoangealih f | ‘ rraton® end he may and a cha DOX conalnng 2 ere Ci Ee . ee i: “ YOU ted Fe enpayly anda, “and County and Belief s ENT His W \” ‘3 | He hip ! ‘ } ' : ! Ts 7 ii { ior fine ; Saale i yore (em rd TJ arrezte ]: in hve | 4 har,” Tha costs” amounted to { ail 1 Pi nll a nt i. it even kxown 5 Funds of Centre county, for the year A. D. ) 3 SUITS! SUITS a el sol, SE id j LC Spend a pleasant ] ing: but let tw s TY A} ERS Jl known to the su- | S90 GO wi nd find them: Bore i as, above stated. Yee Fo rsat vot {ha AF is him not latter hi fihat thn tnt { to about three week's go pun NEY WOre Wei) maows TC. = es ti dsso this 4t} ov of Jrrvare | \7. McClellan, at 3 lafasnnin. waned oy . : sid tlt Rian. Sdn al dn hy oh Ea : bg ating hist snccoadod 1 wakinoe | . 2 v i Li hands this 4th do j yy, V.- 3 clan, at 3 ite, not 3 | oT Ph, ve gdh ERT ey \ | i {hioriticd; » bift suceead in makin | “Ma.” said Ered, “I should rather YN K [ANE, ti and to] . aed 7A ; | oO thotr czeape and In SIX CSG : So . Ce Jor RINNANE, Frichds and chston ts, as well as all othe [o fry and death y along in Lat Inst the brask.ay T 0 orl) FOUR BOIS, | 5000. WhOIr Catt] be a wild turkey, and live my life out ha ETLING ER; ‘ day I i i I'l i BI : hl a { =. " JORN PIRITE] | Woo nk Tam en n: thet la a1 thats ecent act of the Lectislatm : jon the prairies, than be a tame turkey Auditors of Cem tre oo unty. i WH . a ’ a “ dy . : 0 Eo : s y ) : . : : : yy > . . 3 3 Te 18 { A Ww Al are] a1 . Hi r tr . 9 ; ire count | rel o, Subs ally | outride; © = | shawls and look so sae, tschievi. nnsylvania, approved Feb. 26th, gor Tit . | and be killed every year. Vue KLINE, 16H SBERTPF- OF ev VTaE | » 3 Larter: whan ; Eo in bse veel mimnreccihile ne if thae | 1869. where no demand has hoon: nya 5 i : . : "oA CEUNTY, IN ACCOUNT WITH BRAID COUN | win de utes sb ts fa. Ci 3 : iB Uh be Bray bh. LMMD ala mis! : oe i Mey | . \ hv ' “There now said a little in while ’ i Nit SUES i HLUR, TOM any 1c of 110 2 + . Ji . A i ¥ n'y \ i . . 1 ’ TY. | £34; yw choose: “3 would: <u ET 3: r ar id not wish any one to go home with | 107 IC payment of a grouna 1eny ory A very carious mode o "trying the : a dr | DR | “ial they clioose. uld say that Iam | But beyond world th ab I ny LS : ood ia Hind rummaging a drawer im a bureau, 4 vi : | “lan the field, and prepared to accomio- | v ¢lime, | them, Then comes the pinch, as the | “tier charge upon land for twenty-one | ile of land is practice A1nygdoos- 2 AR, oo ; late. I have a large and excellent assort- | Where | habit oar id | re tens Mtr bE NS MW ‘od : | | i, “Grandpa has gone to heaven without Taerrovrt ¢ jury EL iy rath of pi. Pe 00 ue abit dav iblemmdanidid, iy aw w havine the n nek mal Cars, and no ackKl reazement of Ine | gan «two holes are dug iv the Ispu- fo :¢8 and fine Yolk QC 148 on 11CHT 7 ove of tno ‘ Jy Hd ey WAL I tv Dilley IHIKOS 1] . ‘i : Te. ; | ie | wily ; : \ ey 5 . his spectacles.” to-samount countv : Y re 1 Gury fi | young | 1e prettiest oil. his heart in hie | existence taercol has bel Ue Wiih ed spot, in each of whieh the plaintiff = ¥ I iy . hi ard 1 rl Apr ere orders. x. 200 T geen neve oid, : . yis L ‘por w the tenant rel ie " . ‘eneral Sheri : r* beni 200 00 id : [ BE) (x0 ) ie Wicre Clivi 0, Gord std Toke throat. and hi nous oll ¢e to the | that period by the tenant, ERS and defendant's lawyers put one of General Sherman has riturned to voris 1,492 54 ‘ mR 4 i Lana ne | Hill fl : . ays . I : ! hi i ¢ n ! i ' ’ : Y y £11) JN ( Yi1} NS ! : } : 1 el 3 : T v » — § 1,840 an Hy : Lroof of his mouth. .and crockine hig Linguisnment : alm = © ther legs, omd remain there until one | St. Louis from New Orleans much im-, RRAPY # ov oO Pts Is are of i r. its street "1 CIDOW slammaoer; it the words «© “Shal resumed, J Lie QUrt od JILIN | of then is © id in whieh ease his c¢ i | roved n health. He will leave for January 4, 186% ALSO per, | Lhe words; “Sha 2 1 | ’ . 01 ¥ Sein Ju | nh brirrht sa ino thore ) home?” She iouc hep | £7088, under propor: proceedings alls ent js defeated. | In this couniry it is Yssyingtort in a few days. clamations ... Ll 8 180 &f q otis, Cassimeres, YOestinpes, | TOI DR=ers to hig arm. and thu hey wall Wh 4 whe gd lie ICI, Ad nog the lawyer, thot ” ® Ter by u nierehandise. in of B® 1 The clear stream "life, where niillions | - rs The law also anvlies vis i fin . : “Pon €s, you hi ave traveled a great a > a rears one abo a (i apart voli aa | 12CH ‘ : tes puis ius tool 1a at. > . puzht op 8 1 from which garments will be made to or- | ave | thed in its waters a oi into | 1 : : | of eround rents apportioned cither ” by | ne - « leal, were you ever in Grepee %’ i r oe 4 oy 21 00 : dep 1 LHC 2 . Wh . cis : : : : " oat dW kward d : ! ANY Te IAN Ne } an 1C : 3H S > ph} : J Ci: I't 1] ‘ ] yd CO: bret 5 tls: it “No, Snow j ait } fell 3 i: bc a thun- © ashen JU She . . os . deed or implication | 1 he acts SIR2apo ns a Po His } by ITH alth. ; d [ 1s safe side | 16 struts | Ge | or Oy Hnpcation irom the pel 1 Sati] dornt’ big te obi sop ones.” costsin guidry ca- MOST FASHIONABI | STY.§ ry pilgriey, fui tin the | home ‘and read lv | the partic Fas swallowed a young lady, who wore rere ren ee +) an. : : ir { \ | HAA «iid 10 ) gv : Qf : : . Y * . * arg ( So ie or pi 12 26, 04 ; Yay, Ln { : dy at the time a So, 0U ) di; amond rock Maggie E wood, of Brookville, Wwe egonyveying pri- 3 dl dawn a bright | ina 9 one if, kav I Pn vhila hunting for wn viii : ' Soners to Poeen ; A 1 ask is to eall and examine mv Bie | ay, A! ot of 1 rin, while | iting 5 In lace. I'he ycuug Lady j | of no value Can: ada, heat Nellie Dean, of Chicago, : ¥ a Wa 1- yi Voy IY }s tor hd Gi y oy ‘ het thy ul ' al 2a fF ! x ‘ rir] i | i ] a Se 4 HOSS ¢ 1s leas ] \ § 4 A Tous. 9% fin shoe, | i RL: Bought my ecods da- ne J redo Y i ; rabbits, came across a JACKass m the | 45 w, but the neck lace is—so about | ir x skating match at Buffalo, on Oo o uge. . > 3) AM ; rio 0 { 1 10, 2 aely YO} ty : «LIAN 0, : lass 1" $1} y 4) ] 1 tO 3 y ‘shy Civ i Lan : ve : : * : by turnke y fees, 68 ’ : ? ) is SOR, funda ard his bh Ve. Wt pretty » 1 Vee L which he shot d ad, ex laiming | thirty thousend natives are dilizen 7 ¥ Tuesd: Ly. a . ¢ 0 1 1 : ( N11, [ ? J, ly WE | ). a iW) i ol I E Cine 4 1 . bis sf 1'i “2 \ . | PS G4 », “ J ! ar > . “ie prisoners... delphi ; 27:0 ios ehrated for tyine the matein Be Jabers and St, Patrick! I've serene {or the snake Tey : 2 { “4 ; . v ‘ \ , « \ r “4 * Qin, * . Pity Song onan zr, Fete tae Flt a ial Kiiot stop kijt the futher of all the ralbits 7 The Pennsylvania senate nas ratis, raleq ole. den” vi W: W. McCLELT AN A wonvan being oni sli 3 “ani sk 1 : ’ : > SN a y . p v, ia, ’ by: 34 wee kes boar ia X : No. 4 Brokorhe f"s Row, Alle she iv drat : 41. Wo bein 5 CH Hi d to try the a L you tio a knot forme? yrds ho B sdford Democr als. fied the Constitutional Amendment by in ) 18 1ETS . $9 ) ro. Gis { {1 of ? . 1 dad ] 3 : { <1 131d i (ris x SO vi or SOV tofv VY ro "Og ro } . » ,- ding prisoners ..... 1 3 00 21.810 51 Bellefonte, Pa., where ehoths, cassimore fleet of Kindness on hy hushand; and v3 We 4 ’ besrant 14a 1 In good s ICLY We, are required i he Democrats of Bedford county | a patty. vote of 18 to 15. ERE WE Th Vestn LEN calla vmbi 1 Ny caf, hits hoi or bh. 1 Go yon bith s . 1 To no ne yay bho i ; 04 : pr bh : January: 4, 1869—hy balance Siday =q | caps, in Lin wl it ) compl ely rig | 08 told told that it would | Aen ‘Well right away,” was the reply: ¢ do obliging things to one another; have adopted the “Crawford county Le Nas] ville . 9 } } aC 2 . . po . i Fil ay . eo : 2 4 3 ob 2 : Wy at SCHIST cpversecicireres sobimeion + She 192 ) QUE? § gentleman, éan be bad and made up coals of fire on his head, replied .that | 23." the ugh, rier ji bi Hghiway ; genteel soctely we are required only vstem” of kine local nominations The cotton market in Nashville is We, the undersigned, Adios of Centre | in the latest style! va 11as dat woh i? ik. . yes | i 15 18 good &Daace as . sav the : Ry Buy UO MAKE ooa : arr lively j ust now. county, do hereby certify that the forego-| 1 am also agent for WILCOX & G p Bs she ‘had: tried “bilin’ water,” and it | « Jife ns the oem, sal ar say them. : BP ital : : J Elia oai : dn’ : Fr oC ell, thenf want a knot lied in my ie ‘ eet etn ing account of D. Z. Kline, High Sheriff of | Sewing chine, whie h should be seen by | didn’t do a bit of cood, She was oly yy ; : : : X & 5 ke out of WiZon Centre county, in: account with said coun- all desiring a machine des. 68y Joubir | I i mn Y hel 4 (ha to Ke } it J ol hie now ! [tix a bad o-men to owe the printer. Three pri: ones hrok , Pris The grain CrOPig jp this cwuniry, are y ) . © paountiul abou ¢ cheney Hf Js” FROULC IC Wa de he drove rapidly away . : : ty, hus been examined by us and found ug: fae } tom : sige | Therefor avoid it and pay up in Mansfield, Ohio, on Monday last. | said to have a most promising look.