Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, January 22, 1869, Image 3
CENTRE HALL REPORTER. aol Hann, Pa. Jan. 22nd 1889, LOCAL ITEMS. BLANKS. —Blank Summons, Vendu Notes, Executions, and Judgment and Kx- SHmption Note combined, for sale at this ce. zZ&Two Nrw Empire Sxwiva Ma CHINRS, warranted, for sale at this Office. IroN Crry CorLLrax.—A scholarship to this institution for sale at this office, and to be had at a bargain. CeNTRE il iil yin Local News. —OQur readers are solicited te furnish us items of local interest for pb sication. Send us the facts only, and we vill get them in shape for publication. Our readers would oblige us, by occa- sionally mailing a copy of the REPORTER to their relatives and acquaintances outside of eur county, especially to such as former- ly lived in Pennsvalley. It would be the most welcome matter you could mail to such, and would be the means of inducing many to become subscribers, Any person sending us 8 new subscribers, and $12, will be ontitled tothe REPoRTERONE year free, for 4 new subsribers, and $6 the getter up of the club will receive the Rerorrkr 6 months free. This offer good from this date —the names can be sent in as they sub- scribe. To Business Men. Weinvite business men wishing to advertise, to call and examine the subscription list of the REPORTER, and satisfy themselves that it preients a most desirable advertising medium, especially for this side, the heart of the county. This has been the experience of aliso far, who have advertised in the RerorTER. We venture to say, that since we commenced the publica- tion of this paper, the rapid increase of our list, unsolicited, is without prece- dent in this county. li — asvanallogeans . PUBLIC SALE!—Harve bills printed at the Reporter office, for public sales and ad- vertize them in the same paper, as its wide circulation will ensure the fullest publici- ty for Vendues. Written bills are out of ate, they were in vogue when men plowed with wooden plows and rode to mill with a bushel of corn in one end of the bag and a large stone in the other end to balance. Frases Oaures RELIGIOUS.—Rev. Mr. Miller, of Chambersburg, by invitation, preached trial sermons in the Lutheran congrega- tions belonging to the Centre Hall charge, ast week ; his discourses were very able, and gave the utmost satisfaction. The Presbyterians held a protracted mee- ting at Contre Hill, commencing on Thurs- day of last week, and closing on Monday, celebrating the Lord's supper on the Sab- bath. The attendance throughout was un- usually large. The Lutheran charge of Aaronsburg will have Rev. Sahm as their next pastor, com- mencing April next. fiThe new Lutheran church near Brum- arte, below Rabersburg, was dedicated ast Sabbat._ . 0 Hom. P. G. Meek has our thanks for fa- vors from Harrisburg. Hon. J. H. Stover has our thank: for fa- vors from Washington, Sternberg & Bra are bound to sell goods, and no one yet, having bought of them, has had occasion to grumble. Go and try them, on dry goods, clothing. hats, caps, boots, shees, or anything you please, and you will say they are among the fair- est merchants to be found. Like the Re- porter, they are almost down to cost. If you want boo? paper, or anything else in the line of stationery, go to J. D. Miiler's store at Bellefonte—Jake will do the fair thing and deserves encourage- ment. : 0 T he Little Corporal, for January, in an excellent number, all young readers will say so. It is popular among the ju- veniles and cheap, only $1 per annum, and yremium to persons raising clubs. Alfred rE Sewell, publisher, Chicago, IIL 0 : The Festival at Pine Grove Mills, last week, we are pleased to learn, was a per- fect success. The net profits of the same amounted to spmething like $250, which goes for the benefit of the cornet band of that place. We think Centre Hall and vicinity ouhgt to afford a band, there are enough of young men around here to compose a good band, and what a fine thing it would be. Carp Braxgp.— We are informed that on Wednesday evening of last week, a lit- tle daughter of Daniel Shuey, about 18 months old, from near Linden Hall, met with a painful death. The mother having left the house to rform zome outdoor work, during her absence the clothing of the child in some way took fire from the stove, and upon the return of Mrs. 8 found her little daughter almost burned to a crisp. Death relieved the innocent one from its sufferings in about half an hour thereafter. 0 BENNER AND PATTON TWP. I- FEMS. —Lucky—the couple who went to spend an evening at Mr. Tate's, in the Barrens, intending to come home the same evening, but unfortunately the sleigh up- set and spoiled their calculations. Brown, try, try again, yoy will succeed at last. Some people are close, and try to make fortunes by hoarding up everv cent they sanke, but not so ¥r. Wm, Close, of Ben- ner, for he shows, by subseribing for the Reporter, that if he is close by name, he is not by nature. Big, bigger, biggest, Ben Hunter's hog, it weighed 580 pounds. I think Ben can claim thie banner for the largest hog slaugh- tered this winter. The Methodists are holding a protracted meeting at Centre Furnace; ditto, the Al- brights at Houser's. Reuben will please accept my thanks for some of the largest and finest apples I ever saw, Ihave no doubt some day he will re- alize a fortune from the sale of those large apples, Mr, G, W. F. Gray, of Patton, has bought a farm somewhere above Halfmoon. George is » fine man, subscribes for the ~ Reporter, and talks of trying to make a fortune, P. 0 Fhe Centre Hill store has passed ; nds of 8 reliable firm, Yiassed Into the Thompson, who will keep up a first class , store, y / Far the Reporter. : © ~~ Mn=. Kurtz :—Permit me to recommenq ah Hr. A. A. Kerlin, of Potter tp., as a suita- ie n for the next Co. Superintenden- C¥. ¢ isa practical man, an experienced teacher, and possesses all the educational qualifications for that position, Emil Jose Bellefonte, is the place now to buy cheap. The attention of our i the advertisement of atin: diree hl RE is truly Valuable Medicine i - mended by all who use it. Ife em Geo. D. Pifer keeps one of the best re- gulated stores at Bellefonte, and none sells cheaper. His gentlemanly clerk, Mr. Em- erick, will pay especial attention to the Pennsvalley customers. J Petitions for the repeal of the dog and deer law, passed for Centre county last winter, are in circulation. 0 Wm. Erhart’'s Vendu, Miles tp., Febru- ary 11th. -_———__— For the Reporter. Links To CurTIR R—, Oh! rest thy aching head, Upon my throbbing breast, And there forget the woe That doth thy soul oppress. The angry waves may dash Aguinat the rocky shore; But in the haven safe, r The surge can reach ne more. The sunlit clouds of love Light up life's sky anew, And trust in Him above Will guide us safely through. When o'er life's stormy sea, The raging tempest past, In that calm haven of peace We'll anchor safe at lust. HERBIE WALLACK. Milesburg, Pa., Jan. 4, "69. MARRIAGES On 28th ult., Frank Hillibish and Miss Kate Renn, both of Bellefonte, On 24th ult., BR. A. Kinsloe and Mss Al- ice Rankin, both of Bellefonte, On 81. ult, G. W. Twitmire, of Zior, and Miss Joie C. Rees, of Madisonburg. Happiness to you, Twit. SE DEATHS. On €th inst in Centreville, Snyder co., aged 50 years, On 18th inst., Mary M., wife of Geo. W. Tate, of Bellefonte. AT PLICATIONS FOR LICENSE. A The following persons have made SPplication for License at January term of ourt, William Robb Tavern Walker Township, Bellefonte Boro’ Samuel Dresher Tavern do ) Jas Hasbishon Restaurant Rush Township Ira C Knoll Tavern Howard Borough William Mann do Curtin Township Richard Hayes do Phillipsburg Wm L Musser do Penn Townsihp Persival Litzell do Ferguson Twp Jas J Kunes do Liberty Twp Benjamins Snyder do Biggs Twp Eyrie Pile, do Howard JAMES H LIPTON, Clerk. EORGE PECK'S EATING HOUSE XT & OYSTER SALOON, On High street, at Bush's Arcade Restaur- ant Bellefonte, Pa. This excellent estab- lishment is now open, and good meals can be had at xl! hours. Roast Beef, Hum, (warm or cold,) Chicken, Turkey, Tripe, Pickels, Ovaters, Soup, Eggs, Pies, Cakes, Crackers, Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, &c.. &., comprise the bill of fare. Billiard Table connected with the Rastaurent. Opystersin every style—also by the dozen and hun- dred. decd, ly OTEL FOR RENT! The subscriber offers for rent the old es- tablished and well known Tavern Stand, situated in Penn Hall, Centre county, one of the best and most desirable stands on the Old Fort and Lewisburg Turnpike Possession will be given on the 1st of Ap- ril 1869, J. B. FISHER, Penn Hall. AY! SUITS! SUITS! delR tf a (GENTS THIS W inform the men of Pennsvalley, and his old friends and customers, as well as all others who may desire to be rigged out, In well Fitting, Substantially & Fashionably made suits of cloths, from any kind of ma- terial they choose. I would'say that I am still in the field, and prepared to accommo- date. I have a large and excellent azeort- ment of Furnishing Goods, ALSO, Cloths, Cassinmieres, & Vestings, from which garments will be made to or- der in the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. All 1 ask is to call and examine my fine stock. Maring just bought my goods du- ring the last panic, I defy competition as to prices, durability, and fashion, this side of Philadelphia. Remember the Place W. W. McCLELLAN. No. 4 Brokerhoff's Row, Allegheny street. Bellefonte, Pa., where cloths, cassimeres, vestings, callars, umbrellas, cains, hats, caps, in short, everything to completely rig out a gentleman, can nk I and made up in the latest style. I am also agent for WILCOX & GIBBS Sewing Machine, which should be seen by all desiring a machine, de25,68y (JEruays COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Centre county, the subscriber has been authorized to sell at private sale, all that certain FARM IN POTTER Twp. Centre county, situate about two miles south west of Centre Hall, generally known as the mansion farm of James Alexander, deceased, the said farm contains One Hundred & Forty Nine Acres net measure and is all under cultivation excopt about tweive acres of young white- oak timber. On the farm is erected a large stone house, a large bank barn, corn house, blacksmith shop, i wash house, spring house, car- riage house, wood house, and : all the necessary out buildings running water at the door, and a good ap- ple orchard of choice grafted fruit- For terms of sale or any further particu- lars inquire of the undersigned at Millheim or C. T. Alexander of Bellefonte, or James Sweetwood on the premises. AMOS ALEXANDER, GuardianamesAlexander’ heirs. 3%. A large assortment of every variety of Cook, Parlor, Office & heating Stoves, Stoves, d Heaters at the lowest prices at jan15,3m TITZELL'S, Milroy. 7%The largest and best assortment of tinware atold price Tin cups 75 ots per dozen—other ware in tin a Fy P TITZELL'S, Janld 3m Milroy. Tailors’ Stoves for heating Irons at TrrzrLL's, Milroy. S®m. Particular attention STE, paid to heating Janls Sm TAA +... 5000. We AAAI sm A aumber of adve tisethents were troy: ded out this Week ; these omissions will be made Up ih futtire numbers. NEW YORK MARKET, Wheat at $1 50a1 66% for No 2 spring; $2 25a2 30 for white Michi- In. Barley 81 95. Corn at 93a96¢ for new western; $1 - 071109} for old. : Oats at 754c for western, PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Wheat., red at $2 80al 90; white $2 15a2 35. Rye at 81 60al 62. Corn at 87a88¢ for damp, and 90292 cts. for dry. Oats at 72a75c, Cloverseed, 88 756a9; Timothyseed $3 25; Flaxseed, $2 60. ; CHICAGO MARKET. Wheat, No 1 at $1 17a1 18; No 2 at $1 124. Corn firm No 2 at 55}a56. Oats at 472481 for No 2. Rye at $1 15} Barley at 81 68al 69 for No 2. Live hogs at $9 50a10 25 for com- mon to fair : $10 50410 75 for good to choice; 11 35a11 50 for extra. Beef cattle, $4 25ad 50 for cows: 5,75a6 10 for fair to medium steers, and 87 25a8 35 for premium steers. LEWISBURG MARKET. Wheat $1,70.......Corn, Old‘ 1,15Rye 1,30......0uts, 32Ib, 62... Timuthyseed, dull, 2,00 Flaxseed 22. ......Cloversed dull, 1,00....... Butter 30 White beans 360......Kggs 0 Lar, Dull, ,I8 Tallow Fowtoes 0m dried Applesib. 08, ...... Pork 8@9.......... Side & shoulder 11. MILROY MARKETS. Wheat $1.55 Rye 1,25.......Corn. 0,35 Outs Plaster per ton 10,00. ......8alt per sack 3,00. Flour (fumi'y) 5,00 Butter 40............. Eggs 25 Bacon Sides & Shoulders 16, Hams 25 Lard 16....... Potatoes 1,50... Apples dried 124. ...... Barley $1 50 Pork i0 BELLEFONTE MARKETS. Wht: Wheat $1,60, Red 1 50... Rve 1.95.......0orn Q.7D Outsdl, ...... Burley 1 Cloverseed 80,0 Potatoes 1,40. Lard per pound 18 Pork per pound 27, Butter 45.......Egps OR | ton | $16 Tallow 12...... 3ucon 20 Ham2d. | LUMBER:......Panel $40 per M.......... | Run of mill, dry $14 per M.........Sumples | $14 per M....... Bill stuff 18@20 per M...... Hemlock bill stuff 14@18per M................ 18 inch shingle No 1 $7 per M....... No2$6.00....... doNo 2% S¢60.......do No 3 $4,00.......24 inch shingleNo 1 $14 Ne2%12.... do......No 3 $7.50 Bam 20.....0 J roRrTaNy NEWS! Thejlargest and most magnificent tock of fall & winter goods Ever opened in this establishment, is now exposed for sale (CHEAP FOR CASH) At the well known store of ZIMMERMAN BRO.S& CO, No.6 Bran's ARCADE, The assortment consists of ladies Dress Goods, Shawls, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Wool Hoods, Clothing Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ladies Fuus, ATMO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Groceries and Provisions, All kinds of Grain and Country Produce taken at market rates. CALL AND SEE. Special inducements to cash buyers. dee25,1y. ZIMMERMAN, Bro.'s & Co. I ADIES LOOK HERE! 4 I 3 FAIRER ¢ CO, Bellefonte, Is the place to buy your Silks, Mohairs Mozambiques, Reps, Alpacas, Delains Lans, Brilliants, Muslins, Calicoes, Tick: ings, Flanels, Opera Flanols, Ladies Coat- ing, Gents’ Cloths, Ladies Sucques, White Pekay, Linen Table Cloths, Counterpanes Crib Counterpanes, White and Coloreé Tarlton, Napkins, Insertings and Edgings, White Liaco Curtins, Zephyr & Zephyr Put. terns, Tidy Cotton, Shawls, Werk Baskats, SUNDOWNS, Notions of every kind, White Goods of every Qutcriplien, Perfumery, Ribbong- Velvet, Taffeta and Bonnet, Cords anc Braid, Veils, Buttons, Tri and Misses Skirts, HOOP SKIRTS, Thread Hosiery, Fans, Beads, Bewing Silke mmings, Ladies LADIES AND MISSES SHOEg and in fact every thing th : | at can be of, detired or used in the ® thought ANCY GOODS OR NOTION LINE which he has concluded to scl] at low if not lower than Philadel iit New York retail prices. Also the only agent in Bellefonte, for the sale of the DOESSA PATENT COL $ SKIRT. LAPSING so as to perfectly fit all Iadies. : . W. FAIRER & CO. june5'681y. No. 4, Bush's Arcade. oe —— , Union Pacific RAILROAD COMPANY OFFER A LIMITED AMOUNT OF THEIR First Mortgage Bonds at Par. —— Nine Hundred and Sixty Miles Of the line West from Omaha are now com pleted, and the work is going on through the Winter. As the distance between the finished portion of the Union and Central Pacific Railroads is now less than 400 miles, and both companies are pushing for- ward the work with great energy, employ- ing over 30,000 mon, there can be no doubt that the whole GRAND LINE TO THE PACIFIC Will be open for Business in the Sum mer of 1869. The regular Government Commissioners have pronounced the Union Pacific Rail- road to be FIRST CLASS in every res- pect, and the Special Commission appoin- ted by the President says: “Taken as a whole, THE UNION PA. CIFIC RATLROAD HAS BEEN WELL CONSTRUCTED, AND THE GENE- RAL ROUTE FORTHE LINE EXCEE- oo ergy and perseverance with which the work has been urged forward, and the rapidity with which it hus been executed are with- out parallel in history, and in grandeur and magnitude of undertaking it has never been equalled.” The Report states that any defleiencies that exist are only those incident to all new reads, und that could not have been avoided without materially retarding the progress of the great work. Such deficiencies are supplied by all rail- road companies after the completion of the line, when acd wherever experience shows them to be necessury. The repert con- cludes by saying that “the country has rea- son to congratulate itself that this great work of nafional importance is so rapidly able auspices.” The €ompany now have in use 137 locomotives and nearly 2,000 cars of nll descriptions. A large additional equipment is ordered to be ready in the Spring. The grading is nearly completed, and ties distributed for 12 miles in ad vance of the western end of the track. ly 120 miles of iron for new track are now #0) miles more are enroute. The total ex- vance of the completed portion of the roud is not less than eight million dollars. Besides a donation from the Govt. of 12,- 800 ucres of land per mile, the Company is | entitled to a subsidy in U. 8S. Bonds or its linc as completed and accepted, at the wv- ding to the difficulties encountered, for which the Government take au second lien as security. The Company have already $140,000 Dee. 14(h. By its charter, the Company is permitted to issue its own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS to the sume amount as the Gov- are un First Mortgage upon the whole road and all its equipments. Such 8 mortgage apon what, for a long time, will be the only railroad connecting the Atlantic and Puci- fic States, akes the highest rank as a safe security. local business for the year ending Jnue 30, than sufficient to cover all interest lability upon that distance, and the earnings for the last five months have been $2386 870 — They would have been greater, if the road had not been tuxed to its utmost capacity to tion. est and other linbilities. tion can reduce the rate of interest must remain for thirty years—six per cent, per annum in gold, now equal to between eight and nine por cent. in currency. principal is then payable in gold. If a bound less than from 20 to 25 per cent. premium, As these bonds are issued under Govern- ment authority and supervision, upon what is very largely a Government work, they must ultimately approach Government prices. No other corporate bonds are made $0 secure, The price for the highest is PAR, and ac- crued interest at 6 per cent from July 1, 1868, in currency. Subseriptions will hereceivedin CENTRE HALL BY FRED. KURTZ, and in New York At the Company's Office, No. 20 Nas sau Street, AND BY John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, No 5¢ Wall St, And by the Company's advertisod agents throughout the United States. B nds sent free, but parties subscribing through local agents, will look to them for their safe delivery. ANEW PAMPHLET AND MAP was issued Oct. 1st, containing a report of the progress of the work to that date, and a value of the bonds than can be given in an application at the Company's offices, or to any of the advertised agents. ‘v4. The Coupons of the First Mortgage Bonds of the Union Paaific Railroad Com- pany, due January 1st, 1869, will be paid on and after that date, 1x GoLp Corn, free of Government tax, at the Company's of- fice, No. 20 Nassau street, New York. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, jan8,3m h New York. TOTICE Pennsylvania, Centre country, es: I, J. P. Gepheart, Clerk of the Orphan's Court of said County of Centre, do hereby certify, that at an Orphan's Court held at Bellefonte, the 23d day of November, A, D.. said Court. On motion rule was granted upon the heirs and representatives of Daniel on the fourth Monday of January next, and accept, or refuse to accept, at thc valuation real estate of said deceased shoul sold. : and especial given unto children of Catherine Kreamer, Catherine Boeshore. A. D., 1868. J. P. GEPHART, C. 0. C. D. Z. KLINE, Sheriff. decll,6t. SPECIAL NOTICES. LOMAN —FEMALES, OWING TO Ww the peculiar and important relations which they sustain, their peculiarorgan- ization, and the office they perform, ure subject to many sufferings, Freedom from these contribute in no small degree to their happiness and welfare, for none can be happy who araill. Not only so, but noone of these various fornale complaints can long be suffered to run on without involving the general health of the individual, and ere ong producing permanent sickness and premature decline, Nor is it pleasant to consult « physiciun for the relief of these various delicate affections, und ouly upon the most urgent necessity will u true wo- man so far sacrifice her greatest charm ny to do this. The sex will then thunk us for placing in their hands simple specifies which will be found efficacious in relieving und curing almost every oue of those trou- blesomo complaints peculiar to the sex, HeLmsorw's ExTraor or Buon. — Huns dreds suffer on in silence, and hundreds of others apply vainly to druggists and doc- tors, who either 1aerely tantalize them with the hope of a cure or apply remedies which make them worse, would not wish to assert anything that would do in justice to the afflicted, but 1 am obliged to suy that although it may be produced from excossive exhaustion of the powers of life, by laborious employment, unwholesome air and food, profuse menstruation, the use | of tea and coffee, and frequent childbirth | itis fur oftener cexused by direct irritation, upplied to the mucous members of the va- | gina itself. | When reviewing the causes of these dis- | tressing complaints, it is most painful to | contemplate the attendant evils consequent upon them. It is but simple justice to the ’ the entire human fumily. fhe mania that exists for precocious education and wmur- riage, causes the years thut nature desig- ned for corporeal developement to be was- ted and perverted in the restruints of dress, the early confinement of school, and e«pe- | cinlly im the unhealthy excitement of the the body half-clo- | thed, and the wind unduly excited by plea- | sure, perverting in midnight revel the | hours designed by nature for sleep and | rest, the work of destruction is half necom- plished. In consequence of this early strain upon her system, unnecessary effort is required by the delicate votary to retain her situs- tion in school ut a Inter day, thus aggrava- ting the evil, er, another in prospective keeps the mind Cmorbialy sensitive to iinpression, while the now constant restraint of fashionable dress, absolutely forbidding the exercise indis- ball-room. Thns, wit organic health and strength; the exposure | ature; the complete prostration produced by excessive dancing, must, of necessity, produce their legitimate effect. At last, an early marringe caps the climax of misery, monstrunces of her comes an unwilling treatment. This is delicate nature, be- Dut a truthful picture womel. | funetions ofshie generative organs, they re- | quire an education of their peculiar ner- | vous system, composed of what is called the tissue, which is, in common with the { control of mental emotions nud associations at an early period of life; and, as we shall subsequently see, these emotions, when ex- cessive, lead, long betore puberty, to ha- | bits which sap the very life of their victims | opement, For Female Weakness and Debility, Whites or Leucorrhoen, too profuse Men- | struation, Exhaustion, too long continued Periods, for Prolupsus and Bearing Down, | fect specific known: HeLMmsorLp's Cowm- poUND Extract or Bucuu., Directions | for use, diet, and advice, accompany. Females in every period of lite, from in- | fancy to extreme old age, will find it a remn- edy to aid nature in the discharge of its | fumctions. Strength is the glory of maa- | hood and womanhood. HrELMBOLD'S EX- TRACT BUcHU is more strengthening than | any of the preparations of Burk or Iron, in- finitely safer, and more pleasant. HewLwm- Boiw's Extract Bucuvu, having received | the indorsement of the most prominent physicians in the United States, is now of- fered to afilictod humanity ns a certain cure tor the following discases und symptoms from whatever cause originating : General Debility, Mental and Pysical Depression, [mbeeility, Determination ef Biood to the | Head, Confused Ideas, Hysteria, General ! i | Irritability, Restlessness and Sleeplessness at Night, Absence of Muscular Etliciency, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Emaeiation, Low Spirits, Disorganization or Paralysis of the Organs of Generation, Pulpitation of | the Heart, and, in fact, all the concomi- | tants of a Nervous and Debilitated siate of the system. To insure the genuine, cut | this out. Ask for HeuMpsorv's. Take no other. Describe symptoms in all cases, HELMBOLD, Druggist, 094 Broadway, | New York, and 104 South 10th Street, Phi- | ladelphin, Pa. Prica—$1,25 per bottle, or | 6 bottles for $6.00, delivered to any ad- | dress. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. | ANTONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS | LX done up in steel-engraved wrapper, | with fac-simile of my Chemical Ware- | house, and signed H. T. HELMBOLD. jan. 2m 1 IME, COAL AND LUMBER 4 The best WOOD COAL BURNT LIME, can be had at the Bellefonte Line Kilns, on the Pike leadingto Milesburg, at the lowest rices. We are the only parties in Central >enn’'a. who burn in Patent Flame Kiln, which produces the Best White-Wash and Plastering Lime, offered to the trade The best ' SHAMOKIN AND WILKESBAR RIE ANTHRACITE COAL, ull sizes, prepared expressly for family use ys Silver Brook Foun- dry Coal at lowest prices. Also a lot of first and sec ond quality BOARDS, BROAD BALE PALING, SHINGLES and plasering lathe for sale chea Office and yard, near South en Eagle Valley R. R. Depts SHORTLIDGE, & Ce apl0'68,1y. Bellefonte Pa. ORSE COLLARS, if , your fore g shou! os galled an made sore, get good herse collars & : ER URNSIDE & THOMAS". ANN pine apples, and eas in ty, at RNSIDE & THOMAY carriages, willow hi tols, powder, shot, caps, cartri e8, BURNSIDE & THOMAS. OF OUR ONE DOLLARSALE HASCAUSEDSUCH REVOLUTION IN TRADE That in order to supply the demand ocea- sioned by our constantly increasing patron- , wo have recently made importa: ions for the Fall Trade, direct from European Manu. facturers. . AMOUNTING TO NEARLY $500,000, 80 that we are prepared to sell every dis- eription of Dry and Fancy Goods, Silver Plated ware, Cutlery, Watches, Albums, Jewelry, &c., OF betler quality than any other concern in the ‘country for the niform pri u ce of IDOLLARFOREACH ARTICLE With privilege of cxehange from a large variety of useful articles, not one of whic could be bought for TWICE THE AMOUNT in any other way. zr The best of Boston and New York ref- erences given as to the reliability of our house, and that our business is conducted in the fairest and most Yegitimate manner possible, and that we give renter value for the money thun can be obtained in any other way. All goods damaged or broken in trans. portation replaced without charge. vi Checks describing articles sold to agents in clubs at rates mentioned below, Je guarantee every article to cost less than if bought at any Boston or New York Wholesale House. ave OUR COMMI*SIONSTOAGENTS Exceed those of every other establishment of the kind, proof of this can be found in cemparing our premiums with those of others FOR CLUBS OF THE SAME SIZE, in addition to which we claim to give better goods of the same character. We will sel to Agents free of charge, For a Crus or 30 axp TukxE DorLLars --One of the following articles: 1 doz good linen Shirt Fronts. 1 set solid Gold Studs. All Wool Cashmere for Pants. Fine white Couuterpane, large size, 1 elegant Balmo- ral Skirt. 20 yds. brown or bleached sheet- ing, good uality, yard wide. 1 elegant | 100-pieture Moroeco-bound Photo. Album. 1 double lens Steroscope and 12 Foreign | Views. 1 silver plated engraved & bottle | Custor. 1 elegani Silk Fun, with Ivory or | Sundulwood Frame, feathered edge and spangled. 1 Bteel Carving Knife and | Fork, very best quality, ivory buianced { handle, handsome bended and lined | Parasol. 20yds, good Print. 1 very fine Damask Table Cover. 1 pr. best quality [adies Serge Congress Boots. 1doz. fine Linen Towels. 4 doz. Rogers’ best Silver dessert Forks. 1 Ladies’ large real Mo- | rocco Traveling Bag. 1 fancy dress pat- tern. 1 doz. elegunt silver plated engraved | Napkin Rings. 1doz. Ladies’ fine Merino | or Cotton Stockings. Gents’ heavy chased «wolid Gold Ring. 1 pr. Ladies’ high cut Balmoral Boots. 1 elegant Deluine Dress | Pattern. 1 violin and bow, in box com- | plete. 1 set Jewelry, pin, ear drops and sleeve buttons. - For a Crus or 60 Axp Five DorLrLams -1 black or colored alpacca dress pattern. 1 sat Ince curtains, 1 pr. all wool blank- Fugraved silver plated 6 bottle revol- 1 beautitul writing desk. 1 solid gold scarf pin. 84 yds. very flue cas- | simere, for pants and vest. 1 setivery bal- "anced handle knives with silver plated | forks. 1 elegant satin parasol, heavily bea- | ded and lined with lk, I pr. gents’ calf | boots. 30 yds. good print. 30 yds. good { brown or bleached sheeting, yasd wide, or | 40 yds Iyd wide, god "quality. 1 ladies’ elegant moroveco traveling bag. 1 square | wool shawl. 1 plain Norwieh poplin dress | pattern. 13 yds double width cloth for la- | dies look. Elegant engraved silver plated | tea pot. 3 yds double width water-proof th for clonking. For a club of 100 and 10 Dollars— [1 rich merino or Thibet dress pattern. 1 | pair fine Damask table cloths and napkins to match. 1 pair gents’ French calf boots, | 1 heavy silver plated engraved ice pitcher. | Very fine all wool cloth for ladies’ cloak. 1 web very best quality brown or blexched sheetirg. 73 yds fine cassimere for suit 1 elegant poplin dress pattern. 1 elegant English barege dress pattern. 1 beautiful English barege shawl, 1setivory balanced handle knives and forks. 1 ladies’ or gents silver hunting-case watch. 1 Bartlett hand sortable tewing machine. Splendid fami- vy bible, steal engravings, with record and photograph pages. 25 yds. good hemp carpeting, good colors, 1 pair good Ma.- seilles quilts. 1 good six barrel revolver. | elegant fur muff and cape. 1 single bar- ral shot gun. 1 gilver plated sngraved bottle revolving castor, cut glass bottles. 1 very fine violin and bow, in ease. 1 set ivory balanced knives and forks, Presents for larger Clubs increase in the same ratio, i els, | ving castor, Send money by registered letter. Send for eur new circular. PARKER & CO. delf dw No. 98 & 100 Summer st. Boston. WE ARE COMING A> Ww 1 dollar Sale of Dry and Fancy GOODS a Wrteh piece of Sheeting, Silk dress Pat- tern, &c., &c., FREE OF COST. ILL present to any person Seading us a Club in our Great Our inducements during the past fow years have been large. We Now Double Our Rates of Preo- niums, We have made many important addi tions to our Winter Stocks, and have large- ly extended our Exchange List, and we now feel confident to moet the demands of our extensive patronage. Send for Naw Circular. Catalogue of Goods and Samples sent to any address free. Send money by re- gistered letter. t Address all orders . HAWES & 60. 15 Federal st., Boston, Mass. P. O. Box C. J Wholesale Dealers mn Dry and Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Plated Ware, Albums, Leather Goods, &e., &e. del8 1X decl8,68,tt Cor, of Penn and St. Clair Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. The Largest, Cheapest and most Success v y ESS PRACTICAL BUSINESS COL. LEGE in the United States. FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENTS From Thirty-Three States in Ten Years, | FORLARGEQUARTOCIRCULAR thining full information, Outline of ourse of Study, samples of Cowley’s PREMIUM PENMANSALIP, View of the College Bulding, different rtments, City of Pittsburgh, &e., &ec., address the Principals SMITH & COWLEY, aplO'GR ly. _ Pittsbu h, New Shoe Shop ! The public are informed that a NEW BOOT AND SHOE ESTABLISHMENT has been started at Centre Hall by the un- dersigned. His Establishment will be funy in the upper and north part of Mr. John Shuanon's house, Ready-made Shoes slways kept on hand. Repairing done neatly. GEORGE BARNS. sepll;6m Chas. H. Held, Clock, Watchmaker & Jeweler Millheim, Centre co., Penna. Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has just opened, at his new establishment, above hl constantly on hand, der s Store, and heap: u ¥ : atches and Jewelry all Rinds of Clocks, of the latest styles, as also the Maranville Patent Calender Clocks, provided with a complete index of the month, and day of the month and week on its face, which is warranted as a perfect time-keeper. yg. Clocks, Watches und Jewelry re. paired on short notice and warranted. sepll'6R;ly }'°% SALE! : The undersigned contemplating a re. moval to the west, offer: a fine rivate sale, situated ills, consisting of a two-sto log framethouse, sta- » ble, aud other out-buildings, and a lot of ground containing about three acres. There is good fruit upon the prem- ises, and the greund under cultivation. Terms will be made easy. For further par- ticulars apply w G. W.DUNKLE, Spring Mills. Milroy Warehouse. The undersigned having opened a Ware? house for the purpose of receiving Grain a - nov 27. 2m. MILROY, MIFFLIN COUNTY. would be glad to see all their friends at the above place, where the highest Cash prices will be paid for WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, BARLEY, and alikinds of Grain and Seeds. We keep constantly on hand PLASTER, COAL, SALT and Fish. #2 The Rail-road depot is in the same building. GEO. BLYMYER. JOS. P. BLYMYER. sepl8 6m The Bellefonte Boot & Shoe Store: E. GRAHAM & SOX. E DOOR NORTH of IRWIN & WIL. oN SONS" HARD-WARE STORE. Manufacturers and Dealers in ladies,” gent’s, youths, misses, and CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES of every description. Our Steck 1s Large and will Compare with that of any other Establish- ment in Centre county We cordially INVITE OUR COUNTRY FRIENDS TO CALL snd examine for themselves. Our prices will satisfy that we selli : Cheaper Than the Cheapest! arellefonte, Aug. 22.08.tf § ¥ A Tremendous Stock of Good: AT BURNSIDE & THOMAS. UFFALO SCALES, of the best make, from 4 Ibs up to 120,000 lbs. apl0 68. RWIX & WrLsox. CLOTHING=0varconts Pants, Vests, und Dress Coats, cheap ts, Woif's Store. BOOTS, by the thousand, all styles, si- ses and prices, for ‘men and boys, just are rived at Wolf's well known Old Stand. SYRUP, the finest ever made, just re- ceived, cheap at Wolt's old stand—try it. ONPECTIONERY AND FRUIT C STORE. AT CENTRE HALL PA. A.D. SWARTZ, i ened a new and first-class Con Faving op he is Rrepated to serve the pub lic with good fresh, ; PIES, CAKES, CONFECTIONS N ND PLAIN CANDIES, FREN CR RUITS, NUTS, TOYSand FANCY ARTICLES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, everything in his line, at all times. FRESH OYSTERS, Always on hand and served in every style. HIS ICECREAM SALOON Will be open during the Summer, and will be kept attractive by the very excel lent Cream of all popular flavors, constant ly on hand. Pic Nies, a rl a and rivate partiss, &c can be sup- kinds ofconfections, Icecream, plied with all it at very short nctice Cakes, and fruit & oct. 268 1v INE GROCF RIES, mocha coffee, olc INE C1 java, best quality Rio coffee est oolon Black teas, Sreel) teas, lovering syrup, golden syrup, Drips fine article bak ing molasses, Tice and everything in the grocery line at the lowest cash prices in the marketBURNSIDE & place. a i