CENTRE HALL REPORTER. rh CENTRE HALL, PA. Dec.2b6th, 18€R, Local Laws. AN ACT, for the protection and preserva- tion of trout in the streams of Klk creek, Pine ereek, Penn's creek, and other streams in the counties of Centre, Clear field end Forest. andH ouse of Representatives of the Com- monwealth of Pénnsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the autherity of the same, That it shall not be lawful to take, catch or kill trout in any of the waters of the countiés of Centre, Clearfield and Forest, only between the first day of March and the first day of Sep- tember in each and every. vear, ELISHA W. DAVIS, House of Representatives. JAMES IL. in AITAM, Speaker of the Senate. fourth day eof April, Bpeaker of the Approved—The Anno Domini 1868. JOHN W. GEARY. AN ACT, Declaring Pine creek, in the county of Centre, a public highway. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Cons monwealth of Penneylvaninin General As- the authority of the same, That Dine creek in the SwRSHIp of Haines, in the county ot creek, up tosix miles above Motz’s, be and the same is hereby declared a public high- boats and other vessels; and it may be nw ful for the inhabitants desirous of using the navigation of said ereek to remove all na- tural and artificial obstructions from the bed or channel of said creek, excepting dams for mills and other water works, and to erect such slopes or locks, and to keep the same in repair, at the mill dams now built, ag may be necessary for the passage of logs, rafts, arks, boats and other vessels: Provided, Such slopes or locks be so con- structed as to do no injury to any of said SON OT persons, owning or possessing lands on said creek, may construct or erectany dam or dans across the same, agreeably and subject te all the restrictions and pro- such for: mills and other works," March, 1803, streams, ELISHA W. DAVIS, Speakdr ofthe Honse of Representatives : JAMES L. GRAHAM, Speaker of the Senate. Approved Anno Domini 1586S, JNO. W. GEARY. AN ACT ta prevent hunting of deer with he county of Uentre. Be it cnacted by QOS 1 3} Section 1. ou - ol pp esi - at on behalt of the county, in lieu of the am® ount per cent. now fixed or allowed by the laws of this commonwealth, Section 2. That the treasurer of Centre county shall, whenever requested so to do by the county commissioners or county«au- ditors, answer upon oath or affirmation res- yecting any and every investment or dispo- gal of the county funds, the name of every | person or institution and place with whom I and where he keeps the said funds, and on what terms, without criminating himself; and all benefit, profit or gain made by any investment of the county funds shall be for the use of the county: Provided, “I'hat no- thing herein contained shall be construed toprevent the prosecution of the t reasurer ofthe county for any violation of the exis- ting laws of this commonwealth in relation to making profit on moneys received by him as treasurer, or for the misapplication of the county funds. Elisha W. Davis, Speaker of the House of Representatives, uct James L. Graham, Speaker of the Senate, Approved The third duy of A pri, anno domini 1868, John W. Geary. AN ACT, to authorize the commissioners of Centre county te sell and convey cer- tain real estate, Whereas, The commissioners of the coun- ty of Centre have erected a new county | prison, thereby rendering the use of the old | Jas! unnecessary for county purposes; there- fore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Com- | monwenlth of Pennsylvania in General As- sembly met, and itis hereby enacted by the authority of the smine, That the commission- ers of the said county of Centre, or any | two of them, are hereby authorized and t empowered to sell at public sale the old igiland lot of ground apon which it stands Land to execute and deliver a deed, In fee | simple, to the purchaser or purchasers | therefor; which said deed shall beacknowl- edged by the said commissioners, or x ma- | jority of them, before the court of common pleas of said county, after suid sale is ap- I proved by said court. : : Section 2. That the proceeds of the sale | of the real estate, hereinbefore authorized, ghall be paid into the county treasury and i applied to county purposes. wr : Iolisha YW. Davis, James L. Graham, Approved The fourth day of April, an no domini 18GS. ’ John YW. Geary. 1 }.} apples, oranges, lemons, all kind of forcign fruits, Hams, bacon &e., at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS’. MILROY monwealth of Pennsylvania in Geueral Asse hly meta it 38 ‘hereby enacted by the authority of same, That from and after the passage af this act it.shall be unlawful for any person the in the county of Centre; and any person of this sel. shall be subject to & fine of twenty dollars, one half to the use of the treasurer of the school fund im the town- ship where said offence may be comniitted, to be recovered as debts of like amount are now by law recoverable: Provided, That standing his right to a part of the penalty. Section 2. That it shall be lawful for any person to shoot or Kill any dog or dogs which may be found running or chasing therefor. ELISHA W. DAYIS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JAMES L. GRAHAM, Speaker of the Senate, Approved