a * ¥ So - 0— — CexTrE Harn, Pa. Dec. 11th, 1868, = LOCAL ITEMS, BLANKS —Blank iin Summons, Vendu emption Note combined, for sale at this Office. p=Two Nrw EMPIRE SEWING, ‘@NINES, yarn Ton,sald atythis Qffige. Iron Orv CORLEGE—) sehidldrship to this institution for sale at this office, and to be had at a bargain. ere ltl eee Locar News. —Our readers are solicited te furnish us items of loeal interest for pub- lication. Send us the facts only, and we will get them in shape for publication. Our readers would oblige us, by occas sionally mailing a copy of the REPORTER to their relatives and acqualftalices outside of our eounty, especially to such as formers ly lived in Pennsvalley. It would be the most welcome matter you could mail to such, and would be the Jeans 3 ducing 3 fe susSerl Ryo SAILY POTsSOW ars ew aR 2 will be entitled tothe REPORTERONE year free, for 4 new subsribers, and $6 the getter up of the elub will receive the RkrorTER 6 months free. This offer good from this date —the mames can be sent in as they sub- seribe. A . . ee ee LOU To Biisiness Meh. Weinyite business men wishing to ‘themselves - that it" preients a «ost desbiable oN vertising medium, especially for this side, the heart of the county. This has been the experience of alise far, who have advertised in the RerorTrEr. We venture to say, . A friend sends us the Fillmore markets: WHEE Wheat 1°90, Reddo 1,85 Rye 1,20, Gorn 1,00, Outs 99, Barley 1,30, Buckwheat 1.50, Eggs «85, Enrd 18, Pork 8; Ham 15, Tallow 12 Butter 45, Rags 3: Apert Mong IMPROVEMENTS. —~During the past swnmeor some eight or ten fine houses were added to Centre Hall, and as many more will undoubtedly be built pext summer, thas giving our beautiful and thriving vil- lage a growth second to no other place in the county, excepting Bellefonte. But what affords us pleasure more partievlarly to allude to, is the prospect of hating a steam ghist mill and woolen factory. Par- ties Gont Philadelphia paid Centre Hall a vistl lgst Monday, with this object in view; they ate men of means, and were Righly pleased with the beauty of our country and the field it offered’ for such if onterprise, aitd negotiations are vow going on for the purchase of real estate close to town, for the purpose nten LOOP ITEM following Toop loeals: THE Loor Anrip!—¥n the south-wes- tern part of the f00p, on the farm of S. J. Bush. there are inditutions of coxl of a su- | PS tioned. Bll, Jimbo . S.A friend hands ws the perior quality. : A number of years ago; Dr. Reinhold CHICAGO MARKET. at $1 164(w1 184. Cort, No 1 at 77(@80c¢ ; No 2 (700, Oats, No 16c. Rye, No 1 at $1 131, Barley, No 2 at $1 GO@1 62; reject- ed at $1 40. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Wheat, red at $1,90(@2,05, and am- ber £2, 12,15. Rye at $1,630 1,64, (orm, old yellow at 1 do at Yul. Osits western at 69a72, Pa. and sou- thern S000, Wb 74 9 a atl 481 (487 e rejected at 22al 24, new se NOTICES. " . = SPECIAL PORESS TO THENERVOUS, JA DEBILYtated, whose sufferings have been protracted from hidden causesy and whose enses require prompt treatmeng to render existence desireable: If you are sutloring, or have suffered, from involuna- tary discharges, what effect does it produce upon your general health? 1h yon feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? Does a little extra exertion produce palpitation, of the heart? Does vour liver, or urinary or- guns. or your kidneys, frequently get out of order? 1s vour urine sometimes thick, milky, or flocky, or is it ropy on setting ? : (his a sediment at the bottom after it bas stood awhile? Do vou have spells of short brea. thing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels ¢on- stripated? Deo vou have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head? Is your memory impaired ? 1s your mind constant- ly dwelling upon’ this subject? Do you fell dull, Hstless, mopping, tired of company, Cloverseed Arm at $7a7,70. Timothyseed dull, at 2,75a2,80. Flasseed 2,552 60. Beef cattle 8§a9 for extra, Ta8 for good, and Satie per pound for com- mo. Ibs, Sheep, at 4(abe per 1b. NEW YORK MARKET. and Mr Keel were under the impression that the “late hills of the Loop contained coal, and, accordingly, they sunk a shaft, but the water interfering, they became dis- couraged and sought no further, A year tion of this paperf¥he rapid incréase of our list, unsolicited, is without prece- dent in this county. » “ox . I 8d $ The attention of our rea the advertisement of Coe’s in another part of this This truly Valuable ¥ mended by all who use it. %- > 8 ! ors is directed to Dyspepsia Cure, paper: 2 Nedicine is recom- On the 1st and 2nd of January, next, there will be a regitlur Optician at Patton's Jew- elrv Store, where any persons having weak eyes, Gn hatetheid gyesuited with les, wifhout ®xtrachargs. Our patrons will no doubt appreciate the energy of Mr. Patton in this line of busi- ness, as he has made arrangements to have stical Optician at his Jewelry estab- a py ts al Qpician at his J ny i lish every three Moki th s, so that his numerous customers can be suited. re > Sheriff Kline took possession of the new SALES. —Sale of qed estate of Peter Breon, in Gregg twp; on 2nd Jan. : Salgofreah estate of Daniel Musser, dec'd iw Pam twp. on 19th Dec. Y= in Potter twp., on I9th Dec. Penn twp., on 23rd Dec. —0 SNOW.—Jingle, Jingle, Jingle!—On last Friday we had some 6 or 8 inchesvof snow, which has afforded us good sleighing since, The merry ingle ofthe sleigh=bells as they AAs sougd a8 faadtiliar as of old, and no doubt many a young heart | bounded with delight at the prospect of a DE PArly—Quer the snow, in a sleigh, with Bis sweetheart— when lovers and Toved ones would be as merry and lively as the little silver bells whose jingle adds so greatly to the plea- sure of a sleighride, and makes you lean so agreebly closer that your whispered words of love may catch the fond ear, 'spite the drowning jingle of the bells. We just now feel thag if we pepe, single,’ weld offer =ridé; but assome oneswwould be likely to ve- looking “enough to-set a ‘regiment of the deat Creatures CTARY Jep) there, g' lung! y MORESNOW. Monday, 7th, it snowed a tremendons sform raged, w hich undoubt: #, —— Fi 5 “3 ® a i» -— IS V4 Curist™Mas Girrss—The place to buy nice things for Christmas, is at Swartz's Centre Hall Confectionery, where a large stock ofayer, ; thing in that line can always We found. résh (Jystegs always on hand. Nore.—Persons bringing Christmas tur- keys to printers, need not think that it is expected that gorn be sent along to feed such turkeys. Oe The students ofthe Boalshurg Academy Fingend holding 3 gmand exhibition in the Christmas. A rich treat is promised. The Aaronsburg Ger. Ref. S.-Schoel are istinas. eve. Our Aa- ia H. Orvis, esq., for $3,150. Is Orvis “going to jail’ ? xDr—'Ehe boys of Bellefonte, says op Radon wene badly slighted, last ‘edurt; by having been ordered out of the eourt-louse in a body, while the testimony in an adultery case was about to be heard. Young Bellefonte was evidentiy only seek- . ie mn "i .¥ sis ¥ SEY », /"Phi¢ Ciimnings House, at Bellefonte, was ‘robbed’ of Sornd $60, "on Friday night of last week. The money was taken from: te bar- tender, while asleep in the bar-roem. —0 dol, B. Meal #00 died in Washington, on the morning of the 28th ult. : : - re $ 2 The nigger*who stole the money from the Cumniings bse) Ficently, broke ‘out of the new jail, but was again captured. He made his escape by tearing out the veo cell which admitted his passage made Nis Hapa celle The real and personal property. -of the Strerift’s sale, ed | | | ge "ne or two after, Thomas Treaster nade an ex- eavation upon his farm, but met with the same result. In the month of Octolser S. | J. Bush and others, prompted by curiosity, | and a desire to test the matter thoroughly, | secured the services of an experienced mi- | ner from the coal region of Snowshoe, this | county, an made further developements, may judge from the fact that hé intents re_ | turning in the spring, and will net go to work until the: owners of the land agree to | give him an interest in the eoal which he is § * HY . confldént he will find. The Miflin and Contre co: R. R. will certainly be made, and with this and plenty of coal in the Loop, and an abundance of iron ore-in the | valley and timber on the mountains, the | southern portion, of the county is destined | to be the site of numerous, furnaces and for- | ges, and then who dares say the Loop has sunk into oblivion. ——Some of the young men of the Loop | - . } propose to form resolutions to abstain from | They propose to form | - f | thé use of tobacéo. a society, raise a fund from the money they would spend for fobacco, and with the pro- | coeds erect a reading'room, and purchase. | L.ook out, tobacco dealers. rn Hoffer, Brothers have now prepared their | store for the holidays, and are offéring spe- | a library. and cinl inducements by a reduction of prices, which will be equal to a Christinas Git tor all who purchase there. inl Paar PRUNES and DRIE] { the very best quality, just received at | Wolf s old stand. ! : ! | ) CURRANTS of | - Ee - & © wo MARRIAGES | Oa-1st of Nov. Mr. Louis Faasler, from | Bierly, of ee uses iE Reser. mem wa. 3000 New Patterns, just received from | New York. grOver 5000 Pieces naw on hand, and for | gale at \Y holesale prices. | ZC ood paper af 9, 10, 121 and 15 cents per Balt. %%. Fine Patterns at 17, 18, 20 and 25 cts. 3 | 3@- Best Satin Papers at 30 cents per Bolt. Also : Oil Cloth, SHADES, TABLE, STAND, STAIR £5 FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, all of which | will be sold af the lowest market price. i AT oet2 3m W. J. MMANIGALS, MILROY. m—————— ——— w—— The best WOOD COAL BURNT: LIME, can be had at the Bellefonte Liné Kilns, on the Pike leading to Milesburg, at the lowest rices. We are the only parties in Central enn’'a. who burn in Patent Flame Kilns which produ ces the 4 B f vy E 0 est WhitesWash ; and . Plastering Lime, offered to the trade. = The best SHAMOKIN AND WILKESBAR RIE ANTHRACITE COAL, all sizes, prepared expressly for family use y iT Also yoo io Ries mom Silver Brook Foun- dry Coal at lowest prices. ‘end quality BOARDS, BROAD RAILS PALING, SHINGLES : nd plastering lathe for sale cheap. C ee and yard, near South end of Bala agle Valley RB De 2 > Est SE a : ORTLIDG aplO’ 68,13. BellefontePa. 10 THOT ters of administration on the Also a lot of firat and sec: a 2 BE, & CO. elegtienthere were lots of such chaps. : a st * LETH IAHR ITTY estate of Mathew Catamyer, late of Gregg township, deceased; having been grante to the undersigned, he requests all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es- Inte, to make immediate . payment, and those having claims against the same to to 1 law for settlement. adi JOHN RISHEL, ree. Administrator. Wheat, £1.44 for No 2 and 3 mixed; | 2 spring, and 81,- 60 for No 1. Corn, £1,12(@ 1,14 for unsound, and 81 141,17} for sound. Outs, 77(a)78¢ for new western, and 79¢ for State. MILROY MARKETS, White Wheat S1,90 Red 1L.80:.......-: Hve.1.80:......0orn 1.00 Oats dh Plaster per ton 10,00 Salt per sack 3,00, | Bacon Sides & Shonlders 16, Lard 18. i... Polatods 1.%0.... peanie Barley $1 ol Hums 2H... Apples dried 124, BELLEFONTE MARKETS, White wheat 31,%), red 1,3 1,20. Corn 1.20....,.0at300. ...1.. A | a 1.00, 1 Pork par pound 25. | LEWISBURG MARKET. Wheat $1,800. ......Corn, Old‘ 1,10Rye 60, ...... Timothvseed, Flaxseed 220, ......Cloversed, Butter 40 .....Hum 0. ......... Egos 2 Lard, Potatoes 0,80, | 32h, White beans Tallow Dried Apples 1b. 08... Pork 8@%.......... Side & shoulder 12. G4 VAGE & BRO, A (Successor to N. Hilibish), Wholesale and retail dealers in Stoves & Tinware, fAllegheny Street; Bellefonte, Pa. Read only.a partial list of Cook Stoves; Wellington, Waverly, Ornamental, Oriental, Roval Cook, Prine Royal Nea Shell, Artisan Andr America. Parlor and Office Stoves: Morning Glory, ‘ropie, Brilliant, New Eng, And Parlor Cooks for Wood or Coal, and | Wood Stoves of every desorintion. Attention is called to his stock of Roonhe | Plate, a new size, which he has just receiv- : ed, size 40x20. Jt makesbotteriob than the ra Spouting and johbing promptly at- tended to, Charges reasonable and satise'| oct 68tT # large and well assorted Stock of re. Stoves, Nails, Horse Shoes, Sad- ) Paints. . Bar and Ho p Iron, also Barov and MWavon Suck every deseription.—Cali and supply your- | selves at the lowest P wsible rates at | aplu os, IRWIEN& WELSON. N 4 | ew BOOK Store. Wnhonesarxe axo ReTanL BOOK, STATIONERY & NEWS EM- : PORIU M. ACOB D. MILLER, has purchased the | e) Book, Stationery and News Fstablish- | qr . ! ment of Kingloe & Brother, on Alleghany street, near the Diamond, Bellefonte, tc’ which he has just addéd a large invoice of | goods, such as is generally kept in a well- | His | stock consists of Theological, Medical, Law | Miscellanious, Sunday Sehool, and School | Books. Also, blank books, time beeks, pass books, diaries, every grade and price of cap, legal, bill, letter, bath, and note pa- per, ra and tissue paper, fine French paper, enyelopes of every description and price: pelisy ink, ink-8tands, erasers, rub- rv bands, ugsparent and common slates, slate penéils, lead penils, chalk erayons, sec, &e. EB Legal and justices blanks of «ll kinds, revenue stamps at face. Orders taken for goods at all times. Goods received in three days from the time the order is received. Mr. Miller is also wholesale agent for Lochman’s Celebrated Writing Fluid which he sells at manufacturer's prices. County merchants would do well to give him @ eall before purchasing elsewhere. sed. 68 1y BalleTents Blasters Tai BeilsTontes Planing Mil. EDMUND BLANCHARD, 8. AUSTIN BREW, E. M. RLANCHARD, W. M. HOLMES. Blanchard & Company, Successors to Valentine. Blanchard MANUFACTURERS OF WHITE, & YELLOW PINE ad FLOORING ¥ 1 r z AND WEATHERBOARDING, XY it % of Various Styles, Glass, Shaot ol DOORS, SASH, BIINDS,. . .. SHUTTERS, MOULDINGS, lore rk of Seroll wo of every Description BRACKETS OF ALL SIZES and patterns made to order. =z: Faving =a C“‘BULKIEY'S LUMBER DRYER,’ conmected with our establishment, we are enabled (0 manufac: PATENT (ir one wi han ‘LUMBER! 72259-ORDERS FROM CON" op BUILDERS, DEA LIRS Td 5) hk TRADE IN GENERAL, SOLICITED BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO. Pa angld 68 6m. os : : ese wield SL of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to : Does nny little thing pmke you stat’ orf jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? fe the [ostre of The bloom on your Do you enjoy yourself Do you parsie your Deo ‘vou feel as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy? 150, do not Tay it te your Have you restieess back weak, your knees cheek ns bright? nights? Your complaint 7 Now, reader, self-nbuse, venereal disea- ses badly cured, and sexual ggccsses, are generative Orguns, The organs of gehera- tion, when in perfect health, nrake the man. Did you ever think that those bold, business men are always those whose gene- rative organs are in perfect health? Yew Pitution of the hewrt. They ure never afraid they come sad, discouraged ; they are always polite and plegfant in the company of la- fuce—none of yotr downenst looks or any them, 1 do net mean those who keep the organs fiflated These will not only How many men, from badly-cured dis- cesses, have brought about that state of 1 other disease—idiocy. ldnacy. paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al- most every other form of disense which humanity is heir to, and the real enuse of | the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and aire the nse YS FLUID is the great Diure Disenses of these orgs ro Diuretic. HELMBOLI EXTRACT BUCHU the Bladder, Kivnevs, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, Female Complaints, Genernd Debility, and all discuses of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male ting, and ne matter of how long standing. 1{ no treatment is submitted go, Consump- tion 0: Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon remedy, Helmbold's Exteact Buchu, estunblished yward of IR years, prepared by HT ELMBOLD, Druggist, HM Broadway, New York. and 10d South 10th Street, Phi- ladelphia, Pa. Price —$1.25 per | promi us=¢ of u re- 1 wit i, Or 1868. 1868. A full assortment of Fall and Winter Goods at the Old Stand of Graff & Thompson opposite Graham's Hotel, where Centre County Farmers AND OTHERS, WILL DO WELL TO CALL and examine their NEW AND CHEAP GOODS, consisting of Mohair Cloths} Alpaens, De Laines, Ginghuims, (Culicoos, Poplins, (‘aeeimeres, Barred and plain Flawnels, Factory Flannels, Jenns, Boots & Shoes, Hats of all kinds, Huarilware, Drugs, Wall Paper, Yueeits Wire, tekets and Tubs, Ready nidde elothing Fish, Rugar, Coffee, Syrups of differomt kinds, Clonal Oil. And nt general variety of ther merehar dize, usually kept in country stores, alls which they now offer at the lowest prices Farmers and others from Centre coun’ will do well to.give them soull, and exw ine their stoek before purchasing els where, ; We ghall at all times be pleased show custonters ‘out goods, and wi, make it an object to sell goods low. REMEMBER THE PLACE IS Graff Tho &, Thom PROX They also have at their Tannery a goo assortment of $ OAKSOLEANDHARNESS LEATHE] KIP AND CALF SKINS on hand and will be sold low for cash, | i | | Bark and Hides Wanted at the Tannery | i yl pound for Bull, 9 for Steer and Cow hic 18 fur Calf skins, clear of cuts and scares, | CN, dress. Sold by all Druggists ey ervwhere per, my Wore H. T. HELMBOLD, of Chemical fac-